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Chapter III

Outbreaks Associated
with Fresh Produce:
Incidence, Growth, and
Survival of Pathogens in
Fresh and Fresh-
Cut Produce
L.J. Harris, J.N. Farber, L.R. Beuchat, M.E. Parish, T.V. Suslow, E.H. Garrett, F.F. Busta

Scope shot assessment of contamination at a particular location on a

An important consideration when addressing safety issues is particular produce item at a particular time of year, they rarely
the incidence of pathogens and outbreaks associated with partic- provide information on the source of contamination. For these
ular food products. This chapter addresses outbreaks that have reasons, caution must be used when interpreting data from these
been associated with the consumption of fresh and fresh-cut pro- types of studies, and overly broad conclusions should be avoid-
duce. In addition, studies that investigate the incidence of patho- ed. Nevertheless, numerous pathogenic microorganisms have
gens and factors contributing to the survival and growth of patho- been isolated from a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables,
gens are reviewed. Although they may not be exhaustive, the ta- sometimes at relatively high frequencies (Table I1-I7). Not all of
bles at the end of the chapter include highlights of incidence stud- the microorganisms listed in these tables have been linked to pro-
ies from industry and published literature sources (Tables I1-I7), duce-associated illnesses. Under the right conditions, however, all
outbreaks (Tables O1-O10), and growth/survival studies related to of these microorganisms have the potential to cause produce-as-
fresh produce (Tables G/S1 to G/S8). sociated illness. Isolation rates are not consistent. Percentage of
samples contaminated ranges from 0 to greater than 50%, de-
pending upon the target pathogen and produce item. Data pro-
1. Foodborne pathogens associated with fresh produce
The minimum processing required for fresh and fresh-cut pro-
duce, which omits any effective microbial elimination step, results
in food products that naturally would carry microorganisms, Table III-1—Considerations when examining raw fruits and
some of which may be potentially hazardous to human health. vegetables for the presence and populations of pathogenic
When investigating possible control methods, a vital step is to ex- microorganisms
amine the nature of the human pathogenic microorganisms Procedure for sampling
present in produce throughout the production process. However, Location of source (field, packing shed, processing plant, retail
incidence studies are time-consuming and expensive. For this rea- location, food service, home)
son, sample sizes are often too small to be of statistical relevance, Number and size of samples
especially if the probability of detection is low. Most researchers Distribution of samples in test lot
Protection of samples for transport to laboratory
do not collect sufficient information regarding the source of the Handling samples between collection and analysis
sample other than perhaps the country of origin or sample loca- Protection against cross-contamination
tion (for example, retail outlets, farmers’ markets). There has been Temperature between selection and analysis of sample
little consistency in sample collection, treatment, laboratory test Time between selection and analysis of samples
methods, or data analysis. Controls are often missing and tech- Processing samples
niques for isolating pathogens from produce items are often not Weight or number of pieces to represent samples
Area or portion to be tested (whole piece, skin only, diced, cut)
optimized. In many cases, identification of the pathogen has not Selection of wash fluid or diluent
been verified. Most published articles stress the detection of Ratio of produce to wash fluid or diluent
pathogens in incidence surveys; negative data may not be report- Temperature of produce and wash fluid or diluent
ed or their significance is minimized. However, these negative Soaked or not soaked before processing
data are important in evaluating the risks associated with con- Type of processing (washing, rubbing, stomaching, homogenizing,
sumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and should be considered macerating, blending)
Time of processing
in risk assessments. Table III-1 outlines some of the factors that Culturing techniques
should be considered when designing a study to determine the Enrichment and/or direct plating
frequency of isolation of pathogens from produce. Composition and volume of enrichment broth
Because of the extremely large number of variables that might Composition of direct plating medium
influence contamination of raw fruits or vegetables, it is difficult to Pour-plate or surface plate
design well-controlled experiments that would address risk factors Incubation temperature and time
Confirmation procedures
for contamination. While incidence studies can provide a snap-
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

vided by Wells and Butterfield (1997) indicate that Salmonella is Table III-2—Per capita (kg) consumption of raw fruits and
more readily isolated from decaying fruits and vegetables. Wheth- vegetables in the U.S. Source: Fruit and Tree Nut Situation
er this applies to other pathogens is not known. and Outlook Report (USDA 1999)
Year Fruits Vegetables
1982 38.7 52.9
2. Outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the 1983 41.0 50.9
consumption of raw fruits and vegetables 1984 40.2 55.8
The number of foodborne illness outbreaks linked to fresh pro- 1985 39.3 57.5
duce and reported to the United States Centers for Disease Con- 1986 42.1 57.0
1987 44.1 60.1
trol and Prevention (CDC) has increased in the last years (Bean 1988 44.1 61.5
and Griffin 1990; CDC 1990; CDC 2000). Some of this increase is 1989 43.7 64.7
due to improved surveillance, but other factors may also come 1990 41.6 60.9
into play. A number of reasons have been proposed for this in- 1991 40.7 60.9
creased association of foodborne illness with fresh produce. 1992 44.5 64.2
Since the early 1970s, a significant increase in the consumption 1993 45.3 66.4
1994 45.6 69.6
of fresh produce has been observed in the United States, presum- 1995 44.4 67.7
ably due, in part, to active promotion of fruits and vegetables as 1996 44.8 70.8
an important part of a healthy diet. From 1982 to 1997, per capita 1997 46.7 74.4
consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables increased from 91.6 to
121.1 kg, an increase of 32% (Table III-2). If contamination levels
were consistent, increased consumption of these foods should be
expected to lead to greater numbers of illnesses over this time.
During this same period, there has been a trend toward greater ways necessary for foodborne illness to occur. Although raw pro-
consumption of foods not prepared in the home and an increase in duce is often spoiled by other microorganisms prior to detection
the popularity of salad bars (buffets). Greater volumes of intact and of toxin, one should not rely on this fact to prevent the develop-
chopped, sliced or prepared fruits and vegetables are being ment of disease (for example, botulism).
shipped from central locations and distributed over much larger A wide variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites have been
geographical areas to many more people (see Chapter I). This, cou- linked to outbreaks of illness associated with fresh produce (Table
pled with increased global trade, potentially increases human ex- O1 to O10). Although these microorganisms are physiologically
posure to a wide variety of foodborne pathogens and also increas- diverse, they share some common features (Table III-3). Food-
es the chances that an outbreak will be detected. Reasons for in- borne pathogens that are frequently associated with fresh pro-
creases in foodborne illness in the summertime are not fully under- duce originate, for the most part, from enteric environments—that
stood, although abusive temperatures and a higher consumption of is, they are found in the intestinal tract and fecal material of hu-
fresh produce during the summer months are likely to play a role. mans or animals. Exceptions include C. botulinum, which is usu-
The perishability of produce and a complex distribution system ally isolated from soils, water and decaying plant or animal mate-
have made it difficult to effectively investigate many produce-relat- rial, and Listeria monocytogenes, which can be readily isolated
ed outbreaks. Traceback has been particularly difficult because of from human and animal feces, as well as from many other envi-
the complexity of the distribution system and the practice of co- ronments including soil, agricultural irrigation sources, decaying
mingling produce in packing houses. Epidemiological investiga- plant residue on equipment or bins, cull piles, packing sheds and
tions often take weeks before detecting a link between reported ill- food processing facilities.
nesses and a produce item. As a result, there is little or no product Produce can become contaminated with microbial pathogens
available for testing. However, improvements in outbreak investi- by a wide variety of mechanisms. Contamination leading to food-
gations and pathogen detection methods have contributed to an borne illness has occurred during production, harvest, process-
increase in documentation of produce-borne illnesses. ing, and transporting, as well as in retail and foodservice estab-
Foodborne illness resulting from the consumption of any food lishments and in the home kitchen (Table III-4). Contamination at
is dependent upon a number of factors. The produce must first be any point in the food handling chain can be exacerbated by im-
contaminated with a pathogen and the pathogen must survive un- proper handling and storage of produce prior to consumption
til the time of consumption at levels sufficient to cause illness. The (Table 10). The point of contamination is important because con-
infective dose (minimum numbers of organisms necessary to trol measures will be most effective if geared towards reducing
cause illness) is very low in many cases (Table III-3), which means contamination at the source. For example, Good Agricultural
that the microorganism needs only to contaminate the food to sur- Practices will not prevent illness due to postharvest cross-contam-
vive without reproducing. For example, pathogenic parasites and ination at any point, including foodservice environments or in the
viruses are unable to multiply outside of a human or animal host home (Table 9).
and only need to survive in sufficient numbers to cause illness. Contamination of raw fruits and vegetables with pathogenic or-
In other cases, however, multiplication of the pathogen is also ganisms of human health significance can occur directly or indi-
essential. Some microorganisms cause illness only when ingested rectly via animals or insects, soil, water, dirty equipment, and hu-
in high numbers (for example, Clostridium perfringens), while in man handling. For example, fruit flies have been shown to transfer
other cases, the infectious dose is thought to be dependent upon Escherichia coli O157:H7 to damaged apples under laboratory
the susceptibility of the individual (most infectious agents). Illness conditions (Janisiewicz and others 1999). This may have implica-
due to Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, or Clostridium tions during harvesting and in packing sheds or processing facili-
botulinum is a result of the production of toxins in the food, and it ties, where damaged produce is inevitable and flies may be diffi-
is the toxins that are responsible (sometimes in the absence of via- cult to control. Humans and animals can shed foodborne patho-
ble cells) for symptoms of the disease. These toxins are only pro- gens in the absence of signs of illness. While domestic animals
duced by multiplying cells. This requires favorable growth condi- may be separated from fruit and vegetable growing operations,
tions. In summary, while enhancing the likelihood of illness, tem- wild animals and birds can only be controlled to a limited extent.
perature abuse and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria is not al- Human hygiene, including hand washing all along the food
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
Table III-3—Characteristics of some microbial pathogens that have been linked to outbreaks of produce-associated illness
Incubation Infectious dose
Microorganism Period Symptoms (Number of cells) Source
Clostridium botulinum 12 to 36 hours Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, dryness intoxication soil, lakes, streams,
of mouth and throat, muscle paralysis, difficulty growth and toxin decaying vegetation,
swallowing, double or blurred vision, drooping production in food reptiles
eyelids, and breathing difficulties
Escherichia coli O157:H7 2 to 5 days Bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain. Can lead to 10 to 1000 animal feces, especially
hemolytic uremic syndrome and kidney failure cattle, deer and human;
especially in children and the elderly cross contamination from
raw meat
Salmonella spp. 18 to 72 hours Abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills, fever, nausea, 10 to 100,000 animal and human feces;
vomiting cross contamination from
raw meat, poultry, or eggs
Shigella spp. 1 to 3 days Abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, vomiting About 10 human feces
Listeria monocytogenes 1 day to 5 Febrile gastroenteritis in healthy adults; may unknown, soil, food processing
or more weeks lead to spontaneous abortion or stillbirth in dependent environments
pregnant women; severe septicemia and uponhealth
meningitis in neonates and immunocompromised of individual
adults; mortality may be 20 to 40%

Cryptosporidium spp. 1 to 12 days Profuse watery diarrhea, abdominal pain,
anorexia, vomiting About 30 Animal and human feces
Cyclospora spp. 1 to 11 days Watery diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, abdominal unknown, others? specific environ
cramps (duration 7 to 40 days) probably low mental sources unknown
at this time
Hepatitis A 25 to 30 days Fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, abdominal
pain, jaundice, dark urine 10 to 50 human feces and urine
Norwalk/Norwalk-like virus12 to 48 hours Vomiting diarrhea, malaise, fever, nausea, unknown, human feces, vomitus
abdominal cramps probably low

chain, is critical in reducing or eliminating contamination with fe- Table III-4—Sources of pathogenic microorganisms on fresh
cal pathogens. produce and conditions that influence their survival and
3. Survival and multiplication of pathogens on raw Soil
produce Irrigation water
The survival and/or growth of pathogens on fresh produce is in- Green or inadequately composted manure
fluenced by the organism, produce item, and environmental con- Air (dust)
ditions in the field and thereafter, including storage conditions. In Wild and domestic animals
Human handling
general, pathogens will survive but not grow on the uninjured
Water for other uses (for example, pesticides, foliar treatments,
outer surface of fresh fruits or vegetables, due in part to the pro- growth hormones)
tective character of the plant’s natural barriers (for example, cell
walls and wax layers). In some cases pathogen levels will decline Postharvest
on the outer surface.
In the field, the physical environment of leaf surfaces is consid- Human handling (workers, consumers)
Harvesting equipment
ered to be inhospitable for the growth and survival of bacteria (for Transport containers (field to packing shed)
example, lack of nutrients and free moisture, temperature and hu- Wild and domestic animals
midity fluctuations, and ultraviolet light) (Dickinson 1986). Envi- Air (dust)
ronmental conditions, however, can greatly influence bacterial Wash and rinse water
populations; the presence of free moisture on leaves from precipi- Sorting, packing, cutting and further-processing equipment
tation, dew, or irrigation may promote survival and growth of bac- Ice
Transport vehicles
terial populations (Blakeman 1981; Andrews 1992; Beattie and Improper storage (temperature, physical environment)
Lindow 1995, 1999). Certain conditions, such as sunlight, partic- Improper packaging (includes new packaging technologies)
ularly the shorter ultraviolet wavelengths, can damage bacterial Cross contamination (other foods in storage, preparation and display
cells (Webb 1976; Jagger 1981; Sundin and others 1996; Sundin areas)
and Jacobs 1999). Consequently, nature may select for bacteria Improper display temperature
with adaptations to these stressful conditions. Although most of Improper handling after wholesale or retail purchase
Cooling water (for example, hydrocooling)
the body of research has been done with stress adaptation of mi-


Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

croorganisms other than human pathogens (high ultraviolet toler- ter an intact fruit through the stem scar or other opening, such as
ance in Pseudomonas syringae or high osmotic potentials in Es- the blossom or stem end of an apple. Conditions that reduce infil-
cherichia herbicola) preliminary results suggest that humans tration of plant pathogens should also prevent infiltration of hu-
pathogens are less likely to develop stress resistance (O’Brien and man pathogens.
Lindow 1988). Many of the human pathogens have an enteric
source, and therefore may be unsuccessful as plant colonists rela- 3.1. Influence of packaging
tive to the more suited plant microbial populations. The relative fit- Fresh produce packaged in gas-permeable films can modify its
ness of human pathogens and common epiphytes (microbes that own atmosphere, thereby creating more favorable conditions for
grow and persist on plant surfaces) and the interaction between storage. Three mutually interacting processes determine the
bacterial pathogens and indigenous microflora needs further re- course of this modification: 1) respiration by the fruit or vegetable,
search. 2) gas diffusion through the produce item, and 3) temperature,
Similarly, after harvest, pathogens will survive but not grow on and 4) gas transmission through the film. As a result of produce
the outer surface of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially if the respiration, the oxygen (O2) concentration in the package is de-
humidity is high. In some cases, pathogen levels will decline on creased and the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is increased.
the outer surface. The rate of decline is dependent upon the pro- Growth and toxin production by C. botulinum is of particular
duce type, humidity, and temperature, as well as the atmosphere concern in this instance. This subject has been reviewed in depth
and type of packaging used. Growth on intact surfaces is not (see Chapter IV).
common because foodborne pathogens do not produce the en-
zymes necessary to break down the protective outer barriers on 3.2. Specific foods—Examples
most produce. This restricts the availability of nutrients and mois- 3.2.1. Berries. Raw raspberries and possibly blackberries im-
ture. One exception is the reported growth of E. coli O157:H7 on ported from Guatemala have been associated with several large
the surface of watermelon and cantaloupe rinds (Table G/S1). Cyclospora cayetanensis outbreaks (Table 9). The natural host for
Survival of foodborne pathogens on produce is significantly en- this parasite has not been identified; however, contaminated water
hanced once the protective epidermal barrier has been broken ei- used for pesticide application and poor harvester hygiene has
ther by physical damage, such as punctures or bruising, or by been suggested as the most likely routes of contamination. Frozen
degradation by plant pathogens (bacteria or fungi). These condi- raspberries or frozen strawberries have been linked to two or
tions can also promote the multiplication of pathogens, especially three outbreaks of hepatitis A, respectively (Table 9). Hepatitis A, a
at nonrefrigerated temperatures. Microorganisms often survive at virus spread by human feces, is thought to have contaminated the
refrigerated temperatures even though these conditions reduce or berries by contact with infected harvesters or contaminated irriga-
eliminate the ability of the organisms to multiply. Exceptions to tion water. Frozen raspberries have also been associated with ill-
this are the psychrotrophic pathogens including nonproteolytic C. ness due to calicivirus, also spread through human feces.
botulinum, L. monocytogenes, Y. enterocolitica, and the presump- Raw berries destined for the fresh market are harvested by hand
tive pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila. Various enteric pathogens and field packed into retail containers without being washed.
have been shown to multiply on the surface of cut melons, on Strawberries destined for freezing are destemmed in the field, ei-
shredded lettuce, and on chopped parsley and under acidic con- ther using a metal device or a thumbnail. Berries which are to be
ditions, such chopped tomatoes and wounded apple tissue (Ta- processed are transported, usually at ambient temperature, to a
bles G/S1 – G/S8). Temperature control becomes critical for pre- processing facility where they are washed with potable water or
venting bacterial reproduction on any cut produce item. Fresh-cut water containing an antimicrobial (for example, chlorine), some-
produce, by definition, has been injured through peeling, cutting, times sliced, and often mixed with up to 30% sucrose before
slicing, or shredding. These same operations can transfer patho- freezing. The extra human handling during harvesting and co-
genic microorganisms, if present, from the surface of the intact mingling in the processing facility may explain the greater associa-
fruit or vegetable to the internal tissues. Injured cells and released tion of outbreaks with frozen berries. Also, virus and parasites
cell fluids provide a nourishing environment for microbial growth. may actually be preserved by the freezing step.
A vigorous population of nonpathogenic bacteria is potentially To date, bacterial foodborne illnesses have not been linked to
another barrier to reduce the risk of foodborne illness from fresh- consumption of berries. However, reservoirs for enteric organisms
cut products. These bacteria do not necessarily prevent the such as Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 are similar to that of hep-
growth of pathogens but they do provide indicators of tempera- atitis A virus, suggesting that bacterial pathogens may also be oc-
ture abuse and age of the produce by causing detectable spoil- casional contaminants of berries. A recent FDA survey of import-
age. Most pathogens do not cause produce to spoil, even at rela- ed produce found Salmonella in one of 143 samples of strawber-
tively high populations. In the absence of spoilage, high popula- ries (Table I1).
tions of pathogens may be achieved and the item may be con- 3.2.2. Seed sprouts. Over the past several years, seed sprouts
sumed because it is not perceived as spoiled. For this reason, have become a fresh produce item commonly linked to food-
specifications requiring very low microbial counts may, in some borne illness. Seed sprouts are a special problem because bacteri-
cases, compromise produce safety. al pathogens that may be present at very low levels on sprout
Infiltration of wash-water into intact fruit has been demonstrated seeds at the time of sprouting can multiply to very high levels dur-
with several fruits and vegetables, and is thought to have contrib- ing the 3 to 10 days sprouting process and can survive through
uted to an outbreak of salmonellosis associated with fresh market the typical refrigerated shelf life of the products (Table G/S 7).
tomatoes (Table O8). Wash-water contaminated with microorgan- Also, seed sprouts are produced as agricultural commodities, not
isms, including pathogens, can infiltrate the intercellular spaces subject to sanitation requirements because they are not regarded
through pores when conditions are right. Internal gas pressures as foods. A wide variety of pathogens have been isolated from
and surface hydrophobicity usually prevent uptake of water. sprouted seeds (Table I2). Outbreaks have been associated prima-
However, when the produce temperature is much higher than the rily with Salmonella serotypes but have also been attributed to B.
water temperature, the pressure difference created may be suffi- cereus, E. coli O157:H7, and Y. enterocolitica (Table 9).
cient to draw water into the fruit (Bartz 1999). Adding detergents Most sprout outbreaks have been due to seed contaminated
to the water appears to enhance infiltration, likely due to reduced with a bacterial pathogen before the sprouting process begins,
surface tension. Under some circumstances, wash water may en- presumably during production or harvest (Table 9). Many patho-
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
gens can survive for months under the dry conditions used for There have been very few surveys of retail juices for the pres-
seed storage. Populations in the seeds are exceptionally low, mak- ence of pathogens, probably because of the very low probability
ing it difficult to detect pathogens in routine seed screening pro- of finding pathogens in these products. Sado and others (1998)
grams (Table I2). Although contaminated alfalfa sprouts have been used rapid test kits to survey retail juices for the presence of L.
identified as the source of pathogens in many outbreaks, clover, monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, coliforms, and fe-
radish, and mung bean sprouts have also been associated with cal coliforms. Only L. monocytogenes was isolated from two of
outbreaks. The association with alfalfa sprouts may be due to the 50 juices, an apple juice (pH 3.78) and an apple raspberry blend
volume consumed, as these are the most popular type of seed (pH 3.75) (Table I1).
sprouts that are commonly eaten raw. Mung bean sprouts, while Although there is a long history of juice-related outbreaks, they
sold in relatively large quantities are often stir-fried or otherwise have been relatively infrequent and, until 1995, were generally
heated prior to consumption. This would reduce the risk and like- associated with very small commercial processors or home-pre-
lihood of illness from mung bean sprouts. However, any type of pared products (Table 9). While the acidity of most fruit juices pre-
sprout seed may potentially be contaminated with bacterial vents the multiplication of pathogens, survival is much better than
pathogens before it is sprouted. has been traditionally assumed (Table G/S 6). Pathogen viability
3.2.3. Melons. Cut cantaloupe is considered a potentially haz- decreases with increasing temperature due to the rapid growth of
ardous food in the FDA Food Code because it is capable of sup- yeasts and other spoilage organisms at the higher temperatures.
porting the growth of pathogens due to low acidity (pH 5.2 to 6.7) This also leads to a decrease in shelf life.
and high water activity (0.97 to 0.99). The FDA investigated the While pathogen contamination routes have not been definitive-
frequency of Salmonella isolated from cantaloupe imported from ly confirmed in any juice outbreak, the use of dropped fruit, the
Mexico (Table I1). In 1990, 11 of 1,440 (0.76%) cantaloupe were use of nonpotable water, and the presence of cattle, deer, or, in
positive for eight different Salmonella serotypes. In 1991, 24 of one case, amphibians, in or near the orchards or groves does ap-
2,220 (1.08%) were positive with 12 different Salmonella sero- pear to be a reoccurring theme. Of five documented outbreaks as-
types isolated. More recently, the FDA isolated Salmonella from sociated with reconstituted orange juice, three have been the re-
eight (5.3%) and Shigella from three (2.0%) of 151 cantaloupe sult of contamination by an infected handler preparing the juice
samples collected from nine countries exporting to the United (Table 9). In another outbreak the water source used to reconsti-
States (FDA 2001). These results suggest that melons may be natu- tute the juice was thought to be a factor.
rally contaminated with Salmonella.
Outbreaks of salmonellosis have been associated with the con- 3.3. Pathogens of concern—Bacteria
sumption of cut cantaloupe and watermelon (Table 9). At least 3.3.1. Aeromonas species. Aeromonas species were first recog-
two of these outbreaks have been relatively large and have in- nized as pathogens of cold-blooded animals. The ability of Aero-
volved multiple states and/or provinces. For most outbreaks, it has monas hydrophila and Aeromonas sobria to cause human infec-
been assumed that Salmonella was present on the rind, presum- tion has not been fully confirmed, however, their potential as in-
ably contaminated in the field or during washing in a packing- fectious agents exists (Wadstrom and Ljungh 1991). The presence
house, and that the edible surface became contaminated during of Aeromonas in drinking water, fresh and saline waters, brackish
final preparation. Improper storage temperature combined with water and sewage has been demonstrated on a global scale. Cyto-
the favorable conditions for growth on the surface of cut melons toxic strains have been isolated from a wide range of seafoods,
were factors that likely contributed to the outbreak (Table 10). meats and poultry as well as from seed sprouts, lettuce or salad
Some outbreaks associated with melons have resulted from con- greens, mixed raw vegetables, parsley, and carrots (Table I4, I5,
tamination during final preparation either through an infected I7); however, outbreaks associated with this organism have not
food handler (with, for example, Norwalk virus) or cross-contami- been reported. The pathogen can grow rapidly on raw vegetables
nation from raw beef to the melon (with, for example, E. coli and seed sprouts at refrigeration temperature (Tables G/S4 and G/
O157:H7) via knives, cutting boards, or hands. S7). Controlled or modified atmosphere storage does not signifi-
Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella, can survive and cantly affect the growth of A. hydrophila.
grow readily on improperly stored (nonrefrigerated) cut melons 3.3.2. Campylobacter species. Campylobacter jejuni and
(Table G/S1). When initial populations were between 2.0 and 3.0 Campylobacter coli are a leading cause of bacterial enteritis.
log CFU/g, final levels reached 7.0 or 8.0 log CFU/g after 24 hours Campylobacter has been isolated from a variety of produce items
at 23 °C (73.4 °F). At 5 °C (41 °F), both Salmonella and E. coli sampled from farmer’s markets in Canada and from mushrooms
O157:H7 populations did not increase. sampled from retail markets in the United States (Tables I4 and I6).
Cut melons are subject to time/temperature requirements of the While consumption of contaminated food of animal origin, partic-
U.S. FDA model food code criteria for potentially hazardous food. ularly poultry, is largely responsible for infection, Campylobacter
Recommendations made by the FDA to retail establishments that enteritis has also been associated with lettuce or salads (Table 9).
prepare or sell fresh cantaloupe are that melons should be Cross-contamination during food preparation was thought to be
washed before cutting, clean, sanitized utensils and surfaces possible or probable, in one case with raw chicken juices (Table
should be used when preparing cut melons, cut melons should 9). Cross-contamination of fresh produce with Campylobacter
be kept at or below 7 °C (44.6 °F), and they should be displayed from poultry and other meats is a distinct possibility in delicates-
for no longer than 4 hours if they are not refrigerated (Golden and sen and other foodservice operations. Therefore, the linkage of C.
others 1993). enteritis to uncooked produce should not be viewed as improba-
3.2.4. Unpasteurized juices. Approximately 2% of all juices ble; control should focus on reducing cross-contamination dur-
sold in the United States are unpasteurized. Parish (1997) pro- ing food storage and preparation. Studies reported by Castillo and
vides an excellent review of the safety of unpasteurized fruit juic- Escartin (1994) indicate that C. jejuni can survive on sliced water-
es. Unpasteurized juices are made from fruits and vegetables that melon and papaya for sufficient time to be a risk to the consumer
are ground and/or pressed or squeezed to extract the juice. Un- (Tables G/S1 and G/S2).
pasteurized juices are included here because they have not been 3.3.3. Escherichia coli. Enterotoxigenic E. coli is a common
thermally processed and an evaluation of outbreaks associated cause of travelers’ diarrhea, an illness sometimes experienced
with these products might contribute to an understanding of risk when visiting developing countries. Raw vegetables are thought to
factors for contamination of the raw fruits. be a common cause of travelers’ diarrhea. A prospective study of
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

