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Study Guide lol.

Define the following terms:

-Concesus - General agreement among the citizenry on an issue.

-Political Socialization - The Process in which people gain political beliefs

and attitudes.

-Peer Group - A group of members that share common social


-Lifestyle Effect - The attitudes occuring at certain chronological ages.

-Generational Effect - Long lasting effect of a particular time on the

political opinions of those who came of political age at that time.

-Water Gate (1972) Illegal break into the democratic offices by people in
Richard Nixon's campaign party.

-Socioeconomic Status - Value assigned to a person due to income or


*How does religion impact the political world? - Studies have shown
that religion affects the political world because they seem to vote on different
parties. For example, Northern Protestants are more likely to vote
Republican, as to Northern Catholics, who vote Democratic.

*What is the gender gap? The difference of men who vote for a candidate
and women who vote for the same candidate.

*Opinion Polls - Questioning a small selected amount of people who

represent the total population.

*Sampling Error - The difference between a samples results and the true
results if the entire population had been interviewed.

Define the following Terms

*Lobbyist: - An individual who attempts to influence legislation.

*Interest Groups: - A group of people who share common objectives to

influence policy makers.

*Public Interest Groups: - Group that focuses on the interests of the

overall community.

* Social Movement: - Movement that represents the demands of a large

segment of the public for political, economic, or social change.
* Boycott: - To stop purchasing a product by choice.

*Seccession: The seperation of a territory from a much larger political unit.

*Prohibition: Outlawing of the prodcuction.

* Ku Klux Klan: A white supremacist organization.

* Free Rider Problem: - People that think they can get the benefits of the
interest group, without actually joining the group.

Know the following:

*Who is Hector R. Garcia? A "national hero" mexican american who fought

for both the educational and civil rights for mexican americans.

* Define "La Raza Unidad" - A party organized in the 1960s for Mexican
Americans to unite as one people. Politically and ethnically.

* Explain "Ranchero Culture" - A system in which the owner owned the

workers protection and employment, while the workers owed the owner their
loyalty and service.

* What is Creols and Meztizo (Page694) Creole, was a descendant from

Spanish immigrants to the Americas. Meztizo, a person who is from both
Spanish and Native American lineage.

*What is Conflict of Interest? Situation that arises when a legislator,

bureaucrat, executive official, or judge can make an official decision that
results in a personal economic advantage.

* Define Co-Optation: - The "capturing" of an agency by members of an

interest group.

* What is access? Reaching a legislator by phone.

* Define Fragmentation: - Division of power among seperately elected

excecutive officials.

* What is a late-train contribution? A late contribution before an election.

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