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Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.

Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat

Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993

Empowerment of Technologies 12
Preliminary Exam
Name: ___________________________ Grade/Section: _______________ Date: ________________
TEST 1- MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each question carefully and encircle your answer from the three given
1. What type of web that provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver web
a. Web 1.0 b. web 2.0 c. web 3.0
2. Which of the fallowing is an example of sites under web 2.0?
a. Facebook b. YouTube c. Wikipedia
3. What type of web page is classified as flat or stationary?
a. Internet b. web3.0 c. web 1.0
4. What is the name of the symbol that is used to classify and categorize information?
a. Hashtag b. question mark c. at sign
5. Websites that allow users to post their content, comment on the said topics.
a. Blogs and forums b. micro blogging c. media sharing
6. These are site that focus on short updates from the users.
a. Blogs and forums b. micro blogging c. media sharing
7. These are site that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and video.
a. Social network b. media sharing c. social news
8. These are site that allow you to upload and share media content like images.
a. Social network b. media sharing c. book marketing sites
9. These are sites that allow users to post their own news item or links to other news sources.
a. Social news b. bookmarking c. social network
10. It is the sites that allow you to connect with other people with the same interest and background.
a. Media sharing b. social networks c. social news
11. It is a computer mediated tools that allow large group of people to create, share or exchange information.
a. Mapping platform b. sharing c. social media platform
A. Identify what is being described below, and write the correct answer on the blank provided before each
___________1. It deals with use of different technologies such as mobile phones, computer, internet and other
___________2. It is an information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other
___________3. It is a flat or sanitary page.
___________4. It allows users to interact with the page, the user may be able to comment or create a user
___________5. Allow data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content.
___________6. Develop platform using internet technology, it have a revolutionary access to any information.
___________7. Its allow you to present and share information.
___________8. It is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet.
___________9. It used for storing, naming, sorting and handling of computer.
___________10. It is a transformation taking the points of one space into the point of the same space.
__________ 11. It is the sites that allow you to connect with other people.
__________ 12. It is sites that allow to store and manage link to various websites.
__________ 13.it is sites that allow users to post their own news items or link to other new sources.
__________14.it is the site that allows uploading and sharing media content.
__________15. It is the site that focuses on short updates from the user.

B. Identify the following web. Write whether they are web 1.0, web2.0, and web 3.0, on the blank provided
before each number.
________ 1. The new work times ______ 6. Instagram
________ 2. Trio healthcare Group ______7. Youtube
________3. Encyclopedia Britannica ______8. Inquiter net
________4. Facebook ______9. Wolfram alpha
________5. Siri’s Apple Voice Recognition ______10. Amazon.co.ok
Test III.CLASSIFICATION. Read each item carefully, and writes whether you can SHARE or NOT SHARE
these pieces of information in all your social media accounts. Write your answer on the blank provided before
the number.
_________1. First name ______ 6. Complete name of your father and mother
_________2. Last name _______7. Your birth day
_________3. Middle name _______8.name of sibling
_________4. Current and previous school _______9. Your password account
_________5. Cellphone Number _______10. TIN ID Number

Test IV- ESSAY. Explain the question below. Write your answer on the space provided below the question.

1. As a student’s why you need to study Empowerment Technology?

Content 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Beginner
Quality of Writing Very informative and Somewhat informative Gives no new
well-organized and organized information and very
poorly organized
Grammar and Usage Virtually no spelling, Few spelling and So many spelling,
punctuation or punctuation errors, minor punctuation and
grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors that it
interferes with the

2. Why we never give any personal information out about you over the internet?
Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993

