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. Vol. 30-No. 22

Corp. William H. Baufield, Con-
way Ave., Narberth. is home on 30
berth. now
has been
of Bay Head, N. J.,
honOrlLbly discharged
School Prepares To Enroll 400 Two Divorce Actions

days furlough. He returned with
the 104th U. S. General Hospital,
· .
after 14 months overseas.
Tech. Sgt, Albert L. Lambert,
from the
Maritime Service at
• •
Lt. C. H. Griffis, A. A. F .. sta-
tioned at Gulfport, Miss.• has been
honorably discharged from the
Red Cross Production
Continuing Work
Workers at the Main Line
Branch of the Red Cross are
finding that the change from war
Filed in Norristown
Two divorce actions from Lower
Merion have been filed in the
office of Prothonotary Earl B " 8
Will Open .Sept. 10;
Army. Lt. Griffis has been three


612 Shady Lane. Narberth, who
11f\S been four years m the service,
tl'e last 30 months in the Phllip-
pmes, has been honorably dis-
·, .
charge9 from the service.
~'ears and five months in the ser-
vice. He spent six months in
Germany before returning to this
countrv. Lt. and Mrs. Griffis and
their two small sons will anlve
of emphasis on the actiVities of
the Production Department. Ac-
cording to Mrs. Joseph H. Collins,
chairman, the United States Gov-
ernment Is maintaining a steady
Bechtel in Norristown.
They are:
Addme D. Hinson. Lower Merion,
asks a diVOrce from John C.
Hinson, alleging indignities. They
were married Nov. 5. 1938.
Schedules Will
demand for all types of surgical

Not Be Continued
T/5 Carlton Harkness. 208 Sa- Saturday from Gulfport. Miss., to Jeanne M. Walters. Cynwyd, In
bine Ave,. Narberth. former teacher remam for sometime with Lt. dressings which are under the a libel filed through Attorney
• of history at Narberth School, is Griffis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. direction of Miss Laura Mae Edward M. Hawes. asks a divorce
home for 12 days from Fort Knox. Beck of 122 Menon Ave.. Narberth. Perry. and for products of the from Clifford G. Walters, alleging
• • • Mrs. Gl"lffls was the former Doris Sewing Room under the leadership the defendant is now living with
• A. 1\1. 1\1. 21C Douglas Living- A. Kelhn of Wyoming Ave.. Ard- of Mrs. Emmett R. Tatnall.
Additional volunteers interested another woman in Anniston, Ala-
stone, formerly of Chestnut Ave.. more. bama, and allegedly has been
Narberth. IS home on 18 days fur- Corp. Francis Gallagher, 108
in helping in the work of rehabil-
itation are asked to come to the doing so since April 1. 1944. They Three Members of Teaching Staff Entered
lough. He has been two years in ~ were married J~~e 24. 1931.
t,he serVICe, the last 14 montl1s on Menon Ave.. Narberth, home on 30 Main Line Branch work rooms in
Service; One Will Return; Lower Merion
sea duty m the South Pacific.
days furlough from Torney Gen-
eral Hcspital, Palm Springs. Cal-
TIC .James A. Pm'ring, 533 Gor- Ifornia Will report to Atlantic City
Ardmore any day, Monday through
Thursday, from 10.00 a. m. to
4.00 p. m.
7New Polio Cases High Schools to Begin Sept. 11.
don Ave.. Narberth. who has been redistribution center.
foul' and a half years m the ser-
vice, spent 29 months m the Neth-
U. Samuel J. McCartne~'. Jr.•
erlands East Indies. recen'ed a son of MI'. and Mrs. Samuel J. Shaw Boys Share Listed This Week The Narberth Public School will open on September 10
for its first peace time term in fi\'e years with an antici·
- medIcal discharge from A A. F. McCartney. of 405 Woodside Ave.
· ..
Hospital, St. Petersburg, Fla. Narberth. IS home on a 30-dav
leave. Overseas almost two years,
S llC Roy C. Williams, .Jr., With an amphlbiuus group, he ar- Mother's Estate Five Reported in
pated enrollment of a little marc than 400 pupils.
In changing O\'er from the war years there are fe,,: ad-
• formerly of 115 Menon A\e .. Nar- nved horne August 9. justments to be made in either the curriculum or the admin-
Lower Merion, Two istrative routine.
'. Lo,ver I\1erion High School Mrs. Beatrice Shaw
Leaves Fortune In
In Haverford Twp.
Lower Merion and Haverford was
The Narberth school enrollment for the 1944-45 term
410 at the beginning of the term and 370 at the close

.. NEWS LETTER Trust for Two Sons
Mrs. Beatnce Vare Shaw. 42.
who was killed August J2 by a
Pennsylvania Railroad train at
Township health officers reported of the school year. Mrs. Samuel J. McCartney, secretary of
seven new cases of infantile para- the Narberth School Board, said she expected it to run about
lysis thiS week.
New cases are: - - - - - - - - - - - - - + t h e same for the ne\'v' term.
John Kelso, 13, 101 Cherry La.,
LT. GEORGE G. M'CONNELL, '40. of Narberth, has been award- Haverford, named her two sons
ed the All' Medal for mentonous achievement while servmg as a B-17 beneficiaries of an estate valued
:Fl~'mg Fortress navIgator With the Eighth All' Force m England. at more than a Quarter million
dollars. under term_ of her will
Maureen Mahon, two years old,
Haverford Villa Apts.. Haverford.
Main Line Scouts It appears now tha t the major
adJustment, necessary duri,ng the
war years, Will not be overcome
until the new yea I'. This was in
S/SGT. TII\I CAPPELLI. '37. is home from the South Pacific, filed for probate in Norristown
llavmg collected a total of 113 pomts dunng hiS servICe 111 the Army. Tuesday.
He was a sectIOn leader 111 a machine-gun platoon, took part In three will The petition accompanyini( the
gives the value of her pel'son-
Henry Carr, eight, 501 MUlber-
ry La., Haverford.
Barbara Moler, 8, 140 Radcliff
Rd .. Cynwyd.
George Althouse. 8, 1101 Win-
In Summer Activity transporting- Narberth Borough
children to the Lower Menon Jun-
Ior and Semor High Schools where
they take their advanced courses,
mdJOI battles and nme mmor campaIgns. and was awarded the Silver al holdmi(s at $200,000 and real For thiS purpose It \\'as the prac-
Star for gallantry when s1l1gle-handed he wiped out a Jap pillbox. estate. located at 260 Cheswold ters Lane. Gladwyne.
Paul Groves, Jr., 12, 2319 Bel- List Boys Awarded tIce before the war to hire two
buses from the Philadelphia Su-
One of Ius brothers, PFC. BERNIE CAPPELLI, '41, who served eight La.. Haverford, at $50.000.
months With the All' Forcc 111 Burma as a tall gunner on a B-25, was Mrs. Shaw placed the entire es-
mont Ave., Haverford Township.
Mrs. Ethel Jones, 35. W. Eagle
Achievement Badges; burban TransportatIOn Company.
ll:eently gll'en a 15-da~' furlough from Ellmgton Field. Texas, where tate in tl1lst one-half each for her Rental of these buses was discon-
he IS statIOned. to come home to see Tim. Another brother. SGT. sons, WIlliam V. Shaw and John
lid .. Haverford Township,
The Kelso boy's case was diag-
Take Canoe Trip tmued b\' the Office of Defense
TOi\-l CAPPELLI. who left L M. 111 '42. was a member of a Coast Ar- Arthur Shaw. She prOVided they TransportatIOn and MIS. McCart-
nosed as polio on Monday and IS Foul' Mam Lme Boy Scouts, ney said thIS week theY had not
1111er~ Unit. was 0\ erseas 15 montlis and took part m the invaSIOn of are to receive the income from the bemg treated at home.
Leite. He IS now at WhIte Sulphur Sprmgs W. a. Stili another bro- prinCipal of their respective shares The Mahon child case was diag- tOgether With the District Scout l'ecel\'ed word from the transpor-
until they attam the age of 35 tatIOn company or ODT that they
ther. W /0 VICTOR CAPPELLI, '44, has Just been shIpped to the Phll- nosed Saturday and she was ad- Executn'e, are partlcipatmg m a would agam be available.
i~p111es, where he may see hiS brothel', FRANK CAPPELLI, s. llC,
when they are to receive one-half Imtted to Bryn Mawr Hospital for
the prinCiPal. The balance is to canoe tl"lp to Hancock, N. Y.. thiS First Day Schedule
\\ ho IS 111 Mamla. remam m trust. the income to be treatment as was the Carr boy.
Both cases are reported as light. week. On tl'e openmg day of school
paid the sons for life. The Moler child was taken to a They are part of a group of 14 there Will bp a half-day session
LT. FRANCES CURYAN. '41. of Bryn Mawr, has completed basIC The Will was dated March 5. ....... t;;< ""t. PIllladelphla hospital from the Scouts and 4 Scouters from Dela- WIth a faculty meetmg in the
tra111111g 111 the Arm~' Nurses Corps at Camp Lee, Va., and IS statIOned 1942. but in a codicil Mrs. V~1l e shore: where she was strIcken and ware and Montgomery Counties. afternoon. Enrollment of children
at ,ne regIOnal hOSPital there. m her own hand, wrote "I revoke Coast Guardsman Bruce R. Fetters. speciahst, 2 C, of 633 and expect to return Tuesdav. for the k1l1denmrten and children
everv mentIOn of 35 years of age Dayton Rd Bryn Mawr. makes hiS patrOl rounds of hiS PaCific the Althouse boy was taken to
Bryn Mawr Hospital. September 4 They Will travel by transfernng flam other schools
m relatIOn to my boys. Bill and Island base 'With the company of 'Fritz", a speCially 1,1 amed war way of the Delaware River and the WIll be accepted on that day. For
CPL. PHIL BONGIOVANNI, '35. a veteran of 27 months in India. Jack. Each is to receive every- dog. Specialist Fetters recently reported for duty someWhere 111 The new cases reported in
\\ ai> I ecently aSSigned to the Umt Personnel Section of the Mlddle- thmg Lower Merion thiS week br1l1g to Delaware Water Gap new f'm'olIments chIldren WIl! have
outnl/;ht when he reaches 21 the Phlhppmes. The local participants are BIll to submit buth and vaccmation
LOwn, Pa .. All' Tecl1mcal Command at Olmstead Field. PhIl entered years. Please, please make this a total of seven the number of Berger and Hillard Mell Its , Bala certificates.
tile sen Ice 111 March. 1942 as a pl'lvate and after 111ne months' train- change apply". That was dated cases m the township for the year. No 1. Bill Albrecht. Bala No 3. ChIldren to enroll m the kinder-
jng \\ as a~slgned to a ~Ignal all \\'ar111ng battahon as a radar oper- March 31, 1942.
atl.l' m India. The medium bomber group to which hiS orgamzatlon In the Will George D. Grover.
wa~ attached operated on miSSiOns over enemy targets In Burma. He 699 S. Bowman Ave!. Merion, and
Rotary Club Hears HERE AND The other two Victims 111 the
township were Antonia Burbo. of
West Manayunk. and Christopher
George Fern. Bala No 4, and garten must be five years old on or
William R. Oles, District Exec- before Febrnal \. 15, 1946. To en-
uth e. tel' the first grade chIldren must

Red Cross Worker bY;~~~~NN

IEturned to the Umted States last Februan. the Girard Trust Co. were named Willets of Gladwyne. There have The party Will travel \\1th two be SIX veals old on or before thc
executors and trustees, In the event been no deaths from the disease. to each canoe and Will camp along same date.
LT. RICHARD BOILEAU. '37. servmR ,as a cage commander In of Mr. Grover's death or hiS in- Mrs. Jones' case was diagnosed the way. Each group of t\\ 0 Willi Unhkp the 51 tua tion 111 some
BelgIUm. IS In Cllarge of 2700 Germail pnsoners. a Job \\hlch he would ability to serve the will provided on August 17 as a lil/;ht case and prepare its own meals.' schOol (11St1"1ct5 It ne\ er became
e:.,:change any day fOI an a~slgnment to active duty. He wntes that a that A. Balfour Brehman should &he IS being treated at home. TlllrtY-five Scouts. from ten necessary to dlscontmue am' clas-
Young Groves. who fell III August Mam Lme troops, took pal t m I .<es or subjects at the Narberth
recent search tlllough the group fOI \\eapons resulted in the collec- serve m hiS stead.
tJ"n of two bushels of km\'es Improvised from scraps of metal. He In a second codicil on April 4. Angelo Menna Tells 24, IS also a hght case and IS In
, l~l't it a wonderful feelIng t.o BI yn. Mawr Hospital. the anl1l1ll1 8ummf'r ac!n'lty llE'ld I 8"ho01 Last ye~I, e1ft."sc:; ir.
. ffi th h d:.J. t"
,,::IS .>crVJl'l5 as a tanK 0 eel' \' I a me(', anl7.e un" lIl1tC lon
ruandy last July \\ hen Ius tank 11lt a land mme which caused him to
1942 Mrs. Shaw wrote. ";f appnint
r- A. Balfour Brehman :J,,,, attOlneY."
At an ii~quest before Coroner
Group -'Viii
\VUl'k I pun lUtO a gas statIOn and say The Haverford Township cases
at Havertord College recently. wC<Jdworking and handicraft for
Bryn Mawr Troop No.3, had children 111 the third and fourth
Continue Many Years "FIll It uP?" Now our greatest ilave now nsen to nme with all eIght boys present. partiCipated grades \vel e added.
be hospitalized In England for four months. HIS brother, LT. WALLI::; 'w. J. Rushong last ,\'eek, Ii jury car worry IS tIres-how good are of them reported as light With the in 64 boy-events and passed 30. Three members of the school
BOILEAU. '35. expects to be dIscharged from the Army July 14th. He decided that Mrs. Shaw had com- exceptIOn of the filst Victim, Rhys Ardmore No.4. with 6 boys pres- tearhmg staff \\ el e called l1,tO
I:lC, ved With an mfamry umt m HonolUlu and receIVed mjurles to hiS mltted suiCide after railroad em- Angelo F. Menna. assistant field they, and Will they last until "'e Begel, who died of the disease. ent, partiCipated m 48 boy-events service Tilev are Alan Wetheral,
a,m \\llIch hare resulted III a medICal discharge. ploves testified they had seen her director of the Amencan Red can bu\' new onef. It's such a and passed 19. Penn Wynne No. phYSical educatIOn teacher: Carl-
---- walk mto the path of the tram. Cross for the Philadelphia dls- temptatIOn to step em the gas l With 4 boys. participated m 31 ton Harkness, history teacher,
PFe. JOHN W. RICE, .JR.• '43. a member of the famous 86th The Jury's verdIct ehml11ated
(Blackhawk DlrlslOn of the Third Almy, arrIVed 111 New York June the theory of robbery and murder tnct, told members of the Bala-
17th and IS expected soon at hiS home m Narbelth) He has been which was suggested when no Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club on SUCll a mistake. Not only are YOU
speedcmeter registers 50 - and
Canning Kitchen to bov-event.s. passmg 22. willie Bala and Phllhp Cappa10n~a, shop
No. I, With 4 boys. participated teacher. WethE'ral Will reJOlD the
111 32 boy-events and passed 17. teachl11g staff thiS veal'
o.elseas ~111ce last February and has three battle stars and the com- trace was found of a purse con- Tuesday that the Red CrOss WIll vloliltil1g the speed laws. but Other troops represented were Although there was a shortage
bat lllfantl yman's badge. tammg $130 which she was be- be called on more now Sll1ce the as
Ileved to have had With her.
l"1~kl1lg the lives of others as well

