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NMR On-Line Monitoring of Esterification

Catalyzed by Cutinase
Catherine Sarazin,* Frangoise Ergan *t Jean-Paul Seguin, Gerard
Goethals,* Marie-Dorninique Legoy,h and Jean-Noel Barbotin
Laboratoire de Genie Cellulaire, Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, 33 rue
Saint-Leu, 80039 Amiens Cedex, France
Received October 19, 1995/Accepted March 19, 1996

A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method has been nov, 1989). Heterogeneous enzymatic catalysis assigns
developed to monitor on-line Iipase-catalyzed esterifica- a fundamental role to the microenvironment: a minimal
tion reactions without the need to sample the reaction amount of water in the substrates largely reduces the
medium. The technique, through 'H NMR, measures the
concentrations of alcohol, ester, hydroxylic hydrogens lag time (Kanerva et al., 1990; Kitaguchi et al., 1990;
in the organic phase, and hydroxylic hydrogens in the Zaks and Klibanov, 1988). It is well established that,
aqueous phase, if any. Also, the chemical shift evolution for almost all enzymes, a layer of adsorbed water is
of the two types of hydroxylic hydrogens has been fol- essential to promote their catalytic activity in organic
lowed, providing information on water content of the solvents (Zaks and Klibanov, 1988).
organic phase and on the appearance of a distinct aque-
ous phase. As far as 13C NMR is concerned, it has been Some NMR methods have already been described
possible to measure, first the acid and the ester concentra- in enzymology to determine the structure of products
tions in the carbonyl region, and second, the alcohol and obtained (Rabiller et al., 1992) to analyze the composi-
the ester concentrations in the methylene region. All 'H tion of the medium on samples withdrawn and extracted
and 13C results are in agreement with one another. Fur- at preset time intervals (O'Connor et al., 1992; Rabiller
thermore, NMR allows for the choice of detection zone.
Preliminary studies on the solid phase proved the pres-
and MazC, 1989; Roberts, 1990). Kinetic aspects have
ence of much more water in the solid phase than in the also been studied (Bhamidipati and Hamilton, 1993;
organic phase, and also gave evidence of the existence Brosio et al., 1993;Mendz et al., 1993). Solid-state NMR
of two types of esters, one in the organic phase, mainly was used to investigate solvent dependence of enzyme
associated with the acid, and the other one not associated dynamics (Burke et al., 1992). A 2H NMR technique
with the acid, most probably entrapped within the solid
enzyme. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
was described to measure total water bound to subtilisin
Key words: NMR studies esterification cutinase lipase in the microgram range through the analysis of the hy-
droxyl signal (Parker et al., 1992). In a previous work
(Decagny et al., 1995),we have investigated water activ-
INTRODUCTION ity through the use of 'H NMR spectroscopy in biphasic
media. Furthermore, NMR spectroscopy provides infor-
Enzymatic catalysis in organic media has emerged as mation on substrate and product structure and dynamics
a powerful technology creating new opportunities for through chemical shift evolution. Changes in association
enzymes as practical catalysts. Lipases are of growing between them can be monitored as a function of reaction
interest as catalysts in fat technology and in organic time and partition phenomena can be observed (Rob-
synthesis. However, to take full advantage of this tech- erts, 1990).
nology, one must understand the physical basis for varia- The present study describes a new approach to moni-
tion of enzyme properties with the medium. In the last tor the enzyme reaction in multiphase medium. NMR
few years, many investigations have been carried out offers, in theory, the possibility of measuring exactly
into the effect of water content and nature of organic and quickly both structure and quantity of molecules
solvents on catalytic behavior of enzymes suspended in without the need for previous separations. Therefore,
low-water media (Dordick, 1989; Gupta, 1992; Kliba- it may be used on the whole reaction medium. The
major problem concerns the sensitivity of the method
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Telephone:
(Pollesello et al., 1993).
(33) 22-82-74-71; fax: (33) 22-82-7595, In this work, the enzymatic esterification of butan-l-
I' Present address: Institut Universitaire de Technologie du Mans, 01 with caprylic acid catalyzed by a cutinase (Martinez
DCpartement Biologie AppliquCe, 53020 Lava1 Cedex, France. et al., 1992) is carried out directly in the NMR tube in
Present address: Laboratoire de Chimie Organique et CinCtique, the probe of the spectrometer. Proton and carbon spec-
FacultC des Sciences, UniversitC de Picardie Jules Verne, 80039 tra are recorded automatically until the end of the reac-
Amiens Cedex, France.
5 Present address: Laboratoire de Genie ProtCique et Cellulaire, tion. Concentrations of all species including water are
UniversitC de La Rochelle P61e Sciences et Technologie, 17042 La determined simultaneously in situ, and chemical shifts
Rochelle, France. are analyzed in terms of associations.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 51, Pp. 636-644 (1996)

