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George B. Suplee Madel Dogs Hate to .Part IBoro Women's Club IPosing as Pastor Grilter in Boro Brookline Beats Boro

• of With Pals at School U d W ' J• K S· C

~~~~ll~~n'l\O~i\'~i,,~~u~:\>w Ct1Vltt~ n er aYI Gets Radio and Twenty-two Dollars I to not erles ount
0 • 0

Boro Fireman for LI e i ! UP I

Honol' Given in Recognition o f ' \\'lth ,no f,:!t>,"J"hip eXi"ting'

''1'\\'lxt hun and a !IUP,
IAt·t Committee Outlines Trips·'I Gamc Sunday to Decide 'Main

Sixteen Years' Service -Old Vel''''', I Membership Campaign (By TOM ELWOOD) Case did not inform the other busi- Line League Cham-
l' Sliekest grifting the Main Line has ness people, thinking that a warning , h'
to Company But apparently these friendships I Started i seen in some time has just taken to the Lower Merion police would pions lp
can be carried too far, especially by 'place twice in Narberth. The Lower serve to safeguard their interests.
BOARD REORGANIZES, the canines. LUNCHEON PARTY 15TH Merion police know about it, but ac- Tuesday of this week, the above- DAVISMEN LOSE 7 TO 6
i William J. Drennan, principal of cording to the victims have been l<eep- described man phoned Mrs. George
At the reorganization meeting of ~ the Narberth Public School, has re- Mrs. Ralph C. Heath, president of ing- it secret. Albert, of the Majestic Electric Shop By JOHN MUL.L.IGAN
the Boa~'d of Directors of the ~ar- J quested that parents whose children the Women's ~Iub, of, Narberth, ?P- So if you arc a storekeeper, beware in Narberth, and represented him- Main Line Baseball Leag-ue history
berth FIre Company Monday mght, , have dogs for pets, kindly l<eep the ened the orgamzatlon s first meetl~g of a tall, thin man with brown eyes self as the Rev. W. V. Middleton, will be written on Sunday when Nar-
George B. Suplee, retiring director,! latter at home. of the season Tuesday afternoon JTI I and sharp teeth and nose. He's minister of the Narberth Methodist berth meets Brookline here in the
was made a life member of the 01'- i S I d , t h e Girl Scout Wing of the Commun-I dressed in brown at present and he Church. He needed a raaio in a fifth and deciding game of their
, , , I evera ogs are accompanymg pU-' t b 'Id' , ) 'd' I . t' I ' , , . ' "Little 'Vorld Series."
gamzatJOn . The honor . was , gIVen to! pI'1 sOle t tl sc h 00. I S ome 0 f th em wal , 't I y Ul mg, WIt I COlla glee b"mgs telephones your store that he IS a 10- hurrv., fOI' a church play, and would h
Mr. Suplee , ' in recog'nitlOn
. of hIS 16 I OUtSI'd e tIe I d 001'; ot h ers go rIg . ht'In- for both the '" new and old b Imem f f ers.' I cal . ,minister ' < and ,he. ' is not averse to send down for it, paying with a check. , For t e' first b time in three years
years . servIce as (!Jrector most of 'I Sll • I
e. P resence 0f tIelamma ' I s 'IS no t She also paId tribute In e blal 0 1\ t Je,,SlO'mng ' ' ' ' .your mmlster's . name to a Mrs. Albert and her husband did Gene DaVIS' oys are forced to play
whIch time he has served as treasurer. , '' gOO(Iorfmam ' t alllmg" d"ISCIP I'me m ,club to the two late mem ers, Irs. B ': check , and borrowing a radio from not know of the previous somewhat all I of the series games to crown a
Officers " elected were TrIstan B. I'C Iassrooms, 1\1 r. D rennan avers. Mary I Dotzenroth dand Mrs.d Emma
' I! . : J'our .store for a church entertain- parallel episode. They had not been chlampion. It will be remembered
duMaraJs, presllient; Vincent Cun-! Eh e, who passe away urmg t 1e' ment-and forgetting to return it. informed by the police, nor had the t at the Davlsmen swept three games
ning'ham, vice·president; William S.1 0 B 0 summer. S?e re~o~ted on the spring I Early in May the man borrowed, police asked the newspapers to pub- straight from Berwyn in 1934 and
Howard, treasurer; Thomas Markle,. Co-Operative uYlng conference m WIllIamsport. : for what he claimed was a play in lish a general warning. So the how they walloped Brookline thrice
record,in g secretary; Horace Smedley,' CI b EI t Offi Among the new members are Mrs.: the Narberth Presbyterian Church, a grifter got a radio for $18 and took in a row last year.
financIal secretary. I ec s Ucers j F. E, Chamness, Mrs. D. E. Cros-: $:{O.95 I'adio from Walter Case of the it away, along with $22 cash, after Eddie Hare's gang sent the playoff
President duMarais appointed as 1 Ilc,V, Mrs. John H. Eidson, Mrs. Arthur: Narberth Electric and Radio Shop. presenting' a $40 check endorsed in a warfare to the limit last Sunday by
committees: ; 01'. i
Forrest Comfort Heads, Lauterbach, Mrs. Charles McCurdy, He generously offered to insert free fake backhand by "Rev. W. J. Mid· nosing out the townsmen by 7-6 fig-
House, J. F, Purse, chairman;' GI'OUp; Wholesale Plan ! Mrs. H: C, Middleton, Jr., Mrs. Ver-; of charge an ad for Mr. Case in the <lleton, D.D.," and made )1Uyable to ures in a throbbing fray waged, of
Harry Hollar, "'Irs. Eberhardt Muel- A 'v d i non 1\Itddleton, Mrs. John C. Nash: play program, to compensate for the Mr. Middleton by a "Lucille W. Cham· course, on the losers' diamond. The
IeI'. pplO C I and Mrs. Joseph Snyder. !loan. There was no play, no pro- bel'S," who signed "herself" secretary- fin;t - half champions accomplished
tl l'II I 'aI11 DUI'bl'n, cllal'I'. ' The Membership Committee, Mrs. 1 gram-and no radio returned. Contlnued on T'a~e Six their purpose by getting out front
Finance" REPORTS 7 P. C. PROFIT ~
n1an; J 0h n 1\1 ' I '11 e r ,""II' ' I tam "S H OW-I R. A. Mizner, chairman, meeting at' with a commanding lead and then

ard. " The Narberth Co-o)lerative Club Haverford avenue, last 'Vednesday
the home of Mrs. H. F. Stevens, of I H by Artists Meet
Main Line Democrats ' • holding' off the determined borough-
Ites Who came on strong with a sen-
Entertainment and Publicity, Mrs.' met at the home of Mrs. Rollin Sid- , I I I' I II I h I b
Eberhardt Mueller, chairman; Horace' well 115 Chestnut avenue Monday plm,lne<.1 a drive for new members
' ' w h I c h IS now underway.
14th to Open Season W·II P aradeTonlg
. ht' I satlOna
t' I th ast·(tItC
' I ra
e coun JTI tIe nmt .
I y . w h1ic a I ut
Smedley, Harry Hollar, Vincent Cun- evening- and chose the following offi-
ning'ham, Albert ):ulty, Charles V. cers for the ensuing' year: Reports of the various committees, I Reynolds Solved
Noel. President-Dr. Forrest Comfort, I wer,e given, Mrs. W. H. BoaJ'(I~1an,: Mcmbcrs to Convene in Lumbcr Formal Opening of Ardmore: The magic of Bill ReynOlds' pitch.
Membership, Charles V, Noel, chail'-, lOR Chestnut avenue. , chall'man of art. announced a tn)) to I, Company Attl'C fol' Headquarters to FolIo"' i ing went for naught in his thinl start
man; Albert Nultv, Han'v Hollar. I' Vice-President-l\lr. 'Villiam Sar- I thc Gill Studio in Wynnewoo(ll, 1\Ion- 'I Sixth Scasoll Tour for Narberth. Twice a conqueror of
Rental rates for. Elm .Hall relnal11 , ,, gent, 12-1 Chestnut avenue. I'
'd'I" October I',) a11(1 fr'0111 t 1el'e to
' . " , , - - - \
Bl'Olll'll'ne < all(1 by .tile""htltout rotlte ,
, ; the home of Samuel Yellin in 'Vynne-' Reynolds found the going- rocky last
the same: Mornmgs, 9 to 12, $3; af- i Secretary-Mrs, Wm, N. Loucks'i, ' " 1\,1' Y II' , d 11 "1'" PAUL L. GILL DIRECTOR SEVERAL TO SPEAK
ternoons, 12 to 6, $5; evenings, G to I 2)!J DUdley avenue. I \\ ood, to see 1 II s. ems 0 ex llbl-I week-end. He finally was yanked in
1 9- , ,]><'10 • ' 1 ' reasurer-J' . 1\['ISS Ell . en B' l'1n t on, 1"~ - t iI tion. ' A lunc I 1eon ' will precede the,! F•or SIX ,. WlJ1ters t I Ie attIc' of the 1\1' am L'1I1e D emocra t'IC campalg'n, , t h e sixth after Sammy ' Schaeffer had
tl d~nnt~Uncedf i Shull Lumber COm)lany in Bala-Cvn- I
Merion avenue. Itl'tlP ; tThe', p,ace d I t 'II b f II I' poled a homer WIth the bases loaded
I, I'
---------------- , '. , I I a cr. lliS IS un er Ie Iree'lOn 0 I )Ca( qual' ers WI e orma y opene( : t B h tit

P 1tttCa I Pot , , ,
. ' y'
I 1 he tleasurer s report s 10We( that I wvd hap beell a meet1l10' )llace for t . It 'tl II f l ' I t t ' 0 gIve 1'00,1111' W a a))peare< 0
0 0 I 'I b the Art DelJartment of the 1\lontO'om-!' '0 • , '" Ollll-!: 1 WI 1 an 0 (- as llOn( s ree 'I f I I R II ' t I
O !
'the busIness transacte( by t lC clu
I . d d I erv •ederatlOn.
F' h
Those w 0 desIre , '
b, 'I hobby artIsts from varIOUs walks of
, p a r a ( e, 0 owe(
I f 11 I b k' >e a sa c ea(.
y a spea'1I1g ))1'0- spotty and he was in trouble through-
eynu (s con 1'0 was
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,for tIe quartel' Just
' t i';9'l1"'0 I . h en e . fitamountel f p t 0 .a tt en(I )) Iease t eIep I10ne 1\1 rs. B oar<I" lIfe. , , Here the doctors, I ' flol'1sts, I ad- ' gram. ,'ollt, ~'et,. ",0111"
~ ~ of I't ""1", . ~ (Iue to the
A Democratic trend is evidenced at, 0 " 7' 't I' o~I('iwlllcl b )ll OIl? la -! man for transportation and lunch. ve~'ltllsJn~lmen and arc ll,tects try t lelr The parade will start at headquar- i team:s weakening on defense,
, " . . proxIma e v I, ( la( cen rea Ize( , I ' , . skI WIt 1 Clarcoal
l 011 and water t 50 'V L t A I
Dans store m Narberth, where hvc i TI I "tt I I' f "eon n'sen·atlOns. The pICture exhl- I' 'dl ' ers, . ancaser avenue, r< - fail('d to strike out a single batter,
gross (If penn v donkeys with string'S: t' Ie a,( 1~1tl ~< t\\I'eap\nl~sls 1°1 cho:opela-: bited in the clubrooms is one by Paul co ~r pall1ts, a goo y quantity of more, at 5 P. 1\1. and the motor cara- walked thrce and g-ave up 11 safe.
for clllldrclI, to" wC'ar were sna)lped up:: , 1\'1' , actlvl I y t 111 Ie I I 11 Ia( e p . la'I area: Gill. , Another trIp " IS , beIng planned 'whIch decorated the floor as well < as van WI'II t raverse t1el prmclpa " Is treetSties.
, I IS llla( equa e w 10 esa e p1'1VI e g e s . , ," ,the canvas. f L 1\1' d N b tl I
so fast Genc had to order more IJl a i 1'1 f t) t f t) to VIsit the Phlhps MIlls Studio. i 0' ower J erlOn an J ar er I, en< - II t I. , , -f
IJUI'l'V. II' owevel' cIg ' h t gross 0 f e Ic- 'i lere 01'1', JC' announCemen
0 Ie where the exhIbItIOn , . , is open until Oc-\ to' 'fll'l"~ "e'ISOII
< 'VI'II 0)1 e>11 '" " e <111'sd
e a ,o , 'Ing a t 8 P . 1I:.r ,,~. a t th e s t ar t'lJJg' ]lom., , t l'rrmann
" urnc(, In a nIce ))lCCe 0
t ~ 45 P 1\1
. , , p l a n to orgalllze a MId-Atlantic Co- d. th 'd f ]lll1ch-f1l11g'Ing' whIle Georg'e Severn
]lhants were sold at the same t l l noperatIve e., 'Vholesale, WIth , headq tober ua 24.
r-, Ii aPaulI. L. Gill. • ., un el e g'UI ance 0' , Heading the list of spea,kers invited tossing' 'ell1 ovel' fOl' tile VI'SI'tOI'S,'
0' ~ tel'S in Philadelphia, was enthusias- Other chaIrmen who made reports' " IS Mrs. Emma Guffey 1\hller, Demo- Continued on I'a~e Three
Republicans are expecting a crowd tically received and a share of stock wel'e Mrs. William H. Muller, chair-I Mr. Gill, a ~'esldent of 'V.ynnewood, cratic national committeewoman from' _
of 15 ' 000 t 'I II e'll' • Tlleod 01 'e R 00"
Jr., Saturday afternoon, October 17'1 purchased.
