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Jesus' understanding of His mission

1. The one who sent me 2. I came 3. I was sent 4. The Kingdom of God Primary activity that Jesus was doing
while he was in His mission. Scope. Lk. 4:43 He was sent to preach the Kingdom of God. Primary activity he
was doing was preaching Mt 15:24 Jesus limited his mission to Israel. I was sent to lost sheep of Israel. Jesus
considered Israel as target group. The parable of wicked tenants He warns them during his earthly preaching.
Jesus warns that if Israel does not obey, they would be replaced as exclusive inheritors of the Kingdom of God.
Mt. 21:33-44 Jesus also used non Jewish people as good examples. Mt 12:41-42, Lk 4:25-27 Gospel would be
preached in the whole world. This is the anticipation of the act. All those Non Jewish people who came to Jesus
was blessed and received favours. Jesus considers that in and through Israel all the nations would receive the
kingdom of God. The concept of Kingdom of God. God's sovereign, rule. Mt 11:4-5 Go and tell John what you
see and hear. Is 29:17-19 Before resurrection, mission of the disciples To be with him and to be sent out. The 12
are sent to leaderless flock for spiritual needs. The 72 are sent to whom would soon hear from Jesus. Jesus was
primarily sent from preaching. Go to the lost sheep of Israel. Resurrection becomes a turning point in the
mission Primary to resurrection Jesus was the Son of Man. Subsequent to the resurrection, he is the Christ and
Lord. His status changes. It is also a turning point in the teaching of Jesus. It is in his name that forgiveness of
sins are given. The scope of the disciples mission also changes. "Go out to the whole world. . ." After the
resurrection they also gave a message. The Kingdom of God is at hand. The kingdom of God is about
forgiveness. They preached repentance also on the forgiveness of sins. The universal scope of Mission becomes
very evident after the scope of Mission. The messenger becomes the message. In the Risen Christ the kingdom
of God is fulfilled. God decides to enter into human history in a very definitive and decisive manner by
sending his son in human flesh.
This is not carried out in secret manner. It is in minds of men. Attempt of human mind to search God. This
search for God needs enlightenment.
In order to re-establish this original plan with God, God had reconciled this sinful human kind through Jesus
Christ. So that through him they could be enlightened and snatch human being from the power of evil, sin,
Satan and darkness. Ultimately God wanted to reconcile the whole humankind through Jesus Christ to himself.
God has reconciled fallen world to himself. Jesus had paid his life to reconcile the world to God.
Mission Ad Gentes church is missionary by its very nature by reaching out to everyone including people of
other religion.
Trinitarian concept of mission. We are baptised in the Trinity.
Pope John Paul II Redemptoris Missio 33. First and foremost there is mission ad gentes. Mission to Non
Christians. It retains its value. It hasn't given up. Another situation is re-evangelisation or new evangelisation.
Christians who have lost the value of faith. Living sense of faith. They do not practice the faith. New concept of
mission emerging from Second Vatican Council. We all have responsibility to bring people to God.
Pastoral Care. Where they are active and living their faith. Vocations and missions happen. Through Pastoral
activity. Church is on mission.
It is over and above the olden concept of territorial concept of mission i.e. Non Catholics. Church exists to bring
in the mission of Christ. To reconcile the world to himself.
Mission of the Son. Son enters into human history. Jn 20:21, Lk 4:16-24.
Through incarnation God shares human nature. Through incarnation we become partakers of nature. Through
his incarnation he reveals the father. One messenger sent by the Father. He proclaims the good news of his
Father. He is the message and the messenger. He proclaims the kingdom of God. Through his death and
resurrection be realises God's plan. Through his death he reconciled humanity with God. Through him humanity

