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Original BTD mod Development team and website:
AbneyPark - Mod founder/ Main dev team admin
Kill3R - Main scripter
H0ly - scripter/General Development

Alpha-X Development team and website:
Hacker22 - Scripter, Main Mod Builder etc
Alecn1519 - Graphics and Website Development
AudioGhost - Graphics and Scripter
Zod - Scriptor
List of Stock maps that are Incompatable with X15
* mp_citystreets
* mp_crossfire
About the Mod:
The mod is basically a zombie game type where you have to survive as long as you
can, killing AI zombies which come in
waves of your choice. Thats right Zombie bots.
So how do you play and customize
As you have the mod, with your own server or locally, you have full customizatio
n on the mod. Basically player have to
survive from the zombie invasion, which the mod is entirely based on. There are
waves which zombies will swarm the map
and try to eat you, each wave the number of zombies increase, making it harder f
or the player. between each wave, theres
a grace period (when its safe and all zombies are eliminated from the wave that
just took place) there are depots which
spawn on the map which regenerates your ammo, and gives you time to hide somewhe
re else. however, if zombies kill all the
players, game over! Additionally most of the game settings are changable such as
the zombies per wave; number of waves
and grace time. Including much more such as zombie strength/speed. Look down to
"Changable settings"
* Waves of angry zombies
* Single Player & Custom Weapons
* Custom Rank System
* Ability for admins to use custom music
* Custom HUD
* Anti Camp System
* Custom Pickup System
* Custom Menu
* Night / Day settings
* Custom vision settings
* 1st / 3rd person views
* Custom Server messages and kill spree messages
* Differant wave settings
* Custom admin features
* Trader menu
* Ammo Drops
* Berserk Mode Hardpoint
* AC130 dual 25mm and 105mm Cannon Hardpoint
* Airstrike Hardpoint
* Firestorm Hardpoint
* Rampage Harpoint
* WOZ Strike Hardpoint
* Sentry Turret Hardpoint
* Nuke Hardpoint
* Tesla Support Cannon Hardpoint
* Blackhawk Support Chopper Hardpoint
* Artillery Cannon Hardpoint
* Apache Helicopter Support
* Player Death messages
* Option for a Special Admin Weapon
* Admin Messages whenever join
* Squads Menu
* Custom player Health
* Mapvote
* Weapons have had their ammo counts doubled over stock values
* The Custom Weapons are back and are unlocked at specified ranks:
* Special 1 = Ghillie camo silenced M21 full auto = special1_mp
* Special 2 = Poppin Shotty = special2_mp
* Special 3 = Hacker M4 (Silenced Crucifix) = special3_mp
* Special 4 = Smokin Ace P90 = special4_mp
* Special 5 = Death Dealer = special5_mp
* Special 6 = Minigun = special6_mp
* Berserk Weapon = Double barrell Shotty = doublebarreledshotgun_mp
* Admin weapon = Glitch Gun = destructible_car
* briefcase_bomb_mp = 25mm AC130 turret
* briefcase_bomb_defuse_mp = 105mm AC130 Cannon
* gl_mp = Super Noob Tube
* defaultweapon_mp = Artillery Cannon
Admin Features:
* Rcon console commands -
/rcon btd_purge 1 (Kills all zombies on the level)
/rcon btd_daynight 1 (Switches between Day and Night settings)
/rcon btd_uammo 1 (Toggles unlimited ammo on and off)
/rcon btd_pickups client# (Toggles admin pickup for the client # specifie
d. Use /rcon status to get client #)
/rcon btd_vision Vision filename (changes server vision settings to specified vi
sion file name)
/rcon btd_setrank client#:# (Sets the client # rank to number specified. Pr
oper usage exmpl: btd_setrank 1:65)
/rcon btd_demote client# (Resets the rank to zero of client # specified.
Use /rcon status to get client #)
/rcon btd_respawn client# or all (Respawns the client # specified. Use /rcon sta
tus to get client #, also takes the value: all, which will repsawn all dead play
/rcon btd_sayall message (Prints the message to center of everyones scre
en. Keep it short.)
/rcon btd_rename client#:name (Renames the specified client # specified. Prop
er usage exmpl: btd_rename 1:Derp)
/rcon btd_give client#:value (Give the specified player or everyone the valu
e. Value can be a weapon, such as special3_mp or the word ammo which gives the p
layer a full load of ammunition.)
changes from X14:
* Fixed Last stand Revival. Can have limited, unlimited or no reviving.
* Music can be set to either autostart on connect or spawn when enabled.
* Ammo drop choppers no longer randomly choose a model to use.
* The Nuke will no longer slow down your speed.
* A lot of Code Changes to try and reduce Server Load.
* You may now buy all hardpoints from Trader.
* BTDz mod features merged into Alpha-X.
* A lot of codebase tweaks to make it less buggy.
* Teamplay or standard co-op play available.
Custom Gamemodes
Elimination: Players fight against waves of angry zombies.
Onslaught: Zombies keep Spawning untill everyone is dead or time limit is reache
Survival: Players fight against timed waves of angry zombies.

