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Duer-Miller "Deb"te~Friends Break ·Duer-Miller Contest, Bonus
'Duer Replies to Miller; Ground for New
Denies Charge of 'Knifing' First Day School
Otto B. Duer, Republican nom-
inee for tax collector in the Bor-
'Exercises Sunday
Enliven:, 'Off Year' Election
ough of Narberth, this week replied
to charges by Richard L. Miller,
At Old Merion
Meeting House
Seek First r~erm$ on Borough Council
published last week. Ground br.eaking ceremonies for
To the Editor: the new First-day School and act-
Ordinarily I would not answer ivities building of the Old Merion
written articles complaining of Meetillg House, Montgomery Ave.
election results, "but when chal- and Meeting House Lane, Merion,
lenges and accusations are made will be held Sunday at 3 P. M.
that are incorrect, I feel it my duty
to state the true facts of the con- Miss Jane Rushmore, of Riverton,
troversy. N. J., will speak on "Building for
I would like to challenge Miller the Future" at the ceremony. She Narberth will be the scene nellt
0, 'or anyone else in the Borough of has worked for many years with Where to Vote Tuesday of one of the hottest polit-
Narberth to prove that I spoke dis- First-day Schools of the Society of Narberth
I'TI ical battles ever staged in the u'a-
paragingly of any candidate in the Friends, having written many of
· recent election. I was for certain the courses of stUdy used by the Narberth No.1, Elm Hall, ditionally peaceful little borough.
candidates and I actively campaign. Friends, and supervised field work Forrest Ave. In contrast, Lower Merion Town-
ed for them. in helping and establishing First- Narberth No.2, Legion ship anticipates a rather dull and
I am on record with Narberth day Schools. She served for over 30 Room of Community Bldg., quiet election day, with consider-
Business Council as favoring a busi- yea,rs as general secretary of the Windsor and Conway Aves.· t ably more interest centered on
ness man on the Narberth ,Borough Friends Central Bureau, was on the ' N arb er th N0 . 3, B ap t IS
Council, to bring a more mutual Committee of Friends Central Church of the Evangel, Elm- the Veterans' Bonus amendment
feeling between the governing OTTO B. DUER School, and on the Council of Edu- ":".,!t,j,~'~,
.• wood Ave_ than on any local candidate.
body of the Borough and the busi- cation. 0 n In Narberth, it's the question of
ness people. Therefore, I supported that is that it would have cost you
Mr. Howarbd ~otter, a reCOgnJi~fed votes as it did me.
Edward H. Snow, principal of the IIOWARD COTTER; JR. NATHAN McCLURE RICHARD T. SMITH Bonus Questl'on who will be the next tax collector

successful usmess man and a 1 e-

Ardmore Junior High School alnd
No, Mr. Miller, I did not "knife" one of the founders .of thHe. nte~ y-I
Their nominations on the Re publican ticket are unopposed. In addition, Joseph Tripician is run-
ning without opposition for re-c1 ection to the Council. IS 'Hot Issue' which has the borough buzzing.

MIDI'sters Name L eague f W omen V oters

o long resident of the Borough. anyone, whicll is one of the dirtiest formed Lower Merron IS orlca otto Duel', who is now completing
,' ...- 'I.,am- a firm believer in ,"Pay as political phrases that can be used. Society, will give a histoilcal sketch , a term as justice of the peace, is
0 0 n State Slate
you go government," having been I can prove to you that I worked of John Dickinson, who gave the
employed by the Montgomery for the candidates that I supported land on which the new building wll1
County Commissioners for the past at least ten days prior to election about 1805.
,l. ten years, observing our County offi- and it appeal's that most everyone
cials u~e that phrase as their gov- but you knew wllat I was doing and be bUilt to the Society of Fnends
The. new building ..wlll be er7cted ~"ew

ommlttees O pens E I · S ervtce
ectlon · B th s
The League of Women Voters of berth, will be open on Saturday and
Two Other Amendments,
S . C J d h·
the Repu.blican nominee for the
post. He IS opposed, on the Demo-
cratic ticket, by Richard L. Miller,
former burgess, who has served as
erning creed. That was my logic why. And another question, Mr. on the land between the Ge~eral

