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Student’s Book Answer Key

Page 6 Adjectives
Vocabulary 8 a e h c p e a c e f u l
u f d w r s q v i r d t
Food and nutrition j f t a e n a s t y i h
02 1 1. salty, sour, sweet, spicy k i b n d a p c f t s r

2. boiled, fried, baked, cooked, frozen, raw s c r x i u d h y u g i

3. minerals, calories, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates, protein r i d i c u l o u s u l
4. healthy, tasty, fresh i e q o t e j p y g s l
5. wholemeal
d n v u a x r e z e t i

Parts of the body n t o s b x k f m z i n

a w f u l a m u s i n g
3 Parts of the body: c g e n e w n l m f g e
ankle, back, bone, brain, chin, elbow, heart, knee, lungs,
u n i m p o r t a n t s
neck, shoulder, spine, thumb, toe, wrist, rib, intestines
Match to pictures: Positive: efficient, hopeful, peaceful, amusing, thrilling
a. chin g. thumb Negative: anxious, disgusting, nasty, ridiculous, awful
b. neck h. knee
c. shoulder i. bone 9 1. messy, neat 4. giant, imaginary
d. heart j. ankle 2. reliable, truthful 5. incredible, ancient
e. elbow k. toe 3. cheerful, pleasant
f. wrist
parts which don’t have pictures: back, brain, lungs, spine, Travel
rib, intestines
10 Things you do while travelling: take a break,
4 1. brain 5. intestines backpacking, spend the night, build a campfire, cross the
2. back 6. ribs ocean, put up a tent, set out
3. heart 7. spine Things you do before travelling: plan a route, pack your
4. lungs bag, make reservations, book a room
Things travellers need or use: sleeping bag, passport,
Health trail, campsite, accommodation

5 1. be sick 7. get worse 11 1. T

2. cough 8. recover 2. F – You have a luggage allowance when you travel by
3. flu 9. upset stomach plane.
4. bleed 10. headache 3. F – There’s usually an information desk in a hotel.
5. get better 11. temperature 4. T
6. cold 12. sneeze 5. F – You set out at the beginning of a trip.
Possible answers 6. F – A trail is a place to walk.
medical conditions: flu, cold, upset stomach, headache, 7. T
things we do when we’re ill: be sick, cough, get better, Sports
get worse, recover, sneeze
12 a. lifeguard, swimming
Page 7 b. goalkeeper, football
c. swimming pool, swimming
6 1. cut 6. tablet d. swimming cap, swimming
2. sting 7. bandage e. court, basketball
3. dizzy 8. in pain f. net, football
4. bite 9. breathing problems g. goggles, swimming
5. blood 10. sore throat h. pitch, football
i. referee, football
7 1. bandage 5. got worse j. bat, cricket
2. upset stomach 6. bleeding
3. temperature 7. tablets 13 1. champion 4. beat
4. bites 8. sneeze 2. work out 5. finish first
3. shoot 6. score

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Student’s Book Answer Key
Page 8 3 1. I have recently started watching a great TV programme
called Elite. Its function is to introduce the topic of the
Grammar review.
2. It’s a crime show and a drama, and it takes place in
Present Simple / Present Continuous Spain.
3. The plot of Elite is very exciting.
1 1. have 4. Do … like 4. If you ask me, it’s the best series on TV today and
2. doesn’t understand 5. are … sending I highly recommend it. Its function is to summarise the
3. isn’t lying 6. isn’t listening review and give a conclusion.

Past Simple / Past Continuous Page 10

2 1. weren’t watching, called Speaking
2. was … doing, was making
3. wasn’t listening, gave
4. were playing, was studying
Exchanging personal information
5. was hiking, began 1 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. a
6. Were … standing, stopped
7. weren’t putting, broke Classroom language
Present Perfect Simple 1
03 4 1. How much time have we got?
2. What page is it on?
3 1. I have already spoken to him. 3. How do you pronounce this name?
2. Have you ever visited London? 4. Can I borrow your book?
3. We haven’t met since 2016. 5. When is the homework due?
4. How long has Tom known Louise? 6. What time is break?
5. She hasn’t seen your e-mail yet.
6. They have lived in Paris for years.
7. Where has the cat been since 2.00?

Used to
4 1. used to 4. didn’t use to
2. didn’t use to 5. used to
3. did … use to 6. Did … use to

Future tenses
5 1. starts
2. will be doing
3. aren’t going to be / won’t be
4. doesn’t leave
5. will be working
6. is going to buy
7. will be, won’t be meeting

Page 9
Getting Ready for Writing
Text organisation
1 Opening – b (introduces the topic)
Body – c (gives details about the topic)
Closing – a (summarises the topic and gives a conclusion)

Paragraph organisation
2 1. closing 4. closing
2. body 5. body
3. opening 6. opening

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Student’s Book Answer Key

1 Game Changers

A Changing the Land

Page 12 7 1. When did he become an activist?
He became an activist when he was six years old.
Environment 2. Did he succeed in his work against pesticides?
Yes, he did.
1 A Problem: global warming 3. Has he ever spoken at the United Nations?
Proposed action: Ban all fossil fuels and use only Yes, he has.
renewable energy. 4. Has he travelled only in the US?
B Problem: deforestation No, he has travelled all over the world.
Proposed action: Prevent more destruction and bring the 5. What award did he receive at the age of 13?
forests back to life. He received the United States Community Service Award.
C Problem: oil and gas drilling 6. How many books has he published?
Proposed action: Fight plans for more drilling. He has published one book.
7. Has he ever performed in a concert?
Yes, he has.
cause, ban, run
8. What famous musicians has he performed with?
2 1. global warming 5. threat He has performed with Jurassic 5.
2. caused
3. source
6. raise money
7. bring … back to life
10 1. ordered 6. helped
2. refused 7. has caused
4. oil spill
3. has recently banned 8. has always worried
3 1. They’ve decided to take action against oil drilling. 4. decided 9. started
2. On safari, you can see plenty of wildlife living in 5. saw 10. have promised
a natural habitat.
3. The floods caused destruction everywhere. Page 14
4. Most carbon emissions come from fossil fuels.
5. Building a new road will damage the beautiful Reading a webpage
6. Our city has decided to ban plastic bags.
05 11 The Great Green Wall is a project to build a wall made of
trees and plants which will cross Africa. Its aim is to repair
4 Possible answers the damage caused by climate change. The writer thinks it’s
clean up, cut down, damage, endanger, plant, pollution, a good project.
preserve, recycle, reduce, reuse, turn off, turn on, use up,
waste 12 1. the number of kilometres / how long the wall is (line 2)
2. the year when 11 countries decided to take action
(line 11)
Page 13 3. the number of trees already planted in Senegal
(lines 14-15)
Present Perfect Simple / Past Simple 4. the number of years wildlife hasn’t been seen (line 21)
5. the writer’s age (line 25)
6 1. has done 6. has travelled 13 1. It is hotter and there are more droughts. (lines 7-8)
2. has been 7. gave 2. The trees have died and the earth has turned to dry sand.
3. spoke 8. has received (lines 8-9)
4. worked 9. published 3. to bring the land back to life (lines 12-13)
5. spoke 10. has taken part 4. to find work (line 24)
5. Because they have jobs planting trees for the wall.
(lines 26-27)

Page 15
14 1. over 11 million trees
5. the wells
2. earth together 6. grow vegetables /
3. erode the earth vegetable gardens
4. air 7. food

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Student’s Book Answer Key

A discussion about pollution Optional Listening

1. November 22, 1963 is the date of the assassination of
06 15 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a President Kennedy.
2. Jake is a young teacher who discovers how to time
06 16 1. wildlife 4. two and a half
2. 500 5. providing
3. Things are worse in the present because Jake stopped
3. day 6. month
Kennedy’s assassination.
17 1. Walton’s Cafés 4. Jake understands that it is dangerous to try and change
2. plastic in the oceans history.
3. killing marine wildlife and has become a serious threat 5. Brandon thinks he will enjoy the show less because he
to the environment knows the end.
4. stop serving plastic straws with cold drinks in their
09 8 There are 6 mistakes:
• 1876-1895 • scary – amusing
• time travel – a time machine • American – British
Optional Listening • an old man – a teenager • country – planet
1. on the beach
2. plastic straws
3. eating (huge amounts of) plastic
Page 18
4. to the sea
5. pollution
Reading a magazine article
6. the petition 1
10 9 Mexico, Spain
10 1. F – The colour of your food may come from dead
B Making History insects. Even Starbucks used to put insects in their
strawberry frappuccinos. (lines 1-2)
Page 16 2. T – Medieval Europeans … had never produced a red
dye that was both vibrant and lasted a long time.
History (lines 5-6)
3. F – Red clothing … was worn by kings and cardinals.
1 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. c (lines 6-7)
4. F – It quickly became a fashion status symbol! (line 10)
5. T – When synthetic dyes were developed in the 1880s,
accomplishment, demonstration, government
bright red became easy to produce, leading to the
more examples: advertisement, excitement, celebration,
decline of the cochineal trade. (lines 17-18)
competition, information, organisation
6. T – … synthetic food dyes are made of dangerous
chemicals like petroleum. (lines 22-23)
Page 17
11 1. The cochineal trade played a major role in making
2 1. T Spain the largest and richest empire of its time.
2. T 2. It was used in painting, food colouring and cosmetics.
3. F – If something is widely believed, many people 3. Because it made a lot of money for Spain (and Spain
believe it. didn’t want to lose this trade).
4. T 4. Because red clothes were no longer considered special.
5. F – If something leads to war, it causes war.
6. T 12 1. found out 4. brighter
2. had no idea 5. disgusting
Descriptions 3. experts
08 6 The main character is Jake, and he can time travel / go
back in time.

7 1. is boring

2. history
3. try and prevent the assassination
4. stories about time travel
5. nuclear wars
6. very dangerous

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Student’s Book Answer Key
Page 19 Getting information
Past Perfect Simple / Past Simple
11 6 1. do we take 4. are the tickets
2. it run 5. leave from
3. to get there
14 1. The Titanic sank after it had hit an iceberg. 1
11 7 1. b 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. c
2. Before the ship set off, the ship’s company had
replaced an officer named David Blair. Reflexive pronouns
3. Blair went home, but he had forgotten to return the key
of the locker room. 12 1. himself 4. ourselves
4. He had locked the ship’s binoculars in this room 2. myself 5. yourselves
before he left. 3. herself
5. The sailors hadn’t been able to open the room, so they
didn’t use the binoculars. Page 22
6. The ship hit the iceberg because they hadn’t seen it in
time. 13 1. I hurt myself while I was riding my bicycle. /
7. In the end, 1,503 people died because an officer hadn’t While I was riding my bicycle, I hurt myself.
remembered a key. 2. They can’t fix the car themselves.
3. Could you tell me a little bit about yourself / yourselves?
16 1. threw 5. wanted 9. had won 4. She looked at herself in the mirror.
2. had imposed 6. had destroyed 10. had got 5. My oven cleans itself.
3. led 7. closed 11. inspired
4. had ruled 8. began 14 1. yourself 5. (by) myself
2. (by) himself 6. herself
17 1. The Boston Tea Party 3. (by) ourselves 7. (by) myself
2. Boston Harbor 4. themselves
3. 16th December, 1773
4. The British had imposed high taxes on all tea. A podcast
5. The Americans won their independence from Britain. 1
12 17 1. F – There were so many people trying to buy tickets that
the Japanese held a lottery!
C Going the Distance 2. T
3. T
Page 20 4. F – The cabin got extremely noisy.
5. F – Most of the track is underground, and when it was
Transport above ground, the views went by very fast.
6. F – Crowds of people had come to watch the train
1 Mode of travel Change pulling into the station.
horses and camels made it possible to transport heavier
12 18 1. 2027 4. 500 km/h
steam ship reduced travel time / Ocean travel 2. 150 km/h 5. over 600 km/h
took days rather than months. 3. 10 cm 6. 30 minutes
steam train Travel and trade became safer,
faster and more reliable.
Optional Listening
1. Japan
air travel People could reach a foreign
2. His / Her name came up in the lottery.
country in hours.
3. It felt like a normal / an ordinary train.
2 Possible answers 4. The wheels were pulled in.
land – car, bus, electric bike, jeep, lorry, motorbike, 5. The train went too fast.
scooter, tram, train
sea – boat, ferry, ship Page 23
air – plane, helicopter
Writing a narrative
3 1. risky 5. Long-distance
2. track 6. network 19 1. the writer and his / her parents (paragraph 1)
3. time-consuming 7. high-speed 2. last year in Vietnam (paragraph 1)
4. standard of living 3. They got lost and rode back on a narrow road full
of heavy traffic in the rain to get back to the hotel.
Page 21 (paragraph 2)
4. The writer was sure that he / she or one of his / her
4 1. came up with 6. ship parents would get hit or fall off the bike. (paragraph 2)
2. reach 7. capable of 5. They reached their hotel safely. (paragraph 3)
3. hop on 8. loads
4. run on 9. set up 20 1. sequence, during, in the end
5. get around 2. contrast, however, even though

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21 1. In the end
2. soon
3. during

22 1. We decided not to stop even though we were tired.