73 physicians and 48 family members attending a conference in to fresh produce have been limited. Ho and others (1986), (Table
Mexico City in 1974 revealed that enterotoxigenic E. coli was the 10). reported an outbreak of L. monocytogenes infection that in-
most common cause of illness (Merson and others 1976). Fifty- volved 23 patients from eight Boston hospitals in 1979. Three
nine participants became ill from eating salads containing raw foods (tuna fish, chicken salad and cheese) were preferred by
vegetables. case patients more frequently than by control patients. However,
Outbreaks of illness determined to be caused by enterotoxigen- the only common foods served with these foods were raw celery,
ic E. coli in persons who had not traveled outside the United tomatoes, and lettuce. It was concluded that consumption of
States are not uncommon. In one outbreak, 47 airline passengers these vegetables may have caused the listeriosis outbreak. No at-
suffered from illness strongly associated with eating garden salad tempt was made to isolate L. monocytogenes from vegetables at
made from iceberg and romaine lettuce, endive, and shredded the time of the outbreak.
carrots (see Beuchat 1996b). In another outbreak, 78 lodge guests An outbreak of human infection due to L. monocytogenes oc-
became ill after consuming tossed salad as part of a buffet dinner. curred in 1981 in the Maritime provinces (Prince Edward Island,
The salad contained several ingredients, including onions, car- Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) in Canada (Table O8). A case-
rots, zucchini, peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, and tomatoes (see control survey revealed that cases were more likely than controls
Beuchat 1996b). to have consumed coleslaw during the three months before onset
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 is recognized as an impor- of illness. Ingestion of radishes was associated with coleslaw con-
tant foodborne pathogen. The infectious dose is very low and se- sumption but not with illness. Coleslaw obtained from the refriger-
quelae to gastroenteritis can include bloody diarrhea (hemorrhag- ator of a patient was positive for L. monocytogenes serotype 4b,
ic colitis) and hemolytic uremic syndrome. The latter is most com- which was the epidemic strain and the strain isolated from the pa-
mon in young children (⬍5 years) and in the elderly. There have tient’s blood. The coleslaw was commercially prepared with cab-
been very few surveys for the presence of the organism in raw bage and carrots obtained from wholesalers and local farmers.
produce. Surveys of lettuce or salad mixes in the United Kingdom Two unopened packages of coleslaw purchased from two differ-
and United States did not isolate the organism and, although orig- ent Halifax, Nova Scotia supermarkets yielded L. monocytogenes
inally included in an FDA imported produce study, it was later de- serotype 4b. Both packages of coleslaw were produced by the
leted because positive samples had not been identified (FDA same processor. An investigation of the sources of cabbage re-
2001). However, a single survey in Mexico revealed very high iso- vealed one farmer who, in addition to raising cabbage, main-
lation rates (19%) for this organism in mixed vegetables, cilantro, tained a flock of sheep. Two of his sheep had died of listeriosis in
coriander, and celery (Table I5). This single study was published 1979 and 1981. The farmer used composted and fresh sheep ma-
as an abstract in 1995 and, to our knowledge, has not been pub- nure in fields in which cabbage were grown. From the last harvest
lished as a peer reviewed manuscript. Therefore, we were unable in October through the winter and early spring, cabbage was kept
to review their methodology. in a cold-storage shed. A shipment of cabbage from that shed dur-
Since cattle appear to be a primary reservoir, the vast majority of ing the period of the outbreak was traced to the implicated cole-
outbreaks of illness associated with E. coli O157:H7 have been slaw processor. This information strongly suggests that the vehicle
associated with consuming undercooked beef and dairy prod- of the 1981 Canadian outbreak of listeriosis was coleslaw.
ucts. However, outbreaks have also been linked to lettuce (Table Listeria monocytogenes can grow on fresh produce stored at
10). unpasteurized apple cider (Table 10). cantaloupe (Table 10). refrigerated temperature. Growth on fresh-cut fruit as well as as-
and sprouts (Table 9). In outbreaks associated with cantaloupe paragus, broccoli, butternut squash, coleslaw and cauliflower, ru-
and in some cases lettuce, contamination, particularly with raw tabaga stored at 4 °C (39.2 °F) (Table G/S4), lettuce at 5 °C (41 °F)
beef juices, occurred during final preparation (Table 9). (Table G/S5) and chicory endive at 6.5 °C (43.7 °F) (Table G/S4)
Escherichia coli O157:H7 grows rapidly in several types of raw has been reported. Controlled atmosphere storage does not ap-
fruits and vegetables, particularly when stored at 12 °C (53.6 °F) pear to influence growth rates. Carrot juice appears to be inhibito-
or above (Tables G/S1, G/S2, G/S4, G/S5, G/S7). Packaging under ry towards this organism (Beuchat and Brackett 1990a; Nguyen-
modified atmosphere has little or no effect on the survival or the and Lund 1991, 1992; Beuchat and others 1994; Beuchat
growth of E. coli O157:H7. In addition, the infection dose of E. and Doyle 1995). The antimicrobial properties are attributed to
coli O157:H7 is low and can develop acid-resistance. phytoalexins naturally present in carrots. The addition of carrot
3.3.4. Listeria monocytogenes. While L. monocytogenes caus- juice as a natural antimicrobial in other food products has been
es relatively mild gastroenteritis in healthy adults, the illness can relatively unsuccessful (Beuchat and Doyle 1995).
be severe in susceptible individuals including pregnant women, 3.3.5. Salmonella. The genus Salmonella has over 2700 sero-
neonates, and immune compromised individuals. The infective types. Animals and birds are the natural reservoirs. Surveys of
dose for this organism has not been clearly established, although fresh produce have revealed the presence of several Salmonella
it is thought to be relatively low among susceptible individuals. serotypes capable of causing human infection (Table I1-I7).
Listeria monocytogenes is widely distributed on raw fruits and Poultry and other meat products, eggs and dairy products, are
vegetables (Tables I2 and I4) and on plant material (Beuchat the most commonly implicated sources in salmonellosis outbreaks.
1996b). However several studies with relatively large sample sizes Fresh fruits and vegetables are implicated less frequently, although
failed to detect the organism (Table I4). Factors affecting its pres- outbreaks have been documented most notably in cantaloupe and
ence or persistence have yet to be determined. Plants and plant sprouts. Several additional large outbreaks of salmonellosis have
parts used as salad vegetables play a role in disseminating the been attributed to fresh produce. Among them are three multi-state
pathogen from natural habitats to the human food supply. This outbreaks traced to the consumption of raw tomatoes; one in-
role may be indirect, for example by contaminating milk via for- volved Salmonella Javiana in 1992, another involved Salmonella
age or silage, or direct in the form of raw contaminated produce. Montevideo in 1993, and a third in 2000 involved Salmonella Bail-
In 1967, Blenden and Szatalowicz (1967) reported that 731 cases don (Table O8). Subsequent laboratory studies revealed that the
of human listeriosis had been documented between 1933 and pathogen can grow in damaged, chopped, or sliced tomatoes (pH
1966 in the United States. They stated that produce such as let- 4.1 – 4.5) stored at 20 to 30 °C (68 to 86 °F ) (Table G/S3).
tuce or other fresh vegetables contaminated with L. monocytoge- 3.3.6. Shigella species. The genus Shigella is composed of four
nes may have been responsible for some of these cases. However, species, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei, and
documented outbreaks associated with this organism and linked Shigella flexneri. All species are pathogenic to humans at a low
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
dose of infection. Shigellosis is usually transmitted from person- or cucumbers. Yersinia enterocolitica was the only species isolated
to-person but may also occur by consumption of contaminated from grated carrots, whereas Yersinia intermedia and Yersinia kris-
water and foods, including foods such as fruits or vegetables that tensenii were mainly isolated from lettuce. Cross-contamination be-
have received little or no heat treatment. Several large outbreaks tween vegetables was observed in some cases. No pathogenic
of shigellosis have been attributed to the consumption of contam- strains were isolated from raw vegetables analyzed in this study. The
inated raw vegetables. A lettuce processing facility was the com- pathogen can grow at refrigeration temperatures commonly used
mon source of product responsible for outbreaks caused by S. during transport and storage of fresh produce.
sonnei that occurred simultaneously on two university campuses
in Texas (Table 9). Ill students on both campuses had eaten salads 3.4. Spore-forming pathogenic bacteria
from self-serve salad bars. Lettuce was the only produce item Contamination of vegetables and fruits with spores of pathogenic
used in salads consumed by all students who became ill. bacteria such as B. cereus, C. botulinum, or C. perfringens present
In another outbreak of S. sonnei gastroenteritis was associated in soil is common (Tables I2, I4, I5, and I7). However, only when
with eating shredded lettuce (Table 9). All implicated restaurants produce is handled in a manner that enables germination of spores
received shredded lettuce from the same produce facility. An in- and growth of vegetative cells is there a threat to public health from
vestigation suggested that a worker in the plant was the source of these spore-forming bacteria. Of particular concern are vegetables
contamination and that the method of processing allowed con- packaged under modified atmosphere (see Chapter IV).
tamination of the lettuce. Botulism has been linked more to consumption of cooked vege-
Two Midwestern United States outbreaks of S. flexneri infection tables than to fresh produce. The organism requires relatively high
have been linked to the consumption of fresh green onions (see water activity, a pH of greater than 4.6, relatively warm tempera-
Beuchat, 1996b). The onions were traced to shippers in California tures, and anaerobic conditions to grow and produce toxin.
who obtained most of their green onions from a single farm in Growth and toxin production often lag behind spoilage in fresh
Mexico. It was concluded that contamination may have occurred vegetables. Of greatest concern are those products that will support
in Mexico at harvest or during packing. growth and toxin production prior to visible signs of spoilage.
Shigella sonnei can survive on lettuce at 5 °C (41 °F ) for 3 days Outbreaks implicating cabbage and garlic in oil have been doc-
without decreasing in number, and increased by more than 1000- umented (Table O8 to 10). The garlic was likely dried and rehy-
fold at 22 °C (71.6 °F) (Table G/S5). Shigella can grow in shredded drated prior to mixing with oil, but subsequent studies have
cabbage and chopped parsley stored at 24 °C (75.2 °F) (Table G/ shown that the organism will grow in fresh garlic. Botulism has
S4). Populations of S. sonnei, S. flexneri, and S. dysenteriae inocu- been linked to eating coleslaw prepared from packaged, shred-
lated onto the surface of freshly cut cubes of papaya, jicama, and ded cabbage mixed with coleslaw dressing (Solomon and others
watermelon increased substantially within 4 to 6 hours at 22 – 1990). Since the pH of the dressing was 3.5, C. botulinum had ap-
27 °C (71.6 – 80.6 °F) (Table G/S2, G/S4, and G/S1). The pH val- parently grown in the shredded cabbage that was suspected to
ues of the three fruits were 5.69, 5.97 and 6.81, respectively. have been packed in a modified atmosphere. A survey subse-
3.3.7. Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus has quently revealed that 12 of 88 cabbages obtained from supermar-
been detected on fresh produce and ready-to-eat vegetable salads kets contained C. botulinum spores, and that botulinum toxin can
(Table I2 and I6), and is known to be carried by food handlers. be formed in shredded cabbage when the cabbage is packaged
However, enterotoxigenic S. aureus does not compete well with under an atmosphere containing reduced oxygen and stored at
other microorganisms normally present on fresh produce, so in- 22 to 25 °C (71.7 – 77 °F) for 4 to 6 days. The appearance and
cipient spoilage caused by nonpathogenic microbiota would like- color of the stored cabbage was acceptable when toxin was
ly precede the development of high populations of this pathogen. present. Other vegetables that appear to support growth and toxin
An outbreak of staphylococcal foodborne illness was linked to production of C. botulinum before spoilage is detected are cubed
canned mushrooms. Growth and toxin production occurred prior butternut squash and sliced onions (Table G/S4).
to processing the mushrooms, without significant visual degrada- The high rate of respiration of mushrooms can create an anaer-
tion, possibly because the mushrooms were held under ambient obic environment within film-wrapped packages, thus favoring
conditions in plastic bags and with salt. Conditions within the botulinal toxin production. Botulinal toxin was produced in poly-
bags rapidly became anaerobic and the normal spoilage micro- vinyl chloride film-packaged mushrooms held at 20 °C (68 °F) for
biota may have been inhibited and S. aureus selected. Because 3 to 4 days, and the toxic mushrooms appeared to be edible (Sug-
the toxin is heat stable, it survived the thermal process. This sug- iyama and Yang 1975). Although placing holes in film reduces the
gests that raw produce-associated outbreaks due to S. aureus shelf life of mushrooms, this practice is encouraged so as to prevent
could potentially occur given the right conditions. S. aureus has C. botulinum growth. Proteolytic strains of C. botulinum grew and
been shown to grow on peeled Hamlin oranges (Table G/S2) produced toxin in vacuum-packaged Enoki mushrooms held at 15
stored at 24 °C (75.2 °F) or survived up to 14 days when stored at to 27 °C (59 to 80.6 °F), but the mushrooms were visibly spoiled at
4 to 8 °C (39.2 to 46.4 °F). the time toxin was detected (Malizio and Johnson 1991).
3.3.8. Yersinia enterocolitica. Although animals, particularly Bacillus cereus has been associated with one outbreak related
swine, are the predominant natural reservoir for Y. enterocolitica, to the consumption of mixed seed sprouts (Table 9). The organism
the pathogen has also been isolated from several raw vegetables. was subsequently shown to be present at relatively high levels in
Yersinia enterocolitica infection has been associated with the con- a variety of seeds sold for sprouting (Table I2). Clostridium perfrin-
sumption of mung bean sprouts contaminated with well-water con- gens was associated with one outbreak epidemiologically linked
taining the organism (Table 9). Catteau and others (1985) analyzed to the consumption of salad. Illness caused by this organism is
58 samples of grated carrots obtained from eating establishments in usually associated with gravies and meat dishes. Large numbers
France and found that 27% were contaminated with Yersinia. Sev- of the organism are required to cause illness and anaerobic con-
en percent of the samples contained Y. enterocolitica serotypes that ditions and a nutrient-rich environment are essential for growth of
may be pathogenic to humans. Darbas and others (1985) exam- the organism. It is not clear how salad (presumably lettuce salad)
ined prepared raw vegetables destined for school meals that had would provide these conditions.
been held for up to 5 days in cold storage. Fifty percent of 30 sam-
ples of raw vegetables analyzed contained Yersinia species. The in- 3.5. Pathogens of greatest concern—Viruses
cidence was higher in root and leafy vegetables than for tomatoes Outbreaks caused by hepatitis A virus, calicivirus, and Nor-
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

