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I 8RAay

• -
tlAMtRTlf. P4\.

01. 28-No. 38
T.O .,

J Military Rites For

Former Cynwyd Man REV. B. M. KIRKLAND AND NARBERTH , SOLDIERS Call Attention to ON
Boro Busihessmeli~<"
Receives Citation SCHOOL ELEVEN

, Lieut. Dempster

Robert L. Baseler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Baseler, of
West Philadelphia, formerly of
Bala-Cynwyd, has been commis-
New Tax Penalty Protest Proposed,
Navy Nurse Was
Narberth Resident
sioned a Lieutenant Colonel, ac-
cording to a letter recently re-
ceived by his parents. Colonel
Baseler, 33, is now stationed in
Collectors Point Out
It Applies to School
Policing Merger
North Africa and has participated Delinquencies
For Many Years In every major campaIgn in the Council Names Mem-

d 1 t
last year.
Colonel Baseler also received Tax collectors in sllburban bers of ~arberth
Funeral servIces were h eI as the Distinguished Flying CroEs, municipalitIes called attention this Auxiliary Boards
Friday at the Narberth Presby- which was presented by General week to a new penalty that wlll
terian Church for Lieutenant (j. Doolittle "for outstanding bravery
g.> Margaret Dempster. daughter In shooting down five enemy be applied to delinquent school Narberth business men are not
• or Mrs. Margaret HIlI. of 501
Homewood Ave" Narberth.
plane!" under heaviest antl-air-
craft fire, fiying at lowest pass 1-
The amendment to the school
interested in any move that might
lead to a merger with Lower Mer.
Lieutenant Dempster died sud- ble altitude," code was approved May 26. 1943, ion Township, they told members
den1y on December 4 at the U. S, Colonel Baseler is a graduate of and will be applied to all 1943
Naval Hospital, Shoemaker, Cal., the George School and attended school taxes that are delinquent. of the Borough Council Monday
wI1el'e she was on duty. Further, the University of Alabama. His Tax collectors in nearby suburb- night.
military. services wele held Satur- wife and their son live in Boston. an sections llre Thomas Weide- A delegation from the Narberth
day at Carnegie, near PIttsburgh, • _ mann m Haverford Township, BUSIness Council appeared to ask
~~,b~:~~b~::h~n Chartlers Ceme-
Lieutenant Dempster, who ~lad
Protest Handl.·ng Peter C. Hess in Lower Merion
Township and John R. Hall in
Narberth Borough.
the counclImen why they were
considering a plan to let Lower
Merion police the borough.
I ecently reCeived the rank of LIeu-
tenant (j, gJ, had plevlously been
statiOned at Sampson, N. Y., and
at the Philadelphia Naval Hos- I
Of Cases ByBM ' ,
The amendment reads:
"To all school taxes ass~ssed and
levied in all school dIstrIct,'! of the
third and fourth class In thIS
LAWRENCE C. COE In the ,delegation wel'e J. J.
Whiteside. Sylvester Fratantoni.
Cae. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walzer, C. H. A. Chain and
Howard E. Cae, 262 Hathaway Sterling Cham.
A graduate of the Philadelphia
School of the BIble and of the
nurses' tramlng school of Presby-
· · Board Commonwealth, which are not
paid on 01' before the first day of
October, in the year in Which
La.. W~'nnewood, was first string Speakmg for the Borough Coun.
tackle on the Peddle School var- cli Roland Fleer, president, made
sity football team at Hlghts- it plain that the Council was not
they are assessed and levied, there town, N. J., thfs Fall. He form- interested in any form of a mer-
terian Hospital. was a secretary at shall be added a penalty of five erly played for Lower Merion gel' movement.
the Galloway Terra Cotta Co..
Business Association per centum, and on the first da~' High School, the only team to Theil' sole intereEt, he explained.
PhiladelphIa, prior to becoming a Mr, Kirkland, pastor of the Narb~rth Presbyterian Ch~rch, talks with Lleutena~t Ernest .Ar~­ of January of the year following. defeat Peddie this year. Cae en- was simply in trying to give the
nurse, strong, chaplam of the Camp Blanding Church; Private ,Flrs.t Clas,., ~oseph Waltel and COIP91al and em the first day of each tered Peddie m September. 1943, taxpayers the best service for
LIeutenant Dempster was a resi- Asks Burlingame to Loyal Graham at the SerVice Center at Starke. Fla., wJueh IS run fOI the men of Camp.Blandmg, month thereafter succeeding, dur- from Oak Ridge Military Insti- their money.
dent of Narbellh for more than Frame a Letter where Mr. Kll'kland served durmg November. mg which said taxes remain un- tute. He said that Narberth Borough
17 years. She was actire m Sun-
day School and young people's
work at the Nllrberth Presbytenan Protests against the handling
Church. of which she was a mem- of cases by the Bryn Mawr Ra-
McConnell Unanl·mousIy Noml·nated Ma r ber th
paid. an additional penalty of one-
half of one pel' centum shall be
added, which penalty shall be
collected at the same time as and
Autocar S·loiters
policemen obtained their jobs by
takmg civil service examinations
and that only one applicant ap·
peared last time examinations

Pledges.·'T0 DMD
0 y oty AISs ee I't G·Ive Concer t
ber. For a tmle. she was a church In addition to the school taxes of were announced.
missionary at the Mmg Quong tioning Board were made at a
Home, Los Gato~, Cal .. and at the meeting of the Bryn Mawr Busi-
EmbUdo Hospital, New Mexico. ness Association Monday night.
School which it is made a part: Provided,
however. that nothing herein con-
tai,:ed shall affect the right of the
Fleer said the Borough had only
fcur policemen and was in dan.
gel' of losing one. The loss of one
In addItion to her mother, Lieu- The meetmg was held m the taxpayer to pay by installments policeman meant, he said, that
tenant Dempster is sUl'\'lved by a
SIster, Mrs, Edwin N, Merkel, also BI~'1l Mawr Fire Company hall. In accepting the Republican County Committee selected Harold 1" e W S
7\ T and to have
deferred interest and
as Drovlded penalty
by law. No D'lreC t e d B y Narberth
of its policing would strength.lose 25 perThree cent
William Z. Shetter.,
of Narberth, Dr. David Wilbur Horn, president nomination for Congress. Samuel C. Pike, Cheltenham Township dlscolmts or rebates shall be al- men. he pointed ollt, would have
of the association. presided. K. McConnell, Jr" Penn Wynne, manager, as their nommee for this lowed on the payment of any difficulty in covering the territory
The matter was discussed from declared: . \·acancy. The DemocratIc nommee The Narberth Public Schools school taxes !"ssessed and lev~ed in 300 Attend on a 24-hour watch. He said that
Overbrook Church the fioor With members giving "I WIll deal honestly With the i~ Henry G. Troxel, Royersford. close on Friday. December 17 after
their mdivlduar' experiences. The~' problems and Will do my duty as Lloyd H. Wood, chairman of the the Chl'lstmas partIes. for the hol-
any school d,~strlct of the thUd or
fourth class.
Lower Merion was helping out
Hallelujah from "TI 'M i I" now but because many of theIr

Christmas Pageant
agleed ta send a letter to the ra- I see it."
tlOning board but the first one
County Committee, presided at the ldays. SessIOns \\'111 be resumed on
"McConnell is commissioner in meeting of RepublIcans last Thurs- Monday, January 3,
I ••• L·leuteO Wasson ••_ - - - le .. ess a 1 men were entering the service It
by Handel and Fmlandla chorale, was dOUbtful how long this could
submItted was considered a "iit- Lower Merion and also chairman clay 111ght m the Nornstown City
tle stIff." E. E. Burlingame. of the board of tlUstees of the Nor- Hall. Carl Sabold, Upper DUblm,
president of the Lower Merion ristown state Hospital:
School Board, was asked to frame
The first floor corl'ldors of the
placed McConnell's name in nom- school bUlldmg look qUIte gay WIth
Candle·Lighting Serv- a more dIplomatIC communication. Montgomery County Republican by ~rs, ElIzabeth Wllkmson, Lowe,!' I er school, the school patrols, under
HIS pledge was gIven to the inatlOn and the second was madt' Chl'lstmas decoratIons. In the low- I n-les In Crash ,...
from Sibelllls were outstandmg continue.
numbers in the annual concert The following
g1\'en by the Choral ClUb f the were, announced by Councll:
a William S. Howard as a mem-
Autocar Companv Tuesday night bel' of the Recreation Board;