Mrs. Shaw was the Widow of Dr. I epd of the war than It was dunng the shore road last week from
WILLIAM F. KOEHLER. '42. has been graduated as a filght of- John Shaw. formel State Secre- the war.
your own. While dnvl11g along
Avalon to Cape May. It seemed
Open September 4 Aldmore No.3, Bala No 4. Bala- of b1l1ldmg matel'lals and man-
Cvnwvd No.3. MenOn No.1. Rad- PO\\ er was lackmR clllll11g the war
nor No. 1. and Wa~'ne No.1. years. the Nal berth School was
Tweh'e Mal11 Lme Boy Scouts able to makc neceS~llrv repaus
ficer m the Army All' FOlce at BIg Spnngs, Texas. tary of Health and a daughter of He said the Red Cross has to stlal1ge to see cottages at A\'alon St ar t P rOJec
. t t O..'"\..SSIS
"t A reCeived advancement awards at and do what plasterll1g and paint-
the late U. S. Senator William S. prOVide entertauunent for C011\'a- With foundatIOns swept away by I the recent meetmg of the Board 111g work \\ as needed.
DEANE OSNER. '43. ART 2 C, has leturned to dutv at a South vare. lescents m hospitals throughout last years hUl'l'lcane stIll standl11g In Preserving Victory of ReView. They were: Star 1Ii1:h SchOOl Openinl'r
Atlantic Na\ \ base after SIX months' hOSPitalizatIOn due to a kidney - - - - . - - - -- the country and to help supply as though on stIlts. waltl11g to be Scout. George, Ellis. Bala No. ~; Lower Ml'riOn HIgh School, at-
lI1fectlOn which necessitated a maior opel aLlon. moved to som.e I~t f.urther 111land. Garden Prod uce ~st Class, Hemy C. SmIth II, Mel- tended br Nal berth Chlldl en Will
i,T. (j!:") CHARLES A. ROBERTSON. '38. has been awarded the
Air Medal for melltonous achle\ ement as pIlot of a bomber operatl1l~
MatChDog Show then' needs and wants.
Menna. who has sened as Red
Cross field director 111 Central I At Stone Harbor we had lunch
Afnca Llbena 'Gold Coast South I at Halm's and found It up to Its vatIOn A victory garden food conser-
kitchen. to assist local
IOn No.1: 2nd Class. James Zwg- open on September 11 Slx'hl h
IeI'..Bala No.3, John T. Bauer, Jr. ~chool leachers entered the s;r-
Mellon No. 1. "ice but all of them are expected
trom the USS Hancock HIS bombmg squadron operated agal11st, Jap Amenca and Porto RICO for the I excellent reputatiOn. But then women With
I:lulface forces, glOund illstallatlons and S111PP111g 111 the Nansel Isl-
ands. FOllllosa and the Phllippmes. Scheduled Sept. 16 past two and one half veals told I thl' board wa Ik had disappeared problems, Will their
the group of some of hiS expen- and a Slfm m
ences m Llbena \\ here he has "No Ice crea~ ~nt;1 SIX p. m.". September
"Spnnger's" said
hbme cannmg
open the evemng of
4. m the kitchen of tile
St. Laurence School, West Chester
Mel'll, Badges, pressley W to I'etllln
Hough, Ralph G. Loen. Frank Coun~ellor
They are MISS Jean
Jones, Jr.. Ardmore No. I, Jack FranCIS adVIsor and g'llldance
Luthel R
Loen .. and St~\'e Ma?Farlan, ~a~a sCIence tea;'hel and football coach:'
.JONES yOW, '35. has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel 111 n T .. CI b spent most of that time.
He told how at one time he was The boardwalk at Cape Mav ex- Darby.
No.3. Wm. 0 ConnOl, and Ed\\ a1 d Anthony Della Re7.za Spanish
Voelner. Bryn Mawr No.3, and teacher and Gerald ~H Woener
i,he All' FOlces at Luke Field, Anzona. ,~og raInIng u the only Red Cross director thel e tends little bevond ConventiOn after The kitchen Will be open there-
on Mondav. Wednesday. and Tom DI~on. Me!~I~n N~ 1. musIc teacher. . .
Hall, and "Kokes" IS no more ...
EI.EANOR DI JOSEPH. WAC. of the Class of 45. took her basic To Show Dogs at Day and how he helped the boys look "Kokes" whose luscIOUS Ice cream Fnday afte11loons from 1 to 5 Supenntendent F. A DuBois, of
at Fort Ogelthorpe, Ga, and IS now stationed at the Valley Forge
Hospital. Her brot!ler, PAUL DI .JOSEPH. Petty Officer. l;c, USCG,
of the Class of '42 IS home on furlough. He \\'ears the Pre-Pearl Har- A
School Gym
match show for club members
after theIr personal troubles as and French pastnes we looked P. M.. and on Tuesday and Thurs-
well as helped to furnish them forward to e\'erv, "ear.
With recreatIOnal faCIlities.
Menna. who was athletiC coach The "teen
• •J •
age" boys and girls
day evenmgs from 6.15 to 10 P. M,
A demonstration at the kitchen Surgical Dressings the Lower Menon ~chools, i'aid
thiS week that sen ice men and
women. wl10 left school to enter
bor, Amencan Theater, ASiatIC Theater, Phlhppme LiberatIOn and \\it!'. dogs of the Philadelphia Dog at the Ambler High School before at the Lafayette were havmg a on September 4 and on September the sen'lce. \\'111 be gl\'en all the
GlJod Conduct Ribbons With two battle stars. Tral11mg Club Will be held 011 Sun- jOlnmg the Red Cross. expects to wonderfUl time. When I arrIved can tomatoes and peaches.
da~'. September 16 at 2.30 P. M., contmue hiS serVIce With the Red they had JUST returned from a
S/SGT. BOB McCLINTOCK. '37. spent a furlough at hiS home at the Montgomery County Day Cross indefinitely. He IS a native day's fislung with a catch of 204. with pressure cookers, IS open to
5. Will show the correct wav to
The kitchen, Wll1Ch is equipped Still Vital Need help pOSSible 111 reglstermg and
receinng a diploma. Their sched-
ule of COUl ses Will depend on the
number of credits they had before
in Narberth 111 June aHel three and a half years' absence. He weals School. of Lansdale. . and were plann1l1g a haynde for anyone wh~ WIshes to can, as entenng the service.
the Purple Heart for wound", received m the Philippme liberatIOn and ThiS show will be for dogs in the I
The proRram was m charge of the next evenmg. plans have been made to assist Narberth Red Cross Ardmore JU1110r HIgh School
threE battle stars 111dlcatl11g partiCipatIOn m three invaSIOns. He IS SUb-nOVice novICe open and utll- Gene DaVIS. a member of the com- • • the begmner as well as those who was the only school 111 the Lower
!'ccupelat1l1g at Almy General Hospital, Camp Pickett, Va. ltv classes 'and about 30 exhibitors mumty service committee of the T\\"o new books this week- Wish to take advantage of the Seeks Volunteers Mellon system to have Its sports
81 e expected to enter the show. club. "Birth of Mlschlef"-by Raphael modern equipment. It IS also sr'hedule curta ll1ed bv tl1e gasoline
For the Work
Under date of June 15th. CAPT. LAWSON S. YOW, '36. wl'ltes Types of dogs to be entered WIl[
to ask that Ius name be removed from the Tony list. This IS hiS first include German shepherds, boxers.
commumcatlOn m the three years and tl1ree months he has been re- poodles. retnevers and m111iature
$4 M.-Ill-on Value
- - -•••_ - - SabatinI. "Charles Stuart-Dene, available to any group of women
Marques of Alverly looked at tutlOn.
humamtv and wondered why It
who Wish to can for any mstl-
Appointments mav be made by
shortage. Tlle school's track
schedule \\ as eiImmated and an
An urgent plea for assistance mtramural sports plOgram substi-
celVmg the N. L. All IS forgiven, Lawson IS 111 the Inspector's Depart- sclman7.ers. wayu-And With the first sentence in tum1l1g out surgical dressings tuted.
ment and at the time of wntll1g he was m Mamla a\\'altmg a new
esslgnment to some outfit on that Side of the world.
The show, won·t carry any points
for the dogs, and Will be limited to
club members.
In the sub novice class. those
Of WI-dener Estate the reader IS off mto anothel' caUmg Mrs. Carolyn Muel1er. 31
wOlold. A world of love and ad- HillSide Ave.. Highland Park.
venture in the company of this Sunset 5999-W. Those who do
sliglltly cymcal. always Impeturb- Wish to work m the kitchen must
Russell S. McGrath. head of the
was VOiced thIS week by Mls. ,'ocatlOnal schoo!. said that cours-
Joseph H. Collms, chairman of es 1Il electnc work, metal work.
productIOn at the Mam Lme I \\ eldmg, machl11e and automobile
PFC. TED SHAKESPEARE. '42. who was wounded last Wmter dogs which are not recogl11zed in able, vel'\, Bl"1tl~h, and completely use their own produce, jars, and Branch of the Red ClOSS II shop and draft111g Will be contin-
neal Metz \\as home ou lea\e at the end of May from England Geu- regular dog shows. Will be reqlured bold young man. parmg knives, · W lled The 1944 el11'ollment lD this
elal Hospital. AtlantiC City, N. J.. He Will be discharged from the to heel With the handlf'rs on leash Executors Report ":Black Rose"-bv Thomas B. The proJect IS sponsored by the I n a Iett er to Mrs. G eorge
Orth. chairman of the Red ClOSS
. 'school" as 150.
• _
Arm\ about August 1st and 111 September he Will enter t1\e Sopho- but stIll not be reqUired to do so
more class at Haverford College. Before going mto the service he had off leash.
Ove $3 MI"II" Pa'd
r 10
n I
Costain. An excltmg historical State CounCil of Defense and the
nOI'cl that moves from England Department of Public InstructIOn Workroom m Narbel'th, Mrs. Col-
:;pent a year at C0111el!. In the novICe class the dogs will 0 t'
heel on and off leash come when
FRANCIS X. KERN, '40. was graduated WIth a class of over 1000 called, stand or stay on command.
T ~
I u In axes ----
after the Crusades to the Onent through the cooperation of the
of Kublal Khan. The story of a local Sc\1001 Board.
I younR .English nobleman who
lins \\rote:
"All 1111110rs are \'er~' upsettl11g.
and there IS one at present that
mav do a lot of harm to prodUC-
Lists Sgt. Minnick
on June 6th flom the Na\al Academy at Annapolis and was com- snt for one mmute. lIe down for The estate of Joseph E. Widener. fights IllS way to the lleart of the
dE<.trOyer at San FranCISco.
nllSSlOned ensIgn. After a 35-day leave at home he reports aboard a thl ee minutes With handlers at a Cheltenham art collector and I fabulous Mongol Empire, and re-
distance, . ',.. . tmns to find that he must choose
In the open class, dogs wlll be race tlack 0" nel \\ ho died Oct. 26, between an English heiress and a
Flynn Estate Fails tIOn if we don't succeed m stop-
pmg It.
"That IS that 'there IS no further
Killed in Action
rCQuired to heel on and off leash. 1943 at hiS home m Elkms Park. gU'1 of the East. need for surgical dressmgs,'
SGT. PETE BROWN. '42. radar speclallst for the Rround crew
of a fi~'m~ gloup at an 8th All' ForCe Bomber Base in England, was come when called and drop on has a net \'aluatlOn of $4,062.950.
home 111 May for a 30-day furlough. He reports to North Dakota at command. retne\ e arti~les over a according to an accountmg filed Army To Can
- - -••• - - -
To Meet Bequests "For six months we hare made
dre~sings only for gO\ ernment L. M. Student !{illed
the conclUSion of his furlough for speCial tralmng, and followmg that hmdle or on the flat, Sit for. three by George D Widener and Scho- C
om b
at E ' In Bomber Crash
hospitals. To show you the 111-
to the PaCific. He wears the PreSidentIal citation. He was fiown home mmutes and lie for. five mmutes field Andrews. executors of hiS qUIpmen creased demands-111 .January we
sent 17.600; 111 July, 60,255. In August, 1944
in four days With overnight s,ops at Iceland, Labrador and Connec- With owners out of slght...
In the utll.lty class. WhICh IS the
estate. The
ThiS remams out of a gross omy proJect of Army Ordinance
first ma ior oo&'1-war Will Provides $100,000
econ- "There Will be no let up m the
I ticut HIS plane carned ItS regular crew of 10 and 10 men of the highest.
ground crew. I
class, dogs have t.o speak estate of $7.658,168. The balance is the long-term canning of In Bequests; Estate quota for some time to come
"We Just can't slacken now. as T/Sgt. Thoma~ J Ml11nlck, rn,
or b~ Silent on command 111 three consists of $4,037,577 prmcipal and ~ombat eqUIpment, Colonel A. D.
PO~ltl?nS, carry a dumbell.ove,r a $25,392 mcome. . Kelso, Chief of the Philadelpilla Valued at $1,500 yoU can see It will take many son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
hands to accomphsh this very Im- Mll1mek. Jr. of Rosement, who
• Keystone Club Paints Fire Co. Fair To Be bal ~u~P', scent d.lstl'1mmatlO~, . Total payments of $3,209,634 m Ordance District. said yesterday.
and I.etrle\e lost artl~les.. A palt mternal revenue. estate and 111her- The new packaging method con- William S, Flynn. Lower Merion,
portant work.
healmg must go on!"
The program of \\ as listed as mlssmg 10 action on
Aug. 1. 1944. IS now presumed
Bright Motorist Future On September 7-8 of this. test is t.he tlackmg of ll; ltance .taxes arE; shown m the sists of plaC111g bl'( guns and oth~r whose Will provided for dlstribu-
strangel ov~r a hack one ~alf houl accountmg of which $427,055 was weapons in large moisture-free
Mrs. Orth announced following dead, the War Department has in-
Here's tne motoFing picture .as F111al arrangements were made ol~ to, bnng ~ack artICles the paid to Pe~msYlvania thrOugh. the steel or alUlninum cans. The cost tlon of more than $100.000 in leg- the receipt of Mrs. collil1s' letter formed IllS pments.
acles. left an estate of only $1.500 that she is badly il1 need of vol- His plane, a B-17 FlY111g For-
K'1S~OJf~Nffo~O~~\~ ~~~~ f~e~9~~ for the Bon Air Fll'e Company stlang~1 has mopped. This last Montgo~elY County Register of of the cannmg process will be only personal and no real estate, ac- unteers to do this work. tress, had been a bombmg mission
• and upward of four million next Fall' sponsored by the Ladies test WIll not be made at th~ show. Wills office; $2,758,435 to the ;In- five per cent of the cost of the cording to a petition accompany- The Narberth workroom in Elm O\'er Chartres and on the return
year. AuxiliarY,to be held September 7 thlee~ll t!0gs must. pass thel.r test terna~ Revenue Collec~or, Phlla- material and heavy year-to-year ing the will filed for probate in Hall is open Monday through trip over Orleans, in occupied
times m Older to PI ogress delphia: $14,539 Flonda estate maintenance costs will be elIm- the office of Register of Wills. Thursday from 9 a. m. until 4 p. m. France. It encountered heavy antl-
• AU the gas the motoris~ wants, and 8 on the grounds of the Fire from one class to the other. tax: $2.176 Kentucky estate tax inated. Since the packaged ma-
eye,n .hlgl~.-test, long demed the Company. Royal Ave.. at a special . S. Hulme Brown, of Narber~h and $7,411 for taxes 111 Palm Leltel can be stored in the open Mary H. Beerer.
Flynn, who died Jan. 24. be- d al Iy. I t WI 11 be case
I d on Lab or alrcra f t fi re and was hit . by fl a k .
CIvilian dll~er. . meetmg of the Auxiliary held dllector trainer for tne clUb, Will Beach. storap;e costs Will be cut to a m111~ queathed his jewelry and other Day. It was at an altitude of 30.000
• Tire productIOn.. apparently Thursday evening with Mrs. be lit charge of the show. :rh~ $4,037.577.60 balance of imum. At the end of an indefinite personal effects to his WIfe. Lillian --- feet.
geared . to . a 4-mllhon-a-~0~th Joseph Packer presiding.
productIOn 111 the fin~l. qual tel of Mrs. Russell Creitz. chairman
PrInCipal IS mad~ up of $1.709,- penod. the guns and other fight- G. Flynn. 01'. in the event she 85 Main Line Vets A report of the mcident was
t!le .year, \,\'Ith a P?sslbllity of ra- and Mrs. Paul Weiss. co-chairman Navy Exhibit 072.50 111 bonds. $1,367,18~ 111 Inp; equipment can be taken out predeceased him. to a son. Gordon
stocks and $952.301.10 IDIscel- readY for l11stant• _ use._ and a daughter. Connie. Return This Month
made to Mr. and Mrs. Mmnick by
a Sgt. Doyle. believed to be the
LlOnmg bemg abolIShed by Janu- will be assisted by vanous mem- Heading the September list of laneous. After providing bequests of onlY survivor of the crash.
ary 1. bel'S of both the Auxlliarv and speCial attractions at The Frank- $5.00 for a 1;ister. Katherine H. Eighty-five veterans of the Euro- A \'eteran of the AleutlUns and