0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/96/060636-09
MATERIALS AND METHODS over 16K and zero filled to 32K datapoints. Care has
been taken when using integrated 13Csignals for quanti-
tative work to ensure carbon relaxation; the relaxation
Chemicals delay time was set to 15 s and 20 scans were collected
Cutinase (purity 60%) from Fusariurn sofani expressed following an 80" excitation pulse. The carbon FID imme-
in E. coli (Martinez et al., 1992)was a generous gift from diately followed by the proton FID was recorded auto-
Corvas International NV (Gent, Belgium). Caprylic acid matically, then a 10-min delay was allowed before the
and butan-1-01 were purchased from Sigma. All other next set of carbon and proton FIDs. Carbon and proton
reagents were of analytical grade. FIDs were normalized before the Fourier transforma-
tion. An exponential multiplication of 3 Hz was applied
on the carbon FID. The deuterium of C6D6 (20 p L ) was
Enzyme Reaction used as the field frequency lock and the chemical shifts
The chosen system was the synthesis of n-butyl capry- were referenced to TMS. No isotopic exchange was ob-
late from caprylic acid and butan-1-01, as described served in presence of C6D6.

8CH3-7CH2-6CH2-5CH2-4CH2-3CH2-2CH2-1COOH + 4CH3-3CH2-ZCH2-'CH20H
caprylic acid butan-1-01


-k H20
n-butyl caprylate

The reaction took place inside an NMR tube with a Quantification of Substrates and Products
diameter of 5 mm. The enzyme (6 mg) was transferred
into the NMR tube and equilibrated with MgC12 salt Concentrations (butan-1-01, water, hydroxylic hydro-
for 2 days under vacuum to obtain a water activity of gens) were quantified using equations taking into ac-
0.35. The esterification reaction starts by the addition count the number of hydrogens resonating at each fre-
of 300 pL of an equimolar mixture of caprylic acid and quency and integrated area of the concerned signals.
butan-1-01. Thus, the organic phase was solely composed For example, the following equation was used to deter-
of the substrates. The desired water activity of the mine the butanol concentration:
substrates (0.35) was previously obtained by adding 1%
(w/w) of water in the organic mixture. The tube was then integrated area of butan-1-01
[butan-1-01] =
placed inside the NMR probe. Water activity, measured integrated area of (ester + butan-1-01)
with a Novasina thermoconstanter, was used to charac- X [butan-l-olIinitial
terize the water in the solid phase and in the organic
phase for multiphase media (Halling, 1994). The extent of synthesis can be expressed as:
NMR Spectra % esterification = x 100
NMR spectra were recorded continuously at 30"C, with
a spin rate of 20 Hz (1200 rpm), until the end of the From 'H spectra, the integrated area of ester is that of
reaction, with a Bruker AM-300 WB spectrometer the methylene "'CH2 peak and the integrated area of
equipped with an Aspect 3000 data system and using a butan-1-01 is that of the methylene 'CH2 peak.
5-mm lH/13C dual probe. Proton spectra were recorded From 13Cspectra, the ester amount was assessed with
at 300 MHz with a spectral width of 6000 Hz; free induc- the same equation using the area of the ester signal
tion decays (FIDs) were sampled over 8K and zero (01'CH2) and the area of the butan-1-01 signal ('CH,).
filled to 16 K datapoints to enhance digital resolution. Different mixtures of known concentrations were
Relaxation delay was set to 3 s and eight scans were NMR analyzed under the same analytical conditions.
collected following a 30" excitation pulse. The proton- The quantification was in agreement with true values:
decoupled carbon spectra were recorded at 75 MHz NOE and relaxation effects were similar on carbon
with a spectral width of 18,000 Hz; FIDs were sampled atoms used.