WIlliam Hayden, hardware committee men and wome. at Nor- Menon, and James D. Reynel, Mr, Drennan's superVISIOn. have
ice and Yule Tableaux merchant. said that the Bryn ristown last Thursday night after North. Wales.
To Be Featured Mawr board had ordered him to theY had unalllmou~ly chosen hun
IIput up a huge fireplace, complete.
In hiS acceptance speech McCon- \\lth filled stockmgs and toys m ServIces Held Mon-
at the Ardmore Woman's Club, Franklm G. Hutchinson for a six-
More than 300 Autocar employes ,;ear term as a member of the
~~~cel~~lelr friends attended the Civil SerVice commission: C.
convert froln oil to coal and then to fill the vacancy caused by the r..e},1 sal~: , f l o n t of It. Evergreens decorate d F Y . Fred Kuebler 3.'! a member 0f the
had changed its order the next de-ath of Congressman J. WIlliam I Will do my best to mel'lt th~ the mantle and dOOrways. The ay or oung Wilham Z. Shetter is director Board of Adjustment; Walter
The annual Chl'lstmas Page~nt I day. I
DItter in a plane crash on Novem- trust you have placed 111 me. It I" Cluistmas tree stands beSIde the M d Off' of the Choral Club, Steckbeck for a five-year term as
of the O\'erblook preSbyterIan I
Several of the speakers con- bel' 21. a great honor to represent Mont- fireplace. Easv chairs and rugs be- erwoo Icer Officers are Lloyd Hess, presi- a membel' of the Shade Tree Com-
Church Will be given next Sunday tended that the rationing board A special election. fixed by Gov- gomery ~?unty and I Will be proud fore the fire complete the pIcture, dent; Florence dl George, secre- mIssion: T. Noel Butler for a five.
at 8 P. M, ThiS pagean,t has been Is not takmg mto consideratiOn e1'l1or Martin, will be held in the to do so,, . III the upper school, the huge de- Funeral services were held Mon- tary; Harland Brown, treasurer; year term as a member of the
prepared under the dIrectIOn of I that now coal Is scarcer than 011. County on January 18, A resolutIOn of tribute to the corated tree IS spothghted m the Mary Ayers and Kay Dolan, Ii- Planning CommiSSIOn; Albert Nu1-
Delbert B, Gray, Jr" Ardmore. Some of the complaints were The Democrats have selected late Congressman Ditter was 111- center of the hall A large candel- day in the NeVil Memorial Church bral'lan~. Edythe Mann lS ac- ty for two years as engineer of the
Supermtendent of the Sunday directed against H. H. Perry. chair- Marvm B, Brunner. Worcester tlOduced by Earl B. Bechtel. Potts- ablum With tallr~d candles stands of st. George. Ardmore. for Second compamst. Narberth Fire Company; Bums
School, and Mrs. Jame, D. Wm- man of the ratlOnmg board who farmer, to oppose McConnell, town, prolh~notary, and S~muel M at the end of the hall. Hangmg ,ieutenant Charles O. Wasson, 2419 Members of the Choral Club Best as a member of the Narberth
chell. Jr" Wynnewood" they ~aid \\as a little "UPPish" in
Among th~ featmes of thIS pag- handlmg sOme of the cases. Distnct of Montgomery County Will of Montgomery County.
Voters of the Third Legislative Glass, Whttemarsh. shel1!I-elect beside' It are Chnstmasy red Merwood Lane, Merwo,od, wh? c;lled are:
cia Jes Potted fir trees and e\'er- !ast Wednesd~y mor~mg of It:Jur- Soprano-Margaret Bell, Ruth I
Board of Heaelth.
l i e s suffered 11l a ghder aCCident Booth, Sigrid McConnell, Ber~lIce Finish War Memorial
- -_ _b _
cant WIll oe five tableaux of I I
Gerald Lvman Penn ValleY, fill another \'acancy caused by the Two hundred and eighty out of, . I '
Christmas scenes in costume bY said It \\ as '''hard to make them resignatIOn of Edwm Wmner. who the 382 commIttee men and \\ om?n " fl~:~~e tlllmnlllgs decorate t 1e en- the previous evening. McCutcheon. Ethel Miller. Vlrgmla
young people of the Church and understand". 'was elected county treasurer In were present and 75 others came I th t ri d f b th The Rev, F. E. Seymour. rector Morrison, Margie Pace, Claire Par- At L M High School
a Candlehghtl11g Service by a Another coal to 011 conversion No~ember. With proxle~ to \'ote for commltteff' n. ~ ou Sl e Will, ows. a 0 of the church, officiated and In- sons. Marylee Ramstrum, Mae "
singmg chorus of Angels who \nll complamt was registered by Maxi Members of the Republican member::; un~ble to attend. bp~;ld~~11f_o~~e~1~~~:t~~sget~~el~~teg~~:terment was held in Arlington Whistler, Kathreen ZolJlkoffer. A war memorial alcove, in
partiCIpate in each -of the tab- Siman of Bryn MawI'.
leaux. The music has been prepar- - - .--- ----
S HId" F-
• '·t ............... ..1· ....... _ ............ "'_ ....... _ ........~··
- •..• ,
. 0 '"

'n -a !.m.lot;r. ~;:IP~"'I~n"a.
_' , • • _..' Cemetel:V. Tenor-Ghal'les Aral:;. Charles .",hlch 1.650 names have been in,.,.-,_"",.",
'I'he accident occurred while Carey, Laurence Cooper, Samuel sClibed on panels. has been com_
ed under the dllccllon of Mr. and S
Mrs, Fntz K11leger. The choir will
tu ents
G t R t'l
e e al
GIRL SCOUT t ervlces e or Lieutenant Wasson was an a train- DI VirgIlio, RIChard Dorn Paul p!eted at the Lower Merion Sen-
On December 7 the Narberth ing fiight at Fort MaCkall. N. C.. Henderson, James Murrav.· Anth- ior High School.
Lieutenant F-I
smg several numbers during the Selling Experience 4 ~ PubliC School conclUded the accordmg to a telegram received any Nugent, Alfred Scarlett, The memorial alcove is the gift
pageant, The amplification and
lighting effects will be under the
. . ,
Lower Menon Selll~r High 4
direction of John V, Calhoun of School students are gettm!1: retail 4
NEWS al or ~
Stamps and Bond Dnve to buy from the War Department by hIs
three Jeeps, land, all' and amphib- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Was- Florence dl George, Kay Dolan.
I8n. The school expected to sell son.
Alto-Mary Ayers, Jane Crout. of the class of 1943.
Of the former students and
Retta Johnson. Mary Mohan. Jean graduates In the service 16 have
Wynnewood. se'lling experience workmg for the : ~ $6,255.00 \\ orth of stamps and Lieutenant Wasson was a mem- O'Donnell, HIlda Rach, Betty Rel- been killed.
Among othrr participants 111 the following ~rms: , I .. " .. " " " " .. " " " " ... " " " .. " " " ... ",,~ bonds for the campaIgn. The week bel' of the R. O. T. C. went direct- 'mel·s. Ethel Shepherd. Alice Smith. The memol'lal alcove was opened
pageant are Peggy Wenzell, Wal- Strawbridge and Clothier, Pep Penn Wynne Flier of December 7 the pupIls sold $3,- ly to Fort Sill, Oklahoma follow- Bass-John Bosler. Harland for a public inspection on Novem-
lace. Rachel Funk. Henry Kalten- Boys. Horn and ,H~rdart Retail Brownie Christmas Party 013,55. The total sale to date from ing hiS graduation from Purdue Brown. Abraham CrosleY, Wilham bel' 29.
thaler, Bruce MUl'1'ay. GrenVIlle FIrm, Presser Pubhshmg Company, y BrowllIe Troop 63 of Bala-Cyn- Died in Plane
Foote, Robelt Wllkmson and E, Sears, Roebuck and comPkan , Lldt wyd was feted by the JUnior Wo- C
Hen~ricks Funk, Jr, The chorus Broth.ers, John Wanama er an men's Club of Bala-Cynwyd on ras a • e,v ern
hN t B
September 7 to December 7 is University, Indiana, in January. DOWdell, Joseph Ferry, Frank Hel-
1943. as an electllcal engmeer. In mel'. Lloyd Hess, Harry Jones, Ha-
AprIl he went to Camp Mackall, rold Sender. Shields For Boys
of smgmg Angels Illcludes Betty Machme TC;lOl S a l e s . , NANCY HU SI ' N. C,. where he was a second Lieu- Special numbers were given by
Hunter. Ah::e H,so. Jean Rolston. The pupils.. who. are members I Monda~' evemng, December 13, at, .,.. ..' N CKER:" tenant of Field Artillery in an Air- the Barker family of Gladwyne.
Dcrothy RiCh, Ehzabrth AliWer-lof t,he cooperahv~ dlstl'lbutlve edu-!the Club House. In the absence of I Funelal sel \ lcrs fOl .Fllst Lleu- I
Doing War Work
School Repol telS. borne Division, He was a graduate .• _
Fiske and Phyllis Rodgers,
11::1' Jocelvn McIntyre', Mary Rae catIOn class, receIve
an hour while lealmng.
to 50 cents the preSident Mrs James Forgie tenant Samuel D. Failor, son of I
' 1 ' II 'M' 'R bel't Shank' Mrs. Blanche D. Failor, 208 Har-I Increase Shown In
of Haverford Township HIgh Servl'ces Held For
Boys 111 Lower Merion junior
high school and elementary schools
makinl!" splints, lap boards. games
' \\ 10 \\as dl't
) \'lce-presl en, presI IS. 'dode . , held
rowgate Rd. Penn
Saturdav Wynne,
at Oliver H B were
',"s POSItIve • • T B Exams Besides his' parents he is surviv- d Dr. L. J. Vanderpool and other items for wounded sol-
The Browllles, under the dil'ec- 1820 Chestmlt St Phil e' ~I, , ed by. ':l brother, Geo~ge, a ra 10
The WAR and YOU
tion of thell' leader, Mrs. Carl
Miller, Jr. and Mrs. Henry Kon-
Li€utenant F '1101' ad
. a.: . a
• •
, More POSitIve reactions are show- teChl1lClan third class m. t!le Navy
Olmel ing up III the tUbel'culoslS examin- stationed III San FlanClsco, Cal.. day morning for Dr. Leslie J. Vall- Lower Menon School Board has
zel entertamed the club mem- mfmb~l of the Umvelslty of Penn- ations bemg conducted in Lower who fiew home for the services and derpool. of 700 Penfield Ave" Pen- ruled.
diel"<; m hospitals will be allowed
Funeral services were held Mon- to weal' arm shield Insigna, the

'--------------------------~bel'S : parents and' " friends WIth a ks~llvadnlla t Mswlmdmin.g squad. was Menon schools
a plane
a sister, Janet, a student at Vassar. field. who died last Wednesday, 'rhe artIcles are tumed out by
RATION REMINDER speCially prepaled ploglam-a IltI eNewasBernonNayCmHe "a 21crash , : 1:>- and 17 tubercu-
On NO\embel ._____ th e d ay bef are h'IS 66tl1 b'11'tl1d ay. the boys 111 the woodworking
His body' was . brou~htS hom losls test.'! we're given to approxi- Service Men and Interment was held in White- sl:ops.
GASOLINE-In 17 East coast states A-8 coupons are good senes of tableaux, ten 111 all. mak-
ing use of well-known Chrlstm,as Wednesday. <,scorted by Lieuten: ma tely 7! per .cent. Of. the pupils W
through February 8. In states outSIde the East coast area A-9 hymns and carols. The finale \\as ant TheOdore Botwcll a f llo • m the l1lt1th glade III JUl1lOr high omen
N ee
d N t
0 marsh Memol'lal Park.
Dr. Vanderpool, a past presl-
Joins Sorority
coupons are good through January 21. "Flggy Puddmg", after WhICh the officer from the Mal'll' e b e \~ ~chool and the twelfth grade m Rene Licenses dent of the Philadelphia Dental Miss Dol' 0 thy Danenhower,
SUGAR-Stamp No. 29 in Book Four is good for 5 pounds through "puddmg" was brought 111 b,y Cherrp Point, N. C, w1 er a~'e~_ the senIOr high school. . uT
n Association. was a graduate of the I daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Donald
Club who .then gave their guests Marine fllgl~t i~s~~'u~\~~.l.oned as a ~6 ,teaChers and employees were X- In the armed forces, mcludmg the mamtalned an office at 2904 1 Merion. has been pledged by Delta
members of the Jumor Women S tenant Fml . . ,1 e I On November 29 396 pupIls and It IS not necessary for persons Medico-Chlrurgical College and I Danenhower. 507 Wynnewood Rd.,
January 15,
SHOES-Stamp No. 18 in Book One, good for 1 pall'. Stamp No. a real Chl'lst~as party. The week before Lieutenant 13~ed. women's services, to renew motor Girard Ave.. PhIladelphia, mOl'e Delta Delta sorority at Bucknell
Ion the "aIrplane" sheet in Book Three, good for 1 pair. T The, BrownIes par~lC1Pating \Vel:~ Failor pel'fOlmed the same duty .---- \ehicle operators' hcenses in Penn- than 40 years. Universlt~r. Le\visburg. Fa.. A grad..
Nanc~ Appleby. ~olma Ja~e A.I. for. his best fnend, Lieutenant W. R. Smith Dies fylvama next ~'eal', the Keystone He is survived by his wife, Marv. uate of the Lower Merion High
MEATS. FATS-Brown stamps L, M. Nand P good through Jan- nold. Balbe Ballald, Nanc~ ,BU~k Theodore Stewart. whose body he Automobile ClUb announced this and a son, Leslle Boyer Vander- School. MISS Danenhower is a.
uary 1, 1941. Brown stamp Q becomes good December 19 and re- Carolyn Dayles, DIane Dealdolff escorted bome to California After Short Illness week. Theil' present licenses are pool. Freshman at Bucknell.
mams good through January 1, 1944. Jane Fourmer. Sara Berry Ham- Lieutenant Failor was a gl:adu- Funeral serVIces for William R. good for the duration under a law