walk-like viruses have been associated with the consumption of outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have occurred (Table O-5, O-8).
produce (Table 9). 9). 9). O8). These outbreaks have been associ- 3.6.2. Cyclospora cayetanensis. Cyclospora cayetanensis is a
ated with frozen raspberries or frozen strawberries, lettuce, mel- unicellular parasite previously known as cyanobacterium-like or
ons, salads, watercress, diced tomatoes, and fresh-cut fruit. A coccidia-like body (CLB). The first known human cases of illness
number of these outbreaks were the result of contamination via caused by Cyclospora infection (for example, cyclosporiasis) were
an infected food handler during final preparation (Table 9). Hepa- reported in the medical literature in 1979. Cases have been re-
titis A and Norwalk-like viruses are the most commonly docu- ported with increased frequency from various countries since the
mented viral food contaminants. Viruses can be excreted in large mid 1980s, in part because of the availability of better techniques
numbers by infected individuals and have been isolated from for detecting the parasite in stool specimens.
sewage and untreated wastewater used for crop irrigation. Al- Infected persons excrete the oocyst stage of Cyclospora in their
though viruses cannot grow in or on foods, their presence on feces. When excreted, oocysts are not infectious and may require
fresh produce, which may serve as vehicles for infection, is of days to weeks to become infectious (for example, to sporulate).
concern. Of 14 reports of viral gastroenteritis outbreaks cited by Therefore, transmission of Cyclospora directly from an infected
Hedberg and Osterholm (1993), a food handler who was ill be- person to someone else is unlikely. However, indirect transmis-
fore or while handling the implicated food was identified as the sion can occur if an infected person contaminates the environ-
source of infection in eight outbreaks. Salads were the implicated ment and oocysts have sufficient time, under appropriate condi-
vehicle in five outbreaks (36%), and cold food items or ice were tions, to become infectious. For example, Cyclospora may be
implicated in all but one outbreak. transmitted by ingestion of water or food contaminated with oo-
The survival of viruses on vegetables has been studied. Several cysts. Outbreaks linked to contaminated water, as well as out-
enteroviruses (poliomyelitis, enteroviruses, hepatitis A, rotavirus, breaks linked to various types of fresh produce, have been report-
and Coxsackie viruses) can survive in a variety of raw vegetables ed in recent years. Raspberries and possibly blackberries import-
for periods exceeding the normal shelf life of salad vegetables (Ta- ed from Guatemala have been implicated in at least five out-
ble G/S8). Survival appears to be dependent upon the pH, mois- breaks, two involving numerous states and Canadian provinces
ture content, and temperature. These observations indicate that (Table 9). The route of contamination was not conclusively deter-
salad vegetables can serve as vehicles for the transmission of viral mined, but was suspected to be related to contaminated water
pathogens to humans. used for irrigation or pesticide application. Berries imported in the
spring but not in the fall were associated with illnesses suggesting
3.6. Pathogens of greatest concern—Protozoan parasites a seasonality to the illness. In addition, fresh basil and products
Reliable and sensitive detection methods for parasites in raw made from the basil were implicated in an outbreak in 1997 (Ta-
produce are lacking and therefore, incidence studies are not ble O8). The source of contamination for this outbreak was not
available with the exception of one Costa Rican survey. In Costa determined. How common the various modes of transmission
Rica, Monge and Chinchilla (1996) surveyed a total of 640 sam- and sources of infection are is not yet known, nor is it known
ples from eight different vegetables for the presence of Cryptospo- whether animals can be infected and serve as sources of infection
ridium oocysts, fecal coliforms, and generic E. coli. Escherichia for humans. The incubation period between acquisition of infec-
coli was found at populations of 101 (tomato) to 105/106 MPN/g tion and onset of symptoms averages 1 week. Cyclospora infects
(cilantro leaves/cilantro roots). Cryptosporidium oocysts were the small intestine and typically causes watery diarrhea, with fre-
found in at least one of 80 samples of each vegetable except cab- quent, sometimes explosive, stools. Other symptoms can include
bage. Highest isolation rates were seen for cilantro leaves (5 of 80 loss of appetite, substantial loss of weight, bloating, increased fla-
samples positive) and cilantro roots (7 of 80 samples positive). tus, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, low-grade
Highest contamination rates were observed in the rainy season fever, and fatigue. If untreated, illness may last for a few days to a
and the probable contamination route was thought to be the use month or longer, and may follow a remitting-relapsing course.
of contaminated irrigation water. No correlation was observed be- Some infected persons are asymptomatic.
tween the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts and populations 3.6.3. Giardia lamblia. Organisms that appear identical to those
of fecal coliforms or generic E. coli. that cause human illness have been isolated from domestic ani-
3.6.1. Cryptosporidium parvum. Cryptosporidium parvum is mals (dogs and cats) and wild animals (beavers and bears). A re-
an obligate intracellular parasite. It is currently thought that the lated but morphologically distinct organism infects rodents, al-
form infecting humans is the same species that causes disease in though rodents may be infected with human isolates in the labo-
young calves. The forms that infect avian hosts and those that in- ratory. Human giardiasis may involve diarrhea within 1 week of
fect mice are not thought capable of infecting humans. ingestion of the cyst, which is the environmental survival form
Cryptosporidium sp. infects many herd animals (cows, goats, and and infective stage of the organism. Normally, illness lasts for 1 to
sheep among domesticated animals, and deer and elk among 2 weeks, but there are cases of chronic infections lasting months
wild animals). The infective stage of the organism is the oocyst. to years. Chronic cases, both those with defined immune defi-
The sporocysts are resistant to most chemical disinfectants, but ciencies and those without, are difficult to treat. Different individu-
are susceptible to drying and the ultraviolet portion of sunlight. als show various degrees of symptoms when infected with the
Intestinal cryptosporidiosis is characterized by severe watery di- same strain, and the symptoms of an individual may vary during
arrhea that is particularly severe in immune compromised individ- the course of the disease.
uals. Healthy adults may be asymptomatic. The infectious dose is Ingestion of one or more cysts may cause disease. Giardiasis is
less than 10 organisms and, presumably, one organism can ini- most frequently associated with the consumption of contaminated
tiate an infection. Oocysts are shed in the infected individual’s fe- water. Cool, moist conditions favor the survival of the organism.
ces. Cryptosporidium sp. could occur, theoretically, on any food Produce-related outbreaks have been linked to lettuce, tomatoes,
touched by a contaminated food handler. The incidence is higher and onions (Table 9). O8).
in child day care centers that serve food. Fertilizing salad vegeta-
bles with manure is another possible source of human infection.
Large outbreaks have been associated with contaminated water 4. Conclusions
supplies suggesting that contaminated irrigation water could be • Numerous microorganisms, most of them from enteric envi-
another route of contamination. Produce- and juice-associated ronments (for example, Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, C. jeju-
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
ni) but also from other sources (for example, C. botulinum and L. ratory test methods, and data analysis) and including testing of
monocytogenes) have been isolated from a variety of fresh fruits control samples. Negative results should also be reported.
and vegetables. • Increase surveillance and investigation of fresh produce relat-
• Although isolation rates can be high, they are not consistent. ed outbreaks.
The percentage of samples contaminated ranges from 0 to 50%, • Investigate the relative fitness of human pathogens and com-
depending upon the product and target pathogen. Because of dif- mon epiphytes (microbes that grow and persist on plant surfaces)
ferences in their production systems, surface morphology, or oth- and the interaction between bacterial pathogens and indigenous
er factors, produce items, such as lettuce, berries, seed sprouts, microorganisms.
melons, seem to provide conditions for pathogen survival and/or • Determine the effects of various environmental factors (for ex-
growth. ample, ultraviolet irradiation) on the survival and growth of patho-
• The number of foodborne illness outbreaks linked to fresh gens of concern.
produce and reported to the United States Centers for Disease • Investigate the factors affecting produce infiltration of microor-
Control and Prevention (CDC) has increased in the last years. ganisms and assess the risk of foodborne disease due to infiltra-
Some of this increase is due to improved surveillance, but other tion of pathogen inside produce.
factors may also come into play, such as increase in consump-
tion, change in consumers’ habits, and complex distribution sys-
tems. References
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gens in minimally processed lettuce. Lett Appl Microbiol 30(6):456-60. sota Dept Health 124:120-6.
Tabershaw IR, Schmelzer LL, Bruyn HB. 1967. Gastroenteritis from an orange juice WHO. 1996a. Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection. Weekly Epidemiol
preparation. Arch Environ Health 15:72-7. Rec 30:229-30.
Tamblyn S, deGrosbois J, Taylor D, Stratton J. 1999. An outbreak of Escherichia coli WHO. 1996b. Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection. Weekly Epidemiol
0157:H7 infection associated with unpasteurized non-commercial, custom- Rec 35:267-8.
pressed apple cider—Ontario, 1998. Can Commun Dis Rep 25:113-7. Wong H-C, Chao W-L, Lee S-J. 1990. Incidence and characterization of Listeria
Tamminga SK, Beumer RR, Kampelmacher EH. 1978. The hygenic quality of vegeta- monocytogenes in foods available in Taiwan. Appl Environ Microbiol
bles grown in or imported into the Netherlands: a tentative study. J Hyg Camb 56(10):3101-4.
80:143-54. Wu FM, Doyle MP, Beuchat LR, Wells JG, Mintz ED, Swaminathan B. 2000. Fate of
Taormina PJ, Beuchat LR. 1999a. Behavior of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Shigella sonnei on parsley and methods of disinfection. J Food Prot 63(5):568-72.
O157:H7 on alfalfa sprouts during the sprouting process as influenced by treat- Zhao T, Doyle MP, Besser RE. 1993. Fate of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
ments with various chemicals. J Food Prot 62(8):850-6. O157:H7 in apple cider with and without preservatives. Appl Environ Microbiol
Taormina PJ, Beuchat LR. 1999b. Comparison of chemical treatments to eliminate 59(8):2526-30.
enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds. J Food Prot Zhuang R-Y, Beuchat LR, Angulo FJ. 1995. Fate of Salmonella montevideo on and in
62(4):318-24. raw tomatoes as affected by temperature and treatment with chlorine. Appl En-
Taormina PJ, Beuchat LM, Slutsker LM. 1999. Infections associated with eating seed viron Microbiol 61(6):2127-31.
sprouts: an international concern. Emerg Infect Dis 62: 626-34.
Tauxe R, Kruse H, Hedberg C, Potter M, Madden J, Wachsmuth K. 1997. Microbial


Table G/S-1—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw melons

Initial Final
Melon Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Campylobacter Watermelon, 3.0 Spot inoculation, 24 cm2 cubes with 0.05 ml 25-29 2.9 6h 2 CFU/cube pH 4.8 after 6 h. Castillo and
jejuni cubes cells suspended of lemon juice added per Escartin 1994
in saline. 0.02 ml cube. Stored in covered
inoculated per cube. sterile stainless-steel trays.

C. jejuni Watermelon, 5.5 Spot inoculation, 24 cm2 cubes without 25-29 2.7 6h 2.1 CFU/cube pH 5.5 after 6 h. Castillo and
cubes cells suspended lemon juice. Stored in Escartin 1994
in saline. 0.02 ml covered sterile
inoculated per cube. stainless-steel trays.

C. jejuni Watermelon, 5.5 Spot inoculation, 24 cm2 cubes without 25-29 2.4 6h 1.6 CFU/cube pH 5.5 after 6 h. Castillo and
cubes cells suspended lemon juice. Stored in Escartin 1994
in saline. 0.02 ml sterile stainless-steel
inoculated per cube. trays with cover.

Escherichia coli Cantaloupe, NRa Spot inoculation, Melons were held in covered 25 ~5.2 21 d ~7.1 CFU/cm2 — Del Rosario
O157:H7 rind surface cells diluted in covered plastic boxes 5 ~5.2 8d <1.0 CFU/cm2 and Beuchat
(4 strains) 0.1% peptone. with 93 + 5% 1995
relative humidity.
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

E. coli O157:H7 Cantaloupe, 7.01 Cell suspension Cubes placed in 25 3.0 34 h ~7.0 CFU/g — Del Rosario
(4 strains) cubes diluted in 0.1% sealed stomacher 5 ~3.1 34 h ~3.1 CFU/g and Beuchat
peptone and bags and incubated. 1995
added to sample.

E. coli O157:H7 Watermelon, 5.56 Cell suspension Cubes placed in 25 3.0 34 h ~8.7 CFU/g — Del Rosario
(4 strains) cubes diluted in 0.1% sealed stomacher 5 3.0 34 h ~3.0 CFU/g and Beuchat
peptone and bags and incubated. 1995
added to sample.

E. coli O157:H7 Watermelon, — Spot inoculation, Melons were held in 25 ~5.2 14 d ~6.4 CFU/cm2 — Del Rosario
(4 strains) rind surface cells diluted in covered plastic boxes 5 ~5.2 14 d <1.0 CFU/cm2 and Beuchat
0.1% peptone. with 93 + 5% 1995
relative humidity. relative humidity.

Salmonella Cantaloupe, 6.67 Cell suspension Cubes placed in open 23 2.0 24 h ~7.2 CFU/g — Golden and
(5 serotypes) cubes diluted in Butterfield’s stomacher bags and 5 2.0 24 h ~1.6 CFU/g others 1993
phosphate buffer,a incubated aerobically.


added to sample.

Salmonella Honeydew, 5.95 Cell suspension Cubes placed in open 23 2.0 24 h ~8.0 CFU/g — Golden and
(5 serotypes) cubes diluted in Butterfield’s stomacher bags and 5 2.0 24 h ~1.8 CFU/g others 1993
phosphate buffer, incubated aerobically.
added to sample.

Salmonella Watermelon, 5.90 Cell suspension Cubes placed in open 23 2.0 24 h 8.6 CFU/g — Golden and
(5 serotypes) cubes diluted in Butterfield’s stomacher bags and 5 2.0 24 h ~1.9 CFU/g others 1993
phosphate buffer, incubated aerobically.
added to sample.
Table G/S-1—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw melons (continued form previous page)
Initial Final
Melon Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Shigella flexneri Watermelon, NR Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, 22-26 2.8 6h 4.5 CFU/cm2 — Fernandez
cubes cells suspended inoculated and stored Escartin and
in saline. 1 drop in sterile covered others 1989
(Pasteur pipette) glass trays.
inoculated per cube.

S. sonnei Watermelon, NR 30 ml of inoculum 30 ml of inoculum was 30 2.0 2d ~9.0 CFU/g Inoculated with Fredlund and
whole was injected into injected and incubated. 22 2.0 4d ~9.0 CFU/g > 102 CFU/g. others 1987
the whole Melon rotten
watermelon through within 1-2 days
the stem scar. at 30 °C and 2-3
days at 22 °C.
aNot reported
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce


Table G/S-2—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw fruit other than melons

Initial Final
Friuit Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Campylobacter Papaya, 3.0 Spot inoculation, 24 cm 2 cubes with 0.05 ml 25-29 3.3 6h <1.0 CFU/cube pH 3.6 after 6 h. Castillo and
jejuni cubes cells suspended in of lemon juice added. Escartin 1994
saline. 0.02 ml Stored in sterile stainless-
inoculated per cube. steel trays with cover.

C. jejuni Papaya, 5.0 Spot inoculation, 24 cm2 cubes without 25-29 2.8 6h 1.7 CFU/cube pH 5.0 after 6 h. Castillo and
cubes cells suspended in lemon juice. Stored in Escartin 1994
saline. 0.02 ml sterile stainless-steel
inoculated per cube. trays with cover.

Escherichia coli Apple NRa Spot inoculation, Apples were wounded (one 24 2.0 48 h ~5.5 CFU — Janisiewicz
O157:H7 (Golden 25 ␮l inoculated wound per fruit) aseptically 4.0 48 h ~6.0 per wound and others
Delicious, per wound. Inoculum by removing a cyclinder of 6.0 48 h ~6.5 1999
fresh cut suspended in tissue 3 mm in diameter by
tissue) 0.85% saline. 3 mm deep. Stored in plastic
boxes on fruit pack trays.

E. coli O157:H7 Apples 4.10 Cell suspension in Ground apples were stored 4 ~7.5 18 d ~6.8 CFU/ml Final pH 5.11. At Fisher and
(2 strains) (Red tryptone soy broth, in a plastic stomacher bag. 10 12 d ~5.8 CFU/ml 25 °C no growth Golden 1998
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

Delicious, inoculated into 25 5d ~8.5 CFU/ml within 24 h.

ground) sample.

E. coli O157:H7 Apple 3.84 Cell suspension in Ground apples were stored 4 ~7.5 18 d ~7.2 CFU/ml Final pH 4.95. At Fisher and
(2 strains) (Golden tryptone soy broth, in a plastic stomacher bag. 10 12 d ~6.8 CFU/ml 25 °C no growth Golden 1998
Delicious, inoculated into 25 5d ~8.2 CFU/ml within 24 h.
ground) sample.

E. coli O157:H7 Apples 3.70 Cell suspension in Ground apples were stored 4 ~7.5 18 d ~6.8 CFU/ml Final pH 3.91. At Fisher and
(2 strains) (Rome, tryptone soy broth, in a plastic stomacher bag. 10 12 d ~7.0 CFU/ml 25 °C no growth Golden 1998
ground) inoculated into 25 5d ~7.5 CFU/ml within 24 h. Slight
sample. growth at 48 h
followed by decline.

E. coli O157:H7 Apples 3.47 Cell suspension in Ground apples were stored 4 ~7.5 18 d ~7.0 CFU/ml Final pH 4.03. Fisher and
(2 strains) (Winesap, tryptone soy broth, in a plastic stomacher bag. 10 12 d ~7.0 CFU/ml Golden 1998
ground) inoculated into 25 5d ~7.0 CFU/ml


E. coli O157:H7 Apple 3.5-4.9 Infected with 0.1 ml Stored in plastic tub at 20-25 5.0-5.2 2d 4.8 - 8.3 CFU/apple Survival and Dingman
(5 cultivars, of saline suspension room temperature. growth depended 2000
whole) of cells, then holes on cultivars and
were sealed with days post harvest.
tape. Dropped fruit did
not differ from
tree-picked fruit in
promoting growth.

E. coli O157:H7 Orange 6.0-6.5 Spot inoculation, Inoculated fruit were 4 3.5 14 d ~3.2 CFU/g pH of surface Pao and
(2 strains) (Hamlin, 20 ␮l inoculated individually packed in 8 14 d ~2.5 CFU/g 6.0-6.5. Juice others 1998
peeled) and spread over 1/8 perforated plastic 24 1d ~7.5 CFU/g pH 3.8.
of total suface area. containers.
Inoculum suspended
in Butterfield’s
phosphate buffer.
Table G/S-2—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw fruit other than melons (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Fruit Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

Listeria Orange, 6.0-6.5 Spot inoculation, Inoculated fruit were 4 3.9 14 d ~4.0 CFU/g — Pao and
monocytogenes (Hamlin, 20 ␮l inoculated and individually packed in 8 14 d ~3.3 CFU/g others 1998
(2 strains) peeled) spread over 1/8 of perforated plastic 24 1d ~5.5 CFU/g
total suface area. containers.
Inoculum suspended
in Butterfield’s
phosphate buffer.

Staphylococcus Orange, 6.0-6.5 Spot inoculation, Inoculated fruit were 4 ~2.8 14 d ~2.0 CFU/g — Pao and
aureus (Hamlin, 20 ␮l inoculated and individually packed in 8 14 d ~2.0 CFU/g others 1998
(2 strains) peeled) spread over 1/8 of perforated plastic 24 1d ~3.5 CFU/g
total suface area. containers.
Inoculum suspended
in Butterfield’s
phosphate buffer.

Salmonella Apple 4.1 Dip inoculation, 30 s. NR 8 ~ 5.5 66 h ~ 5.3 CFU/disk Acidity did not Liao and
Chester (Golden Cells suspended in markedly affect Sapers 2000
Delicious, phosphate-buffered viability
disks) saline (pH 7.2).

S. Chester Apple 4.1 Dip inoculation, 30 s. NR 20 ~ 5.5 66 h ~ 10.4 CFU/disk Increased to ca. Liao and
(Golden Cells suspended in 10.2 log10 CFU/ Sapers
Delicious, phosphate-buffered disk within 18 h 2000
disks) saline (pH 7.2).

S. Typhi Papaya, 5.69 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, inoculated, 25-27 2.9 6h 4.3 CFU/cube — Fernandez
cubes cells suspended in and stored in covered Escartin and
saline. 1 drop glass trays. others 1989
(Pasteur pipette)
inoculated per cube.

S. Typhi Papaya, 3.59 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, 0.05 ml 25-27 3.0 6h 3.8 CFU/cube — Fernandez
cubes cells suspended in lemon juice added, Escartin and
saline. 1 drop inoculated, and stored others 1989
(Pasteur pipette) in covered glass trays.
inoculated per cube.

Salmonella Orange, 6.0-6.5 Spot inoculation, Inoculated fruit were 4 4.4 14 d ~3.5 CFU/g — Pao and
(2 serotypes) (Hamlin, 20 ␮l inoculated individually packed in 8 14 d ~2.5 CFU/g others 1998
peeled) and spread over 1/8 perforated plastic 24 1d ~7.6 CFU/g
of total suface area. containers.
Inoculum suspended
in Butterfield’s
phosphate buffer.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Shigella Papaya, 5.69 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, inoculated 25-27 2.0-2.4 6h 3.8-4.2 CFU/cube S. sonnei, Fernandez
(3 species) cubes cells suspended in and stored in covered S. flexneri, Escartin and
saline. 1 drop glass trays. S. dysenteriae others 1989
(Pasteur pipette)


inoculated per cube.
a Not reported

Table G/S-3—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw tomatoes

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Listeria Tomato 4.1 Cells suspended in Stored in sealed bags 10 4.5-4.8 10 days ~3.5 to 4.2 CFU/g Subjectively judged Beuchat
monocytogenes (chopped) 0.1 M phosphate with 3% O2 and 97% to be inedible after and
(2 strains) buffer, 10 mL mixed N2 or ambient air. 10 days due to Brackett
in 1000 g of tomatoes. Tomatoes either deterioration. 1991
unwashed or washed
in 210 to 280 ppm chlorine
prior to chopping.
L. monocytogenes Tomato
(2 strains) (chopped) 4.1 Cell suspension in Stored in sealed bags 21 5 8 days 1.0 to 3.5 CFU/g Survival slightly Beuchat
0.1 M phosphate with3% O2 and 97% N2 better in chlorine and
buffer, 10 mL mixed in or ambient air. Tomatoes treated samples. Brackett
1000 g of tomatoes. either unwashed or 1991
washed in 210 to 280 ppm
chlorine prior to chopping.
L. monocytogenes Tomato Nra Dip inoculation, Stored in sealed bags 10 3.5 to 3.7 20 days 3.5 to 5.0 CFU/g Significant growth Beuchat
(2 strains) (whole, noculum with 3% O2 and 97% N2 observed only for and
cherry) isuspended in 0.1 M or ambient air. Tomatoes Scott A inoculated Brackett
phosphate buffer. either not washed or onto chlorine treated 1991
washed in 210 to 280 ppm tomatoes stored in air.
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

chlorine. Little difference between

strains, tomato treatments,
or storage conditions.
L. monocytogenes Tomato NR Dip inoculation, Stored in sealed bags 21 3.4 to 3.6 2 to 8 days 4.8 to 5.5 CFU/g Significant growth Beuchat
(2 strains) (whole, inoculum with 3% O2 and 97% N2 observed only for and
cherry) suspended in 0.1 M or ambient air. Tomatoes Scott A inoculated Brackett
phosphate buffer. either not washed or onto chlorine treated 1991
washed in 210 to 280 ppm tomatoes stored in air.
chlorine. Little difference between
strains, tomato treatments,
or storage conditions.
Salmonella Tomato 4.50 to 4.52 Cells suspended in Tomatoes (450 g) were 4 0.4 12 days <1.0 CFU/g Not detected in 6 Weissinger
Baildon (diced) deionized water; 30 sealed in plastic bags. enriched 25-g samples and others
mL mixed with 2270 g Stored for up to 12 days. analyzed each day 2000
of tomatoes. (0, 2, 5, 8, 12 days).
S. Baildon Tomato 4.50 to 4.52 Cells suspended in Tomatoes (450 g) were 4 3.4 12 days 1.8 CFU/g Counts were reduced Weissinger
(diced) deionized water; 30 sealed in plastic bags. by 0.40, 0.67. and 0.75 and others
mL mixed with 2270 g Stored for up to 12 days. log10 CFU/g after 2, 5, 2000


of tomatoes. and 8 days, respectively.

S. Baildon Tomato
(diced) 4.39 to 4.41 Cell suspended in Tomatoes (100 g) were 21 0.79 72 hours 8.1 CFU/g Counts were 5.32 and Weissinger
deionized water; 20 mL sealed in plastic bags. 7.60 log10 CFU/g after 24 and others
mixed with 600 g of Stored for up to 72 hours. and 48 hours, respectively. 2000
S. Baildon Tomato
(diced) 4.39 to 4.41 Cells suspended in Tomatoes (100 g) were 30 0.79 72 hours 7.94 CFU/g Counts were 7.30 and Weissinger
deionized water; 20 mL sealed in plastic bags. 7.90 log10 CFU/g after 24 and others
mixed with 600 g of Stored for up to 72 hours. and 48 hours, respectively. 2000
(continued on next page)
Table G/S-3—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw tomatoes (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

S. Montevideo Tomato 4.31 to 4.52 Spot inoculation, Tomato sliced 25 3.4 12 hours ~7.5 CFU/slice — Wei and
(cut slices) inoculum suspended into quarters. 4.4 12 hours ~8.0 others
in distilled water. 25␮l 7.4 12 hours 1995
inoculated onto
each slice.
S. Montevideo Tomato 4.20 to 4.39 Spot inoculation, Tomatoes were 25 3.0 24 hours ~5.0 CFU per — Wei and
(fully ripe, noculum suspended punctured to a 4.0 ~4.8 wounded others
wounded) in distilled water. 25 ␮L depth of 2-mm and 7.0 ~7.1 area 1995
inoculated onto each 0.6-cm in diameter
wounded area. in eight separate areas.
S. Montevideo Tomato 4.33 to 4.52 Spot inoculation, Tomatoes were 25 3.0 24 hours ~4.8 CFU per — Wei and
(mature green, inoculum suspended punctured to a 4.0 ~5.5 wounded others
wounded) in distilled water. 25 ␮L depth of 1-mm and 7.0 ~7.0 area 1995
inoculated onto each 0.6-cm in diameter
wounded area. in eight separate areas.
S. Montevideo Tomato 4.1 Cell suspension in 1-cm cubes. 5 4.4 96 hours ~4.2 CFU/g Tomatoes inedible Zhuang
(ripe, 0.05 M potassium Stored in 20 22 hours ~6.0 CFU/g after 22 hours at 20 or and
chopped) phosphate buffer. 1ml stomacher bags 30 22 hours ~7.0 CFU/g 30 °C and after others
inoculated into 50 g 96 hours at 5 °C. 1995
S. Montevideo Tomato NR Spot inoculation, — 20 8.0 7 days 6.5 CFU/ — Wei and
(stem scar) inoculum suspended 25 8.0 7 days 5.8 stem others
in distilled water. 25 ␮L scar 1995
inoculated onto
stem scar.
S. Montevideo Tomato NR Spot inoculation, — 20 7.2 7 days 4.6 CFU/ — Wei and
(stem scar) inoculum suspended 25 7.2 7 days 6.3 stem others
in TSB. 25 mL inoculated scar 1995
onto stem scar.
S. Montevideo Tomato NR Dip inoculation, Stored individually 10 ~1.4 1 to 18 days ~ 2.2 CFU/cm2 Populations declined Zhuang
(whole, inoculum suspended in open plastic bags 20 7 days ~4.0 at 20 and 30 °C after and
mature in 0.1 M with relative humidity 30 2 days ~5.0 day 7. others
green) phosphate buffer. between 45 and 60%. 1995

S. Montevideo Tomato, NR Spot inoculation, cells Filter discs were dried 20 5.8 5 days <1 CFU/ — Wei and
skin suspended in distilled at room temperature for 25 5.8 3 days <1 area others
water. Sterile filter discs
2 hours and removed from inoculated 1995
submerged in inoculum tomatoes. Tomatoes
and placed on tomatoes. were stored at 83%
(20 °C) or 72% (25 °C)
relative humidity.
S. Montevideo Tomato, skin NR Spot inoculation, cells Filter discs were dried 20 5.5 7 days 2.6 CFU/ — Wei and
suspended in TSB. at room temperature 25 5.5 7 days 4.1 area others
Sterile filter discs for 2 hours and removed inoculated 1995
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

submerged in inoculum from tomatoes.

and placed on tomatoes. Tomatoes were stored
at 83% (20 °C) or 72%
(25 °C) relative humidity.

