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Elizabeth Keysar1 and Annie R. Pearce2

Green building is becoming more mainstream in the public sector, especially in federal agencies such as the U.S. Depart-
ment of Defense, in a large part due to federal policies requiring more sustainable outcomes in the design and construc-
tion of public sector projects. These policies challenge contracted design professionals by adding new demands to a process
already constrained by limited budgets, multiple objectives, and short time frames. The purpose of this research is
twofold: (a) to inventory decision support tools available to aid the green design process, and (b) to investigate approaches
for organizing these tools to facilitate tool selection and adoption by designers new to green building. The research ap-
proach is based on principles of innovation adoption theory, specifically the constructs of relative advantage and triala-
bility of innovations. The 275 design-related tools examined here address the spectrum of green building concepts and
represent a range of applicability to different design tasks. The findings of this research indicate that while considerable
investment has been made in developing freely available web-based tools to support design, a relatively small number of
those tools are immediately applicable to the task of making Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED)
credit determinations for specific projects. The two characteristics of innovations explored in this research provide a basis
for explaining some of the anecdotal observations of tools employed in practice, suggesting a need for further research to
confirm and extend the findings.

INTRODUCTION Department of Defense (DOD) utilizes the largest va-

Green building concepts have found their way into riety and quantity of built space of all federal agencies
many federal policy and guidance documents over the and the Department of the Army leads the DOD in
past decade, and these concepts are beginning to im- real estate with over half of the square footage, making
pact construction projects across multiple federal the Army the largest federal building owner and man-
agencies. Recent policy at the federal level such as the ager (OFEE 2003, Appendix B). The Army Real Estate
Federal Executive Order (EO) 13423: Strengthening Portfolio includes over 150,000 buildings covering 770
Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation million square feet (ACSIM 2006). The Army has
Management1 and the Federal Leadership in High Per- adopted a Strategy for the Environment3 based on the
formance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of principles of sustainability, and the United States
Agreement (MOU)2 are examples. These changes are Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED Silver rat-
happening for obvious reasons; in the U.S., buildings ing is now the standard for all new construction begin-
consume 68% of all electricity used, 60% of non- ning in Fiscal Year 2008.4 Furthermore, the Army must
food/fuel raw materials used, 40% of non-industrial meet the energy reduction goals of the Energy Policy
solid waste generated, and 35% of carbon dioxide Act of 2005 (EPAct).5 These policies have many impli-
emissions (OFEE 2003, p. 5). Policy goals for sus- cations for the procurement, construction and use of
tainability must therefore address buildings. facilities, including the attainment of LEED credits
Individual agencies within the federal government during the design/build phase of new construction.
are implementing policies based on federal-level re- Design and construction of Army facilities are prima-
quirements as well as internal sustainability efforts. The rily conducted by the United States Army Corps of

Senior Technical Staff, Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC). Email: keysare@ctc.com.
Ph.D., LEED Accredited Professional, Assistant Professor, Myers Lawson School of Construction, Virginia Tech. Email: apearce@vt.edu.

Volume 2, Number 3 1
Engineers (USACE), which in turn employs private acterizing and mapping the DSTs using concepts
sector Architecture and Engineering (A/E) profession- from innovation theory. The results are presented in
als. This research was initiated specifically to aid these the following manner: first, a review of green building
support contractors to USACE as they help Army in- and the decision context for tool adopters sets the
stallations meet sustainability goals related to facilities, background. A review of organizing frameworks es-
although it has broader applicability to other public tablishes the reasoning behind the framework used to
sector project teams as well. organize the database. Key factors from innovation
An entire field of specialized knowledge has devel- theory provide a basis for characterizing and mapping
oped to implement green building including profes- the inventoried tools as a foundation for understand-
sional organizations, trade journals, academic courses ing how novice users may approach the population of
and research, product branding, and professional cer- DSTs, and for identifying possible gaps in the tool
tification programs. A substantial pool of green build- base that can be filled to better address the needs of
ing Decision Support Tools (DSTs) has emerged, and this population.
the challenges associated with finding the right tool
for the job are significant. The problem is exacerbated BACKGROUND
by situations in which potential adopters face signifi- Green building is a term used to refer to new ap-
cant resource constraints and may be resistant to the proaches to planning, designing and constructing
idea of adoption in the first place. As noted by Vafaie buildings. Green buildings are designed with environ-
et al. (2006): mental impacts and occupant well-being in mind,
using engineering and design strategies to reduce the
“Ideally, one would test and validate every tool
use of non-renewable resources. The Office of the
that promises to fulfill some or all of the re-
Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE 2003) de-
quirements needed in a specific project, but ex-
fines green building as a practice of:
tensive tool evaluation is a time and resource in-
tensive process. It is often impossible to apply a 1. increasing the efficiency with which buildings and
rigorous level of investigation to all tools that their sites use energy, water, and materials, and
may be applicable to your specific system due to 2. reducing the building impacts in human health
budgetary and scheduling constraints.” (p.56) and the environment, through better siting, de-
sign, construction, operation, maintenance, and
Accordingly, there is a need to provide guidance
removal—the complete building life cycle.
for designers new to the concepts of green building to
minimize the overhead effort required to find the The scope of what is considered “green” with re-
right tools for achieving project sustainability goals, gard to the built environment ranges from energy ef-
such as the Army’s LEED Silver Rating. A primary ficient components and systems, to materials and sys-
driver of this research was to create a user-friendly tems low in toxics or otherwise healthy for indoor
database to facilitate effective tool selection and adop- environmental quality, to resource-efficient materials
tion. This goal was accomplished by identifying tools incorporating recycled or rapidly renewable content
through an extensive internet-based search and then and more. Among the facility-related areas addressed
investigating approaches to inventorying, characteriz- by green building are integrated design, energy per-
ing, and mapping the tools that were accumulated. formance, water conservation, indoor environmental
The search to identify green building tools found quality, and environmental impact of building mate-
275 readily accessible tools via the internet. A hybrid rials. These strategies form the core of the concept of
organizing framework was used to capture the DSTs green building.
based on topical areas, purpose and type. This frame- Green building is defined by the USGBC through
work was used to enhance user ability to find relevant its LEED Rating System.6 This point-based rating sys-
tools. Tools were further organized based on relevance tem, developed and maintained by the USGBC, is a
to obtaining LEED points, and the resulting database commonly-referenced metric within many existing
is available to USACE practitioners. This paper sum- policies (OFEE 2003; Pearce et al. 2005), although it
marizes what was found in the search process by char- is not the only such system offered as a reference stan-

