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Static Type Inference for Ruby

Michael Furr Jong-hoon (David) An Jeffrey S. Foster Michael Hicks

University of Maryland, College Park

Abstract run time. Such errors can be painful to track down, especially
Many general-purpose, object-oriented scripting languages in larger programs. Moreover, with pure dynamic typing,
are dynamically typed, to keep the language flexible and programmers lose the concise, automatically-checked doc-
not reject any programs unnecessarily. However, dynamic umentation provided by type annotations. For example, the
typing loses many of the benefits of static typing, includ- Ruby standard library includes textual descriptions of types,
ing early error detection and the useful documentation pro- but they are not used by the Ruby interpreter in any way.
vided by type annotations. We have been developing Dia- We have been developing Diamondback Ruby1 (DRuby),
mondback Ruby (DRuby), a tool that aims to integrate static a tool that integrates static typing into Ruby. Our ultimate
typing into Ruby, a popular object-oriented scripting lan- aim is to add a typing discipline that is simple for program-
guage. DRuby makes three main contributions toward this mers to use, flexible enough to handle common idioms, that
aim. First, we developed a new GLR parser for Ruby that provides programmers with additional checking where they
cleanly separates the core Ruby grammar from a set dis- want it, and reverts to run time checks where necessary.
ambiguation rules, making the parser easy to extend. Sec- DRuby is focused on Ruby, but we expect the advances we
ond, we developed the Ruby Intermediate Language (RIL), make to apply to many other scripting languages as well. Our
a small, simple subset of Ruby to which we can translate vision of DRuby was inspired by an exciting body of recent
the entire source language. RIL makes implementing Ruby work on mixing static and dynamic typing, including ideas
analyses much easier than working with the complex surface such as soft typing, the dynamic type, quasi-static typing,
syntax. Third, DRuby includes a type annotation language and gradual typing (see Section 6).
and type inference system that has important features that al- As we started developing DRuby, however, we discov-
low it to accurately type Ruby programs. We applied DRuby ered that applying these ideas to a language as large and
to a suite of small benchmarks, and found that most of our complex as Ruby was a major challenge. In this paper, we
benchmarks are statically typeable. We believe that DRuby present three contributions that are a major step forward to-
makes a major step forward toward the goal of bringing the wards our vision: The development of a clean generalized
benefits of static typing to Ruby and other object-oriented LR (GLR) parser for Ruby; the Ruby Intermediate Language
scripting languages. (RIL), a simplified representation for Ruby programs that is
far easier to analyze than the surface syntax; and a static type
1. Introduction annotation and inference system that can type check all of
Ruby except its metaprogramming and reflective facilities.
Dynamic type systems are popular in general-purpose, The first contribution, a new parser for Ruby, arises be-
object-oriented scripting languages like Ruby, Python and cause like many scripting languages, Ruby tries to “feel nat-
Perl. Dynamic typing is appealing because it ensures that ural to programmers” (Stewart 2001) by providing a very
no correct program execution is stopped prematurely—only forgiving, almost ambiguous syntax. While we could have
programs about to “go wrong” at run-time are rejected. tried to reuse the Ruby interpreter’s parser, it is hard to
However, this flexibility comes at a price. Programming modify, with extremely complex parsing actions that resolve
mistakes that would be caught by static typing, e.g., calling ambiguities in subtle ways. Instead, we developed a GLR
a method with the wrong argument types, remain latent until parser for Ruby and extended it to support type annotations.
Our parser specification cleanly separates the core Ruby
language productions from the disambiguation rules, which
makes the grammar easier to understand and the parser much
easier to modify. (Section 2.2)

1 Thediamondback terrapin is the official mascot of the University of

[Copyright notice will appear here once ’preprint’ option is removed.] Maryland

1 2008/3/20
Even with a clean parser, Ruby is still a dauntingly large 1 a = 42 # a in scope from here onward
language, with many constructs and complex control flow. 2 b=a+3 # equivalent to b = a.+(3)
Our second contribution is RIL, a simplified subset of Ruby 3 c=d+3 # error : d undefined
4 b = ”foo” # b is now a String
designed to make analysis more tractable, in the style of 5 b.length # invoke method with no args
CIL (Necula et al. 2002). RIL includes only side effect-free 6
expressions and sequences of primitive statements, each of 7 class Container # implicitly extends Object
which includes at most one assignment and/or method call. 8 def get() # method definition
9 @x # field read; method evaluates to expr in body
DRuby includes a phase that translates parsed Ruby source 10 end
code into RIL, simplifying the subsequent type inference 11 def set(e)
process. We believe that RIL will also prove useful for other 12 @@last = @x # class variable write
Ruby analysis and transformation tools. (Section 2.3) 13 @x = e # field write
14 end
Our parser and translator to RIL enabled our final con- 15 def Container.last () # class method
tribution, a static type annotation and inference system for 16 $gl = @@last
Ruby. DRuby’s type system has three main elements: 17 @@last
18 end
• First, DRuby defines an expressive type language that 19 end
includes features we found necessary to precisely type 20 f = Container.new # instance creation
21 f .set(3) # could also write as ” f .set 3”
Ruby code: union and intersection types (Pierce 1991), 22 g = f .get #g=3
object types (to complement traditional class name-based 23 f .set(4)
types) (Abadi and Cardelli 1996), a self type, parametric 24 h = Container.new.get # returns nil
25 l = Container.last # returns 3
polymorphism (Pierce 2002), tuple types for heterogeneous
26 $gl # returns 3
arrays, and optional and variable arguments in method types. 27
• Second, DRuby adds a surface type annotation syntax. 28 i = [1, 2, 3] # array literal
29 j = i . collect { |x| x + 1} # j is [2, 3, 4]
Annotations are required to give types to the core of the 30
Ruby standard library, since it is written in C rather than 31 module My enumerable # module creation
Ruby, and they are also useful for providing types to Ruby 32 def leq(x)
33 (self ⇔ x) ≤ 0 # note method ”⇔” does not exist here
library code that uses hard-to-analyze features. (Section 3)
34 end
• Third, DRuby performs type inference to statically dis- 35 end
cover type errors in Ruby programs, which can help pro-
37 class Container
grammers detect problems much earlier than dynamic typ- 38 include My enumerable # mix in module
ing. By providing type inference, DRuby helps maintain the 39 def ⇔(other) # define required method
lightweight feel of Ruby, since programmers need not write 40 @x ⇔ other.get
41 end
down extensive type annotations to gain the benefits of static
42 end
typing. Because Ruby is such a flexible language, type infer- 43
ence is rather challenging, and DRuby makes three assump- 44 f ⇔f # returns 0
tions for the sake of practicality: DRuby assumes classes and
methods are always defined before use; DRuby fully trusts Figure 1. Sample Ruby code
type annotations, and does not check the bodies of annotated
methods; and DRuby ignores metaprogramming constructs We believe DRuby is a major step toward integrating
such as eval. However, modulo these assumptions, DRuby is static and dynamic typing into Ruby in particular, and
able to accurately model many other common programming object-oriented scripting languages in general, and that
idioms we encountered. (Section 4) DRuby lays the foundation for much interesting future work.
We have applied DRuby to a suite of small benchmark
programs (ranging from 100–900 lines of code) that are rep- 2. The Ruby Intermediate Language
resentative of the kinds of scripts programmers write with This section presents some background on Ruby and then
Ruby. Out of 8 benchmarks, DRuby reports no warnings describes our parser and RIL.
for 5, i.e., they are statically type safe according to our type
system. All of the warnings for the other 3 benchmarks were 2.1 Ruby Background
false positives, i.e., warnings of type errors that cannot ac- Since readers may not be familiar with Ruby, we first in-
tually occur at run time. Two of the remaining benchmarks troduce some of its key features. In Ruby, everything is an
had one warning each, and the last benchmark has 35 warn- object, and all objects are instances of a particular class. For
ings (all due to one problem). These results show that DRuby example, the literal 42 is an instance of Fixnum, true is an
is promising, and that in fact much of Ruby is amenable to instance of TrueClass, and nil is an instance of NilClass. As
static typing. (Section 5) in Java, the root of the class hierarchy is Object.

