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Jack Adams





Rules and Inftmdions,

To an Knowledge of all Future
things till the morrow afrer Domjday.
With his rare Art of F olK t u n e-T e l l i n g,
and Interpretation of" D R e A M k s.

the ficond EdhioM Coyreficd and /Imended.

A Work much defired, andbyaftrange

Accident preferved 0 and now Publiflied
for the Illumination of Pofterity.
, If that jou do refitje tj buy,
7oidl' (hew your jelf more fool then J,

London, Printed lor the Author^ and arc to be

Sold by the G rwg er-Bred-Woman
in Clarhgnwcll'Green^ i 6'6'%,
To HP.-•'ri<"-•; / juddii

ling of
h)' ;■,«!• 5- ^V' !

. f
L^r£ LPRQ ■ ' : .r

»§■■■'■ ..nr.

A Great Prince

Count of U'hatdecallum y jfa,

mous for his Pfudence^ ahd


Ato't pk/ifc Xpi'-y Honour,

i Aying often feen your Lordfliip
go to Nine-Pinnes over the
plac? of my contemplarion,
among the ftgeElmsin Clar-
hjtiweU'Green , l.took ftjch a
Liking .to your Perfon, that ever fince I hav^.
harboui eJ a ;delirc of being acquaiiiteti witji
>i A 3 yonj
ftcfttad it beiBrfoc you if yoiu Iia<i
mqrfii mt' fof atals alt the Aftrdlbgers
are but Afles to me, and I could have told you
how that the .German Princefs w^s a meer
Cheat: Notwjthftaiiding, out of my abimdaut
love ind rc^e^^o you, i pedicle thefe my
Lucubrations, and Ephemerftal, Sempiternal,
Aftronomical, Cabaliilical Progpoftications ;
as by which you may know the tmc Princefs be-
fore you go to Barnet again, and be fully al*
fared of all Things whither paft, prefect, or to
come, ^nd to know the true Jewels and other
rarities of Nature from Coiinterfeic. '
Be pleafed to "accept of this in good part,
capprepateTonje other tiring} jvjniing
yoii in the piean, while abundance of gontenc
zndnafisfaftion,' even as much as you pleafc
where yoii can find it.

pioft Humble Faithfull
Seryant, , ,, :


postscript. ;■ , /
Pray remember to fend me a^Pipeof To-
bacco, by any of your Lord(hips;>er yaiits, and
chat's all ITe have for my Dedication.
W0WW0<§ ■■

To the R eioer.
. ■ ' ' ' f v . C . J'' " • '*
MArvel not at mj appearance in TH'nt'y for
'/«■ the fate of fools, rather vpotidet hoid
Thave forbore fo long-, I le warrant ye you thought
J did nothing but walk-up and, down uhproftabty
and idly, but ye are nt'flaken, J have been riiufihg
all this while and ruminating of Things above w j
and now, at laji Battliolomew-Fair, feeing tht
World enamoured on me, I thought I fbonld do
well to requite their love by putting forth fotne Pie-
ces of my long jludy and paines. For my own part
Jprotefi 'tis no amhitionyior importunity ofPriefids
but publicly good (which as d virtu m and as a
good Commonwealths man I fhall always endea-
vour., f that hath put me on tfis publication,where*
in I prefutne you will find juch Jecrets of Nature
as jhe her ftlf hardly kpoweth, nor would commu-
nicate them to any body but my Granny and my
Self over a Pot of good Bub.
Jhave ta'yn three or four Turns in the Temple
of Wtfdome, underjiand all thofe hard words as
well as any body elfe, who have made greater brags
thereof, and I have a good mind when J have no.
To ttte Header. >

thing elfe it fy'io write a Commentary ilkfi-

■■ . \
My great Uncles Copernicus and Tycho Bra-
che left Me tdof excellent Mamtfcripts, jb that
tbankj t0 my ftipdred I am well furmflied with
this fort tf'jkppmtdge-, the ArdbrcV. is familiar to
me, and upon that account the great Mufte who is
Well acquainted with my jufpciency hath perfvpaded
the Great Turk to fend to me for the refolutibnfof
his Nativity and Geniture, and in confidence of
rnysltill hath fern me a Chain of Gold with a Mer
•dd^ hraringbis fffigies, beforehand^ now "'tisall
one fo a ni^n have it whether he ever intended, »r
can any manner^ of way in Ajlrology defcrvc jbfine
*: rtlng. ,
,' 'V " , J. .. • . ;
firfl thing thai I full do therefore fhall be
{hgipe the World,,up account., of that whisking
fellow^ aqd-afiacjias hmdjbine as my Self, and
fqrjbikcncjs Jalye and belter actjiiaintance J was
thinking to gel me a Inrbant ivfiead of my Schu-

..■, N')w I luye dorie my Preface, next hlibo-

met have at thee, and if theie beany Knights
sn Ttirkj eertainly lihall bedubvl j and thus 1
Wake my £fy^-Hoppers.,
The Scheme-