Animal Production(Swine) 12
Preliminary Exam
Name: ___________________________ Grade/Section: _______________ Date: ________________
Test I. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following descriptions below and identify what is being described.
Write the correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
___________1. It is a white body, erect ears; face is dished, heavy and deep shoulders.
___________2. It is a white long body, droopy/floppy ears, straight long snout, and fine for quarters.
___________3.It is a breed from Belgium has a spotted black in white color and lean meat.
___________4. It is a hogs with droopy, medium-sized ears are known for their mothering ability, durability
and soundness.
___________5. It is a black body with a white saddle/belt across the shoulders and a good mothering ability.
___________6. A breed that has a black body with a white belt across the shoulders, short snout, thick erect ears.
___________7. It is originated in Ohio, known for their large female frame, length of body, leanness and muscle.
___________8. This breed is characterized by large, black and white sports.
___________9. The third most recorded breed of swine in the US. It is known for fast and efficient growth.
___________10. The second most breed of swine in US with dropping ears are valued for their product quality.
___________11. It is known for their muscle, with a high proportion of lean meat.
___________12. It means breeding of unrelated animal from the same breed, resulting in purebred stocks.
___________13. It is the process of breeding closely related animal.
___________14. It is the breeding of animal from different breeds.
___________15. What is continuously breeding an inferior breed with a superior breed to improve its
Test II- MATCHING TYPE –Match cycle of specification in column A with the duration in column B. Write
only a letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.
______1. Longevity a. 21(19-23) days
______2. Reproductive longevity b. 2-3 days
______3. Sucking period c. 35 hrs.
______4. Gestation period d. 24-40 hrs.
______5. Age at the first services e. < 24 hrs.
______6. Age of puberty f. 6-8 month
______7. Life span of eggs g. 8 month
______8. Life of sperm in the female genitation h. 114 days
______9. Time of evolution after onset of oestrus i. 8 weeks
______10. Duration of heat j. 4-8 years
______11. Length of oestrus k. 12-15 years
Test III. Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast the Inbreeding and Crossbreeding. Write your
answer inside the circle.
1 Need to improvements 2 Satisfactory 3 Good

Similarities Students includes 1 or no Students includes 2 Students includes similar

similar character traits similar character traits character traits
differences Students includes 1 or no Students includes 2 or no Students includes 3 or no
distinct traits for each distinct traits for each distinct traits for each
character character character

Inbreeding Crossbreeding

Test III. ENUMERATION. List down what are asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
Factors favorable for pig production/advantages.

Test IV. ESSAY. Do what are asked. Write your answer on the spaces provided below the question.
Content 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Beginner
Quality of Writing Very informative and Somewhat informative Gives no new
well-organized and organized information and very
poorly organized
Grammar and Usage Virtually no spelling, Few spelling and So many spelling,
punctuation or punctuation errors, minor punctuation and
grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors that it
interferes with the

1. Give the summary the origin of the pigs.

2. Why we need to focus on creep feeding, care at farrowing and after, meeting procedures and feed
growing pigs in production and productivity of the topics?

3. Why we need to learn the breeds of pigs and pig breeding?

Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993

Science 7
1ST Mastery Exam
Name: ___________________________ Grade/Section: _______________ Date: ________________
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each sentences below and choose your answer from the four given
choices. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number.
______1. The substances composed of two or more atoms are.
a. Elements b. compound c. pure substance d. mixture
______2. Why is the tap of water or salt water classified as a mixture, even though it is clear and colorless?
a. Because if you hold it very close to your eyes, you can see the different particles moving around
inside the water.
b. Because it is a kind of matter that contains more than one element is a mixture.
c. It contains at least two different substances or particles, and can be separated by physical means.
d. Because the particles combine in such a way that they can be separated by a chemical reaction.
______3. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Elements are the only kind of matter that can be properly classified as pure substances.
b. Only pure matter is classified as a substance, which include only elements and compounds.
c. All mixture can easily be identified as impure, since the components are always easily
d. All solutions consist of a solid dissolved in a liquid.
______4. Which of the following is the best statement about molecules?
a. Compounds are made of molecules, which consist of two atoms joined together.
b. All matter is made of molecules, which consist of identical atoms joined together.
c. Molecules cannot be split apart.
d. Molecules are particles of compounds, and consist of two or more atoms joined together.
______5. Which substances in the following list is a compound?
a. Salt b. carbon c. coffee d. paint
______6. When homemade ice cream is made, salt is added to the ice that surrounds the ice cream chamber.
Which property of salt is important when making ice cream?
a. salt conducts electricity in water c. salt lowers the freezing point of water
b. salt dissolves in water d. salt adds flavor to the ice cream mixture
______7. Sugar dissolves easily in water. The Sugar is a?
a. Solute b. solution c. solvent d. suspension
______8. Water is polar compound. Which of the following will readily dissolve in water?
a. starch b. fats c. salt d. aluminum
______9. Which elements contain all living things?
a. Helium b. copper c. sodium d. carbon
______10. What is the chemical element that is most abundant in the human body?
a. Nitrogen b. carbon c. iron d. oxygen
______11. The chemical formula for water, H2O means that each water molecule contains.
a. Two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms.
b. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms.
c. Two hydrogen atoms and zero oxygen atoms
d. One hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms.
______12. What is a group of atoms that acts as a unit?
a. Mixture b. elements c. molecule d. compound
______13. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Elements are the only kind of matter that can be properly classified as pure substances.
b. Only pure matter is classified as a substance, which includes only elements s and compounds.
c. All mixture can easily be identified as impure, since the components are always easily recognizable.
d. All solution consists of a solid dissolved in a liquid.

