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TWO ...
ONE ...
"Those who came bel are us made certain that this
COUll try rode the first waves of the industrial revolutioll ,
the first waves of modern illvention, and the first wave
of nuclear power, allil this generation does 1I0t ill tend to
foullder in the backwash of the coming age of space.

"We mean to be a part of it. JPe mean to lead it,

lor the eyes of the world I/OW look into space, to the
moon and to the planets beyond, al/(i we have vowed
that we shalll/ot see it governed by a hostile /lag of
CO'/(/uest, but by a banner of freedom antl peace.

"JP e have vowed that we shall not see space filled

with weapons of mass destruction, but with
instrumellts 0/ knowledge and ulH/ersumding.

"Yet the vows of this Nation can only be lulfilled

if we in this Nation are first, alld therefore, we
illtellfl to be first. In short, our lellllership in
science ami ill iru/ustry, our hopes for peace amI
security, our obligatiolls to ourselves as well as
others, all require us to make this effort, to solve
these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all mell ,
amI to become the worM's leading space/tIring nation.

"JVe set sail on this new sea because there is lIew

knowledge to I,e gained, and new rights 10 be IVan,
{//,d they must ',e won aI/(/ used for the progress 01
all people. For space sciellce, like nuclear sciellce
(lnd all technology, lUIS 110 cOlluience of its 01/111 • • • •
"We choose to go to Ihe mooll ill this decade amI do
Ihe other things, 1I0t because they are easy, but
because they are hartl, IIecause that goal will serve
to orgallize alld measure the best 01 our energies
alld skills, becallse that challenge is one that we are
willing to accept, aile we are unwillillg to poslpolle,
and 011(' which we intend to win, {///(/ the others, too."

.. . Excerpts from President Kenn edy's remarks a t R ice

University in l-rOll ~ ton , Tex .. September 12, ]962.
What I s Project Mercury? . . . . . 2
The One-Man Mercury Spacecraft . . 2
What Is A Mercury Space Flight Like? 3
What Is Project Gemini? . . . . 11
The Two-Man Gemini Spacecraft. 11
To Launch The Gemini Spacecraft 13
How Will The Gemini Orbital Rendezvous Experi-
ment Be Carried Ou t? . . . . . . . . . . 13
What I s The Significa nce of Orbital Rendezvous? 16
Gemini Crew May Step Out Into Space 16
What I s Project Apollo? . . . . . 17
The Three-M an Apollo Spacecraft 17
To Launch Apollo Spacecraft. . . 19
Apollo Step One- Earth Orbital Mission s 20
Apollo Step Two- Rendezvous R ehea rsa ls 21
Apollo Step Three-Exploring the Moon. 21
Spacecraft and cre " me mbe rs are oymbo lized in rectan g les r e pre se ntin~
NASA's three proj ec ts l ea din p: to ('xplora ti on of th e mnon and to more
Why Are Initial Manned Lunar Landings To Be
advan ce d vent ures. Accomplished Via Lunar Orbit Rendezvous? . 24
Unmanned Spacecraft- Trailblazers For Apoll o. 24
Who I s Conducting Proj ect s Mercury, Gemini, and
Apollo? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
OR CENTURIES. man has looked to the ski es and so ught to
F brea k th e chains whi ch shackl ed him to a si ngl e pl anet in the
vast unive rse. This aspiration has ste mmed not onl y from his
c uri osity but a lso fr om man's fundamenta l thirst for kn ow ledge
a nd hi s readiness to accept a challenge. Today, he ma y be on
th e threshold of rea lizing this ambiti on.
Man has alread y succeeded in orbiting and returning to ea rth ,
the logica l first step in space exp loration. Now, he is literall y
reaching fo r th e moo n as th e first stop on th e way to more
a dvan ced ventures.
The President and Co ngress have set the land in /< of a n Ame ri·
ca n on til e moo n in thi s decade as a maj or Na ti onal goa l. The
United States program directed toward achieving thi s goal in ·
c1udes three proj ects- Mercury. Gemini, and Apollo-each of
which is designed to lay a so und f ound ati on f or additional
progress. T ogeth er. thcy cO ll stitute the g rea test sin gle en-
gin ee rin g enterpri se in thi s \'ati o n's hi sto ry.


Project Mercury was orga nized October 5. 1958, to orbit a
mann ed c ra ft. investi ga te ma n's reacti on to and a bilities in
space ni g ht, and rf'cove r sa fe ly both man and spacecraft.
The Mercury ni g hts havc demonstrated til at the hi g h gravity
forces o f takeoff and entr y into th e a tmosp here an d weightless-
ness in fli g ht. l a~ tin g hour~. do not interfere with the ab i lity of
man to perform co ntrol tasks as effi cientl y as in th e cockpit of a
hi g h-perfo rman ce ai rcraft. In addition, man can co nduct
scie ntific o bse rvati o ns and ex pe rime nt!:' in spac(', thus a ug-
~ r menting a nd cla rif) in g informati on fr om in strumen ts.

Major assemblies o f Mercury spacecraft.

is shaped like a be ll. Its base is about 6 feet across. Without
2 the escape towe r. it stand s nea rl y 10 feet hi gh and weighs about
3.000 pound s.
The safety of th e astro na ut was a maj o r ('o nside ra ti o n 1n
desig nin g th e Me rcury s pacec raft.
The s pacec ra ft co ntain s a co uc h sha ped to fit th e ('o nto ur" or
th e astr on a ut's b od y. Thi s co uch helps him to e ndure th e A stronaut Alan B. She pard, Jr. , is reco ver ed b y helicopter alter
g rea t press ures of la un ch a nd of entr y into ea rth \ a tm os ph ere. fir st Mercury suborbital rock e t flight.
A r ocket-p owe red esca pe towe r m ounted o n th e s pacec r a ft
can be tri gge red by co nditi o ns th a t fo retell a n impe ndin g ma l-
fun cti on of th e A tl as hooste r a nd ca n pro ill ptl y plIll th e as tr o-
naut out of d a nge r.
Indi cators on a n instru ment pa nel nas h reel if a ny vita l
mechani s ms a re fa ilin g to d o th eir j ob.
P ac h 'd into th e spacec r aft a r e 7 mil es of electri ca l w iring.
hundreds of in s- truments. switches. ra di o,, _ a nd li ghts. a nd e lec-
tron ic systems to ass ure prope r opera ti on a nd timin g. Behi nd
every vital co mpo ne nt is a t least o ne a ltern a te syste m th a t ea n
read il y substitute fo r it. Nea rl ) eve ry "VIe rcur y s pacec r a ft
oper a ti on ca n be co ndu cted a uto ma ti ca ll y_ b y ra di o fr om ea rth _
or b y th e astr ona ut with ma nual co ntro ls.


