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Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное

учреждение «Сочинский медицинский колледж»

министерства здравоохранения Краснодарского края

Учебные задания к разделу

«Первая медицинская помощь»

По дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык

Специальность 34.02.01. Сестринское дело

Составитель: М.Н. Росницкая

Сочи 2016.

1. Пояснительная записка 3
2. Что такое первая помощь 4
3. Ушибы 8
4. Кровотечения 10
5. Обморок 13
6. Переломы 15
7. Солнечный удар 20
8. Отравление 23
9. Шок 27
10.Температура 30
11.Рвота. Диарея 31
12.Ожоги 33
13.Укусы 35
14.Раны 37
15.Послеоперационный период 46

Пояснительная записка
Учебные задания составлены в соответствии с рабочей программой
учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык (английский) для студентов
3 курса специальности 34.02.01. Сестринское дело для организации работы на
практических занятиях английского языка по разделу « Первая медицинская
Учебные задания включают в себя тексты для устного обсуждения и
письменных переводов, вопросы для письменного и устного тестирования.
Учебные задания служат развитию навыков чтения, перевода и говорения
у студентов-медиков 3 курса.
В результате освоения тем по разделу «Первая медицинская помощь»
студент должен уметь:
1. Общаться (устно и письменно) на английском языке на данную
профессиональную тему;
2. Переводить (со словарем) с английского языка тексты по пройденным
темам раздела «Первая медицинская помощь»;
3. Самостоятельно пополнять словарный запас и совершенствовать устную
и письменную речь, овладев лексико-грамматическим минимумом по
темам раздела «Первая медицинская помощь».


First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury,
with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and/or
promote recovery.
Задание 1 .Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the most important thing in an emergency?
2. How must a person act when he gives the first aid?
3. Do you know how to give the first aid?
Some knowledge of first aid is essential for everyone and should be an essential part
of teaching at the medical college. The most important thing in an emergency is not
to lose one’s head. When you give the first aid you must be very calm. If the injured
person has hurt himself with a fall, make him lie down comfortably and see whether
there are any cuts or bruises. If movement of arm or leg hurts, there may be fracture,
so leave the limb in the position in which it is.

1. Переведите на английский язык:
Знание, первая помощь, для каждого, неотъемлемая часть, терять голову,
пострадавший, движение руки или ноги, может быть перелом.

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. When did Jett decide to become a paramedic?
2. How long did he train for the job?
3. What things do you have to be good at do Jett’s job?
4. Who makes Jett’s job difficult?
Jett Oliver
I’m Jett Oliver. I’m 24 years old. I decided to become a paramedic when I saw two of
them treating a driver at the scene of an accident when I was a boy.
I started as a trainee ambulance technician, and trained for two and a half years to
become a qualified paramedic. Now I administer life-saving procedures myself. It’s
part of my everyday work to defibrillate the heart of a cardiac arrest, to apply splints
to limbs and dress wounds, and to set drips.
I have to make quick decisions – it’s an important part of giving emergency
treatment. So is communicating clearly and keeping a clear head in some difficult
situations. And situations are often very difficult, especially when we have to deal
with people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. But paramedics don’t think
twice – we are always first at the scene when there is a suicide, a road accident, or a
fire. When you save a life, it’s the best job in the world.

1. Найдите в тексте словосочетания из следующих слов:
1. become a a life
2. deal with b as a trainee
3. give c a qualified paramedic
4. make d treatment
5. save e people
6. start f decisions

2. Ответьте на вопрос: Would you like to do Jeff’s job?

Задание 3. Прочитайте, переведите текст:

In the UK, about 2.8 million people every year seek treatment at an Accident and
Emergency department after an accident in the home. More than 3,000 people die
every year as a result of home accidents, and the total cost of home accident injuries
has been estimated at ₤ 25 billion per year.
Research shows that most home accidents occur in the following categories:
 Falls
 Poisoning
 Fires
 DIY accidents
 Choking
 Packaging accidents
 Burns and scalds
 Garden accidents
 Drowning
Many of these accidents could be prevented by following simple guidelines. With this
in mind, the government produces a range of safety campaigns and advice leaflets to
warn people about dangers around the home. This would clearly reduce the load on
Accident and Emergency departments and emergency services, such as police, fire
and ambulance, allowing them to use their limited resources for other work.

1. Какая из этих категорий, упомянутых в тексте, относится к
следующим происшествиям дома:

2. Lucy Mann left a candle burning when she went to bed.

3. Two-year-old Toby Smith fell into a neighbor’s swimming pool.
4. 76-year-old Eric Baker slipped on a wet bathroom floor.
5. One-year-old Ben Brown put a small toy in his mouth and it lodged in his
6. Jasvinder Singh cut his hand badly while opening a tin of peaches.
7. Ten-year-old Jason Gold swallowed some of his father’s medicine.
8. 82-year-old Iris Watts dropped a pan of boiling water one her foot.
9. Nick Young suffered cuts, bruises, and a broken arm when he was putting up
some shelves in his home.
10.Lee Fenton was hit by a falling tree which he was cutting down.

2. Найдите в тексте словосочетания:

1. Safety a. resources
2. Total b. leaflets
3. Simple c. cost
4. Limited d. services
5. Advice e. guidelines
6. Emergency f. campaign

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его:
When you fall on your knee you get a bruise on it. The bruised place looks red and
swollen at first. If there is a scratch on your knee put iodine on it. If you knee hurts
you very much, take some cloth, wet it cold water and put it on the bruise. It will
relieve the pain. If the bruise was very bad you must consult a doctor.
1. Скажите по-английски:
Синяк, ушибленное место, распухшее место, царапина на колене, помазать
йодом, колено болит (причиняет боль), взять ткань, намочить в воде, облегчить

2. Прочитайте текст и скажите, что мальчик сделал неправильно:

A boy fell in the street and hurt his knee badly. His knee looked red and swollen but
he didn’t go home at once. In an hour when he finished playing with his friends he
went home. He took some cloth, wet it in hot water and put it on his bruise

