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6b - Planning Objectives &


If a plan is a method or way of doing something in order to attain an objective, then a plan can provide
answers to the 5 Ws and 1 H regarding the management of the police organization and its operations.

As mentioned by one author, “planning is thinking about the future, thinking about what we want the future
would be, and thinking about what we need to do now to achieve it.”

If we plan for the future of a police organization, we need to define our objectives and responsibilities.

Objectives of police planners (those who plan for the police organization and its operations)

1. To increase the chances of success of police activities by focusing on results

2. To establish a framework for decision making consistent with the goal of the police
3. To force analytical thinking and evaluation of alternatives for better decisions of police
managers and line officers
4. To provide flexibility in decision making
5. To provide basis for measuring accomplishments or performance
6. To improve police communication
7. To orient the police personnel about“action” instead of “reaction”
8. To evaluate and revise the police operations/procedures in response to legal and socio-
political changes
9. To enhance efficiency and effectiveness in providing police services

Plans for the police organization and its operations are expected to:

 improve analysis of police problems

 provide better information for decision-making
 help to clarify goals, objectives, priorities
 result is more effective allocation of resources
 improve inter-and intra-departmental cooperation and coordination
 improve the performance of programs
 provide a clear direction for the police organization
 provide opportunity for greater public support
 increase the commitment of police personnel

We can say that a police plan is good if it satisfies one or more of the above-mentioned objectives and
that it complies with more than half of the expectations listed above.  However, these are very
hypothetical basis in evaluating the soundness of a police plan.

Basic characteristics of a good police plan:

 Well-defined objectives and goal

 Simple, direct and clear
 Flexible
 Attainable
 Provide standards of operation
 Economical in terms of resources needed for implementation

Scientific traits of a good police plan:

 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Realistic
 Time-bound

Fundamental guidelines in police planning

 consider the 5 Ws and 1 H

    What to do – mission/objective

    Why to do – reason/philosophy

    When to do – date/time

    Where to do – place

    Who will do – people involve

    How to do – strategy

General responsibilities of police planners:

1. To insure public safety

2. To protect life and property
3. To maintain peace and order

Categories of planning responsibilities:

1. Broad external policy planning   

2. Internal policy planning

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