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Marquette University

Accounting Faculty Research and Publications Accounting, Department of


Strategic Planning at Five World-Class Companies

Michael D. Akers
Marquette University, michael.akers@marquette.edu

Grover L. Porter
University of Alabama - Huntsville

Published version. Management Accounting, Vol. 77, No. 1 ( July 1995): 24-31. Permalink. © 1995
Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business. Used with permission.
Strategic planning at five world-class companies
Akers, Michael D;Porter, Grover L
Management Accounting; Jul 1995; 77, 1; ProQuest
pg. 24


tFive -
are key
players in
the process.

BY MICHAEL D. AKERS, CMA, AND management job. One widely recognized con-
GROVER L. PORTER, CPA ceptual model of the structure and process of
systematic corporate planning is shown in Fig-

little information is a valuable thing," ure 2. Although formal strategic planning may
smirked J.R. E~ng as he paid his infor- have a great many other characteristics, the ba-
mant. With the information provided by sic concept deals with the vision for and direc-
the rogue CIA agent, J.R. would be able to im- tion of the organization. This view is expressed
plement his strategic plan for Ewing Oil Com- well in the definition: "Strategic planning is the
pany. Now he would be able to take over his ma- systematic and more or less formalized effort of
jor foreign competitor.1 a company to establish basic company purposes,
Most successful executives do not follow the objectives, policies, and strategies and to devel-
unethical and often illegal information-gather- op detailed plans to implement policies and
ing practices of the infamous J.R. Ewing, but strategies to achieve objectives and basic com-
they certainly realize the importance of infor- pany purposes."3
mation for strategic planning. They know that Information is central to successful strategic
strategic planning offers the best way to deal planning. In a 1993 survey regarding informa-
with their changing world. tion for strategic decisions, the Conference
Strategic planning evolves through four se- Board used a framework (see Figure 3) that lists
quential phases (see Figure 1): major types of information sources: internal, ex-
ternal, financial, and physical. The key execu-
Phase 1. Basic financial planning-seeking bet- tives who responded to that survey indicated
ter operational control through meeting bud- that their top four information priorities related
gets. to physical (nonfinancial) information con-
Phase 2. Forecast-based planning-seeking cerned with the future: strategic goals, market
more effective planning for growth by trying to research data, technology forecasts, and capac-
3M products help to keep predict the future beyond the next year. ity planning. Of the 16 kinds of information in-
daily life from ·coming Phase 3. Externally oriented planning- seek- cluded in the framework, traditional manage-
apart." ing increased responsiveness to markets and ment accounting information was ranked only
competition by trying to think strategically. 12th in importance by the respondents. 4
Phase 4. Strategic management-seeking to
manage all resources to develop competitive ad- THE FIELD STUDY
vantage and to help create the future. 2
Our field study of five world-class companies
Strategic planning is a central concern ofstra- revealed more details regarding information
tegic management but not the whole of the top used for strategic planning and the role of man-

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Class Companies
agement accountants in this process. We inter- STUTEGIC PLANNING SOME
viewed key executives at Johnson Controls, INDIVIDUALS
Coors Brewing Company, Schering-Plough, Xe- In defining strategic planning, the partici- INTERVIEWED
rox, and 3M Company to find out how their com- pants consistently identified four key aspects of
panies did strategic planning. (See sidebar at the process. First, strategic planning is future Vice President-
right for a partial list oftheir titles.) Issues ad- oriented-it focuses on what a company will be Strategic Planning
dressed included the distinction between stra- in the future. Second, it includes a critical as- Services
tegic and long-range planning, the strategic sessment of the strengths and weaknesses of Director-Strategic
planning process, information used for strategic the company. Third, it includes analysis of com- Planning
planning, and the role of accounting in strategic petitors, customers, and markets. Fourth, stra-
planning. tegic planning focuses on broad, flexible, exter- Manager-Corporate
Previous research on this topic has shown Business Strategy
nal issues and therefore uses limited financial
that "strategy" has been defined in several dif- information. These four points are illustrated in Executive
ferent ways, both in the literature and the mar- the comments ofthe participants: Director-Corporate
ketplace. Strategic planning and long-range Technical Planning
planning often are used interchangeably. We • "Strategic planning implies that you have to Vice President-
asked our interview subjects to define both think a lot more about the competition and Planning and Policy
terms so we could determine any differences in about the outside world. It's more change Development
their perception ofthe two. oriented." Manager-long·Range
- Thorough situation (on suiting
analysis and competitive
assessments Research and
- Evaluation of strategic Analysis
Executive Vice
c - "Dynamic" allocation
o Presiden.-operations
of resou rces
:!iu n
framework Senior Vice
Gl C President-Marketing
Q - Strategically focused
u r - Annual budgets organization & Operations
'51 e - Functional focus - Widespread strategic Executive Vice
!III a thinking capability President-Finance
::: s - Coherent reinforcing
Cl)j - Multi-year budgets Vice President·
management processes Controller
'S n - Gap analysis
III - "Static" allocation • Negotiations of
I 9 of resources objectives
• Review of
'~ progress
• Incentives
ffi - Supportive value
system and climate