Salmonella Tomato 4.0 to 4.40 Cell suspension in Inoculated samples 22 1.1 24 hours 6.3 to 6.9 CFU/g Final pH 3.90 to 4.36. Asplund


(3 serotypes) (cut, small saline, 0.1 mL sealed in polyethylene 30 7.2 to 8.4 CFU/g S. Enteriditis, and Nurmi
pieces) inoculated into 20 g of plastic bags. S. Infantis, and 1991

sample. S. Typhimurium.
aNot reported
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Aeromonas Asparagus NRa Dip inoculation, Samples stored in 6% CO2, 15 4.5 4d ~8.0 CFU/g Asparagus first Berrang and
hydrophila 1 min. Cells 79% N2, and 15% O2 4 4.5 14 d ~7.5 CFU/g became others 1989a
(2 strains) suspended in in glass jars. unacceptable for
0.1M potassium consumption on
phosphate buffer. day 6 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

A. hydrophila Asparagus NR Dip inoculation, Samples stored in ambient 15 4.5 4d ~8.0 CFU/g Asparagus first Berrang and
(2 strains) 1 min. Cells air in glass jars. 4 4.5 21 d ~7.5 CFU/g became others 1989a
suspended in unacceptable for
0.1M potassium consumption on
phosphate buffer. day 4 (15 °C) or
day 15 (4 °C).

A. hydrophila Broccoli NR Dip inoculation, Samples stored in 10% CO2, 15 5.1 4d ~8.2 CFU/g Broccoli first Berrang and
(2 strains) 1 min. Cells 79% N2, and 11% O2 4 4.0 14 d ~6.0 CFU/g became others 1989a
suspended in in glass jars. unacceptable for
0.1M potassium consumption on
phosphate buffer. day 10 (15 °C) or
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

day 21 (4 °C).

A. hydrophila Broccoli NR Dip inoculation, Samples stored in ambient 15 5.1 4d ~8.2 CFU/g Broccoli first Berrang
(2 strains) 1 min. Cells air in glass jars. 4 4.0 14 d ~6.0 CFU/g became others 1989a
suspended in unacceptable for
0.1M potassium consumption on
phosphate buffer. day 6 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

A. hydrophila Cauliflower NR Dip inoculation, Samples stored in ambient 15 4.0 4d ~8.5 CFU/g Cauliflower first Berrang and
others 1989a
(2 strains) 1 min. Cells air in glass jars. 4 3.5 14 d ~5.9 CFU/g became
suspended in unacceptable for
0.1M potassium consumption on
phosphate buffer. day 6 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

A. hydrophila Cauliflower NR Dip inoculation, Samples stored in 3% CO2, 15 4.0 4d ~8.5 CFU/g Cauliflower first Berrang and


(2 strains) 1 min. Cells 79% N2, and 18% O2 4 3.5 14 d ~6.0 CFU/g became others 1989a
suspended in in glass jars. unacceptable for
0.1M potassium consumption on
phosphate buffer. day 8 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

A. hydrophila Endive NR Cell suspension Stored in moderate vacuum 6.5 3.2 3-7 d ~7.0 CFU/g — Aytac and
(1 strain) (chicory) added to samples. packaging containers Gorris1994
under moderate vacuum.

A. hydrophila Endive NR Cell suspension Stored in moderate vacuum 6.5 3.2 3d 6.5 CFU/g Populations Aytac and
(1 strain) (chicory) added to samples. packaging container declined to Log 1.0 Gorris1994
in ambient air. CFU/g by day 7.
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

A. hydrophila Vegetable 6.0 Cell suspension, Samples sealed and stored 4 3.0 9d ~3.5 CFU/g
Population at 15 °C Garcia-
salads injected through a in polypropylene plastic film. 15 3.0 24 h ~7.9 steadily declined Gimeno and
(mixed silicone septum. from 24 h to 6 d. others 1996
vegetable) Cells suspended in
brain heart
infusion broth.

Clostridium Broccoli 6.9 Spot inoculation, Samples loosely packaged 21 2.0 3d

NR spores/g6/6 samples Larson and
botulinum spores prepared in and stored in sealed toxic. Spoilage others 1997
(10 strains) broth, heat shocked, polyethylene bags. observed.
and diluted in
distilled water.

C. botulinum Broccoli 6.9 Spot inoculation, Samples loosely packaged 12 2.0 9d NR spores/g 3/6 samples Larson and
(10 strains) spores prepared in and stored in sealed toxic. Gross others 1997
broth, heat shocked, polyethylene bags. spoilage
and diluted in observed.
distilled water.

C. botulinum Broccoli 6.9 Spot inoculation, Samples loosely packaged 4 2.0 30 d NR spores/g 0/6 samples Larson and
(10 strains) spores prepared in and stored in sealed toxic. Gross others 1997
broth, heat shocked, polyethylene bags. spoilage
and diluted in observed.
distilled water.

C. botulinum Butternut NR Spore suspension 1-inch cubes, inoculated 10 3.0 7d NR spores/g Toxin detected at Austin and

nonproteolytic squash (2.5 ml) added to and sealed in a 5 3.0 21 d 7 d (10 °C) or 21 d others 1998
(8 strains) 500 g sample. polystyrene tray. (5 °C). No change
in appearance.
Final pH 6.4 (5 °C),
6.7 (10 °C).

C. botulinum Butternut NR Spore suspension 1-inch cubes, inoculated 15 2.0 14 d NR spores/g Toxin detected at Austin and
proteolytic squash (2.5 ml) added and sealed in 25 2.0 3d 14 d (15 °C) or others 1998
(10 strains) to 500 g sample. a polystyrene tray. 3 d (25 °C). 15 °C
samples dry and
moldy. Swelling of
packaged observed
in 25 °C samples.
Final pH 6.5
(15 °C), 6.2 (25 °C).

C. botulinum Cabbage NR Spore suspension Samples were sealed in 4.4 2.1 28 d 2.2MPN
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

No toxin detected Petran and


Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
(12 strains) (shredded) (1 ml), heat 3-qt pouches and stored 12.7 2.1 28 d 2.0 spores/g in samples stored others 1995
shocked, sprayed vented or not vented. 21 2.1 28 d NDb at 4.4 °C or
onto sample. Vented bags were placed 12.7 °C. Toxin
Spores were with space between detected in non-
suspended in samples so that air vented samples
gel-phosphate could circulate. stored at 21 °C
buffer. after 7 d. Samples
were judged to be
inedible prior to
toxin detection.

C. botulinum Cabbage 6.2 Spore suspended Stored in ethylene vinyl 22-25 0.8-1.8 6d NR spores/g No toxin detected. Solomon and,
(10 strains (shredded) in water, 1 ml heat alcohol bags. Sealed others 1990
5 type A and shocked suspension in MAP of 70% CO2
5 type B) added to sample. and 30% N2.

C. botulinum Cabbage 6.2 Spore suspended Stored in ethylene vinyl 22-25 2-2.3 4d NR spores/g 5/6 bags toxic. Solomon and
(10 strains, (shredded) in water, 1 ml heat alcohol bags. Sealed Cabbage others 1990
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

5 type A and shocked suspension in MAP of 70% CO2 acceptable. Only

5 type B) added to sample. and 30% N2. type A grew and
produced toxin.

C. botulinum Cabbage 6.2 Spore suspended Stored in ethylene vinyl 22-25 2.9 4d NR spores/g 2/2 bags
toxic. Solomon and
(10 strains, (shredded) in water, 1 ml heat alcohol bags. Sealed Cabbage others 1990
5 type A and shocked suspension in MAP of 70% CO2 acceptable. Only
5 type B) added to sample. and 30% N2. type A grew and
produced toxin.

C. botulinum Cabbage 6.2 Spore suspended in Stored in ethylene vinyl 22-25 1.6-2.1 6d NR spores/g No toxin
Solomon and
(5 strains, (shredded) water, 1 ml heat alcohol bags. Sealed detected. others 1990
type A) shocked suspension in MAP of 70% CO2
added to sample. and 30% N2.

C. botulinum Cabbage 6.2 Spore suspended inStored in ethylene vinyl 22-25 2.5-3.0 4d 5 d6 d
NR spores/g5/10 bags toxic Solomon and


(5 strains, (shredded) water, 1 ml heat alcohol bags. Sealed at 4 d, 8/10 bags others 1990
type A) shocked suspension in MAP of 70% CO2 toxic at 5 d, and
added to sample. and 30% N2. 9/10 bags toxic
at 6 d. Cabbage

C. botulinum Cabbage 6.4 Spot inoculation, Samples stored in 4 2.0 37 NR spores/g 0/6 samples were Larson and
(10 strains) (shredded) spores prepared in polyethylene bags 12 8 toxic at end of others 1997
broth, heat shocked, and vacuum sealed. 21 4 storage for all
and diluted in three temperatures.
distilled water. Gross spoilage
was observed.
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
C. botulinum Carrot 6.3 Spot inoculation, Samples stored in 4 2.0 78 d NR spores/g 0/6 samples were Larson and
(10 strains) (sliced) spores prepared in polyethylene bags 12 14 d toxic at end of others 1997
broth, heat shocked, and vacuum sealed. 21 4d storage for all
and diluted in three temperatures.
distilled water. Gross spoilage
was observed.

C. botulinum Coleslaw NR Spore suspension Samples in original package. 5 3.0 21 d NR spores/g No toxin detected Austin and
nonproteolytic (1 ml) injected 10 after 21 d. No others 1998
(8 strains) through gas-tight change in
septum. appearance.

C. botulinum Coleslaw NR Spore suspension Samples in original package. 15 2.0 21 d NR spores/g No toxin detected Austin and
proteolytic (1 ml) injected 25 after 21 d. No others 1998
(10 strains) through gas-tight change in
septum. appearance.

C. botulinum Green 6.3 Spot inoculation, Samples loosely packaged 4 2.0 35 NR spores/g 0/6 samples toxic Larson and
(10 strains) beans spores prepared in and stored in sealed 12 9 at end of storage others 1997
broth, heat shocked, polyethylene bags. 21 7 for all three
and diluted in temperatures.
distilled water. Gross spoilage

C. botulinum Mushroom NR Spores suspended Stored under anaerobic 6 3.0 21 d No toxin spores/ Spoilage evident Malizio and
proteolytic (enoki) in trypticase conditions in sealed 15 7d No toxin package when toxin Johnson
(10 strains) peptone glucose bags. 15 14 d Toxin detected. 1991
yeast extract, 27 2d Toxin
0.1ml inoculated
per package.

C. botulinum Mushroom NR Spores suspended Stored under anaerobic 15 2.0 14 d Toxin spores/ Spoilage evident Malizio and
proteolytic (enoki) in trypticase conditions in sealed bags. 27 2d No toxin package when toxin Johnson
(10 strains) peptone glucose 27 4d Toxin detected. 1991
yeast extract,
0.1ml inoculated
per package.

C. botulinum Mushroom NR Spores suspended Stored under anaerobic 15 1.0 14 d No toxin spores/ Spoilage evident Malizio and
proteolytic (enoki) in trypticase conditions in sealed bags. 21 21 d Toxin package when toxin Johnson
(10 strains) peptone glucose 27 2d No toxin detected. 1991
yeast extract, 27 4d Toxin
0.1ml inoculated
per package.

C. botulinum Onion NR Spore suspension 5-mm slices, inoculated 25 3.0 6d — spores/g Toxin
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

detected at Austin and

proteolytic (2.5 ml) added to and sealed in polystyrene 6 d. Swelling of others 1998
(10 strains) 500 g sample. trays. package observed
but no change
in appearance
of onions.


Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
C. botulinum Rutabaga NR Spore suspension 1-inch cubes, inoculated 5 3.0 21 d NR spores/g No toxin
detected Austin and
nonproteolytic (2.5 ml) added to and sealed in polystyrene 10 3.0 after 21 d. No others 1998
(8 strains) 500 g sample. trays. change in

C. botulinum Rutabaga NR Spore suspension 1-inch cubes, inoculated 15 2.0 21 d NR spores/g No toxin
detected Austin and
proteolytic (2.5 ml) added to and sealed in polystyrene 25 2.0 after 21 d (15 °C). others 1998
(10 strains) 500 g sample. trays. No change in
appearance. At
25 °C toxin
detected at 7 d.
Decay evident.
Final pH 5.9.

C. botulinum Stir fry NR Spore suspension Stored in plastic film. 5 3.0 21 d 3.0 CFU/g No toxin
detected Austin and
nonproteolytic vegetables (1 ml) injected into 10 3.0 3.3 after 21 d. No others 1998
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

(8 strains) sealed bags through change in

gas-tight septum. appearance.

C. botulinum Stir fry NR Spore suspension Stored in plastic film.15 2.0 21 d 2.8 CFU/g No toxin
detected Austin and
proteolytic vegetables (1 ml) injected into at 21 d. No change others 1998
(10 strains) sealed bags through in appearance.
gas-tight septum.

C. botulinum Stir fry NR Spore suspension Stored in plastic film.25 2.0 11 d >4.5 CFU/g Toxin
detected at Austin and
proteolytic vegetables (1 ml) injected into 11 d. Soft others 1998
(10 strains) sealed bags through appearance.
gas-tight septum. Final pH 4.2.

Escherichia coli Carrot 7.1 Dip inoculation, 1 min. Stored in polyolefin L-bags 5 2.5 3d <1 CFU/g Samples held at Abdul-Raouf
O157:H7 (shredded) Cells suspended in consisting 3% O2 12 3d <1 5 °C and 12 °C and others
(5 strains) deionized water. and 97% N2. 21 7d 4.2 were positive upon 1993
through day 14.


E. coli O157:H7 Carrot 7.1 Dip inoculation, 1 min. Stored in air in polyolefin 5 5.3 3d 4.6 CFU/g Samples held at Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) (shredded) Cells suspended in L-bags. 12 14 d 6.3 5 °C were positive and others
deionized water. 21 7d 6.0 upon enrichment 1993
through day 14.

E. coli O157:H7 Carrot 7.1 Dip inoculation, 1 min. Stored in air in polyolefin 5 2.5 3d <1 CFU/g Samples held at Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) (shredded) Cells suspended in L-bags. 12 3d <1 5 °C and 12 °C and others
deionized water. 21 7d 3.8 were positive 1993
upon enrichment
through day 14.
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
E. coli O157:H7 Carrot 7.1 Dip inoculation, 1 min. Stored in polyolefin L-bags 5 5.3 3d 4.1 CFU/g Samples held at Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) Cells suspended in consisting 3% O2 and 12 14 d 6.6 5 °C were and others
(shredded) deionized water. 97% N2. 21 7d 6.5 positive upon 1993
through day 14.

E. coli O157:H7 Cucumber 7.3 Dip inoculation, 1 min. 5-mm discs, stored in 3% 5 5.1 10 d 2.3 CFU/g — Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) (sliced) Cells suspended in O2 and 97% N2 in 12 10 d 5.4 and others
deionized water. polyolefin L-bags. 21 7d 4.6 1993

E. coli O157:H7 Cucumber 7.3 Dip inoculation, 1 min. 5-mm discs, stored in 3% 5 2.3 3d <1 CFU/g Samples stored Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) (sliced) Cells suspended in O2 and 97% N2 in 12 3d <1 at 5 and 12 °C and others
deionized water. polyolefin L-bags. 21 7d 2.6 were positive 1993
upon enrichment
through day
3 and day 7,

E. coli O157:H7 Cucumber 7.3 Dip inoculation, 1 min. 5-mm discs, stored in 5 5.1 10 d 3.4 CFU/g — Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) (sliced) Cells suspended in air in polyolefin L-bags. 12 10 d 5.7 and others
deionized water. 21 7d 2.6 1993

E. coli O157:H7 Cucumber 7.3 Dip inoculation, 1 min. 5-mm discs, stored in 5 2.3 3d <1 CFU/g Samples stored Abdul-Raouf
(5 strains) (sliced) Cells suspended in air in polyolefin L-bags. 12 3d <1 at 5 and 12 °C and others
deionized water. 21 7d 3.1 were positive 1993
upon enrichment
through day
3 and day 10,

Listeria Asparagus NR Cells injected Stored in hemetically 2 5.0 6-24 d 4.5 CFU/g Approximately 1 Castillejo and
monocytogenes into samples. sealed bags. 4 5.0 6-24 d 5.0 CFU/g log increase at 2 Rodriguez
(1 strain) 8 5.0 3-24 d 7.0 CFU/g and 4 °C within others 2000
12 5.0 3-15 d 9.0 CFU/g 3 d followed by
20 5.0 3-6 d 9.0 CFU/g decrease.

L. monocytogenes Asparagus NR Dip inoculation, 1 min. Samples stored in 6% 15 4.0/4.8 6d ~7.3 CFU/g Asparagus first Berrang and
(2 strains) Cells suspended in CO2, 79% N2, and 4 4.2/4.8 21 d ~5.8/6.5 CFU/g became others 1989b
0.1M potassium 15% O2 in glass jars. unacceptable for
phosphate buffer. consumption on
day 6 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

L. monocytogenes Asparagus NR Dip inoculation, 1 min. Samples stored in ambient 15 4.0/4.8 4d ~7.0 CFU/g Asparagus first Berrang and
(2 strains) Cells suspended in air in glass jars. 4 4.2/4.8 14 d ~5.0/5.5 CFU/g became others 1989b
0.1M potassium unacceptable for
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

phosphate buffer. consumption on

day 4 (15 °C) or
day 14 (4 °C).


Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes Broccoli NR Dip inoculation, 1 min. Samples stored in 10% 15 5.0/5.5 10 d ~8.8 CFU/g Broccoli first Berrang and
(2 strains) Cells suspended in CO2, 79% N2, and 4 4.0 21 d ~4.0/4.5 CFU/g became others 1989b
0.1M potassium 11% O2 in glass jars. unacceptable for
phosphate buffer. consumption on
day 10 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

L. monocytogenes Broccoli NR Dip inoculation, 1 min. Samples stored in ambient 15 5.6 10 d ~8.7 CFU/g Broccoli first Berrang and
(2 strains) Cells suspended in air in glass jars. 4 4.0 21 d ~3.8/4.0 CFU/g became others 1989b
0.1 M potassium unacceptable for
phosphate buffer. consumption on
day 6 (15 °C) or
day 14 (4 °C).

L. monocytogenes Butternut 6.3 Cell suspension, 2.5-cm cubes, inoculated, 4 3.0 9d ~6.5 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) squash 10 ml of cells added and transferred to a 10 ~8.5 others 1998
to sample. Cells foam tray. Sealed and
suspended in 0.1% stored in a bag.
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

L. monocytogenes Cabbage NR Cells suspended Samples in stored gas 5 3.6 13 d/17 d 4.6/2.1 CFU/g — Kallander and
(1 strain) (shredded) in Butterfield’s impermeable plastic others 1991
phosphate buffer, bags and sealed in
1 ml added to ambient atmosphere.

L. monocytogenes Cabbage NR Cells suspended Samples in stored gas 30% 5 3.0 17 d ~4.9 CFU/g — Kallander and
(1 strain) (shredded) in Butterfield’s impermeable plastic bags others 1991
phosphate buffer, and sealed in 70% CO2 and
1 ml added to N2. Held refrigerated
sample. for first 24 h.

L. monocytogenes Cabbage 6.32 Cells suspended Samples in stored gas 25 4.1 2 d/6-9 d ~6.0/<1.3 CFU/g — Kallander and
(1 strain) (shredded) (day 1) in Butterfield’s impermeable plastic bags others 1991
phosphate buffer, and sealed in ambient
1 ml added to atmosphere. Held
sample. refrigerated for first 24 h.

L. monocytogenes Cabbage 6.32 Cells suspended Samples stored in gas 25 4.0 2 d/6-9 d ~4.5/<1.3 CFU/g — Kallander and


(1 strain) (shredded) (day 1) in Butterfield’s impermeable plastic bags others 1991
phosphate buffer, and sealed in 70% CO2
1 ml added to and 30% N2.

L. monocytogenes Cabbage NR Cells suspended in Samples were mixed, 5 4.0 25-64 d ~8.0 CFU/g — Beuchat and
(1 strain) (shredded) 0.1M potassium drained and adjusted others 1986
phosphate buffer and to incubation
added to sample. temperature within 3 h.

L. monocytogenes Carrot NR Cell suspension, 1 Samples purchased from 4 2.3 9d 1.0 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) to1.6 ml of inoculum the store. Stored in 10 2.3 9d <1.0 others 1998
injected through a original packaging.
gas-tight septum.
Cells suspended in
0.1% peptone.
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

L. monocytogenes Carrot — Dip inoculation, Carrots washed or 5 1.1-2.6 24 d 3.8-4.6 CFU/g Similar results Beuchat and
(2 strains) (shredded) cells suspended in unwashed in 200-250 ppm 15 <1.0 7d 3.4-5.8 obtained for Brackett
0.1 M potassium prior to shredding. Stored unwashed 1990a
phosphate buffer. in ambient air or in 3% carrots stored at
O2 and 97% N2. 5 °C. Population
declined to <1 log
CFU/g (day 7) in
unwashed carrots
stored at 15 °C.

L. monocytogenes Carrot — Dip inoculation, Carrots washed or 5 1.8-2.4 18 d <1.0 CFU/g — Beuchat and
(2 strains) (whole) cells suspended in unwashed in 200-250 ppm. 15 2.5-3.0 7d <1.0 Brackett
0.1 M potassium Stored in ambient air 1990a
phosphate buffer. or in 3% O2 and 97% N2.

L. monocytogenes Cauliflower NR Dip inoculation, 1 min. Samples stored in 3% 15 3.4/4.0 8d ~6.8/7.1 CFU/g Cauliflower first Berrang and
(2 strains) Cells suspended in CO2, 79% N2, and 4 2.8/ 3.0 21 d ~3.0/3.6 CFU/g became others 1989b
0.1 M potassium 18% O2 in glass jars. unacceptable for
phosphate buffer. consumption on
day 8 (15 °C) or
day 21 (4 °C).

L. monocytogenes Cauliflower NR Dip inoculation, 1 min. Samples stored in ambient 15 3.4/4.0 8d ~6.2/6.8 CFU/g Cauliflower first Berrang and
(2 strains) Cells suspended in air in glass jars. 4 2.8/ 3.0 14 d ~2.3/3.6 CFU/g became others 1989b
0.1 M potassium unacceptable for
phosphate buffer. consumption on
day 6 (15 °C) or
day 14 (4 °C).