2. It was scary, yet we enjoyed every minute.
3. Her car was old; however, it was very fast.

23 1. Even though / Although we arrived late, we didn’t

miss the train.
2. They are going on a cruise during the summer.
3. At first I was afraid of flying, but I overcame my fear. /
I was afraid of flying, but in the end I overcame my
4. We hadn’t eaten all day, however, / but we didn’t feel
5. She was very tired and soon fell asleep.

Collaborative Project:
An Awards Page
Page 24
1. She started one of the first nursing schools and made
nursing into a respected profession. / She saved
thousands of lives by improving hospital hygiene.
2. Nalleli was ill from pollution caused by the oil drilling
near her home.
3. The oil drill was closed, so people’s health has greatly
4. They will be a lot safer and make it possible for kids
and old people to get around independently. Also,
people won’t have to worry about parking. / Also, the
cars will park themselves.

Life Skills Extra:

Giving Directions
Page 26
1 the Central Line
2 1. b 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. d

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Student’s Book Answer Key

2 The Unexpected

A Surprising Results
Page 28 7 1. F – She started it because she wanted people to
remember all the wonderful things that mothers do.
Verbs (lines 4-7)
2. T (lines 7-8)
1 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 3. F – Zuckerman used pop-up ads to get money for
a website he was creating. (lines 24-25)
2 1. chewing gum 4. a jacket
4. F – They often contain buttons that can download
2. milk 5. a washing machine
a virus. (lines 29-31)
3. ice 6. a solution
5. T (lines 44-46)
3 Possible answers 6. F – His theory was used to develop the atomic bomb.
1. clothes and shoes (lines 47-49)
2. succeed Notice!
3. snow / rain / strong winds followed by a noun: due to, as a result of
4. prince followed by subject + verb: since, because
5. the restaurants / mall / the museum other possible connectors of cause: stems from,
Notice! because of, on account of, owing to
prepositional verb: sticking to
phrasal verbs: checked out, figured out, ended up, turned Page 30
into, found out
A TV report
Page 29 1
14 9 1. Australia’s young inventors and innovators
2. Maddison King
Reading a webpage 3. It could save hundreds of lives.
13 5 1. b 2. d 3. a 1
15 10 1. boss 6. hundreds
6 Name of inventor Invention Reason for regret
2. swimming pool 7. warns
3. lifeguard 8. ocean water
1. Anna Jarvis Mother’s Day It was turned into 4. to do 9. red light
an industry to 5. panic
make money. /
They had taken Optional Listening
a beautiful idea 1. F – She was one of the finalists.
and destroyed it. 2. T
2. Ethan pop-up ad It is irritating and 3. F – Her boss did the experiment.
Zuckerman one of the most 4. T
hated tools on 5. T
the Internet. 6. F – GIRL stands for Global Intelligent Rip Locator.
3. Albert atomic bomb He wanted 7. F – The ocean water turns the propeller.
Einstein a world without 8. T
war, but his
theory was used Defining relative clauses
to create the
most destructive
12 1. whose 6. when
2. who 7. where
weapon in
3. where 8. which
history – the
4. which 9. who
atomic bomb.
5. which 10. which

13 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10

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Page 31 3 1. successful 4. valuable
2. natural leader 5. weaknesses
14 Possible answers 3. sensitive 6. make the most of
1. can help in accidents
2. purpose / function is to pick up heavy things 4 Possible answers
3. people can’t do adventurous, athletic, brave, clever, confident, creative,
4. are in natural disasters or accidents easy-going, friendly, generous, hard-working, honest,
5. people can’t get to kind, lazy, outgoing, shy

15 1. Manu Prakash was a child who loved inventing things. Choosing an activity
2. Now he is a professor whose inventions are helping the
16 6 1. singing club, singing 4. to do
3. He invents cheap scientific instruments for countries 2. coming with me 5. karate
where people can’t afford expensive equipment. 3. not
4. He invented a paper microscope whose parts cost
only $1. 7 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. e
5. The Foldscope is a fun instrument which you can carry
in your pocket. Page 34
6. 2014 was the year when he invented the Foldscope.
7. Today there are schools and labs all over the world Non-defining relative clauses
where the Foldscope is used.
12 1. who / that 6. when
16 Possible answers 2. when 7. who
Down 3. whose 8. where
1. the woman who invented Mother’s Day (Jarvis) 4. whose 9. which / that
2. what you use to speak to people (telephone) 5. who
3. something that causes people to become ill (virus)
Defining relative clauses
4. things that stick to cloth and fur (burrs)
1. who can recognise faces from a distance of
1.6 kilometres
5. the person whose theory is behind the atomic bomb
4. whose abilities are extremely unusual
9. breathing techniques which / that enable him to
6. an instrument which magnifies small objects
control his body
7. a sweet food made from cocoa beans (chocolate) 13 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d
1. Everyone has heard of Harry Houdini, whose escapes
Extra Reinforcement were amazing.
1. The company which Bill Gates founded is called 2. We saw an exhibition of van Gogh’s paintings, which
Microsoft. are beautiful.
2. 29th September 2018 was the day when a tsunami hit 3. Champion rock climber Tori Allen grew up in Africa,
Indonesia. where she learned to climb by watching her pet
3. Donald Trump is the man who became president of the monkey.
US in 2016. 4. Kevin Fast set a world record in 2017, when he pulled
4. This is the lab where penicillin was discovered. three fire engines at the same time.
5. Louis Pasteur was a scientist whose invention made 5. Important discoveries were made by Marie Curie, who
milk safer to drink. was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

14 1. Tim Doner, who could speak 20 languages by the age

B Unusual Talents of 17, is a linguistic genius. / Tim Doner, who is
a linguistic genius, could speak 20 languages by the
Page 32 age of 17.
2. Doner watches TV and films, which he uses to
Talents and abilities improve his listening skills.
3. In New York City, where Doner lives, there are people
1 Because they will help you in life and in your future career. from many countries.
4. He goes to Chinatown or Arab neighbourhoods, where
he hangs out and speaks to the people there.
gifted at, brilliant at, bright at, successful at
5. He became famous at the age of 16, when he posted
videos of himself speaking various languages.
Page 33 6. Doner, whose talent is remarkable, says that anyone
can learn languages if they work hard.
2 1. practical 4. no one
2. lots of friends 5. 95
3. only one thing 6. appreciate

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Page 35 10 1. praising 4. customers
2. appealing 5. proved
A radio interview 3. daily
18 16 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c Page 38
18 17 1. 1967 3. disappear
2. Las Vegas 4. five Guided tours
Optional Listening
21 11 Portofino area of Italy, Rome, California
They are all tours of optical illusions created by painting
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T
on buildings.

C Not What It Seems 12 a. 1, 2

21 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1, 3 e. 3 f. 1

Optional Listening
Page 36 1. not real / painted on 4. 10 years
2. (coloured) brick 5. exploded
Urban landscapes 3. 17th century 6. (completely) flat wall

1 buildings: high-rise, blocks of flats, office blocks, Defining and non-defining relative clauses,
materials: concrete, steel, brick
some / any / no compounds

2 1. lift 4. property

14 1. You can tour the “world” in Las Vegas, where hotels
are copies of famous cities.
2. inhabitants 5. facilities
2. At Luxor, which is designed like an enormous
3. storey 6. spread out
pyramid, you feel like you’re in Egypt.
3 1. put up 5. office block 3. New York-New York is a hotel whose towers look like
2. block of flats 6. brick the high-rise buildings of New York City.
3. Steel 7. landmark 4. On summer days, when it’s too hot to go out, tourists
4. surround 8. pull down go on New York-New York’s amazing roller coaster.
5. The Venetian, where gondolas float on real canals,
4 Possible answers looks just like Venice.
entertainment: cinema, park, amusement park, museum 6. The buildings which they built near the canal resemble
shopping: supermarket, department store, bakery, mall Venetian palazzos.
education: museum, school, university, library 7. But the waiters and gondoliers who / that you speak to
don’t answer you in Italian.
5 sky, office, land
15 sentences 6, 7
Page 37
17 1. anyone 4. anywhere
2. something 5. someone
Reading an entertainment guide 3. no one
20 7 It wasn’t a real restaurant. / It was a fake restaurant. 18 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
intense: absolutely, totally, incredibly Page 39
less intense: a bit
not intense: not a bit Writing a report about a place
other adverbs: extremely, completely, very, quite, fairly,
slightly 19 1. The Shard (paragraph 1)
2. in London (near London Bridge) (paragraph 1)
8 1. b 2. c 3. It looks like a huge piece of glass rising into the sky.
(paragraph 2)
9 1. to impress readers / to advertise his new restaurant 4. It’s the tallest building in the UK. (paragraph 1) /
(lines 17-18) Its design is unique and incredibly innovative.
2. to praise the restaurant’s food and service / attract (paragraph 2) / You don’t see any concrete because
people to the restaurant (lines 19-21) the outside is made almost entirely of glass panels.
3. because of the excellent reviews and because of the (paragraph 2)
secrecy around it (lines 19-26) 5. Visitors can see the fantastic views of London.
4. Because they thought The Shed was a real restaurant (paragraph 2)
and their readers may have tried to eat there. / Because 6. It’s beautiful because it’s different. (paragraph 3)
they may have caused readers inconvenience.
(lines 36-37)

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20 1. because, due to 2. degree, extremely, a bit 2 1. c 3. e 5. a 7. j 9. i

2. d 4. g 6. f 8. b 10. h
22 1. not a bit 3. totally
2. extremely 4. absolutely 3 1. Global warming 6. pack your bag
2. take a break 7. make the most of
23 Possible answers 3. common sense 8. widely believed
1. The house was very old. As a result, they pulled it 4. renewable energy 9. bring them back to life
down. / They pulled the house down because it was 5. standard of living 10. take them for granted
very old. / Because the house was very old, they
pulled it down. 4 1. cough , sneeze, get worse, sore throat
2. You’ve cleaned the flat quite well. 2. cheerful, pleasant
3. The 110-storey building is extremely tall. 3. fossil fuels, oil spill, drilling
4. People in wheelchairs can’t go upstairs because / since 4. bright, gifted
there is no lift. 5. put up a tent, build a campfire, spend the night
5. She wants a garden since / because she loves
gardening. 5 1. rule, take control of
2. a government, an army
Extra Reinforcement 3. freedom, property
1. c – Anyone can sit in that chair. 4. find out, check out
2. f – No one is at home. 5. remove, ban
3. e – Someone is at the door.
4. a – I know somewhere safe.
6 1. came up with 7. contain
2. operate 8. taking action
5. d – No. There’s nothing in the box.
3. successful 9. threat
6. b – We haven’t got anything for lunch.
4. led to 10. attempting
5. ended up 11. figure out
Collaborative Project: 6. major

A Trivia Game Page 44

Page 40 Grammar
1. b 2. g 3. h 4. f 5. e 6. a 7. c 8. d 1 1. They haven’t finished building the new office block yet.
2. Where did the oil spill take place in 2018?

