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White Paper | July 2006

The Return on Investment of

Automated Patch Management
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It’s a simple truth: applying patches is the only definitive way to keep
vulnerable systems from being exploited. Accordingly, the vast majority of
organizations acknowledge the need to have a formal patch management
strategy and solution. Furthermore they clearly recognize that the demands in
this area are escalating due to the proliferation of new vulnerabilities and the
rapid emergence of associated threats. Seemingly irreversible conditions
require that organizations not only deploy more patches than ever before, but
also that they do so with a much greater degree of urgency.

Figure 1: A “Perfect Storm” for Information Security

Given this situation, it intuitively makes sense to implement an automated

patch management solution. However, IT and security personnel inevitably
need to provide more than just their intuition to justify such an investment.
This paper is intended to address this necessity by enumerating the cost
savings and other associated benefits of automated patch management.
Ultimately it will be demonstrated that, relative to a manual approach, an
automated solution can reduce the annual cost of patching from $222 to $40
per computer – resulting in an expected savings of over $180,000 per year for
an organization with 1000 computers.

Cost/Savings and Benefits Analysis

There are many factors and dependencies associated with an analysis of the
benefits of automated patch management – not all of which are
straightforward. The assumptions, choices, and rationale provided in the
following sections are based on the experience of the authors, the expertise of
the developers and engineers at PatchLink, and the continuous feedback
collected from PatchLink’s extensive customer base.

Overview of Benefits

The benefits of automated patch management can be assigned to two general

categories: quantitative and qualitative. The primary distinction between

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these is whether reasonably defendable estimates can be calculated for the

given benefit.

The most significant quantifiable benefit is the reduction in administrator effort

that results from automating many portions of an otherwise manually
intensive exercise. Understanding this further is facilitated by Figure 2, which
provides a summary of the individual tasks that comprise the major steps of a
typical patch management process. To be clear, the benefit here is one of
achieving greater efficiency of operations.

It could also be argued that administrator and end-user productivity gains due
to incurring fewer successful attacks deserve to be classified as quantifiable
benefits. However, it is probably more appropriate to classify these as red
herrings. The problem in this case is that the potential gains hinge on the
anticipation of remediating a vulnerability much sooner than would otherwise
be possible (which is fundamentally different than doing it more efficiently).
But there are several challenges with this notion. First, the presence of
intermediate steps in the process which are necessarily manual diminishes the
potential improvement in the overall ‘elapsed time’ before a patch is applied
and, more importantly, complicates its quantification. The second challenge is
assigning a value to whatever degree of improvement is actually attained. By
how many will the number of successful attacks actually be reduced? One can
only guess.

Finally, there is the point that taking advantage of any gain in this area
requires the patch management process to be executed more frequently. In
the extreme, it would need to be conducted every time a patch became
available – as opposed to the widely favored approach of executing it at
regularly scheduled intervals (e.g., monthly). Overall, it is expected that the
cost of these extra cycles (i.e., rollouts) would offset the productivity savings
attributable to experiencing a few less successful attacks. In any event, this
potential benefit is simply too difficult to defend concretely and, therefore, is
relegated to the qualitative category.

It is important to realize, however, that just because it is not easily quantified

does not mean that the ability to remediate vulnerabilities sooner, at least in
some cases, is not a valid benefit. In reality, it can and does save
organizations from successful attacks. It’s just that the actual number of such
occurrences is irregular and highly unpredictable. Instead, the real value in
this case is a general level of risk reduction that yields a range of qualitative
benefits, such as the reduced likelihood of:

• Loss of data;
• Loss of revenue;
• Loss of credibility with customers and partners; and,
• Legal action/liability.

Furthermore, the potential magnitude of these benefits is so great that

productivity gains due to fewer user disruptions and reduced recovery efforts,
whatever they may be, become relatively meaningless. Indeed, it is well
documented that even a single successful attack could lead to “intangible”
losses of millions of dollars, particularly if the incident receives any degree of
public exposure and attention.

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Description of Scenario

As intuitively helpful as large-magnitude qualitative benefits can be, they

simply do not have the same motivational impact as cold-hard data, especially
if it’s in the form of dollars. With this in mind, a cost model comparing manual
and automated approaches of executing the patch management process is
provided in Table 1. Although this model is essentially generic, and therefore
adaptable to the situation at virtually any organization, the specific scenario
for which the calculations were made in this case is defined by the following
high-level characteristics.