se 'elt, 'i In the. proposed wholesalt, was ordered i man 0 f C't' > h'Ip an d L egIs
I Izens 'I'a t·lOn,.!I has " won for hImself an enVIable )Jlace Pennsylvania, and sister of United i
: 1\1rs. C. Arley Farmer, Welfare; Mrs. 1.11 the art world. H.e IS a graduate States Senator Joseph F. Guffey. i
.Lt'l at11
L 0 0

at 2 o'clock at Willow Grove Park. I' Upon the recommendation of the .J. S. I'!anis, Conservation; Drama-: (rom the ,Penn:.,ylvanI~ Aca~emy and Other speakers will include F. Clair' _
Org-anizations of nine counties are ofTieers it was decided to maliC the' ties, Mrs. Henry Frye; Education, i has studIed m val'lOUS m~pol:tant Ross., ~emocra~ie .eandid,ate fOI' Stat,el The Reconstruction Finance Cor-
sponsoring this Landon·Knox rally.llllceting's in the future more educa-;l\[rs, 'V. R. Knauer; Fellowship, 1\Irs. centers of Europe, Mr. ,GIll IS a Au(!Jtol Genelal, Geolge H. Ba~-iPoration from F('Jll'uury 2, W:12, to
Peter C. Hess, township treasurer, is I tional in character, )Jermitting the I,T. H, Speck; Home, Mrs. Paul H. J1l.embe.,r of the Sa~mag'un~1 Club of tholelllew, of Pottstown, DemocratIc 'JulY 1 1'/"(' ll'st ,'J t -I <," ')(j'l ')1" 'I
N '\: 1 TI PI I 1 1 I A t Al . . . , .. ,), ( . 11 JUCC '?D,. ), , .... l) 1 1
on the al'l'angements committee. : I'outine details of business to be con_ll\larrow; Mrs. J. H. Hon~der, Hospi- ,ew or" Ie 11 a( e PllU r' - candIdate for Cong-ress from Mont- Montgomerv Count\-. . . . Eleyen
* * '" ;, <uc I t e< I b Y'tl1(' E"xecu t'Ive C onlml'tt ' ee.,· I t'III't,.. 1\'II's
.' J I,! ,Dal"'I'lle,
. .. . . Illtel'll'l• - ltance, New York Water . Color" Club, gOI1Iel'"
' '> County'
, . ' Attol'lle" ." Sallluel
, K . Lower 1\1 erion . propertit,s
. and one in
J. HanseII Frcnch, State Secrclary 1 The next regular meeting of the' tional Relations; 1\lrs, J. H. Miller, and seyeral other orl!:al1lZatlons de- "hl,te, of Menon, can(!J?ate for the: Narberth went under the Sheriff's
of AO'rieulture, sa".'s Re)mblic,'an! club ",'III be II'el(1 1\loI1(la'.' e,'ell'111lY, ',Junior Advisor. \'ot,ed to the u(h,'anceme,nt of art. ,H& LeO'lslature from tl e Fnst Di tr' t '
'" ,. '" ,., , • I', IC, ihanllJll'r last week at Norristown ...
plurulity in l\lontg'omery County this I November 2, at the home of Mr. and i The Literature Department will h,as be~~~~ cons:s\e~lt wmner ,of Pl'1~els Montg'omery County; DI'.. ~harles J.; Howard :\1. Alexander, treasurer of

coming' election will be cut to ROOO, IMrs. William Sargent, 12-1 Chestnut meet at the home of Mrs. Canl E. Slllce ,:.:., ,an< 11S connectIOn, Wit I Fenwick, professor of polItIcal econ- the Al!'xander Rubber Comllan~., has
Cong'res,sn la nJ. WilIiaJ n Ditter S,l~ .. ,,:
S , avenue. Starr, 'Vvnnewoot! Court Tuesday . ,the Mam Lmc Sketch Club WIll be on~y a t' B r~'n 1\1 awl' C0II eg-:; '" OO( Irow! settled for an $18,000 estate at lIill-
I '
G. O. P. marg'in will increase to fiO,-\' afternoon,' at 2 P. 1 \ 1 . ' . 'o[ I!.'re,~t value ,to the members. , 'Vdson .Jones PennsylvanIa's greatest: , ,
000. Probably will be somewhere b('-: I bl' ,' DetaIls relatIve to membershIp Young' Dem;crat ora tor' J. Hansell, slldel' ant! Dale rloads, 'Vynncwood, lil-
t ween, no t necessan · 'I'd IGcnera Wayne Repu lcan MISS Clara FolIette, librarian of will be fumi"hed if "ou call either F C II ' ,1' tJ( In!.!,' a new a I-stone, fourteen-room
y ml way. . , ". I 'b - J < • rench of 0 egeville State Secre-' CI ' I .
':' * '" I Campaign Rally Octobcr 23 the "ar lerth LI rary, will review Trinity 2~100 or C'.'n,v\'(1 662. f' . I ' F '" : JCstel' County fannhouse stve resl-
. I some of the new books. ,. J tal''' 0 AO'rlcu ture and 'red "alzer '
',dence... , fiJ'yn . Mawr's "Re(!Jscovery .,
Next Wednesday lJIl-!:ht the Repuh- " , ,
R b ert H T af
0 I'"
former Narberth magIstrate
'. -
I,We('!i" parade will be on Monday.
C' ,
1\1' L'
, t f
omlJ1lt ee Ol'lna v ' '
II I The Landon·Knox campaign in Gen-
I eral Wayne election district will start' hold a luncheon an,l card party next
1 he FellowshIp Conl1J1lttee wllI
t WI·I l '
0 0
lar es
G bl
, 1.:1'
< .
f d tt
am~, 'laveror aO,r-; The Rey, J, Samuel Stephenson has
WI open 1<'
11e a d L
am me cpu lean . . .

I' with a rallv in the gymnasium of I hursday at t 1e lome of Mrs. George

" I I '
S k GOP R II , ne' . nd ca )
~ <I
m lU1gn manager, WI Iresigned as curate of St. John's
l qUI arteld's aAt dancaster avenue aJll I the Montgo'mer-,' Day School Old, W. Orth, 531n N. Sydenham street,
C lurc 1 roa l' more. , 0 ,
pea at a y preSIde. I" Church, Bala-Cynwyd, to take a simi-

, .. * .. 'Gulph road, Penn Valley, at 8 P. 1\1.,1 Logan. Phone Mrs. J. H. Specl" the : lar post with St. Luke's Church, Ger-
1\1 rs. E lIlma G u ff ey 1\1 I'11 er, sIster ' I
0 r Frid'l" ••>' October "'3 -' , Prominent .s)leak-:I chairman,
, TNarberth 4003-J for ' , resel'- Ullder Auspl'ces Lower Mel'l'oll- Hoofing Rotary Topic I'mantown. where he will have charg'e
S <mator G u ff ev, Ias t · nIl!.' . I I I! ers to be announced later will g'ive' vat, IOns. :t\ew members arc Il1vlted to
It was sc Je< - ", ' t t I
Narberth Councl'l The trials and thrills of a hoofer's, of t he work at the Church of St. John
t II t B I C I ' I '0
uled to addre~s the county 'Vomen's short addresses, their total limted to a en<. . October 21 career were 0 < 0 a a- ynwy( - t h' BaptIst, 5 01 Germantown ave-
DemocratIc . ConJllJlttee , .,
at NOlTlstown, one hour or less. . Following-, re- Mrs. Caryl . E. Starr , chaIrman of Narberth Rotarians Tuesday at the: Iltu'. , . • At Friends' Central School,
" * * fl'eshments will be served. Contln<lClI On P"lre Five Overbrook Golf Club by Daniel Ely,: O\'erbrook, the enrolhnent is 42n,
Political "Tell You Teas," a ser- The committee, which extends a MEETING AT ARDMORE of Narberth. Ely told how he got his' twenty above last year's. . . . Four
ies of Conference Teas, will be held cordial invitation to all voters in Gen- ~ Committce Furthcrs Plans first job as a dancer in Baltimore in St. .J oseph's Colleg'e stUdents, pushing
on \Vednesday afternoons until Elec- eral Wa~'ne district, consists of A. D. i fOi' Nal'bcrth's Mardi GI'as Robert H. Taft, son of the late 1900, was stranded with a minstrel their cal' containing' two Lower Mer-
tion Day at the Hannah Penn House Blair, chairman; Jean S. Allen, Mrs. I President, will address a Republican show in Kansas, spent six months, ion "no-parking- signs" on City Line
in Philadelphia. Your questions will Alice Alltis, 1\[1'. and Mrs. Harry C. Plans were furthered for Nar- mass meeting at Masonic Hall, Anl- with an act at the 'Vorld's Fair in'a\'enue, fiala, at 2,:)0 A. l\!. \\'ere later
be answered by experts from G. O. Banks, Mrs. Gibson Bell, John Board- berth's annual Mardi Gras at a Busi- more, the evening of Octobel' 21. St. Louis early in the century aIHI fined $1 and $:1,50 costs each by Mag--
P. headquarters. The committee in man, Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, ness Council Committee meeting' The rally is under the auspices of the gradually worked his way into the istrate F. P. Kromer.
charge include Mrs. George Dallas Mrs. Florence Carter, Mr. and Mrs. called Monday evening at the Arcadia Lower Merion-Narberth Council of big-time as a dancer. "BootIeg cream" was used in much
Dixon, Mrs. Robert Sewell and Mrs. J ames P. C avanaugh, 1\lr. an d Mrs. Restaurant b~' 1\I arios Chios, c IlaIr·
· Republican Women. I icc cream sold on the Main Line this
Joseph 'V, Beacham, Jr. 'V. Morgan Churchman, Jr., Mrs. man. Guests of the Council will be Con- Pray to Address Socicties summer, Dr. Georg'e 'V, Grim, milk
Contlnuea on Page Six Joseph Clausen, Mrs. Ann Darville, It was arranged to hang a sign g-ressman J. William Ditter and Lam- Kenneth L. 1\1. Pray, 310 'Vood- ~ control officer of this district, revealed
Charles S. Edmunds, 'Valter Fuller, announcing the event on the Narberth bert Cadwalader, Republican candi- side avenue, Narberth, secretary of after a three weeks' inspection trip
Firemen's Sunday DistUt'bed Mrs. C, Al'1ey Farmer, Mrs. W. Rus- Playground entrance and sub-commit- date from this district for assembly- the Committee of Public Assistance in the Mid-West. The )H'incipal of-
Sunday was a busy day for Nar· sel Green, Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. tees were appointed to supervise man. and Relief, will be the speaker at the fender, he said, maintains both "ap-
berth's fire company. At 11 A. 1\1. Harnden, John H. Jeffries, Jr., Mrs. music, platform, route, collection of Other Council activities include a afternoon session of the autumn con- proved" and unapproved plants, , ..
the firemen put out a bla~e at the J. D. Justin, Mr. and Mrs. John H. prizes and other details. Ilost-election meeting at whieh DI'. fel't'nce of county Children's Aid So- Lower Merion is dickering for a fif-
home of Clarence Smith, 310 Essex Link, Mr. ant! Mrs. F. D. Moore, Mr. Again this year the co-operation of Clyde L. King, authority on State cieties at Harrisburg, OctQber 1'1. teen-acre playg'round site at the rear
avenue, where chimney sparks set and Mrs. George C. T. Remington, the Narberth Fire Company will be taxation, will discuss State taxes. The announcement of the meeting of the Wynnewood road school. The
fire to the roof causing damage of Spencer Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. sought for roping off part of Haver- Next March a trip to Harrisburg was made Monday at Norristown by ~ontlnueil all Page Six
$100. In the evening they were called Thomas J. Skillman, Jr., Owen D. ford avenue for dancing, while Bur· is planned and New Voters' Day will Mrs, J. Aubrey Anderson, Gulph
to the home of C. H. Wheeler, Jr., Schmidt, James P. Smyth, Maurice gess John E. Hall, the Lower Mer- be observed at the April meeting. In Mills, president of the board of the! Active Mcmbcrs' Club and
701 S. Bowman avenue, Merion, W. Sloan, Jr" and Frederick Warner. ion police and other officials will be May the Council will visit the county Montgomery County Children's Aid I Mulicrcs Planning Bcnefit
where an ironing board was ablaze. asked to aid in making the affair a poor home. Society.
Hobbies at Friends' Central success. Plans for the conference were also
The Active Members' Club of the
4 Bol'O Youths Pledged Friends' Central School, Overbrook, Deputy Commanders Dined discussed by Mrs. J. A. LaFore, Penn
Narberth Fire Company will take
Three Narberth youths have been will hold its eighth annual Autumn Two New Roofs Frank S. Challenger, of Narberth, Valley Farms, Penn Valley, publicity part in the yearly benefit given by
pledged to fraternities at Franklin Fail' this week-end in the gymnasium, Narberth Building Inspector Georg-e represented the Main Line at a din- chairman of the group.
the Mulieres, auxiliary organization.
and Marshall College, Lancaster. A display of summer hobbies will be 13. Suplee has issued )lermits for new ncr given to deputy commanders of
Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, president
David Bodke and Joseph King have a feature. Hours are Friday, 3 to !J roofs to Mrs. Charles Borden, 217 the Ninth District of the American Hospital Seeks Blood Donol's of l\1uliCl'es. stated this week: "Nar-
been pledged to the Xi chapter of Phi P. 1\1.; Saturday and Sunday, 2.30 to Forest avenue, $350, and to Mrs. John Lt'gion by District Commander Har- The Bryn Mawr Hospital again berth's Fire Company is composed of
Kappa Tau. r; aIHI 7 to 9 P. 1\1. Van Deaver, 127 Conway avenue, $100, old L. Reese at his home, 30n Powell wishes to increase its list of profes-
volunteers, none of whom receive
Justin R. Peters has been pledged road, Wynnewood, Monday night. sional donors because of the ever-in .. salaries except the day and night
to the Nu chapter of the Sigma Pi. Enroll at Valley Forgc Missionary Speaker Here creasing demand. This is especially janitors. Be prepared to help the
Donald Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enrolled as plebes this term at Val- The Rev. Kenneth 1\1. Kepler, a More on Rclief Here true of type 111 of the Moss specifi- bo~'s when they solicit your aid. They
Hugh G. Martin, of 207 Wayne ave- I(~y Forg-e Military Academy are John Presbyterian missionary at Tengh- Narberth's relief cases last weel~ cation. Anyone wishing to be reg-is- deserve your support."
nue, is pledged to the Phi Gamma Martin Kessler, Jr., and William sien, Shantung, China, is scheduled increased from foul' to ten, while tel'<~d as professional blood donor will A joint committee meeting' was held
Delta fraternity at Lehigh Univer- Stuart McClellan, Jr., both of Nar· to speak at the Narberth Presbyterian Lower Merion's families on the rolls please communicate with the labora- Wednesday night to arrange for the
sity, Bethlehem. berth. Church, October 21. jumped from forty-five to forty-eight. tor J', benefit's details.
P:lgc Two OUR TOWN October 9, 1936

OUR ,.,..,O~\{ :rt\..ll:

Jl. \ , W ..l ~
In the Mailbau
,That's My Story .Boca! ,-7J1ovles
IChoral-Organ Program I
h hi
Merion Notes
Dr. and Mrs. Carlin Phillips, of
at Bala-Cynwyd Cure .Nt'\\' York, were the guests of Mr. and
A CO-()lJ1Jrntivc Com.munity NClVS}lU]JCI' !Mrs. Gcorge P. Morgan, 2d, of HazcI-
f()/I/1clcd in 1!)l4 by thc NaI'/le/·th I' Concerning thc Rotary Talk A Study in Contrasts Tuneful Musical Hits 'I d hid
Civic A.~sJcilltiOll, and 111lblishccl l Nathanl'el E. Watson and D r. lurst roa , over t e wec {-en cn
everl/ Fn'rJay at Nurbcl'th, Pu. I Octobe1' 5, 1"36.
" . . Gct to Imow, as I do, intimatel", >
Scl1eduled fOI' Nal·bertl1 t
l'OU eo cay,t D I R FI a.