RESULTS prylic acid to the benefit of alcohol-acid association.
This fact also explains the small variations observed for
'CH2 and 2CH2signals of butan-1-01 in the mixture.
Peak Assignment of NMR Spectra 'H as well as I3C spectra show peaks with distinct
Figure 1 presents the spectra of an equimolar mixture resonances for the alcohol (lCH2) and the ester (*'CH2).
of butan-1-01and caprylic acid obtained by 'H (Fig. la) This will allow for the monitoring of alcohol consump-
and 13C (Fig. lb) NMR. The values of the chemicals tion and ester production during esterification reactions.
shifts and their assignments are presented for pure
butan-1-01, pure caprylic acid, their equimolar mix- Kinetic Study by 'H NMR Spectroscopy
ture, and pure ester n-butyl caprylate in Table I, in
agreement with literature data (Bretmaier and Voelter, The proton spectra evolution during the esterification
1987). It can be observed (Fig. la) that a single signal, reaction is shown on Figure 2. The spectrum at the
at 8.00 ppm, is obtained for all the hydroxylic hydrogens bottom (reaction medim at time 0) is identical to the
of acid, alcohol, and water initially present in the mix- spectrum of equimolar mixture of substrates without
ture: this is due to the fast exchange of hydroxylic hydro- enzyme (Fig. la). The peaks below 3 ppm present too
gens between them. The chemical shift of this peak is much overlapping, preventing their use for quantifica-
not the average value of caprylic acid and butan-1-01 tion. However, the overlapping of 'CH2 of caprylic acid
chemical shifts, because the water added to the equimo- and "CH2of the ester gives a single signal. This signal can
lar mixture to reach an a , of 0.35 participates in the be used to quantify acid and ester together. Therefore,
average chemical shift of this peak. Table I also shows Figure 2 represents only the spectra above 3 ppm, and
that the 'H signal for the *CH2 of the ester overlaps allows the monitoring of ester production with alco-
with the 'H signal for the 2CH2of the acid. hol consumption.
The chemical shift to the carbonyl peak of ca- An upfield shift of the peak of exchangeable hydrox-
prylic acid switches from 180.65 ppm for acid alone to ylic hydrogens of acid, alcohol, and initial water is ob-
178.34 ppm when the acid is mixed with butan-1-01 (Ta- served with time, due to the consumption of the two
ble I). It is suggested that addition of butan-1-01 in substrates and the production of water by the reaction.
caprylic acid modifies the dimerization balance of ca- In fact, as the reaction proceeds, when one molecule of

I I I I 1 I 1

12 0 10 0 so 60 40 20 00


I ' I ' 1 " ' ~ " ' I " ' I ' I

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Figure 1. NMR spectra of equimolar mixtures of caprylic acid and butan-1-01: (a) 'H, and
(b) 13C.

