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Tugas 9 sem 2 ulangan harian

Multiple Choice

KD 3.18
Text 1 for number 1-3
Insert a USB FIash Drive into the USB port in your computer. Then to save a file from
the computer, click “save as” and choose the device you want to save it to. After that, right
click on your file, select the “sent on” option.
Check on your removable drive, when finished click on arrow to the hardware. Remove the
USB flash drive from the USB port.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To introduce different kinds of computer.
B. To talk about new types of USB.
C. To inform how to save a file in a USB flash.
D. To create an icon on the computer screen.

2. According to the text, what should we do after having the file in the USB?
A. Insert another USB.
B. Close the screen.
C. Rename the file.
D. Take the hardware out.

3. “Check on your removable drive.”

The underlined word refers to ....
A. reader's
B. writer‘s
C. computer’s
D. programmer‘s

Text 2 for number 4-8

 200 gr raw yellow aci crackers
 3 eggs
 5 meatballs (sliced thinly)
 2 beef sausage (sliced thinly)
 1 green onion
 Salt to taste
 Granulated sugar
 Flavouring
 Sufficient water
 Vegetable oil
 5 onions
 2 cloves of garlic
 15 red chiles
 2 tsp tamarind water
 1 tomato
What to do:
1. Boil the aci crackers in a pot until soft and lift
2. Dip the crackers in cold water for a while, then lift and drain
3. Grind all the spices thoroughly
4. Heat the pan and add sufficient vegetable oil. Wait until hot and sauté the spices until
5. Pour a glass of water and add the boiled crackers
6. Cook until a bit gravy and add beaten eggs, slices of meatballs, sausages and green
7. Add sugar, salt and flavouring, and stir well
8. Remove from the pan and serve it

4. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….

A. To explain how seblak is made
B. To show steps to make seblak
C. To relate an event of making seblak
D. To describe materials to make seblak

5. When should we add water?

A. Before the crackers become tender
B. After the ground spices are sautéed
C. After the vegetable oil is hot enough
D. Before the vegetable oil is poured into the pan.

6. From the text we know that ….

A. The dish tastes quite spicy
B. We have to slice the onions and garlic
C. The main ingredients are meatballs
D. We should pour all the ingredients together.

7. “Boil the aci crackers in a pot until soft ….”. The underlined word has the same meaning
with …
A. Licin
B. Hard
C. Strong
D. Weak

8. Rearrange these sentences into good steps of “How to make Duets on Tik Tok on
2) Tap the “share” button
3) Open the Tik Tok app on your Android
4) Tap the “ next” button
5) Tap the red “ Post” button, This will put your duets video on your profile. You can
optionally add a caption to your video here before posting
6) Select “ Duet” on the Share menu
7) Create your duet video
8) Find a video you want to create a duet for

A. 2-1-7-3-4-5-6
B. 2-7-1-5-6-3-4
C. 2-7-1-3-4-5-6
D. 2-7-3-1-5-6-4

Text 3 for number 9-10

Buying Food at a Drive Thru
Fast Food Restaurant
1. Drive to the menu sign
2. Open your window
3. Wait for a voice
4. Order your food when the voice asks “What do you want?”
5. Drive to the payment counter
6. Pay for the food
7. Take the food
8. Roll up your window and leave

9. What do you do after ordering the food?

A. Waiting for the queue
B. Going to the payment counter
C. Picking up the food we order
D. Leaving the restaurant and wait at home

10. “pay for the food” from this step we know that …
A. We have got our food
B. We have ordered the food
C. We are ready to go home
D. We may close the window