, To thc cditor of OUR TOWN: ,thc hves of dozcns of rcsldcnts of a Herbert J. Tily Are 1\11'. and !\In;. William W. Swayne
Philip Allee Llving-olon. Publisher Therc has bccn enough said about' community and you can form a fair Lovcly and lyrical Alice Fayc and Organists and their daughter, Janc, who have
Edwin L. Paxson, EdlLor
Anne l\l0l'l;an Hobel'tH. SQelal Jo:<1i1or what you printcd of thc- Rotary , talk, \( Iea 0 f h ow cnvlronmcn . t a ff ecs t c1la1'- suavc Adolphe Mcnjou arc co-stal'l'cd ; hecn on a three weeks' trip to Bcr-
to warrant a bit of further clucida- Iacter. In a plcasure resort, unlcss thc; ill "Sing Baby Sing," currcnt attrac- 8.30 P. M., OCTOBER 14TH Imuda, retul'lled Friday to thcir home
Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth tr·oll. ! natives be of •thc . marc inhibitcd Ncw,.· lion at thc Narberth Theatre. It's I I un V a II ey roa d .
Telephones-Narberth 4100, Cynwyd 811 Thc reference to Borough Council ~ngland :urlt~TIl~al l~toCk,. y~U fin~ I:maid to be f;;nnicr than "Thanl;s a I A variety of interesting choral and' Miss Margarct Cadugan, uf Pitts-
Subscription rate, $2 per year In advance cng-aging itsclf exclusivcly in what I, lC y~ar- ro?n w~ erg m uenCC( ,Million." I organ works will be heard at 8.30 burgh, was the guest last weck of Mr.
--.,- tt 0 t ,dcHcribed as the "corned-becf-and-I sadly In theIr behaVIOr by the frcc-! Mondav and Tucsday at the Nar- I o'clock, Wedncsday evening in Bala- ~ and 1\1rs. Edw:lrd B. Cadugan, of
Entered aH seconu-elasH ma er e 0-
bel' 13. 1911, at the Post' Olllee at Nar-, eabbagc" part of our CIVIC cXlstence, I sp
••• end'n f st Ii'. ing vacation co ul ct
I g'.,a - , ,
. . I
1. U hcrth wiII be Bing Crosby, still tops ICynwyd M. E. Church, Cynwyd, when, Glcnwood road.
1879 l'a., IInuer the Act of l\lareh 3,. I. e. th' d' hi
e m Ispensa e ea ures 0 I - f t f nu of the VISitors. The Jllfluence
, . IS so among th c crooncrs, Wit 1 0 'I B b B I
urns, the church choir wi I e osts to th' I b h e l l1\1' . aneI M rs. E . B ur k e W'lf I ord , () f
. niei~al procedure, was hardly in-: Ill'ofo?~d that. I should I1Csltate to real' the Arlmnsas travcler, in "Rhythm Choral Club of thc Musical Art So-I Linden lane, will have as their gucsts
tcnded to bc severe on thol;e sclfless; my chIldren 111 the average pleasurc On the Range." Wit and melody ciety, of which Dr. Henry S. Fry is: ovcr thc weck-end of October 17 Mr.
Friday, October 9, 1936 citizcns, who are elected to serve us resort. sharc honors in this romance of the conductor. iand Mrs. E. Woodward Allen and
in an administrative capacity and That is one reason I prcfer to live cactus belt. The program will open with two, thcir son, Edward, of Montclair, N. J.
who arc entitled to rcspectful recog- on the Main Line. And yet the Main Glenda Farrell in "High Tcnsion," I organ solos, Introduzione ed Allegro,' Mr. and Mrs. Wilford and their
Coming Events ,nition and propel' appreciation for Line itself presents an unwholesome an cxciting mclodrama, will bc thc from Pictro Yon's Sonata Romantica, guests will attcnd the Penn-Princeton I
the time and talent they expcnd in our I' contrast, whic~ ma~ some day. force fcaturc Wednesday (Cash Award i and a Folk Tune by Pcrcy Whitlock, game Saturday.

--------=--------- behalf. me to seek an mferlOr commumty for, Night). played by Howard S. Tussey, organ-: DI·. Ethel Hamilton, of Los Ange-
Rcpublican rally, Tcddy Rooscvelt,' The point which was being stressed: my home. Why the paradox? Simply I And next Thursday, Friday and ist and choirmaster of the church. : I(·s, Calif., is the guest of Dr. Emilie
Jr., speaker, Willow Grove Park, OC-, was,. that if the populace wantc.d the: t h i s : . . Saturday Manager Salasin will p~e-l The first group by the Choral. Club Maxwell, daughter of I' M:. and Mrs.
tobel' 17. . , ! pubhc p~r£c ,used for the luxul'les. of I Rcsort reSIdents ~ave aver~ge 111- sent onc of the n,lO~t talked-o.f PIC~ will be composed of ~he followmg a Harry B. Maxwell, of Baird road. i
"The Bishop Mlsbehavcs," Nar- commull1ty hfe, the "dessert" winch i comcs, and by kecpmg up With thc tures of the ycar, ' Girls' Dormitory,' I capella and accompall1cd numbers: I Mrs. Roy E. Murphy, of Stoneway
berth Play~rs'. production, Na~'berth: might ~therwise be dispenscd with,! viSiting' J oncscs they frequently bank- w.ith thc l~ew 1!J-year-old Frcnch star, I Let Their Celestial Concerts All: lane, e~tertained at a luncheon Sat-
School AuditorIUm. October 23-24. ; ~uch things would only comc to pass rupt thcmsclvcs morally as well as SmlOne SII11on. I Unite, Handcl. I Ill'day III honor of hcr son, Roy E.
Democratic Party rally, Govcrnor: as a rcsul~ of initiative f~om outsido ,oth?rwisc. The sn~all .minority of! . ! Hospodi Pomilui, Lvo,vsk~. J\;~urphy, Jr., to celebrate his tenth
GeOl'ge H. Earlc speaker, Glcnside I thc CounCIl Chambcr, as It has bcen: reSidents of our Mam LlllC commun-I Starless All-Star Film 10M,om of Bcauty, Slbelms. I hlrthday. Among the guests were
War Memorial Hall, evcning of Oc- plain for twenty y~ars that our so- ity ar~ in t~c samc boat. Their in- at Egyptian; Two Special I Lightly, Lightly, Bells are Pealing, i ~obby Townsend, Billy Pier~ .and Da-
toher HI. lOllS do not regard It as any part of come IS a lIttle bctter than the na- M' E I N I
W k Moravian-Lockwood. I vICI Clark. Later they VISited the
Y tJ C 11' rt by Philadelphia 01'- their job to devisc or submit plans tional averagc-but thcy and thcir
atlnees ar y ext ee i Soprano solo by Marion H. Owrid. fo'ranklin Museum.
°t~ 1 AOa (!C l11y f 1\1us'lc October calling for special and extra disburse- childrcn well nigh incvitably try to "I' -II-t- fil . I ! All Brcathing Life, Sing and I; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, of
ch cs la, c co, . vc got an a -s ar m Wit lOUt an! h 1\' d I k d
'1 mcnts. kecp up With the Joneses who arc I "SI J I P'raise Ye thc Lord, Bac . ' ferron roa , md as wec -en gucsts
14 , 8 P • 1\J • , • a I-star cast says lOwman oscp 1 , .. B h' 1\ 1\ Ed d D If f W'I
· ' F d . C . I Of course, there can be an argu- thclr vcar-'round nClghbors. They I C f'. 'h Cl .Jesu, Jo~' of Man s Deslrmg, ac. I '11'. and II'S. war u y, 0 I -
PhIladelphia ' 00 Fan' , ommerclU mcnt as to whether or not tIe l b
esta - PUy taxcs on pl'opertlCs valued far 'f' : ' , on way
L '" rc errmg I' to "1 rcc
h E l e c r s .
Nathaniel E. 'Vatson, 0 f C rl"
ynwy, \luugton, c. D I
Muscum October 13-23. ' . .. , 'or ove now p aylllg at t e ' g y p - , . IS' . . 'I I
,,:. .' I' d 1- hshed way IS the bcst or most con- hlghcr than thc natIOnal avcragc;,. I" ' _, . ' . org::ll1st ami ch'olrm~tcr of t lC t. ; MISS Mary Pl'lCC Grim: IS, daug Hcr
~"I,ectl.lcal Ass~clUtro~ ,?f Pula e. structivc attitude to strike in a they pay highcr utility bills and labor t~.I~~. . ts onl~ \\cll-kn,o,~n, stm ,IS James' Methodist Church in Olncy,;"r MI'. and !\II's. Horacc E. Griffiths,
phla s I11nth an~lual Elcctllc and Rad~o thriving homc-place such as ours, but and food and othcr material bills; Lle.1no1e Wlutney, I \\OII.(i s b.cst wi'.1 follow with a group of organ Illf Heath road, Icft rccently fOl' Hol-
Show: Convcntlon Hall, Octobcr 5~1 . nothing like that was on the fire at they fcel und c 1'lJ1'ivilcfl;'ed without a \\'on~an tap dancer. T le. SWI t-movll1g' ~olos including the Allegro movcment lins Collegc, Virginia, whcrc she is I'

"Miracle of Progrcss" . ' celcbratmg , Rotary,- and no va " ICC (IId I ' give to car and the whereWithal . to go places Inuslcal. comcdy drama IS onc of thc 'from Glllimant's . Thlr . d S onata, B'.\- a Ires ' IIman.
Uppcr Darby Township's 150th ant l- the difficulty which is expericnced at and to (10 things 'I'\'ith thc J onescs and' sellsatlOns of th~ se.as~n. Thc pro-f t;stc's Offcrtoire in D Minor, and, j\[ 1'5. C. C. Trump, of Baird road,
vcrsury, at Uppcr Darby, Octo leI' limes in comprchending how such their children. Yct in anothcr com-! g~'am accon~panYll1g It mcludes eomc- Ralph Kindcr's In Moonlight, after I' "Iltertained mcmbers of her club at
25 - 20.. lI eep~' I mtcrestcd
. mcn can b "
c contcnt munrty->mch as most . 111 thc Ul11tcd
, 'lll(,~ featurlllg. Edgar Ke!1nedv . and which . the Choral CI u b WI'11' give a, I 11I1l~Il:]on an dbrlc ' Igc l' C~S(I ay.
Lottc Lchman, soprano, Academy so stca(Ifastly WIt ' h 0b scrvmg . w IlUt Slatcs-such as for example, Norl'ls-' ' : PllpeVC ," the saIlor I '1 guy. . r(>I1(11tlOn . . of Gouno(I' s (ramatlC I . WOl, 'k I 1\1'ISS Jo,'I'Iza)('t I j 1 Ann H oppel', (Iaug-I1-
of Music, October 2G; All Star Con- ~cems to bI' an uncIeVlatlllg ,. aneI un- town right 111 ' thiS '. county-they could. : 'lwo films I'll . drcn of all a"'cs M
wdl Bv Babylon's "'avo, " Wit II accompalll-, . i 1(')' 0 f 1\I 1'. all(I 11\1 rs. II'. B oal' d man
ccrt Series. .lI11aglnative
, ,routlnc. ' .
live '
bettcr than the avcrage :\1111 feel, "1I10V . , arc" comlllg next wc[·k to ( ' \ ' l11('nt n - 'o[ , organ and prallo. . .' I Iopper, of Bel' I;Icy 1'0:[(, 1 'SUI 1I'd rc-
Gcorge Ham'd's .
<. ,
of Neverthcless, there is ample rca- for thcmselves and their childrcn no,I wvd' . '" "Little MISS Noborlv" ' . 'lV!ulHh\,
." This vim bc followed by two wor k's,'' r·(·nt1y to spcnd the winter at a sc I1001
19;~G," vaudeville-circus rcvue, Met-.son t 0 k now t Ilat Cau nI'l'1'IS a I·t CI an d dcadly . , .
ll1fel'lol'ltv complcx w h a t c :111[1
vc r , j ' stars Jane ".~!wrs and 0 My Peoplc,
luesdav, ' (aI \T'IttOI"la, an< . I A n III . 1'1 • orcnec,
I ta Iy.
ropolitan Opera House, week of Oc- a I ways receptlvc . hi' f .
to pu IC pre erencc Thc pcrson With an ll1come of f i v e , ' , ' . I Ralph Morgan' and Jack London's Easter Ha Ie UJa 1, I I . I V I ' . D'
u pIUS- II' 111- k' :'I - - - - - - - -

tober 12; Nobles of Lulu Temple. and t I JUt 'It WI'11 pI' OVI( . I e, as It . 1las thousand a ,'car or so, sClHhng' ' a child . 'i"WIlIte.
. '
and (Bank " son, rcndcrerl antlp . Ilana II y b et wcen ,I Narbert I1 Brt'd ge Club
"The Sleeping Beauty," Erlanger I . tl f th PI . , I . . Night) I hlll'sc!a", :s a scqucl to Call I b I tI l' f tIl, I '
Theatre, 10.:30 a. m., Octobcr 31; c o~lC • In lC cathsc a "e t a~tgl I oun(, I to jJl'lvate school and collcgc, would of the \Vild " staning lIichaPl 'Vha- thc C II anI. 1.C I' IfOIl' 0 Ill' ~.lIUII 1'1, I "'cdnesday eVl'lIinl';. S"ptember 30,
,tlec,s anI I 0 1'1' p10Jec s, 1C ma-, he not "one of us" but "that wcalthv '..'. the hitler slllglllg rom t 1(' ga cry., lUll scorc I\lrs C. Alfred Pcency and
"Children's Theatre" of Women's In- Cl!11el~ I' " 0 j' rc felell(um ' I to cna. bl e tl lel.JoncsI pcrson." ' • len' Jcan. !\lUll' SlIm Summcrvillc and
~ , Dr. HcrJert.J. I T'I1 y WI
'11 IJC leple-i
. . I Mrs. AlIcn , .
Shubert· second place
ternational Leaguc. I \.OtCI.S_ t 0 (eCI( I,' Ic \\'1lCt h" Cl 01 not
tl"lCy All right why don't thcsc pcople Charles" 'V ll1nlllger (raclIo's "Cap'n sented , "111 hlH own settlllg ,,' 0
f't h c 1m-I
. Arthur Coonc\, and Mrs. " T. W. Blake.
I are willing to foot thc bills for the 0'0 filHI ~UCil a town? Bccausc thcy 1T1'1,"'Y ). . . ,1110rtal \'er:il', Cros£:w: the Bar. A Friday aft~rnoon Octobcr 2 top
'. ,I . I d d M' ' [ herc Will be an aftcr-school matr- I ' · ' . It' . , ,
D e Iaware an d M on t gomery Ilmprovcments w 111' 1 are a vance s 'l'\" ,. u They arc the "OUl1O' nwn
" '.
. ' beautiful humming' song Wit lOU i SCOl'C Mrs. Charlcs B. Stoudt and
. I d! f .' . I" t' . e (. .,0 . nl'(, for each plcturc-on Mondav anc! ' . . ' .. lSI'" ' .
Su b UL' b an M agazme ssue 01 COnSI(eJa.lOn:, . who join thc Lowcr Merion Jlolicc .".. ' " d
> M .
"'f' N d_lwol'Ils suggesting a t~plea ,~e,iIIrs. Fredel'lck Moyer; second placc,
Thereforc, If tnere IS any faIr dc- forc(" they are thc small shopkccper .1 .... ,\ln :I, c ncsda~ a tel noon. . cc I scene at nightfall will preccde the i Miss Anna V. Folcy and Mrs. T. W.