Life Skills Extra: 3. Why do most people hate pop-up ads?

4. The next flight leaves at 9 pm.
Interviewing 5. In the future, more people will live in cities.
6. World War I had caused terrible destruction by the
time it ended.
Page 42 7. That blind man is riding a bicycle at the moment.
1 Because there are lots of birds and small mammals in the 8. I think it will rain.
2 1. is 6. themselves
2 1. c 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. d 2. use 7. anything
3. which 8. when
3 Possible answers 4. Have 9. himself
at a youth centre / at school / on your school website 5. was 10. someone
A good with animals
B be patient, friendly
3 1. I’ve never met anyone as talented as you.
2. Transport has improved in the last 200 years.
3. Criss Angel is a man who can do magic.
Page 43 4. Ships today don’t run on steam.
5. Here is the town where I grew up.
Review 1 6. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves at the concert.
7. Your phone is ringing. I will answer it.
8. Have you known him for a long time?
4 1. have never been on a high-speed train (before)
1 Buildings in a city: office block, block of flats, high-rise, 2. had melted by the time we woke up
skyscraper 3. where there are many beautiful buildings, is visited by
People in sport: champion, referee, goalkeeper millions of tourists
Places to do sport: pitch, swimming pool, track, court 4. began to rain while we were cleaning the beach
Building materials: concrete, steel, brick 5. a scientist whose discovery led to the atomic bomb
Transport and travel: passenger, flight, passport 6. used to drive a car that ran on petrol
7. the problem by herself
8. caught the man who wrote fake reviews

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5 1. knocked 8. hadn’t ordered

2. answered 9. joined
3. was still sleeping 10. came
4. was 11. were trying
5. hadn’t asked 12. had arranged
6. began 13. have passed
7. were carrying / carried 14. remember

Page 45
Skills Check
1 Type of transport: bike hire
Advantages: the most ecological way to get around town,
great fun, great exercise
Number of bikes available: 2,220
Where you can access bikes: 185 bike stations all over the
When you can access bikes: 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year
How you can pay: with a credit card or the company’s app
Cost: £2 for first hour, £4 for each additional hour

2 Type of transport: tram

Advantages: comfortable, quiet, reliable, safe, economical,
environmentally friendly
Where it takes you: from the airport to the town centre
Where you can access it: outside the airport terminal and at
23 conveniently located stops
How often it runs: every 3-5 minutes beginning at 5 am;
every 12-20 minutes from 8 pm-1 am
How you can pay: machines at tram stops
Cost: £1.50 or 10-trip ticket for £10

3 Bike hire
a. liked: plenty of stations / a great way to see the city
b. didn’t like: waited for almost half an hour to return the
bikes / a bit expensive
a. liked: faster / reliable / modern / clean
b. didn’t like: only one line which is a ten-minute walk from
the office / really crowded / couldn’t find a place to sit

Page 46
Literature: A Tale of Two Cities
1 to save his uncle’s faithful servant
2 1. Because he wishes to cut all ties to the aristocracy.
2. He is accused of spying for France.
3. Because the common people were increasingly oppressed
by the aristocracy.
4. He killed a child in an accident.
5. So Lucie can be reunited with her husband / Darnay. /
He promised Lucie that he would give his life to save
the life of someone she loved.

3 1. by his daughter, Lucie

2. look alike
3. he will give his life to save the life of someone that Lucie
4. they view as an enemy of the state
5. he is recognised as a member of the aristocracy

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3 The Way We Live


A Finding Your Roots

Page 48 Page 50
Family and relationships An interview
1 1. Angel22 3. Paul R 14 1. The eldest child is the most responsible and practical.
2. SuperMax 4. JulieB 04 2. The youngest siblings are usually spoiled.
3. The middle child is often ignored.
2 1. siblings 4. look up to
2. row 5. gave up 15 Ruby: 2
3. get in touch 6. supported Jake: 1
Molly: 3
3 Accept all logical answers.
4 Possible answers Optional Listening
1. Because she’s the eldest / she’s the most responsible
Masculine: brother, husband, uncle, father, dad, grandson,
and practical / they expect more from her.
grandfather, nephew, stepson
2. Her parents feel that she should know better because
Feminine: mother, mum, aunt, grandmother, sister,
she’s older.
daughter, granddaughter, wife, niece
3. Jake is allowed to do things she couldn’t do when she
Neutral: sibling, cousin, parents, grandparents, twins
was his age.
4. Because he’s the baby of the family.
Discussions 5. No (she has to work harder).
01 5 2, 5, 6
Present Simple Passive / Past Simple Passive
01 6 agree: 1 and 2
disagree: 3

Page 49 17 1. are allowed 5. are created

2. are avoided 6. are brought
3. isn’t taught 7. aren’t included
Reading a human interest article 4. isn’t considered 8. is paid
10 1. F – Qian and Xu abandoned their baby because they 18 1. When is homework done by children?
already had a daughter and keeping a second child was 2. Are children brought up strictly?
dangerous for the entire family. (lines 1-4) 3. How often are meals eaten together?
2. T (lines 10-11) 4. What time are teenagers expected to come home?
3. F – Annie missed Qian and Xu by just a few minutes. 5. Are parents given enough respect by their children?
(lines 14-15) 6. How often is the home cleaned?
4. T (line 16)
5. T (lines 17-18) 19 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
11 1. they were severely punished (line 3) Page 51
2. Kati’s birth father had written (lines 5-6, line 9)
3. had waited for hours (lines 13-14) 20 1. A mother and baby were rescued during the hurricane.
4. her Chinese roots (lines 19-20) 2. They were taken to different shelters.
5. don’t speak the same language (lines 20-21) 3. Notices were posted online.
4. A police notice was shown to the mother.
12 1. (severely) punished 5. The mother and baby were reunited.
2. heartbroken
3. (well) taken care of 21 1. was allowed 6. are always protected
4. begged 2. were watched 7. is … harmed
5. welcome 3. wasn’t bothered 8. isn’t given
4. are followed 9. are neglected
5. are used 10. Was … followed

followed by a comma: As I see it, In my view
other expressions: I believe, I think

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Extra Extension
• Today, more rice is grown in India than in any other
Future Simple Passive
• In 1985, the Titanic was found under the sea. 13 1. will soon be sold 7. won’t be wasted
• In 1973, the first mobile phone call was made by Martin 2. will be put 8. will be needed
Cooper. 3. will be bought 9. Will … be sold
• In 1953, Queen Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster 4. will be painted 10. Will … be delivered
Abbey in London. 5. will be made 11. Will … be brought
• In 1928, penicillin was discovered by Alexander 6. (will be) served
• Around 3500 BC, the wheel was invented in 14 1. will be played – The Rio Carnival
Mesopotamia. 2. won’t be opened until morning – Christmas
3. won’t be eaten on this day – Good Friday

B Exploring Customs
4. will be thrown at strangers in the street – Holi (India’s
Colour Festival)
5. will be lit all over the world – New Year’s Eve
Page 52 6. will be made, will be blown out – birthdays

Customs and traditions Page 55

1 1. C, D 2. A 3. B 4. A, C 5. B, D 15 1. food will be served
2. Dances will be performed
2 1. morning 4. polite 3. drinks won’t be sold
2. may 5. important 4. party will be held
3. night 6. usually 5. Prizes will be given
6. The money from the tickets will be used
3 1. displays 4. join the crowds
7. Special shoes will be provided
2. fireworks 5. parade
8. topics won’t be discussed
3. prayers

Page 53 A phone conversation

Reading a travel webpage
08 16 1. She cleaned the tea bowl with a special red cloth.
2. She was afraid that she would drop the bowl.
7 1. b (lines 4-5) 3. the tea
2. c (lines 9-11) 4. tranquil
3. b (lines 19-20)
4. c
08 17 1. F 3. T 5. F 7. F
2. T 4. F 6. T 8. T
8 1. Shoppers will be looking for the perfect book to buy
for their loved ones as Christmas presents. (lines 1-2) Optional Listening
2. They will get into bed with a cup of hot cocoa and read
1. the cultural centre
their new books. (lines 3-4)
2. wash their hands
3. Because winter evenings are so long and dark, reading,
3. a hostess
writing and storytelling became the main family
4. from the same bowl
activities. (lines 12-13)
5. delicious sweets
4. about life in Northern Europe during the time of the
6. take a break from their daily lives
Vikings (12th-14th centuries) (lines 14-17)
5. It’s part of their roots and national identity. It reminds
them of their history and is great entertainment.
(lines 18-19)
C Going Global
Page 54 Page 56

Accepting and refusing invitations Across cultures

07 9 1. come with us 4. 7
1 Possible answer
They all deal with living in a different culture.
2. meeting us 5. 8.00
3. an Irish band 2 1. foreign languages 5. settle down
2. fluent 6. aware
10 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. e 5. a
3. adapt 7. expats
4. stressful 8. lonely

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NOTICE! Page 59
• What’s more – connects the advantages of the student
exchange programme (experiencing different lifestyles, Writing an opinion essay
becoming aware of values and ideas of another culture)
with the idea that you’ll also make plenty of friends 11 1. the idea of local students going to an international school
• as well as – connects students and their parents (paragraph 1)
• Furthermore – connects the idea that refugees have had 2. The writer thinks that it’s a mistake for local students
a difficult time settling down and now must also study to go to international schools. (paragraph 1) / The writer
in a foreign language thinks it’s more important to be part of your
local culture and community. (paragraph 3)
Page 57 3. It can be difficult for local students to form friendships
with young people from their own community or
3 1. lifestyle 6. settle down
neighbourhood. (paragraph 2)
2. take advantage of 7. backgrounds
4. They might not feel connected to their own culture,
3. expand their horizons 8. in common
because it isn’t taught at international schools.
4. getting to know 9. Borders
(paragraph 2)
5. temporary
5. To sum up (paragraph 3)
A conversation 12 1. as I see it, in my view, opinion
2. addition, what’s more, as well as
09 4 1. children / kids that move from country to country
2. 550 13 1. My sister and I get along well. Furthermore, we always
3. It’s given her the opportunity to get to know people support each other.
from all over the world. 2. Jamie speaks English. What’s more, he’s also fluent in
09 5 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 3. Third culture kids are usually open-minded as well as
quite flexible.
Optional Listening
programme, culture, diplomats, deal with, backgrounds, 14 Possible answers
opportunity, festivals, stressful, suppose 1. fact
2. opinion – As I see it, / In my view, / I believe that only
Page 58 children are usually spoiled.
3. opinion – As I see it, / In my view, / I believe that the
The Passive Book Flood is a wonderful tradition.
4. fact
8 1. are put 6. was made 5. opinion – As I see it, / In my view, / I believe that it’s
2. aren’t told, are covered 7. was flown important to meet people from other cultures.
3. are often helped 8. was taught
4. was taken 9. will be made 15 1. I believe that your parents shouldn’t be so strict.
5. was shocked 10. will be watched 2. In my view, it’s wonderful to have a twin.
3. Dylan spent three years in Denmark. In addition, he has
9 1. speak three languages in my family lived in Japan.
2. a translator wasn’t needed
3. the traditional Chinese calendar still used
4. make the announcement before the party
5. welcomed the new students in yesterday’s ceremony
6. will Holi be celebrated in India this year

10 1. am asked 5. is written

2. was brought up 6. am forced
3. is sent 7. won’t be moved
4. was exposed 8. will be held

Extra Reinforcement
• In 2015, thousands of refugees were brought to Europe
in small boats.
• The mobile phone was invented by Martin Cooper in
• In international schools, many students are taught
English as a second language.
• Today, digital nomads are found all over the world.
• In the future, people will be flown into space for a
• In Asia, rice is grown on more than 200 million farms.

