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A. Background

Education can take place under the guidance of others, but also support self-
taught. Learning knowledge, skills, and habits of a person passed down from one
generation to another ordered through training or training which is an educational
process that exists in humans. This means that it is expected that with the educational
transformation process, humans can increase all their cognitive, affective and
psychomotor potentials. During the educational process, students acquire knowledge
of various scientific disciplines and functional skills. It is packaged with the school
curriculum as a reference for all students.

Education According to Law no. 20 of 2003 Chapter I article 1 which reads:

"Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and
the learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious
spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills.
what is needed by himself, society, nation and state ”.

The quality of education plays an important role in the progress of a

country, which is largely determined by the quality of teaching and learning activities
in schools. one of the success factors in learning activities is the value of discipline in
students. With the value of discipline, students can receive the subject matter
delivered by the teacher well.
With the growth of the value of discipline in students, it will encourage students to be
obedient, obedient and be able to carry out learning activities diligently for a long
time, be more concentrated, easy to remember and not easily bored with what is being
The Indonesian government has made improvements to the quality of
education in Indonesia. It is proven that there has been a curriculum change up to 11
times since after Indonesian independence. These changes aim to improve the quality
of education which results in better quality human resources. The rapid development
of the times from time to time must be accompanied by the development of the
quality of existing human resources, especially in today's digital era. Students'
reading interest is so reduced that almost all schools feel it.

The use of information technology is one of the methods used by the

government to improve the quality of Indonesian education. However, the improper
use of information technology is one of the causes of the current lack of reading
interest in students. The convenience that students get in accessing information makes
students at school lazy to read, this convenience makes students these learners
become dependent on what technology provides. This is clearly very worrying,
considering that one indicator of the success of the education that is held in Indonesia
is the increasing number of literacy among Indonesians.

Technology that offers easy access to information has become a shortcut to

avoid reading printed material, whether books or other printed information sources.
The government issued a regulation in the form of Regulation of the Minister of
Education and Culture Number 23 of 2015 concerning Cultivation of Character. In
this Permendikbud there is an appeal for every education stakeholder to participate in
carrying out every habituation as stipulated in Permendikbud Number 23 of 2015.
One of the things that the Indonesian government is intensively doing is the school
literacy movement.

Reading is a way of absorbing information and knowledge that empowers

several senses together. When we read a book in a slightly loud voice and make a
sound, the sense of hearing (ear) will listen and will correct the sound that comes out
of the mouth. At that time the sense of sight (eye) will see what is written in the

The school literacy movement is one of the efforts made by the current
Indonesian government, in addition to replacing the existing curriculum in schools.
The Government of Indonesia through the Minister of Education and Regulation

Culture enforces a movement in the form of school literacy which is carried

out 15 minutes before lessons are carried out in class at the beginning of learning. It is
hoped that through this school literacy movement it can improve the quality of
Indonesia by increasing students' reading interest in schools.

The problem of the low reading interest of students is one of the causes of
the low quality of education in Indonesia. This problem is handled by the government
through reading habit in the form of the school literacy movement. One of the reasons
for strengthening literacy culture with reading habits in schools is to develop critical
reading which is the most basic thing and needs to be instilled for students in schools
as well as the results of several surveys and research that show the low reading ability
of students in Indonesia.

Based on the reading ability assessment conducted by The Program for

International Student Assessment (PISA) in Yunus A, et al. (2017: 277) who have
assessed the reading ability level of students since 2000, said that: "Indonesia is a
country with a low level of reading ability. Based on the PISA assessment in 2000, it
was found that Indonesia had a score of 371, and occupied the third lowest reading
ability of the countries scored. In 2003 the reading ability score of Indonesian
students was 383. These results put Indonesia in 39th place out of 40. country. In
2006, Indonesia's reading ability score increased slightly, namely by 393.
Even the average Indonesian student is in the lowest category with a score
of 358 to 420, ranking 48 out of 56 countries included in the PISA study. The ability
to read comprehension of the results of the PISA assessment in 2009 for Indonesian
students again showed a low category, namely 402 and put Indonesia in 57th place
out of the 65 countries assessed. The re-measurement was carried out in 2012 and
2015 which showed the same results, namely Indonesian students still have low
reading skills.

Based on these empirical data, efforts to increase the ability of students in

this problem require the government to create specific strategies to increase students'
reading interest and reading skills. The strategy is implemented by creating the
School Literacy Movement developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

In line with the results of the assessment conducted by PISA. UNESCO

conducted a survey in 2012, related to the reading interest of the Indonesian people,
and the results were very apprehensive, namely 0.001 percent. This means that in
1000 (one thousand) people there is only one community who has an interest in
If you look at the increasing development of the educational background of
the Indonesian people, the interest in reading should also increase in Indonesian
society. These results encourage the government, especially through the Ministry of
Education and Culture to create new strategies in order to increase the reading interest
of students in Indonesia and creating the School Literacy Movement is one strategy to
improve the quality of education in Indonesia by increasing the reading interest of
students. Burns, et al in Farida Rahim (2011: 01) stated "That is the ability reading is
vital in an educated society ”.

The government in the education sector, namely the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. In Chapter
III, article 4 paragraph 5, it reads "Education is held by developing a culture of
reading, writing and arithmetic for all members of the community". Create a reading
interest policy. Reading interest that is expected to grow and develop in these
students is guided by the existence of the school literacy movement policy, this
movement is carried out by the school at the beginning of the learning process in the
classroom for 15 minutes. The school literacy movement is the ability to access,
understand, and use something intelligently through various activities, including
reading, viewing, listening, writing and / or speaking.

The school literacy movement consists of 3 implementation steps, namely

habituation, development and learning which are expected to foster, one of which is
the reading interest of students from reading habituation at the beginning of the
learning process in the classroom for 15 minutes. Through preliminary research
activities carried out on November 9, 2017, there were changes and improvements in
the reading culture at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo after the implementation of the
school literacy movement.

