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Hi Folks:|
We¶ve got plenty of entertainment on tap in the coming week at the Theatre of the Absurd aka what used
to be our NH Statehouse. We have the absurd, the disingenuous, the lousy policy and the truly
dangerous ± and that¶s only over the next few days! |
Below, I offer a bird¶s eye view of what will be heard in committee along with some of the most important
pieces of legislation coming to the floors of the NH House and NH Senate. For Committee listings please
go to the end of this e-mail and review all of the legislation that will be heard. I have highlighted some of
the legislation that will affect the broadest cross-section of our citizens.|
I have also posted the links to both the House and Senate calendars. If you want to see the full list of the
bills that are coming to the floor (too long even for this over-long e-mail), go to the complete calendar. |
As always, if you would like to know more about any specific piece of legislation, please don¶t hesitate to
contact me. I will either try to explain it in greater detail or put you in touch with someone who can.|
Lastly, you have been doing an amazing job of contacting legislators, sending letters to the editors of
local newspapers, and coming to Concord to testify at hearings. If you have any doubt that your energies
are being well-spent, please know that sometimes it has actually resulted in the prevention of bad
legislation (i.e., the bill to repeal kindergarten was killed as a result of the turnout and testimony),
sometimes you have given moral support and encouragement for others to push back against the efforts
of our new legislators (i.e., 400 retirees turned out to battle back efforts to cut pensions for folks who
could no longer return to the workforce) and you have captured the attention and interest of the media
who is almost daily reporting of the hundreds of people coming to the Statehouse to testify on a wide
variety of bills.|
Please continue your efforts. It is vitally important that you contact the individual legislators on
committees hearing bills that are important to you and it is equally important for you to reach out to your
own legislators to share your view. You can find a listing of committees and committee membership at
and you can find your legislator at http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/wml.aspx|
À |
"I really don't know what I'm doing...We're all sort of bluffing it out....The few votes I've made so
far I really didn't know what I was voting for or against. Just looked at the people around me and
went along with them.Dep. Marty Harty, r, Barrington on his new job as a NH legislator.
Our worst fears have come true. They're all sort of bluffing it out?? What will be left
standing when they get really serious?|
Let¶s hope that we have a few thinking minds when some of the following bills come up
for debate and vote.|
If you¶re poor in NH you are under suspicion! On Tuesday, February 22 at 10 a.m.
in Dm. 205 of the Legislative Office Building (LOB), the House Health, Human Services
and Elderly Services Committee will hear HB 484-FN, a bill that will require random
drug testing of food stamp program participants. Even if one believed that food
stamp recipients were more inclined to be criminals and drug users (something so
patently offensive on its face that it deserves no further discussion here), spending
$2,836,505 to randomly test 51,391 NH citizens down on their luck doesn¶t seem a
prudent use of resources. If the committee passes this ill-conceived bill, I hope that
they will add an amendment that requires every recipient of public money to be drug
tested (shall we start with a local CEO who has received at least seven SBA loans and
two community block grants, for example??).|
The New Hampshire Army is looking for a few good people! Yes, you read that
right. HB 343, that would establish a New Hampshire Army will be heard before the
House Executive Departments and Administration Committee on Thursday, February 24
in Dm. 306 of the LOB. While the army will be volunteer and its members will not be
compensated, there will nonetheless be associated expenses with establishing this new
army and record-keeping. There won¶t be any messy draft business though as  

with some exceptions such as elected officials. I¶m sure that
the Dochester 912 Group and other Tea Party groups are waiting with baited breath for
this one ± I just can¶t figure out how they square the conscription part of this bill with the
Y   motto they came here for.|
3how us the money! HCD 13 urges Congress to pass legislation to cover any losses
in value due to money supply by the federal reserve ± now that oughta help folks who
are looking for work! Oh, and it¶ll restore gold and silver money for which I will be
personally grateful for as I¶ve missed it. And, finally this bill will lobby Congress to
eliminate the Federal Deserve. The show begins at 11 a.m. on Thursday, February 24
in front of State Federal Delations and Veterans Affairs in Dm. 203 of the LOB.|
Yegislative prevention of isolation. This was Dep. Ulery¶s explanation of HB 577 that
he claims will prevent merchants from becoming isolated like the Jews in the ghettos
of Europe ± apparently Dep. Ulery believes that this was a voluntary move downtown.
The legislation requires           
    HB 577 will be heard before the House Commerce
and Consumer Affairs Committee on Tuesday, March 1 at 11:30 a.m. ɇɚɞɟɠɞɚ ɜɢɞɟɬɶ
ȼɚɫ ɩɪɢ ɫɥɭɲɚɧɢɢ. ɍɞɨɫɬɨɜɟɪɶɬɟɫɶ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɩɪɢɧɟɫɬɢ ɜɚɲɢ ɫɥɨɜɚɪɢ ɩɟɪɟɜɨɞɚ!|
À  |
If you¶re suspected of voting for Democrats your voting rights are at risk! Two
bills dealing with voter rights will be held in Depresentatives Hall before the House
Election Law Committee on Thursday, February 24 beginning at 1 p.m. HB 223-FN will
eliminate same day voter registration, one of the proudest traditions of the NH electoral
process. Following that the Committee will hear HB 176 that will result in barring
students and military personnel from being able to vote in NH elections. Speaker
O¶Brien shared his disdain for allowing student voting when he stated that at this time in
their lives ³«they had little life experience and tended to vote liberal.´ Both of these
bills are thinly disguised attempts to suppressing voting by constituencies that trend
toward Democrats.      ! 

"         # 


3o, whati¶s in a promise? SB 3, a bill that will make extensive changes to the NH
Detirement System will be heard in Depresentatives Hall on Friday, Februarry 25 at 1
p.m. Despite the rhetoric of the majority party and some in the media, the 
as noted by its Executive
Director and actuaries. It is important to note that   & 

in the past as some are prepared to do today. An inappropriate funding formula
resulted in the State and municipalities underfunding the Detirement System for more
than 16 years while employees paid their share week in and week out. Now,
employees are asked to shoulder the burden that was created by former politicians
trying to curry favor with voters. It is noteworthy that 52% of what municipalities now
pay toward the NHDS goes to the debt that was created when they entered into a pact
to underfund the System in 1991 ± a pact that actuaries at the time told them would lead
to problems. Some of the provisions of SB 3 would change the game for folks who
have been in the System for up to ten years. The NH Detirement System underwent
extensive changes for the first time in 17 years under the Democratic majority in
2006/2007. These changes will, given adequate time, ensure the full health of the
System. For one person¶s compelling story about promises made that should be kept,
please see Bo Butler¶s testimony at


