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Fuzzy Logic Based Decision Support Systems

Heinrich J. Rommelfanger
J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Institute of Statistics and Mathematics
Mertonstr. 17-23, D-60054 Frankfurt am Main

Keywords: credit rating, expert systems, fuzzy inference, fuzzy logic, linguistic variables, membership functions, rule
based aggregation, soft facts,

sible. At the lnstitute of Statistics and Mathematics of the

1. Introduction
University FrankfUrt am Main we are working at the fol-
Decisions and evaluations in economic and business lowing research projects using expert rules and fuzzy
problems are usually complex. A lot of variables and re- logic processing:
lations have to be specified. The expectations of the fif- - Checking the creditability of small business firms
ties and sixties of this century - that it would be possible - Checking the credit solvency of persons buying a car
to model all problems in form of adequate mathematical on installment plan
systems - could not be satisfied. Today we know this can - Evaluating the capital structure, financial assets and
oriy be achieved in case of relatively simple problems. revenue of firms in order to support the business of
However, it has always been necessary to make decisions auditors
- Analyhcal procedures in the course of audits
in complex situations. A circumstance which is still
valid, no matter whether it concerns economic, business - Portfolio management
respectively jurisprudential problems or everyday situa- - Evaluating suppliers
tions like, for example, driving a car during rush hour. In this paper 1 malnly want to explain the new ideas by
Based on qualifications and practical knowledge, indi- means of a rating system for checking the credit solvency
viduals attempt to come to a satisfying solution. A person of small business f m . By means of a pilot software I
who obtains extraordinarily good results is called an ,,ex- am going to demonstrate that fuzzy decision support sys-
pert" in this field. tems offer more information to the user than classical ag-
The motivation within the last 20 years was to model the gregation processes. Moreover, they provide a simple
decision process of experts instead of the decision situa- way for explaining the rating result.
tion. Expert knowledge does normally not consist of con- With the fuzzy logic based decision support system the
f m e d theories, it is rather composed of heuristic rules following goals should be achieved:
the expert obeys during h s own decision making. Expert
rules are usually formulated by linguistic terms and construction of a transparent support system, which
therefore it is difficult to transform them into classical could be accepted by the users
mathematical terms or to apply them to computer-aided J reproduction of the behavior of experts concerning

processing. - subjective selection of attributes

- classification of the attributes by evaluation
In my contribution 1 want to demonstrate that the fuzzy classes
set theory offers adequate instruments for modeling and - stepwise and rule-based aggregation of the par-
dealing with expert rules. By modeling linguistic vari- tial evaluations to an overall rating judgement
ables in form of fuzzy sets, it is possible to transform ex-
J use of external data (branch of industry, country)
pert rules into mathematical terms. Moreover the fuzzy
set theory offers a great variety of operators which are J use of linguistic evaluations (poor, medium, good)

able to aggregate and combine these rules. J use of quantitative and qualitative information