2 2008/3/20
There are several kinds of variable in Ruby, distinguished If no explicit inheritance relationship is specified (as with
by a prefix: local variables x have no prefix, object instance Container in Figure 1), then the declared class inherits from
variables (a.k.a. fields) are written @x, class variables (called Object. Ruby also includes modules (a.k.a. mixins) (Bracha
static variables in Java) are written @@x, and global and Cook 1990) for supporting multiple inheritance. For ex-
variables are written $x.2 ample, lines 31–35 define a module My enumerable, which
Figure 1 contains some sample code that illustrates many defines an leq method in terms of another method ⇔ that
features of Ruby. Local variables are not visible outside implements three-way comparison. On lines 37–42, we mix
their defining scope are never declared, but rather come into in the My enumerable module (line 38) via include, and then
existence when they are written to (line 1). It is an error define the needed ⇔ method (lines 39–41). From line 44 on-
to refer to a local variable before it is initialized (line 3). ward, we can invoke Container.leq. Note also that on line 37
Since local variables are dynamically typed, their types may we reopened class Container and added a new mixin and
change as evaluation proceeds. In Figure 1, line 4 writes a method. This is just one way in which programmers can
string to b, effectively changing its type, so on line 5 it makes modify classes and methods dynamically. Such modifica-
sense to invoke the length method on b. tions are difficult to model statically, and our type system
Lines 7–19 define a new class Container with instance may be unsound in the presence of some of these features
methods get and set, class method last , an instance variable (end of Section 3).
@x, and a class variable @@last. Methods evaluate to the Further introduction to Ruby is available elsewhere (Thom-
last statement in their body (line 9), and may also include as et al. 2004; Flanagan and Matsumoto 2008).
explicit return statements. Instances are created by invoking
the special new method (line 20). Method invocation syntax 2.2 Parsing Ruby
is standard (line 21), though parentheses are optional for the
The first step toward typing Ruby, or indeed performing any
outermost method call in an expression (lines 20 and 22).
similar static analysis, is parsing Ruby code. One option
Class methods must be called with the class as the receiver
would be to use the parser built in to the Ruby interpreter.
(line 25). Method names need not be alphanumeric; opera-
Unfortunately, that parser is written in C, and is tightly
tions such as addition (line 2) are equivalent to method calls
integrated with the rest of the interpreter. Another option
(in this case, equivalent to a.+(3)). Unlike local variables,
would be to start with the front end used by JRuby, a Ruby
fields are by default initialized to nil (line 24); the same is
implementation written in Java.3 However, this front-end
true with class and global variables. As usual, class variables
was not very robust when we started our work, and we felt
are shared between all instances of a class (line 25).
that it was also not very declarative, and was therefore hard
To elaborate on Ruby’s scope rules, class and instance
to understand. Indeed, Ruby lacks a clean specification of
variables are only visible within their defining class. For
its grammar, including how it prefers one form to another
example, there is no syntax to access the @x or @@last
when the syntax is ambiguous. For example, the pseudo-
fields of f from outside the class. Local variables are not
BNF formulation of the Ruby grammar from the on-line
visible inside nested classes or methods, e.g., it would be an
Ruby 1.4.6 language manual4 essentially ignores the many
error to refer to b inside of Container. Global variables are
exceptional cases.
visible anywhere in the program (lines 16 and 26).
Thus, we opted to write a Ruby parser from scratch with
Like most scripting languages, Ruby provides special
two goals. First, we wanted the grammar specification to be
syntax for array literals (line 28) and hash literals (not
as understandable as possible while still correctly parsing
shown). Ruby also supports higher-order functions, called
all the potentially-ambiguous cases. Second, we wanted the
code blocks. Line 29 shows an invocation of the collect
parser to be able produce an intermediate representation in
method, which produces a new array by applying the sup-
OCaml (Leroy 2004), a language we feel is extremely con-
plied code block to each element of the original array. The
venient for writing static analyzers, due to its data type lan-
code block parameter list is given between vertical bars, and,
guage and pattern matching features. Meeting the first goal
unlike methods, code blocks may refer to the local variables
turned out to be far harder than we anticipated when we
that are in scope when they are created. Using standard syn-
started this project, although we were ultimately able to de-
tax as shown, each method may take at most one code block
velop a very robust parser (and intermediate representation,
as an argument, and a method invokes the code block using
described below) that we hope others will find useful.
the special syntax yield(e1 , . . . , en ). Ruby does have sup-
The fundamental challenge in parsing Ruby stems from
port for passing code blocks as regular arguments, but the
Ruby’s goal of giving users the “freedom to choose” among
syntax is messier, discouraging its use.
many different ways of doing the same thing (Venners 2003).
Ruby supports single inheritance. The declaration syn-
This philosophy extends not only to Ruby’s language con-
tax class Foo < Bar indicates that Foo inherits from Bar.

2 As 3 http://jruby.codehaus.org/
an aside, there are a few oddball variables like $1 that are prefixed as a
global but are in fact local. 4 http://docs.huihoo.com/ruby/ruby-man-1.4/yacc.html

3 2008/3/20
structs , but also to the surface syntax. As a result, Ruby is 1 let well formed command dyp m args = match m,args with
highly ambiguous from an LL/LR parsing standpoint. 2 | , [E Hash ] −> raise Dyp.Giveup
For example, consider the following. In Ruby a top-level 3 ...
method call may omit parentheses, and method names may 4 %%
be postfixed by “=”. It would be natural to specify the gram- 5 command:
mar for method calls using the following BNF productions: 6 | command name[m] call args[args]
7 { well formed command dyp m args;
methcall ::= expr ’ ( ’ expr ( ’ , ’ expr)∗ ’ ) ’ block? 8 methodcall m args None (pos of m)}
| expr expr ( ’ , ’ expr)∗ block?
block ::= ’ {’ expr ’ }’
expr ::= expr = expr | id | literal | methcall Figure 2. Example GLR Code
literal ::= num | true | ’ {’expr ( ’ , ’ expr)∗’}’ | ...

(Here, the last literal production defines the syntax for only the disambiguation rules and were able to leave the pro-
a hash literal.) However, these productions would produce ductions alone. We believe that our GLR specification comes
several parse trees for the expression x=y{z}: fairly close to serving as a standalone Ruby grammar: the
(1) x = (y() {z}) – (assign to x; z a codeblock) production rules are quite similar to the “pseudo-BNF” used
(2) x = ( y({z}) ) – (assign to x; z a hash literal) now, while the disambiguation rules describe the exceptional
(3) self .x=( y({z}) ) – (call “x=” method; z a hash) cases. Our parser currently consists of 59 productions and
(4) self .x=( y() {z}) – (call “x=” method; z a block for y) 260 lines of OCaml for disambiguation and helper functions.
(5) self .x=(y) {z} –(call “x=” method; z a block for self) There are still a few places our parser disagrees with the
Ruby interpreter. For example, in x %(y/2), the text % may
It turns out that through a combination of subtle disam-
be a method name or the start of a string delimited by %( and
biguation rules, Ruby will produce parse (4). However, en-
) . In other words, this expression may correspond to x.%(y/2)
coding these rules into a series of grammar productions is
or x(”y/2” ) . Our parser assumes the latter parse, and if this is
extremely messy. Generic productions like expr have to be
incorrect, it can be manually fixed by inserting a space after
broken apart to account for each special case, which is both
the %. We think these remaining parsing issues are extremely
difficult to get correct and a code maintenance nightmare.
minor, and we leave them to future work.
We could use complex parser actions to account for these
We ran our parser on 1,239 Ruby files (totalling 163,297
cases (as the Ruby interpreter does), but again, this yields a
source lines of code) collected from the Ruby standard li-
parser than is hard to maintain.
brary and the Ruby interpreter’s internal test suite. We had
Instead, we built our parser using the dypgen gener-
to manually disambiguate (by adding a space or ()’s) 10 loca-
alized LR (GLR) parser generator (Onzon 2008), which
tions. We also wrote 280 tests cases to ensure specific Ruby
supports ambiguous grammars. Our parser uses produc-
constructs were parsed into the correct AST representation.
tions similar to the grammar given above, and without
further change would produce all five trees. To indicate 2.3 An Intermediate Representation
which tree we prefer, we use helper functions to prune in-
After parsing, we simplify the AST to produce a program in
valid parse trees, and we use merge functions to combine
the Ruby Intermediate Language (RIL), a subset of Ruby
multiple parse trees into a single, final output. An excerpt
that is smaller and simpler than the full language. There
from our parser is given in Figure 2. The production com-
are two main issues RIL seeks to address. First, we wanted
mand, defined on line 5, handles top-level method calls in
to canonicalize the language constructs into a small set of
which the parentheses have been omitted, as in the example
disjoint primitives, so that our analysis would need to handle
above. The action for this rule calls two helper functions,
fewer cases. For example, the following four statements are
well formed command and methodcall, to prune ill-formed
all equivalent, and are translated into form (1) in RIL:
sub-trees. The well formed command function is defined in
the preamble of the parser file, an excerpt from which is (1) if p then e end (3) e if p
given on lines 1–2. This function checks whether a hash lit- (2) unless (not p) then e end (4) e unless (not p)
eral has been passed as an argument to the parsed method Second, we wanted to make the control flow in Ruby pro-
and, if so, it raises the Dyp.Giveup exception to tell dypgen grams apparent. In Ruby, almost any construct can be nested
to abandon this parse tree. This rule has the effect of marking inside of any other construct, which makes the sequencing
parse trees (2) and (3) in the above example invalid, since of side effects tedious to unravel. For example, in the ex-
these each have a hash literal as an argument. pression w = x (). y(z ()) the evaluation of x() occurs first,
By cleanly separating the grammar’s productions from then z() , and then y() . Thus, RIL transforms the above to
the disambiguation rules, the core productions are relatively t1 = x (); t2 = z (); w = t1.y(t2 ); This simplification makes
easy to understand, and the parser is easier to maintain and it easier to build a flow-sensitive type inference system (Sec-
extend. For example, as we discovered more special parsing tion 4), or any other analysis of Ruby that needs to know the
cases baked into the Ruby interpreter, we needed to modify order of side effects.