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

On June 20, 1990, a young man fell on his back while playing football. After a short
rest he continued playing and finished the game. His back was stiff and sore for a few
days. On July, 3 he began to drag his left, foot, and that evening his right leg felt
When he was admitted to hospital on July, 4 his left leg was tender and completely
paralyzed, and his right leg was very weak. He had retention of urine, which lasted
ten days. Lumbar puncture produced cerebrospinal fluid (C.S.F) under slightly
increased pressure, clear, colorless, and containing 100 mg of protein per 100 ml.
Culture proved sterile. His temperature, which had risen to 101 F, reached normal on
July, 26 showed only a lumbosacral angle larger than normal.
Testing later confirmed the presence of slight weakness of the recti abdominis and
spinae muscles. Paralysis of the obliqui externi abdominis muscles, however,
remained. The left leg, too, was completely paralyzed, but there has been a slight
return of power in the right leg.
1. to be stiff – быть жестким ; онеметь (о тканях)
2. to sore – болеть, причинять боль
3. to drag – волочить, хромать, тянуть
4. to be tender – обмякнуть, ослабеть
5. retention of urine – задержка мочи
6. lumbar puncture – поясничная пункция
7. cerebrospinal fluid – спинномозговая жидкость
8. lumbosacral area – поясничная область
9. sacroiliac joints – поясничные суставы
10. to confirm – подтверждать
11. an oblique externi abdominis muscules – искривление внешних мышц живота

1. Выберите правильный перевод:
I. A young man fell on his back.
a) Молодой человек упал на спину.
б) Мужчина почувствовал боль.
в) Молодой человек заболел.
2. He had pains in the back, legs and head.
а) У него были боли в суставах, конечностях и спине.
б) Он чувствовал боли в глазах, голове.
в) У него были боли в спине, ногах и голове.

2. Переведите на английский.
Во время игры; короткая пауза; слабый; полностью парализован; продолжаться
10 дней; больше нормы; легкая слабость; быть доставленным в больницу;
задержка мочи; рентгенография.
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What has happened with a young man?
2. When was his back stiff and sore?
3. When was he admitted to a hospital?
4. What treatment was given to the patient?
5. What did later testing confirm?
6. What was the diagnose?
Задание 3. Прочитайте диалог и разыграйте его по парам:
Granny: What is the matter with you, Ann? You look pale (бледная)
Ann: There’s nothing the matter with me, Granny.
G.: But I see that something is wrong.
A.: Well, I fell on the skating-rink and hurt my right leg badly
G.: Let me take off your shoe, Ann.
A.: Thank you Granny .I can do it myself.
G.: I am afraid you have a fracture.
A.: Don’t be afraid, Granny. It’s not a fracture .You see there is no swelling on my
G.: But I want you to have an X-ray examination.
A.: All right .I’ll consult a doctor

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
When the blood flows from an artery it is scarlet. When the blood flows from a vein it
is dark red.
Bleeding can lead to a severe loss of blood, so we must stop the bleeding as soon as
possible. The simple method to stop the bleeding is to put clean cloth over the wound
and bandage it tightly. The limb can kept in a raised position.
If the bleeding is from an arm or leg raise the limb. If a person has nosebleed after a
bad bruise you must put a cold compress on the nose. It will stop the blood. The
person must breathe through his mouth. In severe cases doctors make blood
transfusions. There are external bleeding and internal bleeding.
External bleeding
 Bleeding from a wound
 Shock
1. Lay the casualty down
2. Check that the wound does not contain a foreign body or protruding bone.
3. If the wound is clear of protruding matter, apply direct pressure immediately to it:
use your hands until you can add a clean dressing and pad.
4. Bandage the wound firmly. If it is an arm or leg and there are no obvious
fractures, raise the limb.
5. If blood seeps through the bandage, leave the dressing in place but replace the
6. Do not give anything to eat or drink.
Internal bleeding
Signs and symptoms:
 Coughing or vomiting up of blood
 Passing of black or red faces
 Passing of red or smoky urine
 Pain, tenderness and muscle rigidity of the abdomen
 Shock
1. Lay the casualty down comfortably and loosen any tight clothing
2. Raise or bend the legs
3. Seek medical aid urgently
4. Monitor the casualty for shock. Do not give any food or drink

1. Скажите по-английски:
Кровь течет из артерии, остановить кровотечение, потеря крови, наложить
чистую ткань, поднятое положение, крепко перевязать, кровотечение из носа,
сильный удар, положить компресс на…, тяжелые случаи, переливание крови.

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What can lead to the severe loss of blood?
2. What colour is the blood when it flows from an artery? from a vein?
3. How must we bandage the wound?
4. What must we do if the bleeding is from an arm or a leg?
5. What must we do if the bleeding is from a nose?
6. What do the doctors do in the severe cases?

Задание 3. Прочтите и перескажите текст:

Yesterday when I was sitting in the room and doing my homework I heard my
grandmother’s voice: “Ann, help me.” My granny was in the kitchen. I immediately
ran there and while washing a cup she broke it and cut her hand near the thumb. I saw
dark blood and understood that the old woman cut her vein. I told her to raise her
hand. Then I took a clean cloth and fastened it tightly over the cutting. As the cutting
was deep, my granny had to go the policlinic to a surgeon for medical aid.

Задание 4. Прочитайте диалог и разыграйте его в лицах:

Mother: What’s the matter with you, Peter? You have nose bleeding.
Peter: I’ve fallen and hurt my nose.
Mother: Si down, Peter. Ann, bring me some cloth and old water.
Ann: What do you want to do, Mum?
Mother: I’ll put a compress on Peter’nose. Breathe through your mouth, Peter.
That’s right. Do not be afraid. The bleeding will soon stop.
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
The cause of fainting may by different: strong
emotion, want of food, fatigue or pain.
In fainting person loses consciousness. Blood doesn’t
get to the brain. The face of a person before fainting gets
very pale and sweat appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy
and weak. His breathing is shallow. His pulse is weak and

If you help a person who lost his consciousness:

1. Lay the person flat on his back.
2. Raise his feet a little.
3. Loose his dress.
4. Cover him warmly and open the window.
5. Sprinkle cold water on his face.
6. Give the person to breathe in ammonia water.
7. Check for any injury or illness.
8. Encourage the person to rest for a while before moving, once
consciousness has returned.