Th e astro naut ca n co ntrol the sp acec ra ft ori entati on in sp ace.
H e can pitch th e nose up a nd d o wn , ya w to th e ri g ht a nd left. o r
r oll aro un d th e lo ng ax is by activa tin g hydr ogen-per oxide atti-
tud e-co ntrol j ets. Durin g o r b ita l ni ght. however, he can no t
co ntr ol th e cou rse of th e " paeerra ft whi c h foll o ws th e pa th s-et
wh en th e Atl as b ooste r in serts th e c raft into o rbit.
If th e astr ona ut is b usy with o th er tasks, he can also set th e
a ttitud e co ntro l j ets to positi on th e c ra ft a uto ma ti ca ll y for en tr y
into th e a tm osph ere .


As tr on a uts Al a n B. S hepard. Jr.. a nd Virgil 1. Grissom m a de
"VIe rc ur ), sub orb ita l ni g hts o n M ay 5 a nd Jul y 21, 1961, respec-
ti vely. Both new as high as 1 F i miles ab ove th e ea rth an d 3
landed a bout 300 mil es fr om th e ir Cape Canave ral la un ch site.
Each flight lasted about 15 minutes. Maximum speed was
approximately 5,000 miles per hour. At launch and at entry
into the atmosphere, Shepard and Grissom were subjected to
gravity forces as high as 11 times their weight (llg). Each was
weightless for about 5 minutes during flight.
The flights of Shepard and Grissom opened the way for
United States manned orbital flights. On February 20, 1962,
John H. Glenn, Jr., flew three times around the world. On May
24, 1962, Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter completed an almost
duplicate journey. On October 3, 1962, Walter M. Schirra, Jr.,
carried out a six-orbit mission. And on May 16, 1963, L. Gordon
Cooper, Jr., completed a 22-orbit flight.
While each Mercury mission is subject to some unique occur-
rences, flights are characterized for the most part by the sequence
of events depicted below.

The astronaut awakens before dawn and eats a low-residue
breakfast- for example: ora nge juice, scrambled eggs, toast,
jelly, beverage, and steak. After a final medical examination
durin g which medical sensors are taped to hi s bod y he dons hi s
pressure suit a nd rides in the tran sfer van fr om hi s quarters
to the launch pad.
An elevator carri es him to a platform near the top of the
service structure (gantry) . From here he crosses to and enters
the Mercur y spacecraft, whi ch is mounted on the great Atlas
booster. Lyin g on his form-fittin g co uch, he m akes final checks
of instruments while laun ch prep arations co ntinue.

At lift-off, the Atlas climbs slowly at first, then -rapidly ac-
celerates as thrust builds up. The spacecraft and booster broad-
cast data to ground stations which relay it to giant computers
at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The computers
compare this data with the fli ght program established in ad-
4 vance; if everything is in order, Goddard flashes to Mercury
Opposite, above: Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom. prepares to enter
Liberty Bell 7 /or suborbital space flight.

Opposite, below: Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, second America"

to orbit the earth, pokes his head /rom open top 0/ Mercury cra/t.

Right: Astronaut Walter M. Schirra, Jr. , enters gall try prior to his
six-orbit flight 0/ October 3, 1962.

Above: Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., practices controlling a

spacecra/t during preparation for his 22-orbit 34-hour flight.

Control Center, Cape Cana veral, Fl a., that the traj ectory IS

After 5 minutes, the Atlas rocket engin e is cu t off . The space-
craft separa tes fr om the launch vehicle. In orbit, the orienta-
ti on jets tu rn the spacecraft around , blunt end fr ont. The space-
cra ft's altitude ra nges fr om about 100 to approximately 160
miles. Velocity is about 17,500 miles per hour.
The pilot is weightless. Like a stone attached to a piece of
str in g and swung in a circle, th e vehicle is travelin g at the exact
speed wh ere the centrifugal force of its circular motion neu-
tra lizes the pull of earth's gravity. The astronaut checks his
in strument panel. At times, he manually operates the capsule's
a utomati c system which co rrects any for ward , backward, or side-
ward roll by emitting spurts of gas. The astronaut can shut off
these attitud e control jets for extend ed peri ods in order t.o con-
serve fu el for return t o earth.
The astro naut looks out the wind ow to or ient his position with
respect to earth and make assigned scientifi c obser vation s. He
has two separate r adio systems through which he can talk to
gr ound personn el, including hi s fellow astrona uts.
In each 90-minute orbi t, the spacecraft fli es 27 ,000 mi les.
Near th e end of the fina l orbit, th e pilot is told by ground con-
trollers to prepare for reentry. Either automati cally or under

pil ot co ntrol, the capsule is positioned for thi s critical maneuver.
Three small retrorockets fa cing forward are fired to slow the
spacecraft for r eturn to earth.

As the spacecraft drops into the atmosphere like a meteor ,
heat on its fr ont end r eaches about 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit

Left, above : Mome nts after zero counulOlVn , first Mercury lnannecl
orbital flight , February 20, 1962.
Le ft , be low: Artist' s conception of M e rcury spacecraft separatin g
8 from Atlas in orbit.
nut is di ss ipated by melti ng. eva porat ion, and charring of th e
su rf ace of th e heat shi eld. Velocity drops fr om about ] 5.000
to 100 mi les per hour in less than 5 minutes, resultin g in forces
of a lmost eight times gravit y r8g) on th e spaceman.
At about 20,000 feet. a 6·foot-d iameter parachu te is releasrcl
to slow and stabilize th e craft. At about 10,000 fee t, the 6:)-
foo t-d iameter main parachute is deployed .
A plastic, air-fill ed bag is exten ded c] feet below th e hea t shi elcl
to help absorb the shock of the landing. Upon touchd own , both
(" hutes are j etti so ned: th e craft's. rarli o beaco n begins s ignalin g.

U.S . Navy vessels are wa ltlllg in the recovery area for th e
spacecraft and its astronaut. Th ey are aided by heli copters and
sear ch aircraft. Th e Mercur y spacec ra ft and as tro naut arc
pi cked up by heli copters and / or ships.


The earth's rotation, the nature of the spacecraft's orbit, and
other considerations are involved in selection of the landing
area for a Mercury mission. For example, the planned landin g
areas for the three-orbit flights of Astronauts Glenn and Carpen-
ter were in the Atlantic Ocean . The planned landing areas for
Astronauts Schirra and Cooper at the ends of their respective
6- and 22-orbit journeys were in the Pacific Ocean.

Mercur y flights have proved the technical so undness of the
project and provid ed vita l inform a ti on for use in Projects

Gem ini and Apollo. Amo ng other things, they have demon-
strated th e tremendous potential of man in space. As a result, ("
Right , above: Astronaut John H_ Glen", Jr. , during his historic
orbital /light. ""'!"