4 2008/3/20
constructs in this paper because their typing rules are the
s ::= s1 ; s2 Sequencing same. In our actual implementation, we distinguish the two
| if e then s1 else s2 Conditional in case another client of RIL needs to differentiate them.
| lval = e Expression assignment
Lastly, statements include method definitions. Note that
| lval = e.new Object creation
as with class definitions and inheritance, a method definition
| lval = e0 .m(e1 , . . . , en )[b]? Method invocation
| lval = yield(e1 , . . . , en ) Block invocation may occur anywhere in a statement list, e.g., it may occur
| return e Return conditionally depending on how an if statement evaluates.
| class A = s Class definition (However, no matter whether or when a method definition is
| inherit A Inheritance/module mixin executed, the defined method is always added to the lexically
| def m(p) = e Method definition enclosing class.) After the regular parameters in a method
definition, a parameter list p may contain zero or more op-
e ::= nil Nil tional arguments, which are declared with the form xi = ei .
| n Integers Such a parameter takes on the value ei if no corresponding
| id Identifiers argument is passed in position i. Finally, the parameter list
| [e1 , . . . , en ] Arrays
may end with at most one vararg parameter, written ∗xm .
If a vararg parameter is present, then any actual parameters
lval ::= x | @x | A | lval, . . . , lval passed in positions m or higher are gathered into an array
id ::= self | x | @x | A that is passed as argument xm .
b ::= λx1 , . . . , xn .s RIL expressions e consist of literals such as nil and in-
p ::= x1 , . . . , [xn = en , . . .]? , [∗xm ]? tegers n; identifiers id; and arrays of expressions. Identi-
fiers id include self, local and instance variables, and con-
x ∈ local variable names stants A, which always begin with a capital letter. In Ruby
@x ∈ instance variable names
(and RIL), constants can be assigned to exactly once. For
A ∈ constants
m ∈ method names
example, A = 1 creates the constant A, which is read-only
from the assignment statement forward. Class names are also
constants, but are initialized with class rather than assign-
Figure 3. Ruby Intermediate Language (RIL) ment. The value associated with a class name is an instance
of the Class class, and class names can appear anywhere
an id may occur.
Figure 3 gives a grammar for the key parts of RIL. In Finally, an lval, which may appear on the left-hand side
the figure, optional elements are enclosed in [ ]? . The gram- of an assignment, is either a local or instance variable name,
mar is simplified from the actual implementation to make a constant, or a sequence of lvals, which can be used for
presenting type inference easier. Section 2.4 describes the parallel assignment from an array.
differences between this figure and our implementation. The translation from Ruby to RIL is straightforward. Re-
RIL separates statements s, which have side effects, from dundant forms, such as the different conditionals, are trans-
expressions e, which are side-effect free. Briefly, statements lated to the appropriate kind of statement. We hoist side-
include sequencing, one form of conditional, and assignment effecting computations out of complex statements or expres-
operations in which the right-hand side may be an expres- sions, introducing fresh temporary local variables as nec-
sion, object creation, a method invocation, or a call to yield, essary. For consistency, our translation also places a return
which invokes the block passed to the current method. It is an statement at the end of every possible path through a func-
error to call yield when no block is passed. Method invoca- tion. For example, the body of the get function on lines 8–10
tion optionally takes a code block b. In RIL we use standard of Figure 1 is translated to return @x. We also translate con-
λ notation: a code block b is simply a function of some num- ditionals with && and || into cascaded if statements.
ber of arguments x1 , . . . , xn with body s. Statements also
include a return construct that exits the current method. 2.4 Additional Language Features
Somewhat unusually, class definitions and inheritance are Our implementation of RIL includes several additional con-
statements that can appear anywhere in a program. This structs that are omitted from Figure 3, including support for
is in contrast to, e.g., Java, in which class definitions may all of Ruby’s expression and statement forms. One very use-
occur only at the top level, and inheritance is specified when ful construct we support is the stringizer #{e} which, if it
the class is defined. In our formal syntax, a class is either appears inside a string, is replaced at execution time by the
a class or a module, and inherit A corresponds to either text returned by e.to s. RIL also includes a full grammar for
inheriting from class A or mixing in module A. While there identifiers, including class variables @@x, global variables
are some surface restrictions in Ruby that distinguish classes $x, and super, which can be used to invoke superclass meth-
and modules—classes can only inherit from one other class, ods. Since classes (and other constants) can be nested, RIL
and modules cannot be instantiated—we conflate these two includes scoped naming constructs, as does Ruby. The iden-

5 2008/3/20
1 class String
typ ::= A<typ1 , . . . > | obj typ | typ or typ | t 2 ”+” : (String) → String
obj typ ::= [m0 : meth typ0 , . . . ] 3 insert : (Fixnum, String) → String
4 upto : (String) {String → Object} → String
meth typ ::= (param typs)[{meth typ}]? → typ 5
6 chomp : (?String) → String
param typs ::= typ1 , . . . , [?typn , . . .]? , [*typ]?
7 delete : (String , ∗String) → String
typ decl ::= m<t1 , . . . > : meth typ 8
9 include? : Fixnum → Boolean
A ∈ class and module names 10 include? : String → Boolean
m ∈ method names
12 slice : (Fixnum) → Fixnum
t ∈ type variables 13 slice : (Range) → String
14 slice : (Regexp) → String
15 slice : (String) → String
Figure 4. Type annotation language 16 slice : (Fixnum, Fixnum) → String
17 slice : (Regexp, Fixnum) → String
18 end
tifier A :: B refers to the constant B nested inside of class A, 19
and :: B refers to the constant at the top level. 20 module Kernel
Ruby allows per-object methods, called eigenmethods, 21 print : (∗[ to s : () → String]) → NilClass
which are part of an object’s eigenclass (a.k.a. virtual 22 clone : () → self
23 end
class). For example, suppose x is an instance of A. Writ- 24
ing def x.m ... end adds a method to x’s eigenclass but not 25 class Array<t>
to A; thus no instance of A except x can be used to invoke m. 26 at : (Fixnum) → t
There are several other ways eigenclasses are used in Ruby,
28 first : () → t
and RIL has full support for them. 29 first : (Fixnum) → Array<t>
Finally, in Figure 3 we called out new and inherit as 30
special constructs, but in RIL as in Ruby these are ordinary 31 collect <u> : () {t → u} → Array<u>
32 ”+”<u> : (Array<u>) → Array<t or u>
method calls. The call to new may also pass arguments to
33 end
the constructor method, which is named initialize.

