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Spiritual Monthly


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Vol. LIV MARCH 2011 No. 7


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Salutation to You (i) Who have been manifested in the
sentiment of the very fortunate persons adorned with intensive
loveliness distinctly appearing with uncontrolled intentness due to
an enormous torrent of delight, (ii) Who adorn Srimad Gokula,
(iii) and Who look like some glowing orb of the great ocean of
sweetness alone developing beyond the scope of the mind and of
speech too.
-Sri Leelãshuka Bilvamangala


Pithy Precepts of Srila Prabhupâd
Sri Jeeva commentaries before the attempts of
Goswami has given Kevaladwaita School through the pen of Sri
the true spirit of the Shankaracharya. Sri Ramanujacharya and
author of Srimad others have referred to the names of
Bhagavatam in his Bharuchi, Kapardi, Bodhayana, Audolomi,
‘Krama Sandarbha’ Tanka, Guha and some other older
(explanations following commentaries. We find half a dozen
each shloka) specially Bhashyas and several dozen annotations of s
in his Shatsandarbha the same after Shankara had given out his
(Six treaties) and own interpretation. Among them, Sri
Sarvasamvadini Bhashyam of Sri Ramanuja, Purnaprajna
(Reconciliation of different discourses). So Bhashyam of Sri Madhva and his
we need not misunderstand Sridhara to Anuvyakaranam are the most famous, and
have followed the ‘Kevaladvaitavada’ later on we find that Vallabhacharya’s
School (undifferenced Monism). Anubhashyam and Nimbarka’s Parijata
Sridhara’s Suddhadvaita (unalloyed Saurabha (the origin of Keshava-Kashmiri’s
monotheism) interpretations are quite thoughts of Kaustubha), Bhaskara’s
different from Kevaladvaita views. interpretation of the Dvaitadvaita view and
Mayavadins, the advocates of Illusory Shrikantha’s Shaiva Vishistadvaita
theory in explaining the non-manifestive Bhashyam and lastly Sri Baladeva
phase of the Absolute, are really pitiable Vidyabhushana’s Govinda Bhashyam had
objects in the estimation of the Devotional added multifarious interpretations of the
School. Aphorisms. Each Bhashyakara has got
It would be a tremendous task to several annotations to explain their methods
supply Bhagavata verses to serve as by way of elucidating their writings and
commentaries of the Aphorisms in this short chiefly to indicate the direction in which their
narration; so we give up the idea of that interpretations differed from the opinion of
undertaking to exhibit the eighteen thousand a particular School, instead of participating
shlokas as commentaries of the Aphorisms in a common view. Vijnana Bhikshu has also
which are a quarter less six hundred only. given a Bhashyam of his own. One Sarvajna
Sattvata Pancharatras –The Muni’s ‘Samkshepa Sharirakam’ is also an
Sattwata Pancharatras are also accepted attempt to explain the views of the Aphorisms
as commentaries of the Aphorisms, though according to the undifferentiated monistic
none has attempted to arrange them school, while Vrajanatha, Purushottama and
accordingly under each item of different others have backed up the writer of
adhikaranas. Anubhashya.
The Famous Commentators : We are also at a later period accosted
Theistic and Non-Theistic –– The other ten by the thundering muse of the writings
commentaries claim to explain the sutras tending to explain the Aphorisms by the
by citation of different hymns of Upanishads Shakta method and to proselytise the
in which the Sutrakara by following the Masculine or Neuter aspect of the
divisional method has arranged them into Fountainhead to the Feminine store-house
particular themes. There were several of all energies.

Thus Spake Srila Âchâryadeva
The universe has relation between the parts and the whole is
come out of Him, stays not a conglomeration of the parts; neither is
in Him and will the Whole the transformation of the parts
ultimately be dissolved or a change induced in the parts nor can the
in Him. He alone is the Whole be regarded as different from the
material (Upadan) parts or one with it or as associated with it.
and efficient (Nimitta) If the Whole were entirely different from the
cause of the world. He parts, the parts would have nothing to do
is always vested with with the whole; if the parts were inherent in
infinite power. He the Whole, then any part would be found
possesses an infinite anywhere in the whole. The relation
number of infinite attributes. He possesses between the parts and the Whole is of a
all possible powers and also the diverse supra-logical nature. The ordinary
powers. Infinite powers mean powers experience of the world can well be
which know no limitation either in space or explained by a reference to the world
in time, as His powers alone created space analogies; but it is very difficult to explain
and time. His powers are identified with the transcendental relation existing between
His Person. Here, in material objects, there God, the individual souls, and the world.
is difference between the person and his Some of the Upanishad texts declare the
powers, between the thing and its attributes, identity of the Jiva with Bhagavan; but, they
its name, its form and action. These powers only mean that Bhagavan and the Jiva alike
are three-fold in their nature. They are are pure consciousness. The Jivas are
Vishnu-shakti, Kshetrajna-shakti and the atomic in nature, associated with the qualities
Avidya-shakti. The Vishnu-shakti means of Prakriti, and absolutely dependent on Sri "
the essential-power (internal or Antaranga- Bhagavan (God). Though Bhagavan is all-
shakti). The internal and essential power pervasive, yet He can be realised through m.
exists in the very nature of Brahman and devotion.
also as its various manifestation designated A soul is impelled on one side by
by such terms as Vaikuntha; the second material forces and attractions and is urged
power, the Kshetrajna-shakti, means the upwards by the Antaranga-shakti of
Tatastha-shakti or the disengaged power ,b
Bhagavan. A Jiva must therefore adopt such
of Jiva-shakti (the power of God as souls a course that the force of material attractiions
of individuals); and the Avidya-shakti (by and desires for enjoyments may gradually
which the world appearances are created) wane so that he may be pulled forward by
do not exist in the spiritual sphere of God. the Antaranga-shakti of Bhagavan. The Jiva
This third shakti is represented by the in reality is not under the sway of afflictions
evolution of all cosmical categories and their but still he appears to be so through the
root is the Pradhana. The external power influence of Bhagavan’s maya. The
of maya can affect the Jivas, but not appearance of impurity in the pure Jiva is n
Brahman. The Jivas are atomic in size. They due to the influence of maya, acting as its
are infinite in number and are but parts of upadhi or condition just as the motionless
God. Certain souls are engrossed by moon appears to be moving on the ripples
Prakriti or illusory energy of Bhagavan. The of a flowing river. Through the influence of


maya, the individual jiva identifies himself explains the reason why all that happens in
with the Prakriti and falsely regards the the region of God’s external power cannot
qualities of the Prakriti as his own. affect His own internal nature. He remains
The Vishnu-shakti or the essential all the time unaffected in his own internal an
power of God may be further considered nature. The supralogical and suprarational
from three points of view, the Hladini,. distinction existing between the three-fold
Sandhini and Samvit. These three powers powers (swarupa or antaranga, bahiranga
– bliss, being and consciousness – are held and tatastha of God) and their relation to
together in the Transcendent Power (Vishnu- them explains difficulties which ordinarily
shakti of Bhagavan). Brahman is indeed may appear insurmountable and cannot be
devoid of all Prakrita or phenomenal dealt with by the apparatus of ordinary logic.
qualities, but He is full of non-phenomenal On account of supra-logical power, the laws
qualities. The individual souls are within the of contradiction do not apply to Him. Even
control of maya-shakti. But God is the incivre this ordinary world the powers of things
controller of maya-shakti and through it of are unthinkable (achintya) i.e., neither can
the individual souls. God creates this world they be deduced from the nature of things
by His unthinkable powers and yet remains nor can they be directly perceived. The
unchanged within Himself. The monistic substance is perceived, but the power is not.
interpretation of Brahma-Sutra that God is Raso vai Sah – Lord Krishna is the
indeterminate and devoid of all powers Ocean of Rasa. We read His accounts from
(Nisshaktika) is wrong. The fact that the different angles like those who viewed Him
power of God can be conceived as internal when He entered Kamsa’s court as
(Antaranga) and external (Bahiranga) described in the following slokas :–

