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Т.К. Цветкова

Порядок слов и члены
предложения в простом

Translate into English paying attention to the word order in the Eng­
lish sentence.
Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на порядок слов
в английском предложении.

1. Этот рассказ я читал несколько лет назад.

2. В этом доме живут несколько сот человек.
3. Этого человека я знаю очень хорошо.
4. Этот фильм мне очень нравится.
5. М ы не об этом рассказывали ему вчера.
6. Э ту книгу я дал почитать Тому.
7. М не они об этом не говорили.
8. Он мне вчера дал эти журналы.
9. Мне об этом говорил один мой приятель.
10. На этом заводе работает около двух тысяч человек.
11. Этот вопрос мы обсудили с ним вчера.
12. В этой работе примут участие наши преподаватели.
13. Я не очень хорошо знаю этого человека.

Exercise 2 Place the words in the appropriate order to make sentences.

Расставьте слова в нужном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение.

1. were, pale, they, men, faces, big, with.

2. New Zealand, were, from, the eight men, divers.
3. to clear, the harbour, was brought, of its wrecks, the team, to, Rangoon.
4. these, refugees, a lot, of, ships, had boarded.
5. climbed, of, the ship, hole, in, the side, I, through, one.
6. the compartment, the lamp, next, just, in, is being fixed.
7. appeared, the porter's, in, the doorway, face, smiling.
8. a few, words, I, to say, companion, was eager, my, to.
9. was born, of, Mark Twain, a lawyer, in, small town, the family, in 1835.
10. in, he, a printshop, began, home, his, to work, town, at.
11. a number, this, was followed, of, by, story, stories, short, novels, and.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Analyze the structure of the following sentences.

Проанализируйте структуру следующих предложений (разберите по
членам предложения).

1. Му friend's son was discussing the height of Mount Everest.

2. My young niece was given a very much wanted puppy for a present.
3. On the first night it began whimpering very loudly.
4. It is difficult to find a nice place to stay a night in.
5 .1 like the idea of going there for a weekend.
6. He was always first to spot interesting things lying on the pavement.
7. Two of us had to ride on the crossbar.
8. It was impossible to get to the top without pedalling.
9. There is nothing particular about a woman doing a man's job nowadays.
10. Our grandfathers must have resented the idea of marrying a chimney­
sweeper or a bus conductor.
11. One afternoon some friends rang up Susan and Derek to invite them out
for the evening.
12. The dog, excited by so many people, rushed round and round the cyclist,
seeming to enjoy it.
13. A man with long hair was stopped in a street by a very small boy.
14. By staying away from school we are helping to ease the problem of over­
crowded classrooms.

:^W№db«'4 Find subjects in the following sentences.

Найдите подлежащие в следующих предложениях.

1. Between him and the two other brothers who were present, there was
much difference, much similarity.
2. It was not safe driving through the fields.
3. There is no sense in talking to him now.
4. What's the point of setting out at this hour of night?
5. Next day it was cold and he was not feeling well.
6. Thirty is a good age to begin everything anew.
7. It was no use trying to make him change his mind.
8. The stronger of the girls engaged in active sports.
9. It was essential that I speak to him immediately.
10. Red has never been a favourite with me.
11. It was very pleasant to be free and alone.
12. Collecting postage stamps was a hobby with him.
13. All the tickets were sold, there was no getting in that night.
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении

| ' Exercise 5 ) Insert there or it.

Вставьте there или it.

1. — were many people in the room, — was very stuffy.

2. — is time to go to bed, — is no time to waste.
3. — is no need to hurry, — is still plenty of time.
4. — was twenty degrees in the shade. — was not a cloud in the sky.
5. — was nothing to be seen, — was too dark.
6. — was deep snow at the foot of the hill, — was hard to walk.
7. — came a knock at the door, — was the postman.
8. Something clanked outside. — was the dog's chain. Then — was a sudden
furious barking.
9. — was still very early, — was nobody to be seen in the street.
10. — was nothing left to do. — remained only to sign the document.
11. — was thirty kilometers to town and — were many villages on the way.
12. I'm sure— is a rule for it, but — is not the rule he referred to.
13. I'm afraid — is no use trying. — is no preventing it.
14. Do you think — is time for another cigarette?
15. — is no time for tea if we are in a hurry.
16. — was not a bench in sight and, anyway, — was too cold to sit down.
17. — was an hour to the plane, — was time to have the luggage registered.

1111111111^ State the type of predicate in the sentences below.

Определите виды сказуемых в следующих предложениях.

1. She soon grew tired of the game.

2. He was thoroughly enjoying his dinner.
3. He was looking extremely nervous.
4. He looked nervously at the clock on the building.
5. You are to go straight to your room.
6 .1am afraid I am not feeling any better.
7.1began to stammer my apologies.
8. The story will only get repeated and exaggerated.
9. The ship was reported to be arriving in the morning.
10. He has made no effort to bring the matter up.
11. The estate has ceased to be a family home.
12. Alice went on speaking as if she had not heard.
13. He felt he could not let it pass, he had to do something.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 7 ) Remove the brackets. Use a Complex Object or an Object Clause.

Откройте скобки. Употребите сложное дополнение или придаточное

1. We saw (he, to cross) the street and (to enter) the post-office.
2. They did not notice (the boy, to enter) the shop.
3 He felt (somebody, to touch) him by the hand.
4 .1heard (she, to say) it.
5. He watched (she, to put on) her skates and (to go) to the ice.
6. We hear (your daughter, to study) at college.
7. Jane’s words made (he, to realize) that her aunt was unkind to her.
8. What makes (you, to think) so?
9 .1saw (he, to be) nervous.
10. Don't let (she, to go out) so late.
11. They saw (he, to run) across the road.
12.1 should like (you, to show) me the way to Pushkin Square.
13. We heard (he, to tell) them the history of London.
14. We watched (the child, to look) through her grandfather's collection of
15. Make (she, to close) the window, it is very cold in the room.
16. Now I see (he, to be mistaken).
17.1felt (I, to do) something wrong.
18. We expect (you, to give) a talk on London.
19.1felt (they, to look) at me, but I did not turn my head.
20. We heard (she, to recite this extract) at the evening-party.
21.1see (you, to be tired).
22. From my seat I saw (you, to enter) the hall and (to go) up to Nina.
23. I've heard (a famous opera singer, to come) to Moscow.

Translate using the Complex Object where necessary.

Переведите, используя сложное дополнение, где это необходимо.

1. Он предоставил мне решать самому.

2. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он хвастался.
3. Я слышал, что он любит хвастаться.
4. Почему вы думаете, что он неправ?
5. Он был рад увидеть, что в комнату входит его отец.
6. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы мне помогли.
7. М альчик не ожидал, что его отец уедет.
8. Дай мне знать, когда ты уезжаешь.
9. Он нас всех рассмешил своим рассказом.
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении

10. Юноша ожидал, что отец навестит его.

11. Когда вы слышали, что он хвалил эту работу?
12. Я слышал, что он отказался делать эту работу.
13. Не позволяй ему курить здесь.
14. Когда ты в последний раз стригся?
15. М ы заставили его пообещать приехать еще раз.
16. Он услышал, как молодой человек выругался.
17. Она регистрирует багаж.
18. Не позволяй ей носить тяжести.
19. Каждый день можно видеть, как мой сосед гуляет с дочерью.
20. М альчик увидел, что его мать положила в суп сахар вместо соли.
21. Ей ремонтируют часы.
22. Ребенок не выпускал ее руки.
23. Я слышал, что вы переехали в новую квартиру.
24. Я услышал, как перед домом остановилась машина.
25. Я слышал, что в М оскву приехал известный актер.
26. Невозможно заставить Тома работать в такой жаркий день.
27. Я не хочу, чтобы ты ехал за город в такую ужасную погоду.
28. Вся семья наблюдала, как отец вешает картину.
29. М ы наблюдали, как он побежал и догнал проходящий автобус.
30. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы они присутствовали на обсуждении.
31. Летом каждое воскресенье можно видеть, как наш сосед работает
в саду.
32. Никто не ожидал, что зарубежные гости так хорошо знают рус­
ский язык.
33. Роберт не заметил, как его друг вошел в кафе, и удивился, когда
почувствовал, что кто-то прикоснулся к его плечу.
34. Я вижу, что ошибался.
35. Я увидел, как все взглянули наверх, и почувствовал, что что-то
36. М ы чувствовали, что ему не нравится наша работа.
37. Я почувствовал, что кто-то тянет меня за рукав.
' 38. Я заметил, как такси замедлило ход и остановилось на углу ули­
39. Он знал, что книга интересная, но не ожидал, что она будет такой
40. Я слышал, что он работает над новой книгой. Интересно, о чем
41. Они почувствовали, что пора уходить.
42. Не позволяй детям смотреть телевизор допоздна.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Translate into English using the Complex Object after the verbs in
Переведите, используя глаголы в скобках и сложное дополнение.

1. Мне пришлось прождать два часа, чтобы зарегистрировать заяв­

ление (to have).
2. Я слышал, как в связи с этим упоминалось его имя (to hear).
3. После смерти он оставил семью вполне обеспеченной (to leave).
4. Он хотел всех заставить уважать себя (to make).
5. Я не мог допустить, чтобы моего единственного сына исключили
из университета (to have).
6. Почему ты не добился, чтобы его послали в эту командировку (to
7. Ему было досадно, когда он услышал, что его дела обсуждает не­
знакомый человек (to hear).
8. Было тяжело видеть его побежденным (to see).
9. Я думаю, что у твоей матери счета оплачивались регулярно (to
10. В нашем доме невозможно добиться, чтобы кто-нибудь что-ни­
будь сделал/чтобы что-нибудь было сделано (to get).
11. Я не хочу, чтобы кто-нибудь пострадал (to see).
12. М уж так громко засмеялся, что я заметила, как окружающие огля­
нулись на наш столик (to notice).
13. Она улыбнулась, медленно отпуская дверь (to let).
14. По распоряжению Мэри стол накрыли (to have).
15. Я не рассчитывал, что проблема выльется в трагедию (to expect).
16. Я часто слышал, как рассказывают это анекдот (to hear).
17. Я велю, чтобы кого-нибудь поставили наблюдать за домом (to
18. Она не могла заставить себя сказать, что боится потерять его (to
bring oneself).
19. Я хочу, чтобы эту телеграмму отослали немедленно (to want).
20. На следующее утро он получил деньги по чеку (to get).
21. М ы увидели, что он вышел из себя, и нам стало неудобно (to see).
22. Ничто не может заставить его вернуться в город в середине лета
(to make).
23. Я постараюсь сделать так, чтобы ваш сын вам написал (to get).
24. Я часто видел, как это делается (to see).
25. Я не допущу, чтобы ты так со мной разговаривал (to have).
26. Она улыбнулась, услышав, что ее описывают как женщину средне­
го возраста (to hear).
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении

27. Она не желает, чтобы ее местонахождение стало известно (to

28. М ы все ждали, когда придет письмо (to wait).
29. Он жестом показал, чтобы я вышел (to motion).
30. Я увидел, что он сидит у окна и наблюдает за улицей (to see).
31. Она страдала от мысли, что за ее ребенком будет присматривать
другая женщина (to have).
32. Я знаю, что он никогда ничего не теряет (to know).
33. Твое письмо вынудило меня написать то, что я чувствую
(to force).
34. Я посмотрел, как отъехал второй автомобиль, и медленно пошел
обратно к дому (to watch).
, 35. Я ожидал, что отец встретит меня на станции, и удивился, обнару­
жив, что меня никто не ждет (to expect, to find).
36. Он услышал, как течет вода в ванной (to hear). Он не ожидал, что
жена вернется так рано (to expect).
37. Слушая, как Сэм рассказывает о своей семье, я думал о собствен­
ной (to listen).
38. Вернувшись домой вечером, я обнаружил, что он сидит на лестни­
це у моей двери (to discover).
39. Он ждал, когда я изложу свое дело (to wait).
40. Я полагаюсь на то, что ты не будешь болтать (to rely).
41. Я посмотрел на Джона, который пил пиво, но он, казалось, не за­
мечал меня (to look).
42. Он кивнул Эндрю и жестом пригласил его сесть (to gesture).
43. Дядя сказал, что договорится, чтобы я провел месяц на ферме
(to arrange).

Exercise 10 Translate into English using smb do smth/get smb to do smth or

have/get smth done.
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя have smb do smth/get
smb to do smth или have/get smth done.
1. Она нашла платье, которое ей нравится, но ей нужно будет его
2. Я узнала, что цена включает мытье и сушку волос.
3. Я лучше заплачу, чтобы мне постирали рубашки, чем буду стирать
их сам.
4. Лучшие фотографии мне увеличили и вставили в рамки.
5. Я отдал лучшие фотографии увеличить и вставить в рамки.
6. Давай позовем кого-нибудь убрать квартиру перед отпуском.
7. Чтобы обеспечить безопасность электрооборудования, нужно,
чтобы вам его регулярно проверяли.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

8. С тех самых пор как я узнала, что мой доклад приняли на конфе­
ренции, я беспокоюсь о том, что мне нужно сделать.
9. Я решила почистить свой старый костюм, а не шить себе новый.
10. Мне все равно нужно было стричься, и я начала думать о том, как
сменить прическу.
11. Надо, чтобы мой знакомый, стилист, посоветовал мне, что будет
лучше выглядеть.
12. У меня украли ноутбук, когда взломали машину, так что мне при­
шлось взять его в долг и попросить специалиста по компьютерам пере­
нести мой доклад на новый компьютер.
13. Я закажу такси, оно заберет меня из дома.
14. Я распоряжусь, чтобы секретарша показала вам пленку.
15. По распоряжению главного врача этот документ мне доставили до
начала рабочего дня.
16. Я подумал, что вам может не представиться возможности поесть,
так что я распорядился, чтобы нам принесли еды.
17. Раз мы все равно делаем ремонт, было бы хорошо заменить ро­
18. Позовем кого-то отремонтировать кухню или сами сделаем ре­
19. М ы отдаем ножи точить раз в год.
20. Когда она оценила свои украшения, то выяснила, что они стоят
совсем не много.
21. В будущем году я собираюсь починить крышу.
22. Когда ты в последний раз отдавал машину в обслуживание?
23. Ем у сломали нос в драке.
24. Чем это пахнет? — Нам красят дом.
25. Фотографии готовы? — Нет, я еще даже пленку проявлять не от­
26. Что эти рабочие делают в вашем саду? — М ы строим бассейн.
27. Двигатель в машине Тома ремонту не подлежал, так что ему при­
шлось ставить новый.
28. У него в трамвае вытащили деньги.
29. Тебе газеты принесли или ты их сам купил?

Find attributes in the sentences.

Найдите определения в предложениях.

1. Не received a long letter from his friend.

2. It was a cold day.
3. Peter's collection is very good.
4. There are two broken chairs in this room.
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении

5. The second chapter is very interesting.

6. He picked up a letter lying on the floor.
7. The roof of the house is red.
8. He has a great desire to travel about the country.
9. There is no hope of seeing him soon.
10.1don't understand his wish to go there alone.
11. A girl in a long white dress appeared in the hall.
12. He was the last to understand the joke.
13. The boy’s new toy was forgotten.
14.1have news to tell you.
15. The desire to share a secret was too strong for him.
16. What's the use of talking to him again?
17.1don't know the man sitting next to me.
18. The colour of his hair is black.
19.1didn't like his manner of talking.
20. The rising sun could be seen through my window.
21. He looked at the books neatly arranged on the shelf.
22. The letters to be sent away are in this box.

Place the attributes in the appropriate order.

Поставьте определения в правильном порядке.

1. Poems — first, Byron's, young.

2. Pipe — my, old, black, father's.
3. Pictures — new, Ivanov's, painter, the.
4. Book — the, thick, English, girl's, young.
5. Daughter — uncle's, my, little, pretty, old
6. Plays — successful, Bernard, most, Shaw's.
7. Voice — beautiful, Helen's, clear, sister, my.
8. Life — hard, Dickens's, young.
9. Spectacles — th e, big, new, boy's.
10. Plait — thick, girl's, black, little, a.
11. Dresses — the, beautiful, girls', red-and-white, young.
12. Costumes — bright, children's, carnival, our.
13. Bicycle — elder, expensive, brother's, my, new.
14. Novel — this, first, author's, successful, young.
15. News — sensational, yesterday's.
16. Baby — wonderful, sister's, ten-month-old, my.
17. Cap — my, old, friend's, favourite, best.
18. Gloves — old, white, grandmother's, lace, my.
19. Smile — my, warm, guest's, pleasant.
20. Cough — old, loud, man's, the.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Translate into English using the Possessive Case.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный па­

1. В витрине магазина было много больших и маленьких мужских и

дамских шляп разных фасонов.
2. На берегу реки располагался большой лагерь туристов.
3. По дороге мы зашли в ближайший цветочный магазин и купили
большой букет роз — любимых цветов моей матери.
4. Наступило минутное неловкое молчание, затем все начали гово­
рить одновременно.
5. Они прошли в отдел детской обуви.
6. Мнения разошлись. Одни предлагали устроить новогодний вечер
у Браунов, другие — у Смитов.
7. Глаза у нее были такие же красивые, как у матери, а подбородок
такой же волевой, как у отца.
8. Дети убирали в парке прошлогодние листья.
9. Картина «Пушкин у моря» — совместная работа Айвазовского и
10. Портрет жены Рембрандта — один из известнейших шедевров ве­
ликого художника.
11. У него не было своего велосипеда, и, когда ему надо было поехать
на станцию, он брал велосипед у соседа.
12. Чье предложение вы поддерживаете — директора или главного
13. Как зовут младшую сестру вашего лучшего друга?
14. «Кармен», наиболее популярная опера Бизе, была написана на сю­
жет известной новеллы Мериме.
1. Это не его слова, они принадлежат какому-то другому писателю.

Supply the appropriate articles.

Вставьте артикли.

1. Не put — envelope in — doctor's hand.

2. She teaches at — smart girls' school.
3. After — two months' leave he was sent to — Officers'Training Camp in
4. — assistants' office is located on — second floor.
5.1 was going to attend — parents' meeting next Monday.
6. His eyes narrowed like — cat's.
7. He was thinking of going to —Teachers'Training College.
8. She was given — doll's house for her birthday.
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении

9. That dog is — proper brute. I've known him bite clean through — lady's
10. They were promised — four days' rest.
11. She is out visiting — neighbour's daughter.
12. The theatre had — three weeks' ballet season.
13. Very early in my life I was taught not to believe — girl's tears.
14. — chief's remarks left me indifferent.
15. "Is that Mr. Blake?" — woman's voice asked in — telephone.
16. Then she leaped to one side as — car's brakes screamed behind her.
17. By — clown's grimace on his face I understood that he was suffering.

Translate into English paying attention to ways of expressing com­

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на способы вы­
ражения сравнения.

1. Вы моложе вашей сестры? — Нет, я на два года старше ее.

2. Этот рассказ еще интереснее того, что мы читали вчера.
3. Наш сад самый маленький из всех.
4. Он тратит меньше времени на домашнюю работу, чем я.
5. Она не старше своей двоюродной сестры.
6. Наш телевизор в два раза меньше вашего.
7. Этот текст в два раза труднее, чем тот, который мы только что
8. Его телевизор не хуже нашего. Но он занимает в два раза больше
9. Эта комната в два раза меньше вашей.
10. Этот чемодан еще тяжелее моего.
11. Этот текст самый интересный из всех, что мы до сих пор читали.
12. Этот рассказ такой же длинный, как тот, но не такой интересный.
13. Давид — старший из двух братьев и самый умный.
14. Сегодня не так холодно, как вчера.
15. Из двух платьев это — самое красивое.
16. Мой брат говорит по-французски намного лучше, чем по-англий­
17. С каждым днем погода ухудшалась.
18. Этот текст еще более трудный, чем тот, который мы переводили
на днях.
19. Чем интереснее будет книга, тем быстрее вы ее прочитаете.
20. Сегодня солнце светит гораздо ярче, чем вчера.
21. Я слышал оба доклада. Первый был значительно интереснее вто­
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

16 Put the words in brackets in their appropriate places.

Поставьте слова в скобках в нужные места в предложении.
1. You are here when something happens (usually).
2 .1work at night (best, always).
3. Her mum cooks a meal (always, in the evening).
4. He moves very slowly (always, in the morning).
5. She speaks Japanese (fluently).
6. We book the April holiday (usually, in February).
7 .1think we'd better open the parcel (now).
8. They think that we have got bread (probably).
9. Chocolate cakes are the best (definitely).
10. She was crying in her room (quietly).
11.1 have had an illness (never, in my life).
12. We talked about it (at lunchtime, briefly).
13. I'm going to break the eggs (into the bowl, carefully).
14.1remember buying some sugar (definitely).
15. Ann works at the village shop (on Saturdays, usually).
16.1can't explain my feelings (clearly).
17. The team played (yesterday, brilliantly).
18. She has done that before (never).
19.1worked (always, at school, very hard).
20. It is very difficult (sometimes).
21. She practices the piano (every evening, here).
22.1have tried to find it (often).
23.1don't think she plays tennis (very well).
24. We are going to win (definitely).
25. We were at the station (all).
26. He read every word (slowly).
27. Put the butter in the fridge (at once).

Insert enough.
Вставьте enough.
1. He knows English well.
2. The boy is strong.
3. He has money to buy a new suit.
4. He has no time to stay to tea.
5. The actor is famous.
6 .1have notebooks at home, I can give you some.
7. The weather is warm.
8. There is no work for all of you.
9 .1have no time to tell you the story.
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении
__________________________________________________________________ я______________________

10. You are not strong to do such work.

11. The museum is near, we can walk there.
12. If you take two more books we'll have books for the whole group
13. This room is large for ten people.
14. Do you think there will be food for all the guests?
15. He ran away quickly.
16. He jumped high.
17. We don't have cups for everybody.
18. He greeted me warmly.
19. We have no flowers to give the teachers.
20. There is no water.
21. He phones often.
22. They had no money for a motor bike.

Kercise 18 Paraphrase using a) so; b) such.

Измените, употребляя so и such.

Model: It was cold

a) It was so cold.
b) It was such a cold day.
1. He is hard-working.
2. The idea is splendid.
3. The mistake was awful.
4. The joke was funny.
5. The question was unexpected.
6. The story was touching.
7. The present was expensive.
8. The coat is warm.
9. It was an interesting book.
10. He had a strong voice.
11. It was a funny hat.
12. She was lucky and we envied her.
13. She wore extravagant clothes.
14. It was useful advice.
15. The girls were pretty.
16. You've given me interesting books.
17. Don't give me much money.
18. They were busy.
19. Her hair is beautiful.
20. It was hard work.
21. The countryside was beautiful.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Translate into English paying attention to so, such.

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на so, such.

1. Туман был такой густой, что ничего не было видно.

2. Они ничего не видели в таком густом тумане.
3. Вода была такая холодная, что он не получил удовольствия от пла­
4. Я не могу купаться в такой холодной воде.
5. Я так устала, что не дойду до дома.
6. Я всегда мечтала о таком уютном доме.
7. М ы не ожидали, что фильм будет такой интересный.
8. Вчера мы видели такой интересный фильм!
9. Такие новости распространяются быстро.
10. У меня столько дел!
11. Он был так сердит на меня, что даже не хотел разговаривать.
12. Это была такая трудная работа, я удивляюсь, как он смог выпол­
нить ее так быстро.
13. Я не знала, что он такой талантливый ребенок.
14. Он так занят в последнее время, что забыл о нашем приглаше­
15. Жаль, что она так медленно работает.
16. Ветер был такой сильный, что трудно было идти.
17. У них такие славные маленькие дочки.
18. У нее такое слабое здоровье, что она редко выходит из дома.
19. Я не могу себе позволить такое дорогое пальто, но мне его так хо­
20. Это платье такое элегантное, но его нельзя носить с такими ту­
21. Спасибо за такую оригинальную идею.
22. Нельзя так разговаривать с родителями.
23. В такую хорошую погоду прогуляться в парке — такое удоволь­
24. У нее такие красивые светлые волосы.
25. У нее такой хороший вкус, она так элегантно одевается.

ЕвШЙй-' Translate into English paying attention to first, at first.

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на first, at first.

1. Что вы сделали сначала?

2. Сначала я его не узнал.
3. Сначала прослушайте текст, потом ответьте на мои вопросы.
4. Сначала он не хотел меня слушать.
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном предложении

5. Сначала надо исправить ошибки.

6. Сначала он хотел поехать за город, но потом передумал.
7. Сначала подумайте, потом сделайте.
8. Вначале он так волновался, что не мог говорить.
9. Мы решили сначала пойти в Третьяковскую галерею.
10. Сначала мы решили поехать в воскресенье на экскурсию, но потом
пошел дождь, и нам пришлось остаться дома.
11. Она посоветовала мне сначала сделать устные упражнения.
12. Сначала мы не обратили внимания на его слова.
13. Я думаю, вам надо сначала поговорить с главным инженером.
14. Я сначала не хотел с ним разговаривать.
15. Я не хотел заговаривать с ним первым.
Виды предложений

Translate paying attention to the word order and the place of the
negative in the English sentence.
Переведите, обращая внимание на порядок слов и на место отрица­
ния в английском предложении.

1. Я сегодня никого не видел.

2. Он приходит сюда не каждый день.
3. Я недостаточно хорошо вас понял.
4. Он работает не на нашем заводе.
5. Я встаю не очень поздно в воскресенье.
6. Он не об этом говорил мне вчера.
7. Я думаю, завтра не будет дождя.
8. Я потратил не очень много времени на эту работу.
9. Я думал, что дождь ненадолго.
10. Он так и не понял, в чем дело.
11. Похоже, они не торопятся увидеть нас.
12. Я видел не Елену, а ее сестру.
13. Он думал, ты не сможешь осмотреть все достопримечательности .
за три дня.
14. Они живут не на первом этаже.
15. Думаю, он не ездил вчера на работу.
16. Похоже, ему это не нравится.
17. Он поехал не туда, куда его посылали.
18. Думаю, вы не будете возражать.
19. М ы видимся не очень часто.
20. Думаю, вы не правы.
21. Он приветствовал нас не очень вежливо.
22. Думаю, мы не сможем его сегодня увидеть.

Ask questions about the following sentences.

Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. There will be a lot of fruit in this garden in autumn.

(a) General;
(b) Disjunctive;
Виды предложений

(c) Special with "where";

(d) Special with "when";
(e) Special with "why";
(f) Special with "how much";
(g) Special with "what".
2. There will be a military parade in Red Square.
(a) General;
(b) Disjunctive;
(c) Special with "where";
(d) Special with "what”;
(e) Special with "when".
3. There will be a new cinema in this district next year.
(a) General;
(b) Alternative;
(c) Disjunctive;
(d) Special with "what";
(e) Special with "where";
(f) Special with "when".

Add question-tags and give full answers to the questions.

Добавьте краткие вопросы и дайте полные ответы на вопросы.

1. She doesn't study Greek.

2. He doesn't drive a car.
3. Nobody is there.
4. Granny doesn't do the shopping.
5. He doesn't begin work at eight.
6. There isn't a table in this room.
7. The short hand of the clock doesn't tell the minutes.
8. There was nobody at home.
9. He doesn't drink tea in the morning.
10. You have never been to the Caucasus.
11.1 don't have to get up early.
12. Nobody goes home by bus.
13. There won't be many people at the library.
14. She doesn't like cheese.
15. Peter never drinks coffee.
16. She won't be able to come.
17. Mother doesn't cook breakfast.
18. He isn't reading.
19. You are not younger than he.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

20. There was not a book on the table.

21. You don't have to do it.
22. They can't come.

Turn the following direct questions into indirect with the help of
a) / wonder, b) Do you think ( Dhe thin
Переделайте следующие прямые вопросы в косвенные при помощи
выражений: а) Iwonder, b) Do you think ( he thin

M odel: Do they live here?

а) I wonder if they live here
б) Do you think they live here?
1. Do these men go to town every day?
2. Does he spend his holidays at the seaside?
3. Why is he late?
4. Do birds fly to the South in autumn?
5. What is he doing?
6. Does Mary do her work quickly?
7. Will it rain long?
8. Does he want to catch the 6 o'clock train?
9. Did he like the book?
10. Does she travel a lot in summer?
11. What kind of book is that?
12. How much is it?
13. Does mother wake him up at 6?
14. Where can I buy a guide-book?
15. Does he want to buy a few toys?
16. How many toys is he going to buy?
17. Does the book cost a lot?
18. What shall I say to her?
19. Will there be a lot of people at the party?
20. Which is the shortest way to Red Square?
21. Was there nobody at home?
22. When shall we meet?
23. Is he coming?
24. Does he write to them?

Translate the following questions into English.

Переведите вопросы.
1. Как ты думаешь, где он может быть?
2. Как ты думаешь, это хороший фильм?
3. Как ты думаешь, я увижу его завтра?
Виды предложений

4. Как ты думаешь, где можно купить хорошие духи?

5. Как ты думаешь, сколько стоит эта книга?
6. Как ты думаешь, когда нужно выйти, чтобы успеть на поезд?
7. Как ты думаешь, кто из них будет нас встречать?
8. Как ты думаешь, десяти фунтов хватит?
9. Как ты думаешь, 35 человек — это много?
10. Как ты думаешь, какие из этих духов лучше купить?
11. Как ты думаешь, что мне лучше приготовить к празднику?
12. Как ты думаешь, сколько народу там будет?
13. Как ты думаешь, что мне надеть?
14. Как ты думаешь, он позвонит?

Translate Into English.



1. Вы разве не пойдете с нами? — Нет, пойду.

2. Неужели вы меня не понимаете? — Очень хорошо понимаю.
3. Разве вам не нравится этот фильм? — Да, не нравится.
4. Неужели вы никогда не были в Лондоне? — К сожалению, нет.
5. Ты не принес тетрадь? — Да, не принес.
6. Неужели ты не мог запомнить такую простую вещь? — Да, не мог.
7. Разве нет дождя? — Нет, есть.
8. Разве он не на Тверской живет? — Да, не там. Он живет на Гого­
левском бульваре.
9. Разве он сейчас не работает? — Нет, работает, хоть он и на пен­
10. Разве вы не часто ходите в театр? — Да что вы! Раз в месяц самое
11. Разве он не давно здесь живет? — Нет, он приехал год назад.
12. Разве вы не знаете, что он умер? — Да? Первый раз слышу. Какая
13. Вы не придете? — Боюсь, нет. Я буду занят.

Render the following in reported speech using offer or suggest where

Передайте предложения в косвенной речи, употребляя, где необходимо,
offer или suggest.

1. "Turn on the light," she said.

2. "Let's go and see Fred tonight," Kate said.
3. "Let me ring up the teacher," Tom said.
4. "Let the girls do the cooking," said the boys.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

5. "Let's go and see him some other day," Jane said.

6. "Don't leave your coat on the chair," my sister said.
7. "Let's do the shopping tonight," Helen said.
8. "Let me pay the fare," my friend said.
9. "Don't let us tell Kate about it," Mike said.
10. "Let me introduce you to Helen," my cousin said.
11. "Let's invite Jim," he said.
12. "Let them solve this problem," my friend said.
13. "Don't be afraid of the exam," my mother said.
14. "Let him present his paper next week," the teacher said.
15. "Let me buy the presents," my friend said.

Rephrase the sentences with the help of offer or suggest.

Перефразируйте предложения с помощью offer или suggest.

1. Mr. Brown invited me to the theatre and said he would buy the tickets him­
2. Jack said I should call a doctor as he did not like the way I looked.
3. My neighbour in the compartment said he would help me with the lug­
gage because my suitcase was very heavy.
4. Oliver said we must join efforts to solve the problem because it concerned
all of us.
5. He showed me a lot of books and said I could take any of them.
6. "Let us share the porter," he said. "We haven't got a lot of luggage."
7. Mother said I must go to bed as I looked pale.
8. The teacher said he would help me with the homework and advised me to
read a book on the subject.
9. He said we should choose another play as the one that was on tonight was
10. "Let us meet at the station at five," he said. «Then we will have plenty of
time before the train.
11. "There's still a lot of time to kill. Let's play a game," Mark said.
12. Helen said we had to go on a tour of the city on Monday, because Sunday
tours were all booked.
13. "I'll buy the book for you," said Victor. "I live opposite a book shop."
14. "It is late," I said. "Let's take a taxi."
15. "It's raining. You had better wait until the rain stops." Mother said.
16. Kate said she would help me prepare for the exams because she didn't
want me to fail.
17. "You must have a rest, you've been overworking yourself these past weeks,"
Sarah said.
Виды предложений

18. "It's rather far to the place. Let's take a bus," he said. "No," I objected. "Let's
walk. The weather is fine and the place is within walking distance anyway."
19. "Let me help you with the bag," he said. "It must be very heavy."
20. It was Helen's birthday. Nick said he would buy flowers and I was to buy a
21. The Smiths want to sell their cottage at the seaside. Ann has agreed to help
them to find a buyer.
22.1 cannot eat the whole pie, it's much too big. Let's share it.
23. Susan was upset because she had broken her sister's watch. Helen said she
would take it to a watchmaker's to be repaired.
24. You've been arguing for quite a while. I think you had better stop this use­
less argument, you are not getting anywhere.
25. Betty said she didn't have enough money to buy a mobile phone. Bill said
he could lend her some money.
26. Granddad said he wanted the baby to be named Susan after her grand­
27. Ann is very upset. Her canary has flown away from its cage. I think we must
buy another canary for her.
28. "We are going mountain skiing. You could join us if you wished," Susie said.
29. The Parliament Building is open for visitors tomorrow. Let's go on a tour.
30. "You keep forgetting things," Mother said. "You must keep a diary."
31. We've been driving since seven in the morning. Let's make a stop and have
lunch, I'm starving.
32. "Will you be going my way?" Mr. Smith asked. "Then I will give you a lift as
far as the station."

Exercise 9 | Insert offer, suggest, suggestion in the required form.

Вставьте offer, suggest, suggestion в соответствующей форме.

1. Your... is very tempting, but I cannot accept it.

2. My friend ... to pay the fare as I had no change.
3. Why doesn't somebody... that we should do something to help her?
4. The plan which you ... is very interesting and I am ready to try it.
5 .1 refuse to take anything he ... me.
6. H e... that the matter be discussed at the next meeting.
7. The teacher... a very good way of memorizing words.
8. The host... playing a very amusing game.
9. Mr. White has been ... the post of director.
10. The worker... a more effective method of cutting metals.
11. Mother... that I should put on the blue dress when I go to the theatre.
12.1... buying this book.
13. What do you ... doing now?
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

14. Who has ... him the job?

15.1... taking an umbrella because it looked like rain.
16. The host... that we should sing a song, or play some merry games.
17. No one... him help.
18. Peter... that we should go skijng after lunch.
19. The man nodded to his visitor and ... him a seat.
20. The coach ... that we walk another two miles and then have a rest.
21. They... him money for the picture but he refused to sell it.
22. My friend ... that we should play a game of tennis.
23. The boy ... to carry her basket.
24. The school doctor... that I should see the dentist.
25. Do you know who ... the idea of going to the seaside?
26. The builder... a new and more effective method of laying bricks.
27. My friend ... to go to the station to find out when our train started and ...
that I should take care of the things.

Exercise 10 Translate into English.


1. Майклу предложили очень интересную работу.

2. Когда Кэт узнала, что случилось, она позвонила своим друзьям и
предложила им помочь.
3. Я предлагаю сначала послушать новости, а потом пойти погулять.
4. Джон предложил всей группе поехать летом на экскурсию в М ос­
5. Когда прохожий увидел, что женщина боится перейти улицу, он
предложил ей помочь.
6. Кто предложил отменить встречу?
7. Я предлагаю пойти куда-нибудь сегодня вечером, мне надоело си­
деть в четырех стенах.
8. Поскольку погода прекрасная, я предлагаю пойти пешком от стан­
ции до дачи, она находится в километре от станции.
9. Когда в автобус вошла пожилая женщина, молодой человек встал
и предложил ей место.
10. Узнав, что у моей подруги заболела дочка, я предложила вызвать
11. Я слышал, что он предложил присмотреть за вашей собакой.
12. Узнав, что она больна, я предложил вызвать врача.
13. Он предложил мне билет на 10-часовой сеанс, но я отказался, так
как это было слишком поздно.
14. По окончании университета ему предложили ехать работать на
Дальний Восток, и он с удовольствием согласился.
Виды предложений

15. Он предложил поехать за город.

16. Я видел, что она несет тяжелый чемодан, и предложил ей по­
17. Она приняла предложение проводить ее домой.
18. Вы первый, кто предложил это название для моего рассказа.
19. «Могу ли я предложить вам помочь?» — спросил он.
20. Поскольку погода прекрасная, я предлагаю прогулку в парк. Вы не
21. Я не знаю, что приготовить на завтрак; пожалуйста, предложите
22. М альчик предложил мне помочь донести чемодан до лифта.

Translate into English.


1. Зима. Холодно. Идет снег.

2. Дождь идет? — Нет, но на небе много облаков.
3. Сегодня жарко. Ни ветерка.
4. Летом легко вставать рано.
5. В Крыму летом жарко. Дождей немного.
6. Осенью часто идет дождь.
7. Три часа. Пойдем послушаем музыку.
8. Весна. В парках много цветов.
9. До Москвы 20 километров. Есть автобус, который ходит два раза
в день.
10. Который час? — Без четверти шесть. Ты идешь?
11. На улице было холодно и много снега.
12. Странно, что ты не хочешь пойти на лекцию. Она будет очень ин­
13. Темно. На улицах мало людей.
14. 2 часа. Есть время искупаться.
15. Нелегко понять, что он имеет в виду.
16. Пора уходить. В зале почти никого не осталось.
17. Дождь не прекращается два дня.
18. На улицах лужи. Был дождь.
19. Я не люблю, когда идет снег.
20. Отсюда до музея 20 минут ходьбы.
21. Вчера шел снег?
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

22. Дождь кончился минуту назад.

23. Трудно понять это предложение.
24. От дома до реки два километра.

Translate into English paying attention to sentences with the em­

phatic It.
Переведите, обращая внимание на предложения с эмфатическим It.

1. М ы отправились именно в понедельник.

2. Был понедельник, когда я впервые встретил его.
3. Именно Макса я встретил на вечере.
4. Он читал нам именно Пушкина.
5. Это случилось именно утром 1 января.
6. Был полдень, когда группа прибыла в город.
7. Именно эту книгу ты хочешь купить?
8. Только когда я услышал слова « т у dear», я понял, что он говорит
9. Именно я виноват в том, что произошло.
10. Именно мы купили эту картину.
11. Именно с Анной мы ездили в Лондон.
12. Именно чтением вслух он улучшил свое произношение.
13. Он нашел именно кольцо.

Make the following sentences exclamatory.

Переделайте следующие предложения в восклицательные.

1. Не is a good singer.
2. The singer is good.
3. He is a fine athlete.
4. This athlete is good.
5. She is a pretty girl.
6. This girl is pretty.
7. She has beautiful hair.
8. Her hair is beautiful.
9. It's a cool night.
10. The night is cool.
11. He speaks English well.
12. Everything was quiet.
13. They understood each other perfectly.
14. She plays the piano well.
15. It is noisy here.
16. It's stuffy here.
.Виды предложений

17. This place is beautiful.

18. She sings beautifully.
19. It's fine weather we are having.
20. She is wearing beautiful clothes.
21. The cake smells delicious.
22. You have brought us sad news.
23. They are laughing very loudly.
24. You have given me a lot of money.
25. You are wrong.
26. She looks beautiful in this dress.
27. The child has grown very tall.
28. The tree is growing fast.
29. April is usually cold.
30. The flowers smell nice.
31. Her hair has turned grey.
32. It's getting cold.
33. He seems to be a nice man.

Translate into English.


1. Смотри, сколько они собрали цветов!

2. Какое в Москве большое уличное движение!
3. Какой красивый мост он построил!
4. Как приятно погулять в этом чудном парке!
5. Какая это была интересная поездка!
6. Как хорошо вы описываете города, в которых побывали!
7. Какой важный исторический документ вы обнаружили!
8. Как поздно вы пришли!
9. Какая вчера была плохая погода!
10. Как приятно было с ним познакомиться!
11. Какую интересную книгу он принес!
12. Как будет увлекательно увидеть эти достопримечательности свои
ми глазами!

Exercise 15 Complete the sentence using so.Jneither...

Закончите предложения, употребляя so/neither.

1. Jim's going to town tonight. — (We)

2. Jack isn't going to town. — (They)
3. He hasn't changed a bit. — (She)
4. Sam can play chess. — (Mike)
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

5. Jill can't skate. — (We)

6. John must work harder. — (Nick)
7 .1haven't heard the news. — (Mary)
8. My brother got married last year. — (His sister)
9 .1didn't promise them anything. — (He)
10. Peter doesn't know our new address. — (His brother)
11. Henry visits the Browns very often. — (John)
12. Bill never goes to parties. — (Jill)
13. Kate cleans the flat every day. — (My mother)
14. We won't be staying at a hotel. — (They)
15. He was surprised to hear it. — (We)
16. We were not expecting to hear that. — (He)
17. She managed to do the work in time. — (He)
18.1 haven't seen the new film. — (They)

Translate Into English.


1. Я живу в Москве 10 лет. — Правда? Мой брат тоже.

2. Я не совсем понимаю это правило. — И я тоже. Предлагаю попро­
сить нашу преподавательницу объяснить нам его еще раз.
3. Мой брат готовится сейчас к экзаменам. — И моя сестра тоже.
4. Джиму надо много работать над произношением. — Джону тоже.
5. В воскресенье мы пойдем в Третьяковскую галерею. — И мои дру­
зья тоже.
6. У Анны много интересных книг. — И у Марии тоже. Давай попро­
сим у них что-нибудь почитать.
7. Михаил не умеет писать по-французски. — И Николай тоже.
8. Мне не нравится, как этот скрипач исполняет произведения Брам­
са (Brahms). — И мне тоже.
9. М оя любимая симфония — Пятая симфония Чайковского. —
И моя тоже.
10. Я давно не была в Художественном театре. — И я тоже. Как ты
смотришь на то, чтобы пойти туда сегодня вечером?
11. Он только из отпуска. — Я тоже. Он так же загорел, как я?
12. М ы только что приехали, мы прописываемся (в гостинице). —
Они тоже.
13. Анна никогда не ездит на работу на автобусе. — Я тоже. Предпо­
читаю пройтись. До моего офиса легко можно дойти пешком.
Видовременная система
английского глагола

Open the brackets putting the verbs in the appropriate tense forms.
Откройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные временные формы.

1. The first Wednesday in every month (be) a Perfectly Awful Day. Every floor
must be spotless, every chair dustless and every bed without a wrinkle. Ninety-
seven little orphans must be scrubbed and combed and reminded of their man­
ners and told to say "Yes, sir", "No, sir", whenever a Trustee (speak).
It (be) a distressing time; and poor Jerusha Abbott (have) to bear the brunt of
it. But this particular Wednesday, like its predecessors, finally (drag) itself to a
close. Jerusha (escape) from the pantry where she (make) sandwiches and (turn)
upstairs to do her regular work. Her special care (be) room F. Jerusha (assemble)
her charges, (straighten) their frocks, (wipe) their noses and (send) them to the
Then she (drop) down on the window seat and (lean) her forehead against
the cool glass. She (be) on her feet since five that morning.
The day (to end) — quite successfully, so far as she (know). The Trustees and
the visiting committee (make) their rounds and (read) their repqrts and (drink)
their tea. And now they (hurry) home.

2. In the early morning he (awake) and (look) out upon a small town just aris­
ing from sleep. Lights (come on), soft voices (mutter). A porter (move by), a shad­
ow in shadows.
Sir," (say) Willie.
The porter (stop).
"What town is this?" (whisper) the boy in the dark.
"Valleyville. Is this your stop?"
"It (look) green, "Willie (gaze) out at the cold morning town for a long time.
"It (look) nice and quiet."
"Son," (say) the porter, "you know where you (go)?"
"Here," said Willie.
"I hope you know what you (do), boy," said the porter.
"Yes, sir," said Willie. "I know what I (do)." And he (be) down the dark aisle, lug­
gage lifted for him by the porter, and out in the cold morning.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Не (watch) the black train until it was completely gone away and out of sight.
Then, as the sun (rise), he (begin) to walk very fast, so as to keep warm, down
into the new town.

3 .1liked our guide. I (ask) him if he (be) a spaceman and he (say) no, he (be)
just a Colonial Service Ranger.
Dad and Mr. Latham (join) us we (finish) the tour while Mr. Perrin — that's our
guide — (announce) the trip outside "to see the Devil's Graveyard and the site of
the Great Disaster of 1984."
Dad (rub) his hands together. "This is for me," he (announce).
"You (enjoy) it," Mr. Latham (agree). "I'm tempted to come along myself."
"Why don't you?" Dad (ask).
"No, I want to have the papers ready for you to sign when you (get) back and
before you (leave) for Luna City. Besides, I (be) out on the surface dozens of times.
But I (come) along and (help) you into your spacesuits."
Mother (say) she (not think) she (go); she (not be) sure she (can) stand the
thought of being shut up in a spacesuit.
Mother always (object) and then (give) in. I suppose women just (not have)
any force of character.

Open the brackets putting the verbs in the appropriate tense forms.
Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные временные формы.

1 .1(go) down pastTamu's cabin quietly so she wouldn't hear me and to my

own the door of which (be) slightly open.
I (leave) it closed. And locked. I always (leave) it closed and locked.
I (throw) the door open. Tamu (stand) over my open suitcase with my pass­
port in her hand.
What you (say) in a situation like that? I (be) angry and that (help).
"You (break) into my cabin and (steal) my passport."
"How cruel of you. The door (be) open and I (come) in. I (steal) nothing."
"Yqu have it in your hand!"
"I (examine) it. It is a very interesting document."
"Now hand it back."
She (hesitate) a moment, looking at me closely before she (speak).
"I would very much like to examine it further."
I (be) still angry.
"Of course you can examine it. But the examination fee for the standard
American passport (be) a hundred dollars an hour."
"Very agreeable. And here is the hundred dollars."
And she (have) it too, in a little purse she (dig) out of her clothes. They (be) in
my palm and she (be) out of the door before I (realize) what (happen).
Видовременная система английского глагола

2. Mrs. Morris (open) a can and (pour) hot soup into a bowl. During all this
Mink (fidget).
"Hurry, Mom. This is a matter of life and death!"
"I (be) the same way at your age. Always life and death. I know."
Mink (bang) away at her soup.
"Slow down," said Mom.
"Can't," said Mink. "Dill (wait) for me. I got to run if we want to have the Inva­
"Who (invade) what?”
"Martians invading Earth. Well, not exactly Martians. They (be) — from up."
She (point) with her spoon.
"And inside," Mom (say) touching Mink's feverish brow. Mink (rebel). "You
(laugh)! You (kill) Dill and everybody."
"I (not mean) to," said Mom. "Dill's a Martian?"
"No. He's — well — maybe from Jupiter or Saturn or Venus. Anyway, he (have)
a hard time."
"They couldn't figure a way to attack Earth. Dill (say) in order to make a good
fight you got to have a new way of surprising people. That way you win. And he
(say) also you got to have help from your enemy. And they couldn't figure a way
to surprise Earth or get help."
Mink (sit) there, staring at the table, seeing what she (talk) about.
"Until one day," (whisper) Mink melodramatically, "they (think) of children."

Open the brackets putting the verbs in the appropriate tense forms.
Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные временные формы.

I.They (walk) slowly at about ten in the evening talking calmly.

"But why so early?" (say) Smith. "Your first night out in years and you (go)
home at ten o'clock.
"Nerves, I suppose".
"What I wonder is how you (manage) it. I (try) to get you out for ten years for
a quiet drink. What you (do), put sleeping powder in your wife's coffee?"
"No. You (see) soon enough. Look up there!"
In the window above them a man about thirty-five years old, with a touch of
gray at either temple, sad gray eyes and a small thin moustache (look) down at
them. They (wait). The street door of the apartment (open) and the gentleman
with the moustache (come) out to meet them.
"Hallo, Braling," he said.
"Hallo, Braling," said Braling.
They (be) identical.
Smith (stare). "Is this you twin brother?"
"No," said Braling quietly. "Put your ear to Braling Two's chest."
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Smith (hesitate) and then (lean) forward.

Smith (stagger) back, appalled.
He (reach out) and (touch) the warm hands and the cheeks of the thing.
"Where you (get) him?”
"Give the man your card, Braling Two."
Braling Two (produce) a white card:
"Duplicate self or friends, new humanoid plastics 1990 models."
"How long this (go on)?"
"I (have) him for a month. I (keep) him in the cellar in a toolbox. My wife never
(go) downstairs, and I (have) the only key to that box. Tonight I (say) I (wish) to
take a walk to buy a cigar. I (go) down to the cellar and (take) Braling Two out of
his box and (send) him back up to sit with my wife while I (come) out to see you,
Smith. So I (be) home all evening."

2. Braling and Braling Two (turn) in at the door to the apartment.

"Well, it's the cellar box for ypu, В-Two." Braling (guide) the other creature
down the stairs.
"That's what I want to talk to you about," said Braling Two. "The cellar. I don't
like it."
"I (try) and (fix) something more comfortable. Besides it only (be) a few days
now. I (be) off to Rio and you (not have) to stay in the box. You can live upstairs."
Braling Two (gesture) irritably.
"And when you (come) back from having a good time, I (go) back in the box."
Braling said, "They (not tell) me at the marionette shop that I (get) a difficult
"There's a lot they don't know about us," said Braling Two. "We are sensitive. I
hate the idea of your going off to Rio while we are stuck here in the cold."
"But I (want) that trip all my life," said Braling quietly.
"And another thing. Your wife."
"What about her?" asked Braling beginning to edge toward the door.
"I (grow) quite fond of her."
"I'm glad you (enjoy) your employment." Braling (lick) his lips nervously.
"I'm afraid you don't understand. I think — I'm in love with your wife."
"You are in what?" Braling (freeze).
"And I (think)," said Braling Two, "how nice it is in Rio and how I never (get)
there, and I (think) about your wife — I think we could be very happy."
"That's nice." Braling (try) to rush out the door, but a metal-firm grip (seize) his
Braling Two said, "I (go) to put you in the box, lock it and lose the key. Then I
(buy) another Rio ticket for your wife. Good-buy, Braling."
Видовременная система английского глагола

Ten minutes later Mrs Braling (awake). She (put) her hand to her cheek. Some­
one just (kiss) it. She (shiver) and (look up).
"Why — you (not do) that in years," she (murmur).
"We'll see what we can do about it," someone said.

Translate into English.


1. На кухне шумела вода. Алиса мыла посуду.

2. Извини, у меня мокрые руки. Я мыла посуду.
3. Ты вымыла посуду?
4. Кто съел мое яблоко?
5. Ты опять ел чеснок?
6. Они сидели за столом и ели спагетти.
7. Вы уже обсудили этот вопрос?
8. Запишите то, что мы тут сегодня обсуждали.
9. Они закончили писать и обсуждали, кто отправит письмо.
10. Они разговаривали о погоде и планах на лето.
11. О чем вы тут разговаривали?
12. Он ответил, что они разговаривали о спорте.
13. Он мне рассказывал ужасные истории о вас. — И что он вам рас­
14. Ты мне все рассказал?
15. В комнате было тихо. Джон рассказывал о своей поездке в Австра­
16. Что он вам тут обо мне рассказывал?
17. Что с моей шляпой? Ты что сидел на ней?
18. Кто сидел на моей кровати?
19. Обычно он сидел в кресле. Но в тот день он переместился на ди­
20. — Чем ты тут занималась? — Гладила тебе брюки.
21. Он рассказал брату, чем занимался в его отсутствие.
22. Он хорошо сдал экзамен, потому что усердно занимался.
23. С трех до пяти мы занимались в библиотеке.
24. — У тебя глаза красные. — Я занимался к завтрашнему экзамену.
25. — Почему ты зеваешь? — Я спал.
26. Он увидел ногу. Кто-то спал на его кровати.
27. Кровать была в беспорядке. На ней кто-то явно уже спал.
28. Кто-то читал мою книгу, это не моя закладка.
29. Ты читал эту книгу? Прочитай обязательно.
30. Джон, к сегодняшнему занятию вы читали Канта. Расскажите нам.
2 Сборник упражнений по грамматике...
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

31. Вы обязательно должны отдохнуть. Вы сегодня слишком много

32. М ы работали над этой проблемой, и мы пришли к очень интерес­
ным выводам.
33. Вы хорошо поработали. Вы имеете право на свободный вечер.
34. Он не мог уснуть, потому что читал допоздна.

Translate into English.


1. Я не знала, что он изучает английский язык с детства.

2. Она сказала, что пригласила к себе подругу, с которой училась в
3. Что делает Майк? Он уже приготовил уроки? — Нет. Он смотрел
телевизор и только сейчас садится за уроки.
4. Ну, наконец ты открыла. Я звоню уже 10 минут. — Я не слышала,
что ты звонишь. Я мыла посуду.
5. М ы решили, что он придет в пять. К его приходу мы закончим
переводить статью и все вместе пойдем в кино.
6. Едва я вошла в квартиру, как раздался телефонный звонок. Это
была моя школьная подруга, которая сказала, что только что приехала
в М оскву и собирается пробыть здесь неделю.
7. Где ты достала эту шляпу? Я всегда хотела себе именно такую.
8. Вы москвич? — Да. В августе будет 20 лет, как я здесь живу.
9. Вы перебили меня, и я не помню, где остановился.
10. Кто этот человек, с которым ты только что разговаривал? — Это
мой сосед. М ы с ним обычно встречаемся утром в это время.
11. Ты был когда-нибудь в этом музее? — Да, я здесь был два или три
раза в детстве. Но с тех пор не был.
12. На днях я встретил Лену. Она рассказала мне об одном нашем об­
щем знакомом. Он прислал ей письмо.
13. Он сказал, что работал в саду. Он посадил два розовых куста.
14. В сентябре будет 10 лет, как я работаю в этом институте.
15. Он заверил меня, что закончит работу к 5 часам.
16. Я вчера узнал, что он уехал из М осквы в 1973 году.

Translate into English.


1. Куда ушла Анна? — Она никуда не ушла. Она сидит в соседней

комнате и читает книгу.
Видовременная система английского глагола

2. Она читает эту книгу уже второй день и говорит, что книга очень
3. Прислала тебе Лена книги, о которых ты просила? — Да, прислала.
Лена всегда была надежным другом.
4. Они отошли довольно далеко от города, когда заметили, что над­
вигается гроза.
5. Он включил свет, взял почту и сел за стол, чтобы просмотреть ее.
6. Он включил свет и теперь сидел и смотрел телевизор.
7. Ты когда-нибудь была в Третьяковской галерее? — Да, конечно.
Я была там много раз. Последний раз я ходила туда зимой.
8. Что случилось с Аней? — Она заболела. Она болела уже целую не­
делю, когда я узнала об этом.
9. Том посмотрел на часы: прошло уже 20 минут, а Сида все не
10. Завтра к вечеру он уже получит ваше письмо.
11. Она опоздала на родительское собрание, потому что покупала по­
дарки к Рождеству.
12. Не успел он постучать в дверь, как она открылась.
13. Едва она вошла в комнату, как раздался телефонный звонок.
14. Как поживает Ира? — Не знаю. Я не видела ее с тех пор, как вер­
нулась из отпуска.
15. Он сказал, что не голоден, так как пообедал в институте.
16. По выражению его лица я понял, что он пил.
17. Меня кто-нибудь спрашивал? — Нет. Я работаю здесь с двух часов,
и за это время никто не приходил.
18. Я был очень удивлен, услышав по телефону голос Роя. Рой не зво­
нил мне три года и сейчас сказал, что живет здесь уже несколько меся­
19. Вот книга, которую я искал. Где ты ее нашел?

Exercise 7 Translate into English.


