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Nama : Nurul Izati

Nim : 191440127

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris II

Pertemuan : 1

Dosen Pengampu : Emmy Kardinasari, M.Sc

Tanggal : Senin, 11 Januari 2021

Top Nursing Vocabulary + Meaning

1. Acute
 Disease can be said to be acute when a person suffers from a disease
in a relatively short time, which is less than 6 months.
 Sentence : a person has been diagnosed with acute cancer
2. Ambulatory
 Medical services to a patient for the purposes of observation,
diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and other health services, without
requiring the patient to be hospitalized.
 Sentence : This is a routine outpatient procedure.
3. Blood
 Body fluids made of living tissue, flowing throughout the body
through a network of blood vessels.
 Sentence : I’ll check your blood
4. Care
 Basic attitude to help, our sympathy and empathy for the problems
that occur.
 Sentence : nurses give care to patients by telling them to stay healthy.
5. Clinic
 A small public health facility set up to provide care to outside patients.
 Sentence : Some clinics are very close to the village, making it easier
for people to seek treatment.
6. Consulting
 Exchange ideas to get the best possible conclusion (advice,
suggestions, etc.)
 Sentence : patients also often consult with the nurses who come to
7. Diabetes
 Chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels.
 Sentence : not only parents, even children often suffer from diabetes.
8. Disease
 Certain abnormal conditions that negatively affect the structure or
function of part or all of the body of a living being, and are not the
result of any external injury.
 Sentence : all diseases will be cured if treated.
9. Emergency
 An abnormal, uncontrollable situation, which has the potential to
cause casualties or damage
 Sentence :
10. Faculty
 As a division within a university which consists of a subject area, or a
number of related fields of study.
 Sentence : all nurses must be prepared for emergencies.
11. Geriatrics
 Branch of medicine that focuses on the management, diagnosis and
prevention of diseases affecting the elderly.
 Sentence : There are complexities in geriatric patients.
12. Hospital
 Health service institutions that provide comprehensive health services
that provide inpatient, outpatient and emergency services.
 Sentence : when you are sick, the goal of treatment is to the hospital.
13. Infectious
 Infectious diseases caused by microorganisms, such as viruses,
bacteria, parasites, or fungi, and can be transferred to other healthy
 Sentence : Covid-19 is an example of a contagious disease
14. Injection
 The process of inserting fluids into the body using a needle.
 Sentence : the nurse injects the patient to draw blood.
15. Laboratory
 A place where scientific experiments, measurements, research or
research are carried out related to science (chemistry, physics,
biology) and other sciences.
 Sentence : every hospital must have a laboratory
16. Medical
 Science and practice of disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
 Sentence : After completing the action, the nurse will record the
patient's medical records
17. Midwife
 A field of science that studies science and art that prepares for
pregnancy, helps with childbirth, postpartum and breastfeeding,
fertility interval and regulation, climacteria and menopause, newborns
and toddlers, human reproductive functions and provides assistance or
support to women, families and community.
 Sentence : Midwives are a wonderful job of saving babies and
18. Nurse
 Someone who is in charge of providing care to individuals, families,
and groups who are sick or healthy.
 Sentence : I am a nurse who will be on duty at 2 pm, you can call me
if you need anything.
19. Patient
 Someone receiving medical care.
 Sentence : great pleasure is in caring for and caring for a patient until
he is well.
20. Therapy
 Efforts to restore the health of the sick, the treatment of disease and
the treatment of disease.
 Sentence : people who have diabetes really need to do therapy often.

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