ALMANAC for the months of MARCH & APRIL 2011

16.03.2011 Wed Amalaki Ekâdashi Fasting. Nextday Pârana between 5.49 and
6.53 a.m. Disappearance of Srila Mâdhavendra Puri Goswâmi
18.03.2011 Fri Demise of Srmad Bhakti Kamala Avadhuta Maharâj
MAHAPRABHU -- FASTING. Next day Pârana between 5.46
and 9.45 a.m.
20.03.2011 Sun Feasting Festival of Sri Jagannâtha Mishra
21.03.2011 Mon Demise of Sripâd Bhakti Kamal Padmanâbha Maharâj
25.03.2011 Fri Demise of Srimad Bhakti Vijaya Janârdana Maharâj
27.03.2011 Thu Appearance of Srilae Srivâs Pandit
30.03.2011 Wed Pâpavimochani Ekâdashi Fasting. Next day Pârana between
5.35 and 9.39 a.m.
31.03.2011 Thu Disappearance of Srila Govinda Ghosh Thâkur
08.04.2011 Fri Appearance of Srila Ramanuja Achârya and Srila Bhakti Hirdaya Vana
Deva Goswami Maharaj
10.04.2011 Sun Appearance of Srila Bhakti Vilâs Tirtha Goswâmi Maharâj
12.04.2011 Tue Sri Râma Navami Fasting. Next day Pârana betweeen 5.23 and
9.35 a.m.
14.04.2011 Thu Kâmada Ekadâshi Fasring. Next day Pârana between 5.21 and
9.31 a.m. Commencing of ‘pouring water to Sri Salagram and Tulasi’ 28.9
– Keshava Vrata


Sripad B.S.Narayan Maharaj

(Contd. from February issue) the service of Sri Gurudeva. As soon as

we remember the name of Acharyatrika
He said that, the glory of Sri Kunjada Prabhu, his ideal and gentle form committed
was beyond his comprehension, as such, to Sri Guru-Seva becomes manifested
this major task could have been offered to before us, as if the sincere aspect of Guru-
Sripad Ananta Vasudeva Paravidyabhushan Seva has assumed embodiment and appears
Prabhu, who could do better justice to the in this world in the form of Acharyatrika
subject. He said, - we would be highly Prabhu. Most often, fanaticism, idolatry,
obliged if a qualified Vaishnava like Ananta mental speculation, heresy etc. are observed
Vasudeva Prabhu, speaks about the endless in this world, in the name of Guru-Seva. But
glory of Acharyatrika Prabhu. By seeing Sripad Acharyatrika Prabhu has ideally
the external appearance of Acharyatrika exhibited the utmost in the matter of natural,
Prabhu, the sincere, spiritual
materialistic and Note and spontaneous
prejudicial people devotion at the
Wherever ‘Srila Prabhupad’ is
can never recognize divine Lotus Feet
mentioned it refers Srila Bhakti
him. A vaishnava of Sri Gurudeva,
Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami
cannot be as to how it can
Thakur only, Who is the illustrious
recognized through be achieved in
Founder Acharya of Parent
outer appearance.
Organisation Sri Chaitanya Math,of this material
The Vaishnavite world. The glory
the present Gaudiya Vaishnava
nature of of Acharyatrika
Movement throughout the world.
Acharyatrika Prabhu is beyond
Prabhu is the sole enumeration and
example of an ideal, natural and unalloyed comprehension. It is not possible to make
devotional character. We can see common people understand such an
innumerable examples of artificial u intricate topic, as most of them are fully
Vaishanavas in this world. Many have only antagonistic towards vaishnavas and
borrowed -vaishnavism, some others just prejudicial like myself. When they hear this
show vaishnavism, some are imitated type of narrations, they may feel as if they
vaishanvas and apparent vaishnavas. But are imaginations, flattery, exaggerations or
Acharyatrika Prabhu’s character is an falsehood. Some people may even accuse
example of completely natural and pure me as partial, thoughtless or a fanatic
vaishnava nature, which never contains even person. A sincere, servile, exalted and
a drop of artificiality. It naturally flows like auspicious person can only realize the glory
the stream of Gangotri to offer regular of Acharyatrika Prabhu’s Guru-Seva. It is
oblations at the lotus Feet of Srila a matter to be constantly pondered upon
Gurudeva. Such a natural vaishnavism by all of us. It is like a polar star that guides
incessantly flows, being fully committed to the misguided lives. Further, it is the very


ideal for those who tread the path of spiritual coordinator of all those departments, as well
perfection. We have often heard so many as the prime source of everyone’s serving
ideals of Guru Seva by dedicated disciples tendency. All my sorrow is that, even a part
in the scriptures like Upanishads, Puranas, of vaishnava’s glory cannot be explained by
Smritis etc. But all those events appeared me within my crores of lives. If in any of my
to us, only like mere stories. We could life I can become his feet dust, then I may
hardly comprehend their spirit and ideals. become eligible to serve Sri Hari-Guru-
Now it is the result of our fortune of millions P
Vaishnavas. Let this alone be my sincere
of births that we are able to visualize the hope in life. May my heart tormented due
very personification of climax of Guru-Seva, to hundreds of mundane desires, not to be
in front of our eyes, in the form of pulled down by the stream of any other
Acharyatrika Prabhu. All these subject inclinations to deprive me from this fortune o
matters cannot be explained in the society of service. Let this be my sincere prayer at
of mundane people, as they shall fail to the Feet of Sri Guru-Vaishnavas.
understand them. Even after leading holy The following is the quotation from
life for crores of births, one may fail to Gaudiya 7th volume, 33rd Number, Page No.
explain even a drop of his glory. This is not 516.
a story of the literature, neither it is mere
oratory, nor it is the preface of any novel. On the 11th of Chaitra month of 1335
This is the sincerely realized truth, the inner Bengali era(1929A.D), in the Sri Dham
P most heartfelt realization. Without being Pracharini Sabha presided by Srila
able to sincerely follow the pure natural Prabhupad, super orator Tridandi Swami
vaishnavite character and balanced Srimad Bhakti Hridaya Bon Maharaj spoke
abnegation of Acharyatrika Prabhu, if as follows.
anyone imitates him, or if offend at his feet, o be On this auspicious occasion, whose
such people shall surely become deprived glories and merits I am striving to explain,
from the service of Sri Guru and Gauranga may become a futile exercise on my part, as
forever. This is the fact which we have I am quite averse to the spiritual service of
practically seen in our lives. There is no the Lord. If at all the goddess of learning
one, as kind-hearted as Acharyatrika Shuddha Saraswati Devi verily shower her
Prabhu. He pardons even such people who grace upon me, then alone I can speak
committed thousands of offences at his feet something about Sri Acharyatrika Prabhu
and gives them further chance to rectify their and thereby purifying my life. Acharyatrika
offences. Lord Nityananda’s devotees are Prabhu is the most beloved of Srila
more merciful than Nityananda Himself. The Prabhupad, the latter being the most
various servitors of Sri Gurudeva may be favourite of Lord Gauranga. He is the crest
fit to be praised for their certain kinds of jewel among the Vaishnavas. He has
expertise in service. As far as Sri appeared in this world as my teacher
Acharyatrika Prabhu is concerned, his glory ‘Shiksha-Guru’. He is the main pillar in the
and tributes surpass all those praises due unalloyed devotional preaching conducted by
to the exceptional grace he has received the very Intimate Devotee of Lord Sri
from Srila Guruji. Different servitors of Sri Chaitanya in spreading and fulfilling the
Guruji exhibit their adeptness in various hearty wish of Lord Chaitanya.
departments, but Acharytrika prabhu is the (to be contd .....)