PROCESSED FOODS-Green stamps A, Band C In Book Four, Ilton. Betty Harmg, Paula Holmes ate of West Philadelphia High Smith were held at nOOn todaY. passed by the last sessIOn of the
Ann H~ndley, R!.!th I~'WIl1, Elean~r School, clas of 1939. and attended 11 Pennsylvama legislature.
good through December 20. Green stamps D, E and F m Book Four, Konzel, JIll Rlchal~s, ~arbala the TO\\'1le Scientific School. Uni- ;:oal~,Sp~~~eval~~;. RIghters MI The law furth~r hProvld~f ~lat
good through January 20. Shank, Jan~ TaylOl", Gletchen verslty of Pennsylvania, until his Mr, Smith died after a short within 60 days 0
FUEL OIL-Penod 2 coupons are good through February 8 in VO~ler. Lorue "Y0odllng, Susy enlistment in the Navy last year. Ilh:.=ss, He IS surVived b,y his Wife, ~~~r~~ce~~:r:tfll~sen:aIorarl;~Y"t:~;
all areas except the South Where they are good through January 25. Wught and .Robel ta ~llle. He was commissioned a Navy pilot MI,S. W. R .. Smith.. hiS parents, CIII'I'ent yeal'. These applications By DAVID MALICKSON
Spelhng Bee FInals in December 1942 and subse- M d M G S itl f
Period 3 coupons now valid in the Middle West and South remam Of a team of three GIrl Scouts quently tran~felTed' to the Ma- 1 l. an IS. eOlge m 1 0 must be sworn to before a justice Class of 1945, Lower Merion High School
good through March 15 in the Middle West and through February 22 \\'ho WIll oppose the same number rmes. He \\'as a member of Sigma Waslungton, D. C" Ius daughter. 0f the peace and if the indiVidual
III the South. Period 3 coupons become valid in the East January 4. of Boy Scouts m the Geutmg Chi fraternity. Mrs. Wilham. F. Lundgren, and has been injm'ed in service, a
S II B el KYW on De three gra~dchllclren, physiCian's certificate Will be re-
BROWN POINTS FOR WASTE FATS C~~bl~g23. e~h~~ ~VIIl be two Glri Re~~r~~1 was in the family lot at Mr. Smith wa~ a patent attor- qUired indIcating the applicant is With Stew Young acting as The epidemic of infiuenza -.and
The housewife may now receive one brown ration point for each Scouts from the Main Line d i s - '
one-half pound of salvage kitchen fats she takes to her retaIler. In tnct. Mary LOUIse Lacy of Orer-
she points
WI]] con
t t t l brook Troop 264 and Shirley Lob-
Hug hW 'R·dl T h· F.
yon s I ey owns Ip Ive
ney. SPC 18l1zmg~tlles.
y physically able to operate a ve- chairman, the annual Holiday grippe has caused a decIded drop
.. _ Dance, sponsored by the Lower
Merion Student Council, will be in school attendance during the
held at the Overbrook Country early part of this week, as com-
will not give forinue 0 receive
less than foura cen
one-half s a nor
pound, pound. Retal
for any ers gdlell'llS "
frac- htehsee Presbyterian Church
Club on Saturday evening, De- pared to that week last year. On

overwel~~N g~~~m~~~i~a~~~~lls~~I~~~~~r~r To ChaJleoge L. M,'s Old Master ~~eit:ib~i~~h~~~ii~l~

cember 27. The decorations for
the dance wllI express the Yule- Monday, December 13, 22% of the
tlonal VICTORY GARDENS NOW Nar- tIde Season: Don Palmer is in sophomore class was absent due
Although Victory gardeners exceeded their goal of ,18 million Mal'n LI'ne Students berth Presbyterian Church will charge of the committee. Music largely to these sicknesses. The
gardens f or 19 43 by a bout 10 pel' cent, t h ey are as k ed f or ano tlleI' 10 4present
P, M. this a White
Sunday,GiftTheService at wlll be furnished by Chick For- percentages rlln much the same
program, rest and his band which will play
per cent increase in 1944. Arrangements shOUld be made now for Graduate at Peirce Performing in the best Ander- ing head, The Maroon was out- entItled "Our Love Gifts," WIll m- nom nine 'ttll one a. m. The for the other classes, These fig-
the use of vacant land, and considerable preparatory work can go on At the annual graduation exer- son approved manner, Lower Mer- standmg defensively against Mer- elUde a Christmas story and admission price fOI' civilian couples ures show that there are almost
through the Winter, Hard coal ashes can be Sifted and stored on clEes of the Peirce School, held last ion High School's basketball team chantville. holding the Jerseyites Christmas carols, and each de- will be the usual $1.65: while a as twice as many absentees this week
there were in the same period
plots. Compost piles and supplies of manure can be accumUlated, Saturday a t t Ile Aca demyo f MUSIC, . Is off in its customary cloud of quarter WIthout while
a fieldtaking
goal ina the16-6second
half- partment of the Bible School will serviceman and his date wlll be last year. It furthermore stresses
end either turned under Wherever ground is not frozen or stacked for the followl'ng recel'ved dlplonlas'. dust, The three-time state cham- ttme lead, Stress was placed on the make an individual "love gift", 'admitted for $1.10, "Civle" stags. the need to keep our bodies in
lise in early SpI'ing. J. Joan Bates and Albert G. Cetd- pions will be seeking their third ofiense at CoateSVille with the
arstrom Mrs. C. H, Woolmington, asso- $2,00; servicemen will be admitted ~ound physical health, for the
JI free. The dance will be formal
. ' " both of Nal'ber h', straight victory of the infant cam- Maroon rolling up 18 field goals to date supenntendent of the Bible as in previous years. Frank Halg Winter is only beginning. A few
GIFT PACKAGES POINT FREE Doris Yocum, of Cynwyd; Jane L. paign when they entertain Ridley ten for the Steeltowners. School, WIll direct the program, rules Which, if followed. wl1l keep
DI'ederl'clls WendelIn A EI~St assistedBible by Mrs, John HaVllck. the is in charge of the cloak room vou off the absent list follow: (1)
Gift packages of jams, jellies, frUIt butter, preserves, and non- , . . . . , Township High School at Downs Although Phil Harman was the Men's Class. William Heard,
citrus marmalade that were packed before October 23 for sale fiS ~~l~h.~il ~t;{i~~~l~e, ~~~yp.t~~~ Gym Fnday night.
committee; Bill West of the re- get a sufficient amount of sleep.-
only regular last year in the start- Mrs. B. R. Nelson, Mrs, Harold C. freshment committee.
Christmas gifts may be bought point-free through January 8, OPA tella Meldrum, of Haverford. ,Ridley Township won the cham- mg lmeup, the Maroon indicated it Millman. Mrs, W, C. Groff, C, H, by this we don't mean five or siX
hours but Ilt least eight or nine
PlOnship of the Section Foul' has a well balanced club that Woolmlngton,
said recently. Because the packages were made up before these foods , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... 1League last year and possibly may won't have to depend upon anyone Dorothy V. Meng. The gifts will be has released the following sched- hours of continuous "wood saw- L. Sarle Brown and Mr. Harkins. wrestling coach.
were rationed, and because they are often assembled-in packages THAT WORD give the Maroon a stiffer test than 1I1dl\'idual. For eample, Ralph Vi- turned over to the Presb~'tel'lan ulE' of meets to be held during the ing"; (2) eat plenty of nutritious
with such highly perishable products as cakes and cookies, it is neces- anyone to date, but what lends un- guers, strlUgbean brothel' of L. M.'s Orphanage. '43-'44 season: January 7-Epis- food, especially citrus frUits such
sary to sell them speedily to prevent waste. 'LIBERAL' NEEDS usual Interest to the contest is the famous Chuck, collected 12 points .____ topal at home; 13-Valley Forge as oranges and lemons in one form
fact that the Delaware Countians to pace the Anderson men against H t' I IS' t (pending); 20-0verbrook School 01' another. (3) dress wal'mly-
PACKED FOOD PRODUCTS TO BE STRESSED are coached by Hugh Wynn, who MerchantVIlle, While Gitch Stew- or ICU tura' OCle Y for the Blind, away: 21-Haver- do not, however, overheat your
Exempted from price control are sales by home canners who sell played under Bill Anderson on the art. the jayvee Who is fllling the Will Meet Tuesday ford. home; 25-Valley Ferge, body. (4) avoid coming in close
less than 1,500 quarts a 3'ear of packed fruits and vegetablps, OPA To the Editor: L, M. team that was runner-up for center spot very capably, and Hank away; February 4 _ Abington, contact with persons who have
.. May I congratulate you on your the state title in 1931. Belber. rangy letterman at guard, The Delaware County Horticul- home. The meet with Valley Forge colds. (5) avoid constipatibn and
reported recently, OPA also announced that consumers will pay courageous editorial in the De- Naturally It would be quite a each tallied 13 points at Coates- tural Society will meet Tuesday in scheduled fOI' the 15th of January (6) if yoU feel a cold coming on
more for canned sweet potatoes. brined cherries, maraschino cherries, ccmber 2 issue, entltled-"We Cast feather in Young Wynn's cap were vllle. Stewart also scored eight the Brookline Fire Hall at 8 P. M. was cancelled because of the in- gO to bed at once and remain
canned mushrooms, and processed dried prunes and prune products. Our Vote For a Liberal Republican he to upset the old J;llaster. He'll points against MerchantVille. when the guest sprakers will be crease of sickness at Valley Forge. there until your temperature is
Congressman." have his boys primed for the oc- Ridley Township is the last game Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phllllps, • • .' normal for a 24-hour period.
CATSUP RELEASED TO CIVILIANS That word "liberal" needs to be casion and the fans are looking for- for the Maroon until after the dramatist of the Mary Lyons Salute of the Week-Goes to School authorities have advised
Nearly a mUllan cases of tomato catsup soon \\)ill be released to used and stressed more often, and ward to a lively battle, holidays. School. New York, who is sponsor- Marjory Place senior, of Penn stUdents not to come to school if
civUians. The catsup is being released from specific reserves held explained more thoroughb' because Coach Anderson unveiled his Team scoring to date: ed by the Tuberculosis Society of Wynne, who dId such a flne job they feel at all ill. for theY would
and owned by canners but set aside by them for government use. sad to relate there are still many 1943-44 quintet last Friday befOl:e G. F. Pts Delaware County. of reproducim: the Memorial Al- naturallY be subjecting others to
people,-too many who stlll think the home fOlks and it gave Quite Stewart .•.•.•. 10 1 21' Mrs. Henry S. Barker, of the cove on sketching paper that it
the sickness.
SUSPENDER BUITONS BACK the term synonomous with radical a pleasing performance in routing Viguers ..••••. 8 2 18 West Chester Garden Club, will was selected to form the cover of • • •
Suspender buttons are to be restored to men's work pants, accord- or even Communist. Merchantvllle (N. J,l High School, Belber ..•••••• 7 2 16 &ive a demonstntlon of Christmas the Christmas Card sent to all Future Events '
dm t f WPB' d L-1 1 Here's hoping you will have more 36-22. On Tuesday the Maroon Hurman .•.•••. 5 0 10 C:ecOl'ations and wrappings. the L. M. fellows in the armed Decembel' 17-Basketball, Rid-
ing to an amen en 0 s or er 8. editorial:; plugging liberalism in traveled to Coatesville and '\7on Peacock .. ,... 2 3 7 A competitive show of Christ- services stationed in all foul' cor- ley Township. at home.
MOST corr AGE CHEESE RATIONED all our thinldng,-be it poltical, from the Section Three League Palmer .••••••• 1
Practically all creamed cottage cheese is under rationing because economic or social. passers even more handily, 43-28. Poore ••••• , ••• 0
5 mas decorations and gift wrappings ners of the earth. The drawing.
1 will be held following the meeting which reqUired many hOU1'S of tion Begins.
December IS-Christmas Vaca-

1 and the gifts ~ be sent to pa- painstaking work. was also used December 27-Hollday Dance. . ,'~
~brown stamps now are required f or this t ype 0 f 0 h eese containing 4 Sincerely yours.
C. Donald Woodward.
In both games Lower Merion Young ,.. • • • •• 0
gained the upper hand in the early
._ ,tlents at the Naval Annex in on the front coVer of last week's Merry Christmas-and may. the ~
