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t possess / post

po3..e.t (F. ze!') ld, [Llv{E

ttusiderc, tb pois@
< UFr possessrer < L possessur, pp. of
< ,Dr-. conl'. < poaß, abl. (*e porE\r) .
!ed€.4. to sit: 1 b hold as I,aerty or o(cupy in p€mD: haE s
eomethbs that belonss to on r i,m 2 t ha€ d u sttlibute, qltsl'
ity, flculty, e&. lto pos8s rilol[, 3 t have lGo*leds€ or Eas-
ttry of (a Iansrrase, ek.) { to ßiD rt oDg ioflueDce or coDtlol ovei
doEilatt lposr€s5ed by e id.., 5 to Lcp .oDtrol over or @iltain
(o!e.€r, ore'6 DiD4 €t .) 6 to lrD.3E t! have §€lud iDtetcous€
witb (s wo@) 7 to put (soDE) itr pcasioE of properly, facE.
1054 b nsi, 13 to

Poat (post). Emily (boh Enü,! P.i(

pdd- bösl) -L

< post, b"hjnd. aner

brle'opo-, a*ay > Loä) > Gr dial.;
lat r (tban). folowins lpostnotal, post t,
Iposxawl I coEils aft€r i! tiDe, oii.:
rea.tion to [p6tmodgmisn]

