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Technical Note

Finite-Element Analysis on the Stability of Geotextile

Tube–Reinforced Embankments under Scouring
Hyeong-Joo Kim, A.M.ASCE1; Myoung-Soo Won2; and Jay C. Jamin3
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Abstract: Scouring is a significant problem on river bank and coastal protection systems. Severe scouring can cause damaging consequences
to geotextile tube embankment structures. In this study, five case scenarios of an embankment system supported by stacked geotextile tubes
were analyzed using a commercially available finite-element analysis software. These case scenarios include (1) conventional geotextile tube
stacking on ground base foundation; (2) geotextile tube stacking on gravel bedding foundation; (3) geotextile tube stacking on excavated foun-
dation; (4) geotextile tube stacking on excavated foundation with gravel bedding; and (5) fortification of stacked geotextile tubes by riprap
protection. Each case scenario is simulated under normal loading and critical loading conditions with and without scouring at the base toe
of the embankment system. Results suggest that the potential problems that occur during scouring and critical states of the embankment system
instigate failures that could destabilize the geotextile tube retaining structure. Among all the case scenarios considered, additional fortification
by riprap increases the performance and global stability of the geotextile tube embankment system. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-
5622.0000420. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Geotextile tubes; Finite-element analysis (FEA); Scouring; Horizontal displacements; global stability.

Introduction into various hubs for businesses, industry, agriculture, and tourism
[Fig. 1(b)]. The core/stacked tubes are constructed by hydraulically
The practice of using geotextiles as a form of reinforcement has filling long geotextile containers with dredged marine soil mainly
significantly advanced the design and improved the performance of obtained from the river estuary around the coastal cities of Gunsan,
embankment structures, particularly those that were built over weak Gimje, and Buan [Fig. 2(a)]. Dredged sand is then filled in the
soils. There have been numerous studies on geotextile-reinforced stacked geotextile tube retaining structure to construct the em-
embankments (Madhavi Latha et al. 2006; Taechakumthorn and bankment roadway [Fig. 2(b)].
Rowe 2012; Yapage et al. 2013). Geotextile tubes, which were Geotextile tubes are made of strong, sustainable, and permeable
initially used for the containment and dewatering of contaminated textile fibers that can contain, filter, and reinforce soil. The integrity
materials, are currently used as retaining structures. High-strength of the geotextile structure depends on the type of material fill and
geotextile tubes have been successfully used worldwide in the geosynthetic used. Also, the permeability of the soil fill and geo-
construction of river bank and coastal protection structures such as textile has a significant influence on the tube structure. The apparent
containment dikes, revetments, offshore breakwaters, groins, and opening size (AOS) and the rate at which filter cakes form are among
seawalls. Pilarczyk (2003, 2008) suggested numerous applications the few factors that will hinder the water outflow. In consequence,
of geotextile tubes for coastal protection against erosion caused by the strength of the soil infill in geotextile tubes with high water
natural processes such as the action of waves, tides, currents, and content will not be sufficient to support tube stacking (Koerner and
changes in sea level. In South Korea, geotextile tubes have been used Koerner 2006). There are various studies on geotextile tubes in the
as cofferdams and containment dikes for the construction of long literature. Liu and Silvester (1977) formulated early theoretical
artificial island strips (Shin et al. 2002; Cho et al. 2008) and for solutions for determining the shape of a tube filled with water.
coastal erosion mitigation (Shin and Oh 2007). Presently, the Leshchinsky et al. (1996) developed a computer program for cal-
Saemangeum Development Project on the west coast of the Korean culating the geometry and stresses on the encapsulating geotextile
peninsula [Fig. 1(a)] uses a considerable amount of stacked geo- of the tubes based on design parameters such as pumping pressure,
textile tubes as core or retaining structures for perimeter dikes and allowable circumferential tensile force, unit weight of the fill ma-
embankments for future land reclamation that will be developed terial, and tube height. Numerous studies on the stability of stacked
geotextile tubes under wave actions can be found in the works of van
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National Univ., Gunsan Steeg et al. (2011), das Neves et al. (2011), Bezuijen and Pilarczyk
573-701, Republic of Korea. E-mail: kimhj@kunsan.ac.kr (2012), and Kriel (2012). However, there are only a few studies on
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National Univ., Gunsan the stability of stacked geotextile tubes subjected to scouring. Kim
573-701, Republic of Korea (corresponding author). E-mail: wondain@ et al. (2013) recently performed finite-element analyses (FEAs) on
kunsan.ac.kr ground modification techniques for improved stability of geotextile
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, tube–reinforced reclamation embankments subjected to scouring.
Kunsan National Univ., Gunsan 573-701, Republic of Korea. E-mail:
Significant scouring commonly takes place at the sides of the
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 25, 2013; approved
geotextile tubes facing the shore. This is caused by wave breaking,
on May 15, 2014; published online on June 12, 2014. Discussion period undertow-driven currents, and wave overtopping mass flux-driven
open until November 12, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for currents (Weerakoon et al. 2003). In this study, the authors used
individual papers. This technical note is part of the International Journal the commercially available finite-element software PLAXIS 2D 8.2
of Geomechanics, © ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641/06014019(13)/$25.00. to evaluate the performance of various foundation conditions of