Table I. Chemical shifts (ppm) and peak attribution of 'H and I3CNMR spectra of butanol,
caprylic acid, equimolar mixture of butan-1-01 and caprylic acid, and n-butyl caprylate.
Equimolar n-Butyl
Peak assignment Butan-1-01 Caprylic acid mixture caprylate

OH (acid + alcohol) 5.19 12.39 8.00
'CHI 3.55 3.58
"'CH2 4.00
'CH2 2.28 2.24
"CH2 2.20
TH2 1.58 1.56
'CH2 1.52 1.52
%H2 1.37 1.31 1.55
"CH2 1.55
"CH2 1.35
45,6,7~~ 1.29 1.28
4CH3 0.92 0.90
"CH3 0.89 0.88 0.91
"'CH3 0.88

co 180.65 178.34 172.53
"'CH2 63.79
'CH2 61.96 62.19
'CH2 35.31 34.92
'CH2 34.57 34.50
"CH2 34.38
TH2 32.32 32.27 32.27
"CH2 31.41
4 ~ ~ 2 29.67 29.63 29.64
%H2 29.60 29.55 29.54
TH2 25.24 25.37 25.46
'CH2 23.16 23.12 23.10
3'C~2 19.64
3CH2 19.53 19.41
"CH3 14.26 14.24 14.24
4'CH3 13.90
4CH3 14.10 14.04

alcohol and one molecule of acid are consumed, one

molecule of water is produced. Therefore, one hydrox-
ylic hydrogen of butan-1-01 (5.19 ppm) and one of ca-
OH prylic acid (12.39 ppm) are replaced by the two protons
8.6 h
L of one water molecule (4.80 pprn). It is thus expected
that the chemical shift of this hydroxylic hydrogen peak
decreases from the initial value of 8.00 ppm to 6.50 ppm
at the end of the reaction.
A second important observation arising from these
4.0 h h spectra is the appearance of one new broad signal at
4.80 ppm. This peak, very faint at 1.6 h, is confirmed
for later times. The peak picking for the peak centered
1.6h --Jx on 4.80 ppm is possible only after 1.6 h of reaction
(esterification yield 20%). The intensity of this peak
increases with time. This peak represents water as a
Time 0 distinct phase, consisting in droplets, nonmiscible with
r - , I . 1 * I . I . I
the organic phase. Its chemical shift has been compared
8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0
with that of pure water. Since it remains constant for
PPM the whole reaction, it represents water alone and the
Figure 2. Proton spectra evolution as a function of time for an equi-
area of the signal can be used to quantify the amount
molar mixture of caprylic acid and butan-1-01 (300 pL) and 6 mg of of water not solubilized in the organic phase.
cutinase at 30°C. Figure 3 represents the time course of the concentra-


91 1 tion medium (Fig. 4). As indicated previously, two sig-
nals characterize hydroxylic hydrogens in the reaction
medium. At the beginning of the reaction, one single
signal is observed, corresponding to the hydrogen atoms
?-J of hydroxylic groups of acid and alcohol as well as those
.-c0r 5 of the water soluble in the organic phase. Up to 2 h,
the chemical shift remains constant, indicating that the
y 4
cr acid and alcohol remain in equimolar amounts and that
c produced water does not participate in that peak. This
a 3 makes sense for the first hour of reaction, because no
synthesis occurs (Fig. 3). This lag period is due to en-
E 2 zyme and substrate water activities which are not at
0 1
optimum. However, between 1 and 2 h, the reaction