11'0/1/(/I/.'s Opillioll, a mag'azinc "de- gree of unanimity that Narberth will tl _, " >oJ.'
l tJ " 1 ' ..'" I ' \coss to say, hoth, films arc J.llghl~': c'.osing; mllllber, an impoHing work by ;;',,1;c'
• • .',. ... k mec l<1ll e, lC mal call1CI, tIC l'econllllelHled for tllC enUrc fallldy. ,.,.' ." ". '," , .
votcd to .thc.cultural intcrests of com- bc a mOIl' a.ttlactl\c and l~lO,IC \.i111-lcom1l1unity newspaper cditor, the as-! _.. .' , (,llst<lV Holst, bUilt on the tladltlOnal Saturday evelllng, October ,I, top
munity hfe III Delawarc, l\Iontgoll1er~' a.ble lllacc WIth ~ self-susta\l1l11g p:lb- sistant to \,our church's rcctor 01' min-I ~ sOP,I~lst,l,cat~d film .. \\lll co~cl~~de theme, Yc Watchers Are Ye Holy score, Mr. and Mrs. Allcn Shubert;
and parIs of Chcs.ter Counties," muck I' Ill'. P?ol, and With ~ comprehenslVc ister. Th~y are tied hcrc by force of I the ~\eel,- l\I~ Amcllcal~ \V~,fc -: Ones, to t':e words of tIll' 14Gth Psaln~. second place, Arthur Cooney and Wil-
its app:'arancc thiS week. ,buddlllg plan replaCing thc prescnt circumstance USU'lllv falnily conncc- ;1erm,d the laugh successol to Rug Admission will be by card until limB Bovlc.
It will bc issucd monthly from I shambles callcd our Station, a citi- tl'Oll 'TIl '\' "II'C' l:eas'oll'lbl" 11alJPV of g~les of Rcd Gap." Its stars are ~ran- 8.1!). Cards may he sccured without I Mon(h;v evcning Octobcr 5 tOil
s. c ~ J • , 'IS] ,,(ll'l'Cl' Ann Sothcrn Fl'(ld Stone . ' -t ,
Llandillo and Davis roads, Llancrch. i 7;ens conUlllttee sh?uld gct underway course. B~t sometimes thcir children':' " : . ' ,.
I , • Co Co

' • chargc from members of thc cho.11· ,'COl'C, Paul Scidlcr and William Bcn-
Thc editor and publishcr is Helell E. 1101' a full cxploratlOn of thc facts of fcel at '1 loss compared with your chil- !.11111 BtllIe BUi kc.

or from thc minister, Rcv. FranklIn sun.
Schcehle, formcr !\I~in Linc news-: the case.; 01' an appointmcnt ~f such (II'en: b~cau~c their clothing is not so I ..' " R. Duncombe, Levcring Mill road'II .
Ilallcr woman . Shc IS the daughter,' , a COmll1lttec , by the. burgcsH , might be smart all(I 1lecausc t I11'11' " f arm'1 y c a r s , C:Junt) . Lague' ,111 Session C"nwvd
~. .,. ,
of Dr J Evans Sehcehlc former Sec- thc progrcsslvc manncr rn which the I I A I I tl I I 1 Ill' Exccutlvc Roal d of the l\[ont- !

. . , are ;lOt so 5 ce ,. IH W lcn Ie lOyS .-:> , ~ ..
rctarv · of Welfarc in Go\'el'llor Earle's surve\,. can . bcst . be started. gro\\, up, tllCy somc t'Imes f ce I ma I- I gomen' ' County L:.:aguc ' of I Womcn Antique Show •at Norristown I:
Cabinet . There
, . IS saId to bc a Fcderal
Articlcs• by .scvcral Main Linc rcsi- prwtlon of $60,000 a\'adable for a, nUIl'l'VIllg'
. appro- a( I''us t C(I I lecause tJ'
'. your Iave Iy (aug
'lCIl' CIassma t cs arc Votcrs mct Monelav
I ,I1t ers, am I league .
hcadquart:.:r:o;, I\lrs.
. .
at .t Ie
\\i Jlllam,
I n tIl I' CI't\',~.
' t () bI' I' "0 ..
throu"11 M'
Ifall Audl'tol'ium , Oc -
24 will bc held the' .,.EGYPTIAN
dcnts ' . arc featured. Consultant cd i- ncw postoffice in Narbcrth . and what tl ' II 't
1ey-wc ,qUI C requcn y an unc el'-f tl I Gchman, of Cynwyd, prcslded. Among. II "'enond N(J''l'I'stO\lln
" -. , Pennsyl\'ania
. • • , An-
tors, include Mrs. T. MagIll Pattcrson, ,a nucleus that would. prOVide for thc 111'1\'1 "1 ege d oyb murl'lCS ' a f'1I1e wea . ItIIy thosc I~rcsent . ' were Mrs. J. Alden Tifft, . t'lqlle Sho\",y.
St • Davids; 1\1rs . Leon 'Vcbster I" general program whIch has becn sug- gil'
Mclcher , Bala-Cynwyd, and Mrs. II gestcd and which should not cost.more -
. I an d cvery . tl' ung ,save I Iy, IlU.1 of I\lei'lon, prcsldcnt of thc McrlOn
II y I't'S no t so casy as th c sen t'1- branch ofd thef leaguc;
I '.
1\11's D01'a E Seele >'". v of Ambler ,
. I " . usua C d Mrs. Helen I 'G. ,w h a is. •ao-ain M
in charge , expects from
Birch C. Pollock, Drexcl Hill. It lan a two-n,ull tax for ever~,thlllg I~- mcntal story-books have it. Marc Grccnwoo ,0 ynwy, county c lUlr- I thirty-fivc to forty exhibitors to par-
• •
volved, pool, dcpot and the rest of It, I'k I th I
.. ".h ,. ,. f~' ,. lid" I I 'C Y
c lOy marries a gil' W lose 1\1'11' f B'
, I I man of governmcnt; 1\lrs. Hcrbcrt t' . at
1\1 ,. t, 1 '.
I ICIP c. Whitney
Merion LegIon Elects \..... 0Ll "e .,1 cnce .0 t lC ac ItlOna folks arc of the same modcrate finall- I C1, a ~ yn ~\\l, coun ~ c lal1- It wiil be opcn daily from 10 A. M.
I taxablcs whICh would be creatcd. The
H · H . M cConne II C onUllan d er I proposed tunncl at Essex avenuc IS' CIU I. ltd'
S an 1111', an
d th t' fi
a s nc, 00.
t B t man of foreign polIcy.
u . .
, t 10 P 1\1
o. . the female Fred Astaire. in
th ' I t tl f I' tl t Mrs. DaVid Chandlcr Prlllcc, State I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~
H owar d 1-1 . 1\1
' I' Conne II , 0 f 1\1 ee t Illg I
, f
· ,no part 0 the new I ea and t ere 't
'd h
II' wou
cre s a ways prcsen lC cc Illg la
Id b
e mcc I
. 'f th
cy COU ( cnJOY
h' I' d h
I' aIrman, out me t e year s \\'01'"
' I I!
· T d . 1t ',seems to be valId reasons for drop- tl d t' th t tl J cspeclally tha,t of the program w,ork,
H ouse Iane, MerlOn.
was e Iec t ed comman d er 0f th e M enon ,
ucs ay mg 1 , '
. ,plllg that fcature altogether.
h' . .
1C goo
coup c a
I f bl k
Imes a
th t
oc 'S up c s rec arc a c
le oneses a
t bl and also urgcd the members to study After Summer for Love"
PtA . L' Ot! ffi I W at mterest IS there III the SUb-, t . Ithe mcrlt. system an d to use cvery - Paramount's all. star film
as, mCl'lca~'T eIglOn. S' leI' a ficcrs , ject and who will write to say that a enJoy. . cffort in having it establishcd in your hair, skin and nails need
ch. oscn are'. , .. van Impson ' ! rs t the\' will lend a hand in the spade A n d so, 'JUS t as III ' a CI' ty' S sums, I Pennsylvania. reconditioning. without an all-star cast.
vlcc-commander; Joseph J. Klumpp, 'k I' I t b d ? I thc riffraff commcnce their life of
second vice-commander; Allen B. 'I
Coffman, adjutant; E. Clark Crcagcr,
. J
wor w 111' 1 mus cone.
nc more

'" '"

mg, I you p case, 1"1

crimc by taking what others have, in
M our suburbs many of the average class
Pledged to Fraternity
William McGarrity, of 128 Bryn
Winter activities demand that
you look your best. •
ffi H
finance a cer, an d . . rlzcr, 1'., Ed't' A P d I'll b th h S finds it difficult to be satisficd whcn Cotlsult IIS-tlow! Surrounding program includes
I' t . , I 01, an ' e roug. omc' Mawr avenue, frcshman at Lehigh
us ol'l~n.
Challcs Lyon Chandle1, Pluladel-,.111 h' ItS d
. , ! fricnds have reported their minister, ncighbors have more. Those I'vc University, Bcthlchem, has bcen
tcrmcd your servants and also those SUZANNE JORET GILL
· b k dd d th 1 IS sermon as un ay, was per-I ,. jJledgcd by the Theta Kappa Phi so-
p Iua an 'er, a ressc c veterans. turbed by the fact that I had ex- who live h.crc but havc iJ,lsuffic.ientl Y 216 Dudley Ave. Narberth 2324
cial fraternity.
I prcssed pleasure because Narberth reJ~lUncratlvc cmpl?ymcnt 111 Phll.a~cl- !I======:::::::::=
Friel's Team Leader in , harl chan<Ted ,..,
Cynwyd Club Tennis ~ community. W cll, I felt that was a beyond their means, and bankrupting Women's Missionary Society of the
from a "dry" to a "wet" jlllla, are equally m dangcr of hV\l1g
I Christian and civilized thing for Nar- themselves, morally as well as other- Narberth Presbytcrian Church will
Rcgular monthly mecting of the • --
••••••••••••• STRANGE
Final Intraclub Lcague tennis I berth to do and so I said I was glad. \:ise, like thc rcsort-dwellcrs I'vc men- be omitted next wcek, in anticipation
standings were announced this wcck: Thc minister reporting the same tloned. of the missionary meetings to be Iwld H AND S
by thc Cynwyd Club Following are : fact~• mi<Tht have said hc was sad' . And . for concrete examples we have In . tlle ch urc h th e weck 0f 0 coer t b 18 - This Friday and Saturday
• • M
the standings, WIth team captains I which would havc been quite all right the polIcc force. F me young men, of 125.
, .
and points: Iwith mc, of coursc, despite the fact bctter than avcragc parcntage, thcse II ~• • • • • • •Iiiii• • • • • •~ ~~Sing Baby Sing" WASHTUB
Friel, 60; Vollmer, 50; Keating,' that I am one of those incorrigibles officers attcndcd Lowcr Mcrion schools I:
37; Simons, 30; COllwcll, 30; Hartz- i who would continuc to believc that with the childrcn of you or yonI' with ALICE FAYE
leI', 29; l\IcTighc, 27; Houlihan, 20;, Prohibition was a very bad and un_,ncighbors; they've chummcd with
GOl'elon, 15. ! moral thing cvcn if it worked, which your kids; thcy sharc thcir intercsts I I ARDMORE THEATRE and
Fricl's tcam went ~nto thc lea~ a it nevcr did and nevcr could. ill things-incl~ding sp~nding money I Matinee Dally at 2.30 P. M,
Evening continuous, 7 to 11 P. M.
month ago and held It to the fimsh, In gentler tone, however, I would Ion thc good thlllgs of II.fe (and some I SUNDAY MOVIES
mainly through the play of Ed Wil- explain that the reference to the wet- lof the not-so-good thmgs). Thcy I Continuous Showing 2 to 11 P. M. Sat. Mat. at 1 P. M.-
Iiams, Warner and Walbridge. and.dry sta.tus was simply one of the I marry girls who feel thc samc way: Friday October 9
Thc award for best individual score rather numcrous aspccts of our com-I about having a good time. BUT thcy , "HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD"
went to Bob Mu~ro, who won all his munity scheme which I outlined in can't aff~r~ it on what we pay thc,Il1.' Marsha Hunt Monday & Tuesday
I /1 John Halliday
matches, dropprng only one set thc very sketchy talk at the golf club, And so It s hard to kcep the pohce Robt. Cummings Esther Ralston
throughout. Iand it was not intcnded that it should force contented, alert, efficicnt and Sat., Sun. & Mon. Oct. 10, 11 & 12 HRhythm on the Range"
Thc club championship final will cause me to be at odds with either the 'uncorruptible (especially when it is· "CHINA CLIPPER" BING CROSBY
be pla~'cd this Sunday at 2 P. 1\1. be- ICouncil or the Cloth, a posturc of af- somc of us who have occasion to do PAT O'BRIEN Are you surprised at the red, ten-
Beverly Roberts Ross Alexander Frances Farmer Bob Burns der hands you see? ... No hands
twecn John Custer and the winner of fairs which I would certainly not de- thc corrupting). Our policc, I belicvc, I
the Stmub-Nicely semi-final. sirc at all, at all. arc as good as the national average. Tues. & Wed. Oct. 13 & 14 can survive hot, steamy water.
DOLORES COSTELLO Banish washday worries--our rates
J. J. CABREY. But that is far short of perfcction. : BARRYMORE Wednesday (Award at 9)
Gives Parliamentary Classes What's to be donc? In the nature' George Raft are extremely low.
l\Irs. Charlcs S. Shinn, of Bala, Par- Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Walker, of 10f things, you can't pay all t~1Cse pub- i ttHigh Tension"
Ida LUlllno..JameH Gleason PL A
liamcntarian of Montgomcry County i Winding way, Mcrion, wiII Icavc this lie servants a lot more. Neither can
Fedcration of Women's Clubs, is con-, Friday to s'pcnd thc week-end in New y.ou ship thcm off .to Sibcria (01' Nor- : I Thursday
1'~dg'aI" KPtlllPdy

October 15
Glenda Farrell Nonnan Foster St. Mary's WI\SHIt\G M~ Tr-'I. ~~
ducting Parliamentary Classcs on Haven, Conn., and attend the Pcnn· rlstown) and shift for yoursclves'i
Mondays in October from 10 A. M.I Yale football game Saturday. I
But if you set .out to. underst~nd the "THE GIRL OF THE OZARKS" Next Thursday. Frida/,. Salmday
Laundry I
·,I,.I!r11 I' Il,. N(~l ... li( I

until 12 noon at the New Century i Thc open.in g mecting of the TU~~-I jll'oblcl~l, of which thiS study rn 1'011-
HC'lll'ietta Cl'OSlllill1 Eliz. HUHBell
~tm.·,yl'· ·jl ..

