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What is ThetaHealing?

My Theta Healer

ThetaHealing is a wonderful and revolutionary healing modality founded by Vianna

Stibal. ThetaHealing connects us directly with the Supreme Source, it gives us the
possibility to co-create our reality, we can increase abundance and prosperity in every
area of our life, we can improve our life, remove fears and resentments and all the self-
limiting belief systems that now alter our life. It is very easy to learn it and quick to use.
It leads to immediate and real changes.


Imagine owning and being 100% in your own power, being self reliant, self-responsible
and self empowered. Assume that being able to manifest anything you ever wanted and
know that it is achievable, that you deserve it, you are worthy of it and that it is safe for
you to have it. Picture a life full of personal abundance. Now imagine that all of these
are possible through the simple act of transforming the core of our beliefs. This is the
insight of ThetaHealing.

The energy from thoughts, feelings, beliefs, memories, traumas, genetics, and past lives
affect us on a conscious, subconscious, emotional and physical level. Our whole being
is affected by our mental self-esteem such as self worth, deserving, values and fears.

Are you afraid of making mistakes? Are you achieving what you wish for in your life?
Often we are too caught up in our existence to realise that we are held back by our
‘stuff’. We get trapped in the ‘drama glue’. Our lives are a mirror of ourselves. This is
mentioned in the well-known book ‘The Secret’ which talks about the Law of Attraction.
We attract what is within us, even if success or failure. Everything that happens to us is
for a purpose so we can learn and grow from this.

ThetaHealing is a method that allows us to realize within ourselves what is holding back
in life. Using muscle testing and connecting to the higher consciousness, we are able to
dig deeper to identify the core bottom belief or find out the underlying root for an
illness, or a belief that is sabotaging us while not allowing moving forward. Visualize life
without fear, anger or regret. Imagine building success in every area of your life, such as
personal health, relationships, work, and spiritual development.

What is ThetaHealing?

My Theta Healer - Sydney, Australia http://www.mythetahealer.com


The way we think is the base of our reality, in fact the whole of our thoughts creates our
personal belief system and if we want to change our experiences and improve our life
style, we must change our beliefs because we are what we think. The way we think, our
beliefs, stir energies that consequently attract experiences that are fit for us and useful
for our mind pattern, for the way we are, for our life style and development.

Having positive beliefs and thoughts brings positive experiences into our life. What is
programmed in our unconscious, and consequently manifested every day, is not what
we often think to believe in.
We are even unaware of the beliefs that rule our life! With the ThetaHealing modality we
can identify the negative beliefs hidden in all the 4 levels where they lay (Core, Genetic,
History, Soul), we can turn these self-limiting beliefs into positive ones, while getting the
advantages that come from them.


• Treating the mental and emotional issues underlying physical illnesses

• Dealing with stresses in relationships, at work or at home
• Releasing patterns of self-sabotage, phobias, addictions
• Releasing anger, regrets, resentments and traumas
• Build self-esteem and confidence, live a stress-free life
• Increasing the quality of your life and circumstances
• Manifesting your ideal partner (Soul Mate), job, house and situation
• Embrace your spirituality
• Loose weight

What is ThetaHealing?

My Theta Healer - Sydney, Australia http://www.mythetahealer.com


Changing or reprogramming a limiting belief or a block involves the Practitioner

connecting to the Highest Consciousness - which many refer to as God, Creator,
Source Energy, Universe - and commanding a healing be done.

ThetaHealing is not based on any religion. This method can be used by anyone. All it
requires is that the client accepts that there is a higher consciousness and that the
healing will happen for our greatest and best good.

The technique used is quite simple. The Theta Practitioner enters into a conscious
Theta brainwave and connects with the Higher Consciousness. It is then commanded
that the subconscious beliefs be re-programmed to an appropriate positive choice. The
Practitioner then witnesses the transformation that has taken place. Changes can be
subtle or dramatic. The further you dig into the deepest held beliefs and fears to be
released, the bigger the changes that occur in your life, and the more empowered you
will become. The results can be amazing.

ThetaHealing works on four levels to make this work so effective.


• Core Belief Level - are what we are taught and accept from childhood in this life
that have become a part of us.
• Genetic Level – In this level, programmes are carried over from ancestors or are
being added to genes in this life. These beliefs are energies stored in the
morphogenetic field around the physical DNA. This field of knowledge is what
tells DNA what to do.
• History Level – are carried over from our past lives and the history of our race.
They can also be carried as Collective Consciousness. These experiences are
real. Where they come from is not the issue. It is vital to resolve the issues on
the history level. Usually they are held in all the other levels.
• Soul Level – Is who we are. What we are. The “all” we are. Our souls are still
learning and can be redirected. If a person holds programs on more than one
level, the soul may be affected. For example anger and grief can be carried to
the soul. Not only does this end up affecting a particular part of your body, e.g.
Liver and Kidneys, but also you are making choices from that place of anger and
grief, not from a healthy neutral place.

What is ThetaHealing?

My Theta Healer - Sydney, Australia http://www.mythetahealer.com

ThetaHealing is a wonderful life-changing technique that allows us to recognize limiting
beliefs and reprogram these in the conscious and subconscious mind. Such beliefs
could be connected with an illness or disease. Certain beliefs can stop us reaching our
goals. Other beliefs like resentment may affect our interactions with other people. Fears
and phobias can immobilise us from making decisions, or going outside our comfort
zone. It is widely known that emotions can cause disease.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill

What is ThetaHealing?

My Theta Healer - Sydney, Australia http://www.mythetahealer.com

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