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English Bisnis
Dosen pengampu : Ivo Selvia Agusti S.E,M.SI

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Name : Albert Matondang

Nim : 7203144009

Class : Adp Regular A



Praise be to God Almighty who has always blessed you completing the Critical Book Review
(CBR), while this task is done to fulfill business English courses. We've put together this
CBR in a good way but it may still be around shortcomings - shortcomings to reach
perfection. I as a writer accept various constructive criticisms in order to make this CBR

Hope and the purpose of making this Critical Book Report so that it can be useful and able
increase knowledge for those who read. for all our attention and support thank you very much
for all of you. Hopefully this CBR can be understood for you whoever reads it. Previously I
apologize if there are errors and unfavorable words.

Bab 1 : Patterns of business activity (one overview).................................................................4

Bab 2 : Business Entity Forms and Business Entity Development..........................................7

Bab 3 : Environment that Affects the activities of the Business World.....................................8

Bab 4 : Management Roles and Functions...............................................................................10

Bab 5 : Organizing the Company.............................................................................................12

Bab 6 : Closing........................................................................................................................14
Buku Utama

Title : Business Research Methods

Author : Donald R . Cooper / Pamela S. Schindler

Publisher / Year Publisher : International / 2006

ISBN : 007- 124430 - 1

Bab 1 : Patterns of business activity (one overview)

Summary :

1. Why do companies and businesses exist?

The modern economy is a money economy with one of its important characteristics is that
everyone specializes in their work and earns income with this income they buy goods and
services they need.

2. goods and services produced using the factors of production.

The company's activities to produce goods and services require production factors.
Production factors or resources can be divided into 4, namely :

 land and natural resources

 capital
 labor
 entrepreneurship
3. The three roles of companies and private entrepreneurs in the economy depend on the
economic system.
The points of the economic system can be divided into three forms, namely:
a. free market system,
b. central planning system and mixed economy system

a free market system is an economy that is governed by the interactions between sellers and
buyers in the market. This system is ideal but not in practice. The central planning system is
an economic system in which all economic activities are regulated by the government by a
Central or Central planning agency
4. fields of business in the economy.

Company activities in the economy are differentiated into various business fields, namely: the
agricultural sector,

a) mining,
b) the processing industry
c) the development,
d) provision of electricity,
e) gas and water,
f) various service sectors such as trade transportation.
g) financial services and government administration

 advantages: this chapter 1 explains understanding the modern business world and the
environment and the main elements in the processing of a structure

 Weaknesses: this chapter 1 does not explain examples in the modern business world and
its environment as well as the processing of the structure of a company in doing business
and determining the contribution of various fields of business to the economy.
Bab 2 : Business Entity Forms and Business Entity Development

1. the company selects individuals and partners.

in terms of the number of companies, individual companies and conditioning companies are
the most common companies in the economy, including in Indonesia. The main advantage of
this form of company is that it is easy to set up the capital required.

2. company in the form of limited liability company.

In terms of production and sales value, limited liability companies are the most important
companies in the economy. These firms can generally be much larger than individual and
joint ventures.

3. Other types of business entities.

Other types of business entities contained in the economy are government companies
(BUMN), cooperatives and business entities that do not put less pressure on profit-seeking

4. the development of the company organization.

In developing economies, most of them also experience developments that are sometimes
faster than the economic growth itself. These developments sometimes encourage the
development of corporate organizations. several companies in developed countries develop
subsidiaries in other countries. Such companies are known as multinational companies.
There are companies that collaborate with other companies and set up new companies. This
company is called a joint venture called a joint venture

5. several other cases of company organizational development.

If a company joins a company and becomes a new company, this action is called a Mergen or
merger, while a company that buys another company but maintains the company entity is
called an acquisition or acquisition.

advantages: from Chapter 2 it has many advantages, among which many explain the
meaning of a company and about business and many also explain about business entities
that are not looking for losses but profit.
Weaknesses: in Chapter 2 there are no weaknesses.
Bab 3 : Environment that Affects the activities of the Business World
1. The meaning of the company environment and its main factors.

What is meant by corporate environment or company climate is activities outside the

company that can affect its operating activities. The company environment can be divided
into two groups, namely the market environment and the non-market environment. The
market environment is the aspects that directly affect the activities of a company. while the
non-market environment includes various factors that affect the business world as a whole.

2. the types of market environment.

The main factors classified as the market environment are the subscriptions of workers
providing raw materials as sources of capital and companies that become competitors and
become partners.

3. the non-market environment

there are many factors that can be classified as a non-market environment. global economy
and politics.

4. stability, political economy and government policies.