The implementation of the school literacy movement at SMA Negeri 2

Gadingrejo is in accordance with Permendikbud Number 23 of 2015 concerning
character growth. This school literacy movement is certainly a breakthrough very
good and should be applied to the maximum. This is because the students' interest in
reading at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo is low. The following is the data on the number
of students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo.
Table 1.1 Data on the number of students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo

No Class School Year

2016/2017 2017/2018
1 X 223 228
2 XI 197 223
3 XII 196 197
Total 616 648

Source: Profiles of SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo for the 2016/2017 & 2017/2018 school

Based on table 1.1, it shows that there is an increase in the number of students at
SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo due to the addition of one additional classroom in class X.
In addition to the data on the number of students, researchers also get data on library
visitors at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo.

Table 1.2 Number of visitors to SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo library

No Month Number of Visitors

1 January 228
2 Fabruary 140
3 March 145
4 April 200
5 May 220
6 June 143
Average 182

Source: Library Visitor Book of SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo, 2016/2017

Based on the data in table 1.1 and table 1.2 shows the low reading interest
of students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo, this is shown by the small number of
visitors to the SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo library every time.
month with an average visitor number of 182 students or 29.7% of the total number
of students in the 2016/2017 academic year. This is clearly a problem that is being
faced by SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo and many schools in Indonesia. Therefore, the
Indonesian government issued educational regulations that aim to improve and
increase the reading interest of students in schools through the School Literacy

The implementation of the school literacy movement implemented by SMA

Negeri 2 Gadingrejo has a positive impact since it was first implemented in the
teaching and learning process. The school literacy movement has proven to increase
the reading interest of students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo, it is evident that there is
an increase in visitors to the SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo library in the 2017/2018
school year which is the school year after the implementation of the school literacy
movement at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo. The following is the number of library
visitors in the 2017/2018 school year.

Table 1.3 Number of visitors to SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo library

No Month Number of Visitors

1 Juli 400
2 Agustus 480
3 September 420
4 Oktober 380
5 November 440
Average 432

Source: SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo Library Visitor Book 2017/2018

Based on table 1.3, it shows that visitors to the SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo
library on average in each month are 432 students or 66.6% of the total number of
students in the 2017/2018 school year. This seems to have increased when compared
to the number of library visitors at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in the 2016/2017
academic year, who at that time had not implemented school literacy. The
implementation of the school literacy movement clearly has a positive impact on
increasing reading interest in students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo.

Based on the results of interviews with SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo teachers,

he said that the implementation of the School Literacy Movement at SMA Negeri 2
Gadingrejo had an effect on increasing the ability of students to absorb the lessons
given by the teacher. This is because students are used to absorbing information and
knowledge from the readings they read when implementing literacy movements on a
daily basis. Not only that, the author also interviewed several students of SMA Negeri
2 Gadingrejo who said that the implementation of the school literacy movement had
an influence on the habits and interests of students in reading.

Students feel that the 15 minutes given by the teacher to read the knowledge
book is still lacking, it gives a sense of curiosity about the knowledge being read.
Because of that they will continue reading at another time, such as during their break
to the library or continue in class if the books they read come from books that
students bring by themselves. the success of the literacy movement schools can not be
separated from the existence of supporting facilities and infrastructure. The following
is the facility data in the library.

Table 1.4 Data for library support facilities at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo.

No Type Amount
Reading table 18 Units
2 Chair 16 Units
3 Curtain 15 Units
4 Clock 1 Unit
5 Computer 1
6 Printer 1
7 Fan 4
8 Boolshelves 11

9 Cabinets 2

10 Advertisements 16

11 Newspapers and Megazine Racks 2

12 Carpets 2

13 Trash can 1

Source: Primary data of SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo Library for the 2017/2018 school

Table 1.5 Data of Perpuastiksi Book at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo

No Type Amount Conditions
Good Broken
1 Textbook 4823 4823 -
2 Reading books 817 817 -
3 Reference book 439 439 -
4 Megazine 5 5 -
5 Others 8 8 -
Total 6087 6087 0

Source: Primary data of SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo library for the 2017/2018 school

Based on table 1.4 and 1.5, it can be seen that the facilities and
infrastructure to support the school literacy movement at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo
are still very limited. It can be seen that there are still few non-lesson knowledge
books as reading books for the school literacy movement, as well as computer
facilities as facilities support in learning activities in the library. Whereas the aim of
the school literacy movement is to increase students' interest in reading. It is evident
from the increase in library visitors after the implementation of the school literacy
movement program at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo.

Library visitors at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo are currently experiencing a

good increase after the implementation of the school literacy movement. However,
the visible results are still not optimal, because to achieve maximum results requires
an active role and creativity of teaching and education personnel as well as the
availability of complete facilities and infrastructure that support the success of the
school literacy movement.

Facilities and infrastructure to support the success of the school literacy

movement are the most important things to complete. Because remembering the
purpose of the School Literacy Movement is to foster reading interest in students so
that they have noble character. Looking at the data and conditions in schools
regarding the School Literacy Movement at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo which shows
the low reading interest of students and an increase in students' reading interest after
implementing the school literacy movement, the researcher considers it necessary to
conduct research on the extent of the influence of the school literacy movement
program. towards increasing students' reading interest at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in
the 2017/2018 school year.

A. Problem Identification.

Based on the background of the problem above, the problem identification in this
study is as follows:
1. Lack of students' reading interest.
2. Lack of facilities and infrastructure to support the success of the school literacy
3. Technology that offers easy access to information has become a shortcut to avoid
textual and printed reading.
4. Lack of socialization about the School Literacy Movement to educators and
education staff

B. Problem Limitation

Based on the background of the problem and problem identification, this research is
limited to the influence of the school literacy movement program on the reading
interest of students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in the 2017/2018 school year.

C. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the problem, problem identification and problem

limitation, the formulation of the problem in this study is "How is the influence of the
School Literacy Movement program on the reading interest of students at SMA
Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in the 2017/2018 school year"

A. Purpose and Purpose of Research

1. Research Objectives

This research was conducted to determine how the influence of the implementation of
the school literacy movement to increase students' reading interest in SMA Negeri 2
Gadingrejo in the academic year 2017/2018.