Sri M.C.Mahesh
(Contd. from February issue) Duryodhana’s army began to scatter
The lance went swishing and cut in confusion. Duryodhana hailed them from
through Shalya’s chest. Blood spurted out a distance and called them to action. On
of his mangled body and Shalya lay his parasol was the insignia of a cobra with
sprawling on the ground. outspread hood, woven on a fabric of
Seeing their commander fall the elegant finish. Several gemstones were
surviving brothers of Duryodhana crowded fretted on this cobra blazon.
round Bheema who was fighting on foot “Warriors do not die of sickness at
with his mace. He pummelled and thrashed home!
rp That would be a real ignominy. Let
his foes and they all lay splashing in a pool us face our foes and fall with pride.”
of blood. The soldiers rallied back and there was
Bheema looked up haughtily and one last scrimmage. Duryodhana’s men fell
yelled in triumph ‘‘I have not lived in vain!’’. rolling on the plain and his elephants were
The last few generals of the Kuru army trumpeting their dying wails. All around him
fell rapidly one after the other. Susharma was the wreckage of shattered chariots and
succumbed to Arjuna’s arrows and what the corpses of his footmen and horses. uq
little was left of his army dwindled into Within the twinkling of an eyelid all eleven
nothingness. Shakuni’s son Ulooka made Akshauhinis were gone, except for four
a dash against Sahadeva and harassed him warriors!
greatly. Sahadeva’s sword-edged arrow Seeing this devastation Kripa,
whizzed past and cut through Ulooka’s Ashwatthama and Kritavarma rode away
neck. Seeing his son cut down a furious in their glittering chariots but the isolated "

Shakuni took his place and kept up prince took them for dead!
pressure on Sahadeva. Sahadeva All the Pandava warriors
recollected the oath he had taken in the hall unchivalrously hemmed him in on all sides
of games: ‘This doer of dastardly deeds and now his bow fell snapping. His parasol
should now fall to my arrows!’ was cut down and the cloth-banner of a
Shakuni’s weapons lay in splinters and cobra was seen hanging in shame. He lept
he lost all hope of life. out of his shivered chariot and, brandishing
Seeing him fall back in shame his mace tied in hempcord, walked away in
Sahadeva ridiculed him: “You are so crafty disgust.
in a game of dice⎯Can you not fight a An ashamed Duryodhana muttered in
straight battle!” vexation: “I see that Vidura’s words are
Shakuni turned back and fought in taking shape!”
desperation. With two stone-whetted The Pandava soldiers roared in
arrows Sahadeva sliced off Shakuni’s triumph and twanged their bowstrings.
powerful arms. A steel arrow from However, not much was left out of their
Sahadeva’s bow went zooming through the army. Among the heroes who had led the uoy
air and cut through Shakuni’s neck! legions of different nations very few were "


alive⎯The five Pandavas and the five sons “I am alone and have only my mace with
of Draupadi, Dhrishtadyumna, Shikhandi, me. Fight with me one by one.”
B Satyaki and Yuyutsu. Yudhishthira was now really furious:
Duryodhana fled to a nearby woodland “How did you fight with Abhimanyu then! He
and struggled through a tangled undergrowth. had only a chariot-wheel.”
The limpid lake Dwaipayana was nearby The eldest Pandava softened his stand:
and Duryodhana plunged into its waters in “Choose me or any one of my brothers for a
a quick flurry, splashing water all around. fight. If you win, you can take our kingdom.
He could live under water using his powers You have nothing to lose even on death, for
of illusion. He also charmed the lake and you will go to the heavens. Considering the
made it appear stark still. Accompanied by fact that you are such a sinner, you cannot
all their soldiers who were now on foot, the get even a peep into paradise unless you fall
Pandavas and their allies searched through in battle!”
the underbrush. They had to find out the Duryodhana was too proud to choose
fugitive Duryodhana and fight their last tussle any weakling: “Any one warrior is welcome
with him. to face me!”
“Look!” said Krishna to Yudhishthira, "Y
Krishna stared at Yudhishthira: “How
“The lake Dwaipayana is not rippling in the foolish and reckless can you become! You
breeze. I guess that the crafty Duryodhana will not meet even one of his blows. Your
is hiding underwater. He possesses a few brothers cannot do so either. Perhaps
magical powers and has made the lake Bheema is one person who can try. But
appear still and glassy. Use your powers of Duryodhana is more skilful and Bheema’s
wizardry to shatter through these waters.” brute strength will not win the day. In his
Yudhishthira screamed at Duryodhana: gymnasium, Duryodhana has practised hitting
“Coward! Come out and fight.” on a lifelike statue of Bheema for thirteen
Duryodhana yelled back and the years!” "
waters bobbed: “All my brothers have o Bheema roared a challenge and turned
perished in battle. My dear Karna too has to Krishna: “The mace given by Maya
gone. For whose sake should I grapple Danava cannot fail me!”
now? Take the dreary land and rule over Even as they were speaking, the
the ashes of your kinsmen. I will stay back undergrowth was rustled by the wheels of a
in these woods!” chariot. Wearing a blue cloak, the golden
Yudhishthira’s face steeled into a stare coloured Balarama lept down from the rails.
as he shrieked back: “That sounds really Though he was on a pilgrimage he had the
generous! Did you not refuse us a needle- plough on his shoulders. He suggested that
point of territory? Having wiped out an the fight should take place on the fringes of
entire clan, you should not save your life!” the lakes of Samantapanchaka. A warrior
Stung by the taunt Duryodhana rose who perished there was sure to reach the
up. The still waters rippled and drifted away. heavens. The two opponents stood on the
The prince looked like a lily drenched in the river bank, circling the ground warily. Both
morning mist. He wore his breastplate and of them brandished their heavy clubs.
adjusted the golden coronet on his brow. Balarama and all the leading Pandava
Swinging his mace, he called for pity. chieftains sat, half-circling the contenders.