I the IV. Nairn
-mho Dm. 1640.
NiontlijDayjhou. j
t Minute, bccoiici-V ^

Now you fee he was born in 164c, IS

more then any Aftiologer hath told yct3 .but
the MonethjDayjHourjaud Minutes, hnce they
are of more ufe to Clockmakers,Watchmakers,
Horfc-racers and the like, then they arc tp any
Student in the Mathematicks, ,or Algebraic we
will therefore) let them alone, when we talk of
Sultans, Empefours, and fuch hue fellows, blip
3s foon as any,fuch punftual account ,lhaU,be
C 8 )
publiflied, riemakeaSchenWiOn puipofe, and
cell it you iiv the way .of Aftvology . a.s^aij . as
the beft of them. , »
Now for his Mothers name, < for all t^eCoij-
juiiftioaof Mars wi;h Jfyn/jyand the Trjue Ai-
witji CWftai difRiiAioiaflineit j ^et negatively
rlftell,you;Who ftiewasnflt, at^ that's fomq,
fhjngy for fo be any thing .neer the
proficiency, and ftiews agr^at deal of skiji
anibJjg'niy Brother Artitts. { vf ,■
I jpi'rft tjien accord ing to Albtmiztf^ opinioii.
It ^an'c be Cambery Bejfe, becaufe fiiekept com-
pany with Gountry Xow altogether, and de-
lighted not much in clean Smocks, being hang-
ed' at fyburn in a foul One many years before
th^ great lurkg was born, and I muft readily
Concur with him • nor can it be the Qjeen of
Sluts, as thelearned^Whij/j hath herein er-
red,, for I do not conceive his Father to be
fnch a fool as having the choice of a whole
thoufimd Virgins as, handfome as any in our
GVeerc, not excepting any, to dote upon fucha
filthy Qnean, therefore it muft remain a quefti-
on for ought'I can fay to it, till the next Poft
from the Seraglicc.
Mercury you feC is Lord of his Afcendent,
noway retrograde to the fiery Trigoh, which
portended that rapinous plundering, pillaging
, (01 .
hiHnoiirbfth^ together With theirde-
ftfoyitigarid burning cruelty, for wbatris radi*
cally in the Grand Seignior is diftributively
atid influentially in his People. 1
1 cannot Cec how he ever was taught his
Hornbook, though Mercery be affii^ed by a
cufp In his Buttocks, I am rather of pplnioii
that he learnt his Sampler and the life of the
diftaffe, becaufe the Conqueror Hercules my
great God-father did lb for the love of one
Woman; and what would not a man do for
the love of a thoufand times as many.
He fhoiild be addi&ed to the Trade of ma*
king Trunk-Breeches and Pantaloons, being
altogether for French fafhions, but they, will
hardly yeild any thing in 'Eirchln Lane, becaufe
fdafquery is out of falhion at Court; now if
he wouldlearr) to make Perr;iwigs, it would.bc
a great deal more beneficial, but it may be the
Muftie is a'Puritan, and then he will never al-
low it, and fo he mull be forced to go to School
agen j Now I believe tfye Germans would
hardly beg him a Play-day ^ or write a Note iu
his belialf to his Mailer, for there is an angry
fign; but John Dory would have whipt his
Arfe were he alive again forasl have read in
thcTurkilh Hiftory he was a plaguy fellow at
5caj and was called d' Jurist, when folks could
fpell good Englijh made of Italian.-
- f 10 J
By the quick motion, and fivift wlqdings.pf
the Dragons TayJ firht about like ^ Gig by jif-
it's, twenty to one if he h'av^hot a dancing
Mafter, and he zFrencbm.-inj but Jet me, fii ft
confider the vvdtHs of , x^pido, du^em
Cam*. Draconit pit in agili & j eldcifftmo main. &
a Jove lacfjjito qttaft ejjet Giggt/mrj tufic3 quid
tune! Hj ! erunt muU'i jchjcnubdles^ & Funam-
hiUj & ore be fir d injiruajtqm Magnates & Sttlr
iannos in Oriente. I need riot hiiglifliit, it's
plain, and it is a fafhipn too for' Almanack ma-
kers to line their Nbnfeilce with Bombaftj my
Brother B. this year Hath vvrit a Vindicatjoii
of it too, and almoft declaimed in the praife
of his Shreds.
But hold; I was Ipeakiiig o'f SanclagMaftcrs,
and fii ll of Eankj his Horfe, and'the Monkeys
at.Cbdring~Crfl[fe9 why my^Mafters wnft a wpr]d
is.this! none of thbfe"ere wore Cjoaks lined
with Tabby ^ndPlufli, and a Fjancjefiace Band
worth ten pound ^ 'well theri' fpr certain it is
;ione of them j not is it Sir woUld be Stone nor
any of our fimking whipftefs with Swords at
their Tayls, i t mriftbe a Frenchman, I fee iij
fpightof the Sta;'f ^ though you afe' bound to
believe me that'tis With their iiioftvpot.ent con-
currence and overrulingdifpdf^lj and ther,ea-
fpn they dofo is beca'uie as faith, Stars
are like little prating Childr^n which Aftrolq-
gei s can make tpfay any chingfor a Fartjaing.
/' Now fo'r my part I love Hudibrti better chea
theTw^,, a Fare for the Tur^ I'le write no
more of his, Geniture. 1 'other is a Gentleman
arid a brave vy'iC ,. and I believe the never
made a Verfe la his life 5 notvvichftandiug, that
the Alcharon is writ in Irijh Met re 5 and there-
fore I do Prognofticate that Pqets will have
worfe living in turhje then here, untill the
Grand Seignior lhall have learned thelcutoriicl^
or high Vntch Lingiw, and then a Panegyrick
ycleped a Ballad in Weljh ^ may be worth a
TelVion. ,
Notwithftanding, becaufe it cannot be an
Almanack without • fome Prediftion of this
Tare's fortune, I'letell you in brief j Fir ft he
will never allow liberty of confcience to Non-
confonnifts ; upon my knowledge and that
great underftanding that I have in the Stars,
for He abhominates the Stool of Repentance, as
direftly oppofite to liberty of Codpiece, and
therefore I would not have the late filenced
Rabbies fo much as, wifh for his coming hither.;
beSdes the other enormities of their fawcy
pifpipline will .npver reliftx with his abfolut^-
nefs/ .Ns^t ifhelics ftill in his winter Qnarters,
winch'AI far cm as concludes he mift, he \Vill not
make any progrefs till his Army marcheth, and
that will be (lecmeftudya little) as foonas
'tis convenient, and therefore I do afHrni it will
be about tddrch. As to his ^uccefles. Mars btfw
iiigin oppolttiou to the Moon ^ heis not like to
be got tvitli Child, nor will his furkj marry
cheChriftians according to the late Rump
by a Julijce of Peace; whatever other bargain
made in the Mirktt. Id) nbc fee any thing