2. Usefulness of Research
a. Theoretical Uses
Theoretically, this research is useful for developing the concepts of education,
especially civic education, which examines the school literacy movement program in
accordance with the character education course.

b. Practical Uses
Practical use in this research is to provide input to parties involved in the
implementation of education, especially related to the implementation of the School
Literacy Movement, namely as follows:
a. Teacher
The results of this study can be used as information and insight enhancers for
educators in the context of implementing the School Literacy Movement in order to
create a generation that has a lifelong literacy culture.
b. School
The results of this study can be used as additional useful literature media for SMA
Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in order to implement the Literacy Movement School effectively
so that it can achieve the desired goals.
c. Parents
The results of this study are useful for providing reflection to parents on the
importance of reading.
d. Learners
The results of this study can be used by students as material for self-evaluation in
order to become literate individuals.
e. Researcher
The results of this study are useful for adding to the knowledge of education,
especially education related to the application of the School Literacy Movement.

B. Research Scope
1. Scope of Science

This research is included in the scope of education science, with the study area of
Citizenship Education, including in the area of study related to efforts to establish
themselves as citizens who have: knowledge, skills, attitudes and values as well as
real behavior in community and state life both at school and at school. Public.
1. Research Object
The object of this research is the influence of the School Literacy Movement program
on the reading interest of students at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in the 2017/2018
academic year.
2. Research Subject
The subjects of this study were educators and education personnel as well as students
of class X, XI and XII at SMA Negeri 2 Gadingrejo in the 2017/2018 academic year.
3. Research Area
This research was conducted at Gadingrejo 2 Public Senior High School.
4. Research Time
This research was carried out since the issuance of a preliminary research permit by
the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung
on October 20, 2017 with the number: 7881 / UN26.13 / PN.01.00 / 2017 until this
research was completed on 5 March 2018 with number 423 / D.01 / GR / 2018.
A. Literacy Overview

1. Definition of Literacy
Literacy is simply defined as literacy, literacy skills, and proficiency in
reading and writing. However, this is not the case for now, because the need for
knowledge in each individual is far different from the times, where literacy is only
defined as the ability to read and write. This means that literacy is defined as the
needs and needs of literacy at that time. The notion of literacy develops into the
ability to read, write, speak, listen, and utilize technology. Its definition involves
mastering the written systems and conventions that accompany them. However,
literacy primarily relates to language and how it is used.

The demand for knowledge needs to broaden the understanding of literacy

at this time. The notion of literacy has shifted from a narrow sense to a broader one
that includes various other important fields. The factors that lead to the development
of literacy are of course originated from the demands of the times, which require
more abilities, not only reading and writing skills. People's life in the era of
globalization is marked by, among other things, a life that is very familiar with the
development of science, technology and art which requires its citizens to have basic
abilities in order to survive in the midst of people's lives. For this reason, literacy
culture plays an important role in this globalization era. Because that is what has led
to the development of literacy understanding. Definition also determines how
progress or achievement in order to foster a culture of literacy.

The notion of literacy has grown to mean the ability or literacy of

technology, politics, critical thinking, and sensitivity to the surrounding environment,
it has certainly evolved from the original meaning which was only defined as the
ability to read and write. According to Mills in Yunus et al (2017: 03). "To state that
we have experienced a broader shift in the history of text culture, towards a point
where the visual mode is more prominent with the help of new technology".

The concept of teaching literacy is defined as the ability to read and write. A
person can be called a literate if he has essential knowledge to be used in any activity
that demands an effective literacy function in society and the knowledge he achieves
by reading, writing, and arithmetic allows it to be utilized for himself and the
development of society.
the definition of literacy in education, when viewed based on the needs of students in
school, the meaning of literacy develops includes the process of reading, writing,
speaking, listening, imagining and seeing. Burns, et al in Farida Rahim (2011: 01).
"To say that the ability to read is vital in an educated society. However, children who
do not understand the importance of learning to read will not be motivated to learn ”.
Readers must actively engage with previous experiences, thought processes, attitudes,
emotions and interests to understand the reading they are experiencing.

The challenges of the times are in the form of tighter competitiveness

among individuals, groups and even countries. Because of this, Humans are faced
with increasingly fierce competition in today's modern era, which puts forward the
use of technology and the ability to think critically in every human being. Bosman in
Yunus A, et al (2017: 02) "provides an example, that the Britanicca Encyclopedia,
which has been known in printed form for 244 years, has now turned into an online
version of the dictionary assisted by multimedia components".

According to the Ministry of National Education (2004) literacy is defined

as "the skills and knowledge needed not only to live financially, but also as
something needed to develop oneself socially, economically and culturally in modern
life." So if we refer to the definition of literacy according to the Ministry of National
Education, it clearly refers to one's ability to reason from the literacy process. In line
with the development of information and communication technology, the definition
of literacy has also undergone further developments. In today's digital era, the term
literacy is also known as multiliteration. According to Eisner in Yunus A, et al (2017:
04) said "that multiliteration or literacy in the digital era today is the ability to read,
write, paint, dance, or make contact with various media that require literacy, Eisner
argues that literacy is seen as a way to find and make meanings from the various
forms of representation that exist around us ”. Eisner's view is in line with the view of
C. Luke in Yunus A, et al (2017: 04) which states "that multiliteration or literacy in
today's digital era is the ability to perceive knowledge in an integrative, thematic,
multimodal, and interdisciplinary way. Based on the definition of literacy that has
been described, it can be seen that literacy is a complex ability. It's not just the ability
to read and write. But the ability to take and interpret various types of texts that are
applicable or used in the discourse community, for example, narrative texts,
expositions, descriptions and so on. The meaning of literacy is growing from time to
time. The development of this meaning follows the fast-moving times. Literacy can
be obtained through the learning process through three literacy skills that can be
obtained by students in stages, namely reading and writing and reasoning. One of the
main goals of literacy learning is to help students understand and find effective
strategies for reading and writing skills, including the ability to interpret the meaning
of complex texts in grammar and syntactic structures.

