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Exercise 1.

Reading Comprehension Task

Course/Section: GED104/OL53

Instructions: Compare and contrast each pair of terms related to Aristotle’s Nichomachean
Ethics as discussed in this section.

1. Instrumental Good – Ultimate Good

According to Aristotle, instrumental good is good in some situations. Instrumental good
by disparity is good only in virtue of their role in promoting other good things; ultimate
good is naturally part of it. It is positioned in a natural relation to inner good. Aristotle
explained that happiness is the ultimate good, because it is an end itself.

2. Pleasure – Happiness
According to Aristotle- pleasure is not the goal of every person because every pleasure is
not good. He said highest good is naturally good. We can find pleasure in different
activities; it could be good or bad. Pleasure is different than happiness because we select
happiness as a final in itself. Pleasure is not the highest good so it is not the same as

3. Virtue – Vice
According to Aristotle, virtue as a temperament is to act in the accurate style and as a
manner between uttermost of insufficiency and exuberance which are vices. He described
virtue essentially through habit and procedure preferably than through logic and
command. Virtue is a consequence of having the suitable behaviour regarding pain and
pleasure. Vice was explained in theology as the inattentive of virtue, but Aristotle present
virtue as a manner between two contrast "vices".

4. Intellectual Virtue – Moral Virtue

Intellectual virtue comes from teaching, but moral virtue comes from habit. Virtues are
the end products of moral values like truthfulness, sincerity, dedication, friendliness,
kindness, integrity and so on. When these values have been internalized by someone and
made into a part of their character and personality. However, cultivating moral virtue is
impossible without a substantial intellect. A bright and clear intellect helps us to observe
life, learn from our own and other people's experiences. Thus, there is a correlation
between an intellectual virtue and moral virtue. But that does not mean that intellectual
understanding of a moral principle itself is the virtue. Virtue needs to be practiced before
we can call someone virtuous.

5. Science and Technology – The Good Life

Good life and virtue are who we are and how we interact with science and technology as
parts of our environment as well as each other. Science and Technology are one of the
highest expressions of human faculties and tools that can help us achieve a good life,
especially if the practitioners of science and technology possess and practice good virtue.
Thus, science and technology without virtue can endanger and corrupt an individual.
Assignment 7. Field Study

Course/Section: GED104/OL53

Glucose Syrup
Hidden Sugar Found in the Label


Glucose syrup is a substance made from acid hydrolysis of starch from potatoes and wheat and
often from barley, rice and cassava. Its major uses in commercially prepared food products are as
a thickener, sweetener, and humectant, a substance used for preserving the food’s freshness. This
syrup does not contain fat or protein but is instead a concentrated source of sugar and calories. It
may increase one’s risk of various health conditions such as obesity, high blood sugar, poor
dental health, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

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