Guild all Locust street, Philadelphia.: day Club Will be held October 20 With trasts Is onc fundamcntal cause-then SUNDAY MOVIES SIMONE SIMON A.\ I ' . ,I, ~ ' ,

The subject of the first meeting a lunchcon at the home of the prcsi- a ~olution, i~ any, will be a little,'
Monday was "Practice and Proced- dcnt, Mrs. Frank B. Allen, of Flat easIer to arl'lve at.
urc." I Rocl" road, Penn Valley. TOM ELWOOD.
Continuous Showing from 2
to 11 P. M.
~• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1h ttGirls' Dormitory"

Ard. 4400

Ardmore, 1'a.

October 9, 1936 OUR TOWN Page Three.

Brookline Beats Boro hit for Jack Eachus and promptly I

THE FIRESIDE to Knot Series Count poled a triple to the road in left-
center. Herrmann rolled out to sec-
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Winslow, of ContInued from Palte One ond and Gazella seored on Mickey
Kathlene Takes Pleasure in lntroducing- I
Cambridge, Mass., were the week-encl hurled his third tidy game. The dif- Gavin's fly to center.
Iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Pcri- fercnce was that he got credit for Fans in Frenzy
sho, of Chestnut avenue. vietory in this one. Narberth found Narberth rooters were wild when

The Arlette' French ;d;,:;;

Mrs. A. Pcrry Redifer, Sr., of Kcnil- him for nine blows and sockcd him Tanny Ralston rapped one to first
worth road, Merion, has left for a two pretty hard in the late innings.
weeks' stay in Englewood, N. J., where
which Claude Bailey could not handle
Working out front to a big lead the and went on to second when the big
she will be the guest of her daughter, Haremen had to fight like tigers to infielder threw wild to Severn in a
Oil Permanent Wave Mrs. Albert Miller.
Mrs. H . M . B CITY, a f N al'b r 0011 run was on
hold off the Davismen. The tying desperate attempt to make the assist.
. second base when Joey However, Burns went down swinging PHILADILPHIA
"22-14 CHEstNUT"

Special, October 1 to 15
Croquignole and Spiral.
$5 in
II ler
P ar ,spen scvera
rs. AI


. th 1 tt
I t
ays as w I "
Boston. She
was a
to end the game. It to end the game.

'ty an(1 the 1500 fans were concerned.

. .
pmntlOn for EddIe
L . B CITY, 0 f Hare and a cause for frenzy as far as outfielder, led the BrooklIne gang at 1..-.1.1
bat, whacking a double and brace of
Fred (Fritz) Lucas, for.m er Phillies
G ar d Iner, e., In e a er CI , B kl' d ' 1 . th
(Regularly $7.50) t 1ICY Ilave b 0 th rc t urne d t 0 N arb ertl1, roo me score .a SJl1g .
e run m e singles. Bud Walker and Brennan
Al' B 'n t th w'nter first and got two m Its fourth, then shared batting honors for the bor-
There are many reasons why you'll like this distinc- I
M?t'sh' I Iced cr~~ WI spen
IWI leI' aug er.
e 1 collected four in the sixth when they ough. Brennan crashed a triple and
appeared to have the game stored double while Walker had a three-bag-
tive wave that combines charm with comfort. Mrs. Sydney Trotter, of Essex ave- away in camphor. But Narberth ger and a single.
nue, entertained, her club at a dcssert. came back with a rush that put the
Phone or call, and we'll tell you more luncheon and brIdge Tue~day. Guests fans in an uproar.
were Mrs. John H. JefferIes, Jr., Mrs. N b h S STATEMENT
Richard T. Odiorne, Mrs. H. G. ar ert purts of Ownership. Management. Ch'culntlon.
We also feature Turner, Jr., Mrs. Edward P. Jones, After getting on.e in. its fourth, etc.. relluired by the Acts of CongreB" of
August l~, 191~, and March 3. 1933, of
ZOTOS Permanents Mrs. Robert Thomas Mrs. 'Valter N arb crt h score d t \VIce m th e s t re t ch OUR TOWN
and FREDERIC Hunsicker and Mrs. R~ymond Kecgan. inning and just missed tying the Puhli"hed weekl~' at Narberth, Penna"
David J. Speck, of Washington, D. coun t WIt ' h 'Its bit e a e d sp1urge m . th for Octoher 1. 1936,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
I C" \vho spcnt the week-end with his final chapter.
I,IJa\'cnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Speck, of Rcynold s he ip~d t ~ se.e ttl hIS wn
e State of Penns~'lvania,
county of l\lontg-omery 55.:
Before me, a notary public in and for
-3 specials for $1 0 the State and County aforesaid. pel'son~
Woodbine avcnue had as his guest. fate when he hit BIll VlIet, Brook- ally appeared Philip A. Llving-ston. who.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ralph LcRoy Mill~\' of Columbia Uni- line backstopper, in the sixth. Sev- havin~ heen duly sworn according- to law. 1
' d'fi t d deposes and says that he Is the lluhlisher
-3 specials for $1.25 , vcrsity. ern ropped a sacl'l ce bun an was of OUI' Town and that the followinJ.(, to
' M Fl E W dl d f B 1 safe when Reynolds tossed wild to the beHt of his knowledg-e and hellef, Is I
• . rs.
Ol'enCc . 00 an ,0
' , "d ,
a bunt alld Burns
. G II h d
'e Md'IS th e gues t 0 f Ilcr first base. GeorglC a ag er umpe nlanag-ement of the aforesaid pUhlicatlon
tllrew I't away
d a true statement of the ownershh' and
, I
brother-m-Iaw ~n slstcr,
M 1
I for the date "hown in the ahove caption
r. an; an attempted assist to first, Vliet required hy the Act of Aug-ust 24, 1912,
J k M N n th
KATHLENE Mrs. Herbcrt Pnce, of Anthwyn \,oa(.
Shc will return Saturday accompanicd fiscord1l1tgh'
ae c a Yd end
sacri- emhodied in Heclion -111, Postal Laws and
Itegulatlons, to wit:
by Mr. and Mrs. PrIce and their F d L
,ee c runners aroun an when
1. That the names anl! addl'es"es of the
lk th bases Puhlisher, Editor. l\Ianag-lng EditOl' and
( aug- 1 cr,
M' Dol" Price \'110 'vill 're
ISS IS. ' .\ .
ucas rcw a wa
wcrc saturated.
e Busine"" l\lanagel' are:
l'ubli"hCl': Philh' A. Living.THton, ;>;'1\.1'-1
43 North Narberth Avenue-Narberth 4077 s]lend the wcek-cnd 111 ~a~tJlllo\'el as Then Sammy Schacffcr, husky berth, Penna.
the g'ucsts of M\'s. Price s mot WI', . I tfi II t d t th t Editor: E, L. Pax"on, :>:al'1)cl'th, PenHn. ,
300 Levering Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927 1\ G
Irs. corgc .
H El
I'Ig 1 e (cr, s eppe Up 0
gon. He blasted a Reynolds' pitch in
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Shand, .Jr., of a scorching drivc to right that
e pen a- :\Ianaging Editol': Same.
Business :\1'lIlagel': Same. II
2. That the owner is Suhul'ban Puhli-
II1crion, ]lavc as gucs t S 1\1 rs, Sl Jan d's cleancd thc bascs and was good for ('atiollH, Inc., 'Vaync, Pa.; A. 1\1. Ji;hart,
\\'avnp, I'a.
mother, Mrs. Herbcrt Tripp, and her threc. That marked the end for Fid- :I.' That the known hondhol<lcl's. 1I10I't-\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~; SOil, Hcrbcrt Tripp, Jr.
- . --~=-~~~~~~~~~--~.~~~~_.-,~~~. ~----. ~~~-- .-----~~.-. ·1
I get'.'., Bill. HCITmann retircd the side g·ag·ceH
Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs 1\1. Hanson, of without furthcr headaches.
Narbcrth Hall, SIlent thc week-cnd at.
and othe"
illg or holding 1 jlerHecurit~·
eellt 01' holders,
more of own-
oUtjlllt of honds, Illol'tgages or other sc-
In Narberth's ninth Jocl Rubincam, ('uritle" ar.. : i';'one.
total .

The i
Mountain Lakes, N. ,J. I
batting for Harry Ralston, socked a
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Scull, of SlIlll-j one-bagger to right and Johnny Bren- ~8th day of S0!ltelllh0r, l!I:lG.
S\\,O"II allll "uh""l'ihed to hefore Ille this

N at lona I Bank 0
if Narberth mitt, N. J., are rccciving eongralula- nan waited out the wobbly Scvern for
tions upon thc birth of a Ron Thurs- I a walk. George Gazella wcnt up to
Octoher 1, in, Bryn MawI' H~S-I ••••••••••••••••••'.·
AIJS'l'l;>;' E. HAltTZELTJ,
Kotary l'uhlle.
:\Iv ('ollll11i~"IOIl cXI)ireH 1I1arch ~, 1n7.
pita!. 1\1 rs. Scull. IS thc former 1\1 ISS I I
IViolet Colc and 1\11'. Scull is the SOil I· We're Open Now-Come on
• Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
• I
I' of 1\1rs, Charles P. Frowert, of Shir-

• Member of Federal Reserve System j I ley road. I In and let's get acquainted I
• 0
pen at
8 A M d'l f
• • al y or your convenIence
. . ! I1Irs, W. G. Briner, of Merion ave~
nue, will leave, nexn't. We?I'1 tco attend I L t L Dl w r ShOlh I

_--oo_~--- -- "~---~---.-. -.-.~----~.-. ~~c t~:nn;~~,~~~l~~eac;~~:~1UAsso~~I:tl;~:;~ .I.' orres ane 1."1 0 e r

whieh will be held in Hanisbul'g fl'''m 39 North Narberth Avenue
"WHY A FORWARD PASS? Tuesday until Friday.
Mrs. Franklin R. Lindsay, of
To gain points, and that applies as well to our
\V~'nnetlalc avenue, spent sevcral dayR
ill N('w York last week.
I Full line of cut flowers and plants
for all occasions
business as to football. May we pass this Robert Earl Haigh, son of IIII'. and I Wcdding Bouquets Funeral Designs
information on to you, that the Recreation Mrs. Stanley E. Haigh, of North Nar~:
Rooms we've been building are going to be herth avenuc, has cntered the Peddie
real places in which to entertain during the School, Highstown, N. J., wherc hc is Domestic and Imported Pottery
a sophomorc.
Mrs. H. C. Gibson, of Jackson Telephone: Narberth 4023 - Yes, We Deliver
Don't kick, but call these signals:
12-25 1-37 2-12 2-22
lIue, is thc formerly
guest of of Mrs.
'Voodbinc avc-
C. Nelson :~;;;;;;;;;;~~;~~;~;;;~~~~::;;;;;
. _
Rowley, of Chestnut avenue. I'
j Richard K. 'Vcntz, SOn of 1\11'. and
and think how many times you could score

with a well planned Recreation Room. A fum-

ble now would be detrimental to your Winter's
Mrs. Walton l\l. Wentz, of 205 Wayne
avcnuc, has taken a position with the
IGlenn Martin Airplanc Company at
I Stcmmcrs Runn, Baltimorc County, means much to us
Housecleaning Helps-
Paints and Enamels
Maryland. Hc graduated from Geor- I
gia Tcchnical Institutc in June as an
aeronautical cnginecr.
and to you.
• • •
Turpentine-Steel Wool Mrs. Robert L. Russell, of 126 1 I
I Chcstnut avenue, is spending some
timc in Harrisburg, recovering from
I It has built our prescription business-because physicians must
have confidence in a store to send their patients' prescriptions
We Rent The Clarke Floor Sander by the day thc scrics of opcrations which con- to it.
fincd hcr for some months in the
B l\l H 't 1
To you, confiden~e in us means the knowledge that o~r pha~-
macists are experienced and ultra-careful, and that the mgredl-
Shull Lumber Company ryn awl' OSPI a .
I ents of your prescriptions are pure and fresh.
The Link Between Forest and Horne
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
Shea's Pharmacy
Mr. C. L. Brearly, of Elm terrace,
is spending this weck at Whitc Sul-
phur Springs, Wcst Virginia, attend- I
at the Station ~

OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M. I lG·nlg'.ceanlbll'I,ianrsuHraontccle. convcntion at the 'I Narberth 2838

'-~-~-'='~--'-'=~-"O'.~~-~--=.~~--_.~.!d:~'£~;;~;,i~~E:{t~:;::::~~ ,----- .-------.~--- ---FUN·----~·_---~

Louis A. Young, Jr., of 410 Grove
Philadelphia Grocers j place, has gone to Princcton, where
hc will study this ycar at the Hun
Preparatory School.
, MI'. and Mrs. C. K. Stahl, of 516
! Essex avcnue, had as guests last wcek
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McCracken, of
Hollywood, Calif.; Mrs. Anna Yeagcr
and Mrs. John C. Linglc, of Laneas-
Better Homes Exposition tCl'. Thcy rcturncd homc last Thurs-

175 FOOD and HOME American Home Exhibitors


Mulieres Meet Monday

Thc Mulicrcs of thc Narbcrth Fir(~
You'll love the
dainty silk party
Exhibits and Demonstrations 1936 ECONOMY HOME A FTVE ~TJrORGETABLE DAYS frock, appliqued
Fully Furnished and Landscaped
COl11pany will mcet at 2 o'clock Mon-
The Thompson Copyrightcd
day aftcrnoon in Elm Hall on Forrcst
avcnuc. Plans will be discusscd for A
OCTOBER 25-29 P with fantastic :flow-
CONTEST STATION thc wintcr's work. No noticc will bc
sent out and it is hoped that all mcm- D :A History Making Celebration ers . . . the quaint,
A Prizc of $50 Daily
Broadcasting From Special
I bcrs will attend this meeting. Elec- E To Be Climaxed By An A flowered challis with
Audience Studio
COOKING SCHOOL BAKING CONTEST I tion of officers will take place in No- S
S a pleated apron, and
at 2.30 and 7.45 P. M. Daily For Entry Blanks apply to any Gas
PRIZES or Electric Showroom Or to Miss Erma
At Hedgerow Theatre
Ender, Food Fair Office, Commercial II
the very practical
Thursday. October 29
By Wanamakcr
Museum, or telephone Baring 0110.
"Onc Way to Heaven," by the
!Negro poct, Countec CUllcn, will be
Woollen snow suit
givcn at the Hedgerow Thcatre at with colored bands
:Moylan this Saturday and also next PLAN NOW TO ATTEND!
I, I and challis lining.
OCT• 13 to 23
Part-Paid Tickcts Giycn Frce Now By Groccrs Thursday evcnings. Other pitlYS see The Gigantic, Resplendent Merchants'
schcduled arc: This Friday, O'Neill's
"The Emperor - Jones." Monday,
Parade. View The BrUliant, Unusual Civic
Procession. Watch The Colorful, Spectacular COllIe in and see her
MUSEUM Maria Coxe's "Kit Marlowe." Tues-
I MU.ltary Parade.
unusual collection!
day, Shaw's "Candida." Wedncsday,
jBjornson's "Love and Geography." MUSIC 'Children's Shop-Third Floor

Page Four OUR TOWN October 9, 1936

SHERIFF'S SALE property of Florence D. Ross. S. Robert
Ross, Jr., Florence R. Scull. Charles M.
