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In the course of the next three chapters, we’ll be studying conic sections, which as the name suggests, have
something to do with sections of a cone. Different ways of cutting a cone using a plane will give rise to different
We consider a (three-dimensional) double right circular as shown in the figure below, extended to infinity on both
sides, and with a semi-vertical angle θ .

A double right circular cone

θ extended to infinity on both
sides and with a semi-vertical
angle θ. V denotes the vertex
of this double-cone

Fig - 01
Now we use a plane to cut this double cone. Refer to the next figure and see that, depending on how we orient our
plane, we give rise to

(a) circles - we’ve already discussed circles in the previous chapter; we thus see that
circles are a particular sort of conic sections with the intersecting plane at
inclination π / 2 .
(b) parabola - we’ll discuss parabolas in this chapter; the intersecting plane for a parabola
is parallel to the slant of the cone, i.e., at an angle θ .

(c) ellipse - the intersecting plane is at an angle α > θ (α ≠ π / 2 since then a circle
will be formed)

(d) hyperbola - the intersecting plane is at an angle α < θ ; in this case, the plane
cuts both the top and bottom halves of the cone

Mathematics / Parabola



circle hyperbola
α=π/2 θ
ellipse α>θ


Depending on the orientation of the intersecting plane, different

types of conic section will be generated from the double cone
Fig - 02

The next figure shows that even straight lines, pairs of straight lines and in fact even a point can be considered as
sections of a cone. This is because these can be formed if the intersecting plane passes through the vertex of the
double cone.

A point is formed if the plane A straight line is formed if A pair of straight lines is
passes through only the vertex the plane is tangent to the formed if the plane passer
double-cone's surface through the vertex and
intersects both the top and
bottom halves of the cone
Fig - 03

These last three cases are termed degenerate cases of the conic sections. In our subsequent discussion, by conic
sections we will always imply only the no-degenerate cases, i.e, circles, parabolas, ellipses or hyperbolas.
Mathematics / Parabola

A very important property that a conic section C satisfies is this. It is the locus of a moving point P such that P's
distance from a fixed point is always in a constant ratio to its (perpendicular) distance from a fixed line. The fixed
point is called the focus of C while the fixed line is called the directrix of C. The constant ratio is called the
eccentricity of C and is denoted by e.

P A conic section C is the locus of

X a moving point P such that
= e (a constant)
F(a, b)
where PX is the perpendicular
The conic C distance of P from the directrix
L = 0 and F is the (fixed) focus.

L= 0
Fig - 04

For a circle, the eccentricity e is 0 because while the fixed point (the focus) is the centre of the circle, the fixed line
is assumed to be at infinity. Thus, PX in the figure above always remains infinitely large so that e = 0.
For the remaining conic sections, we have
Parabola : e=1
Ellipse : e<1
Hyperbola : e>1
Our discussions in this and the next two chapter deal separately with these three types of conics.


As just discussed, a parabola is the locus of a moving point P such that its distance from a fixed point (the focus F)
is always equal to its distance from a fixed line L = 0, the directrix.
For a start (and to make things easier), we assume F to be the point (a, 0) and the line L to be L ≡ x + a = 0. The
origin then lies mid-way between F and L. There’s no loss of generality in doing so since howsoever F and L may
lie in the plane, we can always (by a suitable choice of the axes) make the origin of our axes lie half-way between
F and L and the y-axis parallel to L.
We have chosen our co-ordinate axes in
such a way so that the origin O lies mid-way
between F and L = 0 and the y-axis is
parallel to L = 0.
F(a, 0) Thus, the co-ordinates of the focus F
x will be of the form (a, 0) while the
O (focus) directrix L = 0 will be given
by x + a = 0

L= 0
(Directrix) Fig - 05

Observe that since the origin O is equidistant from F and L = 0, it too lies on the parabola. Thus, our parabola will
pass through the origin.
Mathematics / Parabola

To find the equation representing the parabola, we assume the co-ordinates of point P lying on it as (x, y). Thus,
PF = ( x − a) 2 + y 2
 By P # L we mean the distance 
and P # L = ( x + a)  
of P from the line L = 0 

M P(x, y)
Note that
2 2
PF = (x – a) + y
x P # L = PM = (x + a)
F(a, 0)

Fig - 06

By the definition of a parabola, these two distances must always be equal so that
( x − a) 2 + y 2 = ( x + a )2
⇒ y 2 = 4ax : Equation of a parabola

This is referred to as the standard equation of the parabola with focus F(a, 0) and directrix L ≡ x + a = 0 .

When we actually plot the curve y 2 = 4ax, we obtain the following shape. Any point on this curve is always
equidistant from F (a, 0) and L ≡ x + a = 0 .

No matter where
P may lie
O on y = 4ax, its distance
F(a, 0) from F(a, 0) is always equal
to its distance from


Fig - 07

The line y = 0 which passes through the focus F(a, 0) as is perpendicular to the directrix x + a = 0 will be termed
the axis of the parabola. The origin, which is halfway between the focus and the directrix, will be termed the
vertex of the parabola.
It should now be obvious for you to deduce what the curve y 2 = 4ax will look like if a < 0. In this case, the focus
F(a, 0) lies on the negative x-axis while the directrix x + a = 0 is to the right of the origin:
Mathematics / Parabola

The curve y = 4ax
when a < 0
(a, 0)

Fig - 8
We can also deduce what the curve x 2 = 4ay will look like; just interchange the role of x and y. The focus and
directrix will change accordingly as described in the figure below
y y+a=0
O (vertex) x
(0, a)

x (0, a) a<0
O (vertex) (focus)

Fig - 09
In fact, we can now generalise this discussion to a parabola with vertex at V (h, k) and the axis parallel to the x-
axis or the y-axis. Note that in these parabolas, the focus lies at a distance of |a| from the vertex along the axis of
the parabola : V(h, k)
y y
a>0 a<0
x x

V(h, k)
2 2
Equation: (x – h) = 4a (y – k) Equation: (x – h) = 4a (y – k)

y y

x x
V(h, k)
V(h, k)
a>0 a<0

2 2
Equation: (y – k) = 4a (x – h) Equation: (y – k) = 4a (x – h)
Fig - 10
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 1

Plot the parabola given by the equation y 2 − 4 y + 4 x − 4 = 0 .

Solution: The given equation can be rearranged as

( y − 2) 2 = −4( x − 2)
This represents a parabola with vertex V(2, 2) and opening towards the left (the fourth case above
in Fig - 10) because a = –1 (negative).
The focus will lie at a distance 1 unit to the left of (2, 2), i.e. ,at (1, 2). The directrix will lie 1 unit to the
right of (2, 2), i.e. it will be x = 3.
The following figure shows this parabola:

The required parabola.

Can you find the
co-ordinates of A, B
F(1,2) and C ?
B x=3
Fig - 11

We now focus on some important terminology pertaining to parabolas. We will be using the parabola y 2 = 4ax as
illustration for this purpose; however, this discussion is general.
LATUS-RECTUM: This is a unique chord for a given parabola. It is the chord passing through the focus and
perpendicular to the axis of the parabola.
y2 = 4ax

AB is the latus rectum

x for this parabola
F(a, 0)

x +a = 0
Fig - 12
The length of the latus rectum can easily be evaluated. Substituting x = a in the equation
for the parabola gives two corresponding values for y,
Mathematics / Parabola

i.e., y = ±2a corresponding to A and B. Thus, the length AB is 4a.

Length of Latus-Rectum of
⇒ = 4a
y 2 = 4ax

From now on, we will abbreviate the latus-rectum as LR. The length of the LR can also
be seen to be 4a this way. Since A lies on the parabola, its distance from F, i.e., AF
must equal its distance from x +a = 0, which is 2a by inspection. Thus, AB = 2AF = 4a.
FOCAL-CHORD: Any chord passing through the focus of the parabola will be its focal chord. The LR is a
particular focal chord.
FOCAL DISTANCE: This, as the name suggests, is the distance of any point on the parabola from its focus,
and which will by definition, by equal to its distance from the directrix.

M P(x, y)
The focal distance of P(x, y) is PF
which equals PM.
x (the ⊥ distance of P from the directrix)
F The numerical value of
PM can be seen to be |x + a|

x +a = 0
Fig - 13

Focal distance of P( x, y )
= x+a
on y 2 = 4ax

We now finally turn our attention to the most general form for the equation of a parabola, i.e., suppose that we are
given an arbitrary fixed point F(h, k) and a fixed line L ≡ ax + by + c = 0 as the focus and directrix of the parabola.
What is its equation is such a case?
We use the definition for the parabola, i.e. any point P(x, y) lying on it must be equidistant from F and L.
P ( x , y) Any point P (x, y)
lying on the parabola
must be equidistant
from F and L

M F ( h , k)

L = ax + by + c = 0
Fig - 14

Mathematics / Parabola

Referring to the figure above, we have

PM 2 = PF 2

(ax + by + c)2
⇒ = ( x − h)2 + ( y − k ) 2 ...(1)
a +b
2 2

⇒ a 2 x 2 + b 2 y 2 + c 2 + 2abxy + 2acx + 2bcy

= (a 2 + b2 ){x 2 + y 2 + h2 + k 2 − 2hx − 2ky}

⇒ b 2 x 2 + a 2 y 2 − 2abxy − (2h( a 2 + b 2 ) + 2ac) x − (2k ( a 2 + b 2 ) + 2bc) y

+ (a 2 + b 2 )(h 2 + k 2 ) − c 2 = 0
Whatever the coefficients maybe, we see that the equation of a parabola in general has the form

Ax 2 + 2 Hxy + By 2 + 2Gx + 2 Fy + C = 0 ...(2)

So that (2) can be expressed in the form (1) (only then can (2) represent a parabola), it can be shown that the
coefficients in (2) must satisfy the relations

∆= H B F ≠ 0 and H 2 = AB

This is left to the rigor-bent reader as an exercise

Example – 2

Find the equation of the parabola with focus F(–1, –2) and directrix L ≡ x − 2 y + 3 = 0.
Solution: Assuming P(x, y) to be any point on the parabola, we must have, by virtue of P being equidistant from
F and L,

( x − 2 y + 3) 2
= ( x + 1) 2 + ( y + 2)2

⇒ x 2 + 4 y 2 + 9 − 4 xy + 6 x − 12 y = 5 x 2 + 5 y 2 + 10 x + 20 y + 25

⇒ 4 x 2 + y 2 + 4 xy + 4 x + 32 y + 16 = 0
This is the required equation.

Example – 3

Find the length of the LR of the parabola 4 y 2 + 12 x − 12 y + 39 = 0

Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: The equation can be rearranged as (verify)

 3  5
 y −  = −3  x + 
 2  2
 3 3  5
⇒  y −  = −4 ×   ×  x + 
 2 4  2
This is of the form
 3
Y 2 = −4aX a = 
 4

3 5
i.e. this is a parabola with vertex  ,  and axis parallel to the x-axis. The parabola opens to the
2 2
left. We are only concerned with the length of the LR which is simply 4a, i.e. 3 units.

