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Nuance Communications, Inc.



這份協議書的軟體和資料是以授權方式提供,而非出售方式,只有依照本 財 產 權 。 「軟體」的資格、所有權和智慧財產權將由 Nuance 及/或它的

授權協議書的條款才可使用。請仔細閱讀本協議書內容。藉由下載、安裝、 供應者或授權者持有。「被授權者」認知這樣的所有權和智慧財產權,而
複製或者使用軟體,您同意接受本協議書條款和條件的約束,而且成為本 且將不會採取任何的行動,對 Nuance 或其供應者或授權者的所有權或相
協議書的簽約當事人。如果您不同意本協議書的所有條款和條件,請不要 關「軟體」權力,以任何方法加以危害、限制或者干涉。本「軟體」程式
下載、安裝、複製或者使用本軟體。 受著作權法、其他智慧財產權法及國際公約的保護。

本公司 Nuance Communications, Inc. (簡稱「Nuance」) 的「使用者授權 擔 保 責 任 的 免 責 聲明 。 「軟體」(包括無限制的相關說明文件) 是「依照

協議書」(簡稱「協議書」) 隨附電腦可執行二進位碼軟體產品和相關的說 原樣」的基礎提供,沒有任何類型的擔保,包括無限制的免於缺陷、市場
明書面資料 (簡稱「軟體」)。詞彙「軟體」也將包括由 Nuance 授權給您 可銷售性、適合特定目的不受侵害的擔保責任。關於「軟體」的品質和效
(「被授權者」) 使用「軟體」的任何修正版或者更新程式,但是不包括 Nu 能的整體風險由「被授權者」承擔。如果「軟體」證明有任何方面的缺陷,
ance 軟體產品的來源碼。只有當您擁有「軟體」正當授權完整版本,需要 由「被授權者」而不是 Nuance 或其供應商、授權者或者經銷商來承擔任
修改、更新或者升級時,您才可以安裝和使用軟體的修正版、更新程式或 何服務和修理的整體費用。這項保證責任的免責聲明形成本「協議書」的
升級版。如果您下載、安裝、複製或者使用「軟體」的修正版、更新程式 基本部分。除了依據此免責聲明之外,不會授權使用此「軟體」。在某些
或升級版,則本「協議書」將終止而成為「軟體」的前一個版本,而且您 國家或者管轄權地區並不允許排除隱含的擔保責任,或者限制隱含的擔保
擁有的授權在依照本「協議書」條款下,只有對「軟體」的修正版、更新 責任所持續的時間,因此,上述的限制可能不適用於您。
程式或升級版有效。這份軟體的副本授權您 (「被授權者」) 成為使用者,
必須遵守本「協議書」的所有條款和條件。 責任限 制 。 在可適用法律允許的最大程度下,Nuance 或其供應商或授權
授與使用權限。 依照本「協議書」的條款和條件,Nuance 授與「被授權 用或者無法使用「軟體」,包括但不限制為,喪失商譽的損失、工程的停
者」一項非獨有和不可轉移的授權,只可以:(a) 可安裝在一部電腦供個人 工損失、電腦發生錯誤或者故障、或者任何和所有的其他商業損害或者損
或公司內部營業使用的一份軟體副本;(b) 可安裝在單獨一部手提電腦或單 失,即使接到通知有可能遭到這些損失 ,不管合法或者公平的權利主張
獨一部家用電腦供個人或公司內部營業使用的一份軟體副本,假如該份副 (契約、侵權行為或者其他) 做為基礎提出的損害賠償要求。無論如何, Nu
本並未如上述 (a) 段所提及副本同時使用;(c) 為了保留歸檔目的可另行製 ance 和其供應者和授權者依據本「協議書」的任何條款所擔負的整體責任 ,
作「軟體」單獨的一份副本;而且 (d) 儲存或安裝一份「軟體」副本在儲 將不得超過「被授權者」支付此授權所累積的費用總數 (如果有的話),除
存裝置上,例如網路伺服器,只可供內部網路上對其他電腦進行安裝或使 了因為 Nuance 的疏忽所引起死亡或者個人的受傷,達到可適用法律在這
用,假如您在安裝、執行或者從儲存裝置取得「軟體」的每一部個別電腦 樣狀況下禁止損害的限制。某些司法管轄權區域並不允許排除或者限制對
上,取得和專用一份個別授權。單獨一份「軟體」的授權並不允許您在不 於偶發或者後續損害的責任,因此,這個排除和限制條款可能不適用。
安裝、下載、複製或者使用「軟體」的功能。此「軟體」僅免費提供給個 輸出控制 。「被授權者」同意遵守所有可適用的輸出法律和美國或者外國
人與公司內部做為 PDF 閱讀器使用,若未事先取得 Nuance 的書面同意, 代理商或者主管當局的限制和管理,在沒有取得所有必要的核准之前,不
任何人均「不得」將此「軟體」隨附於其他軟體或硬體產品、公用程式、 會輸出或者再輸出「軟體」,以致違反任何這樣的限制、法律或規則。
美 國 政 府 為 使 用 者 。 這一節適用於由美國政府或替美國政府 (簡稱「政
啟動。 依照它的自主判斷,Nuance 可以在「軟體」中納入一些功能,以 府」) 或者任何主要承包商或分包商 (在任何層級) 在任何的契約、同意、