Dace to the bottom. Although championed by Depublican Governor Styles Bridges
more than 70 years ago, the current legislature is    '
   and tie it to the federal rate. HB 133, the bill that would
accomplish that will be heard on Tuesday, March 1 before the House Labor, Industrial
and Dehabilitative Services Committee in Dm. 303 of the LOB. After nine years of
stagnation, the minimum wage was finally raised as one of the first pieces of legislation
passed by a Democratic majority in 2007. Easy to see why our new legislators would
like to get rid of it.|
½ecause 8th Grade was Good Enough for Gramps (and me)! As US students
continue to lose ground to their counterparts around the world and just as our President
calls for increasing investments in educating our young to give them the tools to
compete in the world of tomorrow, our legislators are turning back the clock. On March
1 at 2 p.m., ()*+,        -
  , will
be heard before the House Education Committee in Dm. 207 of the LOB. Four years
ago the drop out age was raised to 18 and New Hampshire currently enjoys one of the
lowest high school drop out rates in the country. But we don¶t want all that to get in the
way of a good debate about just how much schoolin¶ is good µnuf. Better show up at the
hearing on this one or it could be your kids or grandkids that turn out just like some of
the folks you¶ll see on the Committee.|
A trifecta of danger in a job-killing, consumer snookering, property taxpayer
burdening bill wrapped in a bow! %(-./,      
          sounds like the perfect market
solution to the problems of escalating insurance costs ± that is, until you look under the
hood. This bill will be heard on Tuesday, February 22 in Dm. 100 of the Statehouse
(SH) at 9:40. This        
 just when they need it. Because such policies don¶t
have to meet the mandates of policies sold in NH, consumers are likely to find that
some, if not most, don¶t cover much at all. And, if consumers are harmed in this or any
way at all by such policies they will find out quickly that  ' 

   0 . That¶s because the companies who sell
these policies will not be licensed in NH and will not be subject to oversight by our DOI.
Think all of that¶s a bit problematic?? Additionally, companies who sell these policies
who are licensed in other states also pay whatever taxes they are obligated to pay in
other states. Thus, they will not be paying the insurance premium tax here in NH and
that revenue will be lost to our state. Now if you were a good free market adhering CEO
can you think of any reason to keep your presence in NH along with its jobs? I can¶t. If
my bottom line were really important to me, I¶d move to the state with the fewest
mandates on what consumers ought to be able to expect from their health insurance
and just sell into NH. What about the consumers who find themselves in need of
medical services that their health insurance doesn¶t pay for? They¶ll just become a few
more faces in the uncompensated care line.|
µCause we just expect too darned much from our healthcare coverage. On
Thursday, February 24 at 1:15 p.m. before the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs
a rescheduled hearing on HB 309-FN will be held in Dm. 302 of the LOB. This bill
would repeal a number of mandates that insurance policies sold in New Hampshire
must now provide. 0    

   Having served on the Senate Commerce
Committee and hearing hours of testimony from folks who had been denied coverage
for these and other health issues, I can relate to you that the loss of these requirements
will be devastating for many of our citizens. "       

  2   |

3( 4|
As a matter of fact, yes. Of particular note is SB 169 that would establish additional
reporting procedures for campaign expenditures by both corporations and unions.
Unfortunately, the only sponsors on this bill are the minority party and they could use
your help on this one. SB 169 will be heard by the Senate Public and Municipal
Committee in Depresentative¶s Hall on Tuesday, February 22 at 11:30 a.m. À  

,    Please try to
attend this hearing and voice your support for this bill, then write to your legislators and
tell them that you believe transparency in campaign expenditures is an absolutely vital
protection of our democracy.|
I have been receiving requests from around the state by folks who want to be added to
the list of recipients on the legislative updates. Please feel free to forward this to as
many folks as you know. Every citizen in our state should be aware of what is
happening in Concord. Let folks know that I am happy to add them to this list.|
Again, thank you for all that you do.|

Jackie Cilley|
8 Oak Hill Doad|
½arrington, NH 03825|
(603) 664-5597|
 !"#  $%|
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9:00 a.m. Degular meeting.|
# "# 1' 00*+$-!$//!

23 |
12:00 p.m. Degular meeting.|

1:00 p.m. Liquor Commission|
2:00 p.m. NH Lottery Commission|
3:00 p.m. Department of Information Technology|
4:00 p.m. Treasury Department|
 ' $)+./* -!,$/*,$$!"|
10:00 a.m. Degular business.|
10:30 a.m. Audits: State of New Hampshire, Department of Labor, financial audit
report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010.|
State of New Hampshire, Department of Corrections, financial audit
report for the nine months ended March 31, 2010|
&6 2 # "#5&!
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9;00 a.m. Degular meeting.|
#   " ' )7/*+$-!$/,!"|
1:00 p.m. Degular meeting.|
2 2!2# &    !,/8!"|
11:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 407, establishing a committee to
study the rising incidence of autism.|
5 # #!,/(*,/0!"|
10:00 a.m. Full committee work session on H½ 337-FN-Y, relative to the calculation
and distribution of adequate education grants, H½ 533-FN-Y, establishing a cap on the
amount of school building aid grants distributed in each fiscal year.|
11:00 a.m. CACD 7, relating to education funding. Providing that the general court
shall distribute funds in the manner that it determines will best promote an equal
opportunity for an adequate education.|
||||||||||||||||||||||||  || ||
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| | | |   |||  | | ||
 |||  |
| |
Executive session may follow.|
12:00 p.m. Full committee work session on H½ 337-FN-Y, relative to the calculation
and distribution of adequate education grants.|
5 5#"5 5!

 2 |
9:00 a.m. H½ 456-FN, relative to the calculation of average final compensation for
the purpose of determining retirement system benefits.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 265-FN, redefining earnable compensation in the retirement system
for new and non-vested members in service.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 463-FN, relative to the retirement system maximum initial benefit
1:00 p.m. H½ 360-FN, establishing a state defined contribution retirement plan for
state and political subdivision members of the retirement system and establishing a
committee to study the transition of current employees into the new plan and
administration of the new plan.|
Executive session may follow.|
# !"#  ,,|
 #  '"#:" ;&-!
9:00 a.m. Banking/Business Division subcommittee work session on H½ 171,
relative to restrictions on liquor licenses.|
10:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 248, establishing a commission to
study business regulations in New Hampshire.|
10:30 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 430, establishing a committee to
study the feasibility of establishing a state development bank in New Hampshire.|
11:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 405, relative to dissolving
1:15 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 244, restricting the collection of
biometric data by state agencies and private entities.|
2:00 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 317, relative to fire warning devices
and carbon monoxide detection devices in dwellings.|
2:45 p.m. H½ 398, relative to service animals.|
3:15 p.m. Continued public hearing on H½ 262-FN, relative to beverage
3:45 p.m. Continued public hearing on H½ 276-FN, relative to wine manufacturers.|
4:15 p.m. Continued public hearing on H½ 328, relative to New Hampshire
domestic liquor and wines.|
Work sessions on these bills may follow the public hearings.|
2 2  ' ,$*+,-! 9 