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:
he cause of fainting; want of food; the face gets pale; sweat appears;
he feels dizzy; shallow breathing; weak pulse.

2. Выберите соответствующий перевод:

1. consciousness лоб
2. fainting дыхание
3. ammonia water боль
4. breathing обморок
5. pain брызгать
6. sprinkle сознание
7. forehead нашатырный спирт

3. Составьте небольшой рассказ о том, как вы помогали человеку,

потерявшему сознание на улице. Используйте слова и словосочетания из

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какие действия надо
произвести, чтобы оказать первую медпомощь пострадавшему:
A fracture is a broken or cracked bone. If the bone pierces the skin it is called a
compound or open fracture. This fracture is very susceptible to infection and can
result in considerable loss of blood. If the bone has not been broken is it called a
closed fracture (though there may be internal bleeding and damage)
Signs and Symptoms:
▪The sound or feel of a bone breaking
▪ Intense pain around the break
▪ Deformity of the limb or an inability to move it naturally
▪ Tenderness when light pressure is applied
▪ swelling
▪ the sound of ends grating against each other
• If there is an open wound, control bleeding and cover the wound with a sterile
• If the bone is protruding, use a ring pad. Then apply a bandage, making sure it
is not directly over the fracture.
• Support the fractured limb in the most comfortable position. Raise and rest foot
or ankle on pillows or folded blankets.
• Immobilize the fractured limb, using a splint or sling. Do not attempt to
straighten the fractured limb.
• Check regularly that the bandages are not too tight, affecting circulation.
• Watch for signs of shock.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The word fracture means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed
and open.
In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin. In a closed fracture there is no
wound on the skin.
If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The
pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move.
Swelling appears quickly.
Do not let the person move. Use a splint for the broken limb. Bind the splints to the
limb but not at the place of the fracture.
Doctors use X-rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs

Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

A man slipped and injured his leg. The man’s friend called an ambulance and when it
arrived, transported him the hospital, which was quite near. Two orderlies carried the
man to the receiving-ward on a stretcher and placed him on a couch. The man
complained of a bad pain in his leg and suffered very much. The surgeon examined
the patient carefully. His ankle and foot were swollen, but the skin was normal in
After the X-ray examination the surgeon diagnosed a fracture of the medial
malleolus. The surgeon anaesthetized the injured area, placed the fragments in a
correct position and applied a plaster of Paris bandage. In two days the X-ray
examination showed that the bones were in a correct position.
In five weeks the man recovered and the surgeon removed the plaster of Paris
bandage. The third roentgenogram revealed that the fracture had completely healed.
He was discharged from the hospital and received a leave for two weeks. The surgeon
advised him to come to the out-patient department for further treatment with massage
and warm baths.
1. To slip – поскользнуться
2. To injure –повреждать
3. To call –вызывать
4. Orderly – санитар
5. Receiving –приемный покой
6. Stretcher – носилки
7. Couch –кушетка
8. Surgeon –хирург
9. To examine –осматривать ,обследовать
10.To suffer –страдать
11.Ankle –лодыжка
12.Foot –стопа
13.To swell –вздуться, распухнуть
14.X-ray – рентген
15.Fracture –перелом
16.Medial malleolus –средняя берцовая кость
17.A plaster of Paris bandage –гипс
18.To recover –выздоравливать
19.Out-patient department –физиолечебница, диспансер

1. Вставьте вместо точек слова, подходящие по смыслу:
ankle, hospital, leg, friend, ambulance, foot, surgeon
1. A man slipped and injured his…. .
2. The man’s… called an…
3. His… and… were swollen
4. The… anaesthetized the injured area.
5. He was discharged from the … .

2. Переведите на английский язык:

Повредить ногу, вызвать машину скорой помощи, положить на кушетку, очень
страдать, цвет кожи - нормальный, после рентгена, наложить гипс, через 2 дня,
3. Ответьте на вопрос:
1.What was wrong with the man?
2. Who helped him?
3. What did he complain of?
4. Was it a fracture of medial malleoulus?
5. What was applied to him?
6. What was advised to him?

4. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания:

during the practice, to slip and injure ones leg, to call an ambulance, to transport smb.
to a hospital, quite near, to place smb. on a couch, to suffer, the skin was normal in
colour, to advise to treat with a massage and warm baths.

5. Опишите ситуацию от лица друга больного:

«My friend injured his leg».

Задание 4. Прочитайте и перескажите текст. Составьте 7-9 вопросов по

The patient a 13-year-old boy presented to the casualty
department with injuries caused by a bicycle accident.
His mother reported vomiting, dizziness, but no
verified loss of consciousness. In addition, the patient
complained of tenderness and swelling of the right
underarm. He showed multiple superficial skin lesions,
a lacerated cut over the right eyebrow, abrasions, and contusions of the face.
He was referred to the radiology department where X-rays found no fractures
of the skull or f the facial bones. Nor was there any evidence of intracranial
haemorrhage or cerebrovascular lesions.
However, a fissure of the right ulna was detected.
The patient was treated as follows:
His wounds were thoroughly cleaned with an antiseptic solution. The lacerated
cut on the right eyebrow was sutured with two stitches in local anesthesia and
Because of his symptoms of a slight concussion bed rest for a few days was
An orthopedic surgeon was consulted regarding the
ulnar fissure. Because of the size and the location of the
fissure he decided to put the arm in a cast. The plaster
should extend from above the elbow and cover the wrist in
order to immobilize the joints at both ends of the damaged
Jimmy’s mother was advised to call should any unforeseen complications occur
such as recurring headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision or other visual
disturbances, or if there was any swelling of his hand, throbbing pain, or numbness.

Задание 5. Прочитайте диалог и разыграйте его по парам

Militiaman: Doctor, this girl was in a car accident .Will you examine her and see if
she has any broken bones.
Doctor: Well, she has some bruises and abrasions on the legs. I don’t think she has a
fracture ,but I’m going to take several X-says to make sure of it .