Right , cent e r: Mercury capsule in orbit (artist's conception).

Right , below: O cean landing completes each Mercury mission.

6 92 - 386 0 . 6 3 - 2
Below: Overhead view of Gemi"i spacecraft mock-up with doors
ajar showi"g some of the accommodatio"s lor two pilots. 111 the
foreground; Agena's docking structure with which Gemini will
connect in orbit.
Oppos ite, left: Mock-up of Gemi"i spacecraft as it will appear
duri"g orbital /light.
Opposite, right: Separated segments of Gemini mock-up. At
right is clocking structure of Agel/a which contaills apparatus for
li"k-up of spacecraft ami rocket.

Nige rians watch operatioll of Mercury antenna at Kano. It is

part of a world-wide lIetwork of Mercury tracking and data ac-
quisition stations.

NASA is increasing emphasis on man as a co ntroller of his

spacecraft and supervisor of the operation of his automatic
systems. This will permit significan t improvement in the overall
Much of the pilot-training experien ce gained through Mer-
cury is also directly applicable to that req uired by pilots of the
Gemini and Apollo spacecraft.


During orbital flights, 16 radio and radar stations around
the world maintain voice communication with the astronaut and
receive electronic data reporting on the condition s of the space-
craft and astronaut. The stations are linked by 100,000 miles
of teletypewriter, 35,000 miles of telephone, and 5,000 miles of
data circuits. The data are funneled into computers at NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md ., where they are co n-
verted into usab le information and flashed to Mercury Control
Center, Cape Canaveral, Fla. The stations are located at or on:
Cape Ca naveral, Fla. Muchea, Australia
Grand Bahama Island * Woomera, Australia

Gra nd Turk Isla nd* Can ton Island (3) T o carr y out scientific investigations of space that
Bermuda Ka ua i, Hawa ii require parti cipati on and supervision of men aboard a
Canary I slands Po int Arguell o, Calif.
K ano, Nigeri a Guay mas, Mex.
Za nziba r W hit e Sands, N. i\ [ex. (4.) T o demonstrate controlled entry into the atmos-
Indi an Ocea n Shi p Corp us Christi , T ex. phere a nd landin g at a selected site.
P acifi c Ocea n Shi p' '" Eglin, Fla. The Depa rtm enl o f Defense is parti cipating with NASA in
Project Gemini. Th e Secretar y of Defense a nd the NASA Ad -
* P a rt o[ th e Cape Ca na veral sta tion com plex .
* *Stationed in th e Atla ntic Ocea n [or three·o r bit orbit mi ss ions.
ministrator ha ve agreed on joint arra ngements for the plannin g
of ex periments. th e -conduct of fli ght tests, and the a nalysis and
The Mer cury network is bein g modified and a ugmented to di sse min ati on of results.
meet the increased requirements of future manned space fli ghls.
WHAT IS PROJECT GEMINI? externally resembles the Mercury spacecraft. It is 1112 feet
The next maj or step after Mercury in the U nited States wider than Mercury at the base and lengthened proportionately .
manned space flight program is Project Gemini. This p roject's It provides about 50 percent more cabin space than Mer cury
go als are : and weighs about 7,000 pounds. Two men will pilot the
(l) To determine ma n's performan ce a nd behav ior dur- Gemini spacecraft.
ing prolonged orbital fli ghts of as much as 2 weeks, in clud- In contrast to Mer cury, man y Gemini components will be out-
ing his ab ility as a pi lot and controller of his craft ; side the crew co mpartments and arranged in easily removab le
(2) To develop a nd perfect techniques for orbita l reno units, th ereby fac ilitatin g check-out a nd maintenance.
dezvou s and docking, the bringin g together and couplin g of Includ ed in Gemini equipment are cl ocking apparatus for
cr aft in orbit. couplin g with a nother vehicle in space; a life support system 11
for maintaining pressure, temperature. and atm ospheric compo·
siti o n of the cr ew cabin ; instruments to collect, trans mit, and
record data on co nditi ons of th e spacecra ft a nd astro na uts;
g uidance and controls systems opera tin g in co nj ull cti on with a
co mputer to aid in na viga ti o n, rend ezvo us with a noth e r crafl.
entering ea rth's atmosphere, and landin g; r adar to a iel in
rendezvous operatio ns; and a landin g and recover y sys tem in·
eluding a small parachute to stabi lize the cra Ft, th e paraglid e r
Flared pa rCl rvin g gives Ge mini sufficiell t lilt lor pilots to co ntro l
mechani sm, landing gea r. and recovery aids s uch as tracking
t il l' cra lt's landin g area.
beaco ns, Rashin g lights, and two·way voice radi os.


Un like th e Mercury spacecraft, Gemini wi ll have no escape
tower. In stead, each as trona ut will have an ejecti on seat (simi ·
la r to that used in a fig hte r aircraft) for esca pe elurin g la un ch FUEL CELLS SUPPLY ELECTRICITY
o r for emergencies in the recovery ph ase. Gemini will be the first spacecraft to utilize fuel cells for elec·
Roll ·out co uches a nd hin ged d oo rs wi ll facilitate jJi lot entry tri cal power. Its two fu el cell s wi ll crea te electricity through
into and ex it from the c raft. Two winds hi e lds, o ne for each a chemical r eaction of hydroge n and oxygen. A byprodu ct
astronaut, s upplant t he s in g le porth ole of Mercury. of th is r eacti on is a r int of drinking water per kilowatt hour.
Th e fu e l ce ll s a re loca ted in th e equipment module which is
ADAPTER SECTION TO BE ATTACHED jettisoned when the spacecra ft is readi ed f or atmosphere e ntr y.
An array of sil ve r zinc batteries loca ted in th e reentr y modu le
Gemini's resemblan ce to Mercury is parti all y obsc ured by tlt c
provides power after th e eCjuipment module is di sca rd ed.
two-pi ece adapter secti o n which is attached to th e hea t shi eld a t
Gemini's base. The adap te r secti on is TV:.l feet in diameter at TO LAND LIKE AN AIRPLANE
the top, 7V:.l feet long, and 10 feet in di amete r at its base. It Early Gemini Ri ghts will emp loy parachutes for landing.
weighs about 2,200 ro und s. It is made up of th e equipment and Eventually, the parachutes wi ll be replaced by a 4.5-foot widc
retrograde m odules. As an aid in di stin g uishing the Gemini wedge·shaped parag lid er , based on a co ncept developed by
pa rts, th e cr ew section has been desig nated the reentry module. Fran cis Roga ll o of NASA's Lan gley Resea rch Center.
The eq ui pm ent m odu le co ntain s f uel, fu el cell s (see below), T he paraglid er wi ll be part o f the eq uipm ent of the r eentry
modu le, the on ly part of Gemi ni designed to return to earth.
oxygen for breathin g, and a propulsion sys tem fo r o rbital atti-
Th e device. dep loyed a t about 40.000 feet. wi ll enabl e the astro·
tude co ntr ol (orientati on) a nd ma ne uve rs. The r etrogr ade na uts to mane uver the module to any desired landin g point
m od ul e, sa ndwi ched between th e equipment a nd reentry mod- within a 20·mi le radiu s. Moreove r, th e parag lid e r will permit
u les, contain s the braking rockets that decelerate Gemini and th e modu le to land like an airplane with th e pil ots s itting up·
e nable it to descen d fr om orbit. It also co nta in s a propulsion ri g ht a nd lookin g f orward.
system to md in ori entin g and maneuverin g the spacec raft. When th e paraglider is dep loyed. a s poo n·shaped nose ski
T he astronauts jettiso n the equipment m od ul e during prepara- wi ll automatically extend from th e m odule. The crew wi ll
ti on for return to earth . They di scard the retrograd e m odule the n lower two outri gger skid s. The spacecraft will be de·
just before entry into th e a tmosph er e. s ig ned to land with a forward s peed of about LIS mi les p e r hour.
Le ft , abo ve: Age n C/ in circular o rb it after laull ch b y A tlas.
Left, be low : Ge m i"i separates from second sta ge 0/ Titan 11 and
go es illto ell iptical orbit.