The Club al"o calls attention the Fire Company.
to the fact that \\ hlle the Federal
lin Institute. 20th and the Park-
One of the feature attractions way. Is a Naval AviatIOn Traming
Buy Tow";;hip Home Report New Cases Gelder and $500 each to four
nephews and a mece. he directed
pean Theater of War from the I the South PaCIfic, Sgt. Mmnick
Main Line have been retUlned to enlisted m the Au' Forces six
Government has rcscmded the 35- will be an old fashioned auction EXhibit. a display of U, S, Navy Contagious Diseases
Harris and Bunting ha\'e sold
mile speed limit rule. the States sale \\"Ith Fred Schneider as traininl! deVices which \'isitors for Mrs. C. F. DaVIS. a stone Co- I Robert J. Thomas. health officer the life benefit of his Wife and at
the reSidue be placed in trust for thiS eountry thiS month for fllr- ~'ears ago. sl1ortl\' after enrolling
10llghs and as a part of the re- as a freshman at th~ Unh'erslty
, of New York and New Jersey have auctioneer to be held the last Rre 1l1\'lted to operate. The train- lonial home, located at 246 Golf for the Lo\\ er Merion Township her death payment of the prmcI- deployment program. of PenmY!\'ania. He attended
that speed Incorpo1'ltted in their night. Anyone havinR saleable Ing deVices. inclUding items such View Rd .. Merion Golf Manor. Boald of Health reported Seven pal to the son and daughter These veterans mclude members Lo\\ ('1' MerIOn High School and st.
motor laws and It will require an articles to contribute may contact as the Norden bombsight which seven bedrooms and five baths. new cases of contagiOUS diseases He also prOVided, however. that of the famed "Bloody Bucket" dl- Joseph's. .
• act of the Legislature to restore the president of the Auxiliary. until recently were closely guarded together with a three-cal' garal/;e. for the week endlnl/; August 24. payment of other legaCies was not vision. 'heroes of the Batt)e of the His wife \\'as the former JU.dlth
the pre-war speed limit. Pennsyl- There will be games for all. hay- secrets. are demonstrated by Navy The property was bought for New case inclUde Infantile pa- to be made unless his estate was Bulge. veterans of the Italian cam- Eleanor Pope of Pleasant RIdge,
vania has gone back to the 50- rides. food sale, refreshments and men whose many service ribbons $27,500 and will be occupied as ralysls. two; chicken pox, one: in excess of $100.000 which was palgn. wounded and liberated prls- Cincinnati. OhiO. They were the
mile speed, and the State Police a bond WIl! be awarded the final Identify them as returned veter- the home of MI'. and Mrs. T. B. mumps. one: tuberculosIS, one and to be used for the benefit of his oners. All of them are infantrymen parents of twins, Thomas J. Min-
,. are rigidly enforcing it. evening. ans from all war theatres. Semans. whooping cough. two. wife. and air cOI:,Psmen. nick, 4th, and Judith Minnick,

:'-' .~'.

TWO OUR TOWN AUlUst 30. J945.

~e n '~y.3 .mEWWJW I S·'M .' T0 I~~Si~t~~t~ln~u~rl~f:~e~i' Ji'::~~~ •

OUR toWN LETTER TO THE EDITOR [l (./-1 • :4 or . fleD
eetlng' Samuel J, Bunting: First Day BU-
periPltendent. Miss JUliet B. Mills,

Enter a. second claoe matter October, 1938. st the Peat Olflc••,
August 25, 1945, lllj In OUt" _ _{
and Council.
Narberth, Pa" under the Act of March 3. 1879. , Enltor,
M k An
ar Samuel Bunting. Jr,. Is clerk of •

Bala-Cynwyd &: Merion Newll, NEW YORK, N: Y.-Helen Smallest waistline oC the radio of the Overseerers which Include,
Founded'in 1914 by the Narberth Civic ASlociation The Main Liner &: Our Town, Hayes, th,e theater's "~rst Lady. girls is that of ,throaty voict;d John D, Beck. CI~arlott~ H. Sykes,
GEORGE A. WALKER, PresIdent snd EdItor 8 Cricket Ave" Temporanly, at least, .. I ~ss Hayes Dmah Shore: 21 mches, Or so IS Anna S: Custel. ,Elliot .~orse,
HELEN FITZPATRICK. Buslnes. Manllger
H LESSERAUX Advertl.lng Manaler
Ardmore, Pa. has given up the stage for a new the statement of her press agent.
half-hour radio show (Saturday Since 1940 Dinah, 29, has run her.
Celebration in Honor Edlt~ ClOasdale, M~ss MallC?~ T,
,Justice, Th.addeus RI~h. Almua C.
Publl.hed Every l'hursday I
Many Main Line residents who have kept abreast of the develop-
nights, CBS, beginning Sept. 8). self from a virtual unknown into of First Organization ~.icBav1~~eIta s. DaVIS. and Oscar •
Deadline for AdvertIsIng lind news copy-Wednesd.y 9 A, Y.
SubscrIptIon rllte-12 per year In advance . ments In the controver1ly concerning the proposed apartment house , Usc d to 14 t ~ e, Quarter- 250 Years Ago Sept. 16 The Church also sponsors a Boy
stage appear- mIllion dollar a Scout troop and a Cup Pack.
on Latch's Lane. Merion. are amazed that two of the local newspa- ances a week, year class, It •• _
Publlratlon Office-Eight CrIcket Avenue. Ardmore, Pa.
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 the ac tress hasn't changed The Merion Frienas Meet'ing
Member 01 Bucks-Montlomery NeWSPAper Publisher. AssociatIon
pels-each with thr" same editor-devote much of the front page to
a glorified advertisE'ment, the Identically worded text of which was
says a once-a- her a lot: gap
House. Montgomery Ave.. and
To Hold Dance
wee k r a d j O i n a front tooth The Cynw~·d ClUb on Trevor
::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I a ppa ren t1y prepared by the promoter~ 1)f the ven ture, ' p 'I' a g I' a m is filled, a once Meeting House Lane. Merlon , will Lane will hold a Victory Dance at
This ~ort of publicity runs counter to the sentiment manifested harder war k. b I' 0 ken nose celebl'ate Founders Dayan Sep- the club house on Saturday, Sep-
l' aug her on made Grecian-
CIIURCH CALENDAR at the hearing on July 18th by a chorus of boos and cat-calls that
RIeeted the t~timony of the promoter and the arguments of his at-
the nerves (she like, a fairly
t.ember 16, at 2:30 P. M., at the tember 8, from 9 p, m, until
Meetim!' HOllse. 1 a. m .. with music by the Trouba- ."
Note: For publication on Thursday, all church notices mUlt
tears up a expensive The occasion will mark the dours, Reservations may be made
be received by IUonday at II P. M. each week. Mall notice ,to
torney. The expression of the jam-packed audience lett no doubt that hand kerch i e f wat'drobe ($150 250th anniversarhy of the buildinR by calling Cynwyd 9101.
th(;~' condemned the proposal as vandalism. The Township Commis-
d uri n g a eveninll gowns, of the meeting ouse. the oldest
thlll paper. c/o BOll 3110, Ardmore, P&., or telephone Ardmore Helen Hayes broadcast) and Dinah Shore b aug h t i n place, of worship In Pensylvania. SILKWORMS TAUGHT HIM
5'720 or Hilltop 3601, slul1ers respected the voice of the people by a reviston of the zoning hard on
hanky you have to . , . toothsome groups of four Commemorating the purchase of Comte Hilaire de Chardonnet,

la" that makes the erection of thE' apartment house illegal. learn a new and five, for land from William Penn by John fa ther of the rllyon ,qldustry.
11:::===========================:tJ1 In the article YOu pUblish there Is not even a shadow of th~~ out- play every week. In her new professional appearances, slacks ap Thomas and Edward Jones. on based his reseal'ch on silkworms,
Narberth Presbyterian St. Margaret's Catholic bl.r1lt of adverse community sentiment; on the contran', you play up series Miss Hayes will do her. es- for leisure). She's not much for September 16 and 17, 1681. which copying their natural silk prodUC-
tablished roles (Victol'ia Regina, night clUbs, never was in the lead to the reRlonal settlement of Ing by mecllanical means, He even
Church Church ti" defiance of both public opinion and official action with the pro- etc,), originals by such fellows as "Stork Ctub" until recently. Win- Merion by the Welsh Friends in obtained his first cellulose from
Wlnd<;()r lind Grayling AI'enues RR~/a~~~I~.1-~nb~b:~~r, mo;.er's statement that he will start the erection of the apartment Maxwell At:lderson and a set of ncr as a singer of nine major August, 1682, and to the founding mulbel'l'Y leaves, as do silkworms.
ReI', Hl'YRnt M, Klrklllnd, Pllstor Rev Charles T, Oman nouse next week, The alleged justification for the promoter's audac- plays to be selected in a novel popularity polls last year. Dinah of Merion Meeting, the services •
John Van Nes., D.' D.. PA,.tor Emeritus poll-to be included with the resumes her own radio show Roberts, associate justice of the
Uonard J, Osbrlnk, Asslstllnt Pastor In resIdence,
Sunday· ReI' WlJIlaln
Masses-6,30: J Kane
7,30: 9,00: 10,15; iLv Is a "building n·ermit,"
or the legality of which Is one of the numer- Supreme Court, and 01'. Rufus M.
SUNDAY bills nexl month to the 2,000,000 (Thursday nights. NBC) Sept, 6,
9.45 A, M.-Blble CIA.sr. for all, Il.]'~; 12.15, Sodality and Mlraculo\l.ll Oli~ questions in a complex ensemble now pending in the Courts. The charge .account customers of Guest: Groucho Marx, Jones, MI'. Roberts will speak on.
11,00 A, M,-Mornlng WorshIp, Sermon p, k,
Medal Devotion•. Tueadu evenlnl at • "Friends of Peace," and Dr, Jones
local residents have shown by the legal steps taken tllat they desire U. S. department stores. will use. "Great Expectations oC
topic, "The Work or To- i Holy Trinity Lutheran ti.p matter settled by the constituted authorities. ShOUld any overt the New Day." as his theme. A
dAY" MInIster," Duet by
Mr, And Mrs, JAmes H,
I Chu.rch eets precede this orderly settlement, it would not surprise the well- SHERLOCK RETURNS Eddie Green, "Archic's" waiter group of Welsh singers, under the
Ferris, Basil Rathbone, radio's most of "Duffy's Tavern" (resuming dircction of Edith Myfany Morgan,
11.00 A, M.~Chlldren'. NUr8ery,
WoodbIne and Narberth AVll. Informed It the outraged communlt.y 1lpirit produced in Merion a
fa m au s detective (Sherlock Friday nigh Is. NBC, Sept. 21) will offer several selections, A,
6,45 P, M, - Senior Christian lIln· Rev, Cletua A, Senft. Pastor. mc,l'al replica of the Boston Tea Party, HoJme~). Recently he got lost unloaded his string of Los An- ,,10lin solo by Thaddeus Rich will :
dellvor, I Samuel T, Nicholas, D, D., Pastor
In-Char'll, on the way to a Hollrwood party geles restaurants-to his post-war
\\That has been written above ,may be summarized as follows: complete the program,
7.45 P, M'--~g,~IR~o~;';,nl!~~e~~~[il~I~~; I in his honor, arrived two hours regret , Don MacLaughlin, ABC's Leaders oC the church Include
Intere,t. In ure", Solo by 9,4~ A, M,_su~Y~D~~hOOI. The American brand oC democl'!lcy stands for the good of tile
late, Basil, Johannesburg, South "Count~npy"
Frederick M, Robb, lij~ ~: tl:=~~o~rd~'an":i'°~:~for Luth- cc.mmunity as opposed to special pr!\'iJege; disputes should be settled
Africa bOl-n, 53, (Wed n e s day
B,GO p, M-Blble Study Rnd F.Uow- er Leagues, before en t e 1'-
by due process of law, not by arbitrary acts before the law has rUled; nights). is a
ablP, ing the drama top laboralor~' For Over 30 Year,. •
Baptist Church 01 th, that a newspaper serves its public best by supporting these require-
was a London technician. ofr
Narbert'" 1'.1 ethod1st Church llIents.
E.•• x lind PrIce ~I'enu ..s,
MinIster, CRrl R. h"mmerly,
Narberth, PR.
Rev, R, G. Middleton, Pastor
,~ insurance sales-
If you musl go to school before the bell l'lngs, get your nOse to
man, He has
a p p eared in
tne llround-you mlllht land a story that would be the realization of
the ait' has con-
tributed SCVl'r<J I
new chemical
9.4.'\ A, N,-Church School. SUNDAY a newspaperman's dream.
p I' a b a b 1 y as tests to speed Golden Guernsey •
11,00 A, M,-Sermon 9.4~ A. M,-Church School. man Y 'Jegiti- I' r i n1 e deduc-
6.45 p, N,-Youth Fellow.hlp. 11.00 A, M,-Mornlng ServIce, Very t,ruIY.
--- ----- ----------- ALBERT C. BARNES.
rna te plays as
any top-notch-
tion . , . Ca boose
flopping Joan Milk, Cream and •
Labor Day .... 1906 er, some 150.
August 28, 1945 His air appear-
Davis (Monday
nights, CBS) Eddie Green Dairy Products·
Where are tile keY5 to the steamer trunk? "Tommy, don't YOu
dare tl'ack sand into this cottage after we have it. all cleaned up."
Dr. Albert c. Barnes
'\ ances as Sher- Basil Rathbone n e \' 1'1' misses ." he regrets
1 0 c k Holmes
resume for the ,..
he got lost .01 e F I' ida y
night fights-Hollywood's big so-
The Finest Quality Milk
With Deep Cream
"Mom!! kin I go in for one las swim? kin I. Mom? kin I?" Merion., Po.. sixth year (Monday nights, Mu- cial affair. , , Edwin C, Hill has
tua!) Sept. 3. Can't think of 15 paiI's of glasses scattered about That Whips.
"Nonsense! what would you do with the wet bathin@' suit?" anybody more natural for the -bccausc he once left hi~ specs
"It wouldn't lI:it wet. Mom, It would dr~' right out, Mom," Dt>ar Dr, Barnes:
role. although Rathbone l'ather at home and had to ad-lib a Household Deliveries to
"No you CRn't. What's keepinR that express man? We're going to
mi:;s that train as sure as YOUI' born."
Only a public-spirited citizen like yourself could write the kind would play Romco.' broadcasL. ':1l'
All Parts of the •
of leILer you sent to the editor of this publication on August 25,
"Here's the calTiage to take us to the st.ation, No, Tommy, you Main Line.
It Rives us an opportunity to hring to the fore some underlying
cannot take that meSsy turtle home with you,"
"Aw gee, Mom!!" jOl.lynalist.ic principles. VALVE VENT I

