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Prophet Muhammad SAW was born in Makkah without a father, because his father, Abdullah, had

already died. Several years after being treated with his mother, Aminah, the Prophet Muhammad SAW
was then raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. His mother died sata Muhammad was 6 years old.
The Prophet Muhammad was born during the year of the Elephant, quoted from the book "Behind the 7
Great Days of Islam" by Muhammad Sholikhin, it is stated that the Prophet's birthday celebration began
with the defeat of Muslims in the Crusades in the 3rd-13 centuries. Therefore, the Sultan of the
Ottoman Turks, Saladin al-Ayyubi looked for ways to raise the spirit of jihad among Muslims. Obtained a
way, that is, they must be reminded again by the example of the spirit of struggle, the Messenger of
upholding Allah's sentence. So a book writing contest was held about the life history of the Prophet.
From there, it is seen from where the best and has a strong psychological influence on the community
that is considered the winner. After being selected, it turned out that the Prophet's Sirah Book most
captivated the hearts of Muslims at that time. In addition, the sirah is also able to raise the spirit of
struggle for the Muslim community in the book Maulid Syarif al-Anam, the work of Shaykh Idris Al-
Barzanji. As a result, the spirit of jihad returned in an amazing way, and Muslims won again to defend
their religious rights, including re-entering Jerusalem into the lap of the Muslims. Rasullah Muhammad
SAW was born in a society that was at the peak of ignorance of reason and religiosity, so it was called
the era of jahiliyyah (ignorance), where the Prophet's presence was to bring enlightenment back
(aufklarung or renaissance) to universal humanity.

Nabi Muhammad SAW lahir di Makkah tanpa ayah, karena ayahnya yaitu Abdullah sudah wafat.
Beberapa tahun setelah dirawat dengan ibunya, Aminah, Nabi Muhammad SAW kemudian dibesarkan
oleh kakeknya yaitu Abdul Muthalib.

Ibunya meninggal sata Muhammad berusia 6 tahun. Nabi Muhammad lahir saat tahun Gajah, dikutip
dari buku "Di Balik 7 Hari Besar Islam" karya Muhammad Sholikhin disebutkan jika perayaan maulid Nabi
bermula dari kekalahan umat Islam dalam perang Salib pada abad k3-13.

Oleh karena itu, Sultan Turki Utsmani, Shalahuddin al-Ayyubi mencari cara bagaimana membangkitkan
semangat jihad di kalangan umat muslim.

Diperoleh suatu cara yakni, mereka harus diingatkan kembali dengan tauladan semangat kejuangan
Rasullah menegakan kalimat Allah. Maka diadakanlah sayembara penulisa kitab (buku) tentang sejarah
hidup Rasullah.
Dari situ, dilihat darimana yang paling bagus dan memberi pengaruh psikis kuat pada masyarakat itulah
yang dianggap sebagai pemenangnya. Setelah diseleksi, ternyata kitab sirah Nabi yang paling memikat
hati umat Islam kala itu.

Selain itu, sirah tersebut juga mampu membangkitkan semangat kejuangan umat islama dalah kitab
Maulid Syarif al-Anam, karya Syaikh Idris Al-Barzanji. Hasilnya semangat jihad kembali muncul secara
mengagumkan, dan umat Islam menang kembali membela hak agamanya, termasuk memasukan
kembali Yerusalem ke dalam pangkuan kaum muslimin.

Rasullah Muhammad SAW lahir di tengah masyarakat yang berada di puncak kebodohan nalar dan
religiusitas, sehingga disebut era jahiliyyah (kebodohan), di mana kehadiran Nabi adalah untuk
membawa pencerahan kembali (aufklarung atau renaissance) bagi kemanusiaan universal.

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