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E-Waste Management in Indian Cities-Problems and Solutions

Anand G* (III year), Kaushik K# (II year)

B.Tech Chemical Engineering, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering,
Old Mahabalipuram Road, Kalavakkam, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India, PIN
603 110
*Mobile +91-98845-96-835
Email- kaushik.venkataramanan@yahoo.com
Mobile +91-98407-44-002


With the boom in the in the Indian economy, especially the IT industry, computers and
consumer goods are being manufactured and disposed off at a rate like never before. The
materials thus disposed constitute what is called as e-waste. Treated properly, these can
act as sources of secondary raw materials. The major e-waste processing centers in India
are located at the NCR, Chennai and Bangalore. At present the industry chiefly is
involved in recovery of various metallic, plastic and other reusable components such as
capacitors. Unfortunately the treatment methodologies involved in India leave a lot to be
desired. The pertinent problems involved in this industry are health and environmental

This paper thus addresses the core issues of the health and environmental degradation due
to e-waste and also suggests methods, models and legislations that must be put in place.
E-waste in India is at present an informal networked industry. Rough estimates indicate
that 1.5 lakh tones of e-waste is generated in India apart from the unknown quantity of
imports. Chief contributors of e-waste are IT firms and households. Initially the e-waste
is segregated and sent to specific locales where components are extracted manually. The
various components recovered at present include Cathode ray tubes, circuit boards,
copper wires, plastics, china steel, aluminum sheets, actuators, capacitors, condensers,
gold foils, switches, computer batteries, transformers etc. Recycling of components is not
done as costs involved are higher. E waste contains lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent
chromium, lead, plastics, barium, beryllium, carbon black and various other hazardous
chemicals. Recovery of gold is done by acid bath, while copper or aluminum is recovered
through open or drum burning. Once the essential components are recovered, the e-waste
is burnt in the open, releasing dioxins, furans and other toxic pollutants. PVC, lead,
cadmium bearing components are often burnt causing serious health concerns. Therefore
the need of the hour is to effectively recycle materials in an eco friendly manner.
Recycling of materials reduces the need for virgin raw material and also cuts down on the
cost. An organized co-ordinated recycling process should therefore be established. The
informal network needs to be streamlined and all players such as the Government,
manufacturers and consumers must be consulted. Import of e-waste needs to be banned
totally. Strict regulations must be put in place with regards to the functioning of the E-
waste industry. Recycling should be the responsibility of the manufacturer, as in
developed nations, where a nodal agency co-ordinates collection and recycling. A PRO-
Producer Responsibility Organization based operation needs to be adopted. Advanced
technologies such as Ultra High Shearing should be used to recycle waste materials after
the recovery of working components. Controlled incineration of components that cannot
be recycled and advanced land filling methodologies need to be used. Disposal of waste
can also be done on the lines of the nuclear industry wherein hazardous chemicals are
enclosed in concrete capsules and disposed of in deep seas. Once these measures are in
place the health concerns of workers and the public will be addressed. From a highly
polluting industry, the e-waste recycling units will become green and profit making units.

Keywords: E-waste, Recovery, Recycling, Extended Producer Responsibility-EPR

1. Introduction

The electronics industry is the world’s largest and fastest growing industry and is
recognized as one of the engines of economic development in India. As a result of this
growth, combined with rapidly increasing product obsolescence and consumer choices, it
has brought in a new kind of waste- electronic waste or e-waste.The rapid pace of
technological change in the field of electronics has made appliances for homes and office
equipment both affordable and widely used. The large quantities of e-waste being
generated have spawned a new industry: e-waste recycling. E-waste recycling is lucrative
business because electronics consist of valuable materials such as gold, copper platinum,
silver etc. Loopholes in law and enforcement are utilized by all parties, the importers,
traders and recyclers. Compounding the problem are increasing and mostly illegal e-
waste imports from industrialized countries. We try to address the core issues of the
health and environmental degradation due to e-waste and also suggest methods, models
and legislations that can be put in place.