Main Line Association Lower Merion Township opened Monday only. uperlOr ourt u ges IP'1 tax collector since the resignation
in supporting Mr. McClure, a na- Miller, did you not welcome the Wayne Inn and the Mater Mlser- PI Y 'W k voters service information oOl.lths Tho ho ill serve in the booth To be Voted on of John R. Hall last March.
tionally knOwn tax expert and C. support of the committee people in icordiae Academy on Montgomery ans ear s or this week for the Tuesday election. . se w w
P. A., and Mr. Tripician, whose 1941 when you ran for burgess and Ave. It will be located toward the f t d' c m The League, which is non-parti- m Narberth are Mrs. Royal The question of whether' the Miller was an unsuccessful can-
ability is recognized by one of the had opposition?, You now chastise rear o'f the property. Members 0 the. san. mg .0, - san, has also offered a car trans- Thomas, Penn Valley; Mrs. John state wi1l pa~ the $500,000,000 didate for the GOP tax collector
largest corporations in the country, the committee because this time Scouts; CUbs, and Brownies and mittees of the Mam Lme Mmls- portation service to take voters to L. Randall, Bryn Mawr; Mrs. W. Veterans' Bonus is the "hottest nomination in the September Pri-
and to round out the foursome, Dr. they did not support you. all first-day school children will terial Association have been ap- the polls in Lower Merion Town- Morris, Merion; Mrs. Herbert J., " ihe slate t e t Tues mary In the same election Bor-
Smith, a research specialist, whose During the past 12 years the have a part in the ceremony, since pointed by the new president, the ship and Narberth, and'a bauy-sit- Painter, Wynn~wood, and Mrs. Issue on a n K - OUgh' Assessor Edward C. Gr'iswold
ability, business capacity, and sound committee has always taken an aC- the new building is being erected ft of the HoI ting service to stay with children Helen M. Carmichael, Mrs. Edwin day's election. . . .
... reasoning is recognized and known tive part in local elections, sup- primarily to fill their needs. Re.v.. Cletus A. Sen , Y Whil~ their mothers vote. C. Town and Mrs. L. C. Wurster, Two other amendments and al was also defeated m hIS bid for the
throughout these parts. porting certain candidates for every
I supported these four gentlemen office in the Borough. Many times
only after talking with many peo- Council members and you verbally
Raps 'Unfair' 'berth.
TrInity Lutheran Church, Nar- League members, trained by the Narberth. . '
voters' service committee, whose Some of the questions .whlch the cluded on balIots here.
state judgeship will also be in- Republican nomination but won

Mr. Senft has been pastor of the chairman is Mrs. Richard G. Clapp, women at the booths WIll b~ pre- Judg William E Hirt is seeking write-in vote. Griswold however
the Democratic nomination on a

pIe interested in the welfare of the expressed yOUI' appreciation for the
Borough of Narberth and I person- fine job that the committee mem-
, ally believe that the Borough oflbers did in supporting candidates
Wage Pract'Ices '. Ch h ' of Haverford will give out non- pared to answer are: locatIon of e
Holy Trimty Lut~eran ure sInce partisan info;mation on voting at polls in the 19 voting districts of re-election to the. t~ur year te~ deeid~d not to run as Democratic
June 1, 1927, With a leave of ab- two ,booths, open from 9:30 A. M. Lower Merion Township and the a~ JUdg~ of Supel'lor ~ourt, a pOSI candidate in November, and his
. , ,