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Fig. 1. (a) Project location (Image © Google, Image © 2014 CNES/Astrium, Image © 2014 TerraMetrics, Image © 2014 DigitalGlobe, Image © NSPO
2014/Spot Image); (b) site development plan

a stacked geotextile tube structure retaining an embankment under Design Considerations

normal and critical loading conditions and subjected to scouring.
The focus of this study is to evaluate, by means of FEA, the stacked
geotextile tubes’ global factor of safety (FS) if scouring occurs. Embankment Geometry and Subsoil Profile
Verification of the results through closed-form solutions is not in- The physical properties of the embankment fill, geotextile tube fill,
cluded in this study. Closed-form solutions for stacked geotextile and subsurface soil profile of the roadway embankment section
tubes can be found in the works of Biggar and Masala (1998), Plaut constructed at the agricultural zone of the Saemangeum Develop-
and Klusman (1999), and Shin and Oh (2007). ment Project are used in this study. The cross section of the

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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

embankment is shown in Fig. 3. Three layers of stacked geotextile The embankment is modeled as a two-dimensional (2D) plain-
tubes illustrated in Fig. 4 were used to support a 10.4-m-high strain symmetric. The modeled embankment section (geometry in-
roadway embankment. The geotextile tubes in the first and sec- put) is shown in Fig. 6. PLAXIS 2D is a geotechnical software
ond layers have theoretical diameters of 4.0 m, and the topmost layer program that has been developed specifically for the analysis of
has a theoretical diameter of 2.0 m. The embankment shown is deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering projects such
supported by multilayered subsurface soil profiles (Fig. 5). The as excavations, foundations, embankments, and tunnels. It is as-
subsurface soil layer consists of 9 m of silty sand, 7 m of sand, sumed in this study that the geotextile tubes attained final height after
7.5 m of silt, 2 m of gravel, 12 m of clay, another 2.3-m gravel layer, the dewatering and consolidation processes before the construction
2.2 m of weathered soil, and 4 m of weathered rock. The approxi- of the embankment fill was started. A 13-kPa surcharge loading
mate highest water level is 5.2 m. based on the Korean standard activity load design requirement is
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applied to simulate superimposed traffic loads.

Material Properties
The geotextile tube fill, embankment fill, and subsurface soils were
modeled as linearly elastic perfectly plastic materials with the Mohr-
Coulomb criterion. The Mohr-Coulomb model is considered as a
first approximation for real soil behavior and highly recommended
where soil parameters are not known with great certainty (Brinkgreve
2002). The basic input parameters of the Mohr-Coulomb model
for the geotextile fill, embankment fill, and subsoil are dry unit
weight (gunsat ), saturated unit weight (g sat ), Young’s modulus of
elasticity (E), permeability coefficient (k), Poisson’s ratio (n), co-
hesion (c), dilatancy angle (c), and angle of friction (w). The soil
input parameters shown in Table 1 were determined from triaxial
and in situ tests. The geotextile tube was modeled with an elastic
material–type assignment. The thickness of the geotextile tube used
in the construction was 3 mm with modulus of elasticity of
7:0346 3 109 Pa. Physical characteristics of the geotextile tube are
shown in Table 2.