All aboRrd-North Asbry-Deal-Elberon-Allenhurst-Hollywopd
-West End':-Long Branch-Atlantic Highlands, Here's the fel'l'Y,
You are outspOkenly against tile con.~tructlon of the Frankel A valve vent sealing the cells of' The orang-ut.an sleeps In the
apartment house; so are your neighbors. Therefore, the publication military aircraft battel'1es whi;e swaying tl:retops without fear of
"Gee, don't the city look strange after a Summer in the country!" , . , , falhng HIS hands automaticallY GUERNSEY DAIRIES
of any other side of the story, exr.ept. your own, you Interpret as an the plane IS 111 any POSition but. lock themselves to the boughs
Home RlI:ain-here's the gang-h'~'a Putsy! h'lo Mike! h'lo Pedro! al~empt to give the Other man-Frankel-undue publicity. normal prevents corrosive acids j with a vise-like grip. Phone - Wayne 112.
"HeRrd the news?" from spilling from the battenes.
"What news?" We think you are stretching a point when YOll say that many
and causing damage to the plane (Openings for employment
The scllool boinl'd down," Main Line residents were amazed by the prominent way In which we of returned veterans and IALL BROTHERS COMPANY. Munci•• Inti.
01' the batter~', The valve allow~
"AI\' I<WRn yer foolin,"
"No we Rint, honest to God, go around an see,"
"Aw gwan, I'll hit ya a punch Ina nOile If yer foolin." Aw gosh,
I knew they wus foolin'.
lll'€sented our story about the Frankel apartment projects In Merion
for perfect functioning of the'
and Wynnewood last week, Both slories were justified because of their plane by automatically openi'l;;
cuntent and the public interest in these projects. whl'l1 the plane resumes a nor-
mal position,
veterans ot war work).
• • • c'o 1

We carried, you will recall, two spparaLe stories: one about Lower
"I want a Ihrel'-cenl. copy book, t\l'O pencils, a rUlet', an a eras- M~rion's proposal to amend the zoning code so as to restrict con-
ure, Mr. Kl'ep, an a cent's wortha licorice shoe laces, Ya got any old stluction of apartment houses; the other a statement from Frankel
Fred FeRrnot Weekl~'s? How much? Three cents-I ought to be able
to Knock three cent.s outa the change."
"Heh Lefl~', I'll swap ya two old Fred Feamot's for one Nick Car-
What Is said to be the smallest
tnnt he wa.~ planning to go ahl'ad and build. regardless of threaten- electric motor in the world was
ir.~ legal action, Here was fresh news, Neither story had ever been built by Emmanuel Kahm, Jeweler
"Nah, I read that Oliver optic,"
printed. The fact that they may have given Frankel some publicity Is no of York, Neb, The tiny motor is
longer than a fi~'. and weighs
11. bl-proQuct that one has to expect from the publication of an~' a Quarter ounce. Mos.t of its 58
~i~ry. parts are gold, ' Borrow money on ~'Ollr
"Tommy, here's fifteen cents, I want yoU to go to the barbel' Medical Need.
~hup and gf't a decpnt. haircut." You, personally, have an excellent flare for news and what makes home 1.he ~afl', IlleXpE'n~ive •
"Vllo Tomm~', I aint seen you ina 10nga while," news. Yet, we don't think tha t all the good reading, which has ac- way, F. H, A. Loans are
"H'lo Luigi. Mom sa~'s gimme a haircut." crued to the public as a result of vour 1lquabble with Bertrand Rus- long I.eI'm loans and can-
"Justa sit down, Tommy, you wan an 'all oft"?"
"Nah, I dasent git an 'all off.' Mom says gimme a regular fifteen se!! and other incidents in which YOl! have been a participant should
Paid Immediately For
J. PAUL SHEA not be called. Consult us
cent haircut, Luigi," '. h~ne been denied the public just bet!ause it happened to give you,lthe 'I Pharmacy bet'ol'e borrowing.
"Thatsa right. Tomlll~', you get a 'all off' lasta time for ten cents
all you keep the nickel change, Ha! Ha! YOuse a smart kid,"
Noh'-The "all off" was a tonsorial jOb consisting of clippers
Barnes Foundation 01' the Barnes e.nterprises publicity.
That would be a mistake, Newspapers need the kind oC stOries DIAM·ONDS At Narberth Station
Narberth 2838·2839 The Nat,iol1al I
onh' and took the barber about fiVe minutes or just about the yOil create. I DIAMOND JEWELRY
length of time he devotes to the sixty-five cent haircut today. We are not Interested In giving Frankel nor the Merion residents
publicity, We are interested in rp.porting the various stages of the We
are paying the highest prices
1-- Bank of Narberth
"No\\' yOIl look more like a little gentleman. Tommy, Will you In history MEl\ffiER OF THE FEDERAL '0
run another httle errand for Mother? Here's five cents, skip over to Flankel apartment house story a.s it develops, That these stages of the
tile baker~- and get a half-d07.€n pocketbOOk rolls."
"H'~'a Bill. I'm goin to the bakery."
story may at times run contral)' tl} the Ideas oC the Merion residents
dul's not alLer the principles on whlcp we Intend to conduct our news- CARLTON'S COME ON IN RESERVE SYSTEM
"H\a Tommy, ya oughta see what's playin at Corse Payton's The Water Colors can be
Theatre thiS \\'!'ek, Cecil Spooner in "Little Nel) or the Daughter of 1J'lpers. 135 S. 13th St. Est•• 898
the Regiment" an then th!'re gonna have "Bertha, the Beautiful Sew- No\\' that you bring it up, we might point out that the township i _ W e Aho Buy SILVER framed to your liking,
Ing Machine Girl" an 'en the "Still Alarm." you know!-where they commis.;ioners' "respect for the voice of the people" of Merion was . ; : - - - -
have that there human bridge." Bring in your Oils for re-
"What grade a you in? 6A? 'oo!! You'll have Miss Spencer, She's
ai1lo colored by the political and economic power of the people, In ! storing. V/ e do the work
awful slnet, we had her las' Year, H'ya Fat50, what grade are yoU in? Older to do the bidding of Merion'~ wealthy and influential reSidents,
Aw, I Rot leC back."
always \l'lt her," ,
the commissioners had to resort to "spot zoninj("-chanlling a classi-
"Hey, Bill! there's ya big brother. Fred, All', he's got a gail he's ikl1tion that stood on their own books for 19 years without protest
I and make the frames right
here, which assures you of
from We residents of Merion. How illl:ollsistent was their lllirry-up • individual attention.
Frl'd wa!; saying. "Hone~' Bunch, Mr. Beasle~' just told me
that. henceforth. nu' salar~' is to be raised to twenty dol1ars It ul,comodlllion adion was indicaled When, a month latel'. they came !
week, I think I'll ask your father tonight." . tllloUllh with a well-thought-out pl~n for reVising the zoning code i' Talking of Frames-how
. "~'ya Jimmie! H'~'a fellers! He~'! Rue."s what! yesterday was me as it applies to apartment houses t.l:roughout the township. about Storm Sash for your
bOlt~la,?Y an I Rot a dollar a!~ three Henty books. "The Cat DC BUbas- Frankel, to our mind, acted In iood faith, Under the zoning code. j window frames. Let us get
tl!s, Wiln Clll'e I1l IndIa, an "While London Burned," an three
Ai>;er's. "Tattered Torn," "Ragged Dick," an "Phil the Fiddler." I'll al) it stOOd, he apolied for and evenlually was granted a permit to , them ready for you now,
leave YOU gUYS barry 'em off me when I'm finished." bLl;ld. How else is a builder or real I!st.ate promoter going to act if he
"H'ya Steve! H'ya! He~'! me fodders gonna take me to Washing- iillds the local v.oning laws cannot be taken at their face value? Cer-
ton Park to see the Trolley Dodgers pla~' teh Jints, Christy Mathew- tainly he cannot be expected to go around and sound out the opinion
~Oll ~onna pItch fa the Jmts, Me fodder sayS the Chicago Cubs Is gon-
na ."'111 the p.~n,?ant ~n tllere gonna beat the Chicago White Sox ina u[ a.1I nearby residen ts.
\"'Olld SerIes. Aw gwan. myoid man says the CUbs couldn·t even
beat the New York HIRhlanders."
That Frankel used farsighted business judgment is certainly COMPANY
nothing we c:'ln hold against him under the free enterpI'lse system, 25 BALA AVE., •
"Wha~'ll we do, les have some fUn with the Chinaman. Chink,
Chlllk, Chmaman. no tlckee, no shirtee!" "Aw no, I'll tell ya what
lets do, lets snap shades, We'll gO up to the old maid's house,"
M.lny of the wealthy Merlonites, who booed 'and
miSSIoners' hearing, may well have grown to fame and fortune by
catcalled at the com-NARBERTH BALA-CYNWYD
Electric & Radio Co, Cynwyd 0662 I.
v.rLue of similar judgment pI'act!ced at the right moment.
Extry!! Extry!! Read all about it. "Here's a penny, Tommv run Cor. Haverford & Forest AVe! Closed Sept. 1st & 3rd
out and llet a paper, Wonder what it can be. The last time they sold You say in your letter that our stories oC last week do not express
anJ' of the adverse comn1unity sentiment that exists in Merion, These NARBERTH 4182 '
extras down the street was when President McKinley was shot"
"Here's the paPer. Morn," , . stories had nothing to do with the a.dverse sentiment. On July 18, the
':Japan defeats Russia. Serves them right, a big nation like that rt:1lidents of Mel'ion had their Innings, and we made it the lead story
fightlllg such a small natIOn."
"Time to go t,o bed, Tommy, schaal starts tomorrow. Your head Willi a six-column streame'r on the front page, The story ran for a
feelS hot, this cluld has a temperatlll'e, 'Send for Doctor Smidgily ccluml1 and a half. I think YOU will flnd that we gave you more Space
Good evenlllR. Doctor," , than any other paper in Philadelphia 01' the suburbs. HaVing had a Iflo,,'el·~
"Well-Well-is this the young man. Nuw let's see YOUI' tongue l'(:porter present throughout the proceedings, we were able to include For Weddings, Parties and Funerals
That's fine. Now I'll talk to your mother outside"
"What Is it. doctor?" '
weh colorful statements as YOllrs giving Ood credit for making' Mer-
''I'~ afraid we will have to notify the Board oC Health and the ion 50 lleauLlful.
11 A'~'~N'Il'l\T'~ l'I..()l\'EltS ·;

hous,~ wlI,1 have to be Q,uarantined .. The ooy has chicken pox," It Is dilticu!t for us to know Just what your letter implies by its •
No~\, Tommy, yourI' gOl1lg to be ftne. No scratcl1ing, A full bOt- reference to "overt acts" and "a morlll replica of the Boston Tea
tlt: of cItrate magnesia, ~ome Franca-American Broth and h a
possibly have a little ice C1'eam in a day 01' so," ' e c n Party," pre1lUlnably to be staged by Merion residents, From a news
Holy Smokes! Gee Whiz!,! The board a helt, Quarantined a month WI iter's vieWPoint, It sounds interest,joR. but, as editors, may we sug-
-no. school-Ice cream-,JunIny Chnstmas!! ~eSI that you move with legal caution. Frankel Is proceeding with the Do you want a pleasant job with a good future? A JotJ
•I want you to take this magnesia like a gOod boy" s,.iIlcUon of a building permit which was ordered Issued by Montgom-
"Aw gee. do I hafta?" . that pays you while you're learning? A job that carriea
"Yes, you have to take the whole bottle." ery County Court. regular increases in salary? Then, come to one of th.
"Kin I have the nickel fer returnin the empt\' bottle'" Read aga:n. Dr, Barnes, your next. to the,last paragraph-the one Bell Telephonc Employment Offices. A friendly inter- •
"Yes, YOU may have the five cents but, come now hold yOU l' nose which starts "The American brand of democracy .. ."
and take this," , , "iewer will (ell you all ahout the advantages of
Note-Thl'r~ Is no proof that holdlnlt' thl' nose ever cha You say that disputes should rn: settled by due process oC law,
th~ taste a n~'1 but It was. the prescribed ritual. nred working for the Telephone Company.
hankel was refused a building permit. In pursuinl( the dUe process
me?"Heh Mom. WIll you give me back that Fred Feamot ya took offa of law, he went to court and asked fot' a I'Uling. The Court ordered ,\\7 or k is usually near your home. Congenial asS(),
"From me. Tommy, not off me." , the building permit issued, and'Frankel is proceeding with this permit dates, friendly Rtmosphere, excellent working condj,
"Well, from me. then-will yuh huh Mom'" In his possession. True, there Is another action pending, but. in the tions. clean rest-rooms, and ample opportunity for ad,
"Oh, those dreadful dime novels,'" . m-antime, the Court has not issued n temporary Injunction or In anY -
"That wasn't a dime novel. Morn. it wasn't a dime novel, really. other way restrained Frankel from proceeding. "ancement combine to make telephone work unusually
they only cost a nickeL" desirable.
As you lay down the principle "a newspaper serves its public
Interesting Notes Christian nall1e tha71;-th~-ch-oice btst by supporting these l'eQuiremet]t.~!' so we Intend to follow it. Come ;1l "~tl'! Bring your hirth-certificate or other
or the parents can be given 10 We are not sure, howe~r, th'lt you will approve of our adher- proof of citizenship, Apply at any of the followina
The South African Boers had a a chIld but in F'rance and Ger-
custom called the "gewapende lUany there Is a prescribed list -of em'e to that principle. should Merion go In for e. Boston Tea Party Employment Offices:
protest" which is a method of sRmts and persons known In all- III the 20th CentuI'y.
warfare in which nobody gets clent his Lory and babies' names Sincel'ely YOUI'S, Room 315, McClatchy Building
kllled. They declared wal', went DluSt be taken from that list.
out on commando, but not to
murder each other, Their "wars" Tests have shown that the two-
with a Full Line of I, (69th & Market 51s., Upper Darby)
6909 Market Street, Upper Darby
were really demonstrations of blade airplane propellei' radiates
force,' more noise as expressed In watts
Great flocks of usuallY seden- of power· than' does almost any
tary birds In the Pacinc some- other continuously operating man-
times make "colonization flights" made deVice. except certain spe-
~ §
57-59 E, Penn St" Norristown
1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia •
~ TI~ACI'ER -~
to Islands as far as 2,000 miles clal signaling deVices. 45 Anderson Avenue, Ardmor.
awa~·. I ,!he Ignition should nevel' be
410 York Road, Jenkintown
Isl,e of Man, tiny British posses- as this practice may result In § Will take voice and plano § -
The open ail' parliament of the t\llned off while descending a hili :: Bachelor of Music Degree. ::
slon In the Irish Sea, is one of the score~ c~'lInders, caused 1)\· raw
..oldest oC the few open air parlia- gasolmIC clearing the walls 'of oil
menta the world has known:
The open ail' parliament of the aers,
I~le ol Man can be traced back to
~nd belOg drawn into the c~'lIn-
A f1 i,rigib,1e. when moored at her
pupils. Widely experienced
tralnlnll children's volcel!. M ~
209 Haverford Ave.
or call Enterprise 1-0100


the Dark Ages. when the Norse !TI ast , IS tl'lmmed so that the IIft- ~ DOleis Kerns ~ Fittinr. by
tn d h 109 power of the confined gl\ll III
va erlS conquprpd t e is1l\nd In conlltant throughout her length. §
,l1e ninth century. The rear pnd. therefore, does not ::
311 WOODSIDE AVE.. E Appointment Frank's Sea Food Mkt.
VI;L1"t:RIES ",m., 6202-6204 Woodbine A,·e., Overbrook
"A ','.nd'y P'ac. to Work"
In America and England anY stick UP in the air. NARBERTH 2492 :: Phone Narl,erth 2808 THURS. '" FlU.

