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5 Innervation of Muscles Responsible for Movements of the Shoulder Girdle and Upper
Minor innervation indicated by parentheses.
Muscle Segmental Peripheral
Innervation Nerve
Trapezius Cranial Xl; C (2) 3-4 Spinal accessory nerve
Levator scapulae C 3-4 Nerves to levator scapulae
C5 Dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboideus major C 4-5 Dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboideus minor C 4-5 Dorsal scapular nerve
Serratus anterior C 5-7 Long thoracic nerve
Deltoid C 5-6 Axillary nerve
Teres minor C 5-6 Axillary nerve
Supraspinatus C (4) 5-6 Suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus C (4) 5-6 Suprascapular nerve
Latissimus dorsi C 6-8 Thoracodorsal nerve
Pectoralis major C 5-T 1 Lateral and medial anterior thoracic
Pectoralis minor C 7-T 1 Medial anterior thoracic nerve
Subscapularis C 5-7 Subscapular nerves
Teres major C 5-7 Lower subscapular nerve
Subclavius C 5-6 Nerve to subclavius
Coracobrachialis C 6-7 Musculocutaneous nerve
Biceps brachii C 5-6 Musculocutaneous nerve
Brachialis C 5-6 Musculocutaneous nerve
Brachioradialis C 5-6 Radial nerve
Triceps brachii C 6-8 Radial nerve
Anconeus C 7-8 Radial nerve
Supinator C 6-7 Radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis longus C (5)6-7 Radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis brevis C 7-8 Radial nerve
Extensor carpi ulnaris C 7-8 Radial nerve
Extensor digitorum communis C 7-8 Radial nerve
Extensor indicis proprius C 7-8 Radial nerve
Extensor digiti minimi C 7-8 Radial nerve
Extensor pollicis longus C 7-8 Radial nerve
Extensor pollicis brevis C 7-8 Radial nerve
Abductor pollicis longus C 7-8 Radial nerve
Pronator teres C 6-7 Median nerve
Flexor carpi radialis C 6-7 Median nerve
Pronator quadratus C 7-C8 Median nerve
Palmaris longus C 7-C8 Median nerve
Flexor digitorum sublimis C 7-T 1 Median nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus (radial half) C 8-T 1 Median nerve
Lumbricales 1 and 2 C 8-T 1 Median nerve
Flexor pollicis longus C 7-T 1 Median nerve
Flexor pollicis brevis (lateral head) C 8-T 1 Median nerve
Abductor pollicis brevis C 8-T 1 Median nerve
Opponens pollicis C 8-T 1 Median nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris C 7-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus (ulnar half) C 8-T 1 UInar nerve
Interossei C 8-T 1 UInar nerve
Lumbricales 3 and 4 C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Flexor pollicis brevis (medial head) C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Flexor digiti minimi brevis C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Abductor digiti minimi C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Opponens digiti minimi C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Palmaris brevis C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
Adductor pollicis C 8-T 1 Ulnar nerve
TABLE 27.7 Innervation of Muscles Responsible for Movements of the Lower Extremities
Minor innervation indicated by parentheses.
Muscle Innervation Peripheral Nerve
Psoas major L (1)2-3(4) Nerve to psoas major
Psoas minor L 1-2 Nerve to psoas minor
Iliacus L 2-3(4) Femoral nerve
Quadriceps femoris L 2-4 Femoral nerve
Sartorius L 2-3 Femoral nerve
Pectineus L 2-3 Femoral nerve
Gluteus maximus L 5-S 2 Inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius L 4-S 1 Superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus L 4-S 1 Superior gluteal nerve
Tensor fasciae latae L 4-S 1 Superior gluteal nerve
Piriformis (L5) S 1-2 Nerve to piriformis
Adductor longus L 2-4 Obturator nerve
Adductor brevis L 2-4 Obturator nerve
Adductor magnus L 2-4 Obturator nerve
Adductor magnus L 4-5 Sciatic nerve
Gracilis L 2-4 Obturator nerve
Obturator externus L 2-4 Obturator nerve
Obturator internus L 5-S 1 Nerve to obturator internus
Gemellus superior L 5-S 1 Nerve to obturator internus
Gemellus inferior L 5-S 1 Nerve to quadratus femoris
Quadratus femoris L 5-S 1 Nerve to quadratus femoris
Biceps femoris (long head) L 5-S 1 Tibial nerve
Semimembranosus L 5-S 1 Tibial nerve
Semitendinosus L 5-S 2 Tibial nerve
Popliteus L 5-S 1 Tibial nerve
Gastrocnemius S 1-S 2 Tibial nerve
Soleus S 1-S 2 Tibial nerve
Plantaris S 1-S 2 Tibial nerve
Tibialis posterior L 5-S 1 Tibial nerve
Flexor digitorum longus L 5-S 1 Tibial nerve
Flexor hallucis longus L 5-S 1 Tibial nerve
Biceps femoris (short head) L 5-S 2 Common peroneal nerve
Tibialis anterior L 4-L5 Deep peroneal nerve
Peroneus tertius L 5-S 1 Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor digitorum longus L 5-S 1 Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor hallucis longus L5 Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor digitorum brevis L 5-S 1 Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor hallucis brevis L 5-S 1 Deep peroneal nerve
Peroneus longus L 5-S 1 Superficial peroneal nerve
Peroneus brevis L 5-S 1 Superficial peroneal nerve
Flexor digitorum brevis S 1-2 Medial plantar nerve
Flexor hallucis brevis S 1-2 Medial plantar nerve
Abductor hallucis S 1-2 Medial plantar nerve
Lumbricales (medial 1 or 2) S 1-3 Medial plantar nerve
Quadratus plantae S 1-2 Lateral plantar nerve
Adductor hallucis S 2-3 Lateral plantar nerve
Abductor digiti minimi pedis S 1-3 Lateral plantar nerve
Flexor digiti minimi brevis S 2-3 Lateral plantar nerve
Lumbricales (lateral 2 or 3) S 1-3 Lateral plantar nerve
Interossei S 2-3 Lateral plantar nerve

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