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Financial Forecast-Based Externally Oriented Strategic
Planning Planning Planning Management
Source: Adapted from F. Gluck, S. Kaufman, and A. S. Wallock, "The Four Phases of Strategic Management,"
The Journal of Business Strategy, Winter 1982, p. 11.


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• "Strategic planning is not a whole internally focused so provides no infor- tates planning by the divisions. "Divi-
bunch of numbers ... It's very mation on the competition. sions make their own strategic plans,
qualitative." The participants in our study see a and we (corporate) try to give some dis-
• "Looking at our company and what clear distinction between strategic cipline to the process of developing the
our company is capable of doing and planning and long-range planning. Yet plan and also through the process of
then looking at the industry and despite the recognition of this distinc- reviewing the plan. It is more bottom-
our major competitors and analyz- tion and the acknowledgment ofits im- up than top-down."
ing their capabilities and then from portance, these companies have used "We believe strategy itself involves
that putting together a plan that strategic planning only in the past 10 the formulation of plans to 'beat the
will help us achieve our objectives." years. This finding was particularly other guy'-so there has to be compe-
surprising in light of the literature tition involved in the process of strat-
LONG·UNGE PLANNING available on strategic planning. egy formulation. We as a company, ex-
The strategic planning process was cept in the most general sense, don't
All the participants noted that long- different for each of the five compa- have competitors. But our businesses
range planning is drastically different nies-not surprising because they op- have competitors in their own areas in
from strategic planning. The defini- erate in distinctly different industries. which they play so they have strate-
tions oflong-range planning generally Still there were some similarities, gies and we as a company have stra-
were consistent and focused on three which we will show in the following tegic guidelines."
key points. First, long-range planning overview of the strategic planning pro- Johnson Controls has seven strate-
is operational. Second, it includes pro- cess for each company. gic guidelines:
jected financial statements for several
years based partially on historical in- Johnson Controls, Inc. At Johnson Con- 1. The underlying principle of corpo-
formation. (Such projections were trols, Inc., strategic planning is done rate strategy will be to exceed our
viewed as "an enormously wasteful ex- primarily by the four divisions. Corpo- customers' expectations by provid-
ercise.") Third, long-range planning is rate does not plan but, rather, facili- ing value through .improving qual-


r -____________- .________________ -,~INroRMAnONI~._----------_r------------._----------~


Community (local)


Top managers
Other managers MASTER I
t ~
Hourly workers


TO Objectives
PLAN Policies & PLANS ! i

• Environment

Credit line: STRATEGIC PLANNING: What Every Manager Must Know by George A. Steiner. COPYright © 1979 by The Free Press, a DiVISion of Simon & Schuster 'cc. Reprinted "'cn permiSSion
of the publisher