"":1. ; . . -" ...~~ ~,

.j., ''','f', ;~

I ••!

, \
_~A~ugu~Bt~30~·'''':1~9~4~S'~ -;::=========~:;;:=~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j-=======:==O:U=R=T=O=WN=::::'======~T;~-=-~~=--;;='.
D 1 B _ _' Rev. Dr. Ivan Murray Rose. Hopper. of - ---
Llanerch. -Mr,
and -

LGC~s·tsPAr~~i~e~: k!.~,~$!~!k] c:::~:~yUJIeld:f~~1::~i;~~~~:~:f~i~~€~~;r~1;~~f.~\~:~~;i;ij

• Y_O·_UN_G_BR-O-W_N_-.-IJ 1 C_L_O_TH_E_S_C_O_L_L_EG_E-;-G_IR_L_S_Ll_K_E -..I

(, r-.....- - _......_.. -
Wednesday fitted bodice featuring a round couple wlll reside at Echola Farm.

roup L ea ders
Mrs, Robert M, Leekley, former- It's true that every college girl and striped jnmpers. }.fany of the neckllne and long pointed sleeves. Westttawn. Pa.

.. ,
COUllty Organl ".
ly Miss Lorna McCartney. daugh-
tel' of MI'. and Mrs. Samuel J.
McCartney. of 405 Woodside Ave..
Narberth. is visiting her. parents
before going to Chicago where she
will make her home. Mrs. Leek-
who can do It is taking some GI
Joe's old Army shirt right· orr his
I t
back snd tucking It 1 proudly En at
her back·to·school uggage. u
there are a lot of other "musts" on
new' sweater· blouses bave tnrtle
necks-a change from the famlllar
Peter Pan collar and equally wear-
N. uptials Took Place
In Philadelphia; To
Her full skirt ended in a sweep-

white roses and bouvardia.

Mr. Dutchel' is a graduate of
ing train and her finger-tip veil FrIend's Central and was attend-
of tulle was caught in a wreath I ing the University of Pennsyl-
of \llles-of-the-valley. She carried vania w.hen he enllsted in the
A,rmy All' Corps from ~hich he
Miss Ellzabeth Watson. of Over- was recently honorably dIscharged.
• To Follow State Lead ley's children, Lorna Lou and her wardrobe list, as New York's brook, was the maid of honor and --------

.. In Post-War Work I Robert. Jr.• are with her.

Mn;. Howard Haws, who is sllf-
' fering from a broken foot. is re-
well Informed designers are aware.
BecRuse college girls' have sp-
Ilroved wholeheartedly of t,hls sea- The marriage of Miss Mary
Live in Westtown the bridesmaids were Miss Jul.ia
E, Miner, of Delanco. N. J .. and
Miss Virginia Jamcs. of Llanerch.
Their gowns of tulle were 11001'
Atten.d Services
Mrs. H. M. Gensel. chairman
Mrs. EdwFlrd R. S. TUII. Jr.. \ cllperating at her home, 106 Dud- son's new sleeves. 0111' dE'slgners Louise Burl', daughter of Mrs. length models of similar design of Volunteer Special Services of
Pre.~ident of the Delaware county I jley Ave .. Narberth. are showing lots of woolen and Florence Street Burr, of 5841 as the bride's gown. the maid of the Manoa Branch or the Amer-
F'edel'ation of Women's Clubs, in I • • • crepe dressE's of the type pictured Overbrook Rd.. Overbrook. and honor wearing blue and the ican Ren Cross, Mrs. Paul Dolan.

'. II rerent interview expressed her .

admimtion and appreciation or \ :
I Mrs. Beatrice Shelmire. Mont-
i gomery Court Apartments. Nar-
i berth. is confined to her home
on the tight, with deep underarm Frank K. Dutchel' son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank K. Dutcher. of
110 Tenby Rd., Llanerch. took
bridesmaids pink. They wore vice chainnan of Special Services
matching bands in their hair and . '
carried pink roses and blue del- ann Mrs. Martll1 Mellinger. a Gray
the women in War Serrices who I'
hare continued their activities :
auring the Summer months. The I '
i with an injured knee.

• • •
· k' F t
place Wednesdav afternoon in the
First Baptist C1mrcl1. 17th and
Samon Sts., Phlladelphia. The
Iphiniums. Lady. "'f're the local representa.-
Sergeant John HaevE'ler. of tives aU,ending the Blst annlvers-
Llanerch. acted as best J!I~n and I :uy . service held last Sunday at
women ha I'e sold Bonds and I I Mrs. Earl D . D IC Ie. orres ceremony was performed by the the ushers were Mr. Wilham T. Ch1'Jst, Church. PhIladelphia.'
... Stamps. rolled bandages. given
blood packen prisoner of war I lAve .. Narberth, spent last week at
;Stone Harbor as the guest of Mrs.
packages .. an~ .. ~lled recreational
I •••
! Ida Pierpont of ChE'stnut Ave.
Lhests f01 sCI \ Icemen.
The Delaware County Federa-I'
;,ible. the post-war plans of the:
Uon will follow a~ closely as pos- :

.state Federation and will endear-I:

Mrs. Elizabeth I,. Williams. Mer-
ion Ave .. Narberth. spent several
davs last week with Mrs. Walter
I Y.' Shaw of lana Ave.. at 111'1'
01' to be of senice to the U. N. R. '
R. A. Mrs. Tull joins the women . II cot.tage at Cape May.
Cape May Thursday for Bay Head
She left ~§§~~XPERT REPAIRS~~~
of the Federation in their Pra~'- .
ers of Thanksgiving. and is sure
she can depend on the women
I: i
I to spend several da~'s with her son
'and daughter-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy C. Williams. Jr.. who Radios and Prompt, Effici. ON ANY MAKE
for their continued interest. and I: ,motored home with her. remain- Electrical ent, reliable-
loyal support III tllese cntlcal : . inK in Narberth for several days. Appliances All work guar·
post· war days.
The Ji."t of the OffiCPI'S and I' .
I: Repaired anteed, RADIO SET
• D,·. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Oaks.
chairmen of the Dela warp count:, ,
Frdera lion are as follows:
Mrs. E. R. S. Tuli. Jr.. Presi-
I: "Fire Oaks" Pennhurst Farms.
and Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Neese,
17 ~rwyn Rd.. Cynwyd. are
. We Pick Up and Deliver
• cent. DrexE'1 Hill; Mrs. Muur)ce ,spending two weeks at Moosehead
C. McCalIre~·. first vice president.
Liancrl'h: Mrs. Lewis M. Detz,
[Lake. Maine.
Brookline Apts. Brookline, Pa.
second rice prcsiclent. Springfield;
Mrs. William T. Hlli. tllird vice
yrcsidellt and junior president.
l\1Jo. and MI's. Carl B. Metzger.
: .fl'.. 550 Manor Rd .. Wynnewood,
Telephone Hilltop 6810
Prospect Park: Mrs. Jame~ E. . ,will spend the weekend over La-

Richards. treasurer. Drexel Hill;
i\o1:iss Mabp} Talley. recording sec-
retarv, MalTUS Hook: Mrs. Han-
son 13. Hic'kman. corresponding
,bar Day at the Met1.ger cottage
Ph%ArDph court..,. : at Avalon. ThE'Y will have as
NoM' York Dro" lnotitut. It.heir guest.s Mr. and Mrs. POWE'lI
MacCalla. Ha.nsell Rd.. Wynne-
Tea, date and town dressps 101' wood. and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
American Home. Mrs. Leroy I collE'ge are sitn!,l)' but knowingl)' W. Sloan. Jr.. of Manor Rd ..
Riddle. Media: Cit izensllip. Mrs. I uesfgnE'u, to be urpsseu·ull or down i·W.,·neell·ood.
OIIDEII Ntt\V! -Trad, Ala,"
M. J. Miadzinian. Highland Park: I as the o<;cllsion requirps. This rear
Conscl'I"ation and Garden~. Mrs. the little brown drpss rani,s with I ;\[1'. and Mrs. Edward L. Smith.
We Are Taking Orders Now ·For E.,i~r tYl'in~! R,tt« tY\lln~l With MAGIC
~18n:in And othtr '-f'n~AtionRl Ff'Jltures or
k L d Ed ' 114 Merion Ave.. Narberth. left
Ueorge pennor·. ans oll'ne: ~ - thE' little black drE'ss. and is shown W dn sd v for St. Petersburg,
mation. Mrs. Wallace Savage. UP- ,I not only in crepe and woolen but Fl:.. t~ I~'main until next Spring. ALL ELECTRIOAL APPLIANCES the Future. Se~ thi! new Ea~y-Writinl
Roy.1 nn ..... Try it ••• Give It THII.
per DarbI" LIbrary ExtensIOn.. I ' [b' . 'I' 1
Mrs. Harr)" A. Bl'lltschp. Glenold- 111 SIlC I CI'lS~ a r:lcs as [,1111,,: W Ill' I
Bendix Home Laundry
en' Motion Pictures. Mrs. Arthur I makes the ~ew \ ork style pIctured, I Mr. and Mrs. DOllltld A. Duncan.
Bllhe, Manoa: Radio. Mrs. J. M. I with tl'icky lab·buttonpu bodice. ; Jr., formerly of Kirklyn. are oc-
HE'bb. South Ardmore: SC'holar- I Many [rpsh editions o[ the peplum cupying their new home at 312
ship, Mrs. John L. Milne. Drexel i drE'Ss. thp bustle dress Rntl the Price A\"e .. Narberth. '
Sweater.topped one.piece dress in
pink and black rayon flannel, above,
Electric Refrigerators
Zenith Radios
** H. E. STEINKE 1
Hill: Fine Arts. Mrs. S. Brandt; tlirnul--al1 call1llllS loves--cowe in
DeFarges. Upper Darb~': Art. Mrs .• lJoth junior and misses' sizes.
• • •
Mrs. Kate Aiken of Forrest Avf'..
I and a simple wool beige dress,
left, with Fall's deep underarm
American Central Kitchen Sink And Cabinets Boulevard 1244
Reuben G. HE'nnch. Brookllllf': i
Drama. Mrs. Roy B. Andrew,.,,:
Narberth. returned from a l.wo
wef'ks \"isit with her daUJ.(hter-in-
Chester: Litf'raturE'. Mrs. J. B.! nanee. Mrs. R. H. Whipple. Drexel lR\\·. Mrs. Hugh C. Aiken in
:i3akpr. Drexpl Hill; Music. Mrs.: Hill. Historical. Mrs. J. Osbome Wisconsin. .

able witb that campus farorite, the

Thor Automagic Clothes And Dish Washer** , ROYAL WORLD s NO, 1 TYPEWR!rlR

SLlIyan W. Russpll. Swarthmore:; Hopwood. Primos: Pro~ram, Mrs.

International Rf'latiol1s. Mrs. : Horace W. Clarke. Upper Darby: :
Waltt'r H. Dilworth. Bl'verl~' HIlls: I Registrars. Mrs. Frank W. Tup-
L' t IS
- - -•••- - - -
lJl .. '
uilluge 0
fullness. along "'ith the bplorl'u
~'birlslt't"'e llIld short 511""'1'. eanjigan jacl,pl,
The othpr tll'PSS baR the swpatpr· . ~l1ch cl[l~sics as thf' iailol'pd
Delaware County Appliance Co.
Legislation. Mrs. A1:t11l11' Pllillips.1 PPI?Y. Aldan: Resolutions and Re-'
Spnngfield: Org'anlzRtlon. Mrs.: l'ISlOn of B~'-Laws. Mrs. Alfred A.
Miss '
Ruth BolOnzan
I lil,e top fpatl1r,'d in one way or t\\,pel! 01' gabardinf' suit eontinl1 P GIlOIl Market Blvd. 0880 Aril. 3816 All. 0866
anotllf'r In lIlost Jo'all and \,"illt!'r to rate high. but the sortpr t)'pP
Ralph Pressy. Newtown Square:: Crooks. Norwood: SE'nior Ad\'i~ors.: Miss Ruth Bowman. daughter
I collN'l iOI1R o[ collpge clot hI'S. Stri(lPII of snit with Jlppll1IU 01' eardigan I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Po.. ,t-War Planning. Mrs. Ralph, Mr~. D. Frank Christy. Chester: of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bowman.
Sloan. Prospect Park: Publicity" Programs for Federation Meet- of 327 Valle~' Rd .. Llanerch. and
Mrs. Arthur B. Favor. L1ancreh. 'jUgs. Mrs. J. Osborne Hopwood. Mr. John Wildpl·. son of Mrs. Alice
\\'001 jerspy blol1sPS "'bieh look like jacl,pt. starring' in :\ew York sho\\-·
s\\'l'atpl's are designpd to go with ings. is just as mudl in ,Ipmand
PE'nnsv!"anla Clubwoman. Mrs. I primos
,John C.' Dpitll1an. Park~ide Ches-I
tel': Press Exhibits. Mrs. Samuel
J'. Dvsart. Manoa: Publtc Health.
. -.-._-..••- ...... -- -
.J ,
l 1st Marriage •
W·ildE'r. of Lakewood. 0.. were I solid coloI' ~'ool jUIlJPprs. and solill lJy tOllay',; fashion-minlled. smarter
:married August 11 at thE' homp of ,color jel'spy blol1ses with checked looking collpge girl,
I the bridegroom's n~other.
ReI'. John Dean offICIated.
-- -- ------ ._.---. --. - ..- - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wf' "flll now gi\'e you fa3t.
Mrs.: W. H. Paxson. Glpnolden; j' MI'. Palll Wa tson. of Npw York.: Gi\'en ill malTiage by her father. I C~ 'f Fl ' .
I ypar bf'fore it becomes t,he property
rubhr Wf'lfare. Mrs. Fredl'1'lck tormerl~' of C~·nw~·d. has an- the bride was attended b~' her· Onl1nlllll y ,Oll el i of tl1(' winnpr. A llrr-lIl'fI t I' ~PITll'P on ~'Ollr
rfld,o rr'pl1irs. All you have
Hubbell Millf. Upper Darb~': War 'nouneed the marriage of his sister. Miss Belty Bowman as maid Sh01V Sel'Jtel1zber 7
I Till' Garden DpPartl1Jpnt, mr't to do i,~ to phonl' or bring
Sen·icr's. Mr~. Frank Daris. Yra- i daughter. Miss Phyllis Watson. to lof honor and Mrs. Richard Ben- ' . TIIPsd<l~' aftprnoon Fit the homf' of YOllr radio to liS Finn WI' will
rlon; Camp and Hospital. Mrs. 'Sel:ond Offil'er Janzen Ba,·-lnf'U. of Ollio. as matron of honor. The annual Community Flower Mrs. Ml'nrlr'nl1aJl to makr fil1all APPROVED 11F1 "P it hark to ~'ou in
Prank DaVis; Consumer Respon- Sl'hmith. USATS. son of Mrs. Bil~'- !Mr. Edward Klipiek. of Lakewood. Show .~ponsorcd b~' t,he Gardpl1' a IT<lngclilCl1Ls. folloWing a mppting twpnt~'-four hours. All work
~lbilit~·. Mrs. Frank Kpel1en.: Schmith. of Copf'nhagen. Deli-' acted as bf'st man.
SWFlrtl1more: Bonds and Stamps.' mark. The marriag-e took pla(e Following thE' recE'pt ion the Depart ment of t he Woman's Club' 0
Mrs. Don R. Sid If'. Lansdowne; ion .July 18. in the eh<lpel of St. couple left from Detroit. Mich.. of Manoa. \\'ill be held in the nool1.
f til B d 111 11 'a h Id at
e car w c \\ S I'

