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Story of my dream

Assalamualaikum , first let me thanks to Allah swt after what we get this day and
still give me a healthy to live in the world. And don’t forget to sholawat for Prophet
Muhammad saw that who bring the dark era to the bright era. Alhamdulillah

Second, my name is Putri Amalia Amir from class B3 with a stambuk 06120190079.
I am currently pursuing my undergraduate education at one of the private
universities in Indonesia, namely the Indonesian Muslim University majoring in
English literature. So now I'm going to do a little vlog tour in my room and tell the
Story of My Dream. I happened to be unwell and was not advised to leave the house
so I did this task at home.

My bedroom is a comfortable place to rest. This is a great place to relax and sleep
at night. Even though this is not my main room because my original room was used
by my brother after graduating from high school and had to live in Makassar to study
so temporarily I used this guest room when I returned from Makassar. I can do
everything I want in my room. On the right side of my bedroom, next to the door is a
small bathroom. And in front of the bathroom there is a television set and my laptop.
In addition to equipment, there is a large wardrobe that contains clothes and shoes
from my collection. I don't put much of my clothes in this wardrobe because this
room is not my original room. Next to the wardrobe was a large bed that was very
comfortable for me to sleep in. At night, my bed feels very cold. In the corner of the
wardrobe, there is a window and morning sunlight can enter my room. To the left of
the wall, I hung the fan. And lastly there is a door leading to the attic which will give
you a view behind my house and the back of the first floor.

Korea has become a favorite place for people today, because of its development
and background that has fascinated tourists around the world. In fact, many want to
continue their education there because of the complete facilities and the best
guaranteed education, including me. At first I only liked Korean stars because of their
good looks in dramas. But more and more I realized that watching Korean dramas
takes up a lot of our time and thoughts so I intend to study Korean so in early 2018 I
applied for the KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program) scholarship
majoring in Korean literature. I spent a lot of money and months preparing the
documents required to apply for this scholarship. After I registered and sent all the
files, I was excited and hoping to pass and study in Korea. But it seems that Allah has
a better plan than that because I have not succeeded in passing this scholarship. But I
don't want to be sad for long, I still believe in God that one day I will definitely go
there in a way that God loves. A few days later I saw a promo at one of the malls in
Makassar, namely a promo for international language courses (Arabic, Japanese,
German, Korean, Chinese, English, etc.) so I immediately signed up with my pocket
money. I ended up taking Korean language courses for 1 month with the diligence
that I had. I continued to divide my class time into courses because at that time the
class schedule was not too busy. Until now I can write and read Hangul or Korean.
Even though it's still level 1, I'm grateful to be able to read Hangul easily now.

Here I learned that Allah really knows the condition of his servant, that maybe
when I registered for KGSP I was still not ready in terms of language so God had not
allowed me to pass and made me learn basic Korean first before finally I could go
there . And I really hope this is the time I can go there on my own, proving to my
parents that I am working hard to achieve my every dream. This is just one of the
many dreams I want to fulfill. One of them also continued my Masters in the Middle
East such as Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Turkey. And took my parents for Haj /
Umrah with the money I had worked hard for myself. And finally, you can travel the
world with your parents and beloved family. Hopefully this story of my dreams can
inspire every young person in Indonesia to keep fighting and don't give up easily,
because God's plan is better than what we want. That's all from me, apologize if
there are words that are not right, thank you so much, Assalamu'alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Kamar tidur saya adalah tempat yang nyaman untuk beristirahat. Ini adalah tempat yang
bagus untuk bersantai dan tidur di malam hari. Meskipun ini bukan kamar utama saya
karena kamar asli saya sudah di pakai oleh adik saya setelah lulus dari sekolah menengah
atas dan harus tinggal di Makassar untuk berkuliah jadi sementara saya memakai kamar
tamu ini saat saya pulang dari Makassar. Saya bisa melakukan semua yang saya inginkan di
kamar saya. Di sebelah kanan kamar tidur saya, di samping pintu ada kamar mandi yang
cukup kecil. Dan di depan kamar mandi ada satu set televisi dan laptop saya. Selain
perlengkapan, ada lemari pakaian besar yang berisi baju dan sepatu koleksi saya. Saya tidak
begitu banyak menaruh baju saya di lemari ini karena kamar ini bukan kamar asli saya. Di
sebelah lemari ada ranjang besar yang sangat nyaman untuk saya tidur. Di malam hari,
tempat tidur saya terasa sangat dingin. Di pojok lemari, ada jendela dan sinar matahari pagi
bisa masuk ke kamar saya. Di sebelah kiri dinding, saya gantung kipas angin. Dan yang
terakhir ada pintu untuk menuju loteng yang akan memperlihatkan pemandangan di
belakang rumah saya dan bagian belakang lantai satu.

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