Example – 4

The axis of a parabola is the line L1 : 3x + 4 y − 4 = 0 and the tangent to it at the vertex is L2 : 4 x − 3 y + 7 = 0.
The LR is 4 units in length. Find the equation of the parabola.
Solution: Consider for a moment, the co-ordinate axes system formed by L1 and L2.
L1 : 3x + 4y – 4 = 0
B P(x, y) L2 : 4x – 3y + 7 = 0


Fig - 15
If L1 and L2 were truly the actual co-ordinate axes, the equation of the parabola would have been

y 2 = 4ax
⇒ PA2 = (Length of LR ) × PB ...(1)
Now, even if we use some other co-ordinate system (here the L1– L2 system), the relation (1) will still
hold since that only depends on lengths which are invariant with respect to the co-ordinate system
chosen. Thus, simply applying (1) will give us the required equation :
 3x + 4 y − 4  4x − 3 y + 7
  = (4) ×
 5  5
⇒ (3x + 4 y − 4)2 = ±20(4 x − 3 y + 7)
Thus, as might have been expected, we’ll obtain two parabolas with the given property, one opening
to the ‘left’ and one to the ‘right’ in the L1– L2 co-ordinate system.
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 5
Show that the locus of the middle points of all chords of the parabola y 2 = 4ax which pass through the origin, is
another parabola.
Solution: Let OP be any such chord of the parabola, where O is the origin (0, 0) and P is the point (h, k) lying
somewhere on the parabola. We then have
k2 = 4ah (∵ P lies on the parabola)
P ( h , k)

P' ( h , k )
2 2

Fig - 16

h k
The mid-point of OP, say P' is clearly  ,  .
2 2
Since k 2 = 4ah, we have
k h
  = 2a  
2 2
⇒ y 2 = 2ax ...(1)
h k
where we used (x, y) instead of  ,  to specify the equation of the locus of P' in the conventional
2 2
x – y form.
(1) shows that the required locus is another parabola, which has the same vertex and axis.
PARAMETRIC FORM : The parabola y 2 = 4ax is a lot of times specified not in the standard x − y form but

OF y 2 = 4ax instead in a parametric form, i.e., in terms of a parameter, say t.

The equation y 2 = 4ax can be equivalently written in parametric form

x = at 2 , y = 2at
This is easily verifiable by substitution. Thus, for any value of t, the point (at2, 2at) will
always lie on the parabola y 2 = 4ax. Different values of t give rise to different points on
the parabola.
The point (at2, 2at) is many times referred to as simply the point t.
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 6

From a point t on y 2 = 4ax, a focal chord is drawn. Find the other end-point of this chord.

Solution: Let the other end-point be the point t1. Thus, the co-ordinates of the two ends of the chord are
(at2, 2at) and (at12 , 2at1 ) .

F(a, 0)

y =4ax

Fig - 17
The equation of this chord is therefore

y − 2at 2at − 2at1

= 2 ..(1)
x − at 2 at − at12

Since this chord is a focal chord, the coordinates of F, i.e. (a, 0) must satisfy (1)

−2at 2a (t − t1 )
⇒ =
a − at 2
a (t 2 − t12 )

−t 1
⇒ =
1− t 2
t + t1

⇒ −t 2 − tt1 = 1 − t 2

⇒ tt1 = −1

This very widely used result simply states that the product of the two end-points t and t1 of any focal
chord will be –1.

Example – 7

Let O be the origin and AB be any focal chord of the parabola y 2 = 4ax. A is the point t. Find

(a) the minimum area of ∆OAB

(b) the locus of the centroid of ∆OAB

Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: Since AB is a focal chord, the point B is − . Thus, the co-ordinates of A and B are (at2, 2at)
a 2a 
and  2 , −  respectively.
t t 

at 2 0
1 2a
(a) area ( ∆OAB ) = 2at − 0
2 t
1 1 1

(Expanding along C3)

1 2a 2 
=  − 2 a 2
t − 
2 t 
 1
= − a 2 t + 
 t
is minimum when t = ±1 the
From calculus, we can easily deduce that the magnitude of t +
minimum magnitude is hence 2: Thus, the minimum area of ∆OAB is 2a2. This occurs when AB
is the LR, as might have been expected by symmetry.

Area of ∆OAB is
x minimum when
O (a, 0) AB is the LR

Fig - 18

(b) Let (h, k) be the co-ordinates of the centroid of ∆OAB .

We have,

a 2a
at 2 + 2
+0 2at − +0
h= t , k= t
3 3

1 3h 1 3k
⇒ t2 + 2
= , t− =
t a t 2a
Mathematics / Parabola

Squaring the second relation, we obtain

1 9k 2
t2 + − 2 =
t2 4a 2
Using the first relation in this,

3h 9k 2
−2= 2
a 4a

⇒ 12 ah − 8a 2 = 9 k 2

 2a 
⇒ 4a  h −  = 3k

 3 

We now use (x, y) instead of ( h, k); the locus of the centroid is

 2a 
3 y 2 = 4a  x − 
 3 


LENGTH OF ANY: Through a point t, a focal chord is drawn in the parabola y 2 = 4ax . The other
end-point of this chord is, as described earlier, − .
Therefore, the length of this chord is

2 2
 a  2a 
lt =  at 2 − 2  +  2at + 
 t   t 

 1  1
= a t +  t −  + 4
 t  t

 1
= a t + 
 t

The minimum length for any focal chord is evidently obtained when t = ±1, which gives
us the LR. Thus, the smallest focal chord in any parabola is its LR.

Example – 8

Prove that the circle described on any focal chord of a parabola as diameter will touch the directrix.

Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: Let the equation of the parabola be y 2 = 4ax so that the equation of the circle described on any focal
chord as diameter can be written as
 a  2a 
( x − at 2 )  x − 2  + ( y − 2at )  y + =0 ...(1)
 t   t 
The directrix is x + a = 0. To show that it touches the circle given by (1), it is sufficient to show that
substituting x = –a in (1) will give us only one value of y:

 a  2a 
⇒ ( − a − at 2 )  − a − 2  + ( y − 2at )  y + =0
 t   t 

(t 2 + 1)2  2a 
⇒ a2
+ y 2 +  − 2at  y − 4a 2 = 0
t  t 
1   1
⇒ y 2 + 2a  − t  y + a 2  t −  = 0
t   t
This can evidently be written as a perfect square :
  1 
 y − a  t −  = 0
  t 
 1
⇒ y = at − 
 t
Only one value of y implies that the directrix touches the circle.
We can also prove the stated assertion geometrically simply by using the properties of a parabola.
Consider any focal chord of the parabola, say AB; the next figures show the circle described on AB
and the directrix of the parabola on different sketches.

y y

x x


Fig - 19

Let O be the centre of the circle so described. To show that it touches the directrix, we have to show
its radius, say OC, is equal to the its perpendicular distance of O from the directrix.

Mathematics / Parabola

Consider the second sketch. In trapezium XABY, since O is the mid point of AB, we have
AX + BY = 2OD ...(1)
Since A lies on the parabola, we have by definition, AX = AF. Similarly, BY = BF. Thus,
AX + BY = AF + BF = AB = 2AO ...(2)
(1) and (2) give OD = OA which implies OD is a radius of the circle, i.e. OD = OC. Thus, the circle
touches the directrix.

Example – 9
Through the vertex O of a parabola y 2 = 4 x, chords OP and OQ are drawn at right angles to one another. Show
that for all positions of P, PQ cuts the axis of the parabola at a fixed point. Also find the locus of the middle point
of PQ.
Solution: Let P and Q be the points t1 and t2 so that their co-ordinates are (t12 , 2t1 ) and (t22 , 2t2 ) respectively.
P(t1 ,2t 1)


Q(t2 ,2t2)

Fig - 20
Since PO ⊥ OQ, we have
2t1 − 0 2t 2 − 0
× = −1
t12 − 0 t22 − 0

⇒ 4t1t2 + t12t22 = 0
⇒ t1t2 (t1t2 + 4) = 0
⇒ t1t2 = −4 (since both t1 and t2 are non-zero)
The equation of the chord PQ is
y − 2t1 2t1 − 2t2
PQ : = 2 2
x − t12 t1 − t2

⇒ (t1 + t2 )( y − 2t1 ) = 2( x − t12 )

⇒ (t1 + t2 ) y − 2t12 − 2t1t2 = 2 x − 2t12

⇒ 2 x − (t1 + t2 ) y + 2t1t2 = 0
⇒ 2 x − (t1 + t2 ) y − 8 = 0 (since t1t2 = –4)

Mathematics / Parabola

It is evident that this line always passes through (4, 0), whatever the value of t1 (and hence t2) may be.
The mid-point M(h, k) of PQ is given by

t12 + t22 2t + 2t2

h= ,k= 1
2 2
t1 and t2 can easily be eliminated from these relations using t1t2 = –4, to obtain

k 2 = 2h − 8
The locus of M is therefore

y 2 = 2( x − 4)

Example – 10

Let PQ be a variable focal chord of length l of the parabola y 2 = 4ax. From the vertex of this parabola, a
perpendicular is dropped into this focal chord; d is the length of this perpendicular. Prove that ld 2 = 4 a 3 .

Solution Let P be the point t so that Q is − , since PQ is the focal chord. We have
 a  2a 
PQ = l =  at 2 − 2  +  2at + 
 t   t 
 1
= a t +  (as in Example -7) ...(1)
 t
The equation of PQ is
y − 2at t
x − at 2 a
x− 2
 1
⇒ y  t −  = 2 x − 2a ...(2)
 t
The length of the perpendicular form the vertex, which is (0, 0), to PQ is,
 1
4 + t − 
 t

4a 2
⇒ d2 = 2
 1 ...(3)
t + 
 t
From (1) and (3), we have ld 2 = 4 a 3 .
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 11

P( x1 , y1 ) is a fixed point in the plane. How can we determine whether P lies inside or outside the parabola
y 2 = 4ax ?
Solution: Let us consider the case when a > 0. Then the parabola will open towards the right.

Consider the point P( x1 , y1 ) lying in the plane as shown below :

P ( x 1 , y1 )

Q(x1, y0)

y = 4ax

Fig - 21

Since Q lies on the parabola, y02 = 4ax1

Since y1 > y0 , we have y12 > 4ax1 or y12 − 4 ax1 > 0 ; similarly, if P were to lie below the parabola,
the same condition would be satisfied.
If P were to lie in the left half-plane, this condition would automatically be satisfied since x would be
negative. Thus, we can now state the relative position of the point P(x1, y1) in terms of the equation
S ( x, y ) = y 2 − 4ax as follows :

S ( x1 , y1 ) > 0 ⇒ P lies outside the parabola

S ( x1 , y1 ) = 0 ⇒ P lies on the parabola

S ( x1 , y1 ) < 0 ⇒ P lies inside the parabola.

Verify that these conditions would hold true if a < 0 too.

Example – 12

A circle on any focal chord of a parabola as diameter cuts the curve again in P and Q. Show that PQ passes
through a fixed point.
Solution: In example -8, we wrote the equation of a circle described on any focal chord as diameter in terms of
one of its end points t0.

 a  2a 
( x − at02 )  x − 2  + ( y − 2at0 )  y +  = 0 ...(1)
 t0   t0 

Mathematics / Parabola

The intersection of this circle with the parabola can be evaluated by using the parametric form of the
parabola :

x = at 2 , y = 2at ...(2)

Using (2) in (1), we obtain

 1  1
a 2 (t 2 − t02 )  t 2 − 2  + 4a 2 (t − t0 )  t +  = 0
 t0   t0 

 1  1
⇒ t 4 + t 2  4 − t02 − 2  − 4t  t0 −  − 3 = 0 ...(3)
 t0   t0 

This has four roots in t, meaning that the circle intersects the parabola in four points, two of which are
obviously t0 and − (since these are the points using which the circle has been described in the first
place !).