1. М ы разговаривали о том, чем занимались с тех пор, как виделись

в последний раз.
2. Джек, с которым Том недавно познакомился, пришел последним.
3. Сейчас они плыли на яхте по морю, в котором только что плавали.
4. Художник говорит, что весь день писал и ничего не ел.
5. Джек опоздал на полчаса, спросил, что мы едим, и заказал то же
6. Она говорит, что владеет этой картиной долгое время, никому ее
не давала и не планирует ее продавать.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

7. В доме было холодно и сыро, потому что дождь шел уже несколь­
ко дней, а отопление не работало.
8. Я не хочу, чтобы мама знала, чем мы тут занимались.
9. Шум разбудил ребенка, который спал у себя в кроватке.
10. Он сказал, что не писал тебе, потому что работал над диссерта­
11. Жарко, и дождей не было уже месяц.
12. Он поднял голову от журнала, который он просматривал.
13. На столе лежал листок бумаги, на котором кто-то учился рисо­
14. Когда он вернется, мы постараемся сделать вид, что говорили не о
15. Люди, которых она встречала, казалось, знали, где она была и чем
16. Макс взглянул на книгу, которую он перед этим читал. Она лежала
открытая, но уголок страницы был загнут, чтобы отметить место.
17. Интересно, где он был и что делал все это время.
18. Я думаю, я был не самым плохим мужем те двадцать лет, что мы
19. Ты много работал и мало спал в последнее время, ты плохо выгля­
20. Я еще ни разу не поел как следует с тех пор, как приехал.
21. Я знаю, что он не придет. Я только что разговаривала с ним по
22. Джек отнес свой чемодан в вагон и теперь курил на перроне.
23. Я видел твою сестру в театре. Она была одета в очень красивый
костюм. Интересно, где она его купила.
24. М ы прожили/жили в деревне два месяца, когда узнали, что к нам
в гости едет старый друг, с которым мы не виделись двадцать лет.
25. М ы прожили в деревне два месяца и вернулись домой осенью.
26. Я встал с дивана, на котором сидел, и подошел к окну. Прошел
дождь, и везде стояли лужи.
27. После обеда я обычно занимаюсь два часа в библиотеке, а потом
иду домой.
28. Я бродил по лесу около часа, когда увидел маленький домик. По­
скольку я никогда не бывал в этих местах, я не знал, кто там живет.
29. Среди деревьев стоял дом, и к нему вела тропинка, по которой я
30. М ы ехали около двух часов, когда наконец увидели заправочную
31. М ы ехали около двух часов и наконец увидели заправочную стан­
Видовременная система английского глагола

32. Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги у себя за спи­
ной. Меня кто-то догонял.
33. Во время Великой Отечественной войны она два года преподавала
34. Я сложила вещи и теперь жду такси. Я его вызвала два часа назад
и надеюсь, что оно придет вовремя.
35. Джон проверил сочинения своих учеников и теперь читал книгу,
которую купил по дороге.
36. Я встретил Бетти в кино, когда шел дождь. Она сидела со мной
рядом, но я не заметил ее до тех пор, пока на выходе она не уронила
сумочку. Я ее поднял, и мы разговорились.
37. Едва я успел попрощаться, как поезд тронулся. Моя родня стояла
на перроне и махала мне.
38. Сейчас он живет в Москве. До этого он двадцать лет прожил в
39. Он не подписывал контракт, пока не изучил его тщательно.
40. Сестра, которая мыла посуду на кухне, закрыла кран и крикнула
мне, что закончит позже.
41. Сердце у нее билось так, словно она бежала. На самом деле она
даже не поднялась со стула, на котором сидела.

Translate into English.


1. Ты бледна. — Я слишком поздно ложилась спать на этой неделе и

слишком рано вставала.
2. Чем ты занималась все это время? — Готовила коллекцию к ново­
му показу.
3. Твоя жена мне тут рассказывала, что ты в последнее время плохо
4. Мама, что с тобой? Что-нибудь случилось? — Не обращай внима­
ния. Я отчищала кастрюли.
5. Его мать умерла год назад. Она всю жизнь проработала учитель­
6. Не трогай этот стакан. Из него пили.
7. Я вот тут думал и решил, что мы сделали не все, что планировали.
8. Он сказал, что думал над моим предложением, но пока не знает,
что мне ответить.
9. Я не хочу, чтобы кто-нибудь знал, что я плакала.
10. Ты опять надевала мои туфли? А почему они грязные?
11. Я поднял книгу, которую читал мой брат, и увидел несколько по­
меток, которые он сделал.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

12. Я старалась запомнить то, что нужно было тебе передать, но сей­
час почему-то все выскочило у меня из головы.
13. М ы с братом говорили сегодня об этом деле. Поэтому я пришел
повидаться с вами.
14. Извините, что опоздал. Я переодевался. Я попал под дождь.
15. Он сказал, что прекрасно провел время. Он рассматривал фото­
16. Мама только что вернулась из школы, где она помогала украшать
17. Мне жарко, я бежала. Я боялась опоздать.
18. Мэри вышла из комнаты, где она закрывала окна, и спустилась
19. Слава богу, ты приехал. Я ужасно скучала.
20. Чем тебе не угодила моя работа? — Я говорила с врачом. Он счи­
тает, что ты слишком много работал, и это сказалось на твоем сердце.
21. Что, был дождь? — Почему? — Улицы мокрые.
22. Ты что, пил? — А заметно? — Я всегда могу определить, когда че­
ловек пил.
23. Марта открыла сразу, как будто ждала меня.
24. Я спросила его, что он там делает. — Он ответил, что гостил у дру­
зей, а сейчас возвращается в Москву.
25. Ты как раз вовремя. Я тут пирог пекла. Скоро он будет готов.
26. Ее оштрафовали, потому что она ездила без прав.
27. Я часто виделась с ним в этом месяце. Он был очень занят. Он
готовился к вступительным экзаменам.
28. Когда он вошел, мы постарались сделать вид, что говорили не о
нем. Но он что-то заподозрил и спросил, что мы обсуждали.
29. Я услышал, как жена повесила трубку. Мне было очень любопыт­
но, с кем она разговаривала.
30. Меня возмущает, что вы тут теряли время. Я ожидал хоть каких-
то результатов.
31. Где все? — Извините, мы искали один документ. — Нашли? —
К сожалению нет, хотя мы смотрели везде.
32. Сестра вышла из кухни, где она мыла посуду, и сказала, что свари­
ла мне суп.
33. На полу рядом с кроватью лежала книга; он читал ее накануне ве­
чером перед сном.
34. Джон вернулся из спортзала, где он тренировался. Он устал, пото­
му что много работал. У него все болело. Но он был доволен, потому
что сделал большие успехи.
35. Роберт всегда просыпался в 7 часов утра независимо от того, где
он был и что делал накануне.
Видовременная система английского глагола

36. Майкл погасил сигарету, которую курил, и пошел к сцене.

37. Где ты был? — М ы играли в теннис. — Кто выиграл?
38. Как странно увидеть тебя выходящим из библиотеки. Что ты там
делал. — Не спрашивай меня, что я там делал. Я тебе все равно не

Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense forms to describe

future actions.
Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужную форму для выражения
будущего действия.

1.1shall read for an hour or so before I (to turn off) the light.
2. We shall be obliged to you if you (to find out) it.
3. Shall we go somewhere if the weather (to change) for the worse?
4 .1am so tired that I shall go to bed as soon as I (to get) home.
5. He will sleep until the alarm (to wake up) him.
6. They don't know when he (to call).
7. You will get wet through unless you (to take) an umbrella.
8. Ring up when you (to get) back.
9 .1am not sure if he (to ring).
10. We shall go to the country if the weather (to keep) fine.
11. He won't come unless you (to ask) him.
12.1will ask him if he (to do) it.
13.1will be cooking dinner while you (to pack).
14. We will have finished the work by the time they (to arrive).
15. He won't tell me if something (to go) wrong.
16.1would like to know when you (to return) the money.
17. Will you see him after he (to get) back from holiday?
18. Could you find out when the concert (to start)?

Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense forms to express

a future action.
Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужную форму для выраже­
ния будущего действия.

1.1have not visited the place yet. I (go) there tomorrow

2. Our train (start) at 8 p.m., so if you (come) at 5 o'clock, we (pack).
3. At 4 o'clock tomorrow we (begin) packing and by 6 we (finish) with ease.
4. Ring me up at 11,1(not sleep) yet.
5 .1(start out) on my round by the time you (go), so I (say) good-bye now.
6 .1think you (like) him when you (know) more of him.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

7. "Shall we go downstairs and meet the man?" — "Let us stay here; he (knock)
at our door in a moment, you'll see."
8 .1 suppose everyone (ask) me questions and it's so awkward.
9. But you (not go). I (not let) you.
10. When I (meet) your brother?
11. What you (do) this afternoon?

Exercise 11 Translate into English.


1. Я уезжаю в М оскву на будущей неделе.

2. Когда вы придете, я еще буду работать.
3. Теплоход уходит завтра.
4. Что ты будешь делать сегодня вечером? — Еду на станцию прово­
жать приятеля.
5. Я не знаю, как буду чувствовать себя завтра.
6. Пошли быстрее. Через минуту начнется дождь.
7. Я не буду писать ему, я с ним увижусь.
8. Они начнут строительство в ближайшие дни и закончат к концу
9. Не звоните ей в 11 часов. Она уже будет спать.
10. Приходите, пожалуйста. Майк будет рассказывать о своей поездке
в Италию.
11. Позвоните в 7 часов. Я думаю, ваши документы уже будут напеча­
12. Через месяц мы переезжаем на новую квартиру.
13. Я тебе позвоню вечером, часов в 8.
14. Я жду вас в субботу вечером.
15. В чем ты будешь на вечере? — В новом платье, конечно.
16. На днях я буду у вас.
17. Надеюсь, вы меня поймете.
18. Никуда не уходи. Поезд прибывает через несколько минут.
19. Доктор, я вас жду завтра, в 4 часа.
20. Не забудь: встречаемся завтра в 5. Надеюсь, твое настроение к
тому времени изменится.
21. Я тоже завтра еду в Москву.
22. Летом вы, конечно, опять будете путешествовать?
23. К 6 часам станет совсем темно.
24. В следующем семестре профессор Смит будет читать нам лекции
по Возрождению.
Видовременная система английского глагола

Translate into English.


1. Репетиции в театре начнутся в конце марта, а сезон откроется в

2. Она слышала, что совет директоров пошлет кого-нибудь прове­
рять их работу.
3. Мэри сообщила квартирной хозяйке, что скоро уезжает/уедет.
4: Однажды он внезапно спросил меня, выйду ли я за него замуж.
5. Свадебный бал начинался в восемь часов вечера.
6. Петр должен был обедать у Смитов в субботу. Но утром он позво­
нил и извинился, сказав, что приезжает его отец и у них будет семей­
ный обед.
7. Передать ему что-нибудь? Я с ним завтра увижусь.
8. Она ушла, обедать с нами не будет.
9. Уже два часа. Ребенок скоро проснется.
10. Поезд уходит в семь, так что мы отправимся на станцию в шесть
11. Ты никуда не пойдешь. Я тебя не отпущу.
12. М ы все равно завтра увидимся, тогда и обсудим этот вопрос.
13. Вряд ли они придут. Они переезжают через пару недель.
14. Вряд ли они смогут прийти в пятницу. Они переезжают.
15. Не ждите меня, я вас через минуту догоню.
16. Не утруждайтесь звонить ему, он все равно придет еще раз в
17. Он не опоздает, он приедет скорым поездом.
18. Нет смысла его ждать, он сегодня будет поздно.
19. Надо идти, они долго ждать не будут.
20. Посмотри в программке, кто будет играть Гамлета.
21. Кто будет выступать в субботу вместо заболевшего артиста?
22. Не беспокойтесь, я скоро напишу.
23. Не уходи, сейчас будем ужинать.
24. Я еще не был на заводе, я туда поеду завтра.
25. Я не смогу посмотреть вашу выставку, я уже уеду из Москвы.

Exercise 13 Translate into English.


1. М оя подруга Ванесса только что начала заниматься на кулинарных

курсах, и они ей страшно нравятся. Сейчас она живет в квартире своей
сестры, пока не найдет что-нибудь для себя. Ванесса любит принимать
гостей, поэтому она все время кого-нибудь приглашает в гости.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

2. На прошлой неделе я был у нее на обеде. Я не виделся с Ванессой

больше месяца и с нетерпением ждал этого обеда. Когда я пришел, Ва­
несса готовила, так что я предложил ей помочь.
3. Вечер прошел великолепно, я всегда получаю удовольствие от хо­
рошей еды и хорошего общества. Сегодня я готовлю для нее. Я приго­
товлю свое фирменное блюдо.
4. М оя бабушка живет с нами давно. Она переехала к нам после того,
как умер дедушка. Раньше она жила в Казани.
5. Он сказал, что думал над моим предложением, но сомневается, что
будет соответствовать должности.
6. Такими темпами М айк побьет собственный рекорд до того, как
закончится сезон.
7. Если мы не объедем эту пробку, к тому времени, как мы доберемся
до вокзала, поезд уже уйдет.
8. Я неважно себя чувствую, потому что мало сплю в последнее
время. •>
9. Я вижу, ты прошлась по магазинам. Купила что-то особенное?
10. Я ужасно себя чувствовал, когда приехал, потому что не спал
11. К сожалению, дует ветер, и видимость в аэропорту ниже миниму­
ма, необходимого для приземления. Это значит, что мы приземлимся в
Айдахо Фолс (Idaho Falls). Авиалиния предоставит транспорт для пас­
сажиров до Джексона.
Страдательный залог

Make the following sentences Passive.

Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог.

1. Did they offer you a good job?

2. Why can't you tell them the truth?
3. What kind of explanation did they give you?
4. They have just shown us a new film.
5. The teacher was reading a fairy tale to the children.
6. Have you written a letter to Father?
7. Will the teacher dictate the text to you?
8. They asked me a lot of interesting questions.
9. Everyone was listening to the speaker very attentively.
10. People are talking a lot about this young actress.
11. He never mentioned the incident to his friends.
12. His father taught him mathematics.
13. We envy him his luck.
14. They have always listened to his lectures with great interest.
15. He explained the rule to us.
16. Nobody slept in the bed.
17. She can't dance when you are looking at her.
18. What song did they sing you?
19. They were looking at the picture with admiration.
20. He has thrown away all his old notebooks.
21.1must think the matter over.
22.1have spoken to the Dean on the subject.
23. People are talking a lot about this film.
24. People always laugh at his jokes.
25. They argued about the incident for a long time.
26. You cannot speak lightly of such matters.

Translate into English.


1. Я просмотрел только несколько работ, остальные еще проверяются

2. Как только документы будут готовы, вам их принесут.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. Я спросил, что строится на этой улице.

4. В нашей школе много внимания уделяется спорту.
5. Новый театр будет построен к нашему приезду?
6. Нам только что объяснили новое правило.
7. Если он не приедет, этот вопрос не будут обсуждать.
8. Узнай, пожалуйста, куплены ли подарки.
9. Ему задали много вопросов.
10. Эти журналы прочитаны. Их можно отдать.
11. Это упражнение можно сделать устно.
12. Эти бумаги нужно отдать директору.
13. Тебя ищут. Иди домой.
14. Это письмо нельзя посылать в таком конверте.
15. Детей оставили дома одних и велели запереть дверь.
16. Им объяснили, что случилось.

Exercise 3 Translate into English.


1. Ребенка положили в больницу, где за ним хорошо ухаживали.

2. Мне только что предложили интересную работу.
3. Оратора слушали очень внимательно, и никто меня не заметил.
4. В этом доме уже несколько лет никто не живет.
5. Мне вчера сказали, что он уже неделю болен.
6. Постель была пуста, в ней не спали.
7. Когда я вошел, обсуждался очень важный вопрос. Он обсуждался
уже более часа.
8. Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится новый завод.
9. Когда я пришел, документы уже были подписаны.
10. Сестра стояла у двери, держа в руках письмо, которое только что
11. Со мной никогда еще так не разговаривали.
12. Не понимаю, почему об этом спектакле так много говорят.
13. Ч ья пьеса сейчас исполняется?
14. Этих вопросов коснулись на конференции?
15. Ничего удивительного, что цветы погибли: их не поливали целую

ш Translate into English.


1. В библиотеке им предложили много интересных книг.

2. Когда было подписано это письмо?
Страдательный залог

3. В последнее время в нашем городе построено много новых зда­

4. Вопрос, который сейчас обсуждают, очень важен.
5. Вчера мне сказали, что его пригласили работать в нашем инсти­
6. Об этой картине много говорят.
7. Нам сказали, что он уехал на фабрику и его ожидают не раньше
8 часов.
8. Когда мы приехали в город, это здание только что закончили.
9. Он вдруг понял, что над ним смеются.
10. Я уверен, что его будут слушать с большим вниманием.
11. Мальчика ищут два дня, но еще не нашли.
12. Эту проблему еще не решили, хотя обсуждают с прошлого года.
13. М ы подошли к неоконченному зданию. Оказалось, что строится
новый театр. Нам сказали, что его закончат через два месяца.
14. Нам объяснили правило, затем дали несколько упражнений.
15. Ч ья работа сейчас обсуждается?
16. Чей фортепьянный концерт сейчас исполняется?
17. Интересно, сколько раз исполнялась эта опера.
18. Когда нам перевели его речь, мы зааплодировали.
19. Когда столы были накрыты, гостей пригласили в столовую.
20. Он сможет прочитать эту статью, если ее переведут на русский.
21. Можете оставить девочку здесь, за ней присмотрят.
22. После лекции ему задали много вопросов.
23. Где будет построен новый вокзал?
24. Доклад будет сделан на следующей неделе, не так ли?
25. Зал не будет украшен, если они не поторопятся.

Translate into English.


1. Когда упомянули этот факт, всем стало ясно, что имеется в виду.
2. Стихи Бернса переведены на многие языки, их читают и ими на­
слаждаются во всем мире.
3. Я не совсем понял, что я должен делать, потому что мне не объяс­
нили как следует.
4. Уже было обсуждено три вопроса, когда мы услышали, что звонит
5. Ему дали три дня, чтобы закончить работу.
6. Его слушали с таким вниманием, что никто не заметил, как я во­
7. Его только что отвезли в больницу.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

8. Их беседа была прервана внезапным прибытием еще одного гостя.

9. Над тобой будут смеяться, если ты наденешь эту шляпу.
10. Когда она вошла в класс, там экзаменовали последнего ученика.
11. Эти фильмы отличаются от тех, которые нам показывали до сих
12. У него было такое чувство, что за ним кто-то идет.
13. Она не последовала совету, который ей дали.
14. Ему сказали об изменениях в расписании?
15. Он поинтересовался, почему письмо отправили без марки.
16. Приглашение не было принято, так как его получили слишком
17. Что ты почувствовал, когда играли эту пластинку?
18. Ты знаешь, что в теннис играют уже больше 100 лет?
19. Что объясняли группе, когда вы присоединились к ним?
20. Им не объяснили, что они должны делать.
21. Ему сказали, что музей закрыли неделю назад.
22. Он знал, что за ним наблюдают.
23. В этом году в нашем районе построили несколько школ.
24. Они читают все книги, о которых много говорят.
25. Она всегда чувствует себя неловко, когда на нее смотрят.
26. За билеты нужно заплатить немедленно.
27. Почту как раз сейчас просматривают. Там может быть что-нибудь
и для вас.
28. Ваш совет нужно обдумать.
29. Адрес был написан карандашом.
30. Этот роман был написан известным писателем.
Виды сказуемого
Y-x--/ '•'• : •- - х : ■ х :: •'• •


State the type of the Predicate in each sentence.

Определите тип сказуемого в каждом предложении.

1. Не went home after the lecture.

2. They are doctors.
3. She has received a letter from her father.
4. We can do this work in a short time.
5. He was ill yesterday.
6. He must post the letter at once.
7. The article will be published tomorrow.
8. This must be done at once.
9. The room was in disorder.
10. This pen is mine.
11. We are to meet at the station at 10.
12.1have to get up early.
13. It was raining a minute ago.
14. The day was fine yesterday.
15. Our plan was to spend the holidays in the mountains.
16. He was the first to arrive.
17. When did you begin learning English?
18. It is growing dark.
19. He wants to become a doctor.
20.1have just finished reading the book.
21. He likes skiing.
22. It will stop raining soon.

Составное именное сказуемое

Open the brackets using either an adjective or an adverb.
Откройте скобки, используя либо прилагательное, либо наречие.

1. Catherine smiled at me (happy, happily).

2 .1felt very (ill, badly) myself.
3 .1felt (terrible, terribly) when we started.
4. He sounded (brisk, briskly) and (cheerful, cheerfully).
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

5. It will sound (strange, strangely).

6. The hay smelled (good, well).
7 .1write English (bad, badly).
8 .1looked at her (attentive, attentively).
9. But don't look (sad, sadly), my little girl. It breaks my heart.
10. He was looking at me (intent, intently) and (grave, gravely).
11. The wine tasted (delicious, deliciously) after the cheese and apple.
12. The brandy did not taste (good, well).
13. The pistol felt (heavy, heavily) on the belt.
14. He received the message (mute, mutely).
15.1 thought he looked (suspicious, suspiciously).

Exercise 3 Translate the sentences into English paying attention to compound

nominal predicates.
Переведите, обращая внимание на составные именные сказуемые.
1. М узыка звучала прекрасно.
2. Я тебя прекрасно слышу.
3. Цветок замечательно пахнет.
4. Ты замечательно это сделал.
5. Ваши слова звучат странно.
6. Он странно на меня посмотрел.
7. Огурец горький на вкус.
8. Она улыбнулась с горечью.
9. Бифштекс вкусно пахнет.
10. Этот материал грубый на ощупь.
11. Он играет жестко.
12. Она плохо/хорошо себя чувствует.
13. Она хорошо выглядит в этом платье.
14. Темнеет. Стало холодно.
15. М ы стареем, не так ли?
16. Как быстро выросло это дерево!
17. Она поседела.
18. Он резко обернулся.
19. Нота звучит резко.
20. Если хорошая погода постоит, снег растает быстро.
21. Он все время широко улыбался.

Exercise 4 Translate into English. State the type of the Predicate in each sen­
Переведите. Определите вид сказуемого в каждом предложении.
1. Он печально посмотрел на меня и быстро вышел из комнаты.
2. Он тихо сидел в углу и выглядел печально.
Виды сказуемого

3. Он стал очень знаменит, потому что гениально играет на рояле.

4. Город становится все более красивым.
5. Он все больше нервничал.
6. Когда он получил билет, он нервно взглянул на часы на здании
7. Он сердито обернулся.
8. Она побледнела, когда услышала эту новость.
9. Как быстро ты растешь!
10. Какой ты стал высокий!
11. Она выращивает цветы в своем саду.
12. Мясо испортится, если ты не положишь его быстро в холодильник.
13. Куда он ушел?
14. Я плохо себя чувствую после несчастного случая.
15. Листья желтеют. Осень приближается.
16. Он быстро повернулся и узнал человека, с которым учился в школе.
17. Ты плохо выглядишь в последнее время.
18. Почему ты на меня так странно смотришь? Я плохо выгляжу?
19. Он с грустью заметил, что мать поседела.
20. Эти овощи быстро растут.
21. Стало темно. Включи, пожалуйста, свет.
22. Дни становятся короче. Наступает зима.
23. Внезапно он почувствовал, что краснеет.
24. Петров заболел. Он заболел три дня назад. Сейчас он чувствует
себя лучше.
25. Надеюсь, хорошая погода продержится еще неделю.
26. Я дал ему книгу неделю назад, и он все еще держит ее.
27. Некоторые магазины остаются открытыми до ночи.
28. Вы останетесь еще на неделю?

Составное видовое сказуемое

|§ |;;'|зйИ ф е 5 Use an Infinitive or a Gerund after an aspect verb.
Употребите инфинитив или герундий после видового глагола.

1.They stopped (talk) when they saw me.

2. The pianist began (play) and the choir began (sing).
3. He started (write) poetry at an early age.
4 .1 gave up (smoke) three years ago.
5. When the telephone rang he stopped (play) and got up to answer it.
6. When I called him he did not raise his head but continued (write) as if he
had not heard.
7. I'll be with you as soon as I finish (write) this letter.
8. It always starts (rain) when you don't expect it.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Не has just finished (build) a summer cottage.

10. He went on (talk) as if nothing had happened.
11. He was beginning (understand) what was wrong.

Exercise 6 Translate into English.


1. Он закончил читать эту книгу вчера и сказал, что не получил от

нее удовольствия.
2. Он только что закончил читать эту книгу.
3. Он уже закончил читать эту книгу, когда ты позвонил.
4. Когда ты позвонил, он закончил читать книгу и делал уроки.
5. Они прекратят разговаривать, как только ты войдешь в комнату.
6. Телефон зазвонил, но он продолжал писать и не встал, чтобы от­
7. Он все время перебивал меня, пока я рассказывал эту историю.
8. Если ты не бросишь курить, лечение не поможет.
9. Он только что начал отвечать на вопросы.
10. Дождь начался рано утром и с тех пор все идет.
11. Он постоянно смотрел на часы, пока ожидал врача.
12. Может быть, ты прекратишь кричать и дашь мне послушать му­
13. Во время всего обеда они не переставая говорили об экспери­
14. Он вышел на сцену и начал говорить о своей работе.
15. Я начинаю понимать, что случилось.
16. Я начал писать стихи в возрасте 10 лет.

Составное модальное сказуемое

Use canor may to complete the sentences.
Вставьте can или may.

1 you (to call) a little later? I'm afraid I'll be busy till seven.
2 .... it (to be) a joke?
3. She asked me if she ... (to switch) off the radio.
4. Don't be angry with her. She ... (to do) it by mistake.
5. You ... not (to see) him at the meeting. He was ill.
6. There is no regular ferry there. You ... (to have) to hire a boat.
7. ...we (to walk) fifteen kilometers?The village is not yet seen.
8.... I (to ask) you to explain the rule once more?
Виды сказуемого

9. Не ... not (to forget) your address. He has visited you several times.
10. No matter how bad the weather... (to be) she never missed her everyday
stroll after dinner.
11.1 don't believe her, she ... (to fail) to recognize me.
12. He said he ... (to manage) the task by himself.
13. If nothing prevents them, they ... (to arrive) ahead of time.
14. I t ... (to be taken) for a joke if his face had not been so serious.
15. You should not feel offended; they ... not (to notice) you.
16. Tell him he ... (to warn) me and not (to put) me in such an awkward posi­
17. He ... (to have) to walk a long distance, he looks tired.

Exercise 8 Use must, have (to) or be (to).

Вставьте must, have (to) или be (to).

1. He told me that he had missed his train and — wait for another one.
2. We discovered that the place was dangerous to bathe in and — look for a
safer spot.
3. His wife kept telling him that he — not sit up late.
4. The doctor told him he — give up smoking.
5. Father said that I — be careful while crossing the street.
6. The bus was not going that direction, so he — change.
7. It was not that the work — be finished soon, but we ourselves wanted to
be through with it as soon as possible.
8 .1didn't feel much like doing it, but I felt it — be done one way or another.
9 .1realized that I — speak louder to make myself heard.
10. Telling himself that he — control himself, he did not answer anything.
11. He remembered that he — stand up to be introduced.
12. For a moment she felt her heart — break.
13.1wondered what — happen to us.
14. It's raining. You — take your raincoats.
15. We agreed that the one who arrived first — reserve seats for the rest of us.
16. Nobody met me at the station as I — have arrived a day later.
17. He always puts off doing what he — do until it — be done.
18. We — leave on Monday, but because of two days' delay with the visas we —
book tickets for Wednesday.
19. It was too late to change the timetable, it — remain as it was.
20. You — do it if you don't want to.
21. You — not do anything until you get further instructions.
22. They hoped to move to the seaside, but that — not be.
23. When no food — be had, he seemed capable of doing without.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 9 Use should, ought (to), have (to), be (to), must or need to complete the
Заполните пропуски с помощью should, ought (to), have (to), be (to), must
или need.

1.1... not (to tell) him this news, he was so much upset, but I really ... (to do)
so, for the circumstances demanded that.
2. You ... (to see) him dance! You have missed a lot. I ... (to take) you to the
3. You ... (to speak) to him already. I see he knows everything.
4. Don't contradict her, you ... (to respect) her age.
5. He was boiling with rage, but h e... (to control) his feelings not to give him­
self away.
6. Your questions surprise me, you ... (to know) this.
7. You ... not (to come) so early, now you ... (to wait).
8. They... (to study) the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it later on.
9. He ... (to take the floor and speak) in favour of the proposal.
10.1... (to take) Grandfather's spectacles. I cannot see anything through them.
11. Not a living thing ... (to be seen).
12.1 thought I ... (to do) something to return their hospitality.
13. Ring me up at 6. The situation ... (to clear up) by then.
14. According to the rules of the game a football player... not (to touch) the
ball with his hands.
15. His heart was now thumping so violently he felt it ... (to burst).
16. You ... not (to return) the money so soon. I could have waited.
17. The situation grew awkward. He felt that something ... (to be done), or else
the party would break up.
18. Why do you ask my opinion? You have been in the business much longer,
you ... (to know) better.
19. You ... (to apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt.
20. You ... not (to help) him with this work. He could have managed it himself.
21. She... not (to speak) about such things in the child's presence. Now you see
the results.
22. It was very hard work but w e ... (to do) it.
23. They ... (to study) the subject thoroughly; they answered every question.
24. How ... I (to know) where he is?
25. Let's tell him all as it is. He ... (to understand).
26. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I ... (to tell) you the truth.
27. Children (to obey) their parents..
28.1... (to know) that it might come to that.
29. He gave you just that feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor...
(to give).
30. She is not a bad sort, if somewhat capricious; so you sometimes ... (to put
up) with her whims.
Виды сказуемого

Translate into English paying attention to the English equivalents

of the Russian «нужно, надо».
Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на эквиваленты
русских слов «нужно, надо».
1. Мне нужно завтра рано вставать. Я поеду на станцию встречать
2. «Вам нужно там быть ровно в 5», — сказал директор.
3. Не нужно было выходить на улицу. У вас сильный кашель.
4. Не нужно было ездить на станцию. Можно было заказать билеты
по телефону.
5. Не нужно было ей говорить. Вы расстроили ее.
6. Зачем тебе нужно так рано вставать? — Я должна принять утрен­
нюю почту в 8 утра. Мне нужно быть в конторе в 7.45.
7. Куда ты торопишься? — Мне нужно купить хлеба, пока сын не
вернулся из школы.
8. Нужно нам переписывать текст? — Нет, не надо. Но вам нужно
выписать незнакомые слова.
9. Зачем тебе надо было поговорить с ним?
10. Мне нужно приходить на эту лекцию? — Нет, не нужно. Вы уже
сдали экзамен.
11. Не надо идти в аптеку. Я уже купила лекарство.
12. Вам нужно обязательно к нам приехать. Вы не пожалеете.
13. Нам надо делать это упражнение дома? — Да, обязательно.
14. Надо было помочь старушке перейти через улицу.
15. Вам надо сейчас уроки делать, а не в футбол играть.
16. Мне надо позвонить подруге, иначе она забудет принести мою
17. Вам нужно переводить эту статью? — Нет. На сегодня нам надо ее
18. Когда тебе надо явиться в аэропорт? — Мне сказали, что я должна
там быть не позднее трех часов.
19. Куда тебе надо поехать, чтобы купить эту книгу? — Никуда мне
ехать не надо. Эта книга продается в магазине напротив.
20. Пойдем ко мне в гости. — Спасибо. Только мне надо сначала прой­
ти по магазинам. Мне нужно купить все на обед.
21. Не нужно было столько ждать. Нужно было вызвать врача немед­
22. Не надо беспокоиться. Все будет в порядке.

Translate using the modal will where appropriate.

Переведите, используя модальный will, где необходимо.
1. Что случилось с замком? Он никак не открывается.
2. Ребенку было велено не шуметь, но он и не подумал подчиниться.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. Он должен был подписать этот документ еще вчера. Но он и слы­

шать об этом не хочет.
4. М ы попросили его ехать медленнее, но он и слушать нас не захотел.
5. Она отказывалась обсуждать эту тему, не было смысла задавать ей
6. От его дома до метро всего пять минут ходу, но он ни за что не
прйдет пешком.
7. Бесполезно предлагать ему помочь. Он ни за что не хочет принять
нашу помощь.
8. Его много раз предупреждали не ездить на такой скорости, но он
и слушать не хотел, пока не попал в аварию.
9. Он пытался разжечь огонь, но дрова никак не разгорались.
10. Даже если бы он извинился, я ни за что не буду с ним разговари­
11. Он попытался написать, что чувствовал, но правильные слова не
12. Что-то случилось с машиной. Она никак не заводится.
13. М ы раньше дружили, а теперь он отказывается меня узнавать.
14. Ей был необходим отдых, но она даже слышать об этом не желала.
15. М ы хотели знать, почему он не пришел, но он отказывался гово­
рить на эту тему.
16. Было видно, что что-то его мучает, но он никак не хотел расска­
зать нам, в чем дело.

Translate using used to or would where appropriate.

Переведите, используя used to или would, где необходимо.

1. Раньше наша семья жила на окраине города. Теперь мы переехали

в центр.
2. Каждый раз, когда поезд опаздывал, пассажиры обычно жалова­
3. М ы каждый год ездили на каникулы в одно и то же место. Когда
они перестали приезжать, мы испытали настоящий шок.
4. Когда я приезжала навестить свою тетю, она угощала меня конфе­
5. Когда-то Кевин много играл в азартные игры и попал за это в
тюрьму. Но теперь он отказался от этой привычки.
6. Клара навещала свою бабушку каждое воскресенье. Теперь бабуш­
ка умерла, а Клара страдает от ощущения пустоты, потому что ей не о
ком заботиться.
7. Раньше у Тома была очень маленькая машина. Теперь он купил
большую, и ему трудно ее водить.
Виды сказуемого

8. М ы жили у озера, и отец иногда брал нас на рыбалку.

9. Я курил, но в прошлом году бросил. Было нелегко научиться жить
без сигарет.
10. Раньше этот магазин был бакалеей, а теперь здесь мясная лавка.
11. У меня был небольшой бизнес, но я продал его и пошел работать
в ресторан.
12. С самого детства Грег все свое свободное время посвящал коллек­
ционированию птиц, животных и насекомых. Каждое утро он вставал
очень рано и шел на пляж. Там он ловил маленьких крабов и иногда
маленьких рыбок и уносил их домой.
13. По дороге домой он обычно заходил в избушку рыбака, где ему
часто удавалось найти необычных насекомых.
14. Когда-то Мэри работала в маленькой больнице в Брайтоне. Те­
перь она знаменитый на весь мир пластический хирург, и она часто
видит себя на обложках журналов.
15. Том плохо водил машину. Он делал все то, что водитель делать не
должен. Он ускорялся, когда надо было замедляться, он игнорировал
светофоры, он поворачивал там, где поворот запрещен, и оставлял ма­
шину там, где нельзя.
16. До того, как я устроился на эту работу, я так много не путешество­
вал. Сейчас я могу побывать в пяти местах за неделю.
17. Когда я был маленьким, мы с родителями каждое лето ездили в
Крым. Каждый год мы выбирали какое-нибудь новое место. Каждую
весну родители доставали карту Крыма и изучали линию побережья,
пытаясь найти что-нибудь новое. Сначала они всегда спорили, потому
что мама обычно предлагала какую-нибудь тихую деревню, а папе эта
идея не нравилась.
18. Когда он был молодым и бедным, Денис часто занимал деньги у
друзей и родственников. Но когда он разбогател, он и копейки никому
не одалживал.
19. Когда я учился в школе, я терпеть не мог рано вставать. Я до сих
пор терпеть этого не могу.
20. Он был независимый человек, непривычный к тому, чтобы им по­
мыкали. Он никогда не выполнял приказ слепо и никогда ничего не
принимал как должное.
21. Когда мы переехали в маленькую деревню в Дорсете, я никак не
мог привыкнуть к сельской жизни. Я проводил ночи без сна, тоскуя о
шуме и огнях большого города.
22. Это книга сказок, которую я читал сыну, когда он был маленький.
Тогда он ее очень любил. Каждую ночь он просил, чтобы я читал ему
эту книгу.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка


1. Нет необходимости повторять одно и то же. Я просто не могу сде­

лать то, что вы хотите.
2. Мне приходится выезжать самым ранним поездом, иначе я опа­
здываю на первый урок.
3. Она поняла, что ей придется переговорить с ним об этом деле.
4. Что мне надеть? — Можно надеть новый костюм.
5. Можно было сделать и лучше. Вы не старались.
6. Он должен был передать деньги секретарю, но я не уверен, что он
смог это сделать.
7. В такую солнечную погоду он не может обходиться без темных
очков. Врач сказал, он должен защищать глаза от яркого света
8. Вы можете не есть суп, но второе вы должны попробовать.
9. Вы успели прочитать книгу? Вы не сможете обсуждать эту книгу,
пока не прочтете ее до конца.
10. М ы договорились, что тот, кто придет первым, должен занять ме­
ста для остальных.
11. Я должен был приехать утренним поездом, но его отменили, и мне
пришлось ехать дневным.
12. Вам надо было сдавать экзамены со всеми остальными студента­
13. Этот вопрос надо обсудить на следующем совещании.
14. Ему надо держать вещи в порядке, тогда ему не придется искать
каждый пустяк.
15. Он, должно быть, не получил моей записки, где говорилось, что
нам нужно встретиться в пять часов.
16. Они сказали, что нам надо было приехать хотя бы на день раньше.
17. Нам не приходится решать такие вопросы. Можно попробовать
поговорить с мистером Смитом.
18. Они должны были приехать в полдень, но уже третий час. Что
могло случиться? — Наверное, их какое-то срочное дело задержало.
Или машина могла сломаться.
19. Мне нужно переписать всю работу или я могу только исправить
20. Когда мне можно прийти за остальным материалом? — Вам неза­
чем приходить самому. М ы сможем вам его прислать, когда он будет
21. После такой напряженной работы вам следует хорошо отдохнуть.
Можно взять отпуск на неделю и поехать за границу.
. Виды сказуемого

22. Можно сделать эту работу за два дня? — Вряд ли. Но можно было
бы попытаться сделать ее за неделю.
23. Он должен ждать меня в университете в два часа.
24. Он, должно быть, ждет меня в университете.
25. Все работы должны быть сданы до 1 апреля.
26. Вы не должны здесь курить. Здесь дети.
27. Можно нам присоединиться к вам в этой поездке?
28. Как вы думаете, где можно найти эту книгу? — Можно попробо­
вать позвонить в университетскую библиотеку.
29. Он должен послать телеграмму сегодня? — а) Да. б) Нет. Можно
послать ее завтра.
30. Я не могу обойтись без их советов.
31. Нам нужно было возвращаться в тот же день.
32. Я не смогла увидеться с ним на этой неделе.
33. Ей придется последовать совету врача и переменить климат.
34. М ы можем не спешить. Поезд опаздывает.
35. М ы поехали туда поездом и должны были вернуться самолетом.
36. Он сказал, что не сможет дать ответ, пока не обдумает все.
37. Она не сразу поняла, почему мы не смогли выехать вовремя.
38. Если вы не изучите инструкцию, вы можете сломать машину.
39. Мама говорит, я должна быть дома не позже 11 (not to be out
after 11), но мне не надо спешить домой, потому что ее самой нет.

H H H B I Translate into English.


1. Сейчас я не могу читать эту книгу. Она слишком трудная. Я смогу

читать такие книги, когда буду на третьем курсе. Мне придется подо­
2. Неужели эта книга действительно слишком трудна для тебя?
Я помню, что когда я был студентом, мы могли читать такие книги на
первом курсе.
3. Он не пришел вчера на собрание. Возможно, он забыл. — Он не
мог забыть. Я звонил и напомнил ему сам. Должно быть, что-то случи­
4. Где твой брат? — Возможно, он занимается в библиотеке. — Он не
может заниматься в библиотеке. М инуту назад я видел его на улице.
5. Неужели твой брат сидит в библиотеке в такую хорошую погоду?
Мог бы найти себе занятие поинтереснее. — Какое, например? — На­
пример, он мог бы поиграть со мной в футбол. Или он мог бы сводить
сына на прогулку в парк. — Н у что же, не исключено, что он пойдет
погулять с сыном вечером.
H 2 JH Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

6. Сегодня мне пришлось принести книги на всю группу. — Тебе

пришлось нести их одной? — Да. Студент нашей группы должен был
помочь мне, но он не смог прийти. — Нужно было позвонить кому-ни­
будь из нас.
7. Вам следует быть на станции в 2. Гости приезжают поездом в 2.30.
Вам нельзя опаздывать. Возможно, с вами захочет встретиться руково­
дитель нашей группы.
8. Эта статья должна быть готова к концу ноября. Нет нужды торо­
питься, но вы не должны забывать, что материал нужно сдать тридца­
9. Не следует ехать так быстро. Должно быть, сейчас наша скорость
около 80 км. Ты знаешь, что в городе нельзя ездить так быстро. Должно
быть, ты забыл. — Я не мог забыть. Но я не могу ездить так медлен­
но. — Н у что ж, если ты не можешь ездить так, как должен, ты мог бы
позволить мне вести машину.
10. Он обещал мне сделать этот перевод, но не появился. Так что мне
пришлось все переводить самой. — Зачем это надо было делать? Следо­
вало оставить все ему. — Я не могла. Я понятия не имею, когда снова
его увижу, а работа должна была быть сделана вовремя. — Часто тебе
приходится делать работу за других? — Иногда приходится.
11. Знаешь, когда я вчера встала? — Нет. Когда? — В половине пятого.
Брат позвонил и сказал, что приезжает шестичасовым поездом. — То
есть тебе пришлось рано встать, чтобы встретить его на вокзале, да?
А зачем надо было встречать его на вокзале? Он мог бы избавить тебя
от этого. — Он не мог. М ы только что переехали на новую квартиру.
Мне нужно было отвезти его туда.
12. Тебе не приходится готовить на всю семью теперь, когда твоя мама
вернулась из больницы, не так ли? — Нет, приходится. Мама еще очень
слаба и вынуждена большую часть времени проводить в постели. Я не
знаю, когда она сможет заниматься домашней работой.
13. Ты видела Аню? М ы должны были встретиться здесь полчаса на­
зад, но я не успела. — Надо было позвонить. — Я не могла. Я была в
пути. Неужели она ушла, не оставив мне записки? — Вряд ли. Почему
бы тебе не посмотреть в соседней комнате? Может быть, она тебя там
ждет. И раз уж ты все равно туда идешь, возьми заодно это письмо.
Оставь его у секретаря.
14. Неужели он еще на совещании? — Да, должно быть, они сейчас
обсуждают последний вопрос.
15. Незачем беспокоиться. Если Петров пообещал прийти, он сдер­
жит слово. Вы можете на него положиться.
16. Должно быть, вы приняли Петра за его брата. Они так похожи,
что их невозможно различить.
Виды сказуемого

17. Должно быть, предложение Билла отвергли. Я слышал, многие

были против.
18. Эту проблему нужно было давно решить.
19. Не может быть, чтобы она участвовала в концерте. Она такая за­
стенчивая. Впрочем, она могла измениться в последнее время.
20. Должно быть, результаты последних экспериментов привлекли
всеобщее внимание. Вам следует прочитать статьи, напечатанные в
этом журнале.
21. Не следовало так кричать. Вы могли испугать ребенка.
22. Загляните в комнату 21. Возможно, Петров ждет вас там.
23. Вам следует навестить его. Возможно, ему одиноко.
24. Не может быть, чтобы они приехали. Самолет должен был при­
землиться в 8.
25. Неужели книга такая скучная? Я слышал, этот писатель очень по­
26. Возможно, они еще спорят об этом предложении.
27. Неужели это ее дочь? Она совсем на нее не похожа. Сколько ей
лет? — Должно быть, около 20.
28. Где книга, которую ты мне обещал? — Петров должен был ее ку­
пить. Он обещал позвонить мне, но не позвонил. Неужели он не ходил
в магазин? — Явно не ходил. Надо было самому купить эту книгу.
29. Вы должны встретиться с ним на площади в 5. Возможно, время
неудобно, но вам все равно придется пойти.
30. М ы должны были встретиться в 5.30. Я пошел туда, но никто не
появился. Неужели они отменили встречу? Возможно, они ее отложи­
ли. Надо позвонить кому-нибудь и выяснить, в чем дело. — Ну, если
они отложили встречу, они могли бы дать мне знать.

Exercise IS Translate into English.


1. Вы, наверно, даже не пытались это сделать.

2. Он, наверно, так и не догадался, почему мы смеялись.
3. Вы, должно быть, не узнали меня и поэтому не поздоровались.
4. Он, наверно, положил ключ не на то место, я не смог его найти.
5. Их, очевидно, неправильно информировали. Они должны были
прийти вчера.
6. Ему, вероятно, не сказалй, что он должен сделать эту работу сам.
7. Вы, должно быть, давно там не были. Вы, видимо, не помните, что
упомянутое вами здание снесли.
8. Вы, наверно, не узнали его. — Я не мог не узнать его. Это, должно
быть, был не он.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Ему, наверно, ничего об этом не сказали. Не верю, что он забыл.

Он не мог не прийти.
10. Они, скорее всего, не попали на поезд, потому что вышли из дома
слишком поздно.
11. Расписание утренних поездов, скорее всего, не изменилось.
12. Они, должно быть, не опоздали на поезд. Они рано выехали.
13. Он, вероятно, неправильно произнес название этого блюда, и офи­
циант, видимо, его не понял.
14. Никто, вероятно, не заметил, что он не привык выступать на пуб­
15. Он, должно быть, не написал им о том, что приедет.
16. Она, скорее всего, не заперла дверь, помня, что я должен прийти
17. М ужчина меня, должно быть, не понял, и мне пришлось объяс­
нять снова.
18. Она, видимо, не поняла, что сделала ошибку.
19. Они, скорее всего, дали нам неправильную информацию. Я не
вижу ни одного ориентира, которые они назвали.
20. Телеграмма, скорее всего, не дошла вовремя.
21. Видимо, он так ничего и не сделал, несмотря на обещания.
22. Неужели собака не узнала хозяина? Она не должна была лаять.
23. Он, видимо, совершенно не осознает, какой он неуклюжий.

Translate into English.


1. Как удачно! Еще пять минут — и мы могли бы не получить биле­

2. Надо было поставить нас в известность, что вы не сможете сделать
свое сообщение. М ы могли бы отложить обсуждение этого вопроса.
3. Вы могли бы предупредить меня, что не придете.
4. Незачем вам было ходить туда, они могли бы сами прийти.
5. Не надо было так разговаривать с ним, это, скорее всего, не его
6. Надо было подумать об этом раньше, теперь ничего уже нельзя
7. Экспедиция должна была зимовать в поле, но из-за морозов вы ­
нуждена была вернуться раньше.
8. Нельзя ли мне задать вам несколько вопросов?
9. Неужели вы им поверили? Они скорее всего пошутили над вами.
10. Неужели вы им не поверили? Они не могли вас обманывать.
Виды сказуемого

11. Я не могу понять, почему Марк не пришел. М ы должны были

встретиться два часа назад. Не может быть, чтобы он забыл; он, вероят­
но, заболел.
12. Если вы не хотите заниматься этим сегодня, вы можете закончить
работу завтра.
13. В прошлом году я жил близко от института, и мне приходилось
вставать не так рано, как сейчас.
14. Я думаю, что вам не стоило обращать на это внимания.
15. Вы, должно быть, все читали эту книгу. Если нет, то вам следовало
бы ее прочесть как можно скорее, чтобы вы могли обсудить ее на заня­
16. Вам бы следовало разговаривать с ребенком поласковее. Вы могли
испугать его.
17. По-моему, нам нужно подождать еще полчаса. Экскурсанты могут
приехать следующим поездом.
18. Вы бы лучше послали ему письмо Он вряд ли догадался, что вас
задерживают дела, и, возможно, волнуется.
19. Не могли бы вы прочесть мою книгу к завтрашнему дню? Мне,
может быть, придется завтра вечером уехать, и книга может мне пона­

Translate into English.


1. Мне не нужно готовить, нам доставляют еду из ближайшего

2. Им незачем ездить так далеко, можно заниматься в нашем читаль­
ном зале.
3. Можешь не отвечать на этот вопрос, если не хочешь.
4. Не обязательно вам приходить самому. Можете прислать кого-ни­
5. Вам не нужно было ходить в библиотеку. У нас были необходимые
книги, можно было бы воспользоваться ими.
6. К вечеру зуб перестал болеть, и он решил, что ему не надо идти к
7. Разговор наш продолжался недолго, все было достаточно ясно, и
нам ни к чему было вдаваться в излишние подробности.
8. Текст был легкий, и им незачем было пользоваться словарем; это
только отняло у них больше времени.
9. Я не должен был так говорить с ней. Именно мой тон, должно
быть, и обидел ее.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

10. Он, наверное, уже ушел. М ы же должны были прийти на полчаса

11. Вам не надо было так торопиться; нужно было быть здесь не рань­
ше пяти.
12. Нам не пришлось тащить вещи на себе: нам попалась попутная
13. Ты ведь не должна теперь так рано вставать, правда? Ты ведь те­
перь работаешь в десяти минутах ходьбы от дома.
14. Есть много растений, которые нельзя трогать руками, так как они
оставляют ожоги.
15. Это лекарство можно получить только по рецепту врача.
16. Они, вероятно, что-то горячо обсуждали; они даже не услышали,
что в дверь звонят.

Translate into English.


1. Они не могли сделать эту работу. Они начали только вчера.

2. Эта работа, должно быть, сказалась на его зрении.
3. Ваше отношение к ней могло бы быть дружелюбнее. Незачем под­
черкивать свою враждебность.
4. Вам следует навестить его. Возможно, ему одиноко.
5. Неужели он все еще выполняет эту работу? Его часть работы была
очень незначительна.
6. Он смог сделать работу сам или вам пришлось помогать ему?
7. М ы смогли купить новые туфли для обоих детей.
8. Вряд ли это серьезный случай. Скорее всего, у мальчика просто
небольшая простуда.
9. Возможно, они все еще спорят, принять или отвергнуть это пред­
10. Ты должна сейчас же пойти и отправить это письмо. Иначе может
быть поздно.
11. Ему не надо было повторять правила. Он их хорошо помнил.
12. Ваша сестра, должно быть, обучалась много лет, чтобы овладеть
этой профессией.
13. Не может быть, чтобы они уже приехали. Самолет должен был
прибыть в 8 часов.
14. Они не могли не приехать. Они были очень заинтересованы в этой
15. В последние два года они, видимо, не поддерживали связи.
16. Я должна сейчас же отвечать на этот вопрос или могу немного
Виды сказуемого

17. Они могли бы объявить заранее, что матч отменили.

18. Неужели он уже овладел этим трудным умением? Видимо, это
потребовало много труда и терпения.
19. Возможно, он не сумел доказать, что прав.
20. Туристы сейчас, скорее всего, проходят таможню.
21. Не мог твой друг задержаться на работе. Должно быть, произошло
что-то неожиданное.
22. Совещание, скорее всего, закончится к 5 часам. Только тогда я
смогу заняться этой проблемой.
23. Не может быть, чтобы они все еще готовили эксперимент. Работа
должна была начаться две недели назад. К сегодняшнему дню они
должны были все закончить.
24. Ремонт (квартиры) начался вчера. Скорее всего, они смогут его
закончить через две недели.
25. Не может быть, чтобы вчера шел дождь. Я ничего не заметил.
26. Неужели вы не предупредили их? Они должны были принести до­
кументы еще час назад.
27. Должно быть, он вас понял. Я вижу, что он кивает.
28. Должно быть, он вас не понял. Он принес не те документы.
29. Зачем надо было приезжать? Вам следовало бы остаться дома.
30. Возможно, я не заметил его вчера. Скорее всего, он рано ушел.
: JiwS3B
1ё й 1ж Видовременная система.

Exercise 1 Open the brackets putting the verbs in the appropriate tense and
voice forms.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужные временные и залоговые формы

As soon as I (notice) that Maria (can) not pronounce her "s's" I (make) an ap­
pointment and (see) a doctor. He (tell) me that she (grow) out of it naturally.
I (not believe) that and, consequently, I (get) in touch with my old school friend
who (live) near us. She still (work) as a speech therapist in a local hospital and she
(take) the matter seriously and (send) me back to my doctor. Although a month
or so (elapse), Maria's lisp (grow) appreciably worse and that (help) to convince
the doctor. Maria (see) by the consultant two months ago and (have) treatment
for three weeks already. In my opinion she (make) progress and I (be) confident
that in a month or so she (cure).

Exercise 2 Translate into English.


1. Я вам позвоню, как только мы решим этот вопрос. Но я не знаю,

когда мы сможем его решить.
2. Не стоило этого говорить. Если ты будешь говорить такие вещи,
над тобой будут смеяться.
3. М ы выйдем в 5, если дождь к тому времени кончится. Как ты ду­
маешь, он закончится? — Может быть.
4. Ваш проект приняли? — Нет, его все еще рассматривают. — Сколь­
ко времени его рассматривают? — Они должны были начать в поне­
5. Я не был в комнате и пяти минут, когда она вошла. Вид у нее был
разгоряченный и усталый, так что я поинтересовался, чем она занима­
лась. Она ответила, что играла в теннис.
6. Нет необходимости звонить, чтобы узнать, приготовлены ли чер­
тежи. Вам дадут знать, когда чертежи будут высланы.
7. Он настроил скрипку и играл мелодию, которую я раньше не слы­
Видовременная система. Повторение

8. М альчик принес воды, как велела ему мать, и убежал играть с дру­
9. Строится новая железная дорога через пустыню. Как ты думаешь,
когда его закончат?
10. Об этой картине много говорят. Я не был на выставке, но мне ее
так живо описали, что, кажется, я ее видел.
11. Когда гость уйдет, вы должны отдохнуть. Вы слишком много ра­
ботали сегодня. У вас может разболеться голова.
12. Сью писала свою картину около часа, пока Джонси лежала в пос­
тели и считала. Она считала листья, опадавшие с лозы на стене здания
13. Сью писала картину около часа, когда раздался стук в дверь. При­
шел их сосед, старый художник. Он принес немного горячего бульона.
14. Солдаты вскрикнули: лежавшая бездыханной фигура на земле
вновь начала двигаться.
15. Когда Сью проснулась на следующее утро, Джонси пристально
смотрела на закрытую штору. Она думала, о последнем листе, возмож­
но, думала о нем несколько часов. Она знала, что, когда последний лист
упадет, она умрет.
16. Он вошел в комнату и сказал, что играл в теннис и выиграл.
17. Они разработали подробный план, прежде чем отправились в эк­
18. Он сказал, что они знают друг друга с тех пор, как являются чле­
нами клуба.
19. Годы, проведенные Артуром в Ю жной Америке, так изменили его,
что друзья не могли его узнать.
20. Он узнал меня только после того, как я напомнил ему, где мы
21. Я все еще помню вашего брата, хотя не встречал его с тех пор, как
он уехал.
22. М ы и половины пути не проехали, когда машина сломалась и мы
вынуждены были вернуться.
23. Два года прошло с тех пор, как он уехал, и с тех пор он не писал
нам, и никто его не видел.

Translate into English.


1. Преподаватель поинтересовался, написала ли я тест. Он предло­

жил мне поторопиться.
2. М ы узнали, что строительство начнется в ближайшие дни и будет
закончено к концу года.
3 Сборник упражнений по грамматике...
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. Она написала контрольную и ждала, пока преподаватель ее про­

4. Его не видно всю неделю. Он заболел? — Он уехал в отпуск.
5. Не заходи на второй паре. М ы будем писать контрольную.
6. Когда я приехал в город, это здание строилось.
7. К октябрю картина Пола была закончена, и один из друзей пред­
ложил ему послать ее на ежегодную выставку в ратуше.
8. Он сказал, что устал, потому что весь день делал домашнее зада­
9. Книга распродана. Я и подумать не могла, что она так быстро ра­
10. Элиза устала, так как весь день ходила.
11. Хорошо, что ты зашла. Я тут вещи упаковывала. Я вызвала такси.
Оно придет в 5.30
12. В этот момент обсуждался важный вопрос и все внимательно слу­
13. Я приду к вам, если меня не задержат на работе.
14. Она знала, что сестра вернется домой поздно, так как ее пригласи­
ли в театр.
15. Тетя сказала, что работала всю ночь и сшила новый костюм. Она
предложила мальчику надеть его в школу. Костюм был странного зеле­
ного цвета, и мальчик понимал, что над ним будут смеяться, если он его
16. Она отложила письмо, которое писала, и посмотрела в окно.
17. Лектора слушали так внимательно, что никто не заметил, как я
18. Он сказал, что уже поздно и мы опоздаем на поезд, если не возь­
мем такси.
19. Мне бы хотелось знать точный день, когда моя сестра вернется.
20. Когда Дэвид пришел, Сэм уже ждал его.
21. Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится цирк.
22. Я давно видел и давно не перечитывал эту пьесу. Я ее забыл.
23. Я давно с ней познакомился. М ы дружим больше десяти лет.
24. Вам объяснили, почему вам не разрешили участвовать в соревно­
25. Я приду после того, как закончу работу.
26. Когда мы приехали в город, этот стадион еще строили.
27. М ы давно не виделись. Ты был занят? — Да, очень. Я писал дип­
лом. — Написал? — Да, я защищаюсь через неделю.
Видовременная сиртема. Повторение

Exercise4 Translate into English.