2 Journal of Green Building

dard in all U.S. policies. The LEED system is struc- past performance on federal projects may represent
tured around the categories of Sustainable Sites, Water the most highly qualified applicant whether or not
Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Re- they have sustainability capabilities. It is these firms,
sources, and Indoor Environmental Quality (USGBC whose past performance qualifies them, but whose ex-
2006). The categorization of considerations is consis- perience base does not include sustainability, that are
tent across all rating systems under the LEED banner, the target audience for this research. This stakeholder
and represents a broad spectrum of potential actions group can be characterized by the following attributes:
available on the level of specific projects that can be
• They have little or no formal project experience
taken to increase the sustainability of those projects.
with green buildings, but are expected to meet
green building goals and requirements as part of
Green Building and A/E Professionals Serving
new federal initiatives for capital projects, making
the Public Sector
their motivation for adopting green building
Architectural and engineering design for capital proj-
tools externally driven (Vanegas & Pearce 2000).
ects was, until recently, undertaken “in-house” within
• They have little or no experience in using sustain-
federal agencies responsible for capital projects, but
ability decision support tools on past projects,
current trends across the federal sector toward priva-
and little or no specialized expertise in-house to
tization of design services mean that these activities
handle requirements for whole building perform-
are now largely undertaken by private sector A/E
ance modeling required to comply with LEED-
firms which are managed by a smaller set of in-house
based green building standards.
resources (NRC 2000). As such, project goals estab-
• They may or may not be formally held account-
lished at the local and institutional levels are passed
able for building performance outcomes, depend-
through to these A/E firms as part of their Statement
ing on governing institutional policy and local in-
of Work (SOW) for the project. Such goals include,
terpretations of that policy by federal project and
at a minimum, budget, schedule, and performance
contract managers.
objectives and constraints, as well as federal require-
ments for anti-terrorism/force protection of facilities, Given the current state of adoption of sustainabil-
sustainability, and others. Under schedule and budget ity throughout the industry, the low or non-existent
pressure to deliver more building for less money, A/E experience level of these firms with respect to green
firms are faced with the challenge of maximizing building means that they represent a segment of the
scope within a constrained, first cost-driven budget. adoption curve beyond the innovators and early
Unmeasured, unfunded mandates associated with adopters. Depending on their individual attributes,
sustainable facilities, coupled with widespread indus- they may fall within the early majority, late majority,
try perception that green building technologies and or even laggard category of adopters (Rogers 2003).
practices cost more, lead to a perception that meeting Their incorporation of sustainability principles as
project sustainability goals will be challenging to part of their design of capital projects can be facili-
achieve in practice (OFEE 2003). tated by the appropriate adoption of tools to support
From the perspective of the private sector A/E in- effective decision making during design.
volved in federal projects with sustainability goals,
changes in practices necessary to meet the new re- Decision Support Tools
quirements are often externally driven by SOW re- Decision Support Tools (DSTs) can be defined very
quirements. While qualifications-based selection of broadly as any tool used as part of a formal or infor-
A/E firms is the norm, explicit documentation of prior mal decision process (Kapelan et al. 2005); any tool
green building experience is not yet uniformly re- that “informs the decision-making process by helping
quired during procurement of design services, nor is it actors understand the consequences of different
necessarily rewarded during selection—even if it is for- choices” (CMHC 2004. p. 1). While there is no
mally included, it competes against other procure- shortage of DSTs created to aid A/E professionals in
ment priorities such as preference for small disadvan- meeting these new green building requirements, pro-
taged business enterprises.7 Firms with a history of fessionals can be overwhelmed when trying to apply

Volume 2, Number 3 3
these tools to decision making (Carmody et al. 2000). to identify those applicable to a given topical area.
There is a knowledge deficit regarding what tools are Furthermore, the Annex 31 framework does not cap-
available and the potential benefits associated with ture interactive websites, which are some of the first
their use; this deficit is slowing the adoption of envi- tools a professional turning to the internet will en-
ronmental performance assessment methods (Mack- counter. The RMI list, in contrast, contained 46 “web
ley et al. 2000). The need to deliver existing knowl- wonders,” reinforcing the breadth of what is available
edge in a manner that facilitates its use has also been through the internet.
recognized as a challenge for the federal government DSTs can also be organized by the scale of building
as it moves forward with green building goals (Flan- components they are designed to address. The
ders et al. 2001; OFEE, 2003). The primary problem ATHENATM Institute (Trusty 2003) proposes a three
underscoring the research reported in this paper is the level organizing framework that distinguishes among:
need for ready access to available tools; in many ways individual product specifications and purchases (Level
this is an educational challenge (Mackley et al. 2000). 1); whole building DSTs (Level 2); and assessment
DSTs for green building can be categorized in frameworks that incorporate objective and subjective
many different ways. The Annex 31 Study (CMHC analysis of environmental, economic, and social fac-
2004) describes two broad categories: interactive soft- tors—sustainability (Level 3). This framework in-
ware and passive tools. The primary distinction cludes a “Supporting Tools” category for those DSTs
among tools in this framework is the extent to which that provide general support to specific topic areas and
users are required to enter data and manipulate infor- don’t fit into the other three levels. The primary dis-
mation. The Annex 31 report further divides into the tinction in this framework is the scale, not the topic.
following categories (ibid, p. 2): The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Effi-
ciency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Building En-
Interactive: ergy Software Tools Directory8 is also organized by
Life Cycle Assessment Tools for Buildings and building scale with the following categories: whole
Building Stocks building analysis; codes and standards; materials, com-
Energy and Ventilation Modeling Software ponents, equipment and systems; and other applica-
Passive: tions. The ATHENA and DOE frameworks enable
Environmental Assessment Frameworks and comparison and evaluation between Life Cycle Assess-
Rating Systems ment (LCA) tools and other software tools in that they
Environmental Guidelines or Checklists for are grouped according to intended purpose. In partic-
Design and Management of Buildings ular, LCA tools can be shown as complimentary and
Environmental Products Declarations, not competing. Although these distinctions are useful
Catalogues, Reference Information, for comparing certain tools, the categories are insuffi-
Certifications and Labels cient to organize the multitude of tools currently avail-
able, given their limitation to just software tools. Also,
The Green Building Sources compiled by the Rocky this type of framework suffers the similar problem in
Mountain Institute (RMI 2004) follow a similar logic that too many tools would be contained in the given
with categories roughly based on level of user interac- categories. There is also the problem of placing tools
tion; this list also captures some of the ‘professional ac- that cover more than one of the “Levels” or building
tivities’ which were not addressed in this research. The scales, such as the websites.
RMI categories are: books; manuals; compact discs Tools can be organized by stage in the building
(CDs); periodicals; organizations; “web wonders,” life cycle (CMHC 2004), such as the Green Matrix
courses and education; and software tools. The Annex website which combines the LEED categories with
31 and RMI categories primarily distinguish tools that the phase in the design/build process.9 One side of
are highly analytical and technical versus everything the matrix has the stages: pro-forma, master plan-
else. These categories combine many of information- ning, pre-design programming, schematic design,
based tools and thus suffer a similar problem—the design development, construction documents, and
categories created contain so many tools it is difficult construction/post construction. These categories are