Boundary Conditions and Mesh Generation

The soil profile above the weathered rock layer is a very stiff soil
where vertical and horizontal ground movements are considered
negligible. Thus, a total fixity was assigned to the bottom layer
where it is assumed to be completely rigid and impermeable. On
the other hand, the vertical boundary conditions were fixed against
horizontal movements but allowed to move freely along the vertical
direction. The meshed element of the embankment model is shown
in Fig. 7. Fifteen-node triangular elements were used to discretize the
geotextile tube fill, embankment fill, and underlying soil layers. For
the global coarseness of the mesh, the authors initially performed
analyses using both coarse and very fine settings. It was found that
the coarseness of the mesh does not have significant effects on the
results. However, for the analysis presented in this paper, the mesh
was generated using a very fine global coarseness setting for element
Fig. 2. (a) Geotextile tube filling; (b) perimeter dikes for Saemangeum land distribution. Interface elements were used to model slippage be-
reclamation tween soil and geotextiles. Elastic-plastic models were used to
describe the behavior of the interface of the soil and structure.

Fig. 3. Embankment cross section

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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

Calculation Type
Two types of finite-element calculations were used in this study.
The first is the plastic calculation, which is selected to carry out an
elastic-plastic deformation analysis. This deformation includes the
vertical and horizontal displacements of soil and geotextile fiber.
For safety analysis, the phi-c reduction is used to calculate the
global FS.

Foundation Improvements and Geotextile

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Fig. 4. Stacked geotextile tube detail Tube Fortification

The geotextile tube–reinforced embankment/containment dike con-
structed at Saemangeum will be constructed with armor rock or
riprap protection. In this paper, additional applied ground base
modifications such as gravel bedding and excavated foundation for
the geotextile tube structure are included in the FEA. The results for
the performance of the geotextile tube structure system with forti-
fication and ground base modifications are compared with the
geotextile tube embankment system without foundation improve-
ments and fortification. Five cases of geotextile tube embankment
system are analyzed using FEA: (1) conventional geotextile tube
stacking on ground base foundation; (2) geotextile tube stacking on
gravel bedding foundation; (3) geotextile tube stacking on excavated
foundation; (4) geotextile tube stacking on excavated foundation
with gravel bedding; and (5) fortification of stacked geotextile tube
by riprap protection. Properties and cross section details of the
embankment systems mentioned are illustrated in Fig. 8. Case 1 is
based on the normal practice of geotextile tube construction wherein
the tubes are directly built on a suitable flat ground base in dry land or
underwater. Normally, the base is prepared by removing sharp
objects and leveling the ground foundation as uniformly as possible
to provide a constant geotextile tube height. Then the tubes are
positioned in place and hydraulically or mechanically filled with
Fig. 5. Subsurface soil profile slurry. The idea of applying ground modifications for Cases 2, 3, and
4 was suggested by the authors under the assumption that these will

Fig. 6. Plane-strain symmetric embankment model

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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

Table 1. Soil Properties
Soil type g unsat (kN × m )
g sat (kN × m )
K (m=day) E (kPa) n c (kPa) f (degrees) c (degrees)
Geotextile tube fill 16.5 17.5 0.3456 18,000 0.40 5.0 30 0
Embankment fill 16 18 0.3456 20,000 0.40 9.0 30 0
Silty sand 15 17.5 0.864 6,000 0.40 5.0 25 0
Sand 16.5 18 0.864 30,000 0.35 0 35 0
Silt 16 18 0.0432 15,000 0.38 30 10 0
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Gravel 17 19 2.592 35,000 0.35 0 38 0

Clay 16 18 0.0432 15,000 0.38 30 10 0
Weathered soil 17 19 0.3456 60,000 0.32 22 30 0
Weathered rock 19 20 0.0432 360,000 0.30 35 32 0
Gravel bedding 19 21 1 120,000 0.35 0 38 0
Riprap boulders 19 21 2.592 350,000 0.30 0 38 0

Table 2. Geotextile Properties

Normal stiffness
Tube Material model Theoretical diameter (m) Final tube height (m) (EA) (kN=m) Tensile strength (kN=m) Permeability (cm=s)
Tube 1 Linear elastic 4.0 2.20 21,104 200 1 3 1024
Tube 2 Linear elastic 4.0 2.20 21,104 200 1 3 1024
Tube 3 Linear elastic 2.0 1.10 21,104 200 1 3 1024

