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Using the concepts taught in the ongoing online course; formulate strategy/strategies for
effecting a turnaround for this troubled organization. Be realistic, practical and to the point.
You may consult – for reference purposes only – the EFE and IFE matrices, and CPM of PIA
vis-à-vis other competing airlines. These are all available on the Internet; but please do
NOT copy-paste anything verbatim. You may consult the Internet and obtain a format for
writing a consultant’s report; there are many examples available. You may use paragraph
format in this part with proper headings and topic sentences for each paragraph.


apply across the board fair and equitable scheme of “Last-in-first-out.” LIFO is a principle used
in selecting workers for redundancy. This simply means that those with the least seniority are the
first to lose their jobs. This method has always seen as a fair way to deal with redundancies and
most likely to stand the judicial scrutiny. Furthermore, the governments of MQM, PPP and PML
(N) have been accused of extreme cronyism in PIA’s recruitment drives earlier this century.
LIFO will take care of that too.
PIA might see this method as unfair because it does mean that the organization might loose some
of the best employees who are relatively new and some of the worst older ones staying on. Well
there is no perfect method. But employees and the public always perceive a method as fair and
transparent if applied across the board with the same criteria without fear or favor or
discrimination or antagonism. After all, the secret of good governance is in its application.
Another thing PIA must introduce is to recruit on a fixed-term employment of 2/3 years. In other
words discontinue open-ended employment. This way it might be able to retain a skills mix that
can cater to the future. Or even re-hire the good ones lost under LIFO. It also gives the employer
a lot of flexibility to deal with COVID-19 like emergencies, ever-changing business scenarios,
long-term expenses and ultimately be profitable.

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