阻止未授權使用「軟體」。您也同意 Nuance 公司可以如此做。特別是, 合作協議書或其他與政府相關活動的所有「軟體」採購。因為接受「軟
「軟體」的使用可能需要「被授權者」經過網際網路啟動「軟體」(這個程 體」的運交,政府特此同意這項軟體符合「商業用」電腦軟體品目,適用
序在「軟體」安裝設定的時候,有更完整的描述)。在啟動的時候,Nuanc 於政府採購取得規範的資格。本「協議書」的條款和條件將和政府的使用
e 可能會從您的電腦收集一些有關電腦或網路的特定非個人的技術資訊。 以及「軟體」的披露有關,而且將取代任何相矛盾的契約條款或條件。如
您也同意 Nuance 公司可以如此做。如果您修改了電腦硬體或「軟體」, 果本「協議書」無法符合美國政府的需要或者任何方面不能符合美國的聯
您可能被要求重新啟動「軟體」。 邦法律,政府同意將未經使用過的「軟體」歸還 Nuance 公司。下列的其
他聲明只適用於按照 DFARS 子法規 227.4 (1988 年 10 月) 管轄的採購:
通知。 依照 Nuance 的自行判斷,「軟體」可能包含一個元件,會自動啟 「限制權力 - 政府的使用、複製和披露受到 DFARS 252.227-7013 (1988
動您的網際網路瀏覽器和嘗試經由網際網路開啟連線 ,連接一個由 年 10 月) 的「技術資料和電腦軟體權利」條款的子條款 (c)(1)(ii) 所設定的
Nuance 維護的網站,其中包含與「軟體」有關的通知資訊。這個連接可 限制」。如果任何上述參考的政府機關管理規則發生修改或者取代的事情,
能會使用到網際網路連結和您使用的電話線。時常,您可能會經過網際網 等效力的後續規則將取代適用。
「軟體」,您特此同意讓「軟體」經過網際網路開啟連線,連接到 Nuanc 一般條款 。本「協議書」有關此處討論的議題部分形成簽約當事人之間的
e 的網站,使用您的資源連接到這樣的網站,並且 經過網際網路連線,收 全部協議。本「協議書」只有經過雙方簽字的書面同意才可進行修改。除
到關於「軟體」或其他的資訊通知。 了適用法律要求範圍之外 (如果有的話),否則本「協議書」將受到美國麻
限制。 除了在本「協議書」有另外明白允許之外 ,「被授權者」不可以: 所有與本「協議書」有關的爭議 (排除與 Nuance 或其授權者或供應商的
(a) 重製或者複製「軟體」的任何部分;(b) 修改或者建立「軟體」的任何 智慧財產權有關的任何爭議) 將在美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓地區進行最後和具
衍生產品,包括翻譯或本土化;(c) 反編譯、反組譯、逆向工程或者嘗試衍 有約束力的仲裁,在單獨仲裁人的主持下,依據「美國仲裁協會」的商業
生出「軟體」的來源碼;(d) 重新銷售、妨害、出售、租用、出租、再授權 仲裁規則進行仲裁,然後實際上,由仲裁失敗的當事人支付所有仲裁的費
或以他法轉讓「軟體」的權利;(e) 除移或者改變「軟體」中任何的商標、 用。本「協議書」將不接受「聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約」的管轄。如
標誌、著作權或其他的專有須知、說明、符號或標示 ;(f) 沒有 Nuance 的 果任何本「協議書」有任何條款被擁有司法管轄權的法院認定違法或者不
事前書面同意 (可能在 Nuance 的單獨自主判斷提供或者保留) 或 (a) 提供 具強制執行力,這樣的條款將會修改到使其具有可執行力的程度,但又不
使用「軟體」的服務中心的服務或 (b) 與第三者達成協議,免除第三者使 失去其原本的意思,或者嚴格的從本「協議書」認定沒有需要做如此的變
用「軟體」需要取得「軟體」本身主要授權的目的;(g) 複製「軟體」隨附 更,而本「協議書」的其他條款仍將保持完整執行力和效果。本「協議
的印刷資料;(h) 將 Reader 的 OCX 元件用於非瀏覽器應用程式,或 (i) 在 書」的主要語言為英文。「被授權者」同意自行負擔任何和所有翻譯的必
未取得 Nuance 書面同意之前將「軟體」內嵌至其他應用程式。在「被授 要費用。如果「被授權者」已經收到翻譯成另一種語言的版本,這只是為
權者」和 Nuance 之間,任何對「軟體」的變更、修改或衍生產品,都將 了「被授權者」的方便所提供。任何簽約當事人對於本「協議書」的任何
成為 Nuance 的獨有財產。 條款或條件棄權,或任何隨之的違犯,在任何的事證中,將無法放棄這些
終止。 如果「被授權者」未能遵守任何條款和條件 ,在不侵害任何其他權 條款或條件或任何後續違反的責任。本「協議書」的條款要求或者預期在
力的情況下,Nuance 可以終止本「協議書」。在終止時,「被授權者」 本「協議書」過期或終止後,仍須繼續執行者,將無視於這樣的過期或者
必須銷毀所有「軟體」的副本。 終止仍將具有可執行力。「被授權者」不可藉著法律或本「協議書」的操