A-Identify what is being described or defined in each of the item below. Write the correct answers on
the blanks provided before each number.
_________________1. He was known as the father of nuclear research in the Philippines.
_________________2. In what subject did he poor during grade 4.
_________________3. Who spent him during summer to sharpen his poor skills?
_________________4. Who said that “a lazy dogs who never bothered about mathematics at all”
_________________5. He was known for his laws on gravitational motion.
_________________6. He was an inventor of many electrical devices.
_________________7.It is a trait of scientist that made up of many scientific discoveries and knowledge.
_________________8. She is a physical chemist at King’s College in London, proposed the double helix
structure of DNA molecule in 1951.
_________________9. It is the practice in the laboratory when students performed experiments to verify theories.
_________________10.It is a trait of science that means accepting criticism.
_________________11. A biochemistry that waged a battle with cancer cell.
_________________12. A diocesan priest from Butuan City, Agusan del Norte.
_________________13. It is a traits of scientist against arrogance.
_________________14. A good scientist does not give up a scientist should be patient, especially when dealing
_______________15. A scientist is confident and ready to defend his work, especially if he knows that he /she
is right .

B. Identify the symbol for each element. Write your answer on the blank provided.
1. Calcium -__________
2. Magnesium-________
3. Sodium-___________
4. Potassium-_________
5. Iron- ______________
A. Classify whether each substance is an ELEMENTS or a COMPOUND. Write your answer on the blank
1. Silver -___________________
2. Gasoline-_________________
3. Candle-___________________
4. Rubbing Alcohol -___________
5. Copper-___________________

B. Classify the following properties of matter whether it is pure substance or mixtures. Write your answer
on the box provided.

Material Pure substance Mixture

1. Salt
2. Soil
3. Water
4. blood
5. aluminum soil
6. sea water
7. oxygen
8. milk
9. carbon dioxide
10. rocks

TEST IV.DIFINITION. Give simple description of each scientific method. Write you answer on the space

1. Observation-

2. Research-

3. Hypothesis -

4. Test-

5. Analyze-

6. Conclude –

Test VI. ESSAY. Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast Pure substance and mixture using your
own words and understanding. Write your answer inside the circle.
1 Need to improvements 2 Satisfactory 3 Good

Similarities Students includes 1 or no Students includes 2 Students includes similar

similar character traits similar character traits character traits
differences Students includes 1 or no Students includes 2 or no Students includes 3 or no
distinct traits for each distinct traits for each distinct traits for each
character character character