three in the Borough of Narberth, tJOon whl.ch PJayds a sHa.lat ~ °H $21,00M ' name was withdrawn from the bal-
f O
Narberth will be well served by lthat you and Council wanted. The
o their election.
I, personally, did, organization that you speak so Speaker Says Women
" sence in 1944 and 1945 when he to 5.'30 P M
served as a Navy chaplarn. , . ' . .
The one in Ardmore, at the A. & f
names 0 comml eem n 'tt e and om
. c - Mont omerppOSIng u ge
Democratic candi-. lot. The Democratrc
IrIS arry . .
a?so~utely n? campai~nin~ in No.2 poorly of now was alright then. Meet Discrimination The Rev. Stanley Wilcox, of St. P. Supermarket, Rittenhouse Place, mitteewomen; names of candldat:s dat g y, then offered the nomination to Mil-
distrIct and 10 No.3 dIstrICt. I cam- Now we are all wrong because we George's Episcopal Church, is the will be open every day except Sun- and offices to be filled. Th,:y Will T~~e two other amendments up ler, who accepted it.
... paigned only for myself and when did not agree with your candidacy. The business and professional new vice-president and Donald G. day ';1ntil Tuesday. also hand out th:e Vot.ers ~Ulde and before the voters are: In the past few weeks, Duel' and
I was asked, I recommended Robert I
AJl(~ has not the Republican Women's Committee of the Lower Archer, executive secretary of the The second booth, at Shea's Drug Supplement which .glves mforma- "Shall Section one of Article Miller have been trading punches
Baker to SUcceed me as magistrate. Committee signed every nominat- Merion-Narberth Council of Repub. Main Line YMCA, is secretar~'- Store, 220 Haverford Ave., Nar- tion about the candIdates. nine of the Constitution of Penn- in a bitter campaign the outcome
And now, Mr. ~iller, w~at were ing p:tition of every me~ber of Il~an Women met at the Fellowship t r e a s u r e r . . sylvania be amended to authorize of whic~ will be decided by the
those narrow pohtlcal motrves that CounCil and Burgess durmg the House, All Saints' Church, Wynne-
• you speak. of? oWha~ could I p~r- past twelve years? You know and wood, on Tuesday.
Members of the standmg com- N0 tre Darne SeenO · htParklng
I ,
t.he General Assembly to exempt Borough s voters on Tuesday. Each
by general laws, Redevelopment has pl:edicted his own vict~ry.