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Collaborative Project:
A Culture Calendar
Page 60
1. Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday)
2. all over England
3. Women run down the street throwing a hot pancake in
the air and catching it in a pan. It’s a good way to
finish all the eggs and fat in the house before Lent.
1. Saint Patrick’s Day
2. Ireland, all over the world (from Asia to the USA)
3. People go to the annual parade and enjoy activities to
honour Saint Patrick.
1. Holi
2. India and Nepal
3. The evening before, prayers are said and fires are lit
to symbolise the burning of bad spirits. The next day,
people throw coloured powders and water at each
other in the streets, so that everyone is covered with
bright colours. In the evening, they visit friends and
family and exchange gifts of sweets. These things are
done to celebrate the Spring festival.

Life Skills Extra:

Making Plans
Page 62
1 They decide to have something to eat at the Blacksmith

2 1. e 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c

3 1. Let’s
2. isn’t good for me
3. can make it then
4. Are you free
5. How about
6. Let’s

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4 All in the Mind


A Perfect Sense
Page 64
12 1. Wearing 5. touching the cat’s soft fur
2. reducing the volume 6. to cook
The senses 3. to eat fried food 7. dancing to techno music
1 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 4. winning a prize

2 Possible answers 13 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. d

1. a door 6. in a library a. Please stop yelling.
2. rain 7. when you’re angry b. I will never forget seeing him perform live.
3. glass 8. a cactus c. Ken forgot to put them in the fridge.
4. elephant skin 9. gold d. Did you remember to buy fresh milk?
5. a drum 10. coffee e. Then it stopped to scratch its ear.
f. I remember tickling her when she was a baby.
3 1. stare 5. rotten
2. appearance 6. stinks
3. colourful 7. scent Extra Reinforcement
4. gorgeous Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

4 Possible answers Page 67

taste of food: tasty, salty, sour, spicy, sweet
music: soft, loud, pleasant, awful, incredible Discussing likes and preferences
Page 65
12 16 1. Speaker 1: Caithness, Scotland
Speaker 2: (Botanic Gardens), Brooklyn, New York
Discussing rules 2. Speaker 1: taste, sight
Speaker 2: smell, touch, hearing
5 1. in five minutes 4. I’m not sure
17 Student 1
10 2
2. a phone call 5. any breakfast 12 Student 2
3. you can’t 6. museum café 1. third 5. appearance
2. pink, purple 6. lemon
11 6 James: you’re not allowed 3. huge storms 7. signs
Lily: is not permitted 4. gases 8. the water / a water fountain

Gerunds and Infinitives Optional Listening

9 1. to wake up, installing 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F
2. to tickle, Predicting
3. scratching, to irritate
18 Sight Sound Smell Taste Touch
4. looking, taking ✓ ✓ ✓
5. trying, smelling
Sense not mentioned: hearing

Page 66
B Brain Power
Page 68
10 1. to find 6. to think
2. hearing 7. Living Memory
3. getting 8. designing
4. learning 9. to talk Notice!
5. to process 10. listening disorder, disagree, inability
other words: disappear, disadvantage, inexpensive,
11 1. to paint 4. to buy incorrect, indirect
2. playing / to play 5. seeing
3. helping 6. drinking / to drink
Sentences with either a gerund or an infinitive: 2, 6

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Reading a magazine article

2 1. F – We recognise people that we know. / 13 a. 3 (Memory Extremes)
b. 1 (The Championships)
We don’t recognise people that we don’t know.
c. 2 (Memory and the Brain)
2. T
3. F – It’s not likely to rain if there are no clouds.
4. F – We usually daydream during the day. Page 71
6. F – When you say something aloud, people can hear • Negative connectors: so as not to, in order not to
you. • The negative structure is formed by adding not before to.
3 1. He was not conscious of the fact that we had entered • Other connectors of purpose: so that, in order to, to
the room.
2. That poem has a very powerful message.
15 14 1. a. the number of days of the World Memory
Championships (line 6)
3. If you make an effort, you can learn the material.
b. the number of “athletes”/ contestants in the
4. Can she play the entire song by heart?
championships (lines 6-8)
5. A healthy diet can boost your energy.
c. the number of memory sports in the championships
6. I’m positive she was here yesterday.
(lines 9-10)
2. They do memory sports, not physical sports. / They do
Page 69 brain exercises / sport, not physical sport. (lines 10-13)
3. No. You need to practise memory-boosting techniques.
An online lesson (lines 14-15)
14 5 a, d, e, f 15 1. not
2. After 20-30 seconds
14 6 1. elephants, understand 3. your long-term memory
2. Mother, Nachos 4. taking notes, saying it aloud
3. BIV 5. harder / more difficult
6. to access
Optional Listening
1. tricks and techniques
16 Rebecca Sharrock: is able to accurately recall what she
did, what she wore and where she was on any day in
2. Make up a sentence (using the letters).
her life; isn’t able to forget some of the bad things that
3. lists
happened to her
4. the first letter of each word
Clive Wearing: is able to recognise his wife and play the
5. songs and poems
piano perfectly; isn’t able to remember anything from his
Modals: may / might, can, could, be able to past or form any new memories

17 1. E (concert tickets)
2. B (trophy)
8 Possible answers 3. C (photo of a dog)
1. may / might write 4. may / might not pass
2. may not bring
3. may / might help
5. May … borrow
C Don’t Panic!
9 1. e – couldn’t 5. a – can Page 72
2. f – can 6. b – couldn’t
3. g – can’t 7. d – could Fears a3nd phobias
4. c – could
1 verbs: suffer, struggled, get over, sweat, pounding, cope
10 1. is able to 4. are able to with, upset, face
2. weren’t able to 5. Was … able to nouns: anxieties, fear, treatment, heights
3. Will … be able to 6. won’t be able to adjectives: common, helpless, weird, trapped, terrifying

Page 70 Notice!
most informal: That’s why, so
11 1. might 5. can not followed by a comma: That’s why, so
2. may 6. can’t other connectors of result: as a result, for this reason
3. aren’t able to 7. might
4. couldn’t 8. may

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2 1. terrible 4. hot 13 1. They’re examples of some of the pictures of countries

2. out 5. failed which Jacqui has photographed. (lines 1-3)
3. tall buildings 2. It’s an example of a place which is hard for Jacqui to
go to because of her agoraphobia. (lines 4-7)
3 1. fear 5. pound 3. It’s where Jacqui has posted her photos so people can
2. common 6. terrifying see them. (line 12)
3. treatment 7. struggle 4. It’s the number of countries in which Jacqui has
4. face followers on Instagram. (lines 14-15)
5. It’s the date when Jacqui was able to fly from London to
16 4 phobia, fear, enough, suffer New York to attend the opening of her first exhibition /
had the courage to cope with new challenges.
Page 73 (lines 21-23)

A class discussion 14 1. have to travel to take her photographs / go to the places
she photographs (line 8)
17 6 1. in Wales 2. she has connected with others who are struggling with
2. to check WhatsApp and Facebook phobias (lines 18-20)
3. FOMO is Fear Of Missing Out. They don’t get enough 3. She gained courage from her success as
sleep (so they’re tired and find it hard to cope with a photographer and felt that she didn’t need to face her
school the next day). problems alone. (lines 21-22)
4. will be able to visit the countries she has photographed
18 7 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T
(lines 23-24)

Optional Listening 15 1. nearly 4. attend

1. 23% of teenagers 4. 100 times 2. proof 5. no longer
2. what others are doing 5. plays basketball / sport 3. appeals to
3. get back to sleep 6. worry / be so anxious
Page 75
9 1. mustn’t 4. need to
2. shouldn’t 5. should Writing a blog post
3. don’t have to
16 1. the fear of going on a roller coaster (paragraph 1)
10 1. must / have to / need to 2. She began by reading about roller coasters and found out
2. don’t have to / don’t need to that they are actually very safe. Then she went with a
3. should friend on a small children’s roller coaster. (paragraph 2)
4. shouldn’t 3. It’s possible to get over your fears if you make an effort.
5. must / have to / need to (paragraph 3)
6. mustn’t 4. to make a plan and start working on it (paragraph 3)

11 1. must 7. should 17 1. purpose, in order not to, so as not to

2. may 8. need to 2. result, therefore, that’s why
3. can’t 9. don’t have to
4. might 10. might
18 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b
1. She tested herself on the names and dates so as not to /
5. won’t be able to 11. aren’t able to
in order not to forget them.
6. might not
2. They increased the volume so as to / in order to hear the
music better.
Page 74 3. People come for treatment in order to / so as to get
over their phobias.
Reading a web article 4. We walked quickly past the rubbish bins in order not to /
19 12 Possible answer so as not to smell them.
It could help people who have fears / phobias realise that 19 Possible answers
they don’t have to give up on their goals and that they are 1. you shouldn’t ask him to walk your dog when you’re
not alone – other people have similar problems. away
2. we can see the planets clearly
3. I have to stay home and study
4. she’ll be able to go on one at the amusement park

20 1. They use special techniques in order to boost their

2. Please be quiet so as not to disturb the students.
3. Some children are afraid of clowns. That’s why /
Therefore we didn’t have one at the party.