4 Journal of Green Building

cross-referenced with the LEED topical areas. A sim- Tools are designed and built for a variety of tasks,
ilar framework is used in the HOK Guidebook for with various user needs and specializations, education
Sustainable Design (Mendler et al. 2006), with cate- and training, time and resource constraints, and build-
gories called ‘project actions’ which include: project ing goals and objectives. The diversity of tools also
definition; team building; education and goal setting; makes evaluation extremely challenging, and helps ex-
site evaluation; baseline analysis; design concept; de- plain why little evaluation literature is available. The
sign optimization; documents and specifications; bid- field is dynamic and the assortment of tools is contin-
ding and construction; and post-occupancy. These ually expanding, making reviews and evaluations rap-
categories are also cross-referenced with the LEED idly out-of-date. This complexity is also what chal-
topical areas. Using building life cycle phase is a use- lenges the potential user in finding and using tools.
ful distinction—in particular for assigning tasks to It is possible to narrowly define DSTs for green
different professionals on the project team—but not building as interactive software or computer-based pro-
relevant to this research as the primary focus is on the gramming developed to aid the design process though
design stage. These frameworks have phases even manipulating large amounts of information, compar-
within the ‘design stage’—but these distinctions are ing alternatives and making predictions for building
not critical for the overall purpose of the research, and performance. Users enter data and the software gener-
thus this type of framework was not selected. ates outputs that can be used to aid in decision-making
It is common to organize green building DSTs by (Global Green USA 2002). These types of tools serve a
content or topical area, typically corresponding to the predictive function (CMHC 2004), and imply a cer-
categories of the USGBC’s LEED Rating Tool. San tain knowledge and acceptance of green building goals.
Francisco’s report on green building tools (Global Many of these tools require specialized training (e.g.,
Green USA 2002) utilizes the following categories for energy simulation software) and a significant commit-
tools: general green building; site and landscaping; ment of project resources. The audience (design profes-
water conservation; energy; materials selection and sionals) this research is intended to address has a wide
waste reduction; indoor air quality: and life cycle cost- range of specialized knowledge and skills which may or
ing. References and resources compiled for the Sustain- may not include the ability to effectively employ spe-
able Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT) are organized by the cialized tools related to sustainability. The types of po-
LEED topical areas: sustainable sites; water efficiency; tential projects also vary widely, as Army installations
energy and atmosphere; materials and resources; in- have facilities ranging from heavy equipment mainte-
door environmental quality; and delivery process. The nance and repair to barracks, family housing, ware-
SPiRiT references include additional categories for houses, hospitals, schools, and restaurants. Limiting
general resources, current mission, and future mission the definition of DSTs to interactive software tools was
(USACE 2002). There are several advantages of using considered premature based on the intended audience
a topical approach. First, if LEED certification is an and the broad set of design challenges included in the
objective for the project, topical areas based on this rat- scope of this project. Additional types of tools consid-
ing tool improve the ability to identify appropriate ered here included web sites, databases, directories,
tools. Second, topical areas correspond to professional standards, and other relevant resources to inform the
specializations, also aiding in the identification of tools. design process.
Finally, organizing by topical area also enables various
types of tools to be listed together, such as software and Decision Support Tool
websites. One problem with using topical areas is re- Selection/Adoption Process
lated to evaluation. Comparing tools within a given Innovation diffusion and adoption provides a relevant
topical area is often not realistic, since tools may be de- knowledge base on which to evaluate DSTs, since the
signed for different purposes. Another concern is lim- aim of the creating the database was to facilitate effec-
iting the topics to those contained in LEED. This may tive tool selection and adoption by novices in the
limit the number of tools captured or pose difficulties field. Given the perspective of designers new to the
in placing a given tool, such as those related to Life concept of green or sustainable building, both the
Cycle Assessment (LCA) or Life Cycle Costing (LCC). concept itself and the tools and techniques used to

Volume 2, Number 3 5
achieve it represent innovations in that they are either • The primary metric of success for new adopters is
new or perceived to be new and are previously unused whether or not their design is able to meet LEED
by their potential adopters (Rogers 2003). This the- requirements, since LEED is the standard that is
ory then becomes helpful for enhancing the database. referenced on most federal projects and for the
The rate and success of diffusion of innovations Army beginning in 2008. Accordingly, the inter-
across a population of potential adopters is influenced pretation of innovation attributes used in this re-
by characteristics of the innovations themselves along search is with respect to the LEED standard.
with characteristics of adopters. • Given the market status of green building in the
The characteristics of innovations that have been United States (rapidly approaching 10% of the
most widely studied are: 1. relative advantage; 2. com- market on new building starts10), novices in the
patibility; 3. complexity; 4. trialability; and 5. observ- field of green building no longer fall into the class
ability (Rogers 2003). Diffusion of innovation and of innovators or early adopters; instead, they fall
innovation implementation theory suggests that, all somewhere within the spectrum of early majority,
else being equal, the likelihood of adopting an inno- late majority, or laggards (Rogers 2003).
vation increases with the extent to which perceived
Other key characteristics defining the context of
benefits exceed costs (e.g., Panzano et al. 2004;
adoption considered here include resource constraints
Rogers 2003). Key to this notion is the relative im-
in terms of time and money; rigid organizational re-
portance of perception over hard evidence; in fact,
quirements such as procurement rules that must be
one author states that “. . . scientific evidence in sup-
met to achieve a successful solution; significant risk
port of the effectiveness of an innovation may be
aversion of public sector clients due to public ac-
helpful but it is neither necessary nor sufficient for
countability requirements; competing objectives; and
the adoption of innovative practices by organiza-
low levels of organizational and individual slack
tions” (Panzano et al., 2004, paraphrasing Abraham-
among involved stakeholders (OFEE 2003; Pearce &
son 1991; Denis et al., 2002). Rogers’ five attributes
Fischer 2001a, b; Pearce 2001; Pearce 2003). Many
of innovations (2003) that affect their successful
of these characteristics serve as inhibitors to innova-
adoption provide a useful framework for evaluating
tion adoption (Rogers 2003). Within this context,
and comparing candidate tools and predicting their
this research hypothesizes that characteristics of inno-
likelihood of success/adoptability with regard to our
vations can be operationalized and used as a basis for
user base, although other constructs such as technol-
prioritizing tool recommendations to novice users as
ogy transparency could also be included.. Table 1
well as a means to understand current tool adoption
provides a definition for each of these constructs
patterns in practice. The next section describes the
along with an interpretation of that construct in the
approach used in this research to evaluate this hy-
context of DST selection.
pothesis, along with the findings of the research itself.
The characteristics of adopters also affect adop-
tion decisions (Rogers 2003; Moore 1991; Panzano
et al. 2004). Assumptions about the characteristics of
This research was undertaken in three major steps:
the adopter base targeted in this research include the
conducting an inventory of decision support tools to
represent the population of tools presently available
• The adopter base of interest is A/E firms subject to designers; mapping the tools within the inventory
to new LEED-based federal green building according to tool type and topical area; and character-
requirements who have not previously explicitly izing tools in terms of parameters from diffusion of
incorporated green building as a goal for their innovation theory that may affect their adoption as a
projects. While some A/E firms on federal basis to prioritize recommendations to novice design-
projects do have prior green building experience, ers. The following subsections describe specific
these more experienced firms are not the target methodology and findings for each of these tasks in
of this research. greater detail.