As Leadl'ng Team No Problem Here

. mittees are: .
-,'lOnally gam by takmg an actrve I know that tlley have. Yes, MI'. Mrs. Mary Rice Morrow, dl- Program: The Rev. Richard B. : Authorities from taxes on land ac- Stol'les were prevalent thIS we~k
• part .in the ~lection in supporting Mil.ler, I am a politici?n and proud I'ector of the Bureau of Women and Wells, of St. Andrew's Methodist quired for urban redevelopment for that William S. Thompson, unsuc-
certam candidates? I could have of It. I support my Wife and thrill:! Children and Hours and Wages of Church, Llanerch, chairman; the 1,-,'- 0 " .. " ' , .,' , 0 : a period not exce'eding 35 years?" cessful candidate for the Repub-
.received 100, 200 or maybe 300 mQre oCp'ildr~n as 8.Il employee.!){-, tp.ejPennSYlvania, spoke on' discritnirt· Rev; Gordon' i:"Gi1bel-t,' Baptist 'B°l'. S Add' L R . L· hts And-"Shall Article eight of the lican nomination for Borough
,. "otes by just campaigning for :ny- Montgomery County Commission- ation against women in wage scales. Church of the Evangel, Narberth; yrum aam resses aw equlres Ig, Constitutioll of Pennsylvania be Council, would also run on the
self. But becaUse I am a. commit- ers. ~ Will. always be ~n it because This is based on inadequate ex· the Rev. William C. Ney, Temple B-C-N Rotary Club McLaughlin States amended by adding a new ~ection Democratic. ticket. But in a sta~f'-
teeman and have every rrght, both I belIeve In the AmerIcan form of cuses, she said, one being the rule Lutheran Church, Brookline; the providing for absentee votmg by ment to thiS paper Thompson said,
o as an individual and a committee- government and shall always take that women should not be allowed. Rev. Richard T. Lyford, Church of Byrum Saam, guest speaker at Parking overnight on the street bedridden ()r hospitalized war vet- "I am not running for any olflce
n:ran, to take. an active part in el:c- an active part in any electi?n to lift more than 15 pounds. St. Asaph, Bala-Cynwyd, and the the Bala-C:ynwyd-Narberth Rot?ry creates fewer problems in the Low- erans?" on ally ticket.".
tlons and did so, then, accordmg where I find the people of my dls- ,"This is rather ludicrous," com- Rev. John T. Galloway, Wayne Club meeting on Tuesday, predlct- er Merion-Narberth area than in Regarding the Veterans' Bonus Those Who Will run for the four
'\ t? you, I have narrow political mo- trict desire me to. I shal~ continue mented Mrs. Morrow. "for those Presbyterian Church. ed that Notre D~me w~Uld Oe at other localities in the Metropolitan A~endmenL ~he q~estion is asked:'council posts are Howa~'d Cotter,
tlves. . . to work for the con~m?n lOterest of wom~n who commonly lift much Membership: The Rev. Harold D. tl~e head of thiS year s football region. This was revealed by a re- . Sh.all AI-tll::1e nme of t~e Con- Jr.,. Nathan McClure" ~I.chard T.
Mr. MIller, If you have so much thos~ people even If I~ .~eans the heaVier loads, such as babies, with, Flood, Narberth Methodist Church, hIerarchy. . cent survey conducted by the Auto- stitutron of ~ennsYlvama .be Smith, and Joseph TrIPI~lan.
concern over th~ welfare of the contmuance of the critiCism by a out ill effects." chairman; Dr. Albert C. Kanzinger, He based hiS statement o!'! the'mobile ClUb of Philadelphia. amend~~ by adding a new sectIOn Other Narberth c~ndldates, ~W
:Borough, w~y dId you no.t then few p~ople who thems~lves too~ Mrs. Morrow also discussed the St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Ard- fact that the Sout~ Bend grJdd~rs According to G. Andrew Mc- a~~hol'lzlIlg the ~tate to create ad- unopposed. are: Sterhng M. Cham,
• .Iupport ca?dldates for office m ~ourlan actrve' part support.mg candl- work done by the department in more, and the Rev. Edward Delair,jhave been so consistently superJorlLaUghlin, Superintendent of Lower ditronal bonded mdebtedness to the burgess; Paul L. Caulwell and
~er~onal ht~rature and campalgn- dates in the recent election. alleviating "sweatshop" conditions. Overbrook Park United Presby- in past years that many toP. ~chool- Merion Township Police, who filled amount of $500,000'?D 0 ;~r payment Lulu W. McCartney, sch?ol direc-
mg. There IS only one answer and -Ottto B. Duel'. She critized industrial plants which terian Church. , boy players, are eager to ,lOin the out the questionaire distributed by of a .bonus to ~e~elans. tors; ArLhu.r S~aples, auditor; Rob-
give hand work to families, to be Civic Affairs: Dr. Howard Wayne Notre D~me s~uad. The coaches the AAA, there is no appreciable . ThIS half bllhon dolla:s would ert Baker, ~ustlce of the peace, and
done in the home, for meagre Smith, of Ardmor", chairman; Dr. have theIr chOl~e, of some of the number of vehicles parked over- give. 1,280,000 Pennsylvama World John A. Miller, constable.
• Miller Issues Additional
, • .
wages. B. L. Scott, Lower Merion Baptist best footballers lo the country.
The discussion, which was infor- Church; the Rev. WJUiam P. Stev-
night in this community. The sur- '!Val II veterans an average of $390 Those who will run for county
~aam, a ~ell-~no\~n ~portsca.st~r, vey shows that there is considerable I? cash~$.l0 per, month of dom:s: offices are JUdge George C. Corson,
. Statement -in Contro""'erst\J .. v J
