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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Michel Boillat, ATDS3 / Cyclo G870, 30.05.2009

Operation and Maintenance

Control Strategy
(PSR and ACS Cycloconverters)
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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Control Strategy
Main Control loops

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

The Very Basics of the Control Method

ƒ Propulsion and mill drives are normally speed controlled. This means that overriding system is sending speed reference
and drive is trying to keep actual speed as near reference as it can using PI-controller.
ƒ Coiler drives are normally torque controlled. There torque reference is send and speed is according the process.
ƒ In both cases control of torque is important. Even drive is so called speed controlled it is torque which defines speed of
mechanical system.

Motor Load

Tmotor Tload

If Tmotor = Tload Æ Constant speed

If Tmotor > Tload Æ Speed is increasing
If Tmotor < Tload Æ Speed is decreasing

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

PSR Cyclo Speed and current control loops

CPU1 Speed controller CPU2 Firing Phase unit
>1ms and >0.45ms unit
current reference
calculation Current
Torque controller
reference Synchro-
Speed and firing
reference logic


Rotor position
measurement PG

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

ACS6000c speed and current control loops

AMC3 CCB Phase unit

Speed controller and Current Synchronization

current reference controller and firing logic


Rotor position

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Speed and Current Control

ƒ To control torque/speed of synchronous motor two closed loop controllers has to be
used. Additionally vector control takes care of reference calculation.
ƒ Inner loop is faster current control loop
ƒ reference from speed controller or from external source(torque controlled drive)
ƒ response time normally less that 10ms in metals application
ƒ in marine application fast responses are not needed
ƒ response time depends on the converter&motor design voltages and motor
ƒ Outer loop is speed controller loop
ƒ reference from external source or from local control panel.
ƒ speed controller response time typically 50..100ms
ƒ response time is limited by mechanical system:
ƒ spring constants of shafts
ƒ inertia of motor and mechanical system
ƒ gearbox

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Control Strategy
Vector Control

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Vector Control Principal

ƒ Vector control is general name for a control principle of ac-machines.

ƒ There the 3-phase ac-current system of the stator (stator frame) is
replaced by an equivalent rotor rotating dc-current system (rotor frame).
The mathematical calculations required for the motor control are easier
to do in rotor frame with dc-variables with an adequate speed and
ƒ The vector control is implemented in the following way:
ƒ RST-phase voltages and currents are measured and transferred to
equivalent 2-phase αβ-coordinates which has ac-variables(except
excitation current which is DC)
ƒ αβ-coordinates are transferred to dq-coordinates which is rotating with
the rotor and has dc -variables. This transfer is done by using rotor
position information.
ƒ all calculations: flux, voltage and current are done in dq-coordinates
ƒ dq-references are transferred back to 3-phase system via αβ-

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Vector Control 2-Axis Model

Reluctance in salient pole machines is different to main

directions. To avoid the effects of this magnetic asymmetry the
q d,q -components in rotor coordination frame are used. Then the
β coefficients in flux equations are constant and independent of
ω rotor position. The two-axis model of synchronous motor is
iq based on dq-components.
The excitation winding F is along direct axis.
i id

λ The damper winding is replaced with two windings, which are

ud perpendicular to each other : 2D along direct axis and 2Q along
i quadrature axis.
i α

u The 3-phase stator winding is replaced with rotating 2-phase

F windings d and q.

Thus the model consists of two perpendicular winding groups,

which have no magnetic coupling to each other : d, 2D and f on
direct axis; q and 2Q on quadrature axis.