1. Они играют в эту игру целый день, они сделали 75 ходов.

2. Дирижер еще не вышел, но оркестранты были уже на своих местах
и настраивали инструменты.
3. Неужели он все еще держит книгу? Сколько времени он ее чита­
4. Он закончил первую главу диссертации и теперь пишет вторую.
Он уже два года работает над диссертацией.
5. Он наш тренер с тех пор, как я играю в этой команде.
6. Они уже приняли резолюцию по второму пункту? — Нет, они еще
7. М айк приехал? — Да, он уже два дня здесь. Он приехал в пятни­
s. Обед был готов, все проголодались, но двоих гостей еще не было.
9. Когда я пришел, он был уже дома и сидел у огня, просматривая
10. Суриков писал свою картину «Степан Разин» с 1907 по 1910 год.
11. Он решает этот кроссворд уже полчаса и говорит, что скоро за­
кончит, потому что сейчас обдумывает последнее слово.
12. Актеры репетируют с раннего утра. Сейчас они проходят первую
сцену, потому что им не нравится, как они ее исполняют.
13. Вот и ты, наконец-то! Где ты был? — А ты меня ждал? Не надо
было. Можно было начать без меня.
14. Она уже давно разговаривает по телефону. Давно пора закон­
15. Ты поздно ложился спать на этой неделе, у тебя усталый вид.
16. Снег идет целую неделю. Если так будет продолжаться, никто не
сможет добраться до лагеря.
17. Наконец-то ты открыл дверь! Мне кажется, я уже час звоню.
18. Мои часы идут хорошо, с тех пор как я их отремонтировал.
19. Они обсуждают эту проблему с тех пор, как я здесь, и они еще не
пришли к определенному выводу.
20. Машинистка пропустила несколько слов, потому что все время
21. Лектор упомянул это имя несколько раз, но я не смог его запом­
нить. Я запишу его, как только он назовет его опять.
22. Он все время работает над своим английским и добился значи­
тельных успехов. У него отличное произношение.
23. Я уже 20 лет живу в этом городе, и в октябре будет 9 лет, как я
работаю в этом институте.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Translate into English.


1. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я сказал свое имя.
2. Никто не говорил ей, как серьезно ее заболевание, пока она не
3. По радио объявили, что самолет, который заправлялся, отправит­
ся через полчаса.
4. Его не пропустили в здание, пока он не показал пропуск.
5. За столом напротив меня сидел седой человек, который несколько
десятков лет назад был известен как путешественник, а теперь был не
менее известен как писатель.
6. Учитель сказал, что его произношение улучшилось после того, как
он поработал несколько раз в лаборатории.
7. Когда приехала скорая помощь, спасательная команда еще не под­
нялась из шахты.
8. Инженер показал своим зарубежным друзьям мост, в строительс­
тве которого он принимал участие в 1948 году.
9. Когда он пришел в лабораторию утром, он обрадовался, что лабо­
рант ничего не тронул и можно было сразу приниматься за работу.
10. Когда актриса сняла грим, я увидел усталое лицо тяжело работав­
шего человека.

Translate into English.


1. Тетя Полли ожидала, что Том сдержит обещание и не будет боль­

ше пропускать занятия. Но на следующий день она узнала, что Том
опять прогулял. «Том, ты хочешь, чтобы я тебя наказала?» — сердито
сказала тетя Полли.
2. Тетя Полли решила наказать Тома и послала его белить забор. Том
сначала работал очень медленно, но когда он заметил, что к нему при­
ближается Бен, он притворился, что работа доставляет ему удовольст­
вие. «Что ты делаешь, Том?» — спросил Бен. «Разве ты не видишь?
Я белю забор. Я этим занимаюсь уже полчаса, но ни чуточки не устал.
Это очень интересная работа». — «Правда? Дай мне кисть на минутку.
Я никогда в жизни не белил забор. Я тебе дам откусить своего яблока,
если ты мне позволишь». — «Извини, Бен». Бен сказал, что отдаст Тому
все яблоко, если тот даст ему кисть. Том неохотно согласился. И пока
Бен белил забор, Том сидел в тени и ел яблоко.
3. В то воскресное утро Нэнси осталась дома одна. Она попыталась
читать, но не смогла. Она думала о своей жизни с Годфри. Она была
Видовременная система. Повторение

счастлива с ним, но в тот день почему-то подумала, счастлив ли он с

ней. Шум на улице привлек ее внимание. Она посмотрела в окно и уви­
дела толпу возле дома. Все кричали и возбужденно жестикулировали.
Она все еще стояла у окна, когда услышала, как кто-то открыл дверь.
Это был Годфри. Она повернулась, чтобы поздороваться с ним, но не
смогла вымолвить ни слова, когда увидела его бледное лицо и дрожа­
щие руки. Она почувствовала, что сердце у нее замерло (to miss a beat).
Сильно встревоженная, она спросила, что случилось. Годфри ответил,
что час назад нашли Данстена и деньги Сайласа Марнера.
4. Том и Бекки сели вместе. Том дал Бекки карандаш, и с его помо­
щью она нарисовала дом. Потом они начали разговаривать. «Ты когда-
нибудь была в цирке?» — «Да, и папа поведет меня еще раз, если буду
хорошо себя вести». — «Я был в цирке много раз и еще пойду. Я буду
цирковым клоуном, когда вырасту».
5. Ни Том, ни Бекки не знали, куда идут. Они никогда не были в этой
пещере. Они очень проголодались, так как с утра ничего не ели. Они
искали выход из пещеры, но так и смогли найти его. Было очень тихо и
темно, потому что свечи у них погасли. Они оба очень устали, но Бекки
сказала, что сможет пройти еще немного. Они еще долго шли, но так и
смогли найти выход. Наконец они остановились отдохнуть. Том поша­
рил (to feel) у себя в карманах и очень обрадовался, когда нашел там
кусок пирога. М альчик разделил его пополам и дал половинку Бекки.
Он спросил, как она себя чувствует. Девочка ответила, что чувствует
себя лучше, но выглядела бледной и усталой. Глаза у нее закрылись, и
она уснула. Том сидел рядом и думал, как скоро их хватятся (to miss).
Ни тетя Полли, ни родители Бекки не ожидали, что они вернутся ско­
ро. Внезапно он увидел свет. Он подумал, что их ищут. Но когда Том
сделал несколько шагов в направлении света, он очень испугался, пото­
му что увидел Индейца Джо, который сидел у огня.
6. Мальчиков везде искали. Они исчезли, и все в деревне думали, что
они погибли. Миссис Харпер пришла к тете Полли, и они поплакали,
вспоминая бедных мальчиков. Том лежал под кроватью и тоже плакал,
потому что ему было жаль себя. Когда миссис Харпер ушла и в доме
погас свет, Том вылез из-под кровати и подошел к своей спящей тете.
Он услышал, что она во сне повторяет его имя.

Translate into English.


1. Где Петр? — Он в саду. Он играет в шахматы с другом. — Неужели

они все еще играют? Они начали в 10 утра. — И с тех пор играют. Я не
могу заставить их пообедать.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

2. Ты видел Аню? — Нет, но я только что говорил с ней по телефону.

Она чувствует себя хорошо. Если завтра и послезавтра у нее не будет
температуры, она сможет в понедельник пойти на работу.
3. Ты поедешь к Ане в понедельник? — Боюсь, нет. М оя сестра пере­
езжает на новую квартиру, и мне придется ей помочь. Возможно, я схо­
ж у к ней сегодня вечером.
4. Я не знаю, когда он ушел на пенсию. Должно быть, ему тогда было
62 года.
5. Я не знаю, что они будут делать летом. Возможно, они поедут пу­
6. Он спросил меня, в какой гостинице я собираюсь остановиться.
7. Она сказала нам, что погода не изменилась.
8. М ы не могли найти ее, потому что она вышла замуж и поменяла
9. Тебя ждет какой-то мальчик. Он говорит, что должен видеть
тебя. — Ему придется подождать. Мой младший брат только что вер­
нулся из школы, и я готовлю ему обед. Как только я освобожусь, я по­
говорю с ним.
10. Я не знал, что твоя сестра с мужем уехали в Сибирь. Они взяли
детей? — Они взяли младшего сына. Нина, их старшая дочь, приедет к
ним, когда закончит университет. Им придется подождать три года.
11. Когда я пришла домой, мой младший брат сидел на стуле и плакал.
Сначала я хотела спросить его, что случилось, но потом решила подож­
дать, пока он перестанет плакать.
12. Боюсь, я потеряла сумку. Ты ее не видела? Мне кажется, я остави­
ла ее вчера в институте. — Вот твоя сумка. Ты должна быть вниматель­
ней, ты все время все теряешь. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты всегда знала,
где твои вещи.
13. Ты сделала упражнения? Нам их завтра сдавать, да? — Нет, эти
упражнения нужно сделать к пятнице, так что нет нужды спешить, у
нас много времени.
14. К тому времени, когда мы вышли, дождь уже кончился. У меня
был с собой зонт, потому что мама сказала мне взять его. Я не люблю
гулять, когда идет дождь. Как приятно гулять в хорошую погоду.

Exercise 8 Translate into English.


1. Марина пришла домой? — Нет, она все еще в библиотеке. Она ска­
зала, что вернется поздно. Она готовит доклад. — Когда ей делать до­
клад? — Через две недели. Она боится, что не сможет подготовить его
Видовременная система. Повторение

2. Я скажу ему об этом, как только увижу его. Но я не знаю, когда

смогу его увидеть. Он не приходит к нам уже две недели.
3. Если я увижу ее завтра, я скажу ей, что ты пригласил ее за город в
4. Где деньги, которые я тебе только что дал? — Я положил их в ящик
письменного стола. Тебе они нужны? — Да, можно мне взять половину?
5. Если ты закончишь работу в 7, мы сможем пойти навестить Петра.
Он болен уже 10 дней. — Я думаю, что смогу закончить работу на пол­
часа раньше. — Правда? К сожалению, я не смогу уйти из дома, пока не
придет отец. Он потерял свои ключи.
6. Новости были важные и были выслушаны с большим вниманием.
7. Когда я зашла за Ольгой, она все еще переводила статью, которую
нам дали накануне. Она сказала, что должна закончить статью, прежде
чем мы пойдем гулять, и мне придется подождать. Мне пришлось ждать
10 минут, прежде чем Ольга закончила работу.
8. Когда Петр пришел домой, он услышал, что его дочь играет на
пианино. Она занималась музыкой уже много лет и умела играть хоро­
шо. Петр гордился дочерью.
9. Я слышал, на вашей улице строят новый кинотеатр. Интересно,
когда его построят.
10. Что вы искали, когда я вошел? — М ы искали газету, которую
принес Алекс. Там есть статья, которую я давно хотел прочитать. — Вы
нашли газету? — Ты знаешь, мы искали ее полчаса, пока не нашли в
книжном шкафу. М ы не могли понять, как она туда попала.
11. Почему над ним смеются? Он сказал что-нибудь смешное? — Над
ним всегда смеются.
12. Темнеет. Детям пора идти спать. Они играют во дворе уже целый
вечер. Они не смогут завтра рано встать, а им надо ехать на экскурсию.
13. Дождь кончился? — Нет, еще идет. Дождь идет уже несколько
14. Кемп чувствовал, что на него пристально смотрят. Но в комнате
никого не было.
15. Можно мне забрать документы? — Извините, вы не могли бы
зайти за ними через полчаса? Их только что напечатали. Их сейчас про­

Translate into English.


А ) Молодой писатель ходил взад и вперед по комнате. Он пытался

найти тему для рассказа. Рассказ был давно обещан редактору. Срок
подходил, а ничего еще не было сделано. Молодой писатель посмотрел
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

на книжные полки. «Столько уже написано, — подумал он, — Все хо­

рошие темы уже много раз использованы. Вот хотя бы эти рассказы.
Без сомнения, их в свое время читали, они нравились, о них говорили.
Но сейчас они совершенно забыты. А что если...»
К концу дня один из забытых рассказов был перепечатан и отослан
в редакцию. На следующий день пришло письмо из редакции жур­
«Это безобразие, — писал редактор. — Такие поступки нельзя ни по­
нять, ни простить. Ведь этот рассказ был опубликован в нашем журна­
ле только месяц тому назад».
Б) Когда я пришла на первое занятие, я увидела группу детей, кото­
рые с интересом наблюдали за тем, что происходило на площадке
(training-ground). Дети всегда приходят смотреть, как учат собак, и я не
обратила на них особого внимания. На следующий день я нашла на
площадке две группы: группу взрослых с собаками, которых мне надо
было обучать, и группу детей, которые смотрели первое занятие. Они
тоже привели с собой собак. Оказывается, ребята подумали, что для
того, чтобы заниматься на площадке, достаточно иметь собаку. Мне
было жаль ребят, но мне пришлось сказать им, что здесь учат только
служебных (special) собак и что за это надо платить.
Дети ушли. Я стала объяснять, как необходимо отрабатывать зада­
ния (tasks) дома, но вдруг заметила, что меня не слушают. Они смотре­
ли на что-то позади меня. Я обернулась. Девять детей стояли, а девять
собак сидели, и каждая держала палку в зубах.

Translate into English.


1. Было ясное весеннее утро. Пуаро (Poirot) и Хейстингс (Hastings)

сидели в комнате Пуаро. Пуаро расчесывал усы, Хейстингс сидел в
кресле. Газета, которую читал Хейстингс, упала на пол, и он мирно спал,
когда Пуаро позвал его.
2. Когда Пуаро поинтересовался, о чем Хейстингс думает, тот отве­
тил, что обдумывает происшествие на балу в Виктория Холле. Все о нем
говорили, и газеты каждый день печатали новости об убийстве лорда
3. Хейстингс напомнил Пуаро, что компания лорда Кроншо (Сгоп-
shaw) на балу состояла из 6 человек. На них были костюмы, представ­
лявшие старую итальянскую комедию. Костюмы были скопированы с
набора фарфоровых фигурок в коллекции Лорда Белтейна (Beltane).
Лорд Кроншо был одет в костюм Арлекина.
Видовременная система. Повторение

4. Компания должна была ужинать в специальной комнате. Ко вре­

мени ужина Лорд Кроншо и его невеста Коко (Сосо) не разговаривали.
У Коко были красные глаза, она явно плакала.
5. Лорд Кроншо был найден мертвым в комнате для ужина после
бала. Единственным ключом к разгадке преступления, имевшимся у по­
лиции, был зеленый помпон, найденный в руке мертвеца. Должно быть,
Кроншо оторвал его от костюма убийцы.
6. Все свидетели сказали, что видели Кроншо за несколько минут до
того, как его тело было найдено. Однако Пуаро заподозрил, что Крон­
шо, видимо, был убит раньше. Пуаро пришел к выводу, что комната
для ужина (supper-room) должна иметь нишу, где, скорее всего, тело
было спрятано до конца бала.
7. В компании Кроншо были актер Девидсон и его жена, одетые как
Пьеро (Pierrot) и Пьеретта. Пуаро попросил миссис Девидсон показать
ему костюм, в котором она была на балу. Женщина немного поколеба­
лась сначала, но затем повернулась и вышла из комнаты.
8. Пуаро сразу заметил, что на костюме миссис Девидсон не хватает
одного помпона. Женщина объяснила, что он на балу оторвался, и она
отдала его Кроншо на хранение. Но помпон не был оторван, он был
очень аккуратно отрезан ножницами.
9. В день бала Кроншо узнал, что Коко принимает наркотики. Он
был полон решимости узнать, от кого они поступают. Девидсон, кото­
рый снабжал Коко наркотиками, боялся разоблачения и решил заста­
вить Кроншо замолчать любой ценой.
10. Пуаро пообещал Хейстингсу, что все ему расскажет, когда придет
время. Но это время еще не пришло. Он сказал, что они все должны
посмотреть спектакль, в котором персонажи старой итальянской коме­
дии должны были позировать перед белым экраном.
11. Все, кто смотрел представление, думали, что видели шесть фигур.
На самом деле их было пять. Один из героев появился на сцене дваж­
ды. Глаза зрителей их обманули.
12. Пуаро сразу заподозрил, что убийца — человек, одетый в костюм
Пьеро. Но Пьеро покинул бал за два часа до убийства. Значит, он дол­
жен был либо вернуться на бал позже, либо убить Кроншо до того, как
13. Миссис Девидсон была единственным человеком, который видел
Кроншо после ужина. Но ее заявление могло быть ложью. В этом слу­
чае Арлекин, которого все видели в конце бала, не мог быть Кроншо.
14. Пуаро понял, что Девидсон должен был убить Кроншо сразу после
ужина. Затем он отвез Коко домой и быстро вернулся на бал, но уже
одетый как Арлекин, а не Пьеро.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 11 Translate into English.


1. Гарри лежал на спине тяжело дыша, словно после бега. Он только

что проснулся. Старый шрам у него на лбу горел, как если бы к коже
прикоснулись раскаленной добела проволокой (white hot wire).
2. Гарри попытался вспомнить, что ему снилось перед тем, как он
проснулся. Он вспомнил двух мужчин, которые разговаривали о ком-
то, кого они убили. Они договаривались (plot) убить кого-то еще ...
3. Гарри открыл глаза и оглядел комнату, словно ожидая увидеть
что-то особенное. На полу рядом с его кроватью лежала открытая кни­
га; он читал ее накануне перед тем, как уснуть. Картинки в этой книге
все двигались.
4. Гарри внимательно вслушался в окружающую его тишину. Он
почти ожидал услышать скрип (creak) лестницы или шелест (swish)
мантии (cloak). Поэтому он вздрогнул, услышав, как его двоюродный
брат Дадли мощно всхрапнул в соседней комнате.
5. Гарри мысленно встряхнул себя. Он ведет себя глупо, в доме ни­
кого нет, кроме его дяди, тети и двоюродного брата.
6. Гарри лежал и думал о шраме. Ему был год, когда Волдерморт,
черный маг, который в течение 10 предыдущих лет устойчиво набирал
силу, пришел к нему в дом и убил его родителей. Затем он направил
свой волшебный жезл (wand) на Гарри и сотворил проклятие, (perform
a curse) которое уничтожило многих магов. Но проклятие не сработало.
Вместо того чтобы убить маленького мальчика, проклятие вернулось
(rebound on) к Волдерморту. Гарри выжил с небольшим шрамом на лбу,
а Волдерморт был почти уничтожен.
7. Гарри, Рон и Гермиони говорили о гоблинах. Их видели на терри­
тории школы. Они искали Крауча (Crouch). Рон предположил (wonde­
red), что им нужна защита. Гермиони саркастически улыбнулась: «Ты
что, не слушал, что профессор Биннс объяснял нам про гоблинов? Им
не нужна защита. Они вполне способны сами разобраться (deal with) с
8. Дамблдор (Dumbledore) отправил Гарри в его комнату и попросил
его не отсылать сову до утра. Гарри уставился на него с удивлением.
Откуда Дамблдор знал, что он думал послать сову Сириусу, чтобы рас­
сказать, что случилось.
9. Гарри уронил золотое яйцо и карту. Яйцо раскрылось от удара и
начало громко завывать (wail). Тут же Гарри услышал голос Филча
(Filch), коменданта, который обходил здание в поисках Пивза (Peeves),
местного полтергейста. Увидев яйцо, он радостно вскрикнул: «Пивз!
Видовременная система. Повторение

Опять воруешь!» В этот момент появился Снейп (Snape) и пожаловал­

ся, что когда он проходил мимо своего кабинета, он увидел, что свет
включен, а дверь шкафа приоткрыта. Кто-то обыскивал его кабинет, и
это не мог быть Пивз. Снейп хотел, чтобы Филч помог ему искать того,
кто проник в его кабинет (intruder), но Филч колебался. Он сказал, что
теперь, когда очевидно, что Пивз занимался воровством, он может до­
ложить о нем директору и попробовать добиться того, чтобы его вы ­
гнали из замка. Но Снейп и слушать не хотел.
10. День третьего задания приближался. Рон и Гермиони сдали семе­
стровые экзамены. На каждом экзамене Гарри сидел на заднем ряду,
выискивая новые заклинания (hexes) для этого задания.
11. Бэгмэн (Bagman) спросил Гарри, уверен ли он в успехе. Гарри от­
ветил, что все в порядке. Он постоянно прокручивал в голове заклина­
ния (hexes and spells), которые он учил, и от сознания, что он их все
помнит, ему становилось легче.
и артикль

Exercise 1 Translate into English paying attention to the Possessive Case.

Переведите, обращая внимание на притяжательный падеж.

1. Второй муж моей младшей сестры — врач.

2. Новая комната Елены очень большая и светлая.
3. Старшая сестра моего мужа Петра живет в Петербурге.
4. Рабочий день моего младшего брата начинается в 8 часов.
5. Вы знаете новый адрес моего брата Петра?
6. Новое зимнее пальто моей подруги Ани очень теплое.
7. Где новые книги этих маленьких девочек?
8. Мне нравится высокий и чистый голос вашей новой студентки.
9. Он не слышал следующий вопрос учителя.
10. Я вчера говорил с секретарем прежнего директора.
11. Я не знаю новый номер телефона Джона.
12. Мне не нравится красное платье этой рыжеволосой девушки.
13. Она учится в новой большой школе для девочек.
14. У меня месячный отпуск каждый год.
15. Я хочу прочитать сегодняшнюю утреннюю газету.
16. До станции 5 минут быстрого хода.
17. Таковы были сегодняшние неожиданные новости.
18. У него прелестный четырехлетний ребенок.
19. После минутного молчания он ответил на вопрос.
20. Расстояние в 20 миль — не проблема.
21. Отсюда до города несколько миль ходьбы.
22. Я взял 10-дневный отпуск и поехал к морю.
23. Вот новые детские книги.
24. Вот новые книги наших детей.
25. Это шелковая элегантная женская шляпа.

Exercise 2 Use the appropriate articles.

Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

1. Не began to climb ... stairs which were dark and smelt o f... cats.
2 .1 read until ... breakfast time ... novel I had borrowed from ... friend
Существительное и артикль

3 .1 don't have to go into ... reasons why they hate each other.
4. What he said reminded me o f... film I had seen.
5 lieutenant offered Grey ... cigarette which he refused.
6. He was wearing ... tweed jacket with ... leather inserts at ... elbows, ...
thing that I had never seen.
7. Charlotte did not like ... idea that Arthur could be better at anything than
Joe was.
8.This was ... sentence that made ... sense, but no ... meaning.
9. ...questions Ann asked always seemed to be ... questions to which Paul
knew ... answers.
10. Stanley knows ...woman who might be persuaded to come out by ... bus
once ... week to clean ... house.
11. She was n o t... little girl he had known, but she was not y e t... woman ei­
12. Her eyes were really like ... searchlights, picking o u t... things that no one
13.... fact that he would have ... independent means made her feel relieved.
14. Without knowing her at all I g o t... feeling that she w as... strongest person
in ... family.
15. It was n o t... job that he liked.
16. Her husband made her... presents o f... books she did not read.
17. And then he put forward ... amazing suggestion that she should turn down
... offer and settle in London.
18. She wanted to fill ... wine-glasses which she had received as ... wedding
19.1liked reading in ... garden, which was several steps below ... level of ...
20.1have ... impression that you don't trust me.
21. She was drinking ... glass o f... orange juice.
22. My friend is ... man o f... culture and ... wide reading.
23. His voice was determined,... lines of his face had grown harsh.
24.Tom sat down on ... edge of ... log and looked a t ... glassy surface of ...
25. ... deposit of 5 pounds is payable by anyone who wishes to become ...
reader o f... library.
26.... faint purring of ... motor woke Julia ... next morning.
27. "Come back in ... half ... hour, I'll give you ... bottle of ... medicine", said
... doctor.
28 lamplight made his skin ... colour of ... red brick.
29. He found ... orchid o f... peculiar rarity.
30. He remembered ... soothing effect of her words.
31. He was disturbed by ... sound of ... shot.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

32. Willy leaned on ... back o f... chair.

33. He always disliked anybody as soon as they were appointed to ... position
o f... authority.
34. He always took ... line o f... least resistance.
35. My grandfather w as... man o f... force and ... intellect.
36. From ... kitchen came ... singing o f... kettle on ... stove.
37. Just then ... latch of ... front door clicked, and my father came in.
38. From ... sitting-room came ... chink of ... light beneath ... door, and ...
sound o f... whispers from my mother and her friends.
39 wallpaper was dark-blue with ... design of ...conventional flowers.
40. This machinery drills ... holes to ... depth of two miles or even more.
41.The woman moved her chair slightly towards ... right side o f... path.
42. In ... crate there were ... boxes o f... cigars.

Insert articles where necessary.

Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

1. For... minute or two we were all silent.Then Robert struck ...match and lit
... cigarette.
2. Without waiting fo r... answer, he walked over to his car.
3. It was ... calculated risk to take ... man without... medical experience, but
we were looking fo r... manager primarily.
4. She gave ... low rather hoarse chuckle, that chuckle which so delighted ...
5.... guard blew ... cracked whistle and waved ... red flag.
6. When I got home again, I found ... note in her bold, legible writing on ...
7. You thought you'd only given birth to ... ugly duckling, perhaps he's going
to turn into ... white-winged swan.
8. With her open hand she gave him ... great swinging blow on ... face.
9 .1 ought never to have accepted ... valuable presents from you and allowed
you to lend me ... money.
10. After... while I got into ... private employment and m et... nice girl.
11. Then, on one excuse and ...other, she sent him ... pearl studs and ... sleeve-
links and ... waistcoat buttons. It thrilled her to make him ... presents.
12. She wore ... very small hat with ... feathers in it, and ... pale gray dress with
... large leg-of-mutton sleeves and ... long train.
13. He spoke gently, and slowly, like ... father who reassures ... frightened
14.... mists were dangerous, too, rising in ... cloud from ... damp ground and
closing in about... marshes like ... white barrier.
15. In half... hour she had ... kitchen scrubbed clean as... pin.
Существительное и артикль

16. Clinging to her father's hand, she saw... great white ship like ... bird rolling
helplessly in ... tough o f... sea.
17. She rose like... fish to his bait.
18.... town was set on ... bosom of ... hill, with ... castle in ... centre, like ...
tale from ... old history.
19 little car shot up to ... right house like ... bullet, and shot out its owner
like... bombshell.
20. W ithout... word, with ... curious swift motion, like ... tiger pacing his cage,
she came down and followed May out.
21.There is ... packet of ...candles in ... larder, I saw them, better use those.
22. There's ... piece of... mutton in ... kitchen
23. ... brook burbled merrily over ... stones and there was ... fording gate
across... shallow water.
24. There's ... piece of... cheese in ... cupboard behind you.
25. Michael gave Dolly... glance. There was... twinkle in his eye.
26.There was ... shout and ... clatter of ...hoofs and Jem rode up to her round
... corner o f... house, astride ... black pony.
27. There was ... flaming spot of colour high on his cheekbone.
28. Even as she spoke, there was... loud knock a t... entrance-door and then ...
pause, followed by ... thunder o f... blows.
29. "There's ... light in ... kitchen," she whispered.
30. There's been ... very nasty atmosphere in this Lab recently, and if ... certain
gentleman doesn't take ... hold of himself, there'll be ... mischief done, you mark
my words.
31.There was ... noise, faintly discernible, like ... creeping of... myriad insects.
32 kitchen was lit b y ... single candle stuck sideways into... bottle.
33. She walked away up ... hill without ... backward glance o r... wave of ....
34.... people had lived there once — ... happy, placid people,... rectors with ...
musty books beneath their arms; and there by ... window ... gray-haired woman
in ... blue gown had stooped to thread her needle.
35. In ... little while appeared... ancient and haggard female in ... very dirty print
dress, with ... untidy mop o f... grey hair, and showed me, two flights up ... very
small grubby room.
36. Then she lifted her eyes and saw ... door of ... kitchen open very slowly,
little by little,... inch a t... time.
37.They sucked ... oranges beneath ... striped tent, and had their fortunes told
b y... wrinkled gypsy woman.
38. Jem bought M ary... crimson shawl, and ... gold rings for her ears.
39. She regarded me merely as ... person in ... play.
40.... drinking well in ... yard had ... thin layer o f... ice.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 4 Insert articles where necessary.

Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

(A) Whirling, talking,... 11 D began to enter... Room 109. From ... quality o f...
class's excitement Mark Prosser guessed it would rain. He had been teaching ...
high school for three years, yet his students still impressed him, they were such
... sensitive animals.They reacted so infallibly to ... mere barometric pressure.
(B) Mark hadn't noticed exactly when ... rain started, but it was coming down
hard now. He moved around ... room with ... window pole, closing ... windows
and pulling down ... shades. He began to talk to Gloria in ... crisp voice that, like
his device of shutting ... windows, was intended to protect them both from ...
(C) "And about... love.'... Love' is one of... words that illustrate what has hap­
to ... old, overworked language. These days, with ... movie stars and ...
preachers and ... psychiatrists all pronouncing... word, it has come to mean noth­
ing, b u t... vague fondness for something. In this sense, I love ... rain,... black­
board, ... desk, you. It means nothing, you see, whereas once ... word signified
quite ... explicit thing — ... desire to share all you want and are with someone
else. It is ... time we coined ... new word to mean that, and when you think u p ...
word you want to use, I suggest that you be economical with it. Treat it as some­
thing you can use only once, if not for your own sake, for... good of... language."
(D) I g o t... advance on my salary ... next morning, and I p ut... nine hundred
dollars into ... envelope and walked over to ... Warburtons'when ... last lights in ...
neighbourhood had been put out. It had been raining, b u t... rain had let up.
Stars were beginning to show. I went around to ... back of their house, found ...
kitchen door open, and put... envelope on ... table in ... dark room. As I was walk­
ing away from... house,... police car drew up beside me, and ... patrolman I knew
asked, "What are you doing out at this time o f... night, Mr. Hake?"
"I'm walking ... dog," I said cheerfully. There was no dog in ... sight, but they
didn't look. "Here, Toby! Here, Toby!... good dog!" I called, and off I went whistling
merrily in ... dark.
(E )... poor young artist was asked to paint... portrait o f... rich lady and he did
his best to make... good picture. When ... portrait was finished, it was shown to
...lady's friends.
Some of them thought it was too realistic. They were afraid ... lady would not
like ... picture. One of his friends suggested ... following, "We shall leave it fo r...
lady's dog to decide whether... picture is good or bad."
... next day ... picture was sent to ... lady's house where her friends had gath­
ered to see ... result o f... test. As soon as ... dog was brought before ... portrait it
began to lick it all over.
Nobody knew that... painter's friend had spread ... bacon all over... picture.
Существительное и артикль

Translate paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. Сегодня я купил книгу, которую я давно хочу прочесть.

2. Когда я вошел, она писала письмо подруге.
3. Она отложила в сторону письмо, которое писала, и посмотрела в
4. Меня представили юноше, который пишет стихи.
5. Юноша, который только что вошел, пишет стихи.
6. Вчера по радио я слышал стихотворение, которое мне очень по­
7. Стихотворение, которое вы прочитали, кажется мне знакомым.
8. Они живут в небольшом городке на Урале.
9. Женщина переехала в город, где жили ее родители.
10. Вам дали трудную работу?
11. Работа, которую ему дали, была нетрудной, но утомительной.
12. Я люблю классическую музыку.
13. Мне не нравится музыка, которую он пишет.
14. У меня большая семья. У меня есть отец, мать, две бабушки и де­
душка. Второй дедушка умер до моего рождения.
15. Семья, о которой вы говорите, живет в следующем доме.
16. Я ненавижу дождь.
17. Он не заметил, когда начался дождь.
18. Он любит давать советы.
19. Спасибо за совет, который вы мне дали.

Translate into English paying attention to the articles and the number
of the nouns.
Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли и на число существитель­

1. Какая стоит прекрасная погода!

2. Какая завтра будет погода?
3. Я люблю дождливую погоду.
4. Я не знаю, какая завтра будет погода.
5. Сколько у тебя денег?
6. Денег, которые ты мне дал, не хватило.
7. Эти деньги не для тебя.
8. Он любит деньги больше всего на свете.
9. Дай мне денег.
10. Советы давать легко.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

11. Советы дают те, кто им никогда не следует.

12. Я благодарен вам за советы.
13. Вот совет, который я могу вам дать.
14. Он делает успехи.
15. Успехами, которые он сделал, он обязан вам.
16. Это хорошие новости.
17. Я принес вам много хороших новостей.
18. Новости были важные.
19. В этом году много фруктов.
20. Фрукты были вкусные.
21. У нее светлые волосы.
22. Светлые волосы — наша семейная черта.
23. Против вас много улик.
24. Все улики против вас.
25. Какая легкая и приятная работа!
26. Какие ценные сведения вы принесли.

(erase 7 Translate into English paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. Доктор Браун только что звонил.

2. Спросите у доктора, как себя чувствует больной.
3. Парк имени Горького — самый большой в Москве.
4. Рождество — популярный праздник в конце декабря.
5. Познакомьтесь с полковником Смитом.
6. Я говорю о полковнике Смите, который написал историю Гра­
жданской войны в СШ А.
7. Вам надо поговорить с полковником. Он может дать ценный
8. М ы встретились на улице Герцена.
9. Лондонский мост — одна из достопримечательностей Лондона.
10. Рейсы из России прибывают в аэропорт Хитроу.
11. День победы отмечают в начале мая.
12. Как мне доехать до станции Тверская?
13. Журнал Тайм издается на многих языках мира.
14. Центральный выставочный зал находится недалеко от Крымского
15. М ы уезжаем завтра на рассвете.
16. Была полночь.
17. Самое известное озеро в Африке — озеро Виктория.
18. Он выпускник Московского университета.
Существительное и артикль

Translate paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. Я люблю ходить в Музей им. Пушкина.

2. Памятник Маяковскому находится на площади Маяковского.
3. Вы знакомы с Ивановыми?
4. Он путешествовал в Центральной Америке.
5. Южно-Африканская Республика находится в Южной Африке.
6. Тихий океан отделяет Азию от Америки.
7. Миссисипи — крупнейшая река СШ А.
8. Воркута — город на севере Европейской части России.
9. Я никогда не был в Театре на Таганке.
10. Летом мы путешествовали по Волге.
11. М ы остановились в гостинице «Россия».
12 Дисентис — небольшой город в Швейцарских Альпах.
13. Лето в Крыму жаркое.
14. Красная площадь — исторический центр Москвы.
15. Рейн начинается в Альпах.
16. М ы заблудились, потому что повернули не в ту сторону.
17. Театр им. Станиславского находится на Тверской улице.

Translate paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. У нее красивые волосы.

2. Я заметил волосок на столе. Волосок был рыжий.
3. Я пью кофе каждое утро.
4. Выпей кофе. Это будет тебе полезно.
5. Я зашел в бар и попросил один кофе и газету.
6. Это хороший чай?
7. Вы предпочитаете грузинский или индийский чай?
8. Это один из индийских сортов чая.
9. Я выпил чая, так как очень хотел пить.
10. Выпейте вина. Это легкое сухое вино, и оно вам не повредит.
11. Я ненавижу войну и сделаю все возможное, чтобы не разразилась
новая война.
12. В Гражданской войне между Севером и Югом СШ А победил Се­
13. Не все любят рыбу.
14. Он поймал такую большую рыбу, что не смог унести ее в оди­
15. Он добавил несколько новых рыбок в свой аквариум.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 10 Translate paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. Репин — великий русский художник.

2. Недавно музей приобрел картину Репина.
3. Что это за корабль? — «Репин».
4. Они продали свою «Ладу» и купили «Волгу».
5. В какой гостинице лучше остановиться? — Я советую вам остано­
виться в «Волге».
6. Позвольте представиться. Мое имя Смит.
7. Тебе звонил какой-то Смит. Он оставил свой номер телефона. —
Это, должно быть, тот Смит, который обещал мне работу.
8. У них в семье две Мэри — мать и дочь.
9. Я позвоню через два дня, в субботу.
10. Эта история началась в понедельник, а закончилась в воскресенье.
Понедельник был вполне обычным, и никто не ожидал ничего особен­
11. Он купил новый телевизор. Это «Сони».
12. Этот юноша может когда-нибудь стать новым Гоголем.

Exercise 11 Translate paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. Он выглянул в окно и увидел, что уже ночь.

2. Ночь была ясная и теплая.
3. В такую чудесную ночь не хочется идти спать.
4. Мой сын идет в школу в будущем году.
5. Сейчас мои дети ездят в школу на автобусе. В будущем году откро­
ют школу недалеко от дома, и они будут добираться пешком.
6. Она угостила нас обедом, и обед был очень вкусный.
7. М ы даем два званых обеда в месяц.
8. М ы уходим. М ы приглашены на обед.
9. Когда вы поедете в больницу навестить Павла?
10. Мой друг лежит в больнице. У него воспаление легких.
11. Они живут за городом и приезжают в город только на выходные.
12. М ы отдыхали в небольшом городе на Украине.
13. Я предпочитаю ездить поездом. Поезд — это прекрасная возмож­
ность отдохнуть.
14. Вам лучше поехать ранним поездом, хотя не обязательно самым
Существительное и артикль

Translate paying attention to the articles.

Переведите, обращая внимание на артикли.

1. Лето и зима — мои любимые времена года.

2. Лето 2002 года было необыкновенно жарким.
3. Приезжайте провести у нас лето.
4. Когда вы встаете утром?
5. Посмотрите! Уже утро.
6. Нет ничего лучше прогулки прохладным летним утром.
7. Утро понедельника — худшее утро недели.
8. Утром 1 сентября мальчик проснулся очень рано. Он боялся опоз­
дать в школу.
9. Он работает с утра до ночи.
10. М ы с ним вместе учились в университете.
11. Университет состоял из нескольких зданий.
12. Каждое утро я поднимался на рассвете, весь день работал, строя
дом. Когда ночью я наконец добирался до постели, я спал как бревно
до утра.
13. Была поздняя осень, но погода стояла теплая.
14. Холодная сырая ночь сменилась хмурым дождливым утром.

Use the appropriate articles.

Вставьте нужные артикли.

1.They made him ... major-general after he le ft... headquarters.

2. We were ... children of our class and time.
3. Heavens! Look a t ... dog! Oris i t ... lion?
4. Hart was ... uneasy nervous man who broke into ... flashes o f... speech.
5 .1 wouldn't be ... Prime Minister if they asked me on their knees.
6. Jason was made ... Secretary of the club.
7. John could not make up his mind about... blackmail. He had been led to
think that McGrath was ... blackmailer, because he had ... personality to be ...
8. She was ... only Liberal in their family.
9. After some most astonishing adventures in New Guinea he made himself
... king of some wild tribe.
10. No, you are getting this quite wrong. She is ... wife o f... friend of mine.
11. Prynne was ... manager o f... estate up ... river.
12. With ... face like yours I'd be at least... president o f... steel company.
13. Learning comes easier to ... young.
14 public are requested to keep o ff... grass in ... park.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

15.1believe there is ... theory that ... men and ... women emerge finer and
stronger after... suffering.
16. ...FutureTense is not used in ... adverbial clauses o f... time and ... condi­
17. He was at that time ... lieutenant in ... British Army.
18. ... Mr. Richardson was ... owner and ... editor-in-chief of ... publishing
19. Rudy had ... gift of being liked.That was why he was elected ... president
of his class three times in ... row.
20. At that time I was ... manager of ... Crawford Street branch of ... bank.
21.1saw ... group o f... workmen coming towards us. One of them was ... fat,
red-faced man and I presumed that he was ... foreman.
22. It's ... girl called Betsy. She is ... boss's secretary.
23. Henry Green was ... son o f... general.
24.1might be ... leader o f... party instead of you.
25. His wife and Sheila were ... active strong women who loved usingtheir
26. I'm going to be ... President of this company.
27. He was ... manager o f... largest estate in ... district.
28. There seemed no reason why he should not eventually be made ... Gover­
29. On ... way back to ... compartment we passed Natalie Winter. She was ...
very shy woman. She was also ... star of ... season.
30. She was proud of being ... daughter o f... poet.
31. If anyone could tell her what she wanted to know, Mrs. Ferguson was ...
32.Then Rudy saw ... Professor Denton,... head o f... History and Economics
33.... sun was hanging over... hill behind them ,... large red ball which had
lost its fierceness.
34.... Philip's w ife,... biggest snob in ... family, invited me to ... tea.
35. Then we were joined by ... two women, ... acquaintances of Charles and
36.... figure 5 is ... same fo r... Russian o r ... American, while ... word 'five'is
37.... Admiral Lacey was ... red-faced man.
38.Then he walked down ... Broadway,... main street o f... town.
39. She was ... daughter of ... well-known theatrical manager, ... willowy,
wispy, fair-haired girl with ... colourless eyes.
40. He assumed ... role o f... breadwinner for ...family.
41. ...General Holt withdrew his plan.
42.The had lunch a t ... Hexley,... small village on ... coast.
Существительное и артикль

43. Не was their favourite nephew,... son of their dead elder sister.
44. We spoke to ... Philip's secretary,... youngish man called Williams.
45. Within ... short time Gregory married Zalia Phelps, ... daughter of Angus
Phelps,... planter in Georgia.
46. Smiley, ... captain of ... team, got up on ... bench and told them of his
47.... nurse Everett,... bony woman of fifty, herself opened ... door.
48. My friend Herbert was ... professor of English literature at one o f... smaller
universities of ... Middle West.
49. He turned to me and said, "W hat... extraordinary names these boys seem
to have."
50 Thames Street was ... broad road on ... edge o f... town ... half... mile
from ... park. Most of ... houses in it had been built just before ... Second
World War.
51. A ll... big hotels are very much the same.
52. The plane flew a t ... speed of 1,560 miles per hour.
53. "What ... beautiful portraits," she said, "and what ... lucky man you
must be!"
Сослагательное наклонение

Exercise 1 Translate into English paying attention to the Conditional.

Переведите, обращая внимание на условные предложения.

1. Я позвоню ему завтра, если узнаю номер его телефона.

2. Я бы позвонил ему сейчас, если бы знал номер его телефона.
3. Я бы позвонил ему вчера, если бы знал номер его телефона.
4. Я бы звонил ему сейчас, если бы не забыл номер его телефона.
5. Я схожу к нему на следующей неделе, если буду свободен.
6. Я бы сходил к нему на следующей неделе, если бы был свободен.
7. Я побуду здесь подольше, когда не буду так занят.
8. Я бы сейчас был за городом, если бы не получил это письмо.
9. Я бы побыл здесь подольше, если бы не был так занят.
10. Я бы побыл здесь подольше в прошлом году, если бы не был так
11. Если я не застану его, я оставлю записку.
12. Если бы вы оставили мне записку, я бы зашел к вам вчера.
13. Я бы извинился, если бы чувствовал, что неправ. Но я так не чувс­
14. М ы бы не настаивали, если бы дело не было срочным.
15. Если бы вы были более внимательным, вы бы не перепутали эти
два имени.
16. Он бы сам занялся этой проблемой, если бы не заболел.
17. Если бы он не был болен, он бы решил вчерашнюю проблему.
18. Я бы сходил вчера в кино, если бы мне захотелось.
19. Работа была бы испорчена, если бы мы не приняли срочных мер.
20. Если бы он не подвел меня, я бы сделал работу за неделю.
21. Я был бы вам очень обязан, если бы вы смогли отложить нашу
22. На вашем месте я бы старался вести себя лучше.
23. К следующей неделе она бы прочитала большую часть книги.
24. На вашем месте я бы не был с ним так откровенен.
25. На вашем месте я бы не ждал его сейчас. Я бы оставил записку.
26. На вашем месте я наказал бы мальчика вчера.
27. Он бы уже давно закрыл окно.
Сослагательное наклонение

Translate into English paying attention to the Conditional.

Переведите, обращая внимание на условные предложения.

1. Если бы я купил билеты заранее, я не побеспокоил бы вас.

2. Если бы я купил билеты заранее, я бы вас сейчас не беспокоил.
3. Если бы мы тогда отговорили его от поездки за город, он бы не
4. Если бы это зависело от меня, я бы уговорил Петра остаться с
5. У Анны хороший голос. Если бы она не была так застенчива, она
бы принимала участие в этом концерте.
6. Аня будет участвовать в концерте, если поправится к тому вре­
7. Я бы с вами сейчас не спорил, если бы это было мое личное мне­
8. Профессор не хочет, чтобы вы прекращали работу. Он считает,
что, если вы сделаете еще одну попытку, у вас может получиться.
9. Профессор считал, что вам не следовало прекращать работу. Если
бы вы сделали еще одну попытку, у вас бы могло получиться.
10. Если бы она не перепутала документы, все бы было сейчас в по­
11. Если бы вы последовали моему совету, ваша пьеса произвела бы
лучшее впечатление.
12. Нет смысла откладывать встречу из-за Петра. На вашем месте я
заставил бы его выполнять свою работу как следует.
13. Вы бы не жаловались на головные боли, если бы проводили боль­
ше времени на свежем воздухе.
14. Вы бы не жаловались сейчас на головную боль, если бы не отказа­
лись пойти с нами погулять.
15. Если бы вы читали английские книги в оригинале, это принесло
бы вам большую пользу.
16. Если бы вы прочитали эту книгу, вы бы могли сейчас ответить на
мои вопросы.
17. Он бы договорился о встрече в прошлый раз.
18. Неделю назад мы бы не обратили на это внимания.
19. Если бы вы были более внимательны, вы бы не путали постоянно
эти имена.
20. На вашем месте я позвонил бы ему вчера.
21. Если бы мы повернули направо на светофоре, мы бы уже давно
были дома.
22. Если бы мы повернули направо на светофоре, мы бы уже были
23. Если вы посмотрите внимательно, вы сможете найти ошибку.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

srcise 3 • Translate into English paying attention to Wish-dauses.

Переведите, обращая внимание на предложения, выражающие не­
реальные желания.

1. Сара сожалела, что не воспользовалась случаем и не поговорила

2. Он пожалел, что не сохранил тайну.
3. Ж аль, что ты так равнодушен к спорту.
4. Ей было жаль, что его выбрали президентом клуба.
5. Ей хотелось, чтобы дети не дрались все время.
6. Ж аль, что это правда.
7. Джон жалел, что не сказал правду.
8. Саре хотелось, чтобы ее брат не ломал вещи так часто.
9. Джейн сожалела, что ее муж так горд.
10. Ей хотелось бы плавать немного лучше.
11. Билл пожалел, что колебался, соглашаться ли на эту работу.
12. Ж аль, что ты так застенчив.
13. Они пожалели, что не взяли запасное колесо.
14. Он жалел, что не может принять участие в концерте.
15. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты больше работал.
16. Ж аль, что ты так любопытен.
17. Ж аль, что вы не обратили на это внимание тогда.
18. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы придерживались темы.
19. Я жалею, что предложил эту идею.
20. Мне жаль, что я не могу сказать, что осуществил все свои планы.
21. Он пожалел, что пошел по этой улице.
22. Они пожалели, что не остались за городом еще на неделю.
23. Ему бы хотелось, чтобы она не избегала его.
24. Хоть бы дождь кончился.
25. Ж аль, что вы не приняли это предложение.
26. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы убедили сестру, что она неправа.
27. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мой сын больше интересовался учебой.
Мне бы тогда не приходилось заставлять его учить уроки.
28. Ж аль, что меня не учили иностранному языку с детства.
29. Хотя бы лето скорее пришло. М не надоело носить теплую оде­
30. Ж аль, что ты мне не сообщил, что приезжаешь. Я бы тебя встре­
31. Ж аль, что я отдал Нику свою книгу.
32. М ы ждали его вчера. Ж аль, что он не пришел.
33. Ж аль, что я остался в Москве на лето. Я мог бы поехать отдыхать
с друзьями.
Сослагательное наклонение

Exercise 4 Translate into English using the Subjunctive where appropriate.

Переведите, используя сослагательное наклонение, где необходимо.

1. Очень важно, чтобы вы использовали каждую возможность уп­

ражняться в разговорном английском.
2. Было приказано представить проект к рассмотрению через ме­
3. Странно, что вы не поняли лекцию; она была очень проста.
4. Вам не кажется сомнительным, чтобы она забыла о таком важном
5. Было предложено отложить встречу.
6. Его поразило, что такие вещи еще возможны.
7. Перед тем как переводить текст, рекомендуется сначала прочитать
его до конца.
8. Очень может быть, что первая часть книги готова, но сомнитель­
но, чтобы вся книга была закончена.
9. Невероятно, чтобы они прошли такое расстояние за такое корот­
кое время.
10. Я требую рассмотреть документ сегодня.
11. Сомнительно, что что-нибудь изменится до того, как вы верне­
12. Вас не удивляет, что в том, что на первый взгляд казалось таким
понятным и определенным, так много еще неизвестного и даже зага­
13. Желательно, чтобы ваш доклад обсудили на кафедре, перед тем
как вы его сделаете на конференции.
14. Меня удивляет; что столько внимания было уделено вопросам, ко­
торые, на мой взгляд, несущественны.
15. Почему было так важно, чтобы он присутствовал?

Exercise 5 Use a Subjunctive form with should where appropriate.

Используйте сослагательное наклонение с should, где необходимо.

1. Он потребовал, чтобы ему разрешили поговорить с директором.

2. Требуется, чтобы к резюме было приложено сопроводительное
3. Она попросила, чтобы ей показали ее кабинет.
4. Я только прошу, чтобы меня выслушали.
5. Рекомендуется хранить это лекарство в холодильнике.
6. М ы потребовали, чтобы нам дали выслушать всех очевидцев.
7. Я требую поручить эту работу другому человеку.
8. Он настаивал на том, чтобы самому поехать на завод.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Он настаивает, чтобы документ был подписан немедленно.

10. Я попросил разрешения зайти к ним в выходные.
11. Вы должны были потребовать, чтобы вам показали копию резолю­
12. Он попросил, чтобы ему дали прочитать письмо.
13. Требуется сохранять билет до конца поездки.
14. Было предложено отложить совещание на неделю.
15. Директор распорядился отослать письмо немедленно.
16. Чем предлагаешь заняться?
17. Судья скомандовал остановить матч.
18. Он потребовал отправить груз самолетом.
19. Он приказал разгрузить корабль немедленно.
20. Доктор настаивает, чтобы я ездил на море осенью.
21. Он предложил обсудить этот вопрос на следующем совещании.
22. Он порекомендовал нам поговорить с главным консультантом.
23. Он приказал, чтобы ему докладывали обо всех изменениях.
24. После развода жена потребовала продать дом и поделить деньги.
25. Он потребовал, чтобы ему срочно подогнали пиджак.
26. Я требую разобраться с этим делом.

Translate into English using the Subjunctive Mood where appropriate.

Переведите, используя сослагательное наклонение, где необходимо.

1. Когда ни приду, вы все время работаете.

2. Что я ни скажу, вы все равно будете возражать.
3. Когда бы ты ни пришел, я буду ждать.
4. Кто бы это ни сказал, я не поверю.
5. Чем скорее вы придете, тем раньше все разрешится.
6. Какой бы метод вы ни выбрали, я уверен, он будет честным.
7. Мне все равно, что он скажет.
8. Чем интереснее книга, тем быстрее вы ее прочитаете.
9. Кто бы ни пришел за книгой, он найдет ее здесь.
10. Мне все равно, как вы это сделаете.
11. Как бы он ни старался, он все равно сделает все неправильно.
12. Чем больше вы будете читать, тем скорее научитесь.
13. Неважно, куда вы поедете, с этой машиной у вас не будет про­
14. Где бы я с ним ни встретился, я не буду с ним общаться.
15. Сколько бы это ни стоило, я заплачу.
16. Чем тщательнее вы подготовитесь, тем легче будет сделать эту ра­
Сослагательное наклонение

17. Когда бы это ни случилось, вы не должны падать духом.

18. Неважно, когда он принесет книгу.
19. Сколько бы народу ни пришло, я всем буду рада.
20. Чем раньше вы обратитесь к врачу, тем скорее поправитесь.
21. Сколько бы раз я им ни говорила, они все равно забудут.
22. Ему все равно, что о нем будут говорить.
23. Какой бы странной она ни была, это не помешает вам испытывать
к ней симпатию.
24. Чем дольше вы будете смотреть на картину, тем больше она вам
будет нравиться.
25. Неважно, кому ты об этом скажешь.
26. Что бы вы ни говорили, я не передумаю.
27. Им неважно, кто придет за документами.
28. Что бы с тобой ни случилось, ты не забудешь этого дня.
29. Где бы ты ни оказался, этот платок напомнит тебе о доме.
30. Чем труднее проблема, тем интереснее ее решать.
31. Как бы вы ни прислушивались, вы не услышите ни звука.
32. Чем больше времени вы будете проводить на свежем воздухе, тем
лучше будет ваш аппетит.
33. Что бы вы ни говорили, вы меня не сможете убедить.
34. Чем раньше вы придете, тем скорее мы закончим.
35. Как бы он ни старался, у него ничего не получится.
36. Чем скорее вы обратитесь к врачу, тем легче будет вас вылечить.

Exercise 7 Translate into English using the Subjunctive where appropriate.

Переведите, используя сослагательное наклонение, где необходимо.

1. Пора научиться соблюдать правила уличного движения. Вы води­

те машину не первый год.
2. Давно пора отремонтировать эту комнату. Обои уже выцвели.
3. Уже десятый час. Ребенку давно пора идти спать, а он все еще
смотрит телевизор.
4. М ы считаем, что давно пора обратить внимание на этот вопрос.
5. Не кажется ли вам, что давно пора пообедать? Я уже давно прого­
6. Вам давно пора обратиться к врачу. Если вы будете сами себе про­
писывать лечение, сделаете только хуже.
7. Давно бы пора привыкнуть к его причудам. Они ведь знают его не
первый год.
8. Чего мы ждем? Нам бы пора уже быть в пути.
9. Вам пора выучить формы неправильных глаголов.
10. Не пора ли им прекратить эти шутки? Они меня раздражают.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

11. М ы думаем, что вам пора перейти к практическому применению

приобретенных знаний.
12. Мне кажется, вам пора закончить эту дискуссию. Гости ждут, ког­
да их пригласят за стол.
13. Чего ты ждешь? Давно пора обед готовить.

Exercise 8 Translate into English using the Subjunctive where appropriate.

Переведите, используя сослагательное наклонение, где необходимо.

1. Ж аль, что я не могу дать вам ответ. Если бы я мог дать определен­
ный ответ, я давно бы это сделал.
2. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы вы думали о них плохо. Очень странно,
что они опаздывают. Они обычно пунктуальны.
3. Она выглядит так, словно ее что-то шокировало. И говорит очень
медленно, словно с трудом подбирает слова.
4. Ж аль, что ты не читал этой статьи. Если бы ты ее прочитал, то
смог бы вчера принять участие в ее обсуждении. А нам очень хотелось,
чтобы ты высказал свое мнение.
5. Им, конечно, давно пора помириться. Я предлагаю всем подумать,
что можно сделать, чтобы заставить их объясниться.
6. Если бы вы мне сказали, что дату заседания перенесли, я бы соот­
ветственно изменил свое расписание и мог бы уже сейчас заканчивать
первую часть работы.
7. Он смотрит на всех с удивлением, как будто не понимает, в чем
дело. Наверное, он не знает, что случилось. Предлагаю объяснить ему,
почему мы все здесь собрались.
8. Ж аль, что ты не был здесь раньше. Если бы ты побывал здесь не­
сколько лет назад, то увидел бы только непроходимый лес.
9. Даже если бы я был более осведомлен об этом деле, я бы все равно
колебался, прежде чем ответить на ваш вопрос.
10. Нам так хотелось, чтобы доклад был прочитан на немецком языке.
Если бы мы знали, что он будет делать его по-русски, мы ни за что не
остались бы.
11. Они так хорошо понимают друг друга, будто знают друг друга
много лет. Не правда ли, удивительно, что они так быстро подружи­
12. Даже если бы вы предупредили меня заранее, я вряд ли смог бы
прийти проводить вас.
13. Он очень жалел, что не успел познакомиться с моей семьей. Мне
казалось странным, что ему так хочется встретиться с ними.
14. С чего бы вы начали, если бы вам пришлось организовать драма­
тический кружок?
Сослагательное наклонение

15. Если бы был на свете хоть один человек, который бы полностью

разделял его взгляды!
16. Обидно, что я не увижу ваш спектакль; я к тому времени уже уеду
из Москвы.
17. Я бы на вашем месте не жаловался. Вы сами виноваты в том, что
посылка не была доставлена вовремя.
18. Давно пора вам прекратить этот нелепый спор. Лучше бы я пошел
на пляж один. Мне бы сейчас не пришлось все это слушать.
19. М ы бы все еще шли на ощупь в этой новой области науки, если бы
не блестящее исследование, проведенное группой наших ученых.
20. Прежде всего вам нужно было бы сделать перевод текста, который
ваш преподаватель просмотрел бы и исправил.
21. Никакой нормальный человек не позволил бы себе так поступать,
он даже не допустил бы подобной мысли.
22. Никто не сможет тебе ответить на этот вопрос, к кому бы ты ни
обратился. Тебе необходимо связаться с ведущим специалистом по это­
му вопросу.
23. Нам пора бы действовать, ждать больше нельзя. Чем дольше мы
будем ждать, тем труднее потом будет исправить ситуацию.
24. Моя клиентка выразила пожелание, чтобы ее оперировал доктор
Смит. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы доктор нашел время поговорить со мной.
Я был бы очень благодарен, если вы бы дали мне номер его телефона.
25. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы погостили здесь подольше. Очень важ­
но, чтобы вы успели прочувствовать атмосферу этого места. Чем боль­
ше времени вы здесь проведете, тем больше вам захочется приехать

Модальные глаголы
и сослагательное

Translate into English using the Subjunctive and modal verbs where
Переведите, используя сослагательное наклонение и модальные гла­
голы, где необходимо.