Let the other two point P and Q be t1 and t2. Thus t0 , − , t1 , t2 are the roots of (3):

 1  1
t0 +  −  + t1 + t2 = 0 ; t0 ⋅  −  ⋅ t1 ⋅ t2 = −3
 t0   t0 

⇒ t1 + t2 = − t0 and t1t2 = 3 ...(4)

The co-ordinates of P and Q are (at12 , 2at1 ) and (at22 , 2at2 ). Thus, the equation of PQ becomes :

y − 2at1 2a (t1 − t2 )
PQ : =
x − at12 a (t12 − t22 )

⇒ (t1 + t2 ) y = 2 x + 2at1t2 ...(5)

Using (4) in (5), we obtain

1 
 − t 0  y = 2 x + 6a
 t0 
This is always satisfied by (–3a, 0), no matter what the value of t0 may be. Thus, PQ always passes
through the fixed point (–3a, 0).

Example – 13

Find the length of the intercept that the parabola y 2 = 4ax makes on the line y = mx + c.

Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: Let the end-points of the intercept be A and B :

y y=mx + c


Fig - 22
The co-ordinates of A and B can be evaluated by simultaneously solving the equation of the line and
the parabola :
y = mx + c
y 2 = 4ax
⇒ (mx + c) 2 = 4ax
⇒ m 2 x 2 + (2mc − 4a ) x + c 2 = 0 ...(1)
The first point to be noted from this quadratic is that the line will intersect the parabola in two distinct
points only if the D of (1) is positive, because only then will two distinct values of x be obtained (the
case when m = ∞ gives two distinct points of intersection for one value of x, but that can be considered
separately; in that case, the quadratic (1) will not be formed). We thus have,
⇒ (mc − 2a) 2 > m 2c 2
⇒ 4 amc < 4 a 2

⇒ mc < a (a is +ve here)

Thus, the line will intersect the parabola only if a > mc. If a = mc, the line will be a tangent to the
parabola. If a < cm, the line will not intersect the circle at all.
Assuming that D > 0, suppose that the roots of (1) are x1 and x2:

4a − 2mc c2
x + x2 = , x1 x2 = 2
m2 m
⇒ ( x1 − x2 )2 = ( x1 + x2 )2 − 4 x1 x2
(4a − 2mc )2 4c 2
= − 2
m4 m
16a 2 + 4m 2c 2 − 16amc − 4m 2c 2
16a ( a − mc)

Mathematics / Parabola

The corresponding y co-ordinates for x1 and x2 are

y1 = mx1 + c and y2 = mx2 + c

so that y2 − y1 = m( x2 − x1 ) .
The length AB (intercept) is now simply

AB = ( x1 − x2 ) 2 + ( y1 − y2 ) 2

= ( x1 − x2 ) 2 + m 2 ( x1 − x2 ) 2

4 a ( a − mc)
= 2
⋅ 1 + m2
This result need not be remembered. What is important is that you understand the underlying approach.
From this example, we can deduce one more useful thing : for a non-zero variable m ∈ ", the line
y = mx + will always be a tangent to the circle. Verify that the point of contact of this tangent with
 a 2a 
the parabola is  2 ,  . We’ll discuss tangents in more detail in the next section.
m m 

Example – 14

Let P be the point (2a, 0) and QR be a variable chord of the parabola y 2 = 4ax passing through P. Prove that

1 1
+ = constant
Solution: Since distances are involved, we can use the polar form for a straight line to write the equation of QR.
Let PQ = r1 and PR = r2. Also, let QR be at an inclination θ.

P(2a, 0)

R y =4 ax
Fig - 23

Mathematics / Parabola

The co-ordinates of any point on QR can be written as (in terms of its distance r from P)
(2a + r cos θ, r sin θ). If this lies on the parabola, we have

r 2 sin 2 θ = 4a(2a + r cos θ)

⇒ r 2 sin 2 θ − 4ar cos θ − 8a 2 = 0 ...(1)

Since Q and R lie on the parabola, r1 and r2 must satisfy (1).
4a cos θ −8a 2
r1 + r2 = , r r
1 2 = ...(2)
sin 2 θ sin 2 θ
1 1 1 1
+ 2
= 2+ 2
PQ PR r1 r2

r12 + r22
(r1r2 ) 2
(r1 + r2 ) 2 − 2r1r2
(r1r2 )2

16a 2 cos 2 θ 16a 2

+ 2
= sin 4
θ sin θ
64a 4
(using (2))
sin 4 θ
= 2
which is a constant.

Example – 15
Find all the points on the x-axis from which exactly three distinct chords of the circle x 2 + y 2 = a 2 can be drawn
which are bisected by the parabola y 2 = 4ax (a > 0).
Solution: Let such a point be P(h, 0). We need to find the possible values that h can take.

We need to find all points P

O P(h, 0) such that three chords of the
x circle can be drawn passing
A through P which are bisected
by the parabola

Fig - 24
Mathematics / Parabola

Note that one such chord will always be simply along the x-axis because it is bisected by the parabola
at the origin.

Referring to Fig - 24, let C be the point t so that its co-ordinates are (at 2 , 2at ). We can write the
equation of the chord of the circle x 2 + y 2 = a 2 bisected at C as

T (at 2 , 2at ) = S ( at 2 , 2at )

⇒ tx + 2 y = at 3 + 4at
Since this passes through P(h, 0), we have

th = at 3 + 4 at

⇒ t (at 2 + (4a − h)) = 0 ...(1)

One of the roots of (1) is t = 0 which corresponds to the case already mentioned, the diameter along
the x-axis.
The other two roots are real and distinct from zero if

−4 > 0

⇒ h > 4a ...(2)
If you think carefully, you will realise that an additional constraint has to be imposed, namely, a limit on
the value of t so that (at 2 , 2at ) lies inside the circle, since only then will a chord be formed. Thus,

(at 2 )2 + (2at )2 < a 2

⇒ t2 < 5 − 2 ...(3)

From (1), we can see that (3) can equivalently be written as

−4< 5−2

⇒ h < ( 5 + 2) a
From (2) and (3), we see that the possible range of h is

( (
h ∈ 4a , 5+2 a ))

Mathematics / Parabola


Q. 1 Find the equation of the parabola with vertex (2, –3) and focus (0, 5).

Q. 2 Find the equation of the parabola with vertex at (2,1) and directrix x = y –1.

Q. 3 Find the locus of the middle points of all chords of the parabola y 2 = 4ax which are drawn through
the vertex.

Q. 4 Find the length of the side of the equilateral triangle inscribed in the parabola y 2 = 4ax , with one
vertex at the origin.

Q. 5 Find the locus of a point which divides a chord of slope 2 of the parabola y 2 = 4 x internally in the
ratio 1 : 2.

Q. 6 Find the locus of the centre of the circle described on any focal chord of the parabola y 2 = 4ax as

Q. 7 Find the locus of the mid-points of all chords of length C of the parabola y 2 = 4ax .

Q. 8 Two chords of the parabola y 2 = 4ax passing through its vertex are perpendicular to each other. If p1
and p2 be the lengths of these chords, prove that

( p1 p2 )4 = (16a 2 ( p12 / 3 + p22 / 3 ))3

Q. 9 Consider a variable chord PQ through the focus of y 2 = 4ax . The straight line joining P to the vertex
cuts the line joining Q to the point (–a, 0) at R. Find the locus of R.

Q. 10 From the vertex of the parabola y 2 = 4ax , a pair of chords is drawn, perpendicular to each other.
With those chords as adjacent sides a rectangle is completed. Find the locus of the vertex of the
rectangle opposite to the vertex of the parabola.

Mathematics / Parabola

Section - 2 TANGENTS

In this section, we discuss tangents to parabolas and various properties that they will satisfy. As always, y 2 = 4ax
is the parabola used for illustration but the discussion can obviously be generalised.
TANGENT AT: Suppose a point P(x1 y1) is given on the parabola, and we need to find the equation of
P (x1, y1) the tangent at P. The slope of the tangent can easily be evaluated by differentiating the
equation of the parabola :
y 2 = 4ax

⇒ 2y = 4a

dy 2a
⇒ =
dx y

dy 2a
⇒ =
dx at P ( x1 , y1 ) y1

Thus, the equation of the tangent is

y − y1 = ( x − x1 )

⇒ yy1 = 2ax − 2 ax1 + y12

⇒ yy1 = 2ax − 2ax1 + 4ax12 (∵ y12 = 4ax1 )

⇒ yy1 = 2a( x + x1 ) ...(1)

This equation is sometimes written concisely as T ( x1 , y1 ) = 0 where the interpretation

of T is understood to be as in (1)

TANGENT AT: A lot many times, the point P is specified in its parametric form and we need to find the
P(at2, 2at) equation of the tangent in terms of the parameter t. This can be done by replacing
(x1, y1) with (at2, 2at) in the equation of the tangent just obtained :
yy1 = 2a ( x + x1 )

⇒ 2aty = 2a( x + at 2 )

⇒ ty = x + at 2

This form of the tangent is very widely used and it is best for you to commit it to
Mathematics / Parabola

TANGENT OF Suppose that we are required to find the equation of the tangent with slope m.
SLOPE m: We did so in the last section when we found the intersection of the line y = mx + c with
the parabola and obtained the condition for tangency to be
The equation of the tangent thus obtained was

y = mx +
This line is a tangent to the parabola for all non-zero values of m.
The same equation can be obtained using a derivatives approach also. You are urged to
do so as an exercise.

Example – 16
Show that the tangents at the extremities of any focal chord of a parabola intersect at right angles at the directrix.

Solution: Let the extremities of the focal chord be t1 and t2 so that t1t2 = –1. The equations to the tangents at t1
and t2 are

t1 y = x + at12

t2 y = x + at22
The intersection point can easily be evaluated by solving these two equations to be
(at1t2 , a(t1 + t2 )) = (− a, a(t1 + t2 )) since t1t2 = −1. Since the x-coordinate of the point of intersection
is –a, it lies on the directrix x + a = 0. Also, note that the slopes of the two tangents are m1 = and
1 1
m2 = so that m1m2 = = −1. Thus, the tangents intersect at right angles on the directrix.
t2 t1t2

T y
P(at12 , 2at1 )

The tangents at P and Q

F(a, 0) intersect at right angles
x on the directrix, i.e
∠ PTQ = 90º

Q (at2 ,2at2 )

Fig - 25

Note that T will also be the point at which the circle drawn on PQ as diameter touches the directrix,
since ∠PTQ is 90° which then becomes an angle in the semi circle.
Mathematics / Parabola

POINT OF : There’s a particular relation we obtained while solving the last example which is important
INTERSECTION enough to be highlighted explicitly. If tangents are drawn to y 2 = 4ax at t1 and t2, their
OF TANGENTS AT point of intersection will be
t1 and t2.
at1t2 , a (t1 + t2 )

Example – 17

Prove that the orthocentre of any triangle formed by three tangents to a parabola lies on its directrix.