6 Journal of Green Building

TABLE 1. Attributes of innovations that affect their adoption (Rogers 2003).

Attribute Definition Interpretation with respect to Green Building DSTs

Relative Advantage The extent to which an innovation Degree to which tool directly provides either (a)
is better than the product/tool it necessary ability to calculate a LEED credit; or (b)
is replacing documentation to support a LEED credit claim
Compatibility The degree to which the innovation Degree to which tool fits within the established design
fits within the existing processes delivery process of a typical A/E, e.g., no new steps
and culture of potential adopters added; no additional time required; no additional
supporting innovations required, like new computer
systems, to implement tool; no new stakeholder
involvement required
Complexity The degree of difficulty an adopter Level of training or prior knowledge required to
has in understanding and/or using effectively use tool; degree to which tool requires
an innovation non-traditional information to achieve results
Trialability The degree to which a potential Availability of tool for free via the web; cost associated
adopter can “test drive” an with using tool is a negative here
innovation prior to making an
adoption commitment
Observability The degree to which the benefits Degree to which tool provides more information
resulting from innovation adoption than baseline documents that would be helpful in
are apparent as an outcome achieving LEED credits
of adoption

Inventory of Decision Support Tools The primary consideration was that tools were
The search for DSTs was conducted utilizing the in- readily accessible for A/E professionals seeking help
ternet. The internet has become an important means with green building. In general, tools needed to be re-
of communicating information (e.g., Horrigan 2006) lated to green building to be included in the database.
and its ease of use ensures a continued prominence A focus on ‘green’ also often means ‘high performance’
(Mackley et al. 2000). The search portion of the re- so some general design/build tools within this domain
search was based on the assumption that design pro- were also included. Some tools were not included if
fessionals have access to the internet and will turn to the intent was primarily advocating green building,
this resource for information on green building DSTs. rather than serving as a resource for A/E professionals.
Text books, manuals, trade journals, periodicals and All types of construction were included, although res-
academic journals are also sources of information and idential tools were limited to a few representative sites
can be considered DSTs according to the definition and tools, since much of the Army residential design
guiding this work. The search, however, was limited to and construction is done by contractors under the
what was readily accessible via the internet, with a par- Residential Communities Initiative (RCI). The web
ticular focus on government sponsored research, soft- search was concluded when tools already identified
ware development and websites. The primary identifi- were found to be repeatedly appearing in new sources
cation method was a web search on the term “green and the comprehensiveness of the web sites was de-
building tools”. Other criteria used for including creasing. In other words, tools that had comprehensive
green building DSTs in the inventory included: scope, were related to LEED, or had a specific design
role were sought—others that had limited subject
1. Mention by a leading green building resource matter or were not linked to the design phase were not
2. Specific focus on reaching green building objectives included. Specific green building resources (item 1
3. Focus on facility design considerations above) for identifying tools included:

Volume 2, Number 3 7
1. Published reports and on-line databases of tools easy transmittal through email or posting to shared
such as: the General Green Building Resources areas. Creating a relational database in Microsoft Ac-
(Appendix H) of the Using LEED NC in Col- cess was considered but discarded in light of the expe-
orado, Tips Resources and Examples on-line rience required for using this software and challenges
guide;11 Green Building Sources from the Rocky associated with electronic transmittal and platform
Mountain Institute (RMI 2004); United States compatibility. Excel was also preferred in that it will
Department of Energy Federal Energy Manage- be easy to copy, edit and update the database over
ment Program’s Procurement of Architectural and time. Information collected on DSTs included: the
Engineering Services for Sustainable Buildings: A organization that created the tool; a web link to find
Guide for Federal Project Managers (2004)12 the tool; a brief description of the tool; cost (if any)
2. USGBC, LEED-NC 2.2 Reference Guide for access to the tool; and type of tool (software,
(USGBC 2005); checklist/matrix, publication, website, database).
3. Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG);13 The green building DSTs found during the search
4. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Effi- portion of the research were captured in a database
ciency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Building based on the hybrid organizing framework. Figures 1
Energy Software Tools Directory;14 and 2 present summary information of the tools iden-
5. USACE Construction Engineering Research Lab tified and captured in the database.16 It is important to
(CERL) Sustainable Project Rating Tool References recognize that while this data represents the quantity
and Resources (USACE 2002); of tools publicly available to practitioners, it reveals
6. Tools of the Trade report for City of San Francisco nothing about which tools are used in practice. The
(Global Green USA 2002) database is also not comprehensive; for instance, the
7. EERE Building Technology Program’s High Per- international commercial market in software tools is
formance Buildings Database.15 vast, so the software captured within this database was
limited to North American developers.17 Even with
275 tools were identified and included in the initial
this constraint, it is evident that a great deal of effort
inventory, and catalogued as described in the next
has been expended by government agencies and for-
profit commercial organizations in the development of
Mapping of Existing Tool Inventory analytical software, based on the list of tool sources
An important step in creating the database was estab- and developers captured in the database.
lishing a framework to organize the DSTs. A frame- In the course of this research it became clear that a
work was created based on the green building goals, search for DSTs could be an endless effort in and of
the capital project process, and the specific user base itself. Not only are the criteria for inclusion difficult
of practitioners new to green building. The primary to define, but also internet resources are in a constant
criterion driving the framework was minimizing state of fluctuation. The work reported in this article
search time/investment requirements on the part of represents an initial attempt to search, identify and
constrained (and possibly unmotivated) designers. organize with the objective of assisting A/E profes-
The final list of categories used in this research is sionals within USACE as well as USACE support
presented in Table 2 with definitions. These cate- professionals, and the resulting database is a first step
gories were chosen primarily to aid in the retrieval of in this direction. After the organizing framework was
a tool. With this goal in mind, categories were created established and the database populated, the next step
by topical area at a level of resolution that balanced was to rate the tools in each category in a manner that
the number of tools in each area. Using topical areas, reflected how and why new tools are (or are not)
purpose and type of tool as organizing themes also adopted. This step was intended to enhance the abil-
means that some tools will be on more than one ity of A/E professionals in identifying and using tools,
page—the final categories are not mutually exclusive. and is based on theories of innovation diffusion. The
The entire green building DST database was cap- next section reviews the applicability of these theories
tured in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to allow for to tool adoption for capital projects.

