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Satuan Pendidikan : SDN 3 TUKADSUMAGA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : V / Ganjil - Genap
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

No. Semester Pelajaran Sub Pelajaran
1. All About Me 1. Self-introduction 4 JP
2. Dream job
3. Hobby

2. School (Direction) 1. Imperatives 4 JP

2. Preposition of place
3. Name of room
1 I
3. At The Doctor’s 1. Symptomp/ilness 4 JP
2. Part of body
3. Sympathy
4. Ordinal numbers

4. Describing People 1. Parts of body 4 JP

2. Adjectives
5. At The Clothes 1. Clothes 4 JP
Shop 2. Weather
3. Colors
4. Size

6. Farm Animals 1. Farm animals 4 JP

2. Animal’s food
3. Animal’s function
2 II
4. Animal’s sound

7. Leisure And Sports 1. Hobbies 4 JP

2. Ability
3. Adverb of frequency

8. Places To Go 1. Activities on holiday 6 JP

2. Tourist destination
Jumlah JP

Mengetahui, Buleleng, 7 Januari 2021

Kepala SD 3 Tukadsumaga, Guru Mata Pelajaran Kelas V

Nengah Karnada, S.Pd Ni Putu Adelia Suryani, S.Pd

NIP. 19650504 198606 1 004 NIP. 19900316 202012 2 002

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