The five hoary lakes were rippling in the curses of Maithreya and Gandhari had
evening breeze. This Samantapanchaka come true!
was indeed a hallowed spot and fit for any “Are you so shameless as to stoop to
sacrifice or righteous battle. " such a dastardly attack!” shrieked a dying
Clank! The two clubs shattered Duryodhana who was sprawling on the
against each other and rubbed off sparks of ground, writhing in agony.
fire. Duryodhana’s manoeuvres were fine “I still remember the vow I took when
and he always outwitted Bheema’s rugged you lewdly exposed your left thigh to
blows. They grappled with their maces and Draupadi!” growled Bheema, “I will stamp
often parted, only to lunge on each other on your fallen head!”
again. Pummelling each other with their Bheema stamped on the prostrate
bludgeons, they often reeled from shock. Duryodhana with his left foot. He kicked
Whenever one of them fainted the other his head and tossed it to and for.
would chivalrously wait for him to rise. A shocked Yudhishthira shouted in
Duryodhana would skillfully dodge every grief: “This kicking is too flagrant! You
one of Bheema’s swinging hits. should have done it just once to fulfil your
Arjuna turned to Krishna vow.”
apprehensively: “Is Duryodhana the better Bheema refrained from mocking a
fighter?” fallen enemy.
Krishna sighed in trepidation: “I knew As Bheema’s vow of shattering
that even before! Balarama himself has said Duryodhana’s left thigh and trampling upon
so several times.” his head was fulfilled, Draupadhi could give
up sleeping on the floor.
Krishna whispered craftily to Arjuna:
“We may have to flout the rules of combat. Balarama eyes reddened with wrath
The mace should never be flung below the when he witnessed the unfair blow below
navel. However, Bheema may have to the waist. His stentorian anger was
shatter his thighs when he is not looking on. reflected as he yelled: “Bheema! I never
Do you remember the oath he took in the taught you this unfair trick in Dwaraka. I
hall of games?” had instructed you not to strike below the
no navel!”
Arjuna forcefully slapped his left thigh. !
Startled by the cue Bheema turned round. Brandishing his ploughshare Balarama
Seeing Arjuna slap on his thigh Bheema got plunged on Bheema. Krishna rushed in and
wind of the message. He remembered the pinioned Balarama’s muscular arms with his
oath he swore in the deceitful hall of games. gentle
." touch. Slightly mollified, Balarama
lowered his plough. His glowering anger
Bheema lunged on Duryodhana with W
was now directed on Krishna.
his mace whirling in his hand. Ducking the
blow skilfully Duryodhana jumped high. In n “I never liked this war and I went away
a mad frenzy Bheema brought his mace to bathe in the river Saraswathi. I atleast
shattering down on Duryodhana’s thighs. An thought that you would preserve our ancient
unsuspecting Duryodhana was flung down Kshathriya chivalry. I now see You flouting
in a pool of blood. Thus was an unprepared it so shamelessly!
warrior struck below the navel in a flagrant “Balarama, do not get too prissy. Your
breach of the then prevailing rules. The perception of morality is blinkered.”


“What is your wider perspective then!” in the epic, when Uttanka denounces Krishna
“Listen, the age of Kali or the Iron Age for ushering in a catastrophe. This has been
began on the morn of the tenth day of this dealt with better in the epic. In Hindu religion,
battle. The first nine scrimmages were fought there is no concept of blasphemy. No free
during Dwapara Yuga, the Bronze Age. thinker is branded as an heretic in our culture.
Therefore these flagrant breaches of morality There are no pagans or heathens in our ethos.
did not occur during the first nine days. It Those who deride God constantly are also
began only on the morn of the tenth day thinking of him constantly, and they reach him
which ushered in a moral catastrophe. Even in the end! This was pointed out earlier during
e this bifurcation in the march of Time is rather the narratives of the deaths of Sishupala and !
artificial. The Bronze Age slowly melts into Dantavakra. This is the philosophy
the Iron Age with an intermediary twilight advocated in the lyrical and exquisite text,
epoch. In every succeeding era you will find
u Bhagavatha Purana. The objections of
less and less of righteousness in the cosmos, Balarama and Uttanka, however, fall under
and even those battling for right have to make a qualitatively different category. Not only
more and more flagrant breaches. The were they devotees of the Lord, but they were
forces of evil grow more and more stronger.” also thinkers who believed in conventional "
morality. When they saw the Lord Himself
“This is your usual fallacious logic
clothed in an honeyed tongue! You are a breaking the canons of justice in a shameful
God⎯You could have prevented this and flagrant way, they gave vent to their
catastrophe. You are a God⎯You can desperation.
D It may be noted that Balarama he
preserve the crux of righteousness in every had done this twice earlier. The first instance
age!” occurred when Duryodhana sought his
Balarama knelt down besides the assistance in battle. It occurred again just
wounded Duryodhana: “Your name will go
down in the annals of time as a fair fighter.
Bheema will be censured forever as an With Best Compliments from
unchivalrous warrior.”
With a poignant sigh Balarama got into SAI RAMANA CANCER TRUST
his chariot. CHENNAI
“He is still under the web of illusion!”
thought Krishna, “I am a higher synthesis CANCER PATIENTS' CARE
who is beyond good and evil. When he
meets me again in the swirling waters of the Our Trust does Free Healing,
milk ocean, he will know. We have been Counselling
together forever. He has even forgotten that &
he never had any beginning in linear time! Anti-Cancer Initiation
Any stage of treatment
For now, Revati will drown him in his jar of Any place of Stay
wine and he will forget this pain!” ( This one
of the more interesting narratives that has Mail to : srcancertrust@yahoo.co.in
been obscured by the poet. I have or
Cell: 9884017256
elaborated upon it a little to do justice to its 9840496548
spirit. Another similar incident occurs later


before the war broke out, when Balarama “Slain in a sanguinary battle, I will
met the Pandavas in their encampment. reach the heavens. You are doomed to linger
Thirty-six years later, Balarama witnessed to on here with the cinders of your kinsmen
his horror the terrible internecine carnage that and a barren kingdom!”
exterminated the Yadavas. Krishna did Hark! The sky is looking as pellucid
nothing to stop that either! Thoroughly as an opal. It is evening, and the azure
frustrated, Balarama controlled the flow of welkin is now one shimmering sapphire.
psychic energy that animated his spiritual Crested on that one vast stretch of lapis
plexuses and ascended to His Own Abode!) lazuli are the heavenly Siddhas. They
A fallen Duryodhana pressed on the thunder out in one booming voice: “Praise
ground with both arms and lifted up his be to Duryodhana!” The Apsaras are
crownless head and glowered at Krishna. bewitching the onlookers and are beckoning
With great difficulty he was sitting up on his Duryodhana to come to heaven. The
haunches. Gandharvas are strumming away on their
“O hard-hearted Krishna! I could see lyres and lutes!
how shamefully you made Arjuna slap on his “It is true!” smiled Krishna, “He was a
thigh! It was an even combat till then and I wicked man, but his spirit was indomitable.”
never expected a blow on my thighs. It is Krishna now boomed at all the
by stratagem that you have slain all your onlookers: “Even the gods have practised
enemies. Did you not make the sex-. deception when the enemy is stronger! In
transformed Shikhandi face an unwilling the woods, I made a promise to the dark
Bheeshma? You took the Vaishnava Astra and ravishing Draupadhi that the Kuru
of Bhagadatta on your chest when you had
women would weep over the corpses of
promised not to fight in this war. Bhagadatta
was slain when he was blinded by his own their kinsmen. I did all this just to keep up
sagging skin. You urged Arjuna to lop off my vow!” (Duryodhana’s charges form a
the arm of Bhurishravas. When Satyaki sequel to Balarama’s outburst. During the
chopped off his head you looked on and did dawn of creation there was perfect morality.
nothing! The whole world knows how you God had to take incarnations only rarely.
deceitfully obscured the sun in a mist of Parashurama could grapple with a host of
darkness. Jayadratha was slain when he was Kshathriyas single-handed and exterminate
unprepared for it. You let Karna spend his them. When Rama was born, the forces of
Shakti on Ghatotkacha, and you danced in evil were much stronger. However, there
glee on the body of your nephew. You are was order in society and he could get the
Bheema’s cousin, and you had the temerity assistance of an army of monkeys and bears,
to call your own nephew a demon! You though he was a wandering exile. He could
flagrantly arranged a manoeuvre to bring wage a righteous battle and slay hordes and
about Drona’s end. Bheema killed the ni hordes of demons by fair means. When
elephant Ashwatthama only on your Krishna was born, it was the twilight epoch
instigation. When Karna’s wheel was stuck when the Bronze Age was melting into the
in the mud, you egged on Arjuna to end his Iron Age. Righteousness had fallen
life. Have you not practised deceit all along!” shamefully in the cosmos and Duryodhana,
Duryodhana was rolling in pain on the with all his wickedness, could muster up a
ground. Even in that suffering he spoke on. force of eleven legions. Only seven legions