2. What is E-Waste?

Electronic Waste – or e-waste – is the term used to describe old, end-of-life electronic
appliances such as computers, laptops, TVs, DVD players, mobile phones, mp3 players
etc. which have been disposed of by their original users. The online e-waste guide
developed under the aegis of the Indo-German-Swiss Partnership for e-waste, designed to
serve as a current and definitive information resource on the issues, problems and
opportunities created by e-waste, focusing on the present scenario in India defines all
appliances running on electricity that have no function anymore as e-waste.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is the European
Community directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment which,
together with the RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, became European Law in February 2003,
setting collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods.Table I
gives the definition of electronic waste according to the WEEE directive.
3. Valuable materials in e-waste

Electronic goods are composed of hundreds of different materials, often of high value.
Gold, Platinum, Silver, Copper etc. are valuable materials which recyclers recover from
e-waste. A study in 1996 found that more than 50% of the weight of an average desktop
computer was in plastics, iron and aluminium. While precious metals as a percentage of
the total weight were relatively small, the concentration of such metals, like Gold, was
much found to be higher in e-waste than found in naturally occurring mineral ore. Table
II gives the composition of a Desktop Personal Computer Based on a typical desktop
computer, weighing ~27 kg.

3.1 Chemical elements contained in electronic waste

Domestic e-waste including computers, refrigerators, televisions and mobiles contain

more than 1,000 different toxic materials. Chemicals such as beryllium, found in
computer motherboards, and cadmium in chip resistors and semiconductors are
poisonous and can lead to cancer. Chromium in floppy disks, lead in batteries and
computer monitors and mercury in alkaline batteries and fluorescent lamps also pose
severe health risks.

Elements in bulk: lead, tin, copper, silicon, carbon, iron, aluminium

Elements in small amounts: zinc, chromium, cadmium,mercury

Elements in trace amounts: germanium, gallium, barium, nickel, tantalum, indium,

vanadium, terbium, beryllium, gold, europium, titanium, ruthenium, cobalt, , manganese,
silver, antimony, bismuth, selenium, niobium, yttrium, rhodium, platinum, arsenic,
lithium, boron, americium

4. Toxic Substances and their effects on humans

Electronic waste is of concern largely due to the toxicity of some of the substances if
processed improperly. Electrical items are not dangerous while they're in one piece, but
in the ground toxic substances like nickel, cadmium or lead can leak out. The toxicity is
due in part to lead, mercury, cadmium and a number of other substances. Toxic chemicals
in electronics products can leach into the land over time or are released into the
atmosphere, impacting nearby communities and the environment. Incineration releases
heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury into the air and ashes. Mercury released
into the atmosphere can bioaccumulate in the food chain, particularly in fish - the major
route of exposure for the general public. If the products contain PVC plastic, highly toxic
dioxins and furans are also released. Brominated flame retardants generate brominated
dioxins and furans when e-waste is burned..A typical computer monitor may contain
more than 6% lead by weight, much of which is in the lead glass of the CRT. Up to
thirty-eight separate chemical elements are incorporated into electronic waste items. The
unsustainability of discarded electronics and computer technology is another reason for
the need to recycle – or perhaps more practically, reuse – electronic waste. The list of
toxic substances has benn listed in Table III.

5. Health Hazards due to the toxic contents of e-waste

5.1 Arsenic

Arsenic is a poisonous metallic element which is present in dust and soluble substances.
Chronic exposure to arsenic can lead to various diseases of the skin and decrease nerve
conduction velocity. Chronic exposure to arsenic can also cause lung cancer and can
often be fatal.

5.2 Barium

Barium is a metallic element that is used in sparkplugs, fluorescent lamps and "getters" in
vacuum tubes. Being highly unstable in the pure form, it forms poisonous oxides when in
contact with air. Short-term exposure to barium could lead to brain swelling, muscle
weakness, damage to the heart, liver and spleen. Animal studies reveal increased blood
pressure and changes in the heart from ingesting barium over a long period of time. The
long-term effects of chronic barium exposure to human beings are still not known due to
lack of data on the effects.

5.3 Beryllium

Beryllium has recently been classified as a human carcinogen because exposure to it can
cause lung cancer. The primary health concern is inhalation of beryllium dust, fume or
mist. Workers who are constantly exposed to beryllium, even in small amounts, and who
become sensitised to it can develop what is known as Chronic Beryllium Disease
(beryllicosis), a disease which primarily affects the lungs. Exposure to beryllium also
causes a form of skin disease that is characterised by poor wound healing and wart-like
bumps. Studies have shown that people can still develop beryllium diseases even many
years following the last exposure.