et4.: ca@ to have soEeliiDs a.cified u.uaXy w'th ol 8 tArchai.l pod..gc lposCü) r. _po6rr + .acE" rhe aE.
r. *ia or wir r, r letter or packag., 6p,s repre*Dted br ._
por.3e*!€d (rE-poa.a,aYrOi
6rl tdi. t dD.d 2 ortrclled by d eEotion or tpoalrga iretar a machine thar prinE ij '
as ail Bpiriti craze4 rn d 3 sEl}-possEssm -po3.caged
if by a. tbat po6ll8F ha6 be€. psid- it remrds rhe r ..
ot itr rcioD of alld the coEr ofpGt ge
iror.act.rion (pa z€sä'.n) n [OFr < L porrßio I a poßiDg or poatage atarnp a p!€rEent itlEp to b€ ; -
beiDs Do6§€i€ad, u by owEEhip or occupecy; hold 2 &lthirs ar a sicn that the poltäs€ has bEn Dr€pe.:
poss€.§.d 3 brl p.op€rty; ralth a trlitoE rukd by ar outsi& priltld. suDm.d lab€l or a d.§ip iDpriDe,
courry 5 coDtrcl of oDe!.lt r8r€ elc€pt ir sEl}-possE*sro:., 5
Spor,§ actual control of the liu o pul ir play - po!.ra'.lon€l po.tsl (pö/t l) rdi. Fr < po're, msl6 h5.-
,arl, po6t olices *tcoloq.l r pctd sd
Fro!€e!..ive (p. E'iv) ,4. [L pooasitc_ I of poss.s5ioD- or rpostal card-,L
udr o/ posrcaAD (*o!c 1 I
oMetBhip 2 d) Bhoeins, or cü&..t€!iad by a desilE for, possession PoaLl code lcdn.l PosrcoDE
/a pos!e5si," chndl ä) hlvirg or .äosiD8 a deiir€ to doDinate, poalal sgwica Fosr omct (s.$e l)
coD1.ml, inflüeDe, et . /a po.E ip Dother/ 3 dmm desisDatins or poatal stalionery posul iteEs oth.r th.a! r''!:
of a ca!", forn, or coDsru.iion €rp6in8 possi,on or soEre lile m€hl. aE st"amped mvelope§. posril .rrd!. a_.. j
r.latiotrship: in Etrrlisb, thi! ir coltssed q) by the additioo ofa fiaal poal.ax.irtl (pÖ3t sls'a.l) .dl. Andt-, Z@1- s. :E
r (for Dours and soE! prcDm!) prE"ded or folowed by a.D apos. the body or a My pan, as -L thc poGtarior pa- '
trophe, or EoraetiEes by th. tdditioo of ä! apostropbe only aftar a port-beltutn Cbel'aD) dr. post belllh. .l'
fiDal (B) soud (Et.: Jolhb h@t, r&,tr,i! liv€s, ö016'sa$e§, coa riDg aft r the wär. sp.cif. aJltr ti!
AEencs "'
s.'leme sle) ä) try ! .h.Ds! of forD iD proDoum (Er.: ./, m), ru".i po.l.box (Dö6ttitl9 ,L Jctriefy Brit.l ß]L-r'
rou" tour. yourc: it. iß: @ho, Däo..) .) by o/ pre.eding . forE wilh- poat cad (-kä!d'r ,.
1 s card with a po6lä,-
ou! .he poss€3sive eDdirs (Er- liv.. ol a"n) or plEcediDs a fo@ in eld hy tlte p6t omce for E{ndiDs shoE bea
th€ pdlassive cäse (Er- s pht ol Stahespeare a a tuiadd ol mi@ ar ereelope 2 a siEilar 6rd. u6urlly with ! :q-rr
cdled s doübl. pot..!3iv.): cf. cEltmw *r. Crunr. 1 tle pose§- - can b€ 6{nt tt$u*h the nail sheD ..raep .- .dl
plra. i! poal celva (pö6tlä'vär ,.,pl. -yae (-vE) -a--
lire case 2 a Ford or
Po!.s.yliv*nlaa ,.
tüis case
-por.!.Cak€ly dv, - poEt2liot or infdor v..! .äva of four-linkr -.4
pos.aca.aoFy be ze8'. r€) ,4 | of, b€ing, or chract€rizing a poG- yal ,ü.
reasor 2 orirrbased poll challe a clord. Iour-*heeled coaci
po..3€l (pä§'ir) ,. lMb < il a hot <lriul Eade of milt Curdled s hoes, whrch *eE chansed at each posr --'
with ale or wine. Eulllv sEtrd atrd sw*t .ed cent. to carry mail and passensers
po3.sF[.aly (pä;'. bil'e'tli IME pcsörn" < II possr];in6 - t po.t.code (!06r'k0d1 n {Brit.. etc. (erc- ,l:'
' t-he qira.lirf oi cooditioa .a h!';r
^ F*'ibh 2 pl -iti.l.;Derhinr riar ald lrat€Es usd s pan
oan of a EailiDs ad&r:.
EaniD2 addE:.
(post'dEt') va. {atlod. {afing '
po3:3F19 biis'. ,4:. [Oh < L possiblt§ pN?, to b€ eblp: *
bol) tchld or cutrent dat! 2 to w;1r
- 1 ttret ce b.;
th.t cd b.: c0.Die elistilg "2 tbat
cry.bL of eistrrg c{n b.
rbat can b iD rhJ
future; that b3y or llay Dot h.pp€n 3 d) that c,[ bc don€, t l@'ec .\) .di. .:
.cquiEd' *l8t!d, u!cd, eta, d.p. irrs on circuEst nces fa Plood
-,. a post&l
cudidate/ ä) tbat tu haE Bor b.j pot ntirl a tlat
permisible 5 thatDayb€!6ctorthetruth 6 lcoüql
put üp PitE tole.able
§rir.-Fr'lärls E u*d ot ,lritDg th.r @, etßr.
depeDdinson crrcuo3tlnces hpos'ölz lurion äp
sppli.s ro rh,r §'hi.h cm Ednr be effe&d under'o ü€
or by &. l,l.@ av.ibbt 1. !ü.4.!öL Dlrrr; t ..tL i5 rd of thlt color a! opaque pairt with a binder
orter color
Porter i
which i! liLely to be .ari€d tilqh lo r ie6tu1 lful6io! dd, heDce, iE sster-slEbl€, usd G for post2rs
conlo(!! the deiEbilü of doira s la l@ible qrerpi*l polle res.tanlo (pÖ§r' rEs tä!t', -t!nt') ;:
po..3Fly (pä.'a bL) d. I lr üy possible he6.Da in any cs§€ 1it etc. (etc. CdD.)l cF-\E
IB!it., €tc.
JB!it., GF-\ER-!L DErrlTRr
cut possiäb ForU 2 by gle poßtuilityi rrhaps; Eayb€ /it nat pot'felli'o.
ot'felli'o. (päs tiL -a!) adJ. l-.obpt
a!) adJ. .obpt
posl, after see Posr- - l lrt€i -l-