3. Static Types for Ruby Figure 5. Selected type annotations for the standard library

As we discussed earlier, everything in Ruby is an object, and

thus the fundamental operation in Ruby is dynamic dispatch.
When the Ruby interpreter evaluates e0 .m(e1 , . . . , en ), it
like ordinary objects, they are modeled specially inside the
searches for a method m of arity n in object e0 . If such
interpreter, and their types cannot be inferred with our anal-
a method exists it is invoked, and otherwise the interpreter
ysis. We therefore introduce a new type annotation syntax to
throws a NoMethodError exception. Since almost every-
allow us to declare the types of these classes.
thing in Ruby reduces to dynamic dispatch, NoMethodError
Figure 4 presents our surface type annotation syntax.
is the core type error in Ruby. Thus, the goal of our static
In this figure, lists < . . . > that are empty may be omit-
type system is to detect, prior to running the program, the
ted. A basic Ruby type is simply a class name A, e.g.,
possibility of such errors. For example, we should accept
Fixnum, Object, etc. We discuss support for instantiated
the program (String .new).length and reject the programs
types A<typ1 , . . . >, object types, and union types below.
(String .new).length(3) and (String .new).foo, since String s
In our implementation, type annotations appear before the
have a length method that takes no arguments and do not
corresponding class or method declaration. All annotations
have a foo method.
appear on a line beginning with ##%, and therefore appear
In this section we discuss the basics of our static type
as comments to the standard Ruby interpreter. Since we are
system by example, focusing on the type language’s surface-
using type annotations for methods with no actual Ruby im-
level syntax, which we use to annotate the standard library.
plementation, we currently ignore the body of an annotated
The next section describes how we perform type inference
method, and simply trust the annotation.
on Ruby programs, and presents details of the internal anal-
We developed a file base_types.rb that includes anno-
ysis type language.
tations for the Core Standard library (or simply the Core Li-
Type Annotations for the Standard Library Ruby in- brary): classes and globals that are pre-loaded by the Ruby
cludes an extensive standard library of useful classes. The interpreter. This file includes types for some or all parts of
core of this library is written in C, and is integrated into 37 classes and 5 modules, using 848 lines of type annota-
Ruby via a foreign function interface. Therefore while in- tions in total for 787 methods. Our implementation analyzes
stances of classes such as Fixnum, String , and Array look this file before applying type inference to a program.

6 2008/3/20
Figure 5 lists sample annotations from base_types.rb. Even though we cannot statically decide whether x is an A
The examples in Figure 5 are copied almost directly from or a B, this program is clearly well-typed at run time, since
base_types.rb—the only differences are the removal of both classes have an f method. Notice that if we wanted to
##% and some minor transformations to make discussion write a program like this in Java, we would need to create
easier. We have also omitted the dummy method bodies, some interface I with method f, and have both A and B
since they are empty and otherwise ignored. implement I. To support this coding idiom without requiring
Lines 2–4 illustrate the basic annotation syntax (produc- interface declarations, our type system includes union types
tion typ decl in Figure 4, which ascribes m a type meth typ). of the form t or t0 , where t and t0 are types (which can
On line 2, we type the method + (non-alphanumeric method themselves be unions). For example, x above would have
names appear in quotes), which concatenates a String argu- type A or B, and we can invoke any method on x that is
ment with the current object and returns a new String. Simi- common to A and B. We should emphasize the difference
larly, line 3 declares that insert takes a Fixnum (the index to with intersection types here: A value of type A and B would
insert at) and another String, and produces a new String as a be both an A and a B, and so it would have both A’s and B’s
result. Finally, Line 4 types upto, with takes a String s and methods, rather than the union type, which has one set of
calls the block on each String in the range self..s (as deter- methods or the other set, and we do not know which.
mined by the String .succ function). The return type of the Note that the type Boolean used in the type of include?
block is unconstrained, and upto itself returns a String. is equivalent to TrueClass or FalseClass (the classes of true
We discuss the remainder of the annotations as we con- and false, respectively). In practice we just treat Boolean as a
tinue our examination of various language features. pseudo-class, since distinguishing true from false statically
is essentially useless—most uses of Booleans could yield
Intersection Types Many methods in the standard library
either truth value.
have different behaviors depending on the number and types
of their arguments. For example, lines 9–10 give a type to Object Types While most types refer to particular class
the include? method, which either takes a Fixnum represent- names, Ruby code usually only requires that objects have
ing a character and returns true if the object contains that certain methods, and is agnostic with respect to actual class
character, or takes a String and performs a similar inclu- names. For example, line 21 in Figure 5 gives the type of the
sion test. The type of include? is an example of intersec- print method, which takes zero or more objects and displays
tion type (Pierce 1991). A general intersection type has the them on standard output. The print method only requires that
form t and t0 , and a value of such a type has both type t and its arguments have a no-argument to s method that produces
type t0 . For example, if A and B are classes, an object of a String.
type A and B must be an instance of a common subclass of Here the object type [m0 : t0 , . . . , mn : tn ] is a struc-
both A and B. In our annotation syntax for methods, the and tural type (obj typ in Figure 4) that describes an object in
keyword is omitted, and each conjunct of the intersection which each method mi has type ti . Object types are not
appears on its own line. that common in the core library (23 methods or 3% in
Lines 12–17 show another example of intersection types, base_types.rb include object types), but they are essential
this time for the slice method, which returns either a char- for precisely describing user code. For example, consider the
acter or a substring. Notice that this type has quite a few following code snippet:
cases, and in fact, the Ruby standard library documentation def f (x) y = x.foo; z = x.bar; end
for this function has essentially the same type list.5 Intersec-
tion types serve a purpose similar to method overloading in The most precise type for x is [foo : () → t, bar : () → u]
Java, although they are resolved at run time via type intro- for some t and u. If we wanted to stick to nominal typing
spection rather than at compile time. Adding annotation sup- only, we could instead try to find all classes that have meth-
port for intersection types was critical for accurately model- ods foo and bar, and then give x a type that is the union of all
ing key parts of the standard library. 111 out of 787 methods such classes. However, this would be both extremely messy
(14%) in base types.rb use intersections. and non-modular, since changing the set of classes might re-
quire updating the type of f.
Union Types Because Ruby is dynamically typed, it is
easy to freely mix different classes that share common meth- The self type Consider the following code snippet:
ods. For example, consider the following code: class A; def me() self end end
class A def f () end end class B < A; end
class B def f () end end B.new.me
x = ( if ... then A.new else B.new) Here class A defines a method me that returns self . We
x. f
could naively give me the type () → A, but observe that
B inherits this method, and the method invocation on the
5 http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/String.html#M000858 last line returns an instance of B, not of A. A similar method