The rapid development of the times has opened a curtain on literacy. Now
we know that literacy is not only about reading and writing. Moreover, almost all
components of education today cannot be separated from the use of information
technology. So, literacy is the ability to interpret various forms of information
contained in any form, be it painting, dance, reading, or the ability to create reading
or painting writing in print or digital form. Until a further term emerged from literacy,
namely multiliteration, which is a literacy term in the current era of information
technology. Therefore world education experts turned to a new definition of literacy.
In addition, today the word literacy is often juxtaposed with other words, such as
computer literacy, virtual literacy, mathematical literacy, information literacy and so

Principles of Literacy education

Literacy skills are absolutely necessary for everyone, as well as current
students. This is a consequence of the increasing level of competition in all areas of
life. Not only the ability to read and write, but also the ability to read critical analysis
of all discourses, issues, social, cultural, economic, and political phenomena. In line
with Kern's definition of literacy, that literacy skills include a person's ability to read,
interpret, reflect, and interpret various types of texts critically.
Kern in Yusuf & Hayat (2010: 31-33) states that there are 7 principles of
literacy-based education in schools.
1. Literacy involves interpretation
The writer / speaker and reader / listener participate in the act of
interpretation, namely: the writer / speaker interprets the world (events, experiences,
ideas, feelings, etc.), and the reader / listener then interprets the author / speaker's
interpretation in the form of his own conception of the world. .
2. Literacy involves collaboration
There is cooperation between the two parties, namely the writer / speaker
and reading / listener. The cooperation in question is in an effort to reach a common
understanding. The writer / speaker decides what to write / say or not to write / say
based on their understanding of the reader / listener. Meanwhile, readers / listeners
devote their motivation, knowledge and experience in order to make the author's text
3. Literacy involves convention
People reading and writing or listening and speaking are determined by (not
universal) cultural conventions / conventions which develop through use and
modification for individual purposes. The convention here includes the rules of
language both spoken and written.
4. Literacy involves cultural knowledge.
Reading and writing or listening and speaking functions in certain systems
of attitudes, beliefs, habits, ideals and values. So that people who are outside a
cultural system are vulnerable / at risk of being misunderstood by people who are in
that cultural system.
5. Literacy involves solving problems.
Because words are always attached to the linguistic context and the situation
that surrounds them, the act of listening, speaking, reading, and writing involves
imagining the relationships between words, phrases, sentences, units of meaning, text,
and world world. This attempt to imagine / think / consider is a form of problem
6. Literacy involves reflection and self-reflection.
Readers / listeners and writers / speakers think about language and its
relationships to the world and themselves. Once they are in a communication
situation they think about what they had said, how to say it, and why said it.
7. Literacy involves the use of language.
Literacy is not limited to language systems (oral / written) but requires
knowledge of how language is used in both oral and written contexts to create a
discourse / discourse.
a. Literacy Components
Literacy, as explained, says that currently, the term literacy is not only the
ability to simply read, write and count, but includes thinking and reasoning skills
using sources of knowledge in print, visual, digital and auditory forms or what is
often referred to as multiliteration. or especially in the information literacy section.
According to Morocco in Yunus A, et al (2017: 15) said "that the most important
competence that must be possessed in the 21st century is marked by four important
things, namely high understanding competence, critical thinking competence,
competence to collaborate and communicate". With the ability that must be facilitated
by multiliteracy skills in an era of technology like today.

The UNESCO Declaration states about information literacy that

“information literacy is related to the ability to identify, determine, discover, evaluate,
create effectively and organized, use and communicate information to address various
problem. " These abilities need to be possessed by each individual as a condition for
participating in today's information society, and they are part of the basic right of
every human being in the context of learning. According to Clay and Ferguson in the
Ministry of Education and Culture (2016: 08) the components of information literacy
consist of early literacy, basic literacy, library literacy, media literacy, technological
literacy and visual literacy. The components of information literacy are described as

a. Early Literacy is the ability to listen, understand spoken language, and

communicate through pictures and speech which is shaped by his experience of
interacting with his social environment at home. The experience of students in
communicating in their mother tongue becomes the foundation for the development
of basic literacy.
b. Basic Literacy, namely the ability to listen, speak, read, write, and count (counting)
is related to the analytical ability to take into account (calculating), perceive
information (perceiving), communicate, and describe information (drawing) based on
understanding and personal conclusion.
c. Library Literacy, among others, provides an understanding of how to distinguish
between fiction and nonfiction reading, utilizes reference and periodical collections,
understands the Dewey Decimal System as a classification of knowledge that makes
it easy to use libraries, understands catalog use and indexing, and has knowledge in
understanding information while completing a paper, research, work, or solving a
d. Media Literacy, which is the ability to identify different forms of media, such as
print media, electronic media (radio media, television media), digital media (internet
media), and understand their intended use.
e. Technology Literacy, which is the ability to understand the completeness that
follows technology such as hardware, software, and ethics and etiquette in utilizing
technology. Next, the ability to understand technology to print, present and access the
internet. In practice, also understanding using a computer (Computer Literacy) which
includes turning on and off the computer, storing and managing data, and operating
software programs. In line with the flood of information due to current technological
developments, a good understanding is needed in managing the information needed
by society.
f. Visual Literacy, is an advanced understanding of media literacy and technology
literacy, which develops learning abilities and needs by utilizing visual and
audiovisual materials in a critical and dignified manner. Unstoppable interpretation of
visual material, whether in print, auditory or digital form (a combination of the three
is called multimodal text), needs to be managed properly. However in it a lot of
manipulation and entertainment really need to be filtered based on ethics and
Based on the literacy components above, it means that each individual must
have good abilities related to literacy. Of course, the six components of literacy are
related to one another in the implementation of literacy in schools. Stakeholders in
schools have an important role to play in facilitating all existing literacy components.
The literacy component that can be developed for each student will create a literacy
environment in schools, of course this will support the successful implementation of
literacy-based education. In this case, a teaching and learning approach is also needed
that develops these literacy components. This is of course in order to create a good
literacy environment.
a. Direction and Objectives of literacy-based education
Learning literacy in schools has certain goals that are in line with the
development of the definition of literacy from time to time, the objectives of literacy
learning have developed widely. "In the beginning the application of school literacy
learning is only intended so that students are skilled in understanding the linguistic
dimensions of literacy. Initially the goal of literacy was only to develop three main
components in the linguistic dimension, namely components at the word level,
sentence level and text level ”. Yunus A, et al (2017: 23).
The purpose of literacy according to Yunus A, et al (2017: 25) states that
"literacy is currently entering the 21st century until now, has the main objective of
providing opportunities or opportunities for students to develop themselves as
competent communicators in a multiliterative context. , multicultural and multimedia
through their multiligency learning ".