0 starts and ester and water are produced (esterification
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9
yield 28%).This steady chemical shift indicates that the
Time ( h ) water produced does not participate in the chemical
shift. Water produced remains with the enzyme or con-
Figure 3. Concentrations ( M ) as a function of time during esterifica- stitutes droplets. After 2 h, the chemical shift decreases
tion of an equimolar mixture of caprylic acid and butan-1-01 (300 gL)
with time, up to 6 h.
catalyzed by 6 mg of cutinase at 30°C measured on 'Hspectra. Butyl
caprylate (0);butan-1-01 (0);acid + ester signal (A); nonmiscible A shielding effect on the chemical shift of the hydrox-
water (0); exchangeable hydroxylic hydrogens (m). ylic hydrogen peak is observed for increasing times; i.e.,
increasing amounts of ester in the acid-alcohol equimo-
lar mixture. In agreement with preliminary experiments
tions obtained through 'H NMR: butan-1-01; n-butyl carried out on acetic acid-ethyl acetate mixtures (data
caprylate; acid + ester; nonmiscible water; and ex- not shown), this chemical shift evolution is due to the
changeable hydroxylic hydrogens. Butan-1-01 and n- increase in the proportion of acid complexed with the
butyl caprylate concentrations are provided by the inte- ester. The same evolution of the chemical shift was
gration of their methylene triplet peaks at 3.58 ppm and observed in presence of ethanol in acetic acid-ethyl
4.00 ppm, respectively. The overlap of the methylene acetate mixtures (equimolar mixtures of acid, alcohol,
proton signals close to 2.20 ppm of the acid and ester and increasing amounts of ester). This hypothesis will
(Table I) provides a constant integration of this signal, be confirmed with the 13C analyses of chemical shifts.
confirming that the acid consumption is equivalent to After 6 h, no evolution of the chemical shift is observed:
the ester production and therefore proving the accuracy this is in agreement with the kinetic study (Fig. 3 ) , which
of the quantification method. The symmetry between shows that ester oroduction levels off at 6 h.
the alcohol concentration decrease and the ester con-
centration increase is related to the same facts. The A 8.5 I
curve for nonmiscible water corresponds to the integra- E
tion of the peak at 4.80 ppm. The curve, with an initial a 8.0
value of 8 M, does not represent the concentration of W
any one species, but instead represents the concentra- cr
tion of exchangeable hydroxylic hydrogens of acid, alco-
hol, and miscible water (initially present in the reaction
medium and produced by the esterification reaction). 0
The initial concentration of each substrate is 3.75 M and .-u 6.0
the initial water concentration in the organic phase (1%
w/w) is 0.45 M: the corresponding initial concentration a 5.5
in hydroxylic hydrogens is thus 8.40 M. Up to 1 h of
reaction, there is no reaction and the addition of all
exchangeable hydrogens remains constant. As soon as 7 . 1