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$)! 4|
9:00 a.m. Degular meeting.|
# &c  #  !,/8!
10:00 a.m. H½ 89, requiring the attorney general to join the lawsuit challenging the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.|
Executive session may follow.|
 # 5#"  !,/)!"|
8:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 127-FN, relative to the definition of
oral communication, H½ 145, permitting the audio and video recording of any public
official while in the course of his or her official duties.|
10:00 a.m. Executive session on H½ 225-FN, relative to the return of personal
property confiscated by law enforcement agencies from a person charged with a crime,
H½ 434, relative to procedures for investigating law enforcement officers involved in
critical incidents, H½ 453-FN-Y, making persons fleeing to avoid prosecution or custody
or violating parole or probation ineligible to receive certain disability aid, H½ 556,
relative to citizen complaints against police officers, H½ 572-FN, relative to official
oppression, H½ 217-FN, including "unborn child" in the definition of "another" for the
purpose of first and second degree murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide, H½
644-FN, relative to various state laws pertaining to unlawfully present aliens, H½ 29,
permitting a person to petition the superior court for any action pertaining to a pistol or
revolver license, H½ 282-FN, relative to spitting or urinating in an emergency vehicle,
H½ 304, requiring prisoners between 17 and 25 years of age to complete the
requirements for a high school certificate or a GED prior to release on probation or
parole, H½ 372, adding cigar blunt wraps to the definition of drug paraphernalia in the
controlled drug act, H½ 428-FN, relative to the procedures for detention and sanctions
for default and breach of conditions of bail and recognizances, H½ 432, limiting traffic
violation stops of women at night, H½ 448-FN, relative to spice incense products, H½
475-FN, relative to penalties under the consumer protection act, H½ 478-FN-Y, relative
to testimony by video teleconference, H½ 526-FN-Y, requiring the registration of
persons convicted of animal abuse, H½ 535, relative to the committee to study parole
boards and parole board procedures.|
# !,/0!"|
8:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 301-FN, amending the home
education statutes, H½ 545, repealing the department of education's rulemaking
authority for home education programs, H½ 595, amending the compulsory school
attendance statutes to permit parent-directed instruction programs and repealing the
home education statutes.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 219, establishing a committee to study the abolishment of the
department of education.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 369-FN-Y, relative to withdrawal from a school administrative unit or
an authorized regional enrollment area school.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 376, relative to representative voting on joint boards of school
administrative units.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 386, adding Granite State college to the university system of New
Hampshire corporate charter and adding a student trustee from Granite State college to
the university system board of trustees.|
1:30 p.m. H½ 505-FN, making charter schools eligible for grants for leased space.|
Executive session may follow.|
10:30 a.m. Executive session on H½ 106, relative to filing for town offices, H½ 152,
relative to the definition of "party" for election purposes other than primary elections, H½
153, relative to political organizations, H½ 197-Y, relative to processing absentee
ballots, H½ 240, allowing voters to vote for multiple candidates for an office, H½ 258,
eliminating certain unenforced election laws.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 264-FN, relative to political contributions by state contractors and
other recipients of state grants or appropriations.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 251, relative to absentee ballots.|
11:45 a.m. H½ 274-FN, relative to voting procedures.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 487-FN, relative to election day registrants.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 515-FN, relative to voter registration and relative to procedures for
absentee voting.|
3:00 p.m. H½ 356-FN, requiring valid photo identification to vote in person.|
Executive session may follow.|
&  ##!./.!"|
10:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 325-FN, relative to the purchase of ill
animals from licensed animal vendors and inspections of animal vendor premises by the
state veterinarian.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 495-FN, relative to the prevention of the use of pesticides on the
grounds of child day care facilities, schools, and state parks.|
Executive session may follow.|
1#&5    !./8!"|
9:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 339-FN-A, allowing the state
veterinarian to employ a meat inspection services administrator.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 491-FN, relative to divestiture of retirement system assets relating to
10:30 a.m. H½ 43, relative to the adoption of forms under the administrative
procedures act.|
11:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 517-FN, repealing provisions
concerning licensure of fuel gas fitters.|

 2 |
1:15 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 450, relative to the regulatory
authority of the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 446-FN, repealing the authority for regulation of certain professional
Executive session may follow.|

11:00 a.m. University System of NH.|
1:00 p.m. Department of Environmental Services.|
2:00 p.m. Department of Devenue Administration.|
3:00 p.m. Department of Labor.|
4:00 p.m. Department of Cultural Desources.|
 " +|
10:30 a.m. Pease Development Authority|
2    #!./.!"'5  