supported the cause of justice! Therefore chariot and horses in one place. They would
Krishna had to resort to stratagems to bring have flown apart long ago! Added to this
down all the leading Kuru warriors. This grace of Krishna was the protection that
degeneration of Dharma is an eternal flux Hanuman was bestowing on the chariot.
and is decreed by the will of Time.)2() r Fulfilling his promise to Bheema, Hanuman
Krishna and all the Pandava warriors had been presiding over the pennant till the
left for their camp as it was now twilight. war was over.
It was customary for the victors to sleep
Krishna turned to Arjuna: “Jump down
in the camp of their enemies on the night of
from your chariot!” their victory. The five Pandavas and Lord
Krishna also set aside his whip and Krishna entered the gorgeous encampment
jumped down. of the worsted Kurus. They asked the
Lo and behold! A giant monkey is seen servitors and womenfolk to leave the Kuru
flying away from Arjuna’s banner. Hanuman camp, taking all their possessions with them.
was no longer protecting the insignia! An Seven great warriors⎯the five Pandavas,
ethereal fire enveloped the chariot and Satyaki and Yuyutsu⎯entered the Kuru
horses. The canopy crashed down burning camp in great glee. The all-knowing Krishna
and fell in smouldering splinters. The wheels was with them. The Pandava womenfolk
cracked apart and fell. Soon the chariot of also came to rest with them. The ravishing
gold and metal was in cinders. Even the beauty Draupadhi and the charming
four moon-white horses were steaming in Subadhra and the dainty princess Uttaraa
flames! were basking in Arjuna’s glory. Uttaraa was
Arjuna was flabbergasted on watching bearing Abhimanyu’s child in her womb.
this gruesome spectacle. (to be contd .....)
“Why are my horses burning? Krishna,
please save the life of my faithful horses.” With Best Compliments from
“It is the fire of askesis that is burning
them down. The horses will die painlessly.”
“But I have lost my chariot that Agni ROHIT S. SHELAT
gave me!”
“You lost Indra’s crown too, SHELAT BROTHERS
yesterday.” 20, Kesava Iyer Street
“Will all my weapons go? Will I be Park Town, CHENNAI - 600 003
bereft of power?”
“Even you and I will go! As soon as
our work on earth is done, even you and I
will go. But that will be years later!”
To a bamboozled Arjuna, Krishna’s
prophecy sounded like the voice of doom. dn Phone:
Off. 2535 2081, 2535 0032
The chariot has been burned down Fact. 2494 0764
days earlier by the missiles of Drona, Karna
and Ashwatthama. But the Lord was e. mail: shebro@rediffmail.com
weaving his web of illusion and keeping the


Sridham Mayapur
The Holy Birth-Place of
The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Prof. Sri Nishi Kanta Sanyal
(Contd. from February issue) spiritual enlightenment of such seeker. The
What the seeker of the truth asks is, faith in the infallibility of the Vaishnava and
whether it is possible to get out of the his spiritual nature, is the starting point in
vicious circle of our necesarily futile mental this modified process. It also establishes
speculations ? the supreme necessity of such quest for the
It is our contention in this paper that if well-being of the seeker himself.
the empiric method subordinates itself to To the athiest this modified process
the spiritual, we are enabled by such will appear to be not materially different
modification to obtain the spiritual result. from the ascending process which works
In the case of Sridham Mayapur the up from the supposed known to the
modification of the method of quest unknown but from the known unknown to
necessitated by the requirements of the the unknown unknowable. The modified
spiritual issue is as follows –– We must be process on the contrary leads from the
prepared to accept as absolutely true, of known known to the knowable unknown
course in the spiritual sense, identification in and through the known.
of the holy site by Sri Jagannatha Das Babaji The holy site is known only to the
Maharaj. We must be prepared to make Vaishnava. It is not at present known to
the attempt to understand the spiritual nature me. I can have the knowledge of it if I
of the site so identified. We must accept recognize that I cannot know anything of it
all the implications of such acceptance and by my own efforts but can obtain such
intention. We would then be in a position knowledge by submitting unconditionally to
to realise that we can ‘serve’ the holy site the guidance of the Vaishnava. Sri
by the antiquarian effort of trying to establish Jagannatha Das Babaji Maharaj declares
its identity for the benefit of those persons a particular site to be the holy spiritual
devoid of the spiritual vision who are being locality of the Birth of the Lord. To me the
misled by others, as blind as themselves, site at present appears as that of a deserted
to withhold their allegiance from the hamlet with imperfect antiquarian testimony
devotees of Sridham Mayapur. If in order regarding its identity with an old village of
to oppose the mischievous activities of the name of Mayapur where a Bengali
erring empiricists it employs their method reformer, Sri Chaitanya Deva, is known
for convincing them and their dupes of the historically to have been born 525 years
erroneous character of their method as well ago. This is my present view. I have to
as object , relying on the grace of the holy'. give it up altogether. I must in its place adopt
site itself, the employment of the empiric the view of Sri Jagannath Das Babaji
method under such conditions and for such Maharaj which is wholly different and seek
purpose amounts to spiritual service of the loyally to serve his purpose of proving the
holy site and tends to bring about the identity of the said site with the old native


village of Sri Chaitanya in the face of all which was overgrown with jungle. He was
difficulties and defects of available soon able to satisfy himself that the current
testimony. Even if I fail to establish the traditioin of the locality itself bore out the
empiric identity I shall have gained the real statements of the devotees. On his return
object of all congnitive exertion in the shape to Krishnagar he began to search in the
of the service of the truth which is nothing Collectorate for further evidence. He was
but the service of the Vaishnavas. It is by able to discover various records which
such unconditional and unremitting service cleared up many details regarding the site.
of the truth that the knowledge of Him may Srila Thakur Bhakti Vinode also took the
be obtained, augmented and retained. trouble of going through the literature on the
It is therefore, necessary for us to subject, and minutely explored the old
understand clearly this method which was literature
nru both Sanskrit and vernacular. His
actually followed by Srila Bhakti Vinode patient search was crowned with the highest
Thakur in his endeavour to establish by success in as much as it enabled him to
antiquarian arguments the identity of establish the true system of worship at the
Sridham Mayapur. The village of Ula in holy site the memory of which has seen all
which Thakur Bhakti Vinode was born lies but lost to the world.
within 25 miles of Sridham Mayapur. The success of his antiquarian labours
Thakur Bhakti Vinode did not conceive the was hailed with delight by his contemporaries
idea of searching for Sridham till he was and enabled him to interest the general public
fairly advanced in years and had already for the reclamation of the holy site and the
compared a fairly large number of most construction of suitable shrines on the site
valuable works on the teachings of Sri of the eternal Home of the Supreme Lord.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He was at the time The work which was begun in this
serving at Kalna and at Krishnanagar as a manner by Srila Thakur Bhakti Vinode is
Deputy Collector in the employment of the being carried on by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Government. Saraswati Goswami Thakur. With the
He had become aware that the town establishment of the system of worship taught
of Navadwip was not the Birth-place of Sri by the Supreme Lord which includes
Chaitanya Deva. At that time there were proselytism and propaganda opposition
two eminent Vaishnava saints in the town of began to be experienced from interested
Navadwip with both of whom the pious parties who feared that the progress prestige
official, who led a singularly pure and simple of Sridham Mayapur representing the
life and was known among scholars as a religion of pure devotion would lower that
trustworthy and convincing writer on Sri had long been enjoyed by the town of
Chaitanya, cultivated relations of intimacy. Navadwip, head-quarters of the current
As the idea occurred to him he enquired of erroneous forms of the same religion. This
Sri Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj regarding and other worldly motives into which it is
the real location of the holy site. The latter needless to enter more in detail have
told him in detail everything regarding the provided recruits to the ranks of apponents
place that it was necessary for him to know. who have persisted in challenging the truth
This was followed by Sri Gaurkishore Das of the identification of the site by a campaign
Babaji Maharaj. of deliberate and systematic
Armed with this essential mandate misrepresentation.
Thakur Bhakti Vinode visited the place (to be continued)


