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This Paper is Presented to Fulfill the requirements of the Task of

Literal Reading

Subject Guided by:


Directed by:

Group D
1. Aulia Saputri Dewanni : 2001052002
2. Faizatul Mahbubah : 2001052003
3. Hasna Delina Eka Saputri : 2001051011





1. Definition Topics

The topic comes from the language Yunani: topoi is the focal point of the
entire text to be presented or better known as the topic of conversation. The
topic is the first thing determined when the author will create a paper on which
the topic will be expanded widely and narrow.

So it can be said that the topic is the subject of discussion in general from a
text or subject matter and problems in general. Topic is not a sentence but a
word or phrase. The topics sentence is a sentece the expresses the main or main
idea about the topic that will be devoloped in the paragaraph.

2. Why is identifying the topic important?

Identifying the topic is key to monitoring your comprehension, getting

the full meaning of the text, and answering your instructor when she asks, “So
what is this section about?” Once you identify the topic, you can more easily
determine the author’s main idea (See Identifying Main Ideas skill sheet).

3. The characteristics of the topic sentence

a. Usually placed at the beginning of the paragaraph, but usually also at

the end of the paragraph.
b. A sentence containing the main sentence is indicated by key words.
c. Usually contains a statement which will be explained further by an
explanatory sentence.

4. How do I get started?

Preview your text before you begin. Ask yourself, “What is the article
about?” The answer can often be found in the title. If the topic is not
specifically stated in the title, you will want more information before reading
the entire article. Preview further by reading subtitles and headings. Look at
diagrams and/or visual aids. Read the introductory material, opening paragraph,
final paragraph. If the text is only one paragraph long, read the first and last
sentences. The point is to quickly gain as much understanding as possible.
Finding the Topic

• Ask yourself, “Who or what is the paragraph (or article) about?”

• Use these clues to help you:

1) Look for a heading or title.

2) Look for pictures and words in special print, such as bold, italics, or
3) Read the first and last sentences of the paragraph.
4) Look for repeated words in a paragraph. It helps to use a pencil to
circle or box repeated words and ideas.
5) Look for something mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph and
then referred to throughout the paragraph by pronouns or by other
6) Look for ideas that are implied, or suggested, in addition to being

This mnemonic (memory trick) will help you recall these strategies for
finding topics.

• F is for subject of the First sentence.
• R is for a Repeated word or phrase.
• ST means that all sentences deal with the Same Thing

Phrasing the Topic

 Write a single word or phrase. If more than one idea is repeated or

referred in a paragraph, the topic needs to be expressed in a phrase rather
than a single word.
 Strike a balance. Be general enough to include everything discussed but
specific enough to exclude what isn’t. The word “tests,” for example,
does not tell whether the paragraph is about taking tests, creating them, or
cheating on them.
Compare the general and specific topics listed below:
 General Specific
 tests taking essay tests in college
 broadcasting telecommunications policy in China

Never write complete sentence.

 Correct:
tips for essay tests
Learn to take essay tests.
 Incorrect:
taking essay tests in college
There are many essay tests in college.

5. Example Topics in a Text

Does Watching violence on TV make people more prone to violence

themselves ?. obviously, TV violance has some negative effects. One study
found that heavy TV watched rs are more fearful of others. They try to protect
them selves with guns, alarm systems, and security locks on doors. In the same
study it was found that heavy TV watchers are less upset about real-life
violecence than are non-TV watchers. All of the violence increasses aggressive
behavior in kids and makes them more likely to select toy guns rather than other
kinds of toys.

This Topics is: Violance On TV (kekerasan dalam TV) kenapa? Lihat kalimat
violance on TV diulang hampir di semua kalimat.

Note: biasanya dalam menentukan topik terdapat kalimat yang diulang-ulang

pada bagian awal, tengah atau akhir, terutama, bagian kesimpulan. Jika
menentukan di dalam paragraph, biasanya paragraf pertama merupakan
pengantar teks tersebut,sedang topik( pokok bahasan) sangat mungkin terdapat
pada paragraph kedua dan ketiga.

Why is identifying the topic important? Identifying the topic is key to

monitoring your comprehension, getting the full meaning of the text, and
answering your instructor when she asks, “So what is this section about?” Once
you identify the topic, you can more easily determine the author’s main idea
(See Identifying Main Ideas skill sheet). If more than one idea is repeated or
referred in a paragraph, the topic needs to be expressed in a phrase rather than a
single word. The topics sentence is a sentece the expresses the main or main
idea about the topic that will be devoloped in the paragaraph. The topic comes
from the Yunani: topoi is the focal point of the entire text to be presented or
better known as the topic of conversation.

Finding the Topic

• Ask yourself, “Who or what is the paragraph (or article) about?”

• Use these clues to help you: 1) Look for a heading or title.

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