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Core Values (TIU3)

Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Style Auditory St Visual *(43) Style:Kinesthetic

: V isual Alouds yle: ex.
Writing- down Highlghting info
Ex. Class discussions ex.
Charts & graphs ex.
TPR- songs for
Ex. ex.

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. Rigor 4. Retrieve 7. Retaining

2. 5. 8.
Relationships Routing Rehearsing
3. 6. 9.
Relevance Re-exposing Reorganizing

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

.Repetitive exposure to words 3. Indirect learning of vocabulary, for
example, using vocabulary words in
Learning vocabulary words before numerous different contexts
2. 4. Learning vocabulary in both written
reading the text text and oral speech

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

1. Content- activities at different 3.

Product- per learning style; venns;
Blooms levels. Matching; chng oral reports, build diorama
ending, Ppt of lesson summary
2. 4. Environment-
RESILIENCE flexible classroom for
Process- deliver to students
indiv work; group talks; quiet spaces
learning style; read or listen to
books, interactive work
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping ThinkFour

Pair Share
Corners Project Fact
Basedor FibLearning

Graphic Organizers Anchor Chartt

Anchor Charts w/Guided Reading Spiraling
KWL Chart

Advanced Organizers
Tree Map Expository Plot Diagram
Similarities / Differences
Venn Diagram T- Chart
Summarizing & Notetaking
The Simple Summary 3-2-1 Summary
Cues & Questions

Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)

Conclude, Produce, Decide , Defend, Justify, Support;
https://www.canva.com/ for designing brochures, posters, lesson plans,
worksheets, mindmaps, infographics, presentations
Celtx -create/organize projects. Write video scripts, audio plays, stage plays,
Evaluate Critique, Categorize , Collaborate, Combine, contrast, Revise
APPS: Edmodo-set up groups, share tasks files, and evaluate the group’s
performance. Google sites- a structured wiki- & Web page creation tool
offered by Google to create simple web sites to support collab. between
Analyze Diagram, Differentiate, Illustrate, Infer, Prioritize, Correlate
different editors.
DataAnalysis - quick analysis for any sort of data. SimpleMind Lite-
APPS: create Mind maps

Apply Chart, Predict, Produce, Provide report, Solve - - MindMash-

app to gather ideas; work/manipulate text & images; great use in
brainstorming and taking notes.
APPS: Sketchbook draw & paint - turn drawings into time lapse movies.

Comprehension Classify, Estimate, Explain, Paraphrase, summarize

Raptivity- tools that can create various tasks and
interactions for each of Bloom’s taxonomy levels.


Quill app - English grammar; various activities;
proofreading texts or stories, combining sentences;
practicing new structures.
Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)

1. What are you doing?

What should you be doing?
Are you doing it?

What are you going to do about it?

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support

Definition Definition Definition

Increase the amount of personal assistance
Reduce the number of social Adapt the time allotted and allowed for to keep the student on task, to reinforce or
studies terms a learner must learning, task completion, or testing. prompt the use of specific skills. Enhance
learn at any one time. Add more
adult-student relationships; use physical
practice activities or worksheets.
space and environmental structure.
Example Example Example
Adapt the number of items that the Individualize a timeline for completing a Assign peer buddies, teaching
learner is expected to learn or the task; pace learning differently (increase assistants, peer tutors, or cross-age
number of activities students will tutors. Specify how to interact with the
or decrease) for some learners.
complete prior to assessment for
student or how to structure the
Input Difficulty Output
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction Adapt skill level, problem type, Adapt how the student can
is delivered to the learner. or rules on how the learner respond to instruction.
may approach the work
Different visual aids, enlarge text, more Example Example
concrete examples , hands-on Allow the use of a calculator to figure Instead of answering questions in writing,
activities, place students in co-op math problems, simplify task directions, or allow a verbal response. Use a
groups, pre-teach key concepts or change rules to accommodate learner communication book for some students, or
terms before lesson. lesson. needs. allow students to show knowledge with
hands-on materials.
Participation Notes:
Definition Alternate Goals :Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same materials.
When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe
Adapt the extent to which a learner is disabilities;.example:In a social studies lesson, expect a student to be able to locate the colors
actively involved in the task. of the states on a map, while other students learn to locate each state and name the capital.
Example student holds the globe, while
Substitute Curriculum Sometimes called “functional curriculum “Provide different instruction
others point out locations. Ask the student
and materials to meet a learner’s individual goals. When routinely utilized, this is only for
to lead a group.
students with moderate to severe disabilities. Example;:During a language lesson, a student is
Have the student turn the pages
(kindergarten). learning toileting skills with an aide.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

computers, magazines, newspapers, books & Take time to explain rationale for rules & procedures in classroom.
1. other printed material 4.
Keep school supply purchases as simple affordable as possible for all
Keep expectations high- poverty isn't ignorance.
2. 5.
Only comment on clothes if in violation of dress code Don't require costly activities & field trips

3. 6.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it
Before, during, after reading to enhance vocab, comp, & A word line w/antonyms at each end -placing
1. Semantic Gradients writing w/indiv, sm group, or whole class. words of lesser degree along the line.

2. Choral Reading During reading w/indiv,sm group, whole class using passage at Reading aloud in unison to build fluency,
reading level. Model then all read confidence, and motivation.

3. Anticipation Guide
Before reading model by reading concepts & having students Activates prior knowledge - agree or disagree to key
agree/ disagree. Then read text and have students reflect on their concepts in the text. Then reflect on predictions.
predictions alone or as a class.

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

Prepare the lesson

Teacher prepared outlines/visuals/charts;blue hi-liter for key concepts; supplemental material -multimedia, modeling, visuals

Build background
simply definitions, cognates, synonyms; Concept definition maps; vocab through song & pictures

Make verbal communication understandable

mnemonics for remembering; scaffolding w/ think alouds & charts; Question Cubes-
Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)rubrics

encourage elaborate responses; Whole class & small group; Wait- allow time to answer; Clarify key concepts in
Opportunities for interaction L1.

HandsOn- chunking, and application
practicing, connecting; Doing to understand abstract concepts via organizers, coops, discussions. All language processes- reading, writing, speaking,

Lesson delivery
1-2 Clearly stated objectives- verbally & visually; Activities strongly related to assessment outcomes; Pacing & Practice- flow should be quick enough to interest but lose

Review and assess

Analogy of word structure/patterns, grammar, repeat/reinforce language to automaticity; Immediate feedback-verbally, in writing, body language; Assessment- on the spot
& competency per rubric

Comprehensible Input- Academics presented step/step & modeled, peer modeling. Plan for scaffolding techniques gradually increase independence; Multimedia/tech in daily lessons

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