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его:
It is very dangerous to fall asleep (засыпать) in the open air when the sun is hot or to
be in the hot sun for a long time without a hat .You may get a sunstroke.
When a person has a sunstroke, he has a high temperature. His skin is very hot, dry
and red. He has a bad headache and can even lose consciousness.
If you help a person who has a sunstroke:
1. Take the patient into a cool and shady (тенистое) place.
2. Put him on his back.
3. Raise his head and shoulders a little.
4. Put cold cloth on his head.
5. Cool his body with cold water.
6. Rub his skin with a sponge to keep up blood circulation.

1. Скажите по-английски:
На открытом воздухе, высокая температура, сухая красная кожа ,сильная
головная боль, потеря сознания , перенести в прохладное место , слегка
приподнять голову , обтереть кожу губкой .

Задание 2. Прочитайте диалог и разыграйте его по парам:

In the Country
Pete: Ma, where are you?
Mother: I’m in the kitchen, Pete. What’s the matter?
P.: My fried Nick feels bad .He has a bad headache and his skin is very hot.
M.: Where is he?
P.: He is on the bank of the river .He was lying in the sum for a long time.
M.: He probably has a sunstroke .Is anybody with him?
P.: Yes, Boris is there.
M.: Don’t waste time. Run back quickly and take Nick to a shady place .Raise his
had a little. Put a wet cloth on his head. I’ll take some medicine and come in a

Задание 3. Прочитайте, переведите текст и ответьте на вопрос: Why should

people know about the first aid techniques? Перескажите текст.
Try to Keep Safe
Why should people know about the first aid techniques? You never
know whose life you can save. This is the story told by Gregory, the guest of our city
from Moscow.
… The pebble beach slowed him down, so he started moving to the
waters edge as it was hard to step over the small stones. He jumped into the water and
tried to touch the bottom. He started sinking. «Help» - he shouted « I m going to
drown». The man, Ivan, was desperately trying to jump out of the water…
Gregory walked along the almost deserted beach, he liked these early
hours when the sun was not high and it was cool and the sea breeze made these walks
pleasant. He heard Ivan’s cries. By the time Gregory had reached him, Ivan was
absolutely exhausted, hardly breathing. Gregory approached him turned him on the
pebble beach and tried to massage him to make Ivan breath.
In a moment Ivan coughed out some water and started breathing.
Gregory was relieved to see that the man was alive. Ivan whispered “Thank you…
Rules to follow:
1. While on the beach, avoid being exposed to the open sun for more than half an
2. Wear a hat or a cap to avoid sun stroke.
3. Avoid swimming in deep water if you are not a good swimmer.
4. Keep an eye on your kids while on the beach.
5. Try not to take much money or wear jewelry to the beach.
6. Avoid swimming in the stormy sea.
7. Avoid touching the unknown sea plants and fish while swimming.
Remember – your safety is our priority.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What is the first aid for
The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach. Do it as soon as possible. Give
much water to drink - 4-8 glasses.
Some poisons cause shock, others- asphyxia. In every
case the patient needs prompt medical
1. Найдите в тексте соответствующие слова и словосочетания:
Первая помощь при …; очистить желудок; в каждом случае; пациенты
нуждаются в быстрой медицинской помощи.

2. Определите правильные ответы на вопрос: « What are the aids for

poisoning? »
1. lay the person down; 2. give the person four or eight glasses of water; 3. take
off the person’s dress; 4. examine the person’s mouth.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и перескажите текст:

A doctor was invited to see a family of three persons. Approximately, half an hour
before the attack of illness all of them had eaten some food which was evidently not
quite fresh .
All the members of the family became nauseated; they vomited and had violent
pains in the stomach. At the examination food poisoning was diagnosed. Gastric
lavage with large amounts of boiled water was instituted immediately. Two patients
were put to bed and given some medicine.
Heating pans were applied to their feet .They obtained almost immediate relief
and were allowed get up.
The third patient was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He was retained
there because of persistent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and marked prostration. A strict
diet, bed regime and a proper therapy helped the patient and in a week he was
discharged from the hospital in a good condition.
1. approximately– приблизительно, примерно
2. attack – приступ
3. evidently – очевидно
4. nauseate – тошнить
5. vomit – рвать
6. violent – сильный
7. gastric lavage – желудочный зонд
8. heating pans – грелки с горячей водой
9. prostration – бессилие, слабость
10. to be discharged – быть выписанным

1. Составьте предложения при помощи данных слов:
1. To see, a family, a doctor, of three persons, was invited.
2. Their feet, to, heating, were applied, pans.
3. To the hospital, in an ambulance, third, was taken, the patient.
4. Became, all, of, nauseated, the members, the family.
5. Were, two, to, some, patients, bed, and put, medicine, given.

2. Переведите словосочетания, пользуясь текстом:

Осмотреть семью из 3-х человек; примерно за полчаса до начала болезни;
не совсем свежий; сильные боли в желудке; большое количество кипяченой
воды; быстрое облегчение; постоянная тошнота; постельный режим.
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What happened to the family of three persons?
2. Had they eaten some food which was not fresh?
3. What did they complain of?
4. What kind of medicine did they take?
5. Why did they obtain immediate relief?
6. What did they use to become healthy again?
7. When was the third patient discharged?
4. Скажите по-английски:
Что с вами случилось? Вы плохо выглядите. Что вы ели за обедом? Была ли
пища свежей? Какая у вас температура? Вам необходимо остаться в постели.
Примите лекарство. Вас необходимо госпитализировать. У вас понос? Вы
должны соблюдать строгую диету, постельный режим и правильное лечение.
Через неделю вас выпишут.

5. Вставьте вместо точек, подходящие по смыслу слова из текста:

1. A doctor was…to see a family.
2. The family became…
3. Two patients were… and given some medicine.
4. The third patient was… in an ambulance.
5. In a week he was… from the hospital in a good condition.

6. Переведите следующий текст:

“Doctor,” called a small boy, “come up to our house quickly.”
“Who is ill at your house?” asked the doctor.
“Everybody but me. I was naughty, so they did not give me any of the nice
mushrooms. Father had picked in the forest.

Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Twenty employers of an industrial plant suddenly became ill on June, 13. The
symptoms were nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some of the patients experienced
profuse sweating, abdominal cramps and shock. The onset was very sudden and
recovery occurred within 48 hours. There were no deaths.
All persons, who become sick, had eaten the last meal prior to illness at the plant
cafeteria. Cream pie was the one food that was consumed by all patients. The first
person, who became ill ate the pie at 5.30 p.m. on June 12, and became ill in four
hours. The last ate the pie at 3 a.m. on June 13, and became ill within two hours.
Bacteriologic examination of the pie showed a heavy contamination of the cream
filling with staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms were due to a toxin elaborated in the
food by the staphylococcus. The pie was 18 hours old when served and had been
contaminated by unsanitary baking practice.
1. an employer – рабочий
2. to profuse sweating –покрыться липким потом
3. an abdominal cramps – острая колика в животе
4. the onset – начало
5. the recovery occur – выздоровление наступает
6. a cream pie – пироженное с кремом
7. to consume – употреблять в пищу , съедать
8. contamination – заражение
9. Staphylococcus aureus – стафилококковые палочки
10. to elaborate – вырабатывать
11. to serve – продавать
1. Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания:
внезапно заболеть; у некоторых пациентов наблюдается …; выздоровление
наступило…; без смертельного исхода; заводская столовая; сильное заражение ;
антисанитарные условия выпечки.
2. Выберите правильные предложения:
1. The onset wasn’t sudden.
2. The patients had sweating, abdominal cramps and shock.
3. There weren’t any deaths.
4. One of the patients died.
5. Bacteriologic examination showed nothing abnormal.

3. Опишите признаки отравления больного.

4. Задайте специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям:
1. Cream pie was the one food that was consumed by all patients.
2. The pie was 18 hours old when served.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Shock is very dangerous. Loss of blood can cause shock. Sever pain or strong
emotions can cause shock too.
The face of a person in shock is usually pale and the skin is cold. Breathing is rapid
and shallow. The pulse is rapid.
If you help a person who is in shock :
1. Lay the person flat on his back.
2. Raise his feet a little.
3. Cover him with blankets to keep him warm.
4. Give him to drink a warm drink.
5. Keep him quiet.

1. Найдите в тексте соответствующие словосочетания:
Очень опасен; потеря крови; вызвать шок; кожа холодная; учащенное дыхание;
положить на спину; поднять ноги; накрыть одеялом; теплое питье.

2. Вставьте вместо точек нужные по смыслу слова:

Pale, rapid, to keep warm, flat, back
1. When a person is in shock his face is … .
2. The pulse and breathing of a person in shock are … .
3. If you help a person in shock lay him … on his … .
4. It is important … a person in shock.

Задание 2. Прочитайте о симптомах и признаках шока и закончите

предложения, вставив следующие слова:
dangerously blood pressure
abdominal cardiovascular
respiratory intestines
abnormally coma
gastrointestinal central nervous system

Paramedics often have to deal with shock, a condition that is often caused
by major trauma such as a traffic accident. Shock occurs when the heart is
unable to supply enough blood to the organs. This results in a slowing -
down of the vital functions, and can cause death. Shock is difficult to
diagnose in its early stages, which makes it hard to treat.
The ________________1 is affected. This can cause changes in
personality, and restlessness. In advanced stages, confusion and
ultimately________________2 can result.
Their temperature may be______________3 low (hypothermia) or high
______________________4 problems may develop. The patient’s heart
often beats abnormally fast, but heavy bleeding may cause it to beat too
An abnormal increase in the breathing rate can lead to____________5
distress or failure.
______________________6 can be high in the early stages, but then
hypotension is common as it falls________________7 low.
______________________8 problems arise from a lack of blood supply.
The ________________9 can stop working and can start to die. This can
cause _______________10 pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Расскажите, как измерить
The body’s temperature can vary during the day and can be affected by hot weather,
physical exertion or hot food or drink; the normal range is 36°C (96.8°F) to 37°C
Lowered or raised temperature can indicate illness or
major injury. For example, low temperature can indicate
shock, heavy bleeding or hypothermia (see over-exposure to
cold); high temperature can indicate severe infection or heat stroke (see heat
exhaustion and heat stroke).
A mercury thermometer is the most common and accurate clinical


1. Wash and dry the thermometer, then shake the mercury column down until the
reading is below 36°C (96.8°F).
2. Place the thermometer bulb under the
tongue, under the arm or in the groin. Leave
it there for 3 minutes before taking the
reading. Babies and small children should
have their temperature taken under the arm
because they cannot hold the thermometer
properly in their mouth and may also bite it. Temperature taken in this way reads
0.5°C less than in the mouth. Thus an armpit temperature of 37°C (98.6°F)
indicates a fever.


Задание 2. Прочтите текст и перескажите его:

Stomach pains vomiting and diarrhea can have many different

causes, including food poisoning and viral infections, so it is
important to see your doctor if the symptoms persist. Vomiting
and diarrhea are common in young children and are often caused
by gastroenteritis, a viral infection of the bowel, but they can also
be caused by other infections.
Food poisoning often results from eating food contaminated by bacteria.
Bacteria can breed in foods, such as fish, chicken, ham and dairy products that are not
properly handled. Food should always be well cooked and eaten immediately or
refrigerated as soon as it is bought. If food is reheated always bring it to boiling point.
Food poisoning can also result from naturally occurring toxins in some plants and

Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration – loss of the fluids required for
the normal functioning of the body-particularly in babies and small children, so it is
important that sufferers drink lots of fluid.

Задание 3. Прочтите текст и расскажите, что надо делать при

гастроэнтерите у детей.