1. Вам следовало бы позвонить Петрову еще раз. Если бы вы

дозвонились ему, он пришел бы на час раньше, и нам не пришлось бы
2. Мальчик, должно быть, выбрал книгу сам. Если бы ему помогли
взрослые, они никогда не посоветовали бы ему взять такую скучную
3. Вашему другу давно следовало бы пойти к врачу. Если бы он про­
шел курс лечения, он бы уже выздоровел.
4. Он, может быть, и попытался доказать ей, что прав, но не сумел.
5. Он вряд ли будет спорить по поводу этого предложения. Если бы
у него были какие-нибудь возражения, он бы выяснил все до обсужде­
6. Делегация может прибыть в любую минуту. Вам следует очень
быстро подготовить все необходимые документы. Если бы я знал об
этом раньше, я бы предупредил вас.
7. Ваш сын, должно быть, занимается уже 5 часов подряд. Вам следу­
ет заставить его погулять. У него может разболеться голова, если он бу­
дет продолжать работать без отдыха.
8. Должно быть, он ничего не знает. Если бы ему сообщили, он бы
уже был здесь и уже связался бы с вами.
9. Возможно, он не знал о собрании. Он бы обязательно пришел.
10. Не нужно было поднимать этого вопроса на собрании. Его можно
было решить спокойно.
11. Вам следует больше работать над произношением. Если бы вы
провели больше времени в фонозале, вы бы добились больших успе-
Модальные глаголы и сослагательное наклонение

Translate into English using the Subjunctive and modal verbs where
Переведите, используя сослагательное наклонение и модальные гла­
голы, где необходимо.

1. М ы бы, возможно, опоздали на теплоход, если бы поехали вечер­

ним поездом. Вовремя ты предложил поехать утром.
2. Я бы ни за что не взял свои слова назад, даже если бы он извинил­
ся передо мной. Тем не менее я бы все же предпочел, чтобы он изви­
3. Может быть, она и была на концерте, но я ее не видел. Даже если
бы я ее увидел, я все равно не стал бы с ней разговаривать.
4. Он не должен быть в это время дома; он, скорее всего, еще на ра­
боте. Если бы он был дома, он бы уже позвонил.
5. Напрасно ты сказала ей об этом. Было бы лучше промолчать.
Странно, что тебе вдруг пришло в голову обсуждать эту тему.
6. Не может быть, чтобы он не слышал о нашем решении, но я все же
скажу ему об этом сама, потому что очень важно, чтобы он пришел.
7. Он, должно быть, не успел еще прочитать книгу или, возможно, не
достал ее. Пора тебе напомнить ему поторопиться.
8. Он просил предупредить, что вам, возможно, придется подождать
еще два-три дня, прежде чем он сможет вас принять. Вам рекомендует­
ся тщательно продумать то, что вы будете говорить.
9. Операция должна была быть сделана десятого, но, ввиду плохого
состояния больного, ее пришлось отложить. Но профессор настаивает
на проведении операции не позднее конца месяца.
10. Незачем вам было этот перевод делать вчера, вы могли бы сделать
это сегодня. Если бы вы не были вчера заняты переводом, вы бы смогли
прочитать эту статью.
11. Странно, что он не приготовил перевод заранее. Он мог бы напи­
сать его на прошлой неделе. Тогда он не оказался бы в неудобном по­
12. Он, должно быть, не готовил перевода заранее. Иначе он обяза­
тельно показал бы его вам. Ж аль, что мы не можем увидеть его вариант.
13. Он, вероятно, не успел подготовить перевод и будет вынужден по­
тратить на него все воскресенье, так как его нужно закончить к началу
следующей недели.
14. Он, вероятно, не успел подготовить перевод и был вынужден по­
тратить на него все выходные, так как его нужно было закончить к на­
чалу прошлой недели.
15. Он, вероятно, не смог закончить перевод или, возможно, не знал,
что его нужно подготовить к началу следующей недели. Иначе он бы
нам сказал.
4 Сборник упражнений по грамматике..
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

16. Зря мы не поехали туда на машине. Не надо было слушать соседей.

М ы бы сэкономили много времени, если бы поехали туда на машине.
17. Эрик пожалел, что рассказал профессору о том, как провел лето.
Ему не следовало быть столь откровенным.
18. Профессору очень хотелось, чтобы его голос звучал приветливее,
но ему это плохо удавалось. Ему казалось важным, чтобы молодой че­
ловек доверял ему.
19. И зачем только он отложил все назначенные встречи именно се­
годня? Мог бы выбрать другой день.
20. Секретарша жалела, что не может услышать, о чем профессор раз­
говаривает с новым сотрудником. Они могли разговаривать об универ­
ситете, но, по всей видимости, профессор рассказывал молодому чело­
веку о его обязанностях.
21. Вам необходимо познакомиться со всеми сотрудниками. Важно
произвести хорошее впечатление.
22. Профессор пожалел, что не спросил нового сотрудника, кто его
рекомендовал. Это, скорее всего, был кто-то из его коллег.
23. Собрание могло уже закончиться. Подождем здесь, он может ско­
ро прийти. — Вряд ли. Если бы собрание закончилось, он бы уже был
24. Петя, наверное, заболел, иначе он бы уже был в театре, он никогда
не приходит в последний момент.
25. Она должна была прийти полчаса назад. Наверное, она забыла. —
Не может быть, чтобы она забыла о концерте, это совсем на нее не по­
26. Хотела бы я знать, где она достала эту старую книгу. — Она, навер­
ное, взяла ее в нашей библиотеке. — Не могла она взять ее в нашей
библиотеке. Там только один экземпляр, и его уже взяла Марина. —
Ну, возможно, она взяла ее в другой библиотеке.
Неличные формы глагола

Analyze the sentences. State the form and function of the underlined
word in each sentence.
Проанализируйте предложения. Укажите форму и функцию подчер­
кнутого слова в каждом предложении.

1. It is difficult to understand him.

2. This is the best way to understand him.
3. He showed deep understanding of the poem.
4. There is no hope of understanding him.
5. He was the first to come.
6 .1 saw him going down the street.
7. He left without saving a word.
8. On coming home he rang up his friend.
9. He insisted on coming to see us.
10. Birds announced the coming of spring.
11. He got up to ask a question.
12. He was happy to be invited.
13. I ’ll show you the way to do it.
14. It was difficult to answer the question.
15. The duty of a postman is to deliver mail.
16. She lay on the sofa reading a book.
17. He is fond of reading.
18. He nodded without raising his hat.
19. He liked the idea of going there.
20. He had to go there alone.
21. He waited for the clock to strike.
22. The best way to get ready for your exam is togo over your notes again.

State the form and function of theInfinitive in each sentence.

Определите форму и функцию инфинитива в каждом предложении.

1. Не seems to be saying something, but I can't hear a word.

2 .1 felt that to show him the letter would only pain him uselessly.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. I'm happy to have met you.

4. We were sorry to find out that the Museum was closed.
5. We did not expect him to return so soon.
6. He suddenly got worse and had to be operated on at once.
7. He was sorry to have missed so many lectures.
8. She must have gone there yesterday.
9. She was to have gone there yesterday.
10. You should have seen the doctor at once.
11. They were happy to be left alone.
12. He may be studying in the reading-room.
13. Could you give me a book to read?
14. He had to leave at once.
15. He was the first to come to the finish.
16. He can't have said it.
17. He was the only one not to change his opinion.
18. You ought to be doing your homework.
19. He seems to know what he is talking about.
20. The letter was to be sent at once.
21. This problem should have been solved a long time ago.
22. This is a chance not to be missed.

Translate into English using the Infinitive as in the model.

Переведите, используя инфинитив, как в приведенной модели.

M odel: Не expected the problem to be solved at once.

He asked to see the letter.
1. Мой друг попросил, чтобы ему разрешили съездить в Киев на два
2. Инженер хотел, чтобы ему показали весь завод.
3. Никто не хочет чтобы его наказывали.
4. М альчик не хотел, чтобы его хвалили в присутствии других учени­
5. Он не хотел, чтобы над ним смеялись.
6. Он ожидал, что его узнают.
7. Я требую, чтобы мне дали эту работу.
8. Он попросил, чтобы его не беспокоили.
9. Всем хотелось, чтобы конференция была проведена как можно
10. Он рад, что ему помогают в работе.
11. Я рассчитываю, что телеграмма будет послана немедленно.
12. Я предложила бабушке отдохнуть и вызвалась сама сходить в ма­
Неличные формы глагола

) § § Combi ne the following sentences to use Infinitives as attributes.

Соедините следующие пары предложений, чтобы употребить инфини­
тив в качестве определения.

а) Can you lend me an English book?
б) I want to read it.
Can you give me an English book to read?

1. This is an interesting subject. You can make a talk on it.

2. This is a good film. You can see it.
3.This is an interesting fact. Why not mention it in your talk?
4. This is the man. You can rely on him.
5. This is an inconvenient moment. You must not ring him up.
6. My friend was the first. He raised this question.
7. He is the only one. He has given up smoking.
8. He wants to be next. He will make a talk about the book he has read.
9. He was the only one. He mentioned this fact.
10. He was the last. He changed his opinion about the matter.
11. He was the second. He came to the finish.

:||f||l€tse'5 Translate into English paying attention to the Infinitive as adverbial

modifier of the consecutive action.
Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции обстоятель­
ства последующего действия.

1. Он вернулся на родину и никогда более ее не покидал.

2. Он уехал в Африку и умер там от малярии.
3. После выхода поэмы «Чайльд Гарольд» Байрон записал в дневни­
ке, что проснулся утром и обнаружил, что знаменит.
4. Он вышел на палубу, и ему сказали, что корабль скоро прибудет в
5. Они услышали голос, посмотрели вверх и увидели женскую голо­
ву в маленьком окне под крышей.
6. Он вышел на улицу и обнаружил, что совершенно один.
7. Я вошел в комнату и увидел, что они вместе рассматривают се­
мейные фотографии.
8. Она приехала в гостиницу и узнала, что ей пришла телеграмма.
9. Он повернулся и увидел, как они уходят.
10. Он уехал из города, и его больше не видели.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Paraphrase the following using the verb in the brackets and an In­
finitive construction.
Перефразируйте, используя инфинитивную конструкцию после глаго­
ла в скобках.

1. This part of land was under the sea (to believe).

2. Our ways never crossed (to happen).
3. His flat was a one-room affair (to turn out).
4. My fears were groundless (to prove).
5. Hardly anybody noticed his departure (to appear).
6. The truth will come out (to be sure).
7. The answer will not please him (to be likely).
8. The man’s mind was working with extraordinary freedom (to seem).
9. The events would be much commented on in the press (to be certain).
10. He is the best candidate for the post (to consider).

Paraphrase the following using Infinitive constructions.

Перефразируйте предложения, используя инфинитивные конструк­

1. It was announced that the Spanish dancers were arriving next week.
2. It is expected that the performance will be a success.
3. It is said that this book is popular with both old and young.
4. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown author.
5. It is supposed that the playwright is working on a new comedy.
6. It was understood that the parties had come to an agreement.
7. It is reported that the flood has not caused much damage to the crops.
8. It has been discovered that mineral water is very good for the liver.
9. It seems they know all about it.
10. It seems they have not heard about it.
11. It seemed that the discussion was coming to an end.
12. It seems that you don't approve of the idea.
13. It seemed that the house had not been lived in for a long time.
14. It appeared that he was losing patience.
15. It appeared that he had not heard what had been said.
16. It so happened that I overheard their conversation.
17. It proves that my prediction was correct.
18. It turned out that the language of the article was quite easy.
19. It is likely that the article will appear in the next issue of the journal.
20. It is not very likely that he should change his opinion.
21. It was certain that they would come to an understanding.
22. It seemed unlikely that questions of the kind should crop up.
Неличные формы глагола

23. We are sure that everything will turn out all right.
24. No doubt he noticed it.
25.1 am certain that the treatment will help you.
26. It is likely that we will have a lot of snow this winter.

Exercise 8 Translate into English.


1. Тебе наверняка понравится эта пьеса.

2. Он, кажется, начинает сердиться.
3. Такое ощущение, что этот человек знает все европейские языки.
Говорят, что он выучил их во время путешествий.
4. Они, конечно, сделают все, что смогут.
5. Сообщалось, что река вышла из берегов и продвигается по на­
правлению к городу.
6. Похоже, ты ищешь неприятностей на свою голову.
7. Кажется, дождь не прекращается все время, пока мы здесь.
8. Говорят, комиссия пересмотрела программу и сейчас разрабаты­
вает план ее реализации.
9. Казалось, мужчина изучает меня, и мне было неловко в его при­
10. Считают, что он потратил десять лет на перевод этой книги.
11. Книга считалась утерянной, пока библиотекарь случайно не на­
ткнулся на нее во время инвентаризации.
12. В результате испытаний оказалось, что сопротивление металла
было переоценено проектировщиком.
13. Главный инженер заявил, что с самого начала предупреждал, что
этот материал использовать нельзя.
14. Известно, что Ж уковский был прекрасным педагогом и лектором.
15. Говорят, что экспедиция собрала очень интересный материал о
природных богатствах этого района.
16. Сообщалось, что в этот район послана большая группа строите­
17. Предполагается, что в этом месте будет построен новый город.
18. Оказалось, что мы уже когда-то встречались.
19. Никто не ожидал, что холода наступят так рано.
20. Условия работы оказались более трудными, чем мы ожидали.
21. Вам, кажется, не нравится его предложение?
22. Сообщается, что температура в мае была значительно ниже, чем в
прошлом году.
23. Вы случайно не знаете этого человека?
24. Вряд ли он станет делать что-нибудь, чего он не хочет.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

25. У нас оказалось много общих знакомых.

26. Я случайно оказался в Ялте, когда открывали памятник Чехову.
27. Ничто, казалось, не нарушало тишину.
28. Он знал, что его обязательно об этом спросят.
29. Телеграмма непременно будет доставлена завтра утром.
30. Вряд ли он об этом что-нибудь знает.
31. Он наверняка все перепутает.
32. Похоже у вас вряд ли возникнут затруднения.
33. Это предложение скорее всего его заинтересует.

Exercise 9 State the form and function of the Gerund in the following sentences.
Определите форму и функции герундия в следующих предложениях.

1. Choosing a present for the boy was not easy.

2. On seeing the funny toy, the child burst out laughing.
3. They finished discussing the matter at 10.
4. He was blamed for not having helped his friend.
5. He doesn’t like praising people too often.
6. He doesn’t like being praised.
7. A lot depends on his turning up in time.
8. He was accused of stealing the money.
9. Everybody objects to the meeting being cancelled.
10. He has stopped smoking.
11. W h y don’t you do the work properly without being reminded?
12.1 don’t feel like bathing today.
13.1 have no hope of ever returning to this place.
14. Read the theory before doing the exercise.
15.1 don’t mind being asked about it.

Exercise 10 Paraphrase the sentences according to the model.

Переделайте предложения в соответствии с приведенной моделью.

The TV-set must be repaired.
The TV-set needs repairing.

1. Must the tooth really be stopped?

2. His hair must be cut.
3. Is it necessary to have the boots mended?
4. What else must be repaired?
5. Your suit must be pressed.
6. His clothes must be cleaned.
Неличные формы глагола

7. The floor is dirty, it must be washed.

8. The house must be painted.
9. The book must be bound.
10. The walls have to be repapered.

Exercise 11 Complete the sentences using Gerunds or Infinitives.

Закончите предложения, используя герундий или инфинитив.

1. Does he prefer (кататься на коньках или лыжах)?

2 .1would rather (поговорить с ним лично).
3. Did you enjoy (смотреть игру)?
4. Не made a note in his diary not to forget (купить газету).
5. He is in the habit of (вставать рано).
6. Excuse me for (прервать вас).
7. It will be a pleasure (познакомиться с вашим братом).
8. Is the film worth (смотреть)?
9. We can't afford (купить) such an expensive piece of furniture.
10. Has he finished (работать)?
11.1 remember (что разговаривал с ним).
12.1regret (сказать) that I won't be coming.
13. He dreams of (поехать в Африку).
14. Did you remember (позвонить секретарю)?
15. The translation needs (редактировать).
16. My friend is thinking of (продать дом).
17. We discussed the budget and then went on (обсудить) the sales.
18. Your son looks forward to (встретить этого человека), doesn't he?
19. We used (дружить) when at school.
20. You are fond of (читать), aren't you?
21. Who is responsible for (украшать зал)?
22.1am used to (чтобы меня уважали).
23. If everything else fails, try (читать) the instruction.
24. I'll try (починить) your car tomorrow.
25. We are tired of (нам говорят одно и то же).
26. Do any of you feel like (пойти в кино)?
27. He stopped (курить) a week ago.
28. Why does he avoid (чтобы его видели)?
29. She went for a walk instead of (делать уроки).
30. We must stop (заправиться).
31. He went away without (посмотреть на меня).
32. What else did you do besides (смотреть телевизор)?
33. He put off (поехать в отпуск) because he was too busy.
34. Do you have any objections to (чтобы вам рассказали эту историю)?
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

35.1tried (поменять) the wheel, but my hands were too cold.

36. He objected to (быть посланным в командировку).
37.1don't mind (чтобы мне говорили, что делать).
38. What's your idea of (организовать эту встречу)?
39. Не tried (посылать) her flowers and (писать) her letters, but it had no ef­

Translate into English using Gerunds or Infinitives.

Переведите, используя герундий или инфинитив.

1. Когда ты закончишь читать эту книгу?

2. Дождь только что кончился.
3. Он продолжал читать, не глядя на меня.
4. Он избегал смотреть мне в лицо.
5. Что вы предлагаете сделать?
6. Вы не забыли сделать то, о чем я вас просил?
7. Я ничего не имею против того, чтобы поговорить с ним.
8. Ему нравится играть в шахматы.
9. Она предпочитает ходить туда пешком.
10. Я забыл, одалживал ли я кому-то свой словарь.
11. Ботинки нуждаются в ремонте.
12. Видя наши затруднения, он предложил нам помочь.
13. Ты помнишь, говорил ли ты с ней об этой проблеме?
14. Он не мог удержаться от смеха, вспомнив шутку.
15. Сказав несколько слов об истории страны, лектор перешел к ана­
лизу ее экономического положения.
16. Он упомянул, что отослал одно письмо.
17. Сообщаю вам с сожалением, что вы не сдали экзамен.
18. Она настаивала на том, чтобы поговорить со мной немедленно.
19. Он сказал, что бросил курить.
20. Я с нетерпением жду поездки к морю.
21. Они подумывают о том, чтобы продать дом.
22. Ей трудно сдерживать себя.
23. Он привык жить один.
24. М ы раньше жили в пригороде, а теперь переехали в центр.
25. Я мечтаю стать писателем.
26. Я потребовал, чтобы меня связали с директором.
27. У него есть привычка звонить поздно.
28. Он вышел, не надев шляпы.
29. Он откладывал написание письма, так как не знал, о чем писать.
30. Случай оказался трудным, и врач предложил созвать консилиум.
31. Вместо того чтобы написать, он позвонил по телефону.
Неличные формы глагола

32. Они предполагают выехать через две недели.

33. Спасибо, что вы пришли.
34. Не забудь запереть дверь перед тем, как уйдешь.
35. Он предложил поехать за город.
36. Болезнь помешала ей уехать.
37. Он вошел не постучавшись.
38. У нас нет надежды вновь увидеть его.
39. Сунув руку в карман, он обнаружил там письмо, которое он забыл
40. Его искусство не могло не вызывать восхищения.
41. Прочитав первые строки, я вспомнил, что где-то уже читал этот
42. Кто бы ни видел его картины, не мог не восхищаться его искусст­
43. Экскурсовод предложил начать осмотр выставки с автобусной эк­
скурсии по ее территории.
44. Во второй главе автор продолжает описывать экономическое по­
ложение страны.

Use the appropriate form of the participle.

Употребите нужную форму причастия.

1. Не said that the people (ожидающие врача) had been sitting here for a
long time.
2. The person (ожидавший вас) has just gone.
3.The man (стоящий у входа) was our teacher last year.
4. Ask the policeman (стоящий на углу) for directions.
5. We went up to the man (стоявшему на углу) and asked him the way.
6 .1 didn't see in what direction the man (стоявший здесь) went.
7. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the witness left the box.
8. He wants to write a book (подытоживающую) his impressions of the trip.
9. (Постучав дважды и не получив ответа) he decided that there was no­
body in.
10. The conference (проводимая сейчас) at the University is devoted to envi­
ronmental problems.
11. We were unable to attend the conference (проводившуюся тогда) at the
12. (Толкнув дверь) he felt that it was not locked, and (открыв ее) he looked
13.1 felt very tired (проработав целый день) in the sun.
14. Each time (рассказывая об этом случае) he could not help a smile.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

15. A new power plant (снабжающая электричеством) a number of industrial

regions was built here a couple of years ago.
16. (Уронив монету на пол) he did not care to look for it in the darkness and
took another one.
17. (Подняв трубку) he began to dial the number.
18. They stood (у заправлявшейся машины) (глядя на) the meter.
19. (Приехав сюда) only a few years before he knew those parts as if he had
always lived there.
20. (Тихо закрыв за собой дверь) he tiptoed into the room.
21. Suddenly I heard the sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the lock.
22. The flowers have faded (так как их долгое время держали без воды).
23. The sight of (накрываемого стола) made my mouth water.
24. (Когда их поставили в воду) the flowers opened their petals.
25. (Приехав в гостиницу) she found a telegram awaiting her.
26. Here are some samples of the products of this plant (посылаемые) to dif­
ferent parts of the country.
27. These are samples of products (посланных) last month.
28. Here are samples of products of the plants (посылавших) us machinery.
29. These are samples of products (посылавшихся) before the restoration of
the plant.

Exercise 14 Replace the infinitives in brackets by appropriate participles or

Замените инфинитивы в скобках нужными формами причастия или

1. (to reject) by the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for
2. (to reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a weekly
3. (to wait) for some time in the reception room, he was asked into the office.
4. (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would say when
he was asked into the office.
5. They reached the peak at dusk, (to leave) their camp with the first light.
6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp, (to leave) it at dawn.
7. The friends went out into the city (to leave) their cases at the left luggage
8. (to write) and (to leave) a note with the porter, he said he would be back in
a half-hour.
9. (to write) in an archaic language, the book was difficult to read.
10. (to write) his first book, he could not go far beyond his own experience.
11. (to be) away so long he was happy to be coming back.
Неличные формы глагола
___ ____ Л --

12. (to be so far away) he still felt himself part of the community.
13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see) such a
huge animal.
14. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed the con­
15. (to read) the telegram twice, he realized that the matter needed immediate
16. When (to fill in) a form, you must write your name and address clearly.
17. (to make) great progress by the end of the school year he was able to start
(to read) books in the original.
18. "Don't lose your things, little boy," said a man (to pick up) the gloves (to
drop) by the boy.
19. (to be) fond of music, my brother never misses an opportunity (to go) to a
good concert.
20. (to walk) about the town for some time, he went up to a man and asked to
be directed to the main square.
21.1 thought I had lost my bag and was therefore grateful to the man (to bring)
it back to me.
22.1had never realized what a talented writer he was until I saw his play (to
stage) in a Moscow theatre.
23. The man (to make) the opening speech at the exhibition yesterday is a well-
known painter.

Exercise 15 Translate into English paying attention to the form of the Participle.
Переведите, обращая внимание на форму причастия.

1. Взяв лист бумаги, он начал писать письмо товарищу, уехавшему в

2. Письмо состояло из нескольких строк, написанных карандашом.
3. Женщина, открывшая нам дверь, была служанкой.
4. Путешественники увидели одинокую фигуру, стоящую на берегу.
5. Вот новые книги, присланные для нашей библиотеки.
6. Увидев товарищей, пришедших проводить его, он подошел к ним.
7. Она открыла книгу, подаренную ей в день рождения.
8. Держа ребенка за руку, женщина вошла в дом.
9. Имя человека, написавшего это стихотворение, неизвестно.
10. Услышав шум, хозяин, спавший наверху, начал стрелять.
11. Проходя мимо витрины, он обратил внимание на картину, вы ­
ставленную там.
12. Пьеса, которая сейчас исполняется, очень популярна.
13. Ребенок, напуганный шумом, заплакал.'
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

14. Письмо, лежавшее на столе, было адресовано хозяину дома. 15.

Я собираюсь встретиться с человеком, позвонившим мне вчера и при­
гласившим на концерт.

Use not or without as appropriate.

Вставьте NOT или WITHOUT в соответствии со смыслом предложения.

1. — speaking the language, he was questioned through an interpreter.

2. She never did a thing — asking somebody's advice.
3.The man was holding forth — paying attention to the attempts to interrupt
4 .1left him alone — wanting to distract him from his work.
5. — having recognized me, she passed by — answering my nod.
6. The girl looked innocently about her, — realizing what the joke was.
7. They could not see each other — immediately losing their temper.
8. — waiting for an answer, he turned round and went out.
9 .1tried to catch his eye, but he sat motionless — looking in my direction.
10. They jumped at the proposition — thinking of consequences.
11.The wind had been blowing for many days — seeming to stop.
12. The young man asked me all sorts of questions — concealing his curiosity.
13.1 stood motionless, — believing my eyes.
14. He never signed a paper — having thoroughly read it through.
15. The door stood ajar and we entered — knocking.

17 Use a Gerund with a preposition or a negative Participle to translate

the sentences below.
Переведите предложения, употребляя герундий с предлогом или от­
рицательное причастие.

1. He занимаясь этим делом лично, инженер не смог дать ответа на

наш вопрос.
2. Мой друг ушел, не оставив мне записки.
3. Он вышел, не желая принимать участие в обсуждении этого во­
4. Он взял эту книгу, не спросив разрешения.
5. Не приняв вовремя нужных мер, мы были вынуждены отменить
6. Почему вы отвергли предложение, не обсудив его должным обра­
7. Не посмотрев расписания, мы не знали, когда отходит поезд.
8. Он положил трубку, так и не назначив встречу.
9. Ученый умер, не зная, что сделал важное открытие.
Неличные формы глагола

10. Не прочитав нужную литературу, он не смог ответить на вопрос

11. Он осторожно поднял стакан, не пролив ни капли.
12. Она сидела молча, не глядя в мою сторону.
13. Не дожидаясь ответа, он встал и вышел из комнаты.
14. Она знала, хотя ей ничего не говорили.

Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive or participle of the verb

in brackets.
Раскройте скобки, образуя нужную форму инфинитива или причастия.

1. Не could not help a smile (to remember) the incident.

2. She strained her memory (to remember) the date.
3. He reached out a hand (to switch on) the light.
4. He went to the table (to switch on) the light on the way.
5. There is a road (to connect) the two villages.
6. A canal was built (to connect) the two rivers.
7. He received a letter (to inform) him of their new address.
8. They sent him a letter (to inform) him of their new address.
9. They tried many other methods, finally (to return) to the initial one.
10. We have tried many other methods, only (to return) to the initial one.
11. There is a man (to wait) for you.
12. There is a man (to see) you.
13. He shaded his eyes with his hand (to protect) them from the sun.
14. She opened the drawer only (to find) it empty.
15. (to find) the room empty, she stopped in the doorway not (to know) what
to do.
16. He is not a man (to move) by tears.
17. He sat silently for a while (to move) by the story.
18. (to see) from afar, a beacon must be high and powerful.
19. (to see) from afar, the beacon was an unfailing guide for ships at sea.

Translate into English.


1. Сильно простудившись, он вынужден был пропустить несколько

2. Потеряв квитанцию, он не смог получить посылку.
3. Наклеив марку на конверт, он пошел отправить письмо.
4. М альчик боялся идти в библиотеку, потому что не вернул книги
5. Прибыв в город, путешественники отправились в гостиницу.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

6. Он не согласился пойти с нами в театр, сказав, что занят.

7. Опоздав на 10-часовой поезд, он был вынужден послать телеграм­
му друзьям, которые его ждали.
8. Просмотрев журналы, он вернул их библиотекарю.
9. Придя домой, он позвонил сестре.
10. Подумав, что письмо срочное, секретарь решила отправить его
11. Попрощавшись со всеми, он вышел из комнаты.
12. Услышав, что ее сестра не сможет приехать к ней, Анна очень рас­
13. Молодой человек, написавший эту комедию, — автор нескольких
интересных пьес.
14. Информация, собранная экспедицией, была отослана в институт
15. Я никогда не слышал об актрисе, сыгравшей главную роль в этом
16. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы посмотрели картины, написанные
этим молодым художником.
17. Они собираются играть с командой, выигравшей первенство в
прошлом году.
18. Я давно знаю инженера, сделавшего вчера в клубе доклад.
19. Получив телеграмму, он поехал на станцию.

Translate into English.


1. Преподаватель выписал все ошибки, сделанные студентами в по­

следней контрольной работе, и предложил им несколько упражнений
для тренировки забытых студентами грамматических правил.
2. Гуляя на днях по парку, я очутился в совершенно незнакомом ме­
3. Сдавая тетрадь, ученик сказал, что не закончил последнее упраж­
нение и обещал сделать его к следующему уроку.
4. Увидев, что собирается дождь, мать велела детям идти домой.
5. Пропустив два урока, студент с трудом понимал объяснения пре­
6. Услышав голос этого человека, я подумал, что знаю его, но, подой­
дя ближе, я понял, что ошибся.
7. Романы, написанные этим писателем в последнее время, пользу­
ются большой популярностью.
8. Выиграв первенство университета, команда продолжила трени­
Неличные формы глагола

9. Я не сомневаюсь, что сведения, полученные с утренней почтой,

будут интересны для всех.
10. Женщина была очень благодарна полицейскому, спасшему жизнь
ее ребенку.
11. Приехав на вокзал, Петр купил билет и, видя, что у него достаточ­
но времени, пошел посмотреть на новый театр, строящийся недалеко
от вокзала.
12. Вы видите высокого человека, стоящего у окна? Это известный
актер. Хотите, я вас познакомлю?
13. Сыграв две партии в шахматы, он поднялся, чтобы уйти, сказав,
что чувствует себя усталым.
14. Студентов, сделавших интересные доклады на занятии, пригласи­
ли принять участие в конференции.
15. Когда я вошел в комнату, я увидел двух людей, споривших друг с
16. Этот писатель — автор нескольких книг о людях, посвятивших
свою жизнь науке.
17. В объявлении сказано, что человека, потерявшего перчатки, про­
сят зайти в комнату 423.
18. Инженер, сделавший это изобретение, приедет на наш завод
19. Поскольку директор был занят, он не смог проследить за этим
20. Студенты исправили все указанные преподавателем ошибки.
21. Я не могу понять смысла письма, которое мне диктуют.
22. Не зная языка, на котором была написана книга, я не могла ей
23. Товары, рекламируемые в этом журнале, представляют интерес
для многих покупателей.
24. Прочитав часть работы, профессор решил отложить ее на несколь­
ко дней, так как некоторые пункты требовали разъяснения.
25. Узнав, что мальчик отказался принять участие в любительском
спектакле, учительница решила поговорить с ним.
26. Распределив работу между студентами, преподаватель приступил
к обсуждению доклада, сделанного накануне.

Translate the phrases in Russian with the help of infinitives, gerunds

or participles. Supply prepositions where necessary.
Переведите фразы на русском языке с помощью инфинитивов, ге­
рундиев или причастий. Добавьте предлоги, где необходимо.

1. Не settled in his new home (и никогда больше не покидал его)

2. (Обосновавшись на новом месте), he never wished to leave it.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. They prided themselves (что первыми выдвинули эту теорию).

4. We counted (что застанем его на месте).
5.1 cannot recall (чтобы меня с ним знакомили). I don't even remember (что
видел его).
6. Не turned round (с удивленным видом).
7. Не turned round (чтобы увидеть, кто пришел).
8. That will be the greatest discovery (которое когда-либо сделает человек).
9. Не could not get used (что его называют дедушкой).
10. She was quite unconscious (что пришла в неудачный момент).
11. Excuse me (что я вошел не постучав).
12. That was the greatest discovery (когда-либо сделанное человеком).
13. There are a lot of people here (которые смогут нам помочь).
14. We have many people (которые нам помогают).
15. I'm really ashamed (что так давно вам не писал).
16. Не is upset (что ему приходится начинать все сначала).
17. She denied (что обещала что-либо подобное).
18. She had her jewels valued (и узнала, что они не имеют никакой ценности).
19. She was devastated, (узнав), that her jewels were worthless.
20. He must be a great authority on the subject (раз он написал об этом
21. Не was a great authority on the subject (проработав) in the field for so
many years.
22. We hope he succeeds (найти свое место в жизни).
23. Why do you avoid (называть вещи своими именами)?
24. There are twenty more delegates (которые должны прибыть на конфе­
25. How many rooms have been reserved for the delegates (прибывающих на
26. These rooms are occupied by the delegates (прибывшими на конфе­
27. This is a wisdom (которая приобретается с опытом).
28. His was a wisdom (приобретенная в опыте).

Paraphrase the situations using non-finite forms of the verb.

Перефразируйте ситуации, используя неличные формы глагола.

1. Не tore the envelope open and took out the enclosed letter. He turned it
several times in his hand and put it back unread.
2. When he received the information, he immediately went down the hall and
rang up his wife.
3. We took a cab: we wished to be among the first who would greet the
Неличные формы глагола
«. -

4. We arrived at the party, we found everybody gathered.

5. He wanted me to speak in public; he insisted on it.
6. He had studied every exhibit on display. He now felt he knew what should
be done to improve the layout.
7. He poured out the wine clumsily and spilt some of it on the table cloth.
8.1have not stayed in the country long enough. I haven't learned the customs
of the people.
9 .1hope you will remember this. You won't make me remind you.
10. They did not wish to meet anybody; they went round the house to the back
11. Every other minute he would push up his sleeve and look at his watch.
12. When he saw me in this dress he burst out laughing. He couldn't help it.
13. You will not make a good recovery if you don't take regular treatment.
14. When I was examining the post mark, I noticed that the letter had been
sent a week before.
15. He went on reading, he did not answer. It seemed he had not heard my
16. The man registered new arrivals, that was his job.
17. He did not suspect a trap. He readily accepted the offer.
18. When he arrived at the gallery, he paid the entrance fee, picked up a cata­
logue and went in.
19. As they had been promised assistance, they felt more confident.
20. After he was shown in, he was asked to wait for a while.
21 .They started the construction of the dam early in the spring and completed
it before cold weather set in.
22. He lit a cigarette, leaned against the porch rail and looked out at the trees
and the rain that was pouring down steadily and monotonously.
23. When she was walking down the steps, she suddenly stopped as she re­
membered that she had left the gas burning.
24. He was standing at the counter and hesitating as he did not know what to
25. After they had finalized the program, they proceeded to the discussion of
the items that dealt with financial matters.
26. He knows the language better than a foreigner usually does, for he has
been living in the country for a long time.
27. Though he had lived there a long time, he knew very few people in the
28. After they had finished the translation, the students were allowed out of
the room for a while.
29. As they had not bought tickets in advance, they had to go to the theatre
long before the show started.
Неличные формы глагола

16. Только он заметил ошибку.

17. Газетные заголовки иногда очень трудно переводить.
18. Выйдя на сцену, молодая актриса не смогла преодолеть страх, ов­
ладевший ею.
19. Прочитав чужую записку, она решила извлечь из нее пользу.
20. Он прихрамывая пошел к лошади.
21. Переодевшись в костюм цыганки, хозяин хотел подшутить над го­
22. После того, как свидетелей допросили, им разрешили покинуть
23. Когда подсудимого допрашивали, он пытался казаться спокой­
ным, но это ему плохо удавалось.
24. Человек, принесший ей письмо от мужа, хотел поговорить с ней
25. Брошь, украденная у меня год назад, оказалась в ее сумке.
26. Взглянув на записку, лежащую на столе, она тут же узнала почерк
27. Проводив отца до машины, я вернулся в дом.
28. Она ушла к себе в комнату, попросив не беспокоить ее.
29. Летчик, вышедший из самолета, выглядел очень усталым.
30. Они замолчали, исчерпав все возможные темы для разговора.
31. Дым, наполнивший комнату, помешал моему противнику сразу
меня заметить.
32. В это время офицер, сидевший в углу комнаты, встал и медленно
подошел к столу, окинув всех взглядом.
33. Знавшие его люди жалели, что он так рано умер.
34. М ы посетили бывшую усадьбу Толстого, ныне ставшую музеем.
35. Мальчик, потерявший родителей, был помещен в детский дом.

Exercise 1 Translate Into English.


1. Джордж, должно быть, забыл завести часы, когда ложился спать,

потому что, когда он проснулся среди ночи и взглянул на часы, они
показывали без четверти девять. «Я должен был встать час тому назад.
Я не мог проспать так долго!» — подумал Джордж. Ему даже в голову
не пришло, что часы могли остановиться.
2. Миссис Холл вздрогнула, услышав громкий стук в дверь. Часы
только что пробили полночь, и она не ожидала, что кто-нибудь прие­
дет в гостиницу в такой поздний час. Она была ошеломлена, когда уви­
дела незнакомца, закутанного с ног до головы. Незнакомец извинился
за поздний визит и сказал, что не пришел бы в такой поздний час, если
бы поезд не опоздал.
3. Незнакомец несколько часов работал в своей комнате, когда уви­
дел, как дверь открывается сама по себе и в комнату входит человек,
очень похожий на него самого. «Кто это может быть? Мне же не может
это сниться!» — подумал незнакомец.
4. Миссис Холл вошла в комнату незнакомца и потребовала, чтобы он
заплатил по счетам. Он заставляет ее ждать своих денег слишком долго.
Незнакомец, видимо, вышел из себя, потому что топнул ногой и вос­
кликнул, что он никому не позволит говорить с ним в такой манере.
Миссис Холл пожалела, что открыла ему дверь, когда он только приехал.
5. После смерти родителей Джейн стала жить в доме м-ра Рида, бра­
та ее матери. Какой одинокой чувствовала себя девочка! Миссис Рид
была жестокой женщиной. Она ненавидела Джейн и часто наказывала
ее. Если бы тетка могла, она отправила бы Джейн в приют. Но м-р Рид
перед смертью запретил ей это делать.
6. После смерти м-ра Рида, брата ее матери, жизнь девочки стала еще
тяжелей. Она боялась тетки, когда дядя был жив. Теперь она боялась ее
еще больше.
7. Джейн не ожидала, что тетка накажет ее так жестоко. Если бы она
об этом знала, она ушла бы из дома. В тот день, когда это случилось,
было темно. Шел дождь, был густой туман.

8. Однажды холодным дождливым утром тетка заперла Джейн в

комнате, где никто не жил после смерти м-ра Рида. В последние не­
сколько недель в комнату вообще никто не заходил, поэтому в ней ни­
когда не топили.
9. Джейн стояла и смотрела в окно. Она видела, как дети идут в шко­
лу, но она не могла пойти вместе с ними. Ей не разрешили учиться в
школе, и бедная девочка чувствовала себя очень несчастной.
10. Девочка подошла к двери и начала кричать и стучать. Но за две­
рью никого не было. Джейн села на стул посреди комнаты и тихонько
заплакала. Она никогда раньше не заходила в эту темную холодную
комнату. А теперь ее здесь заперли, и неизвестно, сколько ей придется
здесь просидеть. «Что мне делать? — подумала Джейн. — Как мне вы ­
браться отсюда?» Она сидела в комнате уже около часа и начала замер­
11. В тот вечер, когда должен был состояться спектакль, отец был за­
нят. Он только что вернулся из командировки и должен был просмо­
треть кое-какие документы.
12. Сколько еще времени тебе понадобится, чтобы закончить рабо­
ту? — Я заканчиваю. Я бы закончил ее час назад, если бы здесь не было
так шумно.
13. После смерти родителей Роберту пришлось жить в доме у прабаб­
ки, которая была недоброй женщиной. В доме прабабки Роберт чувст­
вовал себя очень одиноким. Раньше у него были дом и семья, а теперь
ему приходилось самому о себе заботиться.
14. В тот день, когда Роберту нужно было идти в школу, прабабка за­
ставила его надеть новый костюм, который она сшила из старой што­
ры. Роберт был уверен, что, если он наденет костюм, над ним будут сме­
яться. Как выглядел новый костюм Роберта? Как Роберт выглядел в
новом костюме?
15. Ты сделала домашнюю работу? Дай мне взглянуть на упражнения.
Я не уверена, что сделала их правильно. — Не нужно было делать эти
упражнения дома. М ы делали их в классе. Нам нужно было прочитать
текст и приготовить к нему вопросы.
16. Ты плохо выглядишь в последнее время. Как ты себя чувству­
ешь? — Я был болен, но теперь все в порядке. Правда, я все еще прохо­
ж у лечение. Я езжу к врачу каждую пятницу. В этот день у нас занятия
заканчиваются в 11 утра. — А в какие еще дни ваши занятия кончаются
в 11?
17. Где моя одежда? Я оставил ее вчера здесь на стуле. Ты ее не ви­
дел? — Вот твоя одежда. Я убрал ее в шкаф. Возьми ее и положи туда,
где она должна лежать.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

18. Джон не торопился попасть домой, потому что все вечера в его
семье были похожи друг на друга. Он приходил домой, Кейти встреча­
ла его поцелуем, потом они обедали, потом Джон читал газеты.
19. В тот вечер Джон не мог не удивиться, когда нашел квартиру в
беспорядке. «Хорошо бы Кейти не забывала убирать квартиру перед
уходом», — подумал он с раздражением. Однако ему ничего не остава­
лось, как попытаться прибрать квартиру самому.

Exercise 2 Translate Into English.


1. Почему у тебя такой печальный вид? Что-нибудь случилось?

2. Вчера я слышал, как они пели в концерте. Они поют сейчас намного
лучше, чем раньше. Тот номер, что я слышал вчера, самый лучший из
всех, какие я слышал до сих пор. Я предлагаю вместе сходить на концерт.
3. М ы провели все лето в городе, мы не выезжали за город.
4. Когда он приехал в школу, то увидел, что все уже собрались и ждут
его. В зале было много народу и шумно.
5. Интересно, можно ли что-нибудь сделать, чтобы помочь ему? Он
выглядит таким бледным и усталым. Он, должно быть, очень много ра­
ботал этот месяц.
6. В чем дело? Почему машины и автобусы движутся по левой сторо­
не? — Потому что в Англии левостороннее движение.
7. Я наблюдал, как он пытается завести машину. «Интересно, сколь­
ко времени ему понадобится, чтобы заставить мотор работать», — по­
думал я, когда он обратился ко мне и предложил мне подтолкнуть ма­
шину? Он сказал, что уже полчаса старается, а она никак не заводится.
Я подтолкнул машину, и мотор заработал.
8. Я только что видел, что твой сын гуляет в парке. Ты ему разреши­
ла? — Нет, я думала, что он играет во дворе. Что он делает в парке? Уже
темнеет. Ему надо идти домой.
9. М ы завтра едем за город. Автобус отправляется в 8 часов утра.
Нам велели взять с собой еду. Джон вызвался ее купить.
10. Как пройти в музей? — Идите прямо, второй поворот направо.
Когда повернете направо, увидите красивое белое здание на левой сто­
роне улицы. Это примерно в 5 минутах ходьбы отсюда.
11. Я ждал друга около 15 минут и уже начинал волноваться. «Если он
не придет через 5 минут, мы опоздаем на спектакль», — подумал я и в
этот момент увидел, что мой друг бежит ко мне через улицу.
12. Бесполезно пытаться заставить его делать то, чего он делать не
хочет. Если вы действительно хотите, чтобы он вам помог, вам придет­
ся убедить его, что это необходимо.

Translate into English.


1. Я направлялся в Японию. На корабле я познакомился с мистером

Рэмзи и его женой. В каюте со мной был мистер Келада, которого я
вскоре невзлюбил. Этот мистер Келада знал все на свете и любил спо­
рить. Не удивительно, что я старался избегать его общества.
2. На миссис Рэмзи была нитка жемчуга. Мистер Келада посмотрел
на нее и сказал: «Замечательный жемчуг. Нитка, должно быть, обо­
шлась вам в целое состояние». — «Ну что вы, — возразил мистер Рэм­
зи, — это не натуральный жемчуг. Моя жена купила нитку за 18 долла­
ров». — «Ставлю 100 долларов, что жемчуг настоящий, — настаивал
мистер Келада. — Я бы не спорил, если бы не был уверен», — и он по­
просил миссис Рэмзи дать ему нитку. Миссис Рэмзи ничего не остава­
лось делать, как снять нитку и вручить ее мистеру Келаде.
3. «Я никогда не ошибаюсь, — говорил мистер Келада. — Вы можете
доверять мне». Он собирался сказать что-то еще, когда заметил выра­
жение лица миссис Рэмзи. В этот момент мистер Келада пожалел, что
начал спор.
4. Мистер Келада оказался в трудном положении. С одной стороны,
он знал, что жемчуг настоящий. С другой, он не мог сказать этого ми­
стеру Рэмзи, не выдавая миссис Рэмзи. Наконец, м-р Келада извинился
за свою ошибку и заплатил 100 долларов.
5. Когда я проснулся на следующее утро, я увидел, что мистер Келада
курит в постели. Казалось, он не спал ночью. В этот момент раздался
стук в дверь. Когда я пошел открыть, я заметил письмо на полу. Долж­
но быть, кто-то протолкнул его под дверь. Письмо было адресовано
мистеру Келаде. Внутри было 100 долларов. «Мистеру Рэмзи не следо­
вало оставлять жену одну в Нью-Йорке на целый год, — сказал мистер
Келада, когда я передал ему письмо. — Интересно, что бы случилось,
если бы я не сказал, что ошибся. Но мне и в голову не пришло, что
миссис Рэмзи могла получить жемчуг от кого-то другого, не от мужа».

Translate into English.


1. Миссис Рэмзи была женой американца, который провел год в

Японии в качестве американского консула. Теперь, после короткого от­
дыха в Нью-Йорке, он возвращался в Японию. В этот раз жена была с
ним. Это была славная женщина с живым чувством юмора, ее невоз­
можно было не любить. Казалось, путешествие доставляет ей удоволь­
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

2. На миссис Рэмзи была нитка жемчуга. М-р Келада взглянул на нее

и сказал: «Должно быть, этот жемчуг очень дорогой, он, должно быть,
стоит около 30 тысяч долларов». Миссис Рэмзи побледнела. «Вы удиви­
тесь, — сказал мистер Рэмзи, — но моя жена купила нитку в универма­
ге за 18 долларов как раз перед отъездом. М ы не можем позволить себе
натуральный жемчуг». — «Чепуха!» — М-р Келада начал раздражаться:
«Я говорю вам, что жемчуг натуральный, и я готов заключить пари на
100 долларов».
3. После того как миссис Рэмзи передала ему ожерелье, м-р Келада
тщательно его осмотрел и улыбнулся. Он открыл рот, чтобы объявить
свое заключение, когда заметил выражение лица миссис Рэмзи. Она
страшно побледнела и смотрела на него с ужасом. М-р Келада понял,
что все зависит от того, что он скажет. С усилием он заставил себя из­
виниться. Он сказал, что сделал ошибку, и передал мистеру Рэмзи 100
долларов. Руки его дрожали. Миссис Рэмзи ушла к себе в каюту. Все
были довольны, что проучили м-ра Келаду.
4. Когда я проснулся утром, я увидел, что м-р Келада курит. Должно
быть, он встал очень рано или вообще не ложился. Вдруг раздался стук,
и я услышал, как кто-то пытается что-то протолкнуть под дверь. Я встал
и увидел, что на полу лежит письмо. Оно было адресовано м-ру Келаде.
Я отдал письмо м-ру Келаде, и, когда он открыл его, из него выпала
стодолларовая купюра. «Если бы у меня была хорошенькая жена, —
сказал м-р Келада, — я бы не разрешил ей провести год в Нью-Йорке
одной». Теперь я восхищался м-ром Келадой. Он спас миссис Рэмзи от
5. Мельпоменус сидел у друзей уже три часа, когда он поднялся и
сказал, что должен идти. «Неужели?» — воскликнула хозяйка и предло­
жила ему остаться на обед. Он пообедал, а потом остался на чай. Хозяй­
ка ожидала, что он уйдет после чая. Но когда она увидела, что он садит­
ся в кресло, она предложила ему остаться у них на две недели. Глаза
Мельпоменуса наполнились слезами, когда он услышал это приглаше­
ние. «Почему они не позволяют мне уйти? Если бы они не были так
вежливы, я бы уже давно ушел».

Ш Ш Ш Ш Translate into English.


1. Китти встретила Уолтера на танцах. Его имя было ей знакомо, по­

тому что ей о нем рассказывал общий знакомый. Когда их представля­
ли, Уолтер сказал, что он бактериолог. Это слово ничего не значило для
Китти, она только поняла, что это должно быть что-то вроде врача. Она
проявила бы к Уодтеру интерес, если бы он был человеком ее круга.

Но врачи ее не интересовали, и сначала она не обратила на Уолтера

2. Но Уолтер упорно ходил на всех танцы, на которые ходила она, и
вскоре она привыкла видеть его. Они обычно танцевали, хотя было
ясно, что он не получает удовольствия от танцев. Кити часто спраши­
вала себя, зачем он это делает. Ей бы хотелось, чтобы он был более ком­
панейским, тогда ей было бы легче в его обществе.
3. Уолтер оказался застенчивым и замкнутым, но он постоянно де­
лал над собой усилие и развлекал Китти вежливой беседой. Она узнала,
что он приехал в Англию месяц назад в отпуск и скоро вернется в Гон­
конг. Слушая, как Уолтер рассказывает о себе, Кити не могла побороть
ощущения, что он чего-то недоговаривает. Ей казалось странным, что
он ничего не говорит о своей семье и о своем прошлом.
4. Китти невольно чувствовала себя неловко в обществе Уолтера.
Она не знала, как себя вести. Беда Уолтера была в том, что он никогда
не расслаблялся, он не умел весело проводить время (enjoy oneself). Он
никогда не мог присоединиться к песне или танцу, и Китти никогда не
видела, чтобы он смеялся над шутками других. Китти часто хотелось,
чтобы он пошутил или хотя бы улыбнулся. Но он был слишком серье­
зен и слишком горд. Именно гордость делала его непопулярным. Китти
не могла сказать, что Уолтер ей не нравится, но она считала его скуч­
5. Дорис, младшая сестра Китти, встречалась с молодым человеком и
намеревалась выйти за него замуж. Она постоянно говорила Китти, что
не собирается ждать, пока Китти найдет себе мужа, она все равно вый­
дет замуж. Китти очень не нравилась мысль о том, что ее младшая се­
стра выйдет замуж первой.
6. На следующий день после того, как помолвка Дорис была объяв­
лена, Уолтер пригласил Китти прогуляться по парку. Он был необы­
чайно молчалив. Он пытался вести себя естественно, но у него не сов­
сем получалось. Китти заметила, что у него дрожат руки. Должно быть,
он очень волновался.
7. В одной из аллей была скамья, и Уолтер предложил немного поси­
деть. Казалось, он собирается что-то сказать, но не решается. Китти по­
нятия не имела, о чем он собирается говорить. Уолтер никогда не гово­
рил, что влюблен в нее, поэтому Китти не ожидала, что он сделает ей
предложение. Она ждала.
8. Уолтер сделал над собой усилие и начал говорить. Кити с удивле­
нием услышала, что он просит ее выйти за него замуж. Ему нужно было
возвращаться в Гонконг через несколько недель, и он хотел, чтобы Ки т­
ти поехала с ним.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

30. After she had spent a week in the country, Ann looked almost fully recov­
31. As I had lent my dictionary to a friend, I had to go to the library to get one
for myself.
32. As soon as Peter arrived in the city, he hurried to the nearest post-office and
sent a post card home.
33. Henry paid the rent and found that he had only small change left till the
end of the week.
34. As I had left my notebook behind, I couldn't phone you as I had promised.
35. As the teacher was very pleased with the student's answer, he did not ask
him any more questions.
36. The house which will be built here has been designed by a famous archi­
37.1 left the window open so that I might hear the music.
38. He went there and was told he might as well not have come at all.
39. The book is long and one cannot read it in one day.
40. Helen reached the hospital and found her brother a little better.
41. It made me feel sad when I saw him in distress.

Translate into English.