Yout 11 Conserl'at ion. Mrs. Thomas Gf'orge's Church. New York. 'on a fi,'e da~' trip to Canada. MRnoa Fire. Hall Sept,ember 27.
ROOFING and SIDING 24 Hr. Service
E. Huff. Brookline: Club Insli-, Mrs. Ba~'-Schmith a I, ten d p d The bride is a graduate of EASY TERMS. , • Phone or Wl'ite for Free Estimates
~lIte.~. Mrs. Floyd R. Ealy. Brom-' Lower Merion High School and Western College. Ohio. TIle groom SclJedulcs wiil bf' a "ailahle through Essex Repair Shop
.,11: FedE'ration Cont,l1ct. Mrs. Ho- : wa:'l graduated· from Brom.:vllle i5 an ex-sen'iceman ha"ing sen'ea the local merehants and the
mer J. Dickert. Upper Darb\': Fi- IHigh School in 1942. 'for two ~'ears in the U. S. Nal·Y. srhool within a short time. Mrs.
II. \V. ('UKIIAN ('0.
104 ESSEX AYE., Ph. 2135 ~
-----.------~--------------.---- J. H. MpnclpnhalI, chairnuu1, an-
Boulevard 01.58 I ~ __ ~arb~rth. Pa, ..
nounces tha t t he awards will be
presented at 8 p. l1J .. following a

~peciFlI program which will inclUde
a well known speaker on birds.
Ever~'one is in\"ited t.o E'nter

PREVIEW • • • •
exJlibits and the silver plate SWE'ep-
stake prize will be a\\'arded. Mrs.
Richard Smith. of Bon Air AI·f' ..
who won the plate for tll'O eon-
secutil'e ~·f'ars. will again comp€'te.
as it must. be won for the tllird

We Have Sold $300,000 Worth of Main Line
TOMORROW'S Real Eslate Since May I.
\Ve Are Rctire find can .'iell!
\Vt' Ilf'('d
n10Jt~ PI'ol>t'rtks nt once. L1..,t yours
NQ\V lor Fall :-all'.
brick sieling and asbestos
shingling-. Work guaran-
I tf'ed. Best material used.
TIIO~IL'S f~IIOSllftX ! Phone us for estimate.
F. ~. A.
for Exclu:--l\"(~ Rf'J)I'f'!"cntat !n',Ci
.John Hancock Insurance Co.
Painting & Decorating Co.
3!l48 P('lJlIslrro\,c St.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PhiJa. (4) Pa. Erergreen 962:1

25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Paper) Corner Cabinets




R~:"!'Il."Il \li -: .&Il ·!I\l,~,i:.i:.i :;.·:;,~.!,:. w.1i~;'1.;r~t~~~~~~~",

?~~~tJ/~~ You m8Y ""nd money order. stamo. or pe"onal check. Addr.,. aU
communication. to Lower MerIon Newspaperl, Ardmore, P., and
GINGHAM KITCHEN-Tops in attractiveness yet low in cost. A kitchen
(Special Monthly Rata) REFRIGERATION
that makes Mother feel like a princess.
Ardmore 5720 GREenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600 !t. del'orations. Pril't~s moderale.
On commr'rC'ial and domestic re-
FAMILY KITCHEN -Something new and practical with eating space, living .i:elephone Bryn Mawr 2901 friKeJ'atO!·~. washing machines.
space. child's play space and laundry.
\ O-I-R-l-,'S-B-"-'l'-d-"-l S"u r,-,j,;--::"rt-u,""·b-u-:-l'I-,'1-'-111
ur KI!:lt' H(f~. M~LIll)~I.
Window Shade.-Vl'uet.II\D BII~
. Linoleum
1\ II 'l~ II IJ II \\7 I I~ SOX radios. nil r1l'ctric:al appllances,
and (·Iect.ric lI111toI'S.
ROW-HOUSE KITCHEN -Combining a typical Philadelphia row·house din- V!CI11lt\' t::ilt't'l l\:
Nl.al' Yonl'! ('ulll'~t". It J\J\lut.l. ('bl! Hllllull

HOB!'lON '" OWENl:l

5:~~3-J. Ht,wat~l. __. ~_~ _

IOI~'10I7 l,ullt""ter Ave.. BI'yn Mawr

ing room and kitchen into a kitchen of your dreams. Phone' Bl'vn Mawr 1120 or 11~1 ~-------- --------- - --- - - - -- -- --- - ----
perh.nc,(·d. ,sulull shop. pel'
I'LtLl' 51.50
,·x- orands & Uprlrhts l\limeographinc Jobbing & Estimating
Quick ,Removal !\Iu!tigraphinc 306 So. Carol Blvd. lIi~hland Parll
10th and Chestnut Streets hOllr. \Vrltfl BoX P. O. :J50. ArdulOre. PI1.
PIANOS BOl'GUT Fair 'Prlc..,. Mailing - Addresslnc Plumbing & Heating Uaylime Jlhone HilltoD 4113
YOUNG- MAN-·,vho- ea,,·· <1;'1\,1'. to i,,;Lp Courteous Men Publie Stenography
plllnlbpr or roofpl'. Chnncc for adnlnce-
n1l'nt. Ca~~r~l~":"<l~22'
P. RVGllt:S .. SO/lj BEACON LETTER SHOP WM. J. WINTER , ~i~ht Illtnne Sunset 38~5

CAREFUL 5846 Market Bt.. ROO~I 412. fiRI6 M,\RKET ST. IH17 Windsor Park l.11n~ I• • • • • • • • •
OR CALL (lPPER D,\RRV Manoa Hillloll 411" I --.. - ....- - --_.... __. - - - - - -
I"MM1:DTA'rE OPF:NING- r;"or! w-~ tki'nF;
All. 74S0 W.., SIli4
E,,~njnls Gr&. U29
RINIJ. 3046
rOl1t"rl 1n NRrhr>rlh. F:XIJPl'lpnef' \In-
npce~Fonn·. A\'rr;1~f' p:lll1l1l1:," ~~rJ-S4:;
JOHN WANAMAKER HOME OF VISION werkl'\'. Pf'\1 FOtnrlc:. unrnrrJlnf,r!y LRU~p,r.t
con1pan\'. hl"'!-it knowll hn\l<;;pho)rl prod-
\lctq. hl~r.Pst (lpmanrl.
Conlpn,u'. Dept" C. Npwnrk. N, _J.
NOWIS-THE TIME to;;;:-d--;'-;:-cord wOOd.
Writ!'"! Wnt};ln.c;,

Cut any lenF':th. Call Cl'nw:;d 0984.
Quick RemonJ
TRADITIONAL STYLE ROOMS - Blending old and new treasures into a ZENITH HEARING atd, lat"st model. Fair PrIces
Courteou. Men Estimates Carpentry Work
complere with all attnehment,. per-
setting of studied refinement for comfortable living. fect i-ondtt Ion: orIginal cost 540. ,ell Also Plano Mo"lnl
Write Cheerfully Given
for 525. Call HlllIoJl 1930-W.
CANADIA·NPINCHES=YOllngulm'lated EVERGREEN 5261 Robert H. Elliott
EARLY AMERICAN ROOMS - With a living room that provides a restful
atmosphere, , . and plenty of room for the best in living..
Ardmore :1137.
l!;xcHlput hl'pf'{Ung :-.tnclc Cull P. HUGHES & SON William A. Oipolla
Shop 2122 Dal'by Road
IIIlltop 1026
l-·M·API£- WO-=-COO""'D'·-Bo-'-II'-e'-1l-1.-S-2""0-.-::;-n-',,""Il 5846 Ma"ktt St.
, or Call
MODERN ROOMS-Furnished with a smartness that employs new fabrics r
glowing colors, and new types of lighting.
stand. :1 dl·awl'''s. 55. CIIIl Bryn Mllwr
2' MAPLEWOOD bpds 1111<1 matt 1·"SHes. 1
bllrt'iHt. Olle stulld. S05. Phonf~ BrYIl
1\ AU,. 7450 - West 5114
Evenlnr.1 GKA un
882 N. 42d St., PhUa.. 4. Pa.

_ HOUSE. Ilnfllrnlshec1 uy cotlDI~ who

PLU5 an all·electric step-saving kitchen and laundry with built·in dinette
and snack bar, presenting the very latest in easier electrical living.

Illl \'t' hl\d and appreciate nice home
lind Will take excl'llent care of tiall1e.
WrIt!' P. O. Box 350. ArdnlOre. Pa.
ID eltc.nont communltlee at at- WANTED SIDIN~! Wall Bnd tIIantel. Made to Ortler Repaired
JOHN WANAMAKER STORE beil"" prices UNFURNI!"'HED APARTMENT-2 or 3 and Itesllvored. !IIade Fro. a"lnl your rRdlQ to be
'or Sale or Rent. foullts lind bnth V·lnllt.ll1g: dlstnnc~ to GENERAL CONTRACTING Genul"e Pittsburgh Plate Glal.. ('e\lull'od Yo 1I SAV.
7th floor central, Juniper Street WILLIAM PUOS rUJlroll<1. 2 auulls. CIII1 O~olltz 4873 01' OLD MIRRORS money nnd lIet MUCH
w\·:tt W. LlIlIgler. J36 Harrison A\'e ..
315 Mont... mrrY Avenue. CynwYd SKILLED MI:N- Remodeled alld Resll"erHl
13th and Market Streets Gh'l1sldt'. ... 35 \'cnn f,',rpcrtrnce

MISCELLANEOUS SMALL- MODERN Illlf\ll'lIlsl1l'<1 npal't-
HAVERFORD-Larlle DrJ"aLe homc. Eld-
mpnt for srottll'd coupl.', Nnrbcrlh or
_M_"_"_1_L_II:..''... CIl~I_H_IIl~n_~ SH3.1"..-R:-. _ Gel Our Estimate DEVANEY
0'1'1:; or",on or seml-lnl'Rlld. Large
5trr,lIl1d•. Phon.. Ardmore 2314. UPHOLSTERING
H. La YOUNG I 00. Glass Shop
2111 S. 60TH 8T.
OPD. Im"orlo. Thsath
a"8118ble for flr-t mort~alte ..t S~·. 15 Sprlnll. of three-OI.C. .ulto repalrt!d. n MYK'rL& AR. 1315 We"l Cbesler Pike All,8125'
~·.Rr term Da)'Bblo monthly. If do.lrod.
Nt) llPprRIRlll fee. QUick action. Phone
HlJItnp 1119·W.
'10.00: cbalr. roconred. 15.00. Go
An:rwhere Call LEWIS. W810eI
22'7 !:alt Lancaetl'r "nnu•. W.f1Itl
1." Chatha. VI\)u.. VDlItlr DU~J
Granite 7020 HllItoD IIU 8oul~1'l\rd 30112' 2; _&

...... '
, •
FOUR OUR TOWN August 30, 1945, •

S~~\TI Narberth And Brookline One Up In Jfain Line League Playoffs •

Oldtim~Yf~iio~~r~O~Dthe Main Manoa and Ardmore Nines BasebaD Standings II. RATION INFORMATION II Lists
Civic Association IIle its, Mrs. Percy S. Durgin;

Zoning and Building Code, The-
Line Baseball League Rot a chuckle
out of Narberth taking the OPen-
::ir~ ~~:J!r:i ~a~~~ ~~~~I~~~kl:y
Need V-Ictorles