For laun chin g the Gemini spacecraft, NASA has chosen the
Titan II booster , a U.S. Air Fo rce vehicle. Titan II utilizes
a type of liquid propellant which ca n be stored indefin itely in
the fu el tanks. Th us, unlike other liquid·fuel boosters whose
propellants must be held at cr yoge ni c (intensely co ld ) tempera·
t'Ires, Titan II can be fueled in ad vance of a launch co untdown
and need not be d r ained of propella nts if a la unch is postponed .
Fli g ht tests of Tita n II started Ma rch 16, 1962, and are con·
tinuin g.
Titan II ha s a 430,000 po und thru st first stage and 100,000
pound thru st second stage. It is 90 feet hi gh a nd 10 feet i n
diameter at the base· The Atlas emp loyed to laun ch Mercur y
generate" 367,000 pound s of thru st.


/' "-
/ \
II/t el/ tionally disproportiollate I \ PHASE 1-LAUNCH AND INSERTION INTO ORBIT
sk etch h ighli ghlS the shorte r
pC/th of the initial Ge m;n; or-
bit which enables the space-
craft 10 overwke the rock e t_
A Gemilli e ll g ine will b e fired
at C/bout the point A , plC/cillg

__ \
' ....... .. /

In the Gemini orbita l rend ezvous mi ssion, an Atlas wi ll fi rst
launch an Agena rocket. modifi ed to link up with the Gemini
spacecr aft, into a nea r·circular or bit. Gr oun d stations will trac k
Age na and determine the best time to launch Gemini. Later ,
a T itan II will propel Gemini into an elongated orbi t with an
Ge milli iI/ to C/n orbit C/lmost altitude gener all y lower than tha t of Agena but with apogee
ide ntical to that 0/ Agena.
AGENA OUIT (hi ghest altitud e) a t th e sa me altitude of the Age na orbit.

692-386 0 - 63 - 3

Left, above: Ma"Pllveri"g rockets /iri"g , the Gemini spacecraft

begins to close in 0" the Age"a.

Left, below: Gemini astronallt observes Agena throllgh wind-

shield as he guides his craft toward the rocket vehicle.
Above: Gemini spacecraft closes in on Agetw.

Because its altitude is lower, Gemini will be able to circle the

earth more quickl y than Agena and graduall y overtake the
rocket. When the two are most fav o rabl y located relative to
each other, a Gemini rocket will be fired to increase Gemini 's
speed and to thru st the s pacec ra fL inLo a circular o rbit alm osL
id enti ca l with that of Agena.
PHASE 2-CLOSING As they near their target, the astronauts must reduce the
relative velocities between the two craft to less than 1112 miles
As soon as Gemini's radar acquires Agena, the so-called
per hour, although both are whirling around the earth at about
closing phase of rendezvous begins. Radar information is fed
18,000 miles per hour. Moreover, they must align the conical
into Gemini's computer which tells the pilots which rockets to
fire and when and how long they must operate them to keep the nose of their craft with the docking socket of the Agena.
craft stabilized and gain on their target_ When the two craft They will accomplish this by using the attitude controls to
pitch Gemini (move its nose up or down), yaw the craft (turn
are about 20 miles apart, the astronauts are expected to sight
Agena and supplement radar information with visual observa- its nose to the right or left) , or roll it around the long axis, as
tion. A high-intensity flashing light on Agena will help the conditions demand.
astronauts keep. their target in sight. By the end of the closing Docking will be accomplished when the cone-shaped nose of
phase, Gemini and Agena will be 10 to 100 feet apart and travel- Gemini is gently nudged into the matching slot of the Agena.
ing in the same orbit. Coupling of the craft will be automatic, and the astronauts will
be able to operate the joined vehicles as a single unit, adding
the Agena's propulsion system to that of the Gemini spacecraft.
At the conclusion of their mission, the astronauts will detach
The final phase of rendezvous is docking, the link-up of the Agena and jettison the equipment module. Then, they will turn
two vehicles. In this phase, much of the sensing, computing, the spacecraft around, fire the retrorockets to slow down and
and decision requirements are within the capability of man. descend to earth, and discard the retrograde module. After
Using visual observation, the astronauts will carefully maneuver reentry they will deploy a small parachute called a drogue to
Gemini into contact with Agena. They are aided by an aiming stabilize the spacecraft. At about 4-0,000 feet , they will unfurl
bar on the Gemini spacecraft and a notch in the rocket's receiv- th!! paraglider and pilot their spacecraft to an airplane-style
ing cone. landing at a selected ground location.

Gemini and Agena assembled.