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4 1. have a lot in common

Collaborative Project: 2. fluent
A Classroom Display 3. powerful
4. Trade
5. get along
Page 76 6. ordinary
7. border
1. Omega-3, caffeine, antioxidants, vitamin K
8. accomplishment
2. red, blue
3. nightmares, fear of losing time 5 Possible answers
1. Sam is taking a course in different cultures in order to
Life Skills Extra: expand his horizons.
2. Jack was truthful about what he had done.
Giving Warnings 3. My sister looked gorgeous on her wedding day.
4. He sold his car at a loss.
5. Take this medicine if you want to get better.
Page 78 6. I didn’t enjoy the film because of the weird story.
7. The painting has tall buildings in the background.
1 running and diving at the shallow end 8. Education plays an important part in a country’s
2 1. watch out development.
2. it’s dangerous
3. make sure you don’t
6 1. way of life 8. remind
2. stressful 9. likely
4. beware of
3. customary 10. suffer
5. Be careful
4. all day long 11. anxiety
3 1. g 3. f 5. a 7. b 5. atmosphere 12. restore
2. c 4. h 6. d 8. e 6. meaningful 13. join the crowds
7. belief

Review 2 Page 80

Page 79 Grammar
1 1. don’t have to 5. are brought up
Vocabulary 2. might 6. had memorised
3. to get 7. chose
1 1. stink 4. spoiled 4. was staring 8. seeing
2. get around 5. stare
3. neat 6. support 2 1. anything 5. was, hadn’t
2. mustn’t 6. am going to
2 Possible answers 3. used to 7. couldn’t
1. tennis / volleyball / basketball 4. will be 8. had to
2. social media
3. run / work out / are afraid 3 1. mustn’t wear 6. to adopt
4. trains 2. are exposed 7. was treated
5. country 3. looking 8. Do / Will … have to pay
6. the old building 4. Have … ever seen 9. to buy
7. laugh 5. will be given 10. couldn’t use
8. eat
9. rain 4 1. Families should eat together.
10. scared / anxious 2. Will you be able to help me with my homework later?
11. Chips 3. The parade will be watched by millions of people. /
12. snow Millions of people will be watching the parade.
13. brother, sister 4. The stone that they used in the statue was very rough.
5. Someone heard him after he had knocked on the
3 1. nouns: appearance, pattern, shape door. / After he had knocked on the door, someone
adjectives: colourful, shiny heard him.
2. smooth, rough 6. Did you have to adapt to a new way of life?
3. lift, storey 7. Do you feel like getting in touch with Suzy?
4. helpless, trapped, jealous, lonely 8. Was the scent recognised by the children?
5. incredible, outstanding

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5 1. whose 8. is able to reach

2. was built 9. which / that
3. must cope 10. is connected
4. crying 11. where
5. smelling 12. are stored
6. to make 13. wasn’t
7. using 14. will soon be accepted

Page 81
Skills Check
1 1. JuneBug 4. ZoZo27
2. DavitP 5. Loisxx
3. DanaB

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct posts.

Page 82
Literature: Frankenstein
1 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. d

2 1. peace / happiness
2. the monster
3. They hate and fear him; he lives a lonely existence
and has learnt to hate.
4. Possible answers: to make the monster look less
frightening; yes, because Victor wants peace in his life
again and wants his friends and family to be safe.

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5 Mother Nature

A Plant Power
Page 84 Page 86
Nature 11 1. What happens to snow if the weather gets warm?
2. If we cut down too many trees, how will the
2 1. sunrise 5. tide atmosphere change?
2. branches 6. trunk 3. What does a river become if it flows over a cliff?
3. head for 7. woods 4. After a bee drinks nectar, what does it make?
4. soil 8. wander 5. What does wind create when it moves across the
3 Possible answers 6. How will coral reefs react if we don’t stop polluting the
1. snakes oceans?
2. Accept all logical answers.
3. at a park with lots of trees 12 1. It melts.
4. kayaking / surfing 2. There will be less oxygen.
5. Because the air is colder at the top of the mountain. 3. a waterfall
6. dig for: carrots, potatoes; pick: tomatoes, cucumbers 4. honey
5. waves
4 Possible answers 6. They will die.
 Land: forest, beach, coast, hill, island, mountain, volcano,
valley, sand dune, desert 13 a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2 e. 5
Water: lake, waterfall, ocean, river, sea
fantastic - wonderful; save - rescue;
Page 85 extremely poisonous - lethal; enormous - huge
Zero and First Conditional, Time Clauses
Page 87
15 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a
7 1. e 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. f 6. c
1. produce 4. bites 16 1. F – Paul Stamets is a character in Star Trek and a real
2. have to 5. doesn’t flood mycologist (fungi scientist). (lines 1-6)
3. are 6. feels 2. T (lines 13-14)
3. T (lines 17-18)
8 1. picks, won’t taste 4. DS
2. won’t see, get up 5. F – Stamets wants to decontaminate the Fukushima
3. will get tired, doesn’t rest area using fungi. (lines 29-30)
4. will reach, climb 6. T (lines 36-37)
5. won’t go skating, freezes

9 1. cave, turn on 4. will feel, shade

A radio interview
2. passes, trunk 5. pulls, tides
03 17 In a forest, their branches are too small to reach the
3. reaches, leaf 6. freeze, 0º sunlight and produce food.

10 1. want 7. go
03 18 1. warning 4. (huge) web
2. will probably listen 8. want 2. defend 5. Wood
3. feel 9. needs 3. compete 6. sending sugar and nutrients
4. feel 10. will show
5. won’t improve 11. finish Optional Listening
6. do 12. will head 1. Because they don’t have brains.
2. They have a secret language.
3. to defend itself
4. a giant spider’s web
5. They wouldn’t survive.

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Speculating about a picture 9 1. taken my cat to the vet if he had looked sick
2. hadn’t polluted the ocean, the fish wouldn’t have eaten
04 19 1. the campsite 4. look closely plastic
2. at the lake 5. tired 3. have walked the dog if she had gone home after school
3. the campfire 4. hadn’t made a loud noise, the birds wouldn’t have flown
04 20 a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 5 e. 4 5. would have improved if I had trained it
6. had found a mate, it would have had cubs

B The Animal World 10 1. didn’t like

2. wouldn’t have happened
Page 88 3. wore
4. would have
Animals 5. had known
6. would be
2 1. a wolf 3. prey
2. stripes 4. a flock Reading an educational article
3 1. mate 4. fierce
05 11 They all have clever ways of attracting their prey.
2. hunt 5. outrun
3. deadly 6. young 12 1. B, D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D
4 Possible answers Notice!
a. shark d. cat he’ll (line 1) wouldn’t (line 22)
b. elephant e. bird they’re (lines 14 and 37) that’s (lines 25, 30 and 34)
c. penguin f. dog what’s (line 16) they’ve (line 25)
it’s (line 16) can’t (lines 36 and 38)
Second and Third Conditional hadn’t (lines 21 and 39)
bee’s (line 6)
Page 89 glow-worms’ (line 37)

6 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. b 6. c 7. g Its shows possession / refers to the margay, and it’s is

1. Zebras would look like horses if they didn’t have a contraction for it is.
2. If Arctic foxes didn’t turn white in winter, other Page 91
animals would see them.
3. If fish had wings, they would fly. 13 1. smell
4. Predators wouldn’t catch their prey if they didn’t use 2. is in danger
clever hunting methods. 3. by the people from the area / , but wouldn’t have
5. I wouldn’t go near that snake if I were you. believed it if they hadn’t seen it
6. If wolves didn’t protect their young, they wouldn’t 4. feed to ducks
survive for long. 5. are attracted to light
7. We would have lots of mice if our cat didn’t hunt them. 14 1. unsuspectingly 4. bait
7 Possible answers 2. witnessed 5. died out
1. If polar bears didn’t have thick fur, they would freeze 3. show up
to death.
2. If a lion escaped from the zoo, people would stay A class trip
3. If all the bees disappeared, many plants would die.
15 e  b  d a c
4. If wolves were as friendly as dogs, people would keep 3
07 17 1. grow 5. pollute
them as pets. 2. die out 6. shellfish
5. If I saw a mouse in my bedroom, I would scream. 3. algae 7. collapse
8 1. I would have watched the documentary if I hadn’t 4. coral reefs
fallen asleep.
2. The mother bear would have attacked us if we had Optional Listening
gone near her young. 1. F – Clark is a guide at the aquarium.
3. If you had come kayaking with us, you would have 2. T
seen lots of dolphins. 3. F – Sharks are at the top of the food chain because they
4. The panther would have had a good meal if it had eat big fish (like tuna and mackerel).
caught the rabbit. 4. T
5. If people hadn’t hunted the Pyrenean ibex, it wouldn’t 5. F – People like to eat shellfish.
have become extinct.
6. The bird would have given a warning call if it had
heard the cat.

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C Extreme Weather 12 1. worked / were working, could / would communicate,

will reach, open
Page 92 2. had, wouldn’t be, have to drink, rise
3. would have found, had known, hadn’t come, would have
Weather 1. b 2. c 3. a
1 warm / hot: boiling hot, heatwave, warming up 13 1. hadn’t worked 5. predicts
cool / cold: cooling down, chilly, frost, freezing cold,
2. wouldn’t occur 6. don’t take
cold spell
3. write 7. would have enjoyed
rainy: showers, clear up, pour with rain
4. would … do 8. were
2 1. turn off 4. terrible
14 Possible answers
2. days 5. take off
1. the teacher calls my name in class
3. warmer 6. summer
2. we lived near the beach
3 1. boiling hot 6. ruin 3. it hadn’t rained every day
2. heatwave 7. forecast 4. we’ll go on a skiing trip
3. cooled down 8. showers 5. it would have destroyed our houses
4. Mild 9. clear up
5. poured with rain 10. fair Page 93

Page 93 Writing a news report

15 1. The weather is causing problems in train travel and
News reports wildfires. (paragraph 1)
2. Passengers waited for hours in the boiling heat because
09 6 1. c 2. c 3. a trains were running late or were cancelled.
10 7 1. speed and direction (paragraph 2)
2. forecasts 3. The steel tracks expanded in the heat, and over 3,000
3. climate change acres of land have been destroyed by the wildfire.
4. space, strong (paragraph 2)
4. They are saying that heatwaves are now twice as likely
11 8 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T because of global warming. (paragraph 3)
5. It’s the worst heatwave in UK history. If we don’t take
Optional Listening action against climate change, we can expect
1. Thousands of fish fell out of the sky. heatwaves every year. (paragraph 3)
2. Chilaw is a village in Sri Lanka.
3. Aeolus uses hi-tech laser technology.
16 1. apostrophes, can’t, saxon genitive
2. synonyms, varied
4. Aeolus didn’t go into space as planned because of
strong winds. 17 1. We had a really enjoyable hike in the woods and the
5. Karen Klein is 46 years old. party in the evening was entertaining, too.
6. The family got lost in their car near the Grand Canyon. 2. I need to pick this mushroom immediately / right away.
7. The cabin that she found was abandoned. Stamets has asked me to take it to his lab right away /
Conditionals, Time Clauses 3. The number of endangered animals will grow in the
coming year. Extinction rates might increase as well.
10 1. Dogs get thirsty if it is hot. 4. We’ve had a really terrible / horrible summer. The
2. I would take them to the park if it weren’t freezing
heatwave was horrible / terrible.
3. We would have had a test if it hadn’t snowed. 18 1. It’s too early to see the sunrise.
4. We won’t eat outside unless it warms up. 2. They’re not expecting it to clear up until Sunday.
5. When summer comes, the sun sets / will set later. 3. The penguins’ mates waited for them on the ice.
6. If it hadn’t cleared up, we wouldn’t have gone to
the beach. 19 1. It’s warmer in Florida than in Alaska.
2. These trees’ leaves haven’t come out yet.
Page 94 3. The predator caught its prey after a short chase.
4. We’ll be back soon with this week’s weather forecast.
11 1. break the ice 5. I’d like to see those birds’ nests, but they’re hidden in
2. will be on cloud nine the cliffs.
3. hadn’t felt under the weather
4. weren’t snowed under
5. had saved up for a rainy day
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a

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Collaborative Project:
A Brochure
Page 96
Possible answers
• There is a huge variety of plants unique to Australia.
• It has got plants that can survive wildfires.
• Many of the animals in Australia are found nowhere else
in the world.
• Its most famous animals are the kangaroo and the koala
• It has got more deadly snakes than any other continent.
• It has got a variety of climates.
• The desert is called the Outback.
• Christmas is usually spent at the beach.