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ity, service, and produc- Strategic plans, which
tivity. We will strive to used to be considered highly
understand our custom- sensitive and secret, are
ers, be responsive to their now more widely available
needs, and innovate in to individuals within the or-
partnership with them. ganization. This change oc-
2. Each business will devel- curred in the last three or
op competitive advantage four years to increase em-
through proprietary or ployees' understanding of
differentiated products, the direction the company
services, and processes. was taking. "The more peo-
These innovations may ple know about it, the better
result from technology they can all push in the
but may also come same direction ...."
from creative solutions A-maze of cans being processed at Coors,
to every aspect of the Coors Brewing Company. At
business. dressed during the year on an as- Coors Brewing Company, the last
3. Key to our strategy is market share needed basis. The strategic plans of three years have seen a focus on the fu-
leadership, which provides the crit- each of the businesses also are re- ture (strategic planning). Top manage-
ical mass for investments in tech- viewed quarterly when the key oper- ment now is looking forward several
nology, people, and equipment to ating people and corporate staff meet years to determine where the company
lead in cost and quality. in management committee. should go. The approach to strategic
4. "Each business will have world-class The divisional annual strategy is ac- planning has shifted. Strategy and
products and maintain worldwide tion oriented, focuses on the issues capital allocation are still the respon-
awareness of market trends, com- sensitive to the priorities, and is brief sibility of top management, but the
petition, and technology. but substantive. The substance of the top-down approach has changed to a
5. Individual business strategies will strategy is more important than the more interactive approach.
be established through joint in- style. To allow maximum individuality The company's strategic planning
volvement between corporate and with respect to the development and committee consists of six members,
operating unit management. The presentation of the strategy, format re- three of whom are board members.
development of market-driven
strategic thinking, planning, Figure 3. A FRAMEWORK FOR EXECUTIVE INFORMATION
and managing will be stressed
at all levels.
6. Internal development and Internal External
acquisitions related to our
core businesses will provide Past Future Past Future
growth by building on our -------
strengths. Numeric Management Budgets & Competitors' Brokers'
7. The company will balance '(3 Accounting Forecasts Results Forecasts
individual business risks c:
through diversification. Selec- c:
u::: Text Results Five-Year Plan Brokers' Press
tive resource allocation also Narrative Framework, Review Opinion
will be used to strengthen
profitability and growth.
7ii Numeric Operating Capacity Market Market
The guidelines are used in the
strategic planning process,
I Performance Planning Share Research