Watch In the Schools By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Ross and Ralph Newlin Ross. heirs of
Samuel Robert Ross, deceased, Mortgagor,

Montgomery County, Penna., to me di-
rected. will be sold a t Public Sale on
and florence D. Ross, mortgagor. and
Florence D. Ross, S. Robert Ross, Jr.• fIor.
Frankenfield Funeral Home
ence R. Scull. Chatles M. Ross and Ralph WM. G. FRANKENFIELD
WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1936 Newlin Ross. and Thomas F. Doran, guar.
windows dian ad litem for Ralph Newlin Ross, a
rninor. Real Owners, and to be sold by Simpson Road at Athens Avenue
for EDWIN H. BELLIS. SHERifF. Telephone Ardmore 9
Down Money $200.00 " "2646 ARDMORE, PA.
Hallowe'en Sheriff's Office, Norristown, Penna.
September 29. 1936


Oldest Store in Narbert"

224 Haverford Ave.

ABUNDANCE of Hot Water
.{ ~~


xperienced workmanship.
Long reputation
)J~ .

Integrity, and EVERY FAMILY wants a continuous supply of hot water .••
zeal in giving prompt
any hour of the day or night. It's a comfort every family deserves
• •. and can easily have with an Automatic Gas Water Heater.
z (Just another Z)

Thanks to our low rental plan, offered for a limited time only, one
I (Just another I)
of these modern heaters can be installed in your home at a minimum
228 BaJa Ave.-Cyn. 928
102 Forrest Ave.-Narb. 2602 expense. You pay just 75c to 90c a month rental, depending on the
heater selected, for the first 6 months; $1 to $1.15 a month there-
after, plus low cost of gas consumed, Choice of Penfield, Welsbach
and Ruud. On payment of a deposit of $5, to be returned to you after
using the heater 12 months, we will make immediate installation.


All Our Suburban Stores
Authorized Dealers Also Can Make This Offer

COAL Founded 1812

Fresh mined Grade A

Buck $7.50
Coke (Fairmont) $9 Member of Federal Reserve System

BuiJding Materials
SEPTEMBER 30, 1936 - - - _
31 Bala Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd
Cash and Due from Banks. • • • • • • • • • $102,254,963.88
CYNWYD 2004 U. S. Government Securities . • • . . • 40,170,380.22
State, County and Municipal Securities 11,674,267.70
Other Investments . . • • • 29,375,150.65
Call Loans to Brokers • • • • 10,648,000.00
Other Loans Upon Collateral. 41,187,480.12
Commercial Paper. . . . • . 22,842,634.78
ReserveFund "CashBalances inTrustAccounts" 7,854,659.09
Real Estate . . • • . • • • • 4,190,226.36
Miscellaneous Assets ••••• 872,947.64
Interest Accrued 645,013.84
Bank Buildings, Vaults and Equipment 1,900,449.48
Customers' Acceptance Liability . . . . 2,464,295.73
BEGINNING at a point in the middle of LIABILITIES
Elm Terrace (forty feet wide) laid out at
the distance of Two Hundred and Eighty. Capital Stock • , • $8,400,000.00
five feet Northwestwardly from the North.
Surplus . . . • • • 12,000,000.00
westerly side of Sabine Avenue nnd par-
Undivided Profits .... 2,271,242.37
allel therewith. at the distance of One
Hundred and Fifty feet Northeastwardly
• This is a "han'}-up hand- from the Northeasterly side of Essex Ave • Reserved for Contingencies 2,039,574.76
nue; thence extending Southeastwardly on
Reserved for Tax~s and Expenses • 358,899.83
. ..
set"- a modern type of Music at St. John's a line parallel with said Essex Avenue
telephone instrument used along Q lot of ground now or late of Eliza_ Dividend Payable October 1, 1936. 336,000.00
The musical program for this Sun- beth A. Lane One Hundred and Forty-five
on wall loca tions in kit. Miscellaneous Liabilities. . . . • 81,746.98
chens, playrooms, garages,
shops and stores or on the
day at st. John's Church, Bala ave·
i nue and Levering Mill road, is: Harp,
"Harp of St. Cecilia," Wiegand.
feet to the School House lot; thence North-
eastwardly along the same on n line par-
allel with Elrn Terrace Fifty feet to a lot
now or late of Thornas H. Walsh; thence
Letters of Credit and Acceptances
Deposits . . . . . • • . • • .•
.. .. .. . . . 2,464,295.73
side of a desk or table where
working space is limited. It
Benl'dictus es Domine, Cox. Soprano,
"0 Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go,"
along the same on a line parallel with
said Essex Avenue Northwestwardly One
Hundred Forty·five feet to the middle of
I $276,080,469.49
provides handy telephone Matheson. Anthem, "0 Lord, Our said Elm Terrace and thence along the
middle of said Elrn Terrace Southwest_ United Stat~1 G~ overnnlent ubit/laliuII" ul.d other lecuritiel carried at
service within easy reach i Governor," Gadsby. Presentation, wardiy fifty feet to the place of beginning. 129,419,006.94 in ~he i'bove 6tateITJent are pledged to It!curtl GoverntntJnt,
-yet it's never in the way. I "All Things Come of Thee," Anony-I TOGETHER WITH the free and unin- State and Jluru'c;6Jal depolit, IJndjor J"duciarJl purpol*!'. t:u required bJl law.

Extension telephones save time
I mous. Sevenfold Amen, Stainer. terrupted use. right. liberty and privilege
of the said Elm Terrace in common with
and sleps; give extra protection the tenants. owners and occupiers of the The deposits of this Company are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
and privacy. For complete infor. Bmeau and Coach Needed other lots bounding thereon with or with· I Corporatiorz, in accordance with the Banking Act of 1935.
mation can the Business Office The Volunteer Emergency Relief uf out horses, carriages or carts at nil times
or ask any telephone employee. thereafter forever.
Narberth is open in its rooms in Elm
CRADLE TYPE HANDSET IHall from 10 A. M. until 12 noon The improvements thereon nre n
c. S. W. PACKARD, Chairman of the Board C. S. NEWHALL, President
2- % Story frarne house 24 feet front by.
I Any resident having a chest of
30 feet deep. with 1 story frame addition
14 feet by 12 feet. with 4 rooms on first
drawers or bureau she wishes to dis- floor. 3 rooms ond bath on second floor. 2
rooms on third floor, cellar. gas, electric
FOR BEDSIDE. DESJ' OR 'J'.A IILE card kindly call Narberth 3883, as lights. Springfield water, heating systern, 7 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore
there is need for me. A baby coach side porch, enclosed front porch.
THE BELL TElEPHO',jE COMPANY is also needed. Seb:ed and taken in execution as the
October 9, 1936 OUR TOWN Page Five

an's Club. Bowman avenue, Mcrion, and Mr.

Bala-Cynwyd Garden Merry-Go-Round for Benjamin Rush Chapter
15th Birthday Annivel'sary
Margaret Louise Livingston
Becomes Bride on Saturday The Reverend G. H. Bechtold, ex- Thomas S. ElIis, of Wynnewood,
Club Presents Show Dog and Cat Clinic, Monday at Havcrf01"d of Albert F. Weihenmayer ecutive secretary of the State Luth- which took place in Elkton, Md., Sep-
erans' Board of Inner Missions, will tember 26.
--- Pro'cct
Rcferrcd to Health iI
. .
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin .Rush Chup·
speak. Just retu!'ned from Europe,
All Saints' Church, Wynnewood,
where he spent the summer, he will
Mrs. Ellis is the former Miss Sally
of New OffiCC1'S
Feature of
Board by COmnllSS10ners
Reachcs Committee
I tel' of N. S. D. A. R. wIll celebrate wiJI be the scene of the marriage of
its fifteenth birthday and opcning Miss Margaret Louise Livingston,
mecting of the season with a lunch- daughter of Mrs. William Livingston,
give an interesting talk on conditions
there. Dorothy Johnstone Baseler,
Neel, daughter of Mrs. Percy L. NeeI,
of Merion.
Mr. Ellis is an attorney with offices
--- --- eon at 1 o'clocl, in Erskine Hall, Mont- of Essex avenue, Narberth, to Mr. harpist, and Mrs. Chester Ivory, so- in Philadelphia.
'I'll{' annual meeting and Fall Lower Mcrion's propoRed free dog! gomery avenue, Ha~erford, on Mon- Albert Frederick Weihenmayer, of prano, will give a musical program.
The couple wilJ reside in Exton.
Flo\\,('r Show waR held last ThurR- and cat clinic in the township pound, (lay. Sharon HiJI, this Saturday at five
<lay in the Woman's Club of Bala- is now. in the hands of the Sanitation The honorary regents wiJI each o·clock. Merion Branch Meets 14th
Cynwyd by the Garden Club of Bala- CommIttee of the Board of Health. . give a resume of the work done dur- The Rev. Gibson Bell, rector of the The Merion branch of the League of
Cynwyd. New officers installe~l are I The proposal, spons~rcd by th~ A.m-. ing her administration.
Mrs. William Kurtz Myers, preSident; mal Owners' .Protectl~e ASso~lUtlOn Il\1rs. Samuel Z. Shope, Mrs. Charles I
I They arc, church, will perform the ceremony. Ornstein
Women Voters will hold its first fall
The bride will be given away by meeting at the home of Miss Florence SCHOOL OF MUSIC
Mrs.. Richard W. Tho:ington, vice- of Pen~sYlvama or ~VhICh l\~aglstra:e M. Irwin, Mrs. Hugh G. Martin and her brother, Mr. Philip A. Livingston, Evans, chairman of International Re- Professional Coaehing-ChilUren's Dept.
preSident; three new directors, I\1rs. Fra~kllJ1 P. Kro~el, of C~nwyd, IS I\1rs. John C. Nash. lof Penn Valle and her onl at- lations, Wednesday at 3 P. M. 251 S. 18TH ST. PEN. 1940
H rbe t W Bieber Mrs Charles H. preSIdent, was rejected by the Town- . . y, . . y Mrs. Grace Dercul11 Watson will
e r. ' d S· C ft I' C " I t nth nd Mrs. Franklin R. Lmdsay, the new tendant WIll be her slster-m-law, Mrs.
Sykes and. ~frs. Har~dl
The retl:1I1g presl ent,
. Mro'II It s ~~m~~~lO~ers'l a~ ~~Ith ~he regent, who will preside, will leave Douglas S. Livingston, of Brookline. speak on "Present Conditions in Eu-
trsd' . ?trh- Irettel'feb( dO e o:rc 0 Crt o'n the the week following to attend the for- Mr. Albert E. Roussel, of Philadel- rope." Mrs. Shepley W. Evans and
bert W. BIeber, was presen e WI a er 0 y expec s a repo . . f 1 I' '11 b b Mrs. Oliver Shoe will be the co-hos- PETE CONLOW'S
a ~or~eoU!; bouquet 0 f go II( an d c I1I11C · · f rom th e com m'tt I e chail'man
e , twth annual State conference . , 0 t 1C p lIa, WI e est man. SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL
tesses at tea.
oran e da'hli as by the Executive Dr. Richard A. Kern, next month. D. A. R., to be held m Re~dmg. from Following a wedding trip the cou- -DANCING-
. d' A t tl1e B oar d 0 f H ea Itl1 mee t·mg October 19 to October 23, mcJuslvc. . pIc will be at home at 502 Essex . CHILDREN & ADULTS
Ribbon awards were given to the Monday, Dr. William P. Belk, Ard- Mrs. •Joh~ C. ~ash Will su~c~ed avenue, Narberth. Ellis·Rilten hOllSe
The Finishing School of Phila.
winners ;n 14 classes of the 15 ex- more, was installed as a new member Mrs.. FranklIn R. Lmdsay, orgamzlIlg' -------- Announcement has been made of the 1711·13 Chestnut 51. RITtenhouse
marriage of Mrs. Neel Rittenhouse, of Philadelphia 5963
hibits. Class 1, Mrs. R. G. Fleish- and appo;nted to committees. !"·esldent. of the D .. A. R., at the meet- Garments, Workers Asked
man; c1a~s 2, 1\1rs. E. M. Lyons; class Dr. David Wilbur Horn township Illg of thIS group m ~ovember.
by Needlework Guild;
:~, MI':'. Lambert Ott; class 4, Mrs. chemist reported the drinking water The. November meetmg of thhe chap-
C. W. Faries; class 5, ~l:rs. Perry satisfac'tory. tel' wllI be h.eld on the 14t at the Meeting 15 November 17
Richal'ti:: {'!r,. ... R 7, no entrIes; class 8, _ ~ lU)]l1e of MIS. John C. Nash, on --.-. WiHiam Tefft Schwarz Studios
. Ih 19M For the month Health Officel Mar- Wynnelhle road The speal-er will, Mrs. Ruth D. Ivms, presldel1t of
Mrs. LOlli" Mel lenny; c l\:ss 'E rMs. vin E. Reynolds reported 15 cases of I hI' !I'rs ' Harper' D Shep' 11ar~ Shte I the Bala-Cynwyd Branch of the
E C .Tr('obv· c ass 10.rs.~..
~'. '. '. ~ . ,
., .
l' \Villiam Steele' contagIOn mcludll1g five of scarlet' regent of the D. A. R.
\ . '" . , • , .
Needl.ework G.ulld, announces the an- Tuesdog Euenin9 Art Class
L~ons, cl... s 11, M. s. l If' 1 'fever, all in Ardmore, and two cases nual lllgathermg of garments for the
class 12, Mrs. L~;h. Pi I 0 ~a~s of infantile paralysis, one in West
13, Mrs. Geor~e , II, c ass ;1:4 ~~. Manayunk, one in Haverford. Both Joyce T~elJ"olme Becomes
Edward R. Felcht; class ~5, IS. A - latter children are in Bryn Mawr
meeting to be held November 17 is
now underway, and that the need is
Bride of H. Ford Oglesby gl'eat. She would like donations, and
Opens Tuesday, October 13th
8 P. M. - 10 P. M.
ward C. Jacob~'. The Judges were Hosp:tal.

I Church Notes I
--- new members and also membcrs to
Mrs. Cecil H. Vaughan, of :,-rdmore, The marriage of Miss Joyce Tren-I serve as directors. AII directors are Over Narberth Theatre
Mi~s Anna Werstner and MISS I,'lclen holme, daughter of MI'. and 1\11'5. asked to gather in the articles for
SmIth. ,George A. Trenholmc, of 123 Upland this meeting to be held at the Worn- Narberth, Pa.
A tea followed in honor of the i terrace, Rala, and granddaughter of I '
newl~'-install~d ,officers. Mrs. Phil. ip P ~1 h the late Hon. Justice Trellholme, Of' ~===============rl Telephone-MERION 3173
Chase. l\lrs. \Valter C. Neely and The re5b.v t t'Tiatl C lilT.. l\1'1l1treaJ, Canada, to Mr. H. Ford RICKLIN'S CALL
Mrs. HalTY C. Tily were at the tea Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Pastor 1.'1
Og'lesh.v, son of Dr. and Mrs. L.