water appears as a distinct phase (1.6 h), this concentra- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

tion decreases with a slope twice that of butan-1-01, due
Es t e r i f i c a t i o n (%)
to the consumption of both acid and alcohol.
Figure 4. Chemical shifts of exchangeable hydroxylic hydrogens as
a function of the esterification yield. Reaction media (-) are com-
Chemical Shift Study by 'H NMR Spectroscopy pared to reconstituted media without enzyme (------).Hydroxylic hy-
drogens in the organic phase (m), and hydroxylic hydrogens in the
Chemical shifts of the hydroxylic hydrogens are repre- aqueous phase (0).The aqueous phase in the reconstituted media
sented as a function of ester concentration in the reac- appears only for the 70% esterification yield (m).

The chemical shift of the peak at 4.80 ppm, observed of constant chemical shift at 64.00 ppm, and one with
after 1.6 h of reaction, remains constant until the end a chemical shift varying from 64.50 ppm to 64.15 ppm.
of the reaction. The shape and chemical shift of this peak To quantify the extent of synthesis using 13Cspectra,
are characteristic of water as a distinct phase, neither the integrated areas of these two peaks were added, thus
miscible with the organic phase nor exchanging any allowing the recovery of the synthesis yield determined
hydrogen with it. from proton spectra. The evolution of the ester concen-
The evolution of the chemical shift of exchangeable tration obtained from 13Cspectra is compared with the
hydroxylic hydrogens has been compared to the chemi- evolution calculated from 'H spectra in Figure 6. The
cal shift obtained in mixtures of given compositions in increase of the downfield signal stops at around 20%
acid, alcohol, water, and ester, simulating reaction me- of esterification. The peak with constant chemical shift
dia at different times (Fig. 4). The organic phase in the appears at 1.25 h and increases similarly to the peak
reaction medium solubilizes less water than the organic obtained through 'H NMR. The same data analyses are
phase of the medium with the same composition, but required for the two carbonyl signals in the 173-ppm
containing no enzyme. Indeed, the chemical shift of region and a similar behavior is observed.
exchangeable hydroxylic hydrogens decreases faster These results suggest the hypothesis of two different
than in the reaction medium, probably due to a larger environments for the produced ester. In mixtures pre-
contribution of water. pared with the same liquid phase composition, but with-
Confirming this hypothesis, the nonmiscible water in out cutinase, only one peak is observed for the ester,
reconstituted media without enzyme is detected as a in the carbonyl region as well as in the methylene region.
distinct phase for an ester yield of 70%. In the reaction Therefore, it can be suggested that the splitting of the
medium, this distinct aqueous phase appears at about ester peak is related to the presence of cutinase.
20% esterification. This difference is due to the presence Because the splitting of the ester peak is observed
of cutinase. The presence of cutinase also explains the only in the presence of cutinase, two experiments were
steady chemical shift of hydroxylic hydrogens observed designed to force the enzyme to stay either within the
in the reaction medium and not in reconstituted media. detection coils or outside the detection coils (Fig. 7)
The enzyme retains some of the produced water, which and to study separately the two phases of the system:
constitutes the distinct phase detected at 4.80 ppm. i.e., the enzyme solid phase and the organic liquid phase,
Moreover, the hydroxylic hydrogen signals for the respectively. In experiment A, glass beads have been
aqueous distinct phase of the reaction medium and the put above the cutinase powder, to avoid the rising of
reconstituted media show different shapes. In the latter, the cutinase; this is done to keep the enzyme under the
the signal is a sharp peak with all ester concentrations, detection coil region; only the organic phase is detected.
whereas the signal shape changes during the reaction. In experiment B, the cutinase is kept in the volume
This change in shape might be attributed to the presence detected by the receiver coil by putting glass beads at
of cutinase, which could slow down the rate of hydrogen the bottom of the NMR tubes; cutinase occupies the
exchange. Once esterification is completed, the peak whole detected volume. In the first case, the water signal
becomes sharp again. intensity is weak and 13Cester peaks of constant chemi-
cal shift are not observed. In the second case, the non-
miscible water is detected and the greatest 13C ester
Kinetic Study by 13C NMR Spectroscopy
peaks are those of constant chemical shifts. These two
13Cspectra are obtained under the same reaction condi- experiments lead to the conclusion that water produced
tions as previously described for proton spectra. Figure by the reaction is mainly retained in the cutinase area.
5 shows the spectrum of the medium at initial time and Moreover, they also show that the ester of constant
its evolution with time, on the one hand for carbonyl chemical shift is also localized within the cutinase.
signals (Fig. 5a) and, on the other hand, for methylene Partition of the ester is only observed during enzy-
signals (Fig. 5b). matic esterification and when the cutinase is in the detec-
During the reaction, the signal intensity of the car- tion coil zone. When cutinase is added to a mixture of
bony1 of the acid decreases and an upfield shift of the ester and water or mixtures of different compositions
peak from 178.34 ppm to 177.14 pprn is observed. in acid, alcohol, ester, and water, only one kind of ester
Around 173 ppm, which corresponds to the carbonyl of is present-the one associated with the acid. The cutin-
the ester, two peaks, increasing with time, are observed. ase can only retain the ester synthesized during the
The chemical shift of the upfield signal remains constant reaction. It is important to note that the ester partition
during the reaction, while the other one shifts in a similar is linked to the evolution of the distinct aqueous phase.
manner to the acid carbonyl peak.
The same phenomenon is observed in the methylene
Chemical Shift Study by 13CNMR Spectroscopy
region: the intensity of the methylene peak of butan-l-
01 at 62.12 ppm decreases. Two increasing peaks, around The chemical shift study is carried out on the carbonyl
64 ppm, are registered in the ester methylene zone: one signals as opposed to the kinetic study carried out with



1.6 h
-hh-- 2CHzacid -I-aCH2
0.25 h 1

1 I I 1 8 1 I
65 6 0 - 55 50 45 40 35

Figure 5. Carbon spectra evolution as a function of time for an equimolar mixture of caprylic acid
and butan-1-01 (300 pL) and 6 mg of cutinase at 30°C: (a) carbonyl region, and (b) methylene region.