has been offered through self surrender to Good. Total self giving to one another. Communion with God and
unity with one another. God approves his claim. God's seal.
What is mission? Proclaiming Christ as risen from the dead. Jesus was claiming to be Yahweh among his
people. God's reign of approval was given through the resurrection.
Mission of the Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit is the transcendent agent of Church's mission. Makes the church
missionary. Prepares the proclamation of the Gospel. Reminds everyone what Christ taught them. Scatters the
seeds of the Word of God. Coordinates the mission in the church. Inseparably associated with Christ and His
mission. Holy Spirit precedes, accompanies and continues (follows) the mission of Christ. Before a missionary
reaches the place the Holy Spirit prepares the heart of people to receive the Word of God.
Ad Gentes 717 Second paragraph. What was accomplished for the salvation of all may, in three course of time,
achieve its universal effect.
From the very beginning the apostles were the seed of new Israel and beginning of a new system, a new
hierarchy. What we accomplished . . . therefore may be available for the salvation of all. The Risen Christ who
received all authority on heaven and earth sends disciples who are obliged to preach the Gospel. Mt 28:16-20,
Mk 16:15ff. Why is the Church obliged? Expressed command from Christ to apostles, church. The church is a
continuation of the life of Christ. The church is a mystical body of Christ. Therefore the church has an
obligation. If it doesn't preach the Gospel of Salvation the church will cease to exist. The church must follow
the same path that Christ himself walked. A road of service, self sacrifice, a way of poverty, obedience, even
death. Even to the point of time. Those special undertaking in which the preachers of the Gospel sent out by the
Church and going into the world carry out the task of preaching and implanting the church among people who
do not know Christ are called mission.
From the very beginning this was the mission of the church. To teach, preach. 1Cor 9:16. Wow to me if . . . The
history of Christianity is the history of Church's mission. Mt 24:14, Mt 28: 19-20, Mk 13:9, Mk 16:15, Lk
24:46,b,Jn 20:21. Jesus the Messiah is preached Acts 2:22. Converted from sin. Church is born. A new group is
seen. There were many sects is Judaism. Sadducees, Pharisees, etc. They were basically one with the rest of the
Jews. They practiced the laws and were circumcised. However a new group was born on the day of Pentecost.
What separated them was baptism in the name of Jesus and breaking of by bread in good remembrance united
them. They were called disciples of Nazarenes. Gradually the Word spread to the Greek culture. The diaspora
Jews were a little open. Hellenistic Jews also welcomed the message of Pentecost and formed a community.
The Hellenistic Jews also received baptism. There is tension between Palestinian Jews and Hellenistic Jews.
Hellenistic Jews mingled with Greeks and married them. They were considered as contaminated by the
Palestinians Jews. Traditional Jews started persecuting the Hellenistic Jews. Persecuted Hellenistic Jews had to
leave Jerusalem. When they left Jerusalem the proclamation of the Gospel started reaching outside Jerusalem.
As they went they became the first missionaries. Those who went out, scattered went about preaching the Word,
the Gospel message to people who have not heard. Acts 8:11-19. Church is born in Jerusalem. They were
welcomed and accepted by people outside Jerusalem. Paul is converted and goes around preaching. The Gospel
reaches Antioch. The disciples preach the Gospel message. The Hellenistic Jews accepted. It was also
welcomed by the pagans, heathens. Hellenistic Jews and Pagan Jews (Become Jews). Two Christian
communities. The first problem. They were happy but disturbed they Gentiles showed interest. The laws were
not imposed on the Gentle Christians. The Antioch group were first time called Christians. They weren't called
disciples of Nazarene but Christians, due to the name of Jesus Christ. More then Jerusalem, Christianity
acquired it's universal character in Antioch. Miraculous healing powers were accompanied by the message. It is
He who gives eternal life. Circumcision wouldn't help to spread Christianity in the Roman Empire. Both groups

came to a compromise. All other things were considered secondary. St. Paul made sure they agreed that Jewish
traditions wouldn't be imposed on converts coming from Gentiles. Gentile Christians wouldn't consume meat
with blood. They also wouldn't get married within close relationships. History of the early Christianity is purely
the history of mission. There was no need for cultural transplantation.

Before 300 BCE people went out and evangelized. Nobody was sent out. They went out by the grace of the
Holy Spirit.
By 300 BCE almost 15% of Romans became Christians. 313 Emperor Constantine was converted to
Christianity. Edict of Milan. Christianity could be practiced freely. Emperor Theodosius in 380 message
Christianity the state official religion. From 380 onwards it was dangerous to be a non Christian. Only Jews
received some sort of freedom because Romans had some sort of relation with the Jews from a long time. Other
cults and Pagan religions were prohibited. Subsequent emperors kept Christianity so that they could keep
everyone united. Earlier too, persecution was carried out to keep unity of faith. From this time Roman soldiers
became Christians and forcibly converted others to Christianity because all other religions were prohibited. The
result was that ordinary people lost the sense of witnessing since there was no persecution. Many were forced to
accept Christianity. Clergy was held in high regard and patronised by kings.
1498 with the discovery of places by Christopher Columbus, it was realised by World
Europe that there were yet many places where Christianity did not spread. 1498 to 1950 missionaries were sent
out as clergies along with the colonisers.