7 2008/3/20
that occurs in practice is clone, typed on Line 22 of Figure 5. subsumption rule that replaces the type Tuple<t1 , . . ., tn >
This method, no matter what class it is inherited in, returns with the type Array<t1 or . . . or tn >.
an instance of the class of self . Self types are de-sugared
into a form of parametric polymorphism, described next. Optional Arguments and Varargs Types for optional ar-
guments are prefixed with ?, as shown on line 6. This line
Parametric Polymorphism To give precise types to con- shows the type of the chomp function, which removes a
tainer classes, we use parametric polymorphism, also called String—either the argument or the contents of the special
generics in Java. Lines 25–33 show a segment of the Array global variable $/ if no argument is supplied—from the end
class, which is parameterized by a type variable t, which is of self. Varargs parameters are specified with types of the
the type of the contents of the array. As usual, type variables form ∗t, which means zero or more parameters of type t.
bound at the top of a class can be used anywhere inside that For example, line 7 gives a type to delete, which removes
class. For example, line 26 gives the type of the at method, any characters in the intersection of its (one or more) String
which takes an index and returns the element at that index. arguments from self. Our grammar ensures that no regular
Type variables can also be used in intersection types, e.g., types can appear in parameter lists to the right of an optional
the first method, typed on lines 28–29, takes either no argu- argument type, and any varargs type must be rightmost in the
ments, in which case it returns the first element of the array, parameter type list.
or a value n, in which case it returns the first n elements of
the array, which is itself an array of type Array<t>. Types for Variables and Nil An important feature of our
We also support parametric polymorphism on methods. type system is our modeling of variables and nil. We track
For example, line 31 types the collect method, which for any the types of local variables flow-sensitively, maintaining a
type u takes a code block from t to u and produces an array per-program point mapping from locals to types, and com-
of u. Line 32 types the array concatenation method, which bining types at join points with unions. This allows us to
takes an array of u’s and (non-destructively) appends it to warn about accesses to locals prior to initialization, and to
the end of the current array, producing a new array whose allow the types of local variables to vary from one statement
elements are either t’s or u’s. to another. For example, it allows us to type check the in-
We also use parametric polymorphism internally for vocation b.length on line 5 of Figure 1, since the last value
self types by exposing the method receiver in types. For assigned to b was a String, even though after line 2, b is a
example, we translate the method type for clone to the Fixnum.
type <u> : (self : u) → u, where the receiver object of the We have to be careful about tracking local variables
method call is bound to the self argument. Our surface syn- that may be captured by blocks. For example, in the code
tax also allows constraints on polymorphic types, but we “x = 1; foo () { |y| x = y }”, the value of x in the outer
have omitted them for simplicity. scope will be changed if foo invokes the code block. To
keep our analysis simple, we track potentially-captured vari-
Tuple Types The Array<t> type describes homogeneous ables flow-insensitively, meaning they have the same type
arrays, whose elements all consist of the same type. How- throughout the program. We also model class, instance, and
ever, Ruby’s dynamic typing allows programmers to also global variables flow-insensitively.
create heterogeneous arrays, in which each element may be a Finally, like Java, we treat nil as if it is an instance of any
different type. This is especially common for returning mul- class. Not doing so would likely produce an excessive num-
tiple values from a function, and there is even special parallel ber of false alarms, or require a very sophisticated analysis.
assignment syntax for it. For example, the following code
Unsupported features Currently, there are standard library
def f () [1, true] end
methods with types that we cannot represent. For exam-
a, b = f
ple, there is no finite intersection type that can describe
assigns 1 to a and true to b. If we were to type the return Array.flatten, which converts an n-dimensional array to a
value of f as a homogeneous Array, the best we could do is one-dimensional array for any n.
make it Array<Object> or Array<Fixnum or Boolean>, with Additionally, some features of Ruby are problematic to
a corresponding loss of precision. model in a static type system. In particular, Ruby allows
Our solution is to introduce a special type Tuple<t1 , . . ., tn > classes and methods to be changed arbitrarily at run time
that represents an array whose element types are, left to (e.g., added via class reopening or removed via the special
right, t1 through tn . When we access an element of a Tuple undef statement). To produce a tool that is practical, we
using parallel assignment, we then know precisely the ele- assume that all classes and methods defined somewhere in
ment type. the code base are available at all times. This may cause
Of course, we may initially decide something is a Tuple, us to miss some type errors, and we leave weakening this
but then subsequently perform an operation that loses the assumption to future work.
individual element types, such as mutating a random element Finally, Ruby includes an eval method that interprets an
or appending an Array. In these cases, we apply a special arbitrary string as a Ruby program and executes it. Com-

8 2008/3/20
available in our surface syntax. Here types τ include type
τ ::= α | τ ∪ τ | τ h~τ i | (τ × · · · × τ ) variables α,, union types, and type instantiations τ h~τ i, as
| | ∀~
α.τ | Struct | Nom before. We also include tuple types (τ1 × · · · × τn ), which
#» # »
Struct ::= [F ; M ] model heterogeneous arrays with element types τ1 through
#» #» τn , from left to right. We write polymorphic types as ∀~ α.τ
Nom ::= {kind:τ ; par: #»
τ ; flds: F ; mths: M }
where α ~ is the set of quantified variables and τ is the base
F ::= @x : τ
type. Structural object types (previously obj typ) are defined
M ::= m : mt by the non-terminal Struct, and now include types for fields
mt ::= (τ0 × · · · × [?τn × · · ·]? × [∗τm ]? × [bt]? ) → τ as well as methods.
| mt ∩ · · · ∩ mt | ∀~
α.mt During inference, we use nominal types Nom to describe
bt ::= β | (τ × . . . × τ ) → τ instances that come from a known type, e.g., String. Nomi-
nal types contain four fields: kind, which indicates what class
the nominal type is an instance of; par, the parents inherited
Γ ::= ∅ | Γ, x 7→ τ | Γ, self 7→ τ by the type; and flds and mths, the fields and methods of the
Ω ::= [cls:Nom; blk:bt; ret:τ ] type. We write Nom.par for the par field of Nom, and simi-
C ::= C ∪ C | τ ≤ τ | bt ≤ bt | mt ≤ mt | τ ⇒ τ larly for the other fields. It is easiest to explain nominal types
| τ ∈ τ.par | (m:mt) ∈ τ.mths | A:τ | x:τ by example. Consider the following code:
class A < B
Figure 6. Types, contexts, and environments for inference include C
def f () @x = 3 end
bined with the ability to changes classes and methods at
run-time, this gives programmers a very powerful tool for In the nominal type NomA of A, kind is NomClass , the type
metaprogramming. For example, one of our benchmarks in- corresponding to Class, because A itself is an instance of
cludes the following code: Class. The field par includes NomB and NomC , the types of
B and C. The field flds is empty, and the field mths includes
ATTRIBUTES.each do |attr|
a type for method f. On the other hand, in the nominal type
code = ‘‘ def #{attr}(&blk) ... end’’
eval code of A.new, kind is NomA , since this object is an instance of A;
end par and mths are empty; and flds contains a type for @x. This
structure makes the instance of relationship clear in he type
This code iterates through ATTRIBUTES, an array of strings. system, which helps support eigenclass-related operations
For each element it creates a string code containing a new (omitted for simplicity).
method definition, and then evaluates code. The result is cer- Continuing with the type grammar, basic method types mt
tainly elegant—methods are generated dynamically based have the form (τ0 × · · · × [?τn × · · ·]? × [∗τm ]? × [bt]? ) → τ ,
on the contents of an array. However, no reasonable static where τ0 is the type of self; τn through τm−1 are optional
type system will be able to analyze this code. When we en- argument types; τm is the varargs parameter type; and bt is
counter this code, we simply check that each is passed argu- the block argument type. All but the regular parameters may
ments of the correct type and ignore its evaluation behavior be omitted. Method types also can be formed via intersec-
entirely. Ultimately, we think that approaches that mix anal- tions or generalizations of method types. Block types bt are
ysis at compile time with analysis at run time (as done by similar to method types except they take only regular param-
RPython (Ancona et al. 2007)) may be the best option. eters, and their first argument is not self. We also include a
variable β that ranges over block types.
4. Type Inference for Ruby
Our type inference system is constructed as a constraint- 4.2 Type Inference Overview
based analysis. We first traverse the RIL representation of Type inference is specified as a pair of judgments. The judg-
a program, visiting each statement once and generating con- ment C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ means that under constraints C, envi-
straints that capture dependencies between types. For exam- ronment Γ, and context Ω, expression e has type τ . Similarly,
ple, if we see x.m(), we require that x have a method m(). C; Γ; Ω ` s; Γ0 , means that under C, Γ, and Ω, statement s
We then solve the constraints to find a valid typing for the produces an output environment Γ0 . Here Γ0 types local vari-
program, or report a type error if we find an inconsistency in ables in scope after s, and may differ from Γ. In particular, it
the constraints. may include types for newly create locals, and it may differ-
ent in types of locals changed by s. Having an output type
4.1 Types for Inference environment is how we achieve flow-sensitivity.
To perform type inference, we need a slightly richer type Environments, contexts, and constraints are defined in the
grammar, shown in Figure 6, than the annotation language lower part of Figure 6. Environments Γ track bindings for