Fig. 7. Finite-element mesh of the embankment model

provide additional passive and sliding resistance to the geotextile Case 1: Conventional Geotextile Tube Stacking on
tube structure. The additional riprap construction in Case 5 has been Flat Ground Base Foundation
applied in the literature (Fowler et al. 2002; Pilarczyk 2008), mainly An embankment of three layered stacked geotextile tubes with no
to add stability and increase the service life of the tubes by providing foundation improvement or riprap protection constructed directly
protection against vandalism and ultraviolet degradation. above a flat seabed surface is analyzed. Conventional construction
methods were used during the installation of the geotextile tube
retaining structure. The typical cross section for this case is shown in
Finite-Element Simulation Fig. 8(a).

Case 2: Geotextile Tube Stacking on Gravel

FEM Simulation Cases
Bedding Foundation
The details of the embankment cases are discussed in this section. The basic concept of this method is to increase the friction at the
Embankment specifications are also presented in Fig. 8. bottom through an aggregate interlocking mechanism, therefore

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Fig. 8. Stacked geotextile tube foundation improvements and fortification: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4; (e) Case 5

increasing the sliding stability of the geotextile tube structure Case 3: Geotextile Tube Stacking on Excavated Foundation
as well as providing a firmer foundation bed at its base. To sim- Shallow dredging 0.5 m deep was performed before the place-
ulate the gravel bedding at the bottom, a 0.3-m-thick element ment and filling of the geotextile tubes. The basic concept is
cluster is added to the base of the first layer of geotextile tubes to provide future allowance for the effects of scouring while
[Fig. 8(b)]. providing additional passive resistance at the toe when scouring

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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

does not exist. The cross section for this case is illustrated in Scouring is simulated by physically removing some soil cluster in
Fig. 8(c). the modeled geometry at the base and toe of the geotextile tube
embankment as shown in Fig. 9. The maximum depth of scour for
Case 4: Geotextile Tube Stacking on Excavated Foundation all the geotextile tube embankment systems was set to 0.5 m.
with Gravel Bedding
Excavation 0.8 m deep was performed before positioning and Staged Construction
filling the geotextile tube. Gravel bedding of 0.3-m thickness was
then added to the bottom of the excavation and compacted. The Staged construction is a feature in PLAXIS 2D in which it is possible
concept is to make a firmer base and provide future allowances to change the geometry and load configuration by deactivating or
reactivating loads, volume clusters, or structural objects created in
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against scouring while providing additional passive resistance at

the toe and base of the geotextile tube [Fig. 8(d)]. the geometry input. Staged construction enables an accurate and
realistic simulation of various loading, construction, and excavation
processes. The construction phases of the geotextile tube em-
Case 5: Fortification of Stacked Geotextile Tubes by
bankment model are illustrated in Fig. 10. A construction phase is
Riprap Protection
used to identify the calculation phase and determine the ordering of
Boulders or rubble stones were constructed at the face of the calculation phases. The numbers in the illustration represent the
geotextile tube after the filling and stacking construction. This phase sequence during the simulation analysis of each embankment
method will give additional embankment sliding resistance as well system. In the initial Phase 1, the surface loading, geotextile material
as provide protection to the vulnerable geotextile fabric. Details for and fill, embankment fill, and other geometry inputs above the river
the geotextile embankment profile with riprap protection are bed are disabled. The water level was set to 5.2 m from the surface of
shown in Fig. 8(e). the silty sand layer in the initial phase. During Phase 2, the geometry
cluster of the gravel bedding foundation (Phase 2a) is activated first
Scouring Simulation (for embankment systems with foundation improvements, i.e., Cases
2, 3, and 4), followed by the simulation construction of the geotextile
Scouring aprons were not applied at the base of the stacked geo-
tubes in the first layer (Phase 2b). The embankment fill cluster
textile tubes in this study. This analysis is performed under the as-
aligned with the first layer of geotextile tubes is simultaneously
sumption that the scouring apron has failed and that scouring has
activated with Phase 2b. The second layer of geotextile tubes and
occurred at the base and toe of the geotextile tube embankment.
embankment fill is activated in Phase 3, followed by the activation of
the topmost geotextile tube geometry and embankment in Phase 4.
For Phase 5, the riprap cluster (Phase 5a) is activated first for the
embankment system with fortification (Case 5 only). This is fol-
lowed by the activation of the remaining embankment cluster (Phase
5b). The superimposed loading is applied in Phase 6 after the
completion of the embankment construction.
It is assumed in this study that the embankment system is at
saturated state during normal loading conditions (because of rain-
water). Hence, in Phase 7, the phreatic water level was raised toward
the embankment surface. Plastic calculation and phi-c reduction
analyses were performed in Phase 7 to determine the horizontal
displacements and global FS, respectively. Subsequently, plastic
Fig. 9. Removal of soil cluster in PLAXIS 2D
calculation and phi-c reduction analyses were performed on

