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Dosen Mata kuliah : Dr.DIANA ALEMIN BARUS,M.sc


 Thessalonica Sinurat (192411028)

 Abdi Octa Sevenson Hutabarat (192411036)
 Benhad Samosir (192411042)
 Lorend Hernandez Sinaga (192411068)
 Farhan Nazzri Siddik Pane (192411066)



1.18Dik : s = 380 m , t = 40 s
Dit : V?
V = s/t
= 380 m / 40 s
= 9.5 m/s
1.19 20m/det = dalamsatudetik robot dapatmenempuh 20 m
Jadi1200m : 20 m = 60 detik
1.20Jarak 22.791 -22687 = 104 km
Kecepatan = Jarak/waktu
= 104 /4
= 26 km/jam dan 7,2 m/det
1.21 V = 25 km/jam , t = 4 menit
V = 50 km/jam , t = 8 menit
V = 20 km/jam , t = 2 menit
(a) Jarak total

S1 = Vt
= 25 km/60 menitx 4 menit
= 5/3 km
S2 = Vt
= 50 km/60 menit x 8 menit
= 20/3 km
S3 = Vt
= 20 km/60 menit x 2 menit
= =2/3 km
Stotal = 5/3 + 20/3 + 2/3 = 9 km
(b) V = jarak total / waktutempuh

= 9 km / 14 mm
= 10.71 s

1.22 Perpindahan = √80^2 + 192^2

= √6400 + 36.864
= √ 43,264
= 208 km
1.23 Dik : x = 24 cm , y = 10 cm
Dit = d ?
d = √ x^2 + y^2
= √ 24^2 + 10^2
= √ 676
= 26 cm
1.24 (a) Posisi b kearahtimur 5 cm dankearahselatan 1 cm daria
(b) Perpindahan x
X^2 = 5^2 + 1^2
X^2 = 25 +1 = 26
X = √26
A = 0i + 0j
B = 5i – 1 j
A+b = 5i-1j
|a+b| = √ 5^2 + (-1)^2 = √26 = 5,09 cm
1.25 Dik : 1,5 putaran = 3/2 putaran , t = 50 s , d = 40m , keliling = 126 m
Dit :laju rata ratadanwaktu
(a) Jarak 3/2 x 126 = 189 m

Lajuratarata = s/t
= 189 / 50
= 3.8 m/s

(b) waktu = d/t = 40/50 = 0.80 m/s

1.26 (a) 200/60 = 3,33
3,33 x 45 = 150 km
(b) = 0

1.27 Komponenx gayaresultan

Fx = 300 cos 0 + 400 cos 30 + 400 cos 150
= 300 + 200√3 - 200√3 = 300 N
Fy = 300. Cos 90 + 400 sin 30 + 400 cos 30
= 400 N
F = √(Fx^2 + Fy^2) = 500 N
= Tan^-1 Fy/Fx = Tan^-1 4/3 = 53.13
1.28 Vx = V cos 70 = 450
V = Vx/cos 70 = 450/ 0.342
= 1315 m = 1,3 km
1.29 data
D1 = 50 cm , d = 85 cm . θ= 25
Rx = 85 cos 25 = 77.036
Vx =77.036 x 50
= 27 , 036 cm
Ry = 85 sin 25
Vy = 35.9225 cm
[ Vx^2 + Vy^2 ] = 44,96
= tan^-1 [ 35.9225/27.036]
= 53
= 45 cm kearahsudut 53 derajatsumbu x

1.31 (a) – ā – ƃ or – ( ā + ƃ ) : (b) ā , (c) -ƃ

1.32 Dik : θ = 20 , P = 150
Dit = F ?
Sin θ = p/f
Sin 20 = 150 / f
F = 150/ sin 20
F = 51 N
1.33 Dik : P = 150 N , θ = 30
Dit : F ?
Sin θ = P/f
F = p/sin 30
F = 150 / sin 30
F = 59 N
1.34 ā+ƃ+ć
7i + -3i + 4i
-6j 12j -4j
(a) 8i + 2j
7i + -3i
-6j 12j
(b) = 10 j – 18 j
7i + 4i
-6j -4j
(c) 3i – 2j

1.35 R = 7i – 12 j
7i x 2 = 14 a
-12 x 5 = 60
So 14 at - 60֯

1.36 Consider that it is at 600 to the negative x-axis

Vertical component = 50 sin 600

Vertical component = 50 ×0,86 = 43,30 m

Horizontal component =-(50 cos 600)

= -(50 ×-0,5)

= -25m
R = (43.30 m I + (-25j)m

1.37 The vector representation of the location is given below, the x component of the
displacement is:

X = [(730 mile) cos (50)]-[(560 mile) cos (210)]

= 527 mile

The Y component of the displacement is,

Y = [(730 mile) cos (50)] +[(560 mile) sin (210)]

= 586 mile

1.38 R = (3.00-5.00+6.00)i + (2.00+3.00+1.00)j

= 4.00 i + 6.00

R= √ 4 2+ 62

= 7,2 m

 = tan -1 ( 64 ) = 56,3 0

1.39 V1 sin 30 = V2 sin 60

V2 = 10
X = 10 / sin 30
= 20 km / jam

1.40 3c= B-A

3C= (Bx-Ax) i+ (By-Ay)j

3c= (13.2-(-8.70))i+(-6.60-15)j

3c= 21.9 i-21.6j

c= 7.3i-7.2j
cx = 7.3 cm, cy =-7,2cm

1.41 C = A+B = (200 +3.00)i+ (600-200)j

= 500 i + 400 j

D= A-B = (2.00-3.00)i+(6.00+2.00)j

= -100i + 8.00 j

Yc = √ cx 2 +cu2
= √ (5.00)2 +( 4.00)2

= 6,400

Yo = √ o x 2+ oy 2

= √ (−1.00)2 +¿ ¿

= 8,060

Total distance traveled = 380 m

Time = 40 s

totaSdictancetraveSed 380N
Savg= = =9,5 m/s
TINE 40c

Total distance traveled = 1200 m

Time = 20 m/s

Savg =
totaSdictancetraveSed =1200N=60.0 s
TINE 20N/c

2.25 X1 =22.687 km time = 4.0 hours = 14.400 s

X2 = 22791 km
X2 – X1= 22.791 – 2268 = 104 km = 104.000 m
Savg=104kN=26 km/h Savg=104.000N=7,2 m/s
4.0 h 14.400c

2.26 V1 = 25 km/h V2 = 50 km/h V3 = 20 km/h

T1 = 4 minute t2 = 8.0 minute t3 = 2 minute

 S1 = V1.t1/60 S2 = V2.t2/60 S3 = V3 . t3/60

25 .4 100 50 .8 400 20 .2 40
= 60 = km = 60 = km = 60 =60 km

60 60
100+400+40 360
St = = = 9.0 km = 9000 m
60 60
 t = 4 + 8+2 Savg=9000N=10,7m/s
= 14 . 60 = 840 s

(a) 1,5 arounds =189 m time = 50 s

Diameter =40m circumference = 126m
Savg =189N=3,78 m/s
50 c

(b)v=40N=o,8 m/s
50 c

(a) One hour equals 60 minutes, hence 45 minutes equals 45/60 = 0.75hr.
We should use the following formula d = v .t , where d – distance, v – an average speed
and t – time.
d = v .t = 200 . 0,75 = 150 km

(b) The average velocity is determined by the total displacement divided by the total time
required to achieve that displacement. The car is right back where it was after every lap,
so displacement is zero and the average velocity is zero as well.
t(s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

X(cm) 0 4 7 11 14 16 18 19 20 19 18 16 13 10 6

0 8 3 3 8 6 7 0 5 2 2 5 3 7

(a) v = 2c
= 1,75 cm/s = 0,017500 m/s
(b) v = 4c
= 0.05 cm/s
= 0.05 m/s or 0 m/s
(c)v= 2c
= 1,35 cm/s
= 0,0135 m/s (in negative )

(a) v = 2
= 1,9 cm/s

(b) v = 4
= 1,075 cm or 1,1 cm
(c) v = 4
= 1,475 cm or 1,5 cm ( in negative )
2.31 ( a) t= 1 s
a = ds= 10= 3,3 m/s
dt 3
(b) t = 4.0 s
a = 12= 4 m/s
( c ) t = 10.0 s
a= 5–13= 0,8 m/s
2.32 u=8m/s, t=40s, d=640m .
s= ut+1/2at2
640 = 8×40+1/2×a×402
640-320= 800a . 320/800=a.
a= 0.4m/s^2 .
then find finalvelocity v= u +at.
v= 8 + 0.4 × 40.
average velocity; =16m/s
40 c

Acceleration=5m/s Time=4s

V=u+at V=0+5x4



’2 S=5x8 = 40

u=0 m/s t=3sec

v=27m/s then,
a=v-u/t =27-0/3 =9m/s^2

And After 6
Sec:- v=? and
v=u+at =0+9(6)

=56m/s and


s=Distance v=FinalVelocity

so let the equationbe

x = 30m =
distance t = 4
seconds =time
u = 5m/s = initial speed

so by using x = ut + 1/2 a
t^2 so a = 5/4

so the equation now we

use is v = u + at
so v = 10 m/s

2.36 s = 6t + 1/2 at^2

v = 6+at
20 =
at = 14
70 = 6t+7t =
13t t = 70/13
a = 14/t = 14*13/70 = 13/5
Step 1: Write the Given along with its proper unit of
measurement. distance=600m
time=12 s
Step 2: Find the acceleration
1. The problem states that a plane starts from rest which means that the starting
velocity is 0 m/s (unit is based from theproblem).
2. To calculate the acceleration, equation number 2 shown above will
The eequation will b derived and shall take the form of:
be used. 3.


Step 3: Find the speed at the den of 12 s

1. Since there is already a value calculated for acceleration, then the equation number 1
above will be used.


Step 4: Find the distance moved during the 12th second

1. The total distance moved from t=0 to t=12 s is 600 m; however, the question is the
distance during the 12th second. I believe that it is the distance traveled from t=11 s
to t=12s.
2. Let us first compute the distance traveled from rest to t=11s.
3. Getting the difference of thetwo:
A plane starts from rest with a constantaccelerationof . At the 12th second, the
speed is equivalent to . The distance moved during the twelfth second is


= -0682 m/s’2

Here a = -2 m/s² and u = 13 m/s t =6s

We know v = u+at

(a) then v = 13 - 2 x 6 = 1 m/s = Finalvelocity

(b) Total displacement=

Avg velocity=

(c) Distance moved in 6 s = 42 m (Check solution of(b))

∴Acceleration = g = 9.8 m/s². ≈ 10m/s².

(b). initial velocity (u) =

0 time(t) = 3seconds.
∴ S = ut + 1/2at²
⇒ S = 0 + 1/2 × 10 × 9
∴ S = 45 m.
(c). v² - u² =2aS
v² = 2 × 10 × 70
∴ v = √1400
∴ v = 37.41
m/s. (d). v - u = at
∴ 25 - 0 = 10 × t
∴ t = 2.5
seconds. (e). S = ut +
∴ 300 = 0 + 1/2 × 10 × t²
∴ t² = 60
∴ t = 7.75 seconds

2.41 S= ut+1/2at2
S=Displacement covered
U=Intial velocity
2 due to earths gravity)
A=Acceleration (it’s
T=Time taken to cover displacement S

Marble is dropped.means initial velocity (u) of

marble is 0 Therefore the equation becomes
=1/2 x 9.8 m/s2 x (5)2

2.42 to solve for the time where the stone will reach the
to solve for the final velocity of the stone to strike the ground

For the given information

Solving the problem

2. To solve for the final velocity of the stone to strike the round, let us use the second
formula then substitute the given information, wehave:

v = - 23.54 m/s

(A) v=u+atv=u+ator 0=30+(−9.81)t0=30+(−9.81)t or t=309.81t=309.81 or
t=3.1m/s t= 3.1m/s
(B) v2=u2+2asv2=u2+2as or
s=90019.62s=90019.62 or
s=45.87ms = 45.87m
2.44 (A)u=0
t=20 s
h=ut+1/2 g t2
=0+1/2 x 10x20x20
= 2000m
h=ut+1/2 g t2
=(-50)x20+1/2 x10x20x20
= 1000m

2.45 s = ut+1/2gt2 s = ut+1/2gt2

h1 = 0 +1/2 g (5)2
h2 = 0 +1/2g(3)2
h1 =25g/2 ...........1> h2 =9g/2..............................2>
now the difference in height is h1 - h2
=25g/2 - 9g/2
= 16g/2
=8 x 9.8 =78.4 meter
h1 = 25g/2
=122.5 m
2.46 s=ut−21gt2
t=2 s
(2)2 H= −13.6 m
2.47 t = (2 * 0.8/9.81)^1/2 =0.202 seconds (using h = 1/2*g*t^2)

horizontal distance = 0.2 m/s * 0.202 secs

= 0.0404 m
= 4cm
2.48 v=u+at

Ttot =3.126×2
2.49 u = 40sin30
= 20m/s
a = 9.81 m/s²
s = 170m
v² = u² + 2as
v² = 20² + 2 x 9.81 x 170
v = 61.12 m/s
= 40cos30= 34.64m/s

Final velocity = 34.64 i - 61.12 j m/s


vhor=v0cos(θ)=20ms −1×cos(40°)

s= 5.38m(3s.f.)

tan (26 degrees) x110m

= 53.651meter
53.651 m - 1.8 m = 51.851 m.


For θ = 300,

H1 =

For θ = 600 ,


R2 =
v cos30=20t
t=200.866v (1)
Vertical Component
5=v×0.5×t−4.9t2 (2)

2.54 vg[1+√1+2hg/v2]
Tugas Hukum Newton

We can determine the acceleration of the rocket from the Newton’s
Second Law Of Motion: F = 10 N and m = 100 kg
F = ma,
a=𝑚 = 100
a = 0.10 m/s2

A bullet leaves a standard 45-calibre pistol at a speed of 262 m/s. If it
takes 1.00m/s to transverse the barrel, determine the average acceleration
experienced by the 16.2g bullet within the pistol.
I believe you mean it takes 1 ms = 1 milisecond = 0.001 second to
traverse the barrel
Acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time
a = 262 m/s ÷ 0.001s = 262, 000 m/s^2
the force = mass * a
Force = 0.0162 kg * 262,000 m/s^2 = 4,244.4 N
= 3 x 105 m/s2; 0.4 x 102 N

(a) a =𝐹 6𝑁 2
𝑚1 = 1 = 6 m/s

(b) ) a = 𝐹
𝑚1 6𝑁 = 3m/s2
= 4 2

(c) F = m a = 2 . 3 = 6 N

(a) The weight of the objectis:
W = mg
Where m is its mass and g = 9.81m/s2 is the gravitation
acceleration. Thus:
W = 0.3kg . 9.81m/s2 = 2.94N
(b) The mass of any object on the Moon is the same as on Earth. In this
case 300g.
(c) The acceleration can be calculated using the Newton’s secondlaw:
a =F
where F = 0.5N is the resultant force. Thus, obtain:

a = 0.5N≈
1.67m/s2 0.3kg
Answer: (a) 2.943 N, (b) 0.300 kg, (c) 1.67 m/s2
3.36 Answer:
Known: Asked:

m = 200 kg time interval = t =? v=8m/s

T = 500 N car mileage = s =? vo = 0 m / s
Solution: We will use the formula for Newton's 2nd Law to solve this


Furthermore, the mileage can be found using the followingformula:


S = 13 m
ΔE = 0
-F s + ½ m v² = 0
-F (30) + ½ (900)(0² - 20²) = 0
F = -6000 N
F = 6.0 Kn

m = 12 g = 12/1000 kg = 0.012 kg,
u =0m/s v = 700m/s
S (distance) = 20 cm = 20/100 m = 0.2 m
Formula used:
v² = u² + 2aS
(700)² = (0)² + 2. a. (0.2)
490000 = 0.4 a
a =490000/0.4
a = 1225000 m/s²

Force= 1225000 x 0,012

= 14700 newton
= 14.7 kN
(a)The tension in the rope is 250N. This is the same thing as the box
being pulled upward with a force of 250N. You also know that the
box is being pulled down by a force of mg = 196N due to gravity.
Therefore, the net force on the box is 54Nupward.
F = ma
54 / 20 = a
a = 2.7 m/s² up
(b) 2.3 m/s2down
(c) 9.8 m/s2down
(d) zero

As per Newton's law we have

here for the mass suspended with a string we have

now we have

(a) T – mg = ma
T = mg +ma
T = (5 x 9.8) + (5 X 1.5)
T = 56.5 N
= 57 N

(b) T – mg = ma
T = mg +ma
T = (5 x 9.8) + (5 x -1.5)

T =41.4

= 42N

(c) T – mg = ma
T = mg+ma
T = (5 x 9.8) + (5 x -9.8)


= Zero

Weight =700 N g = 9,8 m/s

𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 700
𝑁= = = 71,4 kg
𝑔 9,8 𝑚/𝑠

(a) 1,8(up)

F =m.a

Ft – Fw = m.a

Ft – 700 = 71,4 x 1,8

Ft= 129 N + 700

Ft= 829 N = 83 → 0,83kN

(b) 1,8(down)
Ft = -129 + 700 = 571

N Ft = 0,57 kN

(c) 9,8(down)
Ft – 700 = 71,4 x 9,8

Ft= 700-700 = 0N


M = 65kg g = 1,6
m/s2 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

Weight = m.g

= 65 kg . 1,6 m/s2

= 104 N

For the 4kg block-

F = ma
T1 – mg = ma
T1 – 39.2 =4a
Solving in terms of T1 to get
T1 = 4a + 39.2
For the 12kg block-
F = ma
T2 – mg = ma
T2 – 117.6 = 12a
Solving in terms of T2-
T2 = 12a + 117.6
Now, because T1 = T2, I can say
12a + 117.6 = 4a + 39.2
But then I end up with a = 9.8

The answer is 4.9 m/s2, 59 N, which, incidentally, is 9.8/2.


Let the acceleration of the elevator be a.

As it travel 2m in the first 0.6s

=>by the formula s=0×t+(1/2)at²


Then tension in string T is given by T-mg=ma

= 3×20.98
= 62.7N

= 63 N

ΣFy =m.a

W - f.ges =

m.a60.50 - 640


3.000 – 0,80 =80.a

a = 2850 N + 588 N = 34,48 = 3,4 kN

6 N and 9.45 N
l = 300
F = 900
v = 0,700 m/𝑠2
v = √F.l/m
m = √F.l/v
m = √900.300/0,700
m =270 /100
m = (b) 10,9 N dan 8,19N

(a) F = ma

30 +30 = 20 .a

60 = 20.a

60/20 = a

a = 35 N

(b) 44N
Answer :We show the three forces acting on the block : thefriction

the normal force N, which is perpendicular to the incline; andthe

weightofthe block, w=mg=(12kg) /(9.8m/s2)=118N

We choose the x-axis along the incline with downward as positive

Using∑Fx=max,∑Fx=max,we have
wsin40∘−f=maxwsin⁡40∘−f=max or (118N)

Solving we have ax=1.3m /s2ax=1.3 m /s2

To find the time to reach the bottom of the incline , starting

from rest , we use x=v0xt+12x=v0xt+12axt2axt2, with
vax=0vax=0and x=5.0mx=5.0m

Solving we get t=(7.63s2)1/2t=(7.63s2)1/2 = 2.76 s atau 2.8 s


𝑣0=0 𝑚 = 12𝑘𝑔
𝑥 =5.0𝑚 𝜃 = 40.0°𝐹
𝑓 = 60.0 𝑁
𝑎 = ? 𝑡=? 𝜇 =?
𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝑚𝑔 sin 𝜃 − 𝐹𝑓 = 𝑚a
(a).𝑎= 𝑚𝑔 sin 𝜃 − 𝐹𝑓 / 𝑥 (12 𝑘𝑔)(9.80 𝑚𝑠 2 ⁄ )(sin 40.0°) − 60.0 𝑁 / 12
𝑘𝑔 = 1.3 𝑚𝑠2
(b). √
=√ / 1.3 m/s2 = 2.8s
mg sin α - fr = m a
(a)15.10.sin 30 – 1,2 = 15 a
15 (0,9) – 1,2 = 15a
12 - 2 = 15a
13,5 = 2a
a = 92 N
(b) vt² = vo² + 2as
vt² = 0 + 2 (15) (15)
vt² = 1.800
vt = 56 N


(a) 𝜀F= W sin 30 –fs

20.20.0,9÷80 N
= 0,21 kN
(b) W=F.s


m =30kg F =20
S= 2.0 Vo =0
Vt= ?
F S = ¹/₂ m (Vt² - Vo²)
20 × 2.0 = ¹/₂ × 2 (Vt² - 0)
40 = Vt²
20 = 2a
a =2,9
Vt² = Vo² + 2 a S
Vt² = 0 + 2 (2.9) (2.0)
Vt² = 2,9
Vt = 2,9 m

fs = μs N
= μs mg
= (0,20)(30 kg) = 0,74 m


zF = ma
F - fg = ma F = fg
+ ma
F = μk.N +ma
= μk w +ma
= 20 . 200 ÷25
= 4000 ÷ 25
= 0,13Kn (b)



F = m.a
30 n = 4.0 kg.a
a =30 n / 4.0kg

a = 3.3 m/s2, 13 N


fs = μs N
= μs mg

= (0,30)(13 kg) = 0,39 m/s2, 13 N


The required force to pull the 6 kg block is given as, F -

u(M+m)g - umg = Ma
F - 0.40 (6+2) x 10 - 0.40 x 2 x 10 = 6 x 1.5 F =
48 N
Thus, the force required to pull out the 6 kg block is 48 N
4.9Applying Lami's Theorem,

Using the identity,



4.10. ΣFx = 0

200 cos (30°) + 500 cos (80°) + 300cos(240°) + F cos θ = 0

173.205 + 86.824 - 150 + F cos θ = 0 F cos

θ = -110.029

Cos θ = -110.029/F

ΣFy = 0
200sin(30°) + 500sin(80°) + 300sin(240°) + Fsinθ = 0

100 + 492.404 - 259.808 + Fsinθ = 0

Fsinθ = -332.596

sinθ = -332.596/F Now,

remember that :

tanθ = sinθ/cosθ

tanθ = (-332.596/F)/(-110.029/F) tanθ =


tanθ = 3.023

θ = tan^-1(3.023) θ =


But since our tangent ratio was a negative number over a negative number,
wemusttranslate this to quadrant3:

θ = 71.695° + 180° = 251.695°/252°

Choose either the sine or cosine relation to find F: F =


F = -332.596/sin(251.695°) F =

350.324 N

4.11. 𝑻𝟐𝒚 + 𝑻𝟏𝒚 = 𝑾𝟏

𝑻𝟐𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟓𝟎 + 𝑻𝟏𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟑𝟓 = 𝑾𝟏
𝑻𝟐𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟓𝟎 + 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟑𝟓 = 𝑾𝟏
260.1 N = 𝑾𝟏 𝟏𝟒𝟗, 𝟖𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟓𝟎 + 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟑𝟓 = 𝑾𝟏
𝑾𝟏 = 𝟐𝟔𝟎 N

𝑾𝟐 = 𝟏𝟒𝟗, 𝟖 𝑵/𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝑵

T = (23.1 N)(0.500)T

4.14. ft1 + ft2 = fw

Ft1 and ft2 = 220 n

fn = 20,4 sin 35 x 9,8 = 112,41

fw- fn = Ff

220 – 112,41 = 107,59 or 108 N

4.15. (a). FN +(𝟐𝟎𝑵) 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝟓𝟓 − 𝟓𝟎 = 𝟎

FN = 34 N

(b). FN = 60. Cos 40

= 60.0,766 = 46 N

(c) FN-(70 N) sin 40-60 =0

FN = 104 N

4.16. fk = 𝝁𝒌. 𝑵

= 0.097.350 = 34 N
𝒇 𝟏𝟏.𝟓𝟔
𝝁𝒌 = = = 0,34
𝑵 𝟑𝟒

4.17. fs = 𝝁𝒔. 𝑵

= 0.111.350 = 39 N
𝝁𝒌 = = 𝟑𝟐,𝟕𝟔 = 𝟎, 𝟖𝟒
𝑵 𝟑𝟗

4.18. fs = 𝝁𝒔. 𝑵

= 0.035.420 = 15 N
𝝁𝒌 = = 𝟐,𝟓𝟓 = 𝟎, 𝟏𝟕
𝑵 𝟏𝟓

4.19. 58 N, 31 N
4.20. Thus, Substituting the values in , we get : A×
√𝟑 = 𝑩 √𝟑
𝟐 𝟐
A=1 B= 2
From this equation, we can clearly conclude that A > B
And as it is given that the maximum tension is 80 N
So, 𝟏 × 𝟖𝟎 = 𝟒𝟎 𝑵
Substituting the values :

𝟏 𝟏
𝟖𝟎 × √𝟑 = 𝑾 = 𝟒𝟎 × √𝟑 = 𝟑𝟓𝑵
𝟐 𝟐
4.21. 37 N, 88 N, 77 N, 0,14 kN

4.22. 185 N

(a) T cos 30 = friction force(Fr)…..(1) T sin 30 =


So from 1, Fr =

12 N

We get,

T = 13,86 N

W = T sin 30 = 13,86× 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝟑𝟎 = 𝟔, 𝟗𝟐 𝑵

(b) 𝝁𝒌 = =12/36 =0,333

Equilibrium atR

𝑻𝟏 = 𝟖𝑵

Equilibrium at P

𝑻𝟐 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝟑𝟎 = 𝑻𝟏

𝑻𝟐 = = 𝟏𝟔 𝑵
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝟑𝟎
𝑻𝟐 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟑𝟎 =𝑻𝟑

𝑻𝟑 = 𝟏𝟔 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝟑𝟎
Equilibrium at Q N =

40 N
𝑻𝟑 = 𝝁𝑵

𝟏𝟔 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟑𝟎 √𝟑
𝝁= = = 0.35
𝟒𝟎 𝟓
5.12). 900⸱5/6L + 700 ⸱ L/3 + 8000 ⸱0,4L = 2F;
F = (900 ⸱ 1/3+8000 ⸱ 0,4)/2 = 2.09kN
Total force up by 4 wheels is equal to the total weight down.
2𝐹 + 2𝑃 = 8000 + 700 + 900 = 9600
2(2090) + 2𝑃 = 9600
2𝑃 = 5420
𝑃 = 2710 𝑁 = 2.71 𝑘𝑁.

5.13). Your force balance:

F1 + F2 - 400N = 0

Your moment (torque) balance:

=F1 (L/2) cos25° = F2 (L/2) cos25 °
=F1 L cos25 = 400N (L/2) cos25
=400-200 = 200N
5.15 Ft = w tan 40 / 2
= 1600 N x 0.839 / 2
= 671 N = 0.67 kN
FRh = 0.67 kN ,Frv = 1,6 kN
5.18 T = W1 + Wrod + WA = 1,5 + 0.5 + 3.3 = 5.3 N
5.21 EFd = 0
F 1 ¼ d + F2 ½ d – FT2 cos 30 d = 0
400 ¼ d + 120 ½ d – FT2 cos 30 d = 0
100 d + 60 d – FT2 cos 30 d = 0
100 d + 60 d = FT2 ½ √3 d
160 d = FT2 ½ √3
FT2 = 160 : ½ √3
FT2M = 184. 752N = 19 kN
EFd = 0
F 1 ¼ d + FT1 cos θ ½ d + FT2 cos 30 ½ d = 0
+ FT1 cos θ ½ d + 80 d = 0
180 d = FT1 cos θ ½ d
Ft1 cos θ = 360 ………… (1)
EF = 0
FT1 sin θ – FT2 sin 30 = 0
FT1 sin θ – 190 ½ = 0
Ft1 sin θ = 95 ….. (2)
Sin θ / cos θ = 95 / 360
Tan θ = 0.263
θ= 14,7
Ft1 cos 14,7 = 360
Ft1 = 360 : cos 14,7
Ft1 = 360 : 0,96
Ft1 = 375 N
5.23 Y = ½ 3.5 = 1.75
X = √(3^2 – 1.75^2) = 2.7 m
F1 = 150 N
F2 = 500 N
EFd = 0
F2 sin θd + F1 sin θ ½ d – N d – T sin ( 90 – θ ) dt = 0
F2 sin θd + F1 sin θ ½ d – F2 sin θ d – T cos θ dt = 0
F1 sin θ ½ d – T cos θ d1 = 0
150 ^ 1,75/3 x 1.5 – T ^ 2.7/3 X 0,5 = 0
131.25 + T 0.45= 0
T 0.45 = 131.35
T = 131.25 : 0,45
T = 291 N = 0.29 kN

W = 500 N
T max = 1800 N
F w max = ...?
Sigma F d = 0
W 0,5 d + F w 0,7 d - T sin 30°d = 0
250 5 d + F w 0,7 d - 1800.0,5 d = 0
250 d - 900 d + F w 0,7 d = 0
650 d + F w 0,7 d = 0
F w 0,7 d = 650 d
F w = 650 d : 0,7 d
F w = 928,5 N = 0,93 kN
5.27 (Fw1 )(cos 40 ) = (500 N ) (cos 70)(0.3L ) +(300N)(cos 70)(0.5 L) – (800N )(cos 30)
(Fw1) (0.76) = 171 + 51.3 – 692.82
Fw1 = 619.5 N = 0.61 kN

6.24). F= 3.0 N
S= 12 m
Work done, W= F×S
=3 ×12= 36 J
6.25). (A) F= M.g (B) F= m × g
M= 4 kg = m. g. s
g=9.81 = 4×9.81× -1.5
W= F× d = -58,86 dibulatkan menjadi -59 J
W= 4 (9.81) (1,5)
= 58.86 dibulatkan menjadi 59 J
6.26). work done = Δρ.E
W= (mhg)f. (mhg)i
(mhg)I = 0, since it was lying down
And, h= ½ (h of the marble)
h= 1/2 (3.4) = 1.7 m
W= 180 kg × 9.8 m/s² × 1.7 m
W= 2,9998.8 J
W= 3.0 kJ
6.27 ) Dik : m =1300 kg
V0 = 0 m/s
Vt = 20 m/s
S = 80 m
Dit F ?
Vt^2 = Vo^2 + 2as
20^2 = 0 + 2 a 80
400 = 160 a
A = 5/2 m/s^2
F = 1300 x 5/2
F = 3250 N
6.28). a= F/m
= -6000 N/1200 kg
= -5 m/s²
We obtain for d (after canceletaions)
d = 900 m/ 2 (5)
= 90 m

6.30). m= 200 kg
S= 1,5 m
1. Solving for the weight force, we get :
Fw= mg
= (200 kg)(9.8 m/s²)
Fw= 1960 N
2. Apllying the formula for work, we get :
W= Fs
W= (1960 N)(1.5 m)
W= 2940 J
= 2,9 Kj
Therefore, the work is 2,9 kJ
6.31 m= 150 N
S= 7 m
1. Solving for the weight force, we get:
Fw= m. g
= (150) (9.8 m/s)
= 1,470 N
2. Applying the formula for work, we get:
W= F.S
= (1,470 N) (7)
= 10,29 J
= 0,01 kJ
6.31 W = Wg - Wges
W = mg (h2 - h1) - Fges.S
W = 200 × 10 × 1,5 - 150 × 7
W = 3000 - 1050
W = 1950
6.34. 5 liter = 5 x 10¯³ m³
h=20 m
rho = 1000 kg/m³
W =......?
Jawab :
m = rho x V
m = 1000 x 5 x 10¯³
m = 5 kg

w = delta Ep
w = m x g x (h2 - h1)
w = 5 x 10 x (20 - 0)
w = 5 x 10 x 20
w = 1000 J
6.35 ΔEK = ΔEP
400 = m x g x Δh
400 = 2 x 10 x (h2-h1)
400 = 20(h2)
H2 = 400/ 20
H2 = 20m

8.21) Typically, a tennis ball hit during a serve travels away at about 51 m/s. If the ball is
at rest mid-air when struck, and has a mass of 0.058kg, What is the change in its
momentum on leaving the racket.
Answer :
∆P = 0.058 X 51 kgm/s
= 2,958 = 3.0 Kg. m/s

8.22) During a soccer game a ball (of mass .425kg), which is initially at rest, is kicked by
one of the players. The ball moves off at a speed of 26m/s. Given that the impact
lasted for 8 ms, what was the average force exerted on the ball.
Answer :
force = impuls/time
F = 0.425 x 26/0.008 N
= 1,381 = 1,4 kN

8.23) A 40,000 kg freight car is coasting at a speed of 5 m/s along a straight track when it
strikes a 30,000 kg stationary freight car and couples to it. What will be their
combined speed after impact.
Answer :
v = m1v1/(m1+m2)
= 40 000 x 5 / (40 000+30 000) m/s
= 2,857 = 2,9 m/s

8.24) An empty 15,000 kg coal car is coasting on a level track at 5 m/s. Suddenly 5,000
kg of coal is dumped into it from directly above it. The coal initially has zero
horizontal velocity. Find the final speed of the car.
Answer :
m1v1 =m2v2
v2 = v1 (m1/m2)
v2 = 5 (15 000/20 000 m/s)
v2 = 3,75 m/s

8.25) sand drops at a rate of 2000 kg/min from the bottom of a hopper into a belt
conveyor moving horizontally at 250 m/min. determine the force needed to drive
the conveyer, neglecting friction.
Answer :
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒 = 𝐹∆𝑡 = 𝑚∆𝑣 Thus,
the force is
m kg
= 2000 = 2000 kg / 60 s
∆t min
The momentum change per second is
m ∆ v 2000 .(250−0) m
= =138,9 kg 2
∆t 60−60 s

Thus, 𝐹 = 138.9 N. (139 N)

8.26) two bodies of masses 8 kg and 4 kg move along the x-axis in opposite directions
with velocities of 11 m/s positive x-direction and 7 m/s -negative x-direction,
respectively. They collide and stick together.Find their velocity just after collision.
answer :
11m 7m
8 kg . + 4 kg .−
v= m1 v 1+ m2 v 2 s s 60
= =
m 1+m2 8 kg +4 kg 12

8.27) a 1200 kg gun mounted on wheels shoots an 8 kg projectile with a muzzle velocity
of 600 m/s at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. find the horizontal recoil
speed of the gun.
Answer :
Your momentum equation should look like this:
(8)(600 * cos 30) = 1200(V)
and solving for "V"
V = 4*cos 30
V = 3.46 m/sec.

8.28) three masses are placed on the y-axis: 2 kg at y=300 cm, 6 kg at y= 150cm, and 4 kg
at =-75 cm find their center of mass.
Answer :
Ym = m1y1 + m2y2 +m3y3 / m1 + m2 + m3
= 2.3 + 6.1,5 + 4.-0,75 / 2 + 6 + 4
= 6 + 9 – 3 / 12
= 12/12
Y= 1 m

8.29) four masess are positioned in the xy-plane as follows: 300 g at (x =0 y = 2.0 m), 500
g at ( -2.0 m - -3.0 m), 700 g at( 50 cm, 30 cm ) and 900 g at (-80cm, 180 cm ). Find
their center off mass.
Answer :
Xm = m1x1 + m2x2 + m3x3 + m4x4 / m1 + m2 + m3 + m4
= 300.0 + 500.-2 + 700.0,5 + 900.-0,8 / 300 + 500 + 700 + 900
= -1370 / 2400
= -0,57 m
Ym = m1y1 +m2y2 + m3y3 + m4y4 / m1 + m2 + m3 + m4
= 300.2 + 500.-3 + 700.0,3 + 900.1,8 / 300 + 500 + 700 + 900
= 930 / 2400
= 0,38 m

Angular Motion in a Plane

9.17Convert (a) 50.0 rev to radians, (b) 48π rad to revolutions, (c) 72.0 rps to rad/s, (d) 1.50 x
103 rpm to rad/s, (e) 22.0 rad/s to rpm, (f) 2.000 rad/s to deg/s. Ans. (a) 314 rad;
(b) 24 rev; (c) 452 rad/s; (d) 157 rad/s; (e) 210 rev/min; (f) 114.6 deg/s
Answer : (a) 50.0 rev = 314 rad
(b) 48π rad = 24 rev
(c) 72.0 rad/s = 452 rad/s
(d) 22 rad/s = 157 rad/s
(e) 22.0 rad/s = 210 rev/min
(f ) 2.000 rad/s = 114.6 deg/s
9.18Express 40.0 deg/s in (a) rev/s, (b) rev/min, and (c) rad/s. Ans (a) 0.111 rev/s , (b) 6.67
rev/min,(c) 0.698 rad/s.

Answer :(a) 0 + 20 + 11,1 =0.111

(b)40,0rpm = 40,0putaran/menit = 40,0putaran / 60 detik = 6.67
(c) 40 = 40/180 = 0.698
9.19A flywheel turns at 480 rpm. Compute the angular speed at any point on the wheel and the
tangential speed 30,0 cm from the center. Ans 50,3 rad/s, 15,1 m/s
Answer :V = ω/ R
V = 480: 30
V = 15.1 m/ s
9.20It is desired that the outer edge of a grinding wheel 9.0 cm in radius move at a rate of 6.0
m/s. (a) Determine the angular speed of the wheel. (b) What length of thread could be
wound on the rim of the wheel in 3.0 s when it is turning at this rate? Ans. (a) 67
rad/s; (b) 18 m
Answer : = s/r
(a) 56.52 / 9.0 = 67 rad/s
= s/r
(b) 56.52 / 3.0 = 18 m
9.21Through how many radians does a point on the Earth surface move in 6.00 h as a result of
the Earth rotation? What is the speed of a point on the equator? Take the radius of the Earth
to be 6370 km. Ans 1.57 rad, 463 m/s
Answer :ω = 6370 / 6.00
ω = 1.57 rad
9.22A wheel 25.0 cm in radius turning at 120 rpm increases its frequency to 660 rpm in 9.00 s.
Find (a) the constant angular acceleration in rad/s 2, and (b) the tangential acceleration of a
point on its rim. Ans. (a) 6.28 rad/s2; (b) 1.57 cm/s2
Answer :to these types of problems is knowing what equation to use. Since have the initial
and final angular velocities (in RPM, convert them to rad/s), and the time to
reach the final angular velocity, the simplest equation is :
ω = ω₀ + αt
Solved for α :
α = (ω - ω₀) / t
Where ω₀ is initial angular velocity and ω is final angular velocity. The initial
angular velocity in rad/s is :
120RPM = 120rev/min(2πrad/rev)(1.00min/60.0s)
= 12.6rad/s

Using the same method, 660RPM is 69.1rad/s. Therefore, the angular

acceleration is :
α = (69.1rad/s - 12.6rad/s) / 9.00s
(a) = 6.28rad/s²

The tangential acceleration is found from :

a(t) = rα
= 25.0cm(6.28rad/s²)
(b) = 1.57cm/s²
9.23The angular speed of a disk decreases uniformly from 12.00 to 4.00 rad/s in 16.0 s.
Compute the angular acceleration and the number of revolutions made in this time.
Ans. -0.500 rad/s2, 20.4 rev
Answer :Angular acceleration = change_of_angular_speed/time = 12 – 4 / 16 rad/s 2 = 8/16
rad/s2 = ½ rad/s2 = -0.500 rad/s2

First calculate the angle of rotation.

The simplest way to find it is to multiply the average angular speed by the time.
The average angular speed is 12 + 4 / 2 rad/s = 16/2 rad/s = 8 rad/s
Therefore, the rotation angle = 8 rad/s x 16 s = 128 radians.
Hence, the number of rotations = 128 / 2 x π = 128 / 2 x 3.14 = 20.4 rev
9.24A car wheel 30 cm in radius is turning at a rate of 8.0 rev/s when the car begins to slow
uniformly to rest in a time of 14 s. Find the number of revolutions made by the wheel and
the distance the car goes in the 14 s. Ans. 56 ref, 0.11 km
Answer : 56 ref, 0.11 km
9.25A wheel revolving at 6.00 rev/s has an angular acceleration of 4.00 rad/s2. Find the number
of turns the wheel must make to reach 26.0 rev/s, and the time required. Ans. 502
rev, 31.4 s
Answer : As the wheel rotates one time, it rotates an angle of 2 π radians. To convert rev/s to
rad/s, multiply by 2π.

ωi = 12 π rad/s
ωf = 52 π rad/s
To determine the time, use the following equation.
ωf = ωi + a x t
52 π = 12 π + 4 x t
t = (52 π – 12 π) / 4 = 10 π
This is approximately 31.4 s. Use the following equation to determine the
number of revolutions.

Number of revolutions = ½ x (rev/s1 + rev/s2) x t = ½ x (6 + 26) x 10 π

N = 160 x π revolutions
This is approximately 502 rev.
9.26A string wound on the rim of a wheel 20 cm in diameter is pulled out at a rate of 75 cm/s.
Through how many revolutions will the wheel have turned by the time that 9.0 m of string
has been unwound? How long will it take? Ans. 14 rev, 12 s
Answer : 1 revolution of wheel = πD = 20π = 62.83 cm
d = 9 m = 900 cm
No of revolutions of wheel = 900/62.83 = 14 rev

Vavg = d/t
75.0 = 900/t
t = 900/75.0 = 12 s
9.27A mass of 1.5 kg moves in a circle of radius 25 cm at a constant 2.0 rev/s. Calculate (a) the
tangential speed, (b) the acceleration, and (c) the required centripetal force for the motion.
Ans. (a) 3.1 m/s; (b) 39 m/s2 radially inward; (c) 59 N
Answer : (a) V = 2 pi r/t
V = 2 pi .25/.5
V = 1.57/.5
V = 3.1 m/s
(b) 39 m/s2
(c) 59 N
9.28(a) Compute the radial acceleration of a point at the equator of the earth. (b) Repeat for the
north pole of the Earth. Take the radius of the Earth to be 6.37 x 106 m. Ans. (a)
0.0337 m/s2; (b) zero
Answer : (a) A point on the Earth’s equator moves in a circle of radius
Rearth = 6.37× 106 m
and the period of T = 1 day = 86400 s. So the speed of that point is
v = 2πR/T = 2π(6.37× 106 m) / (86400 s) = 464 m/s
Then from the centripetal acceleration of this point has magnitude
ac = v2/R = (464 m/s)2 / (6.37× 106 m) = 3.37 × 10-2 m/s2 = 0.0337 m/s2
(b) zero
9.29A car moving at 5.0 m/s tries to round a corner in a circular are of 8.0 m radius. The
roadway is flat. How large must the coefficient be between wheels and roadway if the car is
not to skid? Ans. 0.32
Answer : u = friction coeff = tan (theta) = (mv2/r) / mg
u = v2/rg
= 25/(8 x 9.8)
= 0.3188
= 0.32
9.30A box rests at a point 2.0 m from the axis of a horizontal circular platform. The coefficient
of static friction between box and platform is 0.25. As the rate of rotation of the platform is
slowly increased from zero, at what angular speed will the box first slide? Ans. 1.1
Answer : max friction force Ff = μmg = 0.25 * M * 9.8 m/s2 = 2.45 m/s2* M
centripetal force Fc = mω2r = M * ω2 * 2m
At what ω does Ff = Fc?
2.45 = M * ω2 * 2
ω2 = 2.45/2 = 1.225
ω = 1.1 rad/s
9.31A stone rests in a pail that is moved in a vertical circle of radius 60 cm. What is the least
speed the stone must have as it rounds the top of the circle if it is to remain in contact with
the pail? Ans. 2.4 m/s
Answer : 2.4 m/s
9.32A pendulum 80.0 cm long is pulled to the side, so that its bob is raised 20.0 cm from its
lowest position, and is then released. As the 50.0 g bob moves throught its lowest position,
(a) what is its speed and (b) what is the tension in the pendulum cord? Ans. (a) 1.98 m/s;
(b) 0.735 N
Answer : With the bob raised 20 cm it has potential energy, at the bottom all energy is
mgh = 1/2 m v2
(0.05) (9.8) (0.20) = 1/2 (0.05) v2
(a) v = 1.98 m/s

Second part is solved by finding centrifugal force + gravity force

Fc = mv2/r
Fc = (0.050) (1.98)2 / 0.80 = 0.245 N
Fg = mg = (0.050) (9.8) = 0.49 N
(b) Ft = 0.245 + 0.49 = 0.735 N
9.33Refer back to Fig. 9-4. How large must h be (in terms of R) if the frictionless wire is to
exert no force on the bead as it passes throught point B? Assume the bead is released from
rest at A. Ans. 2.5R
Answer : 2.5 R
9.34If,in Fig 9-4 and in problem 9.33, h =2.5 R,how large a force will the 50 g bead exert on the
wire as it passes through point C? Ans. 2.9 N
Answer : 2.9 N
9.35A satellite orbits the Earth at a height of 200 km in a circle of radius 6570 km. Find the
speed of the satellite and the time taken to complete one revolution. Assume the Earth’s
mass is 6.0 x 1024 kg. (Hint: The gravitational force provides the centripetal force.) Ans.
7.8 km/s, 88 min
Answer : 6570/7,8 = 842,3
dividign b 60 only gives 14 the answer is 88 minutes.
9.36A roller coaster is just barely moving as it goes over the top of the hill. It rolls nearly
without friction down the hill and then up over a lower hill that has a radius of curvature of
15 m. How much higher must the first hill be than the second if the passengers are to exert
no force on the seat as they pass over the top of the lower hill? Ans. 7.5 m
Answer : mg = mv2/r
v = sqrt (gr) dimana r = 15 m
v = 12.13 m/s
akankembalike h = v2/2g
h = 7.5 m
9.37The human body can safely stand an acceleration 9.00 times that due to gravity. With what
minimum radius of curvature may a pilot safely turn the plane upward at the end of a dive if
the plane’s speed is 770 km/h? Ans. 519 m
Answer : For circular motion acceleration is calculated as a = v2/R . The more radius is, the
less the acceleration is. According to the conditions of the task, minimal radius of
the curvature corresponds to a1 = 9 g (g = 9.81 m/s 2) (for higher values of radius,
acceleration will be lower and human will be able to deal with it physically). From
formula for acceleration obtain Rmin = v2/a1 = v2/9 g ≈ 519 m
9.38A 60.0 kg glider pilot traveling in a glider 40.0 m/s wishes to turn an inside vertical loop
such that he exerts a force of 350 N on the seat when the glider is at the top of loop. What
must be the radius of the loop under these conditions? (Hint: Gravity and the seat exert
forces on the pilot.) Ans. 102 m
Answer :102 m
9.39Suppose the Earth is a perfect sphere with R = 6370 km. If a person weighs exactly 600.0 N
at the north pole, how much will the person weigh at the equator? (Hint: The upward push
of the scale on the person is what the scale will read and is what we are calling the weight
in this case.) Ans. 597.9 N
Answer : w = Fg– Fc
= 600 – 4(pi2)(6370)/(86400)286400 is the period, it is the amount of seconds in 24 hours.
= 599.97 N
= 597.9 N
9.40A mass m hangs at the end of a pendulum of length L which is released at an angle of 40,0
to the vertical. Find the tension in the pendelum cord when it makes an angle of 20,0 to the
verticsl. Ans. 1.29mg
Answer :T = T
m g L/40,0sinθ = 1/20,0 m L² α
α = 1.29 mg
BAB 11

11.18 F= 10 N
x= 2 cm = 0,02 m
F= K.x
10= k. 0,02
K= 10/ 0,02
= 500 =5 × 10² N/m
11.19 Ep = ½ × k ×Δx²
= ½ × 1000 × 0,10²
11.21 f= 3 Hz, m= 2.5 kg = 3
F = 1/ 2π√ꞣ/m = 900 N/m
a) F/m = ꞣ x / m = (900) (0.05) / 2.5 kg = 18 m/s²
b) F = ꞣ x = (900)(0.05)= 4.5 N

11.22 am=W²A = ꞣ/Ma = (1.80 Hz)²(0.07) = 8.9 m/s²

b) ½ꞣA² = ½ꞣx² + ½mv²
f = 1.8 Hz = 1/2π√ꞣ/m
= (2n) (1.8) = 11.3
Vm=√ꞣ/m A = (11,3) (0,07) = 0.72 m/s

12.19 1 L = 1 dm³
1 L = 1000 mL
1 dm³ = 1000 cm³
1 mL = 1 cm³

m = 63,3 gr
V = 80 mL = 80 cm³
g = 10 m/s²
ρ = __?
s = __?
a] massajenis
massajenis = massa / volume
ρ = (63,3 gr) / (80 cm³)
ρ = 0,79125 gr/cm³ = 791,25 kg/m³
beratjenis = berat / volume
s = (791,25 kg/m³) (10 m/s²)
s = 7912,5 N/m³

12.20V= M/D
= 200 g/1.60g/mL
= 125 mL
12.21 Diketahui :
ρ = 2,7 g/cm³
m = 2 kg
Ditanyakn : V ?
Dijwab :
ρ = (2,7x10⁻³/10⁻⁶)
= 2,7x10³ kg/m³
jadiVolume :
V = m/ρ
= 2/2,7x10³
= 0,74x10³ m³

Jika dlm cm³

V = 2000/2,7
= 740,74 cm³
V= 5 cm³
P= 2700 kg/m³
g= 9,8 m/s
Dit: Wbalok =…?
Jb= W= m.g
m/v =P
volume adalah 5cm³
= 0,05 m
M= 2700× 0,05
= 135
W= m.g
= (135× 9,8) N
= 1,323
12.23 V drum= m air/ mj
= 200/ 1000
= 1/5 m³
W bensin = m bensin × g
= 132× 10
= 1320 N
BJ bensin = W bensin/ V
= 1320/¹/5
= 1320×5
= 6600 N/m³
rapatmassa = m bensin /
V drum
= 132/¹/5
= 132 × 5
= 660 kg/m³
12.24 Volume of room is
10×8×3 m³= 240 m³

Mass of air = 240m³×1.29

kg/m³ = 309.6 kg

12.25 Density of nuclear

mass = 3m/4πR³
Density of nuclear mass =
3× 1.67×10¯²⁷/ 4× 3.142×
(1..2 × 7

12.26 ρ= 13600 kg/m³

M= 0.24 g = 0.00024 kg
H= 2.375 cm = 0.02375 m
r = √m/πhp = √0.00024 kg / π (0.02375 m) (13600 kg/m³)
r = 0.00049 m = 0.49 mm

12.27 mass= 1.285x0.38

= 488 g
12.28 a) d = m/V
M = 1.93mg =
1.93 × 10¯⁶kg
d = 19300kg/m³ kg
solving for V, we find the
volume: V = m/d =
1.93×10¯⁶ / 19300 = 1.
V= 1. 10¯¹°m³ is the
A = 14.5cm² = 14.5 ×
10¯⁴m² is the area
Therefore, solving for the
T = V/A =
1.10¯¹°/14.5.10¯⁴ = 6.9.

12.30 Konversisatuan
A = 0,5 cm²
A = 0,5 × 10⁻⁴ m
Δl = 1 mm
Δl = 1 × 10⁻³ m
Modulus Young
Y = (F × l₀) / (A × Δl)
Y = (mg × l₀) / (A × Δl)
Y = (225 × 10 × 4) / (0,5 ×
10⁻⁴ × 1 × 10⁻³)
Y = 9.000 / (0,5 × 10⁻⁷)
Y = 18.000 × 10⁷
Y = 18 × 10¹⁰ N/m²

12.31 A = π×d²/4 =
2,827×10¯⁵ m²
F = m×g = 50×10 = 500 N
ΔL = (F×L)/(E×A)
ΔL =
= 7,44 × 10¯⁵meter
= 74,4 μm
12.32 ΔL= (3m)
= 65×10¯⁵m
= 0.65mm
12.33 B = ΔV / V
= -Δp / B
= -(-0.1) / 125000
= 8 ׯ⁷
12.34 ΔV= -VΔp / B
= (40
mm)³(20Mpa) /
= -10mm³
Given, Compressibillity, k
= 5 × 10¯¹° m²N¯¹
Volume is V = 100Ml
Change in pressure ΔP =
15 ×10⁶ - 0= 15 × 10⁶ P a
Compressibility k =
-ΔV/V / ΔP
Decrease in volume,
-ΔV = kV ΔP = 5 × 10¯¹°
× 100 × 15 × 10⁶
-ΔV = 0,75 mL
12.36 F = 4000 N
L = 0.25 m
A = 0.0625 m²
G = 8 × 10⁸ Nm¯²
Now, angle of shear
Θ = F/AG = 4000/ 0.0625
× 8 × 10¹°
= 8 × 10¯⁷ radians
Now, θ = ΔL/L
ΔL = L × θ
ΔL = 8 × 10¯⁷ ×
= 2 × 10¯⁷ m.
12.37 F = 300 N/4 = 75 N
Given I = 3 cm = 0.03 m,
N= 2 × 10⁶ N/m², A =
15cm² = 15 ×10¯⁴m²
Subtitle the given value,
we get
2 × 10⁶ N / m² = 75 N ×
0.03m / 15 × 10¯⁴m² × ₓ
ₓ = 0.00075m
X = 0.075 cm
BAB. 15 Expansi Thermal (Thermal Ekspansion)

BAB. 16 Gas – Gas Ideal (Ideal Gas)

17 Teori Kinetik
Bab 18 Kuantitas Panas
Bab 15. Expansi Thermal (Thermal Expansion)
1. Answer : a = 1.7 x10^-5 C^-1
∆L = Al,/∆T
= (1.7x10^-5 C^-1) (50 m ) (32.12) ∘C
= 0.017 m
= 1.7 cm
2. Answer :
α= 1 /Lo = ∆L /∆T
= 0.091 x 10^ -2 m / (3m)(60K)
= 5.1 x 10 -6 K^-1
3. Answer : D/d = 1+ α (T-T0)
T = T0 + 1/ α (D /d -1 )
= 15 +1/(1.1 x10^-5 (30 /(29.93 -1)
= 227 ∘C
4. Answer : Using the suffixes I and B for the iron ball and the brass plate we
have LI=6cmLI=6cm,LI-LB=0.001cmLI-LB=0.001cm at t=30∘Ct=30∘C Heating both
the ball
and the plate increases the diameters of the ball as well as the hole in the plane, with the
diameter increasing at a faster rate, since αB>αLαB>αL.
Now we require that ΔLB-ΔLI=0.001cmΔLB-ΔLI=0.001cm at the desired temperature t,
Then ΔLB-ΔLI=(LBαB-LIαI)ΔT=0.001cmΔLB-ΔLI=(LBαB-LIαI)ΔT=0.001cm
Approximating by putting L≅LIL≅LI or (6cm)[1.9×10-5-1.2×10-5]Δt
Hence Δt=0.0016[1.9×10-5-1.2×10-5J].∘CΔt=0.0016[1.9×10-5-1.2×10-5J].∘C
Hence final temperature =30+23.8∘C=53.8∘C=30+23.8∘C=53.8∘C
5. Answer : (a) Δl=(lαΔθ)Δl=(lαΔθ)
= (88.42)(2.4×10-5)(35-5)(88.42)(2.4×10-5)(35-5)
= 0.064cm0.064cm
(b) At higher temperature, it measures lesss. Hence,
= (88.42)+(0.064)=88.484cm(88.42)+(0.064)=88.484cm
6. Answer :
Since no external torque is acting on the system, angular momentum will be conserved
So, I1w1=I2w2
Now, due to thermal expansion, I2 will not be same as that of I1
Moment of inertia αL2
change in moment of inertia = Io(2α)ΔT
7. Answer : Concepts:
The volume expansion coefficient
The average volume expansion coefficient b is defined through ΔV = βVΔT.
The volume of the mercury will increase as the temperature rises and the mercury will
rise in the capillary tube.
Details of the calculation:
The increase in temperature is 20oC. The change in the volume of the mercury is
ΔV = βVΔT = (1.8*10-4 (oC)-1)(0.100 cm3)(20 oC) = 3.6*10-4 cm3 = 0.45 cm3.
Δh = ΔV/A = (0.36 mm3)/(0.012 mm2) = o.45cm.
The mercury will rise 30 mm.
8. Answer :The glass expands uniformly in all dimensions, so the capacity expands in
proportion to the glass. The volume coefficient of expansion is related to the linear
byβ=3α. Then V=V∘(1+3α∆T)=(50.000cm³)[1+3(8.3x10⁻⁶˚C⁻1)(10˚c)]. V=50.012cm³
9. AV = yVOAT = 2.9 cm3
10. Answer : ΔV=V0(γL-γC)ΔT=86×{1.8×10-6-3×1.8×10-6)}×50ΔV=V0(γL-
ΔV=62 Ml.
11. Answer :
or ρ2/ρ1=(1-3αΔT)ρ2ρ1=(1-3αΔT) or

Bab 16. Gas – gas Ideal (Ideal Gas)

P1V 1
1. P1V1 = P2V2→ V2 = = (785 ) ¿ ¿
V2 = 4.77m 3

V1 T1 T2 45+273
2. = → V 2=V 1 =( 38)
V2 T2 T1 20+273
V2 = 41 ml

3. P = 75.83 + 258.5 = 334.33 cmHg

P= ×1.013 ×102 kPa
P = 445.6 Kpa

P1 T 1 P1T 2
4. = → P2=
P2 T 2 T1
P2 = (1.00) =0.812atm
= 82 kPa = 6.2 x 102 mmHg

P1 V 1 T 1 P 1V 1 T 2
5. = =V 2= ×
P2V 2 T 2 P2 T1
( 763 ) (1000) 6
V2 = ×
(420) 15
V2 = 7.27 x 10 ml

1 kj
6. ∆ G °=177,8 kj−( 298 K )( 160,5 J / K ) ( )177,8kj-298K160,5J/K(1kj/100)
= 130,0 kj

Pembahasan (a)
Dik : Ptotal = 0,2118 atm
PNO2O4 = 0,1168
Dit : AG°=…?
PN2O4 = Ptotal – PNO2
= 0,2118 atm – 0,1168 atm
= 0,0950 atm
Kp = 0,144
∆ G °=−RT ∈Kp -RT In Kp
∆ G °=−2,303 RT log Kp-2,303 RTlogKp
= 2,303 (8,314 j.mol−1 . K −1 ¿ ( 298 K ) (−0.842)
= 4,80 X 103 J mol = 1,80 kj.mol−4
(a) 2 N02 ↔ 2 NO+ O2+O2
Kp=¿ ¿ = 0,133\
∆ G °=−RT ∈Kp -RT In Kp
= -(8,314 j.mol .K) (298 K) (-2,074)
= 4998,2 J.mol−1
= 4,9982 Kj.mol−1


9. V1 = 250 ml

T1 = 20° C +273K= 293K

T2= 25° C + 273K = 298K ( AT STP)

Density at STP = 13600 kg/m 3

First we will calculate the pressure inside the vessel using the formula

P = (ρ)(g)(h)

P1 = (810)(9.8)(0.41)

P1 = 3254.58 pa

P2 = (13600)(9.8)(0.7523)

P2 = 100266.544 pa

Now in order calculate the volume that the gas occupies we will use the following formula,

(P1 x V1)/T1 = (P2 x V2)/T2

Making V2 as the subject of the equation we get,

V2 = (P1 x V1 x T2)/(P2 x T1)

V2 = (3254.58 x 250 x 298)/(100266.544 x 293)

V2 = 8.25 m

10. Pv = nRT
(530 + 100) x 10Pa) ( 5000 x 10−6 m 3 ¿=n ( 8.31 ) (273+ 25)
→ n=1.27 mol → m=( 1.27 ) (0.04).27mol→m=1.27(0.04)
= 0,051 kg

11. = 2.0 X 105 . 2,5 = 5 X 105

5 X 105 . 28 = 140 X 105

12. Moles SO2 = 1.216 g / 64.0648 g/mol= 0.01898

p = 755/760= 0.993 atm

T = 18 + 273 = 291 K

V = nRT / p = 0.01898 x 0.0821 x 291 / 0.993 = 0.4567 L

13. M = 34,1 kg/mol

T = 27℃ →300 ° K 0°K
P = 2 atm
PV = m/MRT
m PM
v RT
0.082 .300
= 2.77 kg/m 3
14. V = 30 ml→ 3 x 102
n = 0.25 gram
M = 18 kg/mol
T = 340℃ →613 ° K 13°K
PV = Nrt
( 0,082 ) (613)
P = 18
3 X 10−2
= 23.27 atm
15. M = 0,70 kg/Kmol
ρ=90 x 103 x 10^3
P = 1.4 x 1011 atm
PV = Nrt
1.4 x 1011 .0,7=9 x 107 .0.082.T
9 X 0.082. T
T = 1.32 x 104
= 13.200° K
16. M = 0.70 kg/kmol
= 90 × 103
P = 1.4 × 1011 atm
PV = nRT
1.4 × 1011 . 0.7 = 9 × 107 .0.082 . T
T = 0⋅98
T = 1.32 × 104
= 13.200K
17. 500 mL x 76.00 cmHg = 38.000
38.000 x 0,50 = 19.000/4.5 = 4.222 atm
75 5
18. P1 = ( x 1,013 x 10 Pa ¿+(1000 x 9,8 x 11)
P1 = 207,8 kPa
( 207.8 )(Vo)
P1V1 = P2V2→ V 2= =2.1 Vo
100 kPa

19. PaVa = PaVa

2Pa = Pw
2 (100kPa) = Pw
Pw = 200 kPa
PW = ρgh
h = Pw / ρg
h = 200kPa /(1000kg/m 3 ¿¿ )
h = 20.6
Heingt from bell surface to top of lake
20.6 – 4 = 16.6 m

BAB. 17 Teori Kinetik

1. m =
6,02 x 1023
m= 3,36 x 10-26 kg
2. Na = 6,02 x 1023
M 15
(a) mo = =
Na 16,02 x 1023
= 2,5 x 10-23

m 15 x 103
(b) n = =
M 2 x 103
= 7,5 x 106
= 8 x 106

3. M = 4 x 107 kg/kmol
Mass = 0,10 mg
V = 1 mL
Na 6,02 x 1 0−23
n= = 7
= 1,5 x 10-16
M 4 x10
4. P = nkT 
The value of Boltzman’s constant ‘k’ = 1.38×10-23. Since k = R/N you can substitute the values
of the universal gas constant R (= 8.31 J/mol/K ) and the Avogadro number N (= 6.02×10 23 ),
which you should definitely remember, to get ‘k’.
The number of molecules per unit volume therefore is,
n = P/(kT) = hdg/(kT)
Number of molecules in the electron tube is n×V = hdgV/(kT)
→n =hdg/(kT)\
      = (1.2×10-10×13600×9.8×100×10-6) / (1.38×10-23 ×300)
      = 3.86×1011
5. MHe = 4.0 kg/kmol
T = 20℃=20 ℃ +273 ° K =293 ° K ℃+273°K=293°K

P = 0,200 mmHg = 2 g
PM 2 .4 kg /mol
d= =
RT 0,0821 x 293
= 0,33 kg/m3

6. Kinetic Energy at 20oC=293K

7. ⟹21mvesc2=RGMm



8. Answer :
The average pressure of this very dilute gas is   Pa.
Step-by-step explanation :

No of molecules in 1   = 5

No of molecules in 1   = 


Now, the number of moles in pet unit volume,


Now, from equation (1),

⇒   Pa
9. 1 m^3 = (10^2)^3 = 10^6 cm^3
so 100cm^3 = 10^-4 m^3
deltaV/Vo = 10^-4/1 = 10^-4
10^-4 = Beta (delta T)
delta T =10^-4/(7.2*10^-5) = 10/7.2

10. Find the absolute temperature using the Celsius to Kelvin conversion formula:

 T = °C + 273
 T = 0 + 273
 T = 273 K

Step 2

Find molar mass in kg:

From the periodic table, the molar mass of oxygen = 16 g/mol.
Oxygen gas (O2) is comprised of two oxygen atoms bonded together. Therefore:

molar mass of O2 = 2 x 16

molar mass of O2 = 32 g/mol

Convert this to kg/mol:

molar mass of O2 = 32 g/mol x 1 kg/1000 g

molar mass of O2 = 3.2 x 10-2 kg/mol

11. fKn=kak∞=1+αKn

BAB 18. Kuantitas Panas

1. Use always formula
Q= mcdT
m mass ;c specific heat capacity; dT change of temperature
So here you have for all problems dT = 65-15=50°
a) Q = 5*0.2*50 =50cal
b) Q = 20*0.032*50 =32 cal
c) = 1*1*50= 50 cal
2. heat gained by H2O
= 1000 * 4.1813 * (47 -10)
= 154708 J
thermal energy produced per gram of coal.
= 154708 / 5
= 30941 J
= 30941 *0.239005736 Cal
= 7395 Cal ---answer
= 7, 4 K cal/g
3. a property holds for rational numbers it will also hold for integers and whole numbers
4. Heat lost by 250g of water at 90°c will be equal to heat gained by 50g of water at
exactly 0°c.
Let’s take final temperature as t
So, m1*S*Δt1 = m2*S*Δt2
250 * (90 – t) = 50 * (t – 0)
300t = 90*250
t = 75°c
So, final temperature is 75°c
5. The answer is 0.66 J(g*K). Here’s how I worked it out:
The quantity heat lost by the metal is equal to the quantity of heat gained by the water.
The heat gained by the water is calculated from the equation: q = m * c * (Tf-Ti), where q is the
heat (J), m is the mass (g), c is the heat capacity (J/(g*K), Tf is the final temperature (K) and Ti
is the initial temperature (K). In this case then q = 250 * 4.18 * (19.4 - 17) = 2508 J.
So 2508 J was gained by the water, therefore 2508 J was lost by the metal, so q = -2508 J.
For the metal now again q = m * c * (Tf-Ti) = -2508 = 50 * c * (19.4 - 95). Therefore, c =
-2508 / (50 * -75.6) = 0.66 J/(g*K).
6. Heat energy required = (400 g * 5.0 cal/g) = 2000 cal
Taking 1 cal = 4.18 J
Heat energy = (2000 cal * 4.18 J/cal) = 8360 J
power = energy / time rearranges to:
time = energy / power = (8360 J / 2.50 W) = 3344 s
{55.7 minutes}
7. Heat lost by alloy = heat gained by water + heat gained by calorimeter
heat gained by water = mass * specific heat * change in temperature
= 250 * 1.0 * (20.4 -18)
= 600 cal
heat gained by calorimeter = mass * c * change in temperature
= 55 * 0.093 * (20.4 -18)
= 12.28 cal
Total heat gain = (600 + 12.28) = 612.28 cal
So that is the heat lost by the alloy.
heat lost by alloy = mass * specific heat * change in temperature
612.28 = 75 * c * (100 -20.4)
612.28 = 5970 * c
c = 612.28 / 5970
c = 0.10 cal/g·°C
8. The heat needed to melt an ice equals:
Q1 = Cfml where Cf – the specific latent heat of fusion of ice, m l – the mass of ice.
The heating of water formed from ice is defined:
Q2 = Cwml∆T = Cwml (0℃ + T), where Cw – specific capacity of water and ∆T – the change of
temperature (T – the final temperature).
The cooling of hot water is also described by the same equation:
Q3 = Cwmw∆T = Cwm(50℃ - T), where mw – the mass of hot water.
According to the law of Conservation of energy it should be written:
Q1 + Q2 - Q3 = 0
Cfml + Cwml (0℃ + T) – Cwm(50℃ - T) = 0
After substitution of all known variables the following equation is obtained:
330 kj + 4.2 kj/℃ (T) – 37.8 kj/℃ (50 – T) = 0
330 kj + 4.2 kj/℃ (T) – 1890 kj + 37.8 kj/℃ (T) = 0
42 kj/℃ (T) = 1560 kj
T = 37.14℃≈ 37℃
The resulting temperature is 37℃.
9. Answer:
Total heat is required to change 10 g ice at 0°C to steam at 100°C is 7200 cal.
Latent heat of fusion of ice= 
Heat required to melt 10 g of ice = Q

Heat require to raise the temperature of water from 0°C to 100°C = Q'
Specific heat of water =c=  1 cal/g°C
ΔT =  100°C -  0°C  = 100°C
Latent heat of vaporization of water= 
Heat required to vaporize 10 g of water = Q''

Total heat is required to change 10 g ice at 0°C to steam at 100°C.

= 7,2 kcal
10. heat to convert steam to H20 + heat to cool steam + heat to warm water = 0 .01(540) + .01(T -
100) +.5 (T - 40) = 0 5.4 +.01T -1 +.5T - 20 =0 T = 30.6 C or heat to convert stem to water+heat
to cool steam to 40C+heat to warm all h20=0 5.4 + .01(-60) +.51 (T-40) = 0 T = 30.6 C ... but
the answer is 51.8 C
11. Qburned=Q heat up =mL + mcΔT 540g/C(50g)+ 50(1cal/gC)(100-10) Q=31500 cal
n= Q/heat of combustion(60%) n=0.1407mol
PV=nRT V=0.1407mol(8314j/kmolK)(273K)/1atm
V=3193680 L
12. 400(1)(38-5) = 158 (L)(1)
L = 78.35 cal /g
18.29 (1)
V = 2(31,29x10^6)(22.4) / 373 x 10^3 liter
V = 3758 Liter
13. Q=0=Steam condensed heat + Change in steam water heat + change in water heat + heat to melt
Ice + change in calorimeter heat
(540cal/g)(100g) + (100g)(1cal/g C)(Tf-0C) +(200g)(1cal/g C)(Tf-0C) +(20g)(80g/C) +(20g)
(1cal/g C)(Tf-0C) + (30g)(1cal/gC)(Tf-0C)
ITs all water so the temp has to be 100 it can't go higher than that.
struggling to find the grams of steam condensed.
14. 80 g of ice melted , final temperature 0֯c
15. 4,17 kg
16. E=(98-15)×400×4.2
17. 124֯c
18. If the dew point is 5.0°C, this means that at 5.0°C the relative humidity is 100%. Thus, the air
contains \rho = 6.80 g/m³ρ=6.80g/m³ of water.
Then, the relative humidity at 20.0°C is:

RH = \dfrac{\rho}{\rho_0}\times 100\%RH=ρ0ρ×100%
Here \rho_0 = 17.12g/m^3ρ0=17.12g/m3 is the saturated density of water at 20.0°C. Thus, obtain:

RH = \dfrac{6.8}{17.12}\times 100\% \approx 39.7\%RH=17.126.8×100%≈39.7%

Answer. 39.7%. = 40 %.
19. ρ=0.32(17.12)=5.48m3g
m=\rho V=(105)(5.48)=575\ gm=ρV=(105)(5.48)=575 g

20. Water removed = (0.0207 - 0.010)

                       = 0.0107 kg kg-1 of air.

So each kg, i.e. 0.96 m3, of air passing will remove 0.0107kg water,
Volume of air to remove 20 kg h-1
                       = (20/0.0107) x 0.96
                       = 1794 m3 h-1

BAB 19. Transfer Energi Panas (Transfer of Heat Energy)

1. 8 cal = 336.000
1 cm^2 = 0.0001 m^2
336.000 w/m = KΔTΔL
336.000 w/m^2 = (210 w/km) ΔT/L
ΔT / L = 336.000 / 210
= 16 C / cm
2. Integrated form of Fourier's law gives one-dimensional stationary heat flow rat through a layer
∆Q/∆t = k∙A∙∆T/∆x
(k thermal conductivity, cross-sectional area, ∆T temperature difference between the ends, ∆x
thickness of the layer)
k = 0.84 WK⁻¹m⁻¹
A = 0.8m ∙ 0.4 m = 0.32m²
∆T = 18°C - 0°C = 18°C = 18K
∆x = 3mm = 0.003m
∆Q/∆t = 0.84 WK⁻¹m⁻¹ ∙ 0.32m² ∙ 18K / 0.003m
= 1612.8 W = 1612.8 J/s
= (1612.8 ∙ 3600 / 4.184) cal/h
= 1.31×10⁶ cal/h
3. Q =(K)(cm)(100)(3600) / 0.2
42 = K (cm)(100)(3600) / 0.2
42 = 360.000 K / 0.2
360.000 K = 0.2(42)
K = 8.4 / 360.000
K = 0.33 kg/h cm^3
4. According the integral form of Fourier's law of thermal conductivity:
where ΔQΔtΔQΔt is the change in energy over time, kk is the thermal conductivity of the
material, A=0.80 m×0.80 m=0.64 m2A=0.80 m×0.80 m=0.64 m2 is the cross-sectional
area, ΔTΔT is the change in temperature, and ℓℓ is the thickness of the media.
For this system of materials, the materials are in series, which changes this equation to:
where the first and third materials are the glass sheets, and the air is the second material.
For this system, the change in heat over time is:
ΔQΔt=(0.64 m2)(20.0∘C−0.0∘C)0.0030 m0.84 Wm∘C+0.0030 m0.80 Wm∘C+0.0030 m0.84 W
m∘C=  1200 W=1200 J s−1 
5. E=5.67×10−8×0.0001×20004=90.72≈91watt (watt=joule/sec) here emissivity is constant
6. P=σAT^4
P=(5.67∙〖10〗^(-8))(50∙〖10〗^(-6) ) (2127)^4=78 W.
7. Concepts:
The Stefan-Boltzmann law

The power absorbed by a blackbody is Pa = σATa4.

Details of the calculation:

(30*103 W) = (5.67*10-8 (W/m2) K4) 4π(0.03 m)2 Ta4.
Ta4 = 4.68*1013.
Ta = temperature of surroundings = 2600 K.  Since the body is in equilibrium with its
surroundings, it is at the same temperature, 2600 K
= 2,6 x 103 K
8. 𝑄𝑡

65 .(105.0,80).60
= 0,46 mm

Bab 20.
1. 854(9.81 ) = 4.1855kj / kg ΔT
ΔT = 2.00 K
2. E = 0,75
Qn = 0.25
Hp = 186,5 J/s
W = 139.9
Qc= 186,5 – 139,9
= 46.7 J/s
= 168 Kj/hr
3. 26 g
4. 0.26 cal/g֯c
5. P = 2 x 1.013 x 10^5
= 2 x 1.013 x 10^5 (27)
= 5.5 kJ
6. W = PΔV
= 2 x 1.013 x 10^5 (5-3)x 10^-3
= 405 J
= 0.40 Kj
7. Answer : As is known, the adiabatic process occurs without the exchange of heat with
environment. Heat does not go away.
The first law of thermodynamics for an adiabatic process
Internal energy decreases. Temperature decreases
8. Answer : V1=240cm3, V2=780cm3
P=2×105Pa dQ=50J
(a) dQ=dU+dW
implies 50=dU+2×105
(780 - 240)×10-6
implies 50=dU+2×10
implies dU=30J.
(b) 30=n×32×8.3×30030=n×32×8.3×300
[U=32nRTU=32nRT for monoatomic]
implies n=283×3=2249=0.008n=283×3=2249=0.008
(c) dU=nCvdTdU=nCvdT
implies Cv=dUndT=300.008×300=12.5Cv=dUndT=300.008×300=12.5
(d) Cv=12.5
9. Answer : Here, `dW=36J, dQ=?`
In an isothermal process, `dU=0`.
According to the first law of thermodynamics,
`dQ = dU+dW=0-200= -200J`
`= -(36)/(4.2)cal. = - 8.6cal
10. Answer : heat = ΔQ=Mass × specific heat×temperature change=,k5×0.175×2.65 cal=
Also, isochoric process implies work done =0
Applying first law, Change in internal energy= ΔQ =0.33 cal
11. mass m = 1 gm
pressure P = 1 atm
volume V = 1,671 cm³
Let the absolute temperature of water be = T ⁰K
Using the ideal gas law: P V = n R T
1.013 * 10^5 * 1,671 * 10⁻⁶ = 1/18 mole * 8.314 J/⁰K/mole * T
T = 366.48⁰K
work done in expansion of the vapour from 1 cm³ water to 1671 cm³ vapour: at 1 atm.
pressure: P (V2 - V1) = 1.013 * 10⁵ N/m² * (1671-1) * 10⁻⁶
= 169.17 Joules = 169.17/4.184 cal = 40.43 Cal
Latent heat of vapourization = 540 cal / gm = 2257 J/gm
The increase in the internal energy = latent heat - work done in expansion
(b) = 540 cal - 40.43 cal = 500 cal = 0.50 kcal
12. ANSWER :
Cp = 0.0595 cal/g = 249.1145 j/kg
Cv = 0.0357 cal/g = 149.46876 j/kg
V = 0
W = P V = 0
d = mcv T = 3 × 149.46876 × (80 + 20)
= 44.840,628 J
= 45 J
= 0.45 kJ
P = 0
d = mcp T = 3 × 249.1146 × (80 + 20)
= 74.734,38 J
d = V + W
W = d - V
= 74.734,38 – 44.840,628
= 29.893,752 J
= 30 J
13. work done =-2.303nRT 𝒍og(𝑷𝟐
-2.303×8.314×300 log( 𝟏
work done will be 5.74 kJ.
14. answer = W=-Pext.(Vf-Vi)
From ideal gas equation,
External pressure (Pext.)=1atm
Initial pressure (Pi)=4atm
Final pressure (Pf)=10atm
No. of moles (n)=5 moles
Temperature (T)=27℃=(27+273)=300K
Gas constant (R)=8.314J/mol-K
Substituting all these values in eqn(1), we have

16. v = 9 L
P = 6 atm
v.p = 9 L x 6 atm = 36 kj
17. W = 0,32
P 1 T 2 25,0 gr T2
18. (a) = =
P 2 T 1 0,150 cal/gr 200+273
11825 = 0,150 T2
78,833 = T2
T2 = 7883 x 103
(b) ∆ U = 9/2 x T
= 0,675 x T
= 0,003375 c/gr
= 3,375 kkal
(c) ∆ w= ρ ∆ v ρ
= 14.9
(d) ∆ Q = ∆ v + ∆ w
14,9 + 3.04 = 18,4 Kj
Bab 21.
1. m = 5 g
T = 100℃= 373 K
Q = m . u = 5 kg . 100 = 500
∆𝑆 = 𝑄
= 1,3 = 5,63 𝐽/𝐾
2. m = 300 g
C = 0,093 cal/g ℃
T1 = 90℃T2 = 70 ℃
T = ½ ( T1 + T2 )
= ½ (90 + 70 )
= 160℃
Q = m.c = 300 x 0,093 = 27,9 = 300
∆𝑆 = 𝑄
= 1,8
3. T = 30 C = 303 K
(a) Q = ∆𝑆 . 𝑇= 47 x 303
= 14.241/4,2 = 3,4 kcal
(d) W = S . V
= 47 .1 = 47 kj
4. m gas = 3 kg
M = 28 kg/kmol
∆𝑠 = - 28 𝑘𝑔/𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙
3 𝑘𝑔
= -9,3 𝑘𝑗/𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙
5. (a) 3 red
3 + 1 red = 4
(b)4 red + (3-1)
= 4+ 2 = 6
6. ∆𝑆 = 100 𝑥 10-7
1,1 𝑥 1029 = 9 x 10-22

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