5.4 Brominated flame retardants (BFR’s)

The 3 main types of BFRS used in electronic and electrical appliances are
Polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and
Tetrabromobisphenol - A (TBBPA). Flame retardants make materials, especially plastics
and textiles, more flame resistant. They have been found in indoor dust and air through
migration and evaporation from plastics. Combustion of halogenated case material and
printed wiring boards at lower temperatures releases toxic emissions including dioxins
which can lead to severe hormonal disorders. Major electronic manufacturers have begun
to phase out brominated flame retardants because of their toxicity.
5.5 Cadmium

Cadmium components may have serious impacts on the kidneys. Cadmium is adsorbed
through respiration but is also taken up with food. Due to the long half-life in the body,
cadmium can easily be accumulated in amounts that cause symptoms of poisoning.
Cadmium shows a danger of cumulative effects in the environment due to its acute and
chronic toxicity. Acute exposure to cadmium fumes causes flu-like symptoms of
weakness, fever, headache, chills, sweating and muscular pain. The primary health risks
of long term exposure are lung cancer and kidney damage. Cadmium also is believed to
cause pulmonary emphysema and bone disease (osteomalacia and osteoporosis).

5.6 CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)

Chlorofluorocarbons are compounds composed of carbon, fluorine, chlorine, and

sometimes hydrogen. Used mainly in cooling units and insulation foam, they have been
phased out because when released into the atmosphere, they accumulate in the
stratosphere and have a deleterious effect on the ozone layer. This results in increased
incidence of skin cancer in humans and in genetic damage in many organisms.

5.7 Chromium

Chromium and its oxides are widely used because of their high condctivity and anti
corrosive properties. While some forms of chromium are non toxic, Chromium (VI) is
easily absorbed in the human body and can produce various toxic effects within cells.
Most chromium (VI) compounds are irritating to eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
Chronic exposure to chromium (VI) compounds can cause permanent eye injury, unless
properly treated. Chromium VI may also cause DNA damage.

5.8 Dioxins

Dioxins and furans are a family of chemicals comprising 75 different types of dioxin
compounds and 135 related compounds known as furans. “dioxins” is taken to mean the
family of compounds comprising polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Dioxins have never been intentionally
manufactured, but form as unwanted by-products in the manufacture of substances like
some pesticides as well as during combustion. Dioxins are known to be highly toxic to
animals and humans because they bio-accumulate in the body and can lead to
malformations of the foetus, decreased reproduction and growth rates and cause
impairment of the immune system among other things. The best-known and most toxic
dioxin is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).

5.9 Lead

Lead is the fifth most widely used metal after iron, aluminium, copper and zinc. It is
commonly used in the electrical and electronics industry in solder, lead-acid batteries,
electronic components, cable sheathing, in the glass of CRTs etc. Short-term exposure to
high levels of lead can cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, coma or even death. Other
symptoms are appetite loss, abdominal pain, constipation, fatigue, sleeplessness,
irritability and headache. Continued excessive exposure, as in an industrial setting, can
affect the kidneys. It is particularly dangerous for young children because it can damage
nervous connections and cause blood and brain disorders.

5.10 Mercury

Mercury is one of the most toxic yet widely used metals in the production of electrical
and electronic applications. It is a toxic heavy metal that bioaccumulates causing brain
and liver damage if ingested or inhaled. In electronics and electrical appliances, mercury
is highly concentrated in batteries, some switches and thermostats, and fluorescent lamps.

5.11 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of organic compounds use in a variety of

applications, including dielectric fluids for capacitors and transformers, heat transfer
fluids and as additives in adhesives and plastics. PCBs have been shown to cause cancer
in animals. PCBs have also been shown to cause a number of serious non-cancer health
effects in animals, including effects on the immune system, reproductive system, nervous
system, endocrine system and other health effects. PCBs are persistent contaminants in
the environment. Due to the high lipid solubility and slow metabolism rate of these
chemicals, PCBs accumulate in the fat-rich tissues of almost all organisms
(bioaccumulation). The use of PCBs is prohibited in OECD countries, however, due to its
wide use in the past, it still can be found in waste electrical and electronic equipment as
well as in some other wastes.

5.12 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the most widely-used plastic, used in everyday electronics
and appliances, household items, pipes, upholstrery etc. PVC is hazardous because
contains up to 56 percent chlorine which when burned produces large quantities of
hydrogen chloride gas, which combines with water to form hydrochloric acid and is
dangerous because when inhaled, leads to respiratory problems.

