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NAMA : Rafiedhia Vastabichul Choir


NIM : 201710110311405

The History of Law

Legal history is often defined as the study of the origin of the formation and
development of a legal system within a given society. Therefore, to really know the formation
and development of the legal system in Indonesia, it is necessary to study how the history of
law in Indonesia. In the general paradigm, history is interpreted as a hub of the past with
current or future conditions or current circumstances that comes from the past. If history in
this sense is attributed to the law, it is acceptable that the present law is a continuation of the
law of the past, while the coming law is made up of the present law. Even now has developed
the science of the history of the future (History of Future) within the framework of the
understanding of history repeated / spin (Circle History). If the method of History of Future is
used in understanding the development of law in Indonesia, the future of law in Indonesia is
easier to establish or predict

According Soerjono Soekanto1, that the history of law has several uses, among others,
as follows:

1. The history of law can provide a broad view for the law. the law would not be
possible to stand alone, because it is always influenced by the aspects of life
that continues to grow.
2. The legal history may reveal the development, replacement, adjustment,
revamping and the reasons of the applicable legal norms.
3. Legal history is also useful in legal practice for interpretation 2 historical
against the law.
4. Legal history can reveal the function and effectiveness of certain legal

The usage of the history of law above can be used as a frame or framework in viewing
the formation and development of law in Indonesia. However, to see the history of the
formation of law in Indonesia, first need to understand the geographical and ethnic conditions
or the Indonesian nation before independence. In addition, at the time of independent
Indonesia, there was a growing view / theory / flow of law enforcement, there were at least 3

R. Suroso, SH, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, 2014, h. 323.
Penafsiran peraturan perundang-undangan adalah mencari dan menetapkan pengertian atas dalil-dalil yang
tercantum dalam undang-undang sesuai dengan yang dikehendaki dan dimaksud oleh pembuat undang-undang.
Cara menafsirkan dapat dalam pengertian subyektif dan obyektif atau sempit dan luas, selain itu terdapat
berbagai macam metode penafsiran hukum yang dapat digunakan. Lihat : R. Suroso, SH, Pengantar Ilmu
Hukum, h. 97-109.
major streams, namely legism3, freie rechtslehre4, and rechtsvinding5. These three streams can
significantly influence the formation and development of law in Indonesia.

Formation of law in Indonesia can be seen from the first law established by the State
of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution, the 1945 Constitution of 1945, the 1945 Constitution and
the 1959 Presidential Decree re-enacting the 1945 Constitution. In further developments, the
development of law in Indonesia can be seen from the Stipulation ) MPR No. IV of 1973 on
the Guidelines of State Policy (GBHN) which regulates the development and legal
development in Indonesia. Enter the era of reform, the 1945 Constitution in the amendment,
post amendments no longer GBHN regulating the policy of national law6. Then, at this time
reappeared the need for GBHN to facilitate the direction of government policy nationally.

Along with the succession of the 1945 Constitution and the development of existing
regulations affect the existing legal system in Indonesia. In the previous material has been
explained changes in the legal system in Indonesia is influenced by the arrival of investors,
thus requiring laws that are more responsive which is characteristic of common law type law
system. On the other hand, in terms of codification of the law, does Indonesia still need or
require legal codification, typical of the civil law system or not? This needs to be studied in
more depth, as it relates to inter-state law and international law, to carry out the mission of
the Indonesian Nation, which is to implement a world order based on freedom, eternal peace
and social justice.

Aliran legisme mempunyai pandangan hukum terbentuk oleh perundang-undangan, di luar undang-undang
tidak ada hukum.
Aliran Freie Rechtslehre berpandangan bahwa hukum hanya terbentuk melalui peradilan atau rechtsspraak.
Undang-undang dan sumber hukum lainnya hanya sebagai sarana pembantu dalam menemukan hukum pada
kasus-kasus konkrit di peradilan.
Aliran Rechtsvinding berpendapat diantara dua aliran sebelumnya, yaitu hukum terbentuk melalui beberapa
cara. Dalam pengertian singkat bahwa hukum itu terbentuk dari kebiasaan, perundang-undangan dan proses
peradilan. Selain itu hukum juga memerlukan penafsiran untuk mengisi kekosongan hukum.
Menurut Bellefroid, Politik Hukum adalah menyelidiki tuntutan-tuntutan sosial yang hendak diperhatikan oleh
hukum sehingga isi ius constituendum ditunjuk oleh politik hukum supaya constitutum disesuaikan dengan
kebutuhan masyarakat. Lihat : Soedjono Dirdjosisworo. 1983. Pengantar Ilmu Hukum. Rajawali Pers. Jakarta.
hlm. 199
Menurut Satjipto Rahardjo, politik hukum sebagai aktivitas memilih dan cara yang hendak dipakai untuk
mencapai suatu tujuan sosial dan hukum tertentu dalam masyarakat. Politik hukum merupakan salah satu faktor
yang menyebabkan terjadinya dinamika yang demikian itu, karena ia diarahkan kepada “iure constituendo”,
hukum yang seharusnya berlaku. Lihat : Satjipto Rahardjo. 1986. Ilmu Hukum. Alumni. Bandung.h. 334.

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