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8:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 571-FN, relative to lobster and crab
licenses issued by the fish and game department.|
2 2 2# &&2!' $,8* +$.-!
2:00 p.m. Descheduled regular meeting.|
2 2!2# &    !,/(!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 484-FN, requiring random drug testing of food stamp program
10:45 a.m. H½ 485-FN, relative to requiring photo identification for food stamp
program participants.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 573, relative to the administration of certain pain relief medications
by a school nurse.|
Executive session may follow.|
#  !,/%!"|
10:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 609-FN, establishing the New
Hampshire circuit court to replace the current probate courts, district courts, and judicial
branch family division..|
1:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on CACD 11, relating to terms for state
judges. Providing that all state judges be commissioned for renewable 5-year terms.|
1:30 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 344-FN, establishing a judicial
performance review commission.|
2:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 349-FN, relative to alternative
dispute resolution in civil cases.|
2:30 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 412, establishing a committee to
study issues of judicial standing under federal and state law.|
3:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on HCD 17, declaring that Copp v.
Henniker and the opinions which subsequently relied upon Copp versus Henniker are
void and of no force.|
Full committee public hearing on HCD 18, declaring Merrill v. Sherburne
to be void and of no force.|
3:30 p.m. Full committee public hearing on HD 7, directing the house judiciary
committee to investigate whether grounds exist to impeach marital master Phillip Cross
and/or any justice of the New Hampshire superior court.|
Executive session may follow.|
 "!#  2 " &&!./0!"|
10:15 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 647, relative to withholding of wages.|
10:45 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 560, increasing the minimum wage.|
1:00 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 582, relative to communication
between employers and employees during bargaining negotiations.|
1:45 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 589, repealing written majority
authorization for an employee organization to be certified as the exclusive
representative of public employees in a bargaining unit.|
Executive session may follow.|
 &  !$/)!"|
10:30 a.m. H½ 520-FN, requiring certain bills to have performance standard notes.|
Executive session may follow.|
11:00 a.m. Executive session on H½ 135, relative to state employee reimbursement
for use of a personal vehicle, H½ 159, relative to review of proposed administrative rules
by legislative committees, H½ 160, requiring decisions and actions of the joint
committee on legislative facilities to be ratified by the legislature, H½ 350-FN, updating
laws relative to the fiscal committee of the general court, H½ 190, relative to legislative
study committees.|
1:00 p.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 114, establishing a committee to
study merging the state heritage collections committee and the joint legislative historical
#5  # &!./$!"|
9:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 108, authorizing the town of
Hampton to appoint a tree warden.|
9:30 a.m. H½ 584, authorizing coastal management provisions in master plans.|
10:15 a.m. H½ 483-FN-Y, relative to mosquito control.|
10:45 a.m. H½ 521, relative to meeting dates for county conventions.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 530-FN, relative to state regulation of the septic system installation
1:00 p.m. H½ 622, relative to adjustments to the semi-annual collection of property
taxes in towns and cities.|
1:30 p.m. H½ 550-Y, relative to the payment of bills by municipalities.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 541, relative to ownership of property placed in trust qualifying for
certain property tax exemptions and credits.|
Executive session may follow.|
5#"c; 22c !,/$!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 583, relative to including projected sea level rise in planning and
implementation of state-funded projects.|
10:45 a.m. H½ 531, relative to uniformed presence officers in highway work zones.|
11:15 a.m. H½ 507-FN, requiring the department of transportation to establish a
storage depot for storing historic bridge parts.|
Executive session may follow.|
!2   !./)!"|
10:15 a.m. H½ 379, relative to late fees charged by utilities.|
10:35 a.m. H½ 496-FN, relative to radiological monitoring in nuclear emergency
planning zones.|
11:05 a.m. H½ 608, establishing a committee to study the health and environmental
effects of using industrial-grade silicofluorides and industrial-grade sodium fluoride for
water fluoridation in New Hampshire.|
11:25 a.m. H½ 374, banning corn-based ethanol as an additive to gasoline sold in
New Hampshire.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 388-FN, requiring providers of prepaid wireless services and voice
over internet protocol services to pay surcharges for deposit in the enhanced 911
system fund.|
1:30 p.m. Continued public hearing H½ 381, authorizing net metering for micro-
combined heat and power systems.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 389-FN-Y, relative to broadband infrastructure.|
Executive session may follow.|
 5 !,/.!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 549, relative to driver's license reexaminations.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 546, relative to the use of hand-held cellular phones while driving.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 516-FN-A, establishing Ded Sox number plates to benefit the
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 455-FN, authorizing optional enhanced drivers' licenses and optional
enhanced nondrivers' picture identification cards.|
Executive session may follow.|
c   !,/,!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 564, relative to the adoption of forms by the department of revenue
administration for the filing of taxes.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 579, exempting department of revenue administration guidelines
from the right-to-know law.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 447-FN, relative to collection of the education property tax and
establishing a program to rebate certain excessive property tax payments of eligible
2:00 p.m. H½ 557-FN-A, relative to the standards and burden of proof with respect
to the business profits tax deduction for reasonable compensation attributable to owners
of partnerships, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships.|
3:00 p.m. H½ 593-FN-A-Y, relative to video lottery and table gaming.|
3:30 p.m. Continued public hearing on H½ 518-FN-A, increasing the research and
development tax credit and establishing a commission to assess the effectiveness of
the credit.|
Executive session may follow.|
c !"#  ,.|
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3:00 p.m. Or immediately following the House session, subcommittee work session
on H½ 294, relative to the distance from highways for the taking of moose.|
#5  # &!./$!"|
8:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 232-FN, relative to abandoned
homes in manufactured housing parks.|
    &   !,/.!"|
3:00 p.m. Or fifteen minutes after the House session, subcommittee work session
on HCD 22, opposing the right of any firm, corporation, or individual to trademark the
name Mount Washington.|
2# !"#  ,)|
2    c!,/8!"|
9:00 a.m. H½ 597, revising the child support guidelines based on an income
shares model of calculating child support.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 575, relative to the calculation of child support in cases of shared
11:00 a.m. H½ 563, revising the child support guidelines based on foster care
reimbursement rates.|
1:15 p.m. H½ 512, relative to education requirements for certification as a guardian
ad litem.|
2:15 p.m. H½ 395, establishing a child protection study committee.|
Executive session may follow.|
 #  '# :#5
9:00 a.m. Insurance /Consumer subcommittee work session on H½ 255, requiring
consumer protection for prepaid services.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 601-FN, relative to implementation of federal health care reform.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 627-FN, relative to "essential benefits" under federal health care reform.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 629-FN, relative to the uninsured health care database. |
12:00 p.m. Banking/Business Division subcommittee work session on H½ 291,
relative to permissible fireworks.|
1:15 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on public hearing on H½ 309-FN, repealing
certain insurance mandates.|
Work session on these bills may follow the public hearings.|
 # 5#"  !,/)!"|
10:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 330-FN, relative to carrying firearms.|
1:00 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 378-FN, inserting an exception to the
criminal threatening statute.|
1:45 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 235, relative to the right to possess a
firearm in one's personal motor vehicle.|
2:30 p.m. H½ 544, relative to state authority over firearms and ammunition.|
3:15 p.m. H½ 334, relative to the state's authority to prohibit or regulate firearms,
firearms components, ammunition, or firearms supplies.|
Executive session may follow.|
# !,/0!"|
9:00 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 301-FN, amending the home
education statutes, H½ 545, repealing the department of education's rulemaking
authority for home education programs, H½ 595, amending the compulsory school
attendance statutes to permit parent-directed instruction programs and repealing the
home education statutes.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 542-FN, amending the school attendance statutes, amending the
statute for suspension or expulsion of a pupil for possession of certain weapons, and
repealing the rulemaking and reporting provisions of the Parents as Teachers program.|
11:00 a.m. CACD 8, relating to education. Providing that the legislature shall have
the power to authorize schools.|
Executive session may follow.|
11:30 a.m. Executive session on CACD 8, relating to education. Providing that the
legislature shall have the power to authorize schools.|
1:00 p.m. Executive session on H½ 545, repealing the department of education's
rulemaking authority for home education programs, H½ 301-FN, amending the home
education statutes, H½ 595, amending the compulsory school attendance statutes to
permit parent-directed instruction programs and repealing the home education statutes,
H½ 39, relative to the adoption of the common core state standards in New Hampshire
and relative to the substantive content of an adequate education, H½ 179, establishing
a task force to study the formula for determining adequate education grants to school
districts, H½ 604, relative to the procedures for approval of plans, specifications, and
costs of school building construction or renovation.|
 c! 9  