5.13 Selenium

Exposure to high concentrations of selenium compounds cause selenosis. The major signs
of selenosis are hair loss, nail brittleness, and neurological abnormalities (such as
numbness and other odd sensations in the extremities).

6. Disposal methods in practice at present

E-waste management practices comprise of various means of final disposal of end-of-life

equipment. In the hierarchy of end-of-life disposal methods, landfilling is considered the
most harmful, and recycling the most environmentally tolerable.Due to the halogenated
substances found in plastics, both dioxins and furans are generated as a consequence of
recycling metals from e-waste. Halogenated substances contained in e-waste, particularly
brominated flame-retardants, are of concern during the extrusion of plastics, which is part
of plastic recycling. Due to the lack of proper identification of plastic containing flame
retardants, most recyclers reject all plastic from e-waste.Environmental problems during
the recycling of e-waste are not only linked to halogenated substances. Hazardous
emissions to the air also result from recycling of e-waste containing heavy metals such as
lead and cadmium. These emissions could be significantly reduced by means of pre-
treatment operations. Another problem with heavy metals and halogenated substances in
untreated e-waste occurs during the shredding process. Since most e-waste is shredded
without proper disassembly, hazardous substances, such as PCB contained in capacitors,
may be dispersed into the recovered metals and the shredder waste.
The air emission fraction (ratio of kg emitted dangerous substance per 1000 t input of
appliance) calculated for the selected appliances showed that lead emissions from
recycling of PCs and TVs are the highest in comparison with the other appliances. Main
contributors to these emissions are the copper and lead recycling operations2.
Inappropriate reprocessing and recycling procedures damage the environment as well.
This becomes a relevant fact as some e-waste dismantlers send their light weight fraction
to cement kilns for use as an alternative to fuel.

6.1 Incineration

Incineration is the process of destroying waste through burning. Because of the variety of
substances found in e-waste, incineration is associated with a major risk of generating
and dispersing contaminants and toxic substances. The gases released during the burning
and the residue ash is often toxic. This is especially true for incineration or co-
incineration of e-waste with neither prior treatment nor sophisticated flue gas
purification. Studies of municipal solid waste incineration plants have shown that copper,
which is present in printed circuit boards and cables, acts a catalyst for dioxin formation
when flame-retardants are incinerated. These brominated flame retardants when exposed
to low temperature (600-800°C) can lead to the generation of extremely toxic
polybrominated dioxins (PBDDs) and furans (PBDFs). PVC, which can be found in e-
waste in significant amounts, is highly corrosive when burnt and also induces the
formation of dioxins.Incineration also leads to the loss valuable of trace elements which
could have been recovered had they been sorted and processed separately.

6.2 Open Burning

Since open fires burn at relatively low temperatures, they release many more pollutants
than in a controlled incineration process at an MSWI-plant. Inhalation of open fire
emissions can trigger asthma attacks, respiratory infections, and cause other problems
such as coughing, wheezing, chest pain, and eye irritation. Chronic exposure to open fire
emissions may lead to diseases such as emphysema and cancer. For example, burning
PVC releases hydrogen chloride, which on inhalation mixes with water in the lungs to
form hydrochloric acid. This can lead to corrosion of the lung tissues, and several
respiratory complications. Often open fires burn with a lack of oxygen, forming carbon
monoxide, which poisons the blood when inhaled. The residual particulate matter in the
form of ash is prone to fly around in the vicinity and can also be dangerous when inhaled.

6.3 Land filling

Land filling is one of the most widely used methods of waste disposal. However, it is
common knowledge that all landfills leak. The leachate often contains heavy metals and
other toxic substances which can contaminate ground and water resources. Even state-of-
the-art landfills which are sealed to prevent toxins from entering the ground are not
completely tight in the long-term. Older landfill sites and uncontrolled dumps pose a
much greater danger of releasing hazardous emissions.

Mercury, Cadmium and Lead are among the most toxic leachates. Mercury, for example,
will leach when certain electronic devices such as circuit breakers are destroyed. Lead
has been found to leach from broken lead-containing glass, such as the cone glass of
cathode ray tubes from TVs and monitors. When brominated flame retarded plastics or
plastics containing cadmium are landfilled, both PBDE and cadmium may leach into soil
and groundwater. Similarly, landfilled condersers emit hazardous PCB’s.
Besides leaching, vaporisation is also of concern in landfills. For example, volatile
compounds such as mercury or a frequent modification of it, dimethylene mercury can be
released. In addition, landfills are also prone to uncontrolled fires which can release toxic

Significant impacts from landfilling could be avoided by conditioning hazardous

materials from e-waste separately and by landfilling only those fractions for which there
are no further recycling possibilities and ensure that they are in state-of-the-art landfills
that respect environmentally sound technical standards.