Before man ca n trul y ca ll himself the master of space, he
Il1U ~ tmaste r o rbita l rendezvo us. Thi s techniqu e ma y ultimately
make it possibl e to asse mbl e th e hu ge space stati ons and th e
massive interplanetary craft required for manned expediti ons to
Venus, Mars, and perhaps as far as Pluto on the outer rim of
the solar system , mu ch sooner than if direct fli g ht were neces·
sa ry. Rend ezvou s ma y also enable astronauts of the future
to refu el, repair, and res upply spacecraft, resc ue other astro-
nauts from di sabled craft, and ferr y crews between th e ea rth
and space stations or between space platforms and plan ets.
Above: After separatioll from AgP1In mill jeuiso1l of equipm e1l' Moreover , ma ster y of orbital rendezvo us is needed to fulfill th e
"ection, Gpmini re trorock e ts nre fired to decrease speed for descen t
10 e{frth.
nited States timetabl e for landing men on th e moon and re-
turnin g them safely to earth. By means of rendezvous in lunar
Below: Missio1l 's end. Recovery {fircr{fft {fud vehicles race to orbits, the Sa turn V, whi ch is und er development, can meet
pick up pilots and spacecraft.
th e launch power requirements of the lunar mi ssion. On the
other hand, a direct earth -moo n Right and a sim ilarly direct re-
turn would req uire a lau nch vehi cle about 50 percent larger and
generatin g so me 60 per,cent more thru st than Sa turn V.
The first rendezvous of craft in space wi ll r eprese nt a s ig nifi -
ca nt acco mplishment in positionin g and timing. To be prac-
ti cable, howeve r, rendezvo us must be red uced to the routinc
and co mm o npl ace instea d of the demanding and uniqu e- and
beco me a th oroughl y reli ab lc ope rati on.


During advanced stages of tbe Gemini program, its pressure-
suited crew may open the hatches and emerge from the space-
craft while in orbit. Moreover, they may p ush them selves

¥ ,
from the craft, and appear t o fl oat in space as they speed around
the earth at about 18,000 mi les per hour. For this operation,
they will be tethered to the craft to insure their return. Gemini
will store sufficien t oxygen to re-fill its cabin when the astro-
na uts return.
This experiment will help pave the way for future operations
in which man ca n make rep airs, assemble orbiting sta ti ons, and
perform other fun ctions in sp ace.


Project Ap ollo is the biggest and most complex proj ect of the
United States manned space fli ght program. Its goal, to land
Americans on the moon and return them safely to earth , is ex·
pected to be accomplished in three steps :
(1) Earth· orbital fli ghts of up to 2 weeks duration during
which crews wi ll gain experience in handlin g the basic
spacecraft and cond uct scientific observa tions requir-
ing man's direct participati on .
(2 ) Earth-orbital fli ghts durin g which crews will gain ex-
perience in hand lin g the basic spacec raft, and in de- Above : L e/ t---<:lrtist' s co n ce p t io n 0/ A p o llo s pa cecraft at launch
/rom e arth. CUlawa y s sh ow some 0/ in terio r. Right- The
ployment and docking with the 2-man luna r excur-
three ste p s 0/ th e A p ollo project are sh own in seq u e n ce /ro m top
sion module. 10 IlO lIo m .
(3) Landin g of a n expediti o n to explore the mo on and
return to earth. Below : Exte rio r vie w 0/ p re lim ina ry m ock -lip 0/ A po llo commancl
module .


will be composed of three secti ons or mod ules : ~
The co mmand module may be likened to the passenger and
crew co mpartment of an airliner. It will be designed so tha t
three men ca n work, eat, a nd sleep in it with out wearing pres-
sure suits. In additi on to life suppo rt equipment, it will co n-
tain wind ows, periscopes, controls, and inst r ument panels to
enable the astrona uts to pilot their craft. It may have an air-
lock to permit a pressure.suited cre wman to exit into space. Of
the three mod ules, only the command module wi ll return to
earth. Thus, it must be b uilt to withstand the tremendo us
decelerati on forces and intense heatin g caused by entry into
earth's atmosphere. 17

The modu le will have some man euverabi lity in the earth's will be designed to carry two men from lunar orbit to th e
atmosphere, and the pilots will be able to guide their craft moon's surface, to be launched back into lunar orbit, and to
toward a predetermined landing area. The command module rendezvous with the parent craft (Apollo command and sur-
will weigh about 5 tons, stand 12 feet tall, and have a base fa ce mod ules). After the crew tran sfers to the command mod-
diameter of about 13 feet. ul e, the parent craft jettisons th e exc ursion modul e.
When fu ll y fu eled and assembled, the Bug will weigh so me
(2) SERVICE MODULE 12 tons, be about 15 feet hi gh, and have a nominal diameter of
The service module will contain fuel and rockets so that the 10 feet. Braking rockets will enabl e the module to hover,
pilots can propel their craft into and out of lunar orbit and while the astronauts survey their landin g area, and to land
change their co urse in space. This segment will weigh about gentl y on the moon . Before landin g, the excursion module
25 tons, and measure 23 feet high and be about 13 feet in di- will ex tend fi ve spider-like legs which will support it on the
ameter. It will be jettisoned just before entry into earth's lunar surface.
atmosphere. The legs and landing rocket will support the excursion module
in launch from the moon and will be left on the moon. When
(3) LUNAR EXCURSION MODULE the module leaves the moon's surface, it will have a mass of
The lunar excursion modul e--informally called the "Bug"- about 4 tons.

Interior 0/ Apollo command module mock-up. Astronauts will

be able to live and work here without space suits. Pilots' instrument panel, Apollo command module mock-up.

TO LAUNCH APOLLO SPACECRAFT For docking and maneuvering missions, a Saturn IB launch
vehicle will be employed. The Saturn IB, using a more powerful
Th e successful test flights of th e 1.5-million-pound-thrust first
second stage than the Saturn I, will be able to orbit a spacecraft
sta ge of Sa turn I, whi ch is fo ur times more powerful than thc
weighing 16 tons.
Atlas booster, represent maj or forward steps in Proj ect Apoll o.
For Apollo lunar missions, NASA is developing the Saturn V,
Saturn I has been assigned the role of laun chin g A poll o on
earth -o rbital mi ss ions. Its first stage, a clu ster of eight engin es_ which will generate 7_5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff. The
is th e Free World 's most pOll erful exi sting booste r. first stage is to be a cluster of five engines, each generating 1.5
Th e seco nd stage will consist of a cluster of six engines pro- million pounds of thrust. These engines are being ground
ducing a total thrust of 00,000 pound s. Thi s powerplant is tested. Upper stage powerplants will consjst of 200,000.pound-
fu eled by liquid-h ydroge n and liquid oxygen, a propellant mix - thrust liquid-oxygen liquid-hydrogen engines-five in the
ture that is far more effi cient than th e refin ed kerosene a nd second stage, and ope in the third. The Saturn V is designed to
liquid oxygen used by most liquid -propellant rockets. When launch a 45-ton spacecraft to the moon or place a nO-ton space-
operati on al, Sa turn) will be abl e to orbit a spacecraft weighing craft in earth orbit. (Formerly, Saturn I was called Saturn
about 11 tonf'. C-l; Saturn IB, Saturn C-IB; and Saturn V, Saturn C-5 or 19
Advanced Saturn.)
For boosting very heavy pa yload s into earth orbit, and he·
yo ncL NASA is stud yin g a veh icle o f aweso me p ower ca ll ed
Nova. Nova will possess a t least two to three tim es th e we ight.
li ft ing force of th e Saturn V,