Mission as understood in the old testament.

In the Old testament you don't find Yahweh sending out people to preach and convert others and worship him.
True God is the God of Israel. The true God had revealed himself to Israel. The true God is to be encountered
only in Israel. Since God is true God he is God of all nations. BaseJesus' understanding of His mission
1. The one who sent me
2. I came
3. I was sent
4. The Kingdom of God

Primary activity that Jesus was doing while he was in His mission. Scope.
Lk. 4:43 He was sent to preach the Kingdom of God.
Primary activity he was doing was preaching
Mt 15:24 Jesus limited his mission to Israel. I was sent to lost sheep of Israel.
Jesus considered Israel as target group.
The parable of wicked tenants
He warns them during his earthly preaching.
Jesus warns that if Israel does not obey, they would be replaced as exclusive inheritors of the Kingdom of God.
Mt. 21:33-44
Jesus also used non Jewish people as good examples.
Mt 12:41-42, Lk 4:25-27
Gospel would be preached in the whole world. This is the anticipation of the act. All those Non Jewish people
who came to Jesus was blessed and recieved favours.
Jesus considers that in and through Israel all the nations would recieve the kingdom of God.

The concept of Kingdom of God.
God's sovereign, rule.
Mt 11:4-5 Go and tell John what you see and hear.
Is 29:17-19
Before resurrection, mission of the disciples
To be with him and to be sent out.
The 12 are sent to leaderless flock for spiritual needs.
The 72 are sent to whom would soon hear from Jesus.
Jesus was primarily sent from preaching.
Go to the lost sheep of Israel.
Resurrection becomes a turning point in the mission
Primary to resurrection Jesus was the Son of Man.
Subsequent to the resurrection, he is the Christ and Lord. His status changes.
It is also a turning point in the teaching of Jesus.
It is in his name that forgiveness of sins are given.

The scope of the disciples mission also changes. "Go out to the whole world. . ."
After the resurrection they also gave a message. The Kingdom of God is at hand. The kingdom of God is about
forgiveness. They preached repentance also on the forgiveness of sins.
The universal scope of Mission becomes very evident after the scope of Mission. The messenger becomes the
In the Risen Christ the kingdom of God is fulfilled.

It is stated that the Gospel of Matthew is the most explicit and articulated text of the new testament. Gospel of
Matthew ends with mission command (commissioning). Mt 28:16-20. This is considered the most direct call for
mission found anywhere in the Gospel. Matthew also conveys a mission discourse. Mt 10:1-42. An explicit
mention is Mt 24:14. Implicit Mt 5:13-16. These references give us a clear and comprehensive theory of
Mission. The whole Gospel of Matthew has its mission command at its end. It is a worthy finale to the entire
Gospel. It is considered a summary of the entire Gospel of Matthew. Christologolical, ecumenical and
eschatological dimension of mission command. The density of it is compared to the Prologue of John. It use
impossible to say anything more than this in just 40 words.
Setting 28:16-17
Command 28:18-20

3 step formulation
1. Revelatory statement Mt 28:18
2. Mission command Mt 28:19-20
3. Promise - Supportive Presence Mt 28:20

The mission command is the central aspect.

Revelatory statement provides the legitimate authority for mission. Supportive presence of Jesus guarantees
three possibility of implementing the mission command.