 2 |
1:00 p.m. H½ 223-FN, eliminating election day voter registration.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 176, relative to eligibility to vote.|
Executive session may follow.|
1#&5    !./8!"|
9:30 a.m. H½ 343-FN, establishing a permanent state defense force.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 624, relative to the rulemaking authority of state agencies to
establish or increase fees and costs.|
10:45 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 390, relative to the reinstatement and
repeal of certain boards, commissions, councils, advisory committees, and task forces.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 630, requiring state agencies, boards, and commissions to submit a
report to the senate and house finance committees concerning the need for fee
increases or new fees.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 332-FN, relative to an electronic controlled drug prescription
monitoring program.|
Executive session may follow.|
2:00 p.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 517-FN, repealing provisions
concerning licensure of fuel gas fitters.|
2:15 p.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 446-FN, repealing the authority for
regulation of certain professional occupations.|
2:30 p.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 450, relative to the regulatory
authority of the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics.|

10:00 a.m. Judicial Branch.|
11:00 a.m. Judicial Council.|
1:00 p.m. Department of Justice.|
2:00 p.m. Department of Corrections.|
3:00 p.m. Department of Health and Human Services.|
#  !,/%!"|
10:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 158, relative to the misuse of social
security numbers.|
10:30 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 499-FN, relative to the employer's
lien on damages and benefits recovered from third persons by employees who have
received workers' compensation.|
11:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 527, relative to tort reform.|
11:30 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 532-Y, relative to municipal liability
for dog bites.|
1:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 431, relative to psychiatric
1:30 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 522-FN, relative to elder abuse.|
2:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 640-FN, relative to notice to the
department of health and human services of the allocation of spousal income and
relative to estate planning by guardians.|
2:30 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 641-FN, relative to lien authority for
the office of reimbursements within the department of health and human services.|
3:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 305, relative to the homestead
Executive session may follow.|
 &  !$/)!"|
2:00 p.m. Work session on Dep. Michael Brunelle¶s qualifications to serve subject
to Part II, Article 7 of the NH Constitution.|
#5  # &!./$!"|
9:30 a.m. H½ 594, relative to the application of procedures for discharge or
suspension from county employment.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 368-FN-Y, relative to workforce housing and the definition of
Executive session may follow.|
1:00 p.m. Executive session on H½ 396, exempting the land and buildings of
Masonic temples or building associations from property taxation, H½ 391, relative to an
optional tax credit for service-connected disability, H½ 366, relative to the jurisdiction of
counties concerning retail electric supply, H½ 409, relative to planning board members,
H½ 382, allowing municipalities discretion to raise and appropriate funds for cemetery
fences, H½ 144, repealing the authorization for energy efficiency and clean energy
districts, H½ 367-Y, relative to the election of county commissioners in Carroll County,
H½ 393, repealing the authority for the establishment of certain revolving funds by
5#"c; 22c !,/$!"|
9:30 a.m. H½ 638-FN, relative to access to public buildings by brick or stone
10:00 a.m. H½ 621-FN-Y, relative to the authority of the department of
Executive session may follow.|
& !$/)!"|
10:00 a.m. Presentation regarding Petition 1.|
11:30 a.m. Degular meeting.|
Executive session to follow.|
    &   !,/.!"|
9:00 a.m. Executive session on HCD 22, opposing the right of any firm,
corporation, or individual to trademark the name Mount Washington, HCD 16, urging the
prohibition of enforcing a particular federal executive order, HCD 25, urging Congress to
amend the Internal Devenue Code to permit churches and other houses of worship to
engage in political campaigns.|
10:30 a.m. HCD 8, urging the Transportation Security Administration to terminate
recent changes to pat down search procedures and urging Congress and the President
to change or discontinue the use of advanced imaging technology at airports.|
11:00 a.m. HCD 13, urging Congress to pass legislation against losses in value due
to money supply by the federal reserve; restoring gold and silver money; and phasing
out the federal reserve system.|
1:00 p.m. HCD 14, applying to Congress to convene a convention proposing
amendments to the United States Constitution.|
1:30 p.m. HCD 12, urging Congress to withdraw the United States from the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in accordance with Article 2205 of the
2:00 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on HCD 9, urging Congress to support H.D.
6416 or similar legislation relative to airport security.|
Executive session may follow.|
c   !,/,!"|
10:00 a.m. CACD 6, relating to taxation. Providing that a 2/3 vote is required to
pass legislation imposing new or increased taxes or license fees provided that the
legislature may increase the rate of taxes and fees with a majority vote in any fiscal year
that insufficient revenues are provided to pay the principal and interest on a debt
payable in that year, to which the state has pledged its faith and credit.|
11:00 a.m. CACD 10, relating to establishing a New Hampshire state reserve fund.
Providing that the New Hampshire state reserve fund shall be under the authority of the
state treasurer and dedicated to offset the business profits tax, business enterprise tax,
and the interest and dividends tax for purposes of lowering the rates of such taxes.|
Executive session may follow.|
 !"#  ,(|
  " ' ,$*+$)* -! 9 


! 4|
9:30 a.m. Degular meeting.|
 #  !./,!"|
9:15 a.m. Banking/Business Division subcommittee work session on H½ 408,
relative to residential mortgage loan transactions.|