Solution: Let the equation of the parabola be y 2 = 4ax so that its directrix is x + a = 0. We need to show that
the x-coordinate of the orthocentre is –a.
Assume any three points on the parabola as t1, t2, t3. The points of intersections of the three tangents
to the parabola on these three points will be

P(at1t2 , a(t1 + t2 )), Q(at2t3 , a(t2 + t3 )), R(at3t1 , a(t3 + t1 ))

Let us find the equation of the altitude through P on QR.

+ − +
The slope of QR is a (t2 t3 ) a (t3 t1 ) = 1
at2t3 − at3t1 t3

Therefore, the equation of the altitude through P is

y − a(t1 + t2 ) = −t3 ( x − at1t2 )

⇒ y + t3 x = a(t1 + t2 + t1t2 t3 ) ...(1)

By symmetry we can write the altitude from Q onto PR as

y + t1 x = a(t2 + t3 + t1t 2t3 ) ...(2)

By (1) – (2), we have

(t3 − t1 ) x = a (t1 − t3 )

⇒ x = −a
Thus, the stated assertion is true.

Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 18

Let P be any point on the parabola with focus F. A perpendicular PM is dropped from P onto the directrix as
shown :



Fig - 26
Prove that the tangent at P to the parabola bisects the angle FPM.

Solution: Let the equation of the parabola be y 2 = 4ax, and let P be the point t. Thus, F is the point (a, 0) while
N is (–a, 0). By definition, we have

But PM is PX + XM i.e., at 2 + a. Thus PF = a + at2.

Now, the equation of the tangent at P is

ty = x + at 2

This intersects the x-axis at the point Q(−at 2 , 0).


FQ = FO + OQ

= a + at 2

We see that in ∆PFQ,


⇒ ∠FPQ = ∠FQP ...(1)

But since PM is parallel to the x -axis, we also have

∠FQP = ∠QPM ...(2)

From (1) and (2), we obtain ∠FPQ = ∠QPM which means that the tangent at P bisects ∠FPM .

Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 19

Refer to Fig - 26 of the previous example. Prove that angle PFS is a right angle.

Solution: The equation of the tangent at P (at 2 , 2at ) is

ty = x + at 2

 a (t 2 − 1) 
This intersects the directrix at a point given by  − a, 
 t 

The slope of PF is

2at 2t
mPF = = 2
at − a t − 1

The slope of SF is

a (t 2 − 1)
t a (t 2 − 1)
mSF = =
−2a −2t

Since mPF × mSF = −1, angle PFS is a right angle.

Example – 20

Refer to Fig - 26 of Example 18 again. Show that angle FRP is a right angle.

Solution: Once again, we use the equation of the tangent at P (at 2 , 2at ) :

ty = x + at 2
This intersects the y-axis at the point R(0, at). The slope of PR is simply the slope of the tangent at P,
i.e. mPR =
The slope of RF is

at − 0
mRF = = −t

Since mPR × mRF = −1, angle FRP is a right angle.

Mathematics / Parabola

The result of the last three examples are important, so we summarize them here :
* (A) The tangent at any point on a parabola bisects the angle between the focal chord through that
point and the perpendicular on the directrix from that point (Example-18).
* (B) The portion of the tangent to a parabola cut-off between the directrix and the curve subtends a
right angle at the focus (Example -19).
* (C) The perpendicular dropped from the focus onto any tangent to a parabola is concurrent with that
tangent and the tangent at the vertex (Example -20)
Along with these, we include a fourth important result here.
* (D) The tangents at the extremities of any focal chord of a parabola intersect at right angles on the
directrix. (Example -16)

Example – 21

Three tangents to a parabola form the triangle PQR. Prove that the circumcircle of PQR passes through the focus
of the parabola.

Solution: We assume the parabola to be y 2 = 4ax and three points on it to be A(at12 , 2at1 ), B(at22 , 2at2 ) and
C ( at32 , 2at3 ). Tangents at A, C and B meet at P, Q and R as shown :

R A(at 12 ,2at1)

2 We need to show that the

B(at2 ,2at2)
P circumcircle of PQR passes
through the focus F, or
x equivalently, the point X is
X the same as F.

C(at32 ,2at3)

Fig - 27

The co-ordinates of the points P, Q and R are respectively (at1t3 , a (t1 + t2 )), (at2t3 , a (t 2 + t3 ) and
(at1t2 , a(t1 + t2 )) .
To show that the circumcircle passes through F, it would suffice to prove that the chord PQ subtends
the same angle on F as it does on R. Since a chord of a circle subtends equal angles anywhere on the
circumference, this will prove that F also lies on the circumference of the circle.
Mathematics / Parabola

To evaluate ∠PRQ, we need the slopes of PR and RQ which are simply the slopes of the tangents at
A and B respectively, i.e.

1 1
mPR = and mRQ =
t1 t2


mPR − mRQ
tan(∠PRQ ) =
1 + mPR mRQ

t2 − t1
= ...(1)
1 + t1t2

Now, to evaluate the angle that the chord PQ subtends at F, we need to slopes mPF and mQF :

a (t1 + t3 ) a (t + t )
mPF = and mQF = 2 3
at1t3 − a at2t3 − a

t1 + t3 t +t
⇒ mPF = and mQF = 2 3
t1t3 − 1 t 2t3 − 1


mPF − mQF
tan(∠PFQ ) =
1 + mPF mQF

(t1 + t3 )(t2t3 − 1) − (t2 + t3 )(t1t3 − 1)

(t1t3 − 1)(t2t3 − 1) + (t1 + t3 )(t2 + t3 )

t2 − t1
= ...(2)
1 + t1t2

Comparing (1) and (2) gives ∠PRQ = ∠PFQ which confirms that F does indeed lie on the
circumference of ∆PQR′s circumcircle.
We could alternatively have done this question by explicitly evaluating the equation of the circle passing
through P, Q and R and showing the F satisfies that equation.

Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 22

Find the equation of the common tangent(s) to

(a) y 2 = 4ax and ( x + a) 2 + y 2 = a 2

(b) y 2 = 4 x and x 2 = 4 y

Solution: (a) The equation of any tangent to y 2 = 4ax can be written as

ty = x + at 2
If this is to touch the circle too, the distance of the circle’s centre, i.e. (a, 0) from this line must be
equal to its radius a. Thus,

−a + at 2
1+ t2

(1 − t 2 ) 2 = (1 + t 2 )

⇒ 1 + t 4 − 2t 2 = 1 + t 2

⇒ t 2 (t 2 − 3) = 0

⇒ t=± 3 (t = 0 is not a feasible solution for this case)

Thus, the required common tangents are

± 3 y = x + 3a

(b) Any tangent to y 2 = 4 x can be assumed to be of the form

ty = x + t 2 ( since a = 1 for this case )

If this line is to be tangent to x 2 = 4 y too, its intersection with this curve must yield only one point.

 x2 
t   = x + t2
 4

must yield only one root, i.e. its D must equal O.

This gives

16 + 16t 3 = 0

⇒ t = −1

Mathematics / Parabola
The required common tangent is thus
x + y +1 = 0

x =4y
A The common tangent
x to the two parabolas,
y =4 x
Fig - 28

Example – 23

Find the angle(s) at which the curves y 2 = 4 x and x 2 = 4 y intersect.

Solution: Recall how we defined the angle of intersection of two curves in the unit on Circles : the angles
between their respective tangents at the point of intersection. It is evident by simple substitution that
the two parabolas given intersect at (0, 0) and (4, 4).



Fig - 29

The tangents to the two parabolas at the origin can be seen to be perpendicular by inspection. The
two curves therefore intersect at 90° at the origin.
At (4, 4), the tangent to y 2 = 4 x has the slope
dy 2 1
m1 = = =
dx (4,4) y (4,4) 2

and the tangent to x 2 = 4 y has the slope

dy x
m2 = = =2
dx (4,4) 2 (4,4)
Thus, the angle of intersection at (4, 4) is given by
tan θ = 2 =3
1 4
1+ 2 ⋅
⇒ θ = tan (3 / 4)
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 24
Tangents PQ and PR are drawn to y 2 = 4ax from an external point P. Another tangent is drawn at a point S on
the parabola. Perpendiculars from P, Q and R are dropped onto this tangent, and their lengths are p1, p2 and p3.
Prove that p12 = p2 p3 .
Solution: The following diagram makes the situation clear.

F1 p2

The tangent drawn at S is the
P p1 line T. Perpendiculars from
P, Q and R onto T are of
F2 length p1, p2 and p3 respectively.
V We need to prove that
F3 p 12 = p2 p3
p3 R

Fig - 30

We assume the points Q and R to be (at12 , 2at1 ) and (at22 , 2at2 ) so that P is (at1t2 , a(t1 + t2 )).

Let S be the point t, so that the tangent at S is

ty = x + at 2
We now evaluate the three perpendiculars p1, p2 and p3.

at1t2 − at (t1 + t2 ) + at 2 a (t − t1 )(t − t2 )

p1 = =
1+ t2 1+ t2
at12 − 2att1 + at 2 a (t − t1 )2
p2 = =
1+ t2 1+ t2
at22 − 2att2 + at 2 a (t − t2 ) 2
p3 = =
1+ t2 1+ t2
It is now evident that p12 = p2 p3 .
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 25

Referring to the figure of Example 24 above, prove that

+ =1

Solution: Note that

∆PUF2 ∼ ∆QUF1

⇒ =

PF2 PU p
⇒ = = 1 (∵ PF2 = p1 , QF1 = p2 )
QF1 QU p2

PU p1
⇒ =
PQ p1 + p2

Similarly, ∆PVF2 ∼ ∆RVF3 so that

PV p1
PR p1 + p3


PU PV p1 p1
+ = +
PQ PR p1 + p2 p1 + p3

p1 (2 p1 + p2 + p3 )
p + p1 p2 + p1 p3 + p2 p3

2 p2 p3 + p1 p2 + p1 p3  Using p12 = p2 p3 from 

=  
2 p2 p3 + p1 p2 + p1 p3  the last example 


Mathematics / Parabola


Q. 1 A, B and C are three points on the parabola y 2 = 4ax whose y-coordinates are in GP. Prove that the
tangents at A and C will meet at a point whose y-coordinates is the same as that of point B.

Q. 2 A chord of the parabola y 2 = 4ax subtends a right angle at the vertex. What is the locus of the point
of intersection of tangents at its extremities ?

Q. 3 From an arbitrary point P on the directrix, a tangent PQ is drawn to the parabola y 2 = 4ax . Find the
locus of the mid-point of PQ.

Q. 4 Prove that the mid-point of the intercept made on a tangent to a parabola by the tangents at two fixed
points A and B lies on the tangent which is parallel to AB.

Q. 5 If two tangents to a parabola intercept a constant length on any fixed tangent, prove that the locus of
their point to intersection is another parabola with its LR being of the same length as the original

Mathematics / Parabola

Section - 3 NORMALS

Many properties of normals in parabolas are non-trivial and important enough to be discussed independently of
tangents. This is what we do here. Once again, we use the parabola y 2 = 4ax for illustration purposes although
the discussion can easily be generalised.

EQUATION OF : Let P( x1 , y1 ) be a point on the parabola; thus y12 = 4ax1 .