Life Skills Extra:

Agreeing and Disagreeing
Page 98
1 2 questions
2 Agree
I agree.
You’re right.
I think you’re wrong.
No way!
You’re wrong.
That’s not correct.
I don’t think so.

3 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b

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6 Trending Now

A Dressing Up
Page 100 Optional Listening
1. in New York City
Clothes and fashion 2. to talk to some of the visitors and see what the
convention is all about
1 Matt McKenzie 3. 12
Recommends: hoodies 4. sneakerheads
Why: It’s the most versatile, comfortable and practical 5. rare, exclusive sneakers (at a good price)
type of clothing. 6. in 2009
Recommends: a great jeans shop Page 102
Why: They’ve got the widest range of jeans you’ll ever
find, good quality, prices aren’t too shocking and they Reported statements
deliver for free.
Bethany Jarvis 11 1. he had dressed
Recommends: glasses 2. the previous day / the day before
Why: They’re fashionable and she feels glamorous 3. it had been
wearing them. 4. had turned
5. was getting
Page 101 6. had to take
7. the next / following day / the day after
2 Noun: hoodies, zip, clothing, layers, sleeves, range, 8. was broken
price tags, frame, brand, compliments 9. he didn’t know
Verb: swap, deliver, suits 10. would do
Adjectives: sleeveless, ripped, plain, glamorous, stylish 11. hadn’t received
12. her
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 13. didn’t suit her
14. would try
4 1. range 6. clothing
15. the following month / next month / the month after
2. price tag 7. stylish
3. sleeves 8. glamorous 12 1. Holly complained that everyone would laugh at her.
4. hoodies 9. compliments 2. Holly’s mum told her that people’s opinions about
5. zips glasses had changed.
Possible answers
3. She admitted that she had felt terrible about wearing
glasses 25 years previously / before.
Clothes: dress, shirt, shoes, shorts, socks, sweater, coat,
4. Holly’s sister Kaye explained that no one laughed at
jacket, trousers, skirt
people wearing glasses any more.
Accessories: jewellery, sunglasses, necklace, ring, watch,
5. Kaye said that everyone thought that glasses were
scarf, bracelet, earrings
really cool then.
A radio report 6. She added that a lot of her friends were even buying
glasses with clear lenses.
13 8 Sneaker Con is the biggest sneaker convention in the 7. She promised Holly that she would find her a nice pair
world. People go there to buy, sell or swap sneakers / of glasses the next / the following day / the day after.
trainers. 8. Holly’s mum said that she should find a stylish frame.
14 9 1. T Page 103
2. F – He doesn’t care about making money. It’s just
a hobby. 13 1. Jenny promised that she would help Kim choose
3. T Dave’s present the following / next week / the week
4. F – Alice is looking for fashionable sneakers to resell. after.
5. T 2. Sam admitted that he had ruined his best sweater.
6. F – Collectors will buy some brands without even 3. Mum explained that that shirt didn’t suit me because
looking at the price tag! of its colour.
7. F – They buy and sell on sneakerhead websites and on 4. Nick complained that he couldn’t walk in those
eBay. uncomfortable shoes.
8. T 5. Mr Reynolds announced that Theresa had won the
prize for Best Fashion Designer.

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14 1. had recently come up with 12 Possible answers

2. would soon make 1. Zara wanted to know if / whether she would earn
3. wanted money with her channel.
4. could upload 2. Lauren asked if Luke could teach her some techniques
5. would then send for making great videos.
6. worked 3. Liam asked how much the course cost.
7. could put 4. Jamie wondered if he had to know what kind of
8. would give channel he wanted to create.
5. Jenna wanted to know if / whether other people had
A teen presentation succeeded by taking that course.
6. David asked Luke how he had become so successful.
15 15 1. correct
2. He told us that he had bought it at a street festival the Page 106
year before.
3. He said that he wore it everywhere, indoors and 13 Possible answers
outdoors. 1. Debbie asked Grant how Instagram was affecting food
4. He told us that he couldn’t wear it at school. trends.
5. correct Grant answered that people didn’t care about the taste
6. correct of the food, only its appearance.
7. He said that he wouldn’t wear it in the summer. 2. Debbie wanted to know what food looked best on
8. correct Instagram.
Grant explained that colourful or beautifully arranged
food attracted the most likes.
B Going Online 3. Debbie asked if / whether Grant could give her some
Grant said that people were making rainbow bagels
Page 104 and crazy desserts called freakshakes. He added that
those were all very unhealthy.
Social media 4. Debbie wondered if / whether Grant had changed
anything to make his restaurant more photogenic.
1 Accept all logical answers. Grant replied that they had used wooden tables until
2 1. b 2. c 3. a the previous year but that they had changed to
white tables.
3 1. channel 5. update 5. Debbie wanted to know if / whether that trend
2. password 6. release would continue.
3. profile 7. settings Grant told Debbie that social media would influence
4 go viral 8. subscribe food for years to come.

4 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. f 6. e 14 1. thought 6. would get

2. was 7. were
Page 105 3. had to stop 8. had become
4 could do 9. had experienced
Discussions 5. had to check

17 8 1. b 2. c 3. b Reading profiles
17 9 1. one minute 15 They aren’t professional actors. They are ordinary
2. harmless kids and teens using social media to create online
3. (own) friends personalities.

Optional Listening Page 107

1. teaspoon 4. harmless 3
18 16 1. F – JoJo began her career by appearing in TV reality
2. death 5. challenged dance competitions. (lines 9-10)
3. funny 2. T – And she’s set a new fashion trend – the enormous,
colourful bows that she wears in her hair have become
Reported questions a hot fashion item all over the world. (lines 15-19)
3. T – … he had no idea that his comical clips would soon
11 1. she had posted that awful video the previous day / go viral. (lines 28-29)
the day before
4. T – They promised they would stop the camera as soon
2. he had seen Tina’s story that day
as Ryan wanted them to. (lines 49-52)
3. she could show him how to add music to a story
5. F – They promised that they would stop the camera as
4. when his story would disappear
soon as Ryan wanted them to. (lines 49-52)
5. wanted to add a filter to that photo

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17 1. She sings, dances, has set a new fashion trend and 3 1. F – A flight that is delayed leaves late.
written books. (lines 13-15, line 22) 2. F – You should choose half board if you don’t want to
2. bullying (line 24) eat all your meals at the hotel / you want to eat some of
3. Because he shows his humorous views on teenage life, your meals at the hotel.
and the videos are about subjects which every teen can 3. F – A lot of people travel during high season.
relate to. (lines 31-34) 4. T
4. He has always wanted to make people laugh. His 5. F – People who are on a budget (have to) worry about
dream came true when he started his own YouTube spending money.
channel and his comical clips went viral. (lines 27-29 6. T
and lines 35-38) 7. T
5. It helps sell their toys. (lines 44-45) 8. F – An airline is the company that takes people on
6. Because all that money he makes may be hard for a flight / provides regular flights.
them to give up. (lines 53-55)
Discussing travel plans
A survey 3
4 1. leave 4. leaving on time

18 1. She asked the students how much time they spent on 2. at the airport 5. how many bags
social media. 3. terminal
2. She asked the students if / whether they had suffered
from online bullying.
5 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a
3. She asked the students at what age they had begun Page 109
using social media.

19 1. 58% of the students said that they spent 8 hours or Reading a blog post
more a day on social media. 3
20 8 Megaships are very large ships. They can carry more
2. 34% of the students said that they spent 2-8 hours passengers, and they offer more activities than normal
a day on social media. cruise ships.
3. 8% of the students said that they spent less than
2 hours a day on social media. 9 1. c 2. a 3. b
4. 42% of the students said that they had suffered from
online bullying once or twice. 10 1. surprised (line 2)
5. 12% of the students said that they suffered from online 2. the number of passengers on cruises went up (from
bullying regularly. 17.8 million in 2009 to 27.2 million in 2018) (lines 5-6)
6. 46% of the students said that they had never suffered 3. packing and unpacking and searching for hotels (line 7)
from online bullying. 4. (dazzling) entertainment options (line 16)
7. 29% of the students said that they had begun using 5. to go straight to the water slides (line 26)
social media between the ages 9-11.
8. 62% of the students said that they had begun using 11 1. no wonder 4. dull
social media between the ages 12-13. 2. range 5. doubt
9. 9% of the students said that they had begun using 3. look into
social media between the ages 14-15.
Page 110
20 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Reported orders, requests, offers and
C Bon Voyage 13 1. asked
2. suggested
4. suggested
5. told
3. told 6. offered
Page 108
14 Possible answers
Travel Sarah offered to look on the Internet for a good hotel.
Zoe suggested that they stay / staying somewhere within
1 City Centre Youth Hostel: overcrowded walking distance of Times Square.
Paradise Resort: problem with public transport, no Jim told Sarah not to book rooms in an expensive hotel.
restaurants within walking distance Sarah told Jim to book tickets for the Metropolitan
TAU Airlines: flight delayed, crew didn’t give passengers Museum online.
water Craig suggested going / that they go to a Broadway show.
Jim offered to ask his friend about good restaurants.
2 1. a ship, a plane Craig asked his mum to please buy him some new trainers
2. a market, a dance club for the trip.
3. a 5-star hotel, a resort Zoe suggested shopping / that they shop for shoes in
4. a visit to the dentist, a holiday abroad New York.
5. your school, a pizza shop Sarah asked Craig if he could please check the prices in
6. a trip, a film the shops there.

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15 1. to explain 6. had had

Life Skills Extra:
2. was 7. had spent
3. were becoming
4 held
8. that I try
9. to give
Checking in to a Hotel
5. to describe 10. would think
Page 114
17 As you learn, they teach you to do those sports.
1 her passport and credit card
21 18 1. tourism 4. organise
2. flight attendant, crew 5. outgoing, friendly 2 1. Can I help you?
3. an airport 6. aren’t for 2. Could I have your name, please?
3. Please sign the registration form.
Page 111 4. What floor is my room on?
5. What time is breakfast?
Writing an e-mail of application 6. Enjoy your stay!