8 Journal of Green Building

TABLE 2. Hybrid Organizing Framework by Topical Area, Purpose, and Tool Type.

Category Definition
1 Life Cycle Costing Tools to help clients/building owners understand specific quality differences
of sustainable design alternatives so they can move beyond least-first-cost
decision-making; to understand the Cost of Ownership and prove to the
client that the real cost of doing business is realized over time, not in first
construction costs (Loftness et al. 2006).
2 Life Cycle Assessment Tools for modeling and analyzing building structure, design, and material
options and for determining environmental impacts over the life of the
building based on various design/build options—to make an environmental
assessment of buildings.
3 Energy Analysis Tools that enable simulation of building energy use; analyze energy and cost
savings for different design strategies; and other tools for addressing energy
4 Product and Material Tools that describe products or materials for evaluation of alternatives and
Specification identification of sustainable products and suppliers.
5 Education and Tools created to inform and educate design professionals on sustainability
Professional Development and green building; to keep informed of trends, opportunities, professional
organizations, etc.
6 Case Studies Databases, websites containing green building projects.
7 Compliance/Code-checking/ Tools designed to check compliance with building codes and standards.
Standards Also includes links to standards relevant to LEED and green building.
8 Rating Tools Tools for analyzing building structure, design, and material environmental and
energy impacts over the life of the building based on various design/build
options—to make an environmental assessment of buildings. A rating, or
certification, is given to rank the building according to pre-set standards/
categories of achievement.
9 Site Planning/Landscape Design Tools for identifying and evaluating alternate landscape and site planning
10 LEED-Recommended Tools referenced in the LEED-NC 2.2 Reference Guide, or otherwise
Reference Tools specifically addressed to LEED point attainment
11 Websites Websites designed to assist professionals in meeting green building goals.
12 Lighting/Daylighting Simulation of design options for lighting and other lighting tools; internal and
external lighting.
13 Airflow/Ventilation Simulation of HVAC systems for air flow with various building design options;
other tools for Indoor Air Quality.
14 Mechanical/Electric/ Tools supplying information and/or identifying products for design and
Plumbing Systems specification of M/E/P systems

Characterization of Tools tool according to a LEED-based operationalization of

by Innovation Attributes two of Rogers’ five attributes of innovations. This ad-
The organizing framework provides an initial screen- ditional step was motivated by the same considera-
ing basis—founded on the types of tasks to be under- tion driving the entire search effort—to facilitate the
taken in green design—for candidate users to select selection of effective DSTs by potential users of the
an initial pool of tools for further consideration. Ad- database. LEED was used as a point of reference for
ditional characterization was conducted to rate each operationalization since it is the primary metric of

Volume 2, Number 3 9
Mechanical/Electric/Plumbing Systems
FIGURE 1. Total Occurrences Airflow/Ventilation
by Tool Category. Lighting/Daylighting
LEED Certification
Site Planning/Landscape Design
Rating Tools
Case Studies
Education and Professional Development
Product and Material Specification
Energy Analysis
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Costing

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

FIGURE 2. Total Occurrences
by Tool Type. 100





Website Publication Software Database Checklist/Matrix

success for future Army construction and in most the ability to construct comprehensive models repre-
Federal policies. senting the overall performance of the building. This
The use of the LEED rating system can require credit specifically requires an energy model, a task
very different types of DSTs. Some credits under the often handled by a specialist within a design firm or
LEED rating system are easily evaluated using knowl- outsourced to a third party specializing in energy
edge held by practitioners in general or even layper- modeling. Tools supporting this task include a broad
sons. For instance, evaluating compliance with In- range of energy modeling software, much of which
door Environmental Quality Credit 4.3, low emitting requires special training to properly operate. As such,
carpet systems, requires only determination whether this credit and tools associated with demonstrating
all carpets meet Green Label Plus requirements as in- compliance thereof represent a high level of complex-
dicated either by the Green Label Plus logo on the ity. Additionally, such tools may also represent low
spec sheet or existence of that carpet in the Carpet compatibility with existing processes within the firm,
and Rug Institute’s database of compliant carpets. Ad- particularly if energy modeling is not typically used as
ditional components of this credit include determin- part of design.
ing compliance of carpet padding and adhesives in These examples illustrate how different LEED
similar fashion. No specialized knowledge of chem- credits can lead to the use of different types of tools (a
istry or indoor air quality is required. database in the first instance, and a whole building
Other credits such as Credit 1 in Energy and At- model in the second), each of which has different at-
mosphere, Optimizing Energy Performance, require tributes that correlate both with LEED credit require-

10 Journal of Green Building

ments and with the innate properties of each tool. The bility, and observability of results would provide a
intent of this phase of the research was to develop a stronger basis to consider the tradeoffs inherent in tool
theoretically-based approach for classifying tools inde- evaluation and selection and offer the possibility of
pendently of specific requirements of their associated better matches for potential users. Table 3 shows the
LEED credit, but also with respect to the extent to criteria used for rating each tool in the categories of
which they support the goal of project LEED certifi- ‘relative advantage’ (representing the ‘bang’ achieved
cation. Accordingly, two attributes from Rogers’ five by the tool), and ‘trialability’ (representing the ‘buck’),
attributes of innovation (relative advantage and triala- along with comments on how each attribute pertains
bility) were selected to classify the existing tool set, to a design firm’s ability to reach that goal.
based on: 1) the importance of these attributes from Each tool was classified into one of three levels;
the perspective of the adopter base and, 2) the ability High, Medium and Low, where high corresponds to
of the research team to objectively classify tools. the preferred state of that variable. To determine how
In this project, relative advantage was operational- to rate a tool in terms of relative advantage, each tool
ized in terms of the tool’s (innovation’s) ability to was examined in terms of its relevance for determin-
yield immediately practicable information to support ing compliance with, or documenting achievement
determination of compliance with LEED credits, or of, LEED credits. Some tools, e.g., web sites, were
to provide information essential to support documen- searched using the term “LEED” if the relationship to
tation of that compliance. As such, tools that con- the rating system was not immediately obvious. If
tributed directly to a user’s ability to move forward di- searching the site using the site’s search engine re-
rectly toward LEED certification were rated higher sulted in hits on this search term, the site was rated a
than tools which provided more general information, Medium in terms of relative advantage. Tools without
or which provided specific information not directly any specific reference to LEED were typically rated
framed in terms of the LEED rating system. This op- Low, unless they consisted of a searchable database
erationalization was selected to reflect the resource with fields corresponding to specific LEED credit re-
constrained, tightly focused decision environment quirements or were specified as an actual reference
characteristic of our potential adopter base. Other standard by the LEED protocol.
ways to operationalize this attribute could be em- ‘Trialability’ was expressed in terms of the initial
ployed to better reflect the characteristics of other cost of the tool to the user. Many tools in the inven-
types of users, or users facing different kinds of design tory are available free online; these tools received a
situations that are not explicitly LEED-driven. High rating. If the cost of the tool was greater than
The additional attribute of trialability was also con- zero but less than or equal to $250, the tool received
sidered here, since it was comparatively easy to opera- a Medium rating. If the cost was greater than $250, it
tionalize in terms of cost resources required to “test received a Low trialability rating. The threshold of
drive” each tool and since cost often represents a sig- $250 was selected since it is similar to the cost of a
nificant barrier to adoption among this user base. basic office software package for general use. Com-
Considering trialability and relative advantage to- paratively few tools were close to this cost threshold;
gether with the other factors of complexity, compati- most were either considerably less expensive, or sub-