9:30 a.m. State Employees Association/SEIU.|
10:00 a.m. Department of Desources and Economic Development.|
11:00 a.m. Department of Administrative Services.|
1:00 p.m. Department of Transportation|
2:00 p.m. Department of Fish and Game.|
3:00 p.m. Department of Safety|
5 5#"5 5!,/$*
10:00 a.m. H½ 492-FN, establishing a deferred retirement option in the judicial
retirement plan, and relative to benefits related to service of certain judges of probate
retiring because of permanent disability.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 465-FN, relative to the number of years for calculating average final
compensation for retirement system benefits.|
Executive session may follow.|
5 !./%!"|
2:00 p.m. HCO 1, relative to implementing an election pursuant to representative
districts established in the order.|
2:30 p.m. H½ 592, apportioning state representative districts, congressional
districts, executive council districts, and county commissioner districts.|
3:00 p.m. H½ 224-FN, establishing an independent legislative redistricting
Executive session may follow.|
c   !,/,!"|
9:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 454-FN-A, establishing a job
creation credit against the business profits tax and the business enterprise tax for small
businesses increasing employment in New Hampshire.|
 !"#  ,%|
 #  '# :#5
10:00 a.m. Insurance /Consumer subcommittee work session on H½ 31, relative to
insurance payments for ambulance services.|
#  !,/8*,/%!"|
10:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 329-FN, requiring parental
notification before abortions may be performed on unemancipated minors.|
1:00 p.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 513-FN, relative to end of life aid in
dying for certain persons suffering from a terminal disease.|
Executive session may follow.|
#"#' $)8*+)-!./(!"|
9:00 a.m. Degular meeting.|
# ! 2$|
 #  '" ;:"#&-!
10:00 a.m. H½ 581, regulating guaranteed price plans and prepaid contracts for
10:30 a.m. H½ 643, relative to propane sales.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 394-FN, relative to the regulation of oil heating technicians.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 577, relative to the use of foreign languages by retail establishments.|
1:15 p.m. H½ 617, repealing the prohibitions on Sunday business activities.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 333-FN, repealing certain provisions relating to the sale of
2:30 p.m. H½ 445-FN, relative to the regulation of electronic tracking devices.|
Work sessions on these bills may follow the public hearings.|
 # 5#"  !,/)!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 283-FN, relative to impaired drivers.|
10:45 a.m. H½ 486-FN, relative to penalties for alcohol ignition interlock
11:15 a.m. H½ 628-FN, making the touching or viewing with a technological device
of a person's breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause
a sexual assault.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 553, relative to the law on wiretapping and eavesdropping.|
1:45 p.m. H½ 552, establishing a committee to study repealing the revisions to the
law implemented by SB 500-FN of the 2010 legislative session.|
2:30 p.m. H½ 524-FN, excluding persons convicted of violent crimes from
mandatory early release on probation or parole.|
3:00 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 576-FN, relative to the right to
brandish a firearm in defense of one's property.|
Executive session may follow.|
# !,/0!"|
10:30 a.m. H½ 296, relative to procedures for juvenile delinquency petitions filed by
a school district or school official.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 377-FN, requiring daily physical education for public school pupils.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 422, prohibiting vaccinations in public schools.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 370, making changes to the pupil safety and violence prevention act.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 429, permitting a child 16 years of age or older to withdraw from
school with parental permission.|
2:30 p.m. H½ 501-FN-Y, requiring the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in
public schools.|
Executive session may follow.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 588, relative to polling hours and location of polling places.|
11:15 a.m. H½ 423, relative to including workplace harassment in the legislative
ethics law.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 598, prohibiting a candidate from receiving the nomination of more
than one party.|
1:45 p.m. H½ 427-FN, prohibiting political advertising on public property.|
2:15 p.m. H½ 421, relative to candidates for United States senator.|
Executive session may follow.|
1#&5    !./8!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 444-FN, making John Stark Day a New Hampshire state holiday.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 449-FN, expanding the information available on the state
transparency website.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 480-FN, establishing a state renovation, repair, and painting (DDP)
rule program relative to lead-safe practices.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 30, relative to reciprocity for licensure by the board of veterinary
1:30 p.m. H½ 476-FN, establishing an independent board of psychologists.|
Executive session may follow.|
2 2!2# &    !,/(!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 442-FN, relative to the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.|
Executive session may follow.|
#  !,/%!"|
10:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 347, exempting from nondisclosure
the records of accidents involving and violations by county, city, and town employees
and officials.|
10:30 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 596, establishing a recommended
procedure upon the abandonment or foreclosure of a manufactured home within a
housing park.|
11:00 a.m. Full committee public hearing on H½ 637-FN, relative to lowering the
legal drinking age for members of the armed forces.|
Executive session may follow.|
 "!#  2 " &&!./.!"'5  