7. India, a dumping ground?

E-waste is routinely exported by developed countries to developing ones, often in

violation of the international law. Inspections of 18 European seaports in 2005 found as
much as 47 percent of waste destined for export, including e-waste, was illegal. In the
UK alone, at least 23,000 metric tonnes of undeclared or 'grey' market electronic waste
was illegally shipped in 2003 to the Far East, India, Africa and China. In the US, it is
estimated that 50-80 percent of the waste collected for recycling is being exported in this
way. This practice is legal because the US has not ratified the Basel Convention.The
concern is that too many of the discarded machines are ending up in developing countries
to be dismantled in ways that are damaging to the environment and to the health of the
workers who take them apart. End-of-life products find their way to recycling yards in
countries such as India and China, where poorly-protected workers dismantle them, often
by hand, in appalling conditions. About 25,000 workers are employed at scrap-yards in
Delhi alone, where 10,000 to 20,000 tons of e-waste are handled every year, with
computers accounting for 25 percent of it. Other e-waste scrap-yards exist in Meerut,
Ferozabad, Chennai, Bangalore and Mumbai. About 80 percent of the e-waste generated
in the US is exported to India, China and Pakistan, and unorganised recycling and
backyard scrap-trading forms close to 100 percent of total e-waste processing activity.
Many of India’s corporations burn e-waste such as PC monitors, PCBs, CDs,
motherboards, cables, toner cartridges, light bulbs and tube-lights in the open along with
garbage, releasing large amounts of mercury and lead into the atmosphere. It is a means
of livelihood for unorganised recyclers. Due to lack of awareness, they are risking their
health and the environment as well. They use strong acids to retrieve precious metals
such as gold. Working in poorly-ventilated enclosed areas without masks and technical
expertise results in exposure to dangerous and slow-poisoning chemicals. There are no
clear guidelines for the unorganised sector to handle e-waste.

8. Legislations regarding Hazardous wastes

8.1Schedule 4 of the HW Rules, 1989/2000

The following are the major amendments of the Hazardous Waste (Management &
Handling) Rule made in the year 2000:

 The schedule listing 18 categories of wastes in the Hazardous Wastes

(Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 has now been replaced by 3 schedules.

- Schedule 1 describes the processes and waste streams generating hazardous

waste. Units operating these processes are now subject to the rules.

- Schedule 2 lists the concentration limits of constituents in the wastes. This

concentration limit is to be used for classification/characterisation of waste stream
as hazardous/non-hazardous in case of dispute.

- Schedule 3 provides a separate list of wastes subject to export and import,

similar to the Basel Convention Annexes VIII and IX

 Responsibility for the identification of sites for establishment of Common

Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (CTSDF) and individual TSDF now
rests with the occupier, industrial association and the State Government alone.
 Provisions relating to the import and export of hazardous waste for recycling has
been expanded to describe in detail the procedure being followed. Requirements
of the re-export of illegal traffic of waste under the Basel Convention have also
been incorporated
 Rules have been worked out governing the design, set-up and closure of landfill
 A manifest system has been introduced for tracking hazardous waste from the
point of generation to the disposal site
 Authorities responsible for the regulation of imports and exports and monitoring
the implementation of provisions of the rules have been mentioned in schedule 4,
 A fee for authorisation and import has been prescribed
The Basel Convention on the control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes
and Disposal was signed by India on 15th March 1990 ratified and acceded to in 1992. A
ratification of this convention obliges India to address the problem of transboundary
movement and disposal of dangerous hazardous wastes through international cooperation.
However, as per the Basel Convention India cannot export hazardous wastes listed in
Annex VIII of the Basel Convention from the countries that have ratified the ban
agreement. However, the convention agreement does not restrict the import of such
wastes from countries that have not ratified the Basel Convention. It is through the orders
of the Hon. Supreme Court that the import of such wastes is now banned in the country.

Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 apply to every manufacturer,

importer, re-conditioner, assembler, dealer, recycler, auctioneer, consumer and bulk
consumer involved in manufacture, processing, sale, purchase and use of batteries or
components thereof. These rules confer responsibilities on the manufacturer, importer,
assembler and re-conditioner; they govern the registration of importers, the customs
clearance of imports of new lead acid batteries, procedures for registration/ renewal of
registration of recyclers and also the responsibilities of consumer or bulk consumer and
responsibilities of auctioneers.

8.2 Urgent need for regulatory framework for e-waste management

A regulatory framework is also enabling besides being regulatory. In this case, we need
to enable proper collection and recycling and to ‘set the rules’ therein. Clear-cut
responsibilities and requirements go a long way in ensuring that there is adequate
investment by responsible actors on the ground, and not providing that clarity only
continues the chaos. Secondly, as stated above, the legal framework needs to ensure that
health and safety aspects of the people involved in the operations is protected, along with
issues of emissions and waste emerging from such operations.

A proper legal framework is very essential not only to streamline the existing setups but
also to attract recyclers who make the recycling process safe and efficient. Government
incentives like land, financial subsidies, etc. can go a long way in ensuring a viable
collection and recycling system. Since the major source of the waste is from the
organised sector, a formal legal channel along with strict implementation on ground can
ensure a viable and sustainable system to manage this waste. It is essential to draw up the
critical components, which can make a significant difference in supporting the system.

The factors that will contribute towards supporting and consolidating such a system are
as follows:
1. Legal framework for e-waste disposal
2. Participation of all stakeholders
3. Availability of proper infrastructure
4. Assured supply of raw materials
5. Integration of workforce from informal sector.
8.3 Banning imports

Even after ratifying the Basel Convention, which prevents the transboundary movement
of hazardous waste, the Indian government turns a blind eye to the dumping activities.
The government should strictly ban the import of e-waste that can be used as raw
materials.Strict monitoring in ports should be enforced so that the curb on imports is
implemented. The ridiculous process of auctioning the banned goods should be stopped
immediately. Instead, the consignment should be sent back and severe punishment should
be imposedon the importer. Most importantly, awareness should be raised among
enforcement agencies such as the Customs department.

8.4 Organizing the recycling sector

The recycling sector, though informal, plays a vital part in recovery and reuse of
computer components. Promotion of eco-friendly recovery and recycling techniques
should be developed in collaboration with premier technology institutions.The
unorganised sector should be formalised by issuing licenses to the existing ones. A
watchdog committee should be set up to ensure that they handle domestic waste only, and
that too in an eco-friendly manner .It is high time that the government gets involved in
themanagement of e-waste by implementing the abovementioned recommendations on a
war footing.

9. Into the future

With e-waste becoming a reality in India and such recycling activities on the rise, a need
has been felt in all quarters for an efficient and environmentally sound management of e-
waste in the country. Across the world, mainly in Europe, there have been different
models for the management of such waste, which have been successful. Since the Indian
conditions are currently different, with respect to how e-waste is procured from
consumers (both households as well as businesses), we need to develop and evolve a
system, which finds acceptability among all stakeholders and is viable and sustainable in
long-term. E-waste collected has to be diverted to a proper system, else it will continue
the existing system of unsafe and hazardous operations. Exiting actors should be part of
the proposed system as a key in the collection link.

However, while doing this we must keep in mind the principles of e waste management -
fair distribution of costs, protecting livelihoods, ensuring safe working conditions and the
need to drive cleaner production and clean materials for the future. Alongside, we must
not become the dumping ground of the world’s e-waste. One key challenge is to upgrade
the working conditions of the existing informal sector players who are involved in the
recycling at the moment. Also, the fact that Indian customers expect a payment for the
waste they discard off, needs innovation for the system to work well and with the
required principles in India.
10. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model

The basic principle of EPR is that producers should be held accountable for the entire
lifecycle of the product, and not just for the supply chain. The idea aims at building a
sense of eco-responsibility among profitminded corporates. EPR is least practiced in
India due to our inadequate laws and the double standards of corporates who practice the
concept elsewhere. For example, IBM started its take-back program about a decade back
in Europe but there are no signs of it in India.The Indian government should call for a
strict EPR practice for e-waste as this problem should mainly be addressed by the
manufacturer. The government should set up an agency under the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, which should take care of the issues related to EPR.

EPR should necessarily involve 3 integral components

 Product take-back programs
 Remanufacturing
 Redesigning

10.1 Product take-back

The producer of the product should own the responsibility when it is discarded. This is
the first and foremost step in EPR. The company could do this directly or by a third party
(The buy-back scheme for HP cartridges and toners in India is done through a
third party called Tech Pacific1).