NORMALAT P(x1, y1) The slope of the tangent at P is
dy 2a
mT = =
dx ( x1 , y1 ) y1

Thus, the slope of the normal is

− y1
mN =

The equation of the normal at ( x1 , y1 ) can now be written using point-slope form:

− y1
y − y1 = ( x − x1 )

EQUATION OF : The point P is now given in parametric form. Using the equation of the normal
NORMAL AT P(at2,2at) derived above, we can write the equation in parametric form by using (at2, 2at)
instead of (x1, y1) :

y − 2at = − ( x − at 2 )

⇒ y + tx = 2at + at 3

Note that this normal has slope m = –t. Thus, the same equation can also be
specified in terms of slope as described below.

EQUATION OF : Instead of t, we use –m in the equation above :

NORMAL WITH y − mx = −2am − am3
⇒ y = mx − 2am − am3
Note that this is the normal at the point (at 2, 2at) which in terms of m is (am2, –2am).

Mathematics / Parabola

The cubic equation in m hints that from a given point P, three normals can be drawn to the parabola. Let us try to
prove this. Suppose that the point P is (h, k). Since the normal (s) of slope m passes through P, we have

k = mh − 2am − am3

⇒ am3 + (2a − h)m − k = 0 ...(1)

This gives three values of m, say m1, m2 and m3 and thus three corresponding normals. However, the roots m1, m2
and m3 may not all be real. Two of them could be imaginary (one will always be real). Thus, depending on the
coefficients in(1), we could either have one or three normals from P to the parabola. (There is also the possibility
of two identical roots in which case only two normals will actually exist)

In case there are three normals, these will intersect the parabola at (ami2 , − 2ami ) for i = 1, 2 3. The sum of the
ordinates of these points is

−2a(m1 + m2 + m3 )

which is 0 from (1).

Example – 26

What are the points on the parabola y 2 = 4ax from which three distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola?

Solution: Assume a point P (at 2 , 2at ) from which three normal to the parabola can be drawn. We basically
need to find the range of the variable t for which this is possible. The equation of an arbitrary normal
to this parabola can be written as

y = mx − 2am − am3
If this passes through P, we have

2 at = at 2 m − 2 am − am 3

⇒ m3 + (2 − t 2 )m + 2t = 0

⇒ (m + t )(m2 − mt + 2) = 0
One root for m is –t which actually gives the normal at P itself. This should have been expected
because a normal to the parabola itself on any point can obviously always be drawn.
The other two roots for m are real and distinct if
t2 > 8
This is the condition that the parameter t must satisfy if we are to be able to draw three real and distinct
normals from P to the parabola.

Example – 27
A normal is drawn to the parabola y 2 = 4ax at the point t. Find the other point at which this normal intersects the
Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: The equation of the normal at t is

y + tx = 2 at + at 3 ...(1)

If this intersects the parabola again at t1 then ( at12 , 2at1 ) must satisfy (1). Thus,

2at1 + at12t = 2at + at 3

⇒ at (t12 − t 2 ) = 2a(t − t1 )

⇒ t (t1 + t ) = −2

⇒ t1 = −t −
This very frequently used result tells us how to find the other end point of the normal chord which is
normal at a point t to y 2 = 4ax.

Sometimes, a question might be posed pertaining to normals. Instead of solving it entirely from scratch, we could
use already known properties that we might have discussed earlier, say, in the section on tangents. This saves a lot
of time in a subject like co-ordinate geometry.
For example, suppose AB is a focal chord of a parabola. What is the angle between the tangent at A and the
normal at B?
We discussed earlier that tangents at extremities of any focal chord are perpendicular. Thus, a tangent at one
end-point and a normal at the other must be parallel !
Thus, you can see that the skill you need to master for this subject is to remember certain well known and
frequently used results and use them to your advantage as much as possible.

Example – 28
The normals at t1 and t2 of the parabola y 2 = 4ax meet at t3. Prove that t1t2 = 2.

Solution: We can very easily solve this question using the result of the last example. Since the normal drawn at
2 2
t1 intersects the parabola again in t3, we have t3 = −t1 − . Similarly, t3 = −t2 − . Comparing the
t1 t2
two gives t1t2 = 2. But let us solve it without using this result. The equation of the normals at t1 and t2

y + t1 x = 2at1 + at13 ...(1)

y + t2 x = 2at2 + at23 ...(2)

Both of these must be satisfied by the point t3, i.e., by (at32 , 2at3 ). Thus,

2at3 + at1t32 = 2at1 + at13 ...(3)

2at3 + at2t32 = 2at2 + at23 ...(4)

Mathematics / Parabola

Subtracting(4) from (3), we have

at33 (t1 − t2 ) = 2a (t1 − t2 ) + a (t13 − t23 )

⇒ t32 = 2 + t12 + t22 + t1t2 ...(5)

Using (5) in (3), we finally have

4a 2 (2 + t12 + t22 + t1t2 ) = ( at1t22 + at12t2 ) 2

⇒ 8 + 4{(t1 + t2 ) 2 − t1t2 } = t12t22 (t1 + t2 ) 2

⇒ (t1t2 − 2){(t1 + t2 ) 2 (t1t2 + 2) + 4} = 0

which gives t1t2 = 2, as required.

On page - 29, four important properties that tangents in any parabola satisfy have been listed. Since a normal at a
point is perpendicular to the tangent at that point, we can use the properties of tangents to deduce the corresponding
properties for normals.
* (A) Tangent at any point bisects the angle θ Normal at any point bisects the external angle
between the focal chord through that point ⇒ between the focal chord and the perpendicular
and the perpendicular to the directrix from to the directrix from that point, i.e. it bisects the
that point supplementary angle 180 – θ.
* (B) The tangent at one extremity of any The tangent at one extremity of any focal chord
focal chord of a parabola is perpendicular ⇒ of a parabola is parallel to the normal at the other
to the normal at the other extremity. extremity. (We’ve already stated this earlier)
Note that from property (A) above, we can also deduce that the normal at any point of a parabola is equally
inclined to the focal chord through that point and the axis of the parabola. You are urged to prove this independently
as an exercise.

Example – 29
Find the locus of the point of intersection of normals drawn to the parabola y 2 = 4ax at the extremities of a chord
which subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola.

Solution: Let A(at12 , 2at1 ) and B(at22 , 2at2 ) be the extremities of a chord which subtends a right angle at the
vertex (0, 0):
A(at 12 , 2at1)

N2 AB is a chord which
subtends a right angle at O.
C The normals at A and
O B, N1 and N2, intersect at C.
We need to find the locus of C.
B(at , 2at2)

Fig - 31
Mathematics / Parabola

Since OA ⊥ OB, we have

 2at1 − 0   2at2 − 0 
 at 2 − 0  ×  at 2 − 0  = −1
$%1&%' $%&% 2
slope of OA slope of OB

⇒ t1t2 = −4
The equation to N1 and N2 can be written using the standard form of a normal at a point t :

N1 : y + t1 x = 2at1 + at13

N 2 : y + t2 x = 2at2 + at23
Let the intersection of N1 and N2 be the point C(h, k). The co-ordinates of C can be evaluated by
solving the equations of N1 and N2 simultaneously :

h = 2a + a(t12 + t22 + t1t2 )

= −2a + a(t12 + t22 )

and k = −at1t2 (t1 + t2 )

= 4a(t1 + t2 )
We thus have, by eliminating t1 and t2, a relation in h and k:

k2 h + 2a
= −8
16a a

⇒ k 2 = 16a(h − 6a)
Using (x, y) instead of (h, k), the required locus is

y 2 = 16a( x − 6a)

Example – 30
Find the locus of the point of intersection of the three normals to the parabola y 2 = 4ax, two of which are inclined
at right angles to each other.
Solution: Let P(h, k) be the point whose locus we wish to determine. Any normal to the given parabola can be
written as

y = mx − 2am − am3
If this passes through P(h, k), we have

k = mh − 2am − am3 ...(1)

Mathematics / Parabola

Let m1, m2 and m3 be the three roots of this cubic. It is given that two of the normals are perpendicular,
implying that the product of two of these three slopes, say m1 and m2 is –1, i.e. m1m2 = –1.
From (1), we have

m1m2 m3 =

⇒ m3 =
Substituting this value of m3 back in (1), we obtain a relation between h and k :

hk ak 3
k= − 2k − 3
a a

⇒ k (k 2 + (3a − h)a) = 0
Using (x, y) instead of (h, k) the required locus is

y ( y 2 + (3a − x )a ) = 0

Mathematics / Parabola


Q. 1 Find the equation of the normal to y 2 = 4 x which is perpendicular to 2 x + 6 y + 5 = 0 .

Q. 2 The normal at any point P on the parabola y 2 = 4ax meets its axis in A and the y-axis in B. Let O be
the origin. The rectangle OACB is completed. Find the locus of C.

Q. 3 Prove that the normal to y 2 = 4ax at a non-zero point whose x and y coordinates are equal, subtends
a right angle at the focus.

Q. 4 Prove that the normal at any point to a parabola is equally inclined to the focal chord passing through
that point and the axis of the parabola.

Q. 5 Have you ever heard of parabolic mirrors being very effective in concentrating incident light energy at
a particular a point ? Can you think of a reason ? What would that particular point be ?

Mathematics / Parabola

Section - 4 MISC. RESULTS

In the unit on circles, we derived some significant results:

• Pair of tangents from (x1, y1) : T 2 ( x1 , y1 ) = S ( x, y ) S ( x1 , y1 )

• Chord of contact of the two : T ( x1 , y1 ) = 0

tangents drawn from (x1, y1)

• Chord bisected at a given : T ( x1 , y1 ) = S ( x1 , y1 )

point (x1, y1)

In this section we’ll see that these results can be generalised to the parabola in the same forms !

Result - 1 : We first of all prove that two real and distinct tangents can be drawn from any external
point to a given parabola. Let the parabola y 2 = 4ax and P(h, k) be an external point
so that k 2 > 4 ah.
The equation of any tangent to the parabola can be written as
y = mx +
If this passes through (h, k), we have
k = mh +
⇒ hm 2 − km + a = 0
This quadratic obviously has two real and distinct values of m as roots since the
discriminant, k 2 − 4ah, is positive.

This analysis also confirms the trivial result that from any point inside a parabola, no
tangent can be drawn onto it.

Result - 2 : We wish to determine the joint equation of the pair of tangents drawn from an
Pair of tangents external point P (h, k) to the parabola y 2 = 4ax.
from P (h, k) a
The equation of any tangent to y 2 = 4ax can be written as y = mx +
If this passes through P(h, k), we must have
k = mh +
⇒ m 2 h − km + a = 0

Mathematics / Parabola

Let m1 and m2 be the two roots of this quadratic. Thus,

k a
m1 + m2 = , m1m2 = ...(1)
h h
The joint equation can now be written as

 a  a 
 y − m1 x −   y − m2 x − =0
 m1   m2 

m m   a a  a2
y 2 + m1m2 x 2 − (m1 + m2 ) xy + a  1 + 2  x −  +  y + =0
 m2 m1   m1 m2  m1m2

All the coefficients can be expressed in terms of (m1 + m2 ) and (m1m2 ). Thus, using
(1), we obtain

ax 2 kxy  k 2 − 2ah  h
y2 + − +  x − ky + = 0
h h  h  a

⇒ a ( x − h)2 = ( y − k )( xk − yh)
This can be written as

( y 2 − 4ax)(k 2 − 4ah) = { yk − 2a( x + h)}2 .... (2)

Now, if we denote y 2 − 4ax as S ( x, y ) and yk − 2 a ( x + h) as T ( h, k ), this relation

we obtained in (2) can be written concisely as

S ( x, y ) S (h, k ) = (T ( h, k )) 2
which is the same form as that of the circle. Thus, we can write the pair of tangents from
(h, k) as

(T (h, k )) 2 = S ( x, y )S (h, k )

which is sometimes more simply written as T 2 = SS1.