Literacy learning according to Yunus A, et al (2017: 25) at this time has the
following objectives:

A. Shaping students to become strategic readers, writers, and communicators.

b. Improve thinking skills and develop thinking habits in students.
c. Increase and deepen the motivation of students.
d. Developing the independence of students as learners who are innovative,
productive, and have character.

interconnect and mutually assess the direction and goals of literacy-based education
in schools today.
1. Overview of the School Literacy Movement

a. Understanding the literacy movement

The ability to access, understand, and use something intelligently through
various activities, including reading, viewing, listening, writing, and / or speaking, all
of these are language skills and an important factor in the learning process, because
by reading students can get information . Reading is one of the activities in literacy.
Literacy cannot be separated from the world of education in the learning stage.

According to Gestalt in Ahmadi Abu (2010: 61) "learning is an active

process which is not only visible activities such as body movements but also mental
activities, such as the process of thinking, remembering and so on". Literacy is a
means for students to recognize, understand, and apply the knowledge they get in

The School Literacy Movement is a movement that strengthens the

character development movement, the government issued a policy of character
growth for students through 7 habituations, one of which is the School Literacy
Movement. as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture
Number 23 of 2015. Activities in the movement are "15 minutes reading non-lesson
books before learning time begins".

This activity is carried out to foster students' reading interest and improve
reading skills so that knowledge can be mastered better. Reading material contains
ethical values, in the form of local, national, and global wisdom that is conveyed
according to the level of education and the stages of development of students. "An
effort or activity that is participatory in nature by involving school members
(students, teachers, school principals, education personnel, school supervisors, school
committees, parents / guardians of students), academics, publishers, mass media, the
community (community leaders which can represent exemplary, business world, etc.),
and stakeholders under the coordination of the Directorate General of Primary and
Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture ”.
According to the reading ability assessment conducted by the Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA) in Yunus A, et al (2017: 277) said that:

"Indonesia is a country with a low level of reading ability. Based on the PISA
assessment in 2000, it was found that Indonesia had a score of 371 and occupied the
third lowest reading ability of the countries assessed. In 20113, the reading ability
score of Indonesian students was 383. This puts Indonesia in 39th place out of 40
countries. In 2006, Indonesia's reading ability score slightly increased, namely by
393, which made Indonesia ranked 48 out of 56 countries included in the PISA study.
PISA re-released its research results in 2009, 2012 and 2015 again, Indonesia shows
that reading skills are still low.

Based on these empirical data, efforts to increase the ability of students in

this problem require the government to create specific strategies to increase students'
reading interest and reading skills. The strategy implementation is by creating The
School Literacy Movement developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The School Literacy Movement according to the Ministry of Education and
Culture (2016: 07) is: The School Literacy Movement aims to familiarize and
motivate students to want to read and write in order to foster character. The School
Literacy Movement strengthens the character development movement as outlined in
the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 23 of 2015.

The School Literacy Movement must get its own attention and appreciation
by all parties, this is because the movement always encourages community
participation in various activities to develop science and technology through reading
and writing habits, which in the end the various works produced are able to make a
positive contribution to social life and patriotic.
The literacy program that has been implemented in the State of Indonesia is
based on Permendikbud Number 23 of 2015 concerning the development of
character, especially in the implementation of the 7 habituation activities that have
been listed in the regulations which aim to improve and cultivate the character of
students, through cultivating the school literacy ecosystem which is manifested in the
Movement School literacy so that they become lifelong learners.
Strengthened and clarified in Law Number 23 of 2015 concerning Character
Development, namely in the section on developing the potential of students as a
whole which reads:
Each student has diverse potential. Schools should facilitate optimally so that students
can identify and develop their potential. Mandatory activities:
a. Use the 15 minutes before the lesson day to read books other than the subject book
b. Certain physical activities such as physical fitness exercises are carried out
regularly and routinely, at least once a week.

Habits that clearly regulate the School Literacy Movement among the seven
other habits are habituation about developing the full potential of students. This habit
requires literacy activities for 15 minutes before the learning process in the early
morning of the opening of learning in the classroom. With students in the
implementation reading knowledge books that are not in the form of textbooks with
the aim of opening insight and more experience from the literacy process carried out
by students.

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2007 concerning the

National Long-Term Development Plan 2005-2025, states that one of the directions,
stages and priorities of Indonesia's long-term development in 2005-2025 is to create a
competitive nation, because this is the key. for the achievement of national progress
and prosperity, this cannot be separated from the participation of the world of
education. According to Langeveld in Basrowi & Sumitro (2010: 62), "said that
education is a guidance done deliberately by adults to children to reach maturity.
Long-term national development and strengthening the nation's competitiveness, is
directed at several things, two of which are promoting the development of quality,
competitive human resources, increasing control, utilization and creation of
knowledge. Of course, the world of education plays an important role in creating
quality and competitive human resources.
According to Gilinn and Gillin in Basrowi & Sumitro (2010: 68), said that
school education has the following functions:
i. Community Cultural Transmission

ii. Individual monologues choose and perform their social roles.

iii. Ensuring social integration.

iv. As a source of social innovation.