a.. Performance Technology

which is an ongoing, interactive
dialogue between corporate and
J Commentary
Trade Media
Coverage Forecasts
the divisions. The divisions de- .•_' Source: Andf~ TItf!k...11l/OmlIJ1iQn f9, striitegic Decis~, The ~ffoIIlJ.' ~'YOrkf JUt t993, p. 8.
velop annual strategies, which _""I!!Il'__ ';» ~ <;,' . . =' .' , _ '
are reviewed by the corporate
office. Priorities are established and quirements are minimal, and stan- This committee meets once a month
agreed on. Budgets and forecasts are dardized forms are not used. for two to three hours and on an im-
developed later as a financial expres- The strategic plans are used primar- promptu basis about three times a
sion of the strategy. Projections used ily as a vehicle to focus on key issues year. The CEO and the five executive
to be for a five-year period but now and as a framework for decisions and vice presidents also meet every Friday
are for a three-year period because resource allocations. The review pro- for two hours to discuss broad-level
"the last two years weren't worth cess ensures joint corporate and oper- issues.
much." Special situations are ad- ating unit agreement. , Coors Brewing Company has identi-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
fied four purposes of strategic the CEO (chairman), chief oper-
planning: ating officer, and executive vice
presidents for administration, fi-
1. To help develop vision and nance, worldwide operations,
strategic goals, and products, meets in January
2. To drive the achievement of to discuss corporate issues. (Cor-
vision and goals, porate issues do not affect the di-
3. To provide tools to measure visions.) Then the CEO and his
progress toward goal achieve- staff meet with division presi-
ment, dents, also in January, to identify
4. To provide tools to guide tac- and determine major issues. Di-
tical and operating business vision presidents select either a
decisions. special task force or individuals
from their division to prepare
The strategic planning pro- White Papers regarding the is-
cess is based on the Vision, sues. "There is nothing hard and
Goals, and Strategic Manage- fast about the guidelines of the
ment and Tracking System. The White Paper. The overall guide-
Vision has four key aspects: line is to present whatever is nec-
essary to address the issue in
1. We are an innovative team depth and with excellence."
marketing products and ser- During February the Opera-
vices recognized by custom- tions Committee meets with the
Products such as Coppertone suntan lotion from Schering-
ers as superior. Plough help protect families from getting burned. division president of worldwide
2. We are a global company that pharmaceutical operations for an
is growing and profitable. in-depth review of both year-to-
3. We trust, support, and really care communicates it to the rest of the or- date results compared with planned
about each other, our customers, ganization. While this method implies results and expectations for the re-
suppliers, stockholders, and com- a top-down approach, the process actu- mainder of the year. In March the
munity. ally is interactive (top-down, bottom- Committee meets with the division
4. Our work is challenging, exciting, qp). The divisions and the corporate president of products to discuss actual
and fun. staff, including the CEO, hold discus- versus planned and the expectations
sions to identify and determine key is- for the remainder of the year.
The eight strategic goals at the time sues. The strategic plan of Schering- The Operations Committee meets in
ofthe field study are recognition of in- Plough focuses on several areas: April to discuss corporate issues, and
novation, price/value rating, sales vol- research, market product opportuni- then the strategic planning conference
ume, return on equity, growth/profit- ties, cost containment, and business is held in May. Three days of the con-
ability (established brands), quality development-partnerships and alli- ference are used for presentations of
relationships (employees), favorable ances that make sense to the business. the White Papers to the management
attitude of vision and values by vari- Annual planning (strategic and op- group and CEO, and one day is devoted
ous groups, and international mar- erational) is a formal process that oc- to analyzing the papers.
kets. Coors's strategic plan is charac- curs throughout the year. The Opera- During June the Operations Com-
terized by market-driven timing, tions Committee (OC), which includes mittee meets again with the division
goal-driven resource allocation, inte- president of worldwide operations. At
gration of annual and five-year plans, that time, the CEO and his staff also
integration across line organizations, Cash For Doubtful Receivables? make final decisions about the strate-
and communication of the strategic Would your client or company prefer a gic issues presented in the White Pa-
plan. cash alternative to the costly and time- pers and evaluate corporate issues.
Strategic planning is an evolving consuming collection of receivables from The Committee meets again with the
process at Coors. Although the compa- financially troubled accounts? division president of products during
ny says it is making progress, it also • Trade Receivables July.
• Secured, Subordinated or General
acknowledges there is room for Unsecured Debt In September the Committee re-
improvement. • Litigation Claims views the operating plans, which per-
We provide a confidential and prompt tain to the next year and the two there-
$chering-Plough Corporation. At response. after. "The reason for doing that is to
Schering-Plough, prior to 1982 the South Robert L. Abbott, Jr. see whether the CEO is satisfied with
real strategic planning was done "off Atlantic 704-556-1196 the targets (financial) that are being
line by the CEO and his staff." Now it Enterprises, 6201 Fairview Road, Suite 200 set for the next year and to make any
is part of the formal planning process. Inc. Charlotte, NC 28210 adjustments to those targets." The
The CEO is the chief strategist-he de- Committee reviews research opera-
termines the focus of the business and Circle No. 27 tions in October.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
During November the Committee nents of the philosophy of Xerox are: the philosophy are not.
meets primarily to discuss corporate For strategic planning purposes, pri-
issues, although issues from the divi- We succeed through satisfied 0rities and philosophy are not consid-
sions also can be presented and dis- customers. ered mutually exclusive.
cussed. It reviews the final one-year We aspire to deliver excellence in Benchmarking is used extensively
plus two [years] operating plans in all we do. and focuses on the four priorities.
depth over a three-day period in We require premium return on Strategic and annual planning is a
December. One day is devoted to assets. formal process conducted throughout
pharmaceutical, another day to We use technology to develop the year. During January the corpo-
health-care products, and another to product leadership. rate office examines the strengths and
consolidation, corporate departments, We value our employees. weaknesses of the company along with
tax, cash, and treasury and foreign ex- We behave responsibly as a the strategy. During April and May the
change issues. The Operations Com- corporate citizen. divisions develop strategic plans
mittee also meets any time a special is- based on the boundaries established
sue arises that needs to be addressed Priorities are listed in the order of by corporate, which then reviews the
immediately. their importance, but components of division strategies.

Xerox Corporation. The CEO, who is

the chief strategist, and the corporate Information for Strategic Planning
office are "the primary determinants
of strategy" at Xerox. They are assist-
ed by Corporate Business Strategy Analysis of competition. Information about the competition includes:
(CBS), a seven-member group that re-
ports directly to the CEO and supports • Board members and schools they cussed in the annual report,
the six-member team of the corporate attended, • Volume and brand advertising,
office. The CBS director is "the facili- • Consulting firm used, • Information obtained by exam-
tator to enable the corporate office to • Last position of key vice ining competitors' products, and
address the right issues, the right presidents, • Questionnaire regarding cus-
metrics ... " • What the competition is doing, tomer satisfaction with compet-
CBS is responsible for communicat- • Strategy that is broadly dis- itors' products.
ing corporate strategy to the divisions.
Each division has a vice president of Daily monitoring of public information:
strategy and is responsible for devel-
oping its own strategic plan. The CBS • Newspapers, • Databases:
group also reviews the strategies of the • Magazines, -Dialog,
divisions to make sure they are in line • Journal articles (technical and -Nexus,
with the company's strategic plan. nontechnical), -Lexus,
Each division creates a three-year -Data Resources, Inc., and
plan that serves as a contract between -10K, lOQ.
the office and the division president.
Because the contract is not a standard- Analysis of customers:
ized form, developing it is the division
president's responsibility. These con- • Demographic profile and tomer satisfaction with the com-
tracts include enabler-based metrics • Questionnaire regarding cus- pany's products.
and result-based metrics. An example
of an enabler-based metric would be
the processes the division president Discussions with consultants. Economic forecasts.
has implemented to make the sales Wall Street analysts,
force more systems aware. A result- government experts, and Political issues.
based metric would be the competence
level of the sales force. The contracts contacts in Washington, D.C.
Strategy of foreign govenmments.
are used in the evaluation process of
each division president. Benchmarking with
The development of corporate and noncompetitors. Risk analysis of countries.
divisional strategy is based on the
priorities and philosophy of the Xerox Geographical issues.
Corporation. The four priorities are Research--intenmaland
customer satisfaction, motivation and external.
satisfaction of Xerox people, im- Technology issues.
proved return on assets, and in-
creased market share. The compo-