in the poiicioh of Heaven whereby the zealous
Phanaticks fliall fhip therarelves for Titrkjey and
caufea diverfion by" killing their Wifes: Nor
do I fee by the e limination of Aquarius that a
Coffee man is like to be a Lord Mayor for all he
hath the T«r^ to his friend. O Archimedesi
what ill luck ha Jft thoutobeknocktonthehead
byaLobfter, as! take it when thou wert ma-
king of Schemes; and yet the figure flingers
are as'bniic now as ever. Thus I have plainly
demotiftiaced in the exafteft manner, and ac-
cording to the beft Tables the Fate of this Sul-
tan, and I think have earned ray Golden Chain
and Medal, as well as another, or the proudeft
he of them all.
Next I (hall proceed to higher Things,where
a man may vcnttiracomiftake and cheat people
without any underftanding or Tenting thereof,
for who dares contradict a bold confident
Aftrdlogcr ; and firft I fliall begin With the
•' An JntrodttTrioz td Ajbologig,
Firft, you muft undtrftand that there are in
the Firmament fourteen Millionsjfourfcore and
ten thoufand, eight hundred and iiftepn Starrs,
not one more, nor one lefs.
Of thefe there be feven which are called
planets, or wandring Stars, whole Names and
Charatters ancient Aftrologers have thus fee
down. Saturtii h.1 C 2 .
Jupiter, V ,C ) Mercurj, 5 ,
Mars. tf.f \ htma. j,
Soi.. I
Together with thetvvoNWe.r, the Dragons
Head marked thiis and the Dragons Tayl
marked thus t?.
But fmce we find that thefe were the Names
of the Heathen Idols, and having fuch a multi-
plicity of Saints of our own, I fee no reafon but
that without fcruple of confcience we may be
bold to alter their Names which I fljall do after
this manner.
The fii ft then whom they called Saturn, we
thai) name Sc. James^ whole Charafter is a Si"
The fecond, whom they named Jupiter^ wei
fhall call S*. George} whofe Charafteris the red
Crofsr■.'*•" ■
The third, called by them Warx, we lhali call
St. Tajfyy whofeGharacier is a Green Leek and
Mormoutb Cap. T he
■ 1 . ' s
Thefoutth, which they iwmed Sol, wefiiali
call St. VennU} whofe Charafter is a duity fiaii
Shirt, and a pair of: Vaiitaloon-BreecheSi
. The fifth, whom they called Fewafj we fhall
call St. Anthony, whofe Charafter is an Italian
The fofth, firnamed Merc»ry,we fhall call St.
An the whofe Charafter is a Blew-Bonnet.
•The feventb, whom the^ named Lma, who
ought of tight to be St. Taffies Miflrefs^ we /hall
caWQuijlriU, her mark or Charafter is a round
Q»tith a prick in the midle, or Vujs in her
Majejiy. 1
hJowthe two Nodes, or Head and Tayl of
the Vragon, (for we will not alter the name of
cheDitagonior St. George his fake;) the fi ill is
S'. George his Bed-Cliamber,thc other the Lady
Salkas Bed-Chamber. Now when Sc. Genrgt
comes into her Chamber, or /he into his, then
are they moft properly laid to be in Gon-
-There at e alfo feveral other Afpefts of the
Planets, aS Trine A(peft,Sextile AJpcfi,and §h{ar-'
tile Afpeft, the fiill is when one Planet lookes
askew upon another,this is calleda Trine Ajpefi ^
the fecOnd is when one Planet lookes upon ano-
ther, as the Devill looks over Lincoln, this is
calleda AJp'efi 5 the third is when they
look one npwi another as if Butter wottH not
f -mQltm.chdr.nioLiths. and this is called
t'Apti,:.y..r ::, ■. v.;
Now if the Placet predornin^.c^Jy that'
■ Afpeft is not good, but jt" the PlanetVt.: taffj
be in the third degree of th{i Ca tamountinnjvilth
Iiis.Head in the Pottage'Fot^ ic'ii a Scxtile Afpefi j
and its-fignificatiohiiidilfejent good.
But if St. Demit Or the Pantaloon Breeche?,'
beiu the fiift deg eeof the Catamauntain, and
. that.St. Anthony^ .or SC Taffy do Iook iipo 11 him
like one that hath Hole a Pudding; that is cal-
led n Trine Ajj-eft; and.betokencthc««wg 0/
Fitrjes. ■ . ,
. Now when one Planet is in the Eaft, aiid the
other in the Weft, they are faici to be in oppo-
licion ; this is a bad Afpecl, andbetokenechm-
bulation^ and ni wryingof Wives.
But if two Planets ride fo clofe together, that
the one can hear the others Harje dafh, then are
they faidtobe in Conjunclion. T his Planet is
.cither good or cvill, as the Aftrologer himfclf
Of the Twelve Sigms.
- The firft, of thefe the Ancients fancied to be
a Kaw, in honour of the Golden Fleece; but
;\ve arafdie it a Catamnuntain^ ftellefied fbrue# -
fifty years ago tor kitning in the Tower, being
charitable to-provide againftthe extinction of
fie fatnify.
Thcfccoridlj they feigned to be a Bur//; but
wc with as, much reafon take it to be a Lord
Mayor's Horfe, for as it is reported, Heymod
the City Poet being much beholden to one of
the Mayor's, and not able to ftellefie him in
Heaven, he thereupon Starryfi'd his Horfe.
The third Houfe, they feigned to be Caftor
zndFolluXy who they called Gmini; but we
find it to be a Windmill, place't there by
Jupiter to grind the Wheat, which yearly grew
out of his Nurfes horn, called Cnrnu-copia,
The next figne, they make to be a Crab; but
weamrm it to be a Sea-Horfe, and our reafon is
becaufeno man ever faw a Sea-Hor/e3and there-
fore nobody cancontradift us.
The fifth figne, they fay is a Lyon ; but I fay
'tis a "Dragon, and the fame Dragon, which St.
George kili'd: I wonder what they can fay to
the contrary.
The fixth figne, they call Virgo, who was a
certain Virgin that being perfeciitcd on earth
fled to Heaven 5 but I deny this, heeaufeif fhc
dyed a maid (he was to lead Apes to Hell, and
therefore Heaven was no place for her i But
Sancho Fanca in his Art of Aftrologie faith, it was,
a Fkrv-Coat Boy, the firft that ever was in
Chnf-Gburch, who was made a Conftellation,
becaufe he was the firft inveutcr of Jach^ a
. The fcvcnth figue, theyfancied to. be e-
qual Ballance, and called ic LrWjIndced l know
> noc what to fay co this, for iftheir he hot fiich a
fignc in Heaven, (if you fearch amongft our
Grocer/and Chandlers,) you will fcarcely find
it here on earth.
The eight figne, they fay is a Scorpion 5 but I
fay 'tis a Grid-Iron, and chat very Grid-Iron