Nuance Communications, Inc. 使用者授權協議書。修訂日期:2009 年 10 月

「被授權者」的財產給承購者的情況下,才能交予「被授權者」企業的承 體」的權力,而且「被授權者」表示他已經遵守適用法律要求的任何規則
購者。本「協議書」將具有約束力和適用於簽約當事人、他們的繼承者和 或者註冊程序,以便讓此授權可以執行。
允許的受讓者的利益。Nuance 和「被授權者」的關係是獨立承包商的角
色,沒有任何「被授權者」和其代理商有任何的權力以任何方式限制 Nua 著作權 © 2009 Nuance Communications, Inc. 版權所有。Nuance 和
nce 的權利。如果對本「協議書」發生爭議,勝訴的簽約當事人將由另一 Nuance 標誌是 Nuance Communications, Inc. 或者分公司所擁有在美國
方補償任何和所有因此產生的法律規費和費用。本「協議書」各節的標題 和/或其他國家的商標或註冊商標。
只是為了方便而已,沒有實質的意義。 Nuance 可以在任何客戶參考清單,
或者 Nuance 發行的任何關於軟體授權的出版品中使用「被授權者」的名

美國 以外 地區的被授權 者 。 「被授權者」必須承擔責任遵守在其司法管
Nuance Communications, Inc.