The Indonesian government in realizing this competitive nation has made

various efforts which are expected to improve the quality of education in the
Indonesian state. One of these efforts is to familiarize students with reading through
the school literacy movement. Literacy itself is more than the ability to read and write
as previously explained. Literacy is an individual's ability to use all his potential and
skills in his life to interpret something that becomes the object of study in print,
visual, or digital media.
A. Principles of the School Literacy Movement
The School Literacy Movement, which was initiated by the Ministry of
Education and Culture, is based on Beers' view in Yunus A, et al (2017: 280) which
explains that good practice in the school literacy movement emphasizes six principles
that become references, namely: me. Literacy development goes according to
predictable stages of development. The stages of children's development in learning
to read and write intersect between developmental stages. Understanding the stages of
students' literacy development can help schools to choose the right literacy habit and
learning strategies according to their developmental needs.
ii. A good literacy program is balanced.
Schools that implement literacy programs realize that each student has
different needs. Therefore, the reading strategy and the type of text read needs to be
varied and adjusted to the level of education. Literacy programs that can be carried
out by utilizing reading materials with a rich variety of texts, such as literature for
children and adolescents.
I, I, I. Program literacy is integrated with the curriculum.
Habitual and literacy learning in schools is the responsibility of all teachers
in all lessons because lessons require language, especially reading and writing. Thus,
the professional development of teachers in terms of literacy needs to be given to
teachers of all subjects.
iv. Reading and writing activities are carried out anytime.
For example, 'writing a letter to the president' or 'reading to mom' are examples of
literacy activities.
v. Literacy activities develop oral culture.
Strong literacy-based classes are free from various oral activities in the form
of book discussions during class learning. This discussion activity also needs to open
up the possibility to find opinions so that critical thinking can be honed. Students
need to learn to convey their feelings and opinions, listen to each other, and respect
vi. Literacy activities need to develop awareness of diversity.
School members need to appreciate it through literacy activities at school.
Reading material for students needs to reflect the richness of Indonesian culture so
that they can be exposed to multicultural experiences.
a. Implementation Stages of the School Literacy Movement
Implementation of the School Literacy Movement (implemented in stages
by considering the readiness of each school throughout Indonesia. Readiness that is
meant is readiness including school capacity (availability of facilities and reading
material), readiness of school members, and readiness of other support systems
(public participation, support relevant institutional and policy instruments).
According to the Ministry of Education and Culture in Yusuf A, et al (2017: 281)
describes the stages of implementing the school literacy movement which consists of
three stages, including:

a. Stage 1: Habitual fun reading in the school environment.

This habit aims to foster interest in reading and 15 minute reading activities. within
the school community. growing interest in reading is fundamental to the development
of students' literacy skills.
b. Stage 2: Development of reading interest to improve literacy skills.
Literacy activities at this stage aim to develop the ability to understand reading and
relate it to personal experience, think critically, and cultivate creative communication
skills through responding to enrichment reading activities.
c. Stage 3: Literacy-based learning.
Literacy activities at this stage aim to develop the ability to understand texts and
relate them to personal experience, think critically and manage communication skills
creatively. This activity can be done through responding to enrichment reading
textbooks and textbooks. In this stage there is a contribution to support
implementation of the 2013 curriculum which requires students to read non-lesson
The Ministry of Education and Culture (2016: 29) explains the focus of
activities in the school literacy stage, which is explained through the following:

Table 2.1 Focus of Activities in the school literacy stage

Stages Activity

1. Read fifteen minutes every day before class through

the activity of reading books aloud (raead aloud) or all
school members reading silently (sustained silent
2. Build a literacy-rich physical school environment,
among others:
(1) providing a school library, reading corner and
comfortable reading area;
(There is no bill yet)
(2) developing other facilities (UKS, canteen, school
garden); and
(3) providing printed, visual, digital, and multimodal
text collections that are easily accessible to all school
(4) manufacture of rich text materials (print rich
1. Fifteen minutes of reading every day before class
time through reading a book aloud, reading silently,
reading together, and / or guided reading followed by
other activities with non-academic bills, for example:
create story maps, use graphic organizers, talk books.

2. Developing a physical, social, affective school
(there is a simple bill for
environment that is rich in literacy and creating a
school ecosystem that values openness and a penchant
for knowledge through various activities, including: (a)
rewarding the achievement of positive behavior, social
care, and the enthusiasm for learning of students; this
award can be done at every flag ceremony on Monday
and / or other commemoration; (b) other academic
activities that support the creation of a literacy culture
in schools (studying in the school garden, learning in
the environment
outside school, city / regional library tours and
community reading parks, etc.)
LEARNING 1. Fifteen minutes of reading each day before class time
(there is an academic bill) through reading a book aloud, reading silently, reading
together, and / or guided reading followed by other
activities with non-academic and academic bills.
2. Literacy activities in learning, adjusted to the
academic bill in the 2013 curriculum.
3. Implement various strategies for understanding the
text in all subjects (for example, using graphic
4. Using physical, social affective, and academic
environments accompanied by a variety of literacy-rich
(print, visual, auditory, digital) reading outside the
textbooks to enrich knowledge in subjects.

The school literacy movement is a very important program in realizing the

improvement of the literacy skills of students in Indonesia. The stages that have been
designed by the ministry of education and culture must be carried out in order to
achieve the goal of creating the School Literacy Movement.
1. Overview of Reading Interest

a. Definition of Interest

Interest is a feeling of preference and interest in an activity or activity which

is indicated by the desire to pay attention to the activity without being ordered and
carried out with awareness and followed by pleasure. Interest becomes an important
foundation for achieving the success of a particular activity or goal, because with
interest, a person becomes motivated to be interested in doing something both from
within and from outside to like something. That is, there must be someone's
willingness to do something they like. This is no exception to reading activities.
Interest can also be expressed in a particular activity. Someone who has an
interest in something will pay more attention to that object. For example, collecting
several objects that have a certain meaning for him, such as stamps, dolls, posters,
books and so on. According to Noeng Muhajir in Dwi Sunar Prasetyono, (2008: 54),
said that "interest is a person's affective tendency (feelings, emotions) to form
activities". From this it can be seen that the interest involves a person's psychological
condition (psychiatric).