TABLE 3. Operationalization of Innovation Attributes.

Attribute High Medium Low Interpretation

Relative Advantage Directly results in Indirectly results in Completely general Immediate
LEED credit knowledge LEED knowledge information; practicability of
considerable processing information
required to get to LEED provided relative
knowledge to objectives
Trialability Free $1–$250 > $250 Cost

Volume 2, Number 3 11
FIGURE 3. Relative Advantage of Tools for Obtaining LEED Credits.

Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Systems
Air Flow and Ventilation
Lighting and Daylighting
Web Sites
LEED-Recommended Reference Tools
Tool Categories

Rating Tools
Compliance, Code Checking, and Standards High
Case Studies
Education and Professional Development
Materials and Product Specification
Energy Analysis
Life Cycle Analysis
Life Cycle Costing

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Relative Advantage by Category

stantially more expensive. To determine how to rate each rating. A large proportion of tools within each
trialability, the cost of using the tool was determined category were rated as having high trialability.
based on web information about the tool itself. While To see the distribution of trialability across all
many tools were completely free, others had license tools in the inventory, Figure 6 shows the proportion
costs, subscription costs, or other associated purchase of tools with duplicates removed, classified according
costs. If a tool with a license cost had a free demon- to low, medium, and high trialability. In contrast with
stration version available, it was classified as high tri- the distribution of tools rated for relative advantage, a
alability even though there would be a cost associated strong majority of tools (79%) in the inventory re-
with long term adoption of the tool. ceived a high trialability rating and are available to be
Figure 3 shows the relative proportions of tools used or at least tested for free. To some extent, this
within each category according to their relative ad- large proportion reflects a deliberate intention of the
vantage rating. Since some tools were included in initial tool survey to locate web-based, easily accessi-
multiple categories, this chart basically shows propor-
tions relevant within each category to compare how
tools are distributed among the three rating levels.
FIGURE 4. Proportions of Tools Rated by Relative
To see the distribution of relative advantage across
all tools in the inventory, Figure 4 shows the propor-
tion of tools with duplicates removed, classified ac- High
cording to low, medium, and high relative advantage. 27%

About 1/4th of all tools included in the inventory

were rated as having high relative advantage in terms
of their ability to provide information immediately Low
relevant to achieving LEED certification. Another 47%

1/4th provided at least some reference to the LEED

rating system, while nearly half of the tools examined
did not reference the LEED rating system at all.
From the standpoint of trialability, Figure 5 shows
a breakdown of proportions within categories of tools Medium
of what percentage of tools in each category received 26%

12 Journal of Green Building

FIGURE 5. Trialability of Tools.

Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Systems
Air Flow and Ventilation
Lighting and Daylighting
Web Sites
LEED-Recommended Reference Tools
Tool Categories

Rating Tools Low
Compliance, Code Checking, and Standards High
Case Studies
Education and Professional Development
Materials and Product Specification
Energy Analysis
Life Cycle Analysis
Life Cycle Costing

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Trialability by Category

ble tools for inclusion in the inventory. 14% of all senting a significant body of resources available to
tools in the inventory had a comparatively low cost, new users for no fiscal investment. How many spe-
while a relatively low 7% of tools had a cost higher cific LEED credits can be addressed with this tool set
than $250, some up to $20,000 depending on the is an interesting question that was not addressed in
user type and license considerations. this study, although an examination of Figures 3 and
To better understand the tradeoffs between these 5 suggests that there are likely to be at least some tools
rating factors, Figure 7 shows a distribution of tools applicable in all of the LEED credit categories.
in various combinations of high and low relative ad- What is not represented in the graphs and remains
vantage coupled with high and low trialability. Tools for future research is an examination of the other in-
having one or both rated as medium are classified in novation attributes (complexity, compatibility, and
the “Neither” category in this chart.
As shown in Figure 7, many tools in the inventory
(40%) are free but provide no specific links to the FIGURE 6. Proportions of Tools Rated by Trialability.
tasks associated with LEED certification, supporting
the anecdotal observations of some green building Low
novices that there is “too much information” to be
able to find what you need to get the job done. Cou- Medium
pled with scarce resources, tight schedules, and little 14%
or no organizational slack, plus a general lack of at-
tention to novices in many of the existing social net-
works serving the green building field, it begins to
make sense why novices may have a hard time getting
started in this context.
A relatively low 3% of tools were identified as hav-
ing high relative advantage in terms of immediate
LEED relevance, but low trialability due to high ini-
tial cost. 17% of all tools in the inventory had both High
high relative advantage and high trialability, repre- 79%