19 1. Ms Stone (opening)

2. to apply for the Travel and Tourism course Review 3
(paragraph 1)
3. He enjoys getting to know new people, and he
communicates easily with people of all ages. He has Page 115
had experience working in a theme park. (paragraph 2)
4. He is attaching recommendations (from the manager Vocabulary
of the theme park and two teachers). (paragraph 3)
5. I look forward to your reply. (closing) 1 religion: belief, prayer
nature: woods, shade, soil
20 1. Dear Ms Stone, describe clothing: glamorous, sleeveless, stylish, plain
2. In response to your advert, trains: high-speed, long-distance, track
3. I believe that I would be a suitable candidate for the social media: subscribe, tag, upload
programme. describe abilities: capable, inability, strengths,
4. I hope that you will consider my application weaknesses
5. I look forward to your reply. 2 1. displays, parades, fireworks
6. Yours sincerely, 2. sleeves, a zip
3. make reservations, check in, book a room
21 formal phrases: 1a, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6a 4. branches, a trunk
informal phrases: 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6b 5. profile, settings, password
6. herd, flock
Optional Listening 7. rare, fierce, common
1. at a talk 8. cool down, clear up, warm up
2. skilled workers 9. dawn, sunrise
3. people from all over the
world travelling to different destinations
3 1. c 3. i 5. h 7. e 9. j
2. f 4. b 6. d 8. g 10. a
4. geography
5. class parties 4 1. get away from it all
6. adventure sports 2. expand your horizons
3. within walking distance

Collaborative Project: 4. freezing cold

5. by heart
A Future Trends Poster 6. boiling hot
7. look up to
8. high season
Page 112 9. pouring with rain
1. 3D printing, travel in space 10. full board
2. clothes having air conditioning, 3D clothes printing,
communication chips implanted in our bodies
5 Possible answers
1. sorry 6. swim
3. travel in space, time travel
2. weather 7. parade
4. social media will be with us all the time
3. flight / plane 8. fruit
4. jacket / coat / sweater 9. stylish
5. umbrella 10. snakes

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6 1. account 7.
boost Page 117
2. followers 8. takes advantage of
3. getting in touch 9.
fabulous Skills Check
4. posts 10. likely
5. brand 11. check it out
22 1 Name of shop: Petrina’s
6. on a budget What the customer went to buy: jeans and tops
Problems / Complaints: There weren’t many sizes left.
Page 116 Sales assistants weren’t very helpful.
Most of the items she chose weren’t on sale.
Grammar Sales items weren’t clearly marked / were marked in
a confusing way.
1 1. to 6. Were Were the problems solved? no
2. are 7. be Customer’s opinion and recommendation: The service
3. had 8. had is bad. She will tell friends not to waste their time going
4. don’t 9. when there.
5. have 10. would
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct reviews.
2 1. We wondered where the ship would stop that night.
2. I always feed the dog as soon as I get home. Page 118
3. Plants will defend themselves if insects attack them. /
If insects attack them, plants will defend themselves. Literature: The War of the Worlds
4. Do you prefer to use Snapchat or Instagram?
5. My friend asked me if I had ever been on a cruise. 1 1. T
6. Our flight was delayed last night. / Last night our flight 2. F – Ogilvy wasn’t sure there were Martians in the
was delayed. spaceship.
7. I will call you tomorrow if I have time. / If I have time, 3. F – The Martians didn’t look like ordinary people. /
I will call you tomorrow. The Martians looked like horrible, snake-like creatures.
8. Pam would have bought those shoes yesterday if they 4. F – The Martians attacked the soldiers with heat-rays.
hadn’t been so expensive. 5. T
6. F – In the end, the Martians were destroyed / lost the
3 1. We could go the beach if it were warmer. War of the Worlds.
2. You mustn’t touch this plant. It’s poisonous.
3. John promised that he would plant the flowers the next 2 1. They thought that the Martians would understand that
day. a white flag was a symbol of peace.
4. I’ll watch your clip as soon as you post it. 2. The Martian invasion failed because they weren’t
5. These trousers weren’t made in China. prepared for Earth’s bacteria.
6. The passenger asked me to close the window.
7. We went to the airport after we had packed our bags.
8. I would have felt more comfortable if I had worn jeans.
9. Breakfast will be served by the flight attendant.
10. Our teacher suggested going for a walk in the woods.

4 1. told me to wear my new jacket that day

2. feel calm when I walk in the forest
3. have got this job if she hadn’t studied tourism
4. explained that the elephants there were becoming
5. should book in advance
6. wanted to know whether people hunted there
7. book the tour until they had checked the itinerary
8. a lot of followers by posting a funny video

5 1. died 7. are caused

2. don’t try / won’t try 8. had to take
3. think 9. would get
4 had affected 10. putting up
5. weren’t able to 11. do
6. didn’t provide 12. will suffer

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Pronunciation Appendix
Page 121 Page 123

Introduction 3 Numbers 1, 3, 5 and 6 contain the /c/ sound.

2 1. /g/ 2. /e/ 3. /n/ 4. /a/ 5. /q/ 6. /b/ Module 5
3 1. champion 3. trail 5. where 1 1. /I/ 2. /æ/ 3. /^/
2. healthy 4. luggage 6. neat
2 1. useful 2. cave 3. woods
4 1. sour 3. sweet 5. thrilling
2. ancient 4. pitch 6. giant 3 1. /G/ 2. /F/
5 1. /coOW/ 4. /VoJX/ 4 /G/ /F/
2. /XBg'ZJgWBn/ 5. /'gCocBi/ more frost
3. /'kNUco/ warm flock
forward spot
Module 1 cause gone

1 1. /F/ 2. /N/
Module 6
2 /N/ /F/ 1 1. /i/ 2. /a/ 3. /b/
2 1. watch, choose, picture (/a/)
2. Japan, jeans, image (/b/)
global toxic
3. attention, ocean, shocking (/i/)

3 1. rock 2. location
3 1. /E/ 2. /^/

4 1. push
Page 122 2. square

4 1. /A/ 2. /B/

5 1. lead 3. ship 5. fit

2. keep 4. leap

Module 3
1 1. /C/ 2. /B/

2 1. birth, child 2. deal, Chinese

4 /CB/ /O/
display life
eight invite
major fly
nature buy

Module 4
1 1. /P/ 2. /N/

2 /N/ /P/
lonely aloud
focus sound
grow allowed
Mexico crowd

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Grammar Lab
Introduction Used to
Page 124 7 1. Did … use to have 5. used to hang around
2. didn’t use to get 6. used to meet
3. used to have 7. used to go
Present Simple / Present Continous 4. used to get together 8. didn’t use to send
1 1. Laura and Kim are building a campfire at the moment.
How often do they go camping? Future tenses
2. Ben doesn’t want to do his homework right now. He is
playing a video game.
8 1. starts 5. will make
2. are going to spend 6. Is … taking
3. Jake and Tessa aren’t ordering their food now. They
3. does … leave 7. will love
don’t know what to order.
4. am / will be looking after 8. will be skiing
4. This Salsa club meets every Monday. Is the teacher
teaching them a new step right now?
5. Bella often watches sport on TV. At the moment she is Module 1
enjoying the basketball game.
6. Why is Mike reading a book now? He doesn’t usually Page 126
like to read.
Present Perfect Simple / Past Simple
2 1. are having 7.
don’t go out
2. am watching 8. Do … cost 1 1. didn’t … help 5. Have … signed
3. are … wearing 9.
don’t know 2. Have … raised 6. have recycled
4 look 10. want 3. has … agreed 7. have become / became
5. see 11. hope 4. came 8. didn’t ban
6. are wearing
2 1. covered, has destroyed
2. went up, has caused
Past Simple / Past Continuous 3. have become, rose
3 1. 1. woke up 4. were getting 4. began, has produced, has entered
was blowing 5. got
was falling
3 1. have … ever thought 7. used
2. have just published 8. wrapped
1. looked after 4. was feeding 3. has grown 9. threw
2. were running 5. threw 4. ate 10. have cut down
3. arrived 6. broke 5. did … come 11. haven’t yet decided
1. heard 4. ran 6. transported 12. have already gained
2. was walking 5. was trying
3. was following 6. realised Past Perfect Simple / Past Simple
4 1. James was sleeping at 10 am. 4 1. the Soviet Union had collapsed
2. Claire was taking out the rubbish when she met her 2. Scottish scientists cloned a sheep
neighbour. 3. the world’s population had reached six billion
3. Sara dropped her phone while she was running. 4. terrorists attacked the Twin Towers
4. Spot was barking while Julie was studying. 5. a tsunami killed 225,000 people in Asia
6. the United States had elected its first Afro-American
Page 125 president

Present Perfect Simple Page 127

5 1. Have … seen 4. haven’t forgotten 5 1. won 7. hadn’t chosen
2. haven’t learnt / learned 5. has … ridden 2. Did … do / Had … done 8. put / had put
3. has acted 6. Have … heard 3. was 9. gave
4. had worked 10. learnt / learned
6 1. Susan has lived here for three years. 5. Did … manage 11. had completed
2. Larry has known Gina since 2017. 6. finished 12. knew
3. Robert has never tasted sushi.
4. Have you been to New York before?
5. Nell has just left.
6. Ian has already had five driving lessons.
7. Sean hasn’t gone to the supermarket yet.

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6 1. it had begun Non-defining relative clauses

2. completed the conquest
3. had won the Battle of Waterloo (in 1815) 5 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. h 7. g 8. b
4. had become king (of the United Kingdom) 1. Daniel Kish, whose eyes were removed when he
5. voted to leave the EU was a baby, loves to hike and ride a bicycle.
2. He uses a technique called echolocation, which is similar
to the way bats navigate.
Reflexive pronouns
3. He makes special clicking sounds, which echo
7 1. e 2. b 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. c from the objects around him.
1. He’s old enough to feed himself. 4. The echoes, which give him a 3D picture of the area,
2. You should be proud of yourself! enable him to navigate.
3. She likes working by herself. 5. In the city, where there are many cars, he has no trouble
4. The city is advertising itself as a tourist centre. staying out of accidents.
5. We’ll have to buy ourselves a new car. 6. He can also walk alone in the forest, where trees surround
6. My children taught themselves how to swim. him on all sides.
7. In the year 2000, when he realised that he could help
8 1. paint it yourself 4. washes herself others, Kish began teaching echolocation.
2. solve itself 5. made it themselves 8. He wants blind people, who are often afraid to go out
3. go by myself 6. paid ourselves alone, to become independent.

Module 2 Page 129

Page 128 6 1. The film Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is about Wayne,
who is an amazing inventor.
2. In the beginning, Wayne’s children go to his lab, where
Defining relative clauses he keeps a machine.
1 1. which / that, when 3. whose, when 3. The machine, whose rays can shrink people, was invented
2. who, which / that 4. who, which / that by Wayne.
Number 3 isn’t real. 4. The children are hit by the machine’s laser, which shrinks
them to a tiny size.
2 1. c 2. a 3. g 4. e 5. b 6. h 7. d 8. f 5. Wayne regrets his invention, which is working very well.
1. Inventors are people who are creative. 6. Wayne, who is very upset, begins looking for the
2. A laboratory is a place where people do experiments. children. / Wayne, who begins looking for the children, is
3. 2004 was the year when Mark Zuckerberg invented very upset.
Facebook. 7. The children are in the garden, where every insect looks
4. The steam engine was an invention which like a huge monster.
revolutionised transport. 8. At the end of the film, when the children get big again,
5. Thomas Edison was a man whose inventions include everyone is happy.
the electric light bulb.
6. Marie Curie was the woman who discovered radium. 7 Possible answers
7. Ice is a material which turns into water when it melts. 1. Usain Bolt, who was born in Jamaica, was called the
8. Mother’s Day is the day when people buy flowers. fastest man alive.
2. Last year, when my parents took us on a cruise, we had
3 sentences 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 an incredible holiday.
3. My sister, whose hobby is mountain climbing, met her
4 1. I know a scientist whose ideas are amazing. husband on Mount Kilimanjaro in East Africa.
2. My sister is a genius who loves physics. / My sister 4. This app, which I installed on my smartphone, helps me
who is a genius loves physics. get to places quickly.
3. The Bronze Age was the era when humans invented 5. The year 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down, was
the wheel. a happy one for families that had been separated.
4. The Netherlands is the country where the telescope 6. We went to Paris, where you can see the Eiffel Tower and
was invented. the Louvre.
5. This liquid contains chemicals which / that are
6. Some people later regretted things which / that they
had invented.
7. Don’t walk in the area where the glass has shattered.