L. monocytogenes Coleslaw 6.6 Cell suspension, 1 Samples were purchased 4 2.5 9d ~4.0 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) to1.6 ml of inoculum from the store. Stored in 10 2.5 ~5.0 others 1998
injected through a original packaging.
gas-tight septum.
Cells suspended in
0.1% peptone.

L. monocytogenes Endive NR Cell suspension Stored in moderate vacuum 6.5 3.3 7d ~2.5 CFU/g — Aytac and
(1 strain) (chicory) added to samples. packaging containers Gorris1994
under moderate vacuum.

L. monocytogenes Endive NR Cell suspension Stored in moderate vacuum 6.5 3.3 7d ~5.2 CFU/g — Aytac and
(1 strain) (chicory) added to samples. packaging container Gorris1994
in ambient air.

L. monocytogenes Endive — Dip inoculation, Samples were inoculated, 10 4.5 7d 5.2 CFU/g — Carlin and
(1 strain) (broad 10 min. Cells drained, sealed, and Nguyen-the
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

leaved) suspended in sterile stored in polypropylene 1994

distilled water. pouches.

L. monocytogenes Endive — Dip inoculation, Samples were inoculated, 10 4.2 7d 4.5 CFU/g — Carlin and
(1 strain) (curly 10 min. Cells drained, sealed, and Nguyen-the


leaved) suspended in sterile stored in polypropylene 1994
distilled water. pouches.

Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes Endive NR Dip inoculation, Samples were inoculated, 10 4.1-4.8 7d 6.1-7.0 CFU/g When lower Carlin and
(3 strains) (broad 10 min. Cells drained, sealed, and inoculation levels others 1995
leaved) suspended in sterile stored in polypropylene were used,
distilled water. pouches. populations
Strains inoculated increased faster
independently. during initial storage
but final populations
were lower.

L. monocytogenes Endive NR Dip inoculation, Stored in 90-mm diameter 3 ~3.9-4.0 10 d ~3.5-4.5 CFU/g Higher initial CO2 Carlin and
(3 strains) (broad 10 min. Cells petri dishes and placed 10 ~4.1-4.2 8d ~6.2-6.7 levels caused others 1996
leaved) suspended in sterile in plastic boxes. Boxes significant
distilled water. contained wet absorbent spoilage.
paper. Stored in modified
atmosphere of 10% CO2,
10% O2.

L. monocytogenes Endive NR Dip inoculation, Stored in 90-mm diameter 3 ~3.6-3.9 10 d ~4.0-5.0 CFU/g — Carlin and
(3 strains) (broad 10 min. Cells petri dishes and placed 10 ~4.1-4.2 8d ~6.2-6.7 others 1996
leaved) suspended in sterile in plastic boxes. Boxes
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

distilled water. contained wet absorbent

paper. Stored in ambient air.

L. monocytogenes Onion 5.8 Cell suspension, 1-cm slices, inoculated, and 4 4.0 9d ~3.0 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) 10 ml of cells transferred to foam trays. 10 3.5 ~4.8 others 1998
added to sample. Sealed and stored in bags.
Cells suspended in
0.1% peptone.

L. monocytogenes Rutabaga 6.3 Cell suspension, 0.5 by 0.5 by 7.5cm sticks, 4 3.0 9d ~4.0 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) 10 ml of cells inoculated, and transferred 10 3.0 ~6.0 others 1998
added to sample. to foam trays. Stored
Cells suspended in and sealed in bags.
0.1% peptone.

L. monocytogenes Stir fry 6.8 Cell suspension, Samples purchased from 4 2.5 9d ~3.0 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) vegetables 1-1.6 ml of inoculum the store. Stored in 10 2.5 ~5.5 others 1998
injected through a original packaging.


gas-tight septum.
Cells suspended in
0.1% peptone.

Samonella Jicama 3.30 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, 0.05 ml 25-27 3.1 6h 3.4 CFU/cube — Fernandez
Typhi (cubes) cells suspended in lemon juice added, Escartin and
saline. 1 drop inoculated, and stored others 1989
(Pasteur pipette) in covered glass trays.
inoculated per cube.

S. Typhi Jicama 5.97 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, inoculated, 25-27 3.2 6h 4.7 CFU/cube — Fernandez
(cubes) cells suspended in and stored in covered Escartin and
saline. 1 drop glass trays. others 1989
(Pasteur pipette)
inoculated per cube.
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Shigella Jicama 5.97 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, inoculated 25-27 1.5 6h 2.2 CFU/cm 2 — Fernandez

dysenteriae (cubes) cells suspended in and stored in covered Escartin

(1 strain) saline. 1 drop glass trays. others
(Pasteur pipette)
inoculated per cube.

S. flexneri Carrot NR Cells suspended in Samples stored in 50 ml 5 ~6.7 11 d ~2.5 CFU/g — Rafii and

(1 strain) salad water and added polypropylene centrifuge Lunsford

to sample. tubes. 1997

S. flexneri Green NR Cells suspended in Samples stored in 50 ml 4 6.7 12 d 4.3 CFU/g — Rafii and

(1 strain) pepper water and added polypropylene centrifuge Lunsford

(chopped) directly to sample. tubes. 1997

S. flexneri Coleslaw NR Cells suspended in Samples stored in 50 ml 4 ~5.1 16 d ~4.3 CFU/g — Rafii and

(1 strain) water and added polypropylene centrifuge Lunsford

directly to sample. tubes. 1997

S. flexneri Cabbage NR Cells suspended in Samples stored in 50 ml 4 6.5 26 d 3.1 CFU/g — Rafii and

(1 strain) (chopped) water, added polypropylene centrifuge Lunsford

directly to sample. tubes. 1997

S. flexneri Onion NR Cells suspended in Samples stored in 50 ml 4 6.7 12 d 5.3 CFU/g — Rafii and

(1 strain) (chopped) water and added polypropylene centrifuge Lunsford

to sample. tubes. 1997

S. sonnei Parsley NR Parsley was Leaves (300 g) placed 21 3.5 1d 6.2 CFU/g Subjective Wu and

(chopped immersed in in 9-liter pans. examination others

leaves) suspension of cells revealed that
in 0.05 M potassium parsley was
phosphate buffer edible.
(pH 6.8) for 1 min
while being agitated,
then dried at 21 °C
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

for 1 h.


Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

S. sonnei Parsley NR Parsley was Leaves (300 g) placed 21 3.2 7d 3.8 CFU/g Subjective Wu and
(whole immersed in in 9-liter pans. examination others 2000
leaves) suspension of cells revealed that
in 0.05 M potassium parsley was
phosphate buffer edible.
(pH 6.8) for 1 min
while being agitated,
then dried at 21 °C
for 1 h.

S. sonnei Parsley NR Parsley was Leaves (300 g) placed 4 3.2-3.5 14 d 0.4-0.8 CFU/g Subjective Wu and
(whole or immersed in in 9-liter pans. examination others 2000
chopped suspension of cells revealed that
leaves) in 0.05 M potassium parsley was
phosphate buffer edible.
(pH 6.8) for 1 min
while being agitated,
then dried at 21 °C
for 1 h.
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

S. sonnei Parsley — Dip inoculation, cells Stored in 9-liter plastic pans. 4 6.48/3.49 2d ~9.2/~6.3 CFU/g The pathogen Wu and
(3 strains) (chopped) suspended in 0.05 M 21 grew to 9.2 and others 2000
potassium phosphate- 6.3 log CFU/g
buffered saline. 1200 g within 2 d at 21 °C,
sample inoculated followed by a
and dried. Chopped decline. Inoculated
after drying. chopped parsley
stored at 4 °C
declined throughout
a 14 d storage

S. sonnei Parsley — Dip inoculation, cells Stored in 9-liter plastic pans. 21 3.23/6.19 7 d/7 d ~3.0/~6.5 CFU/g An increase of <1 Wu and
(3 strains) (whole, suspended in 0.05 M log within 1 day others 2000
leaves) potassium phosphate- at 21 °C, followed
buffered saline. 1200 g by a decline in
sample inoculated population after
and dried. 2 d. Inoculated


parsley stored at
4 °C declined
thoroughout the
14 d storage

S. sonnei Cabbage 6.8 Dip inoculation, cells Stored under vacuum in 24⫾2 3.2 1 d/7 d 7.0/ ⬍ –0.52 MPN/g — Satchell and
(1 strain) (shredded) suspended in gas impermeable bags. 0-6 3.5 7d 3.5 others 1990
phosphate buffer.

S. sonnei Cabbage 6.8 Dip inoculation, cells Stored in modified 24⫾2 3.4 1 d/7 d 7.0/3.7 MPN/g — Satchell and
(1 strain) (shredded) suspended in atmosphere (30% N2, 0-6 2.6 7d 2.5 others 1990
Butterfield’s 70% CO2) in gas
phosphate buffer. impermeable bags.
Table G/S-4—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw vegetables other than tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and salads (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

S. sonnei Cabbage 6.8 Dip inoculation, cells Stored anaerobically in 24⫾ 2 3.6 2 d/7 d 7.0/4.4 MPN/g — Satchell and
(1 strain) (shredded) suspended in gas impermeable bags. 0-6 3.8 7d –0.081 others 1990
phosphate buffer.

Shigella Jicama 5.97 Spot inoculation, 12 cm2 cubes, inoculated 25-27 2.5-2.6 6h 3.3-4.0 CFU/cm2 S. sonnei, Fernandez
(3 species) (cubes) cells suspended in and stored in covered S. flexneri, Escartin and
saline. 1 drop glass trays. S. dysenteriae others 1989
(Pasteur pipette)
inoculated per cube.
a Not reported
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce


Table G/S-5—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw lettuce and salads

Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Clostridium Lettuce 6.2 Spot inoculation, Samples stored in 4 2.0 50 d NR NR At 4 °C, 0/6 toxic. Larson and
botulinum (intact) spores prepared in polyethylene bags 12 13 d At 12 °C, 0/6 toxic. others 1997
(10 strains) broth, heat shocked, and vacuum sealed. 21 6d At 21 °C, 2/6 toxic.
and diluted in Gross spoilage
distilled water. observed when
toxin detected.

C. botulinum Mixed NRa Spore suspension, Samples in original 5 3.0 21 d 3.7 spores/g No toxin at 5 or Austin and
nonproteolytic salad 1 ml injected through package. 10 21 d 3.7 10 °C. Toxin others 1998
(8 strains) gas-tight septum. 15 14 d ⬎4.5 detected at 14 d
25 4d ⬎4.4 (15 °C) and 4 d
(25 °C). Moderate
browning at time
of toxin detection.
Final pH 5.3-5.9.

C. botulinun Mixed NR Spore suspension, Samples in original 15 1.0 21 d NR spores/g No toxin at 15 °C. Austin and
proteolytic salad 1 ml injected through package. 15 2.0 21 d NR Extensive decay others 1998
(10 strains) gas-tight septum. 25 7d ⬎4.5 observed when
toxin detected
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

(7 d at 25 °C).

C. botulinum Romaine NR Spore suspension Samples were sealed in 4.4 2.0 28 d 2.0 MPN No toxin detected Petran and
(12 strains) lettuce (1 ml), heat 3-qt pouches and stored 12.7 2.0 28 d 2.1 spores/g in samples stored others 1995
(shredded) shocked, sprayed vented or not vented. 21 2.0 28 d NDb at 4.4 °C or
onto sample. Vented bags were placed 12.7 °C.Toxin
Spores were with space between samples detected in non-
suspended in so that air could circulate. vented samples
gel-phosphate stored at 21 °C
buffer. after 14 d and in
vented samples
after 21 d.
Samples were
judged to be
inedible prior to
toxin detection.

C. botulinum Romaine NR Spore suspension, Samples in original package. 5 3.0 21 d NR spores/g Toxin not detected. Austin and
nonproteolytic lettuce 1 ml injected through 10 No change in others 1998


(8 strains) gas-tight septum. appearance.

C. botulinun Romaine NR Spore suspension, Samples packaged in film. 15 1.0 21 d NR spores/g Toxin not detected Austin and
proteolytic lettuce 1 ml injected through 15 2.0 21 d NR at 15 °C. No others 1998
(10 strains) gas-tight septum. 25 9d ⬎4.5 change in
Extensive decay
observed when
toxin detected
at 25 °C.

Escherichia Lettuce ~7.4 Dip inoculation, Stored in polyolefin 5 5.3 14 d 3.1 CFU/g — Abdul-Raouf
coli O157:H7 (shredded) 1 min. Cells consisting 3% O2 12 3 d/14 d 7.0/8.0 and others
suspended in L-bags and 97% N 2. 21 3 d/7 d 8.5/8.7 1993
deionized water.
Table G/S-5—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw lettuce and salads
Initial Final
Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
E. coli Lettuce ~7.4 Dip inoculation, Stored in air in polyolefin 5 5.3 14 d 4.2 CFU/g — Abdul-Raouf
O157:H7 (shredded) 1 min. Cells L-bags. 12 3 d/14 d 6.8/7.5 and others
suspended in 21 3 d/7 d 8.5/8.8 1993
deionized water.

E. coli Iceberg NR Dip inoculation Stored in plastic bags 5 3.4 18 d 2.9 CFU/g Counts on Li and others
O157:H7 lettuce (1 min) in 0.1 M for up to 18 d. heated lettuce 2001
(shredded) phosphate buffer were similar to
(pH 7.0) suspension counts on
before mild heat unheated
treatment (50 °C, lettuce.
90 s).

E. coli Iceberg NR Dip inoculation Stored in plastic bags 15 3.4 7d 7.6 CFU/g Counts on heated Li and others
O157:H7 lettuce (1 min) in 0.1 M for up to 7 d. lettuce were 2001
(shredded) phosphate buffer significantly
(pH 7.0) suspension higher than
before mild heat counts on
treatment (50 °C, unheated lettuce
90 s). stored for 4
and 7 d.

E. coli Iceberg Dip inoculation, 30 s. Stored in sealed plastic 4 ~3.9 4 ~3.7 CFU/g — Lin and
O157:H7 lettuce Cells suspended in bags. others 2000
(pieces) trypticase soy broth.

Listeria Butterhead NR Dip inoculation, Samples were drained 10 4.4 7d 5.3 CFU/g — Carlin and
monocytogenes lettuce 10 mins. Cells on absorbent paper, Nguyen-the
(1 strain) suspended in sterile sealed, and stored in 1994
distilled water. polypropylene pouches.

L. monocytogenes Ceasar 6.3 Cells suspended in Samples purchased from 4 ~3.0 9d ~3.0 CFU/g — Farber and
(5 strains) salad 0.1% peptone, store, inoculated, and 10 ~3.0 ~6.0 others 1998
1-1.6 ml injected stored in original packaging.
through a gas-tight

L. monocytogenes Lettuce NR Inoculated with Stored in sealed plastic bags. 5 5.4 14 d 6.5 CFU/g Levels of L. Steinbruegge
(1 strain) (pieces) contaminated gloved 12 3.8 14 d 6.9 monocytogenes and others
hands. Inoculum 25 4.6 14 d 5.9 estimated by 1988
diluted in sterile randomly selecting
water. 5 colonies from
plate count agar
and streaking onto
McBride Listeria
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce


L. monocytogenes Lettuce NR Dip inoculation, Produce washed in 5 4.1 15 d ~5.0 CFU/g — Beuchat and
(2 strains) (shredded) 1 min. Cells 200-250ppm chlorine 10 4.2 10 d ~8.0 Brackett
suspended and stored in Cryvovac 1990b


in 0.1 M L-bags in 3% O2
phosphate buffer. and 97% N2.

Table G/S-5—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria on raw lettuce and salads
Initial Final

Produce Method of Storage Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes Lettuce NR Dip inoculation, Produce not washed and 5 4.8 15 d ~4.8 CFU/g — Beuchat and
(2 strains) (shredded) 1 min. Cells stored in Cryvovac L-bags 10 4.8 10 d ~7.7 Brackett
suspended in 3% O2 and 97% N2. 1990b
in 0.1 M
phosphate buffer.

L. monocytogenes Lettuce, NR Dip inoculation, Produce not washed and 5 4.6 15 d 5.4 CFU/g — Beuchat and
(2 strains) whole 1 min. Cells stored in Cryvovac L-bags 10 4.7 10 d 6.8 Brackett
leaves suspended in 3% O2 and 97% N2. 1990b
in 0.1 M
phosphate buffer.

L. monocytogenes Lettuce, NR Dip inoculation, Produce washed in 5 4.3 15 d 4.9 CFU/g — Beuchat and
(2 strains) whole 1 min. Cells 200-250ppm chlorine 10 4.7 10 d 6.8 Brackett
leaves suspended and stored in Cryvovac 1990b
in 0.1M L-bags in 3% O2
phosphate buffer. and 97% N2.

L. monocytogenes Lamb’s NR Dip inoculation, Samples were drained on 10 4.1 7d 4.0 CFU/g — Carlin and
(1 strain) lettuce 10 mins. Cells absorbent paper, sealed, Nguyen-the
suspended in and stored in polypropylene 1994
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

sterile distilled pouches.


L. monocytogenes Iceberg Dip inoculation, Stored in sealed plastic bags. 4 ~4.1 4 ~4.4 CFU/g — Lin and
lettuce 30 s. Cells others 2000
(pieces) suspended in
trypticase soy broth.

Salmonella Iceberg 6.06- Cells suspended in Lettuce (450g) was sealed 4 0.3 12 d ⬍1.0 CFU/g Detected in 6 of Weissinger
Baildon lettuce 7.00 deionized water, in plastic bags. Stored for 6 enriched and others
(shredded) 30 ml mixed with up to 12 d. samples (25 g) 2000
2270 g of lettuce. after 2, 5, and
8 d, and 1 of 6
samples after
12 d.

S. Baildon Iceberg 6.06- Cells suspended in Lettuce (450g) was sealed 4 3.3 12 d 1.8 CFU/g Counts were Weissinger
lettuce 7.00 deionized water; in plastic bags. Stored for 3.24, 3.07, and and others
(shredded) 30 ml mixed with up to 12 d. 2.69 log10 2000


2270 g of lettuce. CFU/g after 2,
5, and 8 d,

S. Montevideo Iceberg Dip inoculation 30 s. Stored in sealed plastic bags. 4 ~4.1 4 ~4.4 CFU/g — Lin and
lettuce Cells suspended in others 2000
(pieces) trypticase soy broth.

Shigella sonnei Lettuce NR Spot inoculated. Strain isolated from outbreak 5 NR 7d 1 log CFU/g — Davis and
(shredded) and inoculated onto lettuce. decrease others 1988

S. sonnei Lettuce NR Spot inoculated. Strain isolated from outbreak 15 3.1 — — CFU/g 5 h generation Davis and
(shredded) and inoculated onto lettuce. time. others 1988

S. sonnei Lettuce NR Spot inoculated. Strain isolated from outbreak 22 3.1 12 h 6.3 CFU/g S. sonnei survived Davis and
(1 strain) (shredded) and inoculated onto lettuce. but did not grow others 1988
at 5 and 15 °C.
a Not reported
b Not determined
Table G/S-6—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria in unpasteurized juice
Initial Final
Juice Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Escherichia coli Apple, 3.7 Cells suspended in Full strength apple cider. 26 6 6d 4.5 CFU/ml — Janisiewicz
O157:H7 cider 0.85% NaCl Stored in flask on a and others
(1 strain) solution, 1 ml added shaker at 150 rpm. 1999
to 100 ml sample.

E. coli Apple, 3.6- Cells suspended in 6 different lots of apple 8 5.0 15-34 d ⬍1.0 CFU/ml Populations initially Zhao and
O157:H7 cider 4.0 0.1 M phosphate cider used. increased slightly, others 1993
buffered saline, remained stable
0.5 ml added to through day 12
sample. then decreased
to undetectable
levels. Growth was
questioned by
authors. Addition of
sodium benzoate
(0.1%) resulted in
more rapid decline
between day

E. coli Apple, 3.6- Cells suspended in 6 different lots of apple 8 2.0 11-15 d ⬍1.0 CFU/ml Steady Zhao and
O157:H7 cider 4.0 0.1 M phosphate cider used. population others 1993
buffered saline, decline.
0.5 ml added to

E. coli Apple, 3.5 Culture grown in Inoculum grown in apple 21 ~5.3 7d ⬍1.5 CFU/ml — Uljas and
O157:H7 cider tryptic soy broth, juice adjusted to pH 6.5. 4 7d 2.2 Ingham 1998
(2 strains) (filter added to sample.

E. coli Apple, 3.6- Cells suspended 6 different lots of apple 25 5.0 3-6 d ⬍1.0 CFU/ml Initial increase in Zhao and
O157:H7 cider 4.0 in 0.1 M phosphate cider used. population 24- others 1993
buffered saline, 48 h followed
0.5 ml added to by decline.
sample. Growth was
questioned by
authors. Higher
numbers achieved
in higher pH
juice. More
rapid decline
when yeast
levels were high.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

E. coli Apple, 3.6- NR Room temperature for 20-25EC 4.3 7d 2.5 - 41 CFU/ml Rate of inactivation Dingman
(O157:H7) cider 4.2 up to 11 d. in cider from 2000
McIntosh apples
was more rapid
than in cider


from Red Delicious,
Golden Delicious,
or Melrose apples.

Table G/S-6—Survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria in unpasteurized juice (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Juice Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type pH Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
E. coli Apple, 3.70 Cells suspended in Full strength apple juice. 26 6.0 6d 5.5 CFU/ml — Janisiewicz
O157:H7 juice 0.85% NaCl Stored in flask on a shaker and others
solution, 1 ml added at 150 rpm. 1999
to sample.

E. coli Apple, 3.62 Cells suspended in Juice diluted with 50% 26 6.0 6d 5.0 CFU/ml — Janisiewicz
O157:H7 juice 0.85% NaCl water. Stored in flask on and others
solution, 1 ml added a shaker at 150 rpm. 1999
to sample.

E. coli Apple, 3.55 Cells suspended in Juice diluted with 75% 26 6.0 6d 4.5 CFU/ml — Janisiewicz
O157:H7 juice 0.85% NaCl water. Stored in flask on and others
solution, 1 ml added a shaker at 150 rpm. 1999
to sample.
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3


Table G/S-7—Survival and growth of pathogenic organism on sprout seeds or raw sprouts
Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Aeromonas Sprouts, Diluted suspension Stored in rigid plastic 6.5 5.0 5d ~6.8 CFU/g Sprouts obtained Aytac and
hydrophila mung inoculated onto sprouts. containers, 400 mB. from local retail Gorris 1994
bean market.

A. hydrophila Sprouts, Diluted suspension i Stored in rigid plastic 6.5 5.0 7d ~9.2 CFU/g Sprouts obtained Aytac and
mung noculated onto sprouts. containers. from local retail Gorris1994
bean market.

Escherichia coli Seeds, Dip inoculation 1 min. Inoculated seeds were dried 5 3 54 ⬍0.3 CFU/g Counts Taormina and
O157:H7 alfalfa Cells suspended in (5.1-6.2% moisture) before weeks decreased to Beuchat
(5 strains) deionized water. storage in sealed containers. 1.5 log10 CFU/g 1999b
within 38 weeks.
Detected by
at 54 weeks.