Volume 2, Number 3 13
novices to better address their specific needs from an
FIGURE 7. Distribution of Tools based on Combined
innovation adoption standpoint. As they proceed to
gain more knowledge about LEED goals and imple-
Low Relative mentation, novices may then be willing to invest the
Advantage and
Low Trialability
costs required to use some of the high relative advan-
3% tage tools that have lower trialability. They may also
then be willing to invest the time and attention neces-
sary to evaluate the relevance and utility of the many
excellent tools rated as low relative advantage in this
Low Relative
Neither Advantage and study, thus expanding their tool base to include
37% High Trialability broader perspectives on green building beyond LEED.
The inventory and evaluation of these tools accord-
ing to their relative advantage and trialability repre-
sents at best a snapshot of the current state of the art.
The internet is a dynamic, living knowledge base that
changes on a daily basis. In fact, between the time the
tool inventory was created and the tools themselves
High Relative
High Relative Advantage and were evaluated (approximately eight weeks), some
Advantage and Low Trialability links were no longer valid as represented in the initial
High Trialability 3%
inventory. Within this rapidly evolving environment,
ratings assigned for ‘relative advantage’ based on links
or references to LEED are likely to change signifi-
observability of results) described by Rogers. A better cantly over time, as will other attributes of the tools.
understanding of how tools rate in terms of these fac- As fast as the tool base is changing, the user base is
tors would provide additional illumination regarding changing as well. Different populations of adopters
what tools warrant the strongest recommendation to respond differently to the attributes of innovations
novice users. Complexity in particular would be a (Rogers 2003; Moore 1991) based on their individual
good starting point, since it would reflect how easily and organizational characteristics. As such, tools de-
non-expert users can effectively use tools without signed for innovators or early adopters may well need
training or additional expertise. This factor is espe- to be adapted to be a good fit for later classes of
cially important with the majority and laggard adopters such as early majority, late majority, and lag-
adopter categories falling later in the adoption curve, gards (ibid.). Evolving policies in the public sector are
since these categories are less likely than innovators driving innovation with regard to green building, and
and early adopters to deliberately seek complexity as a are helping to spur broader adoption of green build-
desirable attribute of innovations (Moore 1991). ing tools, practices, and technologies among a wide
variety of stakeholders. The tools to support green
DISCUSSION building implementation must evolve as well to real-
The findings of this research lead to several observa- ize ongoing success in achieving sustainability goals
tions about both the status of the current tool inven- across the project portfolio and across the population
tory to support green building and the overall process of all adopters.
of evaluating and selecting decision support tools for
capital project design. The following subsections de- Evaluating and Selecting Decision Support
scribe these observations in detail. Tools for Capital Project Design
The major challenge addressed by this research was
Status of Current Tool Inventory how best to make recommendations for potentially
The findings of the tool inventory, mapping, and useful DSTs to designers of public sector projects new
characterization suggest a need to reorganize how to the concept of green building, or at least to create
technical assistance is provided to green building the best conditions possible for a good match to occur.

14 Journal of Green Building

The target users of the framework developed in this Many existing tools in the inventory performed
research are practicing, qualified professionals in the well on some of these attributes but not on others.
architecture/engineering field, but novices with re- Often, tools with significant relative advantage for
spect to the technologies, strategies, and practices asso- making LEED credit determinations (e.g., building
ciated with green building. As previously described, energy models or natural ventilation models) fared
they can also be characterized as functioning within a comparatively poorly with respect to our target user
resource-constrained decision environment in which base, which would have to add additional steps and
they are subject to multiple mandates and design ob- inputs to their design process (poor compatibility),
jectives which are often unfunded and may be com- obtain new types of expertise either in-house or on a
peting or even conflicting. The mechanisms and met- contract basis (poor complexity), and invest significant
rics by which their performance will be evaluated are cost to purchase licenses (poor trialability). In con-
not always defined, since many agencies rely on self- trast, tools such as databases of green products that
certification or spot checking to ensure compliance. were low cost or free (good trialability) using general
These factors combine to create a challenging de- practitioner knowledge (good complexity) and requir-
cision environment, in some cases to the point of re- ing comparatively few process changes (good compat-
ducing motivation due to skepticism that project sus- ibility) often failed to provide enough information to
tainability goals can actually be achieved. It is in this lead to conclusions about LEED credits without sig-
context, coupled with lack of knowledge about green nificant additional information and process steps (low
building plus an overload of available information, in relative advantage and observability of outcomes).
which our pool of potential adopters of green build- Managing tradeoffs in the evaluation and selection of
ing DSTs undertake their work. Incorporating theo- tools is an additional step that must be undertaken to
ries of adoption and diffusion of innovation in this make effective recommendations to specific user bases
research was based on an understanding that our user about what types of tools may work best for them.
base is facing what is in essence an evaluation task Tasks like product selection/specification, while ap-
coupled with an innovation adoption decision, even pearing to be straightforward based on the structure of
as they seek to comprehend the larger construct of typical product databases, are really quite complex in
sustainability driving overall project objectives. the context of public sector facility design, subject as it
The ideal tool for our user base, given our under- is to procurement requirements, aversion to risk of
standing of the attributes of innovation that affect product failure by stakeholders, and budgetary and
their adoption, would exhibit the following charac- scheduling constraints. In fact, product selection for
teristics: green building on public projects is not only a task re-
quiring the support of innovative tools to complete, it
• It would yield information directly relevant and
also is itself an innovation adoption decision where
immediately practicable for meeting project objec-
new types of products and materials are being em-
tives such as LEED ‘Silver’ (relative advantage);
ployed to meet project goals. These types of multi-
• It would yield this information without requiring
tiered innovation decisions have not been extensively
any changes in existing operational procedures
explored in the domain of capital projects and repre-
and without requiring additional supporting re-
sent an opportunity to explore how diffusion of inno-
sources (compatibility);
vation theory can be applied and adapted to reflect the
• It would yield this information to the average
unique qualities of the industry.
user without any specialized expertise or extensive
training (complexity);
• It would afford the ability for users to experiment FUTURE RESEARCH/NEXT STEPS
and test drive the tool in real contexts without sig- Given the outcomes of this work, several areas for ad-
nificant investment or for free (trialability); and ditional research can be considered as next steps, in-
• It would yield rich and complete information suf- cluding: usability testing and validation of organizing
ficient to address the task to which it is being ap- frameworks to support tool selection; development of
plied (observability). new tools and/or adaptation of existing tools to meet