that St. Lawrence was broyled on.
The ninth figne, they fay is a Centaure • but
weaffirmeit a Spanijh Doublet with hanging
Sleeves, and the fame which Po« Quixot wore in
his Adventures, wherein is a Copy of Verfes
Writ upon it by Sancha Fanca, in praife ofP;//-
qvia del Fobofo.
The tenth figne, they fay is a Goat, but we
find it to be a pair of Smiths bellowes, and
thofe that Vatican us'd when he made the Ar-
mour for Achilles,
The next as they fay is Aquarius or the
kard-hearer; but we will believe no fuch Ajiro~
nomicall Gimcrackj, but fay they are a pair of
Tongs, and thofe in all probability, with which
St. Dnnjlau caught the Devil by the Nofc.
The twelfc and Jaft figne, they make to- be
two Fifhes, vyhich Juno having greedily fwal-
low'd, fpcw'd up again on this place5 But I fay
they were neither Fifh nor Flefii, but two red
Herrings, which Van Lump cairied to heaven
with him when he was kill?d, for the honour of
a I '
his Gountry-mens Fiflung trade.
• Courteous Reader, before you proceed any
further,- befureyou get by heart what we have
already fet down; for elleyou will never attain
to any peifeftiou in this Science as long a3
you live;
■ Of ibe irvdve Hmtjts..
You mufl kiiMW that theJjirolugers have dc-
vided the Heaven into twelve equal Farts,
which are called Houfes, whether they trade
for foreknowledge, and where it grows very
plentyfull,elfccould they never fell it fo cheap,
•as to parcel out their Revelations like roaft
Beef into fix-penny, or twelve-penny Cuts,
according to the ability of the Qnerent, Of
which Houfes 1 fhall fpeak thus in order.
The firft of thefe twelve is a very large
Houfe, (fomc fay that it is five times bigger
then Hnnptm Court f) where the Crickets ling
continually. It hath in it an Office of Intelli-
gence , where every man and woman is defcri-
bed and tolled, as they toll Horfes in Smith-
feU0 the efore there you may know the pro-
perties of all men and women whatfoevcr if
•.you will believe it. If St. James or St. 7ajfj
'bein this Houfe, it is a very happy pofition tor
thbfe that fell whit'e Sareenet, and Linnen-Dra-
pers. Therefyrc alfo thofe Virgins that eat Oat-
(jp y
meal. Chalk, and ^hitc wall,' are"bdt'ii'under
the^e Planets jand tlick.fignificatidns'do defcend
all frotii this Houfc. •'
The .fecond Houfeismore convenient thefi
the by reafon that it hath a baek-iide be-
longing to it. i his Honfe portends the good
or bad rbrtimeofall forts of four footed Grca-
tin es and r oule. If Sf. %ijfy and Sr James
meet t getiier in this Houfe, all the Calves that
are tne i Dorn will be made Veal of} but if St,
A)/drew and [ t/Georw be moderately foftefiedj
tiiJ. i cut Caivei that are then born will be pfe-
fei vdf tor Bulls and milch Gows; the Dogs
that are then'whelp'd will be in'greateft'eeip
wifh their Ladies, fuch are Illand Gursyand lit-
tle hpaniels with long ears.
The thu d Houieis paved with guilt Nut-
megs', and the Ceding? are of Amber-greccc.
St. George being in this Houfe it betokeneth
Kinglhip, and Church Government, but if St.
Andrew come, k portends the doivnfall of all
Commltties offafcty.
The fourth Houfe, gives judgement of /cab-
bed Reads, andgreengingerPiesi asallbwhcn
it is good to eat Tripes, blote Herrings, fried
frogs,rotten Eggs^and Munkeys tayls butter?d,
as aifo whether Whores be found or no, when a
man may lie with another maus wife, but not
wjien another man lies with his own, far chat
the befF Mrologer could liever yc^ td!.
By tlrewcfr Houfe, kc.i judge, of Alewives,
Embaffadou^^ Tnirtiydrei^, Halter-makers,
and G'hli^y^weepcrs'pas alfo udien a man
ought" togo to the IwufeofOfficecthis isa moft
unfortunate Houfe, and is only propitious to
the Reader of St. Sepulchres who buries much,
asalfo to Milleners, Bearers, Comfit-makers,
Sellers of Rofcmary and Sweet-water.
The (mh Houfe, concerneth Galley-Slaves,
Swine-heards, makers of Tinder-boxes, Car-
men, cryers of hot Apple Pies, Kcnel-rakers,
Popes, Weljh Itinerant Minifters, and the De-
vil aijd all: This Houfe i ejoyccth in black, and
is propitious to thofe that (hew the Tombs,
Ciarks of Parilhes and dancing Matters.
The feventh Houfe, fheweth when it will be
ftafonablcforaman to fire his Houfe, when to
fee his Lawyer, when to bribe the Judge, when
a Suit in Chancery will be ended, when to play
at In and Irr, where to bring ones Hogs to a fair
The eighth Houfe,gives judgment of Fathers
and Children, v/hen a Son may wilh the death
of his Father, and when a man ought to look
out for a Husband for his Daughter, what por-
tion be fhould givc her, as alfo how many flit-
ches of Bacon ferves Leaden-HsU Market
every week.
The ninth Houfc, is reported to be an Inn,
and that St.kcej)sit, nor.is irfotnpch to
be wonder'datj becaufc ic is not fo TWan a
thing to keep an Ionin the firmanient3a» cp keep
one at Cardigan or Moncmerju OthersTay, for
that it rulech the Hips, Fundament and Thighs,
that it is a H&ufto'c Office, or in plain tcrms a
there isroueh uncertainty inthefi: two
opinions which to choofe, thereforel Ihall oimlc
them becaufe I would not willingly deceive the
Reader, in a matter of (b great irapoitance.
The tenth Houfe. tells you whether a great
Duke can Jive after his head is cut off 5 it ihews
you the exaft feafon for the coming in and go-
ing out of Lobfters, and green Peafe; when
you fee a man at work in his (hop, whether he
be a Speftade-maker, perfumer of Gloves,
Braffer, a maker of Shitle-cocks,or a Knitter of
Netstoboyle Gabidgein, you (hall prefently
■difcover what trade they are of.
The eleventh Hou(e, telleth many ftrange
things; for thereby you (hall foreknow the
death ofmy Lord Mayors Horfe; it al(b tells
you to a hair how many Moaths will devour an
AIderman*s Gown 5 it (hews alfo by the date
of a Bond, the exaft time when the money
therein fpeccficd will become due, with many
other wonderful ftories,too long here to recite.
It is a Malculine Houfe, and the reafon thereof
and nibitfened the Nurfes