E. coli Seeds, Dip inoculation, 1 min. Inoculated seeds were dried 25 3 54 weeks ⬍0.3 Counts Taormina and
O157:H7 alfalfa Cells suspended in (5.1-6.2% moisture) before decreased to Beuchat
(5 strains) deionized water. storage in sealed containers. 0.74 and <0.3 1999b
log10 CFU/g after
8 and 12 weeks,
Detected by
enrichment after
38 weeks but
not 54 weeks.

E. coli Seeds, Dip inoculation, 1 min. Inoculated seeds were dried 37 3 54 weeks ⬍0.3 Counts Taormina and
O157:H7 alfalfa Cells suspended in (5.1-6.2% moisture) before decreased and Beuchat
(5 strains) deionized water. storage in sealed containers. ⬍0.3 log10 CFU/g 1999b
within 8 weeks.
Detected by
enrichment after
38 weeks, but
not 54 weeks.

E. coli Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Counts were monitored 25 NR 5d 7.1-8.0 CFU/g Seeds were Lang and
O157:H7 alfalfa 1 min. Cells suspended during sprout production treated with others 2000
(5 strains) in Butterfield’s in glass jars. disinfectants
phosphate buffer. before sprouting.

E. coli Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Counts were monitored 21 2.3 72 h 7.1 CFU/g Sprouts contained Taormina and
O157:H7 alfalfa 1 min. Cells suspended during sprout production 7.4 and 7.2 Beuchat
(5 strains) in deionized water. in plastic boxes. log10 CFU/g 1999a
Sprouts produced from after 24 and 48 h,
inoculated, dried seeds. respectively.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

E. coli Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Counts were monitored 22 3.1 10 d 5.7 CFU/g Counts reached Castro-Rosas
O157:H7 alfalfa 10 min. Cells suspended during sprout production ca. 5.8 log10 and Escartin
in 0.1% peptone. in covered trays. CFU/g within 2 d. 2000


E. coli Sprouts, Sprouts were produced Stored in closed 9 6.0-6.9 12 d 5.6-6.5 CFU/g Subjective Taormina and
O157:H7 alfalfa at 21 °C from inoculated plastic boxes. evaluation Beuchat
(5 strains) seeds containing revealed sprouts 1999a

2.7 log 10 CFU/g. were edible.
Table G/S-7—Survival and growth of pathogenic organism on sprout seeds or raw sprouts (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Salmonella Sprouts, Spot inoculation (0.1 ml) Stored in closed clear 10 7.7 11 d 6.9 CFU/g Sprouts were Weissinger
(5 serotypes) alfalfa of 10 g of sprouts. Cells plastic boxes. subjectively and others
were suspended in judged to be 2001
0.05 M phosphate edible after 11 d.
buffer (pH 6.8).

S. Stanley Seeds, Dip inoculation 1 min. Inoculated seeds were 8, 21 2.5 9 weeks 1.81 CFU/g Seeds stored at Jaquette and
alfalfa Cells suspended in dried before storage in 8 °C for 9 weeks, others 1996
deionized water. sealed containers. then 21 °C for 8
weeks contained
0.92 log10 CFU/g.

S. Stanley Alfalfa Dip inoculation, cells Seeds placed on wire 21 2.5 8 weeks 0.9 CFU/g — Jaquette and
seeds suspended in 30 ml screens, dried under a others 1996
deionized water, seeds laminar flow hood for 24 h.
added to suspension Seeds stored in plastic
and mixed for 1 min. bags at 21 °C for 48 h
and then stored at 8 °C.

S. Typhi Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Counts were monitored 22 2.5 6d 3.7 CFU/g Counts increased Castro-Rosas
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

alfalfa 10 min. Cells suspended during sprout production to ca. 6.1 log10 and Escartin
in 0.1% peptone. in covered trays. CFU/g within 2000
1 d, then
through 6 d.

S. Typhi Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Stored in closed trays. 4-7 4.8 15 d 4.5 CFU/g Decreases have Castro-Rosas
alfalfa 10 min. Cells suspended no practical and Escartin
in 0.1% peptone. Sprouts significance to 2000
produced at 22 °C for 7 d. safety.

S. Typhi Sprouts, Seeds were germinated Counts were monitored 22 3.4 8d 2.4 CFU/g Counts decreased Castro-Rosas
alfalfa for 24 h, then inoculated during sprout production by ca. 1 log10, and Escartin
with cells suspended in in covered trays. suggesting 2000
0.1% peptone. inability to
compete with
which were


present at 7.5
log 10 CFU/g
when sprouts
were inoculated
with S. Typhi.

Vibrio cholerae Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Counts were monitored 22 2.5 6d 3.7 CFU/g Counts increased Castro-Rosas
alfalfa 10 min. Cells suspended during sprout production to ca. 5.8 log10 and Escartin
in 0.1% peptone. in covered trays. CFU/g within 1 d, 2000
then decreased
through 6 d.

V. cholerae Sprouts, Seeds were germinated Counts were monitored 22 2.5 8d 0.5 CFU/g Counts decreased Castro-Rosas
alfalfa for 24 h, then inoculated during sprout production by ca. 2 log10, and Escartin
with cells suspended in in covered trays. suggesting 2000
0.1% peptone. inability to
compete with
Table G/S-7—Survival and growth of pathogenic organism on sprout seeds or raw sprouts (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
which were at
7.5 log10 CFU/g
when sprouts
were inoculated
with V. cholerae.

V. cholerae Sprouts, Dip inoculation of seeds, Stored in closed trays. 4-7 3.1 15 d 2.1 CFU/g Decreases have Castro-Rosas
alfalfa 10 min. Cells suspended no practical and Escartin
in 0.1% peptone. significance to 2000
Sprouts produced at safety.
22 °C for 7 d.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce


Table G/S-8—Survival of pathogenic viruses on raw produce

Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Coxsackie Carrot, 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~1.6 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 whole onto sample. Virus uncovered. 5d ⬍0.6 sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in water. survival. Survival 1975
better in closed
containers with
high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved

Coxsackie Carrot, 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~1.7 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 whole onto sample. Virus uncovered. 5d ~1.2 sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in dilute survival. Survival 1975
feces (1%). significantly
better in closed
containers with
high humidity.
Presence of
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

feces improved

Coxsackie Carrot, Spot inoculation, 0.05 ml Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~1.9 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 whole inoculated onto sample. uncovered. 5d ~1.4 sample moisture improved and Speirs
Virus suspended in survival. Survival 1975
undiluted feces. significantly
better in closed
containers with
high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved

Coxsackie Celery 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were enclosed 4 ~2.6 8d ~2.6 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 onto sample. Virus in polyethylene bags sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in water which contained a dish survival. Survival 1975
or dilute feces (1%). of water to maintain humidity. significantly
better in closed
containers with


high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved

Coxsackie Celery 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~2.0 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 onto sample. Virus uncovered. sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in water survival. Survival 1975
or dilute feces (1%). significantly
better in closed
containers with
high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved
Table G/S-8—Survival of pathogenic viruses on raw produce (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference

Coxsackie Lettuce, Spot inoculation, 0.1 ml Lettuce discs were stored 4 2.0 7d ~1.9 — — Konowalchuk
virus B5 pieces inoculated onto each in capped storage flasks and Speirs
16-mm disc. Virus with no moisture. 1974
grown in Hep-2 cells,
diluted in phosphate
buffered saline.

Coxsackie Lettuce, Spot inoculation, 0.1ml Lettuce discs were stored 4 2.0 7d ~1.6 — — Konowalchuk
virus B5 pieces inoculated onto each in capped storage flasks and Speirs
16-mm disc. Virus with low moisture levels. 1974
grown in Hep-2 cells,
diluted in phosphate
buffered saline.

Coxsackie Lettuce, Spot inoculation, 0.1 ml Lettuce discs were stored 4 2.0 7d ~1.9 PFU/ — Konowalchuk
virus B5 pieces inoculated onto each in capped storage flasks sample and Speirs
16-mm disc. Virus with high moisture levels. 1974
grown in Hep-2 cells,
diluted in phosphate
buffered saline.

Coxsackie Radish, 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~1.6 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 whole root onto sample. Virus uncovered. 5d ⬍0.6 sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in water. survival. Survival 1975
better in closed
containers with
high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved

Coxsackie Radish, 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~1.8 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
virus B5 whole root onto sample. Virus uncovered. 5d ~1.3 sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in dilute survival. Survival 1975
feces (1%). significantly
better in closed
containers with
high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved

Coxsackie Radish, 0.05 ml spot inoculated Samples were left 4 ~2.6 1d ~2.0 PFU/ Presence of Konowalchuk
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

virus B5 whole root onto sample. Virus uncovered. 5d ~1.7 sample moisture improved and Speirs
suspended in undiluted survival. Survival 1975
feces. significantly
better in closed
containers with


high humidity.
Presence of
feces improved

Table G/S-8—Survival of pathogenic viruses on raw produce (continued from previous page)

Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Enteroviruses Lettuce Virus suspended in Samples were kept in 3.1 Unknown 11 d — TCD50/ml 0.5 log decrease Bagdasaryan
(5 strains) saline, 1 ml inoculated 150-200 ml beakers. observed. 1964
per 100 g sample.

Enteroviruses Tomato, Virus suspended in Samples were kept in 3-8 Unknown 15 d — TCD50/ml 1 log decrease Bagdasaryan
(5 strains) whole saline, 1 ml inoculated 150-200 ml beakers. observed. 1964
per 100 g sample.

Enteroviruses Tomato, Virus suspended in Samples were kept in 18-21 Unknown 15 d — TCD50/ml 1 to 2.5 log Bagdasaryan
(5 strains) whole saline, 1 ml inoculated 150-200 ml beakers. decrease 1964
per 100 g sample.

Hepatitis A virus Lettuce Inoculum contained 5% Samples were held in 4 7.3 12 d 6.9 PFU/ml — Bidawid and
(strain HM 175) (pieces) fetal bovine serum. loosely covered petri 22 7.3 12 d 3.3 others 2001
dishes to allow air flow.

Hepatitis A virus Lettuce Inoculum contained 5% Samples held inside heat 4 7.3 12 d 7.1 PFU/ml — Bidawid and
(strain HM 175) (pieces) fetal bovine serum. sealed plastic bag. 22 7.3 12 d 6.1 others 2001
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

Hepatitis A virus Lettuce Inoculum contained 5% Samples held in heat sealed 4 7.3 12 d 7.2 PFU/ml — Bidawid and
(strain HM 175) (pieces) fetal bovine serum. plastic bags containing 70% 22 7.3 12 d 6.9 others 2001
CO 2 and 30% N2.

Rotavirus SA-11 Carrot, 0.1 ml spot inoculated Samples stored in 4 4.5 25 d ~1.2 PFU/ml — Badawy and
pieces onto sample. Virus uncovered containers. 25 4.5 15 d ~1.0 others 1985
grown on MA-104 cells.
Virus suspended in
Tris-buffered saline.

Rotavirus SA-11 Carrot, Immersion inoculation, Samples stored in 4 3.0 4d ⬍1.0 PFU/ml — Badawy and
pieces 200 ml of 105 PFU/ml. uncovered containers. 25 2.8 2d ⬍1.0 others 1985
Virus grown on MA-104
cells. Virus suspended
in Tris-buffered saline.

Rotavirus SA-11 Lettuce, 0.1 ml spot inoculated Samples stored in 4 4.5 30 d 2.5 PFU/ml — Badawy and
pieces onto sample. Virus uncovered containers. 25 25 d 1.1 others 1985
grown on MA-104 cells.


Virus suspended in
Tris-buffered saline.

Rotavirus SA-11 Lettuce, Immersion inoculation, Samples stored in 4 4.5 25 d ~1.2 PFU/ml — Badawy and
pieces 200 ml of 105 PFU/ml. uncovered containers. 25 15 d ~1.2 others 1985
Virus grown on MA-104
cells. Virus suspended
in Tris-buffered saline.

Rotavirus SA-11 Radish, 0.1 ml spot inoculated Samples stored in 4 4.5 30 d ~1.5 PFU/ml — Badawy and
whole root onto sample. Virus covered containers. 25 4.5 4d ~2.5 others 1985
grown on MA-104 cells.
Virus suspended in
Tris-buffered saline.
Table G/S-8—Survival of pathogenic viruses on raw produce (continued from previous page)
Initial Final
Produce Method of Temp. Counts Incubation Counts
Pathogen Type Inoculation Conditions (°C) (log10 CFU) Time (log10 CFU) Unit Comments Reference
Rotavirus SA-11 Radish, Immersion inoculation, Samples stored in 4 3.6 5d ~1.0 PFU/ml — Badawy and
whole root 200 ml of 105 PFU/ml. uncovered containers. 25 3.6 4d ~2.0 others 1985
Virus grown on MA-104
cells. Virus suspended
in Tris-buffered saline.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce


IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
Table I-1—Examination of raw fruits for the presence of pathogens
Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes Various U.S. Retail 2/50 0.04 Various unpasteurized fruit Sado and others
juices and vegetable juices were 1998
sampled. L. monocytogenes
isolated from apple juice and
an apple raspberry blend.
Juices were also tested for
E. coli O157:H7 and
Salmonella. Sample tested
negative for the organisms.

Salmonella Cantaloupe Various NRb 8/151 5.3 Produce imported into the FDA 2001
U.S. Samples were collected
from 9 countries.

Salmonella Orange U.S. Various 0/375 0 Fruit surface and juice were Parish; personal
(orchard analyzed. 1/3 oranges were communication;
through graded hulls, 1/3 oranges unreferenced
juice were washed and graded,
plant) and 1/3 oranges were
Salmonella Orange/ US Citrus 0/336 0 Pao and Brown
tangerine packinghouses 1998

Salmonella Strawberries Various NR 1/143 0.7 Produce imported into the FDA 2001
U.S. Samples were
collected and analyzed
from 5 countries.

Salmonella Cantaloupe Mexico — 11/1440 0.76 FDA import study between Madden 1992
(8 serovars) March and April 1990.

Salmonella Cantaloupe Mexico — 24/2220 1.1 FDA import study between Madden 1992
(12 serovars) November 1990 through
January 1991. Melons
came from the same
harvest area associated
with1989-90 outbreak.

Shigella Cantaloupe Various NR 3/151 2.0 Produce imported into the FDA 2001
U.S. Samples were collected
from 9 countries.
aCountry where produce samples were collected and tested
bNot Reported

Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Table I-2—Examination of seed sprouts for the presence of pathogens

Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
Bacillus cereus Alfalfa US Health food 13/14 92.9 Seeds were sprouted in the Harmon and
stores lab using a home sprouting kit. others 1987

B. cereus Mung bean US Health food 33/40 83 Seeds were sprouted in the Harmon and
stores lab using a home sprouting kit. others 1987

B. cereus Mung bean US At production 2/16 12 Ten surveys were conducted Splittstoesser
over a six-month period. and others 1983

B. cereus Wheat US Health food 15/24 63 Seeds were sprouted in the Harmon and
stores lab using a home sprouting kit. others 1987

Listeria Mung France At 1/31 3.1 See Nguyen-the

monocytogenes bean production and Carlin 2000

L. monocytogenes Mung France Retail 19/102 19 See Nguyen-the

bean and Carlin 2000

L. monocytogenes Mung Malaysia Retail 6/7 86 Samples were taken from Arumugaswarmy
bean refrigerated supermarkets and others 1994
and open wet markets.

Salmonella Mung US At 0/13 0 Ten surveys were conducted Splittstoesser

bean production over a six month period. and others 1983

Salmonella Mung Sweden NRb NR NR See Beuchat

bean 1996b

Salmonella Mung Thailand Open 30/344 8.7 Samples were collected Jerngklinchan
bean markets monthly for seven months. and Saitanu 1993

Staphylococcus Alfalfa Canada Retail 4/18 22 Sprouts produced by a single Prokopowich

aureus processor. Samples obtained and Blank 1991
from three retail outlets.

S. aureus Mixed Canada Retail 5/18 28 Sprouts produced by a single Prokopowich

sprouts processor. Samples obtained and Blank 1991
from three retail outlets.

S. aureus Onion Canada Retail 4/18 22 Sprouts produced by a single Prokopowich

processor. Samples obtained and Blank 1991
from three retail outlets.
a Country where produce samples were collected and tested
b Not Reported

IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
Table I-3—Examination of unsprouted seeds for the presence of Salmonella
Place of Percentage
Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
Alfalfa US Production 0/4 0 Seeds obtained from a local processor. Prokopowich and Blank 1991
Alfalfa US Health food stores 1/10 10 Seeds were labelled as organic. Andrews and others 1979
Mixed seeds US Production 0/4 0 Seeds obtained from a local processor. Prokopowich and Blank 1991
Onion US Production 0/4 0 Seeds obtained from a local processor. Prokopowich and Blank 1991
aCountry where produce samples were collected and tested

Table I-4—Examination of lettuce or salad greens for the presence of pathogens

Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
Aeromonas Chicory Italy Retail 12/12 100 Presumptive Marchetti and
hydrophila salads A. hydrophila. others 1992
A. hydrophila or Lettuce, Australia Retail or 66/120 55 Cut and packaged Szabo and
A. caviae cut production lettuce samples others 2000
obtained over an
8-month period.
A. hydrophila Salad mix Italy Retail 12/12 100 Presumptive Marchetti and
(various) A. hydrophila. others 1992
Clostridium Salad mix US Retail 2/350 0.6 MAP samples were Lilly and
botulinum (various) obtained from three others 1996
different producers.
Campylobacter Lettuce Canada Outdoor 2/165 1.2 Samples from farmers Park and
markets and markets and Sanders 1992
supermarkets supermarkets. Positives
only from farmers
Campylobacter Lettuce UK Retail 0/151 0 Imported whole lettuce. Little and
others 1999
Cryptosporidium Lettuce Costa Rica Open markets 2/80 2.5 Samples were taken from Monge and
eight open markets during Chinchilla 1996
the dry and rainy season.
Escherichia coli Lettuce UK Retail 0/151 0 Imported whole lettuce. Little and
O157:H7 others 1999
E. coli O157:H7 Salad mix US Retail and food 0/63 0 Samples were taken from Lin and
(various) 31 retail service and food others 1996
service facilities.
Listeria Chopped Canada Hospitals 5/39 13 Samples were stored at Odumeru
monocytogenes lettuce 4 °C or 10 °C for and others
up to 11 days. 1997
L. monocytogenes Lettuce Canada Retail 0/50 0 Samples were either grown Farber and
in the US or Canada. Outer others 1989.
leaves were tested.

L. monocytogenes Lettuce France Production 0/35 0 Lettuce samples were from Gras and
the packing plant before they others 1994
were cleaned and packaged.
L. monocytogenes Lettuce Malaysia NRb 1/28 3.6 Francis and
others 1999
L. monocytogenes Lettuce Sri Lanka NR 10/20 50 Francis and
others 1999
L. monocytogenes Lettuce UK Retail 0/151 0 Imported whole lettuce. Little and
others 1999
L. monocytogenes Lettuce US Retail 1/92 1.1 Samples were obtained Heisick and
from two supermarkets. others 1989
L. monocytogenes Lettuce, cut Australia Retail or 3/120 2.5 Cut and packaged lettuce Szabo and
production samples obtained over an others 2000
8-month period.
L. monocytogenes Lettuce, US — 1/297 0.3 Sample collection from Industry data,
iceberg December 1992 to unpublished
February 1993. but reviewed
L. monocytogenes Lettuce, US — 0/320 0 Sample collection from Industry data,
Romaine December 1992 to unpublished
February 1993. but reviewed
L. monocytogenes Prepacked Northern From processor 3/40 7.5 Samples were collected Harvey and
salads Ireland from 2 food processors. Gilmore 1993
(Continued on next page)

Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Table I-4—Examination of lettuce or salad greens for the presence of pathogens (continued from previous page)
Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes Prepacked UK Retail 4/60 6.7 Listeria was isolated from Sizmur and
salads two salad varieties. Serotype Walker1988
1/2 (4 isolates) and serotype
4b (1 isolate). Ten salad
varieties were sampled.
L. monocytogenes Salad mix Germany NR 6/263 2.3 See Beuchat
(various) 1996b
L. monocytogenes Salad mix Netherlands NR 11/25 44 See Francis
(various) and others 1999
L. monocytogenes Salad mix Northern At production 4/45 9.0 Samples were collected from Harvey and
(various) Ireland 12 food processors at Gilmore 1993
6-week intervals.
L. monocytogenes Salad mix UK NR 2/108 1.8 Francis and
(various) others 1999
L. monocytogenes Salad mix Canada Hospitals 9/39 23 Samples were stored at Odumeru and
(various) 4 °C or 10 °C for up to others 1997
11 days.
L. monocytogenes Salad mix US Retail and 1/63 1.6 Samples were taken from Lin and
(various) food service 31 retail and food service others 1996
Staphylococcus Salad UK NR 13/256 5.1 See Beuchat
aureus greens 1996b
S. aureus Salad mix Egypt Retail/food 3/36 8.3 Saddik and
(various) service others 1985
Salmonella Lettuce Various — 1/116 0.9 Produce imported into the FDA 2001
US. Samples were collected
from 11 countries.
Salmonella Lettuce Italy Retail 82/120 68 Samples were taken from Ercolani 1976
five retail outlets and
sampled at monthly
intervals for 1 year.
Salmonella Lettuce Netherlands Various 2/28 7.1 Salmonella tested only when Tamminga and
E. coli present. others 1978
Salmonella Lettuce UK Retail 0/151 0 Imported whole lettuce. Little and
others 1999
Salmonella Salad greens Egypt Retail/food 2/57 3.5 Saddik and
service others 1985
Salmonella Salad mix Egypt Retail/food 1/159 0.6 Saddik and
(various) service others 1985
Salmonella Salad mix
(various) US Retail and 0/63 0 Samples were taken from Lin and others
food service 31 retail and food service 1996
Salmonella Lettuce Spain Farms, wholesale 5/80 6.3 Samples were collected Garcia-
markets, and retail during the four seasons Villanova,
and from different sources. Cueto,
Possible use of contaminated Espinar and
irrigation water. others 1987
Shigella Lettuce Various — 1/116 1.0 Produce imported into the FDA 2001
US. Samples were collected
and analyzed from 11
Shigella Lettuce UK Retail 0/151 0 Imported whole lettuce. Little and
others 1999
Shigella Salad greens Egypt Retail/food 1/57 1.8 Saddik and
service others 1985
Shigella Salad mix Egypt Retail/food 3/159 1.9 Saddik and
(various) service others 1985
Vibrio cholerae Lettuce UK Retail 0/151 0 Imported whole lettuce. Little and
others 1999
Yersinia Lettuce, Australia Retail or 71/120 59 Cut and packaged lettuce Szabo and
enterocolitica cut production samples obtained over an others 2000
8-month period.
Yersinia Prepacked UK Retail 3/3 100 Subsamples from same Brocklehurst
salads batch. Predominantly and others
environmental strains of 1987
Y. enterocolitica.
a Country where produce samples were collected and tested
b Not Reported

IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
Table I-5—Examination of mixed raw vegetables for the presence of pathogens
Place of Incidence Percentage
Pathogen Country a Sampling % Comments Reference
Aeromonas spp. Brazil Retail 43/90 48 Samples contained vegetables like See Nguyen-the and
lettuce, watercress, and endive. Carlin 2000

Clostridium US Retail 1/144 0.7 MAP samples were obtained from Lilly and others 1996
botulinum three different producers.