 <  ?-|
9:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 26-FN, clarifying the definition of
gross misconduct for purposes of unemployment compensation.|
10:15 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 420-FN, relative to voluntary
registration for independent contractors under workers' compensation law.|
11:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 494-FN, relative to tipped employees
who deal card and table games at games of chance venues.|
Executive session may follow.|
1:00 p.m. Executive session on H½ 133, relative to the minimum wage, H½ 273,
relative to public or private criticism of employers by employees, H½ 275, establishing
an employers' private right of action to enforce the payment of workers' compensation
coverage, H½ 401, relative to postsecondary training for workers with disabilities.|
#5  # &!./$!"|
8:30 a.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 232-FN, relative to abandoned
homes in manufactured housing parks.|
5#"c; 22c !,/$!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 287-FN-A, making an appropriation for funding disaster relief and
hazard mitigation in response to the May 2006 Suncook Diver avulsion.|
Executive session may follow.|
!2   !./)!"|
10:15 a.m. H½ 543-FN, relative to biomass combined heat and electricity facilities.|
1:00 p.m. Continued public hearing on H½ 311-FN, relative to solar renewable
1:30 p.m. H½ 559, establishing a committee to study methods of encouraging the
installation and use of small scale renewable energy resources by homeowners and
businesses and authorizing the development of a solar photovoltaic renewable energy
project in Manchester.|
Executive session may follow.|
 5 !,/.!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 610-FN-A, establishing number plates supporting New Hampshire
public higher education.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 540-FN, relative to motor vehicle inspections.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 335-FN-A, establishing multi-use number plates.|
1:15 p.m. H½ 397, relative to image display devices in motor vehicles.|
Executive session may follow.|
2# ! 2.|
2    c!,/8!"|
12:00 p.m. Subcommittee work session on H½ 52, relative to grounds for
modification of parental rights and responsibilities.|
 #  '# :#5
9:00 a.m. H½ 351-FN, relative to insurance reimbursement for doctors of
naturopathic medicine.|
10:00 a.m. H½ 607, relative to exemptions under the consumer protection act.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 606, establishing a committee to study the formation of a consumer
protection working group.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 359-FN, prohibiting the use of certain information to underwrite
insurance coverage.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 424, relative to surplus lines tax collection.|
1:15 p.m. H½ 345-FN, relative to insurance payments for ambulance providers.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 616-FN, relative to coverage for divorced spouses.|
Work sessions may follow the public hearings.|
 # 5#"  !,/)!"|
10:00 a.m. H½ 207-FN, relative to physical force in defense of a person.|
H½ 210-FN, relative to the use of deadly force to protect oneself.|
H½ 567, relative to physical force in defense of a person.|
1:30 p.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 536-FN, relative to the natural right to
carry a firearm, openly or concealed, without a license.|
Executive session may follow.|
# !,/0!"|
10:00 a.m. Executive session on H½ 219, establishing a committee to study the
abolishment of the department of education, H½ 220-FN, relative to the approval of
plans and specifications for the construction of school buildings, H½ 290, relative to
staffing exceptions for small schools, H½ 296, relative to procedures for juvenile
delinquency petitions filed by a school district or school official, H½ 369-FN-Y, relative to
withdrawal from a school administrative unit or an authorized regional enrollment area
school, H½ 370, making changes to the pupil safety and violence prevention act, H½
376, relative to representative voting on joint boards of school administrative units, H½
377-FN, requiring daily physical education for public school pupils, H½ 386, adding
Granite State college to the university system of New Hampshire corporate charter and
adding a student trustee from Granite State college to the university system board of
trustees, H½ 422, prohibiting vaccinations in public schools, H½ 429, permitting a child
16 years of age or older to withdraw from school with parental permission, H½ 501-FN-
Y, requiring the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in public schools, H½ 505-FN,
making charter schools eligible for grants for leased space, H½ 528-FN-Y, requiring
school districts to develop a facility maintenance and capital improvement program, H½
542-FN, amending the school attendance statutes, amending the statute for suspension
or expulsion of a pupil for possession of certain weapons, and repealing the rulemaking
and reporting provisions of the Parents as Teachers program.|
1#&5    !./8!"|
9:30 a.m. H½ 503, allowing a master electrician to have 2 apprentice electricians
under his or her supervision.|
10:15 a.m. H½ 508-FN, establishing a performance measurement system for state
11:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 623, prohibiting preferences in
recruiting, hiring, promotion, or admission by state agencies, the university system, the
community college system, and the postsecondary education commission.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 565, establishing a dental hygienists committee within the board of
dental examiners.|
1:30 p.m. H½ 452-FN, establishing the independent regulation of dental hygienists.|
Executive session may follow.|
2 2!2# &    !,/(!"|
10:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 493-FN, relative to the certification of
integrated residential communities.|
11:00 a.m. Descheduled public hearing on H½ 489-FN, relative to health information
1:00 p.m. H½ 554, relative to mental health records.|
Executive session may follow.|
    &   !,/.!"|
9:00 a.m. Executive session on HCD 11, to urge the Congress of the United States
to withdraw the membership of the United States from the United Nations so that the
United States may retain its sovereignty and control over its own funds and military
forces, HCD 10, urging the National Park Service to permit the exhumation of the body
of Meriwether Lewis to determine the cause of his death, HCD 15, ordering our federal
senators to vote against the Law of the Sea Convention, HCD 9, urging Congress to
support H.D. 6416 or similar legislation relative to airport security, HCD 8, urging the
Transportation Security Administration to terminate recent changes to pat down search
procedures and urging Congress and the President to change or discontinue the use of
advanced imaging technology at airports, HCD 13, urging Congress to pass legislation
against losses in value due to money supply by the federal reserve; restoring gold and
silver money; and phasing out the federal reserve system, HCD 14, applying to
Congress to convene a convention proposing amendments to the United States
Constitution, HCD 12, urging Congress to withdraw the United States from the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in accordance with Article 2205 of the
 ! 2)|
 &#' ()$* +,-!./(*./0!"|
9:00 a.m. Continued regular meeting.|
 #  '" ;:"#&-!
10:00 a.m. H½ 566, relative to the identification of dental prosthetic appliances.|
10:30 a.m. H½ 633, preventing prescribing practitioners from owning pharmacies in-
state and out-of-state.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 578, relative to payment at time of medical services.|
11:30 a.m. H½ 504-FN, licensing reverse distributors of drugs and requiring
manufacturers and wholesalers to report changes in ownership.|
1:15 p.m. H½ 385-FN, relative to the applicability of licensure requirements for
mortgage bankers and brokers.|
2:00 p.m. H½ 613, establishing exemptions from the licensing requirements for first
mortgage bankers and brokers.|
2:30 p.m. H½ 562, relative to overdraft fees charged by banks.|
Work sessions may follow the public hearings.|
5 # #!,/0!"|
9:00 a.m. HCD 26, declaring that the Claremont case's mandates that the
legislative and executive branches define an adequate education, determine its cost,
fund its entire cost with state taxes, and ensure its delivery through accountability, are
not binding on the legislative and executive branches.|
Executive session may follow.|
9:30 a.m. Full committee work session on CACD 7, relating to education funding.
Providing that the general court shall distribute funds in the manner that it determines
will best promote an equal opportunity for an adequate education, CACD 12, relating to
funding of public education. Providing that the legislature shall define standards for
education, determine the level of state funding thereof, establish standards of
accountability, and allocate state funds in a manner that mitigates disparities in
educational opportunity and fiscal capacity, provided that a reasonable share of state
funds shall be distributed on a per pupil basis.|
10:00 a.m. Or immediately following the work session, executive session on HCD
26, declaring that the Claremont case's mandates that the legislative and executive
branches define an adequate education, determine its cost, fund its entire cost with
state taxes, and ensure its delivery through accountability, are not binding on the
legislative and executive branches, CACD 7, relating to education funding. Providing
that the general court shall distribute funds in the manner that it determines will best
promote an equal opportunity for an adequate education, CACD 12, relating to funding
of public education. Providing that the legislature shall define standards for education,
determine the level of state funding thereof, establish standards of accountability, and
allocate state funds in a manner that mitigates disparities in educational opportunity and
fiscal capacity, provided that a reasonable share of state funds shall be distributed on a
per pupil basis, H½ 337-FN-Y, relative to the calculation and distribution of adequate
education grants.|
5 5#"5 5!,/$*
10:00 a.m. H½ 460-FN, relative to the retirement age for group II members.|
11:00 a.m. H½ 462-FN, relative to the determination of employer assessments for
excess benefits paid by employers in the retirement system.|
1:00 p.m. H½ 580-FN-Y, relative to the New Hampshire retirement system.|
Executive session may follow.|