1. Железная дорога, которая будет открыта в этом году, соединит от­

даленные районы этого края с промышленными центрами.
2. Туман был такой, что приостановил движение.
3. Команде осталось еще две игры до конца чемпионата.
4. Он не такой человек, о котором можно судить с первого взгляда.
5. За его мыслью было трудно следить, он перескакивал с предмета
на предмет.
6. Прошу держать меня в курсе дела.
7. Вы не помните, кто последний читал эту книгу?
8. Он всегда найдет, чем похвастаться.
9. Послушать, как он рассуждает, можно подумать, что он прожил
большую жизнь.
10. В этот момент ей хотелось только одного — чтобы ее оставили
в покое.
11. В доме царила глубокая тишина; не было слышно ни единого звука.
12. Он знал язык не очень хорошо, и ему приходилось напрягать все
свое внимание, чтобы не терять нить разговора.
13. Я слишком слабый шахматист, чтобы давать советы.
14. Он повернулся ко мне, как будто хотел что-то сказать.
15. Когда мы вышли на улицу, то увидели, что такси ждет нас.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Предложение Уолтера было полной неожиданностью. Растеряв­

шись, Китти не знала, что сказать. Меньше всего она ожидала это от
Уолтера. В то же время она была тронута. Предложение было таким
странным и неожиданным. Ей никто еще никогда так не делал предло­
10. Китти было нелегко решиться. С одной стороны, она не любила
Уолтера и не могла представить его своим мужем. С другой стороны,
если она откажется, Дорис выйдет замуж первой, а Китти совсем не
нравилась эта мысль. Кроме того, отец Китти сказал, что Уолтер не­
обыкновенно умный молодой человек. Это решило дело. Китти решила
принять предложение Уолтера. Вскоре она пожалела, что вышла за
него замуж.
Таблица 1

:—--- : :-- :,Ш
Уif I J ■ »‘
ч X- :
Я; Шиши
. ' § I Ж | |

;-.т шиишиши
Ш ш ши
ж :Ш
_ .....
Подлежащее — любая Вид ы сказуемого: Количество дополнений в предло­ 1. Порядок обст-в: обст-во
именная часть речи, а также жении: места, обст-во с предлогом
1. Простое w ith y обст-во времени.
инфинитив, герундий или
глагольное — 1) ни одного, если глагол-сказуемое
придаточное предложение.
знаменательный гла­ не берет дополнений (come, go, rise, 2. Обст-во образа дей­
Предложение начинает гол в личной форме lie etc.): стви я стоит после глагола
формальное IT:

I am going to the station. или после дополнения, ко­
2. Составное торое берет глагол.
1) в безличны х предложе­
именное — 2) одно (с предлогом или без пред­
глагол-связка + лога): 3. Н аречия частоты, степе­
It rained yesterday. именная часть (сущес- I have just seen your son. ни, относительн. времени,
2) если подлежащее выра­ твит., прилаг., числит., He is looking for a job. местоимения all, both, each
жено инф инитивом , герун­ местоимение, инфини­ стоят перед знаменат. глаго­
3) два дополнения без предлога: лом и после вспомогатель­
дием или придаточным и тив, герундий)
Не offered т е a cup of tea. ного, модального или BE.
стоит после сказуемого 3. Составное
It is easy to like him. 4) два дополнения с предлогом: 4. enough стоит перед су-
It is important that you speak to Не was speaking to т е about you. щ естви т. и после прила-
видовое —
him. видовой глагол + ге­ га т. и наречия.
5) два дополнения, из которых одно
Предложение начинает рундий (иногда инфи­ без предлога, другое с предлогом:
5. such стоит перед су­
формальное THERE, если нитив) The teacher explained a new rule to the
щ еств. со всеми его опре­
подлежащее стоит после class.
4. Составное делениями и артиклем
сказуемого, выраженного глагольное Such a nice house
BE, и все предложение озна­ модальное — модаль­ such nice houses
чает наличие ный глагол + инфи­ So стоит перед прилаг. или
There wasn’t much time. нитив наречием.
Сложное дополнение — словосочетание, включающее существительное в общем падеже или лич­
ное местоимение в объектном падеже и неличную форму глагола (инфинитив, причастие или герундий)
в действительном или страдательном залоге.

see, watch, notice, feel, sense, hear etc. expect, wait (for), know, believe, consider etc., а также глаголов get,
order, motion/gesture (to ), arrange (fo r), count (on) etc.
Д ействительны й залог:
to (see etc.) smb do smth (инф инитив без to, обозначает Д ействительны й залог:
точечное действие) to (expect etc.) smb to do smth (инф инитив с to)
smb doing smth (причастие настоящ его време­
ни, обозначает процессуальное действие) Страдательный залог:
to (expect etc.) smth to be done
Страдательный залог: smth done (причастие прошедшего времени употреб­
to (see etc.) smth done (причастие прошедшего времени, ляется, чтобы сделать акцент на р е зу л ь та т действия)
обозначает точечное действие)
smth being done (причастие настоящ его вре­ П О С Л Е ГЛ А ГО Л О В Ж Е Л А Н И Я
мени, обозначает процессуальное действие) want, wish, (would) like etc.
Д ействительны й залог:
И склю чения: вместо сложного дополнения после глаго­ to (want etc.) smb to do smth (инф инитив с to обозначает точечное
лов чувственного восприятия употребляется придаточное действие)
предложение, smb doing smth (герундий выражает идею действия
1) если нет действия: I saw that his face was pale. или повторяющ ееся действие)
2) если нет деятеля: He saw that it was raining.
3) если глагол чувственного восприятия (see, feel, hear) Страдательный залог:
употреблен в переносном значении (понимать, знать): to (want etc.) smth to be done
I hear you are moving into a new flat. smth done (причастие прошедшего времени употребля­
ется, чтобы сделать акцент на р е зул ьта т действия)
П О С Л Е ГЛ А ГО Л О В LET. MAKE smth being done
Только действительны й залог:
to let/make smb do smth (инф инитив без to) П О С Л Е ГЛ А ГО Л А HAVE
Глагол have обозначает, что действие выполняется кем-то другим
П О С Л Е ГЛ А ГО Л О В LEAVE, FIND, DISCOVER вместо лица, обозначенного подлежащим.
Д ействительны й залог: Д ействительны й залог:
to (leave etc.) smb doing smth to have smb do smth (инф инитив без to обозначает точечное дейс­
Страдательный залог: твие)
to (leave etc.) smth being done (причастие настоящ его вре­ smb doing smth (герундий обозначает идею действия или пов­
мени обозначает процессуальное действие) торяющ ееся действие)
smth done (причастие прошедшего време­ Страдательный залог:
ни обозначает законченное действие) to nave smth done
smth being done
Таблица 2
-- -------------------------

«- : _ _____
Н е образую т сказуе­ Образуют простое глагольное сказу­ Образуют составное именное сказуе­ Образуют составное
мого емое. мое (связка + им енная часть). модальное сказуемое
Обозначают действие. Именная часть может быть выражена (модальный глагол +
do любой именной частью речи, инф и­ инф инитив)
be Определяются наречием.
Не speaks loudly нитивом или герундием и отвечает
have на вопрос «что?» или «какой?». Обозначают
shall Среди знаменательных глаголов вы ­ возм ож ность или
w ill Обозначают: 1) состояние необходимость
деляются две подгруппы с собствен­
ными значениями: 2) переход из одного состояния в действия
He имеют собствен­ другое
ного значения, не пе­ а) С татальны е глаголы обозначают сап
реводятся на русский способности и отнош ения (состоя­ Связки состояния be able (to)
язык. н и я). Образуют простое глагольное be — быть may
Служат для образо­ сказуемое: seem — казаться might
ван и я глагольны х see hear know look — выглядеть must
форм. hate like love feel have (to)
own belong remember и др. а) чувствовать себя be (to )
б) давать ощущение should
б) Вид овы е глаголы обозначают фазу smell — пахнуть ought (to)
действия. М огут образовывать про­ taste — быть на вкус shall
стое глагольное и составное видовое sound — звучать w ill
сказуемое (видовой глагол + герун­
дий или инф инитив) remain
(в том же состоянии)
begin stay
doing smth /
to do smth
continue Связки перехода (становиться)
go on get
carry on grow
keep turn
finish doing smth run
stop fall
leave off go
give up
Таблица 3

Сущ ествительное в притяж ательном падеже П ритяж ательное прилагательное

Обозначает принадлежность. Обозначает «предназначенный д ля...», «характерный для...»:

Слова, для которых притяж ательны й падеж обязателен: a girls’ school, a parents’ meeting.
1) одушевленные существительные: a cat's fur
2) местоимения some/any/nobody, some/any/no one, each other,
one another: somebody's book
существительные, обозначающие
3) время: three hours' flight
4) расстояние: four miles' walk
5) слова today, yesterday, tomorrow: yesterday's news

А рти кль: А рти кль:

. . §ii
В словосочетании с притяжательным падежом артикль отно­ в словосочетании с притяжательным прилагательным артикль
сится к слову в притяж ательном падеже: относится к определяемому слову:
the boy’s ball. a smart girls’ school.

Согласованные определения: Согласованны е определения:


определения, относящиеся к слову в притяжательном падеже, Все согласованные определения стоят перед притяжательным
стоят перед ним: young Pushkin’s lyrics; прилагательным: a beautiful silk lady’s hat
определения, относящиеся к определяемому слову, стоят после
слова в притяжательном падеже:
Pushkin’s early poems.
.. • • . . .. . ... . . .. ... . .... . : ..■,
Алгоритм вы бора артикля вгри притяж ательном падеже
: ■

Ч то нуж но вы разить: А р ти кль нуж но вы бирать для того сущ ествительного, кото­
а) принадлежность или рое м ы поставим в притяж ательны й надеж.
б) «предназначенный, характерный для кого-то»? Если б), мы имеем дело с прилагательным.
Если а), образуем пр и тяж ательны й падеж сущ ествительного. А р ти кль нуж но вы бирать для определяемого слова.
Таблица 4
........ ' 7........ ...... ............ 1

С помощью суф ф и к со в -er, -est образуют степени срав­ good

нения well better — best

1. О дносложные прилагательные и наречия. bad

Исключения: like, real, tired, just, right, wrong, ill («болен»). badly worse — worst
ill (плохо себя чувствующ ий)

2. Д вуслож ны е прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -у, -ег, many

-ow, -1е. much more — most
a lot

С помощью more, most образуют степени сравнения ос­

т а л ь н ы е двусложные, а также м ногослож ны е прилагатель­
ные и наречия. little less — least
few fewer — fewest
Внимание! Н ар ечи я, имеющие суффикс -/у, образуют степени
сравнения только с помощ ью more и most.

Often 1) oftener — oftenest

2) more often — most often

Far 1) farther — farthest (о расстоянии) Quickly 1) quicker — quickest

2) further — furthest (о направлении следования) 2) more quickly — most quickly

Slow ly 1) slower — slowest

2) more slowly — most slowly
Таблица 4А
: '

Сравнительная степень: Превосходная степень:


My dress is cheaper than hers. This dress is the cheapest o f all.

more expensive most expensive

Сравнительная степень He arrived the earliest . of all.

с уточнением:

1am 5 years younger than my elder brother Превосходная степень

You must come half an hour earlier than the rest с усилением:

Сравнительная степень с усилением: This dress is by far the cheapest of all.

-: ■
•'/V ■ : " : ; .•: : :, ' ' ■• ■ ; ■■' ' . =: . .
most expensive
■ ■
: . ... ..... ..... : .. ........... . ........................ :......................

My dress is much cheaper than hers. Сравнение двух предметов:

much more expensive
This dress is the cheaper of the two
(чем ..., тем ...) more expensive

The sooner he comes, the better it w ill be for you

Сравнение с помощью as...as...

Не did not arrive as early as you. — Он пришел не т ак рано, как вы.
I have as m any books as you do. — У меня столько же книг, сколько у тебя.
Your report must be as short as possible. — Ваш доклад должен быть как можно короче.
Не ran as fast as he could. — Он бежал изо всех сил.
Не pulled as hard as he could. — Он дернул изо всех сил.
I have tw ice as much money as you do. — У меня вдвое больше денег, чем у вас.
My room is half as large as yours. — М оя комната вдвое меньше вашей.
Таблица 5

О бщ ий А льтернативны й Разделительны й Специальны й

Структура: Две части, союз or Две части через запя­ Структура: Сложноподчиненное Предложение с пря­
Структура: тую предложение, прямой мым порядком слов +
вспомог, глагол вопросительное слово
Структура: порядок слов Do you think
или Общий вопрос + Структура: Структура:
модальный глагол + повествовательное вспомог, глагол
или BE or предложение или 1. Общий вопрос: 1. Общий вопрос:
+ + + модальный глагол I wonder + if / Do you think
подлежащее слово: краткий вопрос: или BE whether + +
+ Is he in or out? вспомогат. глагол + придаточное предло­ простое предложение:
сказуемое или или подлежащее жение: Do you think you can
+ фраза: модальный глагол + We wondered if they do it?
остальные члены Are you reading or (кроме have to) сказуемое would be late.
2. Специальный воп­
предложения. watching TV? или BE +
2. Альтернативный рос:
или + остальные члены
Требует краткого вопрос: вопросительное
общий вопрос: местоимение, предложения
ответа. I wonder + whether + слово
Did he come in заменяющее подлежа­
time or was he late? щее, или
Требует полного от­ придаточное предло­ +
Do you go to
вета: жение: do you think
school? — Yes, I формальное слово,
Требует полного
Where are you going? They asked whether +
ответа. we had made up our простое предложение:
Can he swim? — на месте подлежащего Вопрос к группе под­
minds or were still
No, лежащего, — пред­ Where do you think
Требует краткого от­ undecided.
he can’t. ложение с прямым he lost his bag?
Are they busy? — порядком слов: 3. Специальный воп­
Yes, they are. Nobody was there, рос:
Who has come?
were they? I wonder + вопроси­
How many students
Everybody came, тельное слово + при-
didn’t they? дат. предложение:
taking the exam?
There was nobody in I didn’t know what
the room, was there? was going to happen.
Таблица 6

Структура: He имеют подлежа­ Структура: Употребляются Выражают наличие. Структура: Выражают под­
для 2-го лица — щего. для выделения Структура: тверждение.
Формальное IT 1.Восклицательная
Структура: некоторой инфор­ Структура:
Indefinite + мации.
формальное THERE часть: WHAT +
Infinitive формальное IT сказуемое
+ существительное SO / NEITHER
без to: + сказуемое + + сказуемое, выра­ или +
Close the door. остальн. члены подлежащее, Местоимение IT женное BE HOW + прилага­ вспомогат. глагол
Don’t close the door. предложения выраженное: + + тель­ или
BE подлежащее ное/наречие модальный глагол
Для 1-го и 3-го Выражает: а) инфинитив­
+ + или BE
лица — 1. Состояние окру­ ной фразой: 2. Повествователь­
информация, ко­ остальн. члены в утвердительной
Let + сложное жающей среды: It is easy to do this ное предложение с
торую нужно вы­ предложения форме
дополнение: It’s noisy here. work прямым порядком
делить +
Let us go there. It’s winter. б) герундиаль­ There were four of слов:
+ подлежащее .
Don’t let us go 2. Состояние по­ ной фразой: us at table. What beautiful
THAT/WHO So — реакция на
there. годы: It was nice talking There must be pictures he has!
+ утверждение.
It often rains in to you somebody in. What sad news you
оставш. часть пред­
autumn. в) придаточным There seemed to be have brought! I am here. — So is
3. Время: предложением something wrong How quickly they Nick.
It’s 3 o’clock It is strange that you It was in winter that with the lock. came! Neither — реакция
4. Расстояние: should ask about it. it happened. How pleasant it is на отрицание.
It’s 3 miles to the It is I who am to to walk in this park! He has not done it. —
station blame. Neither have they.
Таблица 7

придаточное дополнительное (что?)

^ будущее
придаточное определительное (кокой?) время
__ ^
. настоящее
придаточное времени время
as soon as
(когда?) while
by the time

придаточное дополнительное (что?) w будущее

I,., настоящее
придаточное условия время
(при каком условии?) in case
Таблица 8



Обозначает О бозначает О бозначает О бозначает О бозначает О бозначает

действие, кото­ намерение или
1) ф иксирован­ 1) запланирован­ 1) спонтанное 1) действие, о рое закон чи тся тенденцию:
ное действие (за­ ное действие: действие котором говоря­ или будет иметь
Г/т) going to cook a
ф иксированное (о котором гово­ щ ий знает зара­ итог к определен­
What are you doing stew
за определенным рящий не знает нее и на которое ному времени в
tonight? It’s going to rain
временем рас­ заранее): не мож ет повли­ будущем:
писанием или ять:
2) действие no Do you think it will Не will have gone by М еж ду намере­
приказом ): the time you arrive.
предварительной rain? Не’// be coming here нием или тенден­
When do your договоренности again soon цией и реальным
classes start (если в нем учас­ 2) все значе­ (потому что это исполнением
tomorrow? твую т более од­ ни я, вы раж ае­ входит в его слу­ действия нет
ного человека): мые формами жебные обязан­ связи .
2) сомнение, Indefinite. ности).
I am seeing him
неуверенность в
tomorrow. Look, what a dark
будущем sky! It5// be raining in
(в вопроситель­ a minute.
ных предложени­
ях, а также после
2) временное
doubt, hope, not
know, not sure и
действие в буду­
What do we do
Таблица 9

Time •

to do to be to be to be being to have to have been to have been

l l l l S l l l l l l I done doing done done done ■
Future Future Indefinite Future C<Dntinuous Future Perfect Fut.Perf.Cont
w ill do 1 w ill be done w ill be w ill be w ill have w ill have w ill have been
doing being done done been done doing

Present Present Indefinite Present Сontinuous Present: Perfect Present Perfect

do am am have . have been Continuous
am being . done
does are done are doing has has done have | been
• f re done
is IS IS has ! doing

Past Past Indefinite Past Coiitinuous

was . was being
did done was doing
were were э were done

Fut.- Future- in- tlhe Past Indef. Future- in- the Past Continuous Future- in- thle Past Perfect Future- in -the Past
In-the would be would be would be would would have Perfect Continuous
Past would do
done doing being done have done been done would have been

Past Past Indefinite Past Coiitinuous Past Perfect

was . was . . was being * Continuous
did done doing
were were э were done had been doing


Past had done I had been done
Таблица 10

I. Определяем временной план повествования и каждого предложения

(выбираем «временную вилку»).

после Future (Ind., Contin., Perf., Perf. Contin.)

PRESENT / (сейчас) одновременно Present (Ind., Cont.) Pr^s‘
Perf. 4
do past (Ind., Cont.) Continuous

В Past Time определяем центральное действие — точку отсчета

после Future-in-the-Past (lnd.,Cont., Perf., Perf.Cont.)

PAST / одновременно Past (Ind., Cont.)

wдо Past Perfect Continuous

II. Определяем залог (действительный или страдательный).

III. Определяем значение д ействия:

1. а) называние действия (обстоятельства важнее Indefinite
действия) —
б) постоянное, повторяющееся действие — Indefinite
в) последовательные действия — Indefinite
г) точечные действия в прошлом или буду­ Past, Future
щем — Indefinite
2. Временное процессуальное действие — Continuous
3. Итог, результат — Perfect
4. Предпрошедшее законченное действие — Past Perfect
5. Длительное незаконченное действие Perfect
(с указанием длительности)- Continuous
6. Незаконченное предшествующее действие — Perfect
7. Будущее действие, обозначаемое формой настоя­
щего времени:
а) в придаточных времени и условия— любая форма
б) фиксированное действие — Present
в) запланированное действие — Present
8. Эмоциональное отношение
а) сомнение, неуверенность в будущем — Present
б) отношение к характерному действию — Continuous
в) отношение к поведению человека в конкрет­ Continuous
ной ситуации —
Таблица 11
Страдательный залог употребляется:
1. Когда исполнитель действия неизвестен или неважен
2. Когда нужно специально привлечь внимание к исполнителю действия.
Предлог by вводит деятеля, with — инструмент:
A lot of trees have been uprooted by the hurricane.
The envelope was cut open with scissors.

Видовременные формы Passive образуются от соответствующих видов Passive Infinitive.

Вместо Perfect Continuous действительного залога употребляются формы Perfect страдательного залога.

В составны х сказуемых Passive Voice выражается с помощью Passive Infinitive или Gerund:
The work can be done in two days.
The heat was beginning to be felt.
The work seems to have been done in a hurry.
The letters continued being written.

Подлежащим страд ательного предложения с т а н о в и т с я дополнение предложения в действительном залоге.

Глаголы, не берущ ие дополнений (come, go, rise etc.), не образую т страдательного залога.

Глаголы, берущие одно дополнение, с предлогом или без предлога, образуют одну страдательную конструкцию:
Rastrelli built the Winter Palace in the 18th century.
— The Winter Palace was built by Rastrelli in the 18th century.
Everyone was looking for him everywhere.
— He was being looked for everywhere.

Глаголы, берущие два дополнения равного статуса (оба без предлога или оба с предлогом), могут образовывать две страда­
тельные конструкции.

Глаголы, берущие одно дополнение без предлога, второе — с предлогом, образуют одну страдательную конструкцию.
Окончание таблицы
— -------------

Глаголы , берущ ие два равноправны х

дополнения (оба с предлогом
или оба без

look at М огут образовы вать две страдательные О бразую т одну страдательную

for конструкции. конструкцию , в которой подлежащ им
становится дополнение
after give tell send без предлога.
through envy show pay
listen to sell offer promise
teach (smb smth) say
laugh at explain
send for They offered me a job. describe
speak to repeat
I was offered A job was
think of/about и др. a job. offered me.
Предложное дополнение становится (smth to smb)
talk/ speak (to smb about smth) buy
подлежащим, предлог остается на своем read
месте после глагола: I have spoken to the director about the write
incident. sing
We always laugh at his jokes. suggest
The director has been spoken to about the
His jokes are always laughed at. и др.
The incident has been spoken about to the He explained the rule to me.
director. The rule was explained to me.
Ask — одна страдательная конструкция,
подлежащим становится дополнение,
обозначающее лицо:

They asked me a lot of questions.

I was asked a lot of questions.
Таблица 12
The Indefinite Infinitive to do/to be done. The Perfect Infinitive to have done/to have been done
Обозначает: 1) последующее точечное действие: Обозначает:
You must do it tomorrow. предшествующ ее законченное действие.
2) одновременное повторяю щ ееся действие или
состояние: I can swim.

The Continuous Infinitive to be doing/to be being done. The Perfect Continuous Infinitive fo have been doing
Обозначает: Обозначает:
одновременное временное и/или процессуальное действие. предшествующ ее незаконченное действие.

(предоставляется обстоятельствами) (субъекти вн ая оценка вероятности собы ти я)


в прошедшем в настоящ ем в прошедшем h;1
1*111 временном временном временном
плане) плане) плане)

Способность, Разреш ение Недоверие Слабая Средняя Вы со кая В ы со кая

возм ож ность, Формы: Неужели? вероятность вероятность вероятность вероятность
вы текаю щ ая из MAY Не может быть. действия: действия: действия: действия:
обстоятельств MIGHT не исключено, возможно, должно быть должно быть
В вопроситель­ а вдруг. может быть. (мне так (по моим
Формы: В ост.случаях ны х и отрица­
В утвердитель­ кажется). подсчетам).
CAN BE ALLOWED (ТО) тельны х В утвердитель­
ны х и отрица­
COULD предложениях. ны х и отрица­ В утверди­ Все виды
рекомендация тельны х пред­
В ост.случаях тельны х пред­ тельных пред­ инф инитива
Формы: Все виды лож ениях.
BE ABLE (ТО) лож ениях. ложениях.
MAY инф инитива
Все виды
Indefinite Infinitive MIGHT Все виды Все виды
инф инитива
инф инитива инф инитива
Indefinite Infinitive
Окончание таблицы

Должен Вынужден 1) Должен (по­ Целесообраз­ Целесообраз­ Бессмы слен­ Надо ли?
(я так счи­ (обстоятельства тому что предо­ ность ность ность действия (при обраще­
таю) — субъек­ заставляют) — пределено: действия: действия: с точки зрения нии за инструк­
ти вн ая объективная условлено, следует, чтобы следует, говорящего. цией).
необходимость необходимость приказано, суж ­ а) не было чтобы не было
В вопроситель­ Т олько в воп­
дено, хуже; стыдно.
Indefinite Indefinite ны х и отрица­ росительных
положено, б) чтобы всем
Infinitive Infinitive Все виды тельны х пред­ предложениях.
заведено) было лучше.
инф инитива ложениях.
In d efinite
Indefinite или Все виды »
Все виды Infinitive
Continuous инф инитива
инф инитива

2) С орванная

Perfect Infinitive

; ' ... '7!: . : ■

■■"■ ' , ! '" '' . : ~7
ЭМ О Ц И О Н А Л ЬН О Е О Т Н О Ш ЕН И Е ".7 ,:".77

м ягкий упрек: мог строгий упрек: стоит сделать случайность | с какой стати? Усиление
бы следовало бы действия: i _ характерного дейс­
Все виды т,™ ™ случайно
/.тлтойттп 5 Только в вопро-
вдруг, г твия
Perfect Perfect инф инитива г/ 1 : сительны х пред-
Infinitive Infinitive Indefinite Infinitive j лож ениях. Indefinite
; Indefinite Infinitive
Таблица 13
М ы выражаем возм ож ност ь, необходимост ь или эм оциональное отношение?
' ':' " . :: ::
• V ,."-

1. Если В О З М О Ж Н О С Т Ь , это прямое значение или

1. Если прямое, выбираем оттенок значения: CAN 2. Если вероятностное, выбираем отте­
а) способность к совершению действия Л COULD нок значения:
а) недоверие CAN
б) возм ож ность действия, вы текаю щ ая > (в вопросительных и отрицательны х
из обстоятельств BE ABLE (TO) предложениях)
J Форма инф инитива — лю бая
в) разрешение к совершению действия
б) очень слабая вероятность события MIGHT
MIGHT (не исключено, а вдруг...)
BE ALLOWED (TO) (в утвердительны х и отрицательны х
г) рекомендация к совершению действия
MAY, MIGHT Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
Форма инф инитива — Indefinite
в) средняя вероятность события MAY
(возможно, может быть)
(в утвердительны х и отрицательны х
Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
г) вы со кая вероятность события по MUST
субъективной оценке
говорящего (мне так кажется)
(только в утвердительны х
Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
д) вы со кая вероятность события SHOULD
по подсчетам говорящего OUGHT (TO)
Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
Окончание таблицы

II. Если Н Е О Б Х О Д И М О С Т Ь , выбираем оттенок значения:

■■ a v . ....
1. С убъективн ая необходимость MUST 5. Целесообразность
(мне кажется, что должен) а) чтобы не было хуже SHOULD
Форма инф инитива — Indefinite. б) чтобы не было стыдно OUGHT (ТО)
Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
2. О бъекти вная необходимость HAVE (ТО)
(вынуждают обстоятельства) 6. Бессмысленность действия с точки NEED
Форма инф инитива — Indefinite. зрения говорящего
(только в вопросительных и отриц а­
3. Предопределенность BE (ТО)
тельны х предложениях)
(приказано, условлено,
Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
положено, суждено, заведено)
Форма инф инитива — Indefinite или Continuous 7. Обращ ение за инструкцией SHALL
(только в вопросительных предложени- SHOULD
4. С орванная договоренность BE (ТО)
Форма инф инитива — Perfect. Форма инф инитива — Indefinite.

III. Если Э М О Ц И О Н А Л Ь Н О Е О Т Н О Ш Е Н И Е , выбираем оттенок значения: |

1. М ягкий упрек (могли бы) MIGHT 4. «С какой стати?» SHOULD

Форма инф инитива — Perfect. Форма инф инитива — Indefinite.
2. Строгий упрек SHOULD/ 5. «Стоит» SHOULD
(следовало бы) OUGHT (ТО) Форма инф инитива — лю бая.
Форма инф инитива — Perfect.
6. Усиление характерного действия WILL
3. «Случайно, если вдруг» SHOULD Форма инф инитива — Indefinite. WOULD
Форма инф инитива — Indefinite.
Таблица 14
СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ Артикль А означает «один из», «какой-то», «любой».
Артикль THE (общ ий) означает
Собственное Нарицательное
1. «единственный»
Исчисляемое Неисчисляемое 2. «все, всё» при употреблении с неисчисляемым сущест­

* Ед.ч. — a, the 0, the вительным или с исчисляемым во множественном числе.
Мн.ч. — 0, the Артикль THE (категоризирую щ ий)
И мя собственное — уникальное им я для уникального объекта придает сущ ествительном у значение общей категории
(связь «один объект — одно им я»): или превращает прилагательное в сущ ествительное.
Repin is a great Russian painter (им я собственное).
Can you afford to buy a Repin? (им я нарицательное — одна из картин).

Таблица 14А
1.Артикль «а» употребляется с исчисляем ы м существительным в единственном Алгоритм вы бора артикля
числе при отсутствии лимитирующих факторов. 1. Имеется ли при объекте лимитирую щ ий
2.Нулевой артикль употребляется с неисчисляем ы м существительным или с ис­ ф актор?
числяем ы м во м нож . числе при отсутствии лимитирующих факторов. Н уж но ли выразить значение «все, всё»?
3. Артикль THE Если да — артикль THE
а) Общий. Употребляется с лю бы м существительным при наличии лим итиру­ 2. Это имя собственное?
ющего ф актора. Если да — артикль нулевой.
б) Категоризирую щ ий.
3. Это нарицательное исчисляемое или
1) Придает исчисляемому существительному в единственном числе значение об­
щей категории:
Если неисчисляемое — артикль нулевой.
The shark is a fish.
2) Придает прилагательному значение категории или группы объектов: What 4. Это исчисляемое в единственном или
about the French? Get the necessary done. множественном числе?
3) Придает значение сущ ествительного прилагательному, которое употребляется Если число множественное — артикль ну­
после предлога: to change for the better. левой.
Если число единственное — артикль А .
Л им итирую щ ий ф актор делает предмет единственным:
Лимитирующее определение: j Лимитирующий к о н те к с т : j Лимитирующая ситуация:
The pencil in your hand. \ I saw a boy. The boy was crying. I Look at the sky.
Таблица 14 Б
..— -- -
С определенным артиклем употребляю тся:

1. Имена собственные: Canada, South America 1. Названия, включающие им я нарицательное с определением:

the Black Sea.
2. Словосочетания, включающие слово, обозначающее обще­ И склю чен ия: названия зданий и поместий, в которых первое
ственны й статус человека, и им я собственное.
слово — имя собственное.
Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms.; Sir, Dame, Lord, Duchess, Doctor, Professor, Windsor Palace, но the Winter Palace
Colonel, Captain, King, President, Bishop: Queen Elizabeth, Dame
Agatha Cristie etc. 2. Обозначение всей семьи или группы родственников: the
Ho: the engineer Ivanov Browns.

3. Обращ ения: Don't cry, little boy. 3. Реки: the Volga.

4. Названия членов семьи при употреблении внутри семьи: 4. Горны е массивы: the Alps.
Don't tell Mother. 5. Гр уп п ы островов: the Philippines.
5. Станции, порты: Heathrow Airport, Charing Cross Station. 6. Стороны света: the east.
6. Площади, улицы , мосты, парки: Leicester Square, Shaftsberry 7. Суда: the Korolenko.
Avenue, London Bridge, Gorky park.
8. Англоязычные газеты: the Independent.
7. Озера: Lake Geneva.
9. The Netherlands
8.Учебные заведения: Columbia University. the Hague
9. Ж ур н алы : Time Magazine. the Crimea

10. Праздники: May Day. 10. Слова the sun, the moon, the earth.

11. Слово с последующим количественным числительным

Room 105 (при наличии лимитирующей ситуации)
Н О : a/the number 5 bus
12. Noon, midday, midnight, dawn, sunset, sunrise (без определе­
Таблица 14 В
--------------- — ---- ’ * С''
Иш< :| Ш \
1111 '
с предмета на ф ункцию
. _ _____
Неисчисляемое вещ ественное И счисляем ое существитель­ И м я собственное превраща­ «Гуляющее» существительное
существительное становится ное становится неисчисляе­ ется в нарицательное исчис­ может быть исчисляемым
исчисляем ы м , если начинает мым, если начинает обозна­ ляемое: или неисчисляемым в зави­
обозначать: чать ф ункцию : 1. Когда одно им я обозначает симости от контекста или
1. Элем ент вещества: a hair. 1. Town, bed, table, market, несколько объектов: a Repin, а выбора говорящего.
При условии, что а) вещество camp, church, prison, hospital. Sony, a Volga. В неисчисляемом значении
распадается на элементы; We’ve got a John and two Marys такое существительное обоз­
2. School, college, university (сту­
б) элемент называется тем же in the family. начает общее понятие.
пень образования).
словом, что и вещество. В исчисляемом значении —
3. Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, 2. Для передачи значения одно конкретное проявле­
2. Порцию вещества (можно supper (время приема пищи). «один из, какой-то»: A Smith
ние общего понятия.
продать или купить): a coffee. asked for you.
4. By car, plane/air etc.(cnoco6bi
3. С ор т вещества: 3. При подчеркивании одного Night fell.
Essentuki is a mineral water. качества. Артикль А указыва­ It was a cool night.
5. В словосочетаниях сущест­
ет на новое или преходящее
И счисляемое вещ ественное вительного с предлогом, часто
существительное становится употребляющихся в функции
I saw a new Michael.
неисчисляем ым , если начина­ обстоятельства: in class, on
ет обозначать вещ ество: board, in detail etc. Артикль THE указывает на
постоянное качество:
a turkey — turkey И счисляем ое существитель­ Не was known as the Great
ное становится неисчисляе­ Gatsby.
мым, когда начинает обозна­
4. При употреблении имени
чать уникальную должность:
для обозначения качества, с
Не was elected Chairman of the которым это имя ассоцииру­
meeting. ется:
a new Gogol.
Таблица 15
........... .... - .——-- ——
иЯШ ■.V.i-
желание после IF
! Настоящ ее врем я
сравнительны е
ONLY и в с сою зами as if,
ш нитив
ны х п< as though

1-я модель — 1-я модель — 1. После главного, 1. После союзов did 1-й ти п — дейс­
к будущему относит желание содержащего оце­ с -ever (whatever, were doing твие, одновре­
придаточное: к будущему: ночную фразу: whenever и т.п.): менное действию
It’s strange that you Whenever you call It’s time you were в главном
If he does/is doing would do in bed.
has done would be doing should ask. I’ll be waiting. предложении:
has been doing I wish/lf only you 2. После глаголов 2. После союзов с I’d rather you did
главное: would stop. побуждения, no matter: stayed at home. were doing
he wili do/will be doing Разны е подлежа­ когда побуждение Не looks as if he
will have done щие в главном и No matter what were dead
направлено на happens I won’t lose
will have been doing придаточном. другого: hope. 2-й т и п — дейс­
2-я модель — к настоя­ 2-я модель — отно­ insist твие, предш еству­
щему (будущему) сит желание к на­ suggest 3. После главного ющее действию в
стоящ ему: propose предложения с главном предло­
придаточное: саге или matter в
If ne did/were doing did recommend жении:
request/ask отр. форме:
главное: were doing had done
he would do I wish/lf only I could be order Не doesn’t саге had been
would be doing like you. demand what you say. doing
3-я модель. Условие — 3-я модель — command 4. В сложном He looks as if he
к прошлому, относит желание предложении had seen a ghost.
I suggest you типа чем ..., тем...
действие — к прошло­ к прошлому: (should) agree.
му (будущему) после первой
had done сравнительной
придаточное: had been doing степени:
If he had done He wished/lf only he
had been doing The sooner you
had not asked the start, the earlier you
главное: question.
he would have done will finish.
would have been doing
4-я модель — смешан­
ная, комбинация моде­
лей 1 и 2 или 2 и 3.
Таблица 16

Indefinite to do to be done Indefinite doing being Present doing being done

Continuous to be doing to be being Perfect having having Past - done
done done been
Perfect to have to have Герундий употребляется после Perfect having done having been
done been done предлога done
Perfect to have Перфектная форма герундия или причастия употребляется, чтобы подчеркнуть пред­
Continuous been doing ш ествование законченного действия

Значения инфинитива Герундий (без предлога) после: Зн ачен и я причастий

Indefinite — 1) последующее точечное admit Present Active соответствует
действие; avoid русскому причастию с суффиксом -ащ-/-ящ-, -ущ-
2) одновременное повторяющееся дейс­ deny /-Ю Щ -
твие или состояние; enjoy русскому деепричастию несовершенного вида с
Continuous — одновременное времен­ imagine суффиксом -а/-я.
ное и/или процессуальное действие; involve Present Passive соответствует
Perfect — предшествующее закончен­ mention русскому причастию с суффиксом -ом-/-ем-
ное действие; mind doing smth зусскому деепричастию с «будучи».
Perfect Continuous — предшествующее risk Причастия Present выражают одновременное дейс­
незаконченное действие. suggest твие.
it is no use Past Passive соответствует русскому причастию с
cannot help суффиксом -нн/-т
I suggest writing to him. Perfect Active соответствует русскому деепричастию
need, want, require совершенного вида с суффиксом -в
be worth doing Perfect Passive — переводится на русский язы к
The matter is not worth speaking придаточным предложением или деепричастием с
about «будучи».
Русскому причастию с суффиксом -вш- соответс­
твует в английском придаточное предложение
(для передачи предшествующего действия) или
Present Participle (для передачи одновременного
Таблица 16А
Различные виды инфинитива, в соответствии со значением
и временной отнесенностью действия, употребляются после:

1) фраз, выражающих идею сообщ ения информации: to be said/reported/announced etc.

He is said to be arriving tomorrow.
The talks are reported to have been cancelled.

2) словосочетаний, выражающих мнение: to be believed/thought/expected/supposed etc.

He is believed to have been killed in action.
They are expected to arrive by train.

3) фраз, выражающих вероятность собы тия: to be (un)likely/sure/certain/bound etc.

He is unlikely to have finished the work.
They are bound to retaliate.

4) глаголов-связок с общим значением «казаться — оказаться»:

seem/appear «казаться», happen «случайно оказаться», turn out «неожиданно обнаруж иться», prove «обнаруж иться в результате
и сп ы тан ия или использования».
I happened to be passing by.
The strength of the metal proved to have been overestimated by the designer.


В ПРОСТОМ ПОВЕСТВОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ.............................................. 3
2. ВИДЫ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ.......................................... 18
3. ВИДОВРЕМЕННАЯ СИСТЕМА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ГЛАГОЛА........................................ 29
4. СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ ............................................. 43
5. ВИДЫ СКАЗУЕМОГО.......................................................................................... 47
Составное именное сказуемое........................................................................... 47
• Составное видовое сказуемое.......................................................................... 49
Составное модальное сказуемое........................................................................ 50
6. ВИДОВРЕМЕННАЯ СИСТЕМА. ПОВТОРЕНИЕ........................................................ 64
7. СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ И АРТИКЛЬ........................................................................ 76
8. СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ.......................................................................88
9. МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ И СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ............................... 96
10. НЕЛИЧНЫЕ ФОРМЫ ГЛАГОЛА........................................................................... 99
И. ПОВТОРЕНИЕ...................................................................................................118
12. КЛЮЧИ К УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ...............................................................................125
Порядок слов и члены предложения в простом повествовательном
предложении........................................................... 125
Виды предложений..........................................................................................137
Видовременная система английского глагола.................................................. 148
Страдательный залог....................................................................................... 162
Виды сказуемого................................ 165
Составное именное сказуем ое ........................................... 165
Составное видовое сказуемое .................................................................. 167
Составное модальное сказуемое .............................................................. 168
Видовременная система. Повторение..................... 180
Существительное и артикль...................................................... 190
Сослагательное наклонение................................................... ,...... 201
Модальные глаголы и сослагательное наклонение....................... 208
Неличные формы глагола................................................................................ 210
Повторение........................................................ 226
ТАБЛИЦЫ ОСНОВНЫХ ТЕМ............................................................................... 232
Ключи к упражнениям

Порядок слов и члены предложения

в простом повествовательном предложении

1.1read this story several years ago.

2. Several hundred people live in this block of flats.
3 .1know this person very well.
4 .1like this film very much.
5. We did not tell him about it yesterday.
6 .1gave Tom this book to read.
7. They did not tell me about it.
8. He gave me these magazines yesterday.
9. A friend of mine told me about it.
10. About two thousand people work at this factory.
11. We discussed this matter with him yesterday.
12. Our teachers will take part in this work.
13.1 don't know this person very well.

Exercise 2

1. They were big men with pale faces. /They were men with big pale faces.
2. The eight men were divers from New Zealand. Я Ье divers were eight men
from New Zealand.
3. The team was brought to Rangoon to clear the harbour of its wrecks.
4. A lot of refugees had boarded these ships./ Refugees had boarded a lot of
these ships.
5 .1climbed through one hole in the side of the ship.
6. The lamp is just being fixed in the next compartment.
7. The porter's smiling face appeared in the doorway.
8 .1was eager to say a few words to my companion.
9. Mark Twain was born in the family of a small town lawyer in 1835.
10. He began to work at a printshop in his home town.
11. This story was followed by a number of short stories and novels.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 3
Му — определение
SON — подлежащее
was given — сказуемое
theheight — дополнение

1. My friend's son was discussing the height o f M ount Everest.

2. My young niece was given a very much wanted for a present.
3. On the first night IT began whimpering very loudly.
4. It is difficult to find a nice place to stay a night in.
5 .1like the idea o f going there for the weekend.
6. HE was always first to spot interesting things lying on the pavement.
7. TWO o f us had to ride on the crossbar.
8. It was impossible TO GET TO THE TOP without pedalling.
9. There is NOTHING particular about a woman doing a man's jo b nowadays.
10. Our GRANDFATHERS must have resented the idea o f marrying a chimney­
sweeper or a bus conductor.
11. One afternoon some FRIENDS rang up Susan and Derek to invite them out
for the evening.
12. The dog, excited by so many people, rushed round and round the cyclist,
seeming to enjoy it.
13. A MAN with very long hair was stopped in a street by a very small boy.
14. By staying away from school WE are helping to ease the problem of over­
crowded classrooms.

1. who; much difference, much similarity.
2. driving through the fields.
3 .sense
4. what
5. —; he.
6. thirty
7. trying to make him change his mind.
8. the stronger of the girls.
9. that I speak to him immediately.
10. red
11. to be free and alone.
12. collecting postage stamps.
13. all the tickets; no getting in.
Ключи к упражнениям

1. There were many people in the room, it was very stuffy.

2. It is time to go to bed, there is no time to waste.
3. There is no need to hurry, there is still plenty of time.
4. It was twenty degrees in the shade. There was not a cloud in the sky.
5. There was nothing to be seen, it was too dark.
6. There was deep snow at the foot of the hill, it was hard to walk.
7. There came a knock at the door, it was the postman.
8. Something clanked outside. It was the dog's chain. Then there was a sud­
den furious barking.
9. It was still very early, there was nobody to be seen in the street.
10. There was nothing left to do. It remained only to sign the document.
11. It was thirty kilometers to town and there were many villages on the way.
12. I'm sure there is a rule for it, but it is not the rule he referred to.
13. I'm afraid it is no use trying. There is no preventing it.
14. Do you think it/there is time for another cigarette?
15. It/there is no time for tea if we are in a hurry.
16. There was not a bench in sight and, anyway, it was too cold to sit down.
17. There was an hour to the plane, there/it was time to have the luggage

1. She soon grew tired (составное именное) of the game.

2. He was thoroughly enjoying (простое глагольное) his dinner.
3. He was looking extremely nervous (составное именное).
4. He looked (простое глагольное) nervously at the clock on the building.
5. You are to go (составное модальное) straight to your room.
6 .1am afraid I am not feeling any better (два составных именных).
7 .1began to stammer (составное видовое) my apologies.
8. The story will only get repeated and exaggerated (составное именное).
9. The ship was reported to be arriving (составное именное) in the
10. He has made (простое глагольное) no effort to bring the matter up.
11. The estate has ceased to be a family home (составное видовое).
12. Alice went on speaking (составное видовое) as if she had not heard
(простое глагольное).
13. He felt (простое глагольное) he could not let (составное модальное) it
pass, he had to do (составное модальное) something.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

1. We saw him cross the street and enter the post-office.

2. They did not notice the boy enter the shop.
3. He felt somebody touch him by the hand.
4 .1heard her say/saying it.
5. He watched her put on her skates and go to the ice.
6. We hear your daughter studies at college.
7. Jane's words made him realize that her aunt was unkind to her.
8. What makes you think so?
9 .1saw that he was nervous.
10. Don't let her go out so late.
11. They saw him running/run across the road.
12.1should like you to show me the way to Pushkin Square.
13. We heard him telling/tell them the history of London.
14. We watched the child looking through her grandfather's collection of
15. Make her close the window. It is very cold in the room.
16. Now I see he is/was mistaken.
17.1felt I was doing/had done something wrong.
18. We expect you to give a talk on London.
19.1felt them looking at me, but I did not turn my head.
20. We heard her recite/reciting this extract at the evening-party. / We heard
that she recited this extract...
21.1see you are tired.
22. From my seat I saw you enter the hall and go up to Nina.
23. I've heard that a famous opera singer is coming/has come to Moscow.

1. He let me decide for myself.

2 .1have never heard him boast.
3 .1hear he is fond of boasting
4. What makes you think he is wrong?
5. He was happy to see his father entering the room.
6. I would like you to help me.
7. The boy did not expect his father to leave.
8. Let me know when you are leaving.
9. He made us all laugh with his story.
10. The boy was expecting his father to visit him.
11. When did you hear him praise this work?
12.1hear he has refused to do the job.
13. Don't let him smoke here.
Ключи к упражнениям

14. When did you last have your hair cut?

15. We made him promise to come again.
16. He heard the/a young man swear.
17. She is having her luggage registered.
18. Don't let her carry heavy things.
19. You can see my neighbour walking with his daughter every day.
20. The boy saw his mother put sugar in the soup instead of salt.
21. She is having her watch repaired.
22. The child did not let go of her hand.
23.1hear you have moved into a new flat.
24.1heard a car stop in front of the house.
25.1hear that a famous actor has arrived in Moscow.
26. It is impossible to make Tom work on such a hot day.
27.1do not want you to go to the country in such awful weather.
28. All the family watched the father putting up a picture.
29. We watched him run and catch a passing bus.
30. We would like them to be present at the discussion.
31. You can see our neighbour working in his garden every Sunday in sum­
32. Nobody expected the foreign guests to know Russian so well.
33. Robert did not notice his friend enter the cafe and was surprised to feel
somebody touch him by the shoulder.
34.1see that I was mistaken.
35.1saw everybody look up and felt that something had happened.
36. We felt that he did not like our work.
37.1felt somebody pull at my sleeve.
38.1noticed a taxi slow down and stop at the corner of the street.
39. He knew that the book was interesting/the book to be interesting, but he
did not expect it to be so interesting.
40.1hear he is working on a new book. I wonder what it is about.
41. They felt it was time to go.
42. Don't let the children watch TV until late.

1.1had to wait two hours to have my application registered.

2. I've heard his name (being) mentioned in this connection.
3. After his death he left his family well provided for.
4. He wanted to make everyone respect him.
5 .1could not have my only son expelled from university.
6. Why didn't you get him (to be) sent on that trip?
7. It annoyed him to hear/hearing his affairs being discussed by a stranger.
5 Сборник упражнений по грамматике..
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

8. It was hard to see/seeing him defeated.

9 .1 expect your mother had her bills paid regularly.
10. It is impossible to get anyone to do anything/ to get anything done in
this house.
11.1 don't want to see anyone hurt.
12. My husband gave such a loud laugh that I noticed other people glance
round at our table.
13. She smiled, slowly letting the door shut.
14. Mary had the table laid.
15.1did not expect the problem to turn into a tragedy.
16. I've often heard this joke (being) told.
17. I'll have somebody put on to watch the house.
18. She could not bring herself to say that she was afraid of losing him.
19.1want this telegram sent at once.
20. He got the check cashed next morning.
21. We saw him lose his temper and felt uncomfortable.
22. Nothing can make him return to town in the middle of (the) summer.
23. I'll try to get your son to write to you.
24. I've often seen this (being) done.
25.1won't have you speaking to me like this.
26. She smiled hearing herself being described as a middle-aged woman.
27. She does not wish her whereabouts to be known/ being known/known.
28. We were all waiting for the letter to arrive.
29. He motioned to me to go out.
30.1saw him sitting at the window watching the street.
31. She suffered from the thought of having another woman looking after
her child.
32.1know him never to lose anything.
33. Your letter has forced me to write what I feel.
34.1watched another car drive off and walked slowly back to the house.
35.1had expected my father to meet me at the station and was surprised to
find nobody waiting for me.
36. He heard water running in the bathroom. He had not expected his wife
to get back so early.
37. Listening to Sam speaking about his family, I was thinking about my own.
38. Arriving home in the evening, I discovered him sitting on the stairs in
front of my door.
39. He was waiting for me to explain my business.
40.1rely on you not to talk.
41.1looked at John drinking beer, but he did not seem to notice me.
42. He nodded to Andrew and gestured to him to sit down.
43. My uncle said he would arrange for me to spend a month on a farm.
Ключи к упражнениям

Exercise ТО
1. She has found a dress she likes, but she will have to have it altered.
2 .1learned that the price included the cost of having my hair washed and
3 .1would rather pay for having my shirts washed than wash them myself.
4. I've had my best photographs enlarged and framed.
5. I'm having the best photographs enlarged and framed.
6. Let's have/get the flat cleaned before the holiday.
7. To make sure your electrical equipment is safe, you should have it checked
8. Ever since I learned that I had had my paper accepted at the conference,
I've been worrying about things that I need to get done.
9. I've decided to have my old suit cleaned rather than have a new one
10. My hair needed cutting/l needed to have my hair cut anyway, so I began
to think of having it restyled.
11.1must get a friend of mine who is a stylist, to advise me on what will look
best. .
12.1had my laptop stolen when my car was broken into, so I've had to borrow
one and get an IT specialist to transfer my presentation onto the new com­
13. I'll get a taxi to pick me up from home.
14. I'll have/get my secretary run/to run the film for you.
15. The chief of the hospital had had this document delivered to me before
the beginning of the working day.
16.1thought you might not get a chance to eat, so I've had some food brought
17. As we are getting the flat redecorated anyway, it might be a good idea to
have the electric sockets replaced.
18. Shall we get somebody to redecorate the kitchen/have the kitchen re­
decorated or shall we do it ourselves?
19. We have our knives sharpened once a year.
20. When she had had her jewellery valued, she found it wasn't actually
worth much.
21. I'm going to have the roof repaired next year.
22. When did you last have your car serviced?
23. He had his nose broken in a fight.
24. What's that smell? — We are having the house painted.
25. Are the photographs ready? — No, they aren't. I haven't had the film de­
veloped yet.
26. What are those workmen doing in the garden? — We are having a swim­
ming pool built.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

27. The engine in Tom's car could not be repaired, so he had to have a new
engine fit in.
28. He had his money stolen on a tram.
29. Did you have the newspapers delivered or did you buy them yourself?

1. long, from his friend. 2. cold является частью составного именного

сказуемого, определений нет. 3. Peter's. 4. two broken. 5. second, б. lying on
the floor. 7. of the house. 8. great, to travel about the country. 9. of seeing him
soon. 10. his, to go there alone. 11. in a long white dress. 12. to understand the
joke является частью составного именного сказуемого, определений нет.
13. the boy's new. 14. to tell you. 15. to share a secret. 16. of talking to him again.
17. sitting next to me. 18. of his hair. 19. his, of talking. 20. rising. 21. neatly ar­
ranged on the shelf. 22. to be sent away.

1. young Byron's first poems
2. my father's old black pipe
3. the painter Ivanov's new pictures
4. the young girl's thick English book
5. my old uncle's pretty little daughter
6. Bernard Shaw's most successful plays
7. my sister Helen's beautiful clear voice
8. young Dickens's hard life
9. the boy's new big spectacles / the new boy's big spectacles
10. a little girl's thick black plait
11. the young girls' beautiful red-and-white dresses
.12. our children's bright carnival costumes
13. my elder brother's new expensive bicycle
14. this young author's first successful novel
15. yesterday's sensational news
16. my sister's wonderful ten-month-old baby
17. my best friend's favourite old cap
18. my old grandmother's white lace gloves/ my grandmother's old white lace
19. my guest's warm pleasant smile
20. the old man's loud cough

1. There were a lot of large and small men's and women's hats of different
styles in the shop window.
2. There was a large tourists'camp on the/a river bank.
Ключи к упражнениям

3. We called at the nearest florist's on our way and bought a large bouquet
of roses, my mother's favourite flowers.
4. There was a minute's awkward silence, then everyone started to talk at
5. They went into the children's footwear department.
6. There was a disagreement. Some suggested having the New Year party at
the Browns', others suggested having it at the Smiths'.
7. Her eyes were as beautiful as her mother's and her chin was as strong as
her father's.
8. Children were sweeping up last year's leaves in the park.
9. The painting "Pushkin by the sea" is Aivazovki and Repin's joint work.
10. The portrait of Remrandt's wife is one of the great artist's most famous
11. He had no bicycle of his own, so when he had to go to the station, he bor­
rowed his neighbour's.
12. Whose proposal do you support — the director's or the chief engineer's?
13. What's your best friend's younger sister's name?
14. "Carmen", Bizet's most popular opera, is based on Merimee's famous no­
15. Those are not his words, they are some other writer's.

1. He put AN envelope in THE doctor's hand.

2. She teaches at A smart girls' school.
3. After two months' leave he was sent to AN Officers'Training Camp in Dor­
4. THE assistants' office is located on THE second floor.
5 .1 was going to attend A parents' meeting next Monday.
6. His eyes narrowed like A cat's.
7. He was thinking of going to A Teachers'Training College.
8. She was given A doll's house for her birthday.
9. That dog is A proper brute. I've known him bite clean through A lady's
10. They were promised four days' rest.
11. She is out visiting A neighbour's daughter.
12. The theatre had three weeks' ballet season.
13. Very early in my life I was taught not to believe A girl's tears.
14. THE chief's remarks left me indifferent.
15. "Is that Mr. Blake?" A woman's voice asked in THE telephone.
16. Then she leaped to one side as A car's brakes screamed behind her.
17. By A clown's grimace on his face I understood that he was suffering.
^ ||jp Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

1. Are you younger than your sister? — No, I am two years older than she.
2. This story is still more interesting than the one we were reading yester­
3. Our garden is the smallest of all.
4. It takes him less time to do his homework than it does me.
5. She is as young as her cousin./She is not older than her cousin.
6. Our TV-set is half as large as yours/ ... twice smaller than yours.
7. This text is twice as difficult as/twice more difficult than the one we have
just read.
8. His TV-set is as good as ours. But it takes up twice as much space.
9. This room is half as large as/twice smaller than yours.
10. This suitcase is still heavier than mine.
*11. This text is the most interesting of all we have been reading so far.
12. This story is as long as that one, but not as interesting.
13. David is the older of the two brothers and the more intelligent.
14. It's not as cold today as it was yesterday.
15. This one is the more beautiful of the two dresses.
16. My brother speaks French much better than English.
17. The weather was becoming worse with every day.
18. This text is still more difficult than the one we were translating the other
19. The more interesting a book is, the more quickly you will read it.
20. The sun is shining much more brightly today than yesterday.
21. I've heard both reports.The first was much more interesting than the sec­

1. You are usually here when something happens.

2 .1always work best at night.
3. Her mum always cooks a meal in the evening
4. He always moves very slowly in the morning.
5. She speaks Japanese fluently.
6. We usually book the April holiday in February.
7 .1think we'd better open the parcel now.
8. They think that we have probably got bread./They
probably think that we have got bread.
9. Chocolate cakes are definitely the best.
10. She was crying quietly in her room.
11.1 have never had an illness in my life.
Ключи к упражнениям

12. We talked about it briefly at lunchtime.

13. I'm going to break the eggs carefully into the bowl.
14.1definitely remember buying some sugar.
15. Ann usually works at the village shop on Saturdays.
16.1can't explain my feelings clearly.
17. The team played brilliantly yesterday.
18. She has never done that before.
19.1always worked very hard at school.
20. It is sometimes very difficult.
21. She practices the piano here every evening.
22.1have often tried to find it.
23.1don't think she plays tennis very well.
24. We are definitely going to win.
25. We were all at the station.
26. He read every word slowly.
27. Put the butter in the fridge at once.

1. He knows English well enough.

2. The boy is strong enough.
3. He has enough money to buy a new suit.
4. He has not enough time to stay to tea.
5. The actor is famous enough.
6 .1have enough notebooks at home.
7. The weather is warm enough.
8. There is not enough work for all of you.
9 .1have not enough time to tell you the story.
10. You are not strong enough to do such work.
11.The museum is near enough...
12.... we'll have enough books for the whole group.
13. This room is large enough for ten people.
14. Do you think there will be enough food?
15. He ran away quickly enough.
16. He jumped high enough.
17. We don't have enough cups for everybody.
18. He greeted me warmly enough.
19. We have not enough flowers to give the teachers.
20. There is not enough water.
21. He phones often enough.
22. They had notenough money for a motor bike.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

1. Не is so hard-working. Не is such a hard-working person.
2. The idea is so splendid. It is such a splendid idea.
3.The mistake was so awful. It was such an awful mistake.
4. The joke was so funny. It was such a funny joke.
5. The question was so unexpected. It was such an unexpected question.
6. The story was so touching. It was such a touching story.
7. The present was so expensive. It was such an expensive present.
8. The coat is so warm. It is such a warm coat.
9. It was such an interesting book. The book was so interesting.
10. He had such a strong voice. His voice was so strong.
11. It was such a funny hat. The hat was so funny.
12. She was so lucky... She was such a lucky person...
13. She wore such extravagant clothes. Her clothes were so extravagant.
14. It was such useful advice. The advice was so useful.
15. The girls were so pretty. They were such pretty girls.
16. You've given me such interesting books. The books you've given me are so
17. Don't give me so much money. Don't give me such a lot of money.
18. They were so busy. They were such busy people.
19. Her hair is so beautiful. She has such beautiful hair.
20. It was such hard work. The work was so hard.
21. The countryside was so beautiful. It was such beautiful countryside.

1. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see anything.

2. They could not see anything in such a thick fog.
3. The water was so cold that he did not enjoy his swim.
4 .1can't bathe in such cold water.
5 .1am so tired that I cannot walk home.
6. I've always dreamed of such a cosy home.
7. We did not expect the film to be so interesting.
8. We saw such an interesting film yesterday!
9. Such news spreads fast.
10.1have so many/such a lot of things to do!
11. He was so angry with me that he refused to speak to me.
12. It was such difficult work, I wonder how he could do it so quickly.
13.1didn't know he was such a talented child.
14. He has been so busy lately that he has forgotten about our invitation.
15. It's a pity she works so slowly.
16. The wind was so strong that it was difficult to walk.
Ключи к упражнениям

17. They have such sweet little daughters.

18. Her health is so poor that she seldom goes out.
19.1 can't afford such an expensive coat, but I want it so very much!
20. This dress is so elegant, but it cannot be worn with such shoes.
21. Thank you for such an original idea.
22. You can't talk to your parents in such a way.
23. It's such a pleasure walking in the park in such fine weather.
24. She has such beautiful blond hair.
25. She has such a good taste, she is always so elegantly dressed.

1. What did you do first?

2 .1 did not recognize him at first.
3. Listen to the text first, then answer my questions.
4. At first he refused to listen to me.
5. It is necessary to correct the mistakes first.
6. He wanted to go to the country at first, but then he changed his mind.
7. First think, then do.
8. He was so nervous at first that he could not speak.
9. We decided to go to the Tretyakov Gallery first.
10. At first we decided to go on an excursion on Sunday, but then it started
to rain and we had to stay at home.
11. She advised me to do the oral exercises first.
12. We took no notice of his words at first.
13.1think you must speak to the chief engineer first.
14.1didn't want to speak to him at first.
15.1didn't want to speak to him first.

Виды предложений

1.1haven't seen anyone today. / 1have seen no one....