The software and materials provided with this agreement are licensed, through this Internet connection.
not sold, and are available for use only under the terms of this license
agreement. Please read this agreement carefully. By downloading, RESTRICTIONS. Except as otherwise expressly permitted in this
installing, copying, or otherwise using the software, you agree to be Agreement, Licensee may not: (a) reproduce or copy any of the Software;
bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement and become a party (b) modify or create any derivative works of the Software, including
to this agreement. If you do not agree with all of the terms and conditions translation or localization; (c) decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer,
of this agreement, do not download, install, copy or otherwise use the or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software;
software. (d) redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise
transfer rights to the Software; (e) remove or alter any trademark, logo,
This Nuance Communications, Inc. (“Nuance”) End User License copyright or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in the
Agreement (“Agreement”) accompanies a Nuance software product in Software; (f) without Nuance’s prior written consent (which may be given
machine-executable binary code and related explanatory written or withheld in Nuance’s sole discretion) either (a) provide service bureau
materials (“Software”). The term “Software” shall also include any services using the Software, or (b) otherwise enter into an agreement
modified versions or updates of the Software licensed to you (“Licensee”) with a third party to use the Software on such third party’s behalf for the
by Nuance, but does not include source code for the Nuance software primary purpose of obviating the third party’s need to license the
product. You may install and use a modified version, update, or upgrade Software itself; (g) copy the printed materials accompanying the
of the Software only if you have a validly licensed full version of the Software; (h) use the OCX component of the reader in non-browser
Software being modified, updated, or upgraded. If you download, install, applications or (i) embed the Software into another application without
copy, or otherwise use a modified version, update, or upgrade of the Nuance’s prior written consent. As between Licensee and Nuance, any
Software, then this Agreement terminates as to the previous version of changes to, modifications to, or derivative works of the Software shall
the Software, and you have a license only to such modified version, become the exclusive property of Nuance.
update, or upgrade of the Software under the terms of this Agreement.
This copy of the Software is licensed to you, Licensee, as the end user, TERMINATION. Without prejudice to any other rights, Nuance may
subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. terminate this Agreement if Licensee breaches any of its terms and
conditions. Upon termination, Licensee shall destroy all copies of the
LICENSE GRANT. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Software.
Agreement, Nuance grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-
transferable license only to: (a) install and use for personal or internal PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual
business purposes one copy of the Software on a single computer; property rights in the Software shall remain in Nuance and/or its suppliers
(b) install and use for personal or internal business purposes one copy of or licensors. Licensee acknowledges such ownership and intellectual
the Software on either a single portable computer or a single home property rights and will not take any action to jeopardize, limit or interfere
computer, provided that such copy is not used concurrently with the copy in any manner with Nuance’s or its suppliers’ or licensors’ ownership of or
in section (a) above; (c) make a single copy of the Software solely for rights with respect to the Software. The Software is protected by
archival purposes; and (d) store or install a copy of the Software on a copyright and other intellectual property laws and by international
storage device such as a network server, used only to install or run the treaties.
Software on your other computers over an internal network, provided that
you acquire and dedicate a separate license for each separate computer DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING
on which the Software is installed, run or otherwise accessed from the WITHOUT LIMITATION THE RELATED DOCUMENTATION) IS
storage device. A single license for the Software does not allow you to PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
share the Software or use it concurrently on different computers or for KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE WARRANTIES THAT IT
others other than the Licensee to access, install, download, copy or IS FREE OF DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR
otherwise use the functionality of the Software. The Software is provided PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE
free of charge for individual and internal use within organizations as a QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS BORNE BY
desktop PDF reader only; it may NOT be bundled by any party with other LICENSEE. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY
software or hardware product, utility, device or service of any kind without RESPECT, LICENSEE AND NOT NUANCE OR ITS SUPPLIERS,
the express written consent from Nuance. LICENSORS OR RESELLERS ASSUMES THE ENTIRE COST OF ANY
ACTIVATION. According to its discretion, Nuance may include features CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. NO
in the Software to prevent unlicensed use of the Software. You agree that USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT
Nuance may do so. In particular, use of the Software may require that UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO
Licensee activate the Software through the Internet (this process may be NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR
more fully described during the installation set up of the Software). During LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY MAY LAST,
such activation, Nuance may collect certain non-personal technical SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
information from your computer concerning your computer or network.
You agree that Nuance may do so. You may be required to reactivate the LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED
Software if you modify your computer hardware or the Software. BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL NUANCE OR ITS
contain a component that will automatically activate your Internet browser OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE,
and attempt to initiate a connection through the Internet to a website INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF
maintained by Nuance that contains notification information related to the GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR
Software. This connection may be made using the Internet connections MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES
and telephone lines under your control. From time to time, you may OR LOSSES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF,
receive notices about the Software or other information through this AND REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY
Internet connection. By installing the Software on your computer, you (CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) UPON WHICH THE CLAIM IS
hereby consent to have the Software initiate a connection through the BASED. IN ANY CASE, NUANCE’S AND ITS SUPPLIERS’ AND
Internet to Nuance’s website, to use your resources to connect to such LICENSORS’ ENTIRE LIABILITY UNDER ANY PROVISION OF THIS
website, and to receive notices about the Software and other information AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED IN THE AGGREGATE THE SUM

