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COMMENTS: grade 8 intro2

1=#N is a friendly and cheerful member of the class.

2=#N demonstrates a conscientious attitude and a willingness to put a lot effort
into every class.
3=#E is able to work independently, asking for assistance only when needed.
4=#E is able to demonstrate responsible behaviour by working cooperatively
with a group and showing appreciation for the efforts of others.
5=#N is a polite and well-behaved member of the group.
6=#N has made some progress this semester.

COMMENTS: Grade 8 middle

1=#E is encouraged to listen attentively during group sharing times and to
remember to raise #h hand to speak
2=During the 12 bar blues #N learnt to play the #grade8projects well and
performed an accurate and stylish performance with #h partner.
3=#E has made some progress in music this year.
4=#E has made good progress in music this year.

COMMENTS: Grade 8 middle 2

1=#E is encouraged to listen attentively during group sharing times and to
remember to raise #h hand to speak.
2=During the 12 bar blues #N learnt to play the #grade8projects well and
performed an accurate and stylish performance with #h partner.
3=#E did well in the #grade8projects and gained a high level. #N needs to ensure
#e keeps working on #h #grade8projects so that #e can continue to improve this
in semester 2.
4=#E made some progress with #grade8projects and was able to
#grade8projects at a satisfactory level. #E should try to practice these skills
more so that #e can improve this in semester 2.
5=#E struggled with the #grade8projects and did not score a high level in the
#grade8projects. #N should try to practice #grade8projects at home so that #e
can improve this in semester 2.
6=#E worked hard in the #grade8projects and gained a satisfactory level. #N
needs to ensure #e keeps working on #h #grade8projects so that #e can
continue to improve this in semester 2.

COMMENTS: year 7 music conclusion

1=Overall this has been a pleasing year and I hope #N will continue to work hard
in grade 8.
2=This year #N has worked at a satisfactory level during class but homework
assignments have been unsatisfactory or not completed. #E should consider how
improve this area for grade 8.
3=This year #N has worked at a satisfactory level, #e should consider how to
improve #h level of effort in grade 8.

COMMENTS: Year 7 music middle

1=During the Chinese music composition unit, #e worked collaboratively to
create a good composition. #E can compose music to represent a given scene and
is confident when performing to the rest of the group.
2=During the Chinese music composition unit, #e struggled to work
collaboratively with the members of #h group.
3=During the Chinese music composition unit, #e had to be encouraged and
reminded to actively participate in the composition process.
4=During the Chinese music composition unit, #e worked collaboratively to
create a good composition. #E has creative ideas but needs to work on #h
confidence when performing to the rest of the group.
5=During the Chinese music composition unit, #e appeared to have some
creative ideas but when #h group failed to perform to the rest of the class. #N
needs to work on using rehearsal time more effectively so that #e can be more
confident when it comes to performance.

COMMENTS: Year 7 music middle 2

3=#N can sing in tune and has a strong voice. #E should consider joining choir.
This would give #N more opportunities to explore and develop #h voice, with the
added benefit of performing in front of audiences.
4=During the singing unit #N has been reluctant to make any effort to participate
or develop #h voice. It has been disappointing to see such a lack of effort towards
a unit and #N should consider how to have a better approach to work, for grade

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