CO'!tinued on Page Two , Nat'berth, fa. minutes and had no difficUltY stay- ,l Totals •• '._ .33 ,13 . 79 Swar.tJunore. school paper, The Merionite. New Year bring a speedy Allied, ~
Victory I , " "', ... ; " ,
, ' . " d,' ' . ' • '" -"u';' :) : , - ·;._.,;,,,Lt ~., .~, .', 'J', ' r ' "",' ',;;.;,r;,lr..::i!1'f~'· .. r • ," _; , .
~\~;~~~@M~M~W_~~IMiI.i'~IiJ.j~~iJi~~r~w;,.l!~.~~~_'.l , ~~~,J;~~ ~~~~~~~~~~1I1iN,~~~&.~~Ul~
~_ _~_ : 1';'.-c~ .. f.~I'
.. ..,..I,· ~'.oi~~ ...·~~....f • .. 1&.\ ~:tlk~

A Wounded U. So Jungl~'~F~ghter
Entered as ~econ:l CJ~BS matter October, 1938. at the POBt Office ILt
Nal'berth, PII., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Forward Into- Battle
[The' WAR and you] 'j

Continued from Pags :l

Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
HELEN FITZPATRICK, Buslnel!ll Manaller
RUSSELL E. FRANZ, Advertlalnll Manager "
Publllhed Every Thursday
Deadline for ad\'ertlelng and news copy-Wednesday. D A. M.
SUb.<crlptlon rat_$2 per year In advance
Puhllcatlon OWcR-Elght CrIcket A\'enue, Ardmore. PIL.
Phon~-A!dmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 i'
Member o! Bucks-MontilOmer. Newspaper Publishers AssocllLtlon

Note: For pUblication on ThursdaY, all church:' notices mUlt
be received by l\Ionday at 5 P. M. each week. Mail notice to
this papl'r, c/o Box 350, Ardmore, Pa., or telephone Ardmore
5720 or Hilltop 3600. '
ReI'. Jamcs 1'' 1'oner, Rector
ReI'. Charles P. O'COnnor
Linwood and Atl\ens AVes., Ardmore
Re\·. Charles T. Dinan 11.00 A. M.-Sunday School.
Holy Day Masses: 6, 7. 8. 9 and 10 11.00 A. M.-Mornlnll Worship. ArlDT SJ6Dal Corll_ Photo
and 11 A. M. 3.00 P, M.-Afternoon Service. Col. Douglas Sugg, Becond from left, Infantry commander, rides
Sunday Masses: 6.30, 7.30, 9, 10.15. WEDNESDAY
8.00 P. M.-Evenlng meetlnll. with his troops In an Engineers boat up a shallOW lagoon to the new
Dally Masses: 7 lind 8 A. M.
Tuesda. Reading room at 8 Rittenhouse Place
Is open week-days from 9.30 A. M. to
beaehllead on Arundel Island in the South Pacific. These small craft ?J
8.00 P. M.-Sodallty meeting.
5.30 P. M. Wednesday from 9 to 9.45
keep the supplies moving freely to our troops. Are you doing your Arm? Signal Corps Photo
8.15 P. M.-Mlraculou.'l Medal Devo- share to help them by buying more War Bonds?
tlol\ f,,\Io\\'cd by Benediction. P. M., and on Sunday from 1 to 2.45. .
., . U, S. rflalury D,parlm,n, With stoic expression Pre• .Tames H. Kemp, an infantryman, bcara
NARBERTH METHODIST CHURCH HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCa the pain of /a .Tap bullet. He is 1~'lng where he fell and the soldier ell
Be\', Carl R. Hammerly. Minister Woodbine and Narberth Ave. the left Is about to give him a drink of water from his canteen. Thl.
Essex A\'<' .. Narberth
9.45 A. Z,l.-Church School.
11.00 A. M.-MornhH' worship.
I Re\·. Cletu8 A. Senft, Putor
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng Worship. Need 250 Employes at Hospital;
picture was taken during the jungle fighting to capture New Georgia.
Island from the Japs. Back these boys up, help thcm get It over
sooner by buying more War Bondso U. S. Treasury Detarllllen.
6.45 P. :If.-Youth Fellow.• hlp. WEDNESDAY
7.';5 P. M.-EI·pnlng Chapel Hour. 8 P. M.-Wednesday evenlnll: meetlng
for discussion of religious topics, Ollen
Windsor and GraYling Ave.
Re\'. Bl'}'ont M. Kirkland, Pastor
John Van Ness. 0.0.. Pastor Emrrltus
to all. Pastor In charge.
8.00 P. M.-Senlor Choir rehearsal.
Montgomery Ave. and Meeting House
Hears From Son After Two Years
GA5 A.M.-Bible School.
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng famlh' worship.
11.00 A. M.-Junlol· Church for boys
aDd girl OI'er six years old and Chll·
elreu's Nursery for those undt>r siX,
Lane. Merion
10 A. M.-Flrst Day (Sunda}') School.
1l A. M.-Meetlng for worship.
Of Continuous Letter Writing
6.45 P. M.-Chrlstlan
1.45 P. M.-FrlendIY Evening Worship.
SO- Rev, Robert E. Kelghton, Pastor
Narberth, Po. IN AIR CORPS I
Persel'vel'ence paid dividends for Until last June, Mrs. Pool wrote
WEDNESDAY 9.45 A. M.-Church School Mrs. Elsie Pool, of 415 Leedom st" two letters a week without receiv-
8.00 P. M.-Mld-week service. 11.00 A. M.-Mornlng Service, Jenkintown, yesterday, When, after ing any replies, Then the Red
Cross told J1er to stop writing be-
two years of continuous letter writ- cause the address had been found

:1 Township Buys 3Acre Plot as Part ing. she received a reply from her to be erroneous.
son. Wilson Cosner, 24, a native Mrs. Pool. however, wrote to the
of Norristown, from a Japanese Navy Department. obtaining a new
prison camp in the Philippine address in the Philippines. Yester-
Of Cobb's Creek Parkway Project Islands. I
day a postcard arrived bearing the
Cosner. attached to a destroyer stamp of the imperial Japanese
which later was :;unk, was first re- army. She thinks her son, a grad-
ported wounded December 14, 1941'1 uate of Jenkintown High School,

Land Costing $3,000, Will Be Earmarked For at the Cavlte Naval base near Ma- must have received some of her
nUa. Her last letter from him was I letters, because he sends regards
Post-War Development; McDermott Named as mailed that date, I
to all members of the family, but
Trustee For Polo Field Association Six months later the Navy De-, does not mention his stepfather,
'partment notified her that her son I Harry Pool, of whose death seven
was presumed to be a prisoner, J months ago he could only have
and supplied an address in Japan, I learned through her letters.

New Ration Board ISchools' Top $1,000 In

MG~I~~~rH~~I~:c~n6~a:;~IJ~oxc~~~ ~l~;~~l~S ~~~twer
Gulph Rd:, Bryn Mawr. who re-I Merion schools collected $1.094.35
cently reSigned as a panel mem- for the Junior Red Cross fund this
I bel' of the Board. has been named I F 11
a member of the Board by R. F'I a .
Ashenfelter, District Manager of In 1940 the school Red Cross
I the OPA. County Coordinator contribution was $604.90: in 1941
I Raymond B. Rippman announced it reached $659.49 and in 1942 it
I today, was $798.26.


L:LEPHONE SERVICE is vital to the 'War

To insure yourself miles
effort. And it is necessary in peace.time, too.
of trouble-free driving, let
us check your car. We When you learn a telephone job, you acquire I
Ardmore 5720 check everything,' lights, I
a skill that will help win the war and still be I
battery, distributor, gen-
erator, starter, fuel pump needed after Victory. I
and Speedometer. Play For steady work, ideal surroundings, con· I
safe. I
genial associates and opportunities for self· I
REMEMBER, development, you can't do better thaOn a job I
your car is one year older J
'and there is a tough. witb Bell Telephone.
Winter ahead. / We have .the kind of job you'll enjoy-
UPHOLSTERING and it's probably near your home. No expe·
UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING rience necessary. Call your Chief Operator for
Springs ot three piece sulla repaired,
$10.00: chairs reco\·t>red, 15.00. Go an appointment - or come in an(l talk it over
Anywhere. Call LEWIS, Wayne 1496.
227 E. Lancester Ave" Wayne.
'wilb one of our friendly interviewers at-
1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia
or Room 315, McClatchy Building,
.\ND 69th and Market Sts.,Upper Darby

LADIES' HOSIERY Bring birth certificate or other proof

of citizenship
MIRRORS & GLASS Ribbed Cotton Chiffon
Rayon & Cotton Mesh - Rayon Sheers
Fabric and Leather
~lectric &: kadio,Co•
.' K.:< "
. ' .. "j"
lit~EBTII' 4182
.DeeemtJer t 6, t 943 OUR TOWN THREIf,'i,
hea.vens, I was due back a.t the
, '~:Ji~
Luck ·Piece shop at one-thirty! I'll have to
phone," Victim of a Nazi Booby-Trap The Battle. Is Ov~r For These Two Doughboys
Tile Value 18 TheTe ,li:j:.:
Remember. it Isn't the fat, .
By MARK PINE "Ask for the rest of the after-
noon off," Jim said.
can use for cooking tha,t the ',ov::
It was as big as a quarter, of At about ten o'clock they were ernment wants for salvage. ,: .AS
yellow brass, and had a square sitting on George's Hill watching
hole in its middle. Jim !lad car- the night blanket the city. They
long as YOU can use it and reus& it;
do. But all that YOU can't use.,1n~
rled it since he was ten, when had forgotten science for the mo- cludlng the burned. brown scrap~;
uncle Ulysses had given It to him ment and were talking about
on his return from a trip to Singa- themselves. Mary said. "Maybe ings from the skillet or the broiler.'
,ore. you have something, Jim. Any- and the fat In Which strong-fia::;;:1
"Maybe it will bring you luck, way I don't think y~lU qould beat vored fOOd has been cooked, should"'~,
Jimmy," he said. "although mine t.he combination of a physicist and NATIONAl. PRESS BUILDING, be saved and turned back to your ,';,-
hasn't helped much." He showed a chemist, could you?" ... WAS,.HINGTON, D. c. meat dealer. Beautiful, white gq_ ~,;,
Jim a I(old piece. shiny and JI~ replied combativelY. cerlne comes out of very bron.' :,-;:,
amooth. "Mine's Japanese. Yours not sure about that. The Ideal
iii Cilinese." ' I would InclUde a psychologist,"
,• By Anne Goorle unappetizing fat.
INVENTED V E N T ; ;~, ,
'. ...
Jim had carried it constantly,! ~ef?re ~Im kissed her Mary Did you know that f'.lt d and
rubbing It In April and May,' saId,,, You re n<;>t doing so, badly, equlpmell,t are being shipped by Joseph LaLande, a French as.... ,'~"
against the possibility of not being Jim. The com in Ji~ s coat the United states to at least 32 tronomer, In 1805. devised a clr.. 'c:.:~i
promoted in June; In August and I pocket was of yellow bl ass and different fro n t s. some of them cular vent in the top of a para.' :",'
September to ward off hostile' had a hole In It, but It was not his. 17,000 miles away? chute, a feature which has been,..;"M
*** used in parachutes down to the)~
ting the books he wanted.
It rarely let him down:
Tech he had rubbed It before ,I through:
' I]
teachers; In December toward get-! That was in Mary's bag.

WEDDINGS Milk may be rationed soon. If

necessary. rationing Plans will op.
present time. "11
, "'.0'1;
exams, during them and, especlal- erate on a. regional basis where a. ,,~~~ .,
ly, right after them. He g o t l l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - crisis area pops up.
through anyway, and that ought Quinn-Lucas . * ** .,~:~~
to mean something. The mal'1'lage of Miss Frances If YOll find a lost ration book,
From Tech he had gOlle to Co-' Vi~. Lucas, daughter of Canon and drop It In the mall. Loser will be
lumbia Engineering. and Columbia I Mrs. Albert H, l . ucas. of Washlng- cbarged 5 cents postage When book ''j
had sent him to sea for a four-I ton, D. C.. and Mr. James McKee
year apprenticeship In marine Hockley Quinn. son of Mr. Rnd
engineering so that he could de-I Mrs. Arthur Hobson Quinn. of 401
is returned.
Washington hears t.hat poultry,
sign engines with the smell of hot I Pembroke Rd .. Cynwyd, wlii take eggs and tobacco won't be ratIoned. :.~;
all. the tang of the salt sea In his i place on December 27 at 4 P. M. In
nostrils. ISl. Mark's Church, 1625 Locust Army Si rna1 Corps Photo * * * A,my ShrnRl Corps Photo
The hazards of the water. the St.. Philadelphia.
menacc of raiders. the swarms of
This American soldier, killed by a booby-trap, fell before a sign
ICigarette packages are again
I Given first aid by tbelr buddies tbcse two wounded Infantrymen
Following the ceremony, which cxt011lng fascism and ending with the word "Vinceremo," which means dressed in cellophane. Tobacco walt in the jungie of New Georgia. Island for the arrlvai of the medics. *
* *
, s t·ct
1'1 e WI'tl lOU t mue h tl lOUg.
hI. fatl1. el' a I'ecep t·o
I n WI'11 be 11 eId a t face as the trap exploded. Soldier at right I
submarines. all these he took in will be performed by the bride's "We Will WIn." Note how he must have raised his arms to shield his companies saved in the stimmel', Sgt. Morris HaiD, left, and Cpl. Hollis Templeton, right, were wounded
in is operating a mIne detector when the air moisture humidifies, in action against the Japs. Are you backing up these jungle fighters ...... 1 UNCH from 60e * .,..,. *