mal, was closed with refreshments enson, Bethel A.M.E. Church, Ard- affirmed h.ls faIth In the PhI Illes all-night parking in many other ~lC ser;~~e,. $15 p.er month of fore_ incumbent, and Judge E. l\rnold
and the scheduling of the next meet· more and the ReV Everett L. and Athletrcs for a successful sea- suburban areas Ign sen Ice, 0 maxl1~um. to any vet Forrest for judges of the Court of
An additional statement in the ing, in the early part of February. Washburn, Wayne CE:r;tral Baptist. son next ~ear..:He cited Eddie Joost McLaughlin ~tated that garages eran (or hIS famdy, If deceased) Commo~ Pleas, 38th district. War-
current Miller-Duer "debate" was Representatives to the Religion and FerrIS Fam as the sparkpiugs are available for most cars. He $5 T OOj • I t f' t t d ren M. Cornell, Republican, will be
f th A' nd fon d that th . Ie annlla cos 0 meres an . . .
issued by Richard L. Miller this
week. In a letter to "Our Town"
William S. Thompson and Labor Fellowship will be Dr. ~a ke ~lda h :;ren I e i 0d PlaCe agreed that all night parkmg con- retirement is estimated at 29 mil- o~posed by BenJamm Franklln
Scott Rev Flood Rev 'lenft Rev c s co d
a e ma e tlI r e stitutes a public safety hazard by . Hitchens Jr. Democrat for pro-
Listed as Candidate G'llbe'rot Re'v Del'aI'r R' e~v St'e"en~ in the American League if they had mak'lng I·t dl'fficult to move fire- hon d~llars a year for 20. years. thonotary'. D~avis T. Ki;k incum-
• he wrote: , . , .• ff d . . . . The means of payment IS yet t o . ' .
"In last week's issue of your pa. Doesn't Choose to Run .
son, Rev. Eugene A. Kelley, St;...Col- not su e:e s~ many InJurIes.. ,. fighting eqUIpment,. but stated ~h.at be determined, so that the voter bent, Will be opposed b~ Michael
per, you published my statement William S Thompson learned man's R. C. Church; R.:li'ert M. P saar;. described }ast ~atulday s there is a local ordmance prohlblt- 'has no opportunity to express ap- J. Mullen, Democrat, for Jury com-
which gave my reasons for oppos-
ing Mr. Duer for the office of Bor-
this week th~t his name will ap- Myers, executive director of the e~~.- I~\ga~edas on; 0
pear o~ the ballot in Narberth's Main Line Federation of Ch/llches excmg eTa ever roa h
i he
ros ing the overnight parking of ve- proval or disapproval of taxes that missioner.
hides on the public streets. Vehicles would be incurred by this program -------
, ough Tax Collector at the Novem- election Tuesday November 8 Family Services, and Archer b A :atl;.e exan, Saam t a~ be~~ parked on the street overnight are Proponents of the bonus stat~ Tax Collections Near
ber 8 election. In the same issue,
" as h '
He is listed as 'a Democratic'can- The group will meet with IPpre- roa caTS. m sp~rtsdev~n sf or II required to carry lights, however. that it would represent "adjusted
h l 00 tb
90 f D I· t
Up . ICa e
y ou q U0 t e h 1m avmg sal'd tII a t didate for Borough Council. sen tatlves
' f romib a or, b '
usmess an d years. t 0 e p tthIm urmg k ·th h' a compensation" to servIcemen . who /0 0
, I 'am attempting to beclOUd the
• ,
Thompson Who wa defeated at m.anagement in this area for the games, ":0 spo ers.wor WI
, s . T one lookmg for aerial attacks, and
1m, Cubs of Pack 212 macle so many sacrifices' that in Tax collectIOns In Narberth for
. ' t h ' 1949 t dat 0 nt to I
Issue. the polls in the primary election first meetmg of the year on Imrs- tt' th r I o S ld H II
H ' P t compal'lson to the cost of the war e yeal 0 e am u a-
• "In my opinion, the issue is quite on the Republican ticket is stress- day, November 10, at the Ashbridge 011\ ge 109 t e h.l~et~ ays.
~a~ ...1ll owe en ara Y the sum of $500,000,000 is small. It most 90 per cent of the total dupll-
clear to' the majority of Narberth ing the fact that he is "~ot a can House, Montgomery Ave., Rose- wri es repo~dsdwbi e t .gladmp.hls Itn Over 50 Cubs of Narberth Pack is also argLled that such cash pay- cate, Richard L. Miller, tax collec-
progress' al e y e d al e c ar s .. t e d'm pu tt'mg on a ments would help bUSiness .
"0 t ers, w h 0 resen t th e attempt 0 f didate for any office on any ticket."- mont. . 212 partIclpa as vet- t or, s'dal thl' s wee k .
, some of the Republican committee It seems that Thompson received ?f the past reco.rds of the confllct- show for their parents at the annual erans would spend much of it for The amount is over $10,000 more
members in Narberth to dictate the the write-in vote 0 the Democrati D h 'E d m~ tea~s. He Illustrated hiS t~lk Hallowee'n party held at Narberth homes, furniture and other goods. than was collected in the cOrl'es-
selection of candidates at a prj- ticket in the pri~ary and didn'~ annen auer s ntere; WIth hiS chart of the Penll-Pltt Public School on Friday evening. The American Legion, Veterans of ponding period last year, out the
mary election. They are also even know it. When the P~imary elec- Small Change Stolen tussle. The Cubs were led by ~ub mas-IForeign War~ and Disabled War perce~tage for the two years is
more aroused by Mr. DlIer's last- tion results were posted on Elm The store of Fred Dannenhauer, . , I ter George Shuster and aIded by a Veterans are m favor of the bonus. practically the sam:, he stated.