Fig. 10. PLAXIS 2D construction phases: (a) staged embankment construction; (b) normal loading conditions (saturated embankment); (c) critical
loading conditions: undrained embankment; (d) critical conditions: drained embankment

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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

the embankment system under normal loading conditions sub- at all nodes at the end of each calculation step in each FEA case are
jected to scouring by deactivating a soil cluster at the toe base of the represented by arrows as shown in Fig. 11(a). The total incremental
geotextile tubes on the first layer. displacement result is shown in Fig. 11(b). The shaded total dis-
For the embankment system under critical conditions, two sce- placement increments presented are particularly useful to observe
narios were taken into consideration. First, during Phase 8, the water the localization of deformations within the soil when plastic failure
level of the river is drained but the embankment system remains in occurs.
saturated condition [Fig. 10(c)]. Second, during Phase 9, the water
level of the river is drained and the embankment system is in drained
condition [Fig. 10(d)]. Plastic calculation and phi-c reduction analyses Horizontal Displacement under Natural Loading
were performed for Phases 8 and 9 with and without scouring. Conditions for Embankment Systems with and
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without Scouring
Results and Discussion Fig. 12 shows the variations in horizontal displacements of the
geotextile tubes for the embankment profiles under normal loading
Visualizations for the deformation of the finite-element model for conditions before scouring [Fig. 12(a)] and after scouring [Fig.
Case 5 are shown in Fig. 11. The horizontal displacement components 12(b)]. The maximum horizontal displacement occurs at the base toe

Fig. 11. PLAXIS 2D results: (a) horizontal displacements; (b) total incremental displacements

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Fig. 12. Horizontal displacement under natural loading conditions:

(a) without scouring; (b) with scouring Fig. 13. Percentage decrease in horizontal displacement with respect
to Case 1: (a) normal loading conditions without scouring; (b) normal
loading conditions without scouring

of the geotextile tubes. The sliding resistance of the stacked geo-

textile tubes is increased with the application of additional ground displacement of the geotextile tubes with ground base improvement
base improvements and fortification. and fortification (Cases 2–5). The sliding stability for the stacked
The decrease in horizontal displacements of the stacked geo- geotextile tubes with gravel base was slightly increased. A 6%
textile tubes if ground improvements and fortification are applied is decrease in horizontal displacements was observed at the stacked
presented in Figs. 13(a and b) for embankment systems with and geotextile tubes’ base toe, both with and without scouring con-
without scouring, respectively. The decrease in horizontal dis- ditions. Passive resistances were developed at the base toe of the
placement (%decrease ) is defined as stacked geotextile tubes for Cases 3 and 4. The embankment system
in Case 5 has the maximum resistance to sliding because of the
xCase1 2 xCasen
%decrease ¼  100 (1) additional armor rock fortification.
xCase1 Fig. 14(a) shows the percentage increase in horizontal dis-
placements of the stacked geotextile tubes if scouring occurs. The
where xCase1 5 horizontal displacements of the stacked geotextile percentage increase in horizontal displacement (%increase ) of an
tube embankment system for Case 1; and xCasen 5 horizontal embankment system when scouring occurs is defined as

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Fig. 15. Horizontal displacement under critical loading conditions:

Fig. 14. Percentage increase in horizontal displacement if scouring
(a) without scouring; (b) with scouring
occurs: (a) normal loading state; (b) critical loading state

xScour 2 xNoScour conditions before scouring [Fig. 15(a)] and after scouring [Fig.
%increase ¼  100 (2)
xScour 15(b)]. The horizontal displacements of the embankment systems
under critical conditions are nearly two times the horizontal dis-
where xNoScour 5 horizontal displacement of the embankment sys-
placements of the embankment systems under normal loading
tem in consideration; and xScour 5 horizontal displacement of the
conditions. Still, maximum horizontal displacement occurs at the
same embankment section subjected to scouring. The embankment
bottom geotextile tube layer. The sliding stability of the stacked
system with riprap fortification has the minimum increase in hori-
geotextile tubes is increased with the application of additional
zontal displacement during scouring.
ground base improvements and fortification.
The decrease in horizontal displacement of the stacked geotextile
tubes, if ground improvements and fortification are applied, is pre-
Horizontal Displacement under Critical Loading
sented in Figs. 16(a and b) for embankment systems with and
Conditions for Embankment Systems with and
without scouring, respectively. The decrease in horizontal dis-
without Scouring
placement (%decrease ) is obtained by Eq. (1). The sliding stability for
Fig. 15 shows the variations in horizontal displacements of the the stacked geotextile tubes with gravel base was slightly increased,
geotextile tubes for the embankment profiles under normal loading whereas passive resistances were developed at the base toe of the

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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

stacked geotextile tubes for Cases 3 and 4. The embankment system without scouring is shown in Figs. 17(a and b) illustrates the tube
in Case 5 has the maximum resistance to sliding because of the under critical conditions with scouring. It can be seen that without
additional armor rock fortification. scouring during critical conditions, the extreme total displace-
Fig. 14(b) shows the percentage increase in horizontal dis- ment of the tube is ∼235 mm. However, during scouring, the
placement of the stacked geotextile tubes if scouring occurs. The extreme total displacement increased to 363 mm. Hence, scouring
percentage increase in horizontal displacement (%increase ) of an has a significant effect on the geotextile tube deformation. The
embankment system when scouring occurs can be obtained using deformation of the tubes caused by scouring should be taken into
Eq. (2). Under scouring conditions, the embankment system with consideration in designing stacked geotextile tubes.
riprap fortification has the minimum increase in horizontal
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The deformation of the bottommost forward-facing geotextile Safety Factors

tube for Case 1 under critical conditions is shown in Fig. 17. The
The global FSs for Cases 1–5 using the approximate method and
arrows, with scale factor equivalent to 5, represent the total
FEM during normal, scouring, and critical states are shown in
displacements of the geotextile. The tube under critical conditions
Table 3. The geotextile tube embankment with riprap protection
(Case 5) provides the highest performance for overall global stability
of all the studied geotextile tube embankment profiles.
Global FSs for the geotextile tube embankment are reduced
when the structure is subjected to scouring or if it reaches critical
state. For Case 5 during scouring state, at least 13% of the global FS
was reduced from the geotextile tube embankment retaining struc-
ture at normal state (Fig. 18). The FS was reduced by ∼45% from

Fig. 17. Tube deformation under critical conditions: (a) without

scouring; (b) with scouring

Table 3. Global FSs

State 1 2 3 4 5
Normal state FS (no scour) 1.56 1.59 1.61 1.63 2.33
Fig. 16. Percentage decrease in horizontal displacement with respect Normal state FS (with scour) 1.55 1.57 1.58 1.59 2.03
to Case 1: (a) critical loading conditions without scouring; (b) critical Critical state FS (no scour) 1.13 1.14 1.19 1.21 1.27
loading conditions without scouring Critical state FS (with scour) 1.08 1.10 1.15 1.19 1.22

© ASCE 06014019-11 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

• The fortification method by riprap protection offers the max-
imum improvement to the overall performance of the stability of
the geotextile tube embankment system. Moreover, the riprap
method also provides protection to the vulnerable geotextile
tubes against destructive elements such as water wave forces,
river currents, sharp objects, and ultraviolet degradation.
When deciding whether the foundation improvements will be
applied, however, associated issues in terms of additional costs and
extended construction schedule will typically govern, in comparison
with the increase in achieved performance of the geotextile tube
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embankment system.


This project is supported by the Research and Development Policy

Infrastructure Program (grant code 12TRPI-C064124-01) funded by
the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic
of Korea.

Fig. 18. Comparison between the percentage decreases in global FS of
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Int. J. Geomech., 2015, 15(2): 06014019

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