9 2008/3/20
(L OCAL /S ELF) looks up either a local variable x or self
(N IL ) (I NT ) in Γ, and returns the corresponding type. We perform a
C; Γ; Ω `e nil : Nomnil C; Γ; Ω `e n : NomFixnum simple syntactic analysis (not shown) to detect local vari-
ables that may be captured by blocks and hence are mod-
(L OCAL /S ELF ) (L OCAL -C AP ) eled flow-insensitively. Accesses to such variables are typed
id ∈ dom(Γ) C`x:α α fresh
by (L OCAL -C AP), which generates a fresh variable α and
id not captured x may be captured
a constraint x : α, meaning that x has type α. During con-
C; Γ; Ω `e id : Γ(id) C; Γ; Ω `e x : α straint resolution, we will combine all such constraints for
(F IELD ) (C ONST ) the same variable so that it has the same type everywhere
C ` Γ(self) ≤ [@x : α] α fresh C`A:α α fresh within a method. Note that since this constraint is global, it
C; Γ; Ω `e @x : α C; Γ; Ω `e A : α
technically means all local variables called x are conflated,
even across different methods, but we can always alpha con-
(T UPLE ) vert to prevent this.
C; Γ; Ω `e ei : τi i ∈ 1..n (F IELD) works in a similar manner. Here we generate a
C; Γ; Ω `e [e1 , . . . , en ] : (τ1 × . . . × τn ) constraint Γ(self) ≤ [@x : α], which by width subtyping
means that Γ(self) must include at least @x with a type
(B LOCK ) compatible with α.
C; Γ[xi 7→ αi ]; Ω[ret:αn+1 ] ` s; Γ0 (C ONST) is similar to (L OCAL -C AP). (T UPLE) recur-
α1 , . . . , αn+1 fresh i ∈ 1..n sively types each component of an array literal, and then
C; Γ; Ω `e λx1 , ..., xn .s : (α1 × · · · × αn ) → αn+1 assigns an appropriate tuple type to the result.
Finally, (B LOCK) assigns a type to a block. While blocks
Figure 7. Type judgments for expressions are not actually expressions, we put this type rule here be-
cause evaluating a block has no side effect. This rule creates
fresh variables αi for the formal parameter and return types.
local variables x and self. A context Ω stores the nominal The function body s is evaluated in the outer environment
type of the current class; the type of the block passed to the Γ extended with bindings for the formals, which makes lo-
current method; and the return type of the current method or cal variables bound at block definition time (including self)
block. We write Ω.cls for the type of the current class, and available inside the block. The context for the function body
similarly for blk and ret. Constraints C are sets of several is the same as the outer context, except ret is bound to the
kinds of primitive constraints. Subtyping constraints τ ≤ τ 0 , fresh return type. The output environment Γ0 is discarded be-
bt ≤ bt0 , and mt ≤ mt0 are standard (Mitchell 1991). cause when a block ends, its local variables go out of scope.
Instance constraints τ ⇒ τ 0 are generated for calls to e.new,
where τ is the type of e and τ 0 is the type of e.new; their use 4.4 Inference Rules for Statements
is described below. The constraint τ ∈ τ 0 .par requires that
Figure 8 shows our type inference rules for statements.
τ appear in the par field of the nominal type described by
(S EQ) types a sequence s1 ; s2 as expected, connecting the
τ 0 , and analogously for (m : mt) ∈ τ 0 .mths. The last two
environments from each in order. Note that C and Ω are the
constraints, A:τ and x:τ , require that the specified constant
same for both statements—the set of constraints is global,
or local have type τ . The latter constraint is only used for
and the class, block, and return types vary lexically rather
constants that are captured by blocks, and hence are treated
than flow-sensitively.
flow-insensitively. (I F) type checks a conditional. The guard may have any
Given a program s, type inference aims to prove a judg- type; in Ruby, any value except false or nil is considered true.
ment C; Γinit ; Ωinit ` s; Γ0 for some Γ0 , where Γinit binds The two branches are typed separately in Γ, and the output
self to an instance of the nominal type for Object, Ωinit = environments Γ2 and Γ3 are combined with the pointwise
[cls : NomObject ; blk : ∅; ret : α] for fresh α, and C con- union operation Γ2 ∪ Γ3 :
tains (at least) constraints A : NomA for all classes A that
are provided with type annotations. Here NomA is derived Γ∪∅=∅∪Γ = Γ
by translating the type annotations into the type grammar in (x : τ, Γ1 ) ∪ Γ2 = x : τ, (Γ1 ∪ Γ2 ) x 6∈ dom(Γ2 )
Figure 6. In the next two subsections, the notation C ` C 0 Γ1 ∪ (x : τ, Γ2 ) = x : τ, (Γ1 ∪ Γ2 ) x 6∈ dom(Γ1 )
should be read as adding the constraints in C 0 to C. (x : τ1 , Γ1 ) ∪ (x : τ2 , Γ2 ) = x : (τ1 ∪ τ2 ), (Γ1 ∪ Γ2 )

4.3 Inference Rules for Expressions (LA SSIGN) types assignment to a local variable x that
Figure 7 shows our type inference rules for expressions. is not captured by a block, and in the output environment
(N IL) and (I NT) assign the types Nomnil and NomFixnum , Γ0 , the type of x is τ . In (LA SSIGN -C AP) we generate
respectively. We assume these types have been extracted a constraint that x has type τ (globally). As mentioned
from annotations on the standard library. earlier, during constraint resolution we will merge all re-

10 2008/3/20
lated constraints to ensure x has the same type everywhere.
(S EQ ) (I F ) (CA SSIGN) behaves similarly.
C; Γ, Ω ` s1 ; Γ0 C; Γ; Ω `e e1 : τ C; Γ; Ω ` s2 ; Γ2 (FA SSIGN) types an update to a field. Here [@x : τ ; · · ·]
C; Γ0 ; Ω ` s2 ; Γ00 C; Γ; Ω ` s3 ; Γ3 means a structural type with @x : τ and the remaining
C; Γ; Ω ` s1 ; s2 ; Γ00 C; Γ; Ω ` if e1 then s2 else s3 ; Γ2 ∪ Γ3 fields and methods are unconstrained. We use fresh row
variables to represent unconstrained field and method lists
(LA SSIGN ) (LA SSIGN -C AP ) (Rémy 1989; Furr and Foster 2006), but we omit them here
C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ for simplicity. Notice that field types are flow-insensitive,
Γ0 = Γ[x 7→ τ ] C`x:τ
as they are stored in the type of Γ(self), which is the same
x not captured x may be captured
throughout the method body.
C; Γ; Ω ` x = e; Γ0 C; Γ; Ω ` x = e; Γ (PA SSIGN) types parallel assignment to non-captured lo-
(CA SSIGN ) (FA SSIGN ) cal variables. We create a tuple type containing n fresh vari-
C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ ables and constrain τ to be a subtype of it. In the output
C`A:τ [@x : τ ; · · ·] ≤ Γ(self) environment, each variable on the left-hand side is bound to
C; Γ; Ω ` A = e; Γ C; Γ; Ω ` @x = e; Γ the appropriate type. Our implementation also includes an
extended version of (PA SSIGN) that handles parallel assign-
(PA SSIGN ) ment to any possible sequence of lvals. We omit this rule
C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ C ` τ ≤ (α1 × · · · × αn ) αi fresh since it is messy and provides no new insight. Similarly,
Γ0 = Γ[xi 7→ αi ] xi not captured i ∈ 1..n the remaining type rules involving assignment only show the
C; Γ; Ω ` x1 , . . . , xn = e; Γ0 case for a non-captured local; the other forms of these rules
are straightforward.
(N EW ) (R ETURN ) (N EW) types object creation. The expression e, which is
C; Γ; Ω `e e : τ C`τ ⇒α C; Γ, Ω `e e : τ typically a constant A, is inferred to have type τ . We create
α fresh Γ0 = Γ[x 7→ α] C ` τ ≤ Ω.ret
a fresh variable α to represent the type of the newly created
C; Γ; Ω ` x = e.new; Γ0 C; Γ; Ω ` return e, Γ object and generate an instance constraint τ ⇒ α. This
(C ALL )
constraint, a kind of instantiation constraint (Fähndrich et al.
C; Γ; Ω `e ei : τi i ∈ 0..n C; Γ; Ω `e b : bt 2000), improves our handling of polymorphic classes. In a
C ` τ0 ≤ [m : (τ0 × · · · × τn × bt) → α] typical implementation of parametric polymorphism, to type
Γ0 = Γ[x 7→ α] α fresh x=A.new we would need to know the type of A at that point
C; Γ; Ω ` x = e0 .m(e1 , . . . , en )b; Γ0 to instantiate A’s type. By representing class instantiation
as a constraint, we can instead apply our type rules in a
(Y IELD ) single linear pass. When we encounter x=A.new, if A has
C; Γ; Ω `e ei : τi C ` Ω.blk ≤ (τ1 · · · × τn ) → α some unknown type β, we will generate a constraint β ⇒ α.
Γ0 = Γ[x 7→ α] i ∈ 1..n α fresh During constraint resolution we will find a solution for β
C; Γ; Ω ` x = yield(e1 , . . . , en ); Γ0 (i.e., the type it represents) and instantiate it.
(R ETURN) constrains the current return type ret—either
(C LASS ) the current block or current method—to be a supertype of
NomA = {kind:NomClass ; · · ·} C ` A:NomA
the returned expression type. (Note we are simplifying here,
C; {self 7→ NomA }; Ω[cls:NomA ] ` s; Γ0
since in Ruby, return only exits methods, not blocks.)
C; Γ; Ω ` class A = s, Γ (C ALL) types the receiver object, actual parameters, and
(I NHERIT ) block parameter. (Note we assume here that a block has been
C`A:α α fresh C ` α ∈ Ω.cls.par specified; a simple variation handles the case with no block.)
C; Γ; Ω ` inherit A; Γ
It then constrains the receiver type τ0 to contain a method of
the right type. Notice that τ0 , the type of self, appears as the
(D EF ) first argument type. During constraint resolution, if τ0 is a
mt = (α0 × · · · ×?αn × · · · × ∗αm × β → αm+1 ) polymorphic type we will instantiate it when resolving this
C ` (m : mt) ∈ Ω.cls.mths constraint. (Y IELD) is similar to (C ALL), except it constrains
Γ0 = {self 7→ α0 , xi : τi } Ω0 = Ω[ret:αm+1 , blk:β] the block from the current context.
0 0 00
C; Γ ; Ω ` s; Γ C; Γ0 ; Ω0 `e ek : τk (C LASS) creates a fresh nominal type NomA that is itself
C ` τk ≤ αk C ` NomArray hτm i ≤ αm an instance of NomClass ad is otherwise unconstrained (in-
k ∈ n..m − 1 i ∈ 1..m α0 , αi , αm+1 , β fresh
dicated by · · ·). We then add a constraint A : NomA . If the
C; Γ; Ω ` def m(x1 , . . . , [xn = en , . . .]? , [∗xm ]? ) = s, Γ same class is opened multiple times, we will generate several
of these constraints, and constraint resolution will merge the
Figure 8. Type judgments for statements information from all the class openings together. We type the