\ ,minute mailing of marked sample

':-' ~'1allots 'knifing' Councilman Wil-
Hall door, the name of Joseph Kel- of 102 Essex Ave., Narberth, was Sri
e 1
V ces n
group of mot~ers .and fathers. Cos-
tu~ed and .dlsg~lsed as CO~bOYS, L Merlon
· SeekS 2d Stralg · ht W'In
ley, Jr., appeared as having the robbed of between $20 and $30 in
Narb'erthChurches IndIans, comic strip charactel~, cot-

A.t Norrl·stown HI'gh Saturday

llam.,.r.::>. T,hompson in the First (Mr. RICHARD L. MILLER most votes on the Democratic tick- small change on Sunday night. •
• Duer's) District. three et. No one ever told Thompson that Dannenhauer told police th:.!t the tonwo?d tr,:es, barnyard anImals,
"In your columns of a few weeks tion felt by the voters in all this was written in by a wag and thieves broke the glass in a door lUld Wild a~lmals, :he CUb~ opened
. ago, Mr. Duer admitted doing so districts. was qUite unofficial. to gain entrance. . Baptist Church of the Evangel, the show With a grand march: . #0\ ,
~.- because Mr. Thompson supported "I am confident that Narberth Elmwood and Narberth Ave., Nar- Each den presented an orlgmal Its victor~' appetite whetted by the Aces have defeated Upper Dar-
llly candidacy. Mr: Thompson's rec- voters, regardless of party affllia-
ord as a member of Council is so tion, understand the issue and that
A N arberth Prize Winner berth. Rev. Gordon A. Gilbert, pas- skit, and after the lion tamer crack- Saturday's stunning 43-14 triumph by and enabled Mattis-coached
tor. ed th: whip and cleared the fl?or, o,":er, Upper Darby, Lo~'er Merion te~ms to take a 5-4 edge in the
()utstandingly excellent, that nO they will so indicate at the polls The Rev. Gordon A. Gilbert will a sel'les of games followed. Prizes HIgh s football .team Will oppose.a .' s
WOl'ds of mine can describe indigna- November '8." .., were awarded and refreshments powerful Nornstown team thiS selle.
speak on Solomon s Palace and . ft' d Saturday at the Eagles' field ' Lower Merion's touchdowns were
" God's Temple" as part of the com- were served m th 7 ca e erla ecor- Lower Merion triumphan't for well divided, with seven players ac-
Youthful Hallowe' en Artists munion service on Sunday at 11 ated for the occaSion.
A. M.
the first time in 'six games against counting for the scores. These in-
Upper Darby, will be a decided un- cluded Russ Carter, Charlie Mc-