Text 4 for number 11-14

There are very clear things can be done to improve results when you need to make
an outgoing call for sales.
1. Improve Your Mind, it can be extremely mentally challenging making outgoing sales calls.
The reason is we’re likely calling people which aren’t expecting our call and we will likely face
some sort of rejection. This can create cold call anxiety which is comparable to how a young
man feels at a high school dance when he needs to walk across the dance floor in order to
ask a young woman for a dance. We are aware that rejection is possible and this can cause
a level of discomfort in both of these scenarios. There are a few things that can be done to
decrease this stress as well as improve your mental state: Know your value: Your business
likely helps customers or clients in some way. Being aware of the value that you deliver is
helpful and having it at the top of your mind when making outgoing calls. Go through sales
affirmations: It is helpful to go through some sales affirmations which summarize why your
company, products and services, as well as you as a sales person are good and possibly
better than the competition.
2. Have a Value Statement,Having some sort of value statement is one thing that can be
used on every outgoing call. It is a one to two sentence statements which summarizes the
core value that you have to offer the prospects that you’re calling.
3. Prepare for Objections, On pretty much every outgoing call that you make, you will face
objections. We can easily prepare for these objections by outlining which ones we’re likely to
come across and then script out the best responses that will keep the call going to improve
sales results.
4. Cold Call Script, You never really know which direction the call is going to go and that is
one of the most challenging things about outgoing sales calls. Developing some sort of cold
call script is one way to decrease this uncertainty. It doesn’t need to be a lengthy and
verbose script which needs to be read word for word. It should be a type of outline which one
can use as a guide and/or a tool to determine which direction to take the call. It can greatly
improve results and make the outgoing call easier.
5. Perform Some Research, when doing some research prior to the call we can always
stand to improve outgoing calls. This could include some research on the company, the
individual we’re calling, and on any history between your company and the prospect. There
are various online resources that provide valuable data which can help your call in some way
or another. The information collected during research might enable you to modify the
questions that you ask to make them more tailored to the prospect, which makes your
questioning more powerful.

11. What will the readers get after reading the text above? They are expected ….
A. to know how to call short and understandable
B. to make a polite sales call without annoying others
C. to be able to hold the call and forward it
D. to perform as a humble marketer to sell

12. Who will be most interested with the text above? She/he is ….
A. a sales manager
B. the property of sales
C. a sales representative
D. the debt collector

13. What benefit can the caller take from modifying the questions in a call?
A. The valuable data
B. The result of research
C. The company’s prospect
D. The developed script

14. “… a sales person is good and possibly better than the competition.” The underlined
word is closest in meaning to ….
A. always
B. probably
C. usually
D. Surely

KD 3.19
15. Rina : “I want the red dress displayed in the windows yesterday.”
Shopkeeper : “I’m sorry, it ___.”
A. has been selling
B. has been sold
C. has to be sold
D. has to sell

16. Robert : “Why do people in Lombok panic?”

Smith : “Their villages ___ by earthquake.”
A. are shaking
B. are shaken
C. were shaken
D. are being shaken

17. Melly : Why do you prefer “Luwes” Department Store to others?

Gea : Because the items ___ at a reasonable price.
A. is sold
B. are sold
C. was sold
D. were sold

18. Rocky :Do you know why The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the
Putri : Of course, because Forty percent of the world’s oxygen ___ there.
A. are being produced
B. is being produced
C. was produced
D. is produced

19. Tono : ‘Last night a thief broke into my neighbor’s house.’

Rio : ‘Really? What ___ from the house?’
A. he took
B. was taken
C. was taking
D. it was taken

20. Fadly : Roy, may I borrow your motorcycle?

Roy : Oh, sorry. It ___ now.
A. has sold it
B. is repairing
C. will have sold
D. is being repaired


KD 3.19
Rewrite the following sentences into Passive Voice
1. My sister makes amazing cookies
Amazing cookies are Made by my sister
2. He bought a brand new Ferrari
New Ferrari was bought by him
3. They finished the exams last Monday
The exams last Monday were finished by them
4. A lot of tourist visit Indonesia in summer
Indonesia is visited by a lot of tourist in summer
5. Old women usually sing traditional songs
Traditional songs are sung by old women

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