Vaishnavas are Credulous
Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur

(Contd. from February issue) continues to be disloyal to his Master and

The mind, the senses and the body as such are bound to plunge him deeper into
conspire to keep the soul unmindful of his the toils of the deluding power whose
disloyalty to the Master by promising to creatures they now are. The fallen soul can
make him lord and master in his own home be rescued only by correcting himself. He
in the realm of untruth where he would be is perfectly free to do this. He must cease m.
free from the domination of Truth. This is to be selfish. He must not think of living
the fallen state. unto Himself. He must be really willing to
God Who is his eternal Master. In
The soul suffers perpetual torment in
the depth of his suicidal agony this penitential
search of a home far away from the mood may, although very rarely indeed,
domination of Truth promised by his
come upon the rebellious soul. That instant
underling corrupted by the deluding power
the Master appears to him and helps him to
of his Master mercifully employed by Him
regain his natural condition of perfect
for his correction and they carry out this
existence as His eternal servant.
mission by their providing him with this
sojourn into the realm of ignorance and The fallen soul cannot work his way
sorrow the only possible home for utter up to the realm of Truth by his own unaided
selfishness in all its revolting forms. But the efforts. The very attitude that he can do so
soul finds no pleasure except in willing is the decisive proof of toal absence of real
service of the Truth such being his very penitence and humility and by implication
constitution. He is therefore never happy of the absence of the least desire to reform
in this world. But he is also never without himself. This attitude is represented by the
method of search for the Truth known as
hope of happiness. He is not therefore
the process of Induction or the Ascending
anxious to renounce his connection with this
process from the supposed known to the
world. He is very fond of the prospects of unknown. The Vaishnavas discard this
selfish gratification made of worldly stuff that hypocritical method which is so dear to the
are always dangled before him by the mind hearts of the lovers of worldly experience.
and the senses. He has full confidence in They accept in its stead what is known as
the resources of the mind and the senses the process of receiving the Absolute when
because they always tell him that he can He chooses to come down into this world
and ought to be master in his own right, for the deliverance of those fallen souls who
that the Truth should serve him and not are at all willing to receive the Master as
the Truth. The soul relishes this advice and master. This is known as the descending
stands by the mind and the senses against process as distinct from the Inductive
Truth who is his natural Master. Sri. method. Unless the Truth of His own
From this self-elected misery the soul causeless mercy descends into this world
can never hope to be rescued by the efforts and presents Himself unsolicited to the
of the mind the senses whose function it is penitent fallen souls the latter could never
to wholly misguide him as long as he attain to Him by their own efforts.


The idea of merit which is at the basis continuance. It cannot be attained by merit.
of the principle of material causation, the The Divine grace descends into this world
doctrine of Karma, of reward and to awaken in the fallen soul the lost
punishment, is entirely a commodity of this consciousness of the utter worthlessness of
world and has no locus standi in the realm all mental speculations and worldly merits for
of the spirit. Neither is there in the spiritual the purpose of attaining the service of God
realm scope for heartless mechanical laws and to demonstrate the superiority of the
like those that are supposed by empiric service of the Divinity to the diverse
scientists to govern the phenomena of this occupations of this world. The grace of the
world. There everything is instinct with the God appears at our doors as an humble
freest will joined to the most perfect supppliant in order to soften our free will to
judgment that spontaneously serves the accept the service of the Master which alone
eternal Master with the most loving can satisfy our wants. Those who refuse to b
devotion. be persuaded are compelled to serve the will
The Truth spontaneously manifests of God against their wishes and this process
Himself unto the fallen soul who is sincerely brings about their sojourn into this world. The
penitent, as the Master to be served. He is assertive soul finds more than his full scope
not attainable by the meritorious activities in this mundane sphere of unavoidable
of the people of this world. The so-called ignorance. It is rarely, indeed, that he awakes
merits that are productive of worldly to the effective knowledge of the cause of
benefits are not helpful to the seeker of the his ignorance. Such awakening is effected
Truth if they are opposed to his unreserved only by the unsolicited operation of Divine
recognition of the causeless and self- grace.
sufficient nature of Divine mercy in effecting There is no doubt also the pervading
our redemption. As it is not possible for presence of the grace of God in the rp
the soul to serve Godhead except solely gropings of the human intellect in the dark
through His grace, the ascending process labyrinths of empiric wisdom. But this is the
cannot enable one to attain His service and negative or unwholesome aspect of the mercy
is sure to obsruct its attainment. of God. The Divine will is not the cause of
In this world knowledge precedes and the aberrations of the empiricist. The
is different from service. Empiric empiricist’s own free will is solely responsible
knowledge can be disobeyed by its for his ignorance the existence of which also
possessor. But it is not possible to know ro is mercifully permitted by God. The Divine
God without serving Him. The knowledge will does not refuse full scope to the abuse
of God is identical with His service. In other of his free will by the empiricist. This aspect
words, the knowledge of God cannot be of the Divine grace is negative. It provides
obtained by any but His devotees. The word this phenomenal world of apparent truth to
‘credulity’ which has an unwholesome render possible the very existence of the
conotation can refer to conditions in this rebellious soul. It is not the will of God that !
world because here service need not be we should grope in darkness although His
identical with knowledge. But unserved causeless mercy permits such a course to
knowledge is contradiction in terms on the the soul that rebels against Him because He
spiritual plane. The knowledge regarding does not wish to withdraw the priceless gift
God is impartible by God alone and is of free existence even from the disloyal soul.
wholly dependent on grace for its (to be contd .....)


The Erotic Principle and Unalloyed Devotion
Sri Narayan Das Bhakti Sudhakar

(Contd. from February issue) relations of dead and limited things or

The empiricists pin their faith on thoughts but Something Who is akin to
tentative truths. They seem to believe that ourselves. He is something that is living or
by progressive movement they will attain self-conscious. He is also spirit like our
the goal. But the goal which is attainable souls. The next question that will arise in
by a process of advance is an illusion. It is our minds will be, why cannot we see Him?
like the ever receding rim of the horizon that The answer will be, ‘Because He does not
can never be actually reached. The Truth! show Himself to us’. If we ask again ‘Why
is not determinable in terms of progress. does He not appear to us?’ We shall be
He is fixed and immutable. It is subject to told that He is so because we do not seek
obscuration due to defects of the observer. for Him. We never seek for the Truth but
These defects are also material which alone always seek for the half-truth. That is the
can stand in the way of the Absolute Truth disease. The real Truth himself comes to us
who is Spiritual. The real progress towards the very instant we seek for it. And we seek
Truth consists in the endeavour to improve for him only when and as soon as we really
our faculties of observation. We cannot understand His nature. This is the vicious
realise the Absolute by extending our so- circle. At present we have no real idea of
called knowledge of the relative. It is the Truth and so whenever we seek for
moving in the opposite direction. The anything that thing is necessarily un-truth.
greater the number of limited objects that Then at last the conviction dawns on our
crowd into our brains the greater is the understanding that the whole process
difficulty of discovering their uselessness for hitherto pursued requiries to be reversed
our purpose. And in fact it is our own and we begain to understand the mystic
hankering for half-truths and seeming truths words of the scriptures. ‘Give up once for
that is also really responsible for such all the empiric quest for the Truth and wait
are comp overcrowding. We create the fog that for Him to take the initiative. You cannot
obscures our vision. By this endless go up to Him. When you try to go up to
process of rejection and election of material anything of your choice you go away from
objects we can never reach the goal. We it. So you must submit to be enlightened.
must stop and reflect on the cause of our He has the power and the will of making
perpetual and utter failure. If we do so Himself known to you.’
sincerely we make the real discovery with At this stage one naturally asks, ‘Shall
Kant that we cannot know the truth by I then sit idly and do nothing ?’ And now
means of our present faculties. But we need Truth answers in a definite manner, ‘No, let
not, therefore, give up the quest as your mind and body do what appears to
hopeless. We are to question again and them to be their proper functions but you
then we shall get the true answer. That yourself stand apart and do not identify
answer will be that the Truth for Whom yourself with them, but wait for
our souls hanker is not a dead thing or communications from Me. Rely wholly on