Pure Substance Mixture

Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993

1 Mastery Exam
Name: ___________________________ Grade/Section: _______________ Date: ________________
A. Identify what is being described or defined in each of the item below. Write the correct answer on the
blanks provided before each number.
_______________1. It is bread leaved with yeast. It is made from either lean or rich dough.
_______________2. It consists of flour, yeast, salt, a little sugar and shortening.
_______________3. It contains ingredients such as butter, nuts, fruit, sugar, egg yolks and basic ingredients.
_______________4. It is a method of mixing dough that all ingredients are mixed in a bowl and kneaded to
make the dough.
_______________5. The yeast is added to 1 to 2 cups of flour and liquid ingredients.
_______________6. It is much softer batter instead of dough is prepared.
_______________7. It is made from batter.
_______________8. It is an ingredient in making muffins that may be used water, juice and milk.
B. Read and understand the given statement. Write MUFFIN if the statements describing a muffins and write
BISCUIT if it is describing a biscuits. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number.
_______________1. It is a tender, moist and simple cup breads leaved with baking powder.
_______________2. They belong to the quick bread family.
_______________3. It is laid properly on ungreased baking sheet.
_______________4. They are allowed to stand for 30 minutes before putting them in the oven.
_______________5. They are easy to prepare and are great favorites among children.
_______________6. It is made from batter.
_______________7. It contains 2 different preparing methods.
_______________8. It is cut with a cookie cutter into desired shapes and sizes.
_______________9. It is generally drop batter in medium soft dough.
_______________10. It is baked in preheated oven for 12 to 15 minutes depending on the size and thickness.
C. Write the missing ingredients and fillings of Apple Pie. Write your answer on the blank provided.
Apple Pie
1. 2 ¼ cups __________________ 3. 6 tbsps. __________________
2. ½ tsp. __________________ 4. ¾ cup __________________

6 medium – sized apples
1. ½ cup __________________ 4. 1 tsp. __________________
2. ½ cup __________________ 5. 1 tsp. __________________
3. 4 tsp. __________________ 6. 2 tbsps. __________________
Test II. CLASSIFICATION. Classify the following tools based on their usage. Write your answer on the
boxes provided.
Weighing Scale oven Liquid measuring cup Pie pans
Pastry blender Mixer Loaf pans
Timer Cookie cutter wooden spoon
Muffin pans set of measuring spoon muffin fun
Wooden spoon liquid measuring cup
Measuring Cutting, Mixing & Blending Cooking & baking

Test V. ENUMERATION. List down what are asked. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Give the procedure in making an apple pie.

2. Kinds of tools and equipment.


Test VI. ESSAY. Answer what is being asked. Write your answer on the space provided. Below each question.
1. Make your own recipe in Muffins.

4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Need to improved
Content All ingredients are some of the only few of the No ingredient is
mention ingredient are not ingredient mention mention

Creativity and The idea of the final The idea of the final The idea the final The idea the final
originality outcomes is singular outcomes is similar to outcomes is few outcomes is copy
but not unique other existing one than other of other.
Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993

Animal Production (Poultry) 12

Preliminary Exam
Name: ___________________________ Grade/Section: _______________ Date: ________________
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each sentence below and choose your answer from the four given
choices. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is more difficult than broilers.
a. Chicken b. producing eggs c. producing chicks d. breeds
2. It contains vitamin and minerals that are essential in your diet.
a. Eggs and meat b. Iron and breed c. healthy babies d. chicks
3. It is one of the basic requirements for a poultry house.
a. rain proof b. chickens c feeds d. all of the above
4. The reason why poultry should have a well-constructed house is.
a. To give hens none safe plan c. to protect eating them
b. To get their egg d. to protect them from floods, rains and sun.
5. Why they will need to sell their broilers at high price?
a. Because of long distance c. because it will dead
b. Because of many small farmers d. because very weak
6. When your baby chicks arrive they will need a __________?
a. Comfortable b. special care c. housing d. all of the above
7. The sick and weak chicks should be?
a. Remove and buried c. kept separately and give special care
b. Given water immediately d. none of the above
8. The cold-box brooder can be used only for up to _______ chicks?
a. 50 chicks b. 60 chicks c. 70 chicks d. 100 chicks