Volume 2, Number 3 15
both new and presently underserved user require- were explored in detail in this exploratory research,
ments; investigation of different delivery and dissem- classifying existing tools across all five parameters
ination approaches for tool information; and devel- would likely suggest additional niches that could be
oping a better understanding of the dynamics of fit filled with additional tools.
among tool, user, problem, and context. The section
concludes with a set of recommended next steps for Investigation of different
project stakeholders based on the research. The fol- delivery/dissemination approaches
lowing subsections describe each of these areas in From the standpoint of communicating key informa-
greater detail. tion about tools to potential users, another important
area for research is the investigation not only of what
Usability testing of organizing frameworks information to communicate about the tools, but also
The first area for additional research is the need to how best to communicate it. The pilot hybrid frame-
better understand the different ways in which users work developed in this research captured information
interact with organizing frameworks such as the ones about tools and their attributes in a tabbed spread-
reviewed in this article. Empirical validation could be sheet format, making it easy to access from a variety
employed to further test the hypotheses posed here of platforms and easy to understand by users already
that attributes of innovations affect both (a) the familiar with how spreadsheets work. It was also easy
adoptability of a tool by a target user base; and (b) the to update—perhaps almost too easy. Given its local-
initial and ongoing likelihood of success of the ized (as opposed to centralized) representation of
adopter who employs that tool. A better understand- data, the spreadsheet could easily be modified by in-
ing of how selection and adoption processes occur in dividual users without sharing those modifications
actual decision environments could lead to insights with other users, thereby missing a key opportunity
about how best to organize and provide information to capture valuable information from the field and
about tools to maximize their likelihood of being no- eliminating the ability to impose quality control on
ticed at the right time and used in the best way possi- the contents of the database. Other delivery/dissemi-
ble. One way to approach this task is via empirical us- nation approaches, most notably web-based ap-
ability testing of different ways of representing and proaches, could effectively address some of these
organizing information about decision support tools, weaknesses, but at the cost of ongoing hosting and
and observing how different stakeholders interact maintenance requirements. In fact, most of the key
with different representations. This area of investiga- sources of tools inventoried in this research were web-
tion also affords opportunities to empirically validate based. However, our understanding of how users in
the innovation-based characterization of tools devel- the design and construction field perceive and inter-
oped in this research. act with these different types of tools is only begin-
ning to be explored, and additional research could
Development of new tools/adaptation of shed considerable light on what approaches may be
existing tools to meet user requirements most effective with different types of users.
The characterization of tools established in this re-
search also highlights opportunities for developing Understanding fit between design tools and
new tools and adapting existing tools to better ad- their context of application
dress the specific needs and attributes of tool adopters Finally, each of the previously described areas for fu-
new to green building. Increasing the trialability or ture research contributes in its own way toward a bet-
LEED specificity of existing tools may increase their ter understanding of how design tools and other capi-
appeal to novice users subject to LEED as a primary tal project tools are adopted and used with varying
performance metric. Developers of new tools should levels of success and impact in different contexts, with
also consider these attributes when designing tools to different users, and to address different problems. Fur-
appeal to this market niche. While only two of the ther expanding the application of innovation theory to
five attributes of innovations identified by Rogers green building remains a rich area for study—we only

16 Journal of Green Building

explored some of the attributes of innovation here, tools that can apply not only to Army capital project
and did not consider other pieces of the theory that teams but also other novice project teams pursuing
may impact how tools are adopted such as the details LEED certification. The database created as a result
of adopter attributes, context attributes, or others. A of this work has the potential to create better matches
better understanding of the variations and deviations between designers new to the field of green building
in practice that occur with respect to our classical un- and tools that can help them achieve specific project
derstanding and theoretical representation of capital goals related to LEED. While the research was lim-
project processes would provide a rich landscape for ited to a subset of all variables that could be consid-
modeling how tools are actually used in practice, not ered within the rubric of innovation theory, it
just how their creators intend or expect them to be demonstrates the potential for using this theory as a
used. Better operationalization of the construct of fit basis to make tool selection recommendations and
between tool, problem, user, and context could lead to help prioritize the search for effective tools.
recommendations of tools for specific situations that In the short term, the inventory created in this re-
maximize the overall impact of those tools, while re- search is already being used in the public sector as a
ducing the likelihood of negative experiences that catalogue of tools to support green building. In the
could delay adoption of positive innovations. longer term, the database is an initial step toward
constructing an effective resource for A/E profession-
Next steps for project stakeholders als in the public and private sectors. While the find-
Project stakeholders seeking to apply this work could ings of this research focused specifically on a subset of
immediately benefit from the broad variety of tools designers involved with public sector projects, specif-
identified in this survey about which they may not al- ically designers of Army facilities who are novices to
ready know. Novice designers in particular can use green building concepts, the overall approach used
the database and filters developed here as a way to pri- here could be tested in other contexts to determine its
oritize inroads to the vast number of resources already generalizability and applicability.
available to support their decisions. Project owners Sustainability is growing as an important consider-
can also benefit by introducing their design teams to ation across the construction industry. In project en-
these tools and by working with all members of the vironments with multiple constraints and competing
project team to establish clear, reasonable, and mutu- objectives, effective tools to support decision making
ally understood project sustainability goals. Active use are a welcome resource for designers and other proj-
of the set of existing tools will result in useful feed- ect stakeholders. Finding the right tool for a given
back to developers of current and future tools which problem has been and will always be a challenge in
will help them adapt their tools to better fit the needs this environment. The principles of innovation the-
of future project teams in the constantly evolving ory can help to facilitate this process, thereby for-
public sector project environment. Finally, using tools warding the larger goals of sustainability within the
to result in more effective projects will result in built environment.
broader diffusion of the benefits of sustainability, and
may provide a basis to encourage additional support ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
for research and development in this area. The research reported in this paper was conducted by
the National Defense Center for Environmental Ex-
CONCLUSIONS cellence (NDCEE) as part of the Fiscal Year 2005
The research reported in this article represents an on- Sustainable Installations Initiative Task 0440. The
going effort to link green building DSTs to potential NDCEE operates under the direction of the Deputy
users with the goal of improving the sustainability of Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environment,
capital projects. By inventorying a broad spectrum of Safety and Occupational Health (DASA-ESOH).
decision support tools and characterizing their adopt- The authors would like to express appreciation and
ability by a specific user base, this research explored a recognition for support provided by United States
new way to structure information about available Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Construction

Volume 2, Number 3 17
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services/highperformance/leed_co/index.htm port tools for sustainable urban development, Proceedings of the
12. Guide is available at: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/ Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability
pdfs/034413_resguidefedconsmgr.pdf 158(ES3): 135-142
13. WBDG is available at: http://www.wbdg.org/ Loftness, V., Hartkopf, V., Gurtekin, B., Hua, Y., Qu, M., Snyder,
14. Database of Software Tools available at: http://www.eere. M., Gu, Y., and Yang, X. (2006). Building Investment Decision
energy.gov/buildings/tools_directory/ Support (BIDSTM): Cost-Benefit Tool to Promote High Perfor-
15. Database of High Performance Building Case Studies is avail- mance Components, Flexible Infrastructures and Systems Integra-
able at: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/database/ tion for Sustainable Commercial Buildings and Productive
16. A total of 330 tool ‘occurrences’ are captured in the database, Organizations. Carnegie Mellon University Center for Building
but this number represents overlap and repetition of tools Performance and Diagnostics, Pittsburgh, PA. Portions of this
placed in more than one category. report are available online at http://www.aia.org/SiteObjects/
17. There are a few exceptions for software that was commonly ref- files/BIDS_color.pdf.
erenced in the sources searched. Furthermore, the EERE data- Mackley, C., MacLennan, P., Miller, A., and Curwell, S. (2000).
base of software tools http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/ “Environmental education for the building industry: An inter-
tools_directory/ presents exceptional detail on tools including net resource,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Sus-
advantages and disadvantages. This work did not attempt to tainable Building 2000, Maastricht, NL, 174-176.
recreate this resource, only to identify it for potential users. Mendler, S., Odell, W., and Lazarus, M.A. (2006). The HOK
Guidebook to Sustainable Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Hoboken, NJ.

18 Journal of Green Building

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Volume 2, Number 3 19

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