Mission command is longer than the other two. It is more elaborate. Mission command has 4 verbs. Going,
baptizing, teaching, making disciples. 3 verbs are qualifying participles. Makes Disciples is a finite verb. It is
the main imperative of the command. Mission is to make disciples. Original verb is 'to disciple'. To engage is
mission is to strive to make disciples for the Risen Lord. Make disciples of all nations. All nations can be seen
exclusively or inclusively. A glaring contradiction is proposed as two step in Gospel according to Matthew
which includes both Jews and Gentiles. All nations would be brought to Yahweh. Through the Church all the
nations will be gathered to the Lord. To disciple all nations should happen through Baptizing them I the name of
the Lord Jesus and not through circumcision. Not through circumcision but baptizing.
It is not a command to preach the gospel. Mt 16:15. It is a command to make disciples. By teaching them what
Jesus taught. It doesn't involve a sending out.
There is a tension between Universalism and Particularism mentioned in the Gospel according to Matthew. The
thrust is not on sending forth but making disciples. Matthew is writing to Hellenistic diaspora. They are already
there in the diaspora. He was saying you need to make disciples of all nations. It is presupposed. The Matthaen
community is already well versed with the Scriptures.

Even though the word mission was not used, the reality of mission existed.

Origin and development of the word 'Mission'

Jeseph Schmidlin - Father of Mission studies
Because of the work of mendicant orders. St. Augustine used the term mission. He meant the mission of God.

It was the Jesuits who initiated the modern term 'mission'. St. Ignatius of Loyola added the 4th vow. Vow about
three mission. 1548 Circa Missiones. A willingness to go to any place assigned by the Holy Father initially for a
temporary period of time apart from the place of residence. According to the Founder it meant any task assigned
in a particular place for a particular time. Later, it was clarified by the Generals that in all the pilgrimages for
preaching the Word of God.
1599 St. Francis de Sales invited the Jesuits to bring back the Christians those who were influenced by
Calvinists. While writing about this incident he used the term and called the activity Mission. In 1617 St.
Vincent de Paul started the activity of preaching. He noticed that priests were only available in the city and
villages were ignored. There were no sacraments, etc. St. Vincent decided to bring back the Christians to
sacraments. This activity was later called re-evangelisation. He started the congregation called Congregation of

Outside France the term mission was meant to be sent to a particular task for a particular time.

1604 - 1605
Carmelite Fathers had a general chapter. While preparing Carmelite of Italy John of Jesus and Mary (Giovanni
de Gesu Maria) while referring to evangelisation he used to term to indicate going out to preaching the Word of
God to the non Christiane.

Gradually it started to get referred to first evangelisation. 1622 Vatican started Congregation for propagating the
Faith (Propaganda Fidei)

Theology of Mission as an academic discipline.
For a long time Theology was considered as single subject with two senses. 1. Things related to God 2.
Knowledge related to God

Academic discipline
Gradually during the enlightenment Theology developed in two areas. Practical know-how. Necessary for
clerical. A technical and scholarly subject. A division Theology developed in 4 areas. 1. Discipline of the Bible
- text. 2. Church History - History, 3. Systematic Theology - Truth, 4. Practical Theology - Application.

Both these sides, the horizon of the church was contained. Mission. Even in those contoured

Divine revelations
Practical aspect -

1 Incorporation. You incorporate Mission Theology into any one category. It was later incorporated into
Practical Theology. Study of Mission was considered a foreign affairs subject. All Theologians were settled and
they had no experience of Mission. It failed on different grounds.

2. Independence. Second stage was independence. Make Mission Theology as a different subject.
Gustav Wasneck in Halle 1896 - 1910. Protestant was the first one to teach Mission Theology.
Joseph Schmidlin was appointed to teach Mission Theology in a Catholic Universityb at Munster 1910.
Because of force by missionaries, students, head of governments in Mission countries. It again failed.

3. Integration. Mission is Mother of Theology. Every subject should be understood from the perspective of

Salvation consists in believing and accepting the mystery of the Father made manifest and freely given in Jesus
Christ. In this way, the kingdom of God is revealed by Christ and in Christ.

The church works and prays for the Kingdom of God. The proclamation and Kingdom of God are Jesus'

Jesus himself is the good news. He is the message and the anointed one sent by the Spirit of God. Complete
identification Between the message and the messenger. What Christ is, was and will be. What he does, says and
is. Everyone is called to repent and accept God's love.

The kingdom is meant for all people. That is the good news. To the poor, that they are also loved by God.