S~~~::~~I ~::s~~:':s CIVILIANS AT PEACE

Piercy Pierce. president of the
Richland Farms Civic Associ-
ation announced the appointment
New Leaders
Police and Fire, Elmer·G. Blank;
Community Improvements. L. Paul
Lindamood; Education and
Schools. Mrs. Albert Y. Glllespie.
The next Board meeting will

~~~f~ t~~:!;O~~sbb~t~~g tg~irG:~~ To Remal-n I-n Tletle Fie g ht

"When the pressure's on, .yoU N b th 8 M 5 The Government needs and asks its citizehs In this second wee); of the following chairman for be held at the home of Elmer G. •
B~~oksiitnaen"d51;n;gsA~0~f~TOerae:m2s' of peace to:
the new term at a meeting of the
Blank. 425 Greenview Lane,
vice for years.
Narberth supposedly had slipped
considerably this year as its third
Won Lost P. C.
Narberth •.•.• ,... 1 0 1.00000
executive board held last Tuesday
1. Use the nearest of 4.000 United States Employment Service evening at the home of Theodore
offices to locate a job or a worker for a job. By using these clearing J. Fiala, 571 Willowbrook Rd.,
houses y.ou will avoid turnover, duplication, and lost time and travel M a n o a . .
Llanerch, on September 18 at
8 p. m.
Sixteen operations are needed in
place rating at the end of the reg-
ulatlon season indicated and Ma-
Sh k
UC man s
'Horner an
d C .,
ralg s
P'tch' g Brookline .,., ••.•. 1 0
I In Manoa , 0 1
1. 0
.000 in the job shifts during reconversion. Membership. Donald C. Taylor;
Welfare. George G. Young; PUb-
ordinary sewing •
noa fans were convinced tha.t bor-
ough pitcher. Jim Craig, was
washed up and that the series
would be a breeze for the Ru-
Give Borough Surprise
ure to Hit In Pinch Costs Lions
Victory; Fail- Ardmore
0 1
Sunday's Schedule:
Manoa at Narberth.
Ardmore at Brookline.
I 2. Eat and store potatoes to avoid spoilage of this nourishing,
cheap and plentiful food. The 1945 crop is expected to be one of
the largest on record.
\vinCll Llquor~ Beer
d°iru~-'i~~:t~I~I~~ers refused to Games start: _:~:....- t3.. Pofstponfe YQur pleasure tbrlav~l a fewfmonths lonhger. lLea~e
With Narberth and Brookline one up in their respec-
be convinced. "We'll .l·ust ,"al·t and d' f M dAd h' the rams ree or more comforta e Journeys or troops W 0 wil SOOIl Really Fine •
see" was their attitude. And , right tive series it will be do or Ie or anoa an r more t IS be returning at the rate of more than 500.000 a month. BAKED HAM SANDWICHES
now they are having their inning. Sunday when the semifinals playoffs in the Main Line Base- REMINDERS
It's our opinion that Narberth
didn't shoot for first place this
b II L
a eague are resume a
d t N 1. th
aruer an
d B kl'
roo me. Meats, Fats-Red Stamps Q2 through U2. last date for use Di\VE~S BAR
season with its accustomed viA'or, Manoa, which finished the regular season in first place August 31. Red Stamps V2 through Z2, last date for use Septem- 500~ CITY AVE. •
beinA' satisfied just to qualify for
the playoffs. .and which has been an overwhelming favorite to win the bel' 30. Red Stamps Al through E1, last date for use October 31.
MAKE IT WORTH WHILE pennant, was handed a staggering 8-5 setback by Narberth Red Stamps F1 through K1. last date for use November 30.
This attitude was intimated by d B E ' k Sugar Stamps-36, last date for use AUgust 31. Next stamp be- •
Gene Davis follOWing one of the in their opener before a large crowd at Veterans Park, XperlenCe ac S
early meetings of the league when
a proposal to reestablish a pur~e
S d h' B k'
Brookline, last un ay W lIe roo Ime won as expecte from
n ey
3K comes valid September 1.
Shoes-Airplane Stamps Nos. 1. 2, 3, 4. in Book Three continue
for the team finishing in fil..~t place Ardmore, 5-2, at Ardmore. Return on Grid valid indefinitely.
was voted down. Only Narberth
and Manoa voted for the purse, If Narberth and Brookline are PLANES FOR MEMORIALS A V AILABLE FROM SPB
all the other teams ;;oncedin~ that
they had little chance to win it
able to repeat their victories this
weekend they will terminate the
Borougll Blast With a host of fast. experienced
backs and three key linemen re- Surplus aeronautical property may now be used by state and
and unwillingly to dig down into playoffs and qualify them for the turning. Haverford High SchOOl local governments for memorial as well as educational, sesearch and •
~\~~~~r Pf~:~t~e.for any dough for five-game championship series. BROOKLINE abo r. h. O. a. ~~ri~i~n;dt~~~~ball practice on an experimental purposes, the Surplus Property Board announced. As
pa~i~lw~~ fluite irkidt a.t t1~~1 Both Manoa and Ardmore are ~~~~~t~~e.. ~~.::::::::::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Missing are such stalwarts as ~n thedc~se ~'g~~Uc~ltio:alsdiS~~ib:::ion~ n;n\Of th: e~ui~:nent ~~~

~o .e. ' .1a ~ le ,use 0 ~'ymg determined that tl~is will not be S~ll\vanda. Ib 4 0 1 12 0 Sammy Venuto, Jack Roy and Jack e use or I p rp se . a e l' CI len mus PYle cos
f1l11sh.filst "hen It. doesn t mean squaring the playoffs Stier. If 5 0 1 I 0 Hancock from last year's team transportation.
atlythmR?" he said m disgust.
We agree that the team finish-
" .'.
We are Just a bIt too confi- Umbach. rf
Mitchell. cf °°2 0 0 that lost only to Radnor. but the
3 0 0 I 0 talent among the 60 odd candi- Although many communities may wish to acquire suplus bombers VOLLMER'S •
mg first deserves a prize. but dent." said M. C. Wemett, of ~~;~~.Ie;x~.z:.:~, :: ::: ~ ~ Ig ~ dates is such that Coach Bill Stin- and fighters as memorials to their citizens who fought for their coun-
rather than a prize just. for the Manoa.
smart for the le~g~e to create a games. We needed a jolt to put
"We have more power
first place team. wouldn t It be and it will tell in the next two Totals
- - - - - son conceded that the "outlook try, the board urged that great care be taken in preserving such air-
·: .. 31 5 7 27 IS isn·t too bad."
ARDMORE ab. r. h. O. a. Stinson has been putting his bl
craft and recommended that all memorial aircraft lle kept under suit-
t t d t' t.
On September 5th we Will open our new store a.t
cash pool and split It UP on a per- our team back in st.ride. You'll Brltt.ingham. 3b 3 I I 1 1 pupils through morning and aftel'- a e cover 0 preven e enora IOn. 53 E. Lancaster Ave. whi(;h is just across the
centag~ baSIS amo~g all t.he team~, see a different club this week." LeMatre. cf 3 0 0 2 0 noon drills since Monday and will State and local governments desiring to make application street from OUr lo(;ation. We will have the
1 0 0 0 4 continue' this sch~dule until school under this new provision shoUld write to Russell Heddleston. Chief,
accordmg to theIr .finIsh. ThIS "We'll make it two straight, if Praul. c
OU~ht to add extra ZIP tl? a race, possible." promises Gene Davis, of Aigeldinger. ss
,lvmg. every tea!1?- extra mcentive Narberth. "If our pitching is any- ~~~~~iy~b2b':::::::::::::::: gg: 4 0 0 2 2 opens. By that time he hopes to I d t· I D' 1St' R t· t' F'. C , · t'
same products and quality as usual. Here are
some of our products; chicken a la king. chicken
to. stnve for a hIgher berth even where near pal' well be in there." Smith. 2b
2 have the squad in shape for sev- E uca lona
1 0 0 0 0 eral scrimmages with other schOOls. Washington, D. C.
Isposa ec Ion. econs IUC IOn mance 01 POl a lon, croquettes. chicken salaa. minced chicken. chick- •
if It were sure of the. p!ayoffs. . Al Mueller. Ardmore pilot who Mueller, If
\Ve understand th~s Is.the s~s- has a team In the pla"offs for the K·man. rf
3 I I 3 0
4 0 2 2 0
I Alth gh tJ l'
st rt'n pI y
1 ee a I g ~. ers WPB LIFTS C
en pie and cllirken sandwiches. Luncheon from
11.30 to 2 P. M.

tern used bv the l\lam Lme Ba~ J Shillingford. c 2 0 0 4 I were lost 111 the backfield. Stmson I . f' t f 'l'tat th . f 'n
1 0 0 0 0 expe~t~ to rebuild the Quartet with n a senes 0 sweeplllg mov~s ~ aCI I. e e recon~erslOn 0 I -
'. ." - first time. wasn·t too disapointed Raimo. cr
ketball Lea/:,ue where It has been with his team's defeat. "We just McLeod, p
very sucessful. didn't hit in the pinches. We had Totals
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a. mll11mUm of trouble. In addi- dustry and spee4.. the fiow of a WIde vanety of peacetime products
34 2 4 27 12 !Jon to regular Ned Brownley at into the hands of consumers, while still avoiding price infiation, pre-
THEY'LL HAVE T~ HUSTLE 12 men left on bases. If we had Blookllne I 2000 0 I I 0-5 quarterback. other lettermen b a l l . . l' . b'" . bl tl W. p. d _ 53 E. Lancaster Ave. - Formerly 42 E. Lancaster Ave.
If Manoa. doesn't ll\'e up to the had two hits in the right place Ardmore 00001 1000-2 toters among the candidates in- emptIOn of scalce supp les, 01 a u~els sClam e. le al 10 uc
expectations of iL~ fans they'll it would ha\'e been a different El'/'ors-Sall'atore. 2: Schwarlda. Jep- clude Jimmy Hess. Dick Williams. tion Board has dropped 210 more individual controls over industry, Ardmore
probablY blame it on the fact that stor~',' he insists. sen. MItchell. Dzlathlewlc?. Brlttln~- Charles Bray and ~ed Agnew..all J. A. Krlig, WPB Chairman. says.
some of the players are partici- Mueller says he'll ride or fall Ilam. Aigeldln~er. Accord. Runs battell of whom saw conSIderable actIOn ... . . .
pating in two playoffs at the same with Bob McLeod as his pitcher. In-~epsen. 3: Mitchell. AI~eJdlnger. Mc- last "ear in reserve roles. LImItatIOns on the number of radIOS. refngerators and tl ucks
· . . I I t B'II O'D II L€o~. Dzlathlewlc?. Two-base hlt-Brlt- ~
t Ime. . . . glymg Up lOpe t la 1 onne' tinHham. Home run-DzlathlewXc7.. Sac- Lawson Cording. another of last; that could be manuiactured for civilian use were removed. Restric- •
Pete GlampaimJ. Ed Larkm. 11llght get bark m shape to play. i rXnees-Ba..'. Schwanda. Umbnck. Le- year's prol1!ising SUbs among the: tions on a long list of other products were lifted and the materials:
Tony Straccione and Bill SnYder "McLeod is perfectly capable of Matre. Shil\ln~ford. Stolen bases-Sal- backs. IS stIll III schOOl. but has a' . . :
of Manoa also are members of the beating Brookline if we give him \·utore. 2: Bass. 2. Bn."es on balls-Mr- bad knee and has decided to give I freed for consumer goods. Affected are metal furlllture. domestlP"
Westinghollse Local 107 team some hits," al'ers AI. "And that's keoS~~I~hS~'IU'm~ir~s~'i{~rr~;~i;-~~~dLe~l~: up t.he game. i stoves and laundry equipment. electric fans. motorcycles. storage bat- : The How] Of Good Food
which is in the Drlco League play- what "'e're going t.o do this week. stPl'. .. Stillson has a good nucelus on' t('ries photographic film. shipping contamers. OII-burnmg equip- I
offs. T~e Delco is a twilight loop. At leas,t. well be in t.here trying.' the line in regulars Bob McCaus- I '.
but SWitched to Sunda~'s for t!le Eddie Hare. Brookhne manager. MANOA Iland at end; Kem Billings at ment. Silk and cotton. duck, as 'well as a large number of other!
playoffs. thus causlIlg a confilct wa.s IllS l1.~llal serene. confident, GI "sb. ~. I~. ~. a 'I guard and Jack Gilligan at center I products
I 'If
with the Main Line League. . self. "TllPre's not a better club in , cr=~~:;;:~~l c! ::::::.'::.' .. .'. 5 I I 2 0 Other lmemen with considerable H'OUSEHOLD GOODS IN STORES THIS FALL I.'

Local 107'5 playoff game thiS the league than Bl'Ookhne." he Stracclone. 3b , 4 2 2 0 3 experience include two big tackles
Sunday at Essington has purposp- insists. "Don't forget. we always: LarkIn. 2b 4 0 1 4 5 in Wayne SnYder and Jack Grovel' Household washing machines. ironers and aluminum kitchenwar~ :
ly been carded for 1.30. so that the finish strong,' i ~sh. Ib 4 1 I II Q and uard Claud G bl' 1 I II t 9 2 ' d' P .
above players wlll be able to J'llsh Ollie Shuekman. speed~' center-· Snyder. rr 4 ~ 2 I Z H~'erford fa(;e~ th~ s'~~e sched- will be ba(;k in the stores t lis Fa a 1 4 PI'I.ces accor 1~5; to. dl'lCG i
Over to join Manoa for its big date fielder. and pitcher Jim Craig were, ~~~~:~~n~~ 5.,' i
~ 0 ~ 0 ule as last Year. the only differ- Adllllntstrator Chester BOWles. Manufactureis "'111 be l(>qulle to: 1623 CHESTNUT ST" PHILADELPHIA
at Narberth. the heroes of Narbert.h·s opening' GWl'llne. r 4 0 2 4 I ence being' the season 'starts a' tag the pots. pans. skillets, washing machine and ironers with tlll'lr .
Bill Burk. Chester Times playoff \·ictor~·. Sllllckman poled Cantwell. p ~ ~ ~ o~..: week earlier. Sept. 22 With Abing- ; retail ceiling prices. MI'. Bowles says. Models will vary in style and: _ Victor, Your
sports editor, opiones: "There t.he game's opening pitrh deep into T I
may be some criticism of this right field for a home !'lm and this ota s ..... ~AiiBE'Rl;H .
38 5 II 27 12 ton at home. Other home oppon- I .'
ents will be Norristown. Radnor IpI Ice much as they did befOl e the \\ aJ.
' . , • 1-
arrangement by a few, but most put.Manoa back on its heels and
fans will agree that such ar- CraIe' kept the favontes there with Shuckman, cf
abo r. h. o. a.
4 2 2. 3 0 anTI
dUD b
pprr d ~r Y.
rangements as this are in the grade-A 111lrling. ~IYers. 2b i~ & ~ ~ SePt~e sc le u e: Teen age boys and girls who have had w~rtime 01' Summer jobs.
Manqa managed to tie the score ~~W{I;~: ~rb'::::::::::::::: 5 1 2.12 0 22-Abington
true spirit of baseball aud
American sports.
• •
at 1-1 111 t.he last half of the first. I Arnone. 3b
but a three-run rallv in the third' Papa. '"
4 I 2 1 I 29-Nol'l'istown
4 0 0 2 3 0 t
Home 'are urged to go back to school by leading offiCIals of the Department;
HOme of Agriculture.
I· i Really Like 'Em
EXCITED. WHO'S EXCITED? inning \I'hich was capped by: G~·.arr. e 3 I I 6 1 6c~Clleltnll11am
Most agitatpd young man on the G eorgle . M
eyers stea I'mg home for, Cl .11~ . P I I 1 0 2
0 __, l:J-Lower~..
A "
Merion .. • • .. .. Away "a~
M. L. Wilson. Director of Extension Work. says; "In preparation
for the world of tomorrow, no boy or gU'1 . can afford . to saenfice t I 1(''. HOME COOKED?
Main Line last week-end \I'as third run ga\'e Narberth a lead i Totals 35 8 II 27 10 20-Radnor Home educational opportunities which complet.ion of his or her high schoc)1
Charlie Spellman. erstwhile Brook- tllat. it never lost. In fact. the: N"rberth I 0 3 I 20 0 I 0-8 27 Berwyn A 11 Then Come To
line outfielder al~d fir~t ha~eman. borough's pdge was 7-2 after five, Manoa 1 0 0 I 0 2 I 00-5 Nov. . , . \ ay education offers. World War II has proved that it is reJaltvely eas:,'
who finished t.he baseball season innings. making it a slll'e thing. i Rl~;~0~~:tt~Jai:,1~'SV:~~k~::~~kW~~el~ax:.~ 3--Lansdowne
with Collegeville. It seems Spell- BUdd~' Walker and .Fr~nk Ar-: none. Wnght. StraccXone, Snyder. Arm- 10 W t CI e t A
man made a speeial trip from none each made two lllts In lead- ~ "Ltl·Oll~. " Lal·kltl. TWO-base hits: Arnone. 22 - UPPer es DarbY 1 S er
" , " Away to acquire practical training for a spe(;ific job. But to enjoy greatest.
. .
way happiness. and in order to take an \I1te Igent an ac Ive pal' as a