Chord of contact : To evaluate the chord of contact from P(h, k) to the parabola y 2 = 4ax, we’ll follow
from P(h, k): the same approach as we did for circles. Let the tangents from P to
t h e parabola touch it at A( x1 , y1 ) and B( x2 , y2 ). We can, using the equation
of tangent at a point, write the equations of both PA and PB as
yy1 = 2a( x + x1 )

yy2 = 2a( x + x2 )

Mathematics / Parabola

Since both these lines pass through P(h, k), we have

ky1 = 2a(h + x1 ) ...(1)

ky2 = 2a(h + x2 ) ...(2)

Now comes the crucial step; from (1) and (2), we can conclude that both A( x1 , y1 )
and B( x2 , y2 ) satisfy the linear equation

ky = 2a ( h + x )
which must then be what we are looking for: the chord of contact.
As in the case of circles, the equation to the chord of contact can be written concisely as

T (h, k ) = 0

Chord bisected : Any line passing through (h, k) can be written as

at (h, k) y − k = m( x − h) ...(1)
The intersection of this line with the parabola will, in general, give two points, say
A( x1 , y1 ) and B( x2 , y2 ). The co-ordinates of A and B can be obtained by
simultaneously solving the equation of this line with that of the parabola, i.e. y 2 = 4ax.

(m( x − h) + k ) 2 = 4ax

⇒ m 2 x + (2m(k − mh) − 4a ) x + (k − mh)2 = 0

The roots of this equation will be x1 and x2 so that

4a − 2m( k − mh)
x1 + x2 =
This must equal 2h, since h is the mid-point of A and B. Thus,

4a − 2mk + 2m 2 h
2h =

⇒ m=

Substituting this in (1), we get the required equation of the chord as y − k = ( x − h)

⇒ yk − k 2 = 2a( x − h)

Mathematics / Parabola

We write this as

yk − 2a ( x + h) = k 2 − 4ah
because now this equation has the concise representation

T (h, k ) = S (h, k ) ,

the same as in the case of circles.

Example – 31

Find the locus of the mid-points of the normal chords of the parabola y 2 = 4ax .

Solution: Let P(h, k) be the point whose locus we wish to determine. If a chord passing through P is bisected
at P, then its equation is, as discussed earlier,

T ( h, k ) = S ( h, k )

⇒ yk − 2a( x + h) = k 2 − 4ah

⇒ ky − 2ax = k 2 − 2ah ...(1)

Since this chord is also a normal to the same parabola, its equation can also be written as

y − mx = −2am − am3 ... (2)

(1) and (2) represent the same chord in two different forms, so that

k 2a k 2 − 2ah
= =
1 m −2am − am3
m can easily be eliminated using these relations to obtain a relation in h and k as

k 2 (k 2 − 2ah) + 4a 2 (k 2 + 2a 2 ) = 0
Thus, the required locus is

y 2 ( y 2 − 2ax) + 4a 2 ( y 2 + 2a 2 ) = 0

Example – 32
From a point A common tangents are drawn to the circle x + y =
2 2
and the parabola y 2 = 4ax. Find the area
of the quadrilateral formed by the common tangents, the chord of contact of the circle and the chord of contact of
the parabola.

Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: The figure below makes the situation described in the question clearer :

P The chord of contact of the circle is

x PQ while that of the parabola is RS.
A We need to find the area of the
Q quadrilateral PQSR.

y = 4ax

Fig - 32

Any tangent to y 2 = 4ax can be written in terms of its slope m as

y = mx +
or m 2 x − my + a = 0

If this is to touch the circle x + y = , its distance from the circle’s centre (0, 0) must be equal to
2 2

the circle’s radius .
a a
m4 + m2 2
⇒ m4 + m2 = 2
⇒ (m 2 + 2)(m 2 − 1) = 0

⇒ m = ±1
Thus, the two tangents from A are y = ± ( x + a ) so that the point A is (–a, 0).
The chord of contact PQ is

TC (− a, 0) = 0

⇒ −ax + 0 y =
⇒ x=−
Mathematics / Parabola

The chord of contact RS is

TP (− a, 0) = 0

⇒ 0 y = 2a ( x − a )

⇒ x=a
The length PQ is now simply a (verify) whereas RS becomes the Latus-rectum (since x = a for RS) so
a 3a
that its length is 4a. The distance between PQ and RS is +a = .
2 2
Thus, the area of PQSR (note that it is a trapezium) is

1 3a
∆= ( a + 4a ) ×
2 2

15a 2
= sq. units

Example – 33
Find the locus of an external point P from which exactly two distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola
y 2 = 4ax.
Solution: The equation of the normal in terms of slope is a cubic, from which we inferred that in general three
normals can be drawn to the parabola from a given point. Thus, we could either have one real and two
imaginary solutions of the cubic (implying only one normal) or all the three roots of the cubic could be
real (implying three real normals).
In this question, we have exactly two distinct normals which can only happen if all the three roots of
the cubic are real and two of these three roots are identical. This is the insight we use for solving
this question.
The equation of an arbitrary normal to the parabola is

y = mx − 2am − am3

If this passes through P ( h, k ), we have

k = mh − 2am − am3

⇒ am3 + (2a − h)m + k = 0 ...(1)

Let the roots of this cubic be m1, m1 and m2 so that

2m1 + m2 = 0 ⇒ m2 = −2m1
m12 m2 = −

Mathematics / Parabola

These two relations give

k  k 3
m =
1 ⇒ m1 =  
2a  2a 
We now substitute this value of m1 back in (1) to obtain a relation between h and k :

ak  k 3
+ (2a − h)   + k = 0
2a  2a 

⇒ 27 ak 2 = 4(h − 2a)3
Using (x, y) instead of (h, k) gives the required locus as

27ay 2 = 4( x − 2a )3

Example – 34

Find the locus of the point of intersection of tangents drawn at the extremities of a normal chord to the parabola
y 2 = 4ax.
Solution: Let t1 be a point at which a normal is drawn to the parabola. This intersects the parabola again at the

t2 = −t1 − ...(1)

Let the point of intersection of the tangents at t1 and t2 be P ( h, k ). From an earlier obtained result, we

h = at1t2 k = a(t1 + t2 )

 2  −2 
⇒ h = −at1  t1 +  k = a   (Using (1))
 t1   t1 

⇒ h = −at12 − 2a k = −

h + 2a 4a 2
⇒ = 2 (eliminating t1)
−a k

⇒ k 2 ( h + 2a ) + 4a 3 = 0
The required locus of P is

y 2 ( x + 2a ) + 4a 3 = 0

Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 35

Find the polar of the pole P( x1 , y1 ) with respect to the parabola y2 = 4ax.

Solution: Recall that the polar is the locus of the point of intersection of the two tangents drawn at the extremities
of a variable chord QR passing through P.
Let M(h, k) be a point on the required polar corresponding to QR.
The chord of contact of the tangents drawn from M, i.e. QR, has the equation
T ( h, k ) = 0
ky = 2a ( x + h )

If this is to pass through P( x1 , y1 ), we have

ky1 = 2a( x1 + h)
This is the required locus; in terms of (x, y), the locus (polar) is

yy1 = 2a( x + x1 )

⇒ T ( x1 , y1 ) = 0 : Equation of polar of P( x1 , y1 )

Observe that the polar of the focus will simply be the directrix.

Sometimes, the equation of the parabola might not be in the standard form y 2 = 4ax or x 2 = 4ay. However, by
a transformation (translation and / or rotation) of the co-ordinate axes, the equation given can always be reduced
to the standard form.
For example, suppose that the equation of a (translated) parabola is

( y − α ) 2 = 4 a ( x − β)

The vertex of this parabola is at (β, α ) instead of (0, 0). Thus, we cannot use all the formulae that we’ve derived
directly on this form. However, by a translation of the axis, so that the new origin coincides with (β, α ), i.e., by the
y → y ′ + α, x → x′ + β
the equation of the parabola referred to the new axes will become

y′2 = 4ax′
which is indeed in the standard form. We can now use this form to evaluate whatever we were required to, say,
some tangent or some normal in the x′ − y′ axes. Once we have the required equation, we can convert it to the
x – y system using the reverse transformations

y ′ → y − α , x′ → x − β

Mathematics / Parabola


The equation of C is
(β, α)
x' (y – α) = 4a (x – β)

in the original system. But in

the translated system x' – y',
the equation of C is in
its standard form
x 2
y' = 4ax'
(0, 0)

Fig - 33

As a very simple example, suppose that we have to find the focus and directrix of the parabola

y 2 − 4 x − 6 y + 25 = 0
which can be rearranged as

( y − 3) 2 = 4( x − 4) ...(1)

Thus, a = 1. However, we cannot directly use (a, 0) as the focus which should be obvious.

Referred to the co-ordinate system x′ − y′ where x′ = x − 4 and y ′ = y − 3, the equation (1) is

y ′ 2 = 4 x′

It is in this system that the focus will be at (a, 0), i.e. at (1, 0). Thus, x′f = 1 and y ′f = 0 . In the original system, the
focus can be evaluated by the reverse transformation

x = 4 + x′ and y = 3 + y′

⇒ x f = 4 + x′f and y f = 3 + y ′f

=5 =3
Thus, the focus in the original system is at (5, 3). Of course, this example is trivial and the answer could have been
evaluated simply be inspection. However, it was described just to highlight the underlying approach you could
follow in such cases.
Let us now consider a non-trivial example using this approach. Suppose that we have to find all the points on the
axis of the parabola 3 y 2 + 4 y − 6 x + 8 = 0 from where three distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola.
Assume such points to be (h, k). The equation of the parabola can be rearranged as
 2  10 
 y +  = 2 x − 
 3  9

Mathematics / Parabola

which can be written in the standard form using the transformations

10 2
X = x− , Y = y+
9 3
Y 2 = 2X

We will now work in the X-Y system. Any point on the axis of the parabola can be taken as (p, 0) (in this new
system). The equation of an arbitrary normal to the parabola Y 2 = 2 X is
Y = mX − m −
If this passes through (p, 0), we have

mp − m − =0

 m2 
⇒ m +1− p  = 0
 2 
⇒ m = 0, ± 2( p − 1)
Thus, we have three distinct normals if
p −1 > 0
⇒ p >1

Therefore, three distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola from ( p, 0) if p > 1.
However, note that this result is in the X – Y system and not the x – y system. To obtain the result in the original
system, we must use the reverse transformations
10 2
X = x− , Y = y+
9 3
Thus, if as assumed earlier, the required points in the original system are (h, k) (which are (p,0) in the new system)
we have
10 2
p = h− 0=k+
9 3

19 2
Since p > 1, we have h > . Also, k = − .
9 3

 2 19
Thus, from all points on the axis,  h, −  , where h > , three distinct normals can be drawn to the parabola.
 3 9
If you did not understand this discussion, you are urged to re-read it until you do.
Mathematics / Parabola


Q. 1 Find the locus of the mid-points of the chords of the parabola y 2 = 4ax which subtend a right angle
at the focus (using a homogenizing approach.)