11 2008/3/20
body s of the class in an environment with self bound to the types (τ1 × · · · × τn ), we allow them to be treated as array
class type and no other bindings; this conforms to the scop- types as outlined in Section 3.
ing rules of Ruby. When typing s, we also update the context There are a number of special cases in resolving method
so that cls is the newly created class type. subtyping mt1 ≤ mt2 . We allow the number of arguments to
(I NHERIT) is surprisingly simple. We generate con- differ between mt1 and mt2 according to the expected rules
straints that the inherited class A have some type α that for optional and varargs. If mt1 is universally quantified, we
is contained in the parents of the current class. During con- instantiate it with fresh variables before performing subtyp-
straint resolution we traverse all the parents implied by such ing. More details about type inference with object types and
constraints when searching for methods. universals can be found elsewhere (Furr and Foster 2006).
Finally, (D EF) types the definition of a new method, sim- If mt1 is an intersection type mt11 ∩ · · · mtn1 , there are three
ilarly to (B LOCK). We create fresh variables for the method cases for solving the constraint. If all of mt2 ’s parameters
parameters and return value, and require the current class are known to include some nominal type (directly or transi-
have a method of the appropriate type. We then type the tively), then for every mti1 that is compatible with all mt2 ’s
method body in a fresh environment with self bound to the parameter types, we add the constraint mti1 ≤ mt2 . If there
first type in the parameter list, and the xi bound to the re- are no matches but we can exclude all but one mtj1 as a possi-
maining types. Notice that unlike blocks, methods cannot bility, we add the constraint mtj1 ≤ mt2 . Otherwise, we leave
access locals from the outer scope. When typing the method the constraint unresolved until we have further information.
body, we also update the context so the return and block Lastly, given a constraint τ1 ⇒ τ2 , we instantiate τ1
types are bound appropriately. We discard the output envi- to τ3 and add the constraint {kind = τ3 } ≤ τ2 . When
ronment Γ00 as expected. The optional arguments are typed instantiating τ1 , there are two cases to consider. If τ1 is
with the same environment as the method body (following universally quantified, we create a set of fresh variables α ~
Ruby’s scoping rules), and we add constraints to relate them and produce τ3 = τ1 h~ αi. Otherwise, we have set τ3 = τ1 .
to the formal parameter types. For the vararg parameter, we
add a constraint that αm is an instance of an array type in-
stantiated to contain the specified parameter type.
5. Implementation and Experiments
We implemented our type inference system as a tool we call
DRuby, which is comprised of approximately 13,800 lines
4.5 Constraint Resolution of OCaml and 1,760 lines for the lexer and parser.
After applying the type inference rules, we resolve the gen- DRuby supports type inference for all of RIL, including
erated set of constraints by exhaustively applying a set of the language constructs discussed in Section 2.4. As men-
rewrite rules. For example, given τ ≤ α and α ≤ β, we add tioned in that section, the operations new and include, which
the τ ≤ β. During this process, we issue a warning if any appear to be primitives, are actually method calls. DRuby
inconsistencies arise. For example, given Nom ≤ [m : mt], handles these calls as described by the type rules in Sec-
if the class described by Nom has no method m, we have tion 4. For new, we also add the appropriate constraints to
found a type error. If we detect no errors, the constraints are model the call to initialize. DRuby also has special han-
satisfiable, and we have found a valid typing for the program. dling for the methods attr, attr accessor, attr writer, and
Our constraint resolution process is a variation on fairly attr reader, which create getter and/or setter methods named
standard techniques (Aiken et al. 1998; Furr and Foster according to their argument.
2006). Rather than present an exhaustive set of rewriting As mentioned in Section 2.4, Ruby objects have a virtual
rules, we briefly discuss a few key features of our algorithm. class (a.k.a. eigenclass) that holds so-called eigenmethods
We begin by solving the constraints τ 0 ∈ τ.par and (m : and eigenfields that are specific to a single instance of an
mt) ∈ τ.mths by simply adding the appropriate entries into object. DRuby models typical use of these constructs, and
τ.par or τ.mths, respectively. In the first case, we require apart from slightly complicating the name resolution order
that τ be a Nom and produce an error message if it is not. for a method call, adding typing constraints for an object’s
Constraints A : τ and x : τ are also straightforward: We eigenclass is straightforward.
gather all such constraints with the same left-hand side and Ruby programs can load code from other files by invok-
unify the corresponding types. E.g., given constraints A : ing either require, which reads a file at most once no matter
τ1 , . . . , A : τn , we require τ1 = · · · = τn . (Here τ = τ 0 is how many times it is required, or load, which always reads a
shorthand for τ ≤ τ 0 and τ 0 ≤ τ .) file. When DRuby sees a call to one of these methods, it an-
As alluded to above, given a constraint Nom ≤ [m : mt], alyzes the corresponding file if the name is given by a string
we derive a new constraint Nom(m) ≤ mt, where Nom(m) literal, and otherwise DRuby issues an error.
looks up m in Nom, first checking Nom.mths and then, since Currently, DRuby flattens the namespace for classes and
methods may be inherited, recursively checking in Nom.par constants into a single level. For example, DRuby treats
if needed. Handling field constraints Nom ≤ [@x : τ ] and A :: C, B :: C, and :: C as referring to the same sym-
[@x : τ ; · · ·] ≤ Nom is similar. When working with tuple bol. This is sound but somewhat conservative. For example,