Me and I shall guide you to the goal which spiritual association with the good preceptor.
is Myself.’ It cannot be realised so long as we retain an
Thus faith is kindled in the doubting iota of egotism. It cannot be realised unless
heart and we are in a position to profit by and until one agrees with the sincerity of real
the instructions of the good preceptor whom conviction to receive it at his hands as a
Krishna sends to us the moment we really favour to which he can lay no claim on the
seek to be enlightened in perfect humility. strength of any worldly merit or demirit. It is
Then we are also able to understand the only by such reasoned submission of the will
words of the good preceptor as being to the process of enlilghtenment from above
identical with the words of the scriptures. that our clouded vision can be cleared up.
Being now convinced of the real ability of The guru is not a mortal erring creature like
the good preceptor to guide us on the path ourselves. He is the eternal servant of
of the Absolute we take hold of his hand Krishna whom He sends into this world for
that is ever extended to us and submit to be the deliverance of fallen souls. He comes
led with hesitation and much questioning at into this world on this mission of causeless
first. As we gradually learn to walk in the Divine Mercy in order to help us to rise out
path of service our vision slowly clears up of the depths of sin to our natural state of
and we see the truth for ourselves. Then absolute purity by methods which are
only we understand what it really is. perfectly consistent with the principles of our
The empiricists although they seem to really un-biased reason. So long as we refuse
recognize the necessity of being taught and to llisten to him we are doomed to
trained in the affairs of this world are unduly misunderstand everything.
sceptical in regard to such training in spiritual (to be continued)
matters where its necessity is very much
greater because we happen to possess
absolutely no knowledge of it. In the ‘terra With Best Compliments from
incognita’ of the spirit it is indispensable to
30 YYears
ears of Ser vice in Adver
Service tising
have a guide unless indeed, we persist to
confuse the spiritual with the material and Off: 28522128, 28521957
retain our faith in empiric efforts. But as a Resi: 24714046
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matter of fact all predilection for the limited
shuts out the unlimited not partiallly but
radically, not quantitatively but categorically. JAYATIYAAR
Srimad Bhagavatam asks those who really
want to serve Krishna to forego all thoughts
of any advantage in the worldly sense the Advertising &
conscious or unconscious, direct or Public Relations Consultants
vicarious, pursuit of which is the cause of Accredited to INS., Doordarsan &
all impurity and ignorance. This reform of All India Radio
life is the indispensable preliminary condition
for obtaining any real knowledge of the 3, Mahatma Complex, II Floor
Absolute and the nature and imperative 13,Whites Road, CHENNAI-600 014
necessity of such reform and also its
practicability are clearly realised by close


Transform this filthy human body into a temple
Sri Gopal Das

Everybody is born with a filthy body no chance, no smell, no decayed substance

with a spark of Divinity within it. The spark etc. Next they went to the grocer’s shop to
of Divinity is the soul residing in the body. see the wastebin there. They found decayed
The soul feels restless in this filthy human vegetables and fruits and flies sitting on it.
body. It feels just like a fish out of water. Next they went to the butcher’s shop.
The fish which is out of water feels it is in There they found in the wastebin skin, meat,
the jaws of death and so wants to get back blood, dung, urine, flies and insects thriving
to the water as early as possible. Similarly there, with nasty smell all around. Next they
the soul feels why should I suffer in this filth went to the wastebin in the hospital. There
and dirt. My rightful place is in the Temple they found all that they saw in the butcher’s
worshipping my Lord and expects the shop, plus medicine smell, needles, blood
human being to transform this human body and puss stained bandages etc. So the
into a Temple. Unfortunately only a very judges were about to say that the hospital
minute percentage of the population by wastebin wins the competition.
God’s grace were able to identify themselves Suddenly the hman body came
with the soul and spiritualise this filthy body forward and told the judges that I am still
into a Temple. worse than the hospital bin. Then the judges
The vast majority of the population of asked how do you say so. Then the human
the world under the grips of Maya identified body said, all that they saw in the hospital
themselves with the filthy body, which bin was only the material impurities found in
provided them with filthy sense enjoyment. the human body. The human body has also
What are sense enjoyments ? Sense subtle impurities like, greed, passion, lust,
enjoyments are senseless enjoyments. So jealousy, anger, hatred, etc. which is not
they could not transform the body into a found in the hospital wastebin. Not only
Temple. What were they doing thereby ? that, the hospital wastebin is only stationary
They were only torturing the soul within their wastebin, but I am a mobile and international
body, forcing the soul to stay in filthy wastebin, going all over the country and to
conditions, not only in one life, but life after foreign countries, collecting waste
life. information, regarding the body, which is
The dearest object for a worldly only the peal of the fruit and not the fruit, the
person is his body. Unfortunately we are soul. All information regarding the body
not aware of the fact that the dearest thing does not release one from the cycle of births
in our life is the worst wastebin known to and deaths and so does not serve the
mainkind. To prove the same please read purpose of the human birth. So like the
as follows: waste paper basket in the office, the brain
There was a competition between of the worldly person has become a waste
wastebins, to find out which is the worst of information basket.
all wastebins. The judges at first went to The Spiritual person goes all over the
the waste paper basket. It has absolutely country and abroad, to remove all the waste


r Y K * q w s v x ge
h a fgszxaAvfkc f a*.tewq

information collected by the worldly person the soul. Do not be proud to identify yourself
and instills Divine information in them, by with the worst waste bin known to mankind.
making them identify themselves with the With my beloved Gurudev’s grace I
soul and spiritualising the body also and penned the above lines.
transforming the body into a Temple.
So be proud to identify yourself with Y
The Manfestation of the Supreme Lord in the age of Kali is that of
One Who chants constantly the Name of Sri Krishna, but
Whose Bodily complexion is the very opposite, i.e., of a molten gold,
Who is accompanied by His constant companions, and attendants,
and the weapon-like Names of Sri Hari; Who is worshipped
in this age by the Sankirtan-like sacrifices by the really wise men.
Sri Hari Nama alone, Hari Nama alone, and Hari Nama
solely is my very life. There is no other go, thiere is no other go,
no other go than His Samkirtan.
Brahma, even if he has thousand mouths, will not be able to
describe the transcendental fruit of the utternace of
Sri Hari Nama uttered even once.