3rd characteristics is meant to transform human relationships. It grows gradually insofar as we're able to love,
forgive, serve others. In Risen Christ Kingdom of God is fulfilled and proclaimed.
They identify the Risen Christ with the kingdom of God.

Kingdom centred

Church is the seed of the Kingdom of God. Church is not the Kingdom of God. Baptism in the church does not
guarantee that you will be saved. There is a possibility of the salvation outside the church. Church is marching
towards the Kingdom of God. Presence of Christ guides the church. Spirit is also visible outside the church.

Important personalities regarding mission studies

Ramon Lun (Raymond) (1235-1316)
The roots of Theology can be found in the works of this man. He defined himself as the procurator of infidels.
He put into practice his conviction. He wrote a letter to Pope Nicolas IV expounding his missionary activities.
Missionary should always preach the Gospel and have debates.
1. They should know the language of the infidels. He advocated and later opened the schools to learn languages.
In 1622 the Propagation of Faith is founded. In 13th century he suggested an instrument or body that looks after
evangelisation all over the world. Church is missionary in its identity.

Gustav Warneck (1834-1910)

He wrote Theology of Mission. Being a Protestant he was Protestant Mission Theory, Protestant Mission
He lays a broader fountain for the concept of Mission and explains why the church should have a missionary
dimension. God has decided to make himself known through Christianity as the full and final revelation. The
great commissioning is the responsibility of every Christian. Evangelizing the world by making all the disciples
of Christ. All major religions are waiting for the arrival of Christianity. Christianity replaces the religion when it
encounters other religions. Christianity use for humanity. By Mission he meant the entire activity of Christianity
for directing and planting the activity of the Church.

Josef Schmidlin (1876-1944)

Munster School of Mission
Christianisation is a universal mandate given the church. This is transferred to the missionaries. This week be
transferred when they preach the good news. When the missionaries are carried out, the result is conversion and
baptism. Conversion is mission was their argument. Mission is aimed at the conversion of non Christians
individuals. The result is salvation of souls. Salvation is the aim of Mission! Lk 4:16ff

Lovaine school of Mission.

Pierre Charles
God desires the salvation of all not as individual human beings but as a community. As members of the Church,
mission will be accomplished.

Spanish School of Mission

Spanish School understands Church as the mystical body of Christ. Union of Christ the Head with Churchas as
the body. The church transforms the gentile world by the mystical body of Christ. By conversion the Gentile
World will be transformed in the mystical body of Christ. This mystical body has continuous growth. It
assimilates the pagan world. That which combines both worlds is called Mission.

Propaganda Fide 1622

Age of discovery
1492 Columbus and 1498 Vasco Da Gama.
Spain and Portugal began colonisation of Africa, etc.
A new era began with the the discoveries.
Inter Caelera Divinae
Padroado Right to Patronage
The right to colonise, privilege, and patronise
For 15 centuries the Church

In 1568 King Philip of Spain was informed by Pope Pius V that he would send Papal Authority with
consultation with the Nuncio. King declined. Pope decided to bring everything under a structure. Founding of
Congregation of Propagation of Faith is the result of Political activity by Spain and Portugal. Vicar Apostolate.
They could carry out the rights of the bishop anywhere without a diocese.
Protestant Reformation
With the Theology of Augustine, Martin Luther opposed scholasticism. Martin Luther rediscovered Scholastic
Theology. Augustine discovered St. Paul's Theology and Martin discovered St. Augustine. Augustanian Monks
had to please an angry God. This bothered Martin. God's righteousness did not mean wrath of God but God's
gift of grace and mercy. Grace freely given which can be appropriated by faith not self sacrifice. It depended on
Rom 1:16.

1. Justification by faith alone

We are justified by faith. There is a big gap between God and his creation. God in his sovereignty took the
initiative to give grace, forgive, save and justify human kind.
The starting point for formation is not what we must do but what has been done. Justification by Jesus.

2. Perspective of fall.
Humankind must be seen from the perspective of fall, sinful in its existence unable to do anything to change
their situation.
Reformation would say reason is corrupt. Human beings are to be saved from this corruption.

3. Subjective dimension of Salvation.

Reformation emphasised the subjective dimension of salvation. God in himself. He is my God. When I
personally respond I'm saved.
Where do I find a merciful God. Personal subjective experience of being born again. Subjective dimension.