C. perfringens UK Retail 34/100 34 See Nguyen-the and

Carlin 2000

Escherichia coli US Retail 0/49 0 Samples were taken from various chain Hall and others 1967
(enteropathogenic) stores. Raw and frozenvegetables.

E. coli O157:H7 Mexico 17/89 19 See Nguyen-the and

Carlin 2000

Giardia spp. Brazil Gardens NRb 13 See Nguyen-the and

Carlin 2000

Listeria Germany Retail 2/103 1.9 See Nguyen-the and

monocytogenes Carlin 2000

L. monocytogenes Italy 7/102 6.9 See Beuchat 1996b

L. monocytogenes Spain Markets 8/103 7.8 Samples included a variety of de Simon and others
vegetables. 1992

L. monocytogenes Taiwan Markets 6/49 12 Organism was isolated from lettuce, Wong and others 1990
onions. Chinese cabbage, and green

L. monocytogenes UK Retail 4/64 6.3 Samples were taken year round from MacGowan and
4 supermarkets. others 1994

L. monocytogenes UK Unknown 8/42 19 Prepared mixed vegetables. See Francis and

others 1999

Salmonella US Wholesale 4/50 8.0 Samples were obtained over a 2-year Rude and others 1984
and retail survey. Various vegetables were

Salmonella Iraq Various 3/43 7.0 Al-Hindawi and Rished


Salmonella Spain Various 46/849 5.4 Irrigation water samples were also Garcia-Villanova,
taken. Results indicate a close Galvez-Vargas and
relationship between isolates obtained others 1987
from water and produce samples.

Yersinia Brazil Retail 1/30 3.3 Samples included lettuce, spinach, dos Reis Tassinari and
enterocolitica watercress, and chicory. others 1994

Y. enterocolitica France NR 4/58 7.0 Catteau and others

1985; See Beuchat

Y. enterocolitica France NR 15/30 50 Darbas and others

1985; See Beuchat

Y. enterocolitica Italy NR 1/102 1.0 See Beuchat 1996b

aCountry where produce samples were collected and tested
bNot Reported

Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Table I-6—Examination of raw herbs or spices for the presence of pathogens

Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
Campylobacter Parsley Canada Outdoor 1/177 0.6 Samples from farmers markets Park and
markets and supermarkets. Positives Sanders 1992
and only from farmers markets.

Cryptosporidium Cilantro Costa Rica Open 4/80 5.0 Samples were obtained from Monge and
(leaves) markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
rainy and dry season.

Cryptosporidium Cilantro Costa Rica Open 7/80 8.7 Samples were obtained from Monge and
(roots) markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
rainy and dry season.

Escherichia coli Cilantro Mexico NRb 8/41 20 See Beuchat

O157:H7 1996b

E. coli O157:H7 Coriander Mexico NR 2/10 20 See Beuchat


Salmonella Parsley Spain Farm, 1/23 4.3 Samples were collected all four Garcia- Cueto
wholesale, seasons at different sources. Villanova,
and retail Possible contamination from Espinar, and
contaminated irrigation water. others 1987

Salmonella Chili Netherlands Various 5/16 31 Tamminga and

others 1978

Salmonella Chili Surinam NR 5/16 31 Tauxe and

others 1997

Salmonella Cilantro Various Various 16/177 9.0 Produce imported into the US. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from 6

Salmonella Culantro Various Various 6/12 50 Produce imported into the US. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from 2

Salmonella Parsley Various Various 1/84 1.2 Produce imported into the US. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from 7

Shigella Cilantro Various Various 0/177 0 Produce imported into the US. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from 6

Shigella Culantro Various Various 0/12 0 Produce imported into the US. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from 7

Shigella Parsley Various Various 1/84 1.2 Produce imported into the US. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from 6

Staphylococcus Parsley Lebanon NR NR 7.7 See Beuchat

a Country where produce samples were collected and tested
b Not Reported

IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
Table I-7—Examination of raw vegetables other than lettuce and salad greens for the presence of pathogens
Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
Aeromonas Carrots Italy Retail 12/12 100 Presumptive A. hydrophila. Marchetti and
hydrophila others 1992

Clostridium Cabbage US Retail 1/337 0.3 MAPb samples of shredded Lilly and others
botulinum cabbage were obtained 1996
from three different companies.

C. botulinum Coleslaw US Retail 0/72 0 MAPb samples of shredded Lilly and others
cabbage were obtained 1996
from three different companies.

C. botulinum Green US Retail 1/201 0.5 MAPb samples of shredded Lilly and others
pepper cabbage were obtained 1996
from three different companies.

C. botulinum Mushrooms Netherlands Farm 0/5 0 Samples were obtained from 5 Notermans and
auctions different auctions. At least 10 others 1989
different production farms were
sampled from each auction.

Campylobacter Mushrooms US Retail 3/200 1.5 Samples were obtained from Doyle and
jejuni local grocery stores between Schoeni 1986
March and August 1985.

Campylobacter Cabbage Canada Outdoor 0/130 0 Park and

markets Sanders 1992

Campylobacter Carrots Canada Outdoor 0/149 0 Park and

markets Sanders 1992

Campylobacter Celery Canada Outdoor 0/150 0 Park and

markets Sanders 1992

Campylobacter Cucumber Canada Outdoor 0/123 0 Park and

markets Sanders 1992

Campylobacter Green Canada Outdoor 1/180 0.6 Samples from farmers markets Park and
onion markets and supermarkets. Positives Sanders 1992
and only from farmers markets.

Campylobacter Potatoes Canada Outdoor 1/153 0.7 Samples from farmers markets Park and
markets and supermarkets. Positives Sanders 1992
and only from farmers markets.

Campylobacter Spinach Canada Outdoor 2/183 1.1 Samples from farmers markets Park and
markets and supermarkets. Positives Sanders 1992
and only from farmers markets.

Campylobacter Radish Canada Outdoor 2/174 1.1 Samples from farmers markets Park and
markets and supermarkets. Positives Sanders 1992
and only from farmers markets.

Cryptosporidium Cabbage Costa Rica Open 0/80 0 Samples were obtained from Monge and
markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
rainy and dry season.

Cryptosporidium Carrots Costa Rica Open 1/80 1.3 Samples were obtained from Monge and
markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
rainy and dry season.

Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Table I-7—Examination of raw vegetables other than lettuce and salad greens for the presence of pathogens (continued
from previous page)
Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference

Cryptosporidium Cucumber Costa Rica Open 1/80 1.3 Samples were obtained from Monge and
markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
rainiy and dry season.

Cryptosporidium Radish Costa Rica Open 1/80 1.3 Samples were obtained from Monge and
markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
rainy and dry season.

Cryptosporidium Tomato Costa Rica Open 1/80 1.3 Samples were obtained from Monge and
markets eight open markets during the Chinchilla 1996
dry and rainy season.

E. coli O157:H7 Celery Mexico NR c 6/34 18 See Beuchat


Listeria Broccoli Canada Hospital 2/35 5.7 Samples were stored at 10 °C Odumeru and
monocytogenes prior to testing. others 1997

L. monocytogenes Broccoli US Retail 0/92 0 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Cabbage US Retail 1/92 1.1 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Cabbage, US Processing 73/1016 7.2 Samples collected between Industry data,
green facility December 1992 and unpublished but
February 1993. reviewed;

L. monocytogenes Cabbage, US Processing 10/399 2.5 Samples collected between Industry data,
red facility December 1992 and unpublished but
February 1993. reviewed;

L. monocytogenes Carrots Canada Hospital 0/35 0 Samples were stored at 10 °C Odumeru and
prior to testing. others 1997

L. monocytogenes Carrots US Retail 1/92 0 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Cauliflower Canada Hospital 0/39 0 Samples were stored at 10 °C Odumeru and
prior to testing. others 1997

L. monocytogenes Cauliflower US Retail 0/92 0 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Celery Canada Retail 0/30 0 Produce were grown either in Farber and
the U.S. or Canada. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Celery Canada Hospital 0/39 0 Samples were stored at 10 °C Odumeru and
prior to testing. others 1997

L. monocytogenes Coleslaw Canada Hospital 1/35 2.9 Samples were obtained from Odumeru and
stored conditions of 10 °C. others 1997

L. monocytogenes Coleslaw Singapore NR 2/50 4.0 See Francis and

others 1999

L. monocytogenes Coleslaw UK Retail 3/39 7.7 Samples were taken year MacGowan and
round from four supermarkets. others 1994

L. monocytogenes Cucumber Malaysia Restaurants 4/5 80 Samples taken from street Arumugaswarmy
vendors. Samples were sliced. and others 1994

L. monocytogenes Cucumber Pakistan Retail 1/15 6.7 See Beuchat


L. monocytogenes Cucumber US Retail 2/92 2.2 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3
Table I-7—Examination of raw vegetables other than lettuce and salad greens for the presence of pathogens (continued
from previous page)
Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes Green Canada Hospital 1/35 2.9 Samples were stored at 10 °C Odumeru and
pepper prior to testing. others 1997

L. monocytogenes Leafy Malaysia Retail 5/22 23 Samples were taken from Arumugaswarmy
vegetables refrigerated supermarkets and and others 1994
open wet markets.

L. monocytogenes Mushrooms US Retail 10/92 11 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Potatoes US Retail 21/132 16 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Raddiccio US Processing facility 0/180 0 Samples collected between Industry data,
December 1992 and unpublished but
February 1993. reviewed;

L. monocytogenes Radish Canada Retail 0/10 0 Produce were grown either in Farber and
the U.S. or Canada. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Radish US Retail 19/132 14 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Tomato Canada Retail 0/20 0 Produce were grown either in Farber and
the U.S. or Canada. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Tomato Pakistan NR 2/15 13 See Beuchat


L. monocytogenes Tomato US Retail 0/92 0 Samples were obtained from Heisick and
two supermarkets. others 1989

L. monocytogenes Unspecified UK Retail 5/90 5.6 Samples were taken year MacGowan and
vegetables round from four supermarkets. others 1994

Salmonella Artichoke Spain Farm, 3/25 12 Samples were collected all Garcia-Villanova,
wholesale, seasons at four different Galvez Vargas,
and retail sources. Possible contamination and others 1987
from contaminated irrigation

Salmonella Cabbage Netherlands Various 0/18 0 Tamminga and

others 1978

Salmonella Cabbage Spain Various 7/41 17 Samples were collected all four Garcia-Villanova,
seasons at different sources. Galvez Vargas,
Possible contamination from and others 1987
contaminated irrigation water.

Salmonella Cardoon Spain Farm, 1/4 20 Samples were collected all four Garcia-Villanova,
wholesale, seasons at different sources. Galvez Vargas,
and retail Possible contamination from and others 1987
contaminated irrigation water.

Salmonella Cauliflower Netherlands Various 1/13 7.7 Salmonella tested only when Tamminga and
E. coli present. others 1978

Salmonella Cauliflower Spain Farm, 1/23 4.3 Samples were collected all four Garcia-Villanova,
wholesale, seasons at different sources. Galvez Vargas,
and retail Possible contamination and others 1987
from contaminated irrigation

Salmonella Celery Netherlands Various 0/20 0 Tamminga and

others 1978

Salmonella Celery Various Various 1/84 1.2 Produce imported into the U.S. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from
2 countries.

Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Table I-7—Examination of raw vegetables other than lettuce and salad greens for the presence of pathogens (continued
from previous page)
Place of Percentage
Pathogen Type Country a Sampling Incidence % Comments Reference
Salmonella Eggplant Netherlands Various 2/13 1.5 Salmonella tested only when Tamminga and
E. coli present. others 1978

Salmonella Endive Netherlands Various 2/26 7.7 Samples were either locally Tamminga and
grown or imported from Italy. others 1978

Salmonella Fennel Italy Retail 64/89 72 Samples were taken from five Ercolani 1976
retail outlets and sampled
monthly for 1 year.

Salmonella Fennel Netherlands Various 0/15 0 Samples were either locally Tamminga and
grown or imported from Italy. others 1978

Salmonella Green Various Various 1/180 0.6 Produce imported into the U.S. FDA 2001
onion Samples were collected from
5 countries.

Salmonella Pepper Netherlands Various 0/20 0 Tamminga and

others 1978

Salmonella Spinach Spain Various 2/38 5.2 Samples were collected all four Garcia-Villanova,
seasons at different sources. Galvez Vargas,
Possible contamination from and others 1987
contaminated irrigation water.

Salmonella Zuchini Netherlands Various 0/11 0 Tamminga and

others 1978

Salmonella Beet Spain Various 4/52 7.7 Samples were collected all four Garcia-Villanova,
leaves seasons at different sources. Galvez Vargas,
Possible contamination from and others 1987
contaminated irrigation water.

Salmonella Celery Spain Farm, 2/26 7.7 Samples were collected all four Garcia-Villanova,
wholesale, seasons at different sources. Galvez Vargas,
and retail Possible contamination from and others 1987
contaminated irrigation water.

Shigella Celery Various Various 2/84 2.4 Produce imported into the U.S. FDA 2001
Samples were collected from
2 countries.

Shigella Green Various Various 2/180 1.1 Produce imported into the U.S. FDA 2001
onion Samples were collected from
5 countries.

Staphylococcus Carrots Lebanon NR NR 14 See Beuchat


Staphylococcus Radish Lebanon NR NR 6.3 See Beuchat


Yersinia Watercress Brazil Retail 1/5 20 Tassinari and

enterolitica others 1994
a Country where produce samples were collected and tested
b Modified atmosphere packaging
c Not Reported

Table O-1—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with melons

Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue Melon Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Escherichia coli 1993 Oregon NRa Restaurant Cantaloupe 9 0 NR Possible contamination of cantaloupe See Del Rosario
O157:H7 with organism from raw beef. and Beuchat 1995;
Anonymous 1993
Norwalk virus 1987 United NR NR Melon 206 0 NR Infected food handler. See Lund and
Kingdom Snowdon 2000
Salmonella 1989-90 Multistate, Mexico Unknown Cantaloupe ⬍245 2 No Cut cantaloupe from salad bars. see CDC 1991; see
Chester U.S. and (25,000 Lund and
Central estimated) Snowdon 2000
S. Javiana 1991 Michigan NA Indoor picnic Watermelon 26 primary 0 Yes Melon not washed prior to cutting. Blostein 1993
and in- 13 secondary Suspected contamination from melon
school party rind. Melon served over 3 hour period
at room temperature. Leftovers served
the next day.
S. Miami 1954 Massachusetts Florida Supermarket Watermelon 17 1 Yes Laboratory demonstration of Gayler and
contamination of internal flesh during others 1955
slicing with either contaminated melon
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

surface or contaminated knife.

Organism recovered from shelf where
knife was kept but not from knife used
to cut melons. Organism was isolated
from home samples but not from
supermarket samples. Melons were
from Florida where S. Maimi is common.
S. Oranienburg 1979 Illinois Illonois Supermarket Watermelon 18 0 No Damaged fruits were cut, covered with CDC 1979
plastic film, and displayed, sometimes
without refrigeration until sold.
S. Oranienburg 1998 Ontario, U.S., Various Cantaloupe 22 0 No Possible contamination with organism Deeks and
Canada Mexico, from surface when slicing. Cut fruit was others 1998
or Central probably left sitting at room temperature
America for several hours before consumption.
S. Poona 1991 Multistate, Texas Unknown Cantaloupe ⬎400 0 NR Fruit salads containing sliced CDC 1991
U.S. and or confirmed U.S., cantaloupes.
Canada Mexico 72 Canada


S. Poona 2000 Multistate, Mexico Various Cantaloupe Case control study clearly implicated. Farrar; pers comm;
U.S. (8 states) unreferenced
S. Saphra 1997 California Mexico Home, Cantaloupe 24 0 NR Multiple purchase sites suggest at retail Mohle-Boetani and
grocery contamination during production or others 1999; Farrar,
stores, and harvest. Lack of refrigeration may pers comm;
restaurants have contributed to outbreak. unreferenced
Salmonella 1950 Minnesota NA Roadside 6 0 Yes Prepared cut melon. S. Bareilly See Blostein 1993
stand isolated from melon. Melon kept at
Watermelon ambient temperature.
Shigella sonnei 1987 Sweden Morocco Dinner party 15 0 No Melon consumed immediately after Fredlund and
Suspect slicing. Possible contamination of others 1987
watermelon melon from injected water.
a NR, not reported
Table O-2—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne parasitic disease associated with raw berries
Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue Berry Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Cyclospora 1995 Florida Guatemala Two social Raspberries 87 0 No Raspberries from both events were Koumans and
cayetanensis likely events likely purchased from separate sources. others 1998
Two clusters reported.
C. cayetanensis 1996 20 U.S. Guatemala Various Raspberries 1465 0 No Possible contamination due to fruit Herwaldt and
states and spraying with insecticides and Ackers 1997;
2 Canadian fungicides mixed with contaminated Fleming and
provinces water. others 1998
C. cayetanensis 1997 Multistate, Guatemala Various Raspberries 1012 0 No Source of contamination unknown. Herwaldt and Beach
U.S. and 1999; CDC 1997b
C. cayetanensis 1998 Ontario, Guatemala Various Raspberries 315 0 No Source of contamination unknown. CDC 1998c;
Canada Herwaldt 2000
C. cayetanensis 1999 Ontario, Guatamala Banquet Blackberries 104 0 NRa Source of contamination unknown. Herwaldt 2000
Canada likely hall suspected
a NR, not reported

Table O-3—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne viral disease associated with contaminated frozen berries
Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue Berry Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Calicivirus 1997 Quebec, Bosnia 2 separate Raspberries ⬎200 0 NRa Likely contamination occurred before Gaulin and
Canada events (frozen) shipping from Bosnia. others 1999
Calicivirus 1998 Finland Imported Unknown Raspberries ⬎500 0 NR Source of contamination unknown. See Lund and
(frozen) Snowdon 2000
Hepatitis A 1983 Scotland Scotland Hotel Raspberries 24 0 No Suspected raspberry mousse prepared Reid and
(frozen) from frozen raspberries. Suggested Robinson 1987
contamination by infected picker(s).
Hepatitis A 1988 Scotland Scotland Home Raspberries 5 0 No Raspberries from a small farm were Ramsay and
(frozen) frozen at home. Several pickers at the Upton 1989
farm had symptoms of hepatitis A.
Hepatitis A 1990 Georgia California School Strawberries 15 (Georgia) 0 No Frozen strawberries used to make Niu and others 1992
Montana (1988) Institution (frozen) 13 (Missouri) dessert. Empty strawberry containers
for disabled ⫹29 secondary with same lot number obtained from
both locations implicated same source.
Suspected contamination by infected
picker(s). Strawberries picked and
stems removed in field. Fruits washed
in 3 ppm chlorine prior to slicing
and freezing.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

Hepatitis A 1997 Multistate Mexico Schools Strawberries 242 ⫹ 14 0 No Frozen strawberries and strawberry Hutin and others
U.S. (frozen) suspect shortcake were implicated in the 1999; CDC 1997a
outbreak. Possible contamination during
harvesting. Handwashing in field


limited. Stems removed with fingernails.
Evidence suggested low levels of
nonuniform contamination.

a NR, not reported
Table O-4—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with seed sprouts

Seed Type of No. of No. of Sprouts/
Pathogen Year Location Source Sprout Cases Deaths Seeds Comments Reference
Bacillus cereus 1973 Texas Uganda (soy), Soy, mustard, 4 0 Yes/Yes Sprouted from a home seed Portnoy and
Holland (cress), and cress sprouting kit. others 1976
and Denmark
Escherichia coli 1996 Japan NRa Radish 6561 2 No/No Contamination route unknown. WHO, Weekly
O157:H7 (101 with HUSb), Epidemiological
160 secondary Record 1996a,
cases 1996b
E. coli O157:H7 1997 Japan NR Radish 126 0 Yes/No The pathogen was isolated from See Feng 1997;
leftover sprouts in the refrigerator but Taormina and
not the seeds from the same seed lots. others 1999

E. coli O157:H7 1997 Michigan NR Alfalfa 108 0 NR/NR Sprouts were sprouted from same CDC 1997d
and Virginia seed lot in both states.
E. coli O157:NM 1998 California California Clover/ 8 0 Yes/No Sprouts were traced to a single Farrar; pers comm;
and Nevada Alfalfa sprouter. Contaminated seeds unreferenced;
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

suspected (same sprouter as Taormina and

1997-98 S.Senftenberg outbreak). others 1999
Salmonella 1994 Sweden Australia Alfalfa 595 0 Yes/No Contaminated seeds came from the Ponka and
Bovismorbificans and Finland same seed lot and importer. others 1995
S. Enteriditis 2000 Alberta and China Alfalfa 8 0 NR/NR Outbreaks occurred at 5 Vietnamese growers who received
seeds imported from China.Farber 2000; personal communication; unreferenced
Saskatchewan, restaurants. Sprouts came from 2
S. Enteriditis 2000 California China Mung 45 0 No/No Cluster of illness linked to 3 California Dept.
Vietnamese restaurants. Health Services
S. Enteriditis isolated from 2000; Farrar; pers
environment at sprouter. comm; unreferenced
S. Gold-Coast 1989 U.K. The Netherlands Cress 31 0 Yes/No Contaminated seed and/or sprouter. Feng 1997;
Taormina and
others 1999
S. Havana 1998 California NR Alfalfa 14 (California) 1 No/Yes Sprouts were traced to a single Backer and
and Arizona 4 (Arizona) producer. Seeds obtained from the others 2000


same lot yielded sprouts from which
S. Havana was cultured.
S. Havana/ 1998 California California Alfalfa 34 0 Yes/Yes Contaminated seeds were suspected. Farrar; pers comm;
Cubana/ unreferencd;
Tennessee Taormina and
others 1999
S. Infantis and 1997 Kansas and Unknown Alfalfa 109 0 NR/NR Seeds were believed to be Feng 1997;
S. Anatum Missouri contaminated. Taormina and
others 1999
S. Mbandaka 1999 Oregon, California Alfalfa Appx. 68 0 Yes/Yes Seeds were believed to come from the Farrar; personal
California, same lot and distributed to various communication;
Idaho, and growers in California, Florida, and unreferenced
Washington Washington. No cases in Florida
Table O-4—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with seed sprouts (continued from previous page)
Seed Type of No. of No. of Sprouts/
Pathogen Year Location Source Sprout Cases Deaths Seeds Comments Reference
S. Meleagridis 1997 Canada Unknown Alfalfa 124 0 NR/NR Sprouts were organically grown with See Feng 1997;
no chlorine pre-soak. Farber 2000; pers
comm; unreferenced
S. Montevideo and 1996 California California Alfalfa ⬎500 1 Yes/No The sprouts were traced to a specific Taormina and
S. Meleagridis sprouter. Seeds traced to single others 1999;
California seed grower. Contaminated Farrar; pers
seeds suspected. comm;
S. Newport 1995 Denmark The Alfalfa 154 0 Yes/Yes Seeds came from the same shipper See Feng 1997;
(probably U.S. Netherlands as U.S./Canada outbreak (see below). Farber 2000;
and Canada) Source of contamination unknown. pers comm;
S. Newport 1995-96 British The Alfalfa 133 0 Yes/Yes Organism isolated were See Feng 1997;
Columbia, Netherlands indistinguishable from the Denmark Taormina and
Oregon outbreak (see above). others 1999
Georgia and
Vermont) and
S. Paratyphi Java 1999 Alberta, Unknown Alfalfa 46 0 NR/NR Spouts were from the same brand or Farber 2000; pers
B var. British common seed source. comm; unreferenced
Columbia, and
S. Saint-Paul 1988 U.K. Thailand Mung 143 0 Yes/Yes Multiple serovars isolated from bean O’Mahony and
and Australia spouts, seeds, and environmental others 1990
samples (from producer waste
S. Saint-Paul 1988 Sweden NR Mung 148 0 Yes/NR Probably same seeds as UK outbreak. See Nguyen-the
S. Havana S. Havana and S. Muenchen but not and Carlin 2000;
S. Muenchen S. Saint-Paul isolated from sprouts. See O’Mahony
and others 1990
S. Senftenberg 1997-98 California 5 U.S. Alfalfa and 52 0 Yes/No Sprouts were traced to a specific Jeff Farrar; pers
states clover sprouts sprouter. Contaminated seeds comm; unreferenced;
suspected. Same sprouter as 1998 Taormina and
E. coli O157:N.M. outbreak. others 1999
S. Stanley 1995 Multistate, The Alfalfa ⬎272 0 No/No Seeds came from the same sprouter. Mahon and
U.S, Canada Netherlands At least 4 seed lots involved. Possible others 1997
and Finland contamination occurred prior to shipping.
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

S. Virchow 1988 U.K. Thailand and Mung 7 0 Yes/NR Probably from the same outbreak as O’Mahony and
Australia S. Saint-Paul in UK. others 1990
Yersinia 1982 Pennsylvania Unknown Bean 16 0 NR/NR Bean sprouts were immersed at home See Cover and
enterolitica sprouts in well water contaminated with Yersinia. Aber 1989


a NR, not reported
b Hemolytic uremic syndrome

Table O-5—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with unpasteurized fruit juice

Fruit Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Juice Venue Cases Deaths Juice Comments Reference
Crytosporidium 1996 New York New York Apple Small 20 confirmed, 0 NRa No drops used; However, dairy farm CDC 1997c
parvum cider mill 11 suspected across the street. E. coli detected in
well water samples indicating fecal
contamination. Apples were brushed
and washed prior to pressing.
Cryptosporidium 1993 Maine Maine Apple School 0 Yes Apples shaken from trees and Millard and
160 primary gathered from ground, cattle grazed others1994
and on grass beneath trees, oocysts found
53 secondary in calf manure, apples inadequately
washed and pressed for juice
at an agricultural fair.
Escherichia 1991 Mass. Mass. Apple Small 23 (4 HUS) 0 No 90% drops used in making juice. Besser and
coli O157:H7 cider mill Apples were not washed or others 1993
scrubbed. Cattle raised nearby.