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»y »y TϪ TÁ{∫ÁWÁ{ \Æo:
(Contd. from February issue)
The Lord being the Supreme, can do, or
Lord reciprocates the worship of His not do or do anything, sometimes make
devotees these devotees appear and disappear in this
world to assist in His Divine Pastimes and
Æz ÆsÁ ™ÁÊ üú˘ãoz oÁÊÀos{ƒ ß\Á©Æ“™Ω @ thus bestow on them Divine Love.
™™ ƒn™Á|åσo|ãoz ™åÏ…ÆÁ: úÁs| Ã|∆:˛@@11@@˛ Those Jnanis who think the Lord’s
Srivigraha Form is material and His Divine
Ye yathâ mâm prapadyante Birth and Deeds are not transcendental,
tâmstathaiva bhajâmyaham |
mama vartmânuvartante they will be thrown in repeated birth and
manushyâh pârtha sarvashah || 11 death cycle.
But those Jnanis who accept the Divine
Æz = Those devotees who, üú˘ãoz = nature of His Eternal Form and His Divine
offer submission or worship, ™ÁÊ = to Me, Deeds to them the Lord remove their
ÆsÁ = in whatever form, E“Ê = I, ß\Áu™ = ignorance and give them the Bliss of f
reciprocate the worship, oÁåΩ = of those
persons, osÁ Lƒ = exactly in the same . Brahman.
To Karmis, the Lord appears to them
manner, úÁs| = O Arjuna, Ã|∆: ™åÏ…ÆÁ: = all as the just a Giver of the Fruits of their
people (Jnanis, Karmis, Yogis, Devatas and actions.
Human beings) whoever worship, Eåσo|ãozb Yogis, get Vibhutis (some super human
= ultimately follow, ™™ = My, ƒn™| = path powers) and ultimately Kaivalyasiddhi for
only. their severe austerities.
Those devotees who offer submission' Of all paths, the path of unalloyed ˛
or worship to Me in whatever form, I, loving devotion at the Lotus Feet of the
reciprocate the worship of those persons Supreme Lord is the Eternal and the only
exactly in the same manner. O Arjuna, all Path.
people (Jnanis, Karmis, Yogis, Devatas andyb Ultimately different followers follow
Human beings) ultimately follow My path betr th
the path of the Lord either spiritually, i.e.,
only. enlightened by spiritual knowledge through
Those who are pure devotees eternally loving devotees or materially i.e., wrongly
engaged in rendering confidential loving identifying themselves with matter.
service to the Transcendental Blissful Lord Refer Srimad Bhagavatam 4.13.34;
in Transcendental Abode attain eternal Bliss. Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi. 4.21;
These devotees will have strong faith in the Madhya 8.90; 9.156 and also Narada
eternity of activities and Birth of the Lord. nu Pancharatra. 11


The Lord explains why people Also some, even after attaining the
worship devatas discrimination of temporary and eternal, do
not worship the Lord, fearing the sufferings
N˛Á¨ão: N˛™|mÁÊ uÃuÚÊ Æ\ão F“ tzƒoÁ:˛@ in this world.
uqüÊ u“ ™ÁåÏ z ¬ÁzNz˛ uÃuÚß|ƒuo N˛™|\Á˛˛@@12@˛ Refer Gita VII.20 and 9.23 also. 12
Kâmkshantah karmanâm siddhim Lord’s introduction of fourfold castes
yajanta iha devatâh | -
through maya
kshipram hi mânushe loke
siddhirbhavati karmajâ || 12 YÁoσ|lÆ˙ ™ÆÁ Ãw…bÊ TÏmN˛™|uƒßÁT∆:˛˛@
N˛Á¨ão: = Desiring, uÃuÚÊ ˛= success, oÀÆ N˛oÁ|∫™uú ™ÁÊ uƒÚΩÆN˛oÁ|∫™√ÆÆ™Ω˛˛˛@@13@@˛
N˛™|mÁÊ = of their actions, Æ\ãoz = (people) Châturvarnyam mayâ srishtam
worship, F“ = here, tzƒoÁ: = the gods. ¬ÁzNz˛ gunakarmavibhâgashah |
= In this mundane world, ™ÁåÏ z = of men, tasya kartâramapi mâm
uÃÚ: = success, ߃uo = is achieved, uqüÊ u“ vidhyakartâramavyayam || 13
= soon, N˛™|\Á = in fruitive actions. YÁoσl| Æ˙ = The system of fourfold castes,
Desiring success of their actions people Ãw…b™Ω = is introduced, ™ÆÁ = by Me, uƒßÁT∆:
worship the gods. In this mundane world = based on the divisions of , TÏmN˛™| ˛=
of men success is achieved soon in fruitive qualifications and actions. N˛oÁ|∫Ê Euú =
actions. and te Although I am the creator, oÀÆ ˛= of that
The worldly minded people worship system, uƒuÚ = know, ™ÁÊ = Me, EN˛oÁ|∫Ê = as
the gods seeking immediate results of their not the maker of the system (as I am above
actions, forsaking the path of unalloyed the triple gunas), E√ÆÆÊ = and Who is
Loving Devotion. unchangeable.
Already the Blessed Lord explained, The system of fourfold castes is
His Transcendental Birth and Deeds and introduced by Me based on the divisions of
His relationship with Jivas and the principle qualifications and actions. Although I am the
of action. Also He said, to understand the creator of that system, know Me as not the
principle of action is to come out of its maker of the system (as I am above the triple
bondage. One should avoid Vikarma gunas) and Who is unchangeable.
(sinful deed) and Akarma (not performing In order to adjust the social order of
the duty). Duty should be done as ordained this world, the Blessed Lord has introduced
by scriptures. And that duties are three – this system based on qualities and actions,
Nitya, Naimittika and Kamya viz. daily, which is devoid of pure devotion.
occasional and fruitive. The brahmanas predominated by
Fruitive action is better than sinful Sattva perform activities such as controlling
action and non performance of action. the senses and mind. The kshatriyas, who
People do not worship the Supreme o are predominated by Raja and Sattva
Lord Krishna, the Master of devas, who perform actions such as warfare. The
gives eternal Bliss. The men, whose vaisyas, who are predominated by Tamas
discrimination of temporary and eternal is and Rajas do farming and raise cows. The a
eclipsed by desire for enjoyment or who Shudras, who are predominated by Tamas
want quick enjoyment worship the devas. serve others. (contd. on page 24)


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(contd. from page 22) Actions do not bind Me. I have no
A person who takes the path of desire for the fruits of actions. He who really
Unalloyed Loving Devotion under the knows Me in this way, he is not bound by
guidance of pure devotees can transcend worldly actions.
this above mentioned system. The Lord is the Supreme Who is
Refer Srimad Bhagavata XI.5.2 and possessing the Six Divine Attributes viz., All-
XI.17.13. 13 Majesty, All-Glory, All-Mighty, All-Beauty,
Lord not bound by action and its All-Wisdom and All-Freedom. And He
fruit does not have any wish of temporary results
of action i.e., Svarga, etc. Because He is
å ™ÁÊ N˛™Á|um u¬©úuão å ™z˛N˛™|¢˛¬z Àúw“Á˛@ Full of Divine Bliss of His Own. These
Fuo ™ÁÊ ÆÁzDuß\ÁåÁuo N˛™|ußå| à ƒÜÆoz˛˛@@14@@˛ actions done by Him are only to encourage 5
Na mâm karmâni limpanti the human beings. And who knows Him as
na me karmaphale sprihâ | absolutely free from all mundane relativities
iti mâm yoabhijânâti will never be entangled by His deluding B
karmabhirna sa badhyate || 14 energy, as he (jiva) by his eternal nature is
N˛™Á|um ˛= Actions, å u¬©úuão = do not to attain eternal bliss in Serving the Supreme
bind, ™Á™Ω = Me, ™z = I (have), å Àúw“Á = no Lord with Unalloyed Loving Devotion.
desire, N˛™|¢˛¬z˛= for the fruits of actions. Æ: Refer Vishnu Purana 1.4.51; Vedanta
= He who, Euß\ÁåÁuo = really knows, ™Á™Ω Sutra 2.1.35. 14
= Me, Fuo = in this way, Ã: = he, å §ÜÆoz (to be contd .....)
= is not bound, N˛™|uß: = by worldly actions.
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