4. Priesthood of all.
They emphasise the priesthood of all believers. Discover relationship with God irrespective of any intermediary.

5. Centrality of the Sacred Scriptures.

Scriptures prevailed over the images. Ear over the eyes. Sacrament gave way for preaching. Altar gave way to

Reformation did not do anything with regards to mission. Heretics have never converted any pagans or Jews but
only Christians. Protestant Church were indifferent to mission. Gustav Warnek supported this view. In the
reformers we not only find no action but intention. Their fundamental theological views hindered activity and
Mission dimension. g prinston;: Luther did not speak about Mission. There is no idea about mission in their

A passive and Protestants primary task was reforming the Anabaptists

Mission Theology of the Magisterium

Ad Gentes 2
1. The Church is rooted in Missio Dei
The foundation and ultimate source of Mission. The ultimate source is participation in the mission of the
Trinity. The Church participates in this mission through baptism. This participation makes the Church
missionary by its very nature. Through our baptism we're missionaries. Mission is not an activity that is done
now and then. It is the constitutive element of the church. An integral part of it's existence. Mission is not a
response to the command. Mission originates from the very existence of the Trinity. It is not when the situation
is conducive. To be a Christian is to reach out like God. To save, to those who are suffering. Mission is
everybody's business. Mission is an essential element of the church. The reality brings mission to the center of
Church's life. Mission is a privilege and grace. Mission is not territorial. Mission has to be explained as a basic
attitude. Mission does not happen only when we cross boundaries. Wherever we are the church is always
missionary. Mission is not about going to mission territories. It is to save people. To participate in the grace of
Inculturation in Mission. Ad Gentes doesn't use the word but it anticipates it with ideas. The need for culture
and appreciating other cultures. We should be familiar with national and social traditions.
Ad Gentes 11 and 22 speak about inculturation. It speaks about developing theology in the context of the
people. Submitting God into the new situation. New understanding of Christian revelation that is acceptable to
the situation can emerge.

Evangelisation in the modern world. Evangelii Nuntiandi. It becomes a term for evangelisation. Evangelisation
in the modern world. After colonization mission lost its charm. The term evangelisation was used by protestants
in the 19th century in order to re-convert those who were Catholic. Evangelisation is a much broader term than
Mission. It proposed a wider element. Church's mission is to continue the mission of Jesus. Prolong the Mission
of Jesus. EN doesn't begin with Trinitarian sense of Mission. It begins with Jesus the evangelized pushing the
Kingdom of God.

Those who accept this Kingdom of God form a community. Church in turn evangelizes. Church exists in order
to evangelise. The church herself needs to be evangelised before she takes the task of evangelizing the world.
The church should constantly be on the road to conversion. The church needs to be bold to preach the Word of
God but needs to be humble and accept that we also need the message of the Gospel. There is a strong link
between Jesus and Church and his witness to the kingdom of God. Between the mission of Jesus and Mission of
the Church there is a continuation. The church is the result of the evangelisation of Christ.

3. Everyone is an evangeliser.
Everyone has a mission to participate in this mission programme. Evangelisation is a multi-faceted reality. The
understanding of Church includes of missionary activity. Without proclaiming Christ there cannot be authentic
evangelisation. 22. There are also other essential elements of evangelisation.
Evangelistiom includes an element to social justice. Working for social justice is a constitutive element of
Evangelisation. Evangelisation cannot be reduced to mere economic well-being. Spiritual dimension is

Redemptoris Missio
In 1990 St. John Paul II, celebrated 25 years of Ad Gentes and 15 years of Redemptoris Missio. Evangelii
Gaudium is the most systematic account of Mission.
In RM a Christian focussed mission. It emphasises Jesus as the Saviour of the World. RM underlines that all
grace comes through Christ. Christ is the universal mediator. Established by God himself. Although
participation forms of mediation acquire their meaning only through Christ. RM5. Centrality of Christ in
Salvation. It's explained everywhere. He is the universal Saviour. All men have the right to know the Gospel of
Christ. Gospel should be known in freedom.
Importance of the reign of Good in the ministry of God and the church. Reign of God is a reality. It cannot be
separated from the church.
In RM Holy Father expands the concept of Mission.


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