According to Crow and Crow in Dwi Sunar Prasetyono, (2008: 54), it

explains that "interest is a driving force that causes a person to pay attention to other
people or objects.other". When they see something that has meaning for themselves,
then they will be attracted to that something which in the end will lead to their
satisfaction. In line with the above opinion according to Hurlock (Dwi Sunar
Prasetyono, 2008: 54), expressing the same opinion, namely "that interest is a source
of the same motivation, namely that interest is a source of motivation to do what they
want if they are free to choose".

Interests as a source of motivation that will direct a person to what they will
do if given the freedom to choose. When they see something that has meaning for
themselves, then they will be attracted to that something which in the end will lead to
their satisfaction. In line with the previous opinion according to Slameto in his book
(2010: 180) "interest is a feeling of preference and a sense of interest in something or
activity, without being asked".

Based on the above opinion, it can be synthesized, what is meant by interest

is interest in an activity which is indicated by the desire and tendency to pay attention
to the activity without anyone asking, done with self-awareness and followed by
happy feelings. Interests are a source of motivation for a person. So that interest has a
big influence on the activities that a person does Even activities that interest students
will be happy to do.
a. Definition of Reading
Reading is an activity for someone to obtain information or messages in the
form of written language, symbols or symbols. To be able to grasp information
quickly one has to seriously read what one reads. Seriousness will be difficult to
create if someone does not have an interest in reading what they read. Reading
interest is closely related to the education or intelligence level of a person and their

The meaning of reading in the Indonesian Encyclopedia is "the activity of

perceiving, analyzing, and interpreting the reader to get the message the writer wants
to convey in the written media". Reading will manifest itself through the process of
learning, practicing, and experiencing. Reading activities cannot be separated from
language learning activities, according to Ron Scolon in Douglas B, (2007: 06) says
that "language is something that comes in neat units but is a phenomenon that
involves many complex and constantly changing factors".

Reading is a physical and mental activity that can develop into a habit.
Reading in broad terms can be defined as an activity where someone takes
information from a piece of writing that is on the media in the form of printed or
digital writing. According to Farida Rahim (2008: 2), "reading is essentially a
complex thing that involves many things, not just pronouncing the writing, but also
involves visual, thinking, psycholinguistic, and metacognitive activities ”. In line with
the above opinion according to Klein in Farida Rahim (2008: 3), states "that the
definition of reading includes: (a) reading is a process, (b) reading is strategic, and (c)
reading is interactive". In this case what is meant by reading is a process of taking
information from the knowledge text possessed by the reader, through activities in
forming meaning.

According to Farida Rahim in her book (2011: 02), reading is essentially "a
process that is both physical and psychological". The physical process is in the form
of visually observing writing and is a mechanical process in reading. The mechanical
process continues with a psychological process in the form of thinking activities in
processing information. The psychological process begins when the visual senses
transmit observations to the writing of the center of consciousness through the
nervous system. Through the process of decoding sound images and their
combinations then identified, described and given meaning.

In line with the above opinion, the meaning of reading according to Nurhadi
in Somadayo Samsu (2011: 05), says that "reading is a complex process, meaning
that the reading process involves various internal and external factors of the reader.
Internal factors in the form of intelligence factors, interests, attitudes, talents,
motivation, goals, reading and so on.

Internal factors can be in the form of reading facilities, reading texts,

environmental factors or socio-economic background factors, reading habits and
traditions. In line with the above opinion Harjasujana in Somadayo Samsu (2011: 05),
states "that reading is an interactive communication activity that gives readers and
writers the opportunity to bring back and desires of each -". Based on some of these
opinions, it can be synthesized that reading is an interactive strategic process that
involves many things, not just pronouncing writing but there are various internal and
external factors as interactive communication activities that involve visual, thinking,
psycholinguistic, and metacognitive activities to retrieve information and meaning.
than they read.

a. Principles of Reading
Reading is an activity carried out with the aim of obtaining in-depth information from
a text. Therefore, there are principles that can influence the reading process of
McLaughin and Allen in Farida Rahim (2011: 3-4), suggesting that the principles of
reading that most influence reading comprehension are as follows.
i. Understanding is a social constructivist process.
ii. Literacy balance is a learning curriculum framework for students.

i. A professional (superior) reader teacher influences the learning of students.

ii. Good readers play a strategic role and play an active role in the reading process.
iii. Reading should occur in a meaningful context.
iv. Students find the benefits of reading from various texts at various grade levels.
v. Vocabulary development and learning affect reading comprehension.
vi. Participation is a key factor in the understanding process.
vii. Reading strategies and skills can be taught.
viii. Dynamic assessment informs reading comprehension learning.

In line with the opinion about these ten principles, According to Brown in Somadayo
Samsu (2011: 16) says that "the main principle of reading is that the reader actively
participates in the reading process. They have clear objectives and monitor their
reading goals from the reading texts they read ”. Good readers will definitely use a
strategy that will make it easier for them to construct meaning from the text being

b. Benefit of reading
There are many benefits that can be obtained from reading. By reading
students or individuals can expand knowledge, add information for themselves,
increase knowledge and add ideas. So it is clear that reading has a very large effect on
improving one's way of thinking.
The development of science and technology demands the creation of a society who
likes reading. An effective learning process cannot be separated from the reading
activity process. People who like to read are people who have insight and knowledge
as well more intelligence and will be useful for life in the future, especially in an era
of very rapid development like today.
According to Blanton in Farida Rahim (2011: 11), reading should have a purpose,
because with the aim of someone who is reading, they will tend to understand more
than people who have no purpose. these objectives include:
i. Enjoyment.
ii. Perfect reading aloud.
iii. Using a certain strategy.
iv. Renew his knowledge about a topic.
v. Associating new information with known information.
vi. Obtain information for oral or written reports.
vii. Confirm or reject predictions.
viii. Performing an experiment or applying information obtained from a text in some
other way and learning about the structure of the text.
ix. Answer specific questions.

