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Did you
What a know…?
Popular p Growing up in Greece
even won ywrights
ceremon wards in Boys generally started school aged seven, but
were a bit that girls had to stay at home and be taught cooking
Did you know that the Ancient Greeks today’s O like
invented the theatre? They loved scars! and weaving by their mothers. Rich families
watching plays, and most cities had would send a slave to school with their sons, and
a theatre – some big enough to hold their job was to keep an eye out for any bad behaviour!
15,000 people! Just like you, the children of Ancient Greece played
Only men and boys were allowed to be with action figures and dolls, except that
actors, and they wore masks (see below), which Did you theirs were made from
The Gree w…?
showed the audience whether their character wood or clay. They
was happy or sad. Some of the masks had two The most famou
s playwrights ks had so also liked playing
strange su me
sides, so the actor could turn them around to were Aeschylus,
about foo erstitions with balls, which
change the mood for each scene. Euripides and Ar
istophanes wouldn’t d – some were made from
as they th eat beans a blown-up pig’s
containe ught they bladders. Yuck!
d the souls
of the de
There were three types of Greek play, comedies (which made
fun of their rulers), tragedies (which taught people about right ALL DRESSED UP!
and wrong), and Satyrs (a mix of both comedy and tragedy). Most Ancient Greeks wore a chiton, which was like a long T-shirt made
from one large piece of cotton. The poor slaves, however, had to make
do with a loincloth (a small strip of cloth wrapped around the waist)!

Myths and
monsters Great gods ZEUS
Zeus was the king of all gods. He was
The Greeks believed that a family of also god of the sky, and when he
The Ancient Greeks had lots
gods lived in a cloud palace above was in a bad mood, he’d create
of stories to help them learn
Mount Olympus (the highest huge storms and thunderbolts!
about their world.
mountain in Greece). These gods
The gods featured heavily in
were thought to have special powers,
these tales, and so did mythological
monsters – like Cerberus, a three-
and each had control over a different APOLLO AND
headed dog that guarded the gates
aspect of life. Let’s meet some of them… ARTEMIS
to the underworld; Medusa, a slithery These were Zeus’ kids.
Apollo was the Sun
sorceress whose look could turn POSEIDON god and in charge
people to stone; and the Cyclops Zeus’ brother, Poseidon, was
who had one eye in the middle of of music. His twin,
in charge of the sea and Artemis, had the
its forehead. Yikes! horses. He showed his power to send deathly
anger by striking the plagues, but she could
bottom of the sea to heal people too. Phew!
cause earthquakes!


Scylla and Charybdis were two scary sea monsters, believed to live The Greeks put statues of their gods inside temples, the most
on opposite sides of the Strait of Messina, so sailors were terrified famous of which is the Parthenon. This temple in Athens was
of entering the stretch of water between the two fearsome beasts! Sailors feared th built for the goddess Athena, the protector of the city.
e sea Greeks worshippe
monsters of Mes d
sina! at special temples gods

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