In the fir st ph ase of the Apo l'lo proj ect, the (;o mmand a nd
se rvi ce m o du l e~ \I ill be la un ched into earth o rbit b y th e
Sa turn 1. At lau nch. the co mmand modu le will be atop th e
veh icle, with a rocket·propelled escape to wer resembling that o n
the Merc ur y spacecraft. The service modu le will be just be low
the command module,
Th e astronau ts wi ll remain in space for as long as 2 weeks
befor e return to earth, Durin g thi s time, they wi ll a cquire
experi ence in operating their craft and wi ll condu ct assigned

Lerl: S at",." J rOllI'S Ir o " t pad ill ,1"1",/prOll,' ,, 'art 01 ,'''('('('""III[

/li!!;ht te,,' 01 fi,rsl .<ta!!;e.
Ah ov(': A rti"t'" "k ptch 01 S ill "I'" V, a""i!!;II etl to [a"" ch A pollo
sp(lr(!rrfl/t Oil itLlI(lr "'; .';,1\;011 "'.
scie ntific experime nts a nd obse rva ti ons requirin g man 's direc t
parti cipati o n a nd supervi sion .


When the g reater po we r of the Saturn IB launc h ve hicle be-
co mes a vailable, all three m odules o f the Apollo spacecraft can
be laun ched into earth orbit. At laun ch, the Bug is below the
ser vice module. In orbit, it will be p ossible to m ove th e com-
mand and ser vice m odules a ro und and dock them nose to nose
with the Bug . Airlocks can b e o pened and two of the three
as tronauts can climb into th e Bug.
They wi ll detac h th e Bu g and pradi ce fl yin g it awa y fr om
th e moth er craft and th en r eturnin g th e two together. Th ese
rehears als, co nducted close to the earth , will enable th e astro-
nauts to familiarize th emselves with th e equipm e nt and learn
th e ski lls that they will need to carr y out such ope rati o ns in thc
vicinity of th e mo on. Wh en th e maneuvers have been com-
pl eted, th e astronauts will re turn to the command modul e,
d iscard th e Bu g in orbit. alld use th e servi ce module rocket to
chan ge the ir ni g ht path to o ne that will bri ng them safely back
to the eart h .


The missio n to th e 111 00 n will beco me poss ible wh en the e no r-
mo us p ower of th e Saturn V laun c h vehicl e beco m es avai lable.
To apprecia te the g rea t in c rease in laun ch powe r that is plann ed
hy NAS A, it is best to co mpare th e ne ll er laun ch vehicles with
th e Atlas, whi ch is now used f or la un ching the Mer cur y
The Mercury spacecraft weighs about 3,000 pounds. The
Saturn I to be used in the first phase of Project Apollo will have

Right: Saturn launch es A pollo (artist's conce ption).


