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Porras Gustavo

Arranger, Composer, Interpreter, Teacher

Costa Rica, Heredia

About the artist

Gustavo Porras is a guitarist and composer. He started his musical studies in 1996 at the age of 12 at the
Conservatory of Castella in Costa Rica. Later in 2008 Gustavo obtained the degree in Guitar and Music at
the National University of Costa Rica.
He has participated in numerous seminars given by renowned international musicians such as Manuel
Barrueco and Leo Brouwer. Besides Gustavo has also been a member of various musical groups and
ensembles in his country. He currently teaches and works for several music schools in Costa Rica

BUY MY MUSIC MP3 AVAILABLE ON: iTunes Store and CD Baby.com

FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/Gustavoguitarrista
YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/user/tavoguitarrista15
Qualification: Master in Guitar

About the piece

Title: Buenas Noches Nela [Lullaby]

Composer: Gustavo, Porras
Licence: Porras Gustavo © All rights reserved
Publisher: Gustavo, Porras
Instrumentation: Clarinet, Guitar
Style: Contemporary
Comment: Una canción de cuna para Marianela/ A lullaby to

Porras Gustavo on free-scores.com


■ Donate / Financial compensation

■ Download other works by this artist
This work is not Public Domain. You
■ Listen to his pieces
must contact the artist for any use
■ Contact the artist
outside the private area.
■ Write feedback comments
■ Share your mp3 recording of this piece

First added the : 2012-02-24 Last update : 2012-02-24 07:13:56

Para: Marianela Zuñiga

Buenas noches Nela

(Canción de cuna) Gustavo Porras
q=90 Muy cantado y dulce
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Clarinet in B b & c ∑ ∑ œ. œ œ œ œ


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2 Buenas noches Nela
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Buenas noches Nela 3
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˙ molto rit. ˙ ˙˙ ..

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