Nuance Communications, Inc. End User License Agreement Revised October, 2009
OF THE FEES LICENSEE PAID FOR THIS LICENSE (IF ANY), WITH Massachusetts, United States of America under the auspices of a single
THE EXCEPTION OF DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY CAUSED BY arbitrator pursuant to the commercial arbitration rules of the American
THE NEGLIGENCE OF NUANCE TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW Arbitration Association then in effect, with the losing party paying all costs
PROHIBITS THE LIMITATION OF DAMAGES IN SUCH CASES. SOME of arbitration. This Agreement shall not be governed by the United
JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. If
OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS any provision in this Agreement should be held illegal or unenforceable
EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOT BE APPLICABLE. by a court having jurisdiction, such provision shall be modified to the
extent necessary to render it enforceable without losing its intent, or
EXPORT CONTROL. Licensee agrees to comply with all applicable severed from this Agreement if no such modification is possible, and the
export laws and restrictions and regulations of the United States of other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
America or foreign agencies or authorities, and not to export or re-export The controlling language of this Agreement is English. The Licensee
the Software in violation of any such restrictions, laws or regulations, or agrees to bear any and all costs of interpreters if necessary. If Licensee
without all necessary approvals. has received a translation into another language, it has been provided for
Licensee’s convenience only. A waiver by either party of any term or
U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. This Section applies to all condition of this Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance,
acquisitions of the Software by or for the government of the United States shall not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.
of America (“government”) or by any prime contractor or subcontractor (at The provisions of this Agreement that require or contemplate
any tier) under any contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other performance after the expiration or termination of this Agreement shall be
activity with the government. By accepting delivery of the Software, the enforceable notwithstanding such expiration or termination. Licensee may
government hereby agrees that this software qualifies as “commercial” not assign or otherwise transfer by operation of law or otherwise this
computer software within the meaning of the acquisition regulation(s) Agreement or any rights or obligations herein except to an acquirer of
applicable to the procurement. The terms and conditions of this Licensee’s business in the case of a merger or the sale of all or
Agreement shall pertain to the government’s use and disclosure of the substantially all of Licensee’s assets to such acquirer. This Agreement
Software and shall supersede any conflicting contractual terms or shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties, their
conditions. If this Agreement fails to meet the government’s needs or is successors and permitted assigns. The relationship between Nuance and
inconsistent in any respect with the federal law of the United States of Licensee is that of independent contractors and neither Licensee nor its
America, the government agrees to return the Software, unused, to agents shall have any authority to bind Nuance in any way. If any dispute
Nuance. The following additional statement applies only to acquisitions arises under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be reimbursed by
governed by DFARS Subpart 227.4 (October 1988): “Restricted Rights— the other party for any and all legal fees and costs associated therewith.
Use, duplication, and disclosure by the Government is subject to The headings to the sections of this Agreement are used for convenience
restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in only and shall have no substantive meaning. Nuance may use Licensee’s
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 name in any customer reference list or in any press release issued by
(Oct. 1988).” In the event any of the above referenced agency Nuance regarding the licensing of the Software.
regulations is amended or replaced, the equivalent successor regulation
shall apply instead. LICENSEE OUTSIDE THE U.S. Licensee is responsible for complying
with any local laws in its jurisdiction which might affect its right to import,
GENERAL. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between export or use the Software, and Licensee represents that it has complied
the parties concerning the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be with any regulations or registration procedures required by applicable law
amended only by a writing signed by both parties. Except to the extent, if to make this license enforceable.
any, applicable law requires otherwise, this Agreement shall be governed
by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, United States of Copyright © 2009 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
America, excluding its conflict of law provisions. Unless otherwise agreed Nuance and the Nuance logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
in writing, all disputes relating to this Agreement (excepting any dispute Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or
relating to Nuance’s or its Licensors’ or Suppliers’ intellectual property other countries.
rights) shall be subject to final and binding arbitration in Boston,

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