'"''' '''G' ,,,mON / - ROTATION TO




.'-'NTRY \
() f IJ0







Sequen ce 0/ major events in A pollo lunar landin g mission.
th e power to lift th e equ iva le nt weight of almost seven Mercury tate Apo ll o to a ta il -forward position and fir e a rocket in the serv-
spacecraft into low earth orbit. The Saturn IE. to be used in th e ice module to SlI erle into an approx im ate ly IOO-mile altitude
seco nd phase, will have th e powe r to lift th e equ iva lent of lun ar orhit. As Apollo coasts around the moon, two crewmen
almost 11 Mercury spa cec raft into th e same low o rbit. will transfer from the command Illodule to the lunar excursion
For the landing on the moon , more than 10 tim es th e liftin g module. The third llIall II ill remain in th~ command module.
power of the Saturn I is required. The three-stage Saturn V The two crt' ll l11('n II ill separate their (',\('ursion moc1ule f, 0111
will be able to boost into earth orbit the equivalent weight of the parent (Taft and fire brakin~ ro('kf't~ to de~cend. At lOll
80 Mercury spacecraft. a ltitude. th ~) wi ll fire their \ ehicle'~ tail rockt,ts so that th l'
Together with the three modules of th e Apollo spacecra ft , craft hovers, permitting a final scrutiny of their landing area.
th e Saturn V will stand about 360 feet tall (mo re th a n th e At this point. the pilots can rocket their ship hack Lo the parcnt
len g th o f a football fi eld ), anc1 II ill lI ei ~h ahout 6 million ('raf t \I ith nut landinI!', s hould the) so decide. To land . th e) II ill
pound s at launch. ex te nd th e ir craft's land in g gear. nl e spiderlike legs. a nd I ar~
On a lunar landing mission-which may be preceded by one th e mo tor's thru ~1 for ~entlt' tOll('hdoll n.
o r m ore Aig hts into deep space :\ nd possibly c u lminate in a The as tr onau ts II ill spend a da) or more on the moon, co l·
night into lunar orbit and return to earth- th e fir s t tw o stages lec tin g surface samples. taking photographs. examining the
of th e Saturn V and pa rt of Ih e fuel of th e third s tage arc lun a r surface and moonscape. and performing other scien tifi (,
hurn ed to place th e s pacecraft and thirc1 stage into an earth experiments . The) will radio their report:;: hack to earth.
orbit. At th e prope r position and time for achieving a lunar IIhiclt will be clearl) \ isible to them.
trajector y, th e third sta ge will be fired to accelera te th e assemb ly On future mi,:sions, the astronaub lila) Iengtlwn thei, e,,-
to a speed of about 25.000 mil es per hour in th e c1irection of peclition on th e moon. Toward Ihi s end. l\ASA is s tud) ing a
Ihe moon. ('arr ier whi c h cou ld be la un ched in u(hance of Apo ll o tOlVard
Following burn-out o f th e Saturn V third s tage. th e Apollo th e projected landinl!' area. The ca rri er would ('ontai n spare
CTe w will di sco nn ec t th e ('ommand and sr rvi ce 1l10dules (pa re lll oxygen, food. water, fuel, and perhaps add iti ona l sc ien tifi c
c raft ) and link th e eO lllmand modul e Il o~e to no~(' with th c in strume nts.
lunar excursion module. Upon complet in g their work, the as tr onau ts \I ill ta ke off and
During th e Ai g ht to th e 111 00n. th e Apollo astronauts must he rendezvous in lun ar orbit wi th the parent cra ft. After astro-
eve r alert to the threa ts o f dan gerous so lar flar es and o th er space naut transfer to the command module. the excurs ion module
hazards . In th e un charted blackness. of space, th ey will have II ill be jettisoned. A 22.000.pounds thrust rocket in th e serv ice
to pilot th eir s hip to th e moon by taking bearings o n stars and module will th en be fired boostin~ Apol lo from lunar orb it
oth er astronomical bodi es. They will be aided by naviga ti o n toward earth.
and g uidan ce equipm e nt, inc luding a comp uter, star-seeki ng A c riti cal part of this mission is ent!') into earth 's a tm os-
devices, and electroni c apparatu s. phere. A t the return speed of 25.000 miles per ho ur, Apollo
P e riodically, th ey will check their olVn ph ys ical and mental must follow an ex tre mely precise ni g ht path ca lled a n entr y
co ndition s and th e co ndition of every pi ece of ope ratin g equ ip. co rrid o r to a\oid burning up or ho un cing back into space . .
ment on board th eir craft, and make scientifi c observations. The as lronau ls will use the sen ice module for propulsioll
Th ey will report fr equ e ntl y to earth. and maneU\{'I' until they are in th e entr) corridor. Then. they
Whe n they r each th e moon 's vicinity, th e astronauts II ill ro- wi II jettison th e service module.
The co mm a nd modul e will be subjected to extreme stresses UNMANNED SPACECRAFT- TRAILBLAZERS
a nd sear in g hea t as the a tm osph ere slows its headl o ng Ri g ht. FOR APOLLO
A t abo ut 60,000 feet, a s mall parachute ca ll ed a drogue will
o pen and sta bi I ize th e c ra ft. At a bout 10,000 feet above ea rth. nmann ed in strume nted spacecraft will precede man to the
th e large main parac hutes will deploy to lo we r th e co mmand moo n. S uch craft ca n provide vita l info rill a ti o n abo ut th e un-
modu le gentl y to a predete rmin ed land area. R eco ve ry forces famili a r enviro nme nt ; help determin e fa vorab le landin g a reas;
wil l race to pi ck up th e as tronauts a nd th ei r s pacec ra ft. a nd proo f-test ma ny of the systems to be used fo r m a nned
A seri es o ( Ran ger spacec raft. wi ll take close-u p p ictures of th
WHY ARE INITIAL MANNED LUNAR LANDINGS TO BE moo n's s urface. Some of the pictures a re expected to di sti ng u is h
ACCOMPLISHED VIA LUNAR ORBIT RENDEZVOUS? lun ar fea tures as s mall as eight inches ac ross. In addition .
Ranger wi ll ga th er data o n gamma r adiati on in th e lun a r
Selection o f the luna r orbit rendezvo us meth od fo r ac- environment.
co mplishing initi a l manned land in gs on the moo n foll owed a T wo kind s of S1I1"\"(')"o r spacec rafl a re bein g b uilt to make pre-
year-lon g study b y so me 700 outsta ndin g scie nti sts, e n g in ee r~ . li min a ry selecti o n of and ye rify the suitabilit y of siles fo r
a nd researchers. Th e stud y indi ca ted that lunar orbit rendez· mann ed lun ar la ndin g" . Th e craft will a lso p rovid e informa-
vo us offers th e qu ickest, m ost r eliable, a nd most eco nom ica l ti on on r arli a ti on and meteo ro id s lh at is essential to des ig n of
way of landin g the first Ameri can exp edition on th e m oo n. protecti ve ;.;hieldin g for Apollo ~pa cec raft and as tro naut ;.; pacc
The principal advantage stems fr om the fa ct th a t only a part suits.
of, rather than the wh ole, Apollo spacecraft will land on th e In delerminin g siles fo r ma nn ed land ings, o ne kind of S lIr·
moon . Consequ e ntl y, propul sion (and weig ht ) requireme nts veyor craft will go into lun ar o rbit. It will se nd pictures of th e
for brakin g th e lun ar landin g a nd for takeoff fr om th e moo n moo n th at will be used as a bas is for prelimin ary selecti on of
a re grea tl y redu ced. Th e net res ult is that th e Ap o ll o spacecraft sites. Ano lh er kind will soft-land o n the )11oon and ch eck th e
launched fr o m ea rth need weig h no mo re than <)0.000 pounds surface o f th e proposed site for strength and stabi lity. More-
in stead of ap prox imately 150,000 po und s. over , it will telecast pi ctures of the te rra in in the vicin ity of th e
A sing le Saturn V will be able to la un ch as m uch as a <)0,000- site.
pOllnd Apollo to th e moon. On th e other ha nd , tw o Sa turn V's A seri es of sa te ll ites called Orbitin g Solar Observatories. a re
a nd the emp loyment of ea rth orbital rend ezvou s wo ul d be pointin g in strume nts at th e hea rt of th e sun. Some of their in-
needed to la un ch a l S0,000-pound Apollo. As a n a lte rnative, fo rmati o n Ill ay co ntribule to developm ent of reliable m eth ods
a direct laun ch of the l S0,000'pound spacecra ft wo uld r eq uire a for predi ctin g solar flar es, whi ch ca n s ubj ect as tr onauts to lethal
vehicle with a lm ost twice th e capability of the Sa turn V. inte nsiti es of radiation. A reli ab le fo recasti ng system wo ul d
S uch a laun ch vehicle co uld not be made operatio nal as soo n as make poss ible schedulin g of moo n journeys durin g rela ti vel y
the Saturn V. sa fe so la r peri ods.
Among a dditi o na l advantages of lun a r orb it r end ezvo us over Other sa tellites and probes wi ll m onito r th e s pace nea r ea rth
other meth ods is that the lunar ferry will be tailored s pecifi call y and between th e ea rth and th e moon to ga ther addi tional da ta
for its job. Thus, it sho uld perform the fun cti on of landing and essential to successful accompli shme nt of th e N ation 's mann ed
takeoff from th e moon m ore effi ciently than a multi·task vehicle. lun ar landing program.
NASA INSTALLATIONS ment agency has statutory responsibility for the peaceful ex-
ploration and utilization of space for th e benefit of all man-
kind. The work is co ndu cted in plants a nd labo ratories of
CENTER STATION ILEWIS ) NASA, other Governm ent agencies, industry, a nd ed ucation.
The U nited Sta tes team of pilots and pil ot-trainees for these
space flight projects is made up of the original seven Mercury
FLIGHT CENTER astronauts, selected in Ap ril 1959, and a pool of nine astronaut
trainees, named in September 1962.
For the most part, physical , psychological, education al and
experience criteria for the selections of Mercury astronauts and
OPERATIONS as trona ut trainees we re similar. The newer stand ards, ho wever ,
OFFICE red uced the age limit fr om 40 to 35 because of the long range
nature of th e man ned space Ri ght program. They also opened
LA BORATORY th e way for civilian vo lunteers. Among r equirements were a
degree in eng in eerin g, biologica l science, or physical science,
a nd expe ri ence as a jet Lest pilot.
Like th e Mercury as tronauts, the trainees will be put thro ugh
a rigorous program. Academically, the program includes but
IMSFC j is not li mited to sc ience, engineerin g, aerod ynami cs, and celes-
tial navigati on. Among training ac ti viti es are spacecrart opera-
ti on, practice in simul ators for co ntrollin g craft in space, includ-
ing orbita l rendezvo us, approach to and landing on the moon ,
WHO IS CONDUCTING PROJECTS MERCURY, and experience in operating whi le weightless and under hi gh
gravity forces of acceleration and decelerati on.
GEMINI, AND APOLLO? T ogether with th e Mercury as tronauts, the astronaut trainees
Proj ects Mercury, Gemini , an d Apollo are directed by the will form the United Sta tes team for advanced space exploits of
National Aeronauti cs and Space Admin istrati on. This Govern- the future.