10.2 Remanufacturing

The procured e-waste should be used as an effective resource base so that the maximum
recoverables reenter the manufacturing process. This will reduce the dependence on
virgin raw materials.

10.3 Redesigning

Redesigning the computer and its components is a front-end solution to this e-waste
menace. Some of the redesigning components that will effectively address
the problem include:
 Designing the computers to ensure clean and safe mechanism for recovering raw
 Clearly indicating hazards of dismantling and recycling in the form of warning labels.
 Replacing the hazardous substances in the manufacturing processes with suitable
 Scope for upgrading – certain IBM PC models are equipped with extra bays and card
slots to allow upgrading.
11. Conclusion

We have thus highlighted the various hazards caused by the improper,unscientific

management or rather mismanagement of e-waste in Indian cities. Also we have
illustrated the harmful effects of the chemicals involved in e-waste. It is high time that all
the stake holders viz governments, consumers, industries and others woke up to the
reality that looms large in front of us. The situation is ripe enough to warrant urgent
action in the various forms discussed i.e increased awareness, new legislations, extended
producer responsibility model (EPR) and safer disposal methods.


We are extremely thankful to the Management of SSN College of Engineering-

Kalavakkam, Dr.S.Salivahanan-Principal, Dr.S.Rajasekaran-HOD Chemical Engineering,
Dr.S.Ramalingam-Assistant Professor, Mrs.R.Pushpalatha- Assistant Professor,
Mr.K.Satish Kumar-Senior Lecturer and Mr.Kilaru Harsha Vardhan-Senior Lecturer for
their support, suggestions, encouragement and guidance throughout our experiment.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our parents and friends who have been a
constant source of encouragement throughout our work, for reviewing our paper,
correcting typographical and grammatical errors.


[1]George T.Austin, Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, McGraw-Hill, Singapore,

Fifth Edition.
[2]Robert.H.Perry and Don W. Green,1997,Perry’s Chemical Engineers Hand book,
McGraw-Hill,USA, Seventh Edition.
[3]John A.Dean, 1999,Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, USA,Fifteenth
[4]Crowe, M et all, 2003, Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)-
quantities, dangerous substances and treatment methods, European Topic Center on
Waste, European Environment Agency.
[5] Toxics Link,2006, Into the Future –Managing e-waste for protecting lives and
livelihoods, New Delhi, India
[6] Hazardous waste management, Series : HAZWAMS/32/2005 – 2006 ,Management of
hazardous wastes-Guidelines for proper functioning and upkeep of disposal sites,Central
Pollution Control Board, New Delhi,India
[7] Dr.D.B.Boralkar,2005,Perspectives of Electronic Waste management, Maharashtra
Pollution Control board, India
[8] Suneel Pandey,2004,Need for online hazardous waste tracking system,
eNREE,Ministry of Environment and forests, New Delhi,India
[9] The Gazette of India,Extraordinary Part-II-Section-3-Sub-section (ii),2003,Published
by Authority No. 471,MoEF,New Delhi,India
[10]B.Nedumaran, 2004, Industrial Safety and risk management, Pennalur,India
[11] Madhumita Dutta et al , 2002, Exporting harm-the hi-tech trashing of Asia , Basel
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Internet references

[1] www.ewaste.in
[2] www.toxicslinks.org
[3] www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaq.html
[4] www.ban.org
[5] www.svtc.org
[6] www.greenpeace.org
[7] www.epa.gov
[8] www.envis.org
[9] www.cpcb.nic.in
Table I : Definition of electronic waste according to the WEEE directive

S.No Category Appliances

1 Large household appliances Ovens, Refrigerators
2 Small household appliances Toasters, Vacuum cleaners
3 Office & communication PCs, printers, phones, faxes
4 PCs, printers, phones, faxes TVs, HiFis, portable CD players
5 Lighting equipment Mainly fluorescent tubes
6 E-tools Drilling machines, electric lawnmowers
7 Sports & leisure equipment Electronic toys, training machines
8 Medical appliances and instruments ECG,X-ray machines
9 Surveillance equipment CCTVs,radars
10 Automatic issuing systems Ticket issuing machines
Table II: Composition of a Desktop Personal Computer Based on a typical desktop
computer, weighing ~27 kg