Custom Zombies:
Makron: The Makron from Quake IV the Ultimate Challenge on a server should be se
t with a recommended of at least 50K HP
Test Zombie: The stock Zombie from BTD.
Boss Zombie: The stock Zombie from BTD but in red with a head icon.
Custom Player Models:
Admins: Zakhaev
Admins: Price
Admins: Al Asad
Changeable settings:
* zombie health
* zombie damage
* Zombie Speed
* Zombie Spawn speed
* Gametype
* wave settings
* grace time
* night / day
* vision settings
* message settings
* pickup settings
* admin settings
* ingame menu
* music settings
* Hardpoint Killstreaks
* end of wave zombie boss or Makron
+ many more
Current known issues:
* zombies will sometimes get out of map
- fix - dont let players camp near edge of maps
* zombies walk through some walls
- fix - dont camp on top of them, redone some more waypoints, some of this is re
lated to how the map is made.
* few maps wont work due to lack of waypoint files
- fix - create waypoint files ect for new maps
* few maps dont work due to Xmodel, weapon and memory limits
-Fix - remove them from the map rotation
* Sometimes when you try to deploy a Sentry Turret it doesn;t deploy and you los
e the hardpoint.
-Fix no fix at this time
* Sometimes when in last stand you die unexpectedly.
-Fix no fix at this time
*Sometimes when in last stand and two or more teammates revive you at the same t
ime, special weapons go missing.
-Fix no fix at this time.
Windows XP: Unzip into your call of duty moderen warfare root directory.
Edit the btd config files located in CoD's "mod\alpha_x" directory to your likin
The config files should be pretty much self explanitory.
Windows Vista and 7: You're on your own but the mod does work on these platforms
Linux: Should work.
In so far as a command line is concerned you need only make sure that the mod fo
lder and cfg file is included in it..
+set fs_game Mods/alpha_xl15 +exec btd_server.cfg
Special thanks:

A small list of people Hacker22 and Zod would like to thank.

* You the Players, thanks for all the support, we are glad you like the mod.
* The original BTD Development Team:
- Abney Park: http://www.abney-park.com/
- H0ly
- Kill3r: http://www.kill3rcreations.com
- Stab the Catt
* Audioghost for his Awesome Work on BTDx and his Artillery script
* Pezzalucifer and his work with PeZBOT, without that this would not of been pos
* Zimmerman for doing the Trader Voice for BTD 2.2
* Treyarch for releasing the sources for some of there Models
* Infinity ward for making COD4 in the first place
* all the modellers on FPS Banana.
* Waffles, we added in parts of his client side music mod and WaffleMod v1 nuke.
xfire: basheduwithaflopus
* Openwarfare dev team for Server Welcome/Info loadscreen gui. Website: http://o
* X4 eXtreme+ Mod Team for add server fav, MOTD rotation and ac130 helper functi
ons. Website: http://www.mycallofduty.com
* BraX for his BXmod player admin menu. Website: www.brax-site.pl Xfire: maciusi
* AWE Mod team for Map vote and rotation funtionality. http://www.raidersmercile
* HolyMoly for Chopper and Jet fly by's. http://www.holymolymods.com
* Insane for re-rigging the single player models for use in multiplayer and the
sentry turret model.
* Reign of the Undead mod team for some pieces of their revive code. http://www.
* If we have left anyone out, our apologies, it isn't intentional.
Enjoy the mod!
Note: all files contained in this modification belong to the Before the Dawn and
Alpha-X Development team and other parties stated.
Please do not decompile the mod.ff and if you do don't bug us for help with it.

Alpha-X Development team

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