Le ft : The origi"al seve" M e r-
l' lIr)' a.< tro naltts : Frollt row ,
le fl Lo righl- IIYa ll n M.
Srhirra , Jr., DOllald 1<. S la y-
toll. Johll H . Gl l'lln , Jr. , alld
M. Scott Carpe tlte r. /Ja ck rOI('.
le fL 10 ri{!.hL-Alall 8. S h e p-
ard. Jr .. Virg il!. C ri .•.wm. alld
I .. Co rdm, Co o pe r. Jr .

Ri g ht: Nine adcliLioll(,1 astro -

naut traill ees selectell Se pte m-
b er 19 62. Frollt row, le ft to
rig ht : Charles COllrac!, Jr.;
Frank B o rmall; Ne il A rm-
strOll g; J oh" W . Y o u" g . Back
ro w , le ft to right: Elliott M.
See, Jr. ; Jam es A . M cDi vitt;
James A . Lovell , Jr. ; E llward
H. W hite ll; Thomas P . Staf-
f o rc!.
PRESIDENT KENNEDY has described space as " a new ocean "
on which the United States must sai l, " and be in a positi o n
second to none."
SPACE, The President a nd th e Co ngress have establis hed a fas t·p aced.
hard·dri ving program to deve lop o ur capabiliti es in space to
THE "NEW OCEAN" meet e ver y nati onal requirement. On e obj ective is to ga in th e
scientific kn owledge and develo p th e technology which w ill
enable Ame ri can astro na uts to ex pl ore th e mo on within thi s
decade . .
Th e reso urces of Government, indu str y and education haye
been mobilized to achi eve our goal s in space. Rapid prog ress
is being m ade in th e development of advanced laun ch vehicles
a nd spacec raft, in the establishment of essentia l fa cilities, and
in organizin g the scientific and technol ogical support required
in this great pio neerin g end ea vor.
F ormidable problems must be overco me. These in cl ud e tIl e
development of more powerful rockets; of shi eldin g ag ainst the
dangerous radiation of space ; of life-support systems that vir-
tually dupli cate the enviro nment of the earth fo r extend ed
peri ods of time ; of materials, sys tems and power sources
which wi ll withstand and fun ction in th e hostil e enviro nme nt of
s pace.
M ore mu st also be learn ed abo ut th e perfo rman ce of me n in
space. We mu st in ves ti gate th e effects of exte nded pe ri ods of


u.s. GOVERN MENT PRINTI NG OFFICE , 1963 0-692·396

Why, you may ask, is it so vital that we conquer space?
Here are some of the reasons:
We must learn about space because knowledge begets prog-
ress and new and better ways of life for all mankind. Just as
past investments in scientific research and technological devel-
opment are largely responsible for the comfort and convenience
of life today, so will our space dollars contribute to the im-
provement of our lives tomorrow.
Scientific and technological prowess is achieving increasing
recognition throughout the world as a social, economic and
political force. Our position as leader of the Free World re-
quires that we continue to demonstrate our leadership in this
field, in space, as well as on the earth.
Our national defense requires that the United States make
certain that the exploitation of space will be peaceful and open
to all nations, and that none will ever be tempted to use it as an
avenue of aggression against us.
We must dispel any doubt that a people ~\ ho govern them-
selves can measure up to the challenges of the modern world.
Thus, the lasting impression on mankind of our space program
may well be that our nation has demonstrated the determination
and the capability to meet the cha llenges of space, and carry
out the exacting and massive elIort which is required.
As President Kennedy said in 1961:
"In a very real sense, it wi ll not be one man going to the
moon- it will be an entire Nation. For all of us must work
to put him there."

weightlessness. We must learn how well man can navigate in

the vast reaches of space. We must determine what psycho-
logical factors may affect our astronauts, exposed to isolation
and confinement over long periods of time.

In the summer of 1958, Congress passed an act creating the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. The act declared " that it is the policy of the United States that activities in spac!'
should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of mankind." On October 1, 1958 this new
agency was established.
Congress provided that aero nauti cal and space activitics sponsored hy the United States shal l
be directed by this civi lian agency, "except for activit if's peculiar to or primarily associated with
the development of weapons, military operations, or the defense of th e United States." Thc act
further states: "The aeronau ti cal and space acti,ities of the Unitrd States sha ll be conducted so as
to contribute materially to onc or more of th e following objectives:
"The expansion of human knowledp;e of phenomena in th e atl11osplH're and spacr; <-T1
"The improvement of th e usefulness, perfonnance, speed, ,afNy, and I'fnciency of ae ronall li cal ~
and space vehicles; CD
"The development and operation of vehicles capahle of eurryitt:. in slrtttttt'nts, CqllipllICIII , 0'-'
supplies, andlivinp; organisms throu/!h spacr:
"The establishment of lonp; range stud ies of the potential hrnefitb to he /!ained frOIll, the oppor·
tunities for, and the problems involved in the utilization of aeronautical and space activities for
peaceful and sc ientific purposes;
"The preservation of the role of the Un ited States a~ a leatkr in aeronautical and spa('e s<"i('J1('(' -J
and technology and in the application thereof to th e cond uct of peaceful activities within and (X)
outside the atmosphere; --..J
"The making available to agencies directly co nce rn ed "ilh national defense of diSCOH'ries that
have military value or significance, and the furnishing by such agencie" 10 the civilian ageuty ('s tab ·
li shed to direct and control non·military and space ac ti v iti l'~, of information as to discoveries which
have value or signifi cane to that ap;ency:
"Cooperation hy the United States with olher nations and /!rollPS of nation, in "ork done pur-
suant to this Art and ill the peaceful application of the T('sults thrreof; and
"The most efTecti"e tttilization o f tht' scientific and ('nl(itw('rinl( resources of the Unitt·d StaH".
with c1o~e cooperation among all inlC"t"ested agenci('s of the United States in order to avoid unncc('!-o-
~ary duplication of ('ITort, facilities, and equipment:'

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

'Vas ilinglon, D.C. 20402 - Price 25 cenls

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