. X^e^wcljcflouYe. isKa®t^dj yet by it, and

cjae bjitl of fnoftaiity} ^re may know
•^<j^,inany pi^pkr^^iii^Ah .Cvdry week.
ThisHoMfe hath nor Be^n mucHIn requeft fi nce
Preshitryand Plunder havfi b^en out Of fafhion.
if a Trades man fee up while 5ini>7ris-Lord
thereof, he will be fare to (Wallow a Spidei;,
lefpeqally if he be given to Whoiiog, d rmking
and^aming, as too many of them'be, • - '
• ; ■ Of the. [pen Tl.m-:ts^ arnffitfl " i

ff St Jame?.
" . tnthe Jiext place I {hall give yon an acccjifrit
ofchefeven Planetsj aVl have visvv'd (fliein oft'
at iny.Mannar in .Cl.P^wdl-Gmn; Ahd-fiift
o£ StP/fames2 vjirJ as I told ye before is the
firft of all the Planets, who Wtfen he vvac upon
Earth eat no£hiag;biic old Ling j falt'Pilthards,
and Holland Oheck; In his yonger dai/es Ik fell
in love svich one ,of his Mothers'Kitcheif niaids,
for wbofe fake Ik eonciinicd diimb kven year1-,
■yetat..baft he canie to his fences, and for her
fake foliated all vvomeii-iharh'e abandotfd earth
andavejic to Heaven, yet idmerhiiig flnivlv, by
real&naa he had cei tamcorn? gupiviog
^ *« • ' I ^ on his toes.

■ - eLmcampd'ij faith,diar lie v/4.? gaelc by a cer-

tain Gyan t with whqni he fbiighf •; how he came
-tp £iiqw, tb^ it
patters potjfo Qiir ^iirpof^/; ^^5 ProteStbr iis
Belfwager. \ ' \ !■ ;
V .!"
Jupiter or St. .George. •
Ti: S . George^ ,(_\vhom fora^ equal to Jfollo^he-
. cau(e they we^e both killers oi" Di igphs) is' the
iecoiifcl Plaaet; .to. tell you his Vii aic^ is to
as much. purpoiej .as ita man, fiWild go to pifs
. out the Mopiij all fhc Wprkl krlovVs 3hm'(j wfe
fliall therefore fp^beai that atid fpeak fomCthTng
^ bright ^rrttiat actcrids him; She
was the King of .Egipt's Daiighter^ whom the
King of^Morocco ftole from St- George and made
him a Cuckold, but,becaufeihe loved S«. George
• yery well, rather then flie would have him dif-
grae'd, fhe rather chofe to wear the horns her
leif. " ., ^
She and S*. Geo,rge?hoard up all the Gold and
Silver, fo that the reft of the Planets are fain to
ufe Brafs money, like the Puke of Mofcovy.- His
Proteftor is Jone of Arc , and hers Marks
^Anthony. ... , ' .
N- St, Tajjj',
He was a herce Gentleman when he was on
earth, for he flew the Count Palatine of Tarta-
ry, and then he flepr feven years in the iiichan-
ted Garden of Ormondinc. ISIow when he was
on earth he was very cholerick, otcafinned by
eating toafted Checfc, which property he ftill
reclines being 1 Planet j thereforcthofe chat
ere bom under him^ arc.Very dicek^ patient,
and long fufcii^.,
Si* Vennii.
Who made St. Dennis a Planet, is no great
matter CP tell yee j for a man may die with a
lafeconfcieace though he never know it. frc is
the Author of all Mirth .and Glee, and loves
much the Cyprefs and Yew, becaufc when he
was on earth he ufedto lie under thofc Trees
when he madefonnets to his Miflrels* Moft of
thofe men that are hangM at Tyhurn arc born
under this planer.
St, Anthony.
The fifth Planet St. Anthony, is a very bright
Planet. He wears upon his fingers Cornelian
Rings, Margufites and Berills, wears black pat-
ches on his wee, and drefles his head with a Pin-
ner. He hath little to do but to teach Mag-
pies to pratle,and Starrs to whittle.
St. Andrew
Is next to this, now when I tell you he was
a Scotch man,.I hope you need not enquiry what
qualities he had, for he was much addlfted to
lying and tyjachery. His father was a Button
maker in Abkrdeen, and derived his Pedigree
from Mimrod.