What Jim minded were the lone- the Pennsylvania Society of While bls b'!ddy looks on. Are you back g our fighting men by buying to stret h th
some shore leaves. His only com- Colonial Dames. 1630 Latimer st, War Bonds.
pensation was the bookstores, Witmer-Bickley I
,1f. S. Treasury Dtpar'mtn, winter. c
e ce op lane over into I by buying more War Bonds? U.S. TrtasuryDtparlllltJlI DINNER from S5e
which he haunted and which ab- Miss Audrey Elizabeth Bickley, . * ** TR" ArlO CONOITION"O *
sorbed most - ~ his pay. What he dauRhter of Mr, and Mrs. Everett,' ~1ESSAGE
wanted was a gh'1. H. Bickley, of Bala-Cynwyd, will, 1\
ABOUT GAS AND TIRES Fewer shoes for clvlJlans Is pre- i
dieted for next year , .. There'll :
Jim shOUld hal'e known hel become tl:e bride of Mr. Robert
would never tind one at the racks i Howel! Witmer, of Lancaster, on
1 1
be mOl'e canvas uppers and more!
rubber soles ••• It's Wise to give 1
and Cocktail Lounge
marked Steam Engineering, Ma-I Decembel: 27, at 4.30 P. M. in the
rlne Engines and Boilers, Ship ' Presbytel'lan Church of the Cove-
the good leather ones you have the
01' shlnola with a wax-liquid or :-;;;MN~~M;;;;;~~M;;;;;~¥;~
* * * * * * * * * * *,*
John Schuster, Jr., of 520 I si.de h.im. He is no~v in ~ base hos- ,~
The gasoline Situation gets no I been requested you would have aste
0 •

Construction, 'although anything r.ant. Bala-Cynwyd. A reception at IIsh '

can happen these days. This one, t~e Barclay Hotel. Philadelphia, better fast. This, In spite of the some appreciation of the critical ~oJj b/ o "hlch protects and Brook!1Urst Ave., Narber,th. an en- Plt~1 10 North Afl'lca With a frac-
shouldn't have been looking at the WIll folIo,,:, the ~el'f.mony. fact that the 28,000,000 cars In future of automotive transporta- s s.
*** sign in the U. S. Naval Reserve, tUI ed leg and ftesh wounds.
fat tome Design of Diesel Motors
She sho{lld have been posing fori' th~
The bl'lde WII! be attended b y . . . g
M~sses ~lIz~~eth Hersey, operatIOn at the ,begmmn of the tlon. More cars than you realIze
one of those beautiful-nurse pos- Amta, BIO.wn, VlrglI?la Chambers. war have been ) educed to aboutl show mileage of 30,000 and up- the BritIsh are eatIng. It's a cross
The "~vobble" Is ~ ne", vegetable has reported for active duty.
Deane Osner, son of Mr. and
Issue InVItatIons
~ II
tel'S, or for a War Bond picture, MarCia Glvv on ,. JUlIe Grubb and 24,000,.000 now. In 1941, the con- sometimes way up - which can, between a beet and carrot and they Mrs. Charles Osner. of 225 Sabine Invitations have been issued by I:
or even holding aloft Liberty'S Ma!'y Grace Devme and Mrs. Mar- sumptlOn per day was about 71,- only mean that those cars and' claim its vitamin content Iii twice Ave., Narberth, is stationed at Mr. and Mrs. Woodward W. Cork-
Jim stared at her conscious A. Blass.
I Jorle Dearnley and Mrs. Frederick ,400,000 gallons, The Armed Forces I tires are well on their way to the! that of either.
and ,Lend-Lease use 25,200,000 of I junk he I *** Corpus Christi, Texas, taking a ran, "Infield House." Villanova. I
seven-montl~ course. ino aviation for a small dinner at the Merion:
that his mouth was open She Mr, Richard Howell Witmer will that total, leaving 50,400.000 for apt , ' . radar He IS an aViatIOn radar '
gazed linpersonallY Oat him but be his brother's best man. and th~ I all other uses. Compared with pre-I Sy':thetlc tires are stili in the
It s patriotiC to give stamps Rnd technician, third class. '.~·I~~~o;:l~fbtfl~il?~~~~r;t: ni1l~~ i
quicklY turned her eYes back to ushers wlIl InclUde Messrs. Robert war civilian consumption this is a experimental state and have not ~a~ bonds for Christmas. You're Donald Taylor, Sto~'ekeeper. s~c- Anne S. Corkran. Later the 'guests i
the book, and Jim retireod., I I
N. Reynolds, Benjamin Wo ShaUb. drop of 21,000,000 gallons, which yet reache~ a point \Vl:1 ere they en Ing to your country While )'ou're on~ ?Iass, t!. S. N.. IS undergomg will attend the Haverford Satur-:
The Chinese luck piece was In Jr.: Brooke Roberts, James P. must be made up by curtailed clv- can be rehed on for high sp~ed giving to your family and friends! trammg with. the Seabees at day Evening Dance. "
the trousers pocket of his old Walsh. Truman C. Schnabel. Jr.; Jian use. Moreover, this means i travel 01' for he~vy l.oads. The 10- .... Camp Peary, WIlliamsburg, Va. He
tropical worsted, but Jim didn't E. D.o\Vns Longaker, G. Lawrence even further stringency for non- evltll:ble concl~slon IS that for a
give it a chance. He went into Austm. Jr.: Robert. E. Booth, essential civilian use since much of conSiderable time the tlres.we are
the street and moved on to the R?bert A. Buyers. Sidney DaVis. this gasoline must go to essential n~w run,:lng on ore the tires w.e
Women's Club, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Taylor. 331 Merl,on Ave., Narberth.
John H. Faussett. Jr.. son of
O".battl,w"'''''o.snot '1I
.... g, .."

next bookshop. What he was 20, Arthur I. Murphy, Jr" and war workers who have to rely on Will contmue to run on, and It
searching for this time was some- Charles P. Neumann.
thing that would give him a clue ••- - -
motorized transportation. behO?~es us to keep them in good
OUI' war effort is geared to one! C o n d i t I o n : .
Notes Mrs. Miriam W. Hili, 206 Forrest
Ave., Narberth. who is stationed
In England, has been promoted
a war. We've lOt
times ai.at!.
to what the Germans were SUP-I Lesson. Sermon fuel gasoline. The OPA does not I Accordmg to the Rubber Dlrec- from private tirst class to corpo1'81. Buy M.ore I I Needs Extra Care
Posed to be doing: Building a sub- I establish the allotments-this Is tor the transportation of even es-
marln~ witllout electric storage I "Is the Univers~, Including Man. done by P. A. W. OPA merely ra-I sentlal war workers is in dan.ger. Narberth Juniors
Private William S. Guthrie, of
106 Essex Ave.. Narberth, was 5
Wor Bon d .. I
batterIes to proPel It beneath the Evolved By AtomiC Force?" is the tlons to ciVilians the stock left The quota of new and used tIres, The regular meeting of the Jun- wounded in Italy, November 6th,
~urface. Somehow they had found subject of the Lesson-Sermon In over after allowances have been of this present date, is only 17.- lor Women's Community .Club of when an "S" mine exploded be-
.For F'aodom', Soh
Give your clothes a
sporling chance against
a way to get enough air from the all Churches of Christ, Scientist, made for the military needs and! 000,000, \\rhich sounds like a lot Narberth scheduled for thIS .even- I
the forces of wear by

~~:ete;~~~ n~e ~~:v~~~~~~I~I~~ I~t ~~ld~~n~:xvt is~~Sf~~~~h }:'lthT~~, ~~~~~Y:I c~~~~~~.a~:~~ ~~d ~~; ~~a~I~·e~v~~; ;~~s~~~11;:~h~~ f~t; I1n;,~~aSn~~~n~:~~~~e~f
the crewmen breathe. That was understand that the worlds were I the petroleum supply came to the I about one-fourth of ~he available will be held Thursday. January 6,
the club §WJ1II1II"11111"ISI"IIIA"III"IIIVm"""EIII~I""IIIIIIII.1II111011ll1111IIIIIIII~~"TI"IIII1SIll"IIII.I,""",""II1I11IIIIUl§
' J.." ',
h a v i n g them dry
cleaned often. Over·
really something, And the preei- framed by the word' of God. so East Coast by tanker and the East Isupply in 1941-and tires are three 1 1944. MrS'. Vincent J. Stoltz. chalr- Get Can ,. n e F res h Mea t §
coats, suits and dresses
ous s~ace could be used for more that things which are seen were Coast supply was bas'ed not on pe_1 years older! Moreover, this 17,000,- man of the House Committee. will
fllel OIl.. ' not ,~ade of thlng~ which do ap- riodlc piling up of reserves but on 000 has to take ~are of t~le 24,- present Miss Anne O'Brien. of Pe~n
I a steady ftow of oil by tanker from 1000,000 cars now m operatlOn-o,,:, Sta.~e Coll.ege. whose = F
0 r
0 u r Dog ."
retain their own true fit
and last longer when
He \lent !nt.o Gorman's and peal (Hebrews 11.3).
headed unel'l'ln~ly for the second - - - - . - --_.- I the Southwest oil ftelds. The SUb-,'less than one tire pel' passenger be Nutrition m War T~me." Hos-
sl;lbJect Will
= F h L e
you use our expert dry
cleaning service.
tloor. He had JU~t t~k~n down a Sou,. Cream fr.une Nut Cake marine attack on our coastwise car. It was estimated that 25.-/ tes~ for the evening WIll be Mrs.
thIn book. balanclll~ It m his left
~~d and ~bsent-m~ndedIY feelinS!'
Fllltng ,tankers Is a matter of hlstory.,OOO,ooo tires would be needed for Robert M. WaJters. ,= Valuable Ration Points arc not
needed for the Fresh Lean
r sean
Cu bed Meat
I the com. It \I as not In his
anJ l l1chan<;l th~re was a hole about
\\?de In t,he worn !inln~!
tI m stt iedkdo" n the stall'S With I
'. cup RUgal'
'. cup !lour
1-8 teasPOon oalt

'h cup thick 8011' cream

What Is less spectacular but a the year 1943 ,but It appears th.at At It meeting of the Board of,
major victory for the home front the demand Will exceed the avall-/ Directors held December 7, the:
was the rapid change over frpm I abIes supply by about 7.000.000 sum of $25.00 was appropriated I
'n 7~~S~:d)pped uncooked Prunes tanker supply to inland rail and t!res. By salv!!,~I!1g every possible. for the Narberth Emergency Re- I
truck transportation and the con-I tire and by utllIzmg whatever syn- lief. The club also made a pur- I
Meat we serve you for your
dog. Just phone us and our
man will deliver some to your
home regularly.
( Not For Hllman)
3 ..
'"' ,

le ~ap 00 of a person on a 1 tellBPoon grRted lemon rind struct.lon of pine lines and barges. thetlc production there is, the chase of Christmas seals. I CLEANERS & DYERS
~~~I to c~~:ilI ~eB r~tr~ced ).5e~~p ~:d~~n (~~~ yolks) Call Hilltop 6737
girl was still thY ~ ?Od·
S10P his
ele, 1 ea Illg Design d
of Diesel Motors, Jim looked all, an salt. Add cream. Prune". nnd
However. the solution of the trans- shortage may be .reduced to .6.-
. Thel Thoroughly blend sugar, ftour portation problem has given way OOO,O.o~, but tha.t wlllieave us \Vltll WILBUR S. MUFFETT
to a new problem-a shortage of a cl'1tIcal deftclt. The only solu-
I"ts If TI' I be . tl'on II'es in the responsibility of DECORATING
! ==
CA NT I N"'-' E
Now Located in
, I . a r g e r Quarters at
102 NForrest
ar b thAve"
around but f d' n and egg' Cook slowl- t· 'I" gaso me I e . llS las en pal- 1= LAWRENCE ROAD
she spOke. ,,~:~ I~O ~Ol~, Tht constantly. ti~iCks 11 ~~~ tially overcome by eq~allzlng, to a l every person 0Pl;rating a car. ~ach FOODS INC
this?" In her
y u ,00 109 or creamy. Add nuts. COOl and use great extent, the ratIOns between' o.ne must fe~l IllS pers?nal ob!Ig~-
101V brass "0/N!1\,~1~1 the. y~- as tilling for 2 baked white yel- East and Mid and Southwest areas. tlOn for mamtainmg 10 good ,01-
! =
228 B I A C = d
ed her i;and-an lIS. , le CIOO - I~w or spice cake layers. 0;' put But seasonal demands and unpre-, del' his share of transportatIOn,
lIOARBERTH, PA. I= To keep your dog In tip-top shape see your
veterinarian regularly.
=== a a ve" ynwy
CI;!resS;;o~~~~~t h::hl:~: ~~ret two
mato rarebit for lunch" J' 1a t.~- dessert.
~~c~oPc~t sr:e~q~~~;Sa~ ~er¥~e~; g~.~a~~~ ~~Iit~~~r~~~~s f~: t:l~ t~~~:~~:ti~~gT:~fltl~~e ~~en~~'~!
to time. ' .
shanng to the fullest pOSSible ex-
Phone, Narberth 4183 ~1 I 1" I 1 "I I" "I I 1 I I 1 I I1 I 1 I1 I I 1I1I1" I1 I I1 I 1! '.!I1I1! !.!I1I ! !.!I I1~1 I1~1I 1~1I ~1I1 ~1I1 ! ! 1 1~1 I ~" ~I I ~I Il I~ "~I I ~I I1~ ~f i ~~~~~~~~~~
"It does violent things' to ~~u ~~I . •••- - - It therefore devolves on every tent; a~d m<?st. Important of all.
The girl laughed "Th" . i Fruity Sticks operator of a cal' to build up his, must dllve wlthm the 35 mile. per • •
yours. . I found it on ;~eOI~eoo~ 2 eggo. beaten own gasoline reserve by contlnu-, hour speed limit ~o that preclO.us
after You left. I knew YOU'd be 2-3 CliP SUlLar ing to exercise the most rigid econ- rubber may remam on the tiles
back for it." '12 cup chc.pped candled fruit peel omy and to budget his driving I and not be dispersed over the road
"Oh. you did. did yeu? How?" (l~,'r°~tipor:h".,i~pe~lnr~a~rr::) under, rather than up to the fUll beds.
Naked admiration shone in his 1 teRspoon vanllla, limit of his gasoline ration. He ••_ - 0,