12 2008/3/20
Program LOC Changes Tm (s) FPos We replaced this with the appropriate constant string (change
merge-bibtex 103 None 2.0 0 labeled “R”) to accurately analyze the program.
sudokusolver-1.4 152 None 3.3 35
5.2 Experimental Results
ObjectGraph-1.0.1 153 None 2.3 1
itcf-1.0.0 178 S-2 4.3 0 The right portion of Figure 9 shows the running times for
text-highlight-1.0.2 283 S-1, M-2 2.7 1 DRuby and the number of reported warnings. Times were
rhotoalbum-0.4 313 S-2 3.5 0 the average of 5 runs on an AMD Athlon 4600 processor
gs phone-0.0.4 542 S-1 2.6 0 with 4GB of memory. For these programs, all of the warn-
StreetAddress-1.0.1 892 (S, R)-1 36.1 0 ings were false positives, meaning that no type errors would
S–added stub file; M–manually expanded meta-programming code; occur at run time.
R–replaced require argument with constant String For these small examples, DRuby runs quite quickly,
Figure 9. Experimental Results though as mentioned before it does not currently scale with-
out annotations for the standard library. Most of the bench-
marks yielded no warnings, i.e., DRuby’s type system is pre-
we initially tried analyzing portions of the Ruby standard cise enough to model all the constructs in these programs.
library, but found that parts of it, particularly REXML, an The sudokusolver benchmark produced 35 false posi-
XML processing library, reuse the same class name in dif- tives, all due to a union type that is discriminated by run-time
ferent parts of the namespace, and so flattening causes us to tests. In particular, 3 methods return either false or an ar-
lose significant precision. We expect this issue can be ad- ray. Clients of these methods check the return values against
dressed fairly easily in the future. false before using them as arrays, but DRuby does not model
these tests. This is a place where occurrence types (Tobin-
5.1 Benchmarks
Hochstadt and Felleisen 2008) could improve precision.
We evaluated DRuby by applying it to a suite of small The one false positive in ObjectGraph occurs when the
programs gathered from our colleagues and RubyForge. The code tests whether StringIO is defined before instantiating it.
left portion of Figure 9 lists the benchmark names, their Interestingly, if the class is undefined, the program creates a
size as computed by SLOCCount (Wheeler 2008), and the simulation of StringIO by extending the eigenclass of String :
number and kinds of changes required to be analyzable by
if defined? StringIO
DRuby. The analyzed code includes both the application and s = StringIO.new
any test suite shipped with the software. else
We made three kinds of changes to the benchmarks so s = String .new
that DRuby could analyze them. First, we added stub files class << s # extend eigenclass of s
(changes labeled “S”) to assign types to loaded code that was def puts( str ) ... end
written in Ruby, but that DRuby could not analyze. In par- ...
ticular, the programs itcf (twice), rhotoalbum (twice), Stree- end end
tAddress, and gs phone load files from the standard library. Because StringIO is not loaded by default, DRuby produces
Those files in turn load more code transitively, and as a re- a warning that StringIO is used without being defined. Out of
sult, even though the programs are small, DRuby can end up curiosity, we manually added a require to load StringIO, and
analyzing tens of thousands of lines of code. Moreover, the found DRuby was able to type a later call to s.puts.
standard library employs many of the reflective and highly The last false positive, in text-highlight, is due to calling
dynamic constructs that DRuby does not model, resulting the extend method, which DRuby currently does not model.
in a multitude of false positives and greatly hurt its perfor- The method extend is similar to include but instead adds
mance (because of cascading error messages). When pulling methods to an object’s eigenclass rather than its class. Mod-
in standard library code, DRuby does not terminate within eling this behavior should be easy to add to DRuby.
5 minutes for these programs and reports hundreds of er-
rors. With annotations for the necessary parts of the library, 6. Related Work
DRuby terminates in seconds and issues no warnings. We
Many researchers have previously studied the problem of
also add a stub file for text-highlight. In this case the stub
applying static typing to dynamic languages. We group these
is for a logging module text-highlight refers to but does not
prior results by language.
include, and that we could not locate anywhere.
Second, we expanded two uses of metaprogramming (la- Scheme Some of the earliest work in this area is soft typ-
beled “M”) in text-highlight, which twice used the code ing for Scheme, which uses a set-based analysis to deter-
shown at the end of Section 3 to add method definitions. mine what data types may reach the destructors in a pro-
DRuby produces 5 extra false positives without this change. gram (Cartwright and Fagan 1991; Aiken et al. 1994; Wright
Finally, one program, StreetAddress, included the call and Cartwright 1997; Flanagan et al. 1996). Soft typing aims
“require File .dirname( FILE ) + ’ /../ lib /street address’ .” to detect potential program errors and remove unneeded run

13 2008/3/20
time checks. Our type inference system is similar in spirit to proposed ECMAScript 4 language, which will succeed
soft typing, but is significantly more sophisticated, including Javascript, includes a rich type annotation language, includ-
support for object types, intersection types, and other fea- ing object types, tuple types, parametric polymorphism, and
tures needed for Ruby. union types (Hansen 2007). The challenges in typing Ruby
Typed Scheme adds type annotations and type checking are somewhat different than for Javascript, which has no ex-
to Scheme (Tobin-Hochstadt and Felleisen 2008). One of the plicit classes but rather builds objects by assigning them sets
key ideas in this system is occurrence types, which elegantly of pre-methods. Javascript also includes a range of silent
model type testing functions used to discriminate elements conversions between different types, which further compli-
of union types. As mentioned in Section 5, one of our bench- cates type checking and inference.
marks could benefit from adding occurrence types, but we Erlang Marlow and Wadler (1997) developed a soft typing
have not explored this option yet. Also, in contrast to our system for Erlang, and used it to type check several Erlang
system, typed Scheme includes only intraprocedural type in- programs. Success typing for Erlang (Lindahl and Sagonas
ference, whereas our inference system is interprocedural. 2006) is similar to soft typing, but instead of warning about
Smalltalk and Self Several researchers investigated static any programs that may produce run-time errors, success typ-
typing for Smalltalk, a close relation of Ruby. Graver and ing tries to flag code that definitely produces run-time errors.
Johnson (1990) propose a type checking system for Smalltalk These systems share a few characteristics with our approach,
that includes class, object, union, and block types. Strongtalk, such as subtyping and union types, but are otherwise fairly
a variant of Smalltalk extended with static types, has a sim- different due to language differences.
ilar system with additional support for mixins (Bak et al. Other Related Work Aside from work on particular dy-
2002). Agesen et al. (1993) and Agesen and Hölzle (1995) namic languages, the question of statically typing dynamic
explored type inference for Self, which is an object-based language constructs has been studied more generally. Abadi
(rather than class-based) language. The focus of all of these et al. (1991) propose adding a type Dynamic to an other-
systems is on performance improvement, whereas our fo- wise statically typed language. Quasi-static typing takes this
cus is error detection. Moreover, our system integrates both basic idea and makes type coercions implicit rather than ex-
type annotations and type inference, and includes support plicit (Thatte 1990). Gradual type systems improve on this
for more language features. idea further (Siek and Taha 2006; Herman et al. 2007), and
Ruby The idea of type inference for Ruby has been pro- have been proposed for object-oriented type systems (Siek
posed before. Kristensen (2007) claims to have developed and Taha 2007). Sage mixes a very rich static type sys-
a Ruby type inference system, but his thesis is not available tem with the type Dynamic (Gronski et al. 2006). Tobin-
on-line, and emails requesting it were not returned. Morrison Hochstadt and Felleisen (2006) present a framework for
(2006) developed a type inference algorithm that has been gradually changing program components from untyped to
integrated into RadRails, an authoring environment for Ruby typed. We expect to incorporate ideas from all of these sys-
on Rails. In RadRails, type inference is used to select the tems into DRuby to increase flexibility and better handle val-
methods suggested during method completion. There is no ues that cannot be statically typed.
formal description of RadRails’s type inference algorithm,
but it appears to use a simple intraprocedural dataflow analy- 7. Conclusions
sis, without support for unions, object types, parameter poly- We have presented a type inference system for checking the
morphic, tuples, or type annotations. static type safety of Ruby programs. In order to analyze real-
world Ruby programs, we developed a GLR parser and in-
Python There have been several type systems proposed for
termediate language to make a type analysis tractable. Our
Python: Aggressive type inference (Aycock 2000), Starkiller
current benchmark suite contains small but interesting pro-
(Salib 2004), and a system proposed by Cannon (2005) all
grams, and our powerful type language was necessary to
infer types for Python code. These systems are focused on
analyze them precisely. Indeed, nearly every feature of our
performance, and seem to be based purely on nominal typ-
system was motivated in some way by code we tried to ana-
ing with no intersection types. RPython is a statically-typed
lyze, particularly in our initial attempts to analyze the stan-
subset of Python designed to compile to JVM and CLI byte-
dard library. We believe that DRuby is a major step toward
code (Ancona et al. 2007). RPython includes a type infer-
the goal of developing an integrated static and dynamic type
ence, though it is unclear exact what typing features are sup-
system for Ruby in particular, and object-oriented scripting
ported. One interesting feature of RPython is that it performs
languages in general.
type inference after executing any load-time code, thus pro-
viding some support for metaprogramming. We plan to in- References
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