E. coli O157:H7 1996 Conn. Conn. Apple Small 14 (3 HUS, 0 No Some drops used in juice. Apples were CDC 1997c
cider mill 1 HUS+TTPc) brushed and washed in potable water
before juiced using a wooden press.
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

Potassium sorbate (0.1%) added as a

E. coli O157:H7 1996 Wash. Wash. Apple Small 6 0 No Cider was made for local church event See Farber 2000
cider mill from local orchard. Apples were washed.
E. coli O157:H7 1996 British U.S. Apple Retail 70 (14 HUS) 1 Yes Phosphoric acid wash, brushed, and CDC 1996b; Cody
Columbia, rinsed; However, phosphoric acid and others 1999
Canada, based solutions may have been used
California, incorrectly (not intended for produce/
Colorado, and waxed produce) or some times used
Washington at low concentrations. Possibly poor
quality apples, some dropped apples
used, apple orchard near cattle/deer.
E. coli O157:H7 1998 Ontario, Ontario, Apple Farm/ 14 0 No Cattle kept in orchard prior to apple Tamblyn and
Canada Canada Home harvest. Apples collected from ground others 1999
if suitable on inspection. Water supply
on farm not potable. Apples used without
further inspection, brushing or washing.


E. coli O157:H7 1999 Oklahoma Oklahoma Apple — 7 0 NR Drop apples used. Possible See Farber 2000
contamination from wild and
Table O-6—Examples of Reported Outbreaks of Foodborne Disease Associated with Reconstituted Orange Juice
Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Juice Venue Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Hepatitis A 1962 Missouri Unknown Orange Hospital 24 0 NR The orange juice was prepared by Eisenstein and
(reconstituted) subclinical hepatitis A handler. others 1963
Salmonella Typhi, 1944 Ohio Unknown Orange Residential 18 1 NR Juice was handled by an Duncan and
typhoid fever (reconstituted) hotel asymptomatic food worker. others 1946

S. Typhi, 1989 New York Unknown Orange Resort 46 confirmed 0 NR An asymptomatic food handler Birkhead and
typhoid fever (reconstituted) hotel 24 suspected prepared the juice at a New York hotel. others 1993
Table O-5—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with unpasteurized fruit juice (continued from previous page)
Fruit Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Juice Venue Cases Deaths Juice Comments Reference
Utensils used were difficult to clean.
Orange juice distributed near restrooms.

Unknown 1965 California Unknown Orange Unknown 563 0 NRa Possible contaminated water source Tabershaw and
(reconstituted) used to reconstitute juice. others 1967
a NR, not reported domestic animal manure.

E. coli O157:H7 1980 Toronto, Canada Apple Local 14 HUSb 1 No Juice purchased from a local market Steele and
suspected Ontario, market and fair. Juice tasted “bad” or “different”. others1982

Enterotoxigenic 1992 India India Orange Roadside 6 0 Yes Two roadside vendors selling fresh Singh and
E. coli vendor squeezed juice, one was 6 meters others 1995
away from the garbage heap.
Salmonella 2000 Multistate, California Citrus Retail and 14 0 No Gallon sized containers of citrus Butler 2000
Enteriditis U.S. Food Service juices were implicated in the outbreak.
S. Gaminera, 1995 Florida Florida Orange Retail 62 ill and 0 Yes S. Gaminera was isolated from several CDC 1995; Cook
S. Hartford, and 7 hospitalized containers of juice after outbreak. and others 1998
S. Rubislaw Numerous in-plant sanitation problems
found. Surface water was used for
orchard irrigation. Drops were used
for juice. Salmonella was isolated from
amphibiams and soil around the
processing plant.
S. Muenchen 1999 U.S. and Mexico Orange Restaurant 207 confirmed, 1 Yes Multiple strains of Salmonella isolated CDC 1999a
Canada ⫹91 suspected from orange juice collected from
producer. Juice squeezed in Mexico
and transported to Arizona in tanker
trucks where it was bottled. Follow-up
investigations revealed that ice was
added illegally to juice prior to transport.
S. Typhi 1898 France France Apple NR NR NR NR —
S. Typhi 1922 France France Apple NR 23 0 NR Non-potable water was used to Paquet 1923
wash apples.
S. Typhimurium 1974 New Jersey New Jersey Apple Farm and 296 0 Yes A high proportion of dropped apples CDC 1975
small retail used to make the juice. Manure used
outlets to fertilize apple trees. Equipment
rinsed with cold water, not sanitized.
Six of thirty employees were
S. Typhimurium positive.
S. Typhimurium 1999 Australia Australia Orange Retail 405 0 Yes Salmonella was isolated from juice. Survellence
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

unopened cartons of orange Management

Section 1999
a NR, not reported
b Hemolytic uremic syndrome
c Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura


Table O-6—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with reconstituted orange juice

Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Juice Venue Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Hepatitis A 1962 Missouri Unknown Orange Hospital 24 0 NR The orange juice was prepared by Eisenstein and
(reconstituted) subclinical hepatitis A handler. others 1963
Salmonella Typhi, 1944 Ohio Unknown Orange Residential 18 1 NR Juice was handled by an Duncan and
typhoid fever (reconstituted) hotel asymptomatic food worker. others 1946

S. Typhi, 1989 New York Unknown Orange Resort 46 confirmed 0 NR An asymptomatic food handler Birkhead and
typhoid fever (reconstituted) hotel 24 suspected prepared the juice at a New York hotel. others 1993
Utensils used were difficult to clean.
Orange juice distributed near restrooms.

Unknown 1965 California Unknown Orange Unknown 563 0 NRa Possible contaminated water source Tabershaw and
(reconstituted) used to reconstitute juice. others 1967
a NR, not reported

Table O-7—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with raw lettuce or salads
Type of Isolated
Produce Lettuce No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue or Salad Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

Campylobacter 1984 British NRa University Salad 330 0 No Possible cross contamination during Allen 1985
jejuni Columbia, cafeteria food preparation and poor food storage
Canada practices. Salad appeared to initiate

C. jejuni 1996 Oklahoma NR Restaurant Lettuce 14 0 NR Probable cross contamination of CDC 1998b
lettuce with raw chicken juices.

Clostridium 1993 Ontario, Unknown Wedding Salad 48 0 No Salad implicated but epidemiology weak. Styliadis 1993
perfringens Canada reception

Cyclospora 1997 Florida Possibly Restaurants Baby ⬎91 0 NR Possibly related outbreaks traced to See Herwaldt and
cayatenesis Peru cruise ship lettuce cruiseship sailing out of Florida and Beach 1999
leaves several Florida restaurants. Lettuce
(mesclun) originated from Peru and U.S.,
purchased from the same distributor.

Calicivirus 1992 Ontario, NR Catered Salad 27 0 NR Salad served at a potluck. Vegetables Todd 1998
Canada event may have been improperly washed or


cross contaminated by an infected
food handler.

Escherichia 1995 Idaho Unknown Unknown Lettuce 21 0 NR Possibly infected food handler. CSPI 2000
coli O157:H7 (romaine)

E. coli O157:H7 1995 Maine California Scout Lettuce 30 0 NR Cross contamination with raw CSPI 2000
camp (iceberg) hamburger juice.

E. coliO157:H7 1995 Ontario, NR Acute care Iceberg 23 0 NR Outbreak occurred in an acute care Preston and
Canada hospital lettuce hospital. Lettuce received was heavily others 1997

E.coli O157:H7 1995 Alberta, NR Restaurant Caesar 37 0 NR — Farber; pers comm;

Canada salad unrefcd
Table O-7—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with raw lettuce or salads (continued from previous page)
Type of Isolated
Produce Lettuce No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue or Salad Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
E.coli O157:H7 1995 Montana Montana and Retail Lettuce 70 0 No Possible contamination from irrigation Ackers and
Washington runoff or compost used to fertilize the others 1998
fields. Cattle had access to the stream
above the pond used for irrigation.

E.coli O157:H7 1996 Connecticut U.S. Various Mesclun 49 0 Yes The implicated lettuce was traced to a Hilborn and others
and Illinois lettuce single grower processor. Cattle was 1999; See
found near the lettuce fields. Tauxe 1997

E.coli O157:H7 1998 California NR Restaurant Salad 2 0 No Griffin and

Tauxe 1999

Giardia 1989 New Mexico NR Church Lettuce 21 0 NR Possible contamination from potable CDC 1989
dinner and onions water used in washing the vegetables.
Possible cross contamination from
using the same cutting board to cut
all vegetables.

Hepatitis A 1986 Florida NR Restaurant Lettuce 103 0 No The probable source for the outbreak Lowry and
salad was an infected foodhandler with poor others 1989
hygiene practices. The lettuce was
shredded with hands.

Hepatitis A 1988 Kentucky U.S. but Restaurants Iceberg 202 0 No Three restaurants received lettuce Rosenblum and
possibly lettuce from the same produce distributor. others 1990.
Mexico Contamination suspected to have
occurred before distribution.

Shigella sonnei 1983 Texas Arizona, University Lettuce 140 0 No Two concurrent outbreaks at separate Martin and
California, cafeteria universities. Both universities others 1986
New Mexico purchased lettuce from the same
supplier. Supplier purchased lettuce
from three states. Farm source could
not be determined.

S. sonnei 1986 Texas Texas Restaurants Shredded 347 0 No Implicated restaurants received Davis and
lettuce shredded lettuce from one source. others 1988
Possible contamination from food
handler at the shredding facility.

S. sonnei 1994 Norway, Spain Various Lettuce 110 (Norway), 0 No Fecal coliforms and Salmonella were Kapperud and
Sweden, (iceberg) 8 (Sweden), detected in iceberg lettuce obtained others 1995
and UK NR (UK) from patient’s homes.

Vibrio cholerae 1970 Israel NR NR Mixed 176 0 NR Possible contamination from waste See Nguyen-the
vegetables water irrigation. and Carlin 2000
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

a NR, not reported


Table O-8—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with raw produce other than melons, berries, seed sprouts, and lettuce or salads

Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue Produce Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Clostridium 1987 Florida NR a Home Cabbage 4 0 Yes Preformed toxin and spores were found Solomon and others
botulinum salad in coleslaw dressing which contained 1990
(type A) cabbage and carrot pieces. Possible
growth of C. botulinum in the cabbage.
C. botulinum 1989 New York NR Home Chopped 3 0 Yes Product was made from chopped garlic, Morse and
(type A) garlic in oil ice water and olive oil some-time others 1990
between 1985 and 1987. Chemical or
acid additives not used. “Keep refrigerated”
in small print. Jar was stored at room
temperature for approximately 3 months
prior to opening. Refrigerated after opening.
Same processor as 1985 outbreak
(Solomon and Kautter, 1988).
C. botulinum 1985 British Columbia, US Restaurants Chopped 37 0 Yes The product was made from dehydrated Solomon and
(type B) Canada garlic in oil and rehydrated and soybean oil. Chemical Kautter 1988
or acid additives not used. “Keep
refrigerated” in small print. Jar was stored
at room temperature at the restaurant.
Cryptosporidium 1997 Washington US Restaurants Green onions 54 0 No Green onions were not washed before CDC 1998a
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

parvum (inconclusive delivery to the restaurant and not washed

association) before serving to customers. Possible
contamination by a food handler.
Cyclospora 1997 Multistate, US US Retail/ Basil >308 0 Yes Suspected fresh basil. Mode of CDC 1997b
cayatenansis Catered contamination unknown.
Escherichia 1993 Rhode Island US Airline, Shredded 47 121 0 NR Possible contamination of carrots used CDC 1994
coli New Hampshire hotel carrots in salads. Carrots used came
(enterotoxigenic) from same state.
E. coli O157:H7 1998 Indianapolis NR Restaurant Coleslaw 33 0 Yes Griffin and Tauxe

E. coli O157:H7 1998 Wisconsin NR Catered event Fruit salad 47 0 No Griffin and
(3 HUS) Tauxe 1999
Giardia lamblia 1989 US NR NR Lettuce, 21 NR NR See Nguyen-the
tomatoes, and Carlin 2000
Hepatitis A 1971 Tennessee Tennessee Home Raw 129 0 No Watercress harvested from small streams CDC 1971


watercress near farm. Specimen cultures revealed
gross contamination with fecal organisms.
Several abandoned septic tanks were
seen near the stream.
Hepatitis A 1994 Arkansas NR NR Diced 92 0 NR Suspected contamination by food handler. Lund and
tomatoes Snowdon 2000
Listeria 1979 Boston NR Hospitals Raw 20 5 NR Multiple hospitals involved. Tuna fish, Ho and others 1986;
monocytogenes tomatoes, chicken salad and cheese sandwiches Schlech and others
lettuce and epidemiologically linked to listeriosis. 1983
celery All served with tomatoes, raw vegetables
suspected such as celery and lettuce.
(continued on next page)
Table O-8—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with raw produce other than melons, berries, seed sprouts, and lettuce or salads
(continued from previous page)
Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue Produce Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
L. monocytogenes 1981 Nova Scotia, Nova Various Vegetable mix 41 17 Yes Cabbage was grown on farm where two Farber 2000; pers
Canada Scotia, for coleslaw sheep had died of listeriosis. Raw and comm;
Canada composed manure was used to fertilize the unreferenced;
fields. Cold storage may have allowed for Schlech and
Listeria growth. others 1983
Norwalk virus 1982 Minnesota NR Hotel Fruit salad, 233 0 NR Outbreak traced to three separate White 1986
restaurant coleslaw, and banquets. Fruit salad and coleslaw
tossed salad prepared by one worker during her acute
illness and up to 48 hours following her
recovery. A second worker prepared
implicated tossed salad 24 hours following
her recovery.
Norwalk virus 1990 Hawaii NR Cruise ship Fresh cut >217 0 NR Possible contamination occurred during Herwaldt and
fruit preparation. Fresh cut fruits included others 1994
pineapple, papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe,
and honeydew melon.
Salmonella 1998 to 99 Multistate, Florida Various Tomatoes 85 3 NR Tomates traced to
two packers in Florida. Susman 1999;
Baildon US Possible field contamination by domesting Cummings 1999
or wild animals.
S. Javiana 1990 Multistate, US South Various Tomatoes 174 0 NR Contamination of water bath used by See Tauxe 1997;
Carolina packer. See Beuchat 1996b
S. Montevideo 1993 Multistate, US South Various Tomatoes 84 0 No Contamination of water bath used by See Lund and
Carolina packer. Snowdon 2000;
See Wei and others
1995; Tauxe 1997
S. Typhi 1998 to 99 US Brazil Unknown Mamey 13 0 Unknown Imported frozen
mamey. Source ofSee Lund and
contamination not known. Snowdon, 2000
Shigella 1994 Multistate, US Mexico Various Green 72 0 ND Possible contamination during harvest or Tauxe, 1997
flexneri 6A onions packaging in Mexico.
S. sonnei 1998 Multistate, US Mexico Restaurants Parsley 310 0 No Municipal water supplied to packing shed CDC, 1999b
and Canada was unchlorinated. Water was used in
hydrocooler where it was recirculated. Also
used to make ice for packing the parsley.
Workers had limited hygiene education and
sanitary facilities. In restaurants parsley was
often chopped and left at room temperature
for several hours prior to serving.
Vibrio cholerae 1970 Israel NR NR Various raw 176 NR NR Contamination by irrigation and untreated See Nguyen-the
vegetables waste water. and Carlin, 2000
V. cholerae 1991 Peru Peru Various Cabbage Unknown 71 NR Several factors were associated with Swerdlow and
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce

cholera transmission including contaminated others 1992

drinking water, going to fiestas, and eating
raw or lightly cooked cabbage. Farmers in
region commonly used untreated sewage
to irrigate crops.


a NR, not reported

Table O-9—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with raw produce due to contamination during final preparation

Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Venue Produce Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Campylobacter 1984 British University Salad 330 0 No Possible cross contamination during Allen 1985
jejuni Columbia, cafeteria food preparation and poor food storage
Canada practices. The salad appeared to
initiate outbreak.

C. jejuni 1996 Oklahoma Restaurant Lettuce 14 0 NRa Probable cross contamination of CDC 1998b
lettuce with raw chicken juices.

Crytosporidium 1997 Washington Restaurants Green 54 0 No Green onions were not washed before CDC 1998a
parvum onions delivery to the restaurant and not
(inconclusive washed before serving to customers.
association) Possible contamination by a food handler.

Calicivirus 1992 Ontario, Catered Salad 27 0 NR Salad served at a potluck. Vegetables Todd 1998
Canada event may have been improperly washed or
cross contaminated by an infected
food handler.

Escherichia 1993 Oregon Restaurant Cantaloupe 9 0 NR Possible contamination of cantaloupe See Del Rosario
IFT/FDA Report on Task Order 3

coli O157:H7 with organism from raw beef. and Beuchat 1995;
Anonymous 1993

E. coli O157:H7 1995 Idaho Unknown Lettuce 21 0 NR Possibly contaminated by food handler. CSPI 2000

E. coli O157:H7 1995 Maine Scout Lettuce 30 0 NR Cross contamination with raw CSPI 2000
camp (iceberg) hamburger juice.

Giardia 1989 New Mexico Church Lettuce 21 0 NR Possible contamination from potable CDC 1989
dinner and onions water used in washing the vegetables.
Possible cross contamination from
using the same cutting board to cut
all vegetables.

Hepatitis A 1986 Florida Restaurant Lettuce 103 0 No The probable source for the outbreak Lowry and
salad was an infected food handler with poor others 1989
hygiene practices. Lettuce was
shredded by hand.


Hepatitis A 1994 Arkansas Unknown Diced 92 0 Unknown Suspected contamination by f Lund and
tomatoes ood handler. Snowdon 2000

Norwalk virus 1987 United NR Melon 206 0 NR Infected food handler. See Lund and
Kingdom Snowdon 2000

Norwalk virus 1990 Hawaii Cruise ship Fresh ⬎217 0 NR Possible contamination occurred Herwaldt and
cut fruit during preparation. Fresh cut fruits others 1994.
included pineapple, papaya, watermelon,
cantaloupe, and honeydew melon.
a NR, not reported
Note: These outbreaks are also found in Tables 1 to 8.
Table O-10—Examples of reported outbreaks of foodborne disease asociated with temperature abuse
Produce Type of No. of No. of from
Pathogen Year Location Source Venue Produce Cases Deaths Produce Comments Reference
Clostridium 1989 New York NRa Home Chopped 3 0 Yes Product was made from chopped garlic, Morse and
botulinum garlic in oil ice water and olive oil sometime between others 1990
(type A) 1985 and 1987. Chemical or acid
additives not used. “Keep refrigerated”
in small print. Jar was stored at room
temperature or approximately 3 months
prior to opening. Refrigerated after
opening. Same processor as 1985
outbreak (Solomon and Kautter, 1988).

C. botulinum 1985 British U.S. Restaurants Chopped 37 0 Yes Product was made from dehydrated Solomon and
(type B) Columbia, garlic in oil and rehydrated and soybean oil. Kautter 1988
Canada Chemical or acid additives not used.
“Keep refrigerated” in small print. Jar
was stored at room temperature at the

Salmonella 1991 Michigan NA Indoor Watermelon 26 primary 0 Yes Melon not washed prior to cutting. Blostein 1993
Javiana picnic and 13 secondary Suspected contamination from melon
in-school rind. Melon served over 3 hour period
party at room temperature. Leftovers served
the next day.

S. Oranienburg 1979 Illinois Illonois Supermarket Watermelon 18 0 No Damaged fruits were cut, covered with CDC 1979
plastic film, and displayed, sometimes
without refrigeration until sold.

S. Oranienburg 1998 Ontario, U.S., Various Cantaloupe 22 0 No Possible contamination with organism Deeks and
Canada Mexico, or from surface when slicing. The cut fruit others 1998
Central was probably left sitting at room
America temperature for several hours before

Salmonella 1950 Minnesota NR Roadside Watermelon 6 0 Yes Prepared cut melon. S. Bareilly See Blostein 1993
stand isolated from melon. Melon kept at
ambient temperature.
a NR, not reported
Note: These tables are also found in Tables 1 to 8
Chapter III: Incidence, Growth, and Survival of Pathogens in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce



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