guifinll. , f ^
g&ifitll is a (he Planet, and cliercfore by coa- ■
feqiience a Woman; Chargeable, falfe, given-
lying, mutable, inebnftant, and a thoufaiid
other good qualities given to that Sex." The
Hiftory of Vorajius and Fawnik faith^lhc was a
profelTed Niin,butLwcw« in his Dialdgufes faith
die tvas a profeflcd Whore,and that in her drink
(be was valianter then Moll Cut-pttrfs.

Ja Adams ran art of Fortune-tdliHg,

REader, having brought you thus far, I

have brought you a great way, hut. yet
I (hall bring yon further yet, and intend to
make you nigh as wife as my felf, indifcovering
to you the rare art of Fortune-tellings thofe
that arc not fatisfied therein, let thetu repair to
my honfc at CI<irJ^«jve//,andI (hall givetheni a
further account. Now fir ft I (haU tell ye.
How to treft a Scheme.
< Take a fliccc of white Paper, arid with a Pen
draw four lines, a3 A,B,C,D, then draw four
lines more, as then'draw" four lines
more, from A to E, from B toF, from D to H,
and from C to G, and when you have fo done,
then that work is over.
Adam An of Interpretation ofDreamts.

- Now for the Art cf Interpretation of dreams

it is very well .known to all my Neighbours
what ail excellent proficient I:am therein; fur
an acquamtance of mine reading Lucius Apuleiue
dreamt that he was metamorphofed irito a Rull,
I told him it fignified that he would be a Cuck-
old^ not long after he married one ofmy neigh-
Jboiirs in JurnhulUfreet^ and it proved accord-
Another time my Lord Whatdecalltm that
married the German Princefs, came to me and
told me he dreamt, that he thought he law be-
fore his eyes a very lately Mare,richly adorned
with caparifbns and other accoutrements fit for,
fuch a Peaft, To that he judged her to be worth
ten thoufand pounds,& asking the price of hen
it was fofmall that he imagined he had cheated
the feller, and made himfelf a Man for ever,but
when he came to back her, intending as he
thought to ride to Eamt, all^his ftatelincfs
and bravery vanilked away, and there only re-
mained withhimaGoofe. When he hadrelao
ted this to mc, 1 told him the Interpretation
thereof was this, that the ftatcly Mare fignified
the German Princefs, and the Goole (if his
Lofdlhip pleafed) he might take to himfelf.
A young Grocer newly fet up, dreamed that
he was turned into a Ray fan, andthat there
came by an old man with a Ruffe on, and cat
him up; I having looked on my ScheiiiCj toldi
him his Dream was very ominous; It chanced
not long after he went and borrowed a hun-
dred pound of a Ufurer j intending by buy-
ing fine Gloaths and- other knacks, to have
purchafed i rich Match 5 bur miffing his de-
ngn, he was forced to run away, or elfe his
body' had been fwallovved up in a Pri-
Another man dreatn'd that he was riding
over a River 3 and feeing in the cleer water
the rcflcRion of his face, he perceived two
Horns budding on his Forehead j this Dream
heimpartedtome j I told him the Interpre-
tation thereof would be fuddenjyj two days
after he went abroad, and at his return found
another man a bed with his wife.

Ofjhe Seajons of the Tear*

Of the Spring*

TH E firft is called the Prime, that is the

firft, and the Spring becaufe all the other
Seafons fpring i/om it juft as a Debtor would
^ (a*)
Next place yourCIiacaftersiiithisrtiannerj
on the firft line .write Gr€en J!eeves) on the fe-
"cond wrice Padding Vkspn the third a ^4,00
thefourth an Owles bead, on the fifth a Cbilrfs
Whijile^ on the fixth three iVbirligigs, on the
feventh a pair of Tajlcrs Sbeirs, on the eigth a
Dogs Coller^on the ninth z Fur Cap^on the tenth
a labacco'fift) on the eleventh a Hempen Halter 9
and on the.twelfe Cupids Ponr. In the fquare
let there be three Calves beads, and in their
Foreheads, let the year, day, hour, and mimite
ofthe Nativity be writ, as yon may fee in this

/ $ *V
^ .
* yS ■>\ 1

yy'% Jilian of Croydon v\

hf < *\

X** <s%c *A
>\ A.