This factor is very important to create a good business climate and promote the development
of the business world. A point without economic and political stability is very difficult for
companies to function properly and run

5. Other factors that support and hinder the development of business activities.

Factors within a country such as the characteristics and activities of labor organizations,
attitudes as other groups of society and factors of demographic and socio-cultural democracy
and legal forms as well as legal certainty and law enforcement can encourage and hinder
company activities.
6. Factors from outside the country

From outside the country, factors can influence business activities, including the development
of competition activities and the ability to compete with growth in other countries and market
developments, which can result in the exuberance of foreign capital to invest in the country to
invest in the country and world political developments.

 advantages: from chapter 3 it has many advantages the first one describes the organization
of murder and other community organizations, the second is political and economic
developments in the global good and bad in globalization in the economy and systems in
 Weaknesses: in this third chapter there are no rules and regulations on doing business in
the business activities of an organization and a company.
Bab 4 : Management Roles and Functions
1. management functions.

The success of the company's activities is very much dependent on the effectiveness and
efficiency of the management of the point where these functions are well managed is a
prerequisite for achieving the effectiveness and efficiency of the company's activities.

2. the role of planning in the organization.

In planning it is necessary to think about goals and objectives, namely things to be achieved
in the short term. So that the goals and objectives are in accordance with the capabilities of
the target company and these objectives must be adjusted to the production factors that have
the company and the company's ability to provide operational funds. Through planning
activities it can be determined various forms of activities that will be carried out in the future.

3. The characteristics of planning in the company .

the planning point is differentiated into strategic planning or long-term planning and tactical
planning and short-term planning before the planning is carried out. will come and the
development of the company that wants to be realized

4. Management levels and management functions.

An organization within a company is run by various individuals, their point is that they do
not carry out the same activities but are carried out by the division of tasks that are carried out
by the formation of an organizational structure in which power and authority are divided into
several levels, namely top management, middle management and that management. The
higher a person's position in the company, the higher his power and authority. Each level of
management will carry out four four management functions. However, the important role in
carrying out a function depends on the level of management. For example, the function of
direction and supervision is the most important role for Anya at the lowest level of
management, while the planning function is very important for its role in upper management.
5. the role of organizing direction and supervision.

The effectiveness and efficiency of various planned activities depends on the implementation
of three other functions of management, namely organizing which includes two activities to
determine the organizational structure of the company and to fill the positions contained in
the organization with jobs that will carry out tasks as specified in the organization. If the
organizing function is perfect the company is ready to carry out activities to achieve the goals
and objectives set.

 advantages: from chapter 4 it describes financial management marketing management and

management functions and roles - the roles of the organization, organizing companies,
directing and monitoring
 Weaknesses: From Chapter 4, nothing describes the skills required in organizations or
companies in doing business
Bab 5 : Organizing the Company

1. The steps in organizing the function point of organizing.

is a function of the management of the activities of organizing a company or other body

which includes two activities, the first is the activity of determining the organizational
structure, namely chopping management which determines the relationship between top
management and middle-lower middle management and workers. the second step is to
determine the workers who will carry out tasks in each position in the organizational structure
the types of tasks they have to carry out and the responsibilities they have to carry out.

2. Form of Company Organizational Structure.

The very different nature of companies requires different organizational structures.

Basically, the organizational structure of the company can be divided into three forms: line
organization, line organization and staff, and matrix organization. Line organization is an
organization that is directly managed by the employees above it. In general, the decision is
fully handled by top management. Line organization and staff is a combination of line
organizations with several parts of the company that do not have the authority to make
decisions, but function as advisors to other parts, especially to top management. Meanwhile,
a matrix organization is a line organization that is complemented by various work groups or
teams that take care of certain projects. Each project is managed by a manager and members
of his project team drawn from various other parts of the company.

3. Formal and Informal Organization.

The three organizational structures described in (2) are formal organizational structures. In
the company there are also informal organizations, namely organizations that are formed as
personal social relationships among workers in the company. Establishing a club for sports
to carry out group recitation activities is an example of an informal organization. This
organization can have a good or bad effect on the company.
4. The Need for Changing Organizations.

From time to time a successful company will develop, that is, its production and sales will
increase, the market will expand, workers will increase in number and new investments are
also made. When the company has grown in size, there will be a need to change the
organizational structure in accordance with prevailing developments. Occasionally, due to
continuous losses, the company shrank its operations further. This change also requires an
organizational overhaul.

5. Managing the Company Organization.

Once the organization is formed and workers are appointed, their duties and responsibilities
can be determined. Through the organization, the activities that need to be carried out must
be delegated to each worker and specialization of work carried out. In carrying out
specialization and delegation of power (authority) two problems arise, namely, is there a
centralized or decentralized organization? This decision is closely related to the
organizational structure that is formed, namely whether the organizational structure is flat or

 advantages: from this fifth chapter there have been many explanations about the
second business the steps regarding the organization and the form of the
organizational structure in the company both in formal and informal ways after that
the many powers and responsibilities
 Weaknesses: absence of control ranges and management ranges. As well as examples
of management in business.

Bab 6
 Closing :

The conclusion is that in doing business, you must know the strengths and weaknesses of an
organization and company and be able to understand the business world and we must know
the impacts of doing business. can understand the effects and roles in a business in an
organization or company

 Suggestion :

mastering the business to be explored, we must know how much capital is in doing business,
we must know our competitors in business, we must know how to get opportunities in doing

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