Signs and symptoms:
In addition to vomiting and the passing of frequent watery stools there may be the
following signs and symptoms of dehydration:
 decrease in urine passed or number of wet nappies
 tiredness and listlessness
 refusal of food and drink
 dry mouth and tongue
 pale and thin appearance
 sunken-looking eyes
 cold hands and feet
 child is difficult to wake
1. Stop solid food and cow’s milk (but continue
breast milk if the child is breast fed) and give
rehydration fluid to drink: 1 cup (150-200 ml)
every time the child vomits or passes a watery stool. If vomiting is frequent,
give smaller amounts more often: 50 ml every 15 minutes. Suitable rehydration
fluids are Dioralyte or Rehidrat, which can be bought at a chemist; they should
be made up carefully according to the instructions on the container. You can
also give: sugar (1 level teaspoon) plus a small pinch of salt per 120 ml water.
If nothing else is available, use cordial that is not low calorie (1 part to 6 parts
water), natural fruit juice (1 part to 4 parts water) or lemonade that is not low
calorie (1 part to 6 parts water). Remember to dilute these liquids as described
here; if they are given undiluted they may make the diarrhea worse. Do not
stop solid food and milk for more than 24 hours.
2. After the first 24 hours continue to give rehydration fluid between meals, but
reintroduce solid food and cow’s milk. Start with cooked vegetables and
cereals, including bread, and then add dairy products, eggs and meat.
3. Seek medical aid if: the child has a lot of diarrhea (8-10 watery stools or 2-3
very large stools a day); vomiting persists and little fluid is kept down; there
are signs of dehydration; the child develops severe stomachic.
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Расскажите по-английски, как
помочь человеку, если он обжегся, или обварился:
Burns are caused by the dry heat from flames,
electricity, lighting, chemicals and radiation (for
example, in sunburn). Scalds are caused by moist
heat from boiling liquids or steam. Burns and scalds
are serious injures and can result in infection,
scarring and, in extreme cases, death.
Signs and symptoms:
• Skin looks red and blistered if only the outer layers are affected
• Skin looks dark red, blackened or charred if all the layers of skin are burnt
• Pain if the burn or scald is superficial, but it may be absent if nerve ends have
been damaged
• Shock if burns or scalds are extensive.
1. Remove the casualty from danger and the source of heat if you can do so
without becoming a casualty yourself.
2. If the casualty’s clothes are on fire, protect yourself by holding a blanket or rug
in front of yourself as you approach him or her.
3. If the casualty is unconscious, place him or her in the recovery position, check
the airway, breathing and pulse and begin AR or CPR if necessary.
4. Carefully remove clothing, jewellery from the affected area.
5. Cool the burnt area with cold, but not icy, water, ideally by placing the burn
under gently running water for at least 10 minutes.
6. Cover the burn with a sterile, non-adherent dressing, and then lightly apply a
7. If the casualty is conscious and thirsty, give him or her water to sip slowly.
8. Rest the casualty comfortably, supporting any burnt limb
9. For all expect minor burns and scalds, seek medical aid immediately.
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и скажите, почему мальчик отказывался
возвращаться домой.
A four and a half year old boy, hospitalized for six weeks because of third degree
burns, had made a good adjustment during the latter half of his hospitalization.
With the aid of special attention, he became quite aware of the progress of his
recovery and took an active interest in each step of his treatment.
Because of a great need in beds for new patients, he was discharged rather
suddenly .When his mother appeared for the regular afternoon visit, she told him he
was allowed to go home.
To the amazement and embarrassment of his mother , he refused to go home
saying , that if he went home at this time his improvement would progress no further
and he would always remain in his present state .
When it was explained to him that “his new skin could grow back at home, just as
well as it grew in the hospital, that he would be coming beck every week to see his
doctors, and that the visiting nurse and his mother could help him with the exercises
that made his legs grow strong “, he agreed to leave the hospital.
1. third degree burns –ожог 3 степени
2. with the aid of –благодаря
3. to aware -осознавать понимать
4. recovery- выздоровление
5. a great need in beds – переполненность больничных мест
6. amazement – изумление
7. embarrassment- смущение
8. to refuse –отказываться
9. improvement –выздоровление, поправка
10. a visiting nurse –патронажная медсестра
11. to leave , покидать оставлять

1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How old was the boy?
2. How long did he stay at the hospital?
3. What medicine did he take?
4. Did he feel better?
5. Was he allergic to any drugs?
6. Has he taken the X-ray examination?
7. Was he progressing?
2. Переведите последние два абзаца текста.

3. Подчеркните глаголы в Past Indefinite .

4. По заданной модели составьте вопросы к каждому предложению и
ответьте на них.
1. A four and a half year old boy was hospitalized for six weeks.
(Who was ….for six weeks?)
(How long was the boy…?)
2. He agreed to leave the hospital.
(Who…the hospital?)
(What he …to leave?)


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Расскажите по-английски, как

помочь человеку, если его укусила пчела или оса:
Bites and stings can cause great discomfort and can sometimes also need medical
attention. Stitches, antibiotics or a tetanus injection may be required after an animal
bite. Some people suffer an allergic reaction to what would normally be just a painful
bite or sting; in some cases the reaction is severe and must be treated immediately
(see Bees and Wasps, below).

1. Wash the wound thoroughly with a mild antiseptic or soap and water.
2. Cover the wound with a clean dressing and bandage.
3. Seek medical aid, unless the wound is superficial, because antibiotics or stitches
may be required. The sufferer may also require a tetanus injection unless one has
recently been administered.
Some people suffer allergic reactions to the sting of bees and wasps.
Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Reaction
 Local pain, swelling and itchiness
 Itchy rash on the body
 Puffy eyelids and face
 Constricted throat and difficulty breathing
1. If a bee sting is involved, remove the sting by brushing it sideways with your
fingernail or a knife blade. Do not squeeze the poison sac by pulling out the
2. Wipe the area and apply a cold compress.
3. If there is an allergic reaction, the casualty should immediately take any
medication for allergy that he or she may be carrying. If the reaction is severe,
monitor breathing, begin AR if necessary and seek medical aid urgently.

1. A wound is a type of injury which happens relatively quickly in which skin is
torn, cut, or punctured (an open wound), or where blunt force trauma causes
a contusion (a closed wound).
2. In pathology, it specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages
the dermis of the skin.
An infected puncture wound to the bottom of the forefoot.

Intentional self-harm by sharp object.

An open wound (an avulsion).