i4 4$

» • *.
• The two and thirtieth df ■November laft, be-
ing th^ eighth (^ay of' the week,, a yong Gallant,
cameto me at my Maohdur'at' Cjarfyhttdl^tp.
kftow his Foi tiirte, I having confulted'with my'
Scheme above faid. Found it to be as followeth.
That if he were born to be hangM, he fhould
never be drown'd j that if he drank hard all
day, it might be his fort! me, to be drunk at
night j chat if he frequented Whores,he might
chance to catch theGnnkums, and that if he
marryed a Whore he fhould be fure to be a
Another that was a Brick-layer came to me,
to know whether the Starrs flood fo well af-
fefted towards him, as that tbey could make
his namefamous > I bid him go to fuch a man
and hire him to write an Almanackjaudto putit
out in his own name, audit would do the feat,
and he did accordingly.
• Another (a friend of mine a certain Graver,}
came to me to know whether he fhould have
good fbccefs" with certain Lady ;7l having
viewed my Scheme, told him the Starrs feemed
to intimate the contrary^owfiv'r he would not
be ruled ; but (Tee what mifcheife comes upon
people by (lighting Aftrology,) whileft he was
bufie at his work, fhe lets fall her flipper, up
comes two or three Heftors, takes my Gentle-
map, and gave him fowrefawce tohis fweet-
nieat. Noyv
Now Reader, if thou defireft to be as cuning
in this alt e a:$ I am, I ftiall give thee certain infal-
lible ruld whereby t6 do it: Fidf then, if a
Quevent come to thee, to know whether one ab-
fent be'dejdbr alive ?' to do thi^ let the party
ftay till lie hath received a letter from him, or
till he come home again, which is more furer,
then if he fee Him walk, hears him talk, and af-
ter he hath asked him how he does, he replyes
that he is in good health, then may he be fijre
his frieiid is not dead but living; but if he do
hot come home, or that any body conies from
him, or fends a Letter to the QiCrent, afcer-
taining him that his (aid friend is dead, and that
he laid him in his grave,then it is moft probable
that he is dead, and thequereut may believe it
if he pleafes, and take out Letters of Admini-
ft'ration, but if he will not,he may let it alone.
How to pidge of things happening juddainly
whether they be good or ill.

|Fa Man walking in the ftreets, on a fuddaine

thance to caft his eye upon the ground,and finde
a twenty (hilling peice, a Man mayfafely judge
this to be a very good fortune, but if a Man
riding upon a fierce Horfe, (liould chance to fall
ahd break his neck, or bru'tfe one of his ribs, we
may on the other fide with as much (afety,con-
cliiae it to be a very bad event.
';• i,,; Jhall mniyrfacb 4 fgjip 9* no.1
' ' ■ c '-■ ■■ ■: • V--; , . % r r. - •, ■,■
After you hare received yourinpiiey of the
Q^erent, then feero to look ftedfaftly on yoUr
Scheme, but 'tis no matter whether you mlnde
it or not Then if a Gentleman tells thee that
he beares a great afieftion to a Lady, bid him
go to the Ladyes Maid^ and corrupt her with
money, that Ihe may advife her Miftrefs to con-
fult with the Starres whom (lie ftiould marry.*
Then when the Lady coraes, and asks the que-
ftion, what manner of Perfon (he fliall have;
apply your felfto the forcfaid Scheme,and tell
her who is Lord of the Afcendanc, and repeat
to her abundance of bard names, then bid her
go to fuch a place, where you have appointed
the Gentleman before to wait for her coming,
and tell her (he (hall there find fuch a perfon,
of fuch a hair, fuch a ftature, and in fuch Appa-
rel; bid her look on him well, for the next
day he will come to her, and ask her theqiiefti-
on, bid her not deny hitm for he is the perfon
that the Starrs have allotcd to be her Husband.
This is a very certain way, and may be conclu-
ded with a ejt,