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Vector Control Coordinates

Stator RST, αβ , and rotor dq

-coordination frame
T ƒ R, S, T, are axes of 3 phase
ω angular system with ac-variables
ƒ α and β are axes of 2-phase
d system with ac-variables
λ ƒ d and q are axes of rotor
α system with dc-variables
ƒ λ = rotor position

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Vector Control Coordinates

RST to αβ transformation
β 1 1
iα = i R - iS - iT
2 2
i = 3 i T - 3 iS
β 2 2

αβ to RST transformation
i = i
S R R α

1 3
iS = - i α + 2 iβ
1 3
iT = - iα - 2 iβ

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Vector Control Coordinates

αβ to dq transformation
Id = iα cosλ + iβ sinλ
Iq = −iα sinλ + iβ cosλ

d dq to αβ transformation
Id iα = Id cosλ − Iq sinλ
Iq ω
λ iβ = Id sinλ + Iq cosλ

Id and Iq are direct currents

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Motor Equivalent Circuit

The direct axis : rs stator resistance
xsσ leakage reactance of stator
id rs x sσ x rc x fσ rf if rf resistance of excitation winding
xfσ leakage reactance of excitation winding
i 2D
r2D damper winding resistance to d-direction
x 2Dσ x2Dσ damper winding leakage reactance to
ud - e d x hd uf d-direction
r2D xhd main leakage reactance to d-direction
r2Q damper winding resistance to q-direction
x2Qσ damper winding leakage reactance to
The quadrature axis and the zero-sequence-circuit : xhq main leakage reactance to q-direction
x0 reactance of zero-sequence-circuit
iq rs x sσ i0
ud stator voltage in d-direction
i 2Q ed emf in d-direction
uf voltage of excitation winding
x 2Qσ x0
uq stator voltage in q-direction
uq - e q x hq u0
eq emf in q-direction
r2Q rs
u0 voltage of zero-circuit

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Current Based Flux Calculation

The equations for flux calculation are:

Ψd =xhd⋅(if ⋅kr +id +i2D) +xsσ ⋅id

Ψq = xhq ⋅ ( 1
⋅ iq + i2Q + xsσ ⋅ iq
Components xhd and xhq are the direct - and quadrature-axis main reactance’s and xsσ is the stator
leakage reactance (p.u.).The currents id, iq and if are measured values, but the damper currents i2D and
i2Q are calculated with equations

i2D =ktd ⋅ k1r ⋅id +if ⋅⎜⎜−1+)1 ⎞
⎝ 1+sT2D ⎠

i2Q = ktq ⋅ ( 1
kr )
⋅ iq ⋅ ⎜⎜ −1 +
1 ⎞

1 + sT 2Q ⎟⎠

where components ktd and ktq are :

xhd xhq
ktd = ktq =
xhd + x2D xhq + x2Q
and damping winding time constants:

xhd + x2 D xhq + x2Q

T2D = T2Q =
ωn * r2D ωn * r2Q
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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Voltage Based Flux Calculation

The voltage model is used when the speed is high enough in d- and q-directions and the flux is high
enough in q-direction. The voltages in d- and q-directions :udu and uqu are estimated from measured values. The
voltage losses over the stator resistance are taken into account according to the equations :

udu = udact − idact ⋅ rs

uqu = uqact − iqact ⋅ rs

where udu and uqu are calculated values, udact, uqact, idact and iqact are measured values from transducers and rs is
the stator resistance. The voltages are also estimated by the current model :

udi = Ψd *ω
uqi = Ψq *ω

The correction parameters D-corr and X-corr are get by integrating the differences between voltages in current
(ui) and voltage (uu) model.

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Vector Control Phasor Diagram

Is Rs
Is xs q-axis ψ -axis
I2 ψs ψσ
Is -axis
Iq ψh

δ d-axis

Id ψhd If

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Vector Control Phasor Diagram