An incision: a small cut in a finger

Задание 1 . Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Philip М., aged 17, sustained a gunshot wound of the right elbow. The entire charge
of shot entered the back of the arm approximately two inches below the elbow. The
wound of exit was about the elbow.
The outer half of the lower end of the humerus was carried away. There was also a
considerable loss of skin, muscle, tendon and ligament. The principal nerves were
undamaged. The boy was brought to the operation - room three hours after the
An extensive debridement, taking about twenty minutes, was necessary. The first
dressing, which had been on about three hour», was non-sterile and saturated with
blood. The operation having been completed, the wounds both above and below the
elbow were lightly packed with gauze and the whole covered with dry sterile gauze.
Then a plaster cast was put on the arm. The patient was not in much shock and went
to bed in good condition.
On the second day there was considerable oozing so much that some blood came out
of the top of the cast at the shoulder. But since there was not much pain and no
temperature, no window was cut in the cast. On the fourteenth day the patient was
ready to go home. In as much as he lived in a distance a dressing was done, the cast
being cut out at the elbow. The wound was found to be healing nicely, the entire
cavity was filled with clean and healthy granulations and there was only a little
discharge about the edges of the wound. The position of the arm was not disturbed.
The wound was painted freely with tincture of iodine, washed with alcohol and
repacked with gauze. The cast was repaired.
The patient returned for inspection five times, but except for dressing nothing was
done during the first seven weeks. At the end of this time the wound was practically
healed, without complication, pain or sepsis. In eleven weeks he was back at his
work, soundly healed, but with a stiff elbow. Two years later partially successful
arthroplasty was done and gave him about 15 degrees of elbow motion. Supination
and pronation of the forearm and hand were good. There was no recurring
inflammation in the scar.
1. to sustain a gunshot wound - получать огнестрельное ранение
2. an elbow - локоть
3. entire charge - весь заряд
4. tendon - сухожилие
5. ligament - связка
6. undamage - не повредить
7. an extensive debridement - общая обработка
8. gauze - марля
9. to saturate - пропитывать
10. a dressing - повязка, перевязка
11. a plaster cast - гипсовая повязка
12. a considerable oozing - значительное выделение сукровицы
13.in as much - так как
14. to be healing nicely -удовлетворительное состояние
15.to disturb - беспокоить, вызывать тревогу
16. a tincture of iodine - настойка йода (йод)
17. a stiff elbow - несгибаемый локоть
18. arthroplasty - суставная пластика, артропластика
19. supination - сгибание
20. pronation - разгибание
21. scar - шрам
22. recurring inflammation - рецидивное воспаление

1.Переведите письменно, литературно 1-й абзац.
2.Перескажите письменно текст от 3-го лица (от лица медсестры)

Задание 2. Прочитать и перевести текст:

1. moderate-умеренный, средний
2. a scratch-царапина
3. in spite of-благодаря
4. response-помощь
5. anxiety-беспокойство
6. behavior-поведение
7. in turned out-выявилось, оказалось
8. to be preoccupied-быть поглощенным
9. to cut of-отрезать, удалить, ампутировать
10. to bring out-показывать, обнаруживать
A ten-year-old boy was hospitalized for a moderate knee infection, which
developed from a scratch incurred while playing. His father took him to the hospital
and left him.

In spite of immediate response to antibiotic therapy and prognosis of uneventful

recovery, this child, demonstrated anxiety in his behavior.

It turned out that he was constantly preoccupied with the fear that his leg was
going to be cut off. He pointed to the fact that he could not walk on that leg, it was
swollen and red. Therefore, he decided that it was going to be cut off.

He had been afraid to mention this fear of losing his leg to his doctors, thinking
that he might be able to save his leg, if he just did not mention it. Thus he was
frightened, by his own imagination.

He brought out his fears to his father who communicated this information to the
surgical personnel attending him.

The latter then reassured the child by explaining to him carefully and in detail the
nature of his illness, the means it was being combated, and the visible evidence for
his good prognosis. The child recovered.

1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How old was the boy?

2. How long did he stay in the hospital?

3. Has the boy ever had it before?

4. How did it happen?

5. What medicine did the boy take?

6. Why was he afraid?

7. What have been done to calm him down?

8. Did it help a lot?

2. Переведите на английский язык:

Образоваться от царапины; во время игры; благодаря; оказалось; отрезать;

таким образом; хирургический персонал; собственное воображение; причина

3. Вставьте вместо точек, необходимое слово:

1. ….. of immediate response to antibiotic therapy and prognosis of uneventful

recovery, this child, demonstrated anxiety in his behavior.

2. ….. that he was constantly preoccupied with the fear.

3. He ….. to the fact that he could not walk on that leg.

4. He had been afraid to ….. this fear.

5. ….. he was frightened, by his own imagination.

(point, mention, in spite of, it turned out, thus)

4. Скажите по-английски:

Мальчик был доставлен в больницу; инфекция возникла от царапины в колене;

отец оставил его одного в больнице; мальчик выражал беспокойство в своем
поведении; он был поглощен своим собственным страхом; бояться потерять
ногу; быть напуганным своим собственным воображением; перенести свой
собственный страх на другого; хороший прогноз; ребенок выздоровел.

5. Расскажите от имени отца, что случилось с его сыном.

Задание 3 . Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Philip М., aged 17, sustained a gunshot wound of the right elbow. The entire charge
of shot entered the back of the arm approximately two inches below the elbow. The
wound of exit was about the elbow.
The outer half of the lower end of the humerus was carried away. There was also a
considerable loss of skin, muscle, tendon and ligament. The principal nerves were
undamaged. The boy was brought to the operation - room three hours after the
An extensive debridement, taking about twenty minutes, was necessary. The first
dressing, which had been on about three hour», was non-sterile and saturated with
blood. The operation having been completed, the wounds both above and below the
elbow were lightly packed with gauze and the whole covered with dry sterile gauze.
Then a plaster cast was put on the arm. The patient was not in much shock and went
to bed in good condition.
On the second day there was considerable oozing so much that some blood came out
of the top of the cast at the shoulder. But since there was not much pain and no
temperature, no window was cut in the cast. On the fourteenth day the patient was
ready to go home. In as much as he lived in a distance a dressing was done, the cast
being cut out at the elbow. The wound was found to be healing nicely, the entire
cavity was filled with clean and healthy granulations and there was only a little
discharge about the edges of the wound. The position of the arm was not disturbed.
The wound was painted freely with tincture of iodine, washed with alcohol and
repacked with gauze. The cast was repaired.
The patient returned for inspection five times, but except for dressing nothing was
done during the first seven weeks. At the end of this time the wound was practically
healed, without complication, pain or sepsis. In eleven weeks he was back at his
work, soundly healed, but with a stiff elbow. Two years later partially successful
arthroplasty was done and gave him about 15 degrees of elbow motion. Supination
and pronation of the forearm and hand were good. There was no recurring
inflammation in the scar.
1. to sustain a gunshot wound - получать огнестрельное ранение
2. an elbow - локоть
3. entire charge - весь заряд
4. tendon - сухожилие
5. ligament - связка
6. undamage - не повредить
7. an extensive debridement - общая обработка
8. gauze - марля
9. to saturate - пропитывать
10. a dressing - повязка, перевязка
11. a plaster cast - гипсовая повязка
12. a considerable oozing - значительное выделение сукровицы
13.in as much - так как
14. to be healing nicely -удовлетворительное состояние
15.to disturb - беспокоить, вызывать тревогу
16. a tincture of iodine - настойка йода (йод)
17. a stiff elbow - несгибаемый локоть
18. arthroplasty - суставная пластика, артропластика
19. supination - сгибание
20. pronation - разгибание
21. scar - шрам
22. recurring inflammation - рецидивное воспаление.
1.Переведите письменно, литературно 1-й абзац.
2. Перескажите письменно текст от 3-го лица (от лица медсестры)