Q. 2 Prove that the locus of the mid-point of a system of parallel chords of a parabola is a line parallel to the
axis of the parabola.

Q. 3 What is the equation of the chord of contact of the tangents drawn from P ( −1, 2) to y 2 = 4 x ?

Q. 4 Prove the pole of an external point P is the chord of contact of the tangents drawn from P to the

Q. 5 From the pole P of a chord AB of a parabola, a line is drawn parallel to the axis of the parabola. This
line intersects the parabola in Q and AB in R. Prove that PQ = QR.

Mathematics / Parabola


Example – 1

Find the values that a can take so that the point P ( −2a , a + 1) lies inside the smaller region bounded by the circle
x 2 + y 2 = 4 and the parabola y 2 = 4 x as shown:

For what values of

a will (– 2a, a + 1)
x lie inside the shaded
region ?

Fig - 34

Solution: Note that the shaded region represents the interior of both the circle and the parabola. Thus,

(−2a )2 + (a + 1)2 − 4 < 0 (a + 1)2 − 4(−2a ) < 0

$%%% %&%%%% ' $%%%&%%%'
so that P lies in the and so that P lies in the
interior of the circle interior of the parabola

⇒ 5a 2 + 2a − 3 < 0 and a 2 + 10a + 1 < 0

⇒ −1 < a < and − 5 − 2 6 < a < −5 + 2 6
The intersection of the two constraints gives the possible values of a as

a ∈ ( −1, − 5 + 2 6)

Example – 2

Prove that the area of the triangle formed by three points on a parabola is twice the area of the triangle formed by
the tangents at these points.

Mathematics / Parabola


R We need to prove that
area (∆ABC) = 2 area ∆ (PQR)

Fig - 35

Let the parabola be y 2 = 4ax .

Assume the points A, B and C to be t1, t2 and t3 respectively. Thus, P, Q and R are respectively
(at1t2 , a(t1 + t2 )), (at2 t3 , a(t2 + t3 )) and (at3t1 , a (t3 + t1 )). Now we simply use the determinant formula
to find the area of the two triangles

at12 at22 at32

area (∆ABC ) = 2at1 2at2 2at3
1 1 1

t12 t22 − t12 t32 − t12

= a 2 t1 t2 − t1 t3 − t1  Using C2 → C2 − C1 ;
 
1 0 0  C3 → C3 − C1 

t12 t2 + t1 t3 + t1
= a 2 (t2 − t1 )(t3 − t1 ) t1 1 1
1 0 0

= − a 2 (t1 − t2 )(t2 − t3 )(t3 − t1 )

Mathematics / Parabola


at1t2 at2t3 at3t1

area (∆PQR) = a(t1 + t2 ) a(t2 + t3 ) a(t3 + t1 )
1 1 1

t1t2 t2 (t3 − t1 ) t1 (t3 − t2 )

= (t1 + t2 ) t3 − t1 t3 − t2
1 0 0

t1t2 t2 t1
= (t3 − t2 )(t3 − t1 ) (t1 + t2 ) 1 1
1 0 0

= (t2 − t1 )(t2 − t3 )(t3 − t1 )
Clearly, area (∆ABC ) = 2 area (∆PQR )
This example should show you that the solution would have been much lengthier had we not
remembered the formula for the co-ordinates of the intersection point of two tangents. This is one
subject where some things are to be learnt!

Example – 3
Consider a fixed parabola y 2 = 4ax. A variable but equal parabola having its axis parallel to the axis of the fixed
parabola, moves so that it always touches the fixed parabola. What is the locus of the vertex of the moving
parabola ?
Solution: By saying that two parabolas are equal, we can infer that the length of their latus-rectums will the
same. It should be obvious that for an equal parabola to touch y 2 = 4ax, it must open towards the left
(the axis of the variable parabola is parallel to the x-axis.):

y = 4ax

We nee to find the

x locus of V (h, k)
P(α, β)

V (h,k)

Fig - 36

Let the point of contact of the two parabolas be P (α, β). Note that at P the two parabolas will have
a common tangent.
Mathematics / Parabola

We have assumed the vertex of the variable parabola to be V (h, k). Thus the equation of this variable
parabola is

( y − k ) 2 = −4 a ( x − h ) ...(1)

Now, the tangent at P (α , β) to y 2 = 4ax will be

β y = 2a ( x + α ) ...(2)

The tangent at P (α, β) to the variable parabola will be (using (1)),

( y − k )(β − k ) = −2 a ( x − h + α − h) ...(3)
In writing (3), we have implicitly used a translation of the axis to (h, k) ; verify that (3) is indeed
correct. (3) can be written in standard form as

2 ax + (β − k ) y + 2 a (α − 2 h) − k (β − k ) = 0 ...(4)
Now note that (2) and (4) are in fact the same line, so that

2a −β 2aα
= =
2a β − k 2a(α − 2h) − k (β − k )

α and β can easily be eliminated from these relations to obtain a relation between h and k as

k 2 = 8ah
Thus, the required locus of V is

y 2 = 8ax
which is a parabola with the same vertex as the original parabola, and the same orientation, as one
might have intuitively expected.

Example – 4

Find the condition for all the three normals drawn from a given point P(h, k) to the parabola y 2 = 4ax to be real
and distinct. Assume a > 0.

Solution: As discussed a lot of times earlier, the given requirement is equivalent to the equation

k = mh − 2am − am3
having three real and distinct roots

Mathematics / Parabola

A cubic will always have at least one real root. Here are some configurations that the graph of a cubic
can take (assuming the coefficient of m3 is positive):

Some configurations that the graph of a cubic can take

Fig - 37

Since we want three real roots, we focus on the last graph above. Observe that it has two extremas,
say at α and β .

f (x )

A cubic f(x) with three

real zeroes

Fig - 38

Thus, f ′( x ) = 0 must have two distinct real roots (since f ′(α) = f ′(β) = 0). Also, we must have
f (α ) f (β) < 0. Convince yourself that these two constraints will ensure that the cubic f(x) will have
three real and distinct zeroes.

We use this for the current cubic f ( m) = am3 + (2a − h) m + k

Mathematics / Parabola

• f ′( m ) = 0 has two real and distinct roots

⇒ f ′(m) = 3am 2 + (2a − h)

h − 2a
⇒ f ′( m) = 0 for m = ±

⇒ h − 2a > 0 or h > 2a
The two real and distinct roots are

h − 2a h − 2a
α= and β = − ...(1)
3a 3a

• f (α ) f (β) < 0

⇒ (aα3 + (2a − h)α + k )(αβ3 + (2a − h)β + k ) < 0

⇒ a 2 (αβ)3 + a (2a − h)αβ(α 2 + β 2 ) + ak (α3 + β3 ) + k 2 < 0

Simplifying this using (1), we obtain

27ak 2 < 4(h − 2a)3

Thus, if we are to be able to draw three real and distinct normals form P(h, k) to y 2 = 4ax, h and k
must satisfy

h > 2a and 27ak < 4(h − 2a)

2 3

Example – 5
From a variable point P on a fixed normal to the parabola y 2 = 4ax, two more normals are drawn to the parabola
to intersect it at Q and R. Show that the variable chord QR will have a fixed slope.
Solution: Let P be the point (h, k). An arbitrary normal to the given parabola can be written as

y = mx − 2am − am3
and if this passes through P, we have

k = mh − 2am − am3 ...(1)

Now, this cubic has three roots, say m1 , m2 and m3 , of which one say m1, is fixed, equal to the slope
of the fixed normal. The other two slopes are variable and thus the points of intersection of the other
two normals through P {Q ( am22 , − 2am2 ) and R ( am32 , − 2am3 )} are also variable.

Mathematics / Parabola

From (1), we have

m1 + m2 + m3 = 0 ...(2)
The slope of QR is
2a ( m2 − m3 )
a ( m32 − m22 )
−(m2 + m3 )
= (from (2))

This shows that m, the slope of QR, is fixed since m1 is fixed.

Example – 6

Find the locus of the point of intersection of those normals to the parabola x 2 = 8 y which are at right angles to
each other.
Solution: We have already discussed a very similar question earlier. The point of including this question here is
that the equation to the parabola has been given not in the standard form y 2 = 4ax but in the form
x 2 = 4ay : this means that in all the formulae that we use, x and y must be interchanged. Thus, the
equation of an arbitrary normal to x 2 = 8 y can be written as

x = my − 4m − 2m3

If this passes through P (h, k ), we obtain

h = km − 4 m − 2m 3 ...(1)

This cubic has three roots, say m1 , m2 and m3 . Since two of the normals are perpendicular, we can
take m1m2 equal to –1.

From (1), we have

m1 + m2 + m3 = 0
m1m2 + m2 m3 + m3 m1 = − + 2
m1m2 m3 = −
Using m1m2 = −1 and these three equations, a relation involving only h and k can easily be obtained:
h 2 − 2 k + 12 = 0
Thus, the required locus is
x 2 − 2 y + 12 = 0
Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 7

The normals at three points A, B and C on a parabola intersect at O. F is the focus of the parabola. Prove that

FA ⋅ FB ⋅ FC = ⋅ FO 2
where l is the length of the latus-rectum.

Solution: Assume the parabola to be y 2 = 4ax, and the point O to be (h, k). F is the point (a, 0).


O(h, k)
F x

Fig - 39

Any normal to y 2 = 4ax is

y = mx − 2am − am3
and since this passes through O(h, k), we have

k = mh − 2am − am3 ...(1)

The feet of the three normal correspond to A, B and C. Thus, if m1 , m2 and m3 are the roots of (1),
the co-ordinates of A, B and C are

(am12 , − 2am1 ), (am22 , − 2am2 ) and ( am32 , − 2am3 )

We have now,

FA = (a − am12 ) 2 + (2am1 )2

= a (1 + m12 )

Similarly, FB = a (1 + m22 ) and FC = a (1 + m32 ) .

Mathematics / Parabola


FA ⋅ FB ⋅ FC = a 3 (1 + m12 )(1 + m22 )(1 + m32 )

= a 3 (1 + m12 + m22 + m32 + m12 m22 + m22 m32 + m32 m12 + (m1m2 m3 ) 2 ) ...(2)

From (1), we know the values of

m1 + m2 + m3 = 0 

 2a − h  
m1m2 + m2 m3 + m3m1 =  
 a  ...(3)
k 
m1m2 m3 = − 
a 

Our task is to express the relation (2) in terms of the known quantities given by (3). This can be done
as follows :

m12 + m22 + m33 = ( m1 + m2 + m3 ) 2 − 2(m1m2 + m2 m3 + m3 m1 )

m12 m22 + m22 m32 + m32 m12 = (m1m2 + m2 m3 + m3 m1 ) 2 − 2m1m2 m3 (m1 + m2 + m3 )

Substituting the appropriate values gives

  2a − h  2  2a − h  k 
FA ⋅ FB ⋅ FC = a 3 1 +   − 2   + 2
  a   a  a 

= a{(h − a )2 + k 2 }

which evidently equals a ⋅ FO 2 . Since l = 4a , we get the desired result:

FA ⋅ FB ⋅ FC = ⋅ FO 2

Example – 8

Normals are drawn form the point P with slopes m1, m2, m3 to the parabola y 2 = 4 x. If the locus of P with
m1m2 = α is a part of the parabola itself, then find α .