Pittsburgh. where he is a sale.~ ing Narberth to its first victory, Cressman. Stracclone. Cantwell. Three-
representative for a West Chester.
o\'er its arch-rival this season it J b~foie hft: Larkin. Hotne run: Shuckman.
I C" fi Westgate Tossers
. '. 'Bl'.,e on balls' Off Cantwell. 4. Struck
firm. in order to play baseball \I ~s a so ralg s rst v~rdlct m. 011t: By Craig. 4: Cantwell, 3. Umpires:
t\\ 0 stars over Manoa 5 Walt I AUgllstlne and Collier.
- .
- - - -••- - -
citizen in a free d.emocracY. every
,completion of a high school educatIOn as
I goal ..
y and girl s.h.OUld consider. O,le.
th d
e mllllmum e uca 1011,1 ,
I 1.;I,·rally evel'ythlnl: H~ME COOKED.
Xnt II in~ hotl~ht out side excellt ice cream
and that·s not cool,en-it's ~ood thOlll:h.

Spellman ieft for Plttsbur!lh Can(well.
after the MLL games of August 19 Sn~'der and Gwynne each makin",!
legeville theteam
impression that
would be
his COl
touched for
Both pitchers were I: - -
11 hits.
0 ff- two f.or M. anoa. b.ut Craig was far!
Straccione. Ad 2
r more n dHIfaSk 21 V·
ee st Ictory:I
I H. H. Hockbaum. Chief, Division of Field Coordination. }~xtension I
Service, points out; "Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club work does not stop
with training in solving agriculture and homemaking proble.ms. It
StOll in next time :rou're down our way,

RcscI'va tions Accepted by Phone

Just Call Blvd. 9762

S0ftbaII W·Inner .
two postponed games t his past supenor 111 the pmches. I alwaYs accents the development of well-rounded boys and girls. It.
week-end. Upon arriving home. he usual Len tid~' Smith moundcamejobupforwith BrOok-his stimulates all to improve t Ileir e d Ilea t'IOn. M any 0 10usanos 'f 0 4- H IIC)S~I~ESS
tound the league had decided to line. limiting Ardmore to four hits Gaters Play Soldier boys and girls who have finished high school and gone one to colle.ce
cancel all post.poned games and I , 7049·51 W. Garrett Rd., Upper Darby
start the playoffs immediatelY. a~ t le Hares go off t.o a fi~'ing T rn I B f't will testify as to the importance..,.of pursuing high ochoo! stud!es
"They just didn't want College- was ne\'er in trouble after his Q
in their title Quest. Smith ., T O G ea M n ene
d I tlll'ough" to completl·on. No\"., mOI'e tl1an e\'el' before. evcry 4-H mem-
ville in the playoffs." he fumed. mates tOok advantage of McLeod's uahfleS 0 ppose arne on av bel' needs to acquire the best possible educational foundation in order
"We were onlY a !rame behind 'ld f
Ardmore and with both of us hav- ~~:'o ?Iii~in~~: a 3- lead in the first
Penfield Downs In
~ I
a to meet new situatioos anld. 0hPPOlI'tunlitides tltlat will come with tllI~
ing two postponed games to play
anything could haw happened. If
Brookline made the most of Its
we were gOOQ enough t.o be in t.he .<e:·en l11tS. With Salvatore !lavi.ng
. . .
TI'tle SerI'eS b westgakte HillslAlI-Stars have I peace. This means a full llg sc 100 e uca IOn as a mmlmum.
u~y wee -end a lead of them on
the softball front. I is hoped that every 4-H member WI I set t IS as lIS goa.
'1 h' I ., I" I Dinners Served Daily except Sunday
0 I

1 II Itt I t~~ 0 slll<:!,Ies and shor~stop DZlat.llle-1 . ".... .

be:e~u~~Ods:~~~h"~~I?lifl~m ?n1~1~~ \1l~Z'pOh~lg a home lun a.nd Jepsen Bill Ta. 101 s AHlmOle club has Haverford Township team will en-
. Victorious in 20 to 22 games. the I' NEW RATION STAMPS VALID SEPTEMBER 1
., ., d 'n W I' Ration Book Four will be good for'
1 ff ~nvmg m t.hree runs III feature: captured the second half title in tertain the Foreman Es',a(e team' FII e mOle I e stamps I a ... S t_ ' 1236 iUont/:'omery Ave, MARINE BAR
p ~'~les·ra ..ds were stacked againf-t lo~r' Kinderman eollected two Of! t.he Suburban Softball League and; of Philadelp~lia on SundaY and on I the purchase of ratIOned meats, fats. fish and dallY PIGdUC~S on a, : "or Rr!llPrv~tlon~ Open from
us all the way. A Manoa rooter, Ardmore's four blows . will now meet Penfield Downs first. i Labor Day wlllylay host to IJ?e!ian- i urday. September 1. OPA announced. The new stamps ale Ll. Ml: I Phone Narberth 9282 ~ P. M,
told me it was disgusting t.he wa~' The Senior Softi;all League: half winner. in a three-~ame 3t.o"p'n Gap Mllltary Reservation at· N1. PI and Q1. They are being validated for the usual foUl' months I' , -.:
Manoa all0wed Ardmore to beat 'o·t b d 'd d t'l ·t T ' . M . I . . I' · ' t S t b' 1 th 'ough December 31 ~
them al;d Narberth stalled us out "n ,e. eCI e, un I nex. ues- series for the chamoionship. The la.tter ll"ame is a benefit for! penod-m t liS ms ance. ep em e~ I .. . It'
of a Rdme that was call1'd on a.c- ~i~m~';tl~: I1,,~e~lh e~~lIftt 1l 1 lan~ I The first game of the plaYoffs the I~quirer Jiml~lY Wilson fund: Sugar Stamp 38 m War RatIon Book Four also "Ill be gootl
coUnt of rain when it was only in a rePlaCy sof aa t'x'e tl1fl'd SgCa111010e 'wlIi be statTed Friday Sept 7 at and WIll. be the chmax of a three- ~ September 1 and will remain valid for the purchase of five pounc,s
d" r g d I I If' . . .I " • • •• I day hohday week-end celebratIOn: ' Delicious Home Cooked Meals
IlZdZ Idn t an kO~tY al lal -mnmg The teams bat!led. to a 2-2 dead-: Penn Wynne School. with the sec- at 'Westgat'e Hills
nee e 0 ma e I a ega game. lock 111 seven mnmgs Wednesday
There was mor.e of the same, in what was to have 'been the de- :ond game list.ed for Sunday. Sept.
I'. . Bert. SJ?lIt1~ s fielding and Jack I
: of sugar through December 31.
. ... .
etc. In fact Spellman was so ciding contest of their playoffs.. 1 9. at Ar~more.. . , ~alsh s pltchmg enabl~d Westgate I Increased productIOn, dlstl'lbutLOn and use of \~ood as fuel tor
w.ound up th.at we forgot to ask Oakmont won the first' playoff. If a thll'd ",arne IS p,eeded. It WIll HI!ls to defeat the Ne\l. York Oys- . 'd ntial heating is suggested by the Consumer Fuels Division of Windsor & Esses Aves., Narberth, Ph. Narberth 9258
hIm a questIon? How come he 5 4 M d ' b t K II tt . d' be played the followmg week-end tel Bar team of Wllmmgton. 4-1. reSl e . . I I ~ ..
changed horses in midstream O;roug~ntoa~a 2~1 vi~t~ry ~~:;J:y the site to be determined by the 'last Sunday. WPB's Office of Civilian Requirements as one way to relieve "". ..•-!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
and missed the playoffs the hard to even the series. . " . toss of a coin.. W~lsh allowed only six !l\t.S ane! nation's critical fuel shortages this Winter. OCR offiCIals emphaslze .~
way? _ _:...-.,,_____ ~he battenes of Peck and dldn tallow a. I:un untxl hIs mates tl 'mmediate need for cutting fuel wood, especially hardwoods. to
---.~-- !l1khouse for Ardmore and Sch- had the deCISIOn safelY tucked 1e I ' . '
A separate stove is used to cook CI
each dish o.f. fo~d in some parts
of the PllIhppmes. The stoves
consist of clay bowls...hich hold .-:.~. Gehman.. 13.1 Montgom-:
nk:> and MacDonald for Pen- away. The locais got all their runs permit drying for 60 to 90 days before use. The Impoltance of WOOQ
~ld Downs are being readied for in the first two innings.

. Second 11alf standmgs: tmg streak to 15 games When he, COl

as a fuel is emphasized by the fact that the heat generated from one
the series by their re~pective pilots. . JIm Peterman extended his hit- "d of hardwood .(a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet high and 4 feet wide) IS
Won Lost P.C. singled in the eighth. Hillv Smuck: almost equivalent to that produced by a ton of coal. WPB sa~s_.
. .
New Chat t er bo,x
the charcoal fires over which the leI. A\e· · Bala-c~m~~d. has b 7.en, Ardmore ..... , ..... 9
pots rest. apP01l1te d a ll1e~~el of ~~e PI.lCe, Merion .........•.. 8
.817 played an outstanding game at:
.667 first base. making 17 putouts.:
Panel of .the BI~n Ma\\l Rat)(~n. Penn Wynne
- - - - _•• -------0 7 4 636 Smith figured in several sizzlin<> I
l\IEASURED ~oa~·d. It ",.as an~~unced thl.S! Penfield 'Downs':::: 6 6 :500: plays and handled' seven chances I 839 LANCASTER AVE.
One-twentieth of a cubic centi- ~ee:er~~ Boal d Chan man Hemy: Woodmere 5 6 i
.454 without. a mut!. : A OlAND SPOT TO BRYN MAWR. PA.
meter is considered to be the ap- 'PeJT~; 'also announced that the' pe~field Indians .. , 3 9 .250 W!I.MI.I\'(;TOI\' Ab R. H. O. A. E. I
J;roximate volume of an average board has gone on a 40 110111'; ArQ\\,yn
drop of medicine or other liquid
tormed at the end of a medl'cl'ne ",ee
d 'Il
WI no
t b
e open on
S t
a - : Bryn Mawr PIay --'---••- - -
,. 2 9 .181 ~~::~O~U~dl c.. :::::::::; g ~ ~. ~,
Sehiveill. ....... ..u.. 4 0 0 1 4 0;
g , 2:mci O'J< 9;,n~ 3 Free Sunday Concerts
S,UI.day Dinners
Ilrdays. The board Will be closed I 101'a. cf. p ss......•••.••. ~ 0 I I 0 0 SYLVAN HALL, 4:15, 1:15, 9:45 For good food, for a dinner YOU'll
dropper. on Labor Day , Damico. P. cf ........ 3 0 1 0 0 0 - - T i l AII·CIMDITlOU.-- enjoy. bring your family to a

Scott Lone Regular· Back Kirklyn For Title fl@~:;~~:>Hl j Jj]'

Lo~~~~$GA:.~·~:::I~~~.:I:~:A.~:R~ H~~: A~~:
and Cocktail Lounge
Radio and Stav. Star
The Two Tones In
Rhythm and Others
restaurant of distlllction.
1 to 1.30 P. M.
Among 4 Lettermen at L M · k
K n"lyn an
d B
_ryn Ma~r w!ll Smith. 3b
i cla.~h for the 1945 champlOnslllP Ren?l. et
lof the Main Line Boys' Baseball Peterman. rf
4 I I 2 7 O!
4 0 I 0 0 1: I
3 0 I 0 0 0I
,.rf.ct Food , 'erfect S.rvl••
'.rf.ct Almolph.r.
Jack Sted!'s Kiddies' Hour 2 P. M.
Luncheon 11.30 to 2.30.
50c liP
UJnners 5 to !l.15 P. M.
S1.00 and $1.25

Dick Mattis. head football coach I string backfield' Len Sheppard a IConference Sunday at 2.30 P. M. ~~~~~r ~~.. :::::::::::: ~
at Lower Merion High. isn·t SllY-1 promising, chap from Bala-Cyn- i on the Kirklyn field. Winokur. oss
Ii ~ g
2 Q I 0 3 O!
?r Lunch from 60c ' Dinner from 85e
Woodlide Park Open to and .4il' COllditioned
in~ much about. his team's pros- wyd Jr. High. and Dick Powell: up! The. teams won the right. to West.. 21> .....•... , 2 I 0 I 1 0 Cocktail Hours 3 to 6 P. M. including Sunday, S&pt.mb&r 9
pects as 75 ca:ndldates RO throUgh' from the jayvees. The second! me~t In the two-out-of-three title Carlo. c ......... , 3 0 X 5 1 o· Cry,tal Pool Open Wttel.:&nd,
two ~rUls dally on the Ardmore! backfield has listed Graham Hop-I senes last Sunday when Bryn WaiEh. p •.......•..... ~ ~ _~ ~ ~ ~ • and labor Day to September 9
practIce field.
I Townsend. John MUllin and John Mawr trounced the Ardmore Eag- Totals
"We have only one regular from Per. of Ardmore Jr High Don Jlets. 13 to 4, and KirklYn sharled Wilmington
last year. so YOU can figure it out Rihn of the jayvees' , the Narberth Boys' Club. 3 to 2. Westgate Hills
29 4 7 27 14 1
0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0-1
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 x-l
MAIM CINCOlIISl ' P. '. I. S1IlunA. STAn••
for yourself." he says. none too Th~ outstarJ.Ciillg c'andidates' The Kirklyn-Narberth series set - - - -••- - -..
cheerfUlly." Yie have three others I Left end-John Kane and "Elien" a new high for. interest in boys' Wynnewood Man
who won theIr letters and we have IRhOdes: Left. tackle-Broza. Clark Ibaseball. The KIrks won the first DI'es on Monday
two comple!e elevens comprised of I Nash and Jim Barr: Left guard-I game. 2 !o 1. lost the. second to
boys who eIther played some var-/ Ed DiPaolo and Steve Burtt· Cen- Dave EZlCkson's no-llltter. 1-0.
sity 01' ,junior varsity ball.
George F. Brendlinger. a civil
ter-Dave Maroney and Art 'calla-/ and then scored the deciding run engineer. who served in the prior-
"We won't be quite so heavy, han: Right guai'd-Fred Salby in the last half of the seventh to ities division of the War Produc-
but ought to be faster. 0111' new and Frank DiFabio' Right tackfe win the deciding battle. I tion Board. died on Monday of a
material is promising .and we -Fleck and Pete' Martin. and Only one run. t.herefore, sepa- heart ailment at his home,
should Ret better with each game. Right end-Dick Mattis Jr 'and rated the two teams in three Wynnewood Park . Apartments,
But I'm afraid the competition Lew BOhrer. ,.. R'ames. Narberth tallied four runs Wynnewood. He was 69.
Must Last
will be too strong for us to expect The Maroon is srheduled to open on 12 hits a.nd Kirklvn chalked up
too much. Haverford and N01'l'is- its season with West Philadelphia five runs on 14 base blows.
town, especially. are going to be at Ardmore. September 22, but
After attending Cornell Un ivers-
ity. he was engaged in heavy
Killgore's single 9Cored Rollls railroad construction work With
For Sometime Yet
Why wait for a breakdown? Let
taught." . Mat.tis is trying. to arrange an with the winninR' rup in the last his father. the late P. F. Brend-
Parry S.cott, fUl!back last year earlIer game With an upstate half of the seventh mning of the linger. He also did construction us put it in the pink of condition
WINES & LIQUORS • Beaut ifnl Cocktail Loul1ge
and captam.-elect. IS the lor,e reg- schOOl. flna.l Rame. . . .. work for E. I. DuPont de Nemours for you. You can depend on us Parkil/g Space Ope II Daily (llid Sill/day
• ular returl1ll?g a.nd Mattis plans The schedule: Zmni and .Plccoh. P1tchmg for, and Co, and Day and Zimmerman. in any emergency-from minor
left h~lf- S I ' P t . . the Ardmore Eaglets. ga\'~ up· Inc. He was a mason.
to use h.lm elt?el. as
back 01 qual tel back. dependmg 22-West Pllll!!.... " •.... Home eIght bases on balls and 11 [llts as Surviving ar'e his wife. Stella E.:
upon his his other ball-toting 29-8t. Joseph s , .••.••... Away Bryn Mawr won at Ardmore. Sun- one- grandchile!: a sister. Miss
I adjustment
to complete over- IG/Io~I;~n'o"n ~:;~~~t~~STS
pupils develop. , . Oct, . I ' day..Barr. the BrYl? Mawr hurl- a son. Sgt. William F. Brendlinger;
Bob Da~is. \\ho stalted several ~-Abmgton AwaY,er. Yielded 10 safeties and. UlI:eelMargaret R. Brendlinger. Phila-
!fames at 1ig.ht half late last sea- 13-H~verford :' ....•.••.. Away i pases but fanned 12 for hIs VIC-I delphia. and a brothel', William B.,
son, and Jim Fleck and Stan 2Q-RldleY Twp....••••... Home, tory. 10f Merion
M .1\ I N LIN E
.WIlen Your Car Fails ta Start-Don't Fail to Call Us
Re.·t The Finest Food at All Ti~.
Broza, two 195-p(lUnd tackles, are 27-UPller Darby •• " •••.. Away! Barr. Morris and Colodonato had
the other letter holders, Nov. I
triples for the winners and Quinn
_._ _• , _,
A tire should not be worn con-
In the pract!ces to date, Scott 3-Nol'l'istown •.• , ••••... Away had a dOUble. Hesllp's three-bag- stantly on the same wheel. Shift-
and Davis hale had as running 10-ehester ., .. , : Home ~er was the only extra base blow ing them Clock wise every 5.000 304 W. Lanc:aater Ave. Ardmore' 1825 62nd & WALNUT STS. SEA FOOD
nates on .what amounts to a first- 17-Radnor VIllanova by an Ardmol'e player. miles will Pl'oduee even wear. II. ..J

" ! .' .....

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