3   3|
TUE3DAY, FE½DUADY 22, 2011|
# $#,Doom 100, SH|
Sen. Prescott (C), Sen. White (VC), Sen. De Blois, Sen. Houde, Sen. Sanborn|
9:00 a.m. %(7)5,relative to the life settlements act.|
9:20 a.m. %(-)85,relative to health insurance coverage and directing the attorney
general to join the lawsuit challenging the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.|
9:40 a.m. %(-./5,authorizing individuals and certain businesses to purchase
health insurance from out-of-state insurance companies.|
10:00 a.m. %(-*5,relative to federal health care reform 2010.|
10:20 a.m. %(-95,relative to the New Hampshire health benefit exchange.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
 #À0,Doom 103, LOB|
Sen. Stiles (C), Sen. Forsythe (VC), Sen. Carson, Sen. Kelly, Sen. Prescott|
1:00 p.m. %(8*5,extending the state board of education¶s authority to approve
chartered public schools and relative to the funding of chartered public schools
approved by a school district.|
1:20 p.m. %(-78,establishing a commission to study long-term sustainable funding for
school building aid and the establishment of eligibility criteria for school building aid in
order to ensure that all school age children in every part of the state have access to a
safe, healthy, and academic environment for learning.|
1:40 p.m. %(-7*,relative to performance-based school accountability criteria.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
"(Y0#  0#0"Y550$%,Depresentatives¶ Hall, SH|
Sen. Barnes (C), Sen. Forrester (VC), Sen. Boutin, Sen. Merrill, Sen. Stiles|
9:00 a.m. %(*,relative to adoption of spending caps by municipalities.|
11:00 a.m. %(895,enabling municipalities to create other post-employment benefits
(OPEB) trusts.|
11:30 a.m. %(-+5,relative to campaign expenditures and contributions by business
organizations and labor unions.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
;%  %,Doom 100, SH|
Sen. Odell (C), Sen. Luther (VC), Sen. Boutin, Sen. D¶Allesandro, Sen. Morse, Sen. Dausch|
1:00 p.m. %(785Y,relative to motor vehicle registration fees.|
    %(785Y 5 
-. <|
1:05 p.m. %(-985,eliminating the lottery commission and establishing the
education lottery authority.|
    %(-985 5 
-. <|
1:15 p.m. %(*95,establishing a revenue assistant position within the department of
justice.     %(*95 |
-. <|
1:20 p.m. %(-9-5,repealing the exemption for water and air pollution control
facilities from local property taxation.|
1:35 p.m. %(-995,relative to reestablishing the exemption from property taxation for
telecommunications poles and conduits.|
1:50 p.m. %(-*5,relative to net operating loss carryovers under the business
profits tax.|
2:05 p.m. %(-85,conforming the interest and dividends tax to federal tax
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|

;%  %,Doom 100, SH|
Sen. Odell (C), Sen. Luther (VC), Sen. Boutin, Sen. D¶Allesandro, Sen. Morse, Sen. Dausch|
1:00 p.m. %(-95,increasing the limit on single wagers for games of chance
conducted by charitable organizations.|
1:15 p.m. %(-95,relative to games of chance.|
1:30 p.m. %(.85,adding qualified community development entities to the
definition of ³qualified investment company´ under the business profits tax and the
business enterprise tax.|
1:45 p.m. %(-)+5Y,relative to the rate of the meals and rooms tax and the
distribution formula for meals and rooms tax revenue.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
THUD3DAY, FE½DUADY 24, 2011|
$3; À$Y$%$#%,Doom 102, LOB|
Sen. Odell (C), Sen. Gallus (VC), Sen. Bradley, Sen. Lambert, Sen. Merrill|
9:00 a.m. %()7,extending the commission to study water infrastructure sustainability
9:15 a.m. %(-8),extending the commission to study water infrastructure sustainability
9:30 a.m. %(8)5,relative to state regulation of the septic system installation
9:45 a.m. %(9.5,relative to exemption from the definition of utility property for
purposes of the utility property tax.|
10:00 a.m. %(-//,relative to the size limitations on OHDVs, and the operation of
OHDVs on state-owned trails.|
10:15 a.m. %(-/.,excepting department of transportation property from evaluation
requirements for certain all terrain and trail bike trails.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
#À0: "$À À%  00%À$À0,Doom 100, SH|
Sen. Carson (C), Sen. Groen (VC), Sen. Larsen, Sen. Luther, Sen. White|
8:00 a.m. #À0:%%%0" 03Y30%YÀ0|
9:00 a.m. %(-).5,relative to state employees who volunteer as election workers.|
9:15 a.m. %(-.*5,relative to participation in state employees¶ group insurance by
members of the general court.|
9:35 a.m. %(7.5,relative to notification by the retirement system to the department
of administrative services of law and rule changes; the availability of public documents
of the retirement system; and clarification of part-time service.|
10:10 a.m. %(-8.5,establishing a restitution fund for victims of financial fraud and
continually appropriating a special fund.|
10:30 a.m. %(-85,repealing the exemption from the consumer protection act for
certain regulated trade and commerce.|
11:00 a.m. %(-885,relative to the authority and roles of the banking department, the
attorney general, and the bureau of securities regulation in state regulation of securities.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
50#,Doom 103, SH|
Sen. Morse (C), Sen. Odell (VC), Sen. Barnes, Sen. Bragdon, Sen. D¶Allesandro, Sen. Forrester, Sen.
1:00 p.m. %(-895Y,amending the calculation and distribution of adequate
education grants, repealing fiscal capacity disparity aid, and providing stabilization
grants to certain municipalities.|
1:30 p.m. %(-.5,relative to the Medicaid uncompensated care fund and the
Medicaid enhancement tax.|
2:15 p.m. Presentation by Sheriffs¶ Association.|
O 0#0$;,Doom 101, LOB|
Sen. Houde (C), Sen. Carson (VC), Sen. Groen, Sen. Luther|
1:00 p.m. Informational briefing by members of the Judicial Branch.|
2:30 p.m. %(.*5,excluding persons convicted of violent crimes and sexually violent
persons from mandatory early release on probation or parole.|
3:00 p.m. %(-8/,establishing a committee to study the availability of community
supervision programs for prisoners released on probation or parole.|
3:15 p.m. %(-*9,relative to notification if a person found incompetent to stand trial and
civilly committed is released into the community.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
À$%"$ÀÀ0,Doom 305-307, LOB|
Sen. Dausch (C), Sen. Boutin (VC), Sen. Forsythe, Sen. Kelly, Sen. Stiles|
9:00 a.m. %(*7,relative to speed limitations for boats.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
FDIDAY, FE½DUADY 25, 2011|
# $#,Doom 102, LOB|
Sen. Prescott (C), Sen. White (VC), Sen. De Blois, Sen. Houde, Sen. Sanborn|
9:00 a.m. %(-/5,relative to the definition and regulation of installment loans.|
9:30 a.m. %(7/5,relative to remedies in landlord-tenant actions.|
10:00 a.m. %(7-5,relative to health care fees in workers¶ compensation.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
#À0: "$À À%  00%À$À0,Depresentatives¶ Hall, SH|
Sen. Carson (C), Sen. Groen (VC), Sen. Larsen, Sen. Luther, Sen. White|
1:00 p.m. %(95Y,making comprehensive changes to the state retirement system.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|
TUE3DAY, MADCH 8, 2011|
,  86|
# $#,Doom 102, LOB|
Sen. Prescott (C), Sen. White (VC), Sen. De Blois, Sen. Houde, Sen. Sanborn|
9:00 a.m. %(775,relative to the special fund for payment for second injuries under
the workers¶ compensation law.|
9:30 a.m. %(-.5Y,authorizing retail vehicle dealers to act as agents of the
division of motor vehicles in the issuance of vehicle titles and registrations.|
#À0:%%%0 ;5YY|

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