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Student’s Book Answer Key
Defining and non-defining relative clauses 3 1. What was your sister given on her birthday?
2. Were the children taken to the dentist last year?
8 1. where
3. which 5. whose 7. which 3. Where are your family meals eaten?
whose 4. which 6. when 8. who 4. Why was the child punished?
Defining relative clauses 5. Are you paid to help around the house?
• whose windows and balconies look exactly like all the 6. When is the baby put to bed?
others in the street
• whose only job is to hide something 4 1. were chosen
• which people don’t want to see 2. were brought up
Non-defining relative clauses 3. were inspired
• where there’s a block of flats 4. are often seen
• which is actually a facade 5. is shared
• which runs directly under it 6. was won
• when the London Underground was built 7. was defeated
• who see these facades every day
Page 131
9 1. We had a great time last summer when we toured
France. Future Simple Passive
2. We went to Montpellier, which is a city on the Riviera.
3. One of the buildings which / that we saw had many 5 1. will be worn 3. will be drunk
balconies. 2.
won’t be sold 4. won’t be won
4. The balconies, where several people were standing,
were full of plants. 6 1. Will your cousins be invited
5. But the balconies and people which / that we could see 2. Will roast turkey and pumpkin pie be served
were not real. / But we could see balconies and people 3. Will a parade be held
that weren’t real. 4. Will it be shown
6. They were painted by an artist who is a master of
illusion. The Passive
7. This artist, whose name is Patrick Commecy, turns
ugly buildings into works of art. / This artist, who 7 1. Are all students required to learn a foreign language?
turns ugly buildings into works of art, is Patrick 2. They will ask us to organise the ceremony next year.
Commecy 3. The problems of expats aren’t understood by most
10 sentences 3 and 5 4. Was the parade cancelled because of the rain?
5. At the FIFA World Cup, football is played by teams
some / any / no compounds from all over the world.
6. The teacher didn’t check our exams.
11 1. somewhere 5. something
2. anyone 6. anything 8 1. is spoken 5. are sometimes taught
3. nowhere 7. someone 2. was made 6. will be united
4. anything 3. were even banned 7. won’t be separated
4. aren’t sent 8. will be expected
Module 3
Module 4
Page 130
Page 132
Present Simple Passive / Past Simple Passive
Gerunds and Infinitives
1 1. e 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a
1. Advice is given to young families. 1 1. Ordering 7. tasting
2. Guides aren’t accepted with less than three years’ 2. eating / to eat 8. to try
experience. / Guides with less than three years’ 3. to eat 9. choosing
experience aren’t accepted. 4. to imagine 10. adding
3. Professional photography is done for family events. 5. experiencing 11. going out
4. Navigation challenges are organised for the whole 6. to have
5. Every child is taken care of by a responsible teen.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct sentences.
2 a. was watched e. wasn’t found
3 1. I forgot to bring my glasses!
2. Dad, did you remember to wash my socks?
b. were adopted f. wasn’t told 3. Stop tickling me!
c. was told g. was informed 4. I’ll never forget tasting that chocolate!
d. were reunited 5. He stopped to find out what the noise was.
1. b 2. c 3. e 4. f 5. g 6. d 7. a 6. I remember hearing it somewhere.

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Modals: may, might, can, could, be able to 3 1. We will explore the cave again before we leave.
2. The trees lose / will lose their leaves once autumn
Page 133 begins.
3. Do plants feel pain when an insect bites them?
4 Possible answers 4. When the tide comes in this afternoon, your sand
1. help you 4. borrow yours castle will disappear.
2. remember everything 5. have amnesia 5. We always pick the fruit as soon as it’s ready.
3. be difficult
4 Possible answers
5 1. couldn’t / weren’t able to 1.
I’ll water them 4. there’s shade
2. can / am able to 2.
I finish work 5. don’t like walking
3. can’t / am not able to 3.
boil it
4. couldn’t / wasn’t able to
5. could / was able to Second Conditional, Third Conditional
6 1. is able to remember 5 1. had, wouldn’t reach
2. won’t be able to remember 2.
would be, weren’t
3. were able to remember 3.
stayed, would get
4. am not able to remember 4.
wouldn’t recognise, didn’t have
5. wasn’t able to remember 5.
couldn’t kill, hunted
6. will be able to remember 6.
didn’t keep, couldn’t walk

Modals: must, mustn’t, have to, need to, Page 135

6 Possible answers
7 1. must 4. needs to 1. it would have killed it
don’t have to 5. shouldn’t 2. we had lived in a house
mustn’t 3. I would have left it outside
4. we had had a fence
8 1. shouldn’t 6. might 5. we hadn’t found it
have to 7. don’t have to
are able to 8. was able to 7 Possible answers
must 9. can’t 1. hadn’t told 5. would … do
couldn’t 2. would do 6. didn’t help
3. would have liked 7. hadn’t taken
9 1. You have to / need to / must remember these details. 4. were 8. would be
2. You mustn’t enter the classroom after 9.00 am.
3. Kim might / may come on the roller coaster with us.
4. Don mustn’t drive the car.
Conditionals, Time clauses
5. You don’t have to / don’t need to tell everyone about 8 1. I were you, I would take an umbrella
your phobia. 2.
won’t go sailing unless the weather clears up
6. You shouldn’t get into the lift alone. 3.
don’t go to school
weren’t boiling hot, I would have more energy
Module 5 5.
the streets turn white when it snows
would have worn a jacket if it had been cold
Page 134
9 1. will enjoy 5. didn’t turn
Zero Conditional, First Conditional, Time 2.
spend 6. would have developed
cools down 7. had
Clauses 4.
1 1. c 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. d
10 1. Would they have cancelled the flight yesterday if it
1. You’ll get a stomach ache if you eat that mushroom.
had snowed?
2. Your plants’ health will improve if you put fertilizer
2. How will we spend the day if it rains tomorrow?
in the soil.
3. What do you usually do when the weather is fair?
3. That cactus won’t die even if you don’t water it.
4. Would you like living here more if the climate
4. If you are afraid of heights, you won’t enjoy climbing.
were milder?
5. We won’t go surfing unless the waves are big.
5. Will frost damage the plants after the temperature
2 1. survive, die 4. appear, is drops?
play, reacts 5. make, comes out
closes, touch 6. touches, traps

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Module 6 5 Possible answers

1. She said that she had started her channel in 2011.
Page 136 2. She told him / her / the interviewer that she hadn’t
been successful from the beginning.
Reported Statements 3. She said that over 10 million people had subscribed to
her channel.
1 1. weren’t trying hard 4. She admitted that she spent about 70 hours a week in
2. had to put the kitchen.
3. that night 5. She explained that it took her ten hours to make one
4. would deliver video.
5. the following / next day / day after 6. She told him / her / the interviewer that she would
6. had sold make unicorn cupcakes in her next video.
7. the previous day / day before
8. had caught Reported orders, requests, offers and
9. the previous suggestions
10. had come
11. didn’t have 6 1. order – The police officer told Tim to show him / her
12. there his passport.
2. offer – The man offered to carry our luggage.
2 1. admitted 4. announced 3. request – The guest asked me to bring him / her an
2. explained 5. complained extra blanket.
3. promised 4. suggestion – Gary suggested checking in / that we
1. The boy admitted that he had stolen those shoes. check in early.
2. Sean explained that he couldn’t come because he was 5. offer – The flight attendant offered to find Julie
busy. a different seat.
3. The salesperson promised that they would deliver my / 6. order – The chef told the waiter not to let that food
our order the following week / the next week / get cold.
the week after. 7. request – I asked the receptionist to if / whether he /
4. Ms Davis announced that they were opening a new she could please give me a map.
shop in London. 8. suggestion – My friend suggested hiking / that we hike
5. Betsy complained that she didn’t have anything to in the woods the following / next day.
wear that night.
7 1. Emily told us not to eat food from the street vendors
Reported Questions there.
2. John asked if / whether he could pay for the tour with
Page 137 a credit card.
3. Emily suggested buying / that they buy souvenirs at
3 Possible answers that shop.
1. Connie asked who had invented Snapchat. 4. Andy asked his father to buy him those sunglasses.
2. Eleanor wanted to know why Instagram had become 5. Emily said that they had built those buildings 100
so popular. years before.
3. Josh asked what the differences were between 6. Andy suggested going / that they go to a dance club
Instagram and YouTube. that night.
4. Neil asked if / whether he could post a video on 7. Emily offered to show them the old town.
Instagram. 8. John told Andy to put on his jacket.
5. Brandon wondered why some videos went viral.
6. Lynn wanted to know if / whether she had to subscribe 8 1. to tell 7. liked
to a channel to get updates. 2.
was 8. spent
had stopped 9. needed
4 Possible answers 4.
were polluting 10. had to limit
1. The interviewer wanted to know when Rosanna had 5.
to stop 11. to show
started her channel. 6.
would have to stay
2. He / She asked if / whether Rosanna had been
successful from the beginning.
3. He / She wanted to know how many people had
subscribed to her channel.
4. He / She asked her if / whether she spent a lot of time
in the kitchen.
5. He / She asked her how long it took her to make one
6. He / She wanted to know what Rosanna would make in
her next video.
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. d

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Culture Magazine
Culture 1 Culture 4
Travel Firsts Extreme Athletes
Page 142 Page 145
1. the distance Bertha Benz drove from Mannheim to 1. to raise money for armed forces charities
Pforzheim 2. He had never run a marathon before.
2. the year Karl von Drais invented the first two-wheel 3. She lost her arm.
bike 4. Her bravery has inspired them to try surfing and to
3. the weight of the first bike / the number of kgs the first never give up.
bike weighed 5. He used to skydive, and his training in the Austrian
4. the year of the Rainhill Trials military taught him the important skills of BASE
5. the speed in km per hour that the Rocket travelled jumping.
6. the distance in metres of the first flight made by the 6. He broke records for the highest skydive, the longest
Wright brothers / the first flight travelled skydive and the fastest skydive in history.
7. the number of seconds that the final flight
(on 17 December, 1903) lasted Culture 5
8. the year when flights lasted for 39 minutes A Day at the Museum
Culture 2 Page 146
1. Because the museum started with 71,000 items that
Page 143 belonged to him.
2. Because it’s an example of a site on the Internet that
1. It provides medical and social care. gives free information.
2. to bake bread for the volunteer crew and patients 3. Dippy the Dinosaur is an exact copy of the Diplodocus
3. They were planted 100 years after World War I as dinosaur.
a memorial for the soldiers who had died during 4. the number of years Dippy the Dinosaur has been on
the war. display in the museum
4. The volunteers’ enthusiasm helps make volunteer 5. where the skeleton of a blue whale was found
projects successful. 6. the name chosen for the skeleton of the blue whale
5. It gives them something enjoyable to do after school. because it represents hope for saving more animals in
6. They learn beach games and important things about the future
healthy living.
Culture 6
Culture 3 Hotel History
Music Festivals with a Difference
Page 147
Page 144
1. They had to go outside to use the bathroom, or they
1. It’s where the We Love Green Music Festival takes had to share with other hotel guests.
place. 2. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York started
2. There are recycling activities for children at the offering room service first. It was successful because
festival. many guests were looking for privacy.
3. It’s the time in June when there is sunlight for 96 3. to make sure the guests were comfortable in hot
hours, and a four-day music festival in Reykjavik is weather when the temperatures can reach over 40°C
held. 4. soap and shampoo in little plastic packets
4. an example of Iceland’s natural beauty which people 5. Guests travel in electric or hybrid cars. / The hotel
can visit recycles its water. / It uses solar energy.
5. the name of a music festival in Malaysia
6. a traditional Sarawak musical instrument that people at
the festival can learn how to play

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