Narberth 2555
table. Meetings for Sunday, October 11: Ogleshy, of Latl'ohe, took place VEN ETlAN 8LI NOS
_ l\Ir~. A.l'thur Hoyt Scott, o.r Rose n.45 A. M.-Bible School. Bible (luietly Friday evening', OelO.I,;:l,· 2, at LINOLEUM LAID
\ a1](·y. wIll speak at the meetmg- N 0-1 cla:-~es for men and women. 8.30 at the home of the brIde s pur-I Free Estimates Cheerfully Given
Typewriters-Special Sale
\"<'111,1)1'1' fl. :\Irs. Hoyt .is a speaker Of, 11.00 A. M.-Communion Service. cnts in the presence of the ill1mediate 203 Haverford Ave., Narberth, Pa.

not{· and has been WIth the Garden Serl110n by Dr. Van Ness. families and a few intimate fl'iends. = - On All Our Rebuilt
Club of America to .Japan and last GA5 P. M.-The three C. E. So- The Hev. Dr. A. D. Craig ofIiciat('(\' I The ""!!~~~~~~~~
summer was with the club in France. cieties. l\liss Alison Trenholn1<', :-istcr or • • • • "- STANDARD MACHINES
She is l1?ted for ha~ing- produced her
own vanety of peonIes.
7.45 P. M.-Narberth's happy Bi- the hl'ide, was the maid of honor and
ble hour.
Sermon by the pastor. !\II'. Rohert Ogleshy acted as hest man
IStenotype wkich was used
to report the
Send for List of Reconditioned Machines
and also of New PORTABLES-All Makes
Theme: "The \Vay to God." for his brot her. . ~emocratjc National Conven~ion,
Borough Women's Club .
Tuesday evemng the Commumt~'
I ! IS taught at Strayer's Busmess
School. Harry Foster, the Con-
Prices Cut for Students
Activities Under Way Bible Class. , vention Stenotype Reporter for the FULLY GUARANTEED EASY TERMS IF YOU LIKE
Wednesday 8.00 P. M.-Prayer
· '
Classl·fied i United Press. learned at Strayer·s.
I Strayer's Business School now has
Conllnued from Pa~e n"p
Projects for the Club, and her com- .
meemg t
Advertl'sements I
take a tenotype
few more,studay
ut can
or evening.
mittee will hold a Rummage Sale, Narberth Methodist Episcopal I Charges moderate.
132 S.
Established 1903
11th Street, Philadelphia
Saturday. October 17, at the Tire Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister -will be charged ollly to residents Straycl"s Business School
Shop next to Ade\jzzi's for the bene- fl.·lf> A. M.-Church School. I
whose names al>pear III the tele- 807 Chestn, t St Ph'fa L m 0854
fit of the Child Ifealth Center. The 11.00 A. i\1. - Morning- Worship. to nun~iJ'octorv
}JliOllP TOWJ'; or to ~UbRC1'ibers
or the NEWS OF
I, (
sale ,,"ill begin at 9 A. ~1. l\'1clnbcrs SCl'll10n: "The Great Cloud of \Vit- BoA LA-CY~'YYD. _..
of the committee wl.l\ol al\r e aSCsistAin~ nesses." I,
15c a line
are Mrs. J. H. Dan'l e, 1I's. . r- 6.45 P. M.-Epworth League. for Both Newspapers I
ley Farmer Mrs. H. F. Stevens, Mrs. 7.45 P. M.-Vesper Sel·vice. "What Count th'e words to line
E~O'ene H'oskins, Mrs. Verna R. I~n tllCI·('. I'll R o~ ll'grl'Oll"-tll°~ first a·Ul _

'" oodcock, Mrs. C. ,1. Goodyear and dre~~ in a series.
Mr~. William H. Muller. Donations
for the sale will be received at the
I\londay, October 1 2 : !
7.:10 to fl.30 P. !lL-Main Line:
-will IIe accepted up to \Vednes-
'lay. r. o'clock, for Friday's issues.

Phone: NARBERTH 4100 i'


shop on Friday morning, October 1G, Teachers' Training School. Bishop I

:I t the I'hop or call any of the above Ernest G. Richardson will be the \
named committee for information. speaker at the forum class. Help Wanud
A l11usica I progral11 followed when Tuesday, October 13: \\·O~rA:\'. white. fOI' part time e-Ie-aninl:;
Effective SEPTEMBER 24, 1936, the following rates,
Mrs. C. Frederick Kuebler, Jr., pre-, 8.00 P. M.-Organization and Good a1),1 laundry worl, i1) :'\arlH'rth. Writ ..
sented Ber~U1:d. Co~·tissi, pia~ist and Fellowship meeting of the Men's
"8" Box Hi. :'\arherth. I'a.
LlnI11'1iotixe\\·m:l(:-eooldllg~le('I~)l1t. '
per zone, will be made applicable to routes formerly
(1) \

1\11'. Uhl, ViolInIst In a mUSical pro-, Brotherhood. 8mall house. on !l!olltl;omer~' 8<"110011,
gram. Wednesday, October 14: prollcrt)·. $S. ('all Ardmore 2222. operated by Montgomery Bus Company between 63rd

10.00 A. M.-The Ladies' Aid meets CROCHI~TE;nS experienced on Infants' 1'

Powers Gouraud, who broadcasts
over WCA U every evening, talked to sew. hand-made bootees. sacques and shoul- ! and Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Ardmore, Hav-
derettes. "'rile ClJas. lI!elz, 11 N. Sixth
on "Todav's Theatre" in which he
outlined the current productions in
12.30 P. M.-Luncheon.
2.00 P. M.-Ladies' Aid Business
st., Phlla., Fa. erford, Bryn Mawr, Garrett Hill, Villanova, Wayne,

Situations Wallied
Philadelphia, "Toravich," "Call It a meeting. COOK, col. expo ref. Wrlle 18·16 X ..Tud-
son st., Phlla.
Strafford, Bala, CYJ;1wyd, Narberth, Gladwyne and
Day" and last week's "Stage Door." 3.30 P. M.-Junior League. eI)
Te~ was served by the Hospitality 8.00 P. M.-Bible Study Hour.
I f1struclion-SchooI5
intermediate points.
Committee, Mrs. H. F. Stevens and Thursday, October 15:
Mrs. William Levis were at the tea G.30 P. M.-Seventh Anniversary LESSONS In languages; tUlorlng. Call
after 7 P. 111.. \Vayne In52.
table. Banquet. Tickets, 75c each. Reser- 5c Kiddies' Tickets (12 years or under) .5 for 25c (a)
The Montgomery County Federa- vations must be made in advance. Dr. At Your S~rvict'
tion meeting will be held at Lansdale J. S. Ladd Thomas will be the speaker 1,I~DEnGARTI~N teacher will enterlain 5c Special School Tickets (50 in book) . $2.50
on October 15, in the Methodist Epis- and there will be special music. and supervise children during after-
noonS. 1·'01' information call Miss \Vall's.
copal Church, Lansdale. Box lunch- 8.30 P. M.-Choir Rehearsal. :\"ar. 2723- W. (1) 7.5c Commutation Tickets (50 In book) 3.75*
con. CARPENTER - BUILDER - Estimates
The next meeting of the club wilJ eheerfully furnished. Jobbing promptly 8.3c Commutation Tickets (30 In book) 2.50 (a)
he held on October 20 at 2.15 and
Bapti51 Church of the E yangI' I attended to. Leander Wickman, 305 Con-
Robert E. Keighton, Minister wa~~e.=Narb')rth 3888-W. (5) I 9.1c Tickets (11 in a strip) . 1.00 (a)
will be in charge of the Legislation
Stanley T. Reiff, Organist DRAPERIES, Slip Covers, Venetian
Department. The speaker will be blinds, Awnings. FUl'1Ilture, Upholster- ,
Mr. C. William Duncan, whose topic Sunday, October 11: lng, Beddings. Rugs cleaned. repaired I ( a) May be purchased from Bus Operators
9.45 A. M.-The Church School. A and stored. Challenger, 281 lIIontgomery
will be "Who's Who in Politics in I
C ass or a u s WI
d It '11 b t·
e aug
ht by avenue. Cynwyd. Phone, Cynwyd 85.'
Formerly with John Wanamaker.I (If) * Good for 60 days from date of purchase
Mrs. J. J. Martin will be the Mrs. Roy D. Deer,
this session of the school.
beginning with The Original Tal\{ HARRISON
Furniture Exchange now located at 313 ,
11.00 A. M. - Morning \Vorship'l W. Lancaster ave.. Ardmore. Ard. 381.1 TICKETS ON SALE AT
. ., Sermon: "The Divine Dialogue." I UPHOLSTERING and rep. Springs of I
Lower Merlon BUildmg 745 P M -E en'ng W rship Ser- 3-pieee suites repaired, $10: Chair re-
. . .... V I 0 • covered. $5. Go anywhere. Call Lewis, Aronimink Transportation Company's Garage, 909 Lancas-
at SlX-Year Hlgh Peak mon: "The Service of Religion." 1- 1 227 E. Lancaster ave. Wayne 1496.
--- "The Heart of it All." RELIABLE CAItPENTER. alterations. ter Avenue, Bryn Mawr
Lower Merion's building construc- Monday, October 12: window screening. Gottlieb Esslinger,
tlOn f or th e fi rs tnine' mo nths llas ex -~.. <) 30

ceeded by far the full-year totals for I ~l1eeting of the Women's Association
. any of the past five years.
P .u.-
,.. R e 1"IglOUS Ed
• uca t'lOn 122 Conway avenue. Call Narberth 3748-R.!

111 the home of Mrs. Roy D. Deer, 102 FOR HENT-2 rooms. inclUding board:
Real Estate for Re"l
Llewellyn's Drug Stores at
Lancaster and Cricket Avenues, Ardmore, and
With the figure now standing at Maple avenue. Gel'nlltn Ileople preferred: 24 Waterloo Lancaster Avenue and 63rd Street, Philadelphia
.$2,882,925, of which valuations of Wednesday October 14: road,_ De\·on. Phone Wayne 189-R.
,. ·t . d' I '. HOUSI~ & Apt. rentals all along the
$377,,125 In perml s were Issue m 8.00 P. M.-Meetmg of the class "Main Line." Koser Bros.. Realtors. Media Drug Store
September, 19:{6 will not fall far for the study of the Personal Side of "At Ardmore Station"-Ardmore 680.
short of the more than four-mill ion- Prayer. 54th Street and City Line, Bata-Cynwyd
dollar building year of 1930. For Sale
During' last month Building Super- S"Ir: IITLY used lJic)'cle-full size malo Strawbridge {51 Clothier Ardmore, Pa.
Holy 'Tr;f1ity LIlt1u'ran ChuTch model Inquire by teleIlhone Cyn. 13S3
intendent C. E. Rahn reports 23 per- Rev. CI~tt1s A. Senft, Pastor 01' call nt St..lohn's Hectory. (I)
mits for single family dwellings were Miss Margaret Squier, Organist ~1i'Ssln;\l hool,case lind \\"()ol-cmZY<iUlIis.
issued at an estimated cost of $313,- Phone ""arb. 3952-11. (I)
959. Other permits were for equip- Sunday, October 11, 1936: PORTABLE sli,g.le car garage, $46:--Ap-
9.45 A. M.-Bible School. ply 2.j Avon road, N,u·berlh. (1)
ment, alterations and one business
11.00 A. M.-The Morning Service., WI;;ST~nN8TEH-CI~~mTEltY.choice I()t
building. Theme: "A Faithful God." III Valley Vic_w Section. 3 gravcs (0

Aronimink Transportation
Interments) $181). Cash or terms. Nnr-
6.45 P. M.-Luther League Devo-, hcrth olliS-\\'. . (I)
Yam Shop Opens tional meeting. I '\'\\'o-nool1 Gcncl'al meclrle Hefrig'.
Mrs. Mildred Grammer, with Helen 7.45 P. M.-The Vesper Service.' Used 2 Yl'S. Also all-steel desk an,1
Greenwood for partner, has opened Theme: "A Vow that Drew Blood." ehalr. Nar.2636. ell
all attractive yarn and hosiery shop at
122 Bala avenue, opposite the Egyp-
tian. She will have an interesting line Choir rehearsal.
Monday, 7.30 P. M.-Boy Scouts. i
\Vednesday, 7.00 P. M. - Junior: LOST-Black & while cat on Sunday.
L05t and Found

! Answers to name of "ScrUbby." Phone

of notions and hand-knit children's Friday, 7.45 P. M.-Senior Choir ~ Cyn. 114. (1)
suits, sweaters, etc. re h earsa.
'1' j LOST Lady's \Vallham wristwatch "fl.
P." on hacle. Call Nar. 2344. (1)
OUR TOWN October 9, 1936
Page Six
Philadelphia Food Fair
Main Lines Boy Scout Notes to Open Next Tuesday

Contlnued f!"Om Page One

property is owned by Charles C. Knox,
Twenty-three scouts from the Main
Line District are to be examined for
The 46th annual Philadelphia Food
Fair and Better Homes' Exposition, They're the Finest!
When three Harrisburg youths
Merit Badges and advancement in
rank at the Court of Honor and Board
with a greater number and variety:
of exhibits than in many years past
and anticipating a patronage exceed-
The foods we feature are the finest we can obtain and at the price we
of Review to be held at the Merion advertise them they are the best values in town.
jumped off a freight train at Narberth ing the record of 330,000 set up last
station last Friday they told Lower Scout House, Hazelhurst avenue, fall, opens in Commercial Museum Here are some of our week·end specials. Ask for our circular.
The casual remark to be heard Merion police their eomI1anion, Merion, on Tuesday at 7.45 P. M.
along Rialto these days is to the ef- next Tuesday, October 13. The clos-
Charles Leroy Beers, 24, also of Har- The following scouts will be elt- Pillsbury's
ing date is October 23.
fect that Lower Merion has a medi- risburg, had fallen under the train at amined: SNO-SHEEN cake flour. ,Pk~. 25c
ocre football team. That idea is born, Berwyn. His mangled body was later Ardmore No. I-Frank Honocher,
The doors open at 7 o'cloel, on the I
of course, from the fact that the Ma- evening of the first day. From then Budget Brand medium No.2 can
found. . . . William N. Zinser, travel John Fry Chilton, Harley S. Anders,
roon team has lost the first two com- tour official, found dead after the blast Kenneth Connor and Bob Grauch.
on the fair hours arc 2 in the after- GREEN LIMA BEANS, 14c
bats of the current year, but it is a noon until 10.30 at night, Sunday ex- '
in Penn Wynne Sunday, died of car-
false premise indeed. If Franklin and bon monoxide gas, according to au-
Ardmore No.2-Spencer MeKe11ip, cepted. Dole fancy PINEAPPLE JUICE ,2 Cans 23c
Marshall College lost a game to Edwin Rorke, Jr. This year, the number of Food
topsy physicians, and Lower Merion Quick-cooking 20·oz. pkgs.