ƒ The first step in vector control is the accurate calculation of flux: it's value and direction
i.e. flux angle δ. The air gap flux ψh consists of ψhd and ψhq components, when stator flux
ψs has components ψhd, ψhq and additionally ψσ where ψσ is the leakage flux of the stator
ƒ Air gap flux component ψhd is actually the sum of two components which are produced by
excitation current if and stator current id. The ψhd is always positive and id negative.
Thus id tries to produce flux to negative direction and the excitation current if has to
compensate the effect of id in order to maintain positive ψhd. This means that when stator
current is increasing also excitation current is also increased.
ƒ For practical reasons the stator flux is chosen for vector control strategy. It maintains the
stator voltage variations reasonable even with high overloads because the ψσ is included
in the flux actual value for flux controller.
ƒ Vector control requires also the flux control. Reference value is a known variable
whether it is constant or depends inverse proportionally on the speed at field weakening
area. When the flux actual value is known a normal PI controller is an adequate tool for
flux control. The output of flux controller controls the rotor current and if necessary also
the I1 component of stator current. In steady state the output of flux controller is zero and
stator current is controlled rectangular to the stator flux (cosfi = 1) in order to maximise
the motor torque. In practice this is possible in steady state only. Dynamic situations
require stator current also to produce flux due excitation circuit is slow to control
compared to stator. Flux controller can increase or decrease flux.

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Vector Control Phasor Diagram

ƒ In the picture stator current is divided into components I1 and I2. Current I2
produces the torque and I1 is the current producing flux from stator.

ƒ In dynamic condition a small part of motor flux is made by damping winding

currents. These currents decay after the transient with known time
constants. They are taken as an additional component of stator flux
calculation. Previous figure presents the steady state condition and
therefore damping winding currents are not drawn in the picture.

ƒ The motor voltage Us consists of emf voltage E perpendicular to the air gap
flux ψh, resistive voltage drop IsRs which has the same direction as stator
current Is and reactive voltage drop IsXs, which is perpendicular to the
leakage flux ψs. When these components are added the result is the stator
(terminal) voltage Us.

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Vector Control Phasor Diagram

A = 100 % and B = 200 % load

I sB
= 2.00 1.0 ΨB = 1.0
IsA = 1.0

ΨA = 1.0
-1.66 δA I fA IfB = 1.94
-2.0 -1.0
1.0 2.0

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

Control Strategy
Controle design

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

PSR cyclo Vector Control Diagram


Speed-ref Speed 10
3 Control
torque_ref I2-ref
speed speed_act
Speed-sensor calculation

8 9
11 13b
Flux 14b
 -ref Control id_ref
Current ref I-Control
Im-act calculation dq
I1-ref id1_act
1a iq_ref
 -act iq1act
I1-act id1_act id_act 2c
3p sin
I2-act Current sinla 18a
iq1_act + based 2d
dq Flux cos 14c 15a
I3-act calculation I1-ref + Control
 -ref P-Control Bridge1_sel
 d dq Angle1_ref
 q I1-act
3p I3-ref 18b
15b Bridge
+ Address_2 Control
d q P-Control Bridge2_sel
sinla I2-ref Angle2_ref
cosla I2-act
sinla +
16a 18c
cosla 15c
I1-ref Bridge1_sel Bridge
2a P-Control + Address_3 Control
sin 16b Bridge3_sel
G el-angle I3-ref Angle3_ref
Gray-code 2b I2-ref Bridge2_sel
B I3-act
cos +
16c 18d
cosla Bridge3_sel
I3-ref 15d

U1-act 3p Ud1_act
U2-act Uq1_act
U3-act Voltage
16 17
 -ref Excitation PI-Control
current Im-ref
id0_ref reference 18g
Address_7 Control
Multiplexed data
to firing system

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

ACS6000c Vector Control Diagram

122.03 SPEED_REF4 1 9
Speed 122.14 TORQUE_REF5 11
Group 122
÷ 132.08 I_S_TORQ_REF
Stator I-control 14
2 10 DQ-axis 132.06 I_D_REF 133.25 U_S1_D_REF DQ
130.01 FLUX_S_REF 130.14 I_MMF_REF
Controller 132.07 I_Q_REF 133.26 U_S1_Q_REF
Group 130
Group 132 pol
157.06 I_F_ACT 133.13 U_S1_REF 133.14 U_S1_PHI_REF
3 6 DQ CCB1
153.10 IU1_ACTT 133.09 I_S1_REF
RST 153.02 I_D_ACT Current Current reference
153.11 IV1_ACT based 133.10 I_S1_PHI_REF calculation(RECA) 16
159.02 FLUX_S_ACT
flux model Group 143
153.12 IW1_ACT 153.03 I_Q_ACT Group pol 143.07 CUR_OUT1
DQ 157,150, 17
151 PI-control
155.11 ALPHA