Materia % of total Weight

l weight (kg) Use Location
Plastics 22.9907 6.26 Insulation Cable, Housing
Funnel glass in
Lead 6.2988 1.72 Metal joining CRTs, PWB
Housing, CRT,
Alumin PWB,
um 14.1723 3.86 Structural, Conductivity connectors
um 0.0016 < 0.1 Semiconductor PWBs
Gallium 0.0013 < 0.1 Semiconductor PWBs
Iron 20.4712 5.58 Structural, Magnetivity PWBs
Tin 1.0078 0.27 Metal joining PWBs, CRTs
Copper 6.9287 1.91 Conductivity connectors
Panel glass in
Barium 0.0315 < 0.1 CRTs
Housing, CRT,
Nickel 0.8503 0.23 Structural, Magnetivity PWB
Zinc 2.2046 0.6 Battery, Phosphor emitter PWB, CRT
Tantalu B, power
m 0.0157 < 0.1 Capacitor supply
Indium 0.0016 < 0.1 Transistor, rectifier PWB
m 0.0002 < 0.1 Red Phosphor emitter CRT
Green phosphor activator,
Terbium 0 0 dopant CRT, PWB
Berylliu PWB,
m 0.0157 < 0.1 Thermal Conductivity connectors
Gold 0.0016 < 0.1 Connectivity, Conductivity connectors
m 0.0002 < 0.1 Phosphor activator PWB
m 0.0157 < 0.1 Pigment, alloying agent Housing
um 0.0016 < 0.1 Resistive circuit PWB
Housing, CRT,
Cobalt 0.0157 < 0.1 Structural, Magnetivity PWB
Palladiu PWB,
m 0.0003 < 0.1 Connectivity, Conductivity connectors
Mangan Housing, CRT,
ese 0.0315 < 0.1 Structural, Magnetivity PWB
Silver 0.0189 < 0.1 Conductivity connectors
Antino Housing, PWB,
my 0.0094 < 0.1 Diodes CRT
Bismuth 0.0063 < 0.1 Wetting agent in thick film PWB
um 0.0063 < 0.1 Decorative, Hardner Housing
Cadmiu Battery, blue-green Housing, PWB,
m 0.0094 < 0.1 Phosphor emitter CRT
m 0.0016 0.00044 Rectifiers rectifiers/PWB
m 0.0002 < 0.1 Welding Housing
Yttrium 0.0002 < 0.1 Red Phosphor emitter CRT
m 0 < 0.1 Thick film conductor PWB
m 0 < 0.1 Thick film conductor PWB
Mercury 0.0022 < 0.1 Batteries, switches Housing, PWB
Arsenic 0.0013 < 0.1 Doping agent in transistors PWB
Silica 24.8803 6.8 Glass, solid state devices CRT,PWB
Table III: Toxic substances in e-waste
Substance Occurrence in e-waste
Halogenated compounds:
- PCB (polychlorinated
Condensers, Transformers
- TBBA (tetrabromo-
bisphenol-A) Fire retardants for plastics (thermoplastic components,
- PBB (polybrominated cable insulation)
biphenyls) TBBA is presently the most widely used flame retardant in
- PBDE (polybrominated printed wiring boards and casings.
diphenyl ethers)
- Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Cooling unit, Insulation foam
- PVC (polyvinyl chloride) Cable insulation
Heavy metals and other metals:
Small quantities in the form of gallium arsenide within
- Arsenic
light emitting diodes
- Barium Getters in CRT
Power supply boxes which contain silicon controlled
- Beryllium
rectifiers and x-ray lenses
Rechargeable NiCd-batteries, fluorescent layer (CRT
- Cadmium screens), printer inks and toners, photocopying-machines
(printer drums)
- Chromium VI Data tapes, floppy-disks
- Lead CRT screens, batteries, printed wiring boards
- Lithium Li-batteries
Fluorescent lamps that provide backlighting in LCDs, in
- Mercury
some alkaline batteries and mercury wetted switches
Rechargeable NiCd-batteries or NiMH-batteries, electron
- Nickel
gun in CRT
- Rare Earth elements
Fluorescent layer (CRT-screen)
(Yttrium, Europium)
- Selenium Older photocopying-machines (photo drums)
- Zinc sulphide Interior of CRT screens, mixed with rare earth metals
- Toner Dust Toner cartridges for laser printers / copiers
Radio-active substances Medical equipment, fire detectors, active sensing element
- Americium in smoke detectors

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