the methylene signals. Methylene signals could have tration of 3.375 M and ester and water at 0.375 M. The
been used for this study even though variations are 0% yield corresponds to 3.75 M for acid and alcohol.
weaker: in fact, in the molecule, methylene groups are The study of the chemical shifts of media containing
further from the association centers than the carbonyl increasing equimolar amounts of ester and water and
groups which participate directly in the association. decreasing equimolar amounts of acid and alcohol, with-
However, ‘H NMR of methylene carbons cannot be out enzyme, shows an association between the acid and
used for this study: no effect is observed for methylene the ester (Sarazin et al., 1992). Indeed, the upfield shift
protons, because the effect of associations on densities of the carbonyl peak of the acid is due to the breakage
of electronic populations are too weak. of hydrogen bonds of the auto-association of acid and/
Figure 8 shows the evolution of the chemical shift of or of its association with alcohol, to form association
the carbonyl signals of ester and acid in reaction media with the ester.
and in reconstituted media, as a function of esterification The chemical shift values of the carbonyl of the ester
yield. For example, a reconstituted medium at 10% es- are higher than the values for pure ester (172.53 ppm),
terification yield contains acid and alcohol at a concen- because the association with acid induces a downfield

W 4

.-+-0 .- 175
.-L t

cn 1
W 0
0 173
0 - _.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Time (h) Es t e rif ic a t io n (%)

Figure 6. Esterification as a function of time of an equimolar mixture Figure 8. Chemical shifts of carbonyl carbons as a function of the
of caprylic acid and butan-1-01(300 pL) catalyzed by 6 mg of cutinase. esterification yield. Reaction media (-) are compared with recon-
Ester yields are measured on 13C spectra. CHI of variable chemical stituted media without enzyme (------).Ester carbonyl carbon of vari-
shift (H); CH2 at 64 ppm (0);sum of the two CH2 peaks (0). The able chemical shift (H); ester carbonyl carbon of constant chemical
results are compared with the ester yield previously obtained from shift (0);acid carbonyl carbon (0).
'H spectra (0).

carbonyl carbons are related to an increase in the molar

shift. The first detectable carbonyl signal of the ester is ratio of ethyl acetate.
registered at 174.33 ppm. For low molar ratios of ester/ The same phenomenon is observed in reaction mix-
acid, the ester is fully associated with the acid; the elec- tures (Fig. 8). However, the slope of the graphs is weaker
tron density of the carbonyl carbon is lower than for for reaction media than for reconstituted media: for
the pure ester, thus explaining the observed deshielding example, as far as the carbonyl signal of the acid is
effect. We have previously shown that complexing ace- concerned, a chemical shift of 177.75 pprn is obtained
tophenone to phenol leads to a deshielding of the car- with a reconstituted medium corresponding to 42% es-
bony1 carbon (SCguin et al., 1989). As the content of terification, whereas 70% esterification is required in the
ester increases, the proportion of ester associated with reaction medium. It seems that the acid of the reaction
the acid decreases. The ester chemical shift value de- medium is not completely in contact with the ester pro-
creases, moving closer to the chemical shift value of duced by the reaction. This observation confirms that
pure ester. In agreement with preliminary experiments the ester produced is not fully recovered in the organic
carried out on acetic acid-ethanol-ethyl acetate mix- phase. This is in agreement with the presence of a second
tures, the chemical shift decreases of acid and ester ester peak at 173 ppm. Moreover, the same behavior is

I I ' " L A A
I equimolar
substrates I
COILS substrates 4.8 ppm COILS 300pL 4.8 ppm


173 ppm 173 ppm

Figure 7. Variation of 'H and 13C spectra by changing the detection zone. (a) Experiment A The cutinase is kept under the detection coil
region; a weak water signal is recorded on proton spectra; and a single peak is observed for the ester carbonyl carbon. (b) Experiment B: The
cutinase is in the detection zone; the second ester carbonyl form, at 173 ppm, is observed and the nonmiscible water signal is important.


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