follosing ei:r_
rpos.sum (r*is'aE) ,. ICoUoql oF6s,r{ ,o..üm to pret€nd aftr in orde,: succeedilg 3 a! o! tosdi_:.'_.
to lE aslep, dad, iI, ulr,tq ctc.: ,.n opo§$m may b€coDe doEal oppo3cd to r,\TEäoR 4 Bot. on
Eotiohless PhE erdslse!.d sreb oho pll the buttocks
posti (pöst) ,. IME < OE,lir to G.rplos.ea WCmc losDword < L t . -n,lJomerbe.lY. -pd*
! 'p@r.ü, pmjection . 'por , aLiD to Fon , po6 -po..te}i.olry
te..ilty (päs tila te) n. \6E posre.:.
postrr. po6t, doorpost
bre of sl6p, to sr^rD I t r DID of wood, Eetlt, ek., usur]ly loDs
ed 6que or cyür&ie.l" ia uprisht to süpporl a buildiDg, §gD.
potteritat < p$terus: *e prec., 1 alt r,: r r
opposed !o scEsrRt 2 a-U su..eedint B.:i .
!. feoce, etc. 2 ,Eythins lit tüi! h shsp. or puIpole 3 uy place oa:tem t(.6Ci,h
6..tdm nä.'-) ,. : ME < OFi
öYräm. pils'-) OFr.p
A origiDXy Mked b,y or.lEirt d pitb a post, a! the Bbning poirl
of a hoe Ee 1 L lul. Le (. po.t€r, Dotie, et .) oD (a wal,
< LL porafrulr,
po!.€ruk, a EEall back door, posr.r:
EEaI bacl posl
posItRIoR ' a bsck door o! sst€; privat eri-
-vt 2 ro.Do!..,
-t pGt- ek.); placatd publicir.. or adeertie by postinE
nolicei, sig!!, et . Ipor, a Exard.I *3 to wlh peEors s8ailst t!es-
of o! r.!.EbliDs s postam, a! ür b€r+
-.4, Exchrnge rEderu.i /or ! nonprotu q
- psils oE {stoud!. eL.) tt.po.r.d &tice 4 to put l, I,ee) oE a
postad or published lisl 5 to &mll'ce bJ a public Doti.e *6 Spo.ls
post or c.bp. tor t"be ssle of *Nic. t!*

to rsrd (e ipccified rcr!) iYlü- -es'-)z di d,

post, (pöd) n. -Ft posta < lL po.lo < vL 'p6tnr, coDrr. - L B.byloniü Erile (6rl .a
pGiaum. not. pp. ol pona, to plre: w poamoN, I th€ place
*b"re s soldier, suard. et . i..t .i@ed 2 d) a pl@ shere a body or r, us@2y pöst fii: r
iloops is 6tatioDe4 cap äl üE troop. at such a pl@; cMisoD i3
a lmal uDit of r vet raD!' d!.liratioo 4 . plrcc whele 6 p€en o!
group is sktion€d a! .t. oehiE. ä trsdilg b@th od a EbcI
elchsDse n@r, eLc. 5 a pdtioD, iob, o! tury t-o ehich a p{ßon is
asigDcd or appobtad *6 .äo', /or firorNc posr 7 Brit-, etc Am,
€ither of two busle calb (tü po.i ald bit po.l) .ounded t indi
cst€ the time to retire .t dttt tüe hst post. is abo Gounded at
Bilitary tureral! &d EudratE s€ ice3 t to statioD at or
assiF to a posi 2 lBrit-, d4.l ta appoint -rt to a nilit ry or Daval
61',nd 13 t. put r+ ü d.pan (, bond. ek.) posmos
Poals (pöst) ,. .Frposrs < Iuro.la, oris., a st lior, fem. ;tudy äfta sladuäaio!, esp.
Webster's iDt nals to cery rn il or re8r
ofposlor s€€
pE.I 1 d) ork., aDy of r,D'rmb.r of ndeß or n[e'! postad at
i! r?hrs doDg a rcute; postrider
cR urarE (ddj. 2) -r. a studell td
po3l.haate {pösraäs/) ,,. IArcbai.l
o! coutier ä) o s(asE of ! r'61rcute c) a 6ietior ofaDost rcute d)a ,dv. wirh creat b6re
New World pGl.hoM 2 lchieny Brill .) (theJ 6sil ö) a pod orfrce .) s oail
bo( -vr: I lobsi Lo trliEl i! pos[s or stlae§ 2 to trasel lsl:
poal hoc, atlgo ptop.rer hoc
afi2r lhis- th?Efore be@@ (
hast4n 3 to ri5€ and siEl h.cl iD a saddle b rhvthE srü the horse s talac) of tlibtils rhrl a
trot -vr. 1o!ig.,d)t 3.rrl hy post 6)t hasten 2 [Chie0y Brit.i ils result. and emerimes

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