Test II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being described or define in each of the item below. Write the
correct answer on the blank provided before each number.
_______________1. It is keeping chicks warm and comfortable.
_________________2. Are mixed according to a special recipe to provide a balance diet.
_________________3. It is maybe unreliable or unavailable that can provide heat.
_________________4. It must be flat and smooth and easy to clean.
_________________5.It should be raked weekly.
_________________6. How many broiler chickens should keep in simple poultry house?
_________________7. How many laying hens on the floor (barn system)?
_________________8. It is equipment that you can give to your chicks, clean fresh water.
_________________9. This is an equipment of a chicks that poultry must have continual occurs to feed.
_________________10. These are used to produce both meat and eggs.
_________________11. These have been selected for egg production. ,white leghom was very popular.
_________________12. It is the commercial world today. They lay more eggs than special and dual purpose breeds.
_________________13. It contains vitamins and minerals that are essential in your diet.
Test III. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise FALSE. Write your answer on
the blank provided before each number.
__________1. When baby chicks arrive they will need special care.
__________2. Dead chicks should not be removed and buried.
__________3. Sick and weak chicks should be kept separately.
__________4. Chicks should not be given water immediately.
__________5. Electricity maybe unreliable or unavailable.
__________6. A small kerosene lamp cannot provide heat.
__________7. Baby chicks need a feed of the highest quality.
__________8. A chicks do not need a source of feed energy to make them grow well.
__________9. Chicks also need other nutrients (minerals and vitamin) but only in a small amount.
__________10. Feed ingredients are not mixed according to a special recipe to provide a balance diet.
Test IV. ENUMERATION. List down what are asked. Write your answer on the space provided with number
1. Basic requirements for poultry house
2. The reason why poultry should have a well-constructed house
3. Equipment in poultry housing
4. Important features of poultry house

Test V. ESSAY. Explain the question below. Write your answer on the space provided below the question.
3 2 1
Expert Accomplished beginner
Very informative and well- Somewhat informative and Gives no new information and very
organized organized poorly organized

1. Why it is important to have a constructed house for chicken?

Test VI. SKETCH. Draw a poultry house with corresponding observation, measurement labels and
arrangement. Draw it on the separate sheet provided .
Content 3 Excellent 2 Good 1 Fair
Creativity and Art work reflects Art work shows some Art work shows little or
Originality originality. evidence of originality. no evidence of original
Uses line, measurement Use line, measurement or thought. Does not use
or form in an original form in a slightly original line, measurement or
manner. manner. form in a creative manner.
Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993


Name of Students Aral. MAP
Filipino English Math Science TLE ESP Signature
Pan EH
1 Aloro, Reu Paulo
2 Apolinar, Pocholo
3 Aprong, Jay Mar
4 Bello, Richard
5 Copen, John Mark
6 Darroca, Jhon Alvin
7 Diokno, Kenneth John
8 Domider, Mark Rassel
9 Engallado, Cedric
10 Fuentes, Jaype
11 Fuscablo, Cedric
12 Glendro, Argie
13 Guillermo, Nick
14 Mapin, Marlon
15 Oni, Jerico, Simgulang
16 Piagola, Benedicto
17 Quistadio, Jay-ar
18 Singcoro, Benjie
19 Taculod, Sean Kyan
20 Ugal, Reymark
Students Filipino English Math Science Aral. TLE ESP MAP Signature
Pan EH

1 Aldia, Rugelyn
Aniversario, Princess
3 Antonio, Ellaine
4 Bayaca, Honey Babes
Bogador, Princess
6 Castro, Mary-an
7 Coniza, Sheryl
8 Cruzada, Audrey Kyle
9 Espulgar, Mechailene
10 Galve, Key Ann
Graciadas, Precious
12 Jacinto, Princess Ellen
13 Kulat, Marchel
14 Latigo, Princess Joy
15 Lebreza, Sherry
16 Nobliza,Doke Amor
17 Marcelino, Alvygen
18 Oni, Myrna
19 Palomo, Karen
20 Palomo, Riza Chen
21 Panigon, Divine Grace
22 Samentar,Anjulie Babe
23 Saluni, Andrea
24 Sulan, Honey Faith
25 Suyo, Andrea
26 Timbas,Faith Joy
27 Tabaosares, Princess



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