fpring frpm a Serjeant or Catchpole: Npw thc
beft Beer throughout the V(ear is niade3antl the
Yinesare let blood that they may bear richer
Grapes, and therefore the good Feljows do
much regard this Seafon, which makes them re-
joyce all the Year after, right or wrong it be-
gins wirh Aft/ologers the icth. of December
without any dlftin^ion of Heat or Cold, but I
bring up a new and better opinion, that it is iro
Spring till we can fit bribing without great fires,
and drink our EeerinCand, in which opinion
theTapfters ge nerally agree with me,and there-
fore they would have it begin in March.
Of Summer.
! never heard any body fay but this is the
pleafanteft time of all the Year, fii ft becaufe of
Birds-Nefts the Boyes cry it up,tken for Cuckos
and walking abroad with their Loves, the Wo-
men cry it up j then for rambling and all man-
ner of Recreation the Menpraifeit, next the
Phyfician becaufe this hot foultry Seafop brings
him fiore of praftkealfo} the Gallan,t for tlie
whicenefs and bravery of his Half-^hirt, the
Beggar becaufe he may better go naked, the mi-
ferablefor favingof Fii Cjand generally all (pits
of Creatures rcjoyce at it, and care nq^ how
long it laft? were it not far a vicious appetite of
a brown' "I oaft and nappy Ale in a Winter night,
which generally fwayes more then any aerial ac-
comodation wliatfoever.
Of Jutumne.
. This decaying Seardn is iiot without its afi-
mirirs, and acceptable to fomfrfoi'ts folkes
for its Bumours^ as namely the Dolors, "Apo-
thecaries, Quacks, Surgeons, and other Execu-
tioners of Nature 5 but what (he lofeti! in one
place like the Sea, (he gainerh in Woth;!;, for
nevy what is loft and thrown into the Honlc of
Office, is made up in the Barn, and the fuli fn»
Creafe and pleat*' of ill good rhrngs , even to
open Arfescrid Medlats. This Seafon is alfo beft
liked by my Wor(hip, bucaufe t^en I (hall meet
with many of my friends and acquaintance at
Bartholomew-fair. People uic to die more new
then at othe^Seaions, but becaud men have
beft content arters,! know noreafon why Phy-
(icians fliould nothave a time oifc as well as ot-
her Artificers.
Of mr.tvr.
This Seafon is called GafFcr gi ay beard, be-
becaufe he is an old and hoary fellow, and looks
as like an old woman as can be, he had never a
good quality but one in him, that is he feldome-
parts good Company, a-ad upon that (core he
is a greet enemy to thofe that for laving their
two-pence will go rambling in the durt upon
pretended bufinefs; yet there is 110 body angry
with him but the Pulfes and the Dawes, who
chatter at his continuance fo longbccaurc they
have no Chimney^dorners; be he never fo fierce
and oittragioiis. people are conteuc to bear
vvith'him becaule of Chrifimaf^vihich. like a good
Inaa after a tedious and durty road will bid
him* welcome.
- ChriftntM comes but once a year, - -
And when w comes it brings good Cheat.
For my part I wifii it were come, for I ktiow
no time like it, but my comfort is ray Granny
faith we have bnt a Week to't.
Of the Tear
The year is one of theunfortunateft words
in all the Alnianack,for that there hath not been
oac of 500a. and as many as are reckoned over
and above (ince Eve betray'd^j^MJ, but there
hath a great deal of mifcheif (Wife way or other
befallen poor mortals; Its Hleroglyphick or
fignificator of its gyration was formerly a Ser-
pent with his tayl in his mouth , the Lord of
whofe Afcendant were the Ratcatchers at the
pxchange; now the years roll one upon ano-
ther as the waves at London Bridge, but not fo
faft. becaufe there are twelvemonths in every
ISoler peregrination; thefe twelve moneths are
the Suns twelve Pages or Lacquys to run by his
Coach fide in the Zodiaque, four of 'urn are
lamed and fhort winded, but the other eight
holdout tack j and like other Boyes, they are
given to play (while their mailers are tipfing)
very much at one and thirty. Hw
Hunt iff mh?!* frodigie,
. Let two or three Phanaticks go to otic of
their Pallors Houfes, but let not their number
exceed five becaufeof the late then fay
they unto the Seer, how long (hall we wait for
the return of the Rump > our hopes begin to
fail and our hearts to quail: My dear Brethren
quothhe then, perievere in the good old Caufc
but a little longer, and you lhall fee thefeCava-
leers and Royallifts come to nothing. Wot ypu
not whata moft ftrange thing was feeo in the
Airc this day fortnight at 'Branford ? then doth
he up and tell them a thoufand lies of cocks and
bulls, and Fleets, and Armyes, which portend
' great and Hidden mutationSjthelike having hap-
pened before fuch a famous revolution in fuch a
year, &c. then arethele men ready to fwcar to
the truth of it. Thereafter the Seer takes Pen,
Ink and Papery and writes down the fame with
fome other impudent falfe circumftances and
particularities, and fends it to Mrs. Calvert at
the Black Spread-Eagle by the Weft end of St.
P<ia/x, and the to Mr. or Mr. P. and they
Print it, and then 'tis as current Truth as the
Rump Coyn among them to this very day.
And now for conclufinn I am arrived at the
performance of my promifeof a perpetual Al-
manack , which never any Aftrologer intended
to do, and thus it lyes in mood and figure, and
the explication follows. 4
A feqaual jltftenacl^
'TMdri Au'g, Miy Ofto; Apt. Sepu June
.1 6 f s/i V i, 7
' •3.
Nov. ~0 Jan. O July t)ecet Fiht.
in 1
9 5" 'lo 12
1 ' 2
I 5 . 4 I ' 6 7,
8 9 i i 0 .u t 12 13 *4
16 i 17 i? > J? 20 21
22 23 j 24 2S | 26 27 28 .
29 30 ^ 31 O 0 O O

'The. Contents of the Altnanac}^.

In the two uppci moft lines or Columnes are
the is Moneths, begining with March, fo that
the figure of i is March,the figure of 2 is April,
the figure of 3 is May, the figure of 4 is June,
the figure of 5 is July^nd (o on.
Secondly, know the 3 \ Figures under, are
the Dayes of every Moneth.
Tfie third thing that you muft know,ts3what
day of the week the tirft day of March begins,
as in the Year 1661, the 1 day of March fails
upon a Friday, in the Year 1662. it falls on a
^Saturday, fo that the Dayes of the Moneth
which are under the Moneth, in the (ame Cdr
lurati, are fuefda/s,WednelUays,or Saturdays,
as the 1 day of March is of.
In the Year 1663.1ook for Novemhtrjitiuch is
nine, and under it you will hud, i, 8,15,-22,
29; which afe all Sacurdayes itv November and
Mirc/j, and fo counting on, you Will find 22 to
be upon a Saturday} and the moi e yoii ufc it,
the better you will know the ufe of it.
An'iiher Example.
In the Year 16 li, the fii ft of March is on a
Friday, look for JhIj, which 135, and under it
you will fee, 5,12,19,26, which are all Fridays
in July and ^rz/^being the figure a over it 5 and
if the fifth day is Friday, the (ixch i? Saturday,
the fcventhis Sunday, the eighth Mimday,the
ninth Tuefday, the tenth Wcdncfday, and
fo on.

Now the ufe of this I found out in the Childs

Book, but may as well befit an Aftronomy
Lefture j but certain it is of excellent and fpee-
dy ufe to inform a Man of the Day of the Month
when the Post ftaycs at Door for his Let-
ter, then doth the Proficient begin to lean ver-
fes upon his fingers ends, and reckons from Fri-
day to Friday exclnfiye & inclufive like an Uft-
ler, or a Jaylor, while the Pacquets got a% far as
Ware, then doth he feal up his Letter, but per-
, ceiving it too late, begins his Calculation for a-
nother Post Day beforehand,and fo ina Weeks
WPt i

I poffiblyliaVe thecertain d^Jl6fthe«

frobatum eft, !
'Give tfte leave to reckon up the n^fnesid^i^
Aftrologers againftour Aext Feaft^and fo ! hiy^.
done; Lilly, Bool^r^AndnwSySchardan^s Rid&f,
SanderSy Rote, WmgJfhartmJ>.adeytQnd^ope^.
Gadbury, Goldftriith^ Fly 4 Neve, Tngge^StraUQWij
White} Swan^ Ferkmt, Tanmr^WoodhoHfefFoopi
Kobiny Conyers, and . the Womans, Alitiinack, s
kleoped by the name of Sarah Jenner9 &c, and ]
1 quoth the Dog, or the'Lion father, :1


moft humble Servant ,


Jacl^ Adams,

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