In line with this opinion, Nutall in Somadayo Samsu (2011: 11) says that
"the purpose of reading understanding, reading to get the message or meaning can be
in the form of information, knowledge and even the expression of happy or sad

Based on the above opinion, the writer can synthesize that the purpose of
reading is in addition to obtaining information and meaning about the topic being
read and to hone the brain to think and process information from the readings that are
read. It turns out that reading can also get pleasure from the reading process but still
the main purpose of reading is to obtain information and knowledge. According to
Tarigan in Somadayo Samsu (2011: 12), said "the main goal in reading is to find
answers to questions provided by the reader based on the reading text ”. In line with
the previous opinion, According to Tarigan in Somadayo Samsu (2011: 11) said. The
main purpose of reading is to seek and obtain information including content and to
understand the meaning of the reading. Here are seven reading purposes as follows:

1. Reading for details or facts (reading for details or facts).

2. Reading to get main ideas (reading for main ideas).
3. Reading to find out the sequence or structure, the organization of the story (reading
for sequence or organization).
4. Reading to conclude, reading for inference (reading for inference).
5. Reading to classify, reading to classify (reading to classify).
6. Reading to assess, reading evaluation (reading to evaluate).
7. Read to compare or contrast
(reading to compare or contrast).

6. Definition of Reading Interest

Interest in reading in children does not just appear, but through a long
process and stages of change that appear regularly and continuously. The meaning of
reading interest is the presence of attention or desire to read, this is what needs to be
fostered in children or students because reading is a basic skill for learning and if
someone is fond of reading, the reader will not only get information but also
enjoyment and satisfaction.
One of the efforts to improve the quality of education in schools is by
improving the teaching of reading comprehension. Generally, teachers think that
teaching reading has ended when a student can read and write. In a very rapid
development of technology like today, humans must continuously update their
knowledge and skills. Most of these knowledge and skills are acquired through
According to Farida Rahim (2011: 28) states that "interest in reading is a
strong desire to be realized by a willingness to get reading material and then read it
on one's own awareness".
Someone who has a strong reading interest will manifest it in his willingness to get
reading material and then read it on his own awareness or encouragement from

Based on this understanding, it can be concluded that reading interest is a

feeling of preference and interest in meaningful interpretation activities of written
language (reading) which is indicated by desire, the tendency to pay attention to these
activities without being ordered or done with awareness, followed by a sense of
pleasure. as well as the existence of someone's efforts to read it because there is
motivation from within.

There are several factors that influence reading activities according to Lamb and
Arnol in Farida Rahim (2011: 16), there are 3 (three) namely; "

a) psychological factors, b) intellectual factors, and c) environmental factors ''.

These three opinions can be described as follows:

a. Physiological Factors

Includes physical health, neurological considerations, and gender. Some experts

suggest that neurological retardation (for example various brain defects) and lack of
physical maturity are among the factors that can cause children to fail to improve
their reading comprehension skills.

b. Intellectual Factor
The term intelligence is defined as a thinking activity which consists of essential
understanding of a given situation and responding appropriately. In general, there is a
relationship between intelligence as indicated by IQ and the average increase in
remedial reading. The level of reading intelligence itself is essentially a process of
thinking and solving problems. Two people with different IQs will definitely have
different results and reading abilities.

c. Environmental factor

Environmental factors also affect the progress of students' reading skills. Which
includes the background and experience of students at home as well as the
socioeconomic family of students.
In line with Sulo & Tirtarahardja Umar's previous opinion in their book (2005: 52),
said that "learners are autonomous subjects or individuals, who want to be recognized
for their existence". In line with this opinion Ahmadi & Ubiyati in their book (2003:
39), say that "learners as individuals who are defined as someone who does not
depend on others, and determines themselves without being forced from outside
while having the nature of their own desires". This means that a student is a child
who has human nature in general such as freedom to determine the direction of his
life, but even so students still need guidance and guidance from adults for their
development process.

According to Webster's in Hartono & Sunarto (2006: 01) says that "an individual is
someone who is different from others because of his special characteristics".
According to Hartono & Susanto in their book (2013: 02), "individual means that it
cannot be divided (undivided), cannot be separated: its existence as a being that is
sorted, singular and distinctive".
This means that students are individuals who are in the process of developing
physically, mentally, knowledge, and searching for identity in determining the
direction of their life and have differences with other students because each student or
individual has individual characteristics.
According to Sutari Imam Barnadib, Suwarno and Siti Mechati in Bahri Djamarah S
(2005: 52). Characteristics of students include:

i. Do not have a mature adult personality so it is still the responsibility of educators.

ii. Still perfecting certain aspects of maturity, so that it is still the responsibility of
iii. Having basic human traits that are developing in an integrated manner, namely
biological, spiritual, social, intelligence, emotional, speech skills, working limbs,
(fingers), social background, biological background (skin color, body shape) and
others), as well as individual differences.

In line with this opinion According to Sulo & Tirtarahardja Umar in their book (2005:
53) gives four characteristics of students that need to be understood by educators,
A. Individuals who have unique physical and psychological potential, so they are
unique beings.
B. Individuals who are developing.
C. Individuals who need individual guidance and humane treatment.
D. Individuals who have the ability to be independent.

The characteristics of these students indicate that each educator must be the guide of
the development process that occurs, given that students are individuals who are not
yet mature and in the development stage. students are school-age children who
receive science teaching.
Learners are children who are not yet mature, who need effort, help, guidance from
others to become adults, in order to get carry out their duties as God's creatures, as
human beings, as citizens, as members of society, and as a developing person or
individual. According to Yusuf & Sugandhi in their book (2011: 01), "development
can be defined as a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in an individual in
his life span, starting from conception, infancy, childhood, childhood, adolescence to

Chart 1. Framework

School Literacy Movement Students' reading interest:

Program Indicators:
Indicator: 1. Psychological factors
1. Reading habits. 2. Intellectual Factors
2. Reading Interest Development. 3. Environmental factors
3. Literacy-based learning.

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