• There are 1000 end-user computing stations split among two

sufficiently different builds (i.e., combinations of hardware, operating
system, and applications) such that certain tasks must be performed
independently for each group.
• There is a moderate level of heterogeneity, with operating systems
and applications from multiple vendors. This leads to a total number
of applicable patches that corresponds to twice the annual average of
patches encountered by the typical Microsoft-only shop (i.e., 2*160).
However, risk analysis and shrewd planning result in the need to only
deploy three quarters of this number (i.e., 240).
• The organization prefers to aggregate its patches and deploy them at
regularly scheduled intervals (i.e., monthly), but will conduct
additional, off-cycle rollouts to account for critical situations (i.e., 2 per

It should also be emphasized that estimates, where needed to supplement

real-world data, were made in a conservative manner (i.e., in favor of the
manual approach). As a result, the actual cost advantage that any given
organization derives from automated patch management is likely to be
somewhat greater than what the model predicts.

Examination of Findings

Speaking of cost advantages, the outcome for the given scenario is that, due
to a per-computer reduction in patch management costs from $222 to $40 per
year, an automated patch management solution is projected to yield an annual
savings of approximately $182,000. In other words, without even accounting
for any of the associated qualitative benefits, automated patch management
will provide an ROI of approximately 450%, essentially paying for itself in less
than three months.

Review of Table 1 reveals that the largest contributions to these projected

cost savings come from gains in the deployment step of the patch
management process. These gains can be attributed in large part to the
ability of client-side agents to minimize distribution/installation errors and to
significantly facilitate any required troubleshooting.

It is also important to recognize that while deployment related tasks are

responsible for the greatest degree of savings, they are not the only ones that
have an impact. In fact, as can be seen in the table, modest yet still
significant gains are made in each of the other steps of the patch management
process as well. Particularly telling is that even these smaller gains alone are
sufficient to yield an annual reduction of 940 hours of labor, resulting in
savings ($47,000) that is more than twice the cost of the patch management

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solution ($20,300). Again, a significant portion of the benefit can be

attributed to the client agents. They automate both the pre-deployment task
of establishing patch applicability as well as the post-deployment task of
periodically validating that each patch remains properly installed. Extending
beyond the patch management process, they can also facilitate inventory
management objectives by identifying the software and hardware components
residing on all managed systems.

Mileage Will Vary

As noted earlier, the cost analysis model and resulting savings projections of
Table 1 are based on a wealth of experiential data. Nonetheless, it is
appropriate to acknowledge that a number of factors can impact the real-world
outcome for any given organization. Some of the more significant ones

• Size of organization;
• Degree of centralization/de-centralization;
• Level of administrator expertise;
• Diversity of operating systems;
• Diversity of application portfolio;
• Complexity of system configurations; and,
• Enterprise policies and procedures

In addition, the patch management product that is selected can be another

potentially significant factor. By no means are they all created equal. For
example, unlike PatchLink Update, not all of them will have flexible system
inventory capabilities, a streamlined patch deployment wizard, and
assessment and validation services that are based on patented Patch
Fingerprinting Technology. Nor will they all exhibit the advantages attributed
to an agent-based architecture. For assistance selecting a best-of-breed
automated patch management solution, readers are referred to the separately
published whitepaper “The Top 10 Requirements for Enterprise Patch and
Vulnerability Management”1

In this day and age of vulnerability proliferation and fast-following threats,
automated patch management is an intuitively appealing solution. The
qualitative benefits alone can often be quite compelling, with better (i.e., more
accurate and potentially quicker) patching leading to an overall reduction in
risk as a result of incurring fewer successful attacks. In addition, for
organizations seeking more concrete evidence, it can fortunately be found in
the form of quantifiable cost savings. Specifically, it is expected that an
enterprise patch management solution featuring a high degree of automation
will reduce the annual cost to patch a single computer from $222 to $40,
representing an annual savings of over $180,000 for an organization with
1000 workstations.

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1. “The Top 10 Requirements for Enterprise Patch and Vulnerability

Management” is accessible at www.patchlink.com.

Figure 2: Elements of A Typical Patch Management Process

Research involves identifying new vulnerabilities and patches that are

applicable to the organization. Although straightforward, this task can be time
consuming if accomplished manual. An automated approach can save the
effort of sifting through a plethora of vendor and relevant security websites,
press releases, and email notifications.