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The divisions receive guid- 3M also believes it is moving
ance in the preparation of their from phase three (externally
annual plans from the corpo- oriented planning) to phase
rate office during June and Ju- four (strategic management) in
ly. Then they develop the plans, the strategic planning process
which cover a period of 18 to 24 (see Figure 1).
months, during the period of
August through October. The INFORMATION FOR
annual plans are finalized and STUTEGIC PLANNING
approved in November.
There was consensus among
3M Company. The CEO is the the five companies that strate-
chief strategist, and his strate- gic planning uses only limited
gic guidance is based on six key financial information. Mainly
points: it uses external information,
such as information about
1. Establish clear global lead- the competition and informa-
ership in attractive indus- tion from public sources. The
Xerox copy machines pass through the high-volume final test
tries. Gain leading market area. sidebar on p. 29 lists informa-
share, nurture preeminent tion the five companies use for
core competencies. 1. 3M identifies attractive industries. strategic planning.
2. Maintain a kaizen-relentless, nev- 2. R&D drives 3M in satisfying cus-
er-ending pursuit of quality up/cost tomer needs. What is the accountants' rol.? The five
down. 3. 3M is a manufacturing company. companies also agreed that the ac-
3. Be transitional. Think global! act 4. 3M pursues market leadership. counting function and accountants are
local. 5. Operating units drive the business. important to the strategic planning
4. Invest to win. Be best of breed. process. The accounting function is
5. Growth is the engine. EPS (earn- considered one of the primary groups
ings per share) is the measure. responsible for the development of
6. The raison d'etre is superior stake- Let our specialists strategy as evidenced by the following
holder performance: for employees, comments: "There are three guiding
self-fulfillment; for the customer, prepare you for the groups in the company that develop
exceeded expectations; for manage- strategy-the marketing group, the
ment, psychic and monetary satis- CMA exam operations group, and the finance
faction; for the community, citizen group [includes accounting]." "The ma-
opportunity/service; for sharehold- Selected for their expertise and jor movers in developing the plan are
ers, financial rewards. knowledge of concepts covered on the the marketing people in the business
CMA exam, twelve specialists have and the financial [includes account-
The CEO drives strategy through written a self-contained review in ing] people in the business."
four vice presidents who are chief four volumes (one for each part of
operating officers (COOs). The inter- • Accountants are considered strate-
the exam) of all the information need-
active process between the CEO and gic business accountants and are an
the four COOs is continual. 3M
ed to pass the examination. Each
integral part of the business deci-
considers strategic planning a bottom- volume consists of text that discusses sion-making process.
up, top-down approach because it is the concepts often illustrated by • Accountants are involved actively
interactive. previous CMA questions with step- in the strategic planning process
3M also uses a strategy committee by-step instructions on how to answer and are considered key members of
and strategic business centers, which the questions, and other CMA prob- the business team. They do not
interact continuously. The strategy lems and solutions that relate to the merely crank out the financial
committee consists of the four COOs, statements.
concepts discussed. Also available are
the chief financial officer, the chief • Accountants have three primary
technical officer, and the vice presi- audio cassettes (over 60 hours of in- roles: strategic, control, and re-
dent of strategic planning services. It struction) recorded by a professional quired (such as tax returns and Se-
has two important functions: to vali- reader. curities & Exchange Commission
date, approve, and challenge the defi- FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE filings).
nitions of the strategic business cen- Malibu Publishing Company
ters and to allocate resources. The 31312 Via CoJinas, Suite 101 Accountants' knowledge of the fi-
strategic business centers are run by Westlake Village, CA 91362 nancial statements, however, is still
group vice presidents. (818) 889-1495. Fax (818) 889-5107 beneficial to the strategic planning
3M's strategic map is based on five process. One company noted that its
key points. Circle No. 19 management accountants contributed