2. He does not come here every day.
3 .1did not understand you well enough.
4. He does not work at our factory.
5 .1do not get up very late on Sunday.
6. He did not tell me about this yesterday. / It was not about this that he told
me yesterday.
7 .1do not think it will rain tomorrow.
8. It did not take me very long to do this job.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9 .1 did not expect it would rain long.

10. He never understood what the matter was.
11. They do not seem to be in a hurry to see us.
12.1did not see Helen, but her sister.
13. He did not think you would be able to see all the sights in three days.
14. They do not live on the ground floor.
15.1do not think he went to work yesterday.
16. He does not seem to like it.
17. He did not go where he had been sent.
18.1do not expect you will object.
19. We do not meet very often.
20.1do not think you are right.
21. He did not greet us very politely.
22.1do not expect we shall be able to see him today.

1. a) Will there be a lot of fruit in this garden in autumn? b) There will be a lot
of fruit in this garden in autumn, won't there? c) Where will there be a lot of fruit
in autumn? d) When will there be a lot of fruit in this garden? e) Why will there
be a lot of fruit in this garden in autumn? f) How much fruit will there be in this
garden in autumn? g) What will there be in this garden in autumn?
2. a) Will there be a military parade in Red Square? b) There will be a military
parade in Red Square, won't there? c) Where will there be a military parade?
d) What will there be in Red Square? e) When will there be a military parade in
Red Square?
3. a) Will there be a new cinema in this district next year? b) Will there be a
new cinema or a new theatre in this district next year? c) There will be a new •
cinema in this district next year, won't there? d) What will there be in this district
next year? e) Where will there be a new cinema next year? f) When will there be
a new cinema in this district?

■H i
1. She doesn't study Greek, does she? — Yes, she does. She studies Greek.
— No, she doesn't. She doesn't study Greek.
2. He doesn't drive a car, does he?
— Yes, he does. He drives a car.
— No, he doesn't. He doesn't drive a car.
3. Nobody is there, are they?
— Yes, they are. Everybody is there.
— No, they aren't. Nobody is there.
4. Granny doesn't do the shopping, does she?
Ключи к упражнениям

— Yes, she does. Granny does the shopping.

— No, she doesn't. Granny doesn't do the shopping.
5. He doesn't begin work at 8, does he?
— Yes, he does. He begins work at 8.
— No, he doesn't. He doesn't begin work at 8.
6. There isn't a table in this room, is there?
— Yes, there is. There is a table in this room.
— No, there isn't. There isn't a table in this room.
7. The short hand of the clock doesn't tell the
minutes, does it?
— No, it doesn't. The short hand doesn't tell the
8. There was nobody at home, was there?
— Yes, there was. Everybody was at home.
— No, there wasn't. There was nobody at home.
9. He doesn't drink tea in the morning, does he?
— Yes, he does. He drinks tea in the morning.
— No, he doesn't. He doesn't drink tea in the morning.
10. You have never been to the Caucasus, have you?
— Yes, I have. I have been to the Caucasus.
— No, I haven't. I haven't been to the Caucasus.
11.1 don't have to get up early, do I?
— Yes, you do. You have to get up early.
— No, you don't. You don't have to get up early.
12. Nobody goes home by bus, do they?
— Yes, they do. Everybody/Somebody goes home by
— No, they don't. Nobody goes home by bus.
13. There won't be many people at the library, will there? — Yes, there will.
There will be many people at the library.
— No, there won't. There won't be many people at the library.
14. She doesn't like cheese, does she?
— Yes, she does. She likes cheese.
— No, she doesn't. She doesn't like cheese.
15. Peter never drinks coffee, does he?
— Yes, he does. Peter always drinks coffee.
— No, he doesn't. Peter never drinks coffee.
16. She won't be able to come, will she?
— Yes, she will. She'll be able to come.
— No, she won't. She won't be able to come.
17. Mother doesn't cook breakfast, does she?
— Yes, she does. Mother cooks breakfast.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

— No, she doesn't. Mother doesn't cook breakfast.

18. He isn't reading, is he?
— Yes, he is. He is reading.
— No, he isn't. He isn't reading.
19. You are not younger than he, are you?
— Yes, I am. I am younger than he.
— No, I am not younger than he.
20. There was not a book on the table, was there?
— Yes, there was. There was a book on the table.
— No, there wasn't. There was not a book on the table.
21. You don't have to do it, do you?
— Yes, I do. I have to do it.
— No I don't. I don't have to do it.
22. They can't come, can they?
— Yes, they can. They can come.
— No, they can't. They can't come.

1.1wonder if these men go to town every day. Do you think these men go to
town every day?
2 .1wonder if he spends his holidays at the seaside. Do you think he spends
his holidays at the seaside?
3 .1wonder why he is late. Why do you think he is late?
4 .1wonder if birds fly to the South in autumn. Do you think birds fly to the
South in autumn?
5 .1wonder what he is doing. What does he/do you think he is doing?
б. I wonder if Mary does her work quickly. Do you think Mary does her work
7 .1wonder if it will rain long. Do you think it will rain long?
8 .1wonder if he wants to catch the 6 o'clock train. Do you think he wants to
catch the 6 o'clock train?
9 .1wonder if he liked the book. Do you think he liked the book?
10.1wonder if she travels a lot in summer. Do you think she travels a lot in sum­
11.1wonder what kind of book that is. What kind of book do you think that is?
12.1wonder how much it is. How much do you think it is?
13.1wonder if mother wakes him up at 6. Do you think mother wakes him up
at 6?
14.1wonder where I can buy a guide-book. Where do you think I can buy a
15.1wonder if he wants to buy a few toys. Do you think he wants to buy a few
Ключи к упражнениям

16.1wonder how many toys he is going to buy. How many toys do you think
he is going to buy?
17.1wonder if the book costs a lot. Do you think the book costs a lot?
18.1wonder what I shall say to her. What do you think I shall say to her?
19.1wonder if there will be a lot of people at the party. Do you think there will
be a lot of people at the party?
20.1wonder which is the shortest way to Red Square. Which do you think is the
shortest way to Red Square?
21.1wonder if there was nobody at home. Do you think there was nobody at
22.1wonder when we shall meet. When do you think we shall meet?
23.1wonder if he js coming. Do you think he is coming?
24.1wonder if he writes to them. Do you think he writes to them?

1. Where do you think he can be?

2. Do you think it is a good film?
3. Do you think I will see him tomorrow?
4. Where do you think I can buy good perfume?
5. How much do you think this book costs?
6. When do you think I must leave to catch the train?
7. Which of them do you think will be meeting us?
8. Do you think 10 pounds is enough/will do?
9. Do you think 35 people are a lot?
10. Which of this perfume do you think I had better buy?
11. What do you think I had better cook for the holiday?
12. How many people do you think there will be?
13. What do you think I should wear?
14. Do you think he will ring?

1. Won't you come with us? — Yes, I will.

2. Don't you understand me? — Yes, I do. I understand you perfectly well.
3. Don't you like the film? — No, I don't.
4. Have you never been to London? -No, I haven't unfortunately.
5. Haven't you brought the notebook? — No, I haven't.
6. Couldn't you remember such a simple thing? — No, I couldn't.
7. Isn't it raining? — Yes, it is.
8. Doesn't he live in Tverskaya Street? — No, he doesn't. He lives in Gogol
9. Doesn't he work now? — Yes, he does, though he is retired.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

10. Don't you often go to the theatre? — Of course, not. Not oftener than once
a month./Once a month at the oftenest.
11. Hasn't he lived here for a long time? — No, he hasn't. He arrived a year ago.
12. Don't you know he is dead? — No, never heard of it. What a pity!
13. Won't you come? — I am afraid not. I will be busy.

1. She told me to turn on the light.

2. Kate suggested going to see Fred that night.
3. Tom offered to ring up the teacher.
4. The boys suggested that the girls should do the cooking.
5. Jane suggested going to see/that we should go and see
him some other day.
6. My sister told me not to leave my coat on the chair.
7. Helen suggested doing the shopping tonight/in the evening.
8. My friend offered to pay the fare.
9. Mike suggested not telling/that we should not tell Kate about it.
10. My cousin offered to introduce me to Helen.
11. He suggested inviting Jim.
12. My friend suggested that they should solve this problem.
13. My mother told me not to be afraid of the exam.
14. The teacher suggested that he should present his paper next week.
15. My friend offered to buy the presents.

1. Mr. Brown invited me to the theatre and offered to buy the tickets.
2. Jack suggested I (should) call a doctor as he did not like the way I looked.
3. My neighbour in the compartment offered to help me with the luggage
because my suitcase was very heavy.
4. Oliver suggested joining efforts to solve the problem because it concerned
all of us.
5. He showed me a lot of books and suggested I (should) take any of them.
6. He suggested sharing the porter as we hadn't got a lot of luggage.
7. Mother suggested I (should) go to bed as I looked pale.
8. The teacher offered to help me with the homework and suggested a book
on the subject.
9. He suggested choosing another play as the one that was on tonight was
10. He suggested m eeting at the station at five. Then we would have plenty
of time before the train.
11. Mark said there was still a lot of time to kill and suggested playing a game.
Ключи к упражнениям

12. Helen suggested going on a tour of the city on Monday, because Sunday
tours were all booked.
13. Victor offered to buy the book for me as he lived opposite a book shop.
14.1said it was late and suggested taking a taxi.
15. Mother said it was raining and suggested I (should) w ait until the rain
16. Kate offered to help me prepare for the exams because she didn't want me
to fail.
17. Sarah suggested I (should) have a rest because I had been overworking
myself these past weeks.
18. He said it was rather far to the place and suggested taking a bus. But I
suggested w alking because the weather was fine and the place was within
walking distance anyway.
19. He offered to help me with the bag because it seemed very heavy.
20. It was Helen's birthday. Nick offered to buy flowers and suggested I
(should) buy a cake.
21. The Smiths want to sell their cottage at the seaside. Ann has offered to
help them find a buyer.
22.1cannot eat the whole pie, it's much too big. I suggest sharing it.
23. Susan was upset because she had broken her sister's watch. Helen offered
to take it to a watchmaker's to be repaired.
24. You've been arguing for quite a while. I suggest you (should) stop this
useless argument, you are not getting anywhere.
25. Betty said she didn't have enough money to buy a mobile phone. Bill of­
fered to lend her some money.
26. Granddad suggested nam ing the baby Susan after her grandmother.
27. Ann is very upset. Her canary has flown away from its cage. I suggest buy­
ing another canary for her.
28. Susie said they were going mountain skiing and suggested we (should)
join them if we wished.
29. The Parliament Building is open for visitors tomorrow. I suggest going on
a tour.
30. Mother said I kept forgetting things and suggested I (should) keep a diary.
31. We've been driving since seven in the morning. I suggest m aking a stop
and having lunch, I'm starving.
32. Mr. Smith asked if I would be going his way and offered to give me a lift as
far as the station.

1. Your offer is very tempting, but I cannot accept it.

2. My friend offered to pay the fare as I had no change.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. Why doesn't somebody suggest that we should do something to help her?

4. The plan which you suggest/are suggesting/have suggested is very in­
teresting and I am ready to try it.
5 .1refuse to take anything he offers me.
6. He suggested that the matter be discussed at the next meeting.
7. The teacher suggested a very good way of memorizing words.
8. The host suggested playing a very amusing game.
9. Mr. White has been offered the post of director.
10. The worker suggested a more effective method of cutting metals.
11. Mother suggested that I should put on the blue dress when I go to the
12.1suggest buying this book.
13. What do you suggest doing now?
14. Who has offered him the job?
15.1suggested taking an umbrella because it looked like rain.
16. The host suggested that we should sing a song, or play some merry games.
17. No one offered him help.
18. Peter suggested that we should go skiing after lunch.
19. The man nodded to his visitor and offered him a seat.
20. The coach suggested that we walk another two miles and then have a rest.
21. They offered him money for the picture but he refused to sell it.
22. My friend suggested that we should play a game of tennis.
23. The boy offered to carry her basket.
24. The school doctor suggested that I should see the dentist.
25. Do you know who suggested the idea of going to the seaside?
26. The builder suggested a new and more effective method of laying bricks.
27. My friend offered to go to the station to find out when our train started
and suggested that I should take care of the things.

1. Michael has been offered a very interesting job.

2. When Kate learned what had happened she phoned her friends and of­
fered her help/to help.
3 .1suggest listening to the news first and then going out for a walk/1 sug­
gest that we (should) listen to the news before going out for a walk.
4. John suggested that the w hole group should go on an excursion to Mos­
cow in the summer.
5. When a passer-by saw that a woman was afraid to cross the street, he of­
fered to help her.
6. Who suggested cancelling the meeting/that the m eeting (should) be
Ключи к упражнениям

7 .1suggest going out tonight, I am tired of sitting at home.

8. As the weather is fine, I suggest w alking from the station to the dacha, it
is a kilometer's distance from the station.
9. When an elderly woman got on the bus, a young man got up and offered
her his seat.
10. Learning that my friend's daughter was ill, I offered to call/suggested call­
ing a doctor.
11.1 hear he has offered to look after your dog.
12. Learning that she was ill, I offered to call a doctor.
13. He offered me a ticket for the 10 o'clock show, but I refused as it was too
14. After graduation he was offered a job in the Far East and he agreed with
pleasure. N,
15. He suggested going to the country.
16.1saw her carrying a heavy suitcase and offered to help her.
17. She accepted the offer to see her home.
18. You were the first to suggest this title for my story.
19. 'May I offer to help you?' he asked.
20. As the weather is fine, I suggest a walk in the park. Do you mind?
21. I don't know what to cook for breakfast, would you suggest something,
22. A boy offered to help me carry my suitcase to the lift.

1. It is winter. It is cold. It is snowing.

2. Is it raining? — No, but there are a lot of clouds in the sky.
3. It's hot. There isn't a wind.
4. It's easy to get up/getting up early in summer.
5. It is hot in the Crimea in summer. There is not much rain.
6. It often rains in autumn.
7. It is 3 o'clock. Let us go and listen to some music.
8. It is spring. There are a lot of flowers in the parks.
9. It is 20 kilometres to Moscow. There is a bus that goes twice a day.
10. What time is it? — A quarter to six. Are you coming?
11. It was cold and there was a lot of snow in the street.
12. It's strange that you don't want to go to the lecture. It will be very interest­
13. It is dark. There are few people in the street.
14. It is two o'clock. There is time for a bathe.
15. It's not easy to understand what he means.
16. It's time to go. There is almost no one left in the hall.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

17. It has been raining for two days.

18. There are puddles in the street. It has been raining.
19.1 don't like when it snows.
20. It is 20 minutes'walk from here to the museum.
21. Did it snow yesterday?
22. It stopped raining a minute ago.
23. It's difficult to understand this sentence.
24. It's two kilometers from here to the river.

1. It was on Monday that we set off.

2. It was Monday when I first met him.
3. It was Max that I met at the party.
4. It was Pushkin that he read to us.
5. It was on the morning of the first of January that it happened.
6. It was noon when the group arrived in the town.
7. Is it this book that you want to buy?
8. It was only when I heard the words "my dear" that I understood what lan­
guage he was speaking/ It wasn't until I heard the words... that I understood...
9. It is I who am to blame for what has happened.
10. It is we who have bought this picture.
11. It was with Ann that I went to London.
12. It is by reading aloud that he has improved his pronunciation.
13. It was a ring that he found.

1. What a good singer he is!

2. How good the singer is!
3. What a fine athlete he is!
4. How good the athlete is!
5. What a pretty girl she is!
6. How pretty this girl is!
7. What beautiful hair she has!
8. How beautiful her hair is!
9. What a cool night it is!
10. How cool the night is!
11. How well he speaks English!
12. How quiet everything was!
13. How perfectly they understood each other!
14. How well she plays the piano!
15. How noisy it is here!
Ключи к упражнениям

16. How stuffy it is here!

17. How beautiful this place is!
18. How beautifully she sings!
19. What fine weather we are having!
20. What beautiful clothes she is wearing!
21. How delicious the cake smells!
22. What sad news you have brought us!
23. How loudly they are laughing!
24. What a lot of money you have given me!
25. How wrong you are!
26. How beautiful she looks in this dress!
27. How tall the child has grown!
28. How fast the tree is growing!
29. How cold April usually is!
30. How nice the flowers smell!
31. How gray her hair has turned!
32. How cold it's getting!
33. What a nice man he seems to be!

1. Look, how many flowers they have picked!

2. What heavy traffic there is in Moscow!/ How heavy the traffic in Moscow is!
3. What a beautiful bridge he has built!
4. How pleasant it is to walk/walking in this wonderful park!
5. What an interesting journey it was!
6. How well you describe the cities you've been to!
7. What an important historical document you have discovered!
8. How late you are/you have come!
9. What awful weather it was yesterday!
10. How pleasant it was to make his acquaintance!
11. What an interesting book he has brought!
12. How thrilling it will be to see the sights with your own eyes!

1. Jim's going to town tonight — So are we.

2. Jack Isn't going to town — Neither are they.
3. He hasn't changed a bit. — Neither has she.
4. Sam can play chess. — So can Mike.
5. Jill can't skate. — Neither can we.
6. John must work harder. — So must Nick.
7 .1 haven't heard the news. — Neither has Mary.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

8. My brother got married last year. — So did his sister.

9 .1didn't promise them anything. — Neither did he.
10. Peter doesn't know our new address. — Neither does his brother
11. Henry visits the Browns very often. — So does John.
12. Bill never goes to parties. — Neither does Jill.
13. Kate cleans the flat every day. — So does my mother.
14. We won't be staying at a hotel. — Neither will they.
15. He was surprised to hear it. — So were we.
16. We were not expecting to hear that. — Neither was he.
17. She managed to do the work in time. — So did he.
18.1haven't seen the new film. — Neither have they.

1.1have been living in Moscow for 10 years. — Have you? So has my brother.
2. I don't quite understand this rule. — Neither do I. I suggest asking the
teacher to explain it to us again.
3. My brother is now reading up for his exams. — So is my sister.
4. Jim must work hard on his pronunciation. — So must John.
5. We are going to the Tretyakov Gallery on Sunday. — So are my friends.
6. Ann has a lot of interesting books. — So has/does Mary. Let's ask them for
something to read.
7. Michael can't write in French. — Neither can Nick.
8 .1don't like the way this violinist plays Brahms. — Neither do I.
9. My favourite symphony is Chaikovski's Fifth. — Mine too./l like Chaikovski's
Fifth Symphony most of all. — So do I.
10.1 haven't been to the Art Theatre for a long time. — Neither have I. What
about going there tonight?
11. He's just back from holiday. — So am I. Does he look as brown as I?
12. We've only just arrived, we are checking in. — So are they.
13. Ann never goes to work by bus. — Neither do 1.1 prefer walking. My office
is within walking distance.

Видовременная система английского глагола

1. The first Wednesday in every month was a Perfectly Awful Day. Every floor
must bespotless, every chair dustless and every bed without a wrinkle. Ninety-
seven little orphans must be scrubbed and combed and reminded of their man­
ners and told to say "Yes, sir", "No, sir", whenever a Trustee spoke.
Ключи к упражнениям

It was a distressing time; and poor Jerusha Abbott had to bear the brunt of it.
But this particular Wednesday, like its predecessors, had finally dragged itself to
a close. Jerusha escaped from the pantry where she had been making sand­
wiches and turned upstairs to do her regular work. Her special care was room F.
Jerusha assembled her charges, straightened their frocks, wiped their noses
and sent them to the dining-room.
Then she dropped down on the window seat and leaned her forehead
against the cool glass. She had been on her feet since five that morning.
The day had ended — quite successfully, so far as she knew. The Trustees and
the visiting committee had made their rounds and had read their reports and
had drunk their tea. And now they were hurrying home.

2. In the early morning he awoke and looked out upon a small town just aris­
ing from sleep. Lights were coming on, soft voices were muttering. A porter
was moving by, a shadow in shadows.
"Sir," said Willie.
The porter stopped.
"What town is this?" whispered the boy in the dark.
"Valleyville. Is this your stop?"
"It looks green, "Willie gazed out at the cold morning town for a long time.
"It looks nice and quiet."
"Son," said the porter, "you know where you are going?"
"Here," said Willie.
"I hope you know what you are doing, boy," said the porter.
"Yes, sir," said Willie. "I know what I am doing." And he was down the dark
aisle, luggage lifted for him by the porter, and out in the cold morning.
He watched/was watching the black train until it was completely gone away
and out of sight. Then, as the sun rose/was rising, he began to walk very fast, so
as to keep warm, down into the new town.

3 .1 liked our guide. I asked him if he was a spaceman and he said no, he was
just a Colonial Service Ranger.
Dad and Mr. Latham joined us we were finishing the tour while Mr. Perrin —
that's our guide — announced the trip outside "to see the Devil's Graveyard and
the site of the Great Disaster of 1984."
Dad rubbed his hands together. "This is for me," he announced.
"You'll enjoy it," Mr. Latham agreed. "I'm tempted to come along myself."
"Why don't you?" Dad asked.
"No, I want to have the papers ready for you to sign when you get back and
before you leave for Luna City. Besides, I've been out on the surface dozens of
times. But I'll come along and help you into your spacesuits."
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Mother said she did not think she would go; she was not sure she could
stand the thought of being shut up in a spacesuit.
Mother always objects and then gives in. I suppose women just don't have
any force of character.

1.1 went down pastTamu's cabin quietly so she wouldn't hear me and to my
own the door of which was slightly open.
I had left it closed. And locked. I always left it closed and locked.
I threw the door open. Tamu was standing over my open suitcase with my
passport in her hand.
What you do you say in a situation like that? I was angry and that helped.
"You have broken into my cabin and are stealing my passport."
"How cruel of you. "The door was open and I came in. I am stealing nothing."
"You have it in your hand!"
"I have been examining it. "It is a very interesting document."
"Now hand it back."
She hesitated a moment, looking at me closely before she spoke.
"I would very much like to examine it further."
I was still angry.
"Of course you can examine it. But the examination fee for the standard
American passport is a hundred dollars an hour."
"Very agreeable. And here is the hundred dollars."
And she had it too, in a little purse she had dug out of her clothes. They were
in my palm and she was out of the door before I realized what had happened.

2. Mrs. Morris opened a can and poured hot soup into a bowl. During all this
Mink fidgeted/was fidgeting.
"Hurry, Mom. This is a matter of life and death!"
"I was the same way at your age. Always life and death. I know."
Mink banged away at her soup.
"Slow down," said Mom.
"Can't," said Mink. "Dill's waiting for me. I got to run if we want to have the
"Who's invading what?"
"Martians invading Earth. Well, not exactly Martians.They are — from up." She
pointed with her spoon.
"And inside," Mom said touching Mink's feverish brow. Mink rebelled. "You
are laughing! You will/would kill Dill and everybody."
"I don't mean to," said Mom. "Dill's a Martian?"
Ключи к упражнениям

"No. He's — well — maybe from Jupiter or Saturn or Venus. Anyway, he's had
a hard time."
"They couldn't figure a way to attack Earth. Dill says in order to make a good
fight you got to have a new way of surprising people. That way you win. And he
says also you got to have help from your enemy. And they couldn't figure a way
to surprise Earth or get help."
Mink sat there, staring at the table, seeing what she was talking about.
"Until one day," whispered Mink melodramatically, "they thought of chil­

1. They were walking slowly at about ten in the evening talking calmly.
"But why so early?" said Smith. "Your first night out in years and you go/are
going home at ten o'clock".
"Nerves, I suppose".
"What I wonder is how you managed it. I've been trying to get you out for
ten years for a quiet drink. What did you do, put sleeping powder in your wife's
"No. You'll see soon enough. Look up there!"
In the window above them a man about thirty-five years old, with a touch of
gray at either temple, sad gray eyes and a small thin moustache was looking
down at them. They waited. The street door of the apartment opened and the
gentleman with the moustache came out to meet them.
"Hallo, Braling," he said.
"Hallo, Braling," said Braling.
They were identical.
Smith stared. "Is this you twin brother?"
"No," said Braling quietly. "Put your ear to Braling Two's chest."
Smith hesitated and then leaned forward.
Smith staggered back, appalled.
He reached out and touched the warm hands and the cheeks of the thing.
"Where did you get him?"
"Give the man your card, Braling Two."
Braling Two produced a white card:
"Duplicate self or friends, new humanoid plastics 1990 models."
"How long has this been going on?"
"I have had him for a month. I keep him in the cellar in a toolbox. My wife
never goes downstairs, and I have the only key to that box. Tonight I said I
wished to take a walk to buy a cigar. I went down to the cellar and took Braling
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Two out of his box and sent him back up to sit with my wife while I came out to
see you, Smith. So I've been home all evening."

2. Braling and Braling Two turned in at the door to the apartment.

"Well, it's the cellar box for you, В-Two." Braling guided the other creature
down the stairs.
"That's what I want to talk to you about," said Braling Two. "The cellar. I don't
like it."
"I'll try and fix something more comfortable. Besides it'll only be a few days
now. I'll be off to Rio and you won't have to stay in the box. You can live up­
Braling Two gestured irritably.
"And when you come back from having a good time, I'll go back in the box."
Braling said, "They didn't tell me at the marionette shop that I would get a
difficult specimen."
"There's a lot they don't know about us," said Braling Two. "We are sensitive. I
hate the idea of your going off to Rio while we are stuck here in the cold."
"But I have wanted that trip all my life," said Braling quietly.
"And another thing. Your wife."
"What about her?" asked Braling beginning to edge toward the door.
"I've grown quite fond of her."
"I'm glad you are enjoying your employment." Braling licked his lips nervo­
"I'm afraid you don't understand. I think — I'm in love with your wife."
"You are in what?" Braling froze.
"And I've been thinking," said Braling Two, "how nice it is in Rio and how I'll
never get there, and I've been thinking about your wife — I think we could be
very happy."
"That's nice." Braling tried to rush out the door, but a metal-firm grip seized
his wrists.
Braling Two said, "I'm going to put you in the box, lock it and lose the key.
Then I'll buy another Rio ticket for your wife. Good-buy, Braling."
Ten minutes later Mrs Braling awoke. She put her hand to her cheek. Some­
one had just kissed it. She shivered and looked up.
"Why — you haven't done that in years," she murmured.
"We'll see what we can do about it," someone said.

1. Water was running in the kitchen. Alice was washing dishes.

2. Sorry, my hands are wet. I have been washing dishes.
3. Have you washed the dishes?
Ключи к упражнениям

4. Who has eaten/ate my apple?

5. Have you been eating garlic again?
6.They sat at the table eating spaghetti./They were sitting... and eating ....
7. Have you discussed this matter?
8. Write down what we have been discussing here today.
9. They had finished writing and were discussing who would send the
10. They talked/were talking about the weather and their plans for the sum­
11. What have you been talking about?
12. He answered that they had been talking about sport.
13. He has been telling me awful stories about you. — And what has he told/
did he tell you?
14. Have you told me everything?
15. It was quiet in the room. John was talking about his trip to Australia.
16. What has he been telling you about me?
17. What's the matter with my hat? Have you been sitting on it?
18. Who has been sitting on my bed?
19. He usually sat in the armchair. But that day he had moved onto the sofa.
20. What have you been doing? — Ironing your trousers.
21. He told his brother what he had been doing in his absence.
22. He did well in his exam because he had been studying/had studied hard.
23. We studied in the library from three to five.
24. Your eyes are red. — I have been studying for tomorrow's exam.
25. Why are you yawning? — I have been napping.
26. He saw a foot. Somebody was sleeping in his bed.
27. The bed was in disorder. Somebody had obviously been sleeping in it.
28. Somebody has been reading my book. This is not my bookmark.
29. Have you read this book? Read it by all means.
30. John, you have been reading Kant for today's class. Tell us.
31. You must have a rest by all means. You have been working too hard today.
32. We have been working on the problem, and we have come to very inter­
esting conclusions.
33. You've done a good job. You have a right to an evening off.
34. He could not sleep because he had been reading until late at night.

1.1 did not know that he had been learning English since childhood.
2. She said she had invited a friend with whom she had been at university
3. What is Mike doing? Has he done his homework? — No, he hasn't. He has
been watching television and is only now sitting down to his homework.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

4. At last you have answered the door. I've been ringing for 10 minutes. —
I couldn't hear you ringing. I was washing dishes.
5. We have decided he will come at five. By his arrival we'll have finished/
finish translating the article and we'll go to the cinema together.
6. I had hardly entered the flat when the phone rang. It was my school friend
who said she had just arrived in Moscow and was going to stay here for a week.
7. Where did you get this hat? I'(ve) always wanted one exactly like this.
8. Are you a Muscovite? — Yes. It will be 20 years in August since I've been
living here.
9. You've interrupted me and I don't remember where I stopped.
10. Who is the man you have just been talking to? — He is a neighbour. We
usually meet at this time in the morning.
11. Have you ever been to this museum? — Yes, I was here two or three times
in my childhood. But I haven't been here since.
12.1met Lena the other day. She told me about a common acquaintance. He
had/has sent her a letter.
13. He said that he had been working in the garden. He had planted two
rose bushes.
14. It will be 10 years in September since I have been working in this institute.
15. He assured me that he would finish/would have finished the work by 5
16.1learned yesterday that he (had) left Moscow in 1973.

1. Where has Ann gone? — She hasn't gone anywhere. She is in the next
room reading a book.
2. She has been reading the book for two days and she says that the book is
very interesting.
3. Has Lena sent you the books you asked for/have been asking for? — Yes,
she has. Lena has always been a reliable friend.
4. They had gone rather far from the town when they noticed a storm com­
5. He put on the light, took the mail and sat down at the table to look through
6. He had put on the light and now sat watching/was sitting and watching
7. Have you ever been to the Tretyakov Gallery? — Yes, of course. I've been
there many times. I last went there in the winter.
8. What has happened to Ann? — She has fallen ill. She had been ill a whole
week when I learned about it.
9. Tom looked at his watch: 20 minutes had passed but Sid had not arrived
Ключи к упражнениям
____ j ______________________ _

10. Не will have received your letter by tomorrow night.

11. She was late for the parents' meeting because she had been buying
Christmas presents.
12. He had hardly knocked at the door when it opened.
13. She had hardly entered the room when the phone rang.
14. How is Irene? — I don't know. I haven't seen her since I returned from
15. He said he was not hungry as he had had lunch in the Institute.
16. From the expression of his face I understood that he had been drinking.
17. Did anyone ask for me? — No. I've been working here since 2 o'clock and
nobody has called in this time.
18.1 was very surprised to hear Roy's voice on the phone. Roy had not phoned
me for three years and now he said he had been living here for several months.
19. Here is the book I have been looking for. Where did you find it?

1. We were talking/talked about what we had been doing since we (had)

last met.
2. Jack, whom Tom had met/whose acquaintance Tom had made recently,
was the last to arrive.
3. Now they were sailing on the sea in which they had just been swimming.
4. The painter says he has been painting all day and has not had anything
to eat.
5. Jack arrived half an hour late, asked what we were eating and ordered
the same.
6. She says she has had the picture for a long time, has never given it to
anyone and is not planning to sell it.
7. It was cold and damp in the house because it had been raining for a few
days and the heating was not working.
8 .1 don't want Mother to know what we have been doing here.
9. The/A noise woke up the baby who had been sleeping in his cot.
10. He said he had not written to you because he had been working on his
11. It is hot and it has not rained/there has been no rain for a month.
12. He raised his head from a magazine which he had been looking through.
13. There was a sheet of paper on the table on which somebody had been
learning to draw.
14. When he gets back, we'll try to pretend that we have not been speaking
about him.
15. The/ — people she met/was meeting seemed to know where she had
been and what she had been doing.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

16. Max looked at the book he had been reading. It was lying open, but the/a
corner of the page was turned to mark the place.
17.1wonder where he has been and what he has been doing all this time.
18.1don't think I've been the worst of husbands those twenty years that we
have been married.
19. You have been working too hard and not getting enough sleep lately, you
look/are looking ill.
20.1haven't had a proper meal since I arrived.
21.1know he is not coming/won't be coming. I've just been speaking/'ve
just spoken to him on the phone.
22. Jack had taken his suitcase into the carriage and was now smoking on the
23. I saw your sister in the theatre. She was wearing a very beautiful suit. I
wonder where she (had) bought it.
24. We had lived/had been living in the village for two months when we
learned that an old friend whom we had not seen for twenty years was coming
to visit us.
25. We stayed in the village for two months and returned home in the au­
26.1got up from the couch on which I had been sitting and went to the win­
dow. It had been raining and there were puddles everywhere.
27.1usually study in the library for two hours after lunch and then go home.
28.1had been wandering about the wood for about an hour when I saw a
small house. As I had never been in those parts before, I did not know who
lived there.
29. A house stood/There was a house among trees and there was a path lead­
ing to it along which I was walking.
30. We had been traveling about two hours when at last we saw a petrol sta­
31. We traveled about two hours and at last saw a petrol station.
32.1had hardly reached the corner when I heard footsteps behind. Someone
was catching up with me.
33. During the Great Patriotic War she taught geography for two years.
34.1have packed my things and am now waiting for a taxi. I rang up for it
two hours ago and hope it arrives/will arrive in time.
35. John had marked his students'essays and was now reading the/a book he
had bought on the way.
36.1met Betty in the cinema when it was raining. She had been sitting next
to me, but I had not noticed her until she dropped her handbag on the way
out. I picked it up and we got talking.
37.1had hardly said goodbye when the train started. My family were stand­
ing on the platform waving to me.
Ключи к упражнениям

38. Now he lives in Moscow. He lived in Kazan for twenty years before.
39. He would/did not sign the contract until he had studied it carefully.
40. My sister, who had been washing dishes in the kitchen, turned off the tap
and called out to me that she would finish later.
41. Her heart was beating fast as if she had been running. In fact she had
never risen from the chair on which she was sitting.

1. You are pale. — I've been going to bed late and getting up too early this
2. What have you been doing all this time? — I've been preparing a/the
collection for a new show.
3. Your wife has beep telling me that you haven't been sleeping well lately.
4. What's the matter, Mother? Has anything happened? — Take no notice.
I've been scouring the pots.
5. His mother died a year ago. She had worked as a teacher all her life.
6. Don't touch the glass. Somebody has been drinking from it.
7 .1have been thinking and I have decided that we haven't done every­
thing we planned/have been planning.
8. He said he had been thinking about my offer/suggestion, but didn't
know yet what to answer.
9 .1don't want anyone to know I have been crying.
10. Have you been wearing my shoes again? Why are they dirty then?
11.1 picked up the book my brother had been reading and saw a few marks
he had made.
12. I've been trying to remember things to tell you, but somehow they have
all gone out of my head now.
13. My brother and I have been discussing the matter today. That's why I have
come to see you.
14. Sorry I am late. I have been changing. I got caught in the rain.
15. He said he had had a wonderful time. He had been looking at photo­
16. Mother is just back/has just returned from the school where she has
been helping to decorate the hall.
17. I'm hot, I have been running. I was afraid of being late.
18. Mary went out of the room where she had been shutting windows and
walked down the stairs.
19. Thank God, you are back. I've been missing you terribly.
20. What do you find wrong with my job? — I've been speaking to a/the doc­
tor. He thinks you have been working too hard and it has told on your heart.
21. Has it been raining? — Why? — The streets are wet.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

22. Have you been drinking? — How do you know? — I can always tell when
somebody has been drinking.
23. Martha opened at once as if she had been waiting for me.
24.1asked him what he was doing there. — He said he had been staying
with friends and was now going back to Moscow.
25. You are just in time. I've been making a cake. It will be ready soon.
26. She was fined because she had been driving without a license.
27. I've been seeing a lot of him this month. He has been very busy. He has
been preparing for his entrance exams.
28. When he came in, we tried to pretend we had not been speaking about
him. But he suspected something and asked what we had been discussing.
29. I heard my wife put down the receiver. I was very curious who she had
been talking to.
30. It annoys me to see you have been wasting time. I've been expecting at
least some results.
31. Where is everybody? — Sorry, we have been looking for a document. —
Have you found it? — Unfortunately not, though we have looked everywhere.
32. My sister came out of the kitchen where she had been washing dishes and
said she had made some soup for me.
33. There was a book lying /А book was lying on the floor by the bed; he had
been reading it the previous night before going to sleep.
34. John returned from the gym where he had been training. He was tired
because he had been working hard. His whole body was aching. But he was
pleased because he had made great progress.
35. Robert always woke up at 7 in the morning no matter where he had been
or what he had been doing the night before.
36. Michael put out the cigarette he had been smoking and walked to the
37. Where have you been? — We have been playing tennis. — Who won?
38. How strange it is to see you coming out of a librar^. What have you been
doing there? — Don't ask me what I have been doing. I'll never tell you.

1.1shall read for an hour or so before I turn off the light.

2. We shall be obliged to you if you find it out.
3. Shall we go somewhere if the weather changes for the worse?
4 .1am so tired that I shall go to bed as soon as Igethome.
5. He will sleep until the alarm wakes him up.
6. They don't know when he will call.
7. You will get wet through unless you take an umbrella.
8. Ring up when you get back.
9 .1am not sure if he will ring.
Ключи к упражнениям

10. We shall go to the country if the weather keeps fine.

11. He won't come unless you ask him.
12.1will ask him if he will do it.
13.1will be cooking dinner while you are packing.
14. We will have finished the work by the time they arrive.
15. He won't tell me if something goes wrong.
16.1would like to know when you will return the money.
17. Will you see him after he gets back from holiday?
18. Could you find out when the concert starts (как обычно)/ will start (если
начало задерживают)?

1.1have not visited the place yet. I am going/will be going/go there tomor­
2. Our train starts at 8 p.m., so if you come at 5 o'clock, we'll be packing.
3. At 4 o'clock tomorrow we ('II) begin packing and by 6 we'll finish/have
finished with ease.
4. Ring me up at 11,1won't be sleeping yet.
5. I'll have started out on my round by the time you go, so I'll say good-bye
6. I think you'll like him when you know more of him.
7. "Shall we go downstairs and meet the man?" — "Let us stay here; he'll be
knocking at our door in a moment, you'll see."
8 .1suppose everyone's going to/will ask/will be asking me questions and
it's so awkward.
9. But you are not going/won't go. I am not letting/ won't let/don't let you.
10. When shall I/do I/am I going to meet//shall I be meeting your brother?
11. What are you doing this afternoon?

1. I'm going/will be going/go to Moscow next week.

2. When you arrive, I'll still be working.
3. The ship leaves tomorrow.
4. What are you doing tonight? — I'm going to the station to see off a friend.
5 .1don't know how I'll be feeling tomorrow.
6. Let's hurry. It'll be raining in a minute.
7 . 1won't write/am not writing/am not going to write to him. I'll see/am
seeing/going to see/will be seeing him.
8. They will start the construction one of these days and finish it by the end
of the year.// They are starting/will be starting the construction one of these
days and will have finished it by the end of the year.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Don't phone her at 11. She will be sleeping already.

10. Please, come round. Mike will be speaking about his trip to Italy.
11. Phone at 7 o'clock, please. I expect your documents will have been print­
12. We are moving/will be moving/are going to move into a new flat in a
13. I'll phone you in the evening, at about 8.
14.1am expecting/will be expecting/expect you on Saturday evening./1'll be
waiting for you on Saturday evening.
15. What are you wearing/will you wear/will you be wearing/are you going
to wear to the party? — A/the new dress, of course.
16. I'll call/l'll be calling on you one of these days.
17.1hope you (will) understand me.
18. Don't go. The train arrives/is arriving/will be arriving in a few minutes.
19. Doctor, I am expecting/will be expecting/expect/will be waiting for you
at 4 o'clock tomorrow.
20. Don't forget: we are meeting/meet at 5 tomorrow. I hope your mood will
have changed by that time.
21.1am also going/will also be going/also go to Moscow tomorrow.
22. You'll be traveling again in the summer, won't you?
23. It will have grown/will be quite dark by 6 o'clock.
24. Next term Professor Smith will be giving us lectures on the Renaissance.

1. Rehearsals at the theatre will be starting at the end of March, the season
begins in May.
2. She has heard/heard that the board of directors will/would be sending
somebody to inspect their work.
3. Marie informed her landlady that she was/would be leaving soon.
4. One day he suddenly asked me if I would marry him.
5. The wedding ball began at eight o'clock that evening.
6. Peter was to have dinner at the Smiths'on Saturday. But in the morning he
phoned to apologize saying that his father was coming down and they would
be having a family dinner.
7. Is there anything to tell him? I am/will be seeing him tomorrow.
8. She's gone out, she is not/will not be having dinner with us.
9. It's two o'clock. The baby will be waking up soon.
10. The train leaves at seven, so we'll be starting for the station at six
11. You won't go/aren't going. I won't let you.
12.1am/will be seeing you tomorrow anyway, we'll discuss the matter then.
Ключи к упражнениям

13.1don't think they will come. They are moving house in a couple of weeks.
14. I don't think they will be able to come on Friday. They will be moving
15. Don't wait for me, I'll catch/will be catching up with you in a minute.
16. Don't trouble to phone him. He'll be coming again on Wednesday.
17. He won't be late, he is/will be coming by a fast train.
18. There's no sense in waiting for him, he is/will be coming in late today.
19. We should/had better go, they won't be waiting long.
20. Look in the programme, who plays Hamlet.
21. Who will be replacing the actor, that has been taken ill, on Saturday?
22. Don't worry, I'll write shortly.
23. Don't go, we'll be having dinner in a couple of minutes.
24.1haven't been to the factory yet. I am/will be going/will go there tomor­
25.1won't be able to see your exhibition, I will have left Moscow already.

1. My friend Vanessa has just started a new cookery course and she is loving
it. At the moment she is staying at her sister's flat until she finds a place of her
own. Vanessa enjoys entertaining, so she is always inviting people round.
2. Last week I visited her for dinner. I hadn't seen Vanessa for over a month
and was looking forward to it. Vanessa was cooking when I arrived, so I of­
fered to help her.
3. It was a great evening, I always enjoy good food and good company. To­
night I am/will be cooking for her. I am making my speciality.
4. My grandmother has lived with us for years. She moved in after my grand­
father died. She used to live in Kazan.
5. He said he had been thinking about my offer but didn't think he was up
to the job.
6. At this rate Mike will beat /have beaten his own record before the season
ends/has ended.
7. If we don't get around this traffic jam, the train will have left by the time
we get to the station.
8 .1don't feel very well because I haven't been getting enough sleep lately.
9 .1see you've been shopping. Have you bought anything special?
10.1 felt/was feeling awful when I arrived as I hadn't slept the night before.
11. Unfortunately the wind is blowing and the visibility at the airport is below
the required minimum for landing. That means we'll be landing at Idaho Falls.
The airline will provide transport for passengers to Jackson.

6 Сборник упражнений по грамматике..

Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Страдательный залог

1. Were you offered a good job? Was a good job offered (to) you?
2. Why can't they be told the truth? Why can't the truth be told them?
3. What kind of explanation were you given? What kind of explanation was
given (to) you?
4. We've just been shown a new film. A new film has just been shown (to) us.
5. A fairy tale was being read to the children.
6. Has a letter to Father been written?
7. Will the text be dictated to you?
8 .1 was asked a lot of interesting questions.
9. The speaker was being listened to very attentively.
10. This young actress is being talked about a lot.
11. The incident was never mentioned to his friend.
12. He was taught mathematics by his father.
13. He is envied his luck.
14. His lectures have always been listened to with great interest.
15. The rule was explained to us.
16. The bed wasn't slept in.
17. She can't dance when she is being looked at.
18. What song was sung to you?
19. The picture was being looked at with admiration.
20. All his old notebooks have been thrown away.
21. The matter must be thought over.
22. The Dean has been spoken to on the subject.
23. This film is being talked about a lot.
24. His jokes are always laughed at.
25. The incident was argued about for a long time. N.
26. Such matters cannot be spoken of lightly.

1. I have only looked through part/some of the papers, the rest are being
2. As soon as the documents are ready they will be brought to you.
3 .1 asked what was being built in that street.
4. A lot of attention is given to sport in our school.
5. Will the new theatre have been built by our arrival?
6. A new rule has just been explained to us.
7. If he does not arrive this matter will not be discussed.
8. Find out, please, if the presents have been bought.
Ключи к упражнениям

9. Не was asked a lot of questions.

10. These magazines have been read. They can be given away.
11. This exercise can be done orally.
12. These papers must be given to the director.
13. You are being looked for. Go home.
14. This letter cannot be sent in such an envelope.
15. The children were left at home alone and told to lock the door.
16. It was explained to them what had happened.

1. The child was taken to hospital where he was looked after/cared for very
2 .1have just been offered interesting work.
3. The speaker was being listened to very attentively and nobody noticed
4. This house has not been lived in for several years.
5 .1was told yesterday that he had been ill for a week.
6. The bed was empty, it had not been slept in.
7. When I entered, a very important matter was being discussed. It had been
discussed for over an hour.
8. Show me where a new factory is being built in your city.
9. When I arrived the documents had been signed.
10. My sister stood by the door holding the letter that had just been brought.
11.1 have never been talked to in this manner before.
12.1don't understand why this performance is being so much talked about.
13. Whose piece is being performed now?
14. Were these points touched upon at the conference?
15. No wonder the flowers have withered, they have not been watered for a
whole week.

1.They were offered a lot of interesting books in the library.

2. When was this letter signed?
3. A lot of new buildings have been constructed in our city lately.
4. The matter which is being discussed now is very important. '
5 .1 was told yesterday that he had been invited to work in our institute.
6. This picture is being talked about a lot.
7. We were told that he had gone to the factory and was not expected be­
fore 8 o'clock./ We have been told that he has gone... and is not expected...
8. When we arrived in the city this building had just been completed.
9. He suddenly realized that he was being laughed at.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

10.1am sure he will be listened to with great attention.

11. The boy has been looked for for 2 days, but he has not been found yet.
12.This problem has not been solved yet, though it has been discussed since
last year.
13. We approached an unfinished building. It turned out that a new theatre
was being built. We were told it would be finished in two months.
14. A rule was explained to us, then we were given several exercises.
15. Whose work is being discussed n'ow?
16. Whose piano concerto is being performed now?
17.1wonder how many times this opera has been performed.
18. When his speech had been translated to us we began to applaud.
19. When the tables had been laid the guests were invited into the dining­
20. He will be able to read this article if it is translated into Russian.
21. You may leave the girl here, she will be looked after.
22. He was asked a lot of questions after the lecture.
23. Where will the new train station be built?
24. The report will be presented next week, won't it?
25. The hall will not be decorated unless they hurry.

1. When the fact was mentioned, it became clear to everyone what was
2. Burns's poems have been translated into many languages and are read
and enjoyed all over the world.
3 .1did not quite understand what I must do because it had not been prop­
erly explained to me.
4. Three points had been discussed when we heard tlie bell ring.
5. He was given three days to finish his work.
6. He was being listened to which such great attention that nobody noticed
me enter.
7. He has just been taken to hospital.
8. Their conversation was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of another
9. You will be laughed at if you wear this hat.
10. When she entered the classroom, the last student was being examined
11. These films are different from those we have been shown so far.
12. He had a feeling that he was being followed.
13. She did not follow the advice she had been given.
14. Has he been told about the changes in the timetable?
Ключи к упражнениям

15. Не wondered why the letter had been posted without a stamp.
16. The invitation was not accepted because it had been received too late.
17. What did you feel when this record was being played?
18. Do you know that tennis has been played for over 100 years?
19. What was being explained to the group when you joined them?
20. It was not explained to them what they must do.
21. He was told that the museum had been closed a week before.
22. He knew he was being watched.
23. Several schools have been built in our district this year.
24. They read all the books that are being talked about a lot.
25. She always feels uncomfortable when she is looked at/is being looked at.
26. The tickets must be paid for at once.
27. The mail is just being looked through. There may be something for you
there too.
28. Your advice must be thought over.
29. The address was written with a pencil.
30. This novel was written by a well-known writer.

Виды сказуемого

1. went — простое глагольное. 2. are doctors — сост. именное. 3. has re­

ceived — прост, глаг. 4. can do — сост. модальное. 5. was ill — сост. именное.
6. must post — сост. модальное. 7. will be published — простое глаг. 8. must
be done — сост. модальное. 9. was — прост, глаг. 10. is mine — сост. именное.
11. are to meet — сост. модальное. 12. have to get up — сост. модальное.
13. was raining — прост, глагольное. 14. was fine — сост. именное. 15. was to
spend — сост. именное. 16. was the first to arrive — сост. именное. 17. did...
begin learning — сост. видовое. 18. is growing dark — сост. именное.
19. wants — простое глаг. 20. have finished reading — сост. видовое.
21. likes — простое глаг. 22. will stop raining — сост. видовое.

Составное именное сказуемое

1. Catherine smiled at me happily.

2 .1felt very ill myself.
3 .1felt terrible when we started.
4. He sounded brisk and cheerful.
5. It will sound strange.
6. The hay smelled good.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

7 .1 write English badly.

8. i looked at her attentively.
9. But don't look sad, my little girl. It breaks my heart.
10. He was looking at me intently and gravely.
11. The wine tasted delicious after the cheese and apple.
12. The brandy did not taste good.
13. The pistol felt heavy on the belt.
14. He received the message mutely.
15.1 thought he looked suspicious.

1. The music sounded beautiful.

2 .1 can hear you very well.
3. The flower smells wonderful.
4. You've done it wonderfully well.
5. Your words sound strange.
6. He looked at me strangely/in a strange way.
7. The cucumber tastes bitter.
8. She smiled bitterly.
9. The beefsteak smells delicious.
10. The cloth feels rough.
11. He plays roughly.
12. She feels/is feeling well/unwell (fine/ill).
13. She looks fine/beautiful in this dress.
14. It's growing dark. It has become cold.
15. We are growing old, aren't we?
16. How quickly the tree has grown!
17. Her hair has turned gray.
18. He turned sharply around.
19. The note sounds sharp.
20. If the weather keeps fine, the snow will melt quickly.
21. He kept smiling broadly.

1. He looked at me sadly (прост, глаг.) and left the room quickly (прост, глаг.).
2. He was sitting (прост, глаг.) quietly in the corner and looked sad (сост.
3. He has become very famous (сост. имен.) because he plays (прост, глаг.)
the piano brilliantly.
4. The city is becoming more and more beautiful (сост. имен.).
5. He was growing more and more nervous (сост. имен.).
Ключи к упражнениям

6. When he received (прост, глаг.) the ticket, he looked nervously (прост,

глаг.) at the clock on the station building.
7. He turned angrily (прост, глаг.) around.
8. She turned pale (сост. имен.) when she heard the news (прост, глаг.).
9. How fast you are growing (прост, глаг.)!
10. How tall you have grown (сост. имен.)!
11. She grows flowers in her garden (прост, глаг.).
12. The meat will go bad (сост. имен.) if you don't put (прост, глаг.) it in the
fridge quickly.
13. Where has he gone (прост, глаг.)?
14.1 have been feeling unwell after the accident (сост. имен.).
15. Leaves are turning yellow (сост. имен.). Autumn is approaching (прост,
16. He turned quickly around and recognized a man he had gone to school
with (прост, глаг.).
17. You have been looking ill lately (сост. имен.).
18. Why are you looking at me so strangely (прост, глаг.)? Do I look ill (сост.
19. He noticed (прост, глаг.) sadlythat his mother's hair had turned gray (сост.
20. These vegetables grow fast (прост, глаг.).
21. It has got dark (сост. имен.). Switch on the light, please.
22. Days are becoming shorter (сост. имен.). Winter is coming (прост, глаг.).
23. He felt suddenly (прост, глаг.) that he was turning red
(сост. имен.).
24 Petrov has fallen ill (сост. имен.). He fell ill (сост. имен.) three days ago.
Now he is feeling better (сост. имен.).
25. I hope (прост, глаг.) the weather will keep/keeps fine another week
(сост. имен.).
26. I gave (прост, глаг.) him the book a week ago and he is still keeping it
(прост, глаг.).
27. Some shops stay open till late at night (сост. имен.).
28. Will you stay another week? (прост, глаг.).

Составное видовое сказуемое

1. They stopped talking when they saw me.

2. The pianist began to play and the choir began to sing.
3. He started writing poetry at an early age.
4 .1gave up smoking three years ago.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

5. When the telephone rang he stopped playing and got up to answer it.
6. When I called him he did not raise his head but continued writing as if he
had not heard.
7. I'll be with you as soon as I finish writing this letter.
8. It always starts raining when you don't expect it.
9. He has just finished building a summer cottage.
10. He went on talking as if nothing had happened.
11. He was beginning to understand what was wrong.

1. He finished reading the book yesterday and said that he had not enjoyed
reading it.
2. He has just finished reading the book.
3. He had finished reading the book when you phoned.
4. When you phoned he had finished reading the book and was doing his
5. They will stop talking as soon as you enter the room.
6. The phone rang, but he continued writing and did not get up to answer it.
7. He kept interrupting me while I was telling the story.
8. The treatment will not help unless you stop smoking.
9. He has just started to answer/answering questions.
10. It began raining early in the morning and it has been raining since.
11. He kept looking at his watch while (he was) waiting for the doctor.
12. Do you think you could stop shouting and let me listen to the music?
13. All through dinner they kept talking about the experiment.
14. He came onto the stage and began to talk about his work.
15.1am beginning to understand what has happened.
16.1started writing poetry at the age of 10.

Составное модальное сказуемое

1. Can/Could you call a little later? I'm afraid I'll be busy till seven.
2. Can it be/have been a joke?
3. She asked me if she might switch off the radio.
4. Don't be angry with her. She may have done it by mistake.
5. You cannot have seen him at the meeting. He was ill.
6. There is no regular ferry there. You may have to hire a boat.
7. Can we have walked fifteen kilometers? The village is not yet seen.
8. May/Could I ask you to explain the rule once more?
9. He cannot have forgotten your address. He has visited you several times.
Ключи к упражнениям

10. No matter how bad the weather might have been she never missed her
everyday stroll after dinner.
11.1 don't believe her, she cannot have failed to recognize me.
12. He said he could manage the task by himself.
13. If nothing prevents them, they may arrive ahead of time.
14. It might have been taken for a joke if his face had not been so serious.
15. You should not feel offended; they may not have noticed you.
16. Tell him he might have warned me and not have put me in such an awk­
ward position.
17. He may have had to walk a long distance, he looks tired.

1. He told me that fie had missed his train and had had to wait for another
2. We discovered that the place was dangerous to bathe in and had to look
for a safer spot.
3. His wife kept telling him that he must not sit up late.
4. The doctor told him he must/was to give up smoking.
5. Father said that I was to/must be careful while crossing the street.
6. The bus was not going that direction, so he had to change.
7. It was not that the work was to be finished soon, but we ourselves wanted
to be through with it as soon as possible.
8 .1didn't feel much like doing it, but I felt it had to be done one way or an­
9 .1realized that I had to speak louder to make myself heard.
10. Telling himself that he must control himself, he did not answer anything.
11. He remembered that he was to stand up to be introduced.
12. For a moment she felt her heart must break.
13 .1wondered what was to happen to us.
14. It's raining. You have to take your raincoats.
15. We agreed that the one who arrived first was to reserve seats for the rest
of us.
16. Nobody met me at the station as I was to have arrived a day later.
17. He always puts off doing what he is to do until it has to be done.
18. We were to leave on Monday, but because of two days' delay with the visas
we had to book tickets for Wednesday.
19. It was too late to change the timetable, it had to remain as it was.
20. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.
21. You are not to do anything until you get further instructions.
22. They hoped to move to the seaside, but that was not to be.
23. When no food was to be had, he seemed capable of doing without.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Exercise 9
1 .1 should not have told him this news, he was so much upset, but I really
had to do so, for the circumstances demanded that.
2. You should have seen him dance! You have missed a lot. I should have
taken you to the concert.
3. You must have spoken to him already. I see he knows everything.
4. Don't contradict her, you ought to respect her age.
5. He was boiling with rage, but he had to control his feelings not to give
himself away.
6. Your questions surprise me, you ought to know this.
7. You need not have come so early, now you will have to wait.
8. They should have studied the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it
later on.
9. He was to/should have taken the floor and spoken in favour of the pro­
10.1must have taken Grandfather's spectacles. I cannot see anything through
11. Not a living thing was to be seen.
12.1thought I ought to do something to return their hospitality.
13. Ring me up at 6. The situation should/ought to clear up by then.
14. According to the rules of the game a football player is not to touch the ball
with his hands.
15. His heart was now thumping so violently he felt it must burst.
16. You need not have returned the money so soon. I could have waited.
17. The situation grew awkward. He felt that something had to be done, or
else the party would break up.
18. Why do you ask my opinion? You have been in the business much longer,
you ought to know better.
19. You should have apologized when you saw that His feelings were hurt.
20. You need not have helped him with this work. He could have managed it
21. She should not/ought not to have spoken about such things in the child's
presence. Now you see the results.
22. It was very hard work but we had to do it.
23. They must have studied the subject thoroughly; they answered every
24. How should I know where he is?
25. Let's tell him all as it is. He must/ought to understand.
26. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I must/ought to tell you the
27. Children must/ought to obey their parents.
28.1should have known that it might come to that.
Ключи к упражнениям

29. Не gave you just that feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor
should give.
30. She is not a bad sort, if somewhat capricious; so you sometimes have to
put up with her whims.

