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Lesson 2. Mates.

Describe what you see

Read the following phrase and answer questions below:

In the cookie of life friends are the chocolate chips.

• Do you agree with it?
• Do you like cookies with chocolate chips?
• Now replace the cookies&chips with your favorite food and make your own
quote: E.g. In the pizza of life friends are the cheese.

hard-hearted — чёрствый
helpful — услужливый
honest — честный
keen — увлеченный
open-minded — отзывчивый
party animal — тусовщик
pleasant — приятный
polite — вежливый
reliable — надежный
reserved — сдержанный
rude — грубый
sympathetic — сочувствующий
tolerant — терпимый
wise — мудрый
workaholic — трудоголик
Your sympathetic smile is not pleasant for me.
Твоя сочувствующая улыбка мне неприятна.
He will be much wiser than you. I’m sure.
Он будет намного мудрее тебя. Я уверен.
Please, don’t think that I am hard-hearted and ungrateful.
Не думай, пожалуйста, что я черствый и неблагодарный.
I am quite keen on art. I often go to exhibitions.
Я действительно увлечена искусством. Я часто хожу на выставки.
Is your husband open-minded?
Ваш муж отзывчивый?
When will you be more tolerant of that?
Когда вы будете более терпимы к этому?
What are you tired of?
От чего ты устал?
Will you be more reserved next time?
Ты будешь сдержаннее в следующий раз?
I am not a workaholic. I am quite lazy.
Я не трудоголик. Я достаточно ленивый.
Are you responsible for this project?
Вы ответственны за этот проект?

I am totally right. – Я совершенно прав.

She was really hard-hearted then. – Она была действительно черствой тогда.
She will not be so chatty next time. – Она не будет такой болтливой в следующий
He is really polite all the time. – Он действительно всегда вежлив.
We were not so fair yesterday. – Мы не были такими справедливыми вчера.

Time to talk

1. How does a friend become a friend?

2. What do best friends feel about each other?

3. What should good friends do for each other? And why?

4. Does a perfect friend have to be the same as you or not? And why?

5. What are the advantages of having friends of all ages?

6. Should we get acquainted with people that are different from ourselves?

7. What is the most valuable thing you have to offer as a friend?

8. If you can choose any friend in the world, who will it be?

9. Are your childhood mates those you have the strongest bonds with?

10. Do you think it's possible to live fully without friends?


What's a Real Friend?

1. Toxic friends are the best friends.




2. A reliable friend always spreads lies about you.




3. One committed friend is better than a hundred of fake ones.




4. Bestie is a person who's always by your side when the time is harsh.



Let’s imagine

You’re telling your bestie about your new friend that

you met in the summer camp


A: Oh, Lord! You won’t believe who I met in the summer camp last month!

B: You think so? OK, who?


A: The craziest person ever!

B: Aren’t you exaggerating?

A: Maybe I am. But my new friend is just so awesome!

B: So, would you like to tell me more about him or her?

• Oh, Lord! You won’t …!

• The … person ever!

• Maybe … But ...

• Ok, he’s ...

• Moreover, he/she ...

• And the coolest part ...

• You know, it’s so rare ...

• I think we really ...

• I hope ...

• I can’t wait to …!

Let’s have fun

Explain the following in your own words:
• minion

• rude

• workaholic

• couch potato

• Hulk

• saxophone

• party animal

• hard-hearted

• pizza 

Write it up

Give definitions to the following words: hard-hearted; open-minded; party animal;

workaholic; wise.

Study the following phrases
Your sympathetic smile is not pleasant for me.
Твоя сочувствующая улыбка мне неприятна.
He will be much wiser than you. I’m sure.
Он будет намного мудрее тебя. Я уверен.
Please, don’t think that I am hard-hearted and ungrateful.
Не думай, пожалуйста, что я черствый и неблагодарный.
I am quite keen on art. I often go to exhibitions.
Я действительно увлечена искусством. Я часто хожу на выставки.
Is your husband open-minded?
Ваш муж отзывчивый?
When will you be more tolerant of that?
Когда вы будете более терпимы к этому?
What are you tired of?
От чего ты устал?
Will you be more reserved next time?
Ты будешь сдержаннее в следующий раз?
I am not a workaholic. I am quite lazy.
Я не трудоголик. Я достаточно ленивый.
Are you responsible for this project?
Вы ответственны за этот проект?

Read and add new words

Gulliver in Lilliput by Jonathan Swift

Part 2

One day the emperor visits Gulliver. He speaks to Gulliver but Gulliver does not
understand the emperor. The emperor sends ten clever teachers. They teach Gulliver
their language. Gulliver learns very quickly. The country’s name is Lilliput. The language
is called Lilliputian. Gulliver is very happy. Now he can talk to the little people. One day
Gulliver asks the emperor a question.

‘Please, your majesty, can I go? I want to be free!’

But the emperor is not sure. ‘Is Gulliver dangerous?’ he thinks. The emperor asks some
officers to look in Gulliver’s pockets. Gulliver helps the men. The officers make a list of
the things they find.

They tell the emperor what is in Gulliver’s pockets. This strange thing is for his hair. This
machine says ‘tick tock’. This is a book. But we don’t understand the words. We don‘t
know what this is.

‘Fine. You can free Gulliver.’

Gulliver is free now. He visits the city. The children play with him in the streets. Gulliver
is very happy.

One day the emperor talks to Gulliver.

'We need your help. The people of Blefuscu want to attack Lilliput.’

'What‘s Blefuscu?’

'It‘s a country. The people of Blefuscu are bad.’

'Why do they want to attack Lilliput?’

'Because we eat our eggs like this and ...’

'Oh! And is that important?’

'… they eat their eggs like that.’

'Very important.’


Gulliver helps the emperor. He goes to Blefuscu and pulls its ships to Lilliput. Now
Blefuscu cannot attack Lilliput.

The emperor of Lilliput is very happy. But there are some bad men in Lilliput. They want
to kill Gulliver. ‘He is too big. He eats too much,’ say the bad men. So one day Gulliver
leaves Lilliput. He goes to Blefuscu and looks for new adventures there.

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