Mathematics / Parabola

Solution: If we let P be the point (h, k), we have

m3 + (2 − h)m + k = 0 ...(1)


m1m2 m3 = − k

⇒ m3 = − (since m1m2 = α )
Substituting this back into (1), we obtain

k3 k
− 3 − (2 − h) + k = 0
α α

⇒ k 2 = α 2 h − 2α 2 + α 3 ...(2)
Also, since P lies on the parabola itself, we have

k 2 = 4h ...(3)
From (2) and (3), we have

α 2 = 4 and α 3 − 2α 2 = 0

⇒ α=2

Example – 9

Let AB be a fixed chord passing through the focus of a parabola. Prove that three circles can be drawn which
touch the parabola and AB at the focus.

Solution: Let the parabola be y 2 = 4ax; its focus is then F(a, 0). The following diagram shows one such circle
which touches AB at F and also the parabola :

O F x

P 2
y = 4ax

Fig - 40

Mathematics / Parabola

Let AB have a (fixed) slope m. The equation of AB can be written using the point-slope form :

y − 0 = m( x − a)

⇒ y = mx − am

Any circle touching this line at F(a, 0) can be written in terms of a real variable λ as :

( x − a) 2 + y 2 + λ ( y − mx + am) = 0

⇒ x 2 + y 2 − (2a + mλ ) x + λy + a(a + mλ ) = 0 ...(1)

We want those values of λ for which this circle touches the parabola.

Assume the point of contact of the circle and the parabola to be P(at 2 , 2at ). Thus, at P, the circle and
the parabola should have a common tangent.
The tangent at P to the parabola is

ty = x + at 2

Since this line is a tangent to the circle as well (at the same point P(at 2 , 2at )), we can write the
equation of the same circle using another real parameter α :

( x − at 2 )2 + ( y − 2at )2 + α(ty − x − at 2 ) = 0

⇒ x 2 + y 2 − (α + 2at 2 ) x + (αt − 2at ) y + a 2t 4 + 4a 2t 2 − aαt 2 = 0 ...(2)

The circles given by (1) and (2) being the same, we can compare the coefficients to obtain the following
equations :

2 a + mλ = α + 2 at 2

λ = αt − 2at

a + mλ = at 4 + 4 at 2 − αt 2
We can rearrange these equations to make them look more ‘systematic’.

(m)λ + (−1)α + (2a − 2at 2 ) = 0

(1)λ + ( −t )α + (2 at ) = 0

(m)λ + (t 2 )α + (a − 4at 2 − at 4 ) = 0
The variables λ and α can now be eliminated to obtain a relation purely in terms of t:

m −1 2a (1 − t 2 )
1 −t 2at =0
m t 2 − a (t 4 + 4t 2 − 1)

Mathematics / Parabola

Expanding along C3 and simplifying, we obtain

mt (t 4 − 2t 2 − 3) + 1 − 2t 2 − 3t 4 = 0

⇒ mt (t 2 + 1)(t 2 − 3) = (3t 2 − 1)(t 2 + 1)

⇒ mt (t 2 − 3) = 3t 2 − 1

⇒ mt 3 − 3t 2 − 3mt + 1 = 0 ... (3)

This is a cubic in t which will have in general three roots. This will imply that three possible points of
contact (at 2 , 2at ), and therefore three possible circles exist satisfying the given property.

But something is missing ! We still have to prove that the cubic will actually yield three real values of
t. For that, we follow the approach described in Example - 4

Let f (t ) = mt 3 − 3t 2 − 3mt + 1

First, we show that f ′(t ) has two real roots, say t1 and t2.

f ′(t ) = 3mt 2 − 6t − 3m

f ′(t ) = 0 ⇒ mt 2 − 2t − m = 0

⇒ D = 4 + 4m 2 > 0

Thus, f ′(t ) has two real and distinct root t1 and t2.

⇒ t1 + t2 = , t1t2 = −1 ...(4)

f (t1 ) f (t2 ) = ( mt13 − 3t12 − 3mt1 + 1)(mt23 − 3t22 − 3mt2 + 1)

which upon simplification yields (using (4))

f (t1 ) f (t2 ) = −4m 2 − −2
which is evidently always negative.
Thus, the cubic (3) will always give three real values of t, and hence three corresponding circles.
You may rest assured that you’ll not encounter a question with this much involved analysis in any
exam! This was included here for illustration only.

Mathematics / Parabola

Example – 10

Let C1 and C2 be the parabolas x 2 = y − 1 and y 2 = x − 1 respectively. Let P be any point on C1 and Q be any
point on C2. Let P1 and Q1 be the reflections of P and Q respectively in the line y = x. Prove that
PQ ≥ min{PP1 , QQ1}. Also, let the points P0 and Q0 on C1 and C2 respectively be such that P0Q0 ≤ PQ for all
pairs of points (P, Q) with P on C1 and Q on C2. Find P0Q0.
Solution: The symmetrical nature of the situation tells us that P1 will lie on C2 and Q1 will lie on C1:
C1:x = y – 1

Q1 P1


C2:y = x – 1

Fig - 41
Observe from the figure that
and QO ≥ QY

so that PO + QO = PQ ≥ PX + QY

⇒ 2 PQ ≥ 2 PX + 2QY
⇒ 2PQ ≥ PP1 + QQ1
Since PQ is greater than the mean of PP1 and QQ1, it must be greater than (or equal) to the lesser of
the two.
To find the minimum possible value of PQ, i.e. P0Q0, observe that this length will be minimum when
PQ becomes precisely perpendicular to y = x and PQ is normal to both the parabolas at the points of
contact P and Q. In such a configuration, assume the co-ordinates of P to be (t , t 2 + 1) so that Q
(which is P's mirror image in such a configuration) will be (t 2 + 1, t ). The slope of PQ is this case
is –1. Also, the tangent to C1 at P will have slope = 2t. Thus,
dx p

2t × −1 = −1
⇒ t=
Mathematics / Parabola

1 5 5 1
P and Q therefore have the co-ordinate  ,  and  ,  respectively. The minimum length of PQ
2 4 4 2
is now simply obtained using the distance formula :

2 2
1 5 5 1
PoQo = PQmin =  −  + − 
2 4 4 2

2 2

Mathematics / Parabola


1. 16 x 2 + y 2 + 8 xy + 96 x − 554 y − 1879 = 0 

2.  x 2 + y 2 − 14 x + 2 y + 2 xy + 17 = 0 

3.  y 2 = 2ax 

4. 8a 3 
 

 8
4 2 
5.  y −  =  x −  
 9 9 9  

6.  y 2 = 2a ( x − a ) 

7. ( y 2 + 4a 2 )( 4ax − y 2 ) = a 2 c 2 
 

9.  y 2 + 8 x 2 + 4 ax = 0 

10.  y 2 = 4a ( x − 8a )


2. [ x + 4a = 0]

3.  y 2 ( 2 x + a ) = a (3 x + a )2 
 

1. [ y = 3x − 33]
2.  x 3 = 2ax 2 + ay 2 


1.  y 2 − 2ax + 8a 2 = 0 

3. [ y = x − 1]
Mathematics / Parabola


[ LEVEL - I ]

1. Find the vertex, axis, focus and directrix of the parabola y 2 − 8 y − x + 19 = 0.

2. Let y1 , y2 and y3 be the y-coordinates of the vertices of a triangle inscribed in y 2 = 4ax. Show that
the area of the triangle is

∆= ( y1 − y2 )( y2 − y3 )( y3 − y1 )
3. Find the focus of the parabola whose parametric equations are

1 2
x = (u cos α ) t y = (u sin α )t − gt

4. Let (a 2 , a − 2) be a point inside the region bounded by y 2 = 2 x and the line x + y = 4. Find the
possible values of a.

5. Two perpendicular chords are drawn from the origin O to the parabola y = x 2 − x, which meet the
parabola at P and Q. The rectangle POQR is completed. Find the locus of the vertex R.

6. If PQ and RS are two focal chords of y 2 = 4ax, prove that PR and QS intersect on the directrix of
this parabola.

7. Find the equations of the common tangents to the parabola y 2 = 16 x and the circle x 2 + y 2 = 8.

8. The tangent at a point P to y 2 = 4ax meets the axis of the parabola at T and the normal at P cuts the
curve again in Q. If the x-coordinates P is 4a, prove that PT : PQ = 4 : 5

[ LEVEL - II ]
9. Prove that if two straight lines, one a tangent to y 2 = 4a ( x + a) and the other to y 2 = 4b( x + b) are
at right angles to one another, then they will meet on the line x + a + b = 0.
10. A variable line passing through a fixed point A cuts a given parabola at P and Q. A variable point R
moves on the line APQ such that AP, AR and AQ are in H.P. Prove that the locus of R is a straight line.
Prove that the shortest normal chord of y = 4ax has a slope tan
11. 2 and is of length 6 3a.

Mathematics / Parabola

12. From a fixed point P, variable chords are drawn to meet a fixed parabola at points A and B. A circle
drawn with AB as diameter meets the parabola again in C and D. Show that the line joining C and D
will always pass through a fixed point.

13. The sides of a triangle touch the parabola y 2 = 4ax and two of its angular points lie on the parabola
y 2 = 4b( x + c ). Find the locus of the third angular point.

14. The normals to y 2 = 4ax at Q and R meet the parabola again at P. If T is the intersection point of the
tangents to the parabola at Q and R, then show that the locus of the centroid of ∆TQR is
y 2 = a(3 x + 2a).
15. From any point P, three normals are drawn to a given parabola. Show that the sum of the angles made
by these normals with the axis of the parabola exceeds the angle made by PF (F is the focus) with the
axis of the parabola by an integral multiple of π.

16. Through the vertex A of y 2 = 4ax, two chords AP and AQ are drawn, and the circles on AP and AQ
as diameters intersect in R. Prove that if θ1 , θ2 and φ be the angles made with the axis of the parabola
by the tangents at P, Q and by the line AR, then

cot θ1 + cot θ2 + 2 tan φ = 0

A focal chord of the parabola y = 4ax, whose perpendicular distance from the origin is b is of length
c. Show that cb 2 = 4 a 3 .

18. Let P be any point on y 2 = 4ax between its vertex and the extremity of its latus rectum lying above
the x-axis. Q is the foot of the perpendicular from the focus F to the tangent at P. Find the maximum
value of area (∆FPQ ).

19. Prove that the parabolas y 2 = 4ax and y 2 = 4c( x − b) will have a common normal only if > 2.

20. The angle between the tangents drawn from a point P to y2 = 4x is . Find the locus of P.

Mathematics / Parabola


  13  11 
1. (3, 4), y = 4,  4 , 4  , x = 4 
   

 u 2 sin 2 α −u 2 cos 2α 
3.  , 
 2g 2g 

4. (−2, − 2 + 2) 
 

5.  y = x 2 − 3 x + 4 

7. [ y = ±( x + 4)]


 2 4 2 4bc  
13.  y = a (2b − a)  x + a  
  

18.  a 2 

20. x 2 − y 2 + 6ax + a 2 = 0

Mathematics / Parabola

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