"W II ' ~. teaspoon 8alt.
) teaspoon grated orange rind will then secure for himself a Gets Yale Letter
e . mme means a lot t.o me. 1 CliP flour cushion against temporary short-
and I know what I'd do it I lost I teRspoon baking POWder ages such as we have experienced Eckley B. Coxe, 4th, Class of
it." Her eyes looked to Jim ex-I Beat eggS and sugar. Add rest in the past. At risk of slight pel'- 1945, of Haverford, Manager of
actly like the Caribbean In the of ingredients and beat 2 mln- sonal inconvenience much more the 1943 Yale football team. was
sU~Iig'ht. • _ ules. Pour Into shallow pan, fitted can be done than Is done a~ pres- awardsd a Major Y at the football
Couldn t-couldn t We discuss With waxed paper. Sprinkle top ent In the way of car-sharmg for banquet last Saturday night.
~hls o,":er a tal!, cool glass of with 3 tablespoons confectioners shopping expeditions, c h u r c h, Let E,'ery Spare Dollar Make the Axla
.ometlung? Soft or hard drink sugar. Bake 25 minutes in mod- schools. etc, Holler-Buy War Bonds.
Whatever .YOU like?" ' erate oven. Cool in pan, cut in We pass over Black Market op-
They dlscoyered that Mary had I bars and pack snugly In metal erations since we ¥sume they are
done a chemIstry major. and Jim box. Cover tightly and store in' bj!neath the contempt of any clt-
was sUpl?osed. as he put it, to be coo:' dry place. I izen with a spark of National BROOKMEAD
a phYSICISt. r he discussion really
~relV hot when theY got to alr-
- - -••- - - -
pride. We are all in this together
and the worst inconvenience that
Golden Guernsey Milk
Is Rich and Delicious
t.echnlcal terms were thrown about Bees have a hook-and-eye sys- we have to SUffer Is so Incompar-
the drugstore booth With comPlete tem on their wing edges, enabling I ably trlftlng by contrast with what But Costs No
abandon. In the midst of this them to fasten the front and back our Allies have endured since the
Than ttA"
Mary looked at her watch Rnd wings into a single unit during' beginning of the war that we
saw it was three o'clock. "Good ftight. : shOUld be heartily ashamed even Top Cream Tests 24%
to complain-much less to con- 3" Actual Lab. Test
nive to get more than our share.
A£.,..l.eN If you worked in a Ration Board A New Way Butter
A,<;.M,C.. and had a cha.nce to inspect
FOIZ speedometer readings on cars for Accumulate 1 Pt. Top Cream
OINI Which supplemental gasoline has Add One Fresh Egg-Churn
~esult-l Lb. 2 Oz. Good Butter
Save Points and Money
Wynnewood House
Daily Except Sunday W. LANCASTER AVE., Wayne
NARberth 9282 for Reservations PHONE: WAYNE 1121