1. I have to get up early tomorrow. I am going to the station to meet my

2. "You are to be there at exactly 5 o'clock," the director said.
3. You shouldn't have gone out. You have a bad cough.
4. You needn't have gone to the station. You might have booked tickets on
the phone.
5. You shouldn't have told her. You upset her.
6. Why do you have to get up so early? — I have to receive the morning mail
at 8 .1am to be at the office at 7.45.
7. Where are you hurrying? — I must buy some bread before my son gets
back from school.
8. Shall we copy down the text? — No, you needn't. But you must write out
new words.
9. Why did you have to talk to him?
10. Shall I come to the lecture? — No, you needn't. You have passed the exam.
11. You needn't go to the chemist's. I have bought the medicine.
12. You must come round by all means. You won't be sorry.
13. Shall we do this exercise at home? — Yes, you must.
14. You ought to have helped the old woman to cross the street.
15. You should (ought to) be doing your lessons instead of playing football.
16.1 must/have to phone my friend or she will forget to bring my book.
17. Are you to translate this article? — No. We are only to read it for today.
18. When are you to report at the airport? — I was told I was to be there at 3
o'clock at the latest.
19. Where do you have to go to buy this book? — I don't have to go any­
where. The book is being sold in the shop across the street.
20. Let's go to my place. — Thank you. But I have to do some shopping first. I
must buy everything for dinner.
21. You shouldn't have waited so long. You should have called the doctor at
22. You needn't worry. Everything will be all right.

1. What's gone wrong with the lock? It won't open.

2. The child was told not to make a noise, but he wouldn't obey.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3. Не was to have signed the document yesterday. But he won't hear of it.
4. We asked him to slow down, but he wouldn't listen.
5. She wouldn't discuss the subject, it was no use asking/there was no point
in asking her questions.
6. It's only five minutes'walk from his home to the metro station, but he will
never walk.
7. It's no use offering to help him. He will never accept our help.
8. He had been warned many times against driving at such speed, but he
wouldn't listen until he got into an accident.
9. He was trying to make a fire, but the wood wouldn't burn.
10. Even if he were to apologize, I will never speak to him.
11. He tried to write down what he felt/was feeling, but the right words
wouldn't come.
12. Something has gone wrong with the car. It won't start.
13. We used to be friends, but now he won't recognize me.
14. She needed a holiday, but she wouldn't hear of it.
15. We wondered why he had not come, but he would not discuss the subject.
16. It was obvious that something was worrying him, but he would not tell us
what the matter was.

1. My family used to live on the outskirts of the city. Now we have moved to
the center.
2. Whenever a train was late, passengers would complain.
3. We used to go to the same place for our holidays every year. When they
stopped going, it was quite a shock to us.
4. When I visited my Aunt she would give me sweets.
5. Kevin used to gamble a lot and it got him into prison. But now he's given
up the habit. \
6. Clare used to visit her grandmother every Sunday afternoon. Now her
grandmother is dead and Clare is suffering from a feeling of emptiness because
she has no one to take care of.
7. Tom used to have a very small car. Now he's bought a big one and he's
having difficulty driving it.
8. We lived by a lake and sometimes Dad would take us fishing.
9 .1used to smoke, but I stopped last year. It wasn't easy to learn to live with­
out cigarettes.
10. That shop used to be a grocer's, now it is a butcher's.
11.1 used to have a small business, but I sold it and took a job in a restaurant.
12. From the time he was very young, Greg would spend all his spare time col­
lecting birds, animals and insects of all kinds. Every morning he would get up
Ключи к упражнениям

very early and go to the beach. There he would catch small crabs and some­
times small fishes and would take them home with him.
13. On the way home he would call at a fisherman's cottage where he was
often lucky to find some unusual insects.
14. Mary used to work in a small hospital in Brighton. Now she is a world fa­
mous plastic surgeon, and she often sees herself on magazine covers.
15. Tom was a bad driver. He would do all the wrong things a driver shouldn't
do. He would speed when it was necessary to slow down, he would ignore the
traffic lights, he would turn where turning was forbidden and he would park in
wrong places.
16.1 didn't use to travel so much before I got this job. Now I may visit five
places in seven days.
17. When I was a cPrHd, I used to go to the Crimea with my parents every sum­
mer. We would choose somewhere different from one year to another. Every
spring my parents would get out a map of the Crimea and study the coastline,
trying to discover something new. They would always argue at first because my
mother would suggest a quiet village and my father wouldn't like the idea.
18. When he was young and poor, Dennis often used to borrow money from
friends and family. But when he became rich, he wouldn't lend a penny.
19. When I was at school I would hate getting up early. I still hate it.
20. He was an independent man, unused to being ordered about. He would
never follow an order blindly, he would never take anything for granted.
21. When we moved to a small village in Dorset, I couldn't get used to living a
country life. I would lie awake at night missing the noise and lights of a big city.
22. This is a fairy tale book I used to read to my son when he was a little boy.
He used to be quite fond of it. Every night he would ask me to read the book to

1. You needn't/don't have to repeat the same thing to me. I simply cannot
do what you want.
2 .1 have to catch the earliest train or I am late for the first class.
3. She realized she would have to talk to him about the matter.
4. What shall I wear? — You may wear your new suit.
5. You might have done it better. You didn't try.
6. He was to give the money to the secretary but I am not sure he's been
able to do it.
7. He cannot do without dark glasses in such sunny weather. His doctor said
he must/was to protect his eyes from bright light.
8. You don't have to eat the soup, but you must taste the second/main
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Have you been able to read the book? You won't be able to discuss the
book until you have read it to the end.
10. We agreed that the one who came first was to reserve seats for the rest of us.
11.1 was to have arrived with the morning train, but it was cancelled and I
had to take one in the afternoon.
12. You should have taken the exams with the rest of the students.
13. This question must/is to/has to be discussed at the next meeting.
14. He should/ought to/must keep his things in order, then he won't have to
look for every little thing.
15. He must have failed to receive my note saying we were to meet at five.
16. They said we should have come at least a day earlier.
17. We don't have to deal with such matters. You may try speaking to Mr.
18. They were to have arrived at noon, but it's past two o'clock already. What
can have happened? — Some urgent matter must have held them up. Or the
car may have broken down.
19. Shall I rewrite the whole paper or may I only correct the mistakes?
20. When can I call for the rest of the material? — You needn't come yourself.
We'll be able to send it over to you when it is ready.
21. You've been working very hard. You must/should have a good rest. You
may take a week off and go abroad.
22. Can this work be done in two days? — Hardly. But you might try to do it
in a week.
23. He is to wait for me in the university at two.
24. He must be waiting for me in the university.
25. All papers are to be handed in before the first of April.
26. You mustn't/ought not to smoke here. There are children here.
27. May/can we join you on this journey?
28. Where do you think I can find this book? — You may^try phoning the uni­
versity library
29. Must he/is he to/does he have to send the telegram today? -
a) Yes, he must/ is/does.
b) No, he needn't. He may send it tomorrow.
30.1can't do without their advice.
31. We had to/were to return on the same day.
32. I've been unable to see him this week.
33. She will have to follow the doctor's advice and change the climate.
34. We needn't/don't have to hurry. The train is late.
35. We went there by train and were/had to return by air.
36. He said he would not be able to give an answer until he had thought ev­
erything over.
37. She did not understand at once why we had been unable to leave in time.
Ключи к упражнениям

38. If you don't study the instruction you may break the machine.
39. Mother says I'm not to be out after 11, but I needn't hurry home because
she's out herself.

1. 1can't read this book now. It's too difficult. I'll be able to read such books
when I am in the third year. I will have to wait.
2. Can this book really be too difficult for you? I remember that when I was a
student we could read such books in the first year.
3. He did not come to the meeting yesterday. He may have forgotten. — He
can't have forgotten. I phoned and reminded him myself. Something must
have happened.
4. Where is your brqther? — He may be studying in the library. — He can't
be studying in the library. I saw him in the street a minute ago.
5. Can your brother really be sitting in the library in such fine weather? He
might have found something more interesting to do. — What, for instance? -
For instance, he might have played football with me. Or he might have taken
his son out for a walk in the park. — Well, he might take his son out for a walk
in the evening.
6 .1had to bring books for the whole group today. — Did you have to carry
them alone? — Yes. A student of our group was to help me, but he couldn't
come. — You should have phoned one of us.
7. You are to be at the station at 2. The guests are arriving by train at 2.30. You
mustn't be late. The group leader may want to meet you.
8. The article must be ready by the end of November. There is no need
to hurry, but you should not forget that the material is to be handed in on
the 30th.
9. You shouldn't drive so fast. Our speed now must be about 80 km. You
know you can't drive so fast in town. You must have forgotten. — I can't have
forgotten. But I can't drive so slowly. — Well, if you can't drive as you must/are
to, you might let/ have let me drive.
10. He promised me to do this translation but did not turn up. So I had to do
the translation myself. — Why did you have to do it? You should have left ev­
erything to him. — I couldn't. I have no idea when I will see him again and the
work had to be done in time. — Do you often have to do other people's
work? — I do sometimes.
11. Do you know when I got up yesterday? — No. When? — At half past four.
My brother had phoned and told me that he was coming by the 6 o'clock train. —
In other words, you had to get up early to meet him at the station, didn't you?
And why did you have to meet him at the station? He might have spared you
that. — He couldn't. We have just moved into a new flat. I had to take him there.
12. You don't have to cook for the whole family now that your mother is
back from hospital, do you? — Yes, I do. Mother is still very weak and has to
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

spend most of the time in bed. I don't know when she will be able to do
13. Have you seen Ann? We were to meet here half an hour ago, but I was
late. — You should have phoned. — I couldn't. I was on my way here. Can she
have gone without leaving me a note? — I don't think so. Why don't you look in
the next room? She may be waiting for you there. And as you are going there
anyway you might as well take this letter. Leave it with the secretary.
14. Can he still be at the meeting? — Yes, they must be discussing the last
item now.
15. You don't have to/needn't worry. If Petrov has promised to come, he will
keep his word. You can rely on him.
16. You must have taken Peter for his brother. They are so much alike, that it's
impossible to tell them apart.
17. Bill's proposal must have been turned down. I hear many people were
against it.
18. This problem should have been settled long ago.
19. She can't have taken part in the concert. She is so shy. However she may
have changed lately.
20. The results of the latest experiments must have attracted everybody's at­
tention. You should read the articles published in this journal.
21. You shouldn't have shouted so. You might have frightened the child.
22. Look in room 21. Petrov may be waiting for you there.
23. You ought to visit him. He may be feeling lonely.
24. They can't have arrived. The plane was to land at eight.
25. Can the book be so dull? I hear that the writer is very popular.
26. They may still be arguing about this proposal.
27. Can she be her daughter? She doesn't look like her at all. How old is she? —
She must be about 20.
28. Where is the book you promised me? — Petrov was'to buy it. He promised
to phone me, but didn't. Can he have failed to go to the Shop? — Apparently
so. You should have bought the book yourself.
29. You are to meet him in the square at 5. Т1тё time may be inconvenient, but
you will have to go.
30. We were to meet at 5.30. I went there, but nobody turned up. Can they
have cancelled the meeting? — They may have put it off. You should phone
somebody and find out. — Well, if they have put off the meeting they might
have let me know.

1. You must have never tried to do it. /You cannot have tried to do it.
2. He must have never guessed/have failed to guess why we were laugh-'
Ключи к упражнениям
— •--------------------

3. You must have failed to recognize me and so did not greet me.
4. He must have misplaced the key, I could not find it.
5. They must have been wrongly informed. They were to (have) come yes­
6. Nobody must have told him that he was to do the job himself.
7. You must have been away for a long time. You must have forgotten that
the building you mentioned had been knocked down.
8. You must have failed to recognize him. -1 cannot have failed to recog­
nize him. It must have been somebody else.
9. He must have been told nothing about it. He cannot have Jorgotten. He
cannot have failed to come.
10. They must have missed the train because they had left home too late.
11.The timetable for the morning trains must have remained unchanged.
12. They must have chught the train. They had left early.
13. He must have mispronounced the name of a/the dish and the waiter
must have misunderstood him.
14. Nobody must have noticed that he was not used to speaking in public.
15. He must have failed to write to them that he was coming.
16. She must have left the door unlocked remembering that I was to come late.
17. The man must have failed to understand me and I had to explain again.
18. She must have been quite unaware of having made a mistake.
19. They must have given us incorrect information. I cannot see any of the land­
marks they mentioned.
20. The telegram must have failed to arrive in time.
21. He must have never done/must have failed to do anything in spite of his
22. Can the dog have failed to recognize its master? It should not have
23. He must be quite unaware of his clumsiness/how clumsy he is.

1. How lucky! Another five minutes and we might not have obtained tickets.
2. You should have let us know that you would not be able to present your
paper. We might have put off the discussion of this matter.
3. You might have let me know you would not be coming.
4. You should not have gone there, they might have come themselves.
5. You should not have spoken to him like that, it cannot be his fault.
6. You should have thought about it before, nothing can be done to correct
it now.
7. The expedition was to spend the winter in the field, but had to return
•early because of frosty weather.
8. May I ask you a few questions?
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. Can you have believed them? They must have played a joke on you.
10. Can you have failed to believe them? They cannot have been lying to you.
11.1 cannot understand why Marc did not come. We were to have met two
hours ago. He cannot have forgotten, he must have got ill.
12. If you do not feel like doing it today, you may finish the job tomorrow.
13.1was living near to the institute last year, so I did not have to get up as
early as now.
14.1don't think you need have paid attention to that.
15. You must have all read the book. If not, you must/should read it as soon
as possible so that we could discuss it in class.
16. You ought to have spoken to the child more gently. You might have
frightened him.
17.1think we should/must wait another half hour. The tourists may arrive on
the next train.
18. You should have sent him a letter. He must have failed to realize you
were being held up at work and may be worried.
19. Do you think you could read my book by tomorrow? I may have to leave
tomorrow night and I may need the book.

1 .1don't have to cook, we have food delivered from the nearest cafe.
2. They needn't travel so far, they can/may study in our reading-room.
3. You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to.
4. You don't have to/needn't come personally, you may send somebody
5. You needn't have gone to the library. We had (the) necessary books, you
m ight have used those.
6. The tooth had stopped aching by (the) evening a^kjhe decided he didn't
have to/needn't go to a dentist.
7. Our conversation didn't last long, everything was clear and we didn't have
to go into unnecessary details.
8. The text was easy and they needn't have used a dictionary, it only took
them longer.
9 .1shouldn't have spoken to her in such a way. It is my tone that must have
offended her.
10. He must have gone already. We were to have come half an hour earlier.
11. You needn't have hurried so, you w eren't to be here until five.
12. We didn't have to carry our things, we caught a car going our way.
13. You don't have to get up so early now, do you? Your job is now only ten
minutes'walk from home./lt only takes ten minutes now to walk to your job from
Ключи к упражнениям
J0W«.--- ------------- ---- -

14. There are a lot of plants which shouldn't be touched because they leave
15. This medicine is to be obtained only on a doctor's prescription.
16. They must have been discussing something heatedly, they didn't even
hear the doorbell ringing.

1. They can't have done the work. They only started yesterday.
2. The work must have affected his eye sight.
3. You may/might be friendlier towards her. You don't have to be so demon­
stratively hostile.
4. You ought to Visit him. He may be feeling lonely.
5. Can he be still ckiifig the job? His part of the job was very insignificant.
6. Has he been able to do the job on his own or did you have to help him?
7. We've been able to buy new shoes for both the children.
8. It can't be a serious case. The boy must only have a slight cold.
9. They may be still arguing whether to accept or reject the proposal.
10. You are to/must/should go and post the letter at once. Otherwise it may
be too late.
11 .He didn't have to revise the rules, he remembered them very well.
12. Your sister must have trained for many years to master this profession.
13. They can't have arrived. The plane was to land at eight.
14. They can't have failed to arrive. They were very interested in the meeting.
15. They must have been out of touch lately.
16. Am I to/Do I have to/Shall I answer the question at once or may I think a
17. They might have announced in advance that the match had been cancelled.
18. Can he have already mastered this difficult skill? It must have taken a lot
of effort and patience.
19. He must have failed to prove that he was right.
20. The tourists must/should be going through the customs at the moment.
21. Your friend can't have been held up at work. Something unexpected
must have happened.
22. The meeting should/ought to finish by five. Only then will I be able to
look into your problem/l won't be able to... until then.
23. They can't be still preparing the experiment. The work was to start two
weeks ago. They should have/were to have finished everything by today.
24. The renovation was started yesterday. They should be able to finish it in
two weeks.
25. It can't have rained yesterday. I didn't notice anything.
26. Can you have failed to let them know? They should have/were to have
brought the documents an hour ago.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

27. Не must have understood you. I can see him nodding.

28. He must have failed to understand you. He has brought the wrong docu­
29. Why need you have come? You should have stayed at home.
30.1may not have noticed him yesterday. He must have left early.

Видовременная система. Повторение.

■. : -V '• ■ .

As soon as I noticed that Maria could not pronounce her "s's" I made an ap­
pointment and saw a doctor. He told me that she would grow out of it natu­
rally. I did not believe that and, consequently, I got in touch with my old school
friend who lived near us. She still worked/was still working as a speech thera­
pist in a local hospital and she took the matter seriously and sent me back to my
doctor. Although a month or so had elapsed, Maria's lisp had grown apprecia­
bly worse and that helped to convince the doctor. Maria was seen by the con­
sultant two months ago and has been having treatment for three weeks already.
In my opinion she is making progress and I am confident that in a month or so
she will be cured.

1. I'll phone you as soon as we've settled this matter. But I don't know when
we'll be able to settle it.
2. You shouldn't have said that. If you say such things, you'll be laughed at.
3. We'll start at 5 if it stops/has stopped raining by that time. Do you think it
will have stopped raining? — It may.
4. Has your project been accepted? — No, it's still being considered. — How
long has it been considered? — They were to start/must have started on
5 .1 hadn't been in the room for 5 minutes when she came in. She was look­
ing hot and tired, so I wondered what she had been doing. She answered that
she had been playing tennis.
6..You need not phone to find out if the drawings have been prepared. You
will be notified when the drawings will have been sent/have been sent.
7. He had tuned his violin and was playing a tune I had never heard before.
8. The boy fetched some water, as his mother had told him, and ran off to
play with his friends.
9. A new railway line across the desert is being built. When do you think it
will be/have been finished?
Ключи к упражнениям

10. This picture is being talked about a lot. I haven't been to the exhibition,
but it was described to me so vividly that I seem to have seen it.
11. When the visitor leaves you must have a rest. You've been working too
hard today. You may have a headache.
12. Sue painted her picture for about an hour while Johnsy lay/was lying in
bed counting. She was counting leaves falling off the vine on the wall of the
building opposite.
13. Sue had been painting about an hour when there was a knock at the door.
It was their neighbour, an old painter. He had brought some hot broth.
14. The soldiers gave a cry: the figure that had been lying lifeless on the
ground, had begun to move again.
15. When Sue wpke up the next morning, Johnsy was staring at the drawn
curtain. She was thiiiking about the last leaf, might have been thinking about
it for several hours. Sheltnew that when the last leaf fell she would die.
16. He entered the room and said that he had been playing tennis and had
17. They had worked out a detailed plan before they started/before starting
out on the expedition.
18. He said they had known each other since they had been members of the
19. The years spent by Arthur /Arthur had spent in South America had
changed him so much that his friends could not recognize him.
20. He did not recognize me until I reminded him where we had met.
21.1 still remember your brother though I have not met him since he left.
22. We had not traveled half the way when the car broke down and we had
to go back.
23. Two years have passed since he left and he has not written to us and
nobody has seen him since.

1. The teacher wondered if I had finished writing the test. He suggested that
I should hurry with it.
2. We learned that the construction would begin one of these days and
would be completed by the end of the year.
3. She had written the exam and was waiting for the teacher to mark it.
4. He hasn't been seen around all week. Has he been taken ill? — He has
gone away on holiday.
5. Don't call in the second period. We'll be writing an exam.
6. When I arrived in the city that building was being constructed.
7. Paul's picture had been/was finished by October and a friend suggested
that he should send it to the annual show at the City Hall.
ВШ И Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

8. Не said he was tired because he had been doing his homework all day.
9. The book has been sold out. I never expected it to sell out so quickly.
10. Eliza was tired as she had been walking all day.
11. It's a good thing you've dropped by. I've been packing. I've called a taxi.
It will be arriving at 5.30.
12. A very important matter was being discussed at that moment and every­
body was listening attentively.
13. I'll come round if I am not held up at work.
14. She knew that her sister would be returning home late as she had been
invited to the theatre.
15. The aunt said she had been working all night and had made a new suit.
She suggested that the boy should wear it to school. The suit was of a strange
green colour and the boy realized that he would be laughed at if he wore it.
16. She put aside the letter she had been writing and looked out of the
17. The lecturer was being listened to so attentively that nobody noticed
me enter.
18. He said it was late and we would miss the train if we did not take a taxi.
19.1would like to know the exact day when my sister will be back.
20. When David arrived Sam was already waiting for him.
21. Show me where a circus is being built in your town.
22.1saw this play a long time ago and have not re-read it for a long time. I
have forgotten it.
23.1met her a long time ago/l made her acquaintance a long time ago. We
have been friends for over 10 years.
24. Was it explained to you why you had not been/were not allowed to
take part in the competition?
25.1will come after I have finished/finish my work.
26. When we arrived in the town this stadium was still4being built.
27.1haven't seen you around for a long time. Have you been busy? — Yes,
awfully. I've been writing my graduation paper. — Have you written it? — Yes,
I have. I'll be presenting it in a week.

1.They have been playing this game a whole day, they have m ade 75 moves.
2. The conductor had not come out yet, but the orchestra players were in
their seats tuning their instruments.
3. Can he be still keeping the book? How long has he been reading it?
4. He has finished the first chapter of his thesis and is now w riting the sec­
ond. He has been working on his thesis for 2 years already.
5. He has been our coach since I have been playing in this team.

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6. Have they passed a resolution on the second item? — No, they are still
7. Has Mike arrived? — Yes, he has been here for two days. He arrived on
8. Dinner was ready, everybody was hungry, but two guests had not arrived
9. When I arrived, he was at home and sat by the fire looking through a
magazine/was sitting by the fire and looking...
10. Surikov painted his picture "Stepan Razin" from 1907 to 1910.
11. He has been doing this crossword for half an hour and he says he is going
to finish it soon as he is now thinking over the last word.
12. The actors haye been rehearsing since early morning. They are now run­
ning through the firsbspene because they do not like the way they perform it.
13. Here you are at last! Where have you been? — Have you been waiting for
me? You needn't have. You could/might have started without me.
14. She ha£ been on the phone for a long time already. It's high time she
15. You have been going to bed late this week, you look/are looking tired.
16. It has been snowing for a week. If it goes on like this, nobody will be able
to reach the camp.
17. At last you have opened the door. It seems I have been ringing/l seem to
have been ringing for an hour.
18. My watch has been keeping good time since I had it repaired.
19. They have been discussing this problem since I have been here and they
have not reached a definite conclusion yet.
20. The typist has left out several words because she has been talking all the
21. The lecturer has mentioned this name several times, but I have been un­
able to remember it. I will put it down as soon as he mentions it again.
22. He works/is working on his English all the time and he has made consid­
erable progress. His pronunciation is excellent.
23.1 have been living in this town for 20 years and it will be 9 years in October
since I have been working in this institute.

1. She did/would not give me the letter until I (had) told her my name.
2. Nobody (had) told her how serious her illness was until she got well.
3. It was announced on the radio that the plane that had been filling up
would be leaving in half an hour.
4. He was not allowed into the building until he showed/had shown his
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

5. A gray-haired man was sitting at the table in front of me who had been
famous as a traveler several decades ago and was now no less famous as a writer.
6. The teacher said his pronunciation had improved after he had worked
several times in the lab.
7. When the ambulance arrived the rescue team had not risen out of the
mine yet.
8. The engineer showed his foreign friends the bridge in the building of which
he took/had taken part in 1948.
9. When he arrived at his laboratory in the morning, he was happy to see that
the assistant had not touched anything and he could set to work at once.
10. When the actress had taken off her make-up I saw the tired face of a per­
son who had been working hard.

1. Aunt Polly expected Tom to keep his promise and stop missing lessons. But
next day she learned that he had been plying truant/had missed school again.
"Tom, do you want me to punish you?" Aunt Polly said angrily.
2. Aunt Polly decided to punish Tom and sent him to whitewash the fence.
Tom had been working very slowly at first, but when he noticed Ben approach­
ing, he pretended to be enjoying the work. "What are you doing, Tom?" Ben
asked. "Don't you see? I'm whitewashing the fence. I've been doing it for half
an hour, but I'm not tired at all. It's very interesting work." — "Is it? Please, give
me the brush for a minute. I've never whitewashed a fence in my life. I'll give
you a bite of my apple if you let me." — "Sorry, Ben." Ben said he would give
Tom the whole apple if Tom gave him the brush. Tom agreed reluctantly. So,
while Ben was whitewashing the fence, Tom was sitting/sat in the shade eating
the apple.
3.That Sunday morning Nancy was at home alone. Slie had tried reading, but
had been unable to. She was thinking about her life with Gpdfry. She was hap­
py with him, but on that day she wondered for some reason if he was happy
with her. A noise out in the street attracted her attention. She looked out of the
window and saw/to see a crowd in front of her house. Everybody was shouting
and gesturing emotionally. She was still standing at the window when she
heard somebody open the door. It was Godfry. She turned to greet him, but
could not say a word when she saw his pale face and shaking hands. She felt
her heart miss a beat. Very alarmed, she asked what had happened. Godfry
answered that Dansten and Silas Marner's money had been found an hour be­
4. Tom and Becky sat together. Tom gave Becky a pencil and with his help
she drew a house. Then they got talking. "Have you ever been to the cir­
cus?" — "Yes, I have, and Dad is going to take me again if I'm good." — "I've
Ключи к упражнениям

been to the circus many times and I'll go there again. I'll be a circus clown
when I grow up."
5. Neither Tom nor Becky knew where they were going. They had never
been in that cave before. They were very hungry because they had had nothing
to eat since morning. They had been looking for a way out of the cave, but had
been unable to find it. It was very quiet and dark because their candles had
gone out. They were both very tired, but Becky said she could walk a little fur­
ther. They walked for a long time, but could not find an exit. At last they stopped
for a rest. Tom felt in his pockets and was happy to find a piece of pie there. The
boy broke it in two and gave Becky a half. He asked how she felt/was feeling.
The girl answered she felt/was feeling better, but she looked pale and tired.
Her eyes closed and she fell asleep. Tom was sitting /sat beside her wondering
how soon they would be/were going to be missed. Neither Aunt Polly nor
Becky's parents expected/were expecting them back early. Suddenly he saw a
light. He thought they were being looked for. But when Tom had made a few
steps in the direction of the light, he was very frightened because he saw Indian
Joe sitting in front of a fire.
6. The boys were being looked for everywhere. They had disappeared and
everybody in the village thought they were dead. Mrs. Harper went to see Aunt
Polly and they cried remembering the poor boys. Tom was lying/lay under the
bed crying too because he was feeling sorry for himself. When Mrs. Harper had
gone and the lights had gone out in the house, Tom crept out from under the bed
and went up to his sleeping aunt. He heard her repeating his name in her sleep.

1. Where is Peter? — He is in the garden. He is playing chess with a friend. —

Can they still be playing? They started at 10 in the morning. — And have been
playing since. I can't make them have lunch.
2. Have you seen Ann? — No, but I have just been talking to her on the
phone. She feels/is feeling well. If she has no temperature tomorrow and the
day after, she will be able to come to work on Monday.
3. Will you go/are you going over to Ann's (place) on Monday? — I am afraid
not. My sister is moving into a new flat and I will have to help her. I may go to
see her tonight.
4 .1don't know when he retired. He must have been 62 then.
5.1don't know what they are going to do in the summer. They may go trav­
6. He asked me in what hotel I was going to stay.
7. She told us that the weather had not changed.
8. We could not find her because she had got married and changed her
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. A boy is waiting for you. He says he must see you. — He will have to wait.
My younger brother is just back from school and I am cooking dinner for him. As
soon as I am free, I will talk to him.
10.1didn't know that your sister and her husband had gone to Siberia. Have
they taken the children? — They have taken their younger son. Nina, their older
daughter, will be joining them when she graduates/has graduated from Uni­
versity. They will have to wait for three years. ц>,
11. When I arrived home, my younger brother sat/was sitting on a chair cry­
ing. At first I wanted to ask him what had happened, but then I decided to wait
till he stopped crying.
12.1am afraid I have lost my bag. Have you seen it? I seem to/must have left
it in the institute yesterday. — Here is your bag. You must/should/ought to be
more careful, you always lose/are always losing everything. I would like you
always to know where your things are.
13. Have you done the exercises? We are to hand them in tomorrow, aren't
we? — No, these exercises are to be done by Friday, so there is no need to hurry,
we have a lot of time.
14. By the time we went out the rain had stopped/it had stopped raining.
I had an umbrella with me because Mother had told me to take it. I don't like
walking when it's raining. How pleasant it is walking in fine weather.

1. Has Marina arrived home? — No, she is still in the library. She said she
would be back late. She is preparing a talk. — When is she to give the talk? —
In two weeks. She is afraid she will not be able to prepare it in time.
2 .1 will tell him about it as soon as I see him. But I don't know when I will be
able to see him. He has not been round to see us for two weeks.
3. If I see her tomorrow I will tell her that you have invited her to the country
on Sunday. 1
4. Where is the money I have just given you? — I've it in the drawer of
the writing table. Do you need it? — Yes, can I take a half?
5. If you finish the work at 7, we will be able to visit Peter. He has been ill
for 10 days. — I think I will be able to finish the work half an hour earlier. — Will
you? Unfortunately, I won't be able to leave the flat until Father comes. He has
lost his keys.
6. The news was important and it was listened to with great attention.
7. When I called for Olga she was still translating the article we had been
given the day before. She said that she had to finish the article before we went
out for a walk and that I would have to wait for her. I had to wait 10 minutes
until Olga had finished her work.
8. When Peter arrived home he heard his daughter playing the piano. She
had been learning to play for many years and played well. Peter was proud of
his daughter.
Ключи к упражнениям

9 .1 hear that a new cinema is being built in your street. I wonder when it
will be built.
10. What were you looking for when I came in? — We were looking for the
newspaper that Alex had brought. There is an article there that I have wanted
to read for a long time. — Have you found the newspaper? — You know, we
had been looking for it for half an hour until we found it in the bookcase. We
could not understand how it had got there.
11. Why is he being laughed at? Did he say anything funny? — He is always
laughed at.
12. It is getting dark. It is time for the children to go to bed. They have been
playing in the yard all evening. They will not be able to get up early tomorrow

stopped raining? — No, it is still raining. It

has been raining for a few days.
14. Kemp felt that he was being stared at. But there was nobody in the
15. Can I take the documents? — Sorry, could you call for them in half an
hour? They have just been printed. They are being looked through..

A) A young writer was walking up and down the room. He was trying to find
a subject for a story. The story had been promised to the editor a long time
before. Time was running out and nothing had been done yet. The young writ­
er looked at the bookshelves. "So much has been written", he thought. "All
good subjects have been used many times. Take these stories, for instance. No
doubt, in their time they were being read, enjoyed, talked about. But now they
are quite forgotten. And what if..."
By the end of the day one of the forgotten stories had been retyped and
sent to the editor. His letter arrived the next day. "It's disgraceful", the editor
wrote. "Such behaviour can be neither understood nor forgiven. The story was
published in our magazine only a month ago".
B) When I arrived for my first class I saw a group of children who were watch­
ing with interest what was going on on the training-ground. Children always
come to watch dogs being trained and I did not pay much attention to them.
The next day I found two groups on the training-ground: a group of grown-ups
with the dogs I was to train, and a group of the children who had watched the
first lesson. They had also brought their dogs. As it turned out, the children had
thought that in order to be able to train on the training-ground you only had to
have a dog. I was sorry for the children, but I had to tell them that only special
dogs were trained there and it had to be paid for. The children left. I began to
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

explain how the tasks were to be practised at home but I suddenly noticed that
nobody was listening to me. They were looking at something behind me.
I turned round. Nine children were standing, nine dogs were sitting and each
dog was holding a stick in its mouth.

1. It was a fine spring morning. Poirot and Hastings were sitting in Poirot's
room. Poirot was combing his moustache, Hastings was sitting in an armchair.
The newspaper that Hastings had been reading had dropped to the floor and
he was sleeping peacefully when Poirot called him.
2. When Poirot wondered what Hastings was thinking about he answered
that he was thinking over the incident at the ball in the Victory Hall. Everybody
was talking about it and the newspapers were publishing news about Lord
Cronshaw's murder every day.
3. Hastings reminded Poirot that Lord Cronshaw's party at the ball had con­
sisted of 6 people. They had been wearing costumes representing the old Ital­
ian comedy. The costumes had been copied from a set of china figures in Lord
Beltane'collection. Lord Cronshaw had been wearing the costume of Harlequin.
4. The party were to have supper in a special room. By the time of supper
Lord Cronshaw and his fiance Coco were not speaking to each other. Coco's
eyes were red, she had obviously been crying.
5. Lord Cronshaw was found dead in the supper room after the ball. The only
clue the police had was a green pompon found in the dead man's hand. Cron­
shaw must have torn it off the murderer's costume.
6. All the witnesses had said that they had seen Cronshaw a few minutes
before his body had been found. However, Poirot suspected that Cronshaw
must have been killed earlier. Poirot concluded that supper-room had to
have a recess where a body should have been concealed until the end of the
ball. \
7. The actor Davidson and his wife had been in Cronshaw's party disguised as
Pierrot and Pierrette. Poirot asked Mrs. Davidson to show him the costume she
had been wearing at the ball. The woman hesitated a little at first, but then
turned and left the room.
8. Poirot noticed at once that one of the pompons on Mrs. Davidson's cos­
tume was missing. The woman explained that it had got torn off at the ball and
she had given it to Cronshaw to keep. But the pompon had not been torn off,
it had been cut off very neatly with scissors.
9. On the day of the ball Cronshaw had learned that Coco was taking drugs.
He had been determined to find out who the drugs came from. Davidson, who
had been supplying Coco with drugs, was afraid of exposure and decided to
silence Cronshaw at any cost.
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10. Poirot promised to tell Hastings everything when the time came. But the
time had not come yet. He said they must all see a performance in which the
characters of the old Italian comedy were to pose before a white screen.
11. Everybody who had seen the performance thought that they had seen six
figures. In fact there had been five of them. One of the characters had appeared
on the stage twice. The spectators' eyes had lied to them.
12. Poirot suspected at once that the murderer was the person disguised as
Pierrot. But Pierrot had left the ball two hours before the murder. It meant that
he must have either returned to the ball later or murdered Cronshaw before
he left.
13. Mrs. Davidson was the only person who had seen Cronshaw after supper.
But her statement might have been a lie. In that case the Harleguin that every­
body had seen at tPrevend of the ball could not have been Cronshaw.
14. Poirot understood that Davidson must/should have killed Cronshaw im­
mediately after supper. Then he took Coco home and quickly returned to the
ball, but already disguised as Harlequin, not Pierrot.

1. Harry was lying on his back breathing heavily as if he had been running.
He had just awoken. The old scar on hid forehead was burning as if a white hot
wire had been pressed to his skin.
2. Harry tried to remember what he had been dreaming about before he
had awoken. He remembered two men who had been speaking about some­
one they had killed.They had been plotting to kill someone else ... him.
3. Harry opened his eyes and looked about the room as if expecting to see
something extraordinary. There was an open book lying on the floor beside his
bed; he had been reading it before he fell asleep the previous night. The pic­
tures in the book were all moving.
4. Harry listened closely to the silence around him. He was half expecting to
hear the creak of a stair or the swish of a cloak. Therefore he started when he
heard his cousin Dudley give a tremendous snore from the next room.
5. Harry shook himself mentally. He was being stupid, there was no one in
the house with him except his uncle, aunt and cousin.
6. Harry lay thinking/was lying and thinking about the scar. He had been a
year old when Voldermort, the dark wizard who had been gaining power steadi­
ly for the last ten years, had arrived at his house and killed his parents. Then he
had turned his wand on Harry and performed a curse which had destroyed
many wizards. But the curse had not worked. Instead of killing the little boy, the
curse had rebounded on Voldermort. Harry had survived with a small scar on
his forehead and Vodermort had been almost destroyed.
7. Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking about goblins. They had been seen
on the school grounds. They had been looking for Crouch. Ron wondered if
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

they needed protection. Hermione smiled sarcastically. "Haven't you been lis­
tening to what Professor Binns has been telling us about goblins? They don't
need protection. They are quite capable of dealing with wizards."
8. Dumbledore sent Harry to his room asking him not to send an owl till
morning. Harry stared at him in surprise. How could Dumbledore know that he
had been thinking of sending an owl to Sirius to tell him what had happened.
9. Harry dropped the golden egg and the map. The egg burst open and be­
gan wailing loudly. At once Harry heard the voice of Filch, the caretaker, who
had been going around the building in search of Peeves, the local poltergeist.
Seeing the egg, he cried happily, "Peeves! You've been stealing again!" At that
moment Snape came along and complained that when he was passing his of­
fice, he had seen that the light was on and the cupboard door was ajar. Some­
body had been searching his office and it couldn't have been Peeves. Snape
wanted Filch to help him search for the intruder, but Filch hesitated. He said
that now that it was obvious that Peeves had been stealing, he could report
him to the principal and try to get him thrown out of the castle. But Snape
wouldn't listen.
10. The day of the third task was approaching. Ron and Hermione had taken
their end-of-term exams. Harry had been sitting at the back of each exam class
looking up fresh hexes for the task.
11. Bagman asked Harry if he was confident of success. Harry replied that he
was fine. He kept turning over in his mind all the hexes and spells he had been
practicing and the knowledge that he could remember them all made him feel

Существительное и артикль

1. My younger sister's second husband is a doctor.

2. Helen' new room is very large and light.
3. My husband Peter's older sister lives in St. Petersburg.
4. My younger brother's working day begins at 8 o'clock.
5. Do you know my brother Peter's new address?
6. My friend Ann's new winter coat is very warm.
7. Where are the little girls' new books?
8 .1 like your new student's clear high voice.
9. He did not hear the teacher's next question.
10.1talked to the former director's secretary yesterday.
11.1do not know John's new phone number.
12.1do not like this red-haired girl's red dress.
13. She goes to a new large girls' school.
Ключи к упражнениям

14.1have a month's holiday every year.

15.1would like to read today's morning newspaper.
16. It is five minutes' brisk walk to the station.
17. Such was today's unexpected news.
18. He has a sweet four-year-old child.
19. After a minute's silence he answered the question.
20. Twenty miles'distance is not a problem.
21. It is several miles'walk from here to the town.
22.1took ten days' holiday and went to the seaside.
23. These are new children's books.
24. These are our children's new books.
25. It's an elegant silk lady's hat.

1. He began to climb THE stairs which were dark and smelt of cats.
2 .1read until breakfast time АЯНЕ novel I had borrowed from A friend.
3 .1don't have to go into reasons why they hate each other.
4. What he said reminded me of A film I had seen.
5. A lieutenant offered Grey A cigarette which he refused.
6. He was wearing A tweed jacket with leather inserts at THE elbows, A thing
that I had never seen.
7. Charlotte did not like THE idea that Arthur could be better at anything than
Joe was.
8. This was A sentence that made sense, but no meaning.
9. (THE) questions Ann asked always seemed to be questions to which Paul
knew THE answers.
10. Stanley knows A woman who might be persuaded to come out by bus
once A week to clean THE house.
11. She was not THE little girl he had known, but she was not yet A woman
12. Her eyes were really like searchlights, picking out things that no one saw.
13. THE fact that he would have independent means made her feel relieved.
14. Without knowing her at all I got A feeling that she was THE strongest per­
son in THE family.
15. It was not A job that he liked.
16. Her husband made her presents of books she did not read.
17. And then he put forward AN amazing suggestion that she should turn
down THE offer and settle in London.
18. She wanted to fill THE wine-glasses which she had received as A wedding
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19.1liked reading in THE garden, which was several steps below THE level of
THE yard.
20.1have AN impression that you don't trust me.
21. She was drinking A glass of orange juice.
22. My friend is A man of culture and wide reading.
23. His voice was determined, THE lines of his face had grown harsh.
24. Tom sat down on THE edge of A log and looked at THE glassy surface of THE
25. A deposit of 5 pounds is payable by anyone who wishes to become A read­
er of THE/A library.
26. THE faint purring of A motor woke Julia (THE) next morning.
27. "Come back in half AN hour, I'll give you A bottle of medicine", said THE
28. THE lamplight made his skin THE colour of red brick.
29. He found AN orchid of peculiar rarity.
30. He remembered THE soothing effect of her words.
31. He was disturbed by АЯНЕ sound of A shot.
32. Willy leaned on THE back of A/THE chair.
33. He always disliked anybody as soon as they were appointed to A position
of authority.
34. He always took THE line of least resistance.
35. My grandfather was A man offeree and intellect.
36. From THE kitchen came THE singing of THE kettle on THE stove.
37. Just then THE latch of THE front door clicked, and my father came in.
38. From THE sitting-room came A chink of light beneath THE door, and THE
sound of whispers from my mother and her friends.
39. THE wallpaper was dark-blue with A design of conventional flowers.
40. This machinery drills holes to A depth of two miles or even more.
41. The woman moved her chair slightly towards THE $ght side of THE path.
42. In A crate there were boxes of cigars.

1. For A minute or two we were all silent. Then Robert struck A match and lit
A cigarette.
2. Without waiting for AN answer, he walked over to his car.
3. It was A calculated risk to take A man without medical experience, but we
were looking for A manager primarily.
4. She gave A low rather hoarse chuckle, that chuckle which so delighted au­
5. THE guard blew A cracked whistle and waved A red flag.
6. When I got home again, I found A note in her bold, legible writing on THE
Ключи к упражнениям

7. You thought you'd only given birth to AN ugly duckling, perhaps he's going
to turn into A white-winged swan.
8. With her open hand she gave him A great swinging blow on THE face.
9 .1 ought never to have accepted valuable presents from you and allowed
you to lend me money.
10. After A while I got into private employment and met A nice girl.
11. Then, on one excuse and Another, she sent him . pearl studs and sleeve-
links and waistcoat buttons. It thrilled her to make him presents.
12. She wore A very small hat with feathers in it, and A pale gray dress with
large leg-of-mutton sleeves and A long train.
13. He spoke gently, and slowly, like A father who reassures A frightened child.
14. THE mists we lgerous, too, rising in A cloud from THE damp ground
and closing in aboi marshes like A white barrier.
15. In half AN hour she had THE kitchen scrubbed clean as A pin.
16. Clinging to her father's hand, she saw A great white ship like A bird rolling
helplessly in THE tough of THE sea.
17. She rose like A fish to his bait.
18. THE town was set on THE bosom of A hill, with A castle in THE centre, like A
tale from old history.
19. А ЯН Е little car shot up to THE right house like A bullet, and shot out its
owner like A bombshell.
20. Without A word, with A curious swift motion, like A tiger pacing his cage,
she came down and followed May out.
21. There is A packet of candles in THE larder, I saw them, better use those.
22. There's A piece of mutton in THE kitchen.
23. A brook burbled merrily over stones and there was A fording gate across
THE shallow water.
24. There's A piece of cheese in THE cupboard behind you.
25. Michael gave Dolly A glance. There was A twinkle in his eye.
26. There was A shout and A clatter of hoofs and Jem rode up to her round THE
corner of THE house, astride A black pony.
27. There was A flaming spot of colour high on his cheekbone.
28. Even as she spoke, there was A loud knock at THE entrance-door and then
A pause, followed by A thunder of blows.
29. "There's A light in THE kitchen," she whispered.
30. There's been A very nasty atmosphere in this Lab recently, and if A certain
gentleman doesn't take hold of himself, there'll be mischief done, you mark my
31. There was A noise, faintly discernible, like (THE) creeping of A myriad in­
32. THE kitchen was lit by A single candle stuck sideways into A bottle.
7 Сборник упражнений по грамматике...
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33. She walked away up THE hill without A backward glance or A wave of А/
THE hand.
34. People had lived there once — happy, placid people, rectors with musty
books beneath their arms; and there by АЯНЕ window A gray-haired woman in
A blue gown had stooped to thread her needle.
35. In A little while appeared AN ancient and haggard female in A very dirty
print dress, with AN untidy mop of grey hair, and showed me, two flights up A
very small grubby room.
36. Then she lifted her eyes and saw THE door ofTHE kitchen open very slowly,
little by little, AN inch at A time.
37. They sucked oranges beneath A striped tent, and had their fortunes told by
A wrinkled gypsy woman.
38. Jem bought Mary A crimson shawl, and gold rings for her ears.
39. She regarded me merely as A person in A play.
40. THE drinking well in THE yard had A thin layer of ice.

(A) Whirling, talking, 11 D began to enter Room 109. From THE quality ofTHE
class's excitement Mark Prosser guessed it would rain. He had been teaching
high school for three years, yet his students still impressed him, they were such
sensitive animals. They reacted so infallibly to mere barometric pressure.
(B) Mark hadn't noticed exactly when THE rain started, but it was coming
down hard now. He moved around THE room with A window pole, closing THE/-
windows and pulling down THE/- shades. He began to talk to Gloria in A crisp
voice that, like his device of shutting THE windows, was intended to protect
them both from embarrassment.
(C) "And about love. 'Love' is one ofTHE words that illustrate what has hap­
pened to AN old, overworked language. These days, with movie stars and preach­
ers and psychiatrists all pronouncing THE word, it has come to mean nothing,
but A/- vague fondness for something. In this sense, I love l HE rain, THE black­
board, THE desk, you. It means nothing, you see, whereas once THE word signi­
fied quite AN explicit thing — A desire to share all you want and are with some­
one else. It is time we coined A new word to mean that, and when you think up
A word you want to use, I suggest that you be economical with it. Treat it as
something you can use only once, if not for your own sake, for THE good ofTHE
(D) I got AN advance on my salary THE next morning, and I put nine hundred
dollars into AN envelope and walked over to THE Warburtons' when THE last
lights in THE neighbourhood had been put out. It had been raining, but THE rain
had let up. Stars were beginning to show. I went around to THE back of their
house, found THE kitchen door open, and put THE envelope on THE table in THE
dark room. As I was walking away from THE house, A police car drew up beside
Ключи к упражнениям

me, and A patrolman I knew asked, «What are you doing out at this time of night,
Mr. Hake?»
"I'm walking A dog," I said cheerfully. There was no dog in sight, but they
didn't look. "Here, Toby! Here, Toby! Good dog!" I called, and off I went whistling
merrily in THE dark.
(E) A poor young artist was asked to paint A portrait of A rich lady and he did
his best to make A good picture. When THE portrait was finished, it .was shown
to THE lady's friends.
Some of them thought it was too realistic. They were afraid THE lady would
not like THE picture. One of his friends suggested THE following, "We shall leave
it for THE lady's dog to decide whether THE picture is good or bad."
THE next dayTH| picture was sent to THE lady's house where her friends had
gathered to see THE re^ult of THE test. As soon as THE dog was brought before
THE portrait it began to iick it all over.
Nobody knew that THE painter's friend had spread bacon all over THE picture.

1. I've bought A book today that I have wanted to read for a long time.
2. When I entered, she was writing A letter to A friend.
3. She put aside THE letter she had been writing and looked out of THE win­
4. I've been introduced to A young man who writes poetry.
5. THE young man who has just come in, writes poetry.
6 .1 heard A poem on THE radio yesterday that I liked very much.
7. THE poem you have recited seems familiar to me.
8. They live in A small town in THE Urals.
9. THE woman moved to THE town where her parents lived.
10. Have you been given difficult work?
11. THE work he was given was not difficult, but tiring.
12.1like classical music.
13.1do not like THE music he writes.
14.1have A large family. I have A mother, A father, two grandmothers and A
grandfather. THE second grandfather died before I was born.
15. THE family you are talking about live next door.
16.1hate rain.
17. He did not notice when THE rain (had) started.
18. He likes giving advice.
19. Thank you for THE advice you have given me.

1. What fine weather we are having!

2. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

3 .1like wet weather.

4 .1don't know what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.
5. How much money have you got?
6. The money you gave me was not enough.
7. This money is not for you.
8. He loves money more than anything else in the world.
9. Give me some money.
10. It is easy to give advice.
11. Advice is given by those who never follow it.
12.1am grateful for your advice.
13. Here is the advice I can give you.
14. He is making progress.
15. He owes to you the progress he has made.
16. This is good news.
17.1have brought you a lot of good news.
18. The news was important.
19. There is a lot of fruit this year.
20. The fruit was delicious.
21. She has blonde hair.
22. Blonde hair is our family feature.
23. There is a lot of evidence against you.
24. All the evidence is against you.
25. What pleasant and easy work it is!
26. What valuable information you have brought!

Exercise 7
1. Doctor Brown has just phoned.
2. Ask THE doctor how THE patient feels/is feeling.
3. Gorky Park is THE largest in Moscow.
4. Christmas is A popular holiday at THE end of December.
5. Meet Colonel Smith.
6 .1am talking about THE Colonel Smith who has written/wrote A history of
THE American Civil War.
7. You should talk to THE colonel. He can give you good advice.
8. We met in Hertzen street.
9. London Bridge is one of London's places of interest.
10. Flights from Russia arrive at Heathrow Airport.
11. Victory Day is observed at THE beginning of May.
12. How can I get to Tverskaya Station?
13. Time Magazine is printed in many languages ofTHE world.
14. THE Central Exhibition Hall is situated not far from Krymski Bridge.
Юнрчи к упражнениям

15. We are leaving at dawn tomorrow.

16. It was midnight.
17. THE most famous lake in Africa is Lake Victoria.
18. He is A graduate of Moscow University

1.1enjoy going to THE Pushkin Museum.

2. THE Mayakovsky Monument is in Mayakovsky Square.
3. Have you met THE Ivanovs?
4. He travelled in Central America.
5. THE South African Republic is in South Africa.
6. THE Pacific Oceati separates Asia and America.
7. THE Mississippi is tHE greatest river of THE USA.
8. Vorkuta is A city in THE North of THE European part of Russia.
9 .1have never been toTHETaganka theatre.
10. In the summer we traveled/were traveling down THE Volga.
11. We are staying at THE hotel "Rossia".
12. Disentis is A small town in THE Swiss Alps.
13. (The) summer in THE Crimea is hot.
14. Red Square is THE historic centre of Moscow.
15. THE Rhine starts in THE Alps.
16. We got lost because we had taken THE/A wrong turning.
17. THE Stanislavsky Theatre is inTverskaya Street.

1. She has beautiful hair.

2 .1noticed A hair on THE table. THE hair was red.
3 .1drink coffee every morning.
4. Have some coffee. It will do you good.
5 .1called at A bar and asked for A coffee and A newspaper.
6. Is it good tea?
7. Do you prefer Georgian or Indian tea?
8. This is one of THE Indian teas/AN Indian tea.
9 .1had some tea because I was very thirsty.
10. Have some wine. It's A light dry wine, it won't do you any harm.
11.1 hate war and I will do all I can to prevent A new war.
12. THE North won in THE American Civil War between THE North and THE
13. Not everyone likes fish.
14. He caught such A large fish that he couldn't carry it by himself.
15. He has added a few new fishes to his fish bowl.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

1. Repin is A great Russian painter.

2. The museum has recently acquired A Repin.
3. What's that ship? — It's THE Repin.
4. They have sold their Lada and bought A Volga.
5. Which hotel is it better to stay in? — I advise you to stay in THE Volga.
6. Let me introduce myself. My name is Smith.
7. A Smith rang you up. He has left his phone number. — It must be THE
Smith who has promised me A job.
8. There are two Marys in their family — THE mother and THE daughter.
9 .1 will phone in two days, on Saturday.
10. The story began on A Monday and finished on A Sunday. THE Monday was
quite usual and nobody expected anything out ofTHE ordinary.
11. He has bought A new TV-set. It's A Sony.
12. This young man may become A new Gogol one day.

Exercise 11

1. He looked out of the window and saw that it was night already.
2. THE night was fine and warm.
3. One does not feel like sleeping on such A beautiful night.
4. My son starts school next year.
5. Now my children go to school by bus. Next year A new school will be
opened not far from where we live, and they will walk there.
6. She offered us dinner and THE dinner was delicious.
7. We give two dinners a month.
8. We must be off. We are invited to dinner.
9. When are you going to THE hospital to visit Paul? rv4
10. My friend is in hospital. He has pneumonia. Л,
11. They live in THE country and come up to town only for weekendsЯHE
12. We spent our holiday in A small town in Ukraine.
13.1 prefer raveling by train. THE train is A wonderful opportunity to relax.
14. You had better catch AN early train, though not necessarily THE earliest.

1. (The) Summer and (the) winter are my favourite seasons.

2. THE summer of 2002 was unusually hot.
3. Come and spend A summer with us.
4. When do you get up in THE morning?
5. Look! It's morning already.
Ключи к упражнениям

6. There is nothing like A walk on A cool summer morning.

7. Monday morning is THE worst morning of THE week.
8. On THE morning of THE first of September THE boy woke up very early. He
was afraid of being late for school.
9. He works from morning till night.
10. We were at University together.
11. THE university consisted of several buildings.
12. Every morning I would get up at dawn and work all day building my house.
When at last I would get to bed at night, I would sleep like A log till morning.
13. It was late autumn, but THE weather was warm.
14. A cold humid night was replaced by A gloomy wet morning.

1.They made him A major-general after he left THE headquarters.

2. We were children of our class and time.
3. Heavens! Look at THE dog! Or is it A lion?
4. Hart was AN uneasy nervous man who broke into flashes of speech.
5 .1 wouldn't be Prime Minister if they asked me on their knees.
6. Jason was made THE/- Secretary of the club.
7. John could not make up his mind about THE blackmail. He had been led to
think that McGrath was THE blackmailer, because he had THE personality to be A
8. She was THE only Liberal in their family.
9. After some most astonishing adventures in New Guinea he made himself
THE king of some wild tribe.
10. No, you are getting this quite wrong. She is THE wife of A friend of mine.
11. Prynne was THE manager of AN estate up THE river.
12. With A face like yours I'd be at least THE/- President of A steel company.
13. Learning comes easier to THE young.
14. THE public are requested to keep off THE grass in THE park.
15.1believe there is A theory that men and women emerge finer and stronger
after suffering.
16. THE Future Tense is not used in adverbial clauses of time and condition.
17. He was at that time A lieutenant in THE British Army.
18. Mr. Richardson was THE/- owner and editor-in-chief of A publishing house.
19. Rudy had A gift of being liked. That was why he was elected President of his
class three times in A row.
20. At that time I was THE/- manager of THE Crawford Street branch of THE
21.1saw A group of workmen coming towards us. One of them was A fat, red­
faced man and I presumed that he was THE foreman.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

22. It's A girl called Betsy. She is THE boss's secretary.

23. Henry Green was THE son of A general.
24.1 might be THE leader ofTHE party instead of you.
25. His wife and Sheila were active strong women who loved using their mus­
26. I'm going to be President of this company.
27. He was THE manager ofTHE largest estate in THE district.
28. There seemed no reason why he should not eventually be made Governor.
29. On THE way back to THE compartment we passed Natalie Winter. She was
A very shy woman. She was also THE star ofTHE season.
30. She was proud of being THE daughter of A poet.
31. If anyone could tell her what she wanted to know, Mrs. Ferguson was THE
32. Then Rudy saw Professor Denton, THE head ofTHE History and Economics
33. THE sun was hanging over THE hill behind them, A large red ball which had
lost its fierceness.
34. Philip's wife, THE biggest snob in THE family, invited me to tea.
35. Then we were joined by two women, acquaintances of Charles and Ann.
36. THE figure 5 is THE same for A Russian or AN American, while THE word 'five'
is not.
37. Admiral Lacey was A red-faced man.
38. Then he walked down Broadway,THE main street ofTHE town.
39. She was THE daughter of A well-known theatrical manager, A willowy,
wispy, fair-haired girl with colourless eyes.
40. He assumed THE role ofTHE breadwinner for THE family.
41. General Holt withdrew his plan.
42. They had lunch at Hexley, A small village on THE coast.
43. He was their favourite nephew, THE son of their deaH.elder sister.
44. We spoke to Philip's secretary, A youngish man called Williams.
45. Within A short time Gregory married Zalia Phelps, THE daughter of Angus
Phelps, A planter in Georgia.
46. Smiley, THE captain ofTHE team, got up on A bench and told them of his
47. Nurse Everett, A bony woman of fifty, herself opened THE door.
48. My friend Herbert was A professor of English literature at one ofTHE small­
er universities ofTHE Middle West.
49. He turned to me and said, "What extraordinary names these boys seem to
50. Thames Street was A broad road on THE edge ofTHE town half A mile from
THE/A park. Most of THE houses in it had been built just before THE Second
World War.
Ключи к упражнениям

51. All big hotels are very much the same.

52. The plane flew at A speed of 1,560 miles per hour.
53. "What beautiful portraits," she said, "and what A lucky man you must be!"