152.02 ROTOR_ANGLE1 159.03 FLUX_S_D 159.04 FLUX_S_Q 133.9 I_ch1-per

132.09 I_D_TORQ_REF PI-control

4 7 143.09 CUR_OUT2 157.11 ALPHA
Rotor Flux Same references
angle Calculation V1-phase
159.05 COS_POLEANGLE_S 12 133.13 I_ch2-per
That to CCB1
calculation Group 159 Excitation RECA
Group 152 Current CCB2
130.01 FLUX_S_REF Reference
Current reference
158.07 FLUX_D_CORR 158.08 FLUX_Q_CORR Group 131
152.02 ROTOR_ANGLE1 131.12 I_F_REF Group 143
143.07 CUR_OUT1
5 8
154.11 UU1_ACT
154.03 U_D_ACT 150.14 IF_REF_ID_MULT PI-control
RST Voltage 155.11 ALPHA
154.12 UV1_ACT 132.08 IS_TORQ_REF
154.04 U_Q_ACT flux model W1-phase
154.13 UW1_ACT 133.7 I_ch1-per
DQ Group 158
143.09 CUR_OUT2 157.11 ALPHA

133.13 I_ch2-per

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

ACS6000c vector control

ƒ The actual value of speed is measured by a 2-channel pulse generator and calculated to numerical
format in pulse encoder interface board NTAC-02. The reference and actual values of speed are
supplied to the speed controller(1) which calculates the torque reference using a modified PID -
algorithm. The torque reference is supplied to the current reference calculation block (11). In order to
keep the closed loop gain constant also in the weak field area, the output of the speed controller is
divided by the calculated flux reference in block (9).The rotor position is measured by a special gray-
code shaft encoder. Electrical angle is calculated in block (4). Further sinus and cosinus of this angle
are calculated.
ƒ The actual values of stator currents I1...I3 are transformed from stator coordination frame (3-phase) to
rotor coordination frame (dq) with coordination transformation block(3). The components id and iq will
then have the same direction as rotor d- and q-axis.) The actual value of excitation current If is
summed to the id-component and it is supplied to the current based flux calculation block (6).
ƒ The flux is calculated by multiplying d- and q-currents by motor reactances in respective direction.
The d- and q-components of the flux and the flux angle are obtained as a result of this calculation.
The flux angle is the angle between flux vector and d-axis(6).
ƒ The flux is calculated also from the stator voltages when motor voltage is about 20% of the nominal.
The voltages are transformed from the stator coordination to rotor coordination in block (5) in the
same way as the currents. The voltage based flux model (8) is used to correct the motor parameters,
which are used in current based model.

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ABB MV Drives PSR-Cycloconverter / Control Strategy

ACS6000c vector control

ƒ The flux calculated in block (6) is an actual value for flux controller block (9) and the reference value is
obtained from flux reference generator (2). The flux reference is constant up to base speed and above
base speed it decreases inverse proportional to speed.

ƒ The reference values for the Id- and Iq-currents are calculated (11) from torque reference, flux controller
output, sinus and cosine values of load(flux) angle.The current control for stator is done in two phases
separately. The integral part (13) is controlled in rotor coordinates system (dq) and the proportional part
(17) in stator 3-phase coordinates system. I-part uses directly dq-direction current reference and output of I-
part is transformed(14) to polar information(length and direction) to make communication to CCB easier.
The reference value for P controller in stator frame is transformed also to polar format(15) and send to CCB

ƒ The output of the current controller I-part of and references to P-part goes to reference
calculation(RECA)(16). In RECA block some feed forward etc. is added final current reference which goes
to proportinal part of current controller(17). Output of current controller is firing angle.

ƒ The reference for excitation current is calculated in block (12) from the inputs : flux reference, id reference
and load(flux) angle. Excitation current reference is send to RECA of CCB where P-controller is used to
control current.

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