Precision-building gives Autocar servicing trucks with the same, precision-

trucks two enviable qualities-economy care that went into the manufacturing of
Guartl rour Water-Line of operation, and long life. TodaYr pre- those trucks. As truck-life is forcibly in-

- Repair Broken (ell.r Windows cision-built long life is paying big divi- creased by war conditions, this precision-
dends to Autocar owners whose trucks, in servicing becomes doubly important.
Jack Frost needs no im'itation or help
in his attacks on water-pipes.
common with other civilian vehicles, are Preventive maintenance by Autocar
~ practically irreplaceable. Factory Branches pays: Schedule your
Broken ~eIJar windows are engra\'ed in- Moreover, Autocar precision does not
vitations to trouble frOID this cold
trucks for regular, Autocar check-ups.
character. ,end at the Factory. In principal cities from Your pledge to the U. S. Truck Conser-
coast ',to coast, factory-trained me- vation Corps demands it.
Repair that broken cellar window and chanics in Autocar Branches are
protect your ~'ater.pipe8 now. Buy Bonds for Victory I

lJecember 16, 1943'
fOUR I J. ~.~.

.. ~ -;;;;;;-...;;;;;;;;;;;..;.=~~~=----

If; Keep Your Head Down Tojo ~

\ Kirkpatrick, Principal; Mr. Speel-

.Haverford Passers er, Mr. Green, Mr. Getty and Mr.

Turner. The boys on the team who
participated were Bob ,Borst, Sam

Win Opener, 27-14 .. Boswell,'Dan Cavaliere, Fred Con-

stantantino, Tom Davis, Dick
Dougherty, Bob FIlck, Phil Hun-

~~...., ~. INE STORE ~ r

gerford, Dave Reeves, Bud Wrig-
Ash Paces Victory. gins and Howard Wright. '~
Christmas vacation begins De-


OVei" Glen-Nor cember 17, and classes will be re- lr
sumed on January 3, 1944.
With 10 Points

Ardmore . \ ~\
Living up to every expectation. Asked to Avoid Alerts
On' Shopping Nights
Haverford High School's veteran-
studded basketball team opened its
Mason with a 27-14 victory over
Army officials have been asked
by Civilian Defense Councll au-
Glen-Nor High School on the sen-
lor high court Tuesday afternoon. I
thorities not to interfere with
Christmas shopping between now
Suburban Square - 9.45 to 5,45
d saturday .
The Fords travel to Wayne to and Christmas Eve by calling
engage Radnor High Friday night practice blackouts. s'thursday an 9 p M.
but return for an afternoon game
with springfield High on the local
Most stores here have arranged friday '2 Noon
Store Hour. to_-=_'_~~.!I'J!I~~t:1~­
to stay open every evening during
court next Tuesday. the next two weeks to give war -,"*,: '*"- .
Using its height, speed and well-
balanced attack to marked advan- workers a chance to do their gift
tage, Haverford outclassed Glen- buying and a practice air raid
Nor in the first half and at the drill would result in much confu- "i,;;; ••
intermission had a 20-7 lead. How- sion, It was said. Telephone Shopping Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.
ever, the Fords took it easy in the It is regarded unlikely many
remaining two periods and the In- WALnut 4500-Ardmore 4000-0gontz 4500
dians improved sufficiently to hold persons will use outdoor illumi-
them to the ridiculously low score nation because of shortage of ma-
of 7-7 for the half. Army SigDal Corps Photo terials and need for conservation,
Lanky Bill Ash was the big gun American infantrymen duck as theY fire 'their mortar at a Jap of electricity. I
in the winning attack, collecting position on New Georgia Island in the South Pacific. Shattered palms

five field boals for 10 points. The in the background give some idea of the ferocity of the fight for New
rest of the Haverford scoring was Georgia Island. You ca~ get in the fight to set it over, too, by buying
almOst evenly distributed among more War Bonds. ,U. S, Treasury Deparlmen'
six players with Charles Gunther.
sub center, the only one to get
more than one field goal. He swish- BUY MORE B ,
ed the cords twice from scrimmage.
Ellis, Glen-Nor guard, paced the
losers with seven points.
News of Bala-Cynwyd Junior High
Kramer. i ~ ~ ~ Ash. i ~ ~ I~
'I SUbmarine attacks. After many ·;(~f~5·
Averholt. f 0 0 0 Edelman. i I 0 2
I.I8.st year's quota was beaten days of patient waiting, they finally
~ g~ ?~l~~etf. " ~ g ~ I this year on Pearl Harbor I?ay; received passage on board an I
of Confiden-ce Shirts for Men
McVey. c
~~, gg O O 0 HickS. g I I 3 the large.~t amount of contrlbu- American ship bound for the Un- No Holiday
Bare, g 0 1 I RoY. g 1 2 4 lions for service men was received; ited states. As the ship left the
- - - Gunther. c 2 0 4 the greatest number of letters was harbor. everyone had tears in their
Totals 12 3 27 written to the men and women in c,yes, and were ver~ sad. There
Totals 5 4 14
the armed forces: the largest num- were ma~y othey ships that wel:e For Eyes!
bel' of tin cans was collected; and also leavmg the Islands. T~eY wele
FROM an overwhelming amount of War all protected by battleships in a