Сослагательное наклонение
Exercise 1 :
1. 1will phone him tomorrow if I find out his phone number.
2 .1would phone him now if I knew his phone number.
3 .1would have phoned him yesterday if I had known his phone number.
4 .1would be phoning him now if I had not forgotten his phone number.
5 .1will go and s^ejiim next week if I am free.
6 .1would go and sefc him next week if I were free.
7 .1will stay here longer when I am not so busy.
8 .1would be staying in the country now if I had not received this letter.
9 .1would stay here longer if I were not so busy.
10.1would have stayed here longer last year if I had not been so busy.
11. If I don't find him in, I will leave a note.
12. If you had left me a note, I would have called on you yesterday.
13.1would apologize if I felt I was wrong. But I don't.
14. We would not insist/be insisting if the matter were not urgent.
15. If you were/had been more attentive, you would not have mixed up those
two names.
16. He would have attended to the problem himself if he had not fallen ill.
17. If he were not ill, he would have sorted out yesterday's problem.
18.1would have gone to the cinema yesterday if I had felt like it.
19. The work would have been spoiled if we had not taken urgent measures.
20. If he had not let me down, I would have done the work in a week.
21.1would be obliged to you if you could put off our meeting.
22. If I were you I would try to behave better.
23. She would have read the greater part of the book by next week.
24. If I were you I would not be so frank with him.
25. If I were you I would not be waiting for him now. I would leave a note.
26. If I were you I would have punished the boy yesterday.
27. He would have closed the window long ago.

1. If I had bought tickets beforehand, I would not have troubled you.

2. If I had bought tickets beforehand, I would not be troubling you now.
. 3. If we had talked him out of going to the country, he would not have
caught cold.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

4. If it depended on me, I would persuade Peter to stay with us.

5. Ann has a fine voice. If she were not so shy, she would be taking part in
this concert.
6. Ann will be taking part in the concert if she gets/has got well by that time.
7 .1 would not be arguing with you if it were my personal opinion.
8. The professor does not want you to stop the work. He thinks that if you
make another effort, it may be successful.
9. The professor thought that you should not have stopped the work. If you
had made another effort, it might have been successful.
10. If she had not mixed up the documents, everything would be all right
11. If you had followed my advice, your play would have produced a better
12. There is no sense in putting off the meeting because of Peter. If I were you,
I would make him do his work properly.
13. You would not complain of headaches if you spent more time in the open
14. You would not be complaining of (a) headache if you had not refused to
go out for a walk with us.
15. If you read English books in the original, it would do you a lot of good.
16. If you had read this book, you would be able to answer my questions.
17. He would have arranged for a meeting last time.
18. We would have paid no attention to it a week ago.
19. If you were more careful you would not keep mixing up these names.
20. If I were you, I would have phoned him yesterday.
21. If we had turned right at the lights, we would have been at home long ago.
22. If we had turned right at the lights, we would be home already.
23. If you look carefully, you will be able to find the m t.

1. Sarah wished she had taken the opportunity to speak to her brother.
2. He wished he had kept the secret.
3 .1wish you were not so indifferent to sport.
4. She wished he had not been elected President of the club.
5. She wished the children would not be fighting all the time.
6 .1wish it were not true.
7. John wished he had told the truth.
8. Sarah wished her brother would not break things so often.
9. Jane wished her husband were not so proud.
10. She wishes she could swim a little better.
11. Bill wished he had not hesitated whether to accept the job.
Ключи к упражнениям

12.1wish you were not so shy.

13. They wished they had brought a spare wheel.
14. He wished he could take part in the concert.
15.1wish you would work harder.
16.1wish you were not so curious.
17.1wish you had paid attention to it then.
18.1wish you would keep to the subject.
19.1wish I had not suggested the idea.
20.1wish I could say that I had realized all my plans.
21. He wished he had not taken that street.
22. They wished they had stayed in the country for another week.
23. He wishes she4would not avoid him.

26.1wish you would convince your sister that she is wrong.

27. I wish my son were more interested in his studies. I would not have to
make him do his homework then.
28.1wish I had been taught a foreign language since childhood.
29. If only summer would come sooner. I am tired of wearing warm clothes.
30.1wish you had let me know you were coming. I would have met you.
31.1wish I had not given Nick my book.
32. We were expecting him yesterday. I wish he had come.
33.1wish I had not stayed in Moscow for the summer. I might/could have
spent my holiday with friends.

1. It's essential that you should use every opportunity of practicing your spo­
ken English.
2. It was ordered that the project should be submitted for consideration in a
month's time.
3. It's strange that you shouldn't understand the lecture, it was very simple.
4. Don't you find it doubtful/suspicious that she should have forgotten
about such an important matter?
5. It was suggested that the meeting should be put off.
6. He was amazed that such things should still be possible.
7. It is recommended that a text should be read from beginning to end before
you translate it.
8. It is quite possible that the first part of the book is ready, but it is doubtful
that the whole book should be finished.
9. It's unbelievable that they should have walked this distance in such a
short time.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

10.1 demand that the document should be considered today.

11. It's doubtful that anything should change before you get back.
12. Don't you find it astonishing that there should be so much unknown and
even mysterious in what looked so clear and definite at first sight?
13. It is desirable that your paper should be discussed by the department
before you present it at the conference.
14. I'm surprised that so much attention should have been given to matters
which were insignificant in my opinion.
15. Why was it so important that he should be present?

1. He demanded to speak to the director.

2. It is required that a covering letter (should) be attached to a resume.
3. She requested to be shown to her office.
4 .1only ask/request to be heard out.
5. It is recommended that the medicine (should) be kept in a fridge.
6. We demanded to hear all the witnesses.
7 .1demand that the job (should) be given to another person.
8. He insisted on going to the plant himself.
9. He insists that the document (should) be signed immediately.
10.1asked to call on them at the weekend.
11. You should have demanded to be shown a copy of the resolution.
12. He requested to read the letter.
13. It is required that the ticket (should) be retained till the end of the jour­
14. It was proposed that the meeting (should) be postponed for a week.
15. The director has ordered that the letter (should) be sent immediately.
16. What do you suggest doing? 4.
17. The referee commanded that the match (should) be'stopped.
18. He demanded that the cargo (should) be sent by air.
19. He ordered the ship to be unloaded at once./He ordered that the ship
(should) be unloaded at once.
20. The doctor insists that I (should) go to the seaside in autumn.
21. He suggested discussing the matter at the next meeting./He suggested
that the matter (should) be discussed at the next meeting.
22. He recommended that we (should) speak to the chief consultant./He
recommended us to speak to the chief consultant.
23. He ordered that all developments (should) be reported to him./He or­
dered all the developments to be reported to him.
24. After the divorce his wife demanded that the house (should) be sold and
the money divided equally.
Ключи к упражнениям

25. Не demanded to have his jacket altered at once./He demanded that his
jacket (should) be altered at once.
26.1demand that this matter (should) be sorted out.

1. Whenever/No matter when I come, you are always working.

2. Whatever/No matter what I say, you will always object.
3. Whenever/No matter when you come, I'll be waiting.
4. No matter who/Whoever says that, I won't believe it.
5. The sooner you come the earlier it will be all settled.
6. Whichever/No matter which way you choose, I'm sure it will be honest.
7 .1don't care wha.t he says.
8. The more interesting a book is, the more quickly you will read it.
9. No matter who/Whoever calls for the book, they will find it here.
10.1 don't care how you do it.
11. No matter how/However hard he tries, he will get it all wrong.
12. The more you read the sooner you will learn.
13. No matter where/Wherever you go, you won't have problems with this car.
14. No matter where/Wherever I meet him, I won't speak to him.
15. No matter how much/However much it costs, I will pay.
16. The more thoroughly you prepare, the easier it will be to do this work.
17. No matter when/Whenever it happens, you shouldn't lose heart.
18. It doesn't matter when he brings the book.
19. No matter how many people come, I'll be glad to see them all.
20. The earlier you see a doctor the sooner you'll get well.
21. No matter how many times I tell them, they will forget.
22. He doesn't care what people say about him.
23. No matter how eccentric she is, it won't stop you liking her.
24. The longer you look at the picture, the more you will like it.
25. It doesn't matter who you tell about it.
26. No matter what/whatever you say, I won't change my mind.
27. They don't care who calls for the documents.
28. Whatever/No matter what happens to you, you will never forget this day.
29. No matter where/Wherever you find yourself, this handkerchief will remind
you of home.
30. The more difficult a problem is, the more interesting it will be to solve it.
31. No matter how hard you listen, you won't hear a sound.
32. The longer you stay/the more time you spend in the open air, the better
appetite you will have.
33. No matter what/Whatever you say, you won't be able to convince me.
34. The earlier you come, the sooner we'll finish.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

35. No matter how hard he tries, he'll never succeed.

36. The sooner you go to a doctor, the easier it will be to cure you.

1. It's time you learned to observe the traffic rules. You've been driving for
quite a while already.
2. It's high time we had the room redecorated. The wall-paper has faded.
3. It's after nine. It's high time the child were going to bed, but he's still watch­
ing television.
4. We believe it's high time we paid attention to this matter.
5. Dqn't you think it's high time we had dinner? I've been hungry for quite a
while already.
6. It's high time you saw a doctor. If you go on prescribing treatment for your­
self, it'll only be worse.
7. It's high time they got used to his eccentricities. They've known him for
quite a while after all.
8. What are we waiting for? It's high time we were on our way.
9. It's time you learned the forms of the irregular verbs.
10. Isn't it time they stopped these jokes? They get on my nerves.
11. We believe it's time you went on to practical application of the acquired
12.1think it's time you stopped the discussion. The guests are waiting to be
invited to table.
13. What are you waiting for? It's high time you were cooking dinner.

1.1wish I could give you an answer. If I could/were able to give you a defi­
nite answer, I would have done so a long time ago. Л
2 .1wish you wouldn't think badly of them. It's very strange that they should
be late. They are usually punctual.
3. She looks as if she had had a shock. And she is speaking slowly, as if she
were having difficulty choosing words.
4 .1wish you had read the article. If you had, you would have been able to
take part in the discussion yesterday. We wished so mush you could express
your opinion.
5. It's high time they made up, of course. I suggest that everybody should
think what can be done to get them to sort it out.
6. If you had told me that the date of the meeting had been moved, I would
have modified my timetable accordingly and might be finishing the first part
of the work.
Ключи к упражнениям

7. Не is looking at everyone with surprise as if he didn't understand what the

matter was. He must be unaware of what has happened. I suggest explaining
to him why we have gathered here.
8 .1wish you had been here before. If you had arrived here a few years ago,
you would have seen nothing but dense forest.
9. Even if I were more informed about the subject I would hesitate before
answering your question.
10. We wished so much the paper would be presented in German. If we had
known that he would be presenting it in Russian, we would have never stayed.
11. They understand each other so well as if they had known each other for
years. Isn't it surprising that they should have made friends so quickly?
12. Even if you h<ad let me know in advance, I would hardly have been able
to come to see you oFfx
13. He wished he had been able to meet my family. I found it strange that he
should be so anxious to meet them.
14. What would you start with if you were to organize a drama society?
15. If only there were somebody in the world who would share his views
16.1wish I could see your performance, but I will have left Moscow by that
17. If I were you, I wouldn't be complaining. It's your fault that the parcel
wasn't delivered in time.
18. It's high time you stopped this pointless argument. I wish I'd gone to the
beach on my own. I wouldn't have to be listening to all this now.
19. We would be still groping in the dark in this new area of research if it
hadn't been for a brilliant study carried out by a group of our scientists.
20. In the first place you should have done a translation of the text which
your teacher would have looked through and corrected.
21. No decent person would have behaved in this manner, he wouldn't even
have allowed such a thought.
22. Nobody will be able to answer this question, no matter who you ask. It's
necessary that you (should) get in touch with the leading expert on the subject.
23. It's time we acted, we can't afford to wait any longer. The longer we wait,
the more difficult it will be to correct the situation afterwards.
24. My client has expressed a request that she should be operated on by Dr.
Smith. I wish the doctor would find time to speak to me. I'd be very grateful if
you gave me his phone number.
25.1wish you would stay here longer. It's very important that you should be
able to feel the atmosphere of the place. Thelonger you stay here, the more you
will want to come again. --*
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

Модальные глаголы
и сослагательное наклонение
Exercise 1
1. You should have phoned Petrov again. If you had reached him on the
phone, he would have come an hour earlier and we would not have had to
2. The boy must have chosen the book himself. If grown ups had helped
him, they would have never advised him to take such a dull book.
3. Your friend should have seen a doctor long ago. If he had taken treat­
ment, he would have got well already.
4. He may have tried to prove to her that he was right but failed.
5 .1 do not expect he will argue/him to argue about this proposal./He is un­
likely to argue... If he had had objections, he would have sorted everything out
before the discussion.
6. The delegation may arrive any minute. You must prepare all the necessary
documents very quickly. If I had known about it before, I would have let you
7. Your son must have been studying for 5 hours without a break. You should
make him go out for a walk. He may have a headache if he continues studying
without a rest.
8. Apparently he does not know anything. If he had been told, he would be
here already and he would have got in touch with you.
9. He may not have known about the meeting. He would have come by all
10. You should not have raised this matter at the meeting. It might have
been settled quietly.
11. You should work more on your pronunciation. If yoy had
nac spent more time
in the lab, you would have made greater progress.

1. We might have missed the boat if we had taken the/an evening train. It
was in time that you suggested starting off in the morning.
2 .1would never take my words back even if he apologized to me. However,
I would really prefer that he apologized.
3. She may have been at the concert, but I didn't see her there. Even if I had
seen her, I wouldn't have spoken to her.
4. He shouldn't be home at this time, he should be still at work. If he were at
home, he would have phoned already.
5. You shouldn't/oughtn't to have told her about it. I wish you had kept
quiet./ It would have been better if you had kept quiet./You had much better
Ключи к упражнениям

have kept quiet. It's strange that it should have occurred to you to raise the
subject at all.
6. He cannot have failed to hear of our decision, but I'll still tell him myself
because it's essential that he (should) come.
7. He must have failed to read the book or he may not have been able to
obtain it/may have failed to obtain it. It's time you reminded him to hurry.
8. He has asked me to tell you that you may have to wait another two or
three days before he can see you. It is recommended that you think through
very carefully what you will say.
9 The operation was to have been performed on the tenth, but due to the
patient's poor condition, it had to be put off. However, the professor insists that
the operation (shoi^ld) be carried out not later than the end of the month.
10. You needn't havre^done the translation yesterday, you might have done it
today. If you hadn't been busy doing the translation, you would have been
able to read the article.
11. It's strange that he shouldn't have prepared the translation beforehand.
He might have written it last week. Then he wouldn't have found himself in an
awkward situation.
12. He must have failed to prepare the translation beforehand. Otherwise he
would have been sure to show it to you. I wish we could see his version.
13. He must have failed to prepare the translation and will have to spend all
Sunday on it as it is to be finished by the beginning of next week.
14. He must have failed to prepare the translation and had to spend the
weekend on it as it was to be finished by the beginning of last week.
15. He must have failed to finish the translation or he may not have known
that it was to be prepared by the beginning of next week. Otherwise he would
have let us know.
16. I wish we had taken our car. We shouldn't have listened to the neigh­
bours. We would have saved a lot of time if we had taken the car.
17. Eric wished he had not told the professor how he had spent the summer.
He should not have been so frank.
18. The professor wished his voice would sound more affable, but his effort
wasn't being quite successful. He felt it was important that the young man
(should) trust him.
19.1 wish it were not today that he had put off all his appointments. He might
have chosen another day.
20. The secretary wished she couid hear what the professor was discussing
with the new employee. They might have been talking about the university,
but, most likely, the professor was telling the young man about his duties.
21. It's necessary that you (should) meet all the members of the staff. It's im­
portant that you (should) produce a good impression.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

22. The professor wished he had asked the new employee who had recom­
mended him. It must have been someone of his colleagues.
23. The meeting may have finished. Let's wait here, he may come soon. —
Hardly/I don't think so/lt's hardly likely. If the meeting had finished, he would
be here already.
24. Peter must have got ill, otherwise he would be at the theatre already, he
never comes at the last moment.
25. She was to have come half an hour ago. She must have forgotten. — She
cannot have forgotten about the concert, it's not like her at all.
26.1 wish I knew where she found this old book. — She must have borrowed
it from our library. — She cannot have borrowed it from our library, they've
only got one copy and Marina has taken that. — Well, she may have taken it
from another library.
'r ■

Неличные формы глагола

1. инфинитив, подлежащее. 2. инфинитив, определение. 3. герундий,

дополнение. 4. герундий, определение. 5. инфинитив, определение в со­
ставе составного именного сказуемого. 6, причастие, часть сложного
дополнения. 7. герундий, обстоятельство. 8. герундий, обстоятельство.
9. герундий, дополнение. 10. существительное, дополнение. II. Инфини­
тив, обстоятельство. 12. инфинитив, определение в составе составного
именного сказуемого. 13. инфинитив, определение. 14. инфинитив,
подлежащее. 15. инфинитив, именная часть составного именного ска­
зуемого. 16. причастие, обстоятельство. 17. герундий, дополнение.
18. герундий, обстоятельство. 19. герундий, определение. 20. инфини­
тив, часть составного модального сказуемого. 2Пчгафинитив, часть
сложного дополнения. 22. инфинитив, определение; инфинитив, часть
составного именного сказуемого.

1. to be saying — Cont.lnf., часть сост. имен, сказ.; hear — Indef. Inf., часть
сост. мод. сказ. 2. to show — Indef. Inf., подлежащее. 3. to have met — Perf. Inf.,
дополнение. 4. to find out — Indef. Inf., дополн. 5. to return — Ind. Inf., доп.
6. to be operated on — Ind. Inf. Passive, часть сост. мод. сказ. 7. to have missed —
Perf. Inf., доп. 8. have gone — Perf. Inf., часть сост. мод. сказ. 9. to have gone —
Perf. Inf., часть сост. мод. сказ. 10. have seen — Perf. Inf., часть сост. мод. сказ.
11. to be left alone — Ind. Inf. Passive, доп. 12. be studying — Cont. Inf., часть
сост. мод. сказ. 13. to read — Ind. Inf., определение. 14. to leave — Ind. Inf.,
Ключи к упражнениям

часть сост. мод. сказ. 15. to come — Ind. Inf., часть сост. имен. сказ. 16. have
said — Perf. Inf., часть сост. мод. сказ. 17. to change — Ind. Inf., часть сост.
имен. сказ. 18. to be doing — Cont. Inf., часть сост. мод. сказ. 19. to know —
Ind. Int., часть сост. имен. сказ. 20. to be sent — Ind. Inf. Pas., часть сост. мод.
сказ. 21. have been solved — Perf. Inf. Pas., часть сост. мод. сказ. 22. to be
missed — Ind. Inf. Pas., часть сост. имен. сказ.

1. My friend asked to go to Kiev for two days.

2. The engineer wanted to be shown around the whole factory.
3. No one wants to be punished.
4. The boy did ftatwant to be praised in the presence of other pupils.
5. He did not want to be laughed at.
6. He expected to be recognized.
7 .1demand to be given that work.
8. He asked/requested not to be disturbed.
9. Everybody wanted the conference to be held as soon as possible.
10. He is happy to be helped in his work.
11.1 expect the telegram to be sent at once.
12.1suggested that Granny (should) have a rest and offered to go to the shop.

1. This is an interesting subject to make a talk on.

2. This is a good film to see.
3. This is an interesting fact to mention in your talk.
4. This is the man to rely on.
5. This is an inconvenient moment to ring him up.
6. My friend was the first to raise this question.
7. He is the only one to have given up smoking.
8. He wants to be the next to make a talk about the book he has read.
9. He was the only one to mention this fact.
10. He was the last to change his opinion about the matter.
11. He was the second to come to the finish.

1. He returned to his native land never to leave it again.

2. He went to Africa to die there of malaria.
3. After the poem "Child Harold" came out, Byron wrote in his diary that he
had woken up in the morning to find himself famous.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

4. Не went out on deck to be told that the ship would soon be arriving in
5. They heard a voice and looked up to see a woman's head in a small win­
dow under the roof.
6. He went out into the street to find himself completely alone.
7 .1 entered the room to find them looking at family photographs together.
8. She arrived at the hotel to learn there was telegram for her.
9. He turned round to see them leaving.
10. He left the town never to be seen again.

1. This part of land is believed to have been under the sea.

2. Our ways never happened to cross.
3. His flat turned out to be a one-room affair.
4. My fears proved (to be) groundless.
5. Hardly anybody appeared to notice his departure.
6. The truth is sure to come out.
7. He is unlikely to be pleased with the answer.
8. The man's mind seemed to be working with extraordinary freedom.
9. The events were certain to be much commented on in the press.
10. He is considered to be the best candidate for the post.

1. The Spanish dancers were announced to be arriving next week.

2. The performance is expected to be a success.
3. This book is said to be popular with both old and young.
4. The poem is believed to have been written by an jjnknown author.
5. The playwright is supposed to be working on a netokcomedy.
6. The parties were understood to have come to an agreement.
7. The flood is reported not to have caused much damage to the crops.
8. Mineral water has been discovered to be very good for the liver.
9. They seem to know all about it.
10. They don't seem to have heard about it.
11. The discussion seemed to be coming to an end.
12. You don't seem to approve of the idea.
13. The house did not seem to have been lived in for a long time.
14. He appeared to be losing patience.
15. He did not appear to have heard what had been said.
16.1 happened to overhear their conversation.
17. My prediction proves to have been correct.
18. The language of the article turned out to be quite easy.
Ключи к упражнениям

19. The article is likely to appear in the next issue of the journal.
20. He is not very likely to change his opinion.
21. They were certain to come to an understanding.
22. Questions of the kind seemed unlikely to crop up.
23. Everything is sure to turn out all right.
24. He is sure to have noticed it.
25. The treatment is certain to help you.
26. We are likely to have a lot of snow this winter.

1. You are sure to like the play.

2. He seems to be getting angry.
3. The man seemKto know all European languages. He is said to have
learned them while traveling.
4. They are certain to do their best.
5. The river was reported to have overflowed the banks and to be advanc­
ing towards the city.
6. You seem to be looking for trouble.
7. It seems to have been raining all the time we have been here.
8. The committee is said to have revised the program and to be working
out a plan of its realization.
9. The man seemed to be studying me and I felt awkward in his presence.
10. He is believed to have spent ten years on the translation of the book.
11. The book was believed to have been lost until a librarian happened to
come across it during an inventory.
12. The strength of the metal proved to have been overestimated by the
13. The chief engineer claimed to have been warning against the use of the
material from the start.
14. Zhukovsky is known to have been an excellent teacher and lecturer.
15. The expedition is said to have collected very interesting material about
the natural wealth of the region.
16. A large group of builders is reported to have been sent to the area.
17. A new city is expected to be built in this place.
18. We turned out to have met before.
19. Cold weather was not expected to set in so early.
20. The working conditions turned out to be more difficult than we had ex­
21. You don't seem to like his suggestion, do you?
22. The temperatures in May are reported to have been much lower than last
23. Do you happen to know the man?
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

24. Не is unlikely to do something he doesn't want to.

25. We turned out to have a lot of common acquaintances.
26.1 happened to be in Yalta when the Chekhov monument was being un­
27. Nothing seemed to be breaking the silence.
28. He knew he was sure to be asked about it.
29. The telegram is certain to be delivered tomorrow morning.
30. He is unlikely to know anything about it.
31. He is sure to mix everything up.
32. You don't seem (to be) likely to have any problems.
33. He is very likely to take interest in the proposition.

1. Indef. Ger., подл. 2. Ind. Ger., обстоят. 3. Ind. Ger., часть сост. вид. сказ.
4. Perf. Ger., доп. 5. Ind. Ger., доп. 6. Ind. Ger. Passive, доп. 7. Ind. Ger., доп. 8. Ind.
Ger., доп. 9. Ind. Ger. Passive., опред. 10. Ind. Ger., часть сост. вид. сказ. II. Ind.
Ger. Passive, обет. 12. Ind. Ger., доп. 13. Ind. Ger., опред. 14. Ind. Ger., обет. 15.
Ind. Ger. Passive, доп.

1. Does the tooth really need stopping?

2. His hair needs cutting.
3. Do the boots need mending?
4. What else needs repairing?
5. Your suit needs pressing.
6. His clothes need cleaning.
7. The floor needs washing.
8. The house needs painting.
9. The book needs binding.
10. The walls need repapering.

1. Does he prefer skating or skiing?

2 .1 would rather speak to him personally.
3. Did you enjoy watching the game?
4. He made a note in his diary not to forget to buy a newspaper.
5. He is in the habit of getting up early.
6. Excuse me for interrupting you.
7. It will be a pleasure to meet/meeting your brother.
8. Is the film worth seeing?
Ключи к упражнениям

9. We can't afford to buy such an expensive piece of furniture.

10. Has he finished working?
11.1 remember speaking to him.
12.1regret to say that I won't be coming.
13. He dreams of going to Africa.
14. Did you remember to phone the secretary?
15. The translation needs editing.
16. My friend is thinking of selling the house.
17. We discussed the budget and then went on to discuss the sales.
18. Your son looks forward to meeting the man, doesn't he?
19. We used to be friends when at school.
20. You are fond of reading, aren't you?
21. Who is responsible for decorating the hall?
22.1am used to being treated with respect.
23. If everything else fails, try reading the instruction.
24. I'll try to repair your car tomorrow.
25. We are tired of being told the same thing
26. Do any of you feel like going to the cinema?
27. He stopped smoking a week ago.
28. Why does he avoid being seen?
29. She went for a walk instead of doing her lessons.
30. We must stop to get petrol.
31. He went away without looking at me.
32. What else did you do besides watching television?
33. He put off going on holiday because he was too busy.
34. Do you have any objections to being told the story?
35.1tried to change the wheel, but my hands were too cold.
36. He objected to being sent on a business trip.
37.1don't mind being told what to do.
38. What's your idea of arranging the meeting?
39. He tried sending her flowers and writing her letters, but it had no effect.

1. When will you finish reading the book?

2. It has just stopped raining.
3. He continued reading without looking at me.
4. He avoided looking me in the face.
5. What do you suggest doing?
6. Did you remember to do what I (had) asked you for?
7 .1 don't mind speaking to him.
8. He enjoys playing chess.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

9. She prefers walking there.

10.1have forgotten lending my dictionary to someone.
11. The shoes need mending.
12. Seeing our difficulty, he offered to help us.
13. Do you remember talking to her about this problem?
14. He could not help laughing remembering/when he remembered the joke.
15. After saying/having said a few words about the history of the country, the
lecturer went on to analyze its economic situation.
16. He mentioned sending one letter.
17.1regret to tell you that you have failed your examination.
18. She insisted on speaking to me at once.
19. He said he had given up smoking.
20.1look forward to going to the seaside.
21. They are thinking of selling the house.
22. She has difficulty (in) keeping her temper.
23. He is used to living alone.
24. We used to live in the suburbs, but now we have moved to the centre of
the city.
25.1dream of becoming a writer.
26.1demanded to be put through to the director.
27. He is in the habit of phoning late.
28. He went out without putting on his hat.
29. He put off writing the letter as he did not know what to write.
30. The case proved to be difficult and the doctor suggested convening a
medical conference.
31. He phoned instead of writing.
32. They propose to set out in two weeks' time.
33. Thank you for coming. V
34. Don't forget to lock the door before leaving. л.
35. He suggested going to the country.
36. Illness prevented her from leaving.
37. He entered without knocking.
38. We have no hope of seeing him again.
39. Putting his hand in his pocket, he discovered there a/the letter he had for­
gotten to drop.
40. His art could not but arouse admiration.
41. Having read/On reading the first lines I remembered reading the story
42. Whoever saw his pictures, could not help admiring his art.
43. The guide suggested/proposed starting a tour of the exhibition with a
bus ride around its territory.
Ключи к упражнениям

44. In the second chapter the author continues/goes on describing the eco­
nomic situation of the country.

1. He said that the people waiting for the doctor had been sitting here for a
long time.
2. The person who has been waiting for you has just gone.
3. The man standing by the entrance was our teacher last year.
4. Ask the policeman standing at the corner for directions.
5. We went up to the man standing at the corner and asked him the way.
6 .1 didn't see in what direction the man who had been standing here went.
7. Having said eta(vthing he knew the witness left the box.
8. He wants to write a book summing up his impressions of the trip.
9. Having knocked twice and received no answer, he decided that there
was nobody in.
10. The conference being held at the University is devoted to environmental
11. We were unable to attend the conference being held at the University.
12. Pushing the door he felt that it was not locked, and opening it he looked
13.1 felt very tired, having worked in the sun all day.
14. Each time, speaking about the incident, he could not help a smile.
15. A new power plant supplying electricity to a number of industrial regions
was built here a couple of years ago.
16. Having dropped a coin to the floor, he did not care to look for it in the
darkness and took another one.
17. Lifting the receiver, he began to dial the number.
18. They stood by a car being filled up watching the meter.
19. Having arrived here only a few years before he knew those parts as if he
had always lived there.
20. Closing the door quietly behind himself, he tiptoed into the room.
21. Suddenly I heard the sound of a key being turned in the lock.
22. The flowers have faded, having been kept without water for a long time.
23. The sight of a table being laid made my mouth water.
24. (Having been) put in water, the flowers opened their petals.
25. Arriving at the hotel, she found a telegram awaiting her.
26. Here are some samples of the products of this plant being sent to different
parts of the country.
27. These are samples of products sent last month.
28. Here are samples of products of the plants that used to send us machinery.
29. These are samples of products that had been sent before the restoration
of the plant.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

1. After being rejected/Rejected by the editorial board, the story was re­
turned to the author for revision.
2. After being rejected by publishers several times, the story was accepted
by a weekly magazine.
3. After waiting/Having waited for some time in the reception room, he was
asked into the office.
4. While waiting in the reception room, he thought over what he would say
when he was asked into the office.
5. They reached the peak at dusk, Having left their camp with the first light.
6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp, leaving it at dawn.
7. The friends went out into the city after leaving/having left their cases at
the left luggage department.
8. Having written and left a note with the porter, he said he would be back
in a half-hour.
9. Written in an archaic language, the book was difficult to read.
10. While writing his first book, he could not go far beyond his own experi­
11. Having been away so long he was happy to be coming back.
12. Being so far away, he still felt himself part of the community.
13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never having seen such
a huge animal.
14. Not wanting to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed the con­
15. Having read the telegram twice, he realized that the matter needed im­
mediate attention.
16. When filling in a form, you must write your name ?nd address clearly.
17. Having made great progress by the end of the school, year he was able to
start reading books in the original.
18. "Don't lose your things, little boy," said a man picking up the gloves
dropped by the boy.
19. Being fond of music, my brother never misses an opportunity of going to
a good concert.
20. After walking about the town for some time, he went up to a man and
asked to be directed to the main square.
21.1thought I had lost my bag and was therefore grateful to the man who
brought/having brought it back to me.
22.1had never realized what a talented writer he was until I saw his play staged
in a Moscow theatre.
23. The man who made/having made the opening speech at the exhibition
yesterday is a well-known painter.
Ключи к упражнениям

Exercise 1
1. Taking a sheet of paper he started to write a letter to a friend who had
gone away on holiday.
2. The letter consisted of a few lines written in pencil.
3. The woman who opened the door to us was a servant.
4. The travellers saw a lonely figure standing on the shore/bank.
5. Here are the new books sent in for our library.
6. Seeing the friends who had come to see him off, he went up to them.
7. She opened a/the book given to her on her birthday.
8. Holding the/a child by the hand, the/a woman entered the house.
9. The name of tk^e person who wrote this poem is unknown.
10. Hearing the n o i^ th e master, who had been sleeping upstairs, began to
11. Passing by a shop window, he took notice of a picture exhibited there.
12. The piece being performed now is very popular.
13. The child, frightened by the noise, began to cry.
14. A letter lying on the table was addressed to the master of the house.
15.1am going to meet the person who phoned yesterday and invited me to
a concert.

1. Not speaking the language, he was questioned through an interpreter.

2. She never did a thing without asking somebody's advice.
3. The man was holding forth without paying attention to the attempts to
interrupt him.
4 .1left him alone not wanting to distract him from his work.
5. Not having recognized me, she passed by without answering my nod.
6. The girl looked innocently about her, not realizing what the joke was.
7. They could not see each other without immediately losing their temper.
8. Not waiting for an answer, he turned round and went out.
9 .1tried to catch his eye, but he sat motionless not/without looking in my
10. They jumped at the proposition not/without thinking of consequences.
11.The wind had been blowing for many days without seeming to stop.
12. The young man asked me all sorts of questions without concealing his cu­
13.1 stood motionless, not believing my eyes.
14. He never signed a paper without having thoroughly read it through.
15. The door stood ajar and we entered without knocking.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

1. Not being personally involved in the matter, the engineer was unable to
answer our question.
2. My friend left without leaving me a note.
3. He went out not wanting to take part in the discussion of the matter.
4. He has taken the book without asking for permission.
5. Not having taken appropriate action in time, we were obliged to cancel
the meeting.
6. Why did you turn down the proposal without discussing it properly?
7. Not having read the timetable, we did not know when the train left.
8. He put down the receiver, never making an appointment.
9. The scientist died not knowing that he had made an important disco­
10. Not having read the necessary literature, he was unable to answer the
teacher's question.
11. He lifted the glass carefully without spilling a drop.
12. She sat silently, not looking in my direction.
13. Not/without waiting for an answer, he got up and left the room.
14. She knew without being told.

1. He could not help a smile remembering the incident.

2. She strained her memory to remember the date.
3. He reached out a hand to switch on the light.
4. He went to the table switching on the light on the way.
5. There is a road connecting the two villages.
6. A canal was built to connect the two rivers. t
7. He received a letter informing him of their new adafe^s.
8. They sent him a letter to inform him of their new address.
9. They tried many other methods, finally returning to the initial one.
10. We have tried many other methods, only to return to the initial one.
11. There is a man waiting for you.
12. There is a man to see you.
13. He shaded his eyes with his hand to protect them from the sun.
14. She opened the drawer only to find it empty.
15. Finding the room empty, she stopped in the doorway not knowing what
to do.
16. He is not a man to be moved by tears.
17. He sat silently for a while moved by the story.
18. To be seen from afar, a beacon must be high and powerful.
19. Seen from afar, the beacon was an unfailing guide for ships at sea.
Ключи к упражнениям

1. Having caught a bad cold, he had to miss a few lectures.

2. Having lost the receipt, he was unable to receive the parcel.
3. Having pasted/After pasting a stamp on the envelope, he went to post
the letter.
4. The boy was afraid of going to the library, not having returned the books
in time.
5. On arriving in the city the tourists went to the hotel.
6. He refused to go to the theatre with us saying that he was busy.
7. Having missed the 10 o'clock train, he had to send a telegram to the friends
waiting for him.
, he returned them to the librarian.

10. Thinking that the letter was urgent, the secretary decided to send it by air
11. Saying goodbye to everyone, he went out of the room.
12. Anna was very upset to hear that her sister would not be able to visit her.
13. The young man who has written this comedy is also the author of a few
interesting plays.
14. The information collected by the expedition was sent to the Geographic
15.1have never heard of the actress who has played the main part in this film.
16.1would like you to see the pictures painted by this young artist.
17. They are planning to play against the team that won last year's champion­
18.1have known for a long time the engineer who gave a talk at the club yes­
19. On receiving the/a telegram he went to the station.

|xercise 20

1. The teacher copied out the mistakes made by the students in the latest
examination and offered them a few exercises to practice the grammatical rules
forgotten by the students.
2. Walking around the park the other day I found myself in a completely un­
known part.
3. Handing in his exercise-book, the student said that he had not finished the
last exercise and promised to do it for next class.
4. Seeing that it was going to rain the mother told her children to come/go
5. Having missed two classes, the student was having difficulty (in) under­
standing the teacher's explanations.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

6. Hearing the man's voice I thought I knew him, but on coming closer I real­
ized I had made a mistake.
7. The novels written by this writer recently/in the past few years are very
8. After winning the university championship the team continued training.
9 .1have no doubt that the information received with the morning mail will
be of interest to everyone.
10. АЯ1зе woman was grateful to the policeman who had saved her child's life.
11. On arriving at the station Peter bought a ticket and, seeing that he had
plenty of time, went to look at the new theatre being built near the station.
12. Do you see the tall man standing by the window? He is a famous actor.
Would you like me to introduce you?
13. After playing/Having played two games of chess, he rose to leave saying
he was feeling tired.
14. The students who had presented interesting papers in class were invited
to take part in a conference.
15. Entering the room I saw two people arguing.
16. This writer is the author of a few books about people who devoted their
lives to science.
17. The notice said that the person having lost their gloves was requested to
call at Room 423.
18. The engineer who has made the invention is coming to our factory tomor­
19. Being too busy, the director was unable to attend to the matter.
20. The students corrected all the mistakes pointed out by the teacher.
21.1 cannot understand the meaning of the letter being dictated to me.
22. Not knowing the language in which the book was written, I was unable to
use it.
23. The goods being advertised in this magazine are W interest to many cus­
tomers. Л
24. Having read part of the paper, the professor decided to put it aside for a
few days as several points required clearing up.
25. (On) learning that the boy had refused to take part in an amateur perfor­
mance, the teacher decided to speak to him.
26. Having distributed the work among the students, the teacher went on to
discuss the paper presented the day before.

1. He settled in his new home never to leave it again.

2. Having settled in the new place, he never wished to leave it.
3.They prided themselves on being the first to put forward the theory.
4. We counted on finding him in.
Ключи к упражнениям

5 .1 cannot recall being introduced to him. I don't even remember ever see­
ing him.
6. He turned round looking surprised.
7. He turned round to see who had come.
8. That will be the greatest discovery ever to be made by man.
9. He could not get used to being called Grandfather.
10. She was quite unconscious of arriving at the wrong moment.
11. Excuse me for entering without knocking.
12. That was the greatest discovery ever made by man.
13. There are a lot of people here to help us.
14. We have many people helping us.
15. I'm really ashaqied of not writing for such a long time.
16. He is upset about^fiaving to start all anew.
17. She denied promising anything of the kind.
18. She had her jewels valued only to learn that they were worthless.
19. She was devastated, having learned that her jewels were worthless.
\ 20. He must be a great authority on the subject to write a book about it.
21. He was a great authority on the subject, having worked in the field for so
many years.
22. We hope he succeeds in finding his way in life.
23. Why do you avoid calling things their true names?
24. There are twenty more delegates to arrive at the conference.
25. How many rooms have been reserved for the delegates arriving at the
26. These rooms are occupied by the delegates who have arrived at the con­
27. This is a wisdom to be gained through experience.
28. His was a wisdom gained through experience.

1. Tearing the envelope open, he took out the enclosed letter./He tore the
envelope open taking out the enclosed letter. He turned it several times in his
hand to put it back unread.
2. Having received the information, he immediately went down the hall to
ring up his wife.
3. Wishing to be among the first to greet the guests, we took a cab.
4. Arriving at the party, we found everybody gathered.
5. He insisted on my speaking in public./He insisted that I (should) speak in
6. Having studied every exhibit on display, he now felt he knew what should
be done to improve the layout.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

7. Не poured out the wine clumsily spilling some of it on the table cloth.
8 .1have not stayed in the country long enough to learn the customs of the
9 .1hope you will remember this without my reminding you.
10. Not wishing to meet anybody, they went round the house to the back
11. Every other minute he would push up his sleeve to look at his watch.
12. Seeing me in this dress he couldn't help bursting out laughing.
13. Not taking regular treatment, you will not make a good recovery.
14. Examining the post mark, I noticed that the letter had been sent a week
15. He went on reading without answering. He did not seem to have heard
my question.
16. The man's job was registering new arrivals.
17. He readily accepted the offer without/not suspecting a trap.
18. Arriving at the gallery, he paid the entrance fee and, picking up a cata­
logue, went in.
19. Having been promised assistance, they felt more confident.
20. After being shown in, he was asked to wait for a while.
21. Having started the construction of the dam early in the spring they com­
pleted it before cold weather set in./ They started the construction of the dam
early in the spring to complete it before cold weather set in.
22. Lighting a cigarette he leaned against the porch rail to look out at the
trees and the rain pouring down steadily and monotonously.
23. Walking down the steps, she suddenly stopped remembering that she
had left the gas burning.
24. He stood at the counter hesitating, not knowing what to choose.
25. Having finalized the program, they went on to dfsoiss the items dealing
with financial matters. \
26. He knows the language better than a foreigner usually does, having lived
in the country for a long time.
27. In spite of having lived there a long time, he knew very few people in the
28. After finishing the translation, the students were allowed out of the room
for a while.
29. Not having bought tickets in advance, they had to go to the theatre long
before the show started.
30. After spending/Having spent a week in the country, Ann looked almost
fully recovered.
31. Having lent my dictionary to a friend, I had to go to the library to get one
for myself.
Ключи к упражнениям

32. On arriving in the city Peter hurried to the nearest post-office to send a
post card home.
33. Henry paid the rent to find that he had only small change left till the end
of the week.
34. Having left my notebook behind, I couldn't phone you as I had promised.
35. (Being) very pleased with the student's answer, the teacher did not ask
him any more questions.
36. The house to be built here has been designed by a famous architect.
37.1left the window open to hear the music.
38. He went there to be told he might as well not have come at all.
39. The book is too long to read in one day.
40. Helen reached the hospital to find her brother a little better.
41. It made me fee I seeing/to see him in distress.

1. The railway line to be opened this year will connect remote areas of the
region to industrial centres.
2. The fog was heavy enough to stop all traffic.
3.The team had another two games left to play until the end of the champi­
4. He is not a person to be judged at first sight.
5. His logic was difficult to follow, he kept switching from one subject to
6 .1 ask to be kept posted.
7. Do you remember the last person reading this book?
8. He will always find something to boast about.
9. Listening to him talking one might think he has lived a long life.
10. The only thing she wanted at the moment was being left alone.
11. All was quiet in the house, there was not a sound to be heard.
12. He did not know the language very well, he had to concentrate very hard
to follow the conversation.
13. I'm too weak a chess player to give advice.
14. He turned to me as if wanting to say something.
15. Coming out into the street we saw a taxi waiting for us.
16. He was the only one to notice the mistake.
17. Newspaper headings are sometimes very difficult to translate.
18. Coming out on the stage the young actress was unable to overcome the
fear that had gripped her.
19. Having read another person's note, she decided to use it to her own ben­
20. He went limping to the horse.
8 Сборник упражнений по грамматике..,
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

21. Disguising himself as a gypsy woman, the host decided to play a joke on
the guests.
22. After being questioned the witnesses were allowed to leave the room.
23. While being questioned the accused was trying to appear calm, but not
quite succeeding.
24. The person who had brought her a letter from her husband wanted to
speak to her in private.
25. The brooch stolen from me a year before turned out to be in her bag.
26. Glancing at the note lying on the table she immediately recognized her
husband's hand.
27. Having seen/after seeing my father to the car, I returned into the house.
28. She went to her room asking not to be disturbed.
29. The pilot having got out of the plane was looking very tired.
30. They fell silent having exhausted all possible subjects of conversation.
31. The smoke that filled the room prevented my adversary from spotting me.
32. At that moment the/an officer who had been sitting in a corner rose and
approached the table looking round at everyone.
33. People who had known him felt sorry for his untimely death.
34. We've visited Tolstoy's former estate now turned into a museum.
35. A boy who had lost his parents was placed in a children's home.


1. George must have forgotten to wind up his watch before going to bed
because, when he woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the watch,
it was pointing to a quarter to nine. "I was to have gotSqp an hour ago. I can't
have slept so long", George thought. It never occurred to tiim that the watch
might have stopped.
2. Mrs. Hall gave a start hearing a loud knock at the door. The clock had just
struck midnight and she was not expecting anyone to arrive at the hotel at such
a late hour. She was astonished to see a stranger wrapped up from head to foot.
The stranger apologized for the late visit and said he would have never come at
such a late hour if his train had not been late.
3. The stranger had been working in his room for a few hours when he saw
the door open by itself and a man looking very much like him enter the room.
"Who can that be? I can't be dreaming all this", the stranger thought.
4. Mrs. Hall entered the stranger's room and demanded that he (should) pay
his bills. He had been making her wait for her money too long. The stranger must
have lost his temper because he stamped his foot and exclaimed that he would
Ключи к упражнениям

not have anyone speaking to him in such a manner. Mrs. Hall wished she had not
opened the door to him when he had first arrived.
5. After her parents' death Jane went to live in the house of Mr. Reed, her
mother's brother. How lonely the girl felt! Mrs. Reed was a cruel woman. She
hated Jane and would often punish her. If the aunt could, she would have sent
Jane to an orphanage. But Mr. Reed had forbidden her to do it before his death.
6. After the death of Mr. Reed, her mother's brother, the girl's life became still
harder. She had been afraid of her aunt when Mr. Reed had been alive. Now she
was still more afraid of her.
7. Jane had not expected her aunt to punish her so cruelly. If she had known,
she would have run away from home. On the day when it happened, it was dark.
It was raining, thereyyas a thick fog.
8. One cold rainy ntarning the aunt locked Jane in the room where nobody
lived after Mr. Reed's death. Nobody had entered the room in the past few weeks,
so it never had a fire.
9. Jane stood looking out of the window. She could see children going to
school, but she could not join them. She had not been allowed to go to school
and the poor girl felt miserable.
10. The girl went up to the door and began to shout and knock. But there was
nobody behind the door. Jane sat down on a chair in the middle of the room and
began to cry quietly. She had never been in that dark cold room before. And now
she had been locked there and nobody knew how long she would have to stay
there. "What shall I do?” Jane thought. "How can I get out of here?" She had been
sitting in the room for about an hour and was beginning to freeze.
11. On the night the performance was to take place, the father was busy. He
had just returned from a business trip and had to look through some docu­
12. How much longer do you need to finish the job? — I'm finishing. I would
have finished it an hour ago if it were not so noisy here.
13. After his parents'death Robert had to live in the house of his great grand­
mother who was an unkind woman. Robert felt very lonely in his great grand­
mother's house. He used to have a home and a family, but now he had to look
after himself.
14. On the day Robert was to go to school his great grandmother made him
put on a new suit she had made out of an old curtain. Robert was sure that if he
wore the suit, he would be laughed at. What did Robert's new suit look like? How
did Robert look in his new suit?
15. Have you done the homework? Let me have a look at the exercises. I am not
sure I've done them correctly. — You needn't have done the exercises at home.
We did them in class. We were only to read the text and prepare questions
about it.
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

16. You haven't been looking at all well lately. How do you feel? — I've been ill,
but I'm all right now. However, I'm still taking treatment. I go to the doctor every
Friday. Our classes finish at 11 in the morning on that day. — On what other days
do your classes finish at 11?
17. Where are my clothes? I left them here on the/a chair yesterday. Have you
seen them? — Here are your clothes. I've put them in the wardrobe. Take them
and put them where they ought to be.
18. John was not in a hurry to get home because all evenings in his family were
alike. He would arrive home, Katie would meet him with a kiss, then they would
have dinner and John would read the newspapers.
19. That evening John could not help wondering finding the flat in disorder.
"I wish Katie would not forget to tidy up the flat before leaving," he thought irri­
tably. However there was nothing left for him to do but try and tidy up the flat

1. Why do you look /are you looking so sad? Has anything happened? /Is any­
thing wrong?
2 .1heard them sing in concert yesterday. They now sing much better than
before. The number I heard yesterday is the best of all I've heard so far. I suggest
going to their concert together.
3. We spent the summer in town, we did not go to the country.
4. When he arrived at the school he saw that everybody had gathered and
was waiting for him. There were a lot of people in the hall, it was noisy.
5 .1wonder if anything can be done to help him. He looks/is looking so pale
and tired. He must have been working very hard this month.
6. What's the matter? Why are cars and buses moving on the left hand side? —
Because all traffic in England moves on the left hand sic^e.
7.1watched/was watching him trying to start a car. "le n d e r how long it will
take him to make the engine work," I thought when he addressed me suggesting
that I should give the car a push. He said he had been trying for half an hour, but
it would not start. I pushed the car and the engine started.
8. I've just seen your son walking in the park. Have you allowed him? — No, I
thought he was playing in the yard. What is he doing in the park? It's getting
dark. He must go home.
9. We are going to the country tomorrow. The bus leaves at 8 in the morning.
We've been told to bring food with us. John has offered to buy it.
10. How can I get to the museum? — Go straight on, take the second turning
on the right. When you turn right, you'll see a beautiful white building on the left
hand side of the street. It's about 5 minutes'walk from here.
11.1 had been waiting for a friend for about 15 minutes and was beginning to
worry. "If he doesn't come in 5 minutes we'll be late for the performance,"
Ключи к упражнениям

I thought and at that moment I saw my friend running towards me across the
12. It's no use trying to make him do what he doesn't want to. If you really want
him to help you, you'll have to convince him that it's necessary.

1 .1 was going to Japan. On board the ship I met/made the acquaintance of

Mr. Ramsey and his wife. I was sharing my cabin with Mr. Kellada whom I soon
disliked. That Mr. Kellada knew everything in the world and was fond of arguing.
No wonder I tried to avoid his company.
2. Mrs. Ramsey was wearing a string of pearls. Mr. Kellada looked at it and
said, "Wonderful pealrts^The string must have cost you a fortune". "Oh, no," ob­
jected Mr. Ramsey. "Those are not genuine pearls. My wife has bought the string
for 18 dollars."
"I bet you a hundred dollars that the pearls are genuine," Mr. Kellada insisted.
"I wouldn't be arguing if I weren't sure," and he asked Mrs. Ramsey to give him
the string. Mrs. Ramsey could do nothing, but take off the string and hand it to
Mr. Kellada.
3. "I am never wrong," Mr. Kellada was saying. "You may trust me/have confi­
dence in me." He was about to say something else when he noticed the expres­
sion of Mrs. Ramsey's face. At that moment Mr. Kellada wished he had not started
the argument.
4. Mr. Kellada was in a difficult situation. On one hand, he knew that the pearls
were genuine. On the other hand, he could not say so to Mr. Ramsey without
giving away Mrs. Ramsey. At last Mr. Kellada apologized for his mistake and paid
100 dollars.
5. When I woke up the next morning, I saw Mr. Kellada smoking in bed. He did
not seem to have slept at night. At that moment there was a knock at the door.
When I went to open it, I noticed a letter on the floor. Somebody must have
pushed it under the door. The letter was addressed to Mr. Kellada. There was a
hundred dollars inside. "Mr. Ramsey should not have left his wife alone in New
York for a whole year," Mr. Kellada said when I handed him the letter. "I wonder
what would have happened if I hadn't said that I was wrong. But it never oc­
curred to me that Mrs. Ramsey might have received the pearls from somebody
else, not her husband."

1. Mrs. Ramsey was the wife of an American who had spent a year in Japan as
an American Consul. Now, after a short holiday in New York he was returning to
Japan. That time his wife was accompanying him. She was a nice woman with a
Сборник упражнений по грамматике современного английского языка

lively sense of humour, one could not help liking her. She seemed to be enjoying
the voyage.
2. Mrs. Ramsey was wearing a string of pearls. Mr. Kellada took one look at it
and said: "The pearls must be very expensive, worth at least 30 thousand dollars."
Mrs. Ramsey turned pale. "You'll be surprised," said Mr. Ramsey, "but my wife
bought the string in a department store for 18 dollars just before our departure.
We can't afford genuine pearls." "Nonsense!" Mr. Kellada was getting excited. "I
tell you that the pearls are genuine and I'm prepared to bet you 100 dollars."
3. After Mrs. Ramsey had handed him the string, Mr. Kellada looked it over
carefully and smiled. He opened his mouth to announce his conclusion when he
noticed the expression of Mrs. Ramsey's face. She had turned quite pale and was
looking at him with horror. Mr. Kellada realized that everything depended on
what he would say. With an effort, he made himself apologize. He said he had
made a mistake and handed Mr. Ramsey 100 dollars. His hands were trembling.
Mrs. Ramsey went to her cabin. Everybody was pleased that Mr. Kelada had been
taught a lesson.
4. When I woke up in the morning I saw Mr. Kellada smoking. He must have
got up very early or been up all night. Suddenly there came a knock and I heard
somebody trying to push something under the door. I got up and saw a letter
lying on the floor. It was addressed to Mr. Kellada. I handed the letter to Mr. Kel­
lada and as he opened it, a hundred-dollar note fell out. "If I had a pretty wife,"
said Mr. Kellada, "I wouldn't have allowed her to spend a year in New York alone."
Now I admired Mr. Kellada. He had saved Mrs. Ramsey from disgrace.
5. Melpomenus had been sitting with his friends for 3 hours when he rose and
said he must go. "Must you really?" exclaimed the hostess and invited him to stay
to dinner. He had dinner and then stayed for tea. The hostess expected him to
leave after tea. But when she saw him sitting down in an armchair, she suggested
he should stay with them for two weeks. Melpomenus's eyes filled with tears
when he heard the invitation. "Why won't they let me %ю? If they were not so
polite I would have left long ago." v

1. Kitty met Walter at a dance. His name was familiar to her because a mutual
friend had been telling her about him. When they were being introduced, Walter
said he was a bacteriologist. The word did not mean anything to Kitty, she only
understood it must be some kind of a doctor. She would have taken interest in
Walter if he had been one of her circle. But she was not interested in doctors and
took no notice of Walter at first.
2. But Walter would go to every dance she went to and soon she got used to
seeing him. They would dance, though it was clear that he did not enjoy danc­
ing. Kitty often wondered why he was doing all that. She wished he would be
more sociable, then she would have felt more comfortable in his company.
Ключи к упражнениям

3. Walter turned out to be shy and reserved, but he would make an effort to
entertain Kitty with polite conversation. She learned that he had arrived in Eng­
land on holiday a month before and was soon going back to Hong Kong. Listen­
ing to Walter speaking about himself, Kitty could not help feeling that he was
holding something back. She found it strange that he should never speak about
his family or his past.
4. Kitty could not help feeling uneasy in Walter's company. She did not know
how to behave. The trouble with Walter was that he never relaxed, he did not
know how to enjoy himself. He could never join in a song or a dance, and Kitty
had never seen him laugh at other people's jokes. Kitty often wished he would
tell a joke or smile at least. But he was too serious and too proud. It was his pride
that made him unpopular. Kitty could not say she disliked Walter, but she thought
him a bore.
5. Doris, Kitty's your „ sister, was going out with a young man and intended
to marry him. She kept telling Kitty that she was not going to wait until Kitty
found herself a husband, she was getting married no matter what. Kitty hated
the idea of having her younger sister getting married first.
6. The day after Doris's engagement had been announced, Walter invited Kitty
for a walk in the park. He was unusually silent. He was trying to behave naturally,
but not quite succeeding. Kitty noticed that his hands were trembling. He must
have been very nervous.
7. There was a bench in one of the alleys and Walter suggested sitting there
for a while. He seemed about to say something, but not quite daring. Kitty had
no idea what he was going to speak about. Walter had never said he was in love
with her, so Kitty did not expect him to propose. She waited.
8. Walter made an effort and began to speak. Kitty was surprised to hear him
ask her to marry him. He was to go back to Hong Kong in a few weeks and he
wanted Kitty to go with him.
9. Walter's proposal came as a total surprise. Taken aback, Kitty did not know
what to say. Walter was the last person she had expected it from. At the same
time she was moved. The proposal was so strange and unexpected. Nobody had
ever proposed to her in such a way.
10. It was not easy for Kitty to make up her mind. On one hand, she did not
love Walter and could not imagine him as her husband. On the other hand, if she
refused, Dorris would be married first, and Kitty did not like the idea at all. Be­
sides, Kitty's father had said that Walter was an unusually intelligent young man.
That settled the matter. Kitty decided to accept Walter's proposal. Soon she
wished she had not married him.

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