Задание 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

A doctor was asked to see a nine-year-old boy. His mother stated that four days
before, while playing the boy had run a long splinter into his right thigh. He had been
treated boy a physician who had given the boy an infection of penicillin and some
tetanus antitoxin. The mother had told the doctor that she was certain she had not
removed the entire splinter, but the doctor said he believed she had. He gave the boy
some penicillin tablets to take at home.
In a few days the mother brought the boy to the hospital because he complained of
pain and she was still certain there was some splinter in the thigh.
Examination revealed a small puncture wound on the thigh 5 inches proximal to the
knee joint. Distal and medial to this wound was a tender, indurated area. Complete
physical examination revealed nothing else of interest and the blood count showed no
abnormalities except a slight elevation of lymphocytes. The urine was normal.
The boy was admitted to the hospital and taken to the operating room. The operation
was performed under general anaesthesia and a splinter was removed. Search for
other splinters revealed none. A small rubber drain was placed in the wound and a
dressing applied. The child was given another 1,500 units of tetanus antitoxin and
300.000 units of penicillin were given every twelve hours.
He left the hospital on the fourth day with no drainage and required only one follow-
up-office visit.
1. to have run a long splinter - загнать занозу
2. some tetanus antitoxin - противостолбнячная сыворотка
3. to complain of pain - жаловаться на боль
4. tender - болезненный
5. indurated area - отвердевающий участок
6. search - исследование, поиск
7. a dressing - повязка
8. tetanus - столбняк
9. a puncture - укол, прокол
10. to reveal - подтверждать
11. to follow up office visit - ещё раз показаться врачу.

I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How old was a boy?
2. What has happened with a boy?
3. What treatment did a physician give?
4. What has happened with a boy in a few days?
5. What did the examination reveal?
6. Was the boy admitted to the hospital?
7. Was he taken to the operating room?
8. What medicine was the child given?
9. When did the boy leave the hospital?

2. Расскажите от лица матери, что случилось с её сыном.


Задание 1.Прочитайте текст и расскажите по-английски, что такое

послеоперационный уход.
Postoperative period is the time elapsed from the end of surgery to the patient's
There are some phases of the postoperative period:
 early , 3-5 days after the surgery ;
 late , up to 2-3 weeks after surgery ;
 remote, to full rehabilitation .
The main objectives or the postoperative period are:
 accelerating the recovery process
( recovery ) in tissues and
organs ;
 restoration of the prevention and
treatment of post-operative
 patient’s disability.
Speaking about the required methods of
intensive supervision we can mention the
- Monitor the status of the central nervous
system - for monitoring consciousness, neurological symptoms, and body
-Control of the breathing organs - monitoring depth, speed, rhythm, breathing
capacity, presence of cyanosis, percussion, auscultation.
-Hemodynamic and myocardial function - measurement of arterial and venous
pressure, monitoring of cardiac function (rhythm, sonority tones, noise), and the
number of transfused blood loss.
-Monitoring the number of input and discharged liquid (check daily volumes), blood
biochemistry and urine.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

1. carcinoma - саркома

2. esophagus - пищевод

3. general - общий

4. to include - включать

5. to be smooth - быть в норме

6. to walk about - вставать с постели

7. obstruction - препятствие

8. passage of barium –

прохождение бария

9. size - размер

10. to gain weight - набирать вес

11. recurrence - рецидив

A 44- year - old man was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of carcinoma of
the middle esophagus. X-rays showed an esophageal defect starting 4 cm below the
aortic arch for a distance of 2 cm. The operation was performed on December 1989,
under general anesthesia.
Postoperative course including body temperature, pulse rate and respiration was

The patient was allowed to take soft meals by mouth on the seventh postoperative
day and walk about on the tenth day.

X-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach performed on the second week
showed no obstruction of the esophagus. Peristaltic waves were weak, but good
passage of barium was noted. The size of the stomach was normal and good
peristalsis was observed.

He gained weight. After discharge from the hospital, he returned to his previous job
in good condition, but seven months later he died suddenly from bleeding into the
trachea caused by recurrence of carcinoma.

1. Переведите на английский язык, используя текст.

рентген, под общим наркозом; послеоперационный курс; было разрешено

принимать легкую пищу, сужение стенок желудка; набирать вес; размер
желудка; после выписки; кровотечение.

2. Поставьте + в квадрате, если предложение соответствует тексту.

1. A 44- year - old man was admitted to the hospital with flu. □

2. The operation was performed under general anesthesia. □

3. The patient was not allowed to take soft meals. □

4. X-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach showed no obstruction of the

esophagus. □

5. The patient was in good condition and returned to his previous job. □
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Who was admitted to the hospital?

2. What did X-rays show?

3. Was the operation under general anesthesia performed?

4. Was postoperative course and respiration smooth?

5. Was he allowed to take soft meal?

6. What was the size of the stomach?

7. Where did he return to, after discharge from the hospital?

8. What was the reason of his death?

4. Расскажите по-английски, как ухаживать за больным после операции.

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