Analysis begins by establishing the general extent to which a given patch is

applicable to the organization – approximately how many systems are affected
and what roles/services/applications are they supporting. Inventorying
capabilities of an automated solution can facilitate these sub-tasks. This
information is then combined with other factors (e.g., severity of the
vulnerability, presence of an associated threat, business criticality of affected
systems, and availability of other mitigating controls) in the highly manual
task of analyzing and deciding whether the given patch should in fact be
deployed. Indeed, another unfortunate yet all-too-real consideration that
must also be factored in is the potential that any given patch will have
negative repercussions on business operations (e.g., by causing system

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crashes, or even by introducing additional vulnerabilities). This will often lead

to blanket policies, such as “for critical servers, only apply patches associated
with critical vulnerabilities”.

Testing involves applying each patch (typically individually) to a small subset

of each type/build of computer that is affected and then monitoring them for
any adverse side effects while the systems and their applications are
“exercised”. While the first part of this step can be accelerated by an
automated solution, there is minimal opportunity to improve the second part.

Preparation starts with the highly manual effort of deciding on the particulars
of how to deploy a patch, or more likely, a package of several patches. This
entails answering questions such as: Which machines should be excluded?
How will reboots be handled? Will the rollout be phased and, if so, how? What
are the timing details (e.g., deadlines, maintenance windows)? It also
involves collecting the patches themselves, and finally scripting or otherwise
configuring the details of the deployment plan into an appropriate tool.

Deployment of a patch package and any subsequent troubleshooting that is

required can be aided significantly by an automated system, particularly one
that is agent-based. In contrast, a manual approach will typically involve
directly administering patches to a select subset of machines, as well as a
higher failure rate for remote, script-based installations – with both cases
requiring a physical visit to the computers in question.

Monitoring involves reporting on patch deployment and status (e.g., for

compliance purposes) and then validating that all of the patches remain
properly installed. Validation should also be repeated on periodic basis, since
it is well established that approximately 20% of all systems will become “un-
patched” over the course of a year (e.g., due to the installation of old versions
of components, such as DLLs, by new patches, applications, or system
rebuilds). In any event, both of these tasks can be challenging if done
manually, requiring generation of custom signatures, scanning scripts, and
reporting mechanisms.

Table 1: Cost Comparison of Manual and

Automated Patch Management

Variables & Assumptions

Number of computers 1000
Classes of computers 2
Applicable patches per year 320 Annual Average for Microsoft *2 to account for other apps &
Install rate 75% One per month plus 2 out-of-phase cycles to account for
Install cycles (i.e., 14
Hourly rate ($'s) 50
Workdays/yr 250
Install failure rate, manual 15% Scripts don’t work properly, glitches due to custom images, etc.
Install failure rate, 1%
Local install rate, manual 15% Pre-emptively decide to patch locally
Local install rate, automated 0%

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Patch Management Process

Task Task Units Hours per Task Unit Annual Labor (Hours)
(i.e. frequency) Manual Automated Manual Automated
Identify available patches per workday .5 .17 125 43
Establish scope of per patch .5 .17 160 54
Determine whether to install per patch .5 .5 160 160
Testing per class/rollout
Install in test environment .5 .17 140 5
Establish impact 2 2 56 56
Preparation per class/rollout
Determine distribution plan 1 1 28 28
Compile patches 3 0 84 0
Script/Configure plan detail 9 .25 252 7
Deployment per computer/rollout
Local installs in production .5 .5 1050 0
Troubleshoot failures 1 .25 2100 35
Reporting per rollout 8 .17 112 2
Validate installation per month 15 .17 180 2
Total 4447 392

Summary of Costs
Manual Automated
Patch Process $222,350 $19,604
Patch Management Software $0 $18,000
Patch Management Hardware $0 $800 annual cost = one time cost
divided by 3 years
Patch Management Training $0 $250 annual cost = one time cost
divided by 3 years
Patch Management Installation $0 $400 annual cost = one time cost
divided by 3 years
Annual Maintenance $0 $480 20% of one-time hardware costs

Total Annual Costs $223,350 $39,534

Total Annual Cost Savings $182,816

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Mark Bouchard, CISSP, is the founder of Missing Link Security Services, LLC, a
consulting firm specializing in information security and risk management
strategies. A former META Group analyst, Mark has assessed and projected
the business and technology trends pertaining to a wide range of information
security topics for nearly 10 years. He is passionate about helping enterprises
address their information security challenges. During his career he has
assisted hundreds of organizations world-wide with everything from strategic
initiatives (e.g., creating 5-year security plans and over-arching security
architectures) to tactical decisions involving the justification, selection,
acquisition, implementation and operation of their security and privacy

Dennis Roberson is Regional Director for the Mid-Atlantic for PatchLink


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Scottsdale, AZ 85255


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