THE R ED CROSS-..J 'pupils School in remembrance of Pearl behmd them became disabled, and
stamps and bonds was sold QY the large convoy. On their way, they
of Bala-Cynwyd Junior High encC?u,ntered a storm and the ship
this season-late bours, I ''. each

Harbor Day. llad to turn back. reading, shopping. If
Colonel Paul Krafft, • • • When they finallY came in sight J "
:Bala Golf
:Bala. Penna.Club, Each room gave a report on the of the Golden Gate, she said, they your Glasses need ad-
:My dear Colonel Krafft: total number of items tlle students were never so happy in their lives. justing there's no charge I~· .••
Miss Logan. Chairman of the Iin ~hat ,I:oom ?ad broUgh~,to ,school. • • •

SCJutheastern Pennsylvania Camp Ml. Knkpatllck. ~he pllnclpal of On Friday. December 10. the An- for that service at our
and Hospital Council, has asked Bala-Cynwyd Jun~or High School, nual Faculty versus Students Bas- Ardmore Store. If you
Let his gift shirts be these beauties in patterned broadcloths, especially wnen he'll
me to thank you for the golf clubs I ~dded eac~ of the Items on an a.dd- kEtball ,g~~e was played. It was a require New Lenses or recognize the lovely quality the minute hi s eyes fall on them. These newcomers are
s,nd bags, which you sent to the mg machme. The total receipts very thl'lllmg enco~nter,. and th,e
Red Cross for the patients at the w.~re ~s follows:~~e~ters. 819; con~ I game belonged to either Side, unhl Frames, we offer First all brand-new Winter patterns, to be found nowhere else in Philadelphia, all San·
Valley Forge General Hospital. tl ~butlOns, $86.0 I. tm cans. 14.062, the fin~l goal was tossed by a Quality only-at mod-
The men are alreadY looking for- stamps and bonds. $13,629.45. I member of the fac~lty. The final
forized shrunk (not more than one per cent. residual shrinkage), and all meticu-
ward to the time when they will The speaker on this occassion score was 12 to 14 m favor of the erate prices.

be able to put your gift Int.o action; was Gay Smith. a pupil in the Faculty. I lously tailored in every seam a,nd detail to do justice to the fine fabrics. Sizes range
and the Camp and Hospital coun-I seventh grade, who was in Pearl The members of the Faculty
cll g l' eat I y appreciates your Harbor during the. bombil~g, by the who played were. as follows-Mr. Open Mon.,
from 14 to 17 and slee\Te lengths include 32,33,34 and 35. "~kdtf.':",
thoughtfulness in bringing this Japs. In a most mterestl?g man- :::>o<==><><:::::;;:;>o<:::>cO Fri. Eves., '7 to 8: 30
pleasure which will be a stimu- ner which held the attentIOn of all ~'<iq, U
lant t.oward the conva.lescent." re- assembled, she said it all began on
a sun~y m~)J'ning. Her fat?i1y had U ~
n M ke a - ~~
STRA \VB RIDGE & CLOTHIER-Main Floor and the Main Une Men'J Shop
gaining health and happiness.
Most sincerely,
Frances H. Ligget.
been llstenmg to the radlo. wI~en c
they suddenly heard a hummmg I n :
Round. Then a voice excitelY in~er-I U :

Mrs. Robert C. Ligget. ~~
Vice Chairman. rupted with orders that all pollce- ::: : DONAT CO.·
Camp and Hospital Council. men and air-raid wardens report I n :
Note to Bala Members: immediately to their posts. It was I U ~:; , Headquarters
then that they knew that some-I:::
Your -
~~ ~aildo;~ Gala Choosing In Warm Dressing
n ' : 11 For All Your

your cooperation in the recent thing was amisR. Suddenly, the air-I _
dnve for golf clubs and bags, raid signal was heard, When theY U
also canes. has given the wound- looked into the sky. they saw Jap ::: -
'1 ~,
Men's Smart Ties Gowns for Men
cd veterans at Valley For/te Hos- planes overhead. It seemed as if·
pltal a great deal of pleasure in they were trying to bomb some U
_',,',. ,anticiPation of using them in obstacle behind their house. For :::
, the Spring. the next few days they had fre- n • •• _
quent alerts; and. she added, that U SHEA'S ~~
V I 'DD.I.' '1 V
it was very annoying to have to go ~ij~
to bed at sunset, for their 110use
I at Narberth ~~
! I

did not have black-out shades, A
few days later. after the bombings ::: Station , I; An assortment t11at's a kaleidoscopic view of A flannel-like weave that's 40ft:, reused wool,
and air-raids were over, the fam-! n I
~.~ §.
FOR BALA GOLF CLUB ily wandered down to the ,beach. NARBERTH (i I I: all that's good.looking and attractive in this 45% cotton and 15% rayon-very toasty and
For Bala The inhabitants of the Island ~ I •, 2838-2839 IJ ~ all-important Christmas gift, comfortable to lounge about in, and vel'\!'
Suggestions are still being re- could not take !heir accustomed 0, ' ••,,'6 <::::::>0<::::::> I<::::>O<=.O ~. hi e pattern, co 1or
ceived for the plans covering and frequent SWims, as the edge .:....-1 1 _ _ !
Prints of every concelva • J

Bala's Big Day. We aim to re- of the beach was guarded against well tailored, too, to hold up his off-duty
. and type, all on good quality rayon fabrics,
duce the mortgage. also set it up
on a different basis, reducing the I,' .•' all nicely tailored. And woven warm,,...-,l.,oo,kin g morale. He'll appreciate the good cut and
carrying charges. gradually amor-
tizing the indebtedness, working
towards the goal of a debt free
Bala. A tournament for ama-
teurs; with a sweepstake inCluded,
Narberth 2430 -the .. ornln. after

ties, so~e of wool construction, in cheery
Mexican color combinations. Lots of simple
conscn'a (,I'e t )'pes as well
. .'·<.;.ru'.'
the nice proportions. Sizes small, medium,
large and extra large; in navy with maroon
trim, or maroon with navy.

and a number of other worthy sug- Jeddo-Highland Coal
gestions have been received, and
Sooony-Vacuum fuel Oil
~, ~~;;;;~;::::\:::~~~L.\\\\~~
while the program is still in em-
bryo everyone is invited to send
Koppers Coke
~.::<*'"W~~" ~ ¥'m7l\""" U:W~~\\"'~
in his or her suggestion.
Yes, and after the war a ne\\'
locker house and men's quarters! : RALPH S. DUNNE
• .

4' - -tc
. ~{~
Second and Third Holes
Last week we received a pointed i
298 HAVERFORD AVE. . ..,. . ./ '" .~(
suggestion, regarding the second i NARBERTH, PA.
hole, from the recen twinner 0 f I !r;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill .j~,
the Vice President's CuP. Pat
Bonoma. referring as he did t.o
• "the deplorable condition" behiud
the second green.
And the ladies are still asking S 11 •• 1-
about the railing leading down!
i:' from the third tee.
Cans and Fat
I EAlll.. Y
One of our prominent members '~~ ~ ~: '~';f;J
has suggested that this papet':
could cooperate in a civic way i IX TilE t·,


with the collection of tin cans. I

also fats, and we hope somethir.;o: . ::~' .
constructive will result. .Not only i "rEEK

the members and readers. but the
club itself might co-operate. '

John Leonard III 1. J. WHITESIDE

The many friends of John
Leonard, of Bala, are grieved to FOOD MARKET
learn of his illness. He is missed
by his fellow golfers as well as his
fellow bird lovers. They join 237 Haverford Ave. J'
.' (DrllWn 'rom actual phologroph)

with the Sea Gulls and the girls
in wishing him a speedy recovery. Narberth 3668 ~
His dining friends and theil' good j
wishes. _=---.- THESE captured memtien o£ The Master Race are
bitter and broken in spirit.'
,'. ,;,
, ,
Hypnotized by promises 0'£ power and glory, they
I 1943 I I 1943 I gave up every human freedom to follow a fanatic Sold Only in 4.1t;. Cartons
3 4 They fell upon the world anil almost cruslied it. WARTIME CHRISTMAS SPECIAL
But not quite. The "decadent" democracies rallied
10 11 around the hannel' of liberty. Fl'ee peoples applied Chocolates and Bonbons
the dynamics of free entel'prise to the grim business
17 18 of war - and. accomplished production miracles. In Cartons Ready to Mail

The sullen slaves of the swastika have come up

against a fol'ce they cannot mastel' 01' comprehend.
It is inJepenJem:e':' the common heritage of
'4 Ibsi l
Strawbridge &. Clothier.

Americans. Freedom of religion; speech, thought
and individual enterprise. The right and oppor- Four pounds of Mrs. Steven's famous candies,
Ard more. Par
PI!ate send me ........ 4.lb. cartons Mrs. steven's
tunity of evel'y American, within reasonable limits, packed in a sturdy mailing carton. Delec_table b?n-
Name ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••.
to enjoy the rewards that his own work may bring. bans, chewy pieces, chocolates, nuts - everythlllg
WAR NEEDS LONG DISTANCE This is the 'Eol'ce that made America great. It is tasty for a Merry Christmas. So much good candy Addre.a •••••••••••••••••••••••••• City ••••••••••••••••

7HIS CHRISTMAS ilevoted today to the needs of all.out war. It must has gone to war this year-~end for y?urs while Wt; Charge and Send to ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
not be lost when the WIlT is ~on. can still fill orders. Just chp and_mall the attached Address ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Help necessary calls get through .y coupon, or telephone Ardmore 4:000.
-'" ._. _.----- - "-_. Charge Remittance encloled
Sorry, no C. O. D. Order.

avoiding uDllecessary calls.

Ule Lug Distance oDly if it is urgeDt PHILADBLPHIA
especially OD BecemlJer 24, ZS and Z6. .BLBeTHIC COMPANY

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