Transform Wt'ndows Here Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of

Narberth, WoodbIne and Narberth
Seeds in Citrus '
Determine Admission Fee
Fruit derdog at Norristown. But that is QUiston, George Wycoff, George
no novelty this season for Dick Salway, Ted Van Syckel, Burns
Mattis' Ardmore Aces and they are Hovey and Bill Holland. Bert
... Main. Line shopping centers First prize winners in Aves, Rev. Cletus A. Senft, past~r. T Ch h H P conceded a better thap fair chance Grossman also added an extra
llerved as art· galleries this week groups received a camera The Rev. Cletus A. Senft Will 0 ,arvest arty
urc of handing Norristown its third loss point.
,as students of 11 pUbllc, private, flash bulbs and film. Second prize conduct the 11 A. M. service Sun- The Junior Women's Circle of in seven starts. The ~agles upset Carte~ Goes Over
and parochial schools decorated . ' . day. the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Haverford High, 18-7. last Satur- Lower Merion offset an early
more than 482 windows for Hallow- wmners receIved a complete 011 N b th M th dl t Ch ch Es- Narberth will sponsor a Church day. ypper Darby touchdown .bY march-
_ a'nting set and third place win ar er . e 0 s ur, , . 7' 0 Plagued by a series of illnesses mg 65 yards to score, With George
T' e'en. pI, - sex and PrIce Aves. Rev. Harold Harve~t Party on FrIday. at .3 and injuries mostly to key line- Salway's 45-yard pass to Carter
Some of the work displayed real ners received a Brownie camera Flood, pastor. P. M. 111 ~h~ lower churCh. men, Mattis' last week brought up accounting for 45 yards. McQuiston
.talent, and all helped spread the with film. The Rev. Harold D. Flood will Mrs. WillIam Hofstetter, of Mer- four members of the junior varsity contributed a couJiJ.e of lengthy
spirit of Hallowe'en. Group A was made up of chll- conduct the Sunday services. ion, is general chairman. for the Upper Dal'by game. These dashes before Carter slammed four
_ Regional judging took place on dl'en in sixth through ninth grades, Narberth J>resbyterlan Church Each person is to bring a half a included .Tack David and Everett yards off tackle fo: the TD.
~ Saturday, and final judging on and Group B of senior 'high pupils. Windsor and Grayling Aves. Re;. citrus fruit, and will pay one pt'nny Weidner, guards. ancl John Taylor ~s the first perrod .ended,. Me-
, Sunday. FI'nal J'udges were Josepll The wI'nner's I·nclu·ded·. R ob ert J . L am 011, t mi'n'ISter. . for each seed in it or ten .cents for andKnee ,Joe Norton,
rnluries tackles.
Sideline Pair QUlston
left tackle went 57-yardthIO~gh
two a yalds
to t.op drive.
,;Esrey, Dr. Morton McMichael, Mrs. Narberth, Group A: First prize, The Rev. Robed J. Lamont will a s:edless one. T~e part~ IS for the Knee injuries sustained by two The score mounted to 19·6 In the
C. Fenno Hoffman and Dr. A. A. Phyllis A. Harper, of Lower Merion speak on "How To Meet Misfor- entire cong~eg,atr~n, children and varsity gllards, Ralph Hicks and second period when Hovey passed
Hobson. Narberth judges were Bur- High School, at Delmac; second tune" at the 11 A. M. service on adults, and IS deSigned for fellow- Hugh Waters complicated Mattis' 14 yards to Wycoff, who ran six
'. gess Sterling M. C;hain, Mrs. Robert prize, S4lly Parr0!l:, of Lower ~er- Sunday. At the 7 :45 service he will ship with games, contests, enter- problems. Hic'ks finally saw action yards to pay dirt. Salway's 40-y.ard
Sigel, Willlam Clipsham, George ion Iiigh, at the Card Rack, and speak on "The Glorious Invitation tainment, singing and refresh- in the last couple minutes against sprint gave L. M. a 25-14 halftime
Shuster and Mrs. Robert Cameron. third, Frances Paul, of Lower Mer- of Christ and the Gospe!." ments. the Royals and may en.act a more lead. . . .' .
.. hI' h M St M t' R C 'Ch h 208 The Junior Women's Circle met active role in the Norristown test. In the third period, the Merion-
The grand prize, a $500 se 0 ar· ion Hlg ,at ax's. N b' tahrgAare s F 'th' Jure, F at the home of Mrs Shirley Zaro Waters, however, probably will re- ites tabbed two more touchdowns
ship, was won by David Burnside, Group B: First prize, Bob Dren- ar er ve. a er ames • . main on the sidelines. . when Van Syckel plunged for four
...p d other prizes were awarded at nen, of Narberth' School, at Bee- Toner, pastor. on Tuesday, November 1. Charlotte In snapping a five-game losing and Hovey went over from the one.
a dinner Wednesday at the Viking cia's; second, Jean Goldsborough, of Phyllis A. Harper, a Lower Merion High School student, is Masses on Sunday will be held at Werner ta~ed to the g~oup on the streak, Lower Merion scored twice Wycoff's recovery ,?f a U. D. fumble
Inn,'David, a senior at Lower Mer- Narberth School, at Penn Valley shown working on the painting that won her first prize in the the regular hours: 6:30, 7:30, 9 and Quaker faIth. Mrs. LOiS Wurster in every period but the fourth led to Lower Merion's final score,
'Ion High School, plans to attend Drugs: third, Jack Peden, of Nar- Narberth "Operations Hallowe'en" oontest. 10:15 A. M. and two masses for the served as a co-hostess at the meet- against Upper Darby's Royals. It with Holland circling left end
art school after graduation. berth School, at Cele's. " ' , - P h o t o by Lawl'ence Williams upper and lower church at 11:15. ing. ' marked th~ third straight year that from the 28.

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