Notre Dame and topped that with an- Bala No. I-Edward Kraftson, Fair exhibitors exceeds 175. Virtu-
police believe he was a suicide. WiI- .2 ('kgs. 23c
other loss the following week to limn H. Katz, Philadelphia bank of-
George Hansell. al1y every manufacturer and distri- H-O OATS
Pittsburgh Univcrsity, there might be Bala-Cynwyd No.2-Gordon Cal- butor of food products, nationally
ficial, brother-in-law of Zinser and Budget brand 14-oz. bottles
a few who would contend that F. and low, Martin Meloney. as wel1 as 10cally known, is on the dis-
M. had a pOol' team. Not so, how-
owner of the ruined home, doubts the
play roster, which embraces not only TOMATO CATSUP . 2 BottJl's 23 c
suicide theory, asserting Zinser had Bryn Mawr No. I-Ivan C. Mc-
ever, if she completed the rest of the the names of firms and organizations
season in her own class and won a
no motive. Lean.
which have been associated with the Beardsley's SHREDDED CODFISH. · 2 Pk~s. 25c i
Main Line telcphones increased by Merion No. I-Robert MiJler, John
majority of the games played. Fair for many years, but a consider-· I Penn Treaty fancy
Normal1y Lower Merion is superior
575 since last January, by 325 in Sep-
tember. Total is now 23,316. . . .
Heymann, Russel Belfield,
Blakeman, Richard Custer.
able number of companies new to the IiGREEN GIANT PEAS. .
17-oz. can
,Can 18c

to either Penn Charter or Easton, but 1936 Fair.
The price of gas was cut two cents Merion No. 2-AIIen B. Sutcliffe, I
each of those schools has a veteran . Speci~1 features, des.igned for the I Bosant Wonder Coffee, · Lb, 19c
by independent dealers this week. .Jr.
team this year and outweigh the local lJ1struetlOn and entertal1lment of vis-
Narberth No. I-John G. Burns.
ensemble all along the line, and quite itors, include the famous movie double Quaker Aristocrat Coffee · Lb. 23c
noticeably in the backfield positions. The Political Pot Rosemont No.2-Geoffrey Sanders,
Wynnewood No. I-Roger Fox,
contest in which groups of young
Along the same idea, AI Adam's squad girls and young men from Philadel- Shurfine Coffee ,Lb, 23c
is inexperienced as a team and most Continued from Page One
Bi11 Sargent, Jack Reeves. phia and suburbs, who resemble a
of the players have only taken part Substation No.7 of the Volunteers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - selected number of screen stars, com- Astor Coffee · (,I). Can 29c
in a few varsity get-togethers. has, been established in Bala-Cynwyd pete for pl'izes totalling $500 in cash;
We called the tum on both Df thosp at the home of Harry W. Donaghy, Ij
Lodges lalle, The Volunteers, a
Girl Scout News a baking contest open to al1 house-
wives with daily afternoon cash
OAKITE · 2 I'kgs. 19c
defeats, and after seeing the general
improvement of all the players .we patriotic
" rather, than a political 01'- Nal'b e l'th T'lOOP N o. 12~D, h as b cell awards of $10, $5 and $:3; a cooking CAMA Y TOILET SOAP. ,3 Bars 15c
arc read~' to switch to the other sidl~ g'anlzatJOn, so ItS officers say, is for divided into these patrols: "e11001 sponsored by the Philadelphia (get full contest details here)
now. Abington is the enemy tomor- Landon Electric Co. and the Philadelphia Gas
. andIKnox. ' . I P a tr 0 1 I - L oUlse ' J 0 IInS t on, EI' ~ ame
row, and' though the York road boys TI liS wee \: ' SIX T Volunteer StatIOns Stal'l' • , I
B e tt y 1·1 0II aI,'EI canol' 1·1 ay- Works Co. with daily afternoon and BAB·O .. 2 Cans 23c
evening drawings for food prizes and
arc always at their best against the were opene d 111 , Narberth. They arc'. \vood , K a th ryn R'J(1ge, 1\~ j Lary 1\~'LC- (and a Bab-O Bank Free)
Bulldogs, we feel that Coach Adam is N.o. 28, Durblll and Howard, Station Caffertv. major appliance awards.
~Ircle; No. 29, Paul K. Thomas, 1041 Patr~1 II-Barbara Smedley Bett
ready for a string of victories and
Abington wiJI be the first to fall. E~sex a~'enue; No. 30.. Mrs. Ada Schel1entrager, Jane Nulty, Eleano~
I Open Flower Shop MEATS OF QUALiTY
The fine playing of Miller and Roh- 1\IIller, Essex and MerIOn avenues; Bo\'(! I{atrl'na I-I yt A I AI- George Campsen and .James Mur-
erts in the backfield last Saturday N 0, "'31 A n d rew I'.mg, " . . ./13 Montgolll- brecht. I " 0, l' ene
taught opened their Forrest Lane
; Country SAUSAGE · Lb. 31c
gives encouragement. Adam will not ery ayenue; No. 32, Mrs. Ressie Ezick- Patrol III-Helen Doty, Patsy Flower Shop yesterday at 39 N. Nar- 15c i i
be at a loss to locate a good starting son,
N Narberth' and \Vindsor avenues; I I{ratlsl-oj1 ' " , 1\~al'V
J oe D unmng . t on, berth avenue, with a pleasing arrange-
Country Scrapple · Lb,
backfield for the rest of the season, ~ 0., 33, MISS Mary 1\1. Laffen, 5 I Hal'l'iet Nold, Claire Robinson, Mary ment of flowers and plants, and do-
for either of these lads may get loose SchIller aycnues. Guy Croyle selected Buchanan. ' mestic and imported pottery in an
DEL MONTE ROAST. · (,b. 39c: i
for long gains at any stage of the the stations , and their " captains. P a t,10I IV- 1\~' larJory IT."av I'IC"I CI11'1S- .
ga~ne. In 1\,lel'llOn , StatIOn 44 IS conducted tille Hachman, Anita Goodrich, Peggy
interesting \"aJ'iety.
RUMP OF VEAL · Lb, 25c !

Easton, with "Reef" Prime as the Ily C lar es Marshall; 45 by Miss Ea ~ s'b'\, B'tt e y R'I J( ge,

main threat, was lucky to walk ofr Leonora l\lulkin, I lea I esc SHOULDER OF LAMB. · Lb. 22c
* Svcamore
.: '" avenue. P'ttrol
,( l' Iec t el I L OUlse
are- .
the field the yictor last wcek-end. Oil .Johnston, Helen Doty Marjory Hav-
form they should haye defeated the Halph Beaver Strassburger, Norris- I lick. ., . French or Loin LAMB CHOPS · Lb. 49c
visitors hy t\\'~) or three touchdowns, town puhlisher and , RellUblican " delc-
liS 'rl ' year we Ilave a new I'leuten-

J. J.
but the alert play of the locals kept g'ate • 'to ,last. June
,s ' conventIOn, IS ''Int , 1\11' ss L' OIS.81 a tt y, h er nle ' I,name IS '
them yery much in the game through- c1,langmg "hIS nllnd agalll, announced "Rtl s t".,. "
out the forty-eight minutes of play, hiS NOl'l'Istown TIII/I's-Herl/Id would anc! al"o I'S seCl'etal'
' I "II" t IIe po I'It leal
The coaches feel Yer~' much pleased pu bl IS,l a
. news, and Scout cookie "sale.
SI Ie I'Ives In
y 0
. H aver f ord
f tIl G' 'I
e II
with the team's improvement, and if has gIven Walter A. (Dipper) Wil- EI AI~' S A S -'/ Fish, D)'slerS, Fruils, Vegela[,[es, Groceries. Prime Meats
, I'· I I ' "' nE T RR, ClliC.
there are no injuries look for\\'ard to son, IliS el ItOI', anI
, t Ie county Repuhlt-
,Ir G' 1 S cout '1' roop ",0. 'l.T 8'IS Invltmg
. " ,
237 Haverford Avenue
seeing the Maroon g'o through tl1l'i I' can Conumttee s treasurer, an mdefi- '111 the 11 th f tl . I I b
nite leave of absence. Chi f rt' l ' lOCI'S 0 Ie gil's w 10 c-
suburban rivals without a hitch. . e po I Ica long to our troop to a short mothers' Narberth 3668 Free Deliyery
comment IS "SO what?" . meetmg ' " next '1 uesday evenmg at
'" * *
Dick Mattis' Junior High eleven -------- 7.:;0. All mothers please come.
walked over the Ahington Junior William Washburn Baird The g'irls played a few games, then
High outfit last Friday on Penny- \ViJliam \Vashburn Baird, GO, of the rest of the meeting we reviewed
packer Field to the tune of 2G to 0, 321 North Narherth avenue, Narberth, lirst aid.
It was the Orange and Black's first was fatany stricken with a heart at- A goodnight circle and taps closed
encounter of the season and there was tack while on his way to a bank a happy meeting.
little to hase predictions on. EYer~'1 Tuesday on West York street, PhiJa- JEAN" SI1\II'SON, Scribe.
letter man from last season with one delphia. Friends hastened to his aid
exception had graduated to the Senior as he col1apsed, but he died while
High School. The team showed up heing' taken to the Stetson Hospital. ANTIQUE SHOW
yery wel1, playing' sound foot ban and l\Ir. Baird, who was associated City Hall Audilorium. Norrislown. Pa,
fl'aturing Arthur Green, a dusl,y lad \\'ith Vail Brothers, wholesale toilet I OCT 20-24 Open daily from
from Bryn Mawr, who ran wild ~o articles, Philadelphia" was wel1 knowlI • IOA.M.toIOP.M. ~~l'm ready fo r
score tl.1e first two touchdowns. Ills as an amateur artIst and lIatul'l'1 Exhibils for Sale ADMISSION 25c
running mate, George McDonald, a lo\"(~l'. He was a member of the Nar-
weH-built lad from l\Ierion, surprise'c) bl'lth Players and had lived in Bala-I ~---------- I; a COLD winter"
the gathering ~dth some fancy ope'n-
field bal1 carr~'lllg,
CYI.IWYd and latel' in Narberth for
about ten years.
II MAUSOLEUMS "I've Newton Coal in the
cellar. That means safe steady
Even with a green stluall to usc thi" lIe is survived by his wife, Mrs'l
season, Coach Mattis and his boys wiH Bertha F. Raird, and a daughter, Edw. A. Carroll Co. heat even in the worst storms,
very likely keep alive the record made Fral,lces, Two sisters, Pauline Baird, Incorpora ted at a saving in money and a
in the )last. No junior high foothall of ,St. Johns, Canada, and Blossom M saving of my time and temper.
team has defeated Lower Merion on BaIrd, of London England, also sur- E
0 Why don't you haveNewton •
the gridiron since Coach Mattis tool,
over the job seven )'ears ago. Quite
N Coal too?" Ask about the THE PROFESSORS
U Newton Budget Plan.
a record indeed.
>I< >I< II<
Amelia Alexander Simons
Mrs. Amelia Alexander Simons, 54,
Telephonl' MANayunk 0166 M AT THE PUMP
\\'ho died after a brief illness at her of E Phone Ardmore 2550
Penn at Yale tomol'l'o\\'. Probahly 0 Working a pUlllp handle up and down, and carry.
the most important game in the East home, 12:W Remington road, \Vynne- BALA·CYNWYD, PA. N or Allegheny 8400 ing hcavy buckets of watcr made people realize
this week-end. It wiH show just what \\'ood, last Sunday, survived her late N Belmont Avenue and T the bother of drawing water from wens. Dissat.
we may expect from the Red and Blue' husband, Laird Hardcastle Simons, by E Levering Mill Road
isfied with this Ilrimitive method, u group of
exactly foul' months. Mr. Simons, S
S Swarthmore College professors, buck in the 1880's,
this season. Our best wishes and of
hopes are with Harvey Harman, president of the \Villiam Amer Com- MEMORIALS ERECTED decided to band togcther to obtain a system of
pany, Philadelphia, tanners, died IN ANY LOCALITY running water.
.June 4.
Posing as Pastor, Grifter She is survived by two children, Eu-
They found a slllall spring, crected a toy pump-
in Boro Gets Radio, $22 CLEANING ing station and laid scveral hundred fect of I)ir.e
retta Andrews Simons and Laird to their dwellings. With so Iittlc cquipmcnt tIe
Hardcastle Simons, Jr., and by a sis- professors took a most importallt step in thc de-
Continued from Pagl' One
ter, Emily Alexander Hildebrand, velopment of Suburban Philadelphia.
treasurer of something in the church,
Berkeley, Calif.
and had "Church Play" marked on
the check to designate a special fund.
Interlllent was Wednesday in West- HOME AGAIN? The new "running water" became very popu-
lar . • . ncighbors bcggcd to sharc its benefits.
Albert's mental processes followed minster CemeterY.
So in 1886- just 50 years ago - the SI)ringfieid
through, after the psuedo-messenger Brookmead offers Immediate Water Company was incorporated. As w lOle com·
had left with the money, and before John E. Smith munities asked to participate in their water sup-
Service to alI parts of the Main
delivering the radio he tried to cash John E. Smith, of Drexel road, ply, the professors dccided it was too much for
the check at the Narberth bank, where \Vynnewood, who died last Sunday, Line. Just telephone Wayne 1121. men who had chosen the classroom as their field
it was found to be in every respect a was buried in West Laurel HiIJ Ceme- of achievement.
fake. tery Wednesday. Mr. Smith was the Children of the families voting for Brookmead by supporting its
father of PI'esident-Judge Frank
Today their Company has grown into a water
Then Mrs. Albert phoned the pioneer work of over 20 years are keen to get back to supply system which serves some 73,000 families
Lower Merion police. The Ardmore Smith of Common Pleas Court, No.5,
over a territory of 300 square milcs-considerably
headquarters man heard her story and Philadelphia. TRADE MARK GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK more than twice the area of Philadelphia. With its
laughed. He told her the same smart increased size it can now insure an interlocking sup-
trick had been pul1ed on Walter Case 30% More Food Value-their strong young bodics demand the ply of water taken from the best sources available.
four months ago. And he cheerful1y Cold Alone Bone and Muscle Building Materials
promised to see what could be done.
is not enough. The Protein, Milk Sugar and Butterfat •
The police have not released the
story to the papers yet, because they
Air-Conditioned Appetizing Flavor and Golden Color 4!f~ E R T I FIE D WATER
don't want the man to become suspici- Top leer from PEDIGREED STREAMS"
ous. They are warning the radio
shops to watch for him. But this pa-
keeps foods Ilalurally fresh Brookluead Guernsey Dairies
per thinks it a good idea to let all the For Reliable ICE service and West Lancaster Avenue Wayne, Pa.
local business people, who are pro-
information about the Top
leer, call
tected by the Lower Merion police, Only Authorized Prodllcer arId Distriblltor
get suspicious of the tall, thin Chester G. Jones lmder license oj America'l Gllermey Cattle Cillb . WATER COMPANY
stranger. He may tire of radios. 200 Woodbine Ave. Narb. 4058
There are other commodities. . . .

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