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A Pen in Your Life

Ellenie Jane P. Sunga

I may not be the strongest thing in the world,

But at least I can write anything, letter or word.
I can draw everything you might told,
Just lead the way as you let me hold.
From this day on, with you, until we get old.

You let me seen your life by writing it in your favourite diary,

Also for you to include those memorable events, specially.
I remember your childhood days, someone stole your candy,
Your cried a lot and you said it to your mommy.
Then, she told you some jokes just for you to make you happy.

In your 10th grade in junior high, you had your first crush.
And remember? The teacher sent your seat next to him!
You can’t deny on your face that there is a blush.
It’s funny at the same time sweet, because your husband right now is him!
Oh, let me remind you that I will always be here with you even your life filled a
mixture of light and dim.

Your life is your own story.

Where you give me a chance to seen it clearly.
I just want to let you know that, I will always be a friend yours, and it will never
be forgotten.
Your FRIEND that you can lean on any moment, just like on how you write in
your diary with a PEN.

Instruction: Compose a four stanza poem about any topic you prefer applying some of the
main elements of poetry. (at front page)

Briefly explain the elements being used in your output.

- Rhyme is being used of the finals sounds in each line, they are somehow identical and
same. The next one that is being used at the part of the poem that holds a pen, is the tactile
imagery under the sensory of imagery. It is also has symbolism, in order to convey the poem
properly and express well what is the meaning of the poem all about.

Instruction: Write on a sheet of paper your concise and precise answers to the following
essay questions.

1. Differentiate the three literary genres.

- Poetry is the genre of literature that is is being used when express feeling or ideas through
the from of stanzas. Unlike to drama, it is being performed on the stage based on the written
dialogue in order to depict life experiences. The third one is the Prose is written in a
paragraph form that differ to poetry that have regular rhythmic pattern. It can be both fiction
and nonfiction.

2. Cite the dominant elements of prose and define each.

- The basic or dominant elements of prose are: first, the setting in which it is the refers to the
time and locale of the story. The next one is the character where the one who performs and
give action to the story. Third, is the plot which means the pattern or the seq

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