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by analyzing competitors' financial pany can build a formal strategic
statements. planning process, but every company What if we •••
The results of our study support
some of the findings of a 1988 study
conducted by Fern and Tipgos in
which they surveyed controllers and
must develop its own "tailor-made"
strategy that will let it remain com-
petitive in a global economy.
The results of our field study also
chief executive officers of Fortune 500 show that, while limited accounting
companies. 5 They found that control- information is used in the strategic
ler involvement in strategic planning planning process, management ac-
was high and that controllers were countants are active participants.
enthusiastic about increasing their They should continue to enhance
participation in strategic planning. their role in strategic planning by
CEOs, however, rated controller in- helping management develop, imple-
volvement from moderate to signifi- ment, and operate a strategic plan-
cant and were not enthusiastic about ning process that will allow the
increasing controllers' involvement in company to optimize its competi-
strategic planning. Consistent with tive advantage(s). Successful organi- But 11m an MBA! Why wonltyou let
the previous study, the findings of zations will remain competitive be-
our study show that management ac- cause of the vision and direction pro-
me do what I want to do? Why, why,
countants are involved actively in vided by the strategic plan, which why••• 1canlt tak" it anymore!
strategic planning and that control- incorporates information from sever-
lers' and accountants' participation al sources, including management
has increased. Now, however, top-lev- accountants.•
el management indicated that ac-
countants were considered key mem-
bers of the strategic planning team
and were involved significantly in all Michael D. Akers, Ph.D., CMA, CPA, CIA,
CFE, is assistant professor of accounting at
aspects of the process. Marquette University. Dr. Akers has previous
Despite the acknowledgment of the experience in public accounting with a Big 6
importance and involvement of ac- firm. He is a member of the Milwaukee Chapter,
through which this article was submitted, and
countants, there also was consensus may be contacted at (414) 288-1453.
that while accounting information is
used extensively for long-range plan-
Grover L. Porter, Ph.D., CPA, is professor of
accounting at the University of Alabama in
Looks like welve lost another analyst
ning, only limited accounting infor- Huntsville. Dr. Porter has had several years' to the budgeting system. Oh, and I
mation is used for strategic planning. experience in management accounting with guess now would be
The following comments support this
leading Fortune 500 corporations. He is a
member of the North Alabama Chapter and a good time to call ?
view: may be contacted at (205) 895-6571.
SRC Software. ",,[A.
Authors' Note: We wish to express our
• "Accounting information supple- appreciation for the support provided for this
ments other information used for research project by the Committee on Research
of the Institute of Management Accountants. In
strategic planning, but it is used addition, we appreciate executives from the
primarily for long-range planning, following companies taking time from their busy
which includes the development of schedules to talk with us regarding their
companies' strategic planning process: Coors
forecasts and budgets." Brewing Company; Johnson Controls, Inc.; FINANCE DESK
• "While the strategic plan may con- Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing (3M) "dollar for dollar,
Company; Schering-Plough Corporation; and we're a balanced team"
tain little accounting information, Xerox Corporation.
accounting information is useful
for the process." BECAUSE AN ANALYST IS A
• "I don't think the financial state- TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE.
ments today are really the key to 1 These comments are based on the Dallas television
our strategic planning process."
2 F.W. Gluck, S.P. Kaufman, and A.S. Wallock, "The Four
Phases of Strategic Management," The Journal of Tired of your budgeting
Our research shows that strategic Business Strategy, Winter 1982, pp. 9-21.
3 George A. Steiner, Strategic Planning, The Free Press.
Software? Then call SRC for
management (strategic planning and New York, N.Y., 1979, p. 15. a FREE demo package
control) is one of the characteristics 4 Andrew Tank, Information for Strategic Decisions,
of successful organizations. Our field
study also reveals successful strate-
gic planning practices (for example,
The Conference Board, New York, N.Y., 1993, p. 8.
S Richard H. Fern and Manuel A. Tipgos, "Controllers
as Business Strategists: A Progress Report;
MANAGEMENT ACCQUNTING®, March 1988, pp. 25-29.
vision and direction) of five world-
class companies. These practices pro- 1-800-544-3477
vide a foundation on which any com- Circle No, 12


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