The advantages of fuzzy logic for controlling technical J processing of data measured on different scales
processes have become well-known, not only in Japan (nominal, ordinal, cardinal)
but during the last decade as well in America and J softening of the crisp borders of evaluation classes
Europe. Now the question arises, whether the procedures, J use of fuzzy inference
used very successfully in fuzzy control, can also be ap-
J use of expert knowledge and of data banks
plied to non-technical expert systems.
J creating a rating judgement with accompanying
I am convinced that a transfer of the basic ideas of fuzzy commentary.
control to non-technical decision support systems is pos-
Subsequent to the introduction, the paper is organized in specified as carefully as possible, because they will deci-
6 chapters which are described with few comments: sively influence the valuation process. Nevertheless we
will never obtain membership functions which are accu-
2. Hierarchical systems of attributes for the rate in every detail, because a lot of data about similar
evaluation of material business creditability f m and knowledge of the trade must be collected by
Complex and not directly measurable criteria, as for ex- the expert team. Therefore the form of membership func-
ample the credit solvency of a business firm, may often tions in expert systems will be very simple and the same
be explained more transparently and more intelligibly by design will be used repeatedly. In practice it is suficient
a hierarchcal system of subaspects. For evaluating the to work with fuzzy numbers or fuzzy intervals of the LR-
creditworthiness of a specific firm, at first the aspects on type-
the bottom level have to be evaluated. Then those evalua- Presenting fuzzy sets as categories of valuation provides
tions of the subattributes need to be aggregated step by the opportunity to precisely inform users of expert sys-
step until the top level of the hierarchcal concept is tems about their valuation basis. Moreover by comparing
reached. data of different branches of business t h ~ sproceeding al-
Usually this aggregation process is accomplished by lows to resort to knowledge already stored in data bases.
means of aggregation operators depending on parameters A way for a practical transformation has been analyzed
or weights whch ask for further specification by the de- in a pilot study at the Institute of Statistics and Mathe-
cision maker. matics of the University of Frankfurt am Main. The in-
tention was to design membershp functions in the course
A disadvantage of these operators is that they portray the
of an expert system for supporting the evaluation of the
complex conjunction mechanism of the human mind only
financial and operating position of business firms as part
incompletely. In literature and practice there exist a lot of
of the annual audit.
examples, that the weights within an objective system
depend not only on the objectives but often change with
the obtained values. Therefore it is necessary to look for 5. Fuzzy Controller and Rule-Based Aggregation
other ways of modeling the decision process of credit In case of modeling the linguistic evaluation terms by
managers. fuzzy sets, the aggregation rules are only applied to those
cases, in which the evaluations produce a membership
3. Aggregation of Attributes by Expert Rules degree 1 for all subaspects. Then the corresponding rule
In the artificial intelligence literature we can find many of the rule map is applied and leads to a distinct evalua-
models in which the human decision process is described tion of the upper-aspect with the membership degree 1,
by means of rules formulated by experts. too. Therefore the use of fuzzy sets helps users to under-
stand the basic principles of the expert knowledge more
1nthese rule-based models the evaluation of attributes is
easily. This ,,understandingwis an essential factor for the
often described by the linguistic terms ,,poor", ,,mediumL'
acceptance of an expert system and related to that for its
and ,,good". For every possible situation on the lower h-
successful realization.
erarchy level an aggregation rule is defined. Sometimes
additional ratings (- and/or +) are allowed for the aggre- For all the other cases, where at least one evaluation has
gation results. a membership degree smaller than 1, no special rules
have been stated by the experts. We assume that the
Objections against those rules can be raised due to the given rules can be extended to situations in the vicinity.
fact that the rules are very inaccurate; the terms ,,good6',
The rules are softened with the consequence that now
,,mediumw, ,,poor" allow a comparably large interpre- many rules can be used simultaneously in a weakened
tation spectrum. To improve this situation we could try to
enlarge the number of valuations for each criterion. This,
however would result in an explosive increase of the For a real situation we denote the degree of fulfillment
number of rules as for m aspects with r possible valua- (DOF) with the descriptions of state in the rule maps by
DOF. According to the proceeding in fuzzy control, DOF
tions there exist r m rules. Therefore it is necessary to is defined as the minimum of the membership degrees
restrain the number of valuations for each aspect. More- attached to the ,,inputsw of this rule. Having examined
over if the rule map gets too large the expert team will various operators regarding their ability to describe the
not be able to guarantee a conscious distinction of each human conjunction behavior in specific cases, we came
situation. to the conclusion that the minimum operator should be
used. Besides others the minimum operator has the ad-
4. Description of Expert Rules by Fuzzy Sets vantage that only few rules with positive DOFs exist,
Since intervals only allow YesiNo-statements and there- whereas by using compensatory operators almost all
fore different values of the same interval do not portray a rules will show positive DOFs and we therefore have to
linguistic term correspondingly, we propose to model the expect intermediate evaluation. Now all rules with posi-
linguistic terms by fuzzy sets. The fuzzy set theory tive DOF contribute to the valuation of sales potential in
makes it possible to describe the different membership proportion to their DOFs.
degrees according to the categories of ,,poor", ,,medium6' In t h ~ scontext we want to remark that there is an es-
or ,,good" credit solvency as precise as the credit expert sential difference between fuzzy control applications and
can express it. These membership functions must be non-technical evaluation and decision problems. Usually
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