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Mirian Carreno

Personal Statement

1. Describe how you express your creative side.

I express my creative side in problem solving.For me creativity means a lot because it can
be able to help in a lot of ways depending on your creativity and what your creative with because
my creative side had made my life easier for my friends and I.For example,whenever someone of
a family member or a friend is having a problem and they talk to me because they can't find a
solution. I try to see how we can come up with a solution so,neither of them can feel like their at
fault and for them to be able to solve it in a very calm way.I tell them to take it in a calm way
because whenever I get in an argument with someone I always try to take it in a calm way
because I think it's always better and it helps the problem by not making it any bigger.Another
example is whenever I have a problem,like sometimes I get overwhelmed when I have a lot to do
at once and I feel like I wont get it done at time.The first thing I do in that situation is I stop what
i'm doing the second thing I do is get my planner and start writing everything i am suppose to get
done by the end of the day.I write what I have to do and I add time stamps so,I can know when
i'm suppose to be finish and after i'm done doing that. I put an alarm so, I can finish by a certain
time and start doing task #1.Everytime when I do that I always end up with more time
throughout the day and that makes me very happy because i am not stressed out,feel like i'm in a
hurry or thinking I don't have time.Also,whenever some or my friends are saying they are stress
out with timing I let them know about what I do so,that can help them out just like it helps me
because I find it very useful and less stressful.

2. Think about an academic subject that inspires.Describe how you have

furthered inside or outside of the classroom?
An academic subject that had inspire me and that I had really liked is spanish class
because spanish is my first language and that's what I speak on a daily at home unless i'm with
my friends or cousins.Also,I really like spanish class because I learn a lot in that class about my
culture and different words that I didn't know about.I had really fun experiences in that
classroom like doing videos in groups or any projects because that is something I really liked
because I made new friends and we all got to express our ideas for our videos or
projects.Another reason I had fun doing in those classrooms is because the teachers were very
nice and patient and I felt more comfortable because I would speak spanish to them just like I
always do here at home .In spanish class I signed up for seal of biliteracy for those who know
how to speak 2 languages. We had to write a prompt about something,we did and I passed it. I
felt so proud of myself. So,whoever passed that test got to go to merced fairgrounds for an
interview and we all went and I passed the interview as well I was very happy.I felt like
everything that they had taught us at spanish helped me a lot and played a big role because my
teachers were very helpful and supportive.I feel like spanish class helps out a lot of students who
cant speak,understand,write,and talk in spanish because it can help them in the future like in their
future job.An example of how it can help them at their job is people that cant speak english or
Mirian Carreno
Personal Statement
have trouble speaking it, they are their to help them if their having a hard time.Overall,spanish is
a very helpful class for me and a lot of other students and those are some reasons why spanish
was my favorite subject.

3.What have you done to make your school or community a better place?
Something that I have done to make my community a better place is I had picked up trash all
around my neighborhood.Something that inspired me is knowing that,that would be the right
thing to do and something else that inspired me is that in my neighborhood that day was very
dirty and there was trash everywhere.I Am also,a person that likes to have my house and my
room clean I don't like seeing my room dirty and that motivate even more to do it because I
didn't like how people just left their trash their and not pick up.Something that I learned from my
effort is that it's always nice to do something for our community neighborhood because I think
that there's a lot of lazy people that likes to just leave trash everywhere and not respects other
people’s space.I feel like my actions benefit others because I clean their neighborhood for them
for them to have a nice clean neighbourhood and they also,didn't have to clean it.I did it and I felt
good for myself for doing something like that because I don't think everyone would take their
time do something like that.My cousin helped me clean so,she was also,a big part of it because
she did half of the neighbor while I did the other half we came up with that idea of doing it like
because it would make us finish faster and it did.When I was done my parents were proud of me
because they said I did something very nice for our community picking up trash and making it
looked nice again and I was also,very happy with myself and also,felt proud and thankful to my
cousin for taking her time and helping me.Everytime I see trash on the ground wherever I go I
like to pick it up and throw it at the trash because I dont think its right to just throw your trash
and I think people and kids shouldn't do that.

4.What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

A talent that I would say I have is babysitting and being good with kids because I enjoy being
around little kids and like playing with them.I feel like this talent comes in naturally because I
had always love being with little kids and taking care of them I also,feel like I have a lot of
patients being with them and educating them.I like when my little cousins come over because I
get to play with them or just seeing them makes me so happy.My sophomore year I was in a class
called “child development” I really like that class because I had chosen that elective and was
impressed with it.Another reason I like this class was because we got to learn a lot of different
things about kids and at what age they should be doing what or how they develop and how can
we help them.I feel like that class could help me in the future for whenever I have kids and
knowing how they are developing and what is normal for them all that information was useful
for me to use in the future.In that class we also,got to go to another class with another teacher to
Mirian Carreno
Personal Statement
practice CPR it was fun doing it in groups and with other people because we would help each
other.I passed my CPR test on both child and adult I felt proud of myself for completing that as
well because I know it would be helpful for me whenever someone is in that situation.Last year I
was in a health and living class I really liked that class as well because I learn a lot of different
things what goes on,on people’s body physically,mentally and emotionally because my dream
job in the future is to become a nurse and
I feel like that would also helped.This senior year i’am in a class called “careers with infants